Blay|I can't believe it! The invaders turned out to be our long term enemy, the ILLACORP! Romanian|That explains the rollback device problems. They have patched reality! Blay|Of course, that means I will only try harder to break it again. Konrad|Now it's become personal. Give me all you got. Blay|Working on it as we speak. R1C0, upload the portal ability. This neat hack will teleport you both to me when I press T. Blay|And... turns out my gravity shield can be expanded to more uses. It negates gravity around me, letting me jump to extreme heights. Blay|I am also increasing the damage on your sword to maximum possible level. Do your best. Konrad|The filthy worms! I thought we had eradicated this menacing plague for good. I will not rest until this bloody crusade is over! Romanian|That's great, Kon. Now, let's focus. Listen up, the ILL staff still think that I'm one of their developers. Romanian|They should react to me positively, as long as they don't see you two coming. We can use it to our advantage! I'll chat them up, you hammer them down."