Client started - 21.05.2013 23:17 Tyan Masines chuckles. Tyan Masines laughs a bit, and shakes his head while reading. Mara Belmore opens the door and glances around the room a moment before putting her attention on the bed and Tyan's chuckling. Tyan Masines is lieing on his back in the bed and holds a book with two hand above his head, reading. Two other books rest next to the bed, as well as a flagon of wine, two cups, one half empty, one empty. Tyan Masines also has a plate with cheese and sausage bits on the bed next to him, and his Malachín Dagger on the plate. Apart from that, the room looks tidy. He seems to have washed his clothes, as they are a bit crumpled. Tyan Masines says: ((I don't see Mara, I'll relog)) Tyan Masines turns his head to her a bit. "Hey Mara." Mara Belmore leans slightly against the door frame, crossing her arms under her bust, jade eyes trying to catch the book titles. They linger a moment on the cheese and sausage and wine, and then with a blink focus on him. Mara Belmore says: You look comfortable. Tyan Masines says: Look what I found, a motivational Galmairian book for miners. "The dwarven smith was exhausted from his work at the forge and in the mine, battling off bandits in between, but for the pride of Galmair and his craft, he kept working through three nights... Tyan Masines says: ... without sleep" Tyan Masines chuckles. Mara Belmore says: Given the proper motivation dwarves can be quite dedicated to the tasks laid before them. Tyan Masines puts the book down next to him and looks to her. The other two books are titles 'Mixed Unit Tactics' and 'The Dragonlair'. "Why yes, you have a very nice room. These silken sheats.. almost as nice as the silk I once had two dressed made from." Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Tyan Masines reaches down for the cup. "It looks like it." Tyan Masines says: Oh I was feeling more like wine, I hope you don't mind. Tyan Masines also has his boots next to the bed, of course. Mara Belmore smiles slightly, giving her room another once over, something close to pride brightening her eyes. Tyan Masines sits up a bit against the wall and takes a sip from the goblet. Mara Belmore says: Yes, I'm rather fond of it. It's amazing how far a few luxuries can take a place. I don't mind the wine so long as it doesn't get on my sheets. Tyan Masines says: When Esme first saw my room, she asked whether I'd like spices or something else. Now I know what she meant. Tyan Masines says: Ohh, don't worry. Tyan Masines says: Your sheets remain unstained. Tyan Masines looks to the open door. "Are we awaiting more guests?" Tyan Masines empties the goblet, then bends down for the flagon with a slight sigh and refills it. Mara Belmore says: Hm. Tyan Masines says: I had the 'strangest' dream, you wont believe it. Tyan Masines says: Would you like some wine as well? Tyan Masines says: It's pretty light and not too good, I'm afraid. Mara Belmore glances at the door and shuts it with a nonchalant poke of her foot. Mara Belmore says: I still can't drink anything for another two days, medical orders. But thank you for the offer. Tyan Masines picks up the dagger in the meantime, pierces through a piece of cheese and then bites it off the tip of the dagger. Tyan Masines says: Such a pity but.. more for me. Tyan Masines says: I hope I'm not pushing your hospitality. Gods know, people are quite upset when that happens. Tyan Masines says: Generally. Mara Belmore says: I invited you in and left you without supervision, in my book I count myself lucky my room is still intact after such actions. Speaking from previous experience. Tyan Masines says: Great balcony, by the way. I took a hot bath, then walked out naked and weltered in the snow. Tyan Masines says: Really? Tyan Masines takes another sip from the goblet. Mara Belmore says: I like the view. Though you have to be careful, quite a fall if you slip through the hedge. Tyan Masines says: Tell me about such an occasion. Did a suitor got so overwhelmed he turned the whole place upside down? Tyan Masines smirks at her. "Oh, I'm not afraid of a fall now and then." Mara Belmore says: No it was Eve and Bronn actually. Though come to think of it I did not invite either of them.. Hm. Tyan Masines says: Well I.. am a good guest! Mara Belmore says: And I'm glad for that. Tyan Masines lifts the goblet as for a toast. "I even paid for this." Tyan Masines says: Well, I don't really have to go back until the next Audience, so.. Tyan Masines says: I thought I'd just linger and enjoy the great literature the guy down there has in his shelve. Mara Belmore says: Take your time, it's a comfortable bed as you can tell. Though some of his literature could be better written. Tyan Masines says: And take my time to 'contemplate' on the horrible crimes of Tyan Masines, varying from trying to make someone fall in love with him to protecting his own health from attackers. Oh and this .. vow.. thing. Really, all the murder, rape and unholy hordes... Tyan Masines says: ... dwelling beneath these lands are 'nothing' compared to this vile villain currently enjoying your silken sheets. Tyan Masines says: And yes. Tyan Masines sips from the wine again. "The books are crap. Entertaining, though." Mara Belmore smirks with amusement at his comment about his contemplation. Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Mara Belmore says: You said you had a strange dream? Tyan Masines says: Hmm yes. Tyan Masines says: I dreamt I had a 'really' good time with a beautiful woman. Tyan Masines says: But then, I got punished for.. I don't know really, actually. Client started - 21.05.2013 23:43 Tyan Masines says: I dreamt I had a 'really' good time with a beautiful woman I like. Tyan Masines says: But then, I suddenly got punished for.. I don't know for what really.. Tyan Masines says: In a horribly embarrassing way. I even pissed meself in the streets. But I'm sure I deserved every single bit of it. Mara Belmore says: Hm. That is strange. Are you sure she wasn't clear about why everything was happening the way it did? No hints what so ever? Tyan Masines says: Nope. Just illusiveness. Tyan Masines pats on the edge of the bed with a hand. Mara Belmore raises a puzzled eyebrow, her lips twitching into a small smirk Mara Belmore says: That /is/ strange. Tyan Masines says: I have three questions, three things to comment on, and one proposal. Tyan Masines bend down again to grab the flagon and refill his goblet. Tyan Masines says: Come, sit, don't be a stranger. Gods know, we've been much closer than this. Mara Belmore crosses from the door to the bed and sits, just a hands width out of his reach, smoothing her skirt down behind her as she settles down. Tyan Masines says: You can probably answer the question with yes or no.. Tyan Masines shrugs a bit, and grabs his dagger again, piercing through a piece of sausage this time. Tyan Masines offers it to her with both his eyebrows slightly raised. Mara Belmore leans forward and takes the bit of offered sausage from the dagger tip between her lips, leaning back as she begins to chew. Tyan Masines smiles lightly and puts the dagger back down. Tyan Masines says: When you said I'm selling myself under worth, did you mean it? Mara Belmore says: I don't lie Tyan. Yes I meant it. Tyan Masines says: Well you see that's hard for me too believe right now. Coming to the next question, you also talked about an 'elaborate ploy', which is funny because you were pulling one on me right that moment.. Tyan Masines says: To tempt my.. guard down. Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Tyan Masines says: You said I sounded genuine then. Do you really believe that? Tyan Masines says: Genuine about.. that I did not only invite you to fuck you. Should you have forgotten the topic. Tyan Masines sips from the wine, eyeing her. Mara Belmore says: You did sound genuine. Though I couldn't guess at the time to your motivation othwreise as you may well recall. Tyan Masines shrugs. Mara Belmore says: *otherwise Tyan Masines says: I'll drop the last question. It's stupid. Let's talk about titles. Mara Belmore says: If you like. Tyan Masines says: I know history wise you despise nobles, I can understand that. Mara Belmore says: Can you? Mara Belmore smiles slightly Tyan Masines says: I can try. Tyan Masines says: You reduce dme quite a bit to my title, which made me wonder. Twice, actually. Mara Belmore says: Better statement that. Tyan Masines says: First, the title I hold is only honorary. I hold no lands. Tyan Masines says: Second, I recall a conversation we had quite a while ago. Tyan Masines says: It was.. after the scene with Eve crawling through the sand. I had waited at the depot for hours, devastated as I was, for someone to come out of the Inn, and you eventually did. Tyan Masines says: And we talked. I got you with a little play of words, and then we moved on to titles. I explained that they were only tools, and the same in any town, just with other names on them. Tyan Masines drinks from the goblet once again. "And you agreed." Tyan Masines says: So I guess.. people can change their minds. And places change people, and not even Mara Belmore is immune to that. Mara Belmore says: To change? No one is immune to change. What we survive will always leave a lasting effect on us. Tyan Masines says: I suppose. Tyan Masines says: Moving on, I consider you broke two contraccts with me, to a part. Tyan Masines says: First, the 'Oasis Contract'. It was about trust, and trust you got, and all you did with it was so deviously using it against me. Tyan Masines says: And of course the 'no schemes and plots' contract, which you broke.. twice that night. Tyan Masines winks. "Oh and you guys have to learn something: To ask nicely. I would have come to Galmair to stand trial if Bronn had asked nicely without weapon in hand, and I would have probably written the bloody letter if you had asked me nicely." Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Mara Belmore says: I had nothing to do with Bronn's coming to fetch you, he did that on his own. I just wanted it resolved. And it was taking you all too long. I'm tried these petty conflicts, so if I had to bend a few contracts or break one entirely so be it. I'll have Mara Belmore says: slates clean and even again. Tyan Masines says: Very well. I will try to believe that. Tyan Masines says: Now, moral standarts. You judged me quite a bit, but said before you wouldn't do that if you weren't any better. Tyan Masines says: The magical number 'three'. Tyan Masines says: Let me count.. if I was living here, I'd have to share you with your Captain, and you also seem to still be in contact with 'Baron' *he strains that word* Lafadiel. Whereas my 'numer one' as you call it was around even before you set foot on these parts.. Tyan Masines says: .. of the land. So I'd say we're more than eve. Tyan Masines says: *even Tyan Masines smirks and sips from the wine once more. "But I will be content if you say you simply enjoyed what you did. I really had in mind to give you a great night, and I'm glad if I can provide." Mara Belmore says: I've never slept with a married man Tyan not of my own free will, been raped by one but that's hardly the same. Bronn met me the same day you did and showed more interst than a second glance. Lafadiel hm. You have me there, I admit there's nothing to Mara Belmore says: redeem me on that point save that my motivation was utter curiousity over his elven heritage, and I think you've been further in physical intimace with Eve than I with Lafadiel. Tyan Masines says: Sorry I didn't drop Eve right away and fell in love with you instead. Tyan Masines rolls his eyes. Mara Belmore says: And as a matter of fact. Yes. I did enjoy the night quite a bit. Tyan Masines says: Good. Tyan Masines says: At least someone did. Tyan Masines says: Now, let us play a little mind game. Mara Belmore says: It's not a matter of dropping her right away. Its the fact that you're still fallen for her while trying to play these courting games with me. Tyan Masines says: I'm not trying. Mara Belmore says: And having a bit of fun on the side with a married woman. Tyan Masines says: I am 'playing' courting games with you. Tyan Masines says: Yes. Tyan Masines says: And I paid for that, and will yet pay. Mara Belmore says: So that's two for you and two for me if my count is correct. So yes we are even. Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Mara Belmore says: Though true feelings of love /might/ count as more than one... Tyan Masines says: Might also count out two. Tyan Masines sips his wine. Mara Belmore smirks slightly, turning to sit cross-legged on the bed, facing him fully. Tyan Masines shrugs with a light smile. "I'm a poor romantic who's lost his way, Mara." Tyan Masines says: What can I say. Mara Belmore says: I'm sure you'll think of something. You have quite the silver tongue after all. Tyan Masines says: Think of something to do.. what? Mara Belmore says: To say. Tyan Masines slightl raises a brow and stuffs another piece of cheese in his mouth. Tyan Masines says: Ah. Tyan Masines says: You don't believe in love, anyways. Mara Belmore says: I believe very much in it. I just don't fall into it anymore. Tyan Masines says: But that's so sad. Tyan Masines says: This Jasna girl asked me.. Tyan Masines says: In our tavern.. Mara Belmore says: The gypsy? Tyan Masines says: When Eve and I had been in a horrible fight again, and it really looked like the end.. which it kinda was.. Mara Belmore makes a quoting gesture at the word gypsy Tyan Masines nods. "Yes, the gypsy I did not fuck." Tyan Masines says: She asked me.. whether I regret it. Mara Belmore says: Falling in love? Tyan Masines says: Falling for Eve has made me quite miserable, more than anything else, in the end. Tyan Masines nods. Tyan Masines says: And I said.. no, because if I regret it, I would not allow it to happen to me again. Tyan Masines says: And I'm not through with that just yet. Tyan Masines chuckles a bit. "So you see. I'm a hopeless romantic." Mara Belmore says: Everyone I've ever loved has died terrible horrible painful deaths because of me. Tyan Masines blinks shortly. "Oh.." Mara Belmore appears startled that she's said this. Tyan Masines says: So.. hoping for you to fall for me would be quite the risk, I take it. Tyan Masines narrows his eyes to a degree, probably trying to figure out whether her reaction to her down words is genuine or not. Tyan Masines says: *down=own Mara Belmore stares down at the comforter, she seems distracted now, brows drawn in a slight frown. She shakes her head with a sigh. If her reaction was not genuine then she must be a truely amazing actor, the words really do seem to have surprised her. Tyan Masines hesitates a moment, but then exhales slightly and puts a hand gently to her shoulder. Tyan Masines whispers: I have no idea what happened, so commenting on that would be stupid. But I'm sorry.Client started - 22.05.2013 00:27 Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Mara Belmore sighs again and shrugs her shoulders Mara Belmore whispers: Nothing for it. Past is past. Tyan Masines whispers: Oh but it has an impact on you.. Tyan Masines whispers: You don't want to give it another try. Mara Belmore whispers: Yes Tyan, as we've established everything we survive leaves its mark on us. Their own unique scars on your soul. Tyan Masines whispers: Demons, haunting us, yes. Tyan Masines whispers: What if I promised I wont die? Mara Belmore begins to chuckle Tyan Masines smirks. Tyan Masines whispers: Not too soon anyways.. Mara Belmore looks up at him oddly for a moment, her expression difficult to read for its confusion. Mara Belmore whispers: Have you ever, seen a man hung on a gallows? Tyan Masines whispers: I have seen children hang on gallows.. Mara Belmore whispers: Did you know them personally? Care for any of them? Tyan Masines whispers: Some of them were my friends back then. Tyan Masines whispers: They had them rot for three weeks. Tyan Masines shakes his head and takes another sip from the wine, then he refills the goblet. Mara Belmore whispers: Sounds about right yes. Now imagine one of those children is the first woman you ever loved. That true, deep, niave love almost everyone has the first time. Tyan Masines whispers: Not almost. Tyan Masines whispers: Must be a hell of a scar.. Mara Belmore whispers: Imagine that, then ask yourself if you would still want to fall in love after living through it. Tyan Masines whispers: I'd burst inside myself.. Tyan Masines whispers: Still not beleving it's happenening, even after it happened. And no one stops it, why does no one stop it. Tyan Masines whispers: How can something being so.. wrong.. be so real. Tyan Masines shakes his head. "Can't imagine it." Mara Belmore whispers: Your starting to get the idea I think. Add a healthy dose of it being entirely your fault they are up there. If they had never loved you, they would still live, laught, drink, bed women, gamble. Tyan Masines whispers: But they'd have never loved you. Tyan Masines whispers: Hm. Tyan Masines whispers: I thought aboutt that too. Where would I be if I had never met Eve Aurele and Mara Belmore. Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Tyan Masines whispers: But its not your fault who falls in love with you. Mara Belmore looks away, and then turns away slightly so she's not facing him anymore. Tyan Masines whispers: You can't contol that. A seafarer on my 'adventure' with the pirates copared it to seasickness. When you have it, you have it. Mara Belmore says: Sure it is. I can always walk away. Hard to love someone who doesn't give you the time of day. Tyan Masines says: True. Tyan Masines says: And yet. Tyan Masines says: You've kept coming. Tyan Masines says: For a reason, I think. Mara Belmore raises her hand to her face, wiping at it quickly, she stands abruptly and moves towards the door. Tyan Masines says: Wait.. Tyan Masines swings himself off the bed. Mara Belmore says: No. Mara Belmore reaches for the door pulling it open Tyan Masines moves a hand gently to her opposite shoulder. Tyan Masines says: Just come here for a second.. Mara Belmore says: No Tyan. Not right now alright. Tyan Masines removes his hand. Tyan Masines says: Alright. Mara Belmore says: Thank you. Stay if you want. I won't be back for a few days. Tyan Masines says: Where are you going? Mara Belmore says: I don't know yet. Tyan Masines says: I wont follow, don't worry.. Mara Belmore says: That's wise. Tyan Masines says: I see. Tyan Masines says: Well.. don't get lost. Tyan Masines says: I'd be nice to see you again. Mara Belmore glances at him with the beginnings of a smirk, but the expression is missing most of its sharp edge. On an impulse she leans towards him attempting to kiss him in a brief brush of lips. The kiss over or not accepted in either case she turns and Mara Belmore moves through the door. Tyan Masines accepts it of course, though taken by surprise. Tyan Masines exhales and lets himself fall back on the bed. Bre Southstar says: Well you know those stories about right and wrong. Gavin is the one of the ones who believes that. Mara Belmore taps her fingers on the stones of the wall. Bre Southstar says: Roar, I will crush anyone with my morning star.