Konrad|This is it. The big fat worm cornered in his lair. Romanian|Aw, don't insult the worms that way, they are our friends. Konrad|Your reign of terror ends now, Nitron! Nitron|Foolish hackers! Have you not learned that I am undefeatable? Not realized yet that ILLACORP will rule humanity forever? Blay|With that kind of hair your attitude is strangely fitting. Nitron|Who said that? Did I hear a little rat squeak an insult at me? Nitron|Ah, if it isn't my prodigal son Blay and his pet minions. Have you forgotten the sweet fruits of my employment? Dare you strike your master? Blay|Grrrr.... You are NOT my master. Nitron|Too bad. You were my best student... Anyway. This calls for a celebration! Welcome home! Nitron|And good bye forever. Konrad|I think you're right, Blay. He does need a bit of a trim. Konrad|Eiradirians, ATTACK! [4/28/2014 5:07:11 PM] Konrad: Nitram: "Ha ha ha ha! Stupid hackers! Do you not know that I am undefeatable? Have you not yet learned that ILLACORP will rule humanity forever?!" [4/28/2014 5:07:38 PM] Konrad: Blay: "With hair like that your attitude is fairly fitting." [4/28/2014 5:08:41 PM] Konrad: Nitram: "Who said that? Did I hear a little rat squeak an insult at me? Ah, if it isn't my prodigal son. Have you forgotten the sweet fruits of my employment? Dare you strike your master?" [4/28/2014 5:08:50 PM] Konrad: Blay: "Grrr. You are not my master" [4/28/2014 5:09:10 PM] Konrad: Konrad: "I think you're right, Blay. He does need a bit of a trim!" [4/28/2014 5:09:35 PM] Konrad: Konrad: "Eiradirians, ATTACK!"