Revelation 1. Achae Eanstray, ((i.e. Kaila Galathil Travinus, Kyre, Juliana D'Cheyrne, Caynwyn, etc, etc)), the self proclaimed Roleplay-Mentor of Illarion
((as shown here)), the paragon of proper RP and beloved druid.
Ever wondered what lies behind that holier-than-thou untouchable mask? Quite the dirty cyber vixen!
Ever wanted an innocent hard to get druid girl? Ever wondered what cybering Lisa would be like?
For your viewing pleasure, the pro roleplayer log of Kaila, the eternal virgin.
((no seriously, like RPed being a virgin with 3 different guys? I swear that thing heals back up or something.))
Enjoy the forced emotes and emoting thoughts, and all the other crap Achae claims she does not do: Sex with Kaila Galathil
((And apparently she has three hands.))