Bronn Ironheim says: Don Valerio. Valerio Guilianni nods to Bronn Bronn Ironheim salutes. Valerio Guilianni says: Bronn* Valerio Guilianni says: So, lad? Idrandal Tlassil says: Don *bows, politely* Bronn Ironheim says: We've got a report from an expedition. Was an eventful day. Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr? Idrandal Tlassil says: I have an orc behind... Idrandal Tlassil says: *sighs* Idrandal Tlassil says: Indeed Spudrug Grogsplur looks about the room Sarangerel grunts and walks to the Don. Valerio Guilianni says: Report then Spudrug Grogsplur says: wot dis place den...sum sorta nokkin shop? Idrandal Tlassil says: Sar, come, leave that crazy orc after we talk to the don Bronn Ironheim says: Firstly, we located two Cadomyrian mines, tha coal mine south, and tha iron, gold, n copper north. Spudrug Grogsplur says: it very nise! Bronn Ironheim says: People of note were Oxiana, Gerron, Mara, Banduk, and Drakon. Aside from those present here. Idrandal Tlassil says: By the way, Don, if you want me to kick the bottom of the orc for calling the throne room a shop just say so Valerio Guilianni says: Who is this lad? Spudrug Grogsplur says: yoo says mines?...meh av gots meh own mine!...fulla gold it is! Valerio Guilianni tries to see pass Bronn Idrandal Tlassil says: Some crazy orc... Bronn Ironheim says: I think he be new to tha town. Spudrug Grogsplur nods vigourously Bronn Ironheim says: I saw his name on tha notary list. i check dat for outlaws ye know. Spudrug Grogsplur says: me nub noo....just lost in dis posh place Valerio Guilianni scratches his beard Spudrug Grogsplur says: wot it called den? dis place? Sarangerels armor is covered in dust and scratches, her helmet looks moor like a pot with a big blister in it. Spudrug Grogsplur scratches his backside Idrandal Tlassil says: Sure you don't me to shoot him a tiny little arrow? Valerio Guilianni says: I believe this herb business is gonna destroy us in the years to come. Bronn Ironheim says: This is Galmair, the northern city. This dwarf is Don Valerio, ruler of Galmair. We are the Iron Watch, Galmair's army. Idrandal Tlassil says: Yes... drugs are interfeering with people too much... Spudrug Grogsplur says: dat nise!....Meh king Spudrug! king of dem orksies! Spudrug Grogsplur removes his helm Spudrug Grogsplur says: pleesed ter meets yoo yer majisty! Idrandal Tlassil says: I doubt that the don likes a second ruler besides him in his town, Spruwhaever Spudrug Grogsplur gives a toothless grin Bronn Ironheim says: Spudrug. Spudrug Grogsplur says: yeh? Valerio Guilianni says: ((back)) Spudrug Grogsplur says: meh never meets a king before! Valerio Guilianni says: I am not a king, lad Sarangerel puts some fine grinded tobacco on her finger and nsiffs it while glancing the orc and the others. Valerio Guilianni says: I am the Don Spudrug Grogsplur says: yoo got lots gold? Valerio Guilianni says: Yes, I did Idrandal Tlassil says: *waits, with an arrow still in his bow, patiently* Spudrug Grogsplur says: King Derdon...pleease to meets yoo...meh comes in peese from der kings of orksies! Spudrug Grogsplur bows awkwardly Valerio Guilianni nods Sarangerel licks her lips and remains silently. Valerio Guilianni says: What does you lead to me, lad? Valerio Guilianni says: And what is your name? Spudrug Grogsplur says: meh name? Valerio Guilianni says: Yes, your name Spudrug Grogsplur says: meh der faymus Spudrug! Spudrug Grogsplur says: and yoos king DerDon! Valerio Guilianni says: Is he? Valerio Guilianni looks to the other three Spudrug Grogsplur gives another toothless grin Sarangerel says: Never heard about. *she snorts* Spudrug Grogsplur says: meh old mum sed me mix with royulty wun day! she be very prowd of meh! Bronn Ironheim says: Aright, Spudrug, king, whatever ya be, wait for ye turn. Spudrug Grogsplur sniffs and wipes his eye on the back of his hand Bronn Ironheim says: We're givin Don a report. Spudrug Grogsplur says: alrights meh sits ere....meh had busy day diggon all meh gold outs of the der mud! Bronn Ironheim nods. Gretel Goldhair snuffles. Valerio Guilianni nods to the man and motions to the orc to wait Idrandal Tlassil says: Good orc king Idrandal Tlassil says: Let's carry on Bronn Ironheim says: Aright. Bronn Ironheim says: In tha northern mine we have run inta Fooser. Spudrug Grogsplur grins Valerio Guilianni nods Bronn Ironheim says: However, as an attempt ta grab him went on, tha Crimson Order showed up in force, harbourin' and defendin' him, commandin' us ta leave. Bronn Ironheim says: And further on insiting dat persuing tha criminal lizard be considered an act of war. Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr, this fool... Valerio Guilianni says: How did you react? Bronn Ironheim says: Although we outnumbered them and outskilled, showin' grace of Galmair, we spared deir lives, leavin' tha decision behind you. After all, open war wasn't sanctioned. Sarangerel nods to Bronn words. Bronn Ironheim says: Oxiana went to talk with Tyan, who was demoted from Duke to Baron, apparently. Bronn Ironheim says: Krunk went with him for protection. Valerio Guilianni nods twice without any comment Spudrug Grogsplur examines the inside of his nose Spudrug Grogsplur rummages inside his sack Spudrug Grogsplur says: der yoo is meh littol frend! Bronn Ironheim says: We carried on with tha primary mission, and discovered tha coal mine, after which, we explored more of the Cadomyr mountains. Spudrug Grogsplur pulls out his war horn Spudrug Grogsplur blows in a horn producing a buzzing sound Bronn Ironheim says: Here be samples of Cadomyrian coal for yer examination in regards to purity, composition, and heat output. Bronn Ironheim produces a few coal samples. Valerio Guilianni looks at the coal and nods Sarangerel sniffles a littl e bit then removes her helmet. Spudrug Grogsplur stares inside the horn, and pulls out a small furry thing Spudrug Grogsplur says: gets out yoo! Bronn Ironheim says: As a word of note, Cadomyrian mine placement is indeed at a more advantage than ours. They are closer to the city, so I do suggest developing tunnels for easy use for our miners. Spudrug Grogsplur blows in a horn producing a buzzing sound Bronn Ironheim says: But that's not my place, really. I'm a sword here. Idrandal Tlassil says: And, safer, the trip to the mine... Spudrug Grogsplur looks at the group and clears his throat Bronn Ironheim says: Later on, as we delved deeper into tha mountains, we found a series of caverns and tunnels, which lead us to a place populated with golems. Valerio Guilianni says: Lads, Copperhand is working on that. Continue Spudrug Grogsplur says: scuse meh, but yoo sed yoo wants diggurs? fur hitton roks? Bronn Ironheim says: Aye. Idrandal knew of this place, but only went so far on his own, so we decided to explore it. Sarangerel says: ...and beasts... Idrandal Tlassil says: We thought was a good activity to work together^*says shortly* Bronn Ironheim says: We fought all manner of beast, shadowbeast, swamp beast, orc marauders, gazers, tha undead, and tha golems. Valerio Guilianni says: You mean Mount Letma, lads, don't you? Bronn Ironheim says: Tha three of us remained at tha end of tha journey as others stayed behind to cover tha rear. Bronn Ironheim looks to Idrandal to confirm the name. Spudrug Grogsplur says: meh gud at hittin roks! meh work fer yoo! Idrandal Tlassil says: Indeed, mount letma Sarangerel manouvers her elbow into bronns side. "Tell him about the Mother." Bronn Ironheim nods. Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr? Mother? Valerio Guilianni looks between them Bronn Ironheim says: Aye. Inside tha depth of Letma, was a great cavern with lakes of lava, and bridges drawn. Inside there, we encountered a massive, horrendous golem creature. It killed everything around it, but we chased it down. Gretel Goldhair looks around Spudrug Grogsplur taps the side of his head Bronn Ironheim says: We surprised it in the upper levels of the dungeon, and it fled, wrecking all in its path. Gretel Goldhair talks to herself silently. Bronn Ironheim says: Leaving rocks and bloodied corpses alike, it made the ground shake beneath our feet. Sarangerel nods and nods and nods again to the things Bronn explains. Bronn Ironheim says: However, the precise arrows of Idrandal and Sarangerel, and the edge of my axe, added to some tactical thinking, led us to prevail. Idrandal Tlassil says: And a carefully planned unsecure bridge of lava Spudrug Grogsplur says: oh wells meh nub got times fer all dis....meh gets all der guld fer messlf den! Bronn Ironheim says: The lord of golems fell into the lava as we collapsed the bridge over it. We struck down its arm. Which, we bring to you as a trophey. Spudrug Grogsplur shouts: see yers den king DerDon! Bronn Ironheim takes out a severed fist of the golem lord. Valerio Guilianni lifts his head and looks to the orc before he shakes his head and turns back to Bronn Sarangerel says: Yoa should have seen it - a battle for the ages, my Don. Idrandal Tlassil says: Was pretty cool, I must admit Valerio Guilianni looks impressed and nods to Sarangerel Bronn Ironheim says: With the Lord's demise, golems jumped out of everywhere, to try and avenge him. Valerio Guilianni says: You might keep this, lads, right? Bronn Ironheim says: It would look fine on yer wall as a reminder to all of Galmair's might. Or, if ye choose, I can wield it in yer name. Sarangerel says: Yeah.. if yoa old you can start a tavern called the Golems Fist and pin it over the bar... heheheh! Valerio Guilianni says: Good, then I will take it Bronn Ironheim nods. Valerio Guilianni takes it and rests it on his lap Bronn Ironheim looks to the other two. Bronn Ironheim says: If ye got anythin ta add... feel free. Sarangerel says: Yes... Valerio Guilianni looks at each for them for a second and pauses Idrandal Tlassil says: *nods shortly, confirming* Just that we need more training but we did fine, in my way of seeing things Idrandal Tlassil says: And, thats all on my side Sarangerel says: The execution of a expedition into the gold mine of Cadomyr will be a hard piece of work. They wasn't happy to see everyone of us there. And I predict it will be impossible to hide should we go there again. Valerio Guilianni says: What if we go there during the night? Bronn Ironheim says: Extraction of Fooser will be a group task, and a difficult one. The worm hides behind the crimson cloaks. Valerio Guilianni says: And if we use some form changer, produced by Copperhand? Valerio Guilianni looks at Bronn Valerio Guilianni says: We talk about Fooser later. Idrandal Tlassil says: *grins* I do like the idea of blowing the mine to the next kingdom Idrandal Tlassil says: Diplomatically talking will be a mess... Valerio Guilianni says: No, Tlassil, we do not blow it. Sarangerel says: Well maybe Idrandal is right and sabotaging will show better effects than a raid. Idrandal Tlassil says: Aww Valerio Guilianni says: Then they blow others and so on Idrandal Tlassil says: *eyes shine fr a second at the idea of the large explosion* Valerio Guilianni says: ours* Valerio Guilianni says: However, I am open to suggestions Idrandal Tlassil says: Diplmatically talking blowing the mine is a bad idea Valerio Guilianni lift a finger Valerio Guilianni says: Is Oxiana still there? Sarangerel says: We have defenitly to thing of a clever trick to do the next expedetion succesfull. I will talk to Copperhand about this. Bronn Ironheim says: Tyan needs a humbling, Don. He says we have no authority in our own town, and he does seek conflict at any chance he gets. He wants our blood. He might get some of his soon. Idrandal Tlassil says: We might try to capture, with no harm, and return him to show our good spirit Gretel Goldhair coughs. Valerio Guilianni nods Bronn Ironheim says: It also troubles me that our alchemist, Ufedhin, trades with Cadomyr and supplies them with potions. But i guess that's a decision of money and trade over military might. I try to keep up on the potions, thanks to Idrandal, our true patriot. Valerio Guilianni says: Regarding Masines we have to wait for Oxiana. Probably also for our next expedition. Idrandal Tlassil says: *smirks at the true patiot coment, clearly finding it funny* Bronn Ironheim says: It's good to bring gold into Galmair, but I am not so sure it is wise to do so by selling Cadomyrians potions. Bronn Ironheim says: Though again, I am no councelor. I only deal with the brunt effects. Battlefield is what I know, so that's my side of things. Valerio Guilianni says: Regarind Copperhand's business, it is simple, we will use their coins against them. So take from them what we can get. Valerio Guilianni says: However, I am very satisfied with your work today and I will promote each of you to the next rank. Idrandal Tlassil says: At least we can ask copperhaod to overcharge them and that overcharge add it to our treasure? Idrandal Tlassil says: *smiles, pleased with the Don's words* Valerio Guilianni says: ((i hope it worked)) Sarangerel says: Thanks for your trust Don. Idrandal Tlassil says: ((didn't)) Sarangerel bows her head slightly. Idrandal Tlassil says: *bows politely as well* Bronn Ironheim beats his palm against his chest once in a salute. Idrandal Tlassil says: ((now it did)) Bronn Ironheim says: ((it did for me yes)) Idrandal Tlassil says: I also would like to remeber all that went with us Idrandal Tlassil says: They made a great job even if they didn't fought the Golem Valerio Guilianni nods Valerio Guilianni says: Who are they? Sarangerel looks up again and evokes a deep grunt. Then she claps her chest twice. Idrandal Tlassil says: Mara, Oxiana, Drakon, Gerron... hmmm Idrandal Tlassil says: Who else? Bronn Ironheim says: In order of efficiency. Mara and Gerron, Oxiana and Drakon Sarangerel says: Banduk? Bronn Ironheim says: Banduk, but he kind of flaked off. Idrandal Tlassil says: Banduk, yes Idrandal Tlassil says: but not very efficient Bronn Ironheim says: Lad is confused. He ran off in a random direction. Idrandal Tlassil says: Yes, and went too far in front of our column to be safe Sarangerel says: Jerem was also there but well.. he's a hopless civilian. Valerio Guilianni says: Arr, his not a swordman, he is merchant Idrandal Tlassil says: Jerem is a pacifist Valerio Guilianni says: You have never seen merchants from Gynk when it burns, have you? Idrandal Tlassil says: He can be exelent in thigs that don't include battle Bronn Ironheim says: So, we still have not found the merinium mine, have we? Idrandal Tlassil says: silver mine? Valerio Guilianni says: We did, didn't we Idrandal Tlassil says: We need silver, merinium we know where it is Sarangerel says: We did.. on first expedition. We are lacking silver. Valerio Guilianni points Sarangerel Bronn Ironheim says: The one on undead island? Idrandal Tlassil says: no Bronn Ironheim says: Ah. Idrandal Tlassil says: that has iron, coal, copper, gold Bronn Ironheim says: I will have to go see it. Idrandal Tlassil says: but no silver nor merinium Sarangerel says: The one next to the castle at Hemp Necktie inn. Idrandal Tlassil says: Indeed Idrandal Tlassil says: But as long as merinium needs purefire we are without advanced weapons Valerio Guilianni says: I sure you find some in the Blackholemine, Sarangerel. You just have to dig deeper. Valerio Guilianni says: ((comes probably with the next patch)) Sarangerel nods. Sarangerel says: I will advice the miners to follow your intension. Valerio Guilianni says: Since I will forget all these names, I ask one of you to send Brunsberg a list with these names. Idrandal Tlassil says: I will take care of it Idrandal Tlassil says: *nods* Bronn Ironheim says: As will I for the two in my group. Idrandal Tlassil says: You are envious of my ladiesmen Idrandal Tlassil says: *smirks* Valerio Guilianni says: No lads, one for all. I see no reason to confuse old Brunsberg. Gretel Goldhair spits on the ground. Valerio Guilianni grins Bronn Ironheim says: Alright, Idrandal, ye get it done, ya have nicer handwriting Idrandal Tlassil says: Yeah, he does enough paperwork already Idrandal Tlassil says: *nods* Idrandal Tlassil says: I think that all, captain, commander? Valerio Guilianni says: And now, I would like to talk only with Ironheim, if you do not mind, Sarangerel and Tlassil. Idrandal Tlassil says: Very well Sarangerel says: Aye, nothing to add. Idrandal Tlassil says: *bows politely, and walks away, silently* Valerio Guilianni looks briefly to Idrandal and Sarangerel before he stares at Bronn. Sarangerel says: Idrandal... I would hand you some salaray for your man. Idrandal Tlassil says: *smiles* Valerio Guilianni nods to Bronn and lowers his voice. Valerio Guilianni whispers: It seems your afford had some impact. Fooser is willing to turn in. Thus, you can take him from your list. Valerio Guilianni holds out an arm to drop a stone into Bronn's hand Bronn Ironheim whispers: Ah. That's good to hear. Also, some progress on Juliana and Zalkani. They agree to meet you at your convenience. And, Idrandal has started to convert another, an outlaw witch, Kyre. Bronn Ironheim nods and takes the offered stone. Valerio Guilianni whispers: Furthermore, I would like you to have a word with this Goldlieb lad. Bronn Ironheim whispers: It seems that Juliana has a problem sleeping inside a walled habitation. She said she would consider moving to Galmair if you took down the walls. Perhaps she is not human? Bronn Ironheim whispers: Goldieb. Alright, please go on. Mission? Bronn Ironheim whispers: Come back home, oh lost little dwarf, or else badness happens? Valerio Guilianni whispers: Don't harm him but make it clear I want his beard back. Valerio Guilianni nods Sarangerel says: deal. Bronn Ironheim whispers: This pesky ban from Cadomyr is a stick in my wheel... perhaps we could loosen the grip a bit by agreeing to Tyan's apology. He informed me he prepared a gift for you. Sarangerel says: Farebas Idrandal. Bronn Ironheim whispers: To show respect. But it was Salathe who told him to not pay you respect. Valerio Guilianni whispers: Then, I am interesting in the status of Keenaxe. Do you know where he is hidding? Bronn Ironheim whispers: Tyan is a rogue, he prefers the path of least resistance. But Salathe does not want to indulge you, Salathe is a warrior. Sarangerel grunts and makes some fast steps to Bronn, pushing a littl ebag in his hands. "Sallary for you and your men. Excuse me, and well rest to you both." Valerio Guilianni whispers: I want to wait for Oxiana before I decide on that matter Bronn Ironheim whispers: Hew Keenaxe is hiding in Runewick. But he wants to join The Watch. I could lure him in that way, easy target. He will come meet you any day under pretext of an appointment. Valerio Guilianni nods Bronn Ironheim whispers: I would not mind letting him join the watch, but he is... Valerio Guilianni says: ((one second, please)) Bronn Ironheim whispers: ((sure)) Gretel Goldhair cackles like an old witch. Valerio Guilianni whispers: Arrr? Bronn Ironheim whispers: Well, there are two factors, Don. Valerio Guilianni whispers: Go on Bronn Ironheim whispers: I will be frank. I mean, I respect you, and you sure as hell would not respect me if I didn't speak truth bluntly. Bronn Ironheim whispers: I'm a hard man so I will not sugar it up. Hew is a woman-beating asshole, who only cares about showing his strength, which is wilting with age. Valerio Guilianni grins and nods Bronn Ironheim whispers: However, that does not make him unfit to still be a warrior. Many dwarves are rough bastards. Still, they're fighters. Bronn Ironheim whispers: Morality is not my reservation about Hew, be clear on that. My worry is - Hew is uncontrollable. He is a liability in a tactical sense. You tell him to stand down and defend, he will charge an attack, die, and screw shit up. Valerio Guilianni motions to Oxi to wait Oxiana stands a distance away, nodding respectfully. Bronn Ironheim whispers: But Idrandal wants to enlist him. If he does, he be responsible for him. Hew ain't goin' in my group through. But I will bring him in for you, just say tha word. Valerio Guilianni whispers: He will have to pay a compensation for what he did. If he joins Idrandal's group, it will be his responsibility as you say. I agree on that. Bronn Ironheim whispers: Then Hew will be brought before you. Valerio Guilianni nods Valerio Guilianni whispers: Two more things Bronn Ironheim nods and listens. Valerio Guilianni whispers: First, in regard to these two outlaws. I will definitely not remove my walls. She can sleep outside if she preferes, I do not mind. However, I will discuss this with them in person. They shall send me an parchment when they are available the next time. Valerio Guilianni whispers: Second, Copperhand mentioned that we do not have an undertaker, and since you are also Hangman, I want to ask you if you can take care of this business too? Bronn Ironheim whispers: Burying the dead? Gretel Goldhair spits on the ground. Valerio Guilianni whispers: Burying, burning, as they desire for their corpses Bronn Ironheim whispers: I am a warrior, Don. I've killed a lot of people to gain this title. Handling dead bodies is... hmm... well. I do follow The Gray Lady.... perhaps this is a test of me devotion. Valerio Guilianni whispers: We have a deal, very good! Bronn Ironheim whispers: Very well. I will do it. Valerio Guilianni nods and looks satisfied. He turns to Oxiana Valerio Guilianni says: So, Oxiana. Do you bring news from dear Rosi? Bronn Ironheim salutes with a tap on his chest and stands aside. Oxiana says: I didn't speak to her herself but one of her lads, that Tyan. Valerio Guilianni says: Masines, arrr. Valerio Guilianni says: What does he speak. Valerio Guilianni says: *? Oxiana says: He seeks resolution. Oxiana glances to Bronn. Valerio Guilianni moves slightly on his throne Valerio Guilianni says: What does he offer? Oxiana says: We discussed a proposition if you would be prepared to hear it Sir? Oxiana says: Well he said there was no fine set. Bronn Ironheim appears to be mildly interested in the conversation, but he stands nonchalantly. Valerio Guilianni says: I listen Oxiana says: Well is that bit true Sir? Valerio Guilianni says: He ran out before I even could say a single number. Not to speak of three numbers. Oxiana says: Ahh. Oxiana says: So what did you have in mind Sir? Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr, come on, Oxiana... say what he offers. Oxiana says: Well you should know he has little to his name since splashing out for some fancy house. Oxiana says: Reckons that's why he couldn't take another offer to resolve this matter, although I didn't delve. Oxiana says: He will labour for us. Valerio Guilianni says: Labour? Oxiana nods. Oxiana says: In the mines here, stone, coal, whatever we need most. Gretel Goldhair talks to herself silently. Oxiana says: He seeks to have the gates open for trade again. Oxiana says: And by the talk in town they spend a fair bit. Valerio Guilianni says: ((rolog)) Bronn Ironheim says: ((don is relogging)) Bronn Ironheim says: ((don will be right back)) Bronn Ironheim says: ((don will never let us down)) Oxiana says: ((lol)) Bronn Ironheim says: ((AAAAH)) Bronn Ironheim says: ((did you see that?)) Oxiana says: ((nope :p)) Bronn Ironheim says: ((*is crazy*)) Valerio Guilianni says: So? Valerio Guilianni says: Talk in town? Oxiana nods. Oxiana says: Obviously not smiths, they do their own. Valerio Guilianni says: So, what do you suggest? Bronn Ironheim says: He spends 1 gold coin for each potion Ufedhin makes him, so he spends a lot of gold on alchemy. The potions do all manner of things. Restore health over time, increase strength, agility, constitution. Oxiana says: He works in the mines here, provides a set amount of ore or stone, whatever you see fit. Oxiana says: That way he's made an example of, humiliating for a Duke. Oxiana says: Then the gates are opened when his debt is paid. Valerio Guilianni looks ot Bronn and than back to Oxiana Valerio Guilianni says: I have something different in mind. Oxiana says: Yes Sir? Valerio Guilianni says: Nothing produces more gold than when others get involved. Valerio Guilianni says: We have the beginning of Findos now. Valerio Guilianni says: Five months left plus Mas Oxiana looks to him curiously. Bronn Ironheim squints at the dwarf and a smirk starts creeping up his face. Gretel Goldhair looks around. Valerio Guilianni says: Tell him, since he likes to make busines in Galmair, obviously also to entertain people and Purple is still suffering on his injury, I want him to replace or support Purple as entertainment manager until the end of the year Valerio Guilianni says: I expect him to organis at least one event here in Galmair until the end of the year. Oxiana grins. Valerio Guilianni says: May it a mass or a traditional festival, I do not mind. Valerio Guilianni says: But coins must role! Oxiana says: Then I will make the suggestion Sir. Bronn Ironheim chuckles and clears his throat. Oxiana tries to stifle a laugh. Bronn Ironheim says: May i add a bit of information? Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr? Valerio Guilianni looks to Bronn Bronn Ironheim says: We have an asset that is Tyan's weakness, Don. Oxiana says: Aye we do. Bronn Ironheim smiles coyly. Valerio Guilianni says: What's that? Oxiana grins to Bronn. Bronn Ironheim looks to Oxiana to see if he knows. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh go ahead. Oxiana says: Well he did mention he would like a certain someone to bring him beers. Bronn Ironheim says: Mara Belmore, rank Peddlar, devout Galmairian, and a watchlady in my squad. Bronn Ironheim says: Tyan is hopelessly fallen for her. Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr? Oxiana nods to confirm. Bronn Ironheim says: She was there at the mine today, part of why they didn't attack. Bronn Ironheim says: I think with enough charm she can make him do a lot of things. Perhaps even join Galmair. Wouldn't that be a feat. Valerio Guilianni says: A daily Masines? I do not know if I can stand that. Oxiana says: I doubt it was why they didn't attack, they could have just taken her had they. Bronn Ironheim says: Tyan was Galmairian before he became Cadomyrian. He is also Gynkese. A rogue at heart. Perhaps Mara could wake those sleeping qualities... just somethin' for you to use as a tool, Don. Bronn Ironheim looks to Oxiana. Valerio Guilianni says: What? Valerio Guilianni says: He is from Gynk? Bronn Ironheim says: Mara is a formidable fighter. Bronn Ironheim says: Aye, Don. He be a Gynka Valerio Guilianni tips with his fingers on his lad Bronn Ironheim says: Also, i believe, his "noble line" is not to pure. He became noble in Cadomyr only. His mother was a whore. How do I know? He reacts in the most hostile way to a casual tease men exchange often: "bastard" Bronn Ironheim says: Leading me to believe he is indeed a bastard. Valerio Guilianni says: But what is the point here now? Bronn Ironheim says: Oh... there could be some very creative "punishment" for Tyan that involves Mara. Bronn Ironheim says: A punishment that he would enjoy doing, but it would humiliate him in the eyes of others. Valerio Guilianni says: I leave this to you, lads. Bronn Ironheim says: Like... buying her drinks, in Galmair tavern. Bronn Ironheim says: Till Mas ends. Bronn Ironheim says: Or having to sing or entertain every time she requests... somethin' subtle. Valerio Guilianni looks up to the ceiling Valerio Guilianni says: She was there when he sent Keenaxe to Cherga, wasn't she? Oxiana says: Too pesonal. Oxiana says: *r Valerio Guilianni looks to both of them and seems to wait for an anwer Bronn Ironheim says: Yes. It is Mara that Keenaxe slapped. Bronn Ironheim says: He slapped Mara, and that added to Tyan's anger. Gretel Goldhair coughs. Oxiana says: In effect he was protecting a Galmairian then. Are you trying to get him a pardon? Bronn Ironheim says: Ah, well, was just an idea. A thought. If anything, Mara would make a good spy, since he tells her everything. Bronn Ironheim says: Actually, no, Oxiana, I do not condone Tyan's actions at all. Bronn Ironheim says: Hew at the time was a Galmairian in good standing, attempting to persue a bounty. Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr, we could argue she is still shocked from all the blood Masines spilled there and thus has to pay her a daily compensation regardless of form or amount until the end of Mas. Valerio Guilianni says: Nevertheless, we do not want to go too far. Bronn Ironheim says: Nice! Bronn Ironheim says: Arright. Ufedhin Copperhand sits down. Bronn Ironheim says: But, see, Tyan broke tha law in mah view. When Galmairian tells ya to leave, ya leave. I sure was graceful to leave Cadomyr when Flynn asked me to leave, because of Eve. Oxiana says: Sir, how does that benefit the town? Valerio Guilianni says: He spends money here. Ufedhin Copperhand fills his pipe . Valerio Guilianni says: Anyway, we stick with the support of Purple. Any restrictions? Valerio Guilianni looks to Bronn then to Oxiana Ufedhin Copperhand takes a deep drag from the pipe. Oxiana furrows his brow, giving a slight shake of his head. Valerio Guilianni nods Bronn Ironheim nods. Bronn Ironheim says: I jus' supplied curious information, na significant suggestions. Valerio Guilianni says: Inform him about it, Oxiana Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr? What information? Oxiana nods. Bronn Ironheim says: Oh, i mean what I said. Oxiana says: Will do. Bronn Ironheim says: It was just extra knowledge on Tyan for you. Bronn Ironheim says: Nice to keep a full profile. Ufedhin Copperhand chuckles. Valerio Guilianni says: Arr, thank you lad Valerio Guilianni says: What else, Oxiana? Oxiana says: I will speak to you regarding other matters when you are not so busy if that is alright Sir? Valerio Guilianni says: Speak, I listen. Oxiana frowns. Oxiana says: What I wrote to you of. Oxiana says: Did you still require it? Valerio Guilianni says: Arrr, now I get it. Ufedhin Copperhand blows large smokerings up to the high ceiling. Valerio Guilianni knocks himself against his forehead. Oxiana nods relieved. Valerio Guilianni says: Yes, as I said, invite her. Oxiana says: She will be arriving any day Sir. Valerio Guilianni nods Gretel Goldhair spits on the ground. Valerio Guilianni says: But no other news from Cadomyr? Oxiana says: None to speak of after people calmed down over all the posturing. Oxiana says: I am hopeful S'rrt will become their ambassador. Valerio Guilianni says: Who, why, what is that? Oxiana says: The lizard, my former captain of the guard. Oxiana says: He was useful today, rebuked Tyan a few times for me. Valerio Guilianni says: Never heared. Is he one of those who cannot pronounce the S properly? Oxiana says: He manages better than most. Valerio Guilianni says: At least something. It is always so painful to listen to those. Bronn Ironheim smirks. Valerio Guilianni says: However, I thank you for your efford today, Oxiana and will also promote you to the next rank. Oxiana says: My thanks Sir. Oxiana nods lightly. Oxiana says: Is there anything else Sir? Valerio Guilianni shakes his head Valerio Guilianni says: Just wanted to ask the same question. Oxiana tilts his head. Valerio Guilianni says: Copperhand? Ufedhin Copperhand says: aye Don? Valerio Guilianni looks to Ufedhin Valerio Guilianni says: Do you need something Valerio Guilianni says: *? Ufedhin Copperhand says: i wos just wanten a brief word. Valerio Guilianni says: Brief then! Oxiana chuckles. Oxiana says: Good night Sir. Bronn Ironheim says: Oxiana, do you know bows? Gretel Goldhair says: Speak louder, I can't hear you! Valerio Guilianni motions Ufedhin shall hurry Oxiana says: Know them? Ufedhin Copperhand says: As ye be aware the tunnel shall begin soon. Bronn Ironheim says: Types, making of them, all that? Oxiana shakes his head. Oxiana says: I'm a smith, not a carpenter. Valerio Guilianni says: Good to hear Ufedhin Copperhand says: i was just wondering if ye new where i might obtain oxen en carts? Bronn Ironheim says: Arright. Was wonderin what kinda bow Krunk uses. Ufedhin Copperhand says: i have taveled verywhere alas no luck. Ufedhin Copperhand says: everywhere* Valerio Guilianni says: Runewick has some, right? Oxiana scratches his chin. Oxiana says: I really don't know about bows, sorry. Bronn Ironheim says: It's blue. But no carpenter I asked can make a blue glowin' bow. Ufedhin Copperhand says: Mmmm, i have not found a merchant who deals in them . Bronn Ironheim says: Aright. Ufedhin Copperhand says: however its woz just a side issue not nessasary but helpful if possible. Bronn Ironheim says: Mmm. Oxiana, I do have a pure air. Bronn Ironheim says: If ye could smith Mara an axe. Oxiana nods. Valerio Guilianni says: Well, you will have to catch one and domesticate it if no traders offer one. Oxiana says: I expect I could. Bronn Ironheim says: i have a merinium ingot too. Bronn Ironheim says: but nah silver. Ufedhin Copperhand says: aye..*looks vaguely disturbed at that* Ufedhin Copperhand says: well thank ye Don, failing that i will just use man power. Bronn Ironheim says: Would these be sufficin? Oxiana nods. Oxiana says: I think so. Valerio Guilianni says: If you need help catching a cow, ask Sarangerel Oxiana says: Might be a day or two. Ufedhin Copperhand says: i wish te complete the mine tunnel first before we move on te the Cameo pit tunnel,aye good idea i shall. Bronn Ironheim says: Great. Thanks, Oxiana. Oxiana says: Pleasure. Valerio Guilianni says: Sounds good, Copperhand. Oxiana says: Be nice to smith something like that again. Valerio Guilianni stands up Bronn Ironheim says: Ye don't often get a chance, I wager. Ufedhin Copperhand says: thank ye Don. Valerio Guilianni says: I take a rest, see you, lads. Oxiana says: No, not too often. Ufedhin Copperhand bow s Bronn Ironheim salutes.