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(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:09
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:09
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:09
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.


After a few hours of sleep and a day spent getting some things from the condo to the Hollow, paying bills, and doing laundry, Kurtis returns to meet Tristin back in the garden, where they agreed. The night was dark but full of stars. For once not roaring with its v8 engine, Supra quietly blinked its headlights twice, and the young Asian appeared from the shadow of the high hedge, his swift body movement flowing through so smoothly as if he was always there and part of his shadow was part of the hedge.

(1) Kurtis: *quietly* "Pssst. Ready to go?"
(3) Tristin: "Um, sure, but are you sure we need to sneak out? I mean, isn't this a bit weird?"
(1) Kurtis
: "You gotta be in the city when the city is at its best - night time. If we can really work your talents right, by the morning we can bring our crew a nice monetary surprise.
(3) Tristin
: I mean, we don't have to sneak away. I'm sure no one cares that we are leaving."
(1) Kurtis: "Well sure, let's go. I just don't wanna wake anyone up, or they'll start again with the whole 'don't get yourself killed' stuff."
** (3) Tristin tries the passenger side door **
** (1) Kurtis drives to Aurora Casino, offers Tristin a cigarette **
** (3) Tristin takes the cig **
(1) Kurtis: "This Robin girl, she told me what she does. She over 21? Maybe we can score her some resources for her valuable work."
(1) Kurtis: "kekekek"
(3) Tristin: "I think she's only 18, I could be wrong"
(1) Kurtis: "Mm. She looks it yeah. I wonder what makes people like that... to end up growing up like me.. any way, you from California?"
(3) Tristin: "Yeah, lived in Riverside my whole life."
(1) Kurtis: "What about your parents? You kinda look..." - draws a face in the air
(1) Kurtis: "I wanna say Korean?"
(3) Tristin: "Chineese, my Dad is, mom's White and Hispanic.
** (3) Tristin takes a deep drag of the cigarette. What about you? Where are you from? **
(1) Kurtis: "Mmm, cool. I'm all white, I think. Never knew my folks."
** (3) Tristin nods **
(1) Kurtis: "Always knew I'm too smart to work in shops and not patient enough for school. Tried it in college, history. Didn't go well."
(3) Tristin: Ahh, raised in a um... group home?
(1) Kurtis: "Orphanage, yeah. They were kinda assholes, so I went away as soon as I could. Started exercising at your age. Know the store receipt trick?"
(3) Tristin: "Yeah."
(1) Kurtis: "When you watch someone toss it, pick it up, go get it off shelf, turn it in, heh. Classic."
(3) Tristin: " 'I think this one's defective' "
(1) Kurtis: "Realized it early, this stuff's not enough for me. Went for high profile jobs. Ten times the challenge, ten times the payoff. To get truely better you have to go either more legit or more illegal. Both usually mean more covert."
** (3) Tristin nods **
(1) Kurtis: "So how you end up being a thief?"
(1) Kurtis: "Sure handle locks like a pro."
(3) Tristin: "Dad died when I was young. I mean, welfare pays rent and food usually, but there was never any money for anything extra, you know?"
(1) Kurtis: "For sure."
(3) Tristin: "Can't take out that chick from science class on food stamps"
(3) Tristin: "I began hating all the kids with money and their businessmen parents."
(3) Tristin: "Started getting their wallets on the street, and breaking into their houses."
(1) Kurtis: "Heh, you know I had this theory... burglary, i mean, the real art, not some petty crap, is actually a hard labor and should be respected as such, I mean legitimately, it's a valuable service to society."
(3) Tristin: "Well, I mean there are some animals that survive solely on theft, you know?"
(1) Kurtis: "Very true."
(3) Tristin: "Times get hard, the coyote will take the sleeping bears kill rather than looking for one of his own anyway."
(3) Tristin: "He gets caught, he better run, just like in the city."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, cool to talk to someone... you know you don't share that theory with a lot of people, but you might understand. We show them what's not hidden well, open them to reality of the world. Nobody cares for your shirt, nobody cares for your car. if you don't protect it, consider yourself floating on the tide of lucky fate. We're in the world of darkness, people, wake up! Nobody cares! Police? They don't care."
(3) Tristin: "They care about their paycheck, that's about it."
(1) Kurtis: "You know what bothers me though?"
(3) Tristin: "huh?"
(1) Kurtis: "These guys I just met. They seem to be different. I mean, I didn't like any human being like I do them."
(1) Kurtis: "They have some kinda... animalistic honor, integrity, sorta."
(1) Kurtis: "Tony and Kass especially. They look like they care."
(5) Tristin): "What about Roger?"
(5) (Tristin) smirks a bit. **
(1) Kurtis: "Well, honestly, i mean, okay, no bs, but I think the guy's nuts, though I hope he gets better."
(5) Tristin: "Yeah. He got all moody and let those guys that he captured go, what's up with that?"
(1) Kurtis: "If he hurts anyone though, I dunno, he better stay away from me. Though I doubt she'll let us do anything to him. She's too kind for her own good."
(5) Tristin
: "Kassy?"
(1) Kurtis: "Mhm"
(5) Tristin: "Think she only pretends to be tough?"
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, she's tough enough, it's just whenever someone is tough, they're probably shielding something tender."
(5) Tristin: "How old are you anyway?"
(1) Kurtis: "Twenty five."
** (5) Tristin nods **
** (1) Kurtis pulls into an alley a few blocks from the Big Casino Fortuna on Aurora street and Laguna avenue, a show of lights and music, the heart of night life, one of the epicenters of New Haven's dark pulse **
(1) Kurtis: "Kay, dude, so how do you work this power of yours?"
** (1) Kurtis looks around and kills the engine **
** (5) Tristin steps out of the car. **
(5) Tristin: "I'm not entirely sure. I can see time flux, it's ebb and flow."
(5) Tristin: "The other half I have, is a bit more of a mystery to me."
(1) Kurtis: "The Fate half."
(5) Tristin: Yeah. Though I think I'm getting better.
(1) Kurtis: "Well, we have more then one approach to this... say, with Fate."
(1) Kurtis: "I got 100 bucks. Our only betting money, don't have more. Question is how to use it. If we play cards... okay, can you predict exactly what card out of 36 it will be in the deck? And I mean, 100% certainty?"
** (1) Kurtis takes out a deck of cards from the glove box **
(5) Tristin: "I don't like plans, I say we just go in and wing it. I'm sure I can do something."
(1) Kurtis: "Just bless me with a fate spell, eh?"
(5) Tristin: "Could try that."
** (1) Kurtis looks at the Casino doors **
(1) Kurtis: "Wait, you're not of age, you can't be at the tables...."
(5) Tristin: I've got that covered.
** (1) Kurtis looks at Tristin **
** (5) Tristin hands him a California ID card saying he's 21, the card looks just as it should **
** (1) Kurtis laughs and starts walking to the doors **
(1) Kurtis: "good man."
** (5) Tristin follows him to the doors. **
** (1) Kurtis looks around giant halls, waitresses serving drinks, rough crowds, insanity of cigarette smoke, pimps, hookers, brokers, dealers, any street stereotype you can imagine is here, slot machines, black jack, poker, roulette... Kurtis looks around, sizing things up. **
(5) Tristin: How about Poker first? Just five card draw.
(1) Kurtis: "Alright. 20 bucks." - gives Tristin 20 bucks. "Try it. Blessing yourself is probably easier."
** (5) Tristin walks up to the Poker table, waiting for the round to finish, and for the dealer to agknowlege him. **
** (1) Kurtis follows Tristin. The Dealer finishes the round and faces Tristin: "ID check please" **
** (5) Tristin hands him the ID, bluffing his age in his face as well. **
(5) Tristin: (Subterfuge 2 + Wits 3)
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,[10, 4],6,7] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis smiles quietly as the dealer looks at the ID for a few moments, squinting, taking it to a nice little scanner machine **
** (5) Tristin hopes his friend made him a good enough card. **
** (1) Kurtis hopes so too **
(5) Tristin: ((Shift the odds Wits 3 PLus fate 3))
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,2,2,6,1] = (0)

(1) Dealer: "ghmmm... something not right here..."
** (1) Kurtis sees the forces inside the machine and tries to shut it down, stripping the circuits frm electricity **
(1) Kurtis: Manipulate Electricity: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,2,1,3,7,[10, 3]] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: *murmurs* "that machine is out of power, that's what's not right..."
 zzzzzzzhhh... machine shuts down
(1) Dealer: "Oops, sorry about that, sir."
(5) Tristin: "Dude, my ID! It better still be okay."
(5) Tristin: "Where is your manager?"
** (1) Dealer comes back with a little flashlight and flashes on it to see if water marks show up **
(1) Dealer: "I'm very sorry, some kind of glitch, we'll have it handled in a moment, okay?"
** (1) Kurtis tries to make sure the light show what the Dealer wants to see - a nice watermark reflection.**
(1) Kurtis: Light Mastery: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,7,7,8,7,6] = (2)
(1) Dealer: "Thank you, Mister Lang. Enjoy the game. Any bets for this round?"
** (1) Dealer gives Tristin his ID back **
** (5) Tristin takes his ID. **
(5) Tristin: "What's the minimum bet?"
(1) Dealer: "10 dollars, sir."
** (5) Tristin hands the woman a 20 **
(5) Tristin: "Two 10 chips then."
(5) Tristin:
(1) Kurtis: There are 3 other players at the table, a scary big Mexican, a black guy with a suitcase, and an old lady with gray hair
** (1) Dealer gives Tristin the chips **
** (5) Tristin Drops one of the chips on the center of the table. **
(5) Tristin: "Alright, deal me in."
** (5) Tristin focuses on the deck, shifting favor of the cards to his hand. **
** (1) Dealer begins the game ((to make this easy wits + subterfuge to play/bluff the game. Cast shift the odds before it to get extra dice. 2 successes - beat 1 guy, 3 - 2 guys, 3 - 4 guys)) **
(5) Tristin: ((shift the odds Wits + ooct + Fate))
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,2,6,6,9] = (2)
(5) Tristin: (Wits + sub + 1)
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,3,8,1,[10, 7]] = (2)
** (1) Dealer finishes the round, the old lady bails out, the Mexican, the Black rich guy and Tristin stay in the game **
** (5) Tristin throws his other chip in, "I'm all in at 20" **
The others meet the bet
** (1) Dealer begins next round **
(5) Tristin: Assuming my hand is good, I don't throw back any cards.
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 8],1,8,5,3] = (3)
(1) Dealer: The black guy loses his money, and the Mexican guy gets very angsty, looking at Tristin suspiciously
(1) Dealer: ((roll wits + sub + 1))
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,[10, 5],1,3,5] = (2)
** (1) Dealer ends the last round, takes the Mexican's chips and hands Tristin 80 dollars. **
(5) Tristin: Also, if anyone magic is watching me. My aura is masked by one of my merits.
** (1) Kurtis watches carefully, the Mexican rages **
(5) Tristin: "Oh, woa..."
(1) Dealer: "Congratulations, sir"
** (5) Tristin takes the money with a surprised look on his face. **
(5) Tristin: "Thanks."
(1) Mexican: "Hey, amigo I dunno watcha pulled there, esse! I know ya cheated, I jus' dunno how!"
(5) Tristin: "Sorry man, not me."
(1) Mexican: "Tis fuckt up, I had a best hand ya can have, you know what I mean, friend?"
(5) Tristin: "If you mean you're cheating, then I think you should go to a different table."
** (1) Kurtis steps up as the Mexican, being slightly drunk, approaches Tristin very angrily, Kurtis blocks his way. **
(1) Kurtis: "Hey, how about take a chill pill, fatso? Looked to me like you lost fair and square. Kay?"
** (1) Mexican grinds his teeth, for some reason just walking off . Kurtis and Tristin walk off to the side, near the bar.**
(1) Kurtis: "Dude, it worked!"
(5) Tristin: "What worked?"
(1) Kurtis: "Your shit."
(1) Kurtis: "Man, I have an idea. See that roulette?"
** (5) Tristin nods **
(1) Kurtis: "1 to 36. You quadrupled your money in cards.... imagine if we do it times 36"
** (1) Kurtis leads Tristin away from crowd and lowers his voice **
(5) Tristin: "I can't stop the flow, yet, I don't think."
(1) Kurtis: "You don't need do."
(1) Kurtis: "No need to stop the flow. Come here."
** (1) Kurtis looks around leading Tristin to the nearest non occupied restroom **
** (5) Tristin follows him into it **
(1) Kurtis: "Your Time power side is what we will use, it works guaranteed. Can you accelerate yourself like you did yesterday in that fight?"
(5) Tristin: "Yeah."
(5) Tristin: "I've mastered that one, I think."
(1) Kurtis: "Try it."
(1) Kurtis: "But stand still."
** (5) Tristin focuses on the time flow, setting himself faster than everything else. **
(5) Tristin: ((Acceleration Stam 2+ athe 2+ Time 3))
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,7,[10, 8],1,4,2] = (3)
(5) Tristin's speed becomes just as it was in Eliza's apartment.
(1) Kurtis: "Move an arm, as fast as you can."
** (5) Tristin Tristin's hand rockets to where he saw Kurt's wallet and grabs it **
(5) Tristin: ((dex 3 plus larceny 3 plus pickpocket spec 1))
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,3,8,7,4,3] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: ((dex + wits to dodge - 3 for speed))
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,3,6] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: "Woah. Now, this will be funky. I can make myself invisible. I'm going to try and make you invisible."
** (5) Tristin nods **
(1) Kurtis: "I make a bet on a number, 1 to 36. You try to get behind the dealer, steal the ball, place it on a number, you think you can do that?"
(5) Tristin: "Yeah I can do that."
(1) Kurtis: "Okay, let's try..."
** (1) Kurtis tries to turn Tristin invisible **
** (1) Kurtis takes the lines of light around him and wraps them around and through Tristin **
(1) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1
(1) Kurtis
: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,5,6,7,6,5] = (0)
** (1) Kurtis does not turn Tristin invisible **
The lines around Tristin fall apart, they don't tie around him in the same way they tie around oneself. Kurtis tries to see connection points of light lines with Tristin's body, where the light reflects, where it doesn't. He tries to make the rays go around Tristin and connect on the other side.
(5) Tristin: "Hurry up... man."
(1) Kurtis: 1 minute later, Kurtis and Tristin lock in the bathroom booth as someone walks in
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,6,5,6,7,5] = (0)
(5) Tristin: I hope noone wants to poo in here...
Unable to focus, Kurtis gets angry and tries the force approach, putting his will to it, staring at the lines, chanting "bend... bend... bend...", staring into the light, not doing much. "Damn, this requires a brand new level of focus. We talking nirvana..."
** (1) Kurtis takes some cocaine powder out of his pocket, pours some on his wrist, sniffs, and his eyes shoot red **
(1) Kurtis: "sniiiffffff"
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,8,9,4,8,6] = (4)
(5) Tristin: ((LMAO!!!))
** (1) Kurtis makes Tristin invisible, the lines fall in around him and line up on the other end **
(1) Kurtis: "I bent it! Focus for the win. Now let's go win this money."
** (1) Kurtis comes out of the bathroom booth with a grin, as the peeing man looks back at him ... "whatever, man. Freak." **
** (5) Tristin follows Kurtis quietly, though with all the noise it's no difficult task. **
** (1) Kurtis takes the 20 from Tristin, leaving him his hard earned 60, and adds the 20 to 80, giving the dealer at roulette table 100 dollars and an ID **
** (1) Kurtis puts a stack of 50 dollars on 28 black **
(1) Dealer: "Thank you, mister Withrow"
** (5) Tristin notices the number and stands behind the table, within arm reach of it. **
** (1) Dealer rolls the ball ((Tristin, you roll Dex + Larceny to steal the ball. If you have larceny specialty for quick stealing, it adds)) **
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,9,[10, 4],1,8,4] = (4)
(1) Dealer: the roulette spins, the ball rolls around it, spinning, bouncing around in the air
(1) Dealer: to Tristin, the ball is moving slow motion, like Bruce Willis in Die Hard
** (5) Tristin snags the ball as it goes by him, and holds it just above the table so it looks as it it is still on the table, drops the ball as it passes 28 black **
(1) Dealer: ((with that roll, piece of cake))
(1) Dealer: "twenty eight black!"
** (1) Dealer hands Kurtis $1800 worth of chips. **
** (1) Kurtis coughs violently **
(1) Kurtis: "Holy, I won!"
(1) Kurtis: "yaaay."
** (5) Tristin walks behind Kurt **
(5) Tristin: "You know how much bud that can buy?" (very quietly)
(5) Tristin recasts the acceleration spell as the time slows it down.
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,6,[10, 8],6,4,6] = (3)
** (1) Kurtis bets 100 dollars on 4 black, 100 dollars on the outside on that row, and 100 dollars o nthe outside for the column, two to three. And a 100 on black." **
(1) Kurtis: "The angel of fortune must really be sitting on my shoulder today, tee hee hee"
** (5) Tristin hurries back over to a different, just as easily accessible location, noting the number. **
** (1) Dealer gives Kurtis a dirty look, so do everyone else, the hint of "pfff, lucky sucker is gonna' lose all his money now, coz he thinks he's good" on their faces **
** (1) Dealer gives out winnings, collects losses, accepts bets, spins the roulette, drops the ball **
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,1,2,3,6,5] = (0)
** (5) Tristin tries again and misses the ball. **
** (1) Kurtis whistles **
(1) Dealer: "seventeen red"
** (1) Dealer grins poisonously, along with everyone else, taking 400 dollars from Kurtis **
** (1) Kurtis doesnt flinch, and puts 100 on 8 red, 100 on the row, column, and 100 on red, oh yes, and 100 on even **
** (1) Dealer calmly takes the bet, everyone at the table chuckles **
(1) Kurtis: "heh, well, you can't always be lucky..."
(1) Kurtis: "I'm in this for the fun"
** (1) Dealer spins it, drops the ball **
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],9,9,9,1,9,6] = (5)
(5) Tristin: ((Woot!))
** (1) Dealer 's jaw drops, along with everybody else's **
** (5) Tristin tries again, this time snagging it and drops it on 8 red. **
** (1) Kurtis hits the table with his fists, bangs his head against it, grinning, and takes a sip from his neighbor-player's whiskey drink. The guy almost gets insulted, as Kurtis drops a 100 dollar chip in his glass **
(1) Dealer: "Wow, you're one lucky guy, Kurtis"
(1) Kurtis: "Won't believe it... just had a dream today about winning here on these numbers.."
(1) Dealer: "mmmhm, sure, sir. So far, a real good dream!"
** (1) Dealer hands Kurtis.... **
(1) Dealer: 3600 + 300 + 300 + 200 + 200 dollars
(1) Dealer: 4600 dollars
** (1) Kurtis stacks that shit up nicely with the 900 he has left **
(5) Tristin: ((54grand now))
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, Fortuna, should I go on or stop before I lose it all?"
(1) Kurtis: "Fortuna says, one more round, oy, if you insist."
** (1) Kurtis moves an assload of chips on the table, as the Dealer says "Sir, maximum bet is 500 dollars." **
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, I can see why. Lucky bastards like me probably, that's why."
** (1) Kurtis bets 500 dollars on 22 black **
** (1) Dealer rolls it **
** (5) Tristin notes the number and gets ready **
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,1,2,1,2,7] = (0)
** (5) Tristin tries to catch the ball, but his hand misses, as the ball skips over it, bouncing off the roulette side.**
(1) Dealer: "You sure you want to do this? You have an amazing lucky start here, most people dream about walking away with this money."
** (1) Kurtis smiles charmingly **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, I'll walk away with it. When I have enough." - chuckles
** (1) Dealer gives a winning to some lady who just won, she takes 300 dollars like the Gawd's gift **
** (5) Tristin focuses on the time flow, experiencing an eye opening moment, recalling how Kurt focused his power hard enough to bend light around him. Now he does the same to the Time he can feel, attempting to rewind it a few seconds back, hoping to try that moment again, this time to make sure he catches the ball as it does that unexpected skip. **
(5) Tristin: ((Shifting sands, Gnosis + time ))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,6,[10, 2],1] = (2)
(5) Tristin: the time goes back, and plays again, and the ball does what it did before almost exactly.
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],7,3,8,3,8,5] = (3)
** (5) Tristin snags the ball, everyone experiences deja-vu, and he drops the ball where it goes, 22 black. **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, Fortuna, should I go on or stop before I lose it all?"
(1) Kurtis: "Fortuna says, one more round, oy, if you insist."
** (1) Kurtis moves an assload of chips on the table, as the Dealer says "Sir, maximum bet is 500 dollars." **
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, I can see why. Lucky bastards like me probably, that's why."
** (1) Dealer rolls it and the ball lands on 22 black **
** (5) Tristin grins, knowing this scene already **
(5) Tristin: Holy shit, how did I do that?
(1) Dealer: "Wow, that's amazing, nobody ever won this much in almost five years!"
(5) Tristin: (("only time we lost this much money is when that sumo wrestler had to be kicked out of our buffet"))
** (1) Dealer slides Kurtis a large, very large castle of chips, equaling 18000 dollars **
** (1) Kurtis notices a few men at the doors, black suits, leather coats, walkie-talkies in their ears, they are pointing fingers at something around the casino **
** (1) Kurtis 's bloodshot red cocaine induced eyes invoke Supernal Vision **
(1) Kurtis: gnosis 2 + prime 2
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,6,7] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: Forces sight
(1) Kurtis: gnosis 2 + forces 4 + ring 1
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,7,9,7,5,4] = (2)
** (1) Kurtis evaluates weight forces and detects heavy weapons under jackets, seeming right to be pistols or heavy knives, the suits are just too heavy to just be empty, more gravity is pulling on the pockets then should. Also, his Prime sight spots auras over the suits. Mages. **
(1) Kurtis: "Heh, well, now I can call this a lucky day. Cashing out please."
** (1) Kurtis stands up quickly, accepting a ticket from the dealer, and heads to the cashier **
** (1) Kurtis tries to make his magical aura weaker, without really knowing how to do it, merely by wishing to be undetected as a mage and trying to put out the magical light over his head. **
(1) Kurtis: gnosis 2 + prime 2
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,3,9] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis looks at Tristin, making sure he is still behind him, he can only see forces of gravity acting on an empty space, which is Tristin **
** (5) Tristin smirks at Kurtis. Though knows he can't see it. **
** (1) Kurtis hurries to the cashier, hands him the check, and receives a stack of money, 22900 US dollars **
(1) Kurtis: "mmkay mmkay, no need to count, no, this is good, kay, hurry please."
** (1) Kurtis stuffs the $$ in his pockets as he sees the men in black suits covering exit doors**
(1) Kurtis: Wits + Composure
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,5,2,5,[10, 3],8] = (2)
(5) Tristin: "Jones?"
** (1) Kurtis notices a still free exit, a back yard door, not covered yet **
(1) Kurtis: "No idea. Maybe this place employs its own mages too..."
(1) Kurtis: "Seven... eight, look like mages, they detected our presense."
(1) Kurtis: "No spellcasting till in the car"
(1) Kurtis and invisible Tristin move to the door. Tristin feels his acceleration slowing down, about twice, as time takes its toll.
(1) Kurtis: "If they can do what I can do, they see all spells, feel them"
(5) Tristin: "Ahh, I'll be careful."
(1) Kurtis: dexterity + subterfuge - Kurtis tries to adjust his walking pace and manner to seem unnoticeable, just like a normal disappointed guy who just lost his money and is just exiting through the back door to avoid a shameful public defeat.
(1) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],6,7,6,4,9,7,1] = (2)
Kurtis manages to hunch and look defeated while hurrying to the door, but his face shines with glee, he can't help it, so he just keeps his head down. The men in black make it outside, they're looking through the parking lot, but nobody was at the backdoor. Kurtis runs out, walking towards his car through the rows of cars in the parking.

(1) Kurtis: wits + composure
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,9,9,4,7,7] = (3)
** (1) Kurtis succeeds in looking around and choosing strategic paths between the searching guys, picks a path and sneaks between the cars, taking the best route at the moment **
** (5) Tristin follows Kurtis every step of the way, mimicking his exact movements. **
(1) Kurtis: ((both roll dex + stealth, if any stealth specialties))
(1) Kurtis: dex 4 + stealth 2 = 6
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 10, 3],8,7,2,1] = (3)
(5) Tristin: (Stealth 2, dex 3)
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,1,7,6] = (0)
** (1) Kurtis makes it to the car, and hops in quietly, ducks. **
One of the guys in black leather, suddenly points his finger over 3 car rows, at empty space where Tristin is.
(1) Mage in black: "Over there!"
** (5) Tristin dashes to the car as fast as he can, as his acceleration completely runs out, giving him one last boost of covering a few meters in one motion. **
(1) Mage in black: Counterspell = gnosis 5 + prime 3
(1) Mage in black: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,2,1,1,6] = (2)
** (1) Mage in black fails to drop Tristin's invisibility, but reveals him slightly, instead of invisible, he is now transparent **
** (1) Kurtis starts the car, zoooooming it towards the running Tristin, attempting to hold the concealed spell on the boy, extending his hand (one hand still holding the wheel) and gritting his teeth **
(1) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,9,4,8,5,2] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: Tristin stays invisible for a few moments, shifting between invisible and transparent, his left leg shows in clear view. Soon his head shows as well.
** (5) Tristin dashes out of the way for the incoming car and waits. **
** (1) Mage in black takes out the gun and shoots at Tristin, 4 bullets **
** (1) Mage in black calls up help, another guy fires a pistol, once, in Tristin's direction **
** (5) Tristin tries to slow the bullets down, speeding himself up **
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 8],1,[10, 3],[10, 8],1] = (6)
** (1) Kurtis tries to turn the bullets away **
(1) Kurtis: [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,2,9,2,4,3,1,2,1,3,5] = (1)
** (5) Tristin dodges the five bullets with little effort, they are to him like falling snowflakes. **
(5) Tristin: ((what a roll eh?))
** (1) Kurtis makes the closest bullet to Tristin's head turn 45 degrees away from him, making it miss his head entirely **
(1) Kurtis: dex + drive + specialty sports cars
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,7,1,8,9,9] = (3)
** (1) Kurtis drifts the Supra sideways, wrapping the tail wing around, skidding on asphalt, holding the hand break as he hits the gas, and unlocks the forbidden NOS lever **
(1) Kurtis: "Get in!!"
** (5) Tristin opens the door and jumps in, his speed spell still active. **
** (1) Kurtis hits the NOS and ZOOOOOMMMMM!!!! **
** (1) Kurtis and Tristin leave a cloud of dust in the shooters' faces **

Miles away from the casino, somewhere midway to the Hollow. Kurtis stops, splits the stack of money in two and hands Tristin a half.
(1) Kurtis: "50/50, mate."
(5) Tristin smiles, not hiding the fact that he is happy it's 50/50 and not otherwise, like most older thieves he met in the past who decided to keep the larger part just because they came up with a plan, and others did the work.
(1) Kurtis: "Now you can throw a party for that chick from science class."