Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 15:51
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 15:51
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 15:52
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) Konrad Knox...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Konrad Knox...
(2) GM- MC Nugger (enter): 16:22
(2) GM- MC Nugger: *GM Lightning on Kostya*
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Gnosis 10 + Forces 6
(2) GM- MC Nugger: [16d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,8,9,6,9,1,5,1,8,9,1,8,4,6,4] = (7)
(1) Konrad Knox: oh no~
** (1) Konrad Knox gets set on fire **
(1) Konrad Knox: i have a new photo for you
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Me too
(2) GM- MC Nugger: XD
(1) Konrad Knox: u think that is good?
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I think it's scarey
(2) GM- MC Nugger: And Rachel is going "Why?!" in the backround
(2) GM- MC Nugger: LOL
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Wait... is.. your left nipple hard in that pic?
(2) GM- MC Nugger: What's your picture?
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Rachel says the hat doesn't go with the panties
(3) Eve (enter): 16:59
(3) Eve: McNugger?
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Yo
(2) GM- MC Nugger: It's from last session
(3) Eve: I'm not sure if thats insulting to nuggets, irish, or black people.. but yo
(2) GM- MC Nugger: And it's Emcee Nugger
(2) GM- MC Nugger: And none of the above
(3) Eve: I dunno.. if I were a nugget I would totally be insulted by that.. :P
(3) Eve: ;)
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Well, fine... it might be a little insulting to processed chicken
(3) Eve: hehehe
(2) GM- MC Nugger: How do I add more Aliases?
(3) Eve: Under windows the Alias Lib tab
(3) Eve: The little button in that new window that looks like two faces is how you add a new one
(2) Forester: Got it
(2) Forester: thanks :)
(3) Eve: sure
(3) Eve: Its the least I can do knowing what KK is about to put you through.
(2) Uchawi: I got wings!
** (3) Eve gives you a cracker? **
(2) Uchawi: I change my mind, I'm just gonna play Uchawi
(3) Eve: lol
** (2) Uchawi takes cracker, eats it, getting crumbs all over the palce **
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Birds are messy
(3) Eve: They are yes, I had one.
(3) Eve: So are mice.
(3) Eve: Gerbils are a little better than mice and birds but not by much
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Rachel had a Cocatoo, he hated me :( I never did anything mean to him.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Like... weird bird teritory thing or something
(3) Eve: Birds are very tempromental.
(3) Eve: I had a cockatiel, she was a bitch.
(3) Eve: used to bite me.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: A Cockatiel I could deal with trying to bite me... much smaller
(2) GM- MC Nugger: This thing was bigger than my cat.
(3) Eve: drew blood.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I was afraid this guy would take off fingers
(3) Eve: my gerbils have never bit me. I likes them.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Our pet rocks never hurt me
(3) Eve: Miss my old cat though. The one who would eat my earphones... the god of war.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: We have two
(2) GM- MC Nugger: They are on our balcony
(3) Eve: So if they live on the balcony does that mean they aren't house broken?
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I should probably feed them soon..
(2) GM- MC Nugger: No, they piss on the carpet
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Paid a $300 non-refunable pet deposit, and we still don't have either of your cats over :(
(2) GM- MC Nugger: our*
(2) GM- MC Nugger: We'll take your cats too though
(3) Eve: I dun have any, they live with my mum on the ranch now.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: What kind of ranch?
(3) Eve: KK's allergic to cats, which beats out plan old -hating- them like the pervious male counterpart of whom we do not speak because he's a yucky dork.
(3) Eve: Ummm.. horses right now, but she's trying to get rid of the horses and get cows.
(1) Konrad Knox: i can handle gerbils fine
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I love cats
(3) Eve: So do I.
(3) Eve: :)
(1) Konrad Knox: I love... pussy? Does that count? kinda?
(3) Eve: ....
(1) Konrad Knox: <.>
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Yes and no?
(1) Konrad Knox: >.>
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I think the main difference between cat people and dog people, is cat peolpe want a pet-friend, dog people want a pet-family
(1) Konrad Knox: if i had a cat, i'd like it in such a way that it wouldnt be cat anymore
(1) Konrad Knox: my cat would be declawed, not run around randomly or walk on me when i sleep. coz Claire + Cat = explosion
(3) Eve: (music) "You...are...on...hold, don't be angry...You...are...on...hold, don't be angry"
(1) Konrad Knox: Claire already does all catlike things, plus she meows
(2) GM- MC Nugger: lol, Rachel meows too sometimes, so I purr back
(3) Eve: I purr on occation as well.
(1) Konrad Knox: judgement day Shawn
(2) GM- MC Nugger: !!!!
(2) GM- MC Nugger: *burns eyes*
(2) GM- MC Nugger: ^ Rachel
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Took keyboard
(3) Eve: oy...
(3) Eve: oh look my shoes.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Lol! We were just talking about that
(3) Eve: and... a number of other things that belong to me... :S
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Wig yours?
(3) Eve: Yup.
(1) Konrad Knox: so... dante reinstalling... we missing serp and jon
(3) Eve: lol, I remember that pic
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Rach is playing Wow, but she will quit asap if everyone else gets here
(1) Konrad Knox: i look so craaazy
(4) Dante (enter): 17:21
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Dante...
(3) Eve: wow and the bra wasn't hooked all the way.
(4) Dante: Jackpot.
(3) Eve: lol!
(1) Konrad Knox: makes it missing serp and jon
(4) Dante: Oh
(4) Dante: Err
(2) GM- MC Nugger: lmao
** (4) Dante looks at the picture **
(4) Dante: Uhhh, what exactly did I walk into?
(1) Konrad Knox: u have 2 attempts to guess who it is
(3) Eve: lol
(4) Dante: No... I know who it is. I just don't want to think it.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Wrong answer is GM lightning
(3) Eve: KK stealing my cloths... -again-
(1) Konrad Knox: shawn should i show him the best one?
(2) GM- MC Nugger: The one I showed?
(1) Konrad Knox: if u like
(1) Konrad Knox: i was thinking that one
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I went poking around on your website while I was waiting for the RE:5 demo to download last night
(3) Eve: lol
(2) GM- MC Nugger: RE:5 looks awesome :)
(1) Konrad Knox: shawn, can u call Jon?
(1) Konrad Knox: ask him if he is coming?
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I ahevn't had his number in like 3 years
(3) Eve: He looks sexier without the wig I think.
** (3) Eve shrugs **
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Rachel says the hat doesn't match the panties
(3) Eve: It doesn't match my top either.
(1) Konrad Knox: now here is someone who looks sexy. rawr
(4) Dante: The manwoman behind the woman is far sexier.
(5) Justin (enter): 17:28
(1) Konrad Knox: I take that as a personal insult *slap!*
(6) Robin (enter): 17:28
(5) Justin: Ow..
(2) GM- MC Nugger: *hands Justin gasoline for his eyes*
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Justin...
(4) Dante: XD
(5) Justin: Holy shit..
(5) Justin: Oh god.
(5) Justin: Kill me.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: *crack knuckles*
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Gm lightning on Justin
** (4) Dante steals the gasoline and pours it in his own eyes. **
(6) Robin: 'tis the season, I suppose
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Gnosis 10 + Forces 6
(2) GM- MC Nugger: [16d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,8,2,6,8,7,1,[10, 1],9,5,9,8,5,8,[10, 1]] = (9)
(4) Dante: GM is a hacker.
(1) Konrad Knox: i just have to see Serp's reaction
(3) Eve: You know what this reminds me of... fightclub. It reminds me of the homework assignments
(1) Konrad Knox: alrightm everyone whip out your semi nudes
(1) Konrad Knox: except you
(4) Dante: I... don't actually have any semi-nudes
(3) Eve: Its like the get in a fight with a random person and lose only... get four of your friends to burn their eyes out with gasoline.
(3) Eve: Well you need some!
** (3) Eve sends you a camera that is stolen by your mailman **
(1) Konrad Knox: calling serp
(2) GM- MC Nugger: I have one, but it's on Rachel's phone
(1) Konrad Knox: i'd post nudes, but claire will kill me, coz it would be her nudes. my nudes are nothing to look at, she's the beauty of the House
(2) GM- MC Nugger: Just fade, it'll dump all the wife aggro
(3) Eve: Yes, yes I would. And they wouldn't find the body. Because this is Alaska, and theres a lot of places to hide a body.
(4) Dante: Any snow burm would do.
** (3) Eve nods **
(5) Justin: Yeah, sorry I can't affect dead flesh.
(1) Konrad Knox: And this is fellows while men fight for women, coz women dont believe in sharing. If women thought like men, we'd all be beer buddies and died of aids
(1) Konrad Knox: while = why
(6) Robin: Does this happen to everyone who moves to alaska?
(7) Tony (enter): 17:34
(7) Tony: Half an hour early, I'm pround of you ^^
(4) Dante: God I hope not.
(4) Dante: EArly? No
(4) Dante: Its late. Half hour late.
(7) Tony: I worry about you konrad with pictures like that
(1) Konrad Knox: Yes, on 53rd day in Alaska, u go "shiiiiiit! must wear lingerie!"
(3) Eve: what the stealing womens cloths?
(6) Robin: I knew it. lols
(1) Konrad Knox: Hmmm... his reaction wasnt as juicy as the rest of y'all
(7) Tony: he told me at 4:50 it would be in 2 hours. I asked him, 2 hours and 10 minutes? he said yes, meaning 7pm. I'ts 635pm
(1) Konrad Knox: The rest of you went "OH GOD MY EYES BURN!!!!"
(4) Dante: Its 6:35 here.
(4) Dante: What timezone are you in again?
(1) Konrad Knox: KST
(4) Dante: Not you
(2) GM- MC Nugger: CST for Me Rach and Justin
(7) Tony: I got some idiot here always goin on about "ladyboys" I've become ... calloused? to it
(5) Justin: He's one to the west of Pacific.
(1) Konrad Knox: ladyboys??
(5) Justin: aka: KST
(3) Eve: No thats me and KK, Serp/Toni is Pacific
(4) Dante: So mountain time, which is an hour ahead of me.
(1) Konrad Knox: nah im full boy
(4) Dante: Err
(4) Dante: West
(4) Dante: not east
(4) Dante: I am ... not all there
(1) Konrad Knox: So, ahem ahem. Big announcement
(4) Dante: Serp is Pacific? Err, why did I not realize this?
(1) Konrad Knox: You see that Shawn's name is in Red today.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: He's lying
(4) Dante: Clearly it is black.
(5) Justin: I do not believe that.
(7) Tony: Shawn.. the new guy?
(1) Konrad Knox: Shawn is Tristin
(4) Dante: And his GM-Lightning fizzled, despite 9 successes.
(2) GM- MC Nugger: All lies
(7) Tony: I see MC Nugger actually
(3) Eve: black yes.
(3) Eve: Emcee Nugger actually.
(4) Dante: Black like gooey death from eyes and nose and mouth
(1) Konrad Knox: I'm taking a break from GMing, I gave Tristin all the materials he needed to know about what currently happened, he gonna take it into whatever direction.
(7) Tony: Tristian, you realize the thing about the sights and about 200m range that konrad and I got into last week?
(5) Justin: Sweetness.
(1) Konrad Knox: Actually, on that account i was right. sensory range spell requires perception check
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Bare with me guys.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Fist time GMing
(1) Konrad Knox: Sense Life gives you ability to read life and vitals data
(7) Tony: But I don't have to see them
(7) Tony: Umm. no
(1) Konrad Knox: yeah, you have to see or hear em
(7) Tony: Not vitals
(7) Tony: It's for the purpose of sensing them when they aren't htere.
(7) Tony: there are 3 sense life type spells
(7) Tony: the mage sight
** (4) Dante begins chanting. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Don't know how to Box
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ROFL
(7) Tony: dang, books not right here, but sense life is to sense them when yhou can't see them
(7) Tony: You tell me how I make a sensory check on a germ
(6) Robin: No box :(
(1) Konrad Knox: it does not say that, thats not what spell does, man
(7) Tony: which sense life says I can see
(5) Justin: *proposes a vote for GM supremacy on these matters vs. player supremacy*
(7) Tony: Yes, it is. That's exactly what it says it is.
(6) Robin: I miss that box...
(7) Tony: I propose without this our sites are freaking worthless
(7) Tony: Especially sense life which was designed for this
(4) Dante: Box? Bocks? Bawks? Bahcks? Bahks? Baockz? Bawx? Bawxz?
(7) Tony: read teh description.
(3) Eve: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(1) Konrad Knox: read definition of Sensory Range spell
(3) Eve: [ Box ] => Box
(3) Eve: :P
(4) Dante: [box] => box
(7) Tony: read teh descripootn of hte spell itself, TAHTS WHATS IMPROTATON
(4) Dante: [boxinabox] => boxinabox[inabox] => inabox[inabox] => inabox
(3) Eve: [ jack in a box0] => jack in a box0
(1) Konrad Knox: the spell's category is sensory range, that takes preference
(6) Robin: You can box if you want to. you can leave your friends behind. Cuz if they dont box then theyre no friends of mine
(4) Dante: I was just thinking that, Robin
(3) Eve: We will we will box you!
(6) Robin: O.o
(7) Tony: I mean look: READ THE SPELL
(4) Dante: I love Box in Box! Put another hole in the plot hook, baby!
(7) Tony: "It is often handy for a mage to know the proximity of llving creatures. Sometiems he may bneed to find a potential food source. At other times he may be curious as to
(1) Konrad Knox: page 114 has to be read first, which is why it'shown first
(7) Tony: whether potential allies or enemies are nearby. Thsi spell allows a mage to...
(1) Konrad Knox: Man, you're reading flavor text
(1) Konrad Knox: read actual technical description
** (4) Dante activates cruise control **
(5) Justin: Improtaton.
(1) Konrad Knox: "The mage can detect life within his sensory range" - technical description
(7) Tony: And what is his sensory range konrad knox?
(1) Konrad Knox: if u can hear/taste/touch/smell/see it, u can sense life on it
(7) Tony: no, that is the sense of sight.
(7) Tony: the sense of hearing.
(7) Tony: the sense of taste.
(7) Tony: etc..
(7) Tony: thsi is the sense of life arcana
(7) Tony: according to the page referenced last time, roughly 200m
(1) Konrad Knox: no, the spell has a requirement of being within human senses from the subject to sense life them
(7) Tony: You can't smell something 200m away
(7) Tony: but you can see it
** (4) Dante hides in a corner as 'mommy' and 'daddy' fight. **
(1) Konrad Knox: btw 200m is not how far you see
(7) Tony: Wehre does it say that?
(1) Konrad Knox: it's beyond which range u cannot see, period
(7) Tony: How can I see a microorganism that is microscopic?
(1) Konrad Knox: within 200 yards u have to roll perception
(7) Tony: You know what/ fuck igt.
(7) Tony: Disconnecting from server...
(7) Tony (exit): 17:47
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((??))
(5) Justin: That is what is improtaton.
** (3) Eve worships the sorta box? **
(1) Konrad Knox: page... 114.... serp. Serp?
(1) Konrad Knox: what's igt?
(4) Dante: He disconnected.
(5) Justin: Sna serrp!
** (2) Forester looks to Konrad seeing his attempt to dispell his transformation **
** (2) Forester begins conjuring a spell "How did YOU get in here?!" **
(3) Eve: ((kk is getting me drinkage hold one moment))
** (4) Dante does not worship the false box **
** (3) Eve persocutes Dante for not worshiping the one and only true box **
(1) Konrad Knox: wow... i never saw a person get so mad about a dot 1 spell
(2) Forester: Konrad, what sights do you have active?
(1) Konrad Knox: prime
(1) Konrad Knox: invisibility active
** (4) Dante counter-persecutes Eve for worshiping false boxification **
(1) Konrad Knox: ((would u like a box?))
(2) Forester: ((Can someone grab him? He's not on MSN,))
(2) Forester: ((sure))
** (5) Justin becomes agboxtic **
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i cant reach him))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i think he umm...))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((well.))
(3) Eve: ((angyr?)

(1) Konrad Knox: ((plan?))
(2) Forester: ((Carry on))
New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(4) Dante: ((wonder why))

(3) Eve: ^ purposeful miss-spelling'
(2) Forester: ((I'm spelling it "angyr" from now on))
(3) Eve: ((:D))
(4) Dante: (( Urgh.. I am SO angyr! ))
(1) Konrad Knox:

Tada! The box. Mage The Awakening: Forester's Tower.

** (1) Konrad Knox becomes Kurtis! **
(4) Dante: (( Oh yes. We were all laughing ))
(4) Dante: ((Fire the Improtaton Beam!))
(2) Forester: Alright, Kurtis, what spells does Kurtis currently have active?
(4) Dante: (( Prime sight, Invisibility active ))
(1) Kurtis: Invisibility, Forces Shield 4, Prime Sight
(4) Dante: ((And that one))
** (4) Dante resumes his role as a bubble-biting fish of sorts. **
(3) Eve: ((I have prime sight and supressed aura... unless fish can't have those))
(4) Dante: (( You have Walleye Perception and Tail-Fin active ))
(3) Eve: ((sweet))
** (3) Eve chases other fish with the intent to bite them then forgets about it **
(2) Forester: Okay, you see Prime magic radiate from Forester, but you see the spell stays won him, in casting
(2) Forester: on*}{}{
** (6) Robin zooms around popping all the bubbles. **
** (4) Dante loses the bubble-popping contest **
** (6) Robin is a greedy fish and hogs all bubbles **
(1) Kurtis: my turn?
** (4) Dante is jealous of the bubble-hogging bubble-popper. **
** (4) Dante forgets he is jealous about five seconds later and swims around **
(2) Forester: ((One second))
(2) Forester: ((Boss keeps calling))
** (3) Eve admires herself in the mirrored aquarium wall then forgets its her and starts to chase its tail **
(1) Kurtis: ((so, i spent my last counterspell on anthony... and failed))
(4) Dante: (( It was reflected by Forester's Improtaton Shield ))
(2) Forester: ((Enough guys..))
(3) Eve: ((XD))
(4) Dante: (( Yaya, got it ))
(2) Forester: Okay, still not in init, but your sport of up lkurt.
(2) Forester: Kurt*
(2) Forester: sort*
(1) Kurtis: I am looking at Forester. His spell, is it aiming towards Justin?
(2) Forester: No, it seems like he's holding a spell in his hands, waiting to fire if off.
(2) Forester: it*
(1) Kurtis: am I okay to interact with Tristin Lang?
(2) Tristin: "Bloop bloop"
(3) Eve: ((the really fast fish?))
** (1) Kurtis attempts Supernal Dispelation of fish form on Tristin **
(1) Kurtis: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 + Willpower Burn 3 (none left) = 10
(1) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,6,3,2,7,3,5,8,4] = (2)
(2) Forester: You feel the spell vanish from your hands as Forester unleashes the energy
(10) Tony (enter): 18:09
(2) Forester: ((Welcome back))
(4) Dante: ((Hola))
(2) Forester: ((Would you like to attempt to counter the spell of you own accord anyone? I think that Only Tony has a chance of doing so...))
(4) Dante: (( ? ))
** (3) Eve chases bubbles cause everyone else was and she wants to be popular, then forgets about being popular and just chases bubbles because they are shiny **
** (2) Tristin is the fastest fish and pops everyone's bubbles first **
(2) Forester: Tony?
** (4) Dante thinks Tristin is a cheaterfish, then forgets about that and chases the Evefish. **
** (3) Eve chases the Tristinfish then forgets she is chasing him and runs from Dantefish **
(2) Forester: Also, Kurt, any words or anything? Forester did speak to you.
** (4) Dante forgets why he is chasing the Evefish and then swims up to the top of the tank to see if there is any fishfood for teh fishyfish. **
** (6) Robin forgets she is Robingfish and... X.X **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: No food, but there is a fish turd
(3) Eve: ((oh noos Robinfish!))
(1) Kurtis: ((yes.))
(6) Robin: ((fishturds sink))
** (4) Dante swims away from the fishturd and dives into one of the displays, presuming there is one to dive into **
(3) Eve: ((not if they have air bubbles in them))
** (6) Robin forgets she was forgetting and swims about like a fishyfish. **
(1) Kurtis: ((what did Forester say to me? I did not see))
(2) Forester: "How the Hell did YOU get in here?"
** (1) Kurtis backs as far as he can possibly towards the wall and becomes still, as not to give away his position by light distortion. He does shout: "Tristin wake up!" as he casted. **
** (4) Dante chases the Tristinfish, but gives up because Tristinfish is too fast. **
(2) Forester: ((Also, is Justin a fish? I can't remember))
(10) Tony: Disconnecting from server...
(10) Tony (exit): 18:19
(5) Justin: ((Justin is being held by beefy men))
(2) Forester: ((wth?))
(3) Eve: ((he is not a fish))
(5) Justin: ((I was waiting for a damn monologue))
(4) Dante: ((Justin is not a fish. I thought he fled the scene actually, with the bubble of water carrying the fish.))
(4) Dante: ((Or did we not include that? lol))
(2) Forester: "Guards, take the boy to the roof, we'll deal with him later!"
(5) Justin: ((May I attempt to react to that?))
(1) Kurtis: ((we not in rounds?))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((yeah, go ahead))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Not yet))
(5) Justin: ((*has no idea*))
** (2) Grunt nods and tries to drag the boy along out of the room **
** (1) Kurtis steps to a different wall and shouts "Hey boy! Resist! These men are evil! You're a mage!" **
** (2) Forester attempts to locate the sound **
(2) Forester: ((Wits 2 - 1 for no Investigation))
(2) Forester: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2] = (0)
** (5) Justin closes his eyes at that, realizing that everything that he believed his mentor to be was indeed, just a fancy lie, he concentrates on the training he was giving, so that at least something good might come out of it, he focuses on the water particles that suffuse the air, the result of the evaporations of the water tank, and the various sweating of the many bodies in the small room, he focuses on all that is connected via the vapor around him, and attempts to chance the water, to floating vaporous pepperspray **
** (4) Dante turns sideways and watches the giant (by comparison) known as Forester, his fishylips opening and closing as he filters the water through his gills. **
** (1) Kurtis readies Sound Mastery rote in his mind **
** (3) Eve bites Dantefish's tail for being in her part of the tank, then forgets its her part of the tank and runs before he bites her for being in his part of the tank **
** (2) Tristin does laps around the other fishies **
** (4) Dante wonders cluelessly why his tail hurt, then forgets about the pain and swims around in a circle, the nip in his tail providing an easier turn thanks to Evefish's fishy habits. **
(5) Justin: ((So, transmute water good?))
(2) Forester: ((Is it a Rote or Gnosis?))
(5) Justin: ((Rote))
(2) Forester: ((I mean like do you have the rote?))
(5) Justin: ((I do))
(11) Tony (enter): 18:25
(4) Dante: (( He used it last sesison for the tranquilizerwater ))
(2) Forester: Roll it
(5) Justin: ((I have three dots in matter now, which allows me to manipulate the stuff without touch))
(2) Forester: Yeah, he can touch the water vapor, so yes
(2) Forester: Oh, even better
(5) Justin: Transmute Water: Matter + Sci + int
(5) Justin: So matter 3 sci 5 int 3 = 11
(5) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,9,[10, 1],[10, 10, 5],[10, 5],7,5,5,8,7] = (6)
(3) Eve: ((thats it, i'm moving to Florida so I can get bomb rolls))
** (2) Forester Screams then gasps for air, making it even worse on himself as the pepperspray envelops him **
(5) Justin: "Whoever you are, help me get out of here!"
** (1) Kurtis would attempt to alter friction force of water vapor, to make it cut like razor blade **
(4) Dante: (( seriously. Florida must be some sort of hollow for dice rolling ))
** (5) Justin takes the moment of distraction to get out of the grip of the guards, he gestures to the tank and reaches out his hand, attempting to take control of the water in the tank and force it into a floating bubble so he can bolt **
(2) Forester: ((It's the time change, our Random Number Generators work better with CST))
(1) Kurtis: water vapor that is now pepperspray, that is
(5) Justin: ((Shape Liquid please?))
(2) Forester: ((Just change your computer's clock))
(5) Justin: ((Dex 2 Occult 1 Matter 3 = 6))
(2) Forester: ((go ahead, did you hit the guards with the spray too?))
(5) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,9,9,[10, 7],1] = (3)
(5) Justin: ((Yeah))
(2) Forester: ((How did you manage to not hit youself?))
** (2) Grunt screams too, and his grip on the boy loosens, then breaks when he struggles **
(5) Justin: ((Unseen Aegis was cast before this whole charade, makes like an air shield around him))
(1) Kurtis: Friction force of pepperspray to razor-like : Forces 5 + Gnosis 3 + Ring 1 = 9
(1) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,7,4,5,5,3,8,3] = (3)
** (2) Forester wretches in agony as the blades cut into him. **
** (1) Kurtis squints and clenches his fists, trying to turn the force with its sharp thick edge towards forester's face **
(1) Kurtis: All focus on face
(5) Justin: "NO! Don't hurt him!"
** (2) Grunt scream, as they start bleeding profusly. **
(2) Grunt: ((Your bubble pops Justin))
(2) Tristin: ((And you start to feel the pepperspray obscuring your vision))
** (4) Dante is about to die from the genocide? **
(2) Forester: ((Roll Endurance please))
(1) Kurtis: "I'm not hurting him! Do something to those fish! They're not really fish!"
** (5) Justin looks on in horror, as the bubble he made pops, releasing the fish to the ground or back in the tank, he's unsure as to just where it is, because of the spray **
(5) Justin: "I don't know how!"
(4) Dante: ((Who's rolling endurance?))
** (3) Eve gets air sick from all the bubble moving? **
(2) Forester: ((Justin, sorry))
(2) Forester: ((From the pepperspray))
(5) Justin: ((Sure, point me to where endurance is on the thing?))
(2) Forester: ((Stamina, sorry))
(5) Justin: Stamina = 3
(5) Justin: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,9] = (2)
(2) Forester: ((It's only a little hazy but you feel that you should get out of the pepperspray))
(2) Forester: How long does the friction change last Konrad?
(1) Kurtis: 1 round with 2 potency
** (1) Kurtis will draw his sword from behind his back at first available chance **
(6) Robin: ((what happens to da fishies?))
** (5) Justin ducks downward, out of the floating mist and begins placing his hands on each of the fish, in an attempt to change the bodies of the creatures to those of more land-based creatures, likely rats **
** (2) Forester Coughs up blood and chokes out a spell **
(4) Dante: (( we are suffocating slowly on the ground ))
(2) Forester: Prowl like a couger
(2) Forester: ((That was highspeach))
** (6) Robin flops on the ground **
(2) Forester: Gnosis 5 + Life 5
** (3) Eve flops around like an asmatic? **
(2) Forester: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,1,1,4,3,8,1,7,3] = (1)
(2) Forester: ((One sec... don't know how life works that well))
** (4) Dante flops like jelly **
(5) Justin: ((For which one?))
(5) Justin: ((What I did was a rote, I'm just waiting for confirmation that I can roll))
** (2) Forester grows cat claws **
** (2) Forester he back away, hoping the pepperspay subsides ((How long will that last?)) **
(5) Justin: ((A scene or until Justin releases it, or when he excedes his number of spells he can keep active at one time))
(2) Forester: ((*isn't sure how big the room is, but thinks it's map time?*))
(5) Justin: ((*agrees*))
(1) Kurtis: ((in combat round it would be 6 rounds))
(4) Dante: (( *has no directional sense, being a fish* ))
** (1) Kurtis attempts supernal dispellation on Eve, sword in hand **
(1) Kurtis: Come on, god damnit, untangle you bitch...
** (3) Eve tries not to aspixiate? **
(1) Kurtis: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,7,4,9,4,9] = (2)
(2) Forester: Gotta beat it right?
(2) Forester: Justin, try your magic.
(2) Forester: and on who first?
(5) Justin: ((For what?))
(2) Forester: I thought you wanted to change them into rats?
(5) Justin: ((OOh sorry))
(5) Justin: Change Base Life Int 3 Survival 2 Life 2 = 7
(5) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,3,2,8,5,2] = (1)
** (4) Dante is pretty sure he doesn't want to be a rat, but being dead is far more dreadful. **
** (5) Justin cannot do big transformations yet **
(2) Forester: You feel the spell on them is more powerful than the one you just casted, the do not tranceform
** (4) Dante thinks this prospect is most unfortunate. **
(2) Forester: ((All fishes roll Stamina))
(3) Eve: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6] = (1)
(2) Tristin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7] = (0)
(4) Dante: ((err.. 2))
** (5) Justin frowns, as the spell seems not to work, he instead readies his mind to give the fish more time, for the next time he gets a chance to act **
(4) Dante: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8] = (2)
(4) Dante: (( I win the stamina contest ))
(6) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,3] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis breathes deeply, quietly, standing tense at the darkest wall, sword in hand. He reaches into his pocket, and focuses on the chaos of prime magic lines in the air, the multitude of their colors... with determination he cracks the packet in his pocket and puts some cocaine powder on his finger. *sniff!* **
** (2) Tristin looks like he is having a hard time with the lack of water, one bashing)) **
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Tony...
** (1) Kurtis attempts a supernal dispellation on Robin, with the powder kicking in the lines become a wee bit more funky **
(1) Kurtis: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],5,4,[10, 6],[10, 6],[10, 2],7] = (4)
(1) Kurtis: SNIFFF
** (2) Tristin Robin is human again! **
(2) Forester: I mean, Robin is human again
** (5) Justin jumps back, as a girl is suddenly standing in front of him **
(3) Eve: ((its okay you're a sea bass, big fish like that can live for hours outisde of water before they die, thats why ya have to smack em over the head when you go fishing, to kill em fast))
(3) Eve: ((naked girl too))
** (5) Justin blushes deeply **
** (2) Forester follows the signs of Prime to Konrad as she emerges. **
** (2) Forester attempts to dispell is invisibility **
(2) Forester: ((Gnosis 5 + Prime 5))
(5) Justin: "Umm.. you might want to duck, the air is filled with pepperspray.."
(2) Forester: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 3],7,9,3,6,5,7,8,2] = (4)
(6) Robin: ((is not nakey ))
(1) Kurtis: composure 4 + gnosis 3
(4) Dante: (( Cocaine, naked girls, fish flopping around on the ground, people screaming... I'm just waiting for someone to say "its like college all over again" ))
(2) Forester: ((Yes you are))
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,6,4,4,7,1] = (1)
** (6) Robin is naked :( **
(3) Eve: ((totally nakie, cloths are not alive so they wouldn't be trasformed with use))
(2) Forester: "THERE YOU ARE!"
(1) Kurtis: "Hi."
(3) Eve: ((*us))
(2) Forester: ((Konrad can you draw a map?))
** (6) Robin looks shocked at the shouting foster. realizes she naked and wet...and...freaks the fuck out. **
(2) Forester: ((It's your room))
** (1) Kurtis appears standing next to a wall, a robustly built tall man with sunlight blond hair, a huge sword in his hand, white cotton shirt and denim black trousers, combat boots on his feet **
** (4) Dante stops flopping around as Robin changes into a human, his whole fishy world shattered in an instant **
** (6) Robin stupidly tries to cover herself with her hands and slips and falls on the wet floor, trieing not to squish other fish **
** (3) Eve promptly forgets Robinfish ever existed and keeps flopping around **
** (4) Dante realizes that there is no Robinfish and flops about, ignoring the naked girl as fishies dont think like that about people... probably. **
** (2) Forester attempts to change himself further **
(2) Forester: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,1,3,8,2,9,8,3,3] = (3)
** (2) Forester grows into the shape and build of an American Mountian Lion **
** (1) Kurtis points at Forester frantically and yells at Robin **
(1) Kurtis: "Suspend this.... Tiger!"
** (6) Robin looks dazed for a second, then begans looping the strands of space with quick circulating hand motions. **
(6) Robin: ((suspension gnosis4space5 -1mana))
(6) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,6,2,6,3,6,9,8] = (2)
(6) Robin: the lion is entraped by spatical strands :)
(4) Dante: (( Lion.. tiger.. cougar... I think its a giraffe, frankly. ))
(2) Forester: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,7,6] = (0)
** (2) Forester leaps at Robin, but is suspended in midair **
(5) Justin: ((*chuckles*))
(1) Kurtis: "That... was fucking close."
** (2) Forester growls **
** (6) Robin conintues sitting on the floor next to the fishies. **
(2) Forester: Okay, init time!
** (3) Eve continues to slowly asphixiate **
** (4) Dante begins contemplating the meaning of life, but gets to the fish-word for "meaning" and forgets what he was thinking about. **
(6) Robin: "Uh Hi, Kurt? When'd you get here? Wheres here?"
(2) Forester: [1d10+5] => [6,5] = (11)
(5) Justin: Initiative 5
(5) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [3,5] = (8)
(2) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(3) Eve: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [8,6] = (14)
(1) Kurtis: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [3,8] = (11)
(4) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [9,7] = (16)
(4) Dante: ((Who's the fastest fish now?!))
(3) Eve: ((lol))
(2) Tristin: ((tied))
(1) Kurtis: ((raw speed comparison))
(6) Robin: [1d10+6] => [5,6] = (11)
(2) Tristin: ((wait rolled a 10, I get it open))
(2) Tristin: [1d10] => [1] = (1)
(2) Tristin: ((17 =P ))
(4) Dante: (( 11 ))
(4) Dante: (( was my raw speed, anywy ))
(2) Tristin: Okay, So Tristin goes.
** (2) Tristin flop flop **
(2) Tristin: ((Dante))
** (4) Dante also flops, while thinking and forgetting about flopping like a floppity, flippity flopper. **
(2) Forester: Eve
** (3) Eve forgets shes aspixiating... no.. wait... there it is... flops around **
(2) Forester: Kurt
(1) Kurtis: Speaks solemnly has favorite word: "Fire." and sets his sword aflame in his right hand. Fire Mastery: Wits 3 + Science 1 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 10
(1) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,1,6,1,1,5,7,3,9] = (1)
(4) Dante: (( The blade glows faintly ))
(4) Dante: (( ...and reheat leftovers ))
(2) Forester: ((Say "end" at the end of your turn))
(1) Kurtis: end
(2) Forester: Robin
(6) Robin: In a bashful attempt to hide her hot nakedness, she creates the apperence of a attractive black chick... with clothes on! A tan shirt with a long dark green jack, with blue jeans, to be specific. ((imposter gnosis4mind4))
(6) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,1,5,1,1,7,7] = (0)
** (6) Robin is still very naked and very Robin **
(6) Robin: end
(2) Forester: ((You're still nakie robin, your embarassment caused you to loose focus of the spell))
** (6) Robin blushes **
** (2) Forester struggles with being suspended **
(2) Forester: [1d10+5] => [6,5] = (11)
(2) Forester: ((wrong button))
(2) Forester: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],2,1,1,7] = (1)
** (2) Forester still stuck **
(2) Forester: Justin
** (5) Justin blushes and looks away from the naked girl, his gaze moving across the room, in an attempt to see if there are still tranquilizer darts/syringes around **
(2) Forester: All was as you left it before prepareing the trap witha few.... additions
(5) Justin: Those additions being?
(2) Forester: Fish people people's weapons and clothes on the lab table
(6) Robin: ((one baseball bat from me))
(5) Justin: Okay, with the distance to the Syringes, would it be possible to run grab run stab forester?
(5) Justin: In this round.
(2) Forester: ((You could grab them, but you cann't make it to the table and stab him in the same round))
(5) Justin: Could you give me a distance estimate?
(2) Forester: 15 feet to the lab table 25 from the table to Forester
(5) Justin: Is it possible to run grap and spell?
(2) Forester: Do you think it would be a quick spell?
(5) Justin: Shape water in one quick as hell but strong burst, if all goes right.
(2) Forester: -1 die to casting
(5) Justin: Gotcha.
** (5) Justin gets up in a crouch, and runs for the lab table, he grasps one of the syringes he knows to be filled with the animal tranquilizer's that he had experimented with earlier, on the run, he begins gathering excess water from the air, gathering it in his palm, he aims at Forester, and attempts with all his will to burst the water outwards, and hit the suspended lion, so as to finish the battle, without anyone else really getting hurt **
(3) Eve: ((in a grand irony, my mp3 player is playing "Leave me Breathless"))
(4) Dante: (( Hahaha ))
(5) Justin: Shape Water dex 2 occult 1 matter 3 willburn 3 conditional modifier -1 = 8
(5) Justin: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,2,8,5,9,3,6] = (2)
** (2) Forester is hit by the pressure and growls, is also a sad, wet, kitty **
(2) Grunt: Done?
(6) Robin: ((sort of like robin))
(5) Justin: ((Attempt was to launch the syringe via a blast of water))
(5) Justin: ((2 dot strength and the area of about a gas tank))
(5) Justin: ((as far as the successes go with the description))
(2) Grunt: ((Dex + Athletics))
(2) Grunt: -1
(5) Justin: Dex 2 Athletics 2 -1 = 3
(5) Justin: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,6] = (0)
(2) Grunt: You fumble with the syringe, it falls to the ground
(5) Justin: Done
** (2) Grunt gets up and charges after Justin huoping to tackle him **
(2) Grunt: hoping*
(2) Grunt: Opposed Str + Brawl
(2) Grunt: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,9,9,9,5] = (3)
(5) Justin: ((lmao shit))
(2) Grunt: Str 3 + brawl 3
(5) Justin: Str 1 Brawl -1 = chance die
(5) Justin: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6] = (0)
(2) Grunt: You are tackled
(4) Dante: (( Brutally even >.> ))
** (5) Justin grunts as he falls to the ground under the muscled girth of the guard **
** (2) Grunt #2 goes to do the same to Robin with a little more enthusiasm as it's a naked female. **
(2) Grunt: ((str + brawl Robin))
(2) Grunt: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,9,[10, 9],6,5] = (3)
(2) Grunt: 4
(4) Dante: (( Does Robing get a + modifier for being slippery? XD ))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(11) Tony' from server... Removing dead client
(11) Tony (exit): 19:35
(4) Dante: (( robin* ))
(6) Robin: ((slippery, but already on the ground))
(2) Grunt: Nope, he's tackling, not like wrestling
(4) Dante: (( It was more of a joke.. ))
(2) Grunt: I know
(6) Robin: ((strength 1 brawl -1= chance die!))
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(5) Justin: ((He tackles and penetrates))
(2) Grunt: ((Next round maybe))
(3) Eve: ((Oh my...))
** (2) Tristin flops **
(6) Robin: :(
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Dnate
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: or dante
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Whoever responds first
(3) Eve: XD
** (4) Dante flops **
(4) Dante: End
** (3) Eve flips **
(3) Eve: end
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurt
** (1) Kurtis this time carefully, with his left hand, dramatically wiggling fingers, tries to untie the weavings on Eve's fish form spell. Supernal Dispellation on Eve: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7 **
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,[10, 6],2,7,5,7] = (1)
** (3) Eve still flipping **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Still a mutated Sea Bass.
(1) Kurtis: "Hey boy, you can change this flooring!"
(1) Kurtis: end
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin
(3) Eve: ((actually I'm a white and black angel fish :P)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: X-Ray fish!
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Your a Moros
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: you're*
** (6) Robin puts her hand on the grunts face, tring to shove him away with a spell of frustration. ((telepatic control gnosis4mind4 -1mana)) **
(6) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,1,2,[10, 9],9,8,9] = (4)
(3) Eve: ((frustrated much))
** (2) Grunt attempts to resist **
(2) Grunt: Resolve 2 + gnosis 0
(2) Grunt: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8] = (1)
(6) Robin: Kill th other grunt
** (6) Robin smirks to herself **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Nice))
(6) Robin: done
** (2) Forester drops the kitty form and is filled with Life magic, as he weaves a spell around Kurtis **
(13) Eve (enter): 19:43
(2) Forester: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,[10, 5],7,5,1,9,4,7,3] = (2)
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Eve...
(2) Forester: ((Whatever you use to resist trasformation))
(6) Robin: ((still suspended, right?))
(1) Kurtis: gnosis 3 + resolve 3 = 6
(1) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,9,8,1,8] = (3)
(1) Kurtis: "Oh no you don't, you fucking prick."
(2) Forester: "Damnit! Guards, ingore the Children!"
(2) Forester: Done, Justin
(5) Justin: "Don't curse when there are ladies present!"
(5) Justin: Also, what floor are we on?
(13) Eve: ((rofl))
(13) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: First I think?
(13) Eve (exit): 19:46
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurt?
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah, and originally wooden logs))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Eve still here?))
(14) Eve (enter): 19:47
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (14) Eve...
(14) Eve: ((here I am))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Booting '(3) Eve' from server...
(3) Eve (exit): 19:47
(5) Justin: ((Okay, is there anything hanging above Justin?))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Welcome back))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: A guard.
(5) Justin: Aside from brute..
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Noting on the ceiling, no
(5) Justin: Like on the ceiling.
(5) Justin: How close is the table?
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Player's weapons are all beside you though
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Right next to you
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Bat, Knife, Dagger, Axe, Chalk (lol)
(6) Robin: ((tristin's dagger is sooo pretty))
(4) Dante: (( Chalk is hardly a weapon ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((I know =P ))
** (5) Justin reaches out with his hands and, remembering the foul-mouthed bleach blonde's advice, attempts to turn the closest two table legs to sawdust **
(6) Robin: ((chalk cloud +2 defense lol)0
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: -1 for pinned
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((didn't give it to Robin because it was a mind spell))
(5) Justin: Gnosis 2 + matter 3 will 3 -1 pinned and burning a mana for Gnosis outside of Thyrsis base schools = 7
(5) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,6,9,1,2,4] = (1)
(4) Dante: (( lol, ya. careful you dont choke on the chalk dust ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The tabble legs collapse and the contents and the top of the table fall on the guard.
(5) Justin: (( Get rid of the table leg, the table leans, weapons fall on guard ))
** (5) Justin hopes for a head injury **
(6) Robin: ((thunderstorm right now, It stormed hard last time we played mage, too))
** (2) Grunt roars in pain and tries to pry himself off of Justin **
(2) Grunt: ((Going to hold on?))
(4) Dante: (( Its dramatic tension ))
(6) Robin: ((lol yeah))
(5) Justin: ((To the guard? Hell no, but going to try to get the hell away once he's off))
(2) Grunt: Str + Ath to move the table off of him
(2) Grunt: [1d10+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(2) Grunt: 10
(2) Grunt: DAMNIT!
(2) Grunt: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,6,7,4,[10, 4]] = (2)
** (2) Grunt #2 runs for the Axe on the ground and swings it at Gaurd 1 **
** (5) Justin tenses frightfully **
(2) Grunt: ((What's the Bonus dice on an axe?))
(2) Grunt: ((My note for Tony just says, path tool :( ))
(2) Grunt: Oh well, Str 3 + Wepons 2 + Axe 2 - 1 for just picking it up = 6
(2) Grunt: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,[10, 5],7,1,9] = (2)
** (2) Grunt #1 collapses to the ground with a thud, a pool of blood forming around him **
** (5) Justin looks on in shock and horror **
(5) Justin: "Oh god.."
** (2) Tristin flops **
(2) Tristin: Dnate
(2) Tristin: Dante*
(14) Eve: ((small axe = 2, large = 3 + 9 again, great = 5 + 9 again))
** (4) Dante tries to breathe, but is a fish and can't. **
(4) Dante: end.
(2) Forester: ((Guessing it's small since it fits in his suitcase))
(2) Forester: Eve
** (14) Eve forgets to breath **
(14) Eve: end
(2) Forester: Kurt
** (1) Kurtis grunts and abandons the counterspell idea, runs up to the suspended Forester and strikes at him with the flaming sword, flat side, ideally to knock out, but not kill: strength 3 + weaponry 1 + sword 3 + fire potency 1 = 8 **
(1) Kurtis: defense mod?
(2) Forester: 2
(1) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,6,6,6,6] = (0)
(14) Eve: ((that was.. the suck))
** (1) Kurtis misses entirely, confused with the spacial warp **
(2) Forester: You slip on the water on the floor
(14) Eve: ((are we supposed to be taking bashing as asphixiating fish?))
(2) Forester: Was going to ask for another one on this upcomeing turn
(4) Dante: (( shhhh ))
(2) Forester: lol
(1) Kurtis: end
(2) Forester: Robin
** (6) Robin scans to room for a water source, like a sink. **
(2) Forester: There is a water nozzle by the fish tank, probably used to fill it up
** (6) Robin spots the nozzle and attmepts to scoop up the floppy fish back into the tank. **
** (4) Dante is very floppy **
(6) Robin: To the grunt: Forester is a liar, hes the enemy, protect your friends.
** (14) Eve is sorta more flippy than floppy but still floppy **
** (2) Grunt nods **
(6) Robin: ((Am i sucessful with the fishy scooping?))
(2) Forester: Yeah, you can gather them all up, they are all flopping near eatchother
(6) Robin: ((Can I turn the nozzle on during this action as well?
(2) Forester: All fish roll Chance die against Robin's Str
(2) Tristin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6] = (0)
(14) Eve: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2]] = (1)
(6) Robin: ((strength 1))
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5] = (0)
(2) Tristin: Dante
(4) Dante: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5] = (0)
(14) Eve: ((I win the strongest fish competition!))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve flopps out of your arms
(1) Kurtis: wiggly!
** (6) Robin tries not the step on Evefish **
(14) Eve: ((yay! "No gir thats bad" ... "Yay!" )0
** (6) Robin turn the nozzle on and the tank begain to fill with water. **
(4) Dante: (( I need you to listen ... very very... very very very... very carefully ))
(6) Robin: end
** (2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets Attempts to transform Kurtis again **
(2) Forester: does
(2) Forester: Gnosis 5 + Life 5 -1 for retry - resolve of?
(1) Kurtis: ((3))
(1) Kurtis: ((contested roll though))
(2) Forester: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,3,7,[10, 7],9] = (2)
(2) Forester: So not - resolve?
(1) Kurtis: resist with gnosis + resolve
(1) Kurtis: i have to roll
(2) Forester: Life and Prime both kinda confuse me, and this character is just that :(
(1) Kurtis: gnosis 3 + resolve 3 = 6
(1) Kurtis: i get 2, i dont transform
(1) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,5,6,4,2] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: bitch!
(2) Forester: You are a bug.
(2) Forester: Beetle
** (1) Kurtis drops the sword, a 50 cal desert eagle, his awesome clothes, shades **
(2) Forester: Justin
(2) Forester: Wait
(2) Forester: Wiggles
(2) Forester: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,8,[10, 5]] = (2)
(2) Forester: Justin
** (5) Justin shuts down everything at all the death and fighting around him, all he wants is for this to be over, he puts his hand downward, and gestures to the blood pooling at the floor, exercizing his will, in an attempt to turn it into bleach and bring it up into his hand, as he slowly stalks forward towards Forester **
(5) Justin: Transmute Water int 3 sci 5 matter 3 = 11
(5) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,4,4,4,4,7,2,3,[10, 4],8] = (2)
(2) Forester: It's bleach
(5) Justin: About a gastank worth of it.
(5) Justin: What would I do to push it into Forester's facial orifices?
(2) Forester: ((Thank you whoeveris messing with the map))
(2) Grunt: Roll the spell again
(5) Justin: Transmute or Shape?
(2) Grunt: Whatever let you controll it
(5) Justin: Shape = Dex 2 occult 1 matter 3 = 6
(5) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,5,9,2,1] = (1)
** (2) Grunt screams as he is once again blinded. **
(5) Justin: About a milk jug=s worth
(2) Forester: screams
(2) Forester: Not the grunt
(5) Justin: ((was talking about Forester))
(2) Forester: ((I know))
** (5) Justin attempts to exercize the spell's dexterity to shove it through the nasal passages, and all the way down the asophagus **
(2) Forester: Done
(5) Justin: Done
** (2) Grunt isn't sure who his "friends" are, but know he must kill Forester, he charges at Forester and swings his axe right by Justin's head at Forester. **
(2) Grunt: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,7,5,5,3,4] = (0)
(5) Justin: ((*shits himself*))
** (2) Grunt misses and the axe come crashing to the ground **
(2) Grunt: Kurt, your bug eyes see an axe just beside you
(1) Kurtis: *screech*
** (2) Tristin swims **
(2) Tristin: Dante
** (4) Dante is still a fish? **
** (4) Dante is. **
(4) Dante: End.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve roll Stamina.
(14) Eve: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7] = (0)
(14) Eve: (bashing?)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: yeah
(14) Eve: (noted)
** (14) Eve suffers and such **
(14) Eve: end
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The human ones of you hear chanting in the back of the room, and Forester falls to the ground, still screaming.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurt.
(6) Robin: ((my spell disapates?))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Yeah
(1) Kurtis: any chance of unfucking my condition by counterspelling my own bug form? Or attempt to not be drowned in bugness
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: One sec
(1) Kurtis: i stand 1 place before Forester in initiative due to my speed 8 and his speed 5
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Hmm, your stuck, sorry man
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: you're*
** (4) Dante is watching Evefish suffer and such, but then forgets Evefish is suffering and becomes happy with himself, thankful that passive verbs are not actually actions, rather statements on how things are. **
(1) Kurtis: "must get away from the fire, find other beetles, something to eat" *screech screech* tries to crawl in between floor boards
(1) Kurtis: end
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The sword goes out without Kurtis to maintain the spell
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin
(4) Dante: (( Poor sword :( ))
** (6) Robin tries to scoop Evefsh into the tank **
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Evefish
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: chancedie
(14) Eve: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You scoop her
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Evefish can breath
** (14) Eve swims happily **
** (2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets Forester walks blindly in a random direction and casts something **
** (6) Robin wipes fish goo off her boobies and quickley locates clothes and puts them on while think to the grunt Make Forester return the beetle and the fish to their normal states of being **
(6) Robin: end
(2) Forester: ((sorry for cutting you off Robin))
(6) Robin: np
(2) Forester: [hs] => hs Flesh of the Lizard!
(2) Forester: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,7,9,3,6,[10, 2],7,4,1] = (2)
(2) Forester: [1d6] => [5] = (5)
(14) Eve: ((*doesn't forgive you, sues on robin's behalf without her consent for her mental anguish and such*))
(6) Robin: ((lols))
** (2) Forester walks one square away from the axe-man and growls scales along his body, chocking out bleach as he talks **
(4) Dante: (( *acts as a legal consultant, just for the quick cash* ))
(2) Forester: Justin
(6) Robin: ((Sues evefish for sueing without her consent, for causing mental anguish and such :) ))
(5) Justin: ((Is that talking or my turn?))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Your turn
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: sorry
** (5) Justin walks over to the fishtank, seeming as if he's in a daze, puts his hand in the water, and attempts to undo the magic on the first fish that touches him **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Everyone roll a %die
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: All fish I mean
(6) Robin: [1d100] => [40] = (40)
(5) Justin: ((well first see if it works, does counterspell work?))
(14) Eve: [1d100] => [40] = (40)
(4) Dante: [1d100] => [66] = (66)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You have no Prime, but I will let you try
(1) Kurtis: ((he uses Counterspell Life))
(5) Justin: ((Counterspell life, I've got the rote))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Okay, you touch dante, cast.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: okay
(5) Justin: ((int 3 occult 1 Life 2 = 6))
(4) Dante: (( *sues, for mental anguish and feeling violated and such* ))
(5) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 3],1,8,7,3,8] = (3)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Dante is Freed!
(14) Eve: ((*legally represents him for the fast cash*))
** (4) Dante is freed! **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: And standing in a fishtank
** (4) Dante is free, and cold, and naked! This does not bode well. **
(5) Justin: Done
(1) Kurtis: *screech*
** (2) Grunt steps forward and swings his axe at Forester **
(2) Grunt: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,7,8,8,2,5] = (2)
** (2) Forester looks kind of bloody **
(2) Grunt: "Release the Beetle!"
** (2) Tristin swims **
(2) Tristin: Dante-not-fish
** (4) Dante finds himself incredibly disoriented, cold, and naked. He climbs out of the pool and takes in the surroundings, attempting to regain himself. **
(4) Dante: End.
(4) Dante: (( pool of water* ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Evefish
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I know what you ment
(4) Dante: ((and pool by itself sounded funny in my head =P ))
** (14) Eve misses Dantefish, until she forgets he even existed **
** (14) Eve chases Tristinfish **
(14) Eve: end
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You hear [hs] => hs TO ASHES!
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: From the back of the room
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,1,8,9,2,2,4,[10, 9],3] = (3)
** (2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets a fireball from seemingly nowhere chars the guard with the axe. **
** (2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets he collapses **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurt-bug
** (1) Kurtis explores the highways of the underside of the wooden floor, finding some electric wiring. Looks at it, pure curiousity. *screech. screech* **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Done?
(1) Kurtis: done
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin
** (6) Robin peers into the back room to see where the fireball came from. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits + Investigation
(6) Robin: wits3inves1
(6) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],7,5,6] = (1)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Somewhere near where Kurtis appeared, but you cannot say for certain.
** (6) Robin steps back and attempts to shield herself((untouchable not spending mana for prolonged duration)) **
(6) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],6,2,7,5,3,2,9,4] = (2)
(6) Robin: ((5dot shield))
(6) Robin: done
** (2) Forester attepts to heal his body of injury. **
(2) Forester: apptemts*
(2) Forester: fuck-it
(4) Dante: (( I knew what you meant. =P ))
(2) Forester: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,[10, 4],7,3,3,3,7,5,1] = (2)
** (2) Forester he seems to stop chocking and stumbling **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Justin
** (5) Justin manipulates the bleach that he still has control of in Forester's body, to redo all the damage that was just healed **
(5) Justin: ((Prolonged duration spell))
(5) Justin: ((rote, rather))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Roll is it again for damage))
(5) Justin: Rote Shape Liquid Dex 2 occult 1 matter 3 = 6
(5) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,1,1,[10, 6],8] = (2)
** (2) Forester Screams, and his voice seems to change, it's softer, more loving, but still a scream **
(2) Forester: "Justin, why are you hurting me?!"
(5) Justin: "You wanted to hurt these people, they didn't do anything, you wanted to kill them.. I can't have anyone else get killed.. Forester please, take your men and leave.."
(2) Forester: done?
(5) Justin: Oh yeah, sorry done.
(2) Forester: np
(2) Tristin: Swims
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Donte
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Dante*
** (4) Dante regains himself after having a moment to look around, his nakedness not embarassing him. He looks over to the man called Forester and scowls, and (( Would I need to delve into his mind before casting something to affect it? )) **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Gnosis + Mind, then a %die
(4) Dante: (( Then a what die? d100? ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Yeah
(4) Dante: (( Huh.. okay ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Personal reasons
(14) Eve: ((he's secretly in love with %die and takes any oppertunity he can to watch them roll ^^ ))
** (4) Dante scowls at Forester, focusing his inner energies as he attempts to infiltrate the Life mage's mind, trying to disrupt his focus, completely disorienting him. ((So, Gnosis 3 + Mind 4 = 7... and then what exactly? )) **
(4) Dante: (( I'm totally not familiar with using a 100-side in this situation ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Shhhhh!!! *to the die* She didn't mean anything bad baby....* ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Roll it normally
(6) Robin: ((Noooos, I thought he loved meeeee!!!))
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,7,[10, 4],9,9,8] = (4)
(14) Eve: ((nope totally cheating on you with his dice bag))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((It's our Love child Rach))
(6) Robin: ((Dont touch children like that...)))
(4) Dante: (( okay... so, what about the %? O_o ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Now a %
(4) Dante: [1d100] => [98] = (98)
(4) Dante: (( Do I win the prize? ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Nope! You die
(14) Eve: ((*gives you a cookie*))
(4) Dante: (( Sweet. Later guys ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: lol, jk
(14) Eve: ((uumm of DEATH!... death cookie))
(4) Dante: (( om nom nom ))
(6) Robin: ((now ou dies lol))
(2) Forester: Resist chance
(2) Forester: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,1,4,6,5,[10, 6]] = (1)
(2) Forester: Okay, what are you trying to see?
** (14) Eve has spent to much time as a fish and is making up for it with OOCness... and doodling on the whiteboard XD **
(4) Dante: (( I kind of... described it above, my intention for the action. ))
(2) Forester: I thought you wanted to Delve into his mind?
(4) Dante: (( I asked if I had to delve into it first.. or if I could simply take action on his mind. I never got a definitive answer on that. Just Gnosis + Mind and % ))
(1) Kurtis: ((his intention was to fuck up his focus. his question was - if he needs to delve into the mind first to commit brutal mental assault))
(4) Dante: (( Yes. ))
(2) Forester: Oh, read it as "What do I need to delve into his mind"
(2) Forester: my bad
(4) Dante: (( No worries. So, verdict? ))
** (2) Forester staggers around even worse **
(4) Dante: "I... am not entirely sure what happened, but I know you're responsible. And I really, really am fed up."
(4) Dante: End.
(2) Forester: done?
(2) Forester: Evefish
** (14) Eve swims her little heart out **
(14) Eve: end
(4) Dante: (( Awww, what a cute Evefishy ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Justin, Dex + Athletics
(5) Justin: Dex 2 Athletics 2
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,8,1] = (1)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You feel frozen in place
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurt-bug
** (1) Kurtis looks to the left, looks to the right, looks to the left, looks to the right, looks to the left, looks to the right... looks at the socket wiring... look to the left... ... touches and connects two random wires, putting his little antennae on them. **
(4) Dante: (( *scratches his head* ))
(1) Kurtis: tzzt
(1) Kurtis: *screech*
(1) Kurtis: end
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: *CRACKLE*
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin
** (6) Robin in her big girl voice, trying to sound as threatening as possible..."Forester! Stop your foolishness or you'll soon regret this.Release my friends, now." **
(6) Robin: ((waiting for his responce for further action))
** (2) Forester is just screaming and paceing **
** (6) Robin looks frustrated **
** (6) Robin contemplates for a second and decides to give him another chance before outright killing him. **
(6) Robin: end
** (2) Forester franticly runs out the door behind him, the spells drop on Kurt, Tristin, And Eve. **
(6) Robin: ((yay, im not that big of a murderer, that was like charity, right? lol))
** (2) Tristin notices he is in a ... pool?... naked with Eve... "Um....what happened?" **
** (2) Tristin sees Tony too and shudders **
(4) Dante: (( We are now out of combat then? ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Still in Init
(4) Dante: (( Gotcha ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurt you burst threw the floorboards, with a few splinters, 1 bashing damage
** (14) Eve blinks a few times, looks at naked self, Tristin... Tony... Shudders slightly **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Dante, your action.
(4) Dante: (( Did I miss something somewhere? Where was Justin's action? ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Err, sorry))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Justin
(4) Dante: (( XD ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Thanks Dante
(4) Dante: (( No problem. Scrolling back I see he was frozen in place, but I've got no idea whats going on yet ))
(5) Justin: (( Oh sorry.. I'm frozen))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You can Dex + Ath to try and wiggle out of the spell.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Can still cast, but cannot move
(5) Justin: Dex 2 Athletics 2 = 4
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => [1,6,9,8] = (24)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((HAX!))
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,7,2] = (0)
(4) Dante: (( I want to roll vs. 0 :( ))
(5) Justin: (( >.> ))
(14) Eve: ((thats what you get for cheating :P))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Still frozen, even with the two successes from the first roll))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Now, tristin, who's Stunned and confused, so Dante.
** (2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets capticalises Whatever the fuck he Wants! **
(4) Dante: (( Is Forester outside the room, outside my range rather? ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: captializes*
(4) Dante: (( nevermind, out the door behind him, got it ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: He booked it around the corner, you cannot see him
** (14) Eve ((*adds a capticalises sheild to her car also*)) **
** (4) Dante looks around to locate his clothing, and, in finding them, quickly dresses, readying the beretta he had (presuming this was confiscated with the rest of the weapons) and checking it for ammunition. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve
(4) Dante: (( Does my gun have some lead? XD ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: If he's done, which I assume, because that would take a while.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Yeah, ammo's still there
(4) Dante: Yes, done.
** (14) Eve carefully gets out of the fish tank and dons her clothing securing her purse with gun and knife **
(4) Dante: ((If that's too much for one action, I can just do the second half on my next turn ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Not lead though, that would be illegeal.
(14) Eve: end
(4) Dante: (( lol, you KNOW what I meant =P ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurt.
** (1) Kurtis looks around in fury, a nude blonde god of war, decent looking you might add, and focuses his gnosis on a combined spell, combining Prime Sight to spot his targets Mage auras and use Telekinesis on the strongest remaining magical hostile still in the room, with intent to thrust them up to the ceiling. (Prime Sight + Telekinesis. Rolling lowest of the two dice pools. Prime sight: Gnosis 3 + Prime 4 - 2 for combined casting) = 5 **
(1) Kurtis: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 7],[10, 1],[10, 9],7] = (3)
(14) Eve: wow.
** (1) Kurtis casts on the obrimos **
(4) Dante: (( pwnty ))
(2) Red Prince: His invisibility spell drops as he crashes into the ceiling
(1) Kurtis: "Heads up!"
(1) Kurtis: end
(2) Red Prince: Robin
** (6) Robin look up at the guy crashing into the ceiling...curiously. ((whats his resolve?)) **
(2) Red Prince: Are you casting a spell that requires you to subtract it?
(6) Robin: upon recognition she caaast ((psyci sword yarg -resolve))
(6) Robin: ((subtract before or after?))
(1) Kurtis: ((damage spells are usually -something. effect spells usually vs. something))
(2) Red Prince: before, -3
(6) Robin: ((min4gnosis4 -3))
(6) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,2,7,3] = (1)
(6) Robin: ((1 lethal))
(6) Robin: feels like tony's axe is trapped in his brain, trying to slice ts way out.
(6) Robin: end
(2) Red Prince: Justin
(2) Red Prince: ((BTW Description acording to KK "He is dressed in what you can freely call a mage robe, a furry collared long robe, and under it a bright red sweater and white trousers, he looks like he is in his early fourties, a bit of gray hair to his temples, otherwise he is mostly sandy-blonde, he has a well trimmed beard, well maintained mustache"))
** (5) Justin attempts to wriggle out of the spell **
(4) Dante: (( Who let Dracula's gay cousin into the game? :( ))
(5) Justin: dex 2 athletics 2 = 4
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,1,4] = (0)
(2) Red Prince: ((Still stuck))
(5) Justin: ((Figured)) Done
** (2) Tristin looks up and activates Acceleration as he runs to fight the familiar Obrimos. **
(14) Eve: ((thats the italian guy we fought ealier))
(4) Dante: (( The guy who's place you blew up? ))
(2) Tristin: Stam 2 + Ath 2 + Time 4
(2) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,8,3,3,8] = (2)
(2) Tristin: Dante
(4) Dante: (( You should have rolled 8, right? >.> ))
(2) Red Prince: Whatever
(14) Eve: ((yes))
(2) Red Prince: Dante
(4) Dante: (( lol, just checking, sheesh ))
(2) Red Prince: lol
(1) Kurtis: ((he said whatever!))
** (4) Dante turns his attention to the red and white man, as everyone else seems to be taking the offensive against him. He glances at Justin, then back up (is he pinned to the ceiling?) at the enemy mage. "This is not my fight, but I'm going to get dragged into it anyway," he mumbles under his breath as he steps back a few paces, trying to delve into the mind of the Obrimos to uncover the man's identity for himself. (Delving into his mind in search of his idenity, nothing more. Gnosis 3, Mind 4 = 7)) **
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,2,6,8,4,9] = (3)
(2) Red Prince: ((no, he fell back to the floor I belive))
(4) Dante: (( Mkay. So "up" becomes "over" ))
** (1) Kurtis keeps the man suspended for attackers' convenience, i am keeping the spell active **
(4) Dante: (( and back to "up" ))
(2) Red Prince: ((nevermind))
(1) Kurtis: ((GM, do u need this NPC's identity as previously?))
(2) Red Prince: ((What do you mean Kurt?))
(2) Red Prince: Resolve + Gnosis to Resist Dante?
(4) Dante: (( Probably, not sure myself ))
(1) Kurtis: ((to discover red prince's identity, i have his backstory))
(2) Red Prince: Resolve 3 + Gnosis 6
(2) Red Prince: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,1,7,3,8,8,4,7] = (2)
(2) Red Prince: More exact questions, I'll give you one for the spell and 1 for having one more success than him.
(2) Red Prince: Make them good
(1) Kurtis: ((smashing job GM btw!))
(2) Red Prince: ((Just making everything up.. *shrugs*))
(4) Dante: (( Okay, first question is: What is his name? Second: What is his exact purpose here (while we're asking for exacts) ))
(4) Dante: ((Yes, I agree with Kurt. You're doing a great job. I'd have buckled by now I'm sure ))
(2) Red Prince: His name is Jason Roselli, also known as the Red Prince. He's here hiding from the other five actually, but more recently his purpose is to help Forester to escape, so they may both protect the Stone.
(5) Justin: ((Eh, needs more cowbell))
(2) Red Prince: Other 5, meaning Kurt, Tristin, Eve, Robin, and you.
(2) Red Prince: Er,, Tony, not you
(2) Red Prince: =P
(2) Red Prince: Sorry
(4) Dante: (( In that case, end. Thank you kindly and sorry for the long turn ))
(2) Red Prince: No worries
(2) Red Prince: Eve-not fish
** (14) Eve looks around the rounded room her eyes slowly growing blacker as she forces her will upon the shadows of the room attempting to summon them into a mass if inky black tenticles. **
(14) Eve: ((summon shadows rote wits2 + occult 4 + death 4 = 10)
(14) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,5,8,2,4,1,3,9,1] = (2)
(14) Eve: I will give my shadows 2 strenght and have them hit Red prince like a pinata
(4) Dante: (( CANDY! ))
(2) Red Prince: Two bashing?
(14) Eve: indeed.
(14) Eve: end.
** (2) Red Prince is wacked by kinky-ink-tenticles. **
** (2) Red Prince smirks at the group, his beaten face, looking defiant to the end. **
(2) Red Prince: "I will see the five of you Much, Much, later."
(2) Red Prince: Teleportation Space 4 + Gnosis 6
(2) Red Prince: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 1],6,6,8,5,4,[10, 10, 10, 4],5,1,5] = (3)
(2) Red Prince: And POOF!
(2) Red Prince: He's gone
(4) Dante: (( Holy crap, I want Roselli's dice ))
(5) Justin: (( Gotta be in florida ))
(4) Dante: (( Khaaaaaaaan! ))
(2) Red Prince: No more init.
(5) Justin: Dex 2 Athletics 2 = 4
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,2,[10, 2]] = (1)
** (14) Eve waves her hand allowing the shadows to slink back to their places **
** (4) Dante moves over to the pile of remaining equipment, rummaging through it until he finds his chalk, then stands and takes a look around, his eyes stopping on Justin, struggling in place. **
(14) Eve: "Well, anyone care to guess why we were wet and in a fish tank?"
** (1) Kurtis steps out of the hole in the floor he is in, still naked, and extends his hand to the tiny ring on the floor by Kurtis's belongings, a silver ring with 3 gems in it, blue, red, and white. He uses Telekinesis to make it fly onto his finger, hence repossess his quality of Kinetic Blow. He starts walking towards his sword. **
** (6) Robin fetches her bat and her other belongings. she equips them. **
(1) Kurtis: "I really hate it when someone other than me plays Invisible Spy. ... Some space energy... above us."
** (2) Tristin gathers his dagger, backpack, and clothes **
(2) Tristin: Justin, you can move
** (4) Dante ensures the safety is on his beretta and tucks it into his jeans, not taking his eyes from the boyish figure. **
** (5) Justin gasps and drops to the floor, as the suffocating hold over his body finally diminishes, he lays hunched there, panting as everyone gathers their things **
** (1) Kurtis is still naked, pointing up, he grabs his black underwear, black pants, white shirt, still looking up **
(1) Kurtis: "You might wanna check it out up there."
(2) Tristin: "Fuck... okay, what just happened?"
** (6) Robin looks around the room, specifically the ceiling with space sight. **
** (4) Dante turns to Kurt's voice then looks to where he is looking. **
** (1) Kurtis puts on his holsters, slides the Desert Eagle 50 cal into it, and a sword to his back strap **
(6) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,8,1,1,[10, 4],5,2,6] = (3)
** (14) Eve glances at the boy (justin) and then up at the ceiling, her gaze flashing white for a moment as she studies the ceiling with prime sight **
** (1) Kurtis looks out for Forester **
(2) Tristin: Robin, you see a space spell just went off upstairs, also, there is some space magic on the door.
(2) Tristin: You also see the lingering of Roselli's spell
(1) Kurtis: "Space arcanum above!, Going going... up the stairs. Careful. Space on the door.... It's the Obrimos."
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: b-room break, everyone go ahead, I'll catch up
** (14) Eve twists her lips then glances back, looking at Kurtis and then Justin in turn **
(14) Eve: "And you two are?"
(14) Eve: *forgot she met Kurtis, edit to "And you are"
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve, you remember Kurtis from the Casino
** (5) Justin finally catches his breath, and slides to his back on the floor, laying and looking up **
** (4) Dante looks to Kurtis, his glance seeming to reflect Eve's words for him specifically. **
** (1) Kurtis looks distracted, lifting off the ground and floating through the air upstairs, following the space spell **
** (6) Robin spends some time studying the spell from up the stairs, walking towards it.. **
** (5) Justin ignores Eve's question, as he lays back **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wait, I thought the stairs where out the door?
(1) Kurtis: ((oh, i never specified))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Then they are :)
(1) Kurtis: ((outside stairs? ok))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: That's the outside to the building?
** (1) Kurtis floats -outside- then **
(1) Kurtis: Yes, outside it would look like an old viking fort
(1) Kurtis: Ballistas, crossbows, catapults
** (4) Dante watches as Kurtis moves, then turns and steps lightly over to Justin, extending his hand outward as if to help him up. "Or are you going to just lay there a while?" he asks. **
(14) Eve: "Alright then...Well you haven't tried to kill us or be witty yet so I suppose you aren't with Branch's bunch."
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurtis, on your way out the door, you swear you were going forward, but some how turned around and are faceing the group.
** (1) Kurtis lands **
** (5) Justin looks up at the extended hand, seeming to come out of his daze, as he looks up to the face staring down at him **
** (14) Eve 's eyes slide from Justin to Kurtis' moving, she frowns slightly **
(5) Justin: "No, I think I'll get up, thank you.."
(1) Kurtis: "Uh... oh... hmm... oookay."
** (5) Justin takes the hand, and slowly gets up to his feet **
** (6) Robin studies the spell on the door for a few minutes **
** (4) Dante nods, offering only the slightest hint of a smile as he helps Justin stand. **
** (2) Tristin watches everything, trying to shake the strange feeling he is a fish **
(14) Eve: "Wrapped space, like Robin does all the time, except for the room not just a person.
** (1) Kurtis looks up the ceiling through the glass window in the roof he broke during descent. Is it covered with Space? Is the chopper still there? **
** (5) Justin looks confusedly out over the room **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You don't see the Chopper, nor hear it.
(14) Eve: "Anyone care to explain what happend?"
** (4) Dante tilts his head, just now noticing that Kurtis is back where he left from. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Also, yes, that opening out of the room is covered in space magic too
(1) Kurtis: "Wonderful..." *relaxes a little, lighting up a smoke.... realizing he's missing a lighter, flicks his fingers, producing a flame, offering a pack around* "Smokers, anyone?" *offers to Dante, Tristin, Eve, Robin, Justin
** (5) Justin frowns and shakes his head **
** (2) Tristin raises his hand **
(5) Justin: "Smoking is bad for you.."
** (4) Dante watches Kurtis. "If you have an extra. I haven't had one in far too long." **
(14) Eve: "No, I like my lungs cancer free thank you. I would like a few explainations, or does no one know what happened?"
** (6) Robin accepts Kurts offer, lightts up and smokes a bit **
** (1) Kurtis replies to Justin through the cig in his teeth "Yes, thank you, Ministry of Health". To Dante "Go ahead, man." **
** (1) Kurtis looks around **
(1) Kurtis: "So... Hi guys!"
** (6) Robin smiles at jkurt **
** (14) Eve places a hand to her temples a moment **
** (6) Robin smiles at kurt, too **
** (4) Dante approaches and takes a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a long drag, breathing a relieved cloud of smoke into the air shortly after. He kneels down and tucks a hand in his pocket. "Thanks. Needed that." **
** (5) Justin looks at Robin, then promptly looks away, as he recalls what she looks like naked **
(2) Tristin: "I woke up, and I was in a pool with a naked woman and a naked man.. and no idea how I got there... the first one I would normally enjoy, but the addition of Tony..."
** (6) Robin turns her attention to the door, studing it and smoking. **
(2) Tristin: Also the woman was Eve... and no offence, but you sometimes scare me..
(2) Tristin: ""
(1) Kurtis: "Robin, Tris, Tony, Miss Kline." *to Dante, offering a hand, making sure last moment, he kills the lighter flame, "Name's Kurtis Larsen. I can fly. What kinda stuff can you do?"
(14) Eve: "Hi Kurtis how are you? Just decided to come visit did you? Here let me make you comfortable, oh wait this isn't my house, its some magic wrapped room, I wonder how we got here."
** (2) Tristin takes the ciggerette then realises he left his lighter in Egypt. **
** (1) Kurtis offers light to Tristin **
** (14) Eve to Tristin "None taken, I like being scary sometimes." **
** (4) Dante grins a bit at his comment about flight. "Dante Canavaciuolo. I can make brains explode.. probably." **
** (1) Kurtis takes a drag, weighing Eve with a heavy glance **
(2) Tristin: "Thanks" *smokes*
(1) Kurtis: "Well I know how I got here."
(1) Kurtis: "I could -guess- how you got here."
** (6) Robin attempts to unweave the spactial strands looped on the door, tapping the frame with the handle of her bat, holding it upside down. A tap here, a tap there. **
(1) Kurtis: "By the way, all doors are space trapped."
(6) Robin: ((gnosis4+space5+bat1))
(6) Robin: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],9,1,2,3,1,[10, 4],2,8,8] = (5)
(14) Eve: "Last thing I remember was being in a forest passing out. Then I was wet and naked in a tank with Tristin and Tony..."
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Tony's sitting in a daze, perhaps the change from bear to fish has rattled him about, he doesn't seem to respond to anything.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Poof, spell gone
(1) Kurtis: "Shit, we have so much to catch up on.... god damnit... ah yes, you, boy genius." - turns to Justin - "What's your name?"
(5) Justin: ".. I'll tell you if you stop speaking profanity in the presense of women.. You don't seem to have any manners."
** (6) Robin stands back admiring er work,still smoking. **
** (14) Eve snickers just a little **
** (4) Dante looks over to Justin curiously. **
** (2) Tristin Cackles **
(2) Tristin: This Kid's a riot.
** (5) Justin frowns and crosses his arms over his chest **
(14) Eve: 'Thats funny coming from someone nearly his age by the look of it."
** (4) Dante takes a drag from his cigarette and blows the smoke upward toward the ceiling. "I must admit, its an unusual perspective." **
** (2) Tristin nods **
(2) Tristin: We're the same age, about,... or he looks it.
(2) Tristin: So what?
(2) Tristin: """"
** (1) Kurtis shifts his eyes, right, left. Lifts his finger. You can literally see his eyes actually flash with rage. His face still-calm. "Excuse me for a moment." Walks over to a wooden table. Explodes it into three even parts. Long drag of smoke...... sigh.... long drag of smoke.... exhale...Walks over back to Justin. "I apologize for my foul language, sir. My name's Kurtis." **
** (6) Robin looks over hersholder at Tristin's comment and turns her attention to the group. "The door is fixed." She takes another drag. **
(14) Eve: "Lets try it this way... Hi, I'm Eve Kline I summon shadows and tell ghosts what to do, nice to meet you..."
** (14) Eve looks at Justin expectantly **
(2) Tristin: ((Tristin is not longer accelerated BTW))
(4) Dante: (( okay. ))
** (5) Justin frowns at the exploding table, moving his hand out to take Kurtis' accepting the apology, and nodding to Eve **
(2) Tristin: "I'm Tristin Lang, I see the future."
(5) Justin: "My name is Justin, and thank you Kurtis."
(14) Eve: ((yay we can see him now!))
(1) Kurtis: "Are you a good guy... or... a bad guy?"
** (5) Justin nods to Tristen **
(5) Justin: "I don't really know any more.."
** (14) Eve blinks a frowns for a moment trying to remember where she's heard the name Justin before... **
(2) Tristin: Wait... what's you name?
(2) Tristin: ""
** (4) Dante looks over at Justin. "Dante, you probably can't pronounce my last name. I make people think whatever I want." **
(1) Kurtis: "Well, let's consider you're a good guy then. " smiles "Free tip. Do you know what conductivity is?"
(14) Eve: "Justin... Robertson?"
** (5) Justin nods to Kurtis, then looks at Eve **
(5) Justin: "Yes, I went to Highschool, and yes, my name is Justin Robertson.
** (4) Dante continues to smoke the cigarette, savoring each puff. **
** (2) Tristin looks to Eve **
** (14) Eve nods once, looks around, talks in a very non-chalant voice **
(14) Eve: "So, why did you skin Ashley Bloom?"
** (2) Tristin does a sort of side-ways smile then looks back to Justin, taking a long drag from his cig **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh good. If we work together, when I ask to do something with the flooring, I mean make it into a semiconductive or fully conductive material. I can use such material to electricute it within a signature of about 10 000 volts, hence incapacitating any nearby hostiles."
** (5) Justin 's eyes widen at the name, and the horrid memories that come bubbling up **
(5) Justin: hardly even hearing Kurtis' speal
** (1) Kurtis walks over to Tristin **
(5) Justin: **
(2) Tristin: "So this guy's a Moros, huh?"
** (14) Eve watches his reaction closely, dark eyes not wavering from his face **
(1) Kurtis: "I'm glad to see you fuckin' alive, man"
(5) Justin: "no.. no I didn't do.."
(2) Tristin: "Hey, how you been?"
(1) Kurtis: "You won't believe the shit we're in."
** (5) Justin 's lip quivers a bit, and he takes a deep breath, tightening his jaw **
(2) Tristin: "You won't belive what I've been through..."
(1) Kurtis: "Damn the guys in the chopper probably left."
(5) Justin: "It was the catholic priest.."
** (4) Dante listens to Kurt and Tristin talk. **
** (1) Kurtis motions to Dante to come over friendly **
(5) Justin: "Or babtist or something.."
** (2) Thomas Bursts though the door M4 in hand. **
(14) Eve: "Nope, not Moros, and defiently a good guy, or mind raped to the ninth."
(2) Thomas: "KURTIS!"
(14) Eve: "Gah!"
(2) Thomas: ((You recignise him from the Chopper))
** (1) Kurtis looks up, hand to hilt **
** (4) Dante shrugs and takes another short drag and stands, then leans back in surprise at the sudden entrance. **
** (14) Eve jumps at the door bursting **
** (6) Robin almost drops her cigarette. **
(14) Eve: ((Get ta tha choppa?))
(2) Thomas: ((NAO! GET TO DA CHOPPAH!))
(4) Dante: (( GEET TO THA CHOPPA NAO! ))
(4) Dante: (( Oh dear god ))
(1) Kurtis: ((GET CHOOPA NAO TEH TO))
(14) Eve: (( *Glee* I love you guys))
(1) Kurtis: "Tom, whats up?"
** (2) Thomas notices the battle has faded **
(5) Justin: (( *readies his improtaton* ))
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, yeah. All done, it looks like."
(1) Kurtis: ((dual wields two improtatons))
(2) Thomas: "Everything okay? We saw your Aura weaken significatly."

** (4) Dante eases up on his stance as he realizes the man is not a foe. **
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, musta got shut down for a time. Well, I told you it was gonna be a suicide mission. Yes, I'm that crazy!"
** (14) Eve smirks **
(14) Eve: ((Dies Laughing))
** (6) Robin settles herself against the wall near the door, finishing her smoke while listening to the conversation. **
(1) Kurtis: ((rofl))
(2) Thomas: "You did alot back there, didn't want another good soldier to die tonight."
(1) Kurtis: "Tom, meet my friends. And... newly made companions. Tristin, Tony Parrot, Eve, Robin, Dante, and Justin. Robertson apparently."
** (2) Thomas nods and salutes them as a group. **
** (5) Justin moves to wave a bit at the mention of his name **
** (6) Robin waves **
** (14) Eve nods then glances back at Justin scruitinizing him **
(1) Kurtis: "Tom and crew are with the Adamantine Arrow. They picked me up over Amsterdam and got us through Germany. Berlin is a fucking mage warzone, guys. I talked them into stopping by here, 'cause we figured you wouldn't go to France."
** (4) Dante finishes the last drag of the cigarette, frowning slightly that its already gone and puts it out on the floorboard, extinguishing it under his boot. He waves to Tom slightly, approaching the group a bit. **
(2) Thomas: "It saw a big use of Space magic from the top of this fortress.. on my way here, one of you lot?"
** (6) Robin shakes her head. He got off, already. **
(14) Eve: "So, Justin from New Haven, if you didn't skin Ashley I suppose you didn't kill your parents either? These being the case, what are you doing in Hungry?"
** (1) Kurtis taps a full cigarette pack against Dante's pocket "Keep it. I'll be mooching now and then." **
** (4) Dante takes the pack and pockets it, grinning. "Fine by me." **
** (5) Justin his eyes widen at the mention of the murder of his parents, his hope for their safety extinguished in moments, sapping his strength **
(5) Justin: "My parents are dead..?"
** (1) Kurtis looks over to Justin **
** (14) Eve raises a brow **
(1) Kurtis: "uh oh. Drama incoming."
(2) Thomas: "Perhaps I should take a look around the parimiter...."
(14) Eve: "According to police reports. Without a quick flight back to New Haven and a look around the Shadow realm I couldn't tell you for absolute certain."
** (2) Thomas leaves them **
(1) Kurtis: "Tom! You guys landing?"
** (6) Robin finishes her smoke in one last long drag, scrapes it against the bottom of her shoe and flicks the butt across the room. **
** (5) Justin just groans and sinks down into a crouch, his hands moving to rest on either side of his head **
** (4) Dante looks to Eve a bit questioningly. "Seems the boy can't remember somethings, or he's been blamed for something as I was." **
(2) Thomas: "Already did! 2 miles north of here!" Shouts on his way out.
** (1) Kurtis nods to himself hearing Tom's words **
(14) Eve: 'Sounds like Branch's gang's usual M.O.
(4) Dante: (( Wait, so you mean to tell me we're following the lead of another Tom? >.> ))
(1) Kurtis: ((whatup))
(4) Dante: (( XD ))
(14) Eve: ((*knew that was coming*)
(4) Dante: (( Yaaa, eventually ))
(1) Kurtis: "Sounds like the Guardians found it necessary to fuck Justin too.... Why?"
(2) Tristin: "Hide it better... easier to blame the newly awakened."
(1) Kurtis: "Tony's job, Kassidy's lab. My condo. Tristin's friend. Robin's place. Those things happened two months ago."
** (1) Kurtis nods **
(4) Dante: "My life."
** (4) Dante shrugs. "I dont know if its related to the plight of everyone else, but it sure seems so." **
(1) Kurtis: "By the way, you guys realize what you are, right? We here y'all be mages."
(14) Eve: "Justin did mention a priest, makes me think perhaps it was Diamond Priest, he liked skinning people as I recall, maybe he was just unlucky to cross his path and wound up tangled up in this mess."
** (4) Dante arches a brow at Kurtis. "Well, I've established that understanding, yes. As for the newest person in our situation.." **
(14) Eve: 'He casts well enough to know he's a mage."
(14) Eve: *strike that.. don't know that I was a fish*
(5) Justin: "Yeah.. I know.."
** (4) Dante looks to Justin. "So you know exactly what you are then? Why you do the insane shit with fog that you did?" **
(4) Dante: "Oh.. good."
(1) Kurtis: "Annette and I nuked atower in Amsterdam. Not sure which one held it. Either Diamond Priest, or Night Owl, or Scavenger."
** (4) Dante turns his attention elsewhere, looking toward the door before rejoining the conversation. "So what, then, is our next plan of action? And what do we do with Justin here?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Yes, this guy..." *looks Justin over with supernal vision* "... adept in life, spirit... matter power levels. He's dominating as a Thyrsus, but he has a pretty massive Moros flank."
** (5) Justin glances up at the mention of paths **
** (14) Eve twists her lips slightly **
(1) Kurtis: "Clue level zero, I take it."
** (1) Kurtis turns to Dante **
(14) Eve: "More a Thyrsus than a Moros without any death skill I would say, but thats a matter of opinion."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, how much of this you know? You guys find the Gem yet?"
(2) Nestor: "OUCH! Stop it! Let me go!"
(1) Kurtis: *perk*
** (4) Dante looks over to Kurtis. "No Gem yet, no. All I really know is that its some kind of powerful .. thing. Blah, blah, blah, next hitler." **
(14) Eve: "Still... hunt..ing..."
** (2) Thomas comes back in with a guy by his color **
** (5) Justin glances over **
** (14) Eve glances in the direction of the voice **
** (6) Robin perks up in the direction of the noise **
(2) Thomas: "Know this guy?"
(4) Dante: "Oh hey, the guy that was shooting at us."
** (14) Eve smiles sweetly **
(5) Justin: "His name is Nestor//"
(2) Nestor: "I said let me go you baffon!"
** (2) Thomas punches him in the kidney **
** (5) Justin frowns at the unneeded violent action **
** (4) Dante smiles at the unneeded violent action. **
** (6) Robin smirks **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh Dante, Dante, Dante." *half hugs* "Gem next hitler blah blah is all good. You know what it really means? Money, Dante, lots and lots and lots of money for Gem delivery. Do you like money? In New Haven? City of urban paradise, casinos, women of all tastes and sizes... oh hey, there's Nestor again..."
(2) Nestor: "My name is Lukus..."
** (4) Dante listens to Kurtis' words, his eyes opening a bit wider. "Well, now that sounds interesting too." **
(5) Justin: "Good can't come from the Gem being around, Forester said that they were going to destroy it."
** (5) Justin rises to his feet, seeming to have choked back his sorrow for the moment as he stares at Nestor **
** (1) Kurtis lets others handle Nestor, and turns to Justin **
(2) Thomas: "I found him prowling around the fortress, he tried to run, but the clumsy bastard tripped."
(4) Dante: "Forester, as I recall, turned me into a damn fish. And I'm pretty sure he was not intent on changing me back."
(1) Kurtis: "uh, no? -We- are the ones who are delivering it to be destroyed, and getting paid."
** (5) Justin looks at Dante **
(5) Justin: "You read minds and make brains explode right?"
(1) Kurtis: "Don't even think about it, Dante. You may find fantasies in there you will NOT, will NOT like. Don't do it, Dante."
** (4) Dante shrugs, chuckling as he hears Justin repeat his words. "More or less. Never actually tried to make someone's brain explode. Probably couldn't." He turns a bit to Kurtis and laughs. **
** (5) Justin looks confused at the reference he doesn't get, but continues **
(5) Justin: "Read Nestor's mind."
** (2) Thomas shoves him into the room, standing at the doorway. **
(5) Justin: "Find out what his real motives are."
** (1) Kurtis sighs with relief **
(2) Thomas: Thomas is big, built like a marine, he's obiously American, from the North West most likely.
(14) Eve: "This one sure does travel a lot doesn't he... seem to be seeing his face everywhere... Suppose I should castrate him like I did the last.. him?"
** (14) Eve pulls out her iron knife of emphasis attempting for an intemidation roll on "Nestor" **
** (2) Thomas he wears a military uniform. **
** (4) Dante looks over at Nestor, pondering a bit. **
(4) Dante: (( We're not all grizzly bears in the north west. Just most of us. ))
** (2) Nestor looks around at the group frightened. **
(5) Justin: "It could just be a random guard that Forester changed to look different on the way out, anyways."
(5) Justin: "Either way, you'll find out when you read him right?"
** (4) Dante nods slightly at Justin's words. "Though I doubt he could concentrate much when he was running around, screaming." **
(5) Justin: "He got out of range quick enough, after that, he could have easily flushed my bleach from his system and healed himself. Forester is tallented."
(14) Eve: "Aww did you guys have fun without me?"
(14) Eve: "And a crazy man who's protecting the next hilter baby, crazy people do not always think clearly Justin. In fact, most of the time they aren't thinking clearly."
(1) Kurtis: "Justin, I have seen this very face in Amsterdam three days ago."
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Yes we do))
(5) Justin: "And he's been here with me and Forester too for at least three days."
(14) Eve: ((shouldn't your voices be telling you to go feed your pet rocks or something?))
** (1) Kurtis scans Nestor for spells using Supernal Vision: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7 **
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3,3,[10, 3],6,4,[10, 4]] = (2)
(2) Nestor: ((Naw, Rachel did taht for me))
(14) Eve: "So someones just having a fun time plastering this guys face all over everyone we meet."
(2) Nestor: "What are you talking about, I haven't.... aahhh aahhhh!"
** (4) Dante looks back to Nestor, noting Justin's words without response as he concentrates, extending his will outward in an attempt to perceive Nestor's thoughts. As he hears the conversation around him, however, he pauses. "Then reading his mind will gain us nothing useful?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Thyrsus... Mastigos? Really.... I see Life, Mind."
** (2) Nestor screams like he is being stabbed repeatedly, then falls to the ground, blood pouring from his ears. **
** (14) Eve frowns looking down at him **
(1) Kurtis: "Aaaand we're being spied on."
(14) Eve: "I'm gonna take a guess at 'No' on that one."
** (4) Dante squints his eyes as his lips droop down in a frown. **
(6) Robin: "Maybe we should go now?"
** (5) Justin looks over to Eve How much do you want to bet we'll be seeing him again? **
(5) Justin: ""
(4) Dante: (( YOU WISH ))
(1) Kurtis: "Alright, bitches. Alright, two can play this game."
(14) Eve: "I don't bet on sure things."
** (5) Justin does a double-take at the bleeding ears, and then looks up at Dante, horrified **
** (14) Eve sighs slightly **
** (4) Dante looks over to Justin, then back to Nestor, then Justin again. "Oh. Either we're being spied on, or I goofed." **
(2) Tristin: "Umm..... what did you do? *looks to Robin, then Dante, then Eve...*
(14) Eve: "No, that wasn't you Dante."
(5) Justin: "I.. I didn't tell you to make his brain explode.."
(4) Dante: "I didnt imagine so."
** (5) Justin glances at Eve again **
** (1) Kurtis looks around the fortress, and channels the sanctuary's mana through himself and ties it in a knot with all his mind, suppressing its detectability: Suppress Hollow: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7 **
(4) Dante: "Justin, Justin. As I said, I've never tried. Probably can't. Yet."
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,2,7,1,8,2] = (2)
** (14) Eve watches Kurtis trying to understand what he's doing **
(5) Justin: "Okay.. who did that then?"
** (1) Kurtis breaks a sweat at his eyebrow **
(2) Tristin: You feel the hollow is more difficult to scry to.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: (())
(14) Eve: "Oh now thats neat, I'll have to try that some time."
** (1) Kurtis pants **
(4) Dante: "Whomever is watching us, I assume. Or perhaps some sort of trigger in his mind."
(14) Eve: "Probably this guys keepers, whoever put the mind and life spell on him."
(1) Kurtis: "This place... pooooooowerful sanctuary, by tugging its resonanse, might give us a shot to leave undetected. Might."
(1) Kurtis: "Level with me here, I'm a man trying to lift a whale. This thing is into levels of gnosis beyond the fucking clouds."
(4) Dante: "You mean we aren't blowing it up?"
(14) Eve: "Well lets move then, find out where the gem is now and -try- to take them by surprise... unlikely but we can try."
(1) Kurtis: "Fuck no we're not blowing it up?!"
(1) Kurtis: "Wait, you actually blew Jason's tower up?!"
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: "Not my idea."
** (4) Dante shrugs, pointing to Eve and the rest of the group. **
(2) Tristin: <- said that>
(2) Tristin: ((-- said that
(4) Dante: "I was in a hotel room when it happened."
** (6) Robin lets out a long sigh **
(14) Eve: 'Well, technically, we destroyed a snow globe. Which was linked to the tower. Its destruction caused the explosion of the tower."
(1) Kurtis: "Shit. That's cool." *starts walking to the helicopter landing* "Let's get out of here."
(14) Eve: "What are we going to do with the kid?"
** (14) Eve nods towards Justin **
** (6) Robin stands up and follow kurt outside **
** (5) Justin frowns and follows the foul-mouthed bleach blonde **
(4) Dante: "Can't leave him here."
** (1) Kurtis looks towards the kid **
** (2) Tristin shrugs **
(5) Justin: "Then I'm going."
(1) Kurtis: "Justin. Your life is fucked. It's over, like mine, his, his, hers, probably hers. Do you want to save the world slash commit vengeance slash survive slash earn cash?"
** (5) Justin arches his brow **
(5) Justin: "Sure, if you want to stop cursing in the presense of ladies."
(1) Kurtis: "Deal."
** (5) Justin looks at Kurtis pointedly and nods with a smile **
** (2) Tristin laughs again **
** (1) Kurtis smiles, nods, keeps going **
(5) Justin: "Deal"
** (4) Dante mentally notes which of the listed reasons he is following, reminding himself why. He chuckles at the two. **
** (14) Eve snickers again **
** (4) Dante follows closely behind Kurtis and the others. **
(2) Thomas: "You guys all done here?"
** (5) Justin follows sure-footedly, easily leaving behind the tower in favor of whatever comes next **
** (1) Kurtis heads in the direction of the roadside, spots a motorcycle **
(1) Kurtis: "That anyone's?"
(14) Eve: "Dante's"
** (4) Dante looks out to it. "Yes indeed." **
(2) Thomas: ((Wait, no.. don't get that far away yet.))
(1) Kurtis: ((reverse!))
(4) Dante: (( Okay, Tom. What up? ))
** (5) Justin twists Tristen's nipples counter-clockwise **
(4) Dante: (( Now that's how you travel back in time ))
** (1) Kurtis nods to Tom "I'm done here." **
(5) Justin: ((Thats how you rewind time))
(2) Thomas: "You know with the ward still in tact you risk being spotted easily..."
(6) Robin: ((lols))
(14) Eve: "All in favor of taking this tower down?"
(4) Dante: "All in favor of blowing something up?"
** (4) Dante paraphrases Eve. **
(1) Kurtis: "Sh... oot."
(6) Robin: "Aye, bring on the fireworks."
** (14) Eve makes a face at Dante **
** (4) Dante looks over at Eve and grins, leaning back a bit as he recalls some of the more intimidating expressions on her face. **
(1) Kurtis: "I'll stand back an watch. Feeling a little roachy today."
** (5) Justin smiles at Kurtis **
(2) Thomas: "I did some looking around, there are a few ways to the top of this thing...
(4) Dante: "How exactly did you get down below the floor anyway, Kurt?"
** (1) Kurtis taps his sword's hilt in response **
(1) Kurtis: "I can see, amplify, control, create, and extinguish forces of nature. Any forces. Velocity is one of them."
(14) Eve: "The easiest way being which Tom?"
(2) Thomas: "Ladder straight to the roof battlements"
(4) Dante: "Mhmm.. And you were down below the floor because?"
(1) Kurtis: "Uuuh... Why were you naked in a fish tank?"
(14) Eve: "Alrighty ladder it is."
(4) Dante: "Rebuttal noted. Argument withdrawn."
** (14) Eve heads out to find said ladder **
** (1) Kurtis follows **
** (2) Tristin laughs at Dante and Kurtis **
** (6) Robin follows along inspecting the ladder with her space sight **
** (4) Dante grins and follows curiously. **
** (2) Thomas shows them around the building where the ladder is, being the first one up, he pull his M4 off his back when he reaches the top. **
** (14) Eve climbs after Thomas **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You all climb three stories, on a lower platform you see the glass roof that Kurtis fell down, a two story fall.
** (1) Kurtis pulls the Desert Eagke, cocks hammer, takes it two handed **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: fell through* I should say.
** (1) Kurtis whistles **
(2) Thomas: "Space Magic came from up here, not sure if anyone is up here."
** (4) Dante looks at the Desert Eagle admiringly. **
** (14) Eve does the pre-requisit checking out Thomas' ass while they are climbing **
** (1) Kurtis points to the glass window hole **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Up here you see Catapults, Balista, crossbows and longbows litter the sides
(1) Kurtis: "Didn't look so high from above."
** (6) Robin scans the floor for active space spells **
** (1) Kurtis climbs after eve, peeking under her skirt **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Everything seems to circle the middle, where the glass roof was.
** (14) Eve isn't wearing underwear per her last adventure with being Death and having to throw them out **
** (5) Justin climbs after Kurtis, taking the moisture from his eyes **
(1) Kurtis: Oh my fucking god...
** (1) Kurtis climbs quietly **
** (4) Dante climbs after Kurtis, wondering what is going on up above. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: In the Northeast quadrent, there is a little shed like room, that peaks from the battlements.
(4) Dante: (( after, Justin* ))
** (2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets the battlements raised in that area to be a wall. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: (())
** (2) Tristin second to last, dragging Tony. **
** (2) Thomas checks the area for any enemies. **
** (1) Kurtis looks about, spotting the weapons, the tools, anything electrical, fuel based, explosive, sharp **
** (14) Eve scans the area looking for the complex spell combination from the last tower so she can locate the room with the controls **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: There is kerosine by the catapults, one gallon canesters.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve, you get a definite reading from the shed-like room.
** (4) Dante looks out over the side, looking into the distance down the line of sight of one of the ballistas. **
** (14) Eve heads for the shed-like room once she is up on the battlement **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: To the North, in the far distance, you see a helicopter Dante.
** (1) Kurtis lights a bright focused daylight lamp in the palm of his hand. Light Mastery: Gnosis 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 9 **
(1) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,7,[10, 6],8,7,6,6,3] = (2)
** (1) Kurtis points the light to the shed **
** (4) Dante peers a bit in the the distance, noting the helicopter. He shouts back to Thomas, not looking to see if he's there. "Hey, your chopper is down, right?" **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The room looks to be about 30x30 feet, 8 feet tall, there is a wooden door with a combination lock.
** (14) Eve checks the room and door for any traps **
(14) Eve: *magic traps
(2) Thomas: "That's it, go two other's down there watching after it."
(1) Kurtis: Shaved... stockings... no panties... white hair... I'm in love. I'm sorry Kassidy...
(14) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((*turns you into a llama*))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: What sights do you have active?
(14) Eve: Prime currently
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits + Investigation
(14) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,5,7] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: "Eve, scan it with matter, maybe hidden openings, chambers?"
** (4) Dante nods once, as if noting the approximate location, then takes his view from the distant north and looks off into the southern distance a bit whimsically. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You don't see anything.
** (14) Eve calls up her matter sight, her pupils narrowing with the spell **
** (1) Kurtis approaches Dante a moment **
(1) Kurtis: "Can I have another one?"
** (4) Dante returns to the group, looking to Kurtis. **
(14) Eve: (matter + Gnosis =5)
(14) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,3,5,3] = (1)
(6) Robin: ((/me stares off into space...cuz shes a space mage. get it? lololololol))
** (1) Kurtis taps the cig packin Dante's pocket **
(1) Kurtis: ((lolololol))
(4) Dante: "Hah, of course."
** (4) Dante pulls the pack from his pocket and tips the top open. **
** (6) Robin paces around the floor, relaying the events of the day through her mind. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Still nothing, just looks like an average Wooden door, walls seem normal. Doesn't look too think though.
** (14) Eve scans the door and walls for physical traps or secret door mechanisms **
** (1) Kurtis takes the cig with left hand, lights up with right... wait, there is a daylight flashlight in right hand... he leaves it hanging in the air, casually, pointed at the shed, lights up **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits + Inv again
(14) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,4,6] = (0)
** (4) Dante watches, grinning, then replaces the pack in his pocket. "So what do we have in there?" **
(1) Kurtis: "You're from Europe, right?"
(14) Eve: ((I rock!))
(4) Dante: "Yeah. Italy."
(1) Kurtis: "I dunno, the investigators do the investigating. But it looks like it's lockpick's turn. Which, by the way happens to be my... thing."
** (14) Eve shrugs **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It's a combination lock.
(14) Eve: "Looks fine."
(4) Dante: "A hobby of yours I take it?"
** (6) Robin walks over to Eve's door and helps inspect it woith space sght **
(14) Eve: "A bit strange that they wouldn't trap this one, but I didn't find any spells, maybe they forgot to trigger them."
(1) Kurtis: "Did you read my business card?" - hands Dante a blank card
(2) Tristin: When you can't get it open, I'll take over for you kurt.
** (4) Dante looks down at the card, arching a brow. **
(1) Kurtis: "What's it say?"
** (6) Robin studies the door. **
** (4) Dante shrugs. "It says, I am not a professional, so this is blank." **
** (4) Dante looks up at Kurtis and smirks. **
(1) Kurtis: Dante, you look again, the card flashes dim letters "Kurtis Larsen. Bounty Hunter. Aurora Casino. New Haven. "I find things." phone number. Wiritings disappear
(6) Robin: "I guess you're right, eve."
** (1) Kurtis approaches the locked shed **
** (4) Dante observes the flicker of lettering, his smirk only deepening. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits + Inv for anyone that's looking for Traps, Wits + Larcenry to try and open lock.
(1) Kurtis: "Well, I only got mechanical lockpicks. Electronic kit is back in New Haven, but if it's a combo lock, i can probably tap in directly with Forces, and send it a signal it wants to see."
(6) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,7,2] = (1)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Also tell me what magic sights you have up.
(1) Kurtis: Prime Sight, Forces Sight.
(6) Robin: ((spaaace))
** (1) Kurtis now analyzes the electricity within the lock, seeking the combination of signals that opens it **
(14) Eve: Prime and Matter
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You see nothing, just the hint of space magic behind the walls.
(1) Kurtis: Me, that is?
** (4) Dante rejoins the group and raises Third Eye, sight of mind, taking a long look around for anything related to the mind arcana. ((Gnosis 3, Mind 4 = 7 )) **
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,4,2,[10, 3],[10, 8],[10, 5]] = (4)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin
(6) Robin: "huh? Maybe something off behind the door, then."
** (2) Tristin looks into the locks future **
(2) Tristin: Time + Gnosis
(2) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,1,7,6,3,1] = (1)
(4) Dante: (( o.O The lock will suffer a miserable death ))
(2) Tristin: 15-26-19
(2) Tristin: ""
** (2) Tristin looks to Eve. **
** (1) Kurtis looks into the electric signals structure so see which codes have to be triggered to open it, he listens to Tristin's reading, to confirm it: Gnosis 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 9 **
(1) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,5,[10, 1],5,7,2,8,[10, 4]] = (3)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((It
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: is a padlock))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: System of gears and such... like what's on lockers.
** (14) Eve moves the padlocks combination around until it reads 15, pauses, moves to 26, pauses moves to 19, pulls open. **
(1) Kurtis: "No dice. Not electric."
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It opens.
** (14) Eve smirks **
** (2) Tristin smirks to her **
(14) Eve: "Thank you Tristin"
** (1) Kurtis keeps an eye on his flash light in the air ready to bolt it at something **
(1) Kurtis: "Sweet work, dude."
(2) Tristin: "What I'm here for...."
** (14) Eve opens the door peering into the room **
(1) Kurtis: "Who needs lockpicks... seriously."
(2) Tristin: Eve you see....
(14) Eve: (("Twelve year old girl and a donkey!"))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: a familiar looking device.
(4) Dante: (( The remains of the spice girls! ))
(4) Dante: (( awww ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((TOp of the map))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Then a swarm of fruit-fly fly out, like a black cloud
(14) Eve: (sees... green... boxes?))
** (6) Robin tries to duck under flys **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve, Tristin and Kurt (I think Kurt was close?) are covered with flies as they pour out of the room.
** (1) Kurtis moves the light source to the flies, hoping to gather them up and kite them away, knowing how insects love light and such "gah!" **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Can anyone else see the core?))
(1) Kurtis: ((negative))
** (14) Eve tries very hard not to scream so the flies don't fly into her mouth. **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It works, Kurt you are covered in insects hoping to be near the light source.
** (14) Eve isn't covered in insects? **
(14) Eve: "Ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!!!"
(1) Kurtis: "God damnit." Kurtis lights himself on fire, becoming a miniature elemental
(1) Kurtis: Forces 5 + Gnosis 3
(2) Tristin: Whoa!
(1) Kurtis: 8
(1) Kurtis: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,8,6,8,5,8,5] = (4)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Some of them burn, but the flock to you like mad now, surrounding you, staying a safe distance from the flame.
(1) Kurtis: "Over here you winged bastards."
** (1) Kurtis keeps the flame away from wooden floors, precisely directed up in a controlled heat sink **
(14) Eve: "That... is... gross.. I've seen zombies less gross than this.
(1) Kurtis: "Justin? Where's Justin? Justin, can you do anything to insects?'
** (4) Dante steps back from the room's entrance at the sudden burst, looking around for Justin **
** (5) Justin looks around at the voice, only just noticing the swarm and the man on fire **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Looking in again Eve, you see a swamp-like-pond with a bridge leading to the the center with a control pannel and the core.
(14) Eve: "Whoa."
** (14) Eve takes a breath and heads into the room towards the control panel. **
(1) Kurtis: "That looks like the device in the Amsterdam tower."
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: There is enough room around the pannel and core for one person on any given side.
** (5) Justin focuses on the mass of little insects, their instincts buzzing just as furiously as their wings, he attempts to tap into their instinctual impulses, to convince them that they smell food far in the distance **
(1) Kurtis: "Be careful what you push, I couldn't crack it"
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 8 people total)
(14) Eve: "Neither did we, we just exploded it."
(5) Justin: ((Don't have the Rote so Gnosis 2 + Life 2 = 4
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,6,9] = (1)
(14) Eve: "Of course ours had been booby trapped."
** (1) Kurtis kills his light and fire sources **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You feel a slight connection to the simple creatures.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: They begin to flood back into the room.
(1) Kurtis: "Turn em into grass or something, ah! God damnit."
(5) Justin: "Did it work..?"
(1) Kurtis: "I don't know."
(1) Kurtis: "They're all coming back again."
(5) Justin: "Oh I could do that.. If they're all in one place now..
(5) Justin: "
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((You tapped into them, you didn't give them any sort of instructions))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((NVM)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: they flood back out thinking they smell food.
(1) Kurtis: "Thank you, Sensei Justin."
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: and fly a good distance away.
** (14) Eve studies the panel buttons for a bit then calls out **
** (1) Kurtis approaches the core with the others **
(5) Justin: "No problem.."
(14) Eve: "hey robin, is the space looped here like it was back in the Italy tower?
** (5) Justin stands outside, doing his best to keep the Flies away **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The pannel is in the shape of a pentagram
(1) Kurtis: "Justin, you have a cell? Here's mine." gives Justin cell number
** (6) Robin walks in to the room to inspet the core **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: There is a button at each point and one at each intersection.
** (4) Dante keeps an eye outside the main door, turning to look inside where they are periodically. **
(5) Justin: "No, I was never allowed a cell phone. My father said I didn't need it. "
** (6) Robin studies thw core with space sight **
** (14) Eve raises a brow at Justin's comment **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You see a faint beem shooting out to the northeast Robin
(1) Kurtis: "Well damn, that sucks. You some kinda mormon or somethin'?"
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: beam*
** (5) Justin glances back at the accurate guess **
** (1) Kurtis stares **
(5) Justin: "Yeah."
(1) Kurtis: "Oh..."
** (14) Eve laughs once out right **
(1) Kurtis: "I'm sorry." turns quickly
** (6) Robin studies the beam for a few minutes trying to figure out the spell **
(14) Eve: "Explains a lot."
** (4) Dante watches the two talk, arching a brow. **
** (2) Tristin nods like "that explains it" to Justin **
** (1) Kurtis whispers to Eve **
(1) Kurtis: "There's mormons in New Haven?"
** (14) Eve shrugs **
(14) Eve: "Guess so"
(1) Kurtis: "Now, woah woah, this thing looks.... really freakin'... spiked up... and you said it can explode, if hacked."
(14) Eve: ((Hey peeps I need to wrap it up, got work in Am and would like some sleep))
** (4) Dante turns his attention away from the group once more, looking around the outside of the first room they entered. **
(4) Dante: ((Sleep is good.))
(6) Robin: ((what i need to rooll to firgure this out))
(6) Robin: ((tyo figure out what kioind of spell this is coming out of the core)()
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It seems to have Several different types of arcana cast upon it
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits + Ivest + Space or Space + Gnosis Robin.
** (1) Kurtis looks over it Prime Sight to see exact arcana **
(6) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,1,1,1,4,9,5,6] = (1)
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Space, Prime, Matter, and Forces.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You think it may be able to move objects through space Robin.
(14) Eve: (("Beam me up scotty!"))
** (1) Kurtis looks to Dante, and then cocks his head noticing Dante's pocket **
(1) Kurtis: "Dante, what do you have in there?"
** (4) Dante arches a brow, entering the room and approaching Kurtis. **
(5) Justin: ((More man than you can handle.))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((That's not ciggerette pack, he's just happy to see you))
(4) Dante: "What are you talking about?"
** (14) Eve raises a brow at Kurtis **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Lol, Justin))
** (1) Kurtis points at his pocket **
(4) Dante: (( You all saw back at the fish tank. You need to ask? ))
(1) Kurtis: "Down there."
(1) Kurtis: ((was a roach))
(14) Eve: "Batting for the other team hmm? I must say I'm surprised."
** (4) Dante reaches into his pocket and produces a small piece of chalk. "This?" **
(5) Justin: (( I know, but I had to roll paradox.))
(4) Dante: (( lmao ))
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah. It's spiking with some insane space power, and alligned precisely with your ... signature."
(4) Dante: "Uh.. Huh. So.."
** (2) Tristin looks at the control pannel, if he can get near it **
** (4) Dante eyes the chalk closely, contemplating what that might mean. **
(1) Kurtis: "Like, I have this ring, alligned with mine. It lets me hit things like a Dragonball Z guy."
(1) Kurtis: "Which, I have to tell you, is, super awesome, and it a greatest power trip I ever could imagine."
(4) Dante: " A what guy? Is that some kind of movie? "
(14) Eve: "Back on the subject here, Kurtis how did you shut down the first tower?"
** (2) Tristin attempts to look into the past of the pannel, to see if anything can be done with it, and what has been done to it **
** (1) Kurtis looks to Eve **
(2) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,[10, 2],3,2,6,2] = (1)
(2) Tristin: The energy flowing out of the core latches on to Tristin, his eyes roll to the back of his head.
(1) Kurtis: "The first tower had a control panel with a red shield, a bird, a leaf, a skull"
** (14) Eve glances at Tristin, then does a double take **
** (2) Tristin he falls backword, tword the gross swampy area around the core **
(14) Eve: "Umm... That's not normal."
** (14) Eve attempts to catch him if she's close enough **
** (6) Robin tries to catch him? **
** (4) Dante takes his eyes abruptly from the chalk, instinctively replacing it in his pocket. **
** (2) Tristin is caught by them both, shacking violently in their hands **
(2) Tristin: shaking*
(6) Robin: eww
(14) Eve: "A little help here guys?"
** (5) Justin calls out to them **
** (2) Tristin he caughs up blood, still shaking. **
(1) Kurtis: "Jared gave me a chewing gum disguised magical solution, which messed something up in it. Like a huge chewing gum. I stretched it over all the buttons, then threw quintessense at it, and the whole thing stopped glowing."
(6) Robin: "
(5) Justin: "You know there is some volatile liquid out here right, we could just put it next to the thing and hit it with a spark.."
(14) Eve: "GUYS somethings wrong with Tristin!
** (5) Justin is oblivious to the drama inside **
(6) Robin: "Ugh... What was Tristin doing."
(14) Eve: "Just looking at the panal with umm.. Fate thingy"
** (4) Dante hurries over to the rest of the group, looking at the blood-spat and Tristin's shaking body. **
(2) Tristin: He looks like he normal does when he has a vision, but he's shakeing and caughing up blood this time.
(1) Kurtis: "Damn, damn."
(6) Robin: "Tristin?"
** (14) Eve scans Tristin with prime sight to see if there are any spells active on him **
(1) Kurtis: "Uuuuh... Fire won't help... Counterspell?"
(2) Tristin: You swear you see his hair fill in about two inches, from nearly bald to two inch hair in the course of maybe one miniute.
** (2) Tristin stops caughing, and shaking **
(6) Robin: "Did he rewind time?"
(1) Kurtis: "Shit I think he's aging!"
** (1) Kurtis attempts to counterspell the effect on Tristin **
** (2) Tristin his eyes close, he seems sound asleep. **
(1) Kurtis: Gnosis 3 + Prime 4 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,8,4,7,2,[10, 2]] = (2)
** (6) Robin shakes Tristin a bit trying to wake himup. **
(2) Tristin: Eve and Kurt, you saw some intence Time magic, but it has subsided.
(2) Tristin: Nothing to dispell Kurtis
(1) Kurtis: "Great. That's two down."
** (4) Dante looks at Tristin, then up at the panel. **
** (1) Kurtis grunts, as there are no strands that don't slip through his fingers **
(6) Robin: "Tristin?" *Shakes him*
(1) Kurtis: "That's it. I agree with Justin's plan. Let's blow this place to hell."
** (2) Thomas runs to the Shack **
(2) Thomas: "What the hell is going on in there?! I just saw the biggest spike of Time I have ever.... is he alright?"
(4) Dante: "What.. the hell? Yes, let's just blow the place and get Tristin out of here with us. We can figure things out on the road, as we normally do anyway."
(14) Eve: ((I know this is really bad timing but I really gotta get to bed ya'll))
(4) Dante: (( cliffhanger =/= bad timing. ))
(2) Thomas: Call it?
(1) Kurtis: ((just make us some kerosine!))
(6) Robin: ((Im hungry :( ))
** (1) Kurtis holds a match **
(14) Eve: Votes for calling it
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Me too.
(1) Kurtis: okay
(4) Dante: (( I'm hungry too. And Kurtis just wants to leap off the building in a huge explosion sequence as we Box ))
(1) Kurtis: (( yes, yes))
(1) Kurtis: ((leap. nao))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It would be really quick to blow it, if you want
(6) Robin: ((Get in the choppa!))
(1) Kurtis: matter mages fill the room with vaporized kerosine and boom
(1) Kurtis: blowing up is ez
(4) Dante: (( Surviving is the hard part ))
(14) Eve: Oh fine, *helps get Tristin down off the tower and lets the fly boy explode things*
(1) Kurtis: its made of wood
** (5) Justin stalks back into the room, holding the Kerosene in his hands **
** (6) Robin helps Eve. While complaining that we have to do all the heavey lifting **
** (4) Dante thinks Tristin can't possibly weigh that much. **
** (1) Kurtis waits for the team to be on safe distance, then gives it a spark, waits to the last second, and high dives off the wall **
(14) Eve: ((Ohh.. she totally just called Tristin fat))
** (1) Kurtis hovers at the landing **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Dousing the control pannel in kerosine you see the electrical circuts start to fry
** (5) Justin runs **
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You see it blow, and the fort catches fire, you all make it to the chooper (if you want) and feel very sleepy
** (5) Justin feels very sleepy **
(4) Dante: (( Choopa! ))
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Who has the Dream Merit?
(1) Kurtis:
We are flying in the chooooppa

** (5) Justin does **
(14) Eve: Get to da choppa noi!
(14) Eve: Tony does.
(1) Kurtis: *cricket*
(14) Eve: EXP and Bed please?
(6) Robin: everyone forgots and he esploded
(4) Dante: Ups
(14) Eve: [ explodes
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Okay hmm
(4) Dante: [implodes
(5) Justin: [ everyotherkillcommands
(5) Justin: Damnit that is mine!
(4) Dante: [makesupnewonesashegoes
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Everyone gets 4 XP? ((Doesn't know how much he's supposed to give))
(1) Kurtis: Lessons learned: cockroaches dont get electricuted. don't open with a sword, save it for last. my dice roller reacts to word "cocaine"
(5) Justin: XP
(14) Eve: lol
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: And 2 lessons for 1 more XP
(4) Dante: Lessons Learned: Life as a fish probably isn't so bad, cocaine is awesome for dice rolls, Never fuck with magic panels unless you know what they do.
(5) Justin: Lessons Learned: In florida, Dice love you. Forester hates and then loves me, I need to keep an eye on this Kurtis Character, Dante is the only nice guy in the party, Bleach burns, never get frozen by a goddamn oromos spell
(1) Kurtis: Obrimos are not nearly as useful without backup
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It was a Mastygos spell
(6) Robin: Lessons I learneded: Buy really tiny fishy clothes, just incase. ands Start doing uppers for better rolls.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 50 DKP MINUS!
(5) Justin: I was frozen.
(5) Justin: ..
(5) Justin: v.v
(4) Dante: Justin seems alright. Should make a good addition to the team. Who knew you could make the sweat on someone's ass turn into pepperspray in their face?
(14) Eve: Lessons Learned: Shock is an excellent way to gauge the good/bad ratio of a new team member, Tom will haunt us for the rest of our RP lives, sometimes explosions -are- the easiers solution
(14) Eve: *easiest
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Alright, everyone gets 5
(1) Kurtis: i like justin, promises a lovehate relationship. i dig dante
(4) Dante: or easier solutions*
(14) Eve: typing while sleeping = Proporon cannon
(1) Kurtis: Dante may become my new Tristin
(1) Kurtis: whatever that means
(5) Justin: Improtaton.
(14) Eve: buttseks it means buttseks
(4) Dante: Always
(5) Justin: Okay, goodnight Eve.
(14) Eve: Sleeping now, thank you muchly for the game, it was very entertaining, even for a game dominated by being a fish
(4) Dante: I think.. this is the most fun I've had in mage so far. No offense, Konrad. Would have had awesome times if not for.. well...
(4) Dante: Night eeeeeeve
(14) Eve: Indeed.
(14) Eve: Night ya'll
(1) Kurtis: Shawn owns GMing
(6) Robin: nighty night
(14) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(14) Eve (exit): 00:44
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Night Claire
** (5) Justin uses his improtatons to make Dante stop talking **
(4) Dante: Ya, pretty sweet job tonight
** (4) Dante makes Justin's brain explode. **
(5) Justin: Needed more cowbell, however I loved the fruitfly tie-in.
(1) Kurtis: its his ability to be Tristin as I can bring back Kurtis
(1) Kurtis: man when Kurt roached i shit my pants
(5) Justin: Shit was so cash.
(1) Kurtis: was trying for a power surge with those antennas
(4) Dante: Shit was SO cash.
(1) Kurtis: justin and dante were stars in the beginning, then kurt and eve picked up
(4) Dante: My name's John and I hate every one of you. Etc, etc, repost.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Interior Crocodile Alligator, I drive a Chevrolet Movie Theater!
(5) Justin: Pic related, it's my bitch.
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You see a black sheep standing in the desert, the sands shifting as the whole desert evolves, dunes growing and falling, yet the sheep does not move, does not age.
(4) Dante: Good god.
(4) Dante: Too many of us know about this
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Ignore that....
(1) Kurtis: 1xp + 5xp = 6 xp
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: <.>
(5) Justin: 12 xp
(4) Dante: 19
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: anyone buying anyting?
(5) Justin: If I do extra amazing, I might get enough to buy the next rank in Life next time!
(4) Dante: Next session maybe.
(1) Kurtis: i save for later
(5) Justin: Hoorah for next seesion.
(4) Dante: What could you possibly get with 6 exp, Kurt?
(1) Kurtis: 2dot in weaponry
(1) Kurtis: i did do bladework today
(4) Dante: Hmm
(5) Justin: I need to be up for work in Just about 2 hours!
(4) Dante: Point taken.
(6) Robin: Well, goodnight all.
(6) Robin: I'm get some foodz.
(5) Justin: Goodnight !
(6) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(4) Dante: So, how much IS a 4th dot of gnosis again?
(6) Robin (exit): 00:49
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Night guys, thanks for makeing this smooth, and putting up with my stupid Gming.
(5) Justin: I love you Shawn!
(4) Dante: You were great.
(5) Justin: Shh I will Improtaton you if it is mentioned again.
(4) Dante: xD
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Disconnecting from server...
(2) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets (exit): 00:50
(5) Justin: Remember I have a 200m radius of effect with the cannon.
(4) Dante: oshiiiii--
(5) Justin: So yeah, with everyone in the chopper, was anyone else thinking: Jarassic Park?"
(4) Dante: I was thinking "Damn it, lost my freaking motorcycle"
(5) Justin: Sweet, I'm going to bed people.
(1) Kurtis: LOL
(4) Dante: Yep. Night dude.
(1) Kurtis: 200m improtatons
(5) Justin: G'night.
(1) Kurtis: killing server
(5) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Justin (exit): 00:52
** (4) Dante divides by 0 **
** (4) Dante found the F4 macro key **
(4) Dante: Disconnecting from server...
(4) Dante (exit): 00:52