Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.3...
Locating server at 66-233-209-7.anc.clearwire-dns.net:6774...
Game connected!
(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:01
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:01
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Server Administrator-> failed - invalid client version (spoonz or later required)
Moving to room 'Lobby'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:02
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Tank (enter): 22:02
(2) Tank: meh, pw again?
(2) Tank: thought it was sb
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:03
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Lobby'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:03
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Tank (enter): 22:03
(1) Kurtis: sp
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:03
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Tank (enter): 22:03
(2) Tank: why sp?
(2) Tank: and I see youset a diff admin wp
(1) Kurtis: i dont remember lol
(1) Kurtis: ah yes, thats why. first letters of spoonz
(1) Kurtis: spoonz is admin password
(1) Kurtis: rofl
(2) Anthony: If there's gonna be a lot of combat, I know why rotes I want
(2) Anthony: if not, would be a diff set of rotes
(1) Kurtis: im gonna finish cleaning, u guys do a prelude
(1) Kurtis: so far no combat, but a lot of trickery
(3) GM Claire (enter): 22:05
(1) Kurtis: tristin was stuck inside the book i had lol
(1) Kurtis: it appears
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (3) GM Claire...
(2) Anthony: Stuck inside a book? O.o
(3) GM Claire: what?
(2) Anthony: sounds like gumby
(1) Kurtis: im not sure
** (3) GM Claire raises a brow... **
(1) Kurtis: it looks like he was talking to me from the book
(1) Kurtis: anyway
Sorry I don't know what /box is!

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(2) Anthony: Ooh, if I get a prelude then I get ot change my baskstory to not include it XD
(1) Kurtis:
Preludes: part two

(1) Kurtis: ((im gonna make a website for this game i think, with schedules, logs, characters (alive and diseased) ))
** (3) GM Claire takes stickers off her new Mage book... **
(2) Anthony: (( if they're diseased I can cure them. ))
** (3) GM Claire snicker **
(2) Anthony: (( you meant deceased :P ))
(3) GM Claire: I think that is what he meant
(2) Anthony: (( although Tank in SR has radiation poisoning and VITAS and if he's not careful he won't only be diseases but deceased. ))
(3) GM Claire: alrighty so do you want a new awakening or do you like the back story one an I can just get on with the prelude. Oh and now we have a map of the city setting (which is sweet)
(1) Kurtis: yes deceased
(2) Anthony: Either way you prefer. I jsut threw in an awakening
(2) Anthony: If you like it we can run with it, if not, not
(2) Anthony: But one thing I woudl change with my one rote is that the leopard says "thanks" before heading into the jungle XD
(3) GM Claire: that is perfectly acceptable
(2) Anthony: Thsi is the rote:
(2) Anthony: Commune with Median Life(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(2) [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,6,[10, 3],7] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Anthony: presence + animal ken + life. sound correct?
(3) GM Claire: correct yes
** (3) GM Claire looks over the backstory again **
(2) Anthony: I acutally think it shoudl be lesser of life or spirit
(2) Anthony: so if life 3, spirit 2, would be 2
(3) GM Claire: as awakenings for your path go this one is acceptable, spirit is only used when speaking with the spirit of something.. if it were a spirit leopard you would use spirit to speak with it
(3) GM Claire: being a real leopard you use life
(2) Anthony: yeah
(3) GM Claire: if it was dead.. well.. you couldn't talk to it :P
(2) Anthony: There is curiosly no spell in life for talking with aniamals. I think they just kinda missed it
(3) GM Claire: i would agree yes,and being the GM I get to say "yes you may have that as a rote" where the book leaves it out :P
(2) Anthony: Of course, animals usually don't say much. "Feed me" "Hungry" "Throw the ball"
(3) GM Claire: so K is working on the site and the mouse cage interchangably. A few questions would you like to proceed in a whisper where he cannot have the chance of seeing what we discuss or are you cool here
(2) Anthony: Either way
(3) GM Claire: they do lack a certain level of intelect yes. Though if you ask them the right questions
(2) Anthony: But if he gets to see this then I shoudl see his back story :P
(1) Kurtis: Map of New Haven will be available in 1 minute at this address:
(2) Anthony: so you might wanna do in whsiper tab
(1) Kurtis: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/NewHaven.zip
(2) Anthony: Invalid or corrupted
(1) Kurtis: Now!
(2) Anthony: kay, it's good now
(3) GM Claire: (general warning the GM has bad spelling :P)
(1) Kurtis: anthony forgot to change William's typing action, teehee :)
(1) Kurtis: building, engineering :D
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) Kurtis...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Kurtis...
(1) Kurtis: lol curing
(1) Kurtis: nice
(3) GM Claire: okay KK I shall tell you whats what then we will be in the main room
(1) Kurtis: was working on the website for the game
(1) Kurtis: hehe almost done
(1) Kurtis: kk
(1) Kurtis: tell me when u ready for the BOX
(3) GM Claire: if ya get tired let me know cause I'm good to go for a while, just poke me if either of you needs a break I'm in GM mode no sleep needed once I'm running
(1) Kurtis: *looks back scared* mmkay
(1) Kurtis: yeah im ready
(2) Anthony: rady
(2) Anthony: ready too
(1) Kurtis:
Mage In New Haven: Episode 1

** (1) Kurtis drives to Namesake's Grill to eat some nice steak, but most likely, to meet his new friend **
(3) GM Claire: Okay Gentlemen I shall discribe your Grill house. It is a brick and wood building with large windows allowing for a nice veiw of the ocean
(3) GM Claire: if I can get my map up I will put a mark on where it is :D
(2) Anthony: (( Map is hosted on internet somewhere? ))
whispering to Anthony, this will be the web page, i put some javascript in, got a chance to read my new book. content will fill tomorrow: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MagePage.html
(1) Kurtis: ((map is here: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/NewHaven.PNG))
(2) Anthony: (( let ssee if htat works ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Anthony...
(1) Kurtis: ((how do i create a whisper tab?))
(2) Anthony: (( jsut whisper nad it's created ))
(2) Anthony: (( or when someone whispers to you ))
(3) GM Claire: okay so its fetching... the Grill will be a purple building to the south
(2) Anthony: (( it may not accept .PNG here ))
(1) Kurtis: ((let me try))
(3) GM Claire: prices are fairly decent (its not a png just a big file)
(3) GM Claire: ummm each of you roll init so we can determne who arrives first
(2) Anthony: (( see it now ))
(2) Anthony: (( init is.. umm.. one sec.. ))
(3) GM Claire: okay so... the grill is here...
(1) Kurtis: (9i see it now))
(2) Anthony: (( init mod is 6 ))
(2) Anthony: (( so I roll, 1d10+6? ))
(3) GM Claire: yes
(1) Kurtis: ((red dot is where I live))
(2) Anthony: init Tony [1d10+6] => [8,6] vs 0 result of (2)
(2) Anthony: (( 14. My die roller screwed iwth init. std is fine though ))
(3) GM Claire: so 8 + 6 is 14
(1) Kurtis: Init [8d10.open(10)] => [4,9,1,8,7,4,4,6] = (43)
(2) Anthony: (( right, I have to remember to switch to std when rolling init nad I forgot. Or fix my roller Xd ))
(2) Anthony: (( init isnt' open is it? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((oh, wrong))
(2) Anthony: (( and how you get 8d10? lol. 1d10+8 I think :P ))
(1) Kurtis: [1d10+8] => [4,8] = (12)
(3) GM Claire: in a strange fluke Tony gets there first
** (2) Anthony pulls up to hte resteraunt in his Stingray and parks in the lot, gets out and heads inside, making sure his suit is creaseless **
(1) Kurtis: ((rolled a wrong init))
** (2) Anthony opens the door and walks inside and waits for the matre'de **
(2) Anthony: (( matre'd ))
(3) GM Claire: The place is fairly crowded on initial inspection, the matre'd welcomes you and asks if you are dining alone or if you are waiting for your party
(2) Anthony: "I'm here witht eh Doctor Raynard party. Has she arrived?"
(3) GM Claire: Ze Doctor haz arrived yes, this way Misour
** (1) Kurtis makes a sharp turn from the main street into the restaraunt parking lot, and pulls the brand new black convertible into the farthest slot from the door **
(3) GM Claire: (woot for bad french)
** (2) Anthony follows **
** (3) Kassidy is seated at a table in a nicely tailored white ladies suit, unusual for her as she has often made a fuss about wearing jeans and comfortable cloths to work **
(3) Kassidy: She has a menu unopened in front of her and is watching the enterance door
** (3) Kassidy stands as you arrive shaking your hand **
(3) Kassidy: Dr. Ferril thank you for joining me
** (1) Kurtis walks through the front doors with a backpack on his shoulder **
(2) Anthony: (( my car is blue though, not red ))
(3) GM Claire: Matre'd walks away to seat Kurtis
(3) GM Claire: Can I help you sir
** (2) Anthony shakes her hand, "A pleasure." **
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, dinner for two, please."
** (2) Anthony sits down, putting hsi black bag (( which he alwasy carries )) in his lap, opens it, removest he book which he sets on the table in front of him, closes his bag and sets it on the floor besides his chair **
(1) Kurtis: ((the black supra is my car, its black, whats a stingray? find a pic! :D))
(2) Anthony: (( I just did, youdidn't see? ))
(2) Anthony: (( see it now? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((ye))
(3) Kassidy: "I wanted to have this meeting before anyone else managed to catch up with you just so we could be clear on things... Nice parrot by the way..." She stops as you set the book on the table
(2) Anthony: "Thank you, his name is Uchawi."
(3) GM Claire: Matre'd leads Kurtis into the main dining area you notice the following on a sucessful perception roll (wits + investiagation)
** (1) Kurtis looks around the crowd, looking for an old man in a white suit with a briefcase... hmmm which one is him? **
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah, im counting on my uber investigation))
(3) GM Claire: both of you
(3) GM Claire: with the wits please
(1) Kurtis: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(2) Anthony: [wits 3 + invest -3 = 0 [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => wits 3 + invest -3 = 0 [1d10.open(10).vs(8)
(2) Anthony: (( chance die ))
(2) Anthony: (( er, what happened ))
(1) Kurtis: wits 3 + inv 0 = 3
(2) Anthony: wits 3 + invest -3 = 0 [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] vs 8 result of a failure
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [1,2,2] = (0)
(2) Anthony: (( invs 0 = -3 ))
(3) GM Claire: vs 6 remember because it isn't magical
(2) Anthony: (( if you don't have it it's -3 die ))
(1) Kurtis: ((we dont see each other XD))
(3) GM Claire: yay! you guys are great...
(2) Anthony: (( mental are -3, rest are -1 if you don't have htat skill ))
** (1) Kurtis keeps looking for his old man in the white suit, and assumes he is not here yet **
(3) GM Claire: you notice... the lovely... um... veiw of the ocean...
(2) Anthony: (( yougoing to give Dr. Raynard a roll? XD ))
(3) GM Claire: I better...
** (1) Kurtis stares at the waves with his ocean blue eyes, and puts his shades back on **
(1) Kurtis: ((do i see wierd stuff flying around like i did the last night? heat, electricity, light, etc?))
** (3) Kassidy looks at the book a moment longer then looks over your shoulder as if she has just noticed something very interesting. **
(2) Anthony: (( interestingly enough, our cars are almost exaclty the same style, mine is just a classic ))
(3) GM Claire: yes you still see wiered stuff like waves from different energy sorces)
(2) Anthony: (( I don't have any sights up or magic cast ))
(2) Anthony: "I brought the book as you requested."
(1) Kurtis: ((my prelude kinda ended with me seeing them, but i dont have mage sight rolls, so i dunno))
** (1) Kurtis waits to be seated and hums staring at the ocean, a headache growing, last night was rough **
** (1) Kurtis sits at his table and looks around again **
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [5,[10, 3],7] = (2)
(3) Kassidy: I've noticed that yes, honestly I didn't beleive that what they had told me was true. Its very odd you see... because that book is supposed to have been destroyed and now there are two copies in this very room...
(2) Anthony: "Two books appearing where it was destroyed, from my recent experience I'd believe it."
(3) OOC :P: (Kurtis you finally notice something of note. 1. there is a fairly energy surrouneded and vibrant red-headed woman in a white suit sitting with Anthony who will now discribe himself, two, you see no parrots)
(2) Anthony: (( :P ))
(2) Anthony: (( LOLOL ))
(1) Kurtis: (( *blink* what parrots?))
(2) Anthony: (( hang on, gotta stop laughitn here ))
(3) Kassidy: You're recent experience yes. Seems you have joined the club. Figured eventually someone I worked with might. *makes a slight nod to Kurtis who has just caught her eye and who should discribe himself as Tony can now see him)
(2) Anthony: Sitting across the Redhead is a man in his late 20's, dark short hair with a suit that would not be described as a very well tailed suit, but not of quality material.
(2) Anthony: "Excuse me, were you expecting someone else also?"
(3) Kassidy: In a manner of speaking, thought I didn't know exactally whom it would be. The second book as I mentioned. If he would be so kind as to join us I might explain before Mr. Jones arrives.
** (3) Kassidy a tallish woman (5'10") Red-head, brown eyes, in very good shape, also late 20's **
(2) Anthony: The man sitting across the redhead seems to not stay in one postion long, always fidgeting, moving his hands hwen he spekas, adjusting his position in his chair, but all unconsciously. As if sitting still for a second would kill him
(1) Kurtis: Sitting alone at his table is a young man in his early twenties, sunlight blonde hair, combed back, spiky in the front, sleek looking, high sharp cheekbones, a long nose, and a wide mouth, dressed in a black suade jacket and blue jeans. Underneath the jacket is a white cotton shirt. Near him a green backpack.
** (2) Anthony looks at Kurtis and waves him over **
** (1) Kurtis sits calmly, banging his fingers on the table, catching the woman's look, and giving her a look in reply, a look filled with sudden quick interest reflecting rising testosteron production. **
(1) Kurtis: "Hmmmmm..."
** (3) Kassidy calls over "Are you going to come over here with that or are you going to keep checking me out?" **
** (1) Kurtis stands up and dials the cell phone number. "One moment" **
** (2) Anthony hides a laugh under his hand **
(3) Kassidy: honestly I don't have time for all this *smiles appolgetically to Anthony*
** (2) Anthony looks at the gentlemen with an unbelieving look, "Is he for real?" **
** (3) Kassidy shakes her head and attempts to take the phone from you **
** (1) Kurtis tries to look friendly and charming **
(2) Anthony: (( connection test... ))
(1) Kurtis: ((test))
(1) Kurtis: ((GM is preparing a contested roll))
(1) Kurtis: ((finally someone with a cool car, Tony))
(3) Kassidy: so Kurtis contested I'm trying to take your phone but not hurt you, dex + brawl + martial arts
(3) Kassidy: [8d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [7,7,2,4,3,4,9,9] = (4)
(3) Kassidy: four sucesses
(1) Kurtis: what can i roll to evade you and protect my phone?
(3) Kassidy: dex + brawl for hitting my hand. or dex + atletics to move out of the way
(1) Kurtis: move out of the way, trying to shield the phone
(3) Kassidy: dex + atletics v 6 please
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [[10, 4],3,6,8,6,3,7] = (5)
** (1) Kurtis dodges out of the way with a grin **
** (3) Kassidy looks surprised and a little impressed. **
(1) Kurtis: "Woah, hey miss, I'm very flattered of your company and enthusiasm, but please allow me to make one quick call, it's very very important"
(3) Kassidy: The nice way then. If you call him...he will come here take that *nods to the book* and then very politely shoot you in the head
(3) Kassidy: *sweet smile* you're choice
(1) Kurtis: "Let me guess. No million dollars."
** (2) Anthony sighs and stands up, taking his book with him **
(3) Kassidy: Is that what he promised. *laughs slightly*
(1) Kurtis: "And you... are not a cop, cause you don't look like one, but... who?"
** (2) Anthony walks over, "If she's talking about one of these, you might want to listen to the lady, although I also have no idea what is going on." **
** (2) Anthony shows Kurtis hsi book **
(3) Kassidy: Sit. We all need to talk
** (1) Kurtis takes a book out of his backpack and sit down next to the lady **
** (3) Kassidy looks at the book, then at Tony's book **
** (2) Anthony goes back to his chair automaticaly checking to make sure his black bag is still where he lefti t **
** (3) Kassidy shakes her head **
(1) Kurtis: "So this was not a dream? This book is very very strange! Some crazy lady gave it to me, and this book can talk, and shows visions. Personally, i think it's some kind of teleportation device from Heaven. Like, a bible?"
(1) Kurtis: "Well, not like a bible... that would be pretty sweet ... but anyway."
(3) Kassidy: So two of the same book,and by same I don't mean reprints, there was only one copy to start with, where the origional was burnt. Like a bible... you could say that
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "Doctor Kassidy sent it to me. I got it after I talked to a spirit of a Leopard so, whatever." **
(1) Kurtis: "Woah... woah. New level of freaky. Slow down. Spirit of a leopard."
(3) Kassidy: This book.. or these books.. are guides and no I did not send it to you, for the Awakening of gifted individuals
(3) Kassidy: to the courses of.. magic if you will, divine gifts if you prefer. It doesn't matter so much what you want to call yourself
(3) Kassidy: some younger folk are calling themselves jedi
(1) Kurtis: "Jedi? Hell no."
(2) Anthony: "Oh, the spirit of hte Leopard was nothing, that didn't happen until after a witch doctor and I creating a healing elixer by dancing around and chanting. successfully, mind you." Tony shakes his head. He loosk around and realizes that anyone overhearing them woudl now be calling the padded waggon, "Umm.. wanna sit down and talk about this before we call attention to ourselves?"
** (1) Kurtis is already sitting down next to Kassidy **
(3) Kassidy: *shakes her head* regardless... they allow you to awaken into a higher being, like myself, and now you two. Now I don't know who you are *nods to Kurtis* but I know that
(1) Kurtis: "So this book awakened me and turned me into a Jedi. Okay. Is this why everything around me looks like an acid trip? How can I turn it off?"
(2) Anthony: Heal Flaura and Fauna gnosis 1 + life 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 7],4] vs 8 result of (1)
** (2) Anthony touches the wilting flower int he vase on their table and it blooms back to life **
(1) Kurtis: "woah!"
(3) Kassidy: if you have this book, and Mr. Jones is looking for you, which having this book would make you one of his prime targets, then you need to stick around
** (3) Kassidy makes a hissed sound **
(1) Kurtis: "that's not possible!"
(3) Kassidy: Don't don't do that out in the open
(3) OOC :P: its time to play paradox roll yay!!!
** (2) Anthony looks at Kassidy with shock, "Woah, you know what I did?" **
(3) Kassidy: yeah and I know you're gonna regret it.
** (2) Anthony kocks his head, "Regret it? Why?" **
** (2) Anthony looks at the flower in concern **
** (3) Kassidy holds her breath for a moment... watches Tony. Lets out the breath **
(3) OOC :P: (I failed the roll just so you know(
** (1) Kurtis arches a brow **
(2) Anthony: (( figured. XD ))
(1) Kurtis: "You... you can heal things?"
(3) Kassidy: You're lucky.. pulling things like that arond Sleepers can get you some sick sh*t
(2) Anthony: "Some better htan others."
(1) Kurtis: "What kind of sick shit?"
(2) Anthony: "Sleeprs? What'sa sleeper? And whos' Mister Jones? And why would he be looking for this Gentleman? And would he be looking for me?"
(2) Anthony: "And how do you knwo about all this? Can you do this stuff to? How long have you been able to do it?
(3) Kassidy: Okay crash course, You are both Mages for a better word, you are both new at this, and a very nasty very not new at this man who really wants that.. those books is coming to this resturant very soon
(2) Anthony: "Did you talk to a leopard too?"
(3) Kassidy: ... Breath between questions Dr. Ferril please
(1) Kurtis: "Heh, no wonder this Jones wants the book. He probably killed Louis, and got my number. This book is a manual to becoming a healer?! Cooler than cool!"
(2) Anthony: "Oh, yes,s orry, I often get that. He wants this book?" Tony looks at hte book, "So why don't I just give it to him?" Tony shrugs
(1) Kurtis: "Is he always this hyper?"
(2) Anthony: "Life's too short to waste time"
(1) Kurtis: "By the way, I'm Kurt." - extends his hand
** (2) Anthony shakes Kurtis's hand, "I'm Doctor Ferril. You can call me Tony." **
(3) Kassidy: Okay longer version... This book is a gate to the magic world. Sleepers are all these normal people, Mr. Jones is a very nasty man who wants to keep magic very very much to himself. He is looking for.. this guy because he has the book. Yes he is looking for you probably. I know about it because I've got the magic too and because I've got a friend who can see fates. I can do things simmilar to what you can but a bit better at it. and I've been at it six years now
(1) Kurtis: "Tony, nice to meet you. Life, you know, is indeed, too short not to slow down and take time to enjoy some... beautiful moments" - looks at Kassidy
(3) Kassidy: No talking leopards yet. yes he probably killed Louis
(2) Anthony: "Woah, hang on here. someone who is.. like us.. is killing people? And might want to take these books? Or kill us?"
(3) Kassidy: Yes. and stop hitting on me.
(3) Kassidy: any more questions or can we order some food and get the h*ll out of here?
(3) Kassidy: (do I need to keep censuring?)
(2) Anthony: "I have a ton of questoins, but unforuntatley they won't all be answered any time soon I fear. yes,lets eat."
(2) Anthony: (( don't censor ))
(3) Kassidy: Excellent *summons the waiterperson)
(1) Kurtis: "Hitting?" laughs "Wow, so aggressive. I'm very sorry, I mean, seriously, there are a lot of beautiful things in the world, like the sea, and the fire... I suddenly start learning to appreciate them.."
(2) Anthony: "I'll have a watercrest sandwhich, green salid, thousand island dressing"
(3) Waitress Suzie: Are you ready to order Madam's and Misours?
(2) Anthony: (( just decided I'm a vegetarian ))
(1) Kurtis: "I would definitely love to order some medium rare steak, but there is a little problem, seeing as it is now five minutes till my scheduled meeting with Mir. Jones, and he will be here any moment."
** (3) Kassidy looks at Tony like he has antlers... **
(2) Anthony: "Oh, yes, and some crackers plesae."
** (3) Kassidy tries not to start laughting **
(1) Kurtis: "You don't think... it would be... a problem?" - tries to appreciate the comical situation and not understanding what the hell
(3) Kassidy: I'll have the chefs speical, and could we get that to go.
(3) Waitress Suzie: Anything else? Dessert maybe
** (2) Anthony shakes his head **
(3) Kassidy: Nope
(1) Kurtis: "I'm good. Thanks. In fact, you know what, I think I can wait in the car."
(1) Kurtis: "In fact, I'm not even hungry, actually."
(1) Kurtis: "Wait, does he know what I look like?"
(3) Kassidy: Probably not... though the three of us sitting togeather might raise some questions... thought better togeather than apart
(2) Anthony: "Uchawi unataka fataki?"
** (3) Waitress Suzie has left to put in orders btw **
(1) Kurtis: "?"
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: I don't speak that much swahili...
(2) Anthony: "Oh,s orry,w as talking to my parrot."
** (1) Kurtis whispers to Kassidy **
(2) Anthony: "I asked you if you wanted a cracker."
(1) Kurtis: "Is this man insane?"
** (3) Kassidy nods to the parrot **
(2) Anthony: (( since I"m talking to it verbally, he shoudl notice it now? ))
(1) Kurtis: "Or is he talking to a leopar again..."
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: I am not a leopard and yes thank you Anthony I would enjoy a nice cracker
(2) Anthony: "Arey ou blind man? I'm talking to my parrot."
** (1) Kurtis looks for the parrot **
(2) Anthony: (( you now notice a parrot sitting on tony's shoulder"
** (3) Uchawi the Parrot is a parrot **
(1) Kurtis: "Woah. yeah. that's cool, adds a lot to camouflage."
** (2) Anthony looks at Kurtis with a puzzled look, "What? he's been there hte entire time." **
(2) Anthony: "I mean, for goodness sake, how can you not notice a parrot sitting on someone's shoulder?"
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: I have been here this whole while yes
** (1) Kurtis rubs his face and drinks some water **
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: (is speaking in High Speach which you can barely understand Kurtis)
(1) Kurtis: "I am convinced that I don't understand anything anymore. Heh."
(3) Kassidy: Its a familiar... they have a way of...being invisable at times
(1) Kurtis: "First the book talks, now the parrot talks."
(3) Kassidy: very useful
(3) Kassidy: Talks??
(2) Anthony: "Oh, that's okay. If your adventures have been anything like mine these last coupleof days, I'm suprised you understand anything."
(1) Kurtis: "Okay. Awesome. Magical parrot."
(3) Kassidy: The book doesn't talk
(2) Anthony: "Mine book hasn't talked."
(2) Anthony: "although I haven't started reading it yet. But it wouldn't suprise me." Tony shrugs
(3) Kassidy: The book doesn't talk.... what did it say?
(1) Kurtis: "Can the parrot transform into something that can eat Jones?"
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: No.
(1) Kurtis: "Uchawi hungry? yum yum?"
** (2) Anthony appears as if a giant red octopus siddenly grew out of Anthony's stomach and started singing Carman that it woudln't phase him in the least' **
(1) Kurtis: "It talks about individuals trying to stick together because they differ from others. So, we're safer together?"
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: I refuse on the grounds that he is not a cracker, and would probably roast me alive
(1) Kurtis: "Point."
(2) Anthony: "Well, where are we going once we leave here, Doctor?"
(3) Kassidy: Yes. If we are togeather it is less likely he will be able to clear the minds of all the sleepers here of all three of us
(3) Kassidy: Kassidy will do thanks
(2) Anthony: (( hey, that's a peurto Rican parrot, mines an african parrot :P ))
(3) Kassidy: ((its gonna be a dead parrot in a minute :P just leave it)
(1) Kurtis: "What are you a doctor of?"
(3) Kassidy: and we will be leaving as soon as we get our meals to go.
(2) Anthony: (( nooooo! Dn't kill Uchawi! ))
(3) Kassidy: ((I won't)
** (2) Anthony looks around for the waitress with their food **
(2) Anthony: "I've never been to a resteraunt where they bring your food fast enough."
** (3) Older Man walks into the room looking around for someone or something as the Matre'd seats him near the window a ways away from you **
(2) Anthony: (( I sitll have life sight up ))
** (3) Kassidy whispers "Now would be a good time to put those away gentleman" **
** (2) Anthony takes his book and puts it back into his black bag **
** (1) Kurtis puts the book back into the backpack, and sits casually looking away **
** (3) Older Man is wearing white suit and is of an intetermined older age later than 40 **
(1) Kurtis: "So what are you a doctor of, Anthony?"
(2) Anthony: "Medicne mostly."
(2) Anthony: "Yes, a real doctor. Although currently I'm doing field research. Well, or was. That's my line of work anyway."
(1) Kurtis: "What about you?"
** (1) Kurtis turns to the lady **
** (3) Kassidy causually pulls out her bag and says something in high speech into it that sounds like "need your help little brother." **
** (3) Kassidy sets the bag down. **
** (1) Kurtis tries to maintain a casual conversation tone to cover Kassidy **
(3) Kassidy: I have a doctorate in medicine, biology, nanotech, and vetrinary medicine
** (2) Anthony talks to a parrot, Kurtis talks to a book. If Dr. Raynard wants to talk to bag that's her business. **
(3) Kassidy: Kassidy please.
(1) Kurtis: "Nanotech? How's the horizons looking out there?"
(3) Kassidy: well they just cut my funding. So you tell me *smiles*
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, I'd be more comfortable with first names, feeling a little claustrophobic around two doctors."
(2) Anthony: "Rather small I would imagine" Tony chuckles at his own joke
** (3) Waitress Suzie approaches with little styrophome boxes **
(1) Kurtis: "You know I actually don't like doctors much, especially dentists. They charge you for pain."
(3) Waitress Suzie: sorry it took so long, I had to find a bigger box for the Madam's steak
** (2) Anthony pulls out his wallet **
** (1) Kurtis swallows at the size of the box **
** (3) Waitress Suzie pulls out her wallet from the bag, sparring a glance towards the far table and Mr. Jones **
(3) Waitress Suzie: (well... Kassidy does anyway)
(3) Waitress Suzie: (bloody alias)
** (2) Anthony (( hehe, was goign to look and see what got hte waitress interested )) **
** (2) Anthony puts some money on the table **
(1) Kurtis: "So, he is stronger than you, huh?"
** (3) Kassidy follows suit **
(3) Kassidy: Yeah a bit...
** (2) Anthony stands up, grabs his black bag and heads out the door **
(1) Kurtis: "I'm waiting to see what size a steak he orders then:"
** (3) Waitress Suzie do you need change? **
(2) Anthony: "Keep it" Tony says over his shoulder
(3) Kassidy: No change, grabs her bag, makes a clicking sound with her tongue, and follows Anthony jerking her head for Kurtis to follow
** (1) Kurtis follows **
(3) Kassidy: (that should be "No Change"
** (3) Kassidy follows anthony out the door holds the door for Kurtis and a bit longer (roll wits if you like) **
(2) Anthony: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,9] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],3,6] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis slides through the doors **
(3) OOC :P: you notice its not raining outside
(2) Anthony: (( And it's not raining parrots either ))
(1) Kurtis: ((and i assume we're not seeing a truck coming at our face))
(3) Kassidy: I'm thinking my place, is saftest at the moment, its a hollow... you don't know what that is yet but I will explain, and better still he doesn't know where it is
(2) Anthony: "Then again, neither do we. I'll follow you I guess."
** (2) Anthony heads to his car watching ot see what car Kassidy gets into so he can follow **
** (3) Kassidy closes the door just as a number of screams of "What the hell what that and people dropping plates come from inside the resturaunt **
(1) Kurtis: "Awesome date you are, Kassidy, didn't even start on the dinner, and already to your place. It's a dream day isn't it?" - chuckles with a pretty boy look
** (3) Kassidy proceeds to her car muttering under her breath about pretty boys **
** (1) Kurtis jerks his neck and looks back towards the steakhouse, then jumps into the supra, and starts the engine **
** (2) Anthony glances quickly toward the resteraunt, wondering if it was Kassidy or Jones who did it, and figures it wsa Kassidy to cover their... getaway? What had he gotten himself into? And how? The only thing he could be found guilty of was... well, I guess if you play in the jungle you can expect to get bit sooner or later **
** (3) Kassidy 's car is a black jeep that looks a little worse for wear with mud on the tires **
** (2) Anthony jumps in his car and starts the engine following Kassidy **
** (1) Kurtis thinks **
** (3) Kassidy says look at the map so you can follow Kassidy **
(1) Kurtis: Giant steak. Feline reflexes. Scary car. What kind of lady is this fox?
(2) Anthony: (( if you're making marks ont eh map, I"m msising it ))
(3) Kassidy: (do you all see the second purple circle?)
(3) Kassidy: (inside the big yellow circle?)
(1) Kurtis: ((yes, in the mountains))
(1) Kurtis: ((down the highway to the east of the city))
(1) Kurtis: ((its a long drive))
(3) Kassidy: (south on the map yes)
(3) Kassidy: (yes)
(3) GM Claire: you drive through the last bit of seaside portion of town, out towards the national park for about 1 1/2 hours. you stop just short of the actual park and turn down a dirt road. Kassidy stops to make sure your go speed racer type cars can make it
** (1) Kurtis closes the roof of the supra, too dusty **
(1) Kurtis: And she probably lives in a horrid dirthole all the way in the east hillside... not the kind to impress...
** (2) Anthony smiles at the area wondering if he can get a place out here. His apartment in the city was fine when he first started but was a bit crowded with all the people, this place is just... wonderful **
(3) GM Claire: continuing to follow Kassidy you arrive after another 20 minutes to a large gate which Kassidy stops in front of for a moment as it opens, she continues up a long driveway, finally reaching a large cabin like house, two stories, with a porce all the way around. There are a number of trees and wild life runing around including an odd number of foxes.
** (1) Kurtis gets a nausea: not enough city! not enough lights! trees replacing people! no hostile faces to look into, no stereotypes to be biased against, no cars, no bars, it's an urban man's nightmare **
** (2) Anthony leaves the windows rolled down and enjoys the bit of nature out here (( will recast lpulse of the living world if/when it runs out )) **
** (2) Anthony parks his car next to Kassidyes with a respecatable distance between them and gets out, "I love it!" **
(2) Anthony: "How did you find such a wonderful place to live?"
(3) Kassidy: Pulled a few strings "
** (2) Anthony turns around enjoying hte view and glimpsing foxes here and there, especially where he looks because he can sense them **
(1) Kurtis: Okay. Correction. Not a hellhole. But still, that's not enough pluses. Well, okay, the house is nice. That cancels out the giant steak. But the car is still ugly!
(1) Kurtis: "Wow, nice place. You collect foxes?"
(3) Kassidy: So this is my sactum, and hollow, a santum is a safe place, where you can hide if you must from other mages, and hollow is a place that naturally gathers magic
(3) Kassidy: They kinda collect me. They make good look outs too
(2) Anthony: "So it's a hidden magic gathering place. Um.. yeah.
(3) Kassidy: especially with little brother around
(1) Kurtis: "Special."
(3) Kassidy: yeah.
(1) Kurtis: "Magic huh..."
(3) Kassidy: mmhmm
(2) Anthony: "Uchawi."
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: Yes Anthony?
(2) Anthony: "Oh, no, was telling Kurt, magic, Uchaiw."
** (1) Kurtis tries to focus on his vision last night, and try to see if there are any shiny things around this place. Forces, and the other things he saw. Of course, last night he was kinda high... but what if he can really do it? **
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: Oh.
(2) Anthony: "Maybe it wasnt' such a good idea calling you Uchawi, but I don't imagince I'll be explaining magic in swahili much."
(1) Kurtis: Gnosis + Prime for Supernal Vision, Gnosis+Forces for Forces sight
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,1] = (0)
(3) GM Claire: you go blind!... just kidding.
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,8,2] = (2)
** (2) Anthony wonders if there are any speiirs around.. spirit sight **
(2) Anthony: (( whatever it's called ))
(2) Anthony: gnosis 1 + spirit 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,6] vs 8 result of a failure
** (2) Anthony frowns and tries again **
(2) Anthony: gnosis 1 + spirit 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,4] vs 8 result of a failure
(3) GM Claire: you see forces. In particular you see a lot of supernatural force flowing vibrantly in a pulsing kinda way from Kassidy, and to a greater extend the poarch around her house
(2) Anthony: "Thsi place is kinda hidden. I can't see any spirits."
(3) GM Claire: Anthony you go blind... just kidding
(2) Anthony: gnosis 1 + spirit 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,1] vs 8 result of a botch
(2) Anthony: "Wow, it's like I can't see any spirits here'
(2) Anthony: "How do you keep them out?"
(2) Anthony: (( spirit sight just ain't working for me :P ))
** (1) Kurtis sees no shiny power flow, but sees a lot of forces. Gravity being one, the glowing white arrows, thick, like drawn with a paint brush. Wind, the blue marker-thick lines, heat, the red crayon, warmly flowing through everything... and especially, Kassidy and her porch, a multicolored painting of power **
(3) Kassidy: They are out there... just have to keep an eye out", her eyes glow yellow for just a moment
(1) Kurtis: "Kassidy?"
(3) Kassidy: I told you to stop checking me out.... What?
(1) Kurtis: "No, it's not that. What am I seeing?"
(3) Kassidy: Depends what are you looking at?
(1) Kurtis: "You, your porch, everything around me."
(1) Kurtis: "This here, I can almsot touch it, i feel it on my fingers, these red lines"
(2) Anthony: Pulse of the Living World(1) Gnosis(1)+Life(2) [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,5] vs 8 result of a failure
(2) Anthony: Pulse of the Living World(1) Gnosis(1)+Life(2) [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,1] vs 8 result of (1)
(3) Kassidy: ahh the porch is where you obilate to gather the mana from my hollow
(2) Anthony: (( freakign finally I can see something!!! ))
(1) Kurtis: "where you what to gather what from what?"
(1) Kurtis: ((yay))
(2) Anthony: "The porch is where we are obligated to gather bread from what now?"
(3) OOC :P: yay! you see a lotta spirity goodness coming from the porch, her bag, and nearly everything around here
(1) Kurtis: ((ill try matter sight for the hell of it))
(1) Kurtis: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(3) Kassidy: no no... *sighs* okay we will go slowly... can you see ummm.. pulsing red around me?
(2) Anthony: (( was life sight, not spirit sight. ))
(3) OOC :P: Then you see lifey goodness
(2) Anthony: (( do I see pulsing red iwth life sight? ))
(3) OOC :P: it's red and pulsing like blood veins only shiny more like rubbies. simmilear to what you saw in Africa
(2) Anthony: "I see your life energy, if you want to call it that. I've noticed that you and Kurtis and that gentleman who went into the resteraunt are more.. vibrant.. than others."
(1) Kurtis: "Yes. you, and everything. Grass. Foxes. Anthony. Myself. But... where your clothes touch your... amazing looking body and Anthony's ...erm, body, it's nothing, blind spot, like, normal. The red lines rise up, above us, over our heads, like steam."
(2) Anthony: "yeah, it's shinging like rubies"
(2) Anthony: (( do non awakened have the red pulsies? ))
(3) Kassidy: Yes! So that is your form of Mage sight... you can see magic.. and so when I do something like this...
(2) Anthony: (( I don't know how much your mage sight and terralthras coincide ))
(3) Kassidy: (Control Median Life presence, animal ken life
(3) Kassidy: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,[10, 2],5,8,6,1,1,2,2] = (4)
(1) Kurtis: "Mage Sight."
(2) Anthony: (( obviosuly, Kassidy is a life mage also Xd ))
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah lol))
(3) Kassidy: (a large quantity of red pulsing energy in Anthony's case, and noting for Kurtis because he only sees forces right now, gathers in her hands before releasing into the yard touching a fox who immiedately runs to her)
(1) Kurtis: ((i failed my prime sight roll, but i see forces, outside of people's bodies, inside is blank))
(1) Kurtis: ((and i cant recast prime sight for rest of this scene, coz i critically failed))
(3) Kassidy: Mage Sight... the way in which you see magic. Anthony assuming you see the red lines and from your story you are a life and spirit mage. Thyrsus.
(1) Kurtis: "Hmmm"
(2) Anthony: "Oh, you.. called that fox to you. And I.. saw it.. Saw the energy go from you to it."
** (1) Kurtis tries to pull the red lines together, and realizes they stick to his hands **
(1) Kurtis: "Look at this..."
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,1,8,4,1,2] = (1)
(2) Anthony: "Okay, so now I"m a witch doctor, a witch and a Thyrsus also?
** (1) Kurtis pulls the red lines together in a ball in his hand **
(2) Anthony: 'How many more labels amd I going to get tuck on me this week?"
(3) Kassidy: Kurtis.. you i'm not sure yet.. you... oh... hehe fire.. that would be forces..
** (1) Kurtis holds a fireball in his hand **
(1) Kurtis: "Woah!!! Woah!!"
(1) Kurtis: "shit shit"
(2) Anthony: "I'm soon not gong to have enough room on my business cards for all the titles I"ll need."
(3) Kassidy: that would be Obrimos then... calm down it won't burn you
** (2) Anthony looks t Kurtis in shock, "What the... a fireball?" **
(3) Kassidy: You don't have to call yourself any of those if you don't want to Tony, the thing is that the whole bit from those books about Atlantis, was true, they were the first mages, and they named the different groups things
(2) Anthony: (( Hmm... celestrial fire or something else... probalby celestrial fire but that's prime Xd ))
** (1) Kurtis tries to extinguish the ball with sand, but it doesn't work, taps the hand on the ground, no use. He shouts "Stop! Bad fireball!", and the fire fades **
(1) Kurtis: ((i casted a fireball, control heat))
(3) Kassidy: You should try "Flame on" its more amusing..
** (3) Kassidy smirks **
(2) Anthony: (( pretty poerful if it's only 2 dots :P ))
(1) Kurtis: ((i have 3 dots. i chose not to take 4th arcanum))
(3) Kassidy: Shall we all go inside I could use a good shot of something and little brother wants his steak
(1) Kurtis: ((3 forces, 2 prime, 1 matter))
(2) Anthony: "Who is this little brother you keep speaking of and to?"
** (2) Anthony follows kassidy inside **
** (1) Kurtis runs inside. **
(3) Kassidy: "You" points to Kurtis "Don't set my house on fire"
(1) Kurtis: "I... can set things on fire. I ... can throw fireballs. I'm buying myself a versache suit."
(1) Kurtis: "Wait... i don't have to wear a wizard hat now, do I?"
(3) GM Claire: Inside is an interesting mix of hunting lodge minus the dead animals and science lab
(3) GM Claire: (discribing scene shhh)
(2) Anthony: "YOu might look better in a witch doctors getup."
(1) Kurtis: "I can't believe this is real... but the amount of cool it is - is unreally overwhelming!"
(1) Kurtis: "What did you call me? An Obnoxious? You know yesterday night I saw this big silver key. And a big tower, and a book, this book. I signed it."
(3) GM Claire: there are a number of small dog crates in one room of the house will little cat beds in them, there are also cages in this room with a number of wounded and healing animals, along with some nice doctor like metal tables and large quantities of high tech equipment, past that is a kitchen the island holding a gas stovetop, and past that still is a small halway, a stair well going up and down and a large sitting room
(3) Kassidy: That would be the tower yes.. and Obrimos not obnoxious though you are certainly that as well.
(1) Kurtis: Welcome to Jurassic Park...
(3) Kassidy: One of five towers I should say.
(3) Kassidy: Don't mind the animals, they don't bite, they are just wounded. Spare time project.
(3) Kassidy: Trying to improve their healing rates using nanobots and life magic...
** (3) Kassidy waves her hand dismissivly **
(1) Kurtis: Wow, these guys are geeks.
(1) Kurtis: "Really cool how you take care of animals like that."
** (3) Kassidy walks into the kitchen and sets her bag down, (wits rolls please) **
(1) Kurtis: "Can you do that to humans? "
(3) Kassidy: Yes.
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [2,6,3] = (1)
(3) OOC :P: well Kurtis you notice its a brown bag.
(2) Anthony: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,6] vs 8 result of (2)
(1) Kurtis: ((NICE))
(2) Anthony: (( went and smoked a cig and read backlog ))
(1) Kurtis: ((its against 6, so u rolled 3 successes))
(3) Kassidy: Pulls the styrophome box out and sets it on the island, a bright red fox seems to appear (at least to Kurtis) from nowhere and nudges the box with his nose until it opens, the fox since you probably won't notice without this has three tails and the white parts of his fur is actually a silver color
(2) Anthony: (( kurtis or anthony? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((non magical rolls are against 6, magical against 8. Anthony))
(3) Kassidy: Both
(1) Kurtis: ((i dunno why terra had us roll against 8 on everything, its in the book))
(2) Anthony: "Oh, you have one too. What do you call yours?" Tony looks at the fox, 'Interesting tails, a mutatino?"
(2) Anthony: *mutation
** (3) Kassidy inside the box is a hugemungous steak which the fox begins to eat, as it does so its fur takes on a quality much like rubies shimmering brightly **
(2) Anthony: "It's gathering.. magic?"
(3) Kassidy: Little brother is a familiar yes, and no the tail is just a bleed over from his spirit form, he has seven there.
(2) Anthony: "Seven tailed fox, why does that sound familiar... greek mythology I believe?"
(3) Kassidy: mmhmm, Little brother can only get magic from the hollow if he's eating.
(1) Kurtis: Okay. Cool house cancels out the manish car. Steak is for the fox. And she is nice to animals, that overpowers kung fu master reflexes. She's a tolerable chick after all.
(3) Kassidy: Chinese and Native american.
(2) Anthony: "Oh, really? Would my parrot gather magic if he ate?"
(3) Kassidy: Depends on the spirit type he is.
(3) Kassidy: "shrugs"
(3) Kassidy: *shrugs* (:P)
(2) Anthony: "Uchawi, what would you need to do to gather magic? Do you know?"
** (3) Uchawi the Parrot looks around the house for a moment **
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: a book on botany I suppose
** (2) Anthony blinks, "You would need to read a book on bontany/" **
(3) Kassidy: Knowledge based spirit
(2) Anthony: "Oh, yes, he did mention that. That he was well scholared. Ahh, good."
(3) Kassidy: He has to learn to gather magic on his own. You could always feed him some thought.
(2) Anthony: "I could feed him some thought, meaning I wouldl lose the htought? Perhpas if we discussed the teachings of plato... or einstein."
(2) Anthony: "Or shroedinger."
(2) Anthony: "So, what must I do to gather magic here then?"
(3) Kassidy: So *opens a cabinate and pulls out a bottle of jack and three shot glasses* Questions? Now that it's safer to talk
(2) Anthony: "Questions? Questions she asks. I have a ton of questions."
(1) Kurtis: "Kassidy, is it okay if I smoke on the porch?"
(3) Kassidy: Ah well you guys would have to go out and relax on the porch for an hour or so.. until your minds wandered to that dreaming quality
(2) Anthony: "Why did I suddently be able to do magic? Was it hte leopard spirit that did this to me? and how many peopel can do this? And can I ever go back to normal? And why are peopel trying to kill me?"
(3) Kassidy: Yeah.. but I'm not removing the tar from your lungs afterwards
(1) Kurtis: "Um... Now I lost the feeling. A shot of something hot would fancy me better."
(1) Kurtis: "My question would be Anthony's last. Why are people trying to kill me?"
(2) Anthony: "And I found I can talk with animals, and heal them, and I healed some children in Africa, well, helped acutally, the witch doctor knew what to do. I tried to change the parasites into measles but there were too many and I couldn't touch them but he knew what tod o. some ritual dance that gatherd magic I guess and he put it into water the chidlen drank and they became well."
(1) Kurtis: "Did you see a giant tower?"
(2) Anthony: "And do I have to gather magic? What if I don't? Will I die? And how much do I have to gather magic? Do I have to gather it to cast spells? I haven't gathered it before but I was able to cast. Why's that? Do all spells need magic to cast? Or just some?"
(3) Kassidy: 1, you were suddenly able to because likely your life was in danger, you were in contact with something very magical like a spirit would do it too I suppose so it may have been the leopard.. which answers 2, 3 how many... eesh hard to say.. in New Haven there are about 30 or so of us... so 1.7 million.. out of that 30.. you do the math...
(2) Anthony: "And how come I bought this parrot? Did the leopard make me buy it or magic? And how come this book you burned, I think you burned it, did you burn it or sometone else? Why did it make a copy of itself? And how come you didn't know I had it if you sent it ot me. Did you send it to me?"
(3) Kassidy: 4 this is normal. 5 just one person, and not kill so much and eat your soul... and because those books are very very powerful and were suppose do have been destroyed...
(3) Kassidy: okay.. 6.. umm.. shit you talk fast..
(1) Kurtis: "Tony, man. Slow down, bro."
(2) Anthony: "If I run out of magic will I die? Or just become nomral again? And how come you said I shoudl't do magic in public, I'd be sorry. I wsan't sorry and the flower was better."
** (2) Anthony realises that peole are talking to him and stops, and goes through his brain what peopel were saying **
(3) Kassidy: 6 yes you have to gather mana which is what magic is made of though you can do magic without mana you just need a spell.. well rote we call em.
(1) Kurtis: "Slow... Kass, lemme see that." looks around for alcohol "Let's pour the doc a drink."
(2) Anthony: "This is normal?"
** (2) Anthony blinks **
(2) Anthony: "THIS IS NORMAL?"
(2) Anthony: "No freaking way!"
(3) Kassidy: 7 & 8 you won't die you just won't be able to do anything special. 9.. I don't understand what you mean exactally but I think you are asking how much magic you need to gather and that is as much as you want to cast spells usually about 1.. whatever per sell. To cast spells you can either draw it from yourself or you can use a rote which saves some mana
(3) Kassidy: Some spells need mana some don't if people have done it a lot before and you learn the ritual or happen to know it you usually don't need mana
(2) Anthony: (( Impromptu magic outside my primary cost mana to cast, right? Like for me anything ohter htan life or spirit ))
** (1) Kurtis pours Jack into three glasses, and hands one to Tony **
(3) Kassidy: (yes)
** (2) Anthony eyes the glass and takes it and drinks it **
(1) Kurtis: "Here, this is normal. Relax, pal. Take a deep breath. Sit down..."
** (1) Kurtis hands Kassidy a glass **
(2) Anthony: (( so, when I cast temporal eddies, I shoudl of spent 1 mana? ))
** (1) Kurtis whispers to Kassidy "sorry i'm kinda raiding in, he needs to calm down a bit." **
** (2) Anthony puts the glass down with hsi hand still on it waiting for it to be refilled **
** (1) Kurtis refills it and hands him another shot **
(2) Anthony: "My life wsa in danger. Well, that could of done it. I had climbed a tree with a wild Leopard in it to save it's life since some epople were going to shoot it."
(2) Anthony: "I could of gotten shot, or killed by the leopard, or fell from the tree. Most likely all three."
(3) Kassidy: okay on the parrot.. familiars know their masters so he drew you to him..The leopard didn't make you do anything. The book I will explain if you will stop asking so many damned questions!
** (1) Kurtis records everything Kassidy says **
** (3) Kassidy takes her shot of Jack **
(1) Kurtis: "Mana... it's like a movie.."
(2) Anthony: ""Not the Leopard, the spirit of hte leopard I talked to later after the witch doctor and I made the healing elixer."
** (1) Kurtis evaluates the kitchen for presence of a man's hand **
(1) Kurtis: ((wits+crafts ?))
(3) Kassidy: I doubt a spirit had anything to do with your awakening besides perhaps sparking it.
(3) Kassidy: (vs 6)
(2) Anthony: "The spirit of the leopard said that he didn't cause the children to get sleeping sickness, but had arranged it somehow for me to meet hte witch doctor to help him cure them."
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,8,4,6] = (2)
(2) Anthony: "Well, he didnt' exaclty say why he arranged for me to meet hte witch doctor, just that he set it up."
(3) Kassidy: (it appears as if Kassidy lives alone)
(1) Kurtis: "So you live in this place alone, Kassidy?"
(2) Anthony: "Okay, my life wsa in danger so I.. how did you put it.. 'awakened' Meaning I was asleep before?"
(3) Kassidy: Spirits play funny games sometimes. If 3 dozen foxes and other wounded animals don't count than yes
(2) Anthony: "Is this like a Matrix thing?"
** (1) Kurtis hands Anthony another shot **
(3) Kassidy: Well.. we call it awakend to your magic..
** (1) Kurtis whispers "Kassidy, snacks." **
** (2) Anthony drinks the shot **
(3) Kassidy: No there are not giant computers out to get you
** (3) Kassidy points to aother cabinate **
** (1) Kurtis takes out the snacks **
(2) Anthony: "Okay... okay.. maybe this is making sense now. If I awakened to my magic, that means that the magic always existed, I just didn't see it before>"
(3) Kassidy: crackers and chips and dried fruit etc in there... um.. stuff of some kind in the fridge
(3) Kassidy: right.
(2) Anthony: "So, that means that all these myths and stories about magicians are more like... histories?"
(3) Kassidy: Right.
(2) Anthony: "So maybe Merlin did exist."
(1) Kurtis: Chips, beef jerkies, fruit, crackers, anything to give Anthony with the 4th shot
(1) Kurtis: "Merlin? Of course he did! So did Gandalf
(1) Kurtis: "Both of em, gray and white. Here you go."
(2) Anthony: "And apparently Atlantis was a real place and they were awakened."
(3) Kassidy: Yeah... he was an Obrimos... or Thyrsus.. jurries still out
** (1) Kurtis gives Tony more Jack, and a cracker-beef jerky sandwitch **
(3) Kassidy: Yes
(2) Anthony: "right. And Hodini was probalby awakened, and Tesla, and Einstein and... it's starting to make sense."
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, i have a question for real. Is Copperfield a wizard?"
(2) Anthony: "You said something about a tower. Yeah, I saw a tower in the jungle. Well, not my jungle, a jungle I saw while up in the tree with the leopard. In a vision I think."
(2) Anthony: "I put my name on it."
(3) Kassidy: Likely yes. Though we still don't know about Mother Theresa
(1) Kurtis: "Actually, I saw John Paul's name in the book on the Obrimous power... sneaky old pope, probably fireballed all his enemies, dirty weasel."
(3) Kassidy: That fake... yeah Copperfield is real... They let him play his vulgar games to keep Sleepers from thinking magic is real
(2) Anthony: "Why did I put my name on that tower? I felt a compulstion to."
(1) Kurtis: "You're made to heal, doc. You're the doc."
(2) Anthony: "Okay. Now, the million dollar question. Why do.. they or us or whoever, not want sleepers, non awakened I suppose, to know magic is real?"
(3) Kassidy: You have the gift, and that compulsion was your inner sense of it. the desire to go beyond the mundane
(3) Kassidy: Search me.
(2) Anthony: "Is it kinda like in Men In Black? So they rest easy at night?"
(3) Kassidy: In all honestly it would be better for us if they did beleive in magic
(1) Kurtis: 'Yup"
(1) Kurtis: "Hmm... we would be more powerful?"
(3) Kassidy: that is what they say yes.. but heres the dirty bit. Sleepers not beleiveing in magic.. is what causes paradox.. umm..
(2) Anthony: "Well, so what happenes if I go to a non awakened, sleeper, and show him magic is real? Make his dead plants come back to life?"
(3) Kassidy: bad things to happen when you do magic in front of them
(3) Kassidy: anything from rashes to horrible car accidents where you are paralized from the neck down
(1) Kurtis: "This is crazy, yesterday I was just a guy trying to make his day from paycheck to paycheck and now I can make fireballs."
(2) Anthony: "Wait, what?"
(3) Kassidy: Reality smacking you on the ass for trying to bend it when everyone else around you thinks it goes one way and you know it doesn't
(2) Anthony: "Back up here. By me restoring that rose in the resteraunt I may be paralized from teh neck down?"
(3) Kassidy: Naw not for a rose. you would have probably just gotten a blinding migrane
(3) Kassidy: or you might not get anything.. reality is tricky
(2) Anthony: "A toilet seat may fall out of hte space shuttle and hit me on the noggin while walking down the street?"
(3) Kassidy: it bends like a sapling ... sometimes it breaks
(1) Kurtis: "Interesting... the paradox... people's banal way of thinking, I see now. If they believed magic existed, then it would not be considered impossible, hence no paradox."
(3) Kassidy: Exactally
(2) Anthony: "Well, so what if more people just started believing in magic? I mean I'm sure there's peopel out there, non awakened, who believe magic is real."
(1) Kurtis: "That's why Copperfield gets away with it! People come to his shows expecting to see magic! Believing for a moment that it exists!"
(2) Anthony: "At lesat they tell themselves they believe magic is real."
(3) Kassidy: Which is why the Free Council wants to share knowledge and perhaps even show a few people reality.
(3) Kassidy: Yes. they think he can so he can without the mind numbing paradox
(1) Kurtis: "When you say you believe in magic, do you ever really mean it?"
(1) Kurtis: "I didn't. Until now."
(2) Anthony: "I do now."
(3) Kassidy: Now being the key word.
(2) Anthony: "And thank goodness for you two or I'd think I was crazy. Scientific method and all."
(3) Kassidy: So.. on to the book.. Please *looks at Tony* save your questions to the end...
(1) Kurtis: "Okay. So this book is supposed to be extinct, and this is the crash course on magic."
(2) Anthony: "oooh. Nice."
(2) Anthony: "but how can..." Tony looks at Kassidy, "Sorry, go on."
(2) Anthony: (( heh, you may regret allowing me to play a hyperactive character XD ))
(3) Kassidy: Right. The Book was written in eesh 1989 by the Free Council mages of Boston Mass. They wanted to share the truth with Sleepers so the wrote what ammounts to Magic for Dummies.
(1) Kurtis: Wonder if alcohol makes this guy slower or faster. She should keep him permanently hammered.
(2) Anthony: "Ooh, cliffnotes."
** (1) Kurtis starts browsing through the book **
(3) Kassidy: Problem with that is that only the Free Council want to share. all the other political groups hate that idea with a red hot burning passion.
(1) Kurtis: ...Obrimous...
(2) Anthony: "What oth..." Tony remembers himself and closes his mouth
(1) Kurtis: "...rotes... hmmm this is in english..."
(3) Kassidy: So... the other mages caught the cabal... thats a magic group who work togeather, of free council and burned them and their book the only copy before they could have it copied.
(3) Kassidy: Yes the book is in english because sleepers can't undersand High speech..thats the language of magic,the language that most spirits speak.
(1) Kurtis: "Telekinesis..."
(3) Kassidy: and Mages
(1) Kurtis: Wits (3) + Athletics (2) + Forces (3)
** (1) Kurtis extends his hand towards a nearby spoon **
** (2) Anthony turns to Uchawi, "You getting this?" **
(1) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,[10, 8],5,1,5,8,4] = (3)
(3) Kassidy: so.. we have this book... these books.. which by all rights should not exist and now my guess is that the guardians of the veil a group really bent on stopping people for showing sleepers stuff are trying to get their hands on em and burn em again
** (1) Kurtis thwarts the spoon into his hand **
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: Already kinda knew it.
** (2) Anthony opens his mouth to ask a quesiton and closes it again **
(3) Kassidy: So.. we have two books where one should be... or.. not be actually. How that works I don't know
(3) Kassidy: Questions... one at a time...
(3) Kassidy: (gm goes to the ladies room)
(1) Kurtis: ((aka men's room))
** (2) Anthony pulls hsi book out of his black bag and looks at it, looks at Kassidy, looks at it, "Nope, that pretty much answers any quesitons I have about the book." **
(3) Kassidy: *smirks*
(2) Anthony: "I'ts a book that was writing in 1989, was burned by a group who hated it's existance, and now it shows up again with a note sayign ot bring it to teh meeting."
(2) Anthony: "You wouldn'thappene to know who put the note in there woudl you?"
(1) Kurtis: "... Kassidy." - suddenly turns his head back, standing in the middle of the kitchen, making a few steps towards them
(2) Anthony: "or why you even sent it to me. Oh, wait, let me guess, you've never seen it before now?"
(3) Kassidy: Not a clue. I only knew to go because I got a note from a friend who knows a lot about fate.. Yes Kurtis?
** (1) Kurtis has his finger pointing at a page in the book **
(1) Kurtis: "Invisibility."
(3) Kassidy: Mmmhmm invisabiity
(1) Kurtis: Wits 3 + Stealth 2 + Forces 3
(1) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],3,[10, 6],1,7,2,5,3] = (2)
** (2) Anthony thinks, "Any technology advanced enough if indestinguishable from magic." **
(3) Kassidy: Never seen the book before in my life no. Always wished I could... its very useful... so help me Kurtis if you do anything nafarious while invisable I will wrign your neck
** (1) Kurtis closes his eyes, attempting to move the imaginary yellow lines around himself instead of piercing him **
(2) Anthony: "I wonder if magic advanced enought is indestringusihable from technology?"
** (1) Kurtis disappears **
(2) Anthony: (( isnt' forces 3 nice? XD ))
(3) Kassidy: That's what I've been working on actually... among other things
(1) Kurtis: ((uber. though i pretty much limited myself to 2 arcana. but i still believe in maxing one thing first, i think.))
(2) Anthony: "Okay, so this Mister Joness apparently is in this Cabal of the Guardians of the Veil?"
(2) Anthony: (( oh yes, forces 2 is personal invsibility ))
(2) Anthony: "Okay. I guess the question now is, What can I do? But I suspect your answer will be, read the book."
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Will he kill us if he has to?"
(3) Kassidy: Well... they aren't just a cabal... more like... a political group... if mages have politics..
(2) Anthony: (( Can I see kurtis with Pulse of the Living World? ))
(1) Kurt's Voice: "I'm invisible? I can see myself fine"
(3) Kassidy: Yes. he will.
(3) Kassidy: (gotta look that one up one sec)
(2) Anthony: "We don't have to kill him do we? I really don't like the though of having ot kill another living being."
(3) Kassidy: No we don't have to kill him.. though it would solve a few problems *heh* no.. and I doubt we could
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((it might be a roll of my ability to conceal myself with lack of light against your ability to detect life))
(3) Kassidy: (looking)
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Well, think about it, Doctor Ferril. A man is willing and ready to take your life from you, because you discovered an amazing gift."
(1) Kurt's Voice: "You really think he's worth living?"
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Just like that, just erase you from this world."
(2) Anthony: (( personal invisibility forces *** is same as invisible object forces ** wich is only to "mundane sight" ))
(2) Anthony: (( so shoudl be able to see him with any type of mage sight ))
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((you probably can see me in some freaky distorted life sight way, but not the actual me. But my life force, probably))
(3) Kassidy: (because he is using a higher level (forces 3) its a higher difficulty to sense him and you still won't "see" him just know where about he is if you get more sucesses then him unless you can see auras which is mind or prime)
(3) Kassidy: Well.. not so much the gift as the book that comes with it...
(1) Kurtis: "Reveal."
** (1) Kurtis reveals **
(3) Kassidy: ... *shakes her head and takes a shot*
(3) Kassidy: (steals their cars)
(1) Kurtis: "it's probably really bothersome for you to be dealing with two green mages like us, we're total rooks. which brings me to the question, why are you helping us?"
(2) Anthony: "A leopard is willing to take the life of a prey animal. Does that mean the Leopard shoudl die?"
(1) Kurtis: (has a heart attack and dies)
(3) Kassidy: (mawhahahaha!)
(3) Kassidy: (sorry.. moving on..)
(2) Anthony: "She's a doctor."
(3) Kassidy: Naw you guys are fine... ya haven't burn parts of my house down yet.
(2) Anthony: "A real doctor."
(1) Kurtis: "You really consider yourself a prey animal, Doctor Ferril?"
(2) Anthony: "One who cares about life. That's why she's doing it. Or so Ithink. That's why I'd do it anyway."
(3) Kassidy: Okay okay fact of it is, we probably cant kill him and if we could some how and did, we would get in a heap of trouble and probably die... or have to pick up garbage on the freeway.. *shrugs*
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "Spend some time in the African Rain Forest or Savanah sometime, tell me if you don't feel like a prey animal." **
(2) Anthony: "Right, there is always the law to worry about."
(2) Anthony: "But then, he has to worry about the law too, one would hope."
(3) Kassidy: I'm doing it because I agree with the Free Council if you have the gift whats the point of keeping it secret and not telling anyone. If you have great knowledge and you don't share your reasearch then you die.. the world loses
(2) Anthony: "so, we read the books quickly before he gets them, then we don't need htem anymore."
(2) Anthony: "And we give them to... other mages or a bookstore or...whatever>'
(1) Kurtis: "You're a biologist, so correct me if I'm wrong, but don't all things that live just want to eat, reproduce, and live on? If the bunny had fangs, you think he wouldn't try to bite the leopard back?"
(3) Kassidy: Hmm.. interesting thought.. I should try that sometime...
(3) Kassidy: bunny with fangs...
(1) Kurtis: "Good idea. I'll get on it. The book, not the bunny"
** (3) Kassidy day dreams while Gm gets drink) **
(2) Anthony: "Anthromorph? You can anthromorph???"
(2) Anthony: "Wow. can I do that?"
(1) Kurtis: "Probably..."
(3) Kassidy: Not yet but soon.
(1) Kurtis: ((i should change my font, too confusing))
(2) Anthony: "So, tell me, do you know what doctor jones can do?"
(2) Anthony: "You called Kurtis obnoxious and me a thyrsus. So do you know what Mister Jones is by any chance?"
(2) Anthony: (( you started it konrad :P ))
(1) Kurtis: "Obrimos"
(3) Kassidy: Mr. and so far I haven't been able to guess which path he's on... I've seen him do death magic, Space magic, and Forces...
(1) Kurtis: "Woah. wait, wait. Death magic?"
(2) Anthony: "Hold on here.. DEATH MAGIC?"
(3) Kassidy: mmhmm
(3) Kassidy: Yeah..
(1) Kurtis: "Kindofa dumb question obviously, does it kill people?"
(2) Anthony: "Like the grim reaper? Point his finger at us and tell us to die?"
(2) Anthony: "Space magic? I take it that's not something out of a sci fi book but.. what, spatial relationships?"
(3) Kassidy: (for ease of explaining Gates to Atlantis is gonna be like the Mage the awakening book but with no pictures or die rolls simmilar content though)
(2) Anthony: (( kay ))
(3) Kassidy: okay.. death magic is kinda.. mmm raises zombies and yes sometimes killing poeple
(3) Kassidy: Space magic is more spatial relations than ray gun si fi
(1) Kurtis: ((i like the approach. Terr took forever, like 3 months to even explain us what we can do. Here we get a book and just play around with it :D ))
(3) Kassidy: ((knowledge can be dangerous in the wrong hands *evil plotting laughter*)
(1) Kurtis: "What kind of stupid magic is space then? Knowing how far apart things are?"
(3) Kassidy: more like.. beam me up scotty only without scotty..
(3) Kassidy: teleportation
(3) Kassidy: two places at once
(1) Kurtis: "wow. I better brush up on my invisibility."
(1) Kurtis: "Jones sounds nasty."
(3) Kassidy: *chuckles*
(1) Kurtis: ((goes to the ladies... mens room))
(2) Anthony: (( is this 2007? ))
(3) Kassidy: ((yes)
(2) Anthony: "So, why haven't the guardians of the vail stoped the show Heroes on TV? It's obvoiusly telling everyone all about this."
(2) Anthony: "Oh, let me guess, poeple can read minds, and fly, and heal, and..."
(2) Anthony: "heal others, check. "
(3) Kassidy: Doesn't say anything about Heros being mages, or using magic, they are more like mutations... see any mage can learn any magic... some magic is just harder than others so any mage could be a syler
(2) Anthony: "So like evyerthing we've ever heard or read about magic and super powers is proably possible?"
(3) Kassidy: mmm yeah.
** (2) Anthony shudders **
(2) Anthony: "I hope Mr. Jones isn't a Sylar."
(2) Anthony: "That would be.. bad."
(3) Kassidy: And remember... TV shows unless the are reality TV shows aren't ever thought to truely be real by the mass public
(3) Kassidy: Indeedie
(2) Anthony: "Okay, Sylar wanted the magic for himself so he could be special. Then once he became president, he was killing other peopel with power to, as he put it, "stop the competition". So maybe it'st he same with the guardians of the veil."
(3) Kassidy: Ya know that makes me wonder... if we set up cameras around a site before we tried rotes would we get paradox or would people think it was special effects....
(2) Anthony: "But, no matter, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
(3) Kassidy: Indeed.
(2) Anthony: "Okay. So, I have become awakened. I can do magic. Othe rpeople can too. Some people want to stop from spreading the knowledge."
(2) Anthony: "Tell me, if Mr. Jones was given the books, would he necessarily leave us alone?"
(3) Kassidy: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i4.ebayimg.com/01/i/00/eb/b7/68_1.JPG&imgrefurl=http://cgi.ebay.com/HOUSE-PLANS-CABIN-BLUEPRINTS-PLAN-GARAGE_W0QQitemZ280156631739QQcmdZViewItem&h=300&w=400&sz=27&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=SU5Nht01-kcguM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtwo%2Bstory%2Bcabin%2Bblueprints%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
(3) Kassidy: (her house with bluprints - the basement)
(1) Kurtis: "A better yet question is, if we tape us doing magic, then air it, will we get paradox afterwards?"
(3) Kassidy: also a good question.
(3) Kassidy: I don't know.. honestly he might just get rid of us because we knew they exist
(2) Anthony: "But you knew they existed before you saw them, correct?"
(2) Anthony: "So dont' other mages?"
(3) Kassidy: Yes, but they didn't exist... we knew of a book that did not exist and what happened to those who made it..
(3) Kassidy: Now the book is back
(2) Anthony: AHHH
(1) Kurtis: "Kassidy. Jones called me about this book before I awakened, actually before I even had the book with me, before I even saw me. How would he know I would ever awaken?"
(2) Anthony: "Sot he quesiton becomes,who sent me the book?"
(3) Kassidy: It's like gving people who are in a concentration camp hope that the Americans are on their way ya know...
(1) Kurtis: "Who talked to me from inside of my book?"
(2) Anthony: "That's an easy one, She already told us. she has a friend with somethign called Fate magic. Apparently fate can see what will happen in the future."
(2) Anthony: "so either jones has fate magic,or knows someone who does."
(3) Kassidy: Jones probably didn't know you were going to awaken, he doesn't have fate magic if he did we would be dead.
(1) Kurtis: "Why'd he pick me? He chose me to find the book, I didn't choose it myself."
(2) Anthony: "Oh, then how did he know?"
(3) Kassidy: so whatever he was planning for you to do with the book he didn't count on you being Awakened
(2) Anthony: "Wait, what's this? Jones had you get the book?"
(3) Kassidy: Now as for who sent the book... I still don't know that one...neather does my friend.
(3) Kassidy: and talking I don'
(3) Kassidy: *don't
** (2) Anthony pulls the note he found inside hte book from his jacket pocket and hands it to Kassidy, "Is this your handwriting?" **
(3) Kassidy: know about either
(3) Kassidy: No..that is not my hand writing.*grabs a napkin and doctor scribbles on it* that is
(2) Anthony: "I found that note inside the book when I leafed thorugh it."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, is there any way we can figure out who wrote that note? We're magicians aren't we?"
(1) Kurtis: "At least i think it was Jones. he called me on my cell, which I know he got from someone else named Louis. He called me and asked me to go buy this book for him. Turned out to be an easy task, it was for sale in an antique store. But Jones said they wouldnt sell it to him."
** (3) Kassidy shakes her hea **
(3) Kassidy: *head
(2) Anthony: "Jones or whoever was on the other end of the phone line."
(3) Kassidy: all powerful manual to the magical unknow shows up in a bookstore...
(2) Anthony: "Okay, the wicked witch in sleeping beauty had an all powerful magic mirror. Do you have one? maybe we can ask it who wrote the note."
(1) Kurtis: "And some lady doing research wanted to buy it and write a paper on it. I probably saved her life. heh heh."
(3) Kassidy: and to think I spent 6 years working on the rote database just before two copies of everything I would want to know about magic drop into my lap
(1) Kurtis: Do not compare a lady who can make fanged bunnies to a wicked witch. Rookie mistake.
(2) Anthony: "Maybe we shoudl make a copy of the book before something happens to them."
(3) Kassidy: We need a good time mage...
** (3) Kassidy chuckles **
(2) Anthony: "good time mage."
** (2) Anthony chuckles **
(1) Kurtis: "For some good times"
(3) Kassidy: Yeah...
** (3) Kassidy laughs **
** (1) Kurtis laughs **
(2) Anthony: "An anthromorphic mage with no virtues."
(3) Kassidy: no a mage whos good with time magic
(2) Anthony: "Oh my, did I say that outloud?" Tony blushes
(1) Kurtis: "Stopping time?"
(1) Kurtis: "Back to the Future style"
(3) Kassidy: or a lotta prime.. that would be nice too... something like that yes
(2) Anthony: "Okay. So we need to find a mage who's good with time. Umm.. why exactly?"
(1) Kurtis: "Send us into the past, set Jones's crib on fire, come back, heh."
(3) Kassidy: because with enought Time magic a mage can see what an object has seen across the expanses of time
(3) Kassidy: You are a sadistic person do you know that?
(1) Kurtis: "or that"
(3) Kassidy: yeah or that...
(1) Kurtis: "am not!"
(3) Kassidy: sheeh
(2) Anthony: Is time the only way to see whowrote the note?
(3) Kassidy: with enough prime..thats the magic of magic we could also see that last magic person who had the books before us... and probably.. that or prime.. prime is..eh tricky don't understand it much myself yet
(3) Kassidy: its kinda the magic of magic... you can see magic threads as they are.. see the magic flavor of different mages..and yes we all have different flavors
(1) Kurtis: she breeds mutant foxes as a hobby and she calls me sadistic. nice.
(2) Anthony: "Life wouldn't do it? I coudln't see the last live person who held... er, held, that's a fuction of time. I think I understand."
(3) Kassidy: no two mages are the same.. even if they have the exact same magic
(2) Anthony: "Really? Why is that? Just becuase they try to do different things?"
(1) Kurtis: "a signature..."
(3) Kassidy: You two both know me as Kassidy Raynard but that's not my mage name..
(3) Kassidy: Yes! a signature
** (1) Kurtis tries to see Kassidy's signature **
(3) Kassidy: like a two way radio call number
(2) Anthony: "Oh, you mean like their essence."
(2) Anthony: "Is imprinted in their magic."
(3) Kassidy: yes
(3) Kassidy: So.. in mage gatherings.. when we meet each other we call each other different names.. because trust me not all mages are good and some will use your real name for ill means
(3) Kassidy: So to them I'm Kasandra Fox.. or just Red Fox sometimes
(3) Kassidy: Hence all the foxes.. *smirks*
(2) Anthony: Oh. So they don't know yoru real name?
(3) Kassidy: no
(2) Anthony: Oh, that means I get to pick a cool super magey name?
** (2) Anthony grins **
(3) Kassidy: and they don't with the exception of two know where this place is
(3) Kassidy: yes..
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,1] = (0)
(3) Kassidy: (you go blind.. again)
(1) Kurtis: "I don't see your signature. I must not have the Prime magic in me."
(2) Anthony: (( and that's a botch too ))
(3) Kassidy: It's possible
(1) Kurtis: So much for the impressive trick of guessing her secret name...
(2) Anthony: (( ummm.. which secret name? Kassandra Fox or Kassidy Raynard? XD ))
(1) Kurtis: ((either, im not having luck with prime, in fact doing shitty in it :D))
(3) Kassidy: ((okay normal person name Kassidy Raynard... with mages around Kassandra Fox
(2) Anthony: "Tony Leopard"
(3) Kassidy: We call em shadow names..
(2) Anthony: "Hey, better then Deth Leopard
(1) Kurtis: "What better name is there than Ferril? It's Peril."
(1) Kurtis: "Kass, he's had enough Daniels."
(1) Kurtis: "And don't let him wear tights."
(2) Anthony: "Oooh, Death Peril! yeah?1 yeah!"
(3) Kassidy: Well... I can see a heap of why not tony tiger jokes coming your way but it will throw off the scent
(2) Anthony: "I kidna like Tony Leopard actually."
(3) Kassidy: No.. no tights..if you wear tights or leopard print.. or a funny hat I will disown you as an apprintice.. either of you
(2) Anthony: "If mages have spirit animals, and it's talked about in different magic rites of american indians why not? then I thinka Leopard is my spieirt aniamls. Or a parrot. Either."
(1) Kurtis: "I need a teacher who can take me to the depths of Obrimos."
(1) Kurtis: "Do you know any archmages?"
** (3) Kassidy laughs **
(2) Anthony: "Tony Parrot maybe. Sicne I"ll have Uchawi with me anyway."
(3) Kassidy: No...
(3) Kassidy: don't know any Obrimos at all in fact.. they are a little.. mmm.. hollier than though
(2) Anthony: "Archmage? Isnt' that a game on the PC?"
(3) Kassidy: yes...
(1) Kurtis: "You're thinking Archlord."
(3) Kassidy: *thou
(1) Kurtis: "Hollier?"
** (1) Kurtis downs a shot **
(3) Kassidy: Yeah think their speical because they can shoot fire balls out their asses..
(1) Kurtis: "Interesting idea..."
(3) Kassidy: divine right or some such..
(2) Anthony: "Tony Parrot... Tony Parrot." Tony looks at Uchawi, "Sound good to you?"
(3) Kassidy: its the tower and the clouds
(1) Kurtis: "I thought I died and went to heaven."
(1) Kurtis: "Why is my tower in the sky?"
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: Sounds good sure. Will save you from the "Theeeere Gerrrrate" jokes
(2) Anthony: "You meandifferent towers look differnetly? MIne was int eh jungle as I said."
(1) Kurtis: "It had... angels."
(2) Anthony: "Taht was tony tiger. Oh. yeah."
(3) Kassidy: Yeah they all look different, sometimes the same kind of mage might see the same tower different... my tower was not in a jungle just a forest.
(1) Kurtis: "When I heard the voice, I thought i was talking to God. Thought i had the original version of Holy Bible or somethin."
(2) Anthony: "Well, I was in the amizonian rain forest at the time... that may have somethign to do with it."
(2) Anthony: "African rain forest actually."
(2) Anthony: "What did you rbook tell you anyway?"
(3) Kassidy: It may yes. I think its personal for each person.
(3) Kassidy: ... different
(1) Kurtis: "My book told me... it was lost, and had some bad tacos.."
(1) Kurtis: "What the fuck that meant, I dunno." - takes a shot, eats a cracker
(3) Kassidy: Bad tacos?
(2) Anthony: "your book told you it had some bad tacos???"
(1) Kurtis: "Bad tacos."
(3) Kassidy: ... wait wait wait... wait.. hand me a book..
** (2) Anthony looks at Kassidy with a puzzled expresssion, **
** (1) Kurtis hands it over **
** (2) Anthony hands kassidy his book **
(1) Kurtis: "The voice sounded more like a kid actually."
** (2) Anthony shrugs and takes his back **
(1) Kurtis: "But I was pretty drunk, I don't recall much. I took a few last night."
(3) Kassidy: ... *hands back one book* open it to eh.. page 5.. *walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs*
** (3) Book! in Kassidy's voice "Testing... Testing.. 1. 2. 3... my balonie has a first name..." **
(2) Anthony: (( my book si doing that? ))
(3) Book!: (yes yes it is)
** (2) Anthony looks at his book and speks into the cover, "Hello? Can you hear me? Testing. Testing. One Two three." **
** (3) Kassidy steps into visual range up in the loft **
(3) Kassidy: Cool!
(1) Kurtis: "Great. We have a third musketeer..."
(2) Anthony: "Did you ear me?"
(2) Anthony: "hear"
(3) Kassidy: Yes
(2) Anthony: "And I didn't even open it. Okay, so they're walkie talkies."
(3) Kassidy: They are like... transmitors... or.. something
(2) Anthony: "But, the books haven't been talking all this time we were together, maybe you have to talok into the book or... soemthing"
(3) Kassidy: maybe its a proximity thing...
(2) Anthony: "so, a kid is lost and had bad tacos and has or is close to a copy of the book."
(3) Kassidy: where were you when the book talked?
(1) Kurtis: "back at my place. In North Riverdale"
(3) Kassidy: So maybe theres another mage kid with bad tacos near your place
(1) Kurtis: "There is a third copy. And this guy is probably in danger."
(2) Anthony: "You know, apparently this book was at one ponit one book, right? But it somehow made copies of itself? Maybe it didn't, maybe it split tiself, maybe it exists in all 3 places at the same time. Just one book."
** (3) Kassidy comes back down the stairs and hands back the book **
(2) Anthony: "so maybe that's why we can hear what is said through it."
(3) Kassidy: Hmm.. with enought time and space that is quite possible yes.
(2) Anthony: "Okay, but hten there wouldn't be a range limit."
(3) Kassidy: (gives Tony a being smart cookie)
(2) Anthony: "Maybe that's how it survived being burnt? maybe at one point there were 4 copies.. but if one were burnt htey wouldall be... hmm.."
** (2) Anthony opens up si book and flips to the back page **
(2) Anthony: (( blank? ))
(3) Kassidy: ((yes))
(2) Anthony: "Kurt, can you opene up tot he last page of yoru copy please?"
(1) Kurtis: ((provides GM with food))
(1) Kurtis: "Sure"
** (3) Kassidy hands kurtis his book **
(3) Kassidy: ((me eats food with happyness)
** (2) Anthony pulls out a pen and make a very small mark on the blank page at his book, then looks at kurtis's to see if it appred there as well **
** (1) Kurtis does what Tony says **
** (3) Book! after about 5 seconds a mark appears on Kurtis' book **
(1) Kurtis: "Delay about five seconds"
** (2) Anthony scratches his head, "Took a little time, if it was in fact the same book there woudln't be a delay." **
(1) Kurtis: "Same book, or two separate books, or maybe reflections of one original book hidden somewhere, with ability to commit changes to the original..."
(3) Kassidy: Try it the other way around...
(1) Kurtis: "Like a server to client"
(1) Kurtis: "I wonder what creates the lag."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, make a mark in yoru book Kurt" Tony hands kurtis his pen.
** (1) Kurtis makes a mark on the last page of his book **
** (3) Book! Tony's book no mark **
(2) Anthony: (( still no mark after a minute? ))
** (3) Book! no mark **
(1) Kurtis: "You have the server copy."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, so it would appear I have the master copy."
(2) Anthony: "Or a master copy."
(1) Kurtis: "But what about the kid?"
(1) Kurtis: "He did talk to me through his.."
(2) Anthony: "Well, I wish you wouldof heard more. It is possible that you heard it through my book, or another book."
(2) Anthony: "When did you hear it? what day?"
(1) Kurtis: "Last night. At about 1 am."
(1) Kurtis: "The book stuttered 'He-hello?'. I said Hello. It said "I ate some bad tacos. I think I'm lost."
(2) Anthony: "Msujt of been another book, mine was with me last night at home."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, se we need to find the thied book and the awakened kid to pretect him from the evil mister jones."
(3) Kassidy: So there are three books then? *hops up onto the counter and draws little brother into her lap stroaking his ruby red fur
(1) Kurtis: "Or find him and hope he is a powerful wizard so he can protect us from the mister jones"
(2) Anthony: "We think there's at lesat three books."
(2) Anthony: "There maybe more, we don't know."
(1) Kurtis: "Wait!"
(1) Kurtis: "Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he doesnt."
(2) Anthony: "Hmm?"
(1) Kurtis: "There was something else..."
** (1) Kurtis tries to remember **
(1) Kurtis: "I was a little surprised the book talked. I said... I said "Tacos? Youre a book."
(1) Kurtis: "And the kid answered 'A book? What book?' "
(1) Kurtis: "He didn't know what book I am talking about.
(1) Kurtis: "Can there be other devices that output to the books?"
(2) Anthony: "Hey, anything is posible iwth magic, right? But is it probable?"
(1) Kurtis: "I'm thinking, if he had a book on him, would he ask me 'what book?' "
(3) Kassidy: Probably doesn't really enter in either..
(2) Anthony: "Maybe he was just standing next to the book. Or over hte book, or udner it. Or something"
(2) Anthony: "or maybe the bookcan change shape for all I know."
(3) Kassidy: what is the probablility that two doctors and a gofer would be sitting in a cabin talking about magic..
** (2) Anthony looks at his book and says dubiously, "Change into a baseball" **
(1) Kurtis: "Well, he was probably awakening at the same time with us... proably was tripping cats and dogs."
(3) Book!: No
(3) Book!: :P
(2) Anthony: (( did the books peak or was that for comic releaf? :P ))
(3) Book!: ((comic))
(2) Anthony: "Okay... hmm.. woudl space magic help us out in this?"
(2) Anthony: (( meh, do I know I have space? ))
(3) Kassidy: it could.. with enought space we could see if the book was occupying more space than it should...
(1) Kurtis: "Some kinda magic should. Gotta read up on what we can do... so far i seem to be some kinda... battlemage."
(3) Kassidy: Don't know any space though...
(1) Kurtis: "Look at some space."
(3) Kassidy: Obrimos often join the Adamatian Arrow yes...
(1) Kurtis: "I wonder if prime can tell us what spell is cast on the book, if any?"
(2) Anthony: (( correspeondence or finder, scrying window, all woudl do it ))
(1) Kurtis: "Mmm, here, in the very first pages of Prime, it says Knowing. Knowing is a mastery of... awareness... mmm... here! Analyze enchanted item!"
(1) Kurtis: "I can try that if you like."
(1) Kurtis: "I guess... I need to focus, relax, and just wish it very well. Open... sesame?"
(2) Anthony: (( I'm goign to try correspondence, which, I think, tells me the degree of sympathy between.. things... ? ))
** (3) Kassidy mouths the words Open sesame **
(3) Kassidy: (yes tony it does)
(2) Anthony: (( It's impropmtu secondayr so takes a mana ))
(2) Anthony: (( small chance of succes at that. oh wiat.. ))
(3) OOC :P: roll it
(1) Kurtis: Trying to Analyze Enchanted Item: Gnosis 1 + Prime 2
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,1] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: (figures)
(2) Anthony: (( trying ot see if momentary flux or coaxing hte psirit help me ))
(3) OOC :P: you go blind... again..
(1) Kurtis: "I see no strings of magic over it at all. Zero magicage. Nil."
(2) Anthony: (( trying correspondence with small chance of successess ))
(3) OOC :P: kk
(2) Anthony: correspondence (( betweent he two books )) gno 1 + spac 1 [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3] vs 8 result of a failure
(2) Anthony: (( and burning a mana ))
(2) Anthony: "Oh, wow, that took something out of me."
(1) Kurtis: "Hmm, another one here says "activate enchanted item". Maybe that's the case."
(1) Kurtis: "Activate!"
(2) Anthony: "I feel strangely... depeleted. Not as whole"
(2) Anthony: (( or mana burn only on scucess? ))
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,6] = (0)
(3) Kassidy: You used mana for that one I saw it.
(1) Kurtis: "Dangit!"
(3) OOC :P: Kurtis.. seriously man.. you are blind for a minute
(1) Kurtis: "Woah? What the hell? I cant see!"
(2) Anthony: (( mana burn on success or attempt? ))
(1) Kurtis: "Did I make you invisible?"
(1) Kurtis: "The world is invisible!"
** (2) Anthony tries corresponence agin **
(2) Anthony: correspondence (( betweent he two books )) gno 1 + spac 1 [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],6] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Anthony: (( hoody hoo! ))
(3) Kassidy: on sucess you just failed so no mana burn would be for botch
(1) Kurtis: "Revert! Revert! revert revert revert revert" - desides not to run around the room frantically, and just stay in place."
(2) Anthony: (( second attempt, 1 success. mana gone and do I feel the sympathetic connectoin between the two books? ))
(3) OOC :P: The books.. are.. tied so tightly togeather they seem to be one. like a blurry overlapped image barely tanagle as two books
(3) OOC :P: *tangable not tangle..
(2) Anthony: "Well, they are extremely tightly interwoven, that's for sure. LIke they are the same almost
(1) Kurtis: ((nice!))
** (2) Anthony scratches his head **
(2) Anthony: "Not sure hwo that helsp us find the third bok though."
(1) Kurtis: "Any one of you doctors can please unfuck my eyesight?"
(2) Anthony: "need a looking glass for htat I think."
** (2) Anthony looks at Kurtis **
** (3) Kassidy sighs and hops off the counter walking towards you and touches your head "Your healed!" **
(2) Anthony: Healer's Trance(1) Intelligence(3)+Medicine(3)+Life(2) [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,1,3,1,5,2,9] vs 8 result of (3)
(2) Anthony: (( no, no, you gotta go and wack him on the forehead so hard he falls down so he never asks you again XD))
(2) Anthony: (( "Be HEALED! ... omg.. I broke his neck..." ))
(1) Kurtis: "I did something wrong."
(3) Kassidy: ((actually.. I'm gonna :P) Compusure + Medicine + LIFE!
(3) Kassidy: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,4,2,7,7,9,2,[10, 9],3] = (3)
(3) Kassidy: 4. be healed and have a headache from being smacked on the head
(1) Kurtis: "Ow! That was hard. And thank you."
(3) Kassidy: You failed horribly at that last spell yes
(3) Kassidy: mmhmm
(3) Kassidy: (and yes anthony he was magically blind as in clouded retinas)
(2) Anthony: "Okay,so basically between the three of us we cna't figure out where the third books i because.. we don't have space?"
(1) Kurtis: I don't even wanna know how she kisses. Probably just sucks you in.
(3) Kassidy: ... yeah..
(2) Anthony: (( we go temporarily blind every time we fail a cast? ))
(2) Anthony: "Well, dang, we're not quite all powerful then are we?"
** (2) Anthony sighs **
(3) Kassidy: no.. just him cause he keeps failing to notice things))
(1) Kurtis: (( i failed 5 spells in a row critically across Prime section, i was asking for it))
(1) Kurtis: ((kept recasting lol))
(2) Anthony: "If hte book had a spirit I coudl talk to it. But I dont' htink they have spirits. Do they?"
** (2) Anthony scratches hsi head **
(3) Kassidy: There is a learning curve yes.
(3) Kassidy: Not so much no
(2) Anthony: (( I think I stil have spirit sight up ))
(3) Kassidy: yeah you do))
(1) Kurtis: "If I fail at a spell... does it mean I cannot ever cast it, or I just did it wrong?"
(3) Kassidy: Well.. if you fail you may not have enough umph behind it.. or you may have done something wrong
(3) Kassidy: so both...
** (2) Anthony looks at his Parrot, "Uchawi, you wouldn't happen to know space would you?" **
(3) Kassidy: for example I know I don't have any space magic.. cause I've tried to do it before.. just don't know about it enought yet.. didn't study it and it don't come natrual so if I try to cast a spell with space I will fail
(3) Kassidy: but say I did have space just not enough for what I wanted to do.. I wouldn't have enough umph and would still fail
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: I don't have magic quite the same way you do. I have spirit powers.
(1) Kurtis: "Obrimos is the realm of Prime and Forces. So I must be very weak in power of prime, but on the other hand..."
** (1) Kurtis extends a hand **
(2) Anthony: "Spirit powers. Interesting. Hopefully they're written about in the bvook."
(1) Kurtis: "Fireball."
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],5,2,4,9,9,1] = (3)
** (1) Kurtis hand is in flames **
(1) Kurtis: "never fails."
(1) Kurtis: "Off."
(3) Kassidy: Special.
** (1) Kurtis puts fire out **
(3) Kassidy: Very vulgar.. and special
(3) Kassidy: but handy in a pinch
(2) Anthony: "Well, I find some magic I do much better at also. Antying having to do with medicine I find very easy."
(2) Anthony: "Like this..."
** (2) Anthony touches Kurti's forhead **
(1) Kurtis: "Vulgar. Pf, you're no charm yourself, smacking me on the head like that."
(3) Kassidy: Because you already think in terms of life and healing.
(2) Anthony: (( lets see if I suceed first ))
(3) Kassidy: you understand it more so it makes more sense to you.
(2) Anthony: gnosis 1 + 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],2,2] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Anthony: (( that might be contested, let me check ))
(3) Kassidy: yay
(3) Kassidy: (sure)
(2) Anthony: (( nope, not contested :D was purify bodies ))
(2) Anthony: Kurtis is now perfectly sober
(3) Kassidy: (you don't fee drunk any more yay.. wait.. booo))
(3) Kassidy: 8feel
(1) Kurtis: "Woah dude. You killed my groove. No more tingly fingers"
(1) Kurtis: "You can make people sober?!"
(2) Anthony: "It seems I can remove poisons from a body
(3) Kassidy: mmhmm
(2) Anthony: "Rather easily. Not disease though, that' smuch harder."
** (1) Kurtis also feels sober from the remainder of his cocaine adventure, but keeps quiet about it **
(3) Kassidy: just wait until you figure out how to cure cancer.
(2) Anthony: "It took two of us in Africa."
(1) Kurtis: "Can you cure cancer?!"
(2) Anthony: "I think the Witch Doctor knows."
(2) Anthony: "Oh, yeah, that reminds me...."
** (2) Anthony pulls the sample of the special water out of his black bag and holds it up **
(3) Kassidy: in one person yes. For a while.. problem with cancer is if you don't get all of it.. it comes back easy
(3) OOC :P: its special
** (2) Anthony looks at the sample, tis' been, 4 days? Does it still show magic? **
(3) OOC :P: a little bit
** (2) Anthony hands the sample to Kassidy, "This is the water htat hte witch doctor treated with my help. But it looks weaker now, why/" **
(1) Kurtis: "Kassidy, do you have a light bulb you don't need?"
(3) Kassidy: a light bulb?.. *twitches her lips and walks off for a moment coming back with a package of em*
(3) Kassidy: (isn't it great knowing OOC that we can't go find the kid cause the player is off somewhere else :D he misses two more and he's NPCafied))
(1) Kurtis: ((he'll end up being noober than us in levels))
(1) Kurtis: ((just assuming you give exp like Terr, we will have 8 exp points in 2 sessions over him))
(1) Kurtis: "Here the book says I can control electricity."
(1) Kurtis: "I just really hope I'm as good at it as I am with fire."
** (1) Kurtis takes a light bulb in his hand **
(2) Anthony: "My salad!"
** (2) Anthony goes out to his car and retries his luch **
** (2) Anthony brings it in and sets it on the talbe, "ahh, its a bit wilted now." **
(1) Kurtis: ((lol wtf))
(3) Kassidy: ... Dude.. Tony has ADHD..
** (2) Anthony frowns then gets at hough **
** (1) Kurtis looks at Tony, then at the salad. **
(1) Kurtis: "mkay."
** (1) Kurtis takes a shot and casts a spell **
(3) Kassidy: what are you going to do to the salad?
(1) Kurtis: Electricity Control
(3) Kassidy: to a salad?
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,8,6] = (1)
(3) Kassidy: (it kinda flickers and sorta gives a little bit of light)
(3) Kassidy: (the bulb not the salad)
** (2) Anthony touches the salad - Heal flaura and fauna Heal Flaura and Fauna(2) Gnosis(1)+Life(2) [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,6] vs 8 result of a failure **
** (2) Anthony frowns **
** (1) Kurtis writes some things down in his notebook **
(2) Anthony: Heal Flaura and Fauna(2) Gnosis(1)+Life(2) [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,6] vs 8 result of a failure
(3) Kassidy: (your salad dies of cancer)
(2) Anthony: "Why doesn't it work?"
(1) Kurtis: "Fire, telekinesis, and electricity."
(3) Kassidy: oy...
(3) Kassidy: *walks over*
(2) Anthony: Heal Flaura and Fauna(2) Gnosis(1)+Life(2) [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,[10, 7]] vs 8 result of (2)
(3) Kassidy: (freash salad)
(2) Anthony: (( salad ice and crips now, or did it grow roots and trying ot drink up the salad dressing? ))
(1) Kurtis: "Tony, I think it's like... a matter of focus."
** (2) Anthony eats his salad with gusto, "No more limp salad for me!" **
(1) Kurtis: "Sometimes I can do things better if I keep my mind on them exclusively, severely."
(2) Anthony: "Kinda mean to heal something tjsut to eat it but...what the heck, it's a plant."
(1) Kurtis: "It's hard for you, because you think too fast, you're all over the place. Freeze one thought, and stay with it."
** (1) Kurtis breathes in **
(3) Kassidy: yeah.. and sometimes if you focus to much you fail for over effort
(2) Anthony: "Easy for you to say>'
(1) Kurtis: "Like, see, a light bulb. I'll try to stay on it, and make it shine brighter."
(1) Kurtis: "Light... light... light!"
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,1,5] = (0)
(3) Kassidy: (the power goes out)
(3) Kassidy: Damnit!
(1) Kurtis: "Shit shit!"
(1) Kurtis: She's gonna kill me.
** (3) Kassidy stumbles around looking for candles **
(1) Kurtis: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(3) Kassidy: ouch bloody.. ahh ha
(1) Kurtis: "Fireball"
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,3,3,4,9,2] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis lights up his finger **
(3) Kassidy: (small fireball
** (2) Anthony starts reading his book wh ile eating **
(3) Kassidy: (in the dark?)
(1) Kurtis: "Sorry about that. You're right. I focus on the light, didn't mean to blow the entire house."
(2) Anthony: "Hey! I was reading!"
(3) Kassidy: Hold on I'll go check the generator.. you light candels
(3) Kassidy: *candles
(1) Kurtis: "Hell, I have no idea how it works. The blue squiggly lines are just harder to grab and hold then the warm red ones. These are like rubber."
** (1) Kurtis lights the candles with his finger **
(2) Anthony: "Book book on the table where's the other one of.. umm.. youable. Dang."
** (1) Kurtis surrounds Tony with candles so he can read, and holds a finger over the book, the flame perfectly out of the way of paper, compelled to flow in any direction **
(1) Kurtis: "We better figure out our abilities soon, Doctor Ferril..."
(1) Kurtis: "I have no clue how they work."
(2) Anthony: (( or you coudl go easy on yoruself and use light mastery :P ))
** (3) Kassidy Transform self, Stamina, athletics, life (8) **
(1) Kurtis: "It's like.. a flow, an art. I thought focus would do it, but it doesn't..."
(2) Anthony: (( you're forces *** right?))
(3) Kassidy: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,7,4,7,3,3,5] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: (( dont have the rote))
(2) Anthony: (( gnosis + forces ))
(3) Kassidy: (eyes glow like a cats in the dark as she walks out of the room the outside
(1) Kurtis: ((thats how i blew the lights :D))
(3) Kassidy: To the outside))
(2) Anthony: ((you bumble light mastery and the wosrt that could happen is you go blind agian. LOL))
(1) Kurtis: "I'm curious as for whether life magic has any teeth. You know? Like casting disease or taking life away... Any way to defend yourself against enemy."
(3) Kassidy: lets hear it for 9 hour mage games))))
(1) Kurtis: ((wooooo!!!!))
(2) Anthony: (( Hoody Hoo! ))
(3) OOC :P: lights come back on
(2) Anthony: "Well, I coudl change you into a frog maybe."
(2) Anthony: "But I think that woudl fall under the realm of death, hurting htings."
(1) Kurtis: "Hey that would work."
** (3) Kassidy walks back inside and goes to the skin to wash her hands looking slightly rain soaked as it has apparently started to rain outside **
(1) Kurtis: "Probably not much use changing a higher powered mage into a frog, they can probably give themselves wings and grow in size."
(3) Kassidy: *sink.. not skin
** (2) Anthony openes up the crackers with his salad and feeds them to Uchawi **
(3) Kassidy: What are you talking about now?
(2) Anthony: "He was wondering if we could hurt anyone with life magic."
(1) Kurtis: "Nothing. I'm sorry I broke the lights. i won't play around with electricity."
(2) Anthony: "I was sayignI choudl change him into a frog and step on him maybe."
(3) Kassidy: hmm.. directly.. not until you get really powerful.. but indirectly
(3) Kassidy: (Transform self. Stamina + Athletics + life =8)
(3) Kassidy: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,[10, 1],5,8,8,8,1] = (4)
(2) Anthony: "What if you changed his lungs into gills, say? Then he'd suffocate."
(1) Kurtis: gulp
** (3) Kassidy holds onto the countertop murmuring under her breath, scales growing over her skin, nails becoming claws, her eyes glowing yellow, and fangs growing from her teeth **
(2) Anthony: "Oh.. my..."
** (3) Kassidy shakes her head and takes a deep breath **
** (1) Kurtis freezes speechless **
(3) Kassidy: directly *speaking carefully because of the fangs* lots of damage..
(2) Anthony: "yes, yes, I can see that."
(1) Kurtis: Out. Of. My datelist.
** (3) Kassidy flexes her hand drawing the claws in like a cats, then out again **
** (3) Kassidy shakes her head again the changes fading away skin smoothing out **
(2) Anthony: "So maybe the whole Doctor Jeckle and Mister Hyde wasn't all legend..."
(2) Anthony: "Defineately a Thyrus
(1) Kurtis: I feel sorry for the mugger who might be stupid enough to mess with this one.
** (3) Kassidy claws retracting into nails, eyes deepening in color to brown, teeth shrinking back to the nice white teeth smile **
(3) Kassidy: whoo that's freaky to do.. always itches afterwards
(2) Anthony: "And you retain all control of your brain while transformed?"
(3) Kassidy: with minor things like that yes. If I fully became an animal.. mmm maybe not
** (1) Kurtis half-whispers into Kassidy's ear: "can I ask you a private question?" **
(2) Anthony: "So you coudl maybe lose yourself in it? Like Hyde. Yes, definately a Thyrsus."
(3) Kassidy: Still haven't figured how to do it on others... hmm what?
** (1) Kurtis whispers "If you were in bed with a guy who had... lack of equipment, would you be able to remedy that?" **
(3) Kassidy: You're personal problems are none of my consern, but to answer the question no not yet, I can't change other people yet
(1) Kurtis: "Handy."
** (2) Anthony looks at Kurt with an eyebrow cocked wondering hte question he whispered to her that caused that reply **
** (1) Kurtis realizes he is the prime target of this comic situation **
** (3) Kassidy steps away from Kurtis and hops back onto the counter **
(1) Kurtis: "Bah! I was just wondering if she can give a guy a bigger wiener"
(2) Anthony: "So, what did he want you to turn him into anyway?"
(1) Kurtis: "Admit it, that's kinda cool."
(2) Anthony: "you wanted..."
(3) Kassidy: a horse I suppose
** (2) Anthony shakes his head **
(3) Kassidy: " dark smile
** (1) Kurtis grins at Tony "I bet you wouldnt mind a bigger wiener" **
(2) Anthony: "Actually, I've never had any complaints in that department, thank you very much."
(1) Kurtis: "Hehe"
** (3) Kassidy places a hand to her forhead and shakes her head* "Men it always comes down to penis size" **
** (2) Anthony mutters, "or lack thereof apparently" **
(1) Kurtis: "As a biologist, you should understand."
(2) Anthony: 'Do no t confuse biology with psychology."
(1) Kurtis: "Ha! Always like this, I ask a question, and it must necessarily mean I have a problem. Just thought it was cool."
(3) Kassidy: Perfectly,some humans still only have the primitave animals instincts of eat, fuck, die. easy to understand
(1) Kurtis: "Human psychology - to act suspicious of a guy who asks about a bigger penis. Isn't it?"
(2) Anthony: "So, what did you ask her, can you make my penis bigger?" Tony sighs
(1) Kurtis: "I kinda feel like that's how I've been living uip until today. Live, fuck, die."
(1) Kurtis: "No, I asked if she was in bed with a guy who didnt have it big enough, would she be able to fix it."
** (3) GM Claire lights flicker and go out again **
** (1) Kurtis tenses **
(3) Kassidy: Bloody hell!
(1) Kurtis: "Hey..."
** (1) Kurtis listens **
(2) Anthony: "Hmm..."
(2) Anthony: Humans Sense Life(1) Wits(3)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(2) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,[10, 6],1,9,5,8] vs 8 result of (3)
(3) Kassidy: (perception rolls, wits plus investiagtion)
(2) Anthony: wits 3 + invesitation -3 = 0 chance die [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] vs 8 result of a failure
(1) Kurtis: ((now, i have a power called sound mastery, allows me to amplify sound? gnosis+forces. should I try to roll it?))
(3) GM Claire: vs. 6 actually...
(1) Kurtis: ((Tony passes))
(2) Anthony: (( oh, wow, success on chance die XD ))
(3) GM Claire: Tony you hear very heavy rain outside
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,7] = (0)
(2) Anthony: "it's raining hard outthere. What'd you do?"
(1) Kurtis: ((2 sucesses))
(3) GM Claire: you hear rain and animal noises.
(3) GM Claire: very heavy rain
(1) Kurtis: "I didn't do anything."
** (1) Kurtis walks outside **
(2) Anthony: "it's raining hard out htere. very hard."
(3) GM Claire: its raining really hard you get really wet
** (2) Anthony stands up and walks to the window and looks outside **
(2) Anthony: (( I sense any humans other htan the 3 of us? ))
(3) GM Claire: ((no)
(1) Kurtis: "Hm."
** (3) Kassidy gets out the candles **
(2) Anthony: "You know, I've found that my special visons fade after time. I need to learn how to make them last longer."
** (1) Kurtis recalls the pages talking about light mastery **
(3) Kassidy: "best leave these out"
(1) Kurtis: "If i can bend light to make things invisible, I could try to amplify light."
(1) Kurtis: Light Mastery: Gnosis + Forces
** (1) Kurtis tries to raise his arm to create bright light out of it **
(3) Kassidy: (for game purposes since we've been at this 7 hours and you started at 11:30 AM it is currently 8:30 PM
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,7,2] = (1)
(2) Anthony: "Do you have to work ntomorrow Kurt?"
(3) Kassidy: (small amount of light, you see the poarch and lots of animals hiding from the storm))
** (1) Kurtis walks in with the light in his hand, all wet **
(1) Kurtis: "No."
(2) Anthony: "it appears I dont have to either. sigh"
(1) Kurtis: ((how bright is this light when it's inside? about one light bulb?))
(3) Kassidy: (yeah)
(1) Kurtis: ((60 watt?))
(3) Kassidy: (yeah)
(3) Kassidy: "Great so its an old fashioned sleep over it would seem"
** (1) Kurtis lets the little light to float away from his hand, keeping the spell up, to light the room up **
(2) Anthony: (( 1150.37 lumens? )) (( j/k XD ))
(1) Kurtis: "So it would seem."
(2) Anthony: "Where does the energy come from to make that light? Hmmm.. Then again, whree does any of hte enrgy come from."
(1) Kurtis: "Hope we find our boy before he gets killed."
(1) Kurtis: "Hmm. Mana?"
** (2) Anthony goes back down and starts to read hsi book some more **
(3) Kassidy: Well its kinda like all things have this magic energy yes, and it tends to flow and collect like rivers in certain areas
(1) Kurtis: "I didn't get to the history of magic yet, just focused on functionality. Maybe that's the problem, why I can't master it all. I need to learn theory and understand how it actually works."
(1) Kurtis: "Hollows, right?"
(2) Anthony: "All things have this mana? Now that's George Lucas talking. The force is in everyting. Another awakened I suppose."
(3) Kassidy: energy if you remember physics is never created or destroyed..
(3) Kassidy: Right
(2) Anthony: "Law of conservation of mass and energy."
(3) Kassidy: No.. George is just a Sci-Fi geek
(1) Kurtis: "It comes from some kinda supernal world. It says in here. Like, another dimension? Atlantis."
(1) Kurtis: "So magic doesnt break the conservation laws??"
(2) Anthony: "Atlantis is in another dimention?"
(3) Kassidy: Well we don't call it Atlantis so much any more but yes
(3) Kassidy: it is in another demension simmilar to the one where the towers are
(2) Anthony: 'Well, it woudl't seem so. The energy to make that light has existed before, just in antoher form. You're jsut channeling the energy to convert it to light. Or incresae the light."
(3) Kassidy: Not usually no. Reality and all.
(1) Kurtis: "pah, boring."
(2) Anthony: "Boring? Boring?L You find all this boring?"
(1) Kurtis: "Naw, I mean. It's a science after all."
(1) Kurtis: "You have to know how much energy to destribute."
(1) Kurtis: "But for a professional mage it must be boring."
(2) Anthony: "It's not a science. Scince is a way to explain the physical world. The phsical world doesn't try to follow science
(1) Kurtis: "If they wrote books on magic, textbooks, that means there are laws, right? So, like, you can't just create law-breaking things out of your imagination, right?"
(2) Anthony: "But perhaps you could bend hte laws."
(3) Kassidy: Well... eventually... yes you can...
(3) Kassidy: Right.
(2) Anthony: "Laws generally aren't absolute, just our way of expressoin how we think the world works. Which science doesn't explain magic at all."
(1) Kurtis: "Like, I can make fire, and make electricity flow, but like, i can;t create a fictional force... like, an ice fire."
(3) Kassidy: hmm.. Cold fusion...
(2) Anthony: "Why not? If you could think of it's physcial properties, and define them in yoru own mind, perhaps you could."
(1) Kurtis: "How about... a type of magnetism that attracts wood?"
(2) Anthony: "No one told me how to tell the exact time to jump out of hte tree and flip, it just came to me."
(2) Anthony: "One that attracts gold would be more useful.
(2) Anthony: "But, yeh, why not. Give it a try."
(3) Kassidy: or women in Kurtis' case..
(1) Kurtis: "well... wait, i can already do that."
(1) Kurtis: "wood, not women."
** (2) Anthony chuckles **
(2) Anthony: "You can already attrack tood?"
(1) Kurtis: "I wish i could attract women."
(2) Anthony: *wood?
** (3) Kassidy snickers **
(1) Kurtis: "I can attract anything."
(1) Kurtis: "Except women."
(2) Anthony: "So, there ya go."
(2) Anthony: "I think I could with higher knowldge, zombie like."
(3) Kassidy: zombies are death...
(2) Anthony: "zombie like. like I was glancing through thsi book and at higher knowledge of life I can control a human."
(3) Kassidy: Oh in that sense zombie like yes. You can do that easier with mind actually...
(3) Kassidy: Heck with high enough life you could make an entire new species
(2) Anthony: "So now we're saying Kurt would need someone hypnotized or zombified to be attracted to him? That's kinda mean.
** (2) Anthony mumbles "Blind mind work too" **
(2) Anthony: "Joking Kurt."
(3) Kassidy: Kurtis doesn't have a shadow name yet.. does he
(1) Kurtis: "Hey, at least I have some firepower, I'm content with that. Actually it's pretty exciting to me."
(1) Kurtis: "I didn't mean magic is boring me by any means, I just meant as a global concept."
(1) Kurtis: "But I don't know enough of it to judge yet, whether or not there is room for true improvising."
(1) Kurtis: "Shadow name?"
(3) Kassidy: mmhmm. that whole bit about needing to hide your real name from other mages so they don't do nafarious things to you in your mundane life
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, naw, don't you worry about that."
(1) Kurtis: "I'm not wearing a mask and a pair of tights, mind you."
(3) Kassidy: ... No please don't
(3) Kassidy: just saying telling some of these people your real name can be dangerous
(2) Anthony: (( for hte children's sake! ))
(1) Kurtis: "yeah, i usually don't."
(1) Kurtis: ((lol))
(1) Kurtis: "I don't talk to too many people in the first place."
(3) Kassidy: *shrugs* As you like
(2) Anthony: "Uchawi unataka fataki?" Tony gives Uchawi another cracker.
** (3) Uchawi the Parrot eats them **
** (2) Anthony sits at the table and reads **
** (3) Kassidy checks the time and opens up the fridge bringing out a big tub of brownish gray dog food like substances, goes to all the cages and puts scoops of it in little dishes for the animals **
(1) Kurtis: "We all have to be very careful now. Guys like Jones probably will try to hurt us in other ways. Mess with our jobs, credit cards."
(3) Kassidy: hench the whole shadow name thing...
(1) Kurtis: "If we end up in prison, our property will be confiscated, hence books go bye bye"
(2) Anthony: "My car? My apartment? My..."
** (2) Anthony thinks **
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah. You can call me John for all I care. I probably can get the paperwork to be one too."
(2) Anthony: "Heck, does htat matter?"
** (3) Kassidy puts animal food away **
(3) Kassidy: no but it helps
(1) Kurtis: "At this point probably preservation of these books and our lives is what matters most."
(2) Anthony: "This book is soething that matters. It is... interesting. All the knowldege in here!"
(2) Anthony: "I wonder if it can be zeroxed?
(3) Kassidy: You can't do everything with magic quite yet.. I mean I can slow my metabolism but eventually I still have to eat.. so money is nice
(2) Anthony: "You wouldn't happen to hav ea computer with a full page scanner would you Kassy?"
(3) Kassidy: ... You are asking a nano tech biologist if she has a scanner...
(3) Kassidy: come down to the lab..
(2) Anthony: "Ooh, lab!"
** (3) Kassidy walks down to the stairs that lead down **
** (2) Anthony follows Kassidy happily **
** (3) Kassidy walks down them **
(1) Kurtis: "um."
** (1) Kurtis takes a shot **
(3) Kassidy: (its the super biolab of doom complete with light, lots of medical equipment and yes a scanner
** (1) Kurtis goes down to the lab, flipping through the book. Comes back to the kitchen, grabs his magical light, and makes it follow him to the lab. **
(3) Kassidy: (its sexyha
(1) Kurtis: ((the lights went out, remember?))
(3) Kassidy: ((yes I know))
(3) Kassidy: back up generator ))
(1) Kurtis: ((the lab has its own generator?))
(1) Kurtis: ((impressive))
(2) Anthony: (( let me check something ))
(3) Kassidy: just for the lab))
** (1) Kurtis sticks the light in the air, close to the two so they can work **
(1) Kurtis: "I am so unreally cool."
(3) Kassidy: unreally cooL?
(1) Kurtis: "Obrimos has got to mess with a lot of mages' heads, huh? It's so flashy."
(2) Anthony: (( dang, takes life 3 to give myself cat's eyes ))
(3) Kassidy: Yeah... remember the whole holier than thou bit?
(1) Kurtis: "I gotta watch myself. Don't wanna turn into a total asshole."
** (2) Anthony looks over the equipoment and nods in improvment as he sees a few pieces of quality equipoment, "i've been meaning to get teh latest model of spectometer. Nice." **
** (2) Anthony goes over to the full page scanner, opens up the book to page 1 and places it face down **
(3) Kassidy: Ya do know when you say things like that you just put big "Kick me" targets over your head right>?
(2) Anthony: "Want to scan that and see if it comes through?"
(3) Kassidy: Worth a shot
(1) Kurtis: "Yup, and I drank the last of the wiskey"
(3) Kassidy: ....
(3) Kassidy: You... I.. I'm... grr.
(2) Anthony: "So far he's said he has a small weiner, he can't attract a woman with a box of chocolates, what else? He has a big kick me sign on his back."
(1) Kurtis: "I'll buy you two bottles today. Even deliver home, how's that sound?"
(1) Kurtis: "I am actually very greatful for your hospitality."
(3) Kassidy: That works.
** (3) Kassidy helps scan the pages, which appear to scan just fine. **
** (1) Kurtis addressed to Tony with sarcasm: "Yeah, and I don't have a MySpace." **
(2) Anthony: "Oh, wow! Thsi is working. Lets scan them all."
(1) Kurtis: "Hmmm... give it a bit of time."
** (2) Anthony starts scanning and won't stop until the entire book is scanned, including blank pages front and back cover and spine **
(1) Kurtis: "Pages might disappear."
** (3) Kassidy after about five pages however the scans start coming out funny, missing words and such* **
(3) Kassidy: ((You don't have to give me those kinds of ideas I already have them))
(2) Anthony: "Umm.. what's worng with your scanner."
** (2) Anthony loadst he first page scanned into the computer and looks at hte image **
(2) Anthony: "Talk about copyright protection."
(3) Kassidy: There shouldn't be anything wrong with it it's a new scanner
(2) Anthony: (( going back to the first page scanned, is it still clear or hoas it lost definition? ))
(3) Kassidy: ((you detect minor discrepencies upon closer examation between the hard copy and the scanned
(2) Anthony: "Ahh, dang it."
** (2) Anthony sighs **
(1) Kurtis: "I can try to examine the spell on this book again..."
(2) Anthony: "youknow... I wonder if the way they are scanned is actually how htey apper in the.. umm. physical world."
** (1) Kurtis really really focuses **
(2) Anthony: "That the differences are put there with magic, which is why we can' t get a clean copy
(2) Anthony: "Maybe we need a magical scanner."
(1) Kurtis: Analyze Enchanted Item: Gnosis 1 + Prime 2 + Willpower Burn 3
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,[10, 10, 2],[10, 1],[10, 2],6] = (4)
(3) Kassidy: A magical scanner... huh.. that would be an interesting project
(3) Kassidy: (holy)
(1) Kurtis: (5 successes)
(1) Kurtis: (6)
(1) Kurtis: (i think i know what the book is enchanted with now :D)
(2) Anthony: (( I count 5 .vs. 8 ))
(3) Kassidy: (indeedydoooo)
(1) Kurtis: "hey hey hey hey guys guys guys"
(2) Anthony: "yeah?"
(1) Kurtis: ((right, 5 actually))
(1) Kurtis: "I see it I see it! it's showing again, the wobbly silver bubbly lines all over, the book is covered in em, i can grab and untangle them..."
(1) Kurtis: "pictures!..."
** (1) Kurtis does some hand motions in the air, very awkwardly, as if he is trying to nead dough **
** (1) Kurtis frantically scans the book with his eyes **
(1) Kurtis: "Okay, okay... here's a couple of things..."
(1) Kurtis: "this book is heavily enchanted with... Space. I think, it really coexists at two places at once... and it's written in layers."
(1) Kurtis: "we can't read it, because you need some magical talent to read some words, but without such talent you see other words, not all of them."
(2) Anthony: "So a book in three places at once is written in two layers at once. Not suprising."
(1) Kurtis: "one book is 5 seconds younger than the other, mine is newer, yours is 5 seconds older. Yours came first. And they both have scrying scripts on them, they communicate using Space magic."
(3) Kassidy: Invisable ink for mages heh
(2) Anthony: "So maybe when we read it and get more knowledge we can see more layers."
(1) Kurtis: "You should be able to transfer pictures and live video through them too, not just sound."
(1) Kurtis: "That's all I understand."
(2) Anthony: "They have scrying scripts? So they can see the third book? Where is it!?! Ask it."
(2) Anthony: "Scrying.. that's like a crystal ball or the wicked witche's magic mirror."
(1) Kurtis: "Umm... I'll try to ask it. There is a heavy knot of magic here, it's heavy. I might lose the symbols if I try, but I will try."
(1) Kurtis: "Okay, we need to know where is the third book."
(2) Anthony: "You break my book so help me I"ll study and turn you into a protozoa
(1) Kurtis: ((gonna use Activate Enchanted Item to find out if there exists another book and if anything else magically accessed them))
(1) Kurtis: ((can i do that?))
(3) Kassidy: a cruel fate.
(3) Kassidy: ((mmhmm))
(1) Kurtis: "I wont break it, I mean i might lose the symbols i see now on the magic itself."
(1) Kurtis: "But we know everything about the spell at this point, so no risk."
(2) Anthony: "Oh, okay. break you train of htought you mean."
(2) Anthony: "Who's we paleface? I know next to nothing about it but what youv'e told me."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah. The lines have Space symbols on them, thats how i tell Space magic from other types."
(1) Kurtis: "That was all."
(1) Kurtis: "Im gonna try to find out if anyone accessed it through this arcanum and how."
** (1) Kurtis breatehs deep, and opens his eyes wide **
** (1) Kurtis does more "imaginary dough neading" **
(1) Kurtis: Activate Enchanted Item Prime 2 + Gnosis 1 + Willpower Burn 3
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,3,5,8,1] = (1)
** (3) Book! on the left hand page, you see what appears to be part of a lamp and a white ceiling **
(1) Kurtis: ((can i extend cast and go deeper? still have 5 WP points to burn))
(3) Book!: (sure)
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,3,4,4,6] = (0)
(3) Book!: well.. at least you aren't blind))
** (1) Kurtis keeps looking **
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,7,[10, 10, 5],7,5] = (2)
(3) Book!: You see... what appears to be part of a lamp and a white ceiling.
(3) Book!: You also get the sense that this lamp and ceiling are at least 300 miles away
(1) Kurtis: "Mmm... this doesnt make any sense."
(2) Anthony: "What doesn't make any sense?"
(2) Anthony: "And more ssense than anything else has the pesat couple of days?"
(1) Kurtis: "Unless I'm scrying with it... I see like... a lamp, and a white ceiling. Real far away..."
(2) Anthony: "So. A room with a lamp far away. Right."
(1) Kurtis: "Like, we talking... back in the city, like, even maybe another city, at least 250-300 miles away."
(2) Anthony: "Why doesn't that make sense?"
(3) Kassidy: Sounds like a scry to me... maybe whoever has it put the book down on a table?
(1) Kurtis: "Does it mean there is a third book or not?"
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "And what about this suprises you?" **
(1) Kurtis: ((can i determine what type of object I am scrying?))
(2) Anthony: "It sounds like there is a third book in a room with a white ceiling and a lamp 250 to 300 miles away."
(3) Kassidy: ((... what type? Its a lamp and a ceiling))
(1) Kurtis: ((i mean the object im looking from))
(1) Kurtis: "I just don't think it's a book. The kid didn't know what I meant by a book. But I can't tell from here what I'm scrying from."
(2) Anthony: "If it's like a magic mirror, you would see from teh face of hte mirror, so in this case, the face of the book, which is apparently facing up. So the book is resting on some object, maybe a table, facing hte ceiling."
** (1) Kurtis speaks into the vision **
(1) Kurtis: "Hello?"
(3) Answering Machine: ((I'm sorry the mage you are trying to reach is not home right now please leave your Shadow name, time and location, and s breif message and they will try to get back to you'))
(3) Answering Machine: ((jk jk))
(2) Anthony: "Maybe they're sleepiong. It is like nine oclock at night you know."
(1) Kurtis: ((goddamn you shawn))
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, no answer."
(1) Kurtis: "Drop the spell?"
(3) Kassidy: Okay well... umm.. I suppose so yeah
(2) Anthony: "Well, sure. Unless you think you can figure anything else out."
** (1) Kurtis drops it **
(2) Anthony: "I still will I knew who sent me the book. maybe the book sent itself too me."
(1) Kurtis: "Well I dunno. That's that."
(3) Kassidy: So... I'm thinking.. we take the books to my friend with fate.. maybe he knows someone with Prime enough to figure who had it before you.. or Time *shrugs*
(2) Anthony: "Waht is required ot make a scrying window? Space right?"
(2) Anthony: "So fate, time or space right?"
(3) Kassidy: MMhmm
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, we can try that. Though I think I need a nap first."
(2) Anthony: "Right, things we don't have a lot of."
(2) Anthony: "Well, I can't copy all the pages, so that they'd be useful anyway>"
(2) Anthony: "So, yeha. I guess we take this upin the morning?"
(3) Kassidy: Right. Nap I can help with, theres a guest bedroom upstairs and to the right, take your pick, just move the extra cages
(1) Kurtis: "I'll take whichever. Take a pick, Tony."
** (1) Kurtis rubs his head **
** (3) Kassidy heads up the stairs to show you guys the spare rooms **
** (1) Kurtis follows **
** (2) Anthony follows **
** (3) Kassidy has two spare bedrooms, both of which are used as storage for animal type supplies but both have beds and the linens are fresh **
(2) Anthony: "Thank you Kassie. I"ll see you in the morning."
(3) Kassidy: If either of you wake up first, do the civilazed thing and start the coffee
** (2) Anthony takes his showes off, tocks his book under his arm, turns off the lgihts and falls asleep on top of hte covers fully clothed **
(3) Kassidy: Night boys, don't worry about bedbugs I don't have any
(1) Kurtis: "Will do. Good night, Kassie. It looks like I owe you two my life. Jones would have shot me by now if not for you. So, I'm at your service."
** (3) Kassidy goes upstairs to the huge master bedroom hehehe **
(1) Kurtis: "Not worried. I fry bugs for dinner."
** (1) Kurtis waits to see which room Tony picks **
** (1) Kurtis takes the other one **
** (1) Kurtis falls asleep **
(3) Kassidy: ((end session box??))
** (1) Kurtis keeps his cool light under the blanket **
(2) Anthony: (( `1 ))
(1) Kurtis: box
(1) Kurtis:
Two doctors and a bounty hunter... where is the third?

(3) GM Claire: jeeeze 10 hour game *dies**
(1) Kurtis: pwn
(2) Anthony: ooh, you're a bounty hunter?
(1) Kurtis: item hunter
(1) Kurtis: yeah
(3) GM Claire: brain melting into.. gooo
(2) Anthony: gs
(1) Kurtis: go get rare stuff kinda guy
(3) GM Claire: vision goooo
(1) Kurtis: we get exp??
(2) Anthony: dang shawn.. where are you. lol
(1) Kurtis: EXPYYY
(3) GM Claire: oooof. yes you get XP
(1) Kurtis: like 2x
(1) Kurtis: "D
(1) Kurtis: ((we both had some funny moments. With Claire its easier to be funny))
(2) Anthony: (( Xd ))
(1) Kurtis: (( rpgs definitely need girlage))
(2) Anthony: (( I had to bite my tongue a few times with the oepneings youkept giving, cause Tony would't say some of those things ))
(1) Kurtis: ((me?))
(1) Kurtis: ((rofl))
(3) GM Claire: yes
(3) GM Claire: hokay so 10 hours = like 2 sessions
(2) Anthony: One time in an RP session I acutally legitamately said "Open the cargo bay doors, Val" and the thing was, I coudln't figure out why people wre laughing
(1) Kurtis: submit charsheets? i have... no changes except 5 chekboxes of willpower left
(1) Kurtis: burnt 3
(3) GM Claire: So, 2 for being here, 2 for doing stuff... if you can tell me 2 things you learned I will give you 2 more, and some nice RP goodness
(2) Anthony: I have 1 mana burnt and liek 4 new rotes
(2) Anthony: still have 1 rote left
(2) Anthony: Oh, wiat, I only have 4 rotes, the other's are improptu
(3) GM Claire: mmhmm
(2) Anthony: 2 things I learned...
(2) Anthony: I learned, or Tony learned?
(2) Anthony: XD
(3) GM Claire: I think you each get one for RPness... either will do
(2) Anthony: I learned that Life is powerful, but isn't a direct damage arcana like the others.
(1) Kurtis: I learned that: 1. Kassidy is scary. 2. Prime can be used to work with other arcana diagnostically. 3. Next thing to raise should be gnosis. 4. Electricity is best not to fuck with. Hell, i learned a lot.
(2) Anthony: I learned that life arcana is the root of furrydom
(3) GM Claire: unless by direct you mean my fist up Kurts butt
(1) Kurtis: furrydom lol
(3) GM Claire: lol
(2) Anthony: Ilearned that tony is a vegetarian
(3) GM Claire: okay so learning curve is a yes for both of you
(3) GM Claire: thats 7xp each
(2) Anthony: I learned that tony knows nothing of chivalry
(1) Kurtis: i learned that Tony wont shutup
(1) Kurtis: and that alcohol makes him slower talker
(3) GM Claire: I learned that too!
** (3) GM Claire will always carry alcohol from now on **
(1) Kurtis: me too
(2) Anthony: Like I said, I hopey oudon't regret allowing me to play a hyperactive character XD
(1) Kurtis: we need a Moros mage to supply endless Jack Daniels
(2) Anthony: And actually tony only slowed down cause he ran out of questions at that moment :D
(3) GM Claire: lol
(3) GM Claire: hehehe
(1) Kurtis: oooh Kass, you could transform his stomach acid into Jack
(1) Kurtis: lol
(3) GM Claire: no she couldn't
(2) Anthony: The thing Iis, I've acutaly know people who talk that way.
(3) GM Claire: Jack is not alive
(1) Kurtis: oh yeah Jack is not alive
(2) Anthony: I was looking for imbue poison but didn't see it
(1) Kurtis: ok, so we each get 7 exp
(2) Anthony: would be interesting to get someone instantly drunk
(3) GM Claire: yes
(3) GM Claire: hehehe
(2) Anthony: I need to take 1 investiagion to get rid of that -3 penalty
(3) GM Claire: you can at around.. 4 I think
(1) Kurtis: submitting charsheet over msn
(3) GM Claire: the instant drunk..
(2) Anthony: I need to find my notes on skill costs
(3) GM Claire: I have it just tell me updates
(2) Anthony: I want investigation 1
(1) Kurtis: -3 willpowah
(2) Anthony: and prime is 6 right? So 18.., dang, no where close enough
(1) Kurtis: oh yeah... being a dumbass kinda sucks
(3) GM Claire: that's 3 xp
(1) Kurtis: for Anthony prime is not primary
(2) Anthony: skill is 3x
(3) GM Claire: you have 4 xp lest
(1) Kurtis: it would be 7, per point right?
(2) Anthony: primary skill, not prime
(3) GM Claire: yes and first dot is always 3
(1) Kurtis: k
(2) Anthony: primary is 6, secondary is 7, the weak one is 8
(2) Anthony: for arcana
(3) GM Claire: correct
(2) Anthony: so would cost 18exp to get life 3, I hae 7 left. okay.. gonna be a while XD
(2) Anthony: youw ant char sheet or changes?
(3) GM Claire: any other changes on Tony... or just the Investigation
(3) GM Claire: just changes
(2) Anthony: -1 mana
(3) GM Claire: rght
(2) Anthony: new rotes: healers trance - int + medical + life
(2) Anthony: sense life - wits + alimalkey + life
(1) Kurtis: how much would 4th point in wits cost?
(2) Anthony: transform base life intell + animalken + life
(2) Anthony: attrib are 5x
(1) Kurtis: im frigging tired of being stupid
(2) Anthony: sor 5x4 = 20
(1) Kurtis: f that lol
(1) Kurtis: im rather determined to save up for forces 4
(2) Anthony: I almost didn't take a 4th arcana but life 3
(2) Anthony: but thought tiem woudl come in handy
(2) Anthony: and it turns out time does come in handy
(3) GM Claire: indeedy
(2) Anthony: +1 die for mundane acts at times can come in handy
(3) GM Claire: alrighty so Tony has 4 xp left, after buying Investgation
(3) GM Claire: now for Kurt
(2) Anthony: He had 3 before, becasue of story
(3) GM Claire: changes?
(2) Anthony: 3 + 7 = 10 - 3 = 7
(3) GM Claire: ... right kk changed
(1) Kurtis: im good
(1) Kurtis: saving up till 24
(3) GM Claire: KK... umm we can call the chronical Gates to Atlantis :D
(2) Anthony: What is my max willpwoer right now?
(1) Kurtis: ok
(3) GM Claire: starting is resolve + composure.. max is 10
(2) Anthony: oh, right, it only goes down when you permantly cast a spell on an artifact or such
(2) Anthony: the max that is
(3) GM Claire: yes
(1) Kurtis: we got to soulstones in terr's campaign's last episode
(3) GM Claire: parrot!