Konrad|Alright, what did you drag us into this time? The Romanian|Judging by what the friendly worms said, someone is digging up in here something crazy! The Romanian|A real invasion. I think I even see some security turrets. I figure we clear it out in five minutes and be back home for lunch. Konrad|Five minutes, more than enough. Should be able to kill everyone in 30 seconds tops. Activating the Time Jumper. Rollback Device|1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... B-z-z-z-zzzt! Error: syneregetic asynchronometer function overload.... Rollback Device|Incompatibility with current reality patch version 666.7e.3w.1t. Please contact tech support in your nearest parallel universe. Konrad|What the hell? Blay, I think this thing just died. Can you fix it? Blay|Interesting... it seems that the exploit it uses was fixed. As if reality was patched for vulnerability. The Romanian|That makes my heart bleed with sadness. Konrad|Can you hack it and get it going again? Blay|A question of resources. Quadratic amperage of the synchronometer disregards proxy timestream operations when referencing serial phasing capacitor utilization, in absense of a static virtual time-space monoshifter the subatomic temporal flux will shift in parallel to the physical splitter's polarity. Konrad|In english? Blay|I will see what I can do. This may take time. I can, however, more easily tap into other powers. Konrad|Looks like we're doing this the old fashioned way. Very well, I don't mind legwork. Blay|Beware of the force fields. We may have to find a way to disable them. Konrad|I may be able to break through a couple, but you two wait till I find a way to turn them off. Blay|As for the turrets, I'll instruct R1C0 to upload a ballistic shield function. Romanian|Sounds good. I will wrap these invaders around my finger with my deadly and yet sweet charm! They can't resist my sexy accent! Konrad|Alright. Let's say hello and kill everyone.