Client started - 22.05.2013 00:27 Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Mara Belmore sighs again and shrugs her shoulders Mara Belmore whispers: Nothing for it. Past is past. Tyan Masines whispers: Oh but it has an impact on you.. Tyan Masines whispers: You don't want to give it another try. Mara Belmore whispers: Yes Tyan, as we've established everything we survive leaves its mark on us. Their own unique scars on your soul. Tyan Masines whispers: Demons, haunting us, yes. Tyan Masines whispers: What if I promised I wont die? Mara Belmore begins to chuckle Tyan Masines smirks. Tyan Masines whispers: Not too soon anyways.. Mara Belmore looks up at him oddly for a moment, her expression difficult to read for its confusion. Mara Belmore whispers: Have you ever, seen a man hung on a gallows? Tyan Masines whispers: I have seen children hang on gallows.. Mara Belmore whispers: Did you know them personally? Care for any of them? Tyan Masines whispers: Some of them were my friends back then. Tyan Masines whispers: They had them rot for three weeks. Tyan Masines shakes his head and takes another sip from the wine, then he refills the goblet. Mara Belmore whispers: Sounds about right yes. Now imagine one of those children is the first woman you ever loved. That true, deep, niave love almost everyone has the first time. Tyan Masines whispers: Not almost. Tyan Masines whispers: Must be a hell of a scar.. Mara Belmore whispers: Imagine that, then ask yourself if you would still want to fall in love after living through it. Tyan Masines whispers: I'd burst inside myself.. Tyan Masines whispers: Still not beleving it's happenening, even after it happened. And no one stops it, why does no one stop it. Tyan Masines whispers: How can something being so.. wrong.. be so real. Tyan Masines shakes his head. "Can't imagine it." Mara Belmore whispers: Your starting to get the idea I think. Add a healthy dose of it being entirely your fault they are up there. If they had never loved you, they would still live, laught, drink, bed women, gamble. Tyan Masines whispers: But they'd have never loved you. Tyan Masines whispers: Hm. Tyan Masines whispers: I thought aboutt that too. Where would I be if I had never met Eve Aurele and Mara Belmore. Pipillo says: I can take you to interesting places. Tyan Masines whispers: But its not your fault who falls in love with you. Mara Belmore looks away, and then turns away slightly so she's not facing him anymore. Tyan Masines whispers: You can't contol that. A seafarer on my 'adventure' with the pirates copared it to seasickness. When you have it, you have it. Mara Belmore says: Sure it is. I can always walk away. Hard to love someone who doesn't give you the time of day. Tyan Masines says: True. Tyan Masines says: And yet. Tyan Masines says: You've kept coming. Tyan Masines says: For a reason, I think. Mara Belmore raises her hand to her face, wiping at it quickly, she stands abruptly and moves towards the door. Tyan Masines says: Wait.. Tyan Masines swings himself off the bed. Mara Belmore says: No. Mara Belmore reaches for the door pulling it open Tyan Masines moves a hand gently to her opposite shoulder. Tyan Masines says: Just come here for a second.. Mara Belmore says: No Tyan. Not right now alright. Tyan Masines removes his hand. Tyan Masines says: Alright. Mara Belmore says: Thank you. Stay if you want. I won't be back for a few days. Tyan Masines says: Where are you going? Mara Belmore says: I don't know yet. Tyan Masines says: I wont follow, don't worry.. Mara Belmore says: That's wise. Tyan Masines says: I see. Tyan Masines says: Well.. don't get lost. Tyan Masines says: I'd be nice to see you again. Mara Belmore glances at him with the beginnings of a smirk, but the expression is missing most of its sharp edge. On an impulse she leans towards him attempting to kiss him in a brief brush of lips. The kiss over or not accepted in either case she turns and Mara Belmore moves through the door. Tyan Masines accepts it of course, though taken by surprise. Tyan Masines exhales and lets himself fall back on the bed. Bre Southstar says: Well you know those stories about right and wrong. Gavin is the one of the ones who believes that. Mara Belmore taps her fingers on the stones of the wall. Bre Southstar says: Roar, I will crush anyone with my morning star.