Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.3...
Locating server at 66-233-209-7.anc.clearwire-dns.net:6774...
Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 01:11
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Eve'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 01:12
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Eve (enter): 01:12
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve...
(2) Eve: Dododo
(1) Konrad Knox: dododo!!
Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (2) Eve...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Konrad Knox...
Requesting password change on server...
Server Administrator-> Room password changed to "spoon".
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve...
(1) Konrad Knox: so..
(2) Eve: so...
(2) Eve: We were drinking coffee
(1) Konrad Knox: Hannah and Eve... yes

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

** (2) Eve sips her carmel latte **
(1) Konrad Knox:
While the rest are in Egypt...

** (1) Hannah Riley drinks her black coffee nervously, looking around **
(1) Hannah Riley: "Mm, this is really good."
(2) Eve: "Their flavors of the week are remarkably creative as well, the gingerbread mocha they have near christmas is exceptional... So.. considering the performance of the two you met first I am not surprised that you don't wish to help in a more hands on way, not to mention I'm sure the risk of being notice due to the size of your checkbook shall we call it."
(1) Hannah Riley: "Eve, I have to tell you, seriously, who are these guys? When I was told of their reputation, I was expecting... uh.. something more...hardcore."
(2) Eve: "I can say that this Tony fellow is quite impressive, and handy in his ways, and rest assured that with me there it will be less of a.. whatever it was.. Their Tristin fellow leaves much to be disired in my book however. I've had more help from wet blankets."
(2) Eve: "Though he does know how to kick things it would seem"
(1) Hannah Riley: "Well, to tell the truth, I have mixed feelings. I mean, the way they handle power is incredibly immature, but in their own way they're incredibly tough. To me it just seems like they've been surfing the light breeze of magic. It's like they wait to the last minute to explode in an unplanned impromptu."
** (1) Hannah Riley taps her nails on the cup and gives a paranoid look out the window **
(2) Eve: "Perhaps that is their advantage, unperedictability"
(1) Hannah Riley: "You seem to be a fruit of another tree. How long ago have you awakened? Who taught you? Maybe I know your patrons, if you were one of the lucky."
** (1) Hannah Riley takes out her brown leather briefcase and flipping open a trio of locks, almost clearly not ordinary, a tingle in the back of your head sending a chill as each lock clicks. **
(2) Eve: "I've been aware of things for five years now, and I've taught myself most of what I know. I was offered mentors several times but they always had the wrong feel to them."
(1) Hannah Riley: ..
** (1) Hannah Riley nods **
(1) Hannah Riley: "If you care to meet a follower of Doom you can trust, try the owner of Club Medusa sometime. He is knoledgeable, ages old, and very wise, enough to remain unseen to even the nastiest hunters in the consilium. Markus Late is the name."
** (1) Hannah Riley puts her hands palms down on the case **
(1) Hannah Riley: "Anyway, to business. Unfortunate as they are, circumstances indeed prevent me to coming with you. So, can you make sure these newborn don't get killed? Can you find them, and where their gate sent them? They were talking about home, where do they live?"
(2) Eve: "I do not know where home is for certain, though with some digging I could probably find it quickly enough. I'm fairly certain at least one of them is local, but I have a "hunch" they may be in california at some point. Regardless, yes I can and will find them, and keep them out of trouble as much as possible, though they may wear even my abilities thin.
(1) Hannah Riley: "Well, then I wish you luck and give you this."
** (1) Hannah Riley opens the case and reveals a flask of green liquid, full. Size of the flask is about one liter. Beside it is a thick ring of ... metal... about 2 inches in diameter. Both items sparkle with multitude of magical effects around them. **
(1) Hannah Riley: "I know this is not the most robust... alright, clearly a rather awful method to accomplish what you must, but it's wha we had to settle with the lack of resource.. here is how to use it. Pour a drop of the liquid on your hand, and place the disk on your palm to have the drop in the middle, as accurately as you can."
** (1) Hannah Riley drops a tiny drop of green liquid on her palm, and puts the disk around it. The liquid starts to glow and slowly slides up to the eastern edge of the disk, getting it wet **
(1) Hannah Riley: "This is an improvised compass that always points to the King's Stone. By the weak glowing you can tell already that the stone is not in New Haven. When closer, the liquid would glow bright."
(1) Hannah Riley: "You can only do this on a mage's hand. No other surface, not even a sleeper's hand will work. And the use is limited, so try to be careful how you use it."
** (1) Hannah Riley shuts the flask, wraps it in paper and gives it together with the disk, to Eve **
(1) Hannah Riley: "The good thing is... it looks so lame nobody would ever guess it's a compass. You can wear the disk as a bracelet."
** (2) Eve takes the items gingerly and places the flask carefully in her purse, setting the purse in her lap rather than on the chair as it was perviously, she then indeed puts the disk on as a bracelet. **
(2) Eve: "Best the hide valueble things in plain sight as they say."
(1) Hannah Riley: "Exactly."
(1) Hannah Riley: "Now, once you find the stone, you have to return immediately to New Haven. If not immediately, then as soon as you can. Your enemy in this is most likely Diana Branch. She was planning to concieve a child, which is the best way to use the stone. A job she could trust no one but herself."
(1) Hannah Riley: "She's versed in a multitude of arcana, and she has powerful allies. Together, I believe they plan to raise a dictator who can finish what others did not. A charming, charismatic leader of the 21st and 22nd centuries, with nuclear fists and satellite eyes."
(2) Eve: "Charming. No worries the stone will return to New Haven so long as I'm still on the case."
(2) Eve: "Does Ms.. Mrs? Branch have any alises? Is that her Shadow name?"
(1) Hannah Riley: "It's important that the child, whoever it may be, is not near it when it is born. I don't know how much time it takes to be near the stone to receive it dark blessing. ... Mrs. Branch's shadow name, if I knew it, would probably be 'Mage Screwing Tramp', but some may disagree."
** (2) Eve gives a light chuckle **
(1) Hannah Riley: "Obsessed with career, loyal as a dog to her ambition, and probably has a faction behind her. Problem is, it's hard to tell which one. Everyone is going political about the stone's destiny. I doubt she asked anyone's permission to do this. She just stole it and hid. However, you might know some of her accomplices."
(2) Eve: "New Haven is the smallest big city I know its true. I may very well know some of them.. or know someone who knows someone."
(1) Hannah Riley: ((question: how well versed are you in knowing some higher up mage celebrities with gnosis above 6, that hang around in criminal and political structures... a roll of... Presence and Occult or Streetwise or Socialize would help maybe to recognize some names))
(1) Hannah Riley: ((depends on which you use, can help you identify different individuals))
(2) Eve: (I'll go with Presence + Occult first =6)
(2) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,3,4,8,6] = (1)
(2) Eve: (other two would just be 1 die rolls as I don't have any streetwise or socialize)
(1) Hannah Riley: "I know she has been working close with Night Owl, Forester, Red Prince, Diamond Priest, and Scavenger" - you recognize the name Diamond Priest from your occult report studies, you remember something about a man who used his sunday missions in the Baptist Church to experiment with sacrifices of deer and imported felines and doing something very unchristian to the corpses - namely, putting live people into freshly peeled skins and observing supernatural effects on the resulting manifestations. Diamond Priest's main category of victims were people who had nowhere else to go - homeless, hungry. Not respected middle-upper class. Mainly people who cannot tell a fake church from a real one.
(1) Hannah Riley: From what you read the court gave the man a choice to be imprisoned or be treated in a psychiatric clinic. His ministry title was revoked, but in less than a year his lawyers took him out of his sentense and he's been heard to have left New Haven as far as the Mage small talk goes. Only the freaky goth kids remember the name now.
(1) Hannah Riley: You know for a fact from some evidence you once inspected, that Diamond Priest is versed in Life and Spirit magic.
(1) Hannah Riley: ((roll intelligence+invetigation please))
(2) Eve: Int + Invest = 5))
(2) Eve: [0d10.open(10).vs(8)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(8)
(2) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],[10, 5],1,5,7] = (2)
(1) Hannah Riley: You recall that Diamond Priest's real name is Simon Lamprey.
(1) Hannah Riley: "Oh, Eve. One last thing."
(2) Eve: "Not the most civil of folks to be running with. I fear for that childs babysitting episodes if that is whom his mother is looking at for father figures. And that would be?"
(1) Hannah Riley: "Please, for god's sake... teach them to not cast vulgar?"
** (2) Eve chuckles softly **
(2) Eve: "I shall try.. incidentally do you have a hammer so I could nail it into them what a bad idea it is?"
(1) Hannah Riley: "I witnessed Mr. Kerner learn that lesson when his pistol exploded in his hands..."
(2) Eve: "Though perhaps their impromptu trip to wherever will teach them a wee bit. I can only hope he learned from the mistake."
(1) Hannah Riley: "The ring's reading indicates the stone is probably out of the country, somewhere in Europe, or perhaps maybe Russia. You might want to consider booking flights. Though if you're comfortable wandering in the Shadow reflections of Siberian forests, i suppose it would be faster."
** (2) Eve bites her lip just a little **
(2) Eve: "I have always wondered if those in twighlight retain their grasp of their human languages. Thought a plane trip might be faster."
(1) Hannah Riley: "Well. Your realm is called Stygia, so at least you know the learned to speak Atlantean." - smirks
(2) Eve: "It often makes me wonder if perhaps Atlantean is a language all know unconsiously but only realizes upon arrival in a place far removed from the sleeping world."
(1) Hannah Riley: "You might take a dictionary, but... for which country... I don't know. If you take the plane, looks at the map where the route will be going, and somewhere midflight, check the ring readings, if they change. You might be able to deduce the relative position from there. I bet my ass they picked some tiny country barely visible on the map, like Vatican."
(2) Eve: "That would be the last place I would go were I planning to raise a dictator.. so perhaps it should be the first place..
** (2) Eve shrugs **
(2) Eve: "I best find my comrades first however. Can't be doing it all alone after all."
(1) Hannah Riley: "Those higher up in the expert circles of Mysterium will tell you that Atlantean is but one of the many natural capacities to learn that you are born with, the latent 93% of the sleeper's brain, it's what contains the dormant knowledge of what they consider supernatural, and only treat as natural once awakened."
(2) Eve: "Do they always do that.. strip the awe and wonder from the mystierous with their explainations I must wonder."
(1) Hannah Riley: "Yes, you best find them, remember, they have some mystical bond among them that keeps them off trouble. But they need you deeply. They have a fate mage who does not know how to use his gifts yet, and they think they're invincible because they defeated an arrogant necromancer. If they are against professionals, half ass won't do. They have to learn to be legit."
(2) Eve: "Doesn't know how to use his gifts is an understatement... I could have saved quite a few near spider bites had he just said "No don't take the elevator""
** (2) Eve sighs **
(1) Hannah Riley: "The Mysterium? Heh, nay. That's just an opinion of the experts that I talk to. Others can pour so much mystery on things you're curious about that you'll forget where you started asking. Some will tell you that Atlantis is older than the world itself, and that answers to its secrets can never be found, some will tell you that Holy Bible was a cooperated attempt to disguise the sensation of higher presence in sleepers, with a religious substitute. Others will tell you to go watch the Matrix."
(1) Hannah Riley: "Aw, Eve! He is an Acanthus. You command matter, he travels on the wind of fate. You ever expect a straight answer or a fair warning? You're asking a bottle of milk to go milk a cow. With Acanthus and their ilk, you have to be intuitive, highly. If they say they don't feel like peeing in this restroom, it probably means they saw a vision of a bomb in it."
(2) Eve: "But what if he just doesn't need to pee.. then what do I do, fear restrooms all my life?"
** (1) Hannah Riley laughs... "I just hope his confidence in the ways of xen chaotic disorganization don't fuck us all over... and wish you good luck." **
(2) Eve: "I may need it, as I doubt his ability to bestow it at this given point in time. Thank you for what you've given."
** (1) Hannah Riley nods and leaves a ten dollar tip on the table as she stands up to shake Eve's hand **
(1) Hannah Riley: "My ride is here."
(2) Eve: "Farewell and safe travels."
(1) Konrad Knox: a taxicab pulls up to the coffee shop, its wipers now going berserk at the increasingly pouring rain. Hannah exhales, nods again, and quickly exits the shop, getting quickly into the car, not looking at the sky, and the car drives away
** (2) Eve writes down a few notes before she forgets them. **
** (2) Eve finishes her coffee, then contemplates how to fetch her motocycle from across town. Decides on another trip through Twighlight and heads towards her appartment from where she will head into Twighlight and back towards her cycle." **
** (2) Eve changers her mind and calls a taxi **
(1) Konrad Knox: taxi comes up, its a normal sleeper taxi
(1) Dude: where to?
(2) Eve: "(insert street here)"
** (1) Dude cabdriver drives you to where you instruct **
(1) Dude: "20 bucks"
** (2) Eve pays cab driver, cause she has a job unlike some group members. **
** (1) Dude takes the money and drives off, after giving a glance to check out her ass **
** (2) Eve has a nice ass :P **
** (2) Eve looks around the area a bit to make sure nothing is watching her cycle. **
** (2) Eve and that it is in fact still there. **
(1) Konrad Knox: wits + composure like mayybe plz?
(2) Eve: like wits + composure = 6
(2) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,3,4,6,8] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox: the cycle is there, and nobody is around, but the screw pin is missing from the front fork. Oops.
** (2) Eve approaches her cycle and looks around for said screw. **
(1) Konrad Knox: nope, nowhere around
(2) Eve: oh goody..
** (2) Eve considers the posibilities of getting said screw thingy replaced. **
(1) Konrad Knox: a good idea
(1) Konrad Knox: you see a police car drive by and stop by you, flashing lights in your face
** (2) Eve squints at the light and waves at the passing police person while fishing for cell phone, **
(1) Officer: "Ma'am, put your hands up where I can see them please, and step away from the vehicle."
** (2) Eve shrugs and puts her hands up stepping away from the vehicle with the comment "what pricent are you from?" **
(1) Officer: "45th precinct, is this your motorcycle? It's been reported stolen 20 minutes ago. Would you please show your license and registration?"
(2) Eve: "Funny I don't recall reporting it stolen..." *looks closesly at the cops badge to be sure he is indeed from the 45th precinct*
(2) Eve: "45th is under Manning is that right? Since April if I recall." *begins to look for license and registration watching out of the corner of her eye to be sure he's acting cop-like*
(1) Officer: the badge is legitimate, it says 45th presinct on it
(1) Officer: as for behavior... let's roll wits+invetigation
(2) Eve: wits + invest =4
(2) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],9,3,3] = (2)
(2) Eve: 3
(1) Officer: The cop's a regular cop, he seems agitated and kind of pissed off, but he keeps his patience as best as he can. But yes, he seems to be very cop-like, rather a cop missing his daily donut.
(2) Eve: "I'm with the 218th myself" *gingerly hands over the license and registration*
(1) Officer: "I don't see how any of that makes a difference, but yes, Robert Manning."
** (1) Officer goes to the car to check the license, returns **
(1) Officer: "218th? Can I see your badge please?"
(2) Eve: "I liked Peters better, when I was brough in to work cases, sure." *pulls out her badge that says crime scene investigator and her license to carry a concealed weapon.*
(1) Officer: "Thank you, Miss Fields. Um, you seen anything suspicion here tonight? Someone reported this vehicle stolen, it's gotta be some kind of bad prank or something."
(2) Eve: "Suspicious? Only the vadalizing of my vehicle and a very odd lobby man."
(1) Officer: "Lobby man? Where and when, please? What did he look like?"
(1) Konrad Knox: about half an hour has passed since Hannah left you...
** (2) Eve gives approximately accurate description of strange lobby guy, the approximate time, and the where. **
** (1) Officer scratches his head **
(1) Officer: "Hilton hotel across the street?"
** (2) Eve shrugs **
** (1) Officer looks around **
(2) Eve: I wouldn't put much stock in that being true.
(1) Officer: "Oh, down the block. Why would a lobby boy screw with your motorcycle? Do you know him?"
(2) Eve: "No I've no idea who he was, and I don't know that he did anything to my vehicle why would he? Just hit my cop meter funny ya know? That feeling ya get when something doesn't quite add up?"
** (1) Officer looks like a sad old excuse of a cop whose cop meter isnt even functioning anymore because of being a lazy hog **
(1) Officer: "well... we could go talk to him, or you can handle it on your own? Is your vehicle in operating condition, or do you need a lift?"
(2) Eve: "It's missing the "puma" screw, so I'll likely need a tow truck to a mechanic not a lift."
(2) Eve: *The tire screw thing
(1) Officer: "Erh.. alright, let's go ahead and call assistance, they'll be on their way, and take care of it, while we can take a walk to Hilton and find your guy."
** (1) Officer calls a tow truck on the radio **
(2) Eve: "I honestly doubt he actually works at the Hilton, seemed a little hmm.. I think the word I'm looking for is "Sleezy" for them to have hired him. Seemed more like the lowly office coffee runner type. Probably works in the building."
** (1) Officer turns to the bike to look for fingerprints, but then looks up at the pouring rain, letting that idea go **
(2) Eve: "Yeah I thought of that at first to" *sighs* "would take a pretty good print set to get anything off this metal with this rain."
(1) Officer: "Would you be willing to testify and able to recognize his face if we brought him in?"
(2) Eve: "Sure, one less hooligan wandering around vandalizing peoples private property."
(1) Officer: "Alright, let's make sure the bike is not unattended, then go to the Hilton."
(1) Konrad Knox: in 20 more minutes... the tow truck finally pulls up
(2) Eve: "Just head for the police garage, the mechanic there owes me a favor."
(1) Mechanic: "Officer. Ma'am. What have we got here? Ready to load her up?"
(1) Mechanic: "Which precinct, ma'am?"
(1) Officer: "Take her to 218th."
(2) Eve: "Its missing the front tire screwy thing so I might not hold too well."
(1) Mechanic: "The police department on 5th handles em"
(1) Mechanic: "We'll take her there. You got a number we can call when she's ready to go?"
** (1) Officer opens the door of the police car for her **
(2) Eve: "Honestly its probably better if I go with you, I doubt Henry will recognize my bike as being mine without me on it."
(2) Eve: "Here I'll call him first, Officer (insert name here) wanted me to go with him on something"
** (2) Eve makes phone call to mechanic **
(1) Officer: "Erm... alright. I'll take a look at the Hotel and ask if anyone seen em, if not we'll file a police report and order a warrant."
** (2) Eve casts mage sight now please k thanks bye **
** (1) Mechanic on the Phone: "5th Police Precinct, This is Henry." **
(2) Eve: Wits + Occult + Prime = 7
(2) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,7,7,6,3,7] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox: you're blind
(2) Eve: "Hey Henry its Iris, the screw thingy that keeps the front tire on from my bike is.. missing? There is a tow truck gonna send it your way, consider us even if ya fix it. And I'll buy the coffee next time."
** (2) Eve trying to see magic stuff again **
(2) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,[10, 5],4,5,8,8] = (5)
(1) Mechanic: "No problem, babe. 5 minute fix. Thanks for the flowers by the way."
(2) Eve: "Any time, catch ya on the flip side."
(1) Konrad Knox: You see no recent trace of magic around your bike. It was not altered magically. The building, however, the same building you had the spider adventure in, is really fucked up, it has a complicated Space and Mind spell over it, and up in the sky you can see sparks of quintessense, signatures of many mages, some of them making the air dense. Quintessense is in every drop of the rain in this area, as if the rain itself was summoned through arcana to mask the madness of currently aggrevating madness of espionage.
** (1) Mechanic loads your bike up on the truck **
(1) Konrad Knox: takes about 10 minutes
(1) Konrad Knox: total 1 hour since Hannah left
(2) Eve: "... What time is it? *me checks her watch* "Sh*t my flight leaves in and hour and a half, never gonna get home and to the airport on time now.. *groans*
** (1) Officer looks utterly confused **
(1) Officer: "I can give you a ride if you like, probably gonna have to let the prankster go though, he's probably good gone. We'll file a police report."
** (1) Officer writes stuff down in the note pad **
(2) Eve: "Nothing.. Just.. Sick relative... Got the call this morning, called in my vacation time already, sure report is fine.. I would appriciate the lift."
** (1) Officer asks Eve to sign in a few places **
** (2) Eve signs stuff. **
** (1) Officer gets in the car **
** (2) Eve gets in car front seat weeeee **
** (1) Officer drives you to the airport **
(1) Officer: "Airline?"
(2) Eve: "Contential
(2) Eve: Contenental"
(1) Officer: "Continental? There it is. Have a good flight officer."
(2) Eve: "Have a good evening Officer *insert name here*"
(1) Konrad Knox: it's been 1.5 hours since Hannah and you parted
(1) Konrad Knox: it's 1:30
(1) Konrad Knox: am
(1) Konrad Knox: its a dark night with pouring rain
(1) Konrad Knox: you arrive at Continental registration desk. computers and persons.
(1) Konrad Knox: officer left
(1) Konrad Knox: the airport is busy, tons of people, a lot of magic around should you look for it, occasional mages travelling here and there. you can never tell which ones are there for a reason you care for, which ones are watching you, which ones are not... nobody looks suspicious
(1) Konrad Knox: unless you roll wits+investigation and do well
** (2) Eve checks for a different airline that has flights to Italy, makes a reservation for next open flight (rolls wits+investigation.. @4 dice) **
(2) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,[10, 4],6] = (2)
** (2) Eve next open flight at least three hours from now so I can catch a cab to pick up my passport and then come back with some baggage and my passport.... **
(1) Konrad Knox: that chick by the popcorn machine near the Depratures table looks kinda wierd, I mean seriously, black skirt, striped shirt and red knee-long socks with blue boots on platforms? That's like, a crime against all that is goth, and a violation of classics
** (2) Eve wonders how long they have had popcorn machines in airports. **
** (2) Eve goes to get a cab after making reservations, goes home, grabs passport and 1 bag of stuff, prints out boarding passes online, attempts to fiddle with them for the different flight using the liquid moving thing.. **
(1) Konrad Knox: there are a lot of food places in this airport: thai kitchen, mcdonalds, burger king, video games, and coffee stand, that's just near Continental. The popcorn machine is part of a hotdog joint ran by a couple of clerks, and yes, there is a line of customers there.
(2) Eve: spends a willpower to do so..
(1) Konrad Knox: how are you casting the spell?
(2) Eve: First I will be concentration on how my printer works and trying to figure how I could alter the electircal current with Alter conductivity to make it print what I want rather than what is on the screen.
(2) Eve: Matter + Gnosis + Willpower = 7
(2) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,5,6,5,6,2] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox: you can't grasp the working of the printer
** (2) Eve pulls out the manual and looks it over.. then tries again? **
(1) Konrad Knox: at least 1 minute later, sure.
(2) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,5,9] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox: you figure out that you can catch the cartridge when the paint is being heated up, but altering conductivity of the contacts on the primary corona, will only make it not print the symbol or print it less clearly. Worst case, you could blow the printer's circuits. To print the characters as you like it, it seems like you have to mess with the signal coming from the computer, travelling through the cable. You do not see what travels through the cable.
(2) Eve: alright then plan two.. I will attempt to figure out at what point the ink is still wet so that I might fiddle with it "manually" using Shape liquid
(2) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,5,[10, 1]] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: you can see the precise moment when ink stops being liquid coming out of the cartridge and dries on the page.
(2) Eve: now.. to change that liquid to what I want. using will power
(2) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],1,2,[10, 2],6,6,5] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: the print job that comes out... looks like crap
(1) Konrad Knox: at least the airline emblem made it
(2) Eve: Trying again...
(2) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 1],5,[10, 5],3,4,8] = (4)
(1) Konrad Knox: The printed ticket looks rather legitimate to a naked eye. It will work if not throughly examined.
(1) Konrad Knox: Destination?
(2) Eve: Italy
(1) Konrad Knox: City?
(2) Eve: Rome
(1) Konrad Knox: You are able to rule the ink with your fingers, and now Iris Fields has a ticket to Rome on Continental flight 667 in... 1 hour?
(2) Eve: 2 and a half hours from now, change the flight got to make it one that has open seats still
(1) Konrad Knox: done
(2) Eve: Yay!
(1) Konrad Knox: flight 530
(2) Eve: Calling a cab
(1) Konrad Knox: cab comes
(2) Eve: getting in cab going to airport
** (1) Dude drives you, charges 26 bucks **
** (2) Eve pays driver **
** (1) Dude helps you with luggage, wishes you good flight, leaves **
** (1) Dude cheks out your ass too **
** (2) Eve goes through security still has a nice ass **
(1) Konrad Knox: of course, you set off a security alarm
(2) Eve: Is now specifying..
** (1) Security Guy greets you at the security gate **
(2) Eve: Goes through security having shown guard people her passport, her id, her badge, her license to carry a firearm, her license to conceal a weapon, the gun in a gun lock
(2) Eve: and her boarding pass
(1) Security Guy: "shoes, bags, laptops, sharp objects, explosive, flammable objects, liquid containers over 3 ounces, lighters, matches? in the tray please" - the guy says... to some other people and ... was about to ask you for boarding pass, but you pass the security
(2) Eve: yay!
(2) Eve: head to the waiting area for my flight.
(1) Konrad Knox: the area looks empty
(1) Konrad Knox: at least a dozen people
(1) Konrad Knox: at most
(2) Eve: I'm chilling for my flight, putting up mage sight -again-
(2) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,[10, 2],6,8,3,4] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: wierd wanna-be goth chick passes by again, nodding to you as you read her signature and she reads yours. She is an Moros
(1) Konrad Knox: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,3,[10, 2]] = (1)
** (1) Konrad Knox keeps on walking and takes a seat in a corner on the floor, playing with her laptop. She has a very sad gray bunny hanging on a chain by the neck wearing a leash **
(1) Chick: ^ does that
(1) Chick: a TOY bunny
(1) Chick: jesus...
(2) Eve: ....
** (2) Eve moves away slowly.. jk jk **