Sebastian: Thanks for coming, kind kind kindly humans! The awful invaders threaten our home! Without home we will have no yummy dirt to eat! I love dirt! Yum yum! Welcome to Wormsweave village! Come down and meet everyone! This is my papa! - Old Pierre: Greetings, brave warriors! I apologize for my son. We can't all have beautiful children. Welcome, and please help yourselves! You are this village's only hope. Meet with our mayor and he will assist you the best he can. Don't judge us too hard, half the worms here have went insane from losing everything they had. - Mayor Wormington: Our situation is dire. The invaders press us on all flanks. Women and children already evacuated, only use, hardened worms are left behind to tough it out. The village of Wormsweave is at your disposal. I am giving you a free right of passage to every house and room you can find. Not that the official pass is worth anything now. Behind me is the Town Tree. It is the first tree to grow here and the last tree to have survived. We have to cherish and protect it, so we built a steel tower around it, so the invaders can't cut it down. Make yourselves at home. - Gardener Bob: We must protect the tree! We must! Help me, and I help you! Bring me a new shovel, and I will do you a useful favor! Thank you! This will help me tend to my beautiful tree! Now, I will tell you about a secret passage to the invaders' scouting base! - Fisher Jim Earthwaters: Howdy! I'm Jim, a fisher worm! That's right, I bet you didn't think worms eat fish! But I love it! I heard you came to save us. Why don't I tell you a secret! The accessory merchant Smuggleson loves yellow trout. And I just happen to have a few. Here, have a yellow trout. - Smuggleson: Ya here ta sell or ya here ta buy? With town goin' tits up, I dun expect much business. Ye got no money, dat's too bad. But I see ya boys are packin some serious heat. I could use quality weapons. Not for sale? Too bad. Guess, I can't help ya. Oooooh, a yellow trout! Why didn't ya say so! Can't resist my trout, I can't, I sure can't. Aright, I trade ya this trout for a handy silencer for yer loud pistols there. Pleasure doin' business with ya... nom nom nom. - Cousin Wormy: Help! I lost my cousin! Help me find him. He looks exactly like me, but completely different. Tell me how he's doing, and I'll give you some healthy wormfood, that will make you healthier. Yay! Glad you found my cousin! Well, like I said, Wormy is not a liar! Here, eat this worm food. Now you have twice more health! - Cousin Wormy's Cousin: Hi, I'm cousin Wormy's cousin! Tell him I'm doing fine, my family packed and left safely. Walls are holding up! Take care! - Guardian Johnson (worm with a shotgun): Sir! Yes, sir! Count on me, sir! I'm what's left of Wormsweave's armed forces! Defense is our task! Ammo? You need more ammo! Here you go, load up, chaps! - Jimmy Hoffa: Shhhhhh! This portal leads to a secret place. Once you enter it, nobody will ever find you! - Billy the Scout: Down into this portal lays the border defense battery of our enemy! Be careful! - Warehouse Manager Togo: Arrr! I be Togo! I know simple words! Gro-ho-ho! You good men! You like things! I have things! You want thing to increase firing rate? Distance? Running speed? No problem! I have it all! You want boots? Why not, I don't need boots! Worm no legs, worm no need boots! You want long barrel? Why not! You want trigger assembly enhancement? Of course! Trigger assembly enhancement is very simple word! - Crazy Worm: We all mad here! All mad! You have funny glasses! Glassy glassy eyes! What's the matter, wooden boy? Why you cry, wooden boy? I lost my book very old book and now it is gone like petals in autumn. Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most. Have you seen my rubber ducky? Bring me my ducky, I lost it! My ducky! You found my ducky! Hurrrah! There is a good prize waiting for you at the bottom of the tree. - Clarence: I'm Clarence, the apothecary. This pill will help your headache! You do have a head, right? This powder will paralyze an enemy if you click on them. - DJ Pikachu: I make mad mixes, man! What's a home invasion without a good mix, man? Rock it, rock it hard, man. Pam pam pa pa pa pam. Channel the love, man! - Digger Moe: I do what worms do, I dig tunnels in earth. You have questions? I know all about tunnels. (gives directions)