Bronn Ironheim says: Aright, Ally, let's see how much ya remember about swords n footwork Alessaina de' Guordin smirks. Bronn Ironheim salutes and assumes an offensive stance. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal settles on the ground, folding her hands in her lap. Iradona Goldschein says: Welcome to Galmair! Bronn Ironheim lunges at half speed, with a testing basic strike from the right shoulder down to the hip Eraisuithiel Celebrindal watches the pair with interest. Bronn Ironheim nods. Alessaina de' Guordin pauses, out of breath. Bronn Ironheim says: Arright, ya footwork is solid, but we definitely got some rust ta scrape off. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal glances over her shoulder at the dog. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I told you! Bronn Ironheim says: Aye, which is okay. Bronn Ironheim says: First thing we be startin wit, if ye really wanna revolve in tha big leagues, is with body conditionin' Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles softly, turning back to the pair. Alessaina de' Guordin nods. Bronn Ironheim says: But dat be yer homework. Alessaina de' Guordin sighs. Bronn Ironheim says: Between our sessions, start with walkin around in full armour, shield at tha side, train yer strength back up Alessaina de' Guordin says: Okay.. Bronn Ironheim says: Then go ta five laps o' runnin around tha town, then go to 10 laps, until ya can comfortably run dat. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Alright. Bronn Ironheim says: Diet, beef, fish, chicken, vegetables, lots of water. Hannah Shepard yawns restrained. Alessaina de' Guordin scrunches her nose, and then nods. Bronn Ironheim says: No pork, no alcohol before evening. Bronn Ironheim says: Aright, practice your overhead cuts. Bronn Ironheim raises his shield Alessaina de' Guordin nods, determined. Bronn Ironheim shows her a watershedding parry with an understroke at half speed, overruning her blade below. Bronn Ironheim says: Learned dis one in Salkamar, see how dat flows? Bronn Ironheim says: Keep goin' Bronn Ironheim says: Try it. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins as she watches them. Alessaina de' Guordin tries the move, the movement sloppy at first. Bronn Ironheim says: Aright, switch yer leadin foot. Ya wanna take a half step for adjustment after ya carry tha blade on tha left Bronn Ironheim says: Step back with front foot first, step forward with back foot first Bronn Ironheim says: Get dat knee out of tha way early Alessaina de' Guordin switches her lead foot, doing as he says. Bronn Ironheim whispers: ((i really hope you're learning at least some levels. this character is maxed, so learning may be hard, i apologise)) Bronn Ironheim says: Excellent. Bronn Ironheim says: Yer a good student, will be a joy ta work with. Alessaina de' Guordin says: ((I'm learning some. :))) Bronn Ironheim shows her the watershedding parry a few more times then lets her try it, first slow, then at speed. Alessaina de' Guordin grins. Bronn Ironheim says: see how it just flows from tha elbow? Boom Bronn Ironheim says: snaps, right there Alessaina de' Guordin nods, licking her lips. Bronn Ironheim whispers: ((you can keep going, i stop attacking because i am watching your health, you're not damaging me at all ;) )) Eraisuithiel Celebrindal eyes the dog nervously. Bronn Ironheim says: Doin alright? Water? Bronn Ironheim says: Oh that's Jack. Bronn Ironheim says: He's friendly. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I'm good right now. Alessaina de' Guordin says: ((bastard.)) Bronn Ironheim says: Hey Jack! Sit! Sit.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal gives a small nod. Bronn Ironheim says: Jack, lay down Bronn Ironheim pets Jack Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I'll still keep Liam away... wouldn't want him pulling the pup's tail. Docile Stray Dog barks firmly at Bronn, ignoring him. Bronn Ironheim returns to the lesson, showing Ally the move with the parry again Bronn Ironheim says: Not in the mood today eh Jack? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Docile Stray Dog says: Never am, Bronn. Never am. Alessaina de' Guordin says: That dog just talked... Bronn Ironheim says: That... is not Jack. Docile Stray Dog says: Well, yeah. That's why they call me Talking Jack. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal blinks. Alessaina de' Guordin raises a brow. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh. I never knew that. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Are we sure we are not suffering negative effects from Sarangerel's stench? Bronn Ironheim says: Did Thordin know you can talk? Alessaina de' Guordin laughs at Era's words. You hear: Thordin was the one who taught me to talk. You hear: We went on an adventure. Hannah Shepard nods slowly, "Aye, talk he does". Hannah Shepard says: Nonstop. Alessaina de' Guordin says: ((what the bleep is going on.)) Hannah Shepard says: He's good company when he can string something coherent together, mind. Bronn Ironheim says: Not like I take yer word as authority Hannah! Eraisuithiel Celebrindal watches the dog curiously. Hannah Shepard chuckles quietly. Bronn Ironheim says: Ye told me fish can be planted in the farm and grow! Hannah Shepard says: I was about to say.. Bronn Ironheim says: I planted a whole row of trout!! Hannah Shepard says: Aye, how could I forget? Alessaina de' Guordin says: Goodness. You planted fish? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal stifles a laugh with her hand. Hannah Shepard says: But ye can see 'im with yer own eyes. Hannah Shepard points to the dog. Bronn Ironheim says: How was I sposed to know?? Bronn Ironheim says: I aint no dirt farmer Hannah Shepard says: Unless you're implyin' ah'm some.. Iradona Goldschein says: If you want to know something about the people here, just ask me about those people. Bronn Ironheim says: Well, wasnt at tha time Alessaina de' Guordin rests a hand on her hip, her brows raised. Hannah Shepard says: .. Arcane animal tamer.. Hannah Shepard clears his throat slowly. Bronn Ironheim says: Ye don't know Jack, Hannah Hannah Shepard says: 'Cause ah can assure you, I'm not.. an arcane.. animal.. tamer.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal bites her lip, eyes dancing with amusement. Alessaina de' Guordin looks over her shoulder at Hannah, grinning wickedly. Hannah Shepard whistles a melody. Bronn Ironheim says: Who knows what be hidden beneath dat innocent cook lady Alessaina de' Guordin says: Mhm.. Bronn Ironheim says: Mabbe dere be a raven's eye an a toad foot in dat kettle Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I'd be careful the next time she offers you a bowl of soup, Bronn... Hannah Shepard says: Well, I certainly don't gather the blood of virgins under full moons to do blood rituals. Hannah Shepard says: Like, the Cult of Salavesh, who are they, right guys?! Hannah Shepard says: ... Guys? Hannah Shepard clears her throat. Alessaina de' Guordin says: This just keeps getting better and better. Bronn Ironheim says: Virgins? Galmair be wrong place for THAT spell. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: Try Cadomyr. Hannah Shepard says: Well.. there's no women in Cadomyr. Hannah Shepard shouts: Or do you mean Tyan?! Hannah Shepard bursts into a cackle. Hannah Shepard says: Okay, anyway. Bronn Ironheim says: I'll let ya figure dat one out Alessaina de' Guordin laughs, her eyes watering. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal coughs, trying to calm her laughter. Hannah Shepard says: How is that boy, anyway? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Last I heard, getting smacked.... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Bronn Ironheim says: He met the locals then? Alessaina de' Guordin wipes her eyes, smiling. Bronn Ironheim says: Wonder if he found Kevin Roy Eraisuithiel Celebrindal frowns. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Is Kevin missing? Bronn Ironheim says: Not that i know of Bronn Ironheim says: He's runnin around here somewhere Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nods, a bit relieved. Hannah Shepard says: I'm not sure I've met a Kevin. Bronn Ironheim says: Jus wonder if the two found each other Hannah Shepard says: Is he a pureblood? Bronn Ironheim says: Aye Bronn Ironheim says: Anne's kid. Bronn Ironheim says: Blonde, skinny, shy Hannah Shepard pauses for a moment. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal bites her lip gently. Hannah Shepard says: Anne *Roy*?! Bronn Ironheim says: Aye Hannah Shepard points down the path, "Get the fuck out". Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow. Hannah Shepard says: That man had a child? Alessaina de' Guordin 's eyes widen. Bronn Ironheim says: Woman, and yes Hannah Shepard sighs gently, "I'm /aware/ it's a woman, Bronn, dear". Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nearly falls over with laughter. Bronn Ironheim says: What man ya mean then? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I think... I think she's alluding... to Anne's.... manly nature. Hannah Shepard shrugs gently, "Where I'm from, women have hair on their heads". Eraisuithiel Celebrindal spits out between bursts of laughter Alessaina de' Guordin dissolves into laughter, depending on her wooden sword for balance. Hannah Shepard says: And skirts on their legs. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh please, jus cause a gal shaves n wears armour ta cover 'er tits, dont make er a man Hannah Shepard says: Has Tyan tried to sleep with her yet? Bronn Ironheim says: Poke a lil harder, an she's a weepin sap Bronn Ironheim says: Tyan's approach dont work. Hannah Shepard turns and thwacks the slime with her cooking spoon. Bronn Ironheim says: People like Tyan are da reason she shaves Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins mischeviously at Bronn. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: And how would you know to poke a lil harder??? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs again. Bronn Ironheim says: I poked. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs harder, clutching her stomach. Alessaina de' Guordin nearly falls over, she is laughing so hard. Hannah Shepard glances into her pot for a moment. Hannah Shepard says: Now that we're all jovial.. Bronn Ironheim says: Na' sure what ye find that funny. Hannah Shepard says: Can you uh.. Hannah Shepard says: Can we uh.. Bronn Ironheim says: Gal's damaged goods. Hannah Shepard clears her throat. Bronn Ironheim says: I sympathise. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Bronn, hush. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Last time... Last time I saw a man hint at poking her... she poked him full of holes... Hannah Shepard says: If you ever get a chance to scoop up some orc blood into a bottle, can you bring it to me? Hannah Shepard says: I need it for... flavouring.. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Orc... blood? Hannah Shepard says: Nothing, nothing, don't mind me. Iradona Goldschein pats her belly. Alessaina de' Guordin raises an eyebrow at the cook. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow, still holding her stomach as she tries to quiet her giggles. Bronn Ironheim says: I'll bring it. For a fee. Hannah Shepard says: Oh, you'll get your fee alright. Bronn Ironheim shrugs. Bronn Ironheim says: How much? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks, biting her lip. Hannah Shepard tilts her head forward darkly, her eyes narrowing, and her hands come together at the bottom of the palm, as her fingers wrap on each other craftily. Hannah Shepard says: Oh, that was supposed to be.. rhetorical. And enigmatic. Hannah Shepard says: Just do me the favour, if you get the chance, and you'll get a reward. Hannah Shepard shrugs a little. Hannah Shepard says: I'm just a frail old cook. Hannah Shepard says: I can't offer you much in way of money. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Old? Never.. Bronn Ironheim says: Uh huh. Hannah Shepard places on a tone of pathetic vulnerability. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at Ally. Alessaina de' Guordin stifles a giggle, grinning. Hannah Shepard says: Perhaps though, you might be able to get your own talking pet for a day, for instance. Hannah Shepard says: On a completely unrelated note. Bronn Ironheim seems to completely miss the funny, but smiles anyway, to not be an outsider Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Hannah Shepard glances back to the fire nonchalantly. Hannah Shepard looks around bored. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Oh I bet his pet will talk.... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal clears her throat. Alessaina de' Guordin laughs, clutching her stomach. Bronn Ironheim says: I think I'd rather prefer a non talking whore to a talking dog. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: Can I get a mute whore instead? Alessaina de' Guordin says: No whores for you. Hannah Shepard says: Muting is.. something that can be arranged.. Hannah Shepard says: Not by me though, obviously. I'm just a cook. Hannah Shepard smiles innocuously. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I'm sure you could cook something up that would knock a girl mute for a few hours of Bronn's time. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Have to find a willing test subject though... Bronn Ironheim says: See, dats what i call reasonable brainstormin Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Think Sarangerel would volunteer?? Bronn Ironheim says: Oh dere be subjects in the dark alley Bronn Ironheim says: OH GODS Bronn Ironheim says: NO Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: I aint puttin mah lips on dat Alessaina de' Guordin chokes with laughter. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Who said your lips had to touch anything??? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal clutches her stomach as she bursts into another fit of giggles. Alessaina de' Guordin says: But Sarangerel is a woman Bronn... Alessaina de' Guordin says: Excuse me for a moment. Have to grab some food. Bronn Ironheim says: Era, i be a classy ol bastard. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Bronn Ironheim says: If i be buyin a woman's time, i be usin dem lips ta make it worth it Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles, shaking her head a bit. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Most men don't do that even without the coin. Bronn Ironheim says: it be in mah interest if she comes back again aint it? Alessaina de' Guordin frowns, lost. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Alessaina de' Guordin says: What'd I miss? Hannah Shepard says: Bronn turned into a giant ape. Bronn Ironheim says: nothin Hannah Shepard says: Started going ballistic. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: If you're buying the time.... wouldn't the size of your... coin purse be what's bringing her back? Hannah Shepard says: Talking Joe stopped him. Bronn Ironheim says: the price ya pay for food. missin out on fun Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins. Alessaina de' Guordin grins, chuckling. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Hey, training makes a girl hungry. Bronn Ironheim says: gotta give er some sugar before that coin purse comes out Eraisuithiel Celebrindal opens her mouth to speak, but shakes her head. Bronn Ironheim says: oh, ya mean literally coin purse Alessaina de' Guordin says: You.. did not.. just say that. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Alessaina de' Guordin says: A giant ape.. hm. Bronn Ironheim says: look, nah need ta get all judgemental, heh. all i be sayin is usin da lips first be a good start ta any good evenin', paid for or na'. Iradona Goldschein says: Welcome to Galmair! Hannah Shepard says: .. Depends which lips. Hannah Shepard mumbles. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Bronn Ironheim whispers: cackles. Bronn Ironheim cackles. Alessaina de' Guordin busts out into laughter. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal fans her face gently with her hand. "Warm evening we're having here..." You hear: I like turtles. Hannah Shepard nods, "Fire generally tends to have that effect". Bronn Ironheim says: i have a little turtle Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Alessaina de' Guordin moves to punch Bronn on the arm. Bronn Ironheim does not really react so gets punched if she does it. Hannah Shepard stirs her pot quietly. Alessaina de' Guordin punches him, leaving little mark on the man. Docile Stray Dog says: Turtle bones. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Bronn Ironheim grins, and then, however, moves to punch her back, on the steel paundron, and if the punch lands, it will rock her a good bit even through the steel. Hannah Shepard says: If you need any help with baking and cooking, just ask me! Alessaina de' Guordin side steps the move, grinning widely. Bronn Ironheim says: Ya keep on like dat Ally, an my little turtle will come out of its shell and say hello Hannah Shepard says: But not blood magic! Don't ask me about that! Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Alessaina de' Guordin says: No. You keep that turtle in its shell. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: And people wonder why I stopped dating... Hannah Shepard says: Emphasis on "little". Alessaina de' Guordin winks at Hannah. Bronn Ironheim sulks. Bronn Ironheim says: We can't all be S'rrt. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal stifles a laugh with her hand. Hannah Shepard says: Aye, I hear he gets all sorts of action. Bronn Ironheim says: Dat lizard cock. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Awe, poor Bronn. Out actioned by a lizard. Bronn Ironheim nods sagely. Hannah Shepard says: I believe that's a tail, Bronn. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh. Phew. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I did not need that mental image of S'rrt..... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal puts a hand to her head. Alessaina de' Guordin shakes her head, trying to get rid of the image. Hannah Shepard says: Sometimes I wish I had a tail. Bronn Ironheim says: Bind yer hair and ya will Hannah Shepard ponders quietly. Hannah Shepard says: Alas, you cannot hold an umbrella with your hair. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: If you bind it tightly, and insert the handle between the binding and your scalp you might. Alessaina de' Guordin pauses, and then nods. Bronn Ironheim says: But ya can gloriously shake it in tha rain... woooosh, glamorous Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Hannah Shepard shakes her head, "My hair reached its prime many years ago". Bronn Ironheim says: Era, dat's creative. Alessaina de' Guordin 's forehead scrunches. Bronn Ironheim says: I might ask yer assistance when I'm interrogatin outlaws. Bronn Ironheim says: I need creative torture methods. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Liam's father was a judge.... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I have heard many tales. Hannah Shepard says: Put a noose round their neck and tighten it while they're on their tiptoes. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nods. Alessaina de' Guordin grins. Hannah Shepard says: .. Not that I would ever do such a thing. Bronn Ironheim says: Too dangerous. Half of em wud hang emselves Hannah Shepard says: Especially during a virgin harvesting ceremony. Hannah Shepard says: .. Which I would never attend. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal coughs, attempting to hide a chuckle. Bronn Ironheim says: ye shud meet Eve, Hannah Alessaina de' Guordin 's eyebrows raise at the woman's words. Hannah Shepard says: I've seen her marching past these walls screaming, "Bronn?! Bronn!" before. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: So she enjoys screaming your name? Bronn Ironheim says: Dat would have been yer chance ta harvest Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Alessaina de' Guordin chuckles. Bronn Ironheim says: Screamin my name, and bein' treated. Sometimes both together. Hannah Shepard says: I was too distracted by Ufedhin's magnificent display of dishonesty. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Hannah Shepard says: "What's a Bronn?" Iradona Goldschein says: If you want to know something about the people here, just ask me about those people. Bronn Ironheim says: Hm. Bronn Ironheim flexes his arm. Bronn Ironheim says: Brawn. Bronn Ironheim says: Dat's what Bronn is. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal rolls her eyes. Alessaina de' Guordin overhears Iradona's words and laughs. Hannah Shepard says: Didn't Eve come here with her husband a while ago? Bronn Ironheim says: Yes. Hannah Shepard says: If you need any help with baking and cooking, just ask me! Hannah Shepard says: Just not void magic. Bronn Ironheim says: you've made that clear. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Though I worry now about the help offered.... Alessaina de' Guordin says: Agreed... Bronn Ironheim moves to surprise punch Ally again. Alessaina de' Guordin doesn't move soon enough and suffers the full force of the punch. You hear: R.. R.. watch out Ally! Bronn Ironheim says: There. Docile Stray Dog says: R.. R.. oh no! Docile Stray Dog says: Roh no! Bronn Ironheim says: Jack ye traitor! Bronn Ironheim says: All dat venison I fed ya Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Bronn Ironheim says: From all dose deers Alessaina de' Guordin growls. Bronn Ironheim says: I practically exterminated all tha deers ta feed yer appetite Alessaina de' Guordin says: It is my innate feminine nature that attracts people.. and dogs.. to protect me. Alessaina de' Guordin bats here eyelashes, a mock innocent look on her face. Bronn Ironheim says: And modesty. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Docile Stray Dog says: And bones. Docile Stray Dog says: Thick. Elven. Bones. Bronn Ironheim says: She does have nice ones. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: I admire yer taste, Jack Alessaina de' Guordin says: You are not getting a taste of these bones.. Bronn Ironheim looks over Alessaina a bit longer than it is polite Bronn Ironheim says: Ye talkin to the dog or me? Docile Stray Dog says: I'd bury you now if it were allowed in my pact. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Both of you. Alessaina de' Guordin says: No bones allowed. Bronn Ironheim says: A shame, Ally. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Alessaina de' Guordin grins wickedly. Bronn Ironheim says: Tha dog really deserves it Hannah Shepard says: All this talk of bones. Bronn Ironheim says: I mean it's a freakin' talkin dog. Bronn Ironheim says: It can do what it wants. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Jack just wants some bones... Hannah Shepard says: It must be your beautiful bone structure. Alessaina de' Guordin says: It must be.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nods. Alessaina de' Guordin buries her face in her hands, laughing. Bronn Ironheim says: I'm gettin a bone here slowly. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Careful.. she'll ask Hannah to make turtle soup.... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins. Bronn Ironheim says: Delicious Bronn Ironheim says: I hope dere's plenty of cream in it. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Alessaina de' Guordin wiggles her brows at Era, grinning. Alessaina de' Guordin says: So, Hannah. I need an order of turtle soup. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Please. I forgot please. Hannah Shepard says: I don't have any turtles. Bronn Ironheim says: Era's creativity mixes well with Ally's initiative. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Bronn has one... Alessaina de' Guordin says: Bronn has a turtle that he'd be willing to give up I'm sure.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: You might have to.... polish it a bit to make sure there's plenty of meat thought. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: -t* Alessaina de' Guordin grins at Era. Hannah Shepard says: Just wait till winter. Hannah Shepard says: They always die in winter. Bronn Ironheim cringes. Alessaina de' Guordin howls with laughter, patting Bronn's shoulder. Hannah Shepard says: You know when they say make a box and watch it hibernate? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: In winter? Most of the young ones are lucky to make it that long? Hannah Shepard says: Your parents threw the box away and bought a new turtle. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Poor poor Bronn.. Iradona Goldschein says: If you want to know something about the gods here, just ask me about those gods. Bronn Ironheim says: So many jokes open here I dunno where ta begin. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Just take them as the come... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nods, grinning. Hannah Shepard reads a letter. Alessaina de' Guordin smirks. Bronn Ironheim says: I prefer someone else to do the taking and myself to do the coming Hannah Shepard says: It's a letter from Macek the great! Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I'm sure you do.... Alessaina de' Guordin says: Macek the great? Hannah Shepard says: Abort.. operation.. bloodbath.. Hannah Shepard nods once, "I see". Bronn Ironheim says: Operation Bloodbath... Bronn Ironheim says: sounds extremely.... Bronn Ironheim sniffs Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow. Bronn Ironheim says: Profitable Alessaina de' Guordin says: Are you sure you don't dabble in blood magic? Bronn Ironheim says: Or void magic Alessaina de' Guordin says: Or virgin's blood? Bronn Ironheim says: Or lizards Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: S'rrt was saying he'd recently made a trip to Galmair.... Hannah Shepard says: Yes, S'rrt and Galmair. Hannah Shepard says: Let's talk about that. Hannah Shepard says: Not magic. Bronn Ironheim says: S'rrt plays poker with Mara Bronn Ironheim says: with truth or dare as bets Bronn Ironheim says: She found out quite some facts Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Remind me to avoid that game.... Alessaina de' Guordin grins. Bronn Ironheim says: Not a gambling lady, Era? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Too many truths I'd rather not tell, and I don't trust S'rrt's dares. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Bronn Ironheim says: So strip poker for you then. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: Gynkese Hold'em Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Unfortunately, I stopped playing that years ago... Alessaina de' Guordin says: I'm sure you're turtle would love that... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Liam added a few curves I'm not fond of. Alessaina de' Guordin says: your* Bronn Ironheim says: Wish I knew you years ago Eraisuithiel Celebrindal blushes, rolling her eyes. Bronn Ironheim says: Curves?? Join Ally in her running laps. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I already run laps... I have a four year old to chase. Alessaina de' Guordin chuckles. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: There we go... I'll let him help you train your recruits Bronn! Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: They get to try and keep him out of trouble for a day, and I get a worn out boy at night. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh no, don't shove your personal exercise onto others, Era! Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: It wud be unethical of me to take away yer healthy choices Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Might teach a few of them to keep their turtles to themselves though.... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal wiggles her brows. Docile Stray Dog says: No! NO! Alessaina de' Guordin grins. Docile Stray Dog says: My pact is ending! Please.. Mistress.. renew the pact! Hannah Shepard says: Who are you talking to, Jack? You hear: You, my Mistress! Hannah Shepard says: I have no idea what you're talking about, Jack. Hannah Shepard says: I'm just a cook. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow. Docile Stray Dog says: NO! Bronn Ironheim walks over to Era and says something in a hushed tone, before walking back Bronn Ironheim whispers: Bah, ta be honest, ya already look gorgeous, Era, I'm sure when dat dress slips off, everythin stays exactly how it is, not droppin an inch. Bronn Ironheim clears his throat. Someone explodes into a big mess on the floor. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal blushes, clearing her throat gently as she looks back to the dog. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Jack? Alessaina de' Guordin says: Jack? Hannah Shepard whistles a melody. Hannah Shepard peers over to the dog, "What a shame". Bronn Ironheim says: Woah. Bronn Ironheim says: That was not Jack. Bronn Ironheim says: Dibs on the fur. Bronn Ironheim scrapes up the blood from the hide and skins remaining chunks of exploded meat Alessaina de' Guordin says: Poor Jack... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Poor thing... Alessaina de' Guordin shakes her head. Bronn Ironheim says: Good fur though. Bronn Ironheim says: I give him that. Hannah Shepard says: I wonder.. who will get possessed.. next.. Hannah Shepard's eyes wander over the people. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I volunteer Bronn. Bronn Ironheim says: Though, ya know, that dog was perhaps a bit... InFURnal? Harr harr Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Alessaina de' Guordin laughs, amused. Bronn Ironheim says: I volunteer Ally, for her long and loose tongue, to be possessed by a swanky fiendish prostitute for twenty four hours. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Hannah Shepard nods, "Well, I'm sure that's something that could happen". Hannah Shepard says: On a totally unrelated note, it sure would be great to get some orc blood. Hannah Shepard says: .. For cooking. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: You forgot the mute part... Alessaina de' Guordin says: Long and loose tongue? Wherever do you come up with these ideas? Bronn Ironheim says: Oh now see, that's what I call a motivation boost. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins, drawing her knees up to her chest and smoothing her skirt self conciously. Bronn Ironheim says: And a sharp tongue at that. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I don't know what you are talking about. Bronn Ironheim says: Who's gonna train ya if I get possessed, eh? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: It's not hard to learn... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Alessaina de' Guordin chuckles. Bronn Ironheim says: Yeh, what a lippy elfess. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Who are you gonna train if I'm possessed? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins mischeviously. Bronn Ironheim says: Can't imagine what ye were like before turnin 900. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Who, me? Hannah Shepard says: I hope he means you. And not me. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh I can train a swanky fiendish prostitute in many things. Hannah Shepard laughs quietly, her eyes shifting around everywhere, "Don't be silly, I'm not immortal". Alessaina de' Guordin says: I should say, considering you aren't an elfess. Hannah Shepard says: Who even suggested that, right? Bronn Ironheim says: Ye know Alessaina de' Guordin says: Swanky fiendish prostitute sword fighter, that could be fun.. Bronn Ironheim says: I have never seen you die Hannah Shepard laughs quietly, uncomfortably, before it fades away and she becomes quiet. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Bronn Ironheim says: Ally, more like sword swallower. Bronn Ironheim says: Exotic art. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Ah. I see... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Also not hard to learn... Bronn Ironheim says: Takes some stretching. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Mhm... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nods, attempting to look serious as she bites her lip. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Lots of practice. Hannah Shepard says: I swallowed a bag of nails once. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal blinks. Bronn Ironheim says: That must have been an interesting night in the woods. Hannah Shepard says: A bag of nails and some exploding powder. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: New interrogation technique? Hannah Shepard says: They didn't end up burning me at the stake after all though! Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Forcing them to swallow nails? Bronn Ironheim says: Gotta note that Eraisuithiel Celebrindal glances back to Hannah, curiously. Bronn Ironheim says: So yes, Hannah, definitely mortal. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Aye... Hannah Shepard says: Back in the year -1080. Hannah Shepard says: .. Was.. not.. when that happened. Bronn Ironheim says: How long ago is dat? Hannah Shepard says: 1120 years ago. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I think I'm beginning to understand why Kyre lives here.... Hannah Shepard clears her throat again. Hannah Shepard looks around bored. Ufedhin Copperhand laughs. Bronn Ironheim says: Understand and Kyre shouldnt be mixed in same sentence. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Don't I know it... Alessaina de' Guordin says: Goodness. To think that I might have stayed in Runewick. Look at all the fun I'd be missing. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grumbles under her breath. Bronn Ironheim says: I told you Ally. Bronn Ironheim says: By the way, I got paid for bringing you in. Bronn Ironheim says: Thumbs up. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Oh did you? Where's my cut? Iradona Goldschein paddles her face. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Bronn Ironheim slaps her with a wooden sword. Hannah Shepard says: I can give you a cut if you'd like. Bronn Ironheim says: There's ya cut Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Wonder if that's why Oxiana asked me to come here.... Hannah Shepard mumbles to herself. Ufedhin Copperhand sits on the rock and takes out his pipe. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Rude. Bronn Ironheim says: Me?? Bronn Ironheim says: No! Alessaina de' Guordin says: Yes you. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I think we're beyond your help Joey... Hannah Shepard turns her gaze towards Ufedhin, "You look strange when you aren't in gold". Bronn Ironheim says: YOU dare volunteer me for turtle soup, and -I- am rude? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Ufedhin Copperhand says: Ye arr a constant source o' wonder cooking girl. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I think I did the volunteering... Hannah Shepard says: Well, what can I say? Hannah Shepard chuckles quietly. Bronn Ironheim says: You're rude too. Alessaina de' Guordin says: You dare volunteer me to be possessed by a swanky fiendish prostitute! Hannah Shepard says: I'm certainly not a blood mage, that's for sure! Ufedhin Copperhand says: wot where ye talken about 1000years ago? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins up at him, batting her lashes. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Me? Hannah Shepard says: Nothing, nothing.. Bronn Ironheim says: Not the same! Hannah Shepard mumbles. Alessaina de' Guordin says: It is the same! Bronn Ironheim says: In your case, it's an upgrade! Ufedhin Copperhand peers at her with intensity, Alessaina de' Guordin says: AN UPGRADE???? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Bronn Ironheim cowers, mocking. Ufedhin Copperhand puffs on his pipe with a thoughtfull look on his face Alessaina de' Guordin narrows her eyes. Bronn Ironheim covers his head for a potential punch Hannah Shepard peers into her broth. Hannah Shepard says: I don't suppose anyone has any eyeballs? Alessaina de' Guordin kicks him. Hannah Shepard says: .. Any will do, really. Ufedhin Copperhand says: Troll? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Fresh out... sorry. Bronn Ironheim says: ow.. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Eyeballs? Really Hannah? Bronn Ironheim says: I actually have a pair. Ufedhin Copperhand says: i have some dried ones. Hannah Shepard peers over to the dog's corpse, "Pity Joe didn't die very cleanly". Bronn Ironheim picks up Jack's eyeballs Hannah Shepard says: *Jack Hannah Shepard says: They've got holes in them! I can't use them. Hannah Shepard says: Don't you dare put them in my broth, boy. Hannah Shepard waves her spoon. Bronn Ironheim tosses em into the hedge. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins, watching. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Careful Hannah... he might enjoy a paddling... Hannah Shepard says: Oh wait, I just remembered. Hannah Shepard rubs her chin. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I hear he likes those... Hannah Shepard says: Eyes are /supposed/ to have holes in them... Hannah Shepard nods contemplatively. Ufedhin Copperhand blow a large smoke ring into the night air. Bronn Ironheim says: But only given by elfesses and mothers. Hannah Shepard turns to Ufedhin, "Can I see these eyes of yours?" Alessaina de' Guordin says: No paddling for you then. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Unless Era wants to try her hand at it. Bronn Ironheim says: You are too cold, Ally. Alessaina de' Guordin grins wickedly. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Ufedhin Copperhand says: they in my depot but yes ok. Ufedhin Copperhand says: how many ye want.. Bronn Ironheim says: Idrandal needs to work on your demeanor. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Mm.. He's trying. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Been a good three years since I've attempted Ally. Bronn Ironheim says: Not doing a good job. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Probably out of practice. Hannah Shepard says: Uh.. I only need.. ten. But I can't promise anything until I've seen the quality of them. Ufedhin Copperhand says: Ten! Ufedhin Copperhand says: do ye have any idea how differcult it is te gather them! Bronn Ironheim gives Era a look, it's one of -those- looks. Ufedhin Copperhand says: better ye get dogs eyes. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Perhaps it is just you, Bronn, that brings out the cold side of me. I am usually of a sweet demeanor. Hannah Shepard nods slowly, "It's hard to explode a troll from the inside without its eyes flying off.." Bronn Ironheim says: From the day we met, seemingly too. Hannah Shepard frowns solmenly. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal toys idly with a blade of grass at her feet, blushing as she avoids his gaze. Hannah Shepard blinks a few times, looking up, "I mean uh.. I'm just a cook". Ufedhin Copperhand utters a curse word or two. Alessaina de' Guordin grins. Bronn Ironheim says: Perhaps i should not have said nice things about your breast. Alessaina de' Guordin says: YOU SAID WHAT. Bronn Ironheim says: But then again, I didn't. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal looks up with a smirk. Alessaina de' Guordin says: I am going to beat you. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Remember... he likes it.... Alessaina de' Guordin says: Damn. I forgot. Ufedhin Copperhand gets up and goes over to the farm ground and starts poking around in the soil Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles, looking back down at the grass. Bronn Ironheim smirks contently. Hannah Shepard reads a letter. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Maybe ask Sarangerel to do it for you? Hannah Shepard says: Oh, it's from Makris. Alessaina de' Guordin titters. Hannah Shepard gazes over the letter. Ufedhin Copperhand Mutters about needing bones.. Alessaina de' Guordin says: That is an excellent idea. Hannah Shepard says: Looks like Macek was wrong, it's still on. Alessaina de' Guordin says: See. Even Ufedhin needs a bone or two.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Hannah Shepard says: There's some bones over here! Hannah Shepard points to the dog corpse. Hannah Shepard says: Oh, the irony. Bronn Ironheim says: NO. Bronn Ironheim says: Sarangerel no touching of the Bronn. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Delayed reaction, indicates he was considering it... Alessaina de' Guordin nods in agreement. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins up at Bronn. Bronn Ironheim says: I was stunned by the horror. Bronn Ironheim says: Had to process it. Alessaina de' Guordin says: More like entertaining the idea. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nods, trying to look solemn as her eyes dance with amusement. Bronn Ironheim says: You people are sick and heartless and nobody loves you. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Probably true. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal shrugs. Hannah Shepard says: Sounds like Jack. Alessaina de' Guordin glances at Era, then back to Bronn. Hannah Shepard peers over to the corpse again. Hannah Shepard says: Certainly heartless at any rate. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Making light of the dead are we, cook? Bronn Ironheim says: I loved Jack Hannah Shepard says: Calm down dear, it was only a dog. Bronn Ironheim says: It was NOT only a dog. Ufedhin Copperhand says: me sits back down and starts to whittle the bone. Iradona Goldschein says: I am the informant of Galmair. Ask me for information if you want some. Alessaina de' Guordin says: It was Bronn's only friend.. Alessaina de' Guordin grins widely. Bronn Ironheim says: This dog was partner with every Galmairian warrior in training, it sat here and watched generations of watchmen perfect their skill. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal bites back a grin. Hannah Shepard says: It was only a dog with a seventh level pact. Hannah Shepard waves her arm dismissively. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: I thought there wasn't a pact? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal tilts her head. Hannah Shepard says: What pact? What are you talking about? Hannah Shepard narrows her eyes at the girl. Alessaina de' Guordin says: You brought it up... Hannah Shepard says: Quite suspicious that you keep talking about blood pacts. Ufedhin Copperhand puffs on his pipe carving slowly. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Bronn Ironheim says: Pact. I have something pact. Hannah Shepard says: You aren't a necromancer, are you? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Oh do you? Bronn Ironheim says: Wanna unpack it? Alessaina de' Guordin says: Um.. No thanks. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal rolls her eyes. Hannah Shepard says: Unfortunately he doesn't have anything tact. Alessaina de' Guordin says: You've got that right.. Bronn Ironheim says: Perhaps not tact, but well tucked! Alessaina de' Guordin says: Well tucked in order to protect the little turtle.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Wouldn't want it getting hurt now would we? Bronn Ironheim says: I was talkin about my dagger, pervert. Alessaina de' Guordin smiles innocently. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Sure... Hannah Shepard says: Then you won't mind us talking about how small it is. Hannah Shepard smiles sweetly. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Hannah, you are a magnificent woman. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins, nodding. Bronn Ironheim says: I do believe I didn't mind. I expressed envy at S'rrt's. Hannah Shepard says: Aye, S'rrt and his snake sword. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: How much time have you spent comparing yours to his??? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow. Hannah Shepard says: I'm sure they have a lot of one on one duels. Hannah Shepard says: Do you backstab him with your dagger? Alessaina de' Guordin drops to the ground with laughter. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal bites back a laugh, covering her mouth with her hand. Bronn Ironheim says: A good mercenary always strikes to the head, Hannah, ye shud know dat Ufedhin Copperhand carves a strange little figure , holds it up to examine it and starts working on it again...*so yer agood Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Didn't know you practiced sword swallowing Bronn... Ufedhin Copperhand says: mercenary* Hannah Shepard says: Might be difficult to swallow a snake sword. Ufedhin Copperhand barks out a laugh. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Goodness Bronn. Do you have something you wish to share with us? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal bites her lip, eyes glinting with mischief as she looks up at Bron. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: n* Bronn Ironheim says: All those twists and curves. Gives me a heartburn in the mornin' Bronn Ironheim says: Ally... I do. Alessaina de' Guordin smirks. Bronn Ironheim says: I have a confession to share. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Share away. Alessaina de' Guordin shakes her head slightly. Hannah Shepard tilts her head curiously. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal grins, watching him. Bronn Ironheim says: Aright, here goes. Hannah Shepard says: Your name is actually Gronn. Alessaina de' Guordin stifles a laugh. Bronn Ironheim says: I am deeply frightened by a concept of halfing hairy foot fetishes. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal bursts out laughing. Alessaina de' Guordin raises her eyebrows. Hannah Shepard says: Don't let Iradona hear you. Hannah Shepard peers over to the halfling. Bronn Ironheim says: I mean. Bronn Ironheim says: Both men and women halflings... Ufedhin Copperhand works the little figure to a smooth finish ,examines it closely and then tucks it away safely.... Bronn Ironheim says: four pairs of hairy feet stickin out from under tha blankets... Bronn Ironheim says: dats just scary n wrong Alessaina de' Guordin says: Gross. Hannah Shepard says: Four /pairs/? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Bronn apparently likes bigger groups.... Bronn Ironheim says: Gods, yer right Hannah Shepard says: Or "smaller" ones. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Aye. So it would seem. If only there was one more female here.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal laughs. Ufedhin Copperhand looks at the tall folk with a shake of his head and moves off on his way. Hannah Shepard says: Ufedhin taking the opportunity to leave before someone drags him into this. Bronn Ironheim says: Bye crazy dwarf Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Alessaina de' Guordin says: He might get possessed.. Who knows.. Hannah Shepard looks around bored. Bronn Ironheim says: Wouldnt be much of a change Hannah Shepard says: Not without orc blood he won't. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Where is Sarangerel when you need her? Alessaina de' Guordin shakes her head. Bronn Ironheim says: Aright so a pint of blood, and 24 hours with Ally's body controlled by a fieldish harlot? Bronn Ironheim says: fiendish* Hannah Shepard says: Who knows? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles, shaking her head. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Hm.... Hannah Shepard says: It's hard with sentient beings anyhow. Hannah Shepard says: Unless it's a high level pact, the controller will fight with the being itself. Hannah Shepard says: A dog just doesn't really have the intelligence to fight the pact maker. Hannah Shepard says: .. Is what a blood mage might say. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow, Alessaina de' Guordin says: You don't say.... Bronn Ironheim says: Aright, new plan Bronn Ironheim says: Step one. Bronn Ironheim says: Getting Ally really drunk. Alessaina de' Guordin rolls her eyes. Bronn Ironheim says: Step two. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal tilts her head, looking back to Bronn. Hannah Shepard says: Take her to an alley. Bronn Ironheim says: Hmm, pretty good Alessaina de' Guordin says: Ahh that rhymes. Hannah Shepard says: Step three, separate her from her allies. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Eh.. close. Hannah Shepard says: It wasn't a rhyme, it was a pun. Iradona Goldschein looks around with wide opened eyes. Hannah Shepard mumbles. Bronn Ironheim says: Step three. Having Ally's mind possess a dog. Who cannot resist possession. Alessaina de' Guordin narrows her eyes. Hannah Shepard says: No, no, you drag the mind of a dead one from the ether into the dog. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Why must someone end up possessed? Why can't we stop with the being really drunk? Hannah Shepard says: .. Is what a blood mage might say. Bronn Ironheim says: Step four, .. um... damn too complicated Hannah Shepard says: The pact maker just has dominion, it doesn't actually control the being. Hannah Shepard says: .. Is what a blood mage might say. Hannah Shepard says: And then the being's mind fuses with the mind of the animal, still acting on its base urges a little. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Step four.... getting Era safely to her bed before this gets too close to step one. Hannah Shepard says: Yada yada might say, you get it. Alessaina de' Guordin grins. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles as she brushes her skirt off, standing slowly. Bronn Ironheim says: Need an escort, Era? Hannah Shepard says: The stronger the willpower of the dead one, the higher level the pact. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Hmm, not sure I can trust you with that turtle running amok... Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Hannah Shepard says: But the harder it is to make the pact in some cases, because why would a rational dead one want to be in the body of a dog? Alessaina de' Guordin says: Mhm. Indeed Hannah.. Bronn Ironheim says: It's a small one we established, so probably harmless and cute. Hannah Shepard says: It's good to use a lower level pact on demons and such, if you want a truly chaotic demon with no restraints. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Harmless? Hannah Shepard says: .. Is what a blood mage might say. Alessaina de' Guordin scoffs. Hannah Shepard clears her throat. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Are YOU possessed Hannah? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal glances at Hannah with a raised brow. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: You are a fountain of theoretical knowledge, Hannah. Hannah Shepard says: Perhaps we are all possessed. Bronn Ironheim says: If Hannah is even your real name Bronn Ironheim says: It cud be like Zaralthasar Alessaina de' Guordin says: A fountain indeed.. Hannah Shepard says: Perhaps humans and elves are just empty voids until they make a lifelong pact with a spirit. Bronn Ironheim says: The Angst Drinker Alessaina de' Guordin says: Swanky Fiendish Prostitute. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Bronn Ironheim looks at Ally Alessaina de' Guordin catches his look, her eyes dancing with merriment. Bronn Ironheim says: Hheh. Bronn Ironheim grins at her stupidly, who knows why. Hannah Shepard says: Perhaps.. a better thing to ask a blood mage for.. Hannah Shepard says: Would be a blood portal. Alessaina de' Guordin says: A blood portal? Gods. Bronn Ironheim says: WHat be dat Hannah Shepard says: It's the last route of a blood mage. Bronn Ironheim says: Indeed? Alessaina de' Guordin says: Is that how you came to Galmair? Hannah Shepard says: If one is in trouble, they can simply summon of of these, and its destination changes every second. Tyan Masines says: Hmm. Tyan Masines says: Morning. Hannah Shepard scratches her cheek gently, "I'm not sure what you're implying. I'm just a humble cook". Bronn Ironheim says: Oh I'd take a ride on dat Alessaina de' Guordin glances at the man. Bronn Ironheim says: Mornin' Hannah Shepard says: But.. I hear.. that if someone.. hypothetically /were/.. a blood mage.. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Good morning. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks at Bronn. Hannah Shepard says: Then their blood portals could go to all sorts of amazing places. Hannah Shepard says: But usually very dangerous ones, that are cut off. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Do they lead to little turtles? Hannah Shepard says: You'd definitely need to carry a portal book. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal glances over her shoulder "Morning." Bronn Ironheim says: Hypothetically, what would be required to produce a portal as such? Alessaina de' Guordin grins wickedly, laughing. Tyan Masines was going to move on, but his attention seems to be focussed on Hannah now. Alessaina de' Guordin looks back to Hannah. Hannah Shepard says: Well, /hypothetically/ speaking, there might be some important things on an altar in the Cult of Salavesh that a blood mage might have /hypothetically/ left there by accident. Bronn Ironheim says: Now see, there's an owner of a turtle of an impressive prowess and magnitude. Hannah Shepard says: The Cult of What? I have no idea what you're talking about. Hannah Shepard yawns restrained. Hannah Shepard continues to stir her broth. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal raises a brow, looking to Bronn. Alessaina de' Guordin says: You have given us a lot to think about Hannah. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Another of your dueling partners? Tyan Masines says: I guess cooks here a lot around here. Tyan Masines says: *hear Eraisuithiel Celebrindal nods towards the man on the road. Tyan Masines slightly raising a brow. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Bronn, it is rude to discuss such things among ladies.. Hannah Shepard says: Indeed, I hear lots of things, regarding lots of people. Alessaina de' Guordin smiles innocently. Hannah Shepard smiles sweetly. Bronn Ironheim says: I think we established rude. Iradona Goldschein says: If you want to know something about the history of Galmair, just ask me about the history. Alessaina de' Guordin says: That being you. Tyan Masines says: Be careful, though. Smart people discuss ideas, average people discuss events - and stupid people discuss people. Tyan Masines smiles back at Hannah. Bronn Ironheim says: But I'm willin to march towards politeness for you if ye be willing ta march towards swankiness. Mutual compromise. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Hm... I will have to think about it. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Swankiness for politeness/ Hannah Shepard says: I think he's implying we're stupid. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Seems... tempting. Hannah Shepard frowns. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh Tyan, there is great irony in what ya said Tyan Masines says: Well I don't really want to hear about it. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal glances back at the man curiously. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Oh, so this is the famous Tyan you were speaking of. Tyan Masines stretches a bit. "Why the talk of blood magic?" Hannah Shepard shrugs, "Maybe a dog exploded." Tyan Masines says: That, acually, wouldn't be more weird than half of the other stuff that happens around here. Bronn Ironheim says: Quality fur. A bit messy but good Alessaina de' Guordin says: There's some bones over there if you need some. Alessaina de' Guordin points behind her. Tyan Masines says: Not right now, but thank you. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Oh, I am just too funny. Tyan Masines nods to the dwarf. "Morning Ufedhin." Alessaina de' Guordin grins. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Tyan Masines says: Hmm. Bronn Ironheim whispers: This man -will- shag you if ye let him. And he will brag about it next day. Tyan Masines says: Well, since I seem to have already been introduced by this unbiased fella, why don't you mind your manners further, Ironheim? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: He has lost his manners tonight. Alessaina de' Guordin whispers: Don't worry Bronn. My attention is elsewhere. Tyan Masines says: You can't lose anything you never had. I am quite well acquainted with that fact. Alessaina de' Guordin says: Manners? Hm.. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Eraisuithiel Celebrindal. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal bows her head. Tyan Masines looks to the elfess in the dress. "Tyan Masines. A pleasure." Hannah Shepard says: I'll bet. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Or Era if you want to save your tongue the work. Bronn Ironheim says: Um. Eh, right. Bronn Ironheim says: Leave it ta me ta do introductions. Tyan Masines says: Actually, I'd like that, Era. Thank you. Tyan Masines says: I believe Tyan is simple enough Eraisuithiel Celebrindal smirks at Bronn. Bronn Ironheim says: Era, a mom, Ally, an elfess. Tyan, a... i dunno, what are ya nowadays? Alessaina de' Guordin crosses her arms, looking over the man. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: Told you most don't like the effort of using their tongue. Tyan Masines says: What I always was, Ironheim. Just some guy. Alessaina de' Guordin grins at the elfess. Eraisuithiel Celebrindal says: A pleasure, Tyan. Tyan Masines says: Indeed. Bronn Ironheim says: Nay nay i'll do this proper. Tyan Masines says: Empty promises are as boring as empty threats. Bronn Ironheim says: The deadliest sword of Cadomyr and the maker of fine wedding rings. Tyan Masines smirks a bit and looks to the elfess. Hannah Shepard says: Do you know what kind of promises aren't empty? Eraisuithiel Celebrindal chuckles. Hannah Shepard says: The ones that involves blood portals. Ufedhin Copperhand whispers to Iradona Iradona Goldschein says: Our ruler. You can find him at his residence in the Galmair's Crest. Just follow the road to the Well of Dreams. *points to the town gate* Bronn Ironheim says: Duke Baron Knight, Leader of tha Crimson Order. Bronn Ironheim says: Patriot of virtue and upholder of chastity.