Drakon Gerwulf says: Well it depends if the Don doesn't mind it. Mara Belmore shugs Mara Belmore says: *shrugs Mara Belmore says: No laws against chopping down trees in town. Antonius Copperhand holds an amulet up to the light to have a better look at it. Morri pulls his long black beard with both hands despairingly and grunts loudly. Drakon Gerwulf says: though if you need a mule I have been told I am good listener...at following orders. "grins joking" Mara Belmore says: Generally speaking it seems to me we are free to do as we like so long as it doesn't harm trade. Charwis Irongate looks around. Drakon Gerwulf says: True, but do you really want to take that chance? Mara Belmore says: Hm. Someone would have to report me for me to get in trouble I would think. Mara Belmore smiles at him sweetly Drakon Gerwulf says: My wife would also agree I am as stubborn as mule as well....but thats just her opinion. Drakon Gerwulf says: Very true, and I won't be that person...so you secret is safe with me. Mara Belmore says: Well then. A few more trees won't hurt, and It will go faster if you truely wish to 'mule' around for me. Sogg Beermug says: 'hick...' Mara Belmore chuckles slightly. Drakon Gerwulf grins and nods. Drakon Gerwulf says: Sure. Mara Belmore says: Alright then. Lets try back near the villa. Drakon Gerwulf says: I don't mind helping. Mara Belmore starts to chop wood. Mara Belmore says: Looking for Naldor and Connifer trees. Mara Belmore says: But not those sickly looking pines, the nice full ones. Drakon Gerwulf says: I understand. Mara Belmore starts to chop wood. Mara Belmore says: Well... that was something. Drakon Gerwulf nods Mara Belmore says: Never found a troll in a tree before, a few maps and a necklace once. Drakon Gerwulf says: Agreed. he must have been hiding in there. Mara Belmore starts to chop wood. Drakon Gerwulf says: I seen a few. Mara Belmore says: How'd he get in town I wonder. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Drakon Gerwulf says: In the dark of night when the guard is on break. Drakon Gerwulf looks back to the gate. Mara Belmore says: I feel sorry for Bre sometimes, I don't think anyone else ever takes shifts at the gate. Drakon Gerwulf says: You know when nature calls. Mara Belmore starts to chop wood. Drakon Gerwulf says: True but he is being paid well. Mara Belmore says: Bre is a woman. Mara Belmore chuckles softly Drakon Gerwulf blushes looking back to the gate. Mara Belmore starts to chop wood. Drakon Gerwulf says: Well I always pass by so quickly... Mara Belmore a small boy runs up to her with a folded note. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Mara Belmore accepts the note and hands the boy a cookie with a smile. Drakon Gerwulf says: I can always say I didn't notice her do me being married. Mara Belmore says: True enough. Mara Belmore opens the note and glances over it. Folds it again. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Seems the goods I requested in Cadomyr are ready. Drakon Gerwulf pickes up the dropped log he nods. Mara Belmore says: Tree chopping another day perhaps? Drakon Gerwulf says: I understand, sure... and maybe I can learn more about you as well. Mara Belmore says: All you have to do is ask. Mara Belmore chuckles Drakon Gerwulf smiles as he moves to the depot. Drakon Gerwulf says: Fair enough. Drakon Gerwulf says: Seems we always end up talking about me. Mara Belmore says: That's only because you don't ask any questions about me. Mara Belmore smiles dumping the logs into her depot. Drakon Gerwulf says: True, well I will be sure to next time we meet. Mara Belmore says: Then I will be sure to answer. Morri grumbles moodily and looks at the street with a discontent glance. Charwis Irongate looks around. Mara Belmore gives him a nod and a smile. Mara Belmore says: I'll see you around. Drakon Gerwulf smiles back. Drakon Gerwulf says: Farewell Queen Mara..be safe. Mara Belmore says: Always am. Drakon Gerwulf says: That is good to hear. Mara Belmore says: Farewell. Mara Belmore rests her left hand on her hip, head tilted to the right watching him. Tyan Masines says: It's a nine. Tyan Masines says: Why in the world would it be a seven?! Tyan Masines seems to be in some kind of conversation with the dwarf. Evera says: I can take you to interesting places. Tyan Masines says: 'Nine'. Like old for no. Tyan Masines claps his book shut and turns his head. Mara Belmore purses her lips togeather, then smiles but remains silent. Tyan Masines says: Oh. Beror Oakaxe says: All clear. Tyan Masines clears his throat. "Mara." Tyan Masines says: Thank you, Beror. Mara Belmore says: Least he understands now. Tyan Masines says: I aknowledge my handwriting can be bad if I do things swiftly.. Mara Belmore 's smile widens and it seems as if shes about to chuckle. Tyan Masines nods to the dwarf with a light grin. Tyan Masines says: Well then. Mara Belmore says: Count yourself blessed that you can read and write. Many cannot. Tyan Masines says: Oh, I do. Tyan Masines says: Best thing I've ever learned, actually. Mara Belmore says: I would agree on that for myself as well. Though the learning was, interesting. Tyan Masines says: The learning, or the teacher? Mara Belmore says: Hm. Yes. Tyan Masines smirks a bit. Tyan Masines says: Well, you learned it. Mara Belmore says: I learn most things I put my mind to, and quickly in most cases. Tyan Masines says: I did so in a monastery. I am sure our two stories of learning the letters are quite different. Mara Belmore says: You would be correct in that. Tyan Masines says: Because you're smart. We both know that by now. Mara Belmore says: One of my better qualities I would say. Tyan Masines says: I had expected a bit more euphoria when seeing your noble 'hero' again. Tyan Masines smirks. Tyan Masines says: One of your better qualities, hm? Name one of the worse. Mara Belmore says: I beg your pardon noble ser, seems I forgot to swoon. Shall I do it now? If it please you? Ruzusss wags his tail. Mirarie Bragolin takes notes. Mara Belmore bats her lashes and actually manages to sound like she's taking her own words seriously. Tyan Masines says: It would my fair Lady, alas what my heart really longs for is if thou would allow me another kiss. Tyan Masines says: The shame of asking is almost unbearable. Mara Belmore says: Far be it for me to cause a noble as yourself any shame ser, I will allow it. Mara Belmore smirks her jade eyes dancing with held back laughter Tyan Masines says: My Lady, you are as gentle as you are fair. Grakamesh says: Mes feel like dancin', dancin', even if mes find sumding bedduh to do. Tyan Masines stands in front of her with a grin, takes one of her hands in his, and leans forward to give her a kiss, with a good portion of amusement in his gaze; and surely for the entertainment of Beror and Evera. Mara Belmore returns the kiss with an equal press of lips, not drawing it into any further heat, seeming well aware of their audience. Tyan Masines whispers: Think I'm addicted yet? Tyan Masines pulls back with a smirk, and holds one of his arms out so she may hook up with it. Evera says: I can take you to interesting places. Tyan Masines says: Me too. Beror Oakaxe says: All clear. Mara Belmore smirks slightly, then chuckles, slipping hear arm into his. Mara Belmore says: *her Tyan Masines says: A tour then. Through Cadomyr, greatest city that ever was or will be. Tyan Masines says: You already know most of it, so.. Mara Belmore says: Does the propaganda come free with the tour or do I have to pay extra for it. Mara Belmore winks at him. Tyan Masines says: You do not have to pay at all. Robertus says: She will be impressed, I just hope the Queen will never need her grave. Mara Belmore says: Even better. Tyan Masines says: Ever been to the Palace? Mara Belmore says: Twice, once with you actually. Tyan Masines says: I should have known. Tyan Masines says: Ah. Tyan Masines says: Ever seen 'this' statue? Mara Belmore says: I've passed it. Mara Belmore says: Never really studied it. Tyan Masines says: It holds our laws. Mara Belmore says: Oh. Tyan Masines says: It resembles King Reginald. Father of Her Majesty. Gerry Deloid looks around briefly and scratches his bum. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Tyan Masines says: She has his temper, but is more modest. When he ruled, Cadomyr had constant public burnings and beheadings. Tyan Masines says: So let's see.. Mara Belmore studies the statue looking over the laws. Tyan Masines says: Faith and Obedience.. Tyan Masines says: Pretty clear. Tyan Masines says: Three. Honor. Tyan Masines says: Every person in Cadomyr may defend his or her honor as seen fit. Tyan Masines says: Four is interesting. Lineage. Tyan Masines says: Your birth matters more than - anything. Tyan Masines grins a bit. Mara Belmore nods and actually pulls out a slip of paper writing notes. Mara Belmore says: Oh, well isn't that nice to know. Tyan Masines says: Truth, oh well, truth again. Mara Belmore smirks Tyan Masines whispers: It is never too late to transcent ones fate.. Tyan Masines says something quietly, but then continues. Tyan Masines says: I interpret this one like.. keep your word. Tyan Masines says: So people will trust it. Mara Belmore writes down the words "know your place" with a slight shake of her head then moves on to truth. Mara Belmore says: It does help. Mara Belmore smiles to the side. Tyan Masines grins a little. "I hear many a people in many a town get told 'these' words lately." Tyan Masines says: Know your place. Tyan Masines says: There, Justice! Tyan Masines says: Offer friendship freely, but do not spare your enemy the sword! Tyan Masines chuckles. Mara Belmore says: Seems to be an epidemic yes. Mara Belmore says: Those words too. Hearing that a lot also. Tyan Masines says: Pretty basic stuff. Tyan Masines says: Courage. No need to explain that. Tyan Masines says: Patriarchy. And a horribly formulated sentence. Mara Belmore underlines the words "never retreat, never surrender" Tyan Masines says: Obey bla bla blah, 'but NEVER your son'. Mara Belmore says: Ah. My favorite Albiarian law. Tyan Masines says: What nonsense. Tyan Masines says: Obey your husband. Tyan Masines says: But 'never' your son. Mara Belmore says: *Albarian?... (*shrug*)) Tyan Masines whispers: ((yeah without the first i)) Tyan Masines says: Now, Nein again, I mean nine. Tyan Masines says: Property. Mara Belmore says: Well, you know, if you did everything that say a... seven year old son told you, you'd be up to your ears in cakes no wouldn't you. Tyan Masines says: I sometimes wonder if that wouldn't suit us better than staring at each other with drawn steel. Tyan Masines says: *in hand Tyan Masines says: Women would be the property of their husbands too, by the way. Poor Josephine.. Mara Belmore says: Crop, dog /or/ man. What if I have one of each?.. Ah yes, that's right. Tyan Masines says: If I was to get married, I'd likely do it at a different altar. Tyan Masines says: They mean and.. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Tyan Masines says: A metaphor for anything, I guess. Tyan Masines says: Your property is protected. Tyan Masines says: By law. Mara Belmore says: Or a hint at allowing slavery. Hard to say. Tyan Masines says: Ten. Responsibility. Mind what you do. Tyan Masines says: Oh, slaveryis allowed here. Tyan Masines says: The slave market is simply deserted.. and nobody has yet released enough funds or material or effort to take it back into action.. Gerry Deloid scratches his head. Mara Belmore says: ((brb)) Tyan Masines lifts his shoulders slightly. Mara Belmore presses her lips togeather taking a slow breath, rolls her head from one shoulder to the other then nods after a moment. Tyan Masines watches her gesture calmly, with a light smile on his lips. Mara Belmore says: So, are there any unwritten laws? And what of court protocol? Tyan Masines says: Her Majesty has agreed to an Infirmary, to a proper training area with a bathhouse maybe, to further rooms I will not speak of right now, and all before the completion of her grave. Tyan Masines says: We wont see slavery in some time. Tyan Masines says: Yes, come. Tyan Masines says: Cadomyr, most faithful. Last read, but important. Only the last two pages matter here. Tyan Masines takes it from the shelve and opens it. "Let's see." Tyan Masines reads. Mara Belmore glances at the bookshelf, eyes running over the titles with some interest. Tyan Masines says: Soldiers, if the offender is a lower rank than you, arrest them and bring them before the Queen for judgment. Tyan Masines follows her gaze for a moment. "The other texts are biased. I have witnessed the same about Cadomyr in the other cities." Tyan Masines reads on. "If the offender is of the same rank.. bla blah, duel before the gods possible. If he is of higher rank, lay low and ask for a private audience with the Queen. Tyan Masines closes the book and places it back in the shelve. Tyan Masines says: Guests are treated well, of course, but hold no rank at all, and thusly can be commanded by inhabitants of some rank at all times. Tyan Masines says: Most.. simply don't get that. Tyan Masines says: Her Grace would of course scold an inhabitant for giving strange or unjust commands.. Tyan Masines shrugs a bit. Mara Belmore says: Does she do a lot of 'scolding' Tyan Masines says: Only when it's me. Tyan Masines broadly grins. Tyan Masines says: Alright, how to approach her. Mara Belmore chuckles. Tyan Masines places a hand on her shoulder shortly, motioning her to follow. Tyan Masines says: No no but she likes to shout. Tyan Masines says: This is where I usually fill in guests. Tyan Masines smirks a little. "Show me a curtsy." Mara Belmore chuckles and uses her 'imaginary Mara Belmore *"imaginary" skirt to delivery a masterful curtsy. Clearly she's done this before. Tyan Masines says: I had expected nothing else.. Tyan Masines says: Just wanted to see it.. Tyan Masines smiles apologeticly. Tyan Masines says: *apologetically Mara Belmore says: Sure. Tyan Masines says: But you will have to do it. Tyan Masines says: And then, greet the Queen in some way. "Your Majesty" would be enough, but you can add something if you like. Something polite. Tyan Masines says: If the inhabitants at the audience mind their manners, you would be announced. Tyan Masines says: And then Her Majesty would decide whether you may attend. Tyan Masines says: Guests and persons with the rank lower than Knight are not to speak until spoken to. Mara Belmore says: Right of course. Tyan Masines says: But the Queen might address you, or call you befor her, in which case you'd stand, step in front of her, courtsy again and so on. Tyan Masines whispers: And you will have to endure the casual insults. Mara Belmore says: Alright, fairly standard court protocol. Mara Belmore smirks lightly Tyan Masines whispers: I wouldn't be surprised to hear something like 'what is this girl from Galmair doing here?' Mara Belmore whispers: looking forward to it. Tyan Masines says: Yes. Nothing special. Tyan Masines says: Only special thing is the unwritten law that sometimes is used. Tyan Masines says: During trials over citizens of Cadomyr. Mara Belmore says: Oh? Tyan Masines says: The 'honor' matters, or rather, how many speak in favor of your honor, and how many against. Tyan Masines says: Or rather.. how many speak for the accusation and how many in your favor, if you are accused of something. Mara Belmore says: Ah interesting. Tyan Masines grins a bit. "Can be very helpful, yes." Tyan Masines whispers: ((unfortunately we don't have a real court.. if I wa sin charge I'd turn it into the Iron Throne room :D)) Mara Belmore says: And that's in cases of citizens vesus other citizens I would imagine, where title would also play into things? Tyan Masines says: Well.. any questions? Tyan Masines says: Yes, it would. Tyan Masines says: The title is 'very' important in all matters. Mara Belmore says: So, it could esentially become a 'popularity' contest in those cases. Tyan Masines says: That's why I encourage everyone around here to be 'knighted' quickly. It is not so hard. Tyan Masines nods. Tyan Masines says: Indeed. Mara Belmore says: Charming. Tyan Masines says: May I ask why you are suddenly so interested in our court? Tyan Masines slightly raises a brow. "Or was it only an excuse to pay a visit?" Mara Belmore chuckles softly, glancing over to the contained river. Mara Belmore says: I /would/ be a convincing excuse wouldn't it. Mara Belmore says: *it Tyan Masines says: Yes, it would almost outplay my suspicion. Mara Belmore says: Having suspicions about me again? Mara Belmore glances back from the river to him. Mara Belmore says: Or rather still perhaps? Tyan Masines says: What about me? Tyan Masines says: Am I enjoying your blind trust? Mara Belmore says: I don't trust anyone blindly, learned better not to. Tyan Masines says: See. Me too. Tyan Masines extends his arm again for her to hook up. "Walk with me?" Mara Belmore says: Alright. Tyan Masines moves out slowly. Mara Belmore slips her arm into his and follows. Tyan Masines whispers: When did you want to attend to an audience? Mara Belmore whispers: I haven't fully decided if I'm going to. Tyan Masines whispers: Alone, or for the trial? Mara Belmore whispers: Yes. Tyan Masines takes his steps one by one, the night air is mild, there's a distant buzz of insects still, and the palm tress slowly move in the calm breeze. Tyan Masines whispers: Not to share rumors about Cadomyrian nobles and their moral flaws, I hope. Mara Belmore whispers: No. Those with their own moral flaws should not seek to expose others unless they want to be exposed themselves. Tyan Masines whispers: Wise words. Tyan Masines whispers: And the plan that has surely corssed your mind is good. But it wont work. Tyan Masines whispers: *crossed Mara Belmore whispers: Oh I have plans now? Mara Belmore smiles to the side at him. Tyan Masines whispers: Maybe you, maybe others. Tyan Masines returns the gaze with a light smile. Tyan Masines whispers: I gave you everything you need. Mara Belmore whispers: Oh, I wouldn't say /everything/ I need. Tyan Masines whispers: You have a certain suspicion that would surely rouse the Queen. You know how she scolded me before, because I told you. You also know that should she be unjust to me, the Crimson Order would be likely to be in chaos, or even crumble. And you know the - Tyan Masines whispers: - Crimson Order is the very essence of Cadomyr. If it falls, Cadomyr falls. Mara Belmore smirks with a wicked light to her eyes. Tyan Masines whispers: I took you for clever enough to spot a weak link in a chain, yes. But it wont work. Tyan Masines whispers: Because it has crossed my mind before it has crossed yours. Mara Belmore whispers: Come now Tyan, if that were my aim, I'd be looking for flaws in Salathe and S'rrt as well. That would cause true chaos. Tyan Masines whispers: Good luck with Salathe. Tyan Masines smirks. Mara Belmore whispers: Yes I hear it's easier to find flaws when you've actual /met/ a person. Tyan Masines whispers: He is flawless, too. Mara Belmore chuckles lightly glancing up at the palm trees. Tyan Masines whispers: That's why he is Grandmaster. Tyan Masines says: Now, my Lady Mara Belmore whispers: There's no such thing as flawless. Tyan Masines whispers: Heh.. try him. Tyan Masines says: I'd invite you to a drink, either in our fine and so very well known tavern, or in my estate, should you wish to examine my bathtub finally. Mara Belmore says: Normally I would accept your offer, however I'm on medical instruction to not drink for at least a week. Well.. its six days now. Tyan Masines says: You could drink water. Tyan Masines says: What's wrong with you? Mara Belmore says: My head had a nasty run in with a fountain rim. Mara Belmore says: Minor concussion. Tyan Masines says: Did someone shove you? Mara Belmore says: Threw me would be more accurate. Tyan Masines says: Why? Mara Belmore says: Because that's what massive undead do to light weight enemies apparently. Tyan Masines says: I see. Tyan Masines says: No beer tasting then, for now. Mara Belmore says: Mores the pity. Tyan Masines says: Will you leave again then, or keep me company for a little longer? Mara Belmore whispers: Lonely? Mara Belmore smiles softly Tyan Masines whispers: Simply repeating my invitation. Tyan Masines whispers: I do have strawberry cake, you know. Mara Belmore whispers: Mm. Tempting. Mara Belmore says: I can stay a while, no major business to attend to. Tyan Masines says: I could make a funny remark now, but I shall abstain. Mara Belmore says: Oh? Tyan Masines says: Nevermind. Mara Belmore smirks slightly Tyan Masines says: It would be rude. Mara Belmore says: Have to be careful with rude comments, they often warrent equal responses. Tyan Masines says: Maybe that's why I abstained. Tyan Masines smirks. Mara Belmore says: Though I am quite curious now. Tyan Masines says: Good. Tyan Masines says: Kraex rents this one. Tyan Masines says: And keeps the doors open at all times. Tyan Masines says: More coin as far as I'm concerned.. Mara Belmore says: Wow. Thought he had a cave? Tyan Masines says: I think it's rather a donation. Tyan Masines says: And it's for his servant, too. Mara Belmore says: Ah. And apparently he leaves the doors open? Tyan Masines says: And mine. Allows privacy. Tyan Masines says: A moment, actually. Mara Belmore peeks in curiously. Tyan Masines says: Esme! Tyan Masines says: Very well. Tyan Masines says: Quite the estate for servants, hm? Mara Belmore says: Very nice yes. Tyan Masines says: The shimmering Villa Rosaline. Tyan Masines smirks. Mara Belmore says: Aren't you supposed to run in first and stand by the bookrest? Tyan Masines says: I placed it upstairs. Already told you about the trouble with carying buckets.. Tyan Masines says: It would be too obvious now.. Tyan Masines says: And you know about it. Mara Belmore smiles her eyes full of mischief. Tyan Masines nudges her lightly. Mara Belmore says: Oh of course. Tyan Masines says: Alright, time to take a look at my precious thing. Tyan Masines says: Theeere it is. Tyan Masines points at the tub, which is quite large, but unfortunately lacks the fire and the pipe to the roof. Tyan Masines says: I had to make a bridge with planks from the wall to my balcony to bring it in. In pieces. Mara Belmore looks over the tub, as a connoisseur might consider a fine wine. Mara Belmore says: Yes I can imagine it would be quite the feat. It's impressive. Tyan Masines says: Well, want to hop in? Tyan Masines says: I told Esme to heat the cettle. Mara Belmore says: Now that I see it how could I possibly refuse? Tyan Masines collects the papers and letters that lie quite chaotically on the table, and walks over to store them away in a cupboard. Tyan Masines says: Capital. Mara Belmore chuckles Tyan Masines says: Take a seat.. I'll help Esme prepare the tub. Mara Belmore settles into a chair at the 'orgy' table, eyes still on the tub. Tyan Masines says: Or give this a read.. "Emperor Dilcanius and how he reformed Salkamaerian Economy." Tyan Masines says: Quite good. Mara Belmore says: A little 'lite' reading hm? Tyan Masines takes the buckets of steaming water from his servant for the following minutes. The servant girl is young, with blonde hair, a pretty face and a slim body. She does hardly mett anyone's eyes, and also does not seem to ask any questions. Tyan Masines pours a bucket with a grin. "Yes, perfect for lonely nights." Mara Belmore has met Esme before, unless this is a new servant. Mara Belmore chuckles slightly Mara Belmore says: I've a comment for that, but I'll keep it with yours unspoken. Tyan Masines thanks her once the tub seems to be filled quite enough. Tyan Masines says: You may. It is interesting though, Cadomyr does seem to resemble Salkamar way more than Albar in so many things.. Tyan Masines says: *seems Tyan Masines holds his elbow into the water. "Well, you're the expert.. but I'd say it is about quite right." Mara Belmore says: The slavery for example... oh.. Wait. Tyan Masines says: There is 'no' slavery. Mara Belmore smiles Mara Belmore says: Yes and Galmair citizens are free to move whenever they like. Tyan Masines says: They may only have to give out handcuffs later. Tyan Masines says: As punishment. Mara Belmore stands and slips past him to the bath Mara Belmore tests the waters temperature with her elbow, nodding. Tyan Masines says: Did I tell you that I'm going to build a boat? Tyan Masines sits on the edge of the bed for the moment. Mara Belmore says: A bit less convenient than my pipe system, but the temperature is good. You mentioned it. But I wasn't sure if you were serious. Tyan Masines says: I am now. Mara Belmore says: Why now? Tyan Masines says: I'll do it, you'll see. At the little beach just in fr- Tyan Masines smirks. "Indeed, why not." Mara Belmore unfastens her cloak, folding it and placing it on the table behind her. Tyan Masines says: Aww, I forgot the lute. Might have played a tune, too. Mara Belmore says: What will you do with it when its done? Tyan Masines says: Fish. Mara Belmore removes her boots setting them down by the table. Tyan Masines says: I'm not thinking about its completion yet though. I rather want it to settle down after a day full of nuisances. Tyan Masines says: And those are legion around here. Mara Belmore says: Ah quite the full circle, giving fish dreams of adventure then catching them up. Tyan Masines says: That's how the places we live in work. Tyan Masines says: You feed people just enough to have them grow, and not lose their motivation to do so. Tyan Masines says: And then, you harvest. Mara Belmore says: Seems to be the case yes. Mara Belmore says: Gods we sound jaded. Mara Belmore chuckles abruptly. Tyan Masines says: Jaded.. yes. And yet here we are, living in those places for a reason. Mara Belmore shakes her head as she draws her blouse over her head, folding it and placing it on top of her cloak on the table. Tyan Masines says: It would seem so that most people get what we got. But most people don't. They fall for it, over and over again. Mara Belmore says: Of course. If they didn't there wouldn't be room for people like us in the world. Tyan Masines says: Who are we though, I wonder? Mara Belmore unlaces her pants, sliding them off her hips, down her legs, stepping out of them, and folding them, placing them on the table before she approaches the tub. Mara Belmore says: Just two actors who've read ahead in the script a bit further than most perhaps? Tyan Masines smirks a bit. "That would imply there's a script." Mara Belmore says: Gods have to do something with their time. Tyan Masines says: I had not taken you for someone so strongly believing in fate. Mara Belmore climbs gingerly into to tub, slipping down into the water with a long sigh, closing her eyes a moment. It seems as if she might not reply but finally she speaks. Mara Belmore says: I have an interesting view about fate. Fate is, like a series of street alleys you might choose to follow. Some are straight, some narrow a crooked, but eventually if you follow certains paths, you run out of choices, perhaps a dead end. The trick is.. Mara Belmore says: Even with dead ends, often times there's another path, you just have to look creatively for it. Tyan Masines stands from the edge of the bed, and walks over to the table. He lifts the cover over a plate, which actually revels a few pieces of strawberry cake. Tyan Masines says: Or carry a ladder around with you. Mara Belmore says: Ladders get aweful heavy after a while. Tyan Masines says: But they are helpful with dead ends.. and then again, a path never only goes in only one way. Tyan Masines says: One can always turn around.. Tyan Masines places the plate on a broader part of the edge of the tub. "I tend to keep my word. I think you said.. 'a bath and a massage while eating stawberry cake'?" Mara Belmore nods slightly, eyes still closed, submerging down to her collar bone in the water, one leg slightly bent, knee exposed above the waters surface. Mara Belmore says: You have a good memory. Tyan Masines says: I know. Tyan Masines smirks. Mara Belmore says: One of your better qualities? Tyan Masines says: One of the few. Mara Belmore smiles languidly, opening her eyes to gaze at him. Mara Belmore says: Selling yourself cheeply again? Tyan Masines tilts his head. "Again?" Mara Belmore says: You've made disparaging comments about yourself before yes. Tyan Masines goes to a kneeling position next to the tub, meeting her gaze at the same level. Tyan Masines says: That must be one of my less good qualities, then. Mara Belmore says: And at other times your all the ego and pride. Quite the complicated person, that's also a good quality you know. Tyan Masines says: Is it? Tyan Masines says: I must warn you, I am a horrible man. Mara Belmore says: Makes you hard to read. Yes and I'm a nice lass with a black heart.. was that how it went? Tyan Masines nods with a light smirks. "Yes." Tyan Masines says: *smirk Tyan Masines says: Would you be awfully peeved if I jumped into that tub as well? Tyan Masines says: It does look quite inviting. Mara Belmore smiles nodding, raising her hand up into her hair releasing the chignon the locks have been tied up in, the edges falling into the water. Mara Belmore says: It's your bath tub, do what you like with it. I won't stop you. Tyan Masines says: I too don't like to go where I am not invited. Tyan Masines says: But, it will be easier to provide that massage, if you want one. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Very well. I extend you this formal invitation to your bathtub. Tyan Masines stands, and pulls the shirt over his head. He discards it on the bed, and steps into the heels of his boots to get them off. Mara Belmore says: I won't say no to massages freely offered. Tyan Masines says: Capital, as you will surely have me expected to say. Mara Belmore says: Surely. Mara Belmore plays her right hand through the water, the left resting on the tub edge Tyan Masines smirks a bit. "I need to come up with a new word soon." He then removes his belt and the trousers, which he discards on the bed like he did with the shirt. Mara Belmore says: Hm, yes. Something with substance yet easily added into conversation. Tyan Masines takes another step towards the tub, places one hand on its edge for balance and moves in. Although it is getting crowded now, the size does support two persons comfortably enough. Tyan Masines exhales obviously content. "Almost like the Oasis." Mara Belmore moves a leg giving him room to settle down, smiling in the same calm manner she's had since she got in. Mara Belmore says: Almost. Water is warmer. And there isn't a fellow some yards away trying to sell sand, or whatever it was he was up to. Tyan Masines extends his legs, one next to her at each side, and leans back against the wall of the tub. Tyan Masines says: Hmm, he digs and so on.. Tyan Masines says: Provides thristy people who are coming through, too. Tyan Masines says: This would be a good moment to slap me, by the way. Mara Belmore tilts her head to the left thoughtfully. Smirks slightly her left foot brushing against his leg as she adjusts its position slightly. Mara Belmore says: Why would I do that? Have you done something slap worthy I haven't been informed of? Tyan Masines says: Good to know. Tyan Masines says: I was referring to our little 'play' at that fountain. Tyan Masines winks, and his gaze turns to the surface of the water as her foot brushes along his leg. Mara Belmore says: I'm saving that slap for a special occation. Tyan Masines says: That thing again.. Tyan Masines says: I do admit, I was quite smitten with it in that Inn. Mara Belmore says: I had noticed. Tyan Masines lightly grins and moves a hand below the water, and runs a finger over her ankle and the lower thigh if she doesn't pull away. Tyan Masines says: I know. Your surprised gaze gave you away. Tyan Masines says: Cake? Mara Belmore does not pull away, though her foot twitches at the touch to her ankle. She smirks and gives a nod. Mara Belmore says: It was somewhat surprising, you tend to keep a physical distance with people when in mixed company. Mara Belmore says: And yes cake. Always yes to cake. Mara Belmore chuckles Tyan Masines chuckles and keeps moving his finger around, giving the ankle some more attention as he notices the twitch. With his free hand, he grabs a piece of cake and playfully moves it towards her mouth. Tyan Masines says: I had smoked something, so.. Tyan Masines says: Made me quite 'focussed' for a moment. Mara Belmore twitches her foot again, but still does not pull away, rather brushes her smooth leg against his under the water as she leans forward to accept the bite of cake. Mara Belmore says: I notices quite a few things myself but it seems I'm mostly proof against such substances, didn't have to deep an effect on me. Tyan Masines smiles lightly and takes a bite of cake himself after. Leaned forward as he is, he moves his finger upwards at her outer lower and upper thigh. Tyan Masines says: Did you receive some kind of poison resistance training? Tyan Masines says: Or is it simply your superior willpower that keeps you from being manipulated by various substancs? Mara Belmore licks her lips, because of the cake or his fingers progress it is difficult to tell. She watches him for a moment before replying. Mara Belmore says: I wouldn't call it poison resistance training in those exact words. For a period of my life I was drugged a lot, with various substances. You do develop a tolerance after a time. Tyan Masines says: I believe I can imagine how that story would go on.. Mara Belmore says: Oh now see. I'd like to hear your version I think. Tyan Masines says: Well, I would think it was not entirely your choice to be drugged all day? Mara Belmore smiles mischeviously Mara Belmore says: Correct. Tyan Masines continues the travel of his finger. Once he has reached her pelvis, he moves it upwards slowly, along her side. Tyan Masines says: I suspect that took place in Gynk.. Tyan Masines says: Albarians usually have other ways to make people do things. Mara Belmore 's right side has a large bruise on it at rib level, it is yellow, seeming a few days old, healing quickly, otherwise her skin is smooth and unmarred. She brushes her left foot against his leg again. Mara Belmore says: It was not in Gynk. And you are correct about the Albarians yes. Mara Belmore says: /Many/ other ways. Tyan Masines frowns lightly at the bruise, and runs his finger around it once, very lightly, before he continues to move it upwards, having almost reaches her armpit now. He spared all parts of her body that might have been more intimate along his way. Tyan Masines says: So it was in Albar? Mara Belmore says: No. Tyan Masines says: Salkamar, then. Where else. Tyan Masines says: Bad guessing from my side. Mara Belmore says: And still No. Tyan Masines tilts his head a bit, and dodges her armpit, running it along her collarbone slowly now. He raises a brow and looks her in the eyes. Tyan Masines says: Alright. I wont guess it. Mara Belmore smirks enjoying this 'game', adjusting in the water, sitting up more, so the water level is now just above the swell of her breast, her right foot casually brushing up his leg as she moves. Mara Belmore says: It was in Ringa, which isn't really a part of any organized empire. It's the sort of place only certain people know of. Tyan Masines runs his finger along the side of her neck slowly, over her cheek, and moves on to her lips, where he remains it for a short moment with a smile. Tyan Masines says: Rrrrringa. Doesn't rrring a bell here. Interesting. Tyan Masines says: I want to hear more about that place. But a little incursion in between? I have left one of your questions unanswered. Mara Belmore smiles against his fingertip, her eyes burning with amusement Tyan Masines smiles as well. "I'll take that as a yes." Tyan Masines moves his finger onward, away from her lips over her chin. He moves it carefully, slowly, and in a controlled manner, only lightly thouching her skin. He moves it from her chin along her throat. Tyan Masines says: I recall you asked what gives me an advantage in fights. Mara Belmore swallows as his finger moves over her throat, her lips still smiling slightly, though her eyes widen as well for the span of a blink. Tyan Masines 's gaze is full of amusement. Mara Belmore says: I seem to recall that as well yes. Tyan Masines says: It's that I do not 'rush' it. It might seem so sometimes, but I don't. I enjoy the tumble with my foe. Mara Belmore says: Struggling as much for the joy of the stuggle as the outcome? Tyan Masines continues his way with the finger. He slowly moves it along her sternum, not twitching to the left or right there, but simply runs it down in the middle, slowly towards the surface of the water. Tyan Masines says: You could say so. I say, most people just go for the obvious right away. But that's not how you do it. Mara Belmore 's pulse speeds slightly, but she remains otherwise still. Watching him now with keen interest. Tyan Masines has his finger under the water now, continuing its way. It is directly between her breasts, but moves down in a straight line. Tyan Masines says: They jump on the obvious. Many option come up in a fight. Holes in the enemies defence.. Mara Belmore says: Many of them are left there on purpose, to distract. Tyan Masines says: Even more reason to not fall for them. Tyan Masines moves it on, having reached her navel now. Tyan Masines says: You have to do it slowly. Patiently. Gently, even. Mara Belmore chuckles, smiling wider now. Drawing her already flat belly further in as if responding to a ticklish sensastion. Tyan Masines says: The right moment to strike will come eventually. Tyan Masines says: Where's the fun if you go for the obvious, the most tempting right away? Mara Belmore says: A very clever approach. You have to be careful that the moment doesn't pass away completely however. It's all about timing. Tyan Masines says: It's like tension, it builds up.. and up and up and up, inside yourself and the foe, and then you can release it. Mara Belmore says: So its a test of will really. A battle to see who will give in to the tension first, and make that slip or misstep that finishes everything. Tyan Masines whispers: *Tyan Masines has reached her secret spot when he finishes his words, and lightly runs his finger in circles around the upmost part of it like he did with her ankle before. Tyan Masines smiles. "Indeed." Tyan Masines says: It can be a long yourney. Ponderous at times, but still enjoyable if you are able to enjoy the small things as well. Mara Belmore whispers: Mara's eyes grow wide gazing across at him steadily, a breath catching just a moment in her throat, before she smiles wickedly, sliding her left foot high up along his inner thigh. Mara Belmore says: Well, its the small things in life that make all the difference really. Tyan Masines says: They are.. but if you neglect the small things, so much enjoyment is wasted. Tyan Masines whispers: *Tyan keeps his eyes fixed on hers, while continuing to move his finger around the 'bean', continuing the patient journey of his finger in this microcosm. Tyan Masines says: It can be philosophical, too. Tyan Masines says: Compared to the vast world and the even greater span of time, what are we but small things that will fade in the blink of the eye. Tyan Masines says: So if anyone claims that little things don't matter.. that person would claim we do not matter as well. I personally like to matter, at least to some degree. Mara Belmore whispers: *Mara draws her lips togeather in a thoughtful expression, her eyes burning with heat even if her face remains calm. Her left foot, rests just below his 'coin purse' one toe juggling the coins lightly. Mara Belmore says: I think it depends on what level you view the world. To a ruler for example, the small things rarely matter, for their gaze is always on larger matters. But to those in the middle, there is a unique opertunity, both to enjoy the small things, and still Mara Belmore says: touch those larger matters, even if we don't control them fully. Tyan Masines says: Control is sooo overrated, at least how most people define it. Tyan Masines smiles lightly at her motions, and picks up the cake with his free hand again, moving it towards her lips. Tyan Masines says: One word.. at the wrong time, or the perfectly right time, and it slips. From you, or some someone else. And 'he who defends everything defends nothing'. I would say the same for control. Mara Belmore leans forward, parting her lips for the bite of cake, her left foot shifting slightly, pressing where it rests. Tyan Masines 's whole body twitches a bit, but he chuckles lightly. Mara Belmore says: Control is usually an illusion. We think we have something in hand, but then, as you said, it sometimes slips. Tyan Masines says: Luck. Tyan Masines says: Luck is much better, even more so because most people forget that 'luck' is the outcome of planning. Mara Belmore says: Is a fickle thing, but can make all the difference in the world. Tyan Masines says: And moving from control, to luck.. to planning. People tend to make plans and falter when their plans don't work out. Plans are.. 'stiff'. Tyan Masines strains the last word and raises both his brows lightly at the pun on himself. Tyan Masines says: Much better than a plan is a goal. A harbor you are sailing for, but the course is not too strict. It keeps you flexible.. Tyan Masines takes a bite of cake himself, finishing the piece, and liks his fingers. Mara Belmore whispers: *Mara smirks, her foot traveling up over his stiff plan, holding it against his own body for a moment. Mara Belmore says: I would have to agree. Though, proper planning can take into account a need for flexibility, but even still, with a plan you only have so many options accounted for. Tyan Masines whispers: *Closes his eyes for a moment, a content smirk on his face, chewing on the rest of the cake in his mouth. His plan is a bit like himself, not excessively lengthy for his height, but well shaped and broad, especially around the shoulders. Tyan Masines says: Yes. And that's why I tend to have goals, not plans. Tyan Masines swallows the rest of the cake. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Was finishing the cake off part of a plan, or a goal? Tyan Masines says: There's another piece on the plate. Tyan Masines winks. Tyan Masines says: And.. Mara Belmore chuckles slightly, leaving her foot where it rests, flexing her toes now and then. Tyan Masines says: I hope it was like this moment. Rather perfect in its execution, but entirely casual, not following any order.. Tyan Masines 's body twistches again at some point, interrupting his words for a moment. He tilts his head to one side with a grin, and continues. Tyan Masines says: .. or any particular script. A pleasant intermezzo, more likely. Tyan Masines smirks. "And maybe also a foretaste of what is to come." Mara Belmore says: Oh.. I think you found your new word. Intermezzo. Now you just have to slip it into conversation more often. Tyan Masines says: I will do my best. Mara Belmore says: I'll hold you to it. Tyan Masines says: You may. Mara Belmore grins Tyan Masines leans forward now, placing the free hand on her cheeck and will kiss her passionately if she allows it. Tyan Masines says: *cheek Mara Belmore draws her left hand from the water, placing it gently to his neck as she accepts the passionate kiss, her own lips nibbling lightly at his near the end. Tyan Masines whispers: Let's forget all the schemes and plots and toils and snares for a while and just be ourselves.. Mara Belmore nods in response smiling a small smile. Tyan Masines runs a hand through her hair, and brushes a few wet streaks of it away from her forehead in the end. He then strokes both her cheeks lightly and looks at her face as if measuring something. Tyan Masines whispers: No reading forward.. but being the author. Mara Belmore holds his gaze, jade eyes still smoldering slightly, she licks her lips and nods again, pressing her left cheek into his hand as she speaks. Mara Belmore whispers: It can be a challenge to be the author of your own story. Tyan Masines whispers: Will you back off from that challenge? Mara Belmore whispers: Oh no, I like challenges. Tyan Masines whispers: Good. Most people fail, because they are presented with choice - the freedom they have often fought for, and then have no idea what to do with it. Tyan Masines whispers: And they come to you.. what should I do, what should I do.. asking for direction. Tyan Masines moves his hand away from her face, and around her back gently along with his whole arm. He leans back slowly, taking her with him if she does not resist. Mara Belmore smirks and moves with him slipping forward in the water, sloushing a little out the side of the tub, she actually turns mid-movement, facing him with her back, sitting just within his arms. Mara Belmore whispers: I seem to recall the offer of a massage, I'm ready to collect. Tyan Masines exhales. Tyan Masines whispers: You torture me, my Lady. Tyan Masines smirks and kisses her back lightly. Mara Belmore chuckles wickedly Tyan Masines moves his hands to her shoulders nontheless, stroking them shortly, before he moves one hand down her spine slowly, and has the other follow through the air. Mara Belmore whispers: A thousand pardons noble ser. You may seek recompensation for this slight if you wish. Mara Belmore arches her back forward with the slow progress of his hand along her spine, a sigh slipping from her lips. Tyan Masines whispers: *She will no doubt feel his plan resting against one side of her basin. He begins to massage her back with roating movement with the balls of his hands. Tyan Masines whispers: I shall come back on that. Tyan Masines whispers: *Tyan Masines begins the massage just above her bottom, moving upwards with the rotation motions slowly. When he spots a harder uptight spot, he remains a little longer, also working on it with his fingers. He moves to her sides now and then, more - Tyan Masines whispers: - stroking than massaging, but spares the part where she has the bruise. Tyan Masines whispers: *He blows a kiss on her nack and on her shoulders now and then, while he works his way up. He remains at the upper end of her spine for a while, gently massaging it with his fingers, before he moves on to her shoulders, giving the 'standart' massage - Mara Belmore whispers: *Wiggles her hips slightly, his plan disturbed by this no doubt, leaning into the massage, shivering when his hands touch the three thin scars at her tailbone, but otherwise reacts with the occiastional sigh, or soft "mm" Tyan Masines whispers: - for a while. He is probably not as good as her at this point, but it should still be pleasant and it does not seem like he is doing this for the first, or second time. Mara Belmore whispers: *When he reaches her shoulders, her breath catches as the tension there is massaged away, she leans her head back against him if he's close enough. Tyan Masines whispers: *He goes on for this a while, before he moves his hands back to the end of her spine, and with two fingers of each hand massaging upwars from there, and in the end, he moves his fingers down the bones that start at the back of her head and become her - Tyan Masines whispers: - spine, a motion that may very well release the tension and pleasant stress her back experienced during the massage. Mara Belmore whispers: Oh.. yes that. Tyan Masines whispers: *Tyan Masines chuckles a bit as she leans her head back at his chest, and moves his arms around her belly once he is finished, and blows light kisses on her shoulder. Tyan Masines whispers: Did this massage live up to its expectations, my Lady? Tyan Masines whispers: *to the expectations Mara Belmore whispers: *shivers pleasantly, rolling her head against his chest, nodding at the question* Tyan Masines whispers: In that case, I would be happy to assist you in releasing tension in the future as well. It can also be very pleasant when lieing on a bed or a bank.. and I was once quite well known for the stress releaving foot massages I can provide. Tyan Masines whispers: *He whispers in her ear, and kisses the top of it while he does a few times, his hands moving over her belly while he does. Tyan Masines whispers: *+so. Mara Belmore whispers: You know, there was a time when I received massages every day. Probably some of the best days of my life. Probably never would have left except the fellow giving them was a eunuch. Tyan Masines chuckles. Tyan Masines whispers: You have lived a colorful life, Mara Belmore. Mara Belmore grins shaking her head Mara Belmore whispers: Merely survived parts of it. But always colorful yes. Tyan Masines whispers: I'm afraid in our situation it will not be possible to provide a massage every day.. Tyan Masines whispers: But the offer stands. I enjoy it as well. Mara Belmore whispers: I'll be sure to accept that offer from time to time. Tyan Masines whispers: *moves his hands up and down her sides, and runs his fingernails over her upper thighs gently, then up her sides again, as if he was measuring her body. Tyan Masines whispers: Although this was free of charge.. I do wonder what the Lady had in mind as recompensation..? Mara Belmore whispers: *tenses a little at the touch of his fingernails, easing back against him after a moment. Mara Belmore whispers: She could always return the favor. Tyan Masines whispers: My back is pretty relaxed, though. Tyan Masines whispers: Her skills would be wasted on it right now, I'm afraid. Mara Belmore whispers: Oh? You'll have to share your secret of remaining so relaxed in such tense situations. Tyan Masines whispers: I will one day. Mara Belmore whispers: Hm. What did you have in mind for recompensation noble ser? Mara Belmore whispers: ((brb)) Tyan Masines whispers: *Tyan Masines moves his hands down her belly and under the water, until they reach the spot his finger was when the bath began. He moves them around here in an idly fashion, and also strokes alonger her inner thighs now and then. Tyan Masines whispers: Although I run the danger of being awfully obvious.. you. Mara Belmore whispers: *Mara licks her lips, a smirk slowly curving her lips. She turns her head to whisper back to him. Mara Belmore whispers: I'm almost expecting you to ask "Think I'm addicted now?" Tyan Masines whispers: I already asked that at the gate. Tyan Masines grins a bit. Mara Belmore smirks back Mara Belmore whispers: Bit early wasn't it? Or was this a goal for today? Mara Belmore chuckles wickedly Tyan Masines whispers: No. Tyan Masines whispers: I wont hide it though.. as you will have realized my certain.. affection. I also enjoy you when we are not naked and in a tub, though. As you will have also noticed. Mara Belmore whispers: ((brb again)) Tyan Masines whispers: *He moves his hands to her shoulders, and runs them along her arms, to her hands, and back up again slowly. Mara Belmore whispers: I had noticed yes. I will admit the cynical part of me has consider that this all may be an eleberate ploy of some sort. To tempt my guard down. Can't see the end goal of that though. And you sound genuine. Tyan Masines whispers: I am. Tyan Masines whispers: And hearing that from me is.. rare. Nice play of words, by the way. That's how you do it at court. Normal people would say 'It's a trap!'. But you say 'It's and elaborate ruse!'. Tyan Masines whispers: *an Tyan Masines whispers: .. and I thought we had agreed upon forgetting the schemes for the time being.. Tyan Masines smirks lightly and bites one of her ears lightly in a playful manner. Mara Belmore whispers: Thank you. Yes you caught me, I should be punished for breaking the agreement first. It is difficult to stop when you think that way for such a long time. Mara Belmore chuckles Tyan Masines whispers: I know. Tyan Masines chuckles a bit. Tyan Masines whispers: I'm in a plaful mood now.. allow me to be rude? Tyan Masines whispers: *playful Mara Belmore whispers: Alright. Fair warning I might be rude back. Tyan Masines whispers: In here, bed, or orgy table? Mara Belmore smirks lightly, glancing up and back at him. Tyan Masines smiles a bit, eyebrows drawn together to some degree. Mara Belmore whispers: Thats three options, makes it very difficult to toss a coin to decide with three options. Tyan Masines whispers: What did I say about choice and freedom before..? Tyan Masines whispers: Don't falter at beholding the variety.. Mara Belmore whispers: I'm not asking for directions to guide my decisions. Mara Belmore chuckles Tyan Masines whispers: That's why I presented the choice. I want you to decide. Mara Belmore whispers: Hm. You know. I'm going to say the orgy table. Tyan Masines whispers: Hm you know, I was secretly hoping you would. Mara Belmore says: ((Normally I wouldn Mara Belmore whispers: ((Normally I wouldn't say this but I think I'm for a fade to black, I need to go, details later?)) Tyan Masines whispers: ((got an eta for return, we could pick it up right here)) Mara Belmore whispers: ((some time after GoT tomorrow or earlier over skype, won't be home most of the day)) Tyan Masines whispers: ((alright let's just talk it through on skype then, so you can get going now ^^)) Mara Belmore whispers: ((kk, later ;) )) Tyan Masines whispers: ((see ya))