Blay|Now that their communications are down, we can wipe out their research facility. Blay|The good news is that I mapped out the route to it. The bad news is that it's down a 70 meter deep reactor shaft. Romanian|You know, it would be completely awesome if you could teleport me when you're down there. Romanian|So I wouldn't have to fall... err I mean climb. Because climbing - is not among things I'm good at. Blay|Yeah... that sounds great... not gonna happen. I wouldn't risk going down first, my intelligence is essential to preserve. Blay|I'm sure Konrad would scout it out for us, he doesn't mind falling down 70 meters of deadly traps. Right, big guy? Konrad|Huh? What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you over the sound of my 70 meter erection. Let's go! Wooohooo!