Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.3...
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(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:03
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Anthony (enter): 22:03
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 22:03
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Anthony (enter): 22:04
(1) Kurtis: test
(2) Anthony: test
(1) Kurtis: success
(1) Kurtis: Claire on the phone with Will
(2) Anthony: 5 by 5
(1) Kurtis: he will be joining in a few min
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 9],5,7] = (1)
(2) Anthony: So, basically, h'ell be doing a... umm.. dang it, what's it called...
(1) Kurtis: Init [8d10.open(10)] => [9,1,7,3,1,9,[10, 1],[10, 10, 5]] = (66)
(2) Anthony: Prolog.. umm...
(1) Kurtis: pwns you
(2) Anthony: relude
(1) Kurtis: i think he already done prelude
(2) Anthony: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 6],1,4,1,7,7,2] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Anthony: You don't have my die roller?
(3) GM Claire (enter): 22:05
(1) Kurtis: i do but i use mine
(1) Kurtis: yours gives me sucky rolls :D
(3) GM Claire: tada!
(1) Kurtis: u prolly hooked it up to your IP to win
(2) Anthony: hello
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (3) GM Claire...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Kurtis...
(3) GM Claire: hellow
(2) Anthony: ?
(2) Anthony: hi
(3) GM Claire: he is downloading the new player
(2) Anthony: new plyaer???
(2) Anthony: player of what?
(1) Kurtis: the new character sheet
(1) Kurtis: lol
(1) Kurtis: just roll with it
(1) Kurtis: she on phone
(1) Kurtis: python
(2) Anthony: She using magesheet?
(1) Kurtis: ye we all will be
(2) Anthony: ahh, python
(2) Anthony: openrpg
(1) Kurtis: the guy is DLing openrpg
(1) Kurtis: his name is Will, we RPed in UO with him and claire
(3) GM Claire: Serp can you send me a zipped copy of the mage progam you made.. I losted my zipped copy :(
(2) Anthony: Umm.. sure
(2) Anthony: It's only the .exe that is needed
(1) Kurtis: i think u have to change extensions
(2) Anthony: extentions? what?
(1) Kurtis: like make .exe into .serp
(1) Kurtis: MSN wont let exe or zipped exe through
(4) No Name (enter): 22:11
(1) Kurtis: HE MADE IT
(3) GM Claire: got him\
(1) Kurtis: CTRL + S
(4) No Name: test
(1) Kurtis: to change everything
(1) Kurtis: test success
(3) GM Claire: alright boys tell him how t do stuff
(4) No Name: woot
(1) Kurtis: Will, Serp. Serp, Will
(2) Anthony: waiting for you to start receiving claire
(1) Kurtis: Will, do Ctrl+S
(2) Anthony: Hi will
(3) GM Claire: *hums*
(3) GM Claire: new players are good even if it takes a while to set them up
(1) Kurtis: will try out the macros
(4) No Name: init [5d10.open(10)] => [9,1,5,4,5] = (24)
(4) No Name: cool
** (3) GM Claire has a lot of alias :D **
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: Will: type /nick Like I do /nick Anthony
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: Will: type /nick %lt name of your char %gt Like I do /nick Anthony
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: meh, dumb HTML:P
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: As you can probably tell, HTML is not my specialty
(3) GM Claire: indeed
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: I actually kinda hate html :D
(4) Wanderer: test
(3) GM Claire: yay!
(1) Kurt's Voice: test
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: That is an alias, but not a nick
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: Your player still shows up as "No Name"
(4) Wanderer: I'm goung tstep by step, heh
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: Uchawi wants a cracker!
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: :P
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: Uchawi ... dang, gotta look it up again :P
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: Or look at last session log XD
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: swahili for magic
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: Yeha, I mean "cracker" and "want a"
(1) Kurtis: i will put oup the magesheet.zip on the website
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: kay
(1) Kurtis: we stepping Wanderer through on the phone
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: Just remember that it doesn't save the notes
(2) Serpardum/Anthony: You should always remember to do /nick first, cuase it's always the most annoying :D
(1) Konrad Knox: my person name
(1) Kurtis: my character name
(2) Harley: M bikes name
(2) Tank (radio):: My radio name
(4) Wanderer/Roger: what is a good last name to go with Roger?
(1) Kurtis: Roger Ronchetti :D
(1) Kurtis: Roger Samms
(2) Farfer: A name I haven't used forever, blast it
(1) Kurtis: Ronchetti is my boss's name in RL, dont u dare
(2) William: A name I'll probably never get ot use again either :(
** (3) Uchawi the Parrot pushes wanderer **
(1) Kurtis: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MageSheet.zip
(1) Kurtis: Serp's mage sheet program
(2) William: Tank = SR, Farfer = SW, William = Mage
(4) Roger Ortiz: how's this?
(3) GM Claire: that works
(4) Wanderer: cool
(1) Kurtis: Anima Mundi - animated spirit
(1) Kurtis: Tank is cool, he is a dwarf with 2 shotguns
(1) Kurtis: where was that drawing i made for him
(2) William: I like my eastern drawing though XD
(1) Kurtis: i have it but its too big for this
(2) William: http://webpages.charter.net/jimmlangston/EasterTank.jpg
(2) William: Or the vehicle they built to cross the russian Siberian wastes. http://webpages.charter.net/jimmlangston/TankMobileMkI.jpg
(3) GM Claire: wand is working on getting the mage program and is making his character
(1) Kurtis: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/tank_shadowrun2.JPG
(3) GM Claire: in the mean time we shall be beginning if that is alright with you two
(2) William: s'aright
(3) GM Claire: what do our time frames look like does anyone have to be asleep by some time?
(2) William: I got up early today to spend day with kids, I can be up until I fall asleep
(3) GM Claire: hehehe
(1) Kurtis: i woke up 5 hours ago, 5 minutes before you, so you tell me
(2) William: I don't have quite the energy I did last time though, but I can never tell
(3) GM Claire: well we will see how far we get then :)
(2) William: My younger son kinda amazed me, reading a book by isaac asimov, the collapsing universe, talking about starts. I asked my 13 year old sone if he know how stars got their energy. He said, I don't know, hydrogen?
(2) William: How the heck did he know?!?
** (3) GM Claire sends Kurtis off the fetch her book **
(3) GM Claire: kids are smart :D
(3) GM Claire: box me
Sorry I don't know what /box is!

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(1) Kurtis:
Mage: Gates to Atlantis: Episode 2

(3) GM Claire: so when last we were playing ya were both at Kassidy's cabin sleeping comfyly. that was Sep. 21's so today is Sep. 22 (correct me if I'm wrong)
(1) Kurtis: ((when i was about 13 i was crazy about supernovas, i was a lexx crazed kid, never got into technology like ships and such, but i was amused by all the universe phenomena))
(3) OOC :P: okay so its Wand's friday so Serpardums sleepyness is all that we have as a time frame
** (3) OOC :P gets this man some coffee **
** (1) Kurtis spikes coffee with red bull **
(3) GM Claire: So. Sep. 22nd give me times gentlemen, you went to bed near to midnight
(2) William: ooc drinks 4 liters of diet pepsi a day, don't think cafein will be an issue
(2) William: ooc drinks 4 liters of diet pepsi a day, don't think cafein will be an issue
(3) GM Claire: ((a man after my own heart))
(2) William: (( gah, one sec
(2) William: (( drinks 4 liters of diet pepsi a day, don't think cafein will be an issue ))
(2) William: (( helps to turn on ooc tool, and also use a slash ))
(3) GM Claire: indeed
** (4) Wanderer (has his rum and coke, and a beer...is good to go) **
(2) William: (( aye, we had just both gone to bed, Anthony had fallen asleep after taking his shoes off, still wearing his suit ))
(3) GM Claire: Yes heh I remember that was funny
(2) William: (( plesae type /nick Wanderer ))
(1) Kurtis: ((Kurt sleeps shirtless, but with trousers on, no socks))
** (3) Kassidy sleeps upstairs where y'all can't see what she's wearing :P **
(1) Kurtis: ((William gotta switch to Anthony, coz Will will get confused, lol))
(2) William: (( if anything ))
(3) GM Claire: exactally
(4) Wanderer: (there can be only one!)
(4) Wanderer: (sorry *shuts up for good*)
(2) Wanderer: (( now we can get confused 0)
(1) Kurtis: ((gah))
(1) Kurtis: ((identity theft))
(4) Wanderer: (dontmake me go highlander on tyour ass
(3) GM Claire: so... you probably both have very acid trippy like dreams about Towers in Atlantis and crazy red heads who turn into scary monsterous fighting machines... or about steak *shrugs* I don't control your characters dreams unless I have some plot point to make and I don't yet so dream about bad tacos for all I care, but I do want to know when you wake up
(2) Anthony: (( remember, I have dreams, but can only use once a session, so wont' use right now XD ))
(3) GM Claire: correct
(2) Anthony: (( what time did we go to sleep, aorund midnight? ))
(3) GM Claire: yes
(2) Anthony: (( I would wake up around 7am to go to the bathroom ))
** (1) Kurtis dreams about running down a tunnel, chasing a golden ball. Upon taking it in his hand, he falls down some stairs. Then he sees Kassidy in her lingerie, and Anthony in a tux. Jones comes out in his white suit and aims at Kassidy, and Kurtis steps in front of her. The whole scene sets on fire, and the dream passes on to some new dream, non essential. Kurtis rolls over and forgets about it. He will sleep until awoken. **
(2) Anthony: (( And, yes, it is customary for Tank to describe dreams at time, and with the Dream merit I probalby will, but he's too tired to sleep ))
(1) Kurtis: (( oh u need a merit to describe dreams?))
(2) Anthony: (( er, too tired to dream I mean ))
(3) GM Claire: ((no he has a special merit for something else that involves dreams)
(2) Anthony: (( No. A merit that gives me clues with dreams ))
(2) Anthony: (( but you don't know that, so hush ))
(2) Anthony: (( it's yoru fault for not reading about merits :P ))
(2) Anthony: (( so, anywya, Tony wakes up at 7am ))
(1) Kurtis: ((*sniff sniff* i smell munchkin))
(3) GM Claire: So at seven am if you happen to glance out side you will notice Kassidy on her poarch in what appears to be a meditative lotus position surrounded by furry woodland creatures
** (2) Anthony stretches and queity goes out to the porch to watch. He notices that Kassidy is very quiet and seems to be meditating and remembers what she said about gathering mana. Tony sighs and wonders if there is possibly a worst way to gather mana for someone who is hyber but gives it a try. **
** (2) Anthony sits on the porch, and tries to meditate and relax **
(2) Anthony: (( resolve or composure you think? ))
(4) Roger: (if there are any girls there, I want to do them!)
(3) GM Claire: resolve
(4) Roger: (sorry...couldn;t resist..)
(2) Anthony: (( gah ))
(3) GM Claire: (...))
(2) Anthony: resolve [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4]] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Anthony: (( omg, he did it ))
(1) Kurtis: ((one step ahead of ya XD ))
(3) GM Claire: you manage to stay still for about 15 minutes
(3) GM Claire: which is an accomplishment
(2) Anthony: (( but not much since it requires an hour uninterupted ))
(3) GM Claire: ((you can always try again)
** (2) Anthony starts thinking about pink elephants because he's trying not to htink about pink elephants **
(2) Anthony: resolve [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7]] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Anthony: (( O.o ))
(2) Anthony: (( dice love e tonight! ))
(3) GM Claire: well you are able to think about pink elephants in a meditative fashion for another 15 minutes
** (2) Anthony starts wondering what a pink elephant would sound like if it could talk and tries to concentrate **
(2) Anthony: resolve [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Anthony: (( omg ))
(3) GM Claire: (O.O))
(4) Roger: (wow)
** (1) Kurtis turns in his sleep and mumbles something about a book **
(2) Anthony: (( 1/5 chance 3 times in a row. 5x5x5 = 125 odds ))
(2) Anthony: (( 1 in 125 chance to get 3 successes in a row. wow ))
(3) GM Claire: take your mana and go that is insane the hollow seems to have a special liking for you and you feel better able to relax here (next time you can have a +1 to rolls when meditating on the poarch)
(2) Anthony: (( I forgot max mana again ))
(2) Anthony: (( gnosis* 3 + something + something? ))
(2) Anthony: (( n/m let me llook at char sheet ))
(3) GM Claire: max mana is 2 starting is your wisdom which is 7
(3) GM Claire: *20
(3) GM Claire: not 2
(2) Anthony: (( right, wisdom, 7 ))
(2) Anthony: (( I had 6, now 7 ))
(2) Anthony: (( testing ))
(2) Anthony: resolve [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4] vs 8 result of a failure
(2) Anthony: (( glad I only needed 3 successes XD ))
** (2) Anthony feels the energy flow into him and opens his and looks at the worldland creatures around the porch and decides ot find out why they like this place **
** (2) Anthony eyes a peaceful fox and decides to ask him **
(2) Anthony: Commune with Median Life(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(2) [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 7],6,6,6] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Anthony: "Why you like this place?"
(3) Peaceful Fox: "There is good food and safty here"
(2) Anthony: "Kassidy protects you?"
(3) Peaceful Fox: "The Fox sister protects us, and this place protects us. So much easier to hide here"
** (2) Anthony smiles, "I'm glad. Nice to meat you." **
** (2) Anthony drops the spell **
** (3) Kassidy has gotten up and is putting out dishes of zoo diet around the poarch for the various wild creatures **
(2) Anthony: (( need to look up - for 12 hours on spell. I think it's -6 for scene ))
(3) Kassidy: ((depends on the spell but sounds about right)
(2) Anthony: (( -4 ))
(2) Anthony: (( prolonged duration))
(2) Anthony: Humans - 12 hours - Sense Life(1) Wits(3)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(2)-4 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,4] vs 8 result of a botch
(2) Anthony: (( gah, botch! UGH ))
(2) Anthony: (( I think I'm going ot have to take pulse of hte living world as a rote so I can do it longer ))
(1) Kurtis: ((would help))
(3) Kassidy: ((it would help things for you yes))
** (1) Kurtis puts his hand on the book in his sleep **
** (3) Kassidy finishes putting out zoo diet and finally says "Good morning" **
** (1) Kurtis is asleep in the room, so he hears nothing **
(2) Anthony: Pulse of the Living World(1) Wits(3)+Medicine(3)+Life(2) 12 hours -4 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,5,5] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Anthony: (( finally ))
** (2) Anthony casts Pulse of the Living world and smiles as he senses the life in the area, then starts to read the book on the porch **
** (3) Kassidy goes about her daily routine when Tony doesn't reply making sure that food dishes are fill, bird feeders are full, and oddly getting out a small shot gun and laying across the back section of the poarch, occationally taking a shot **
** (1) Kurtis awakes **
** (2) Anthony startles as he hears the shotgun blast **
** (2) Anthony looks up, "Oh, good morning. What are you shooting at?" **
(3) GM Claire: with pulse of life on at 2 yards you cannot sense what she is shooting at
(3) Kassidy: "Starlings"
** (1) Kurtis jumps into his shoes, grabs the book in his hand, and runs to Anthony's room, looks into it, runs out to the porch: "What the hell?" **
(2) Anthony: "Is there something around here to shoot at? Should I help chase it away? maybe I can help? Should I keep an eye out for it?"
(2) Anthony: "shoudl I go walking around and look for anything dangerous? How dangerous is it out here? Was it an animal or a person?"
(2) Anthony: "What kind ofammo you using, slugs, shot or buck?"
(1) Kurtis: "Damn. Scared the bloody hell out of me. Yeah good morning to you too Anthony."
(3) Kassidy: "Starlings are not dangerous unless you are a native bird. You see if there are too many starlings in an area they begin to push other bird's eggs out of nests in order to make more room for themselves
** (1) Kurtis yawns and looks at the weird new reality he awoke to, still trying to get used to seeing magical things **
(3) Kassidy: "I am maintaining the balance in my area as well as giving the foxes, mink, wesasles and other oppertunity eaters a quick meal"
(1) Kurtis: Supernal Vision: Gnosis+Prime
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],2,7] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis sees a nice pool of sparkling blue bubbles radiating around the porch. Takes a cigarette out of his pocket, doesnt light it up, walks into the house: "I'll make some coffee." **
(2) Anthony: "Personally, I've never killed one animal doing what was natural to protect another animal. I've always felt that nature has a way of balancing out itself, and that if we let it alone, it will do fine, survival of the fittest and all. I mean, the animals around here have been living in one form or aonother since the beginning of life on Earth, who am I to say I know better than nature?"
** (1) Kurtis goes into the kitchen to make some coffee. First, he has to find the coffeemaker and the coffee... can he make coffee in another person's house? is he smart enough? **
(1) Kurtis: ((wits 3 + crafts 1))
(3) Kassidy: "I would agree with that were it not for that fact that starlings being non-native to this area were imported by humans to this place thus disrupting the natural order of things.
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,1,8,9] = (2)
(2) Anthony: "Although, with this new way I have of seeing life around me... " Tony looks around with mage sight, "Maybe I can know more, at lest more than those blind..."
(3) Kassidy: (apparently he is smart enough to make coffee)
** (1) Kurtis locates Kassidy's coffee supplies and sets coffee up **
(2) Anthony: "Oh, non native? Oh, yes, that's not good."
** (1) Kurtis walks out on the porch and lights his smoke **
(2) Anthony: "We do need to fix what other people screwed up."
(2) Anthony: "Like those blasted africanized killer bees. What a travesty." Tony shakes his head
** (3) Kassidy takes one more shot then stands up **
(3) Kassidy: "Exactally
(3) Kassidy: "So,what does the plan look like for today?"
(2) Anthony: "I wonder if an awakened has tried to fix those."
** (1) Kurtis speaks with a smug accent produced by a cigarette stuck in the corner of his mouth: "Can I see that gun for a sec, please?" **
** (2) Anthony holds up the book he was reading, "I was planning on just reading this, I've already found some interesting things. Also, It hought it might be a good idea to at lesat copy down the spells, what did the book call them. Oh, yes, rotes, copy the rotes down so we can have a list outside of hte books." **
(2) Anthony: "One thing, though, is I can't find the spell used to talk to animals like I do. I've been looking for it in hte book, but it's not there. Strange. I guess this book is not all inclusive."
** (3) Kassidy smiles **
(3) Kassidy: No you can't have my gun, and as for a rote list, I've already got one started down in the lab, if you want to add to it with the book feel free to save me the trouble the password is atlantis of course
** (1) Kurtis shrugs **
(2) Anthony: "Ahh, will do. I'll spend the day doing that of course."
(2) Anthony: "Although it'll probably take longer than a day."
(2) Anthony: "Also, if you have any eggs I'd like to make some for breakfast."
(3) Kassidy: "Sounds good, though I promised to meet that friend of mine about all this fate stuff at around 4PM. Ya can stay behind if you like but it might be... educational
(2) Anthony: "Oh, definately, I'd definately like to be there."
(3) Kassidy: "Eggs I have actually, here lets all... with the exception of the smoker... go inside.. when you are done poluting your lungs you can eat some eggs too... I'm sure they will go great with the tar."
** (2) Anthony tries to strighten out his jacket but it is obvious he slept in his suit, "Hmm.. I"d like to get some real clothes too. For some reason suits don't stay pressed on me for too long. Never have figured out why." **
(1) Kurtis: "Um. Okay... you know, I think Im gonna head home for now. Get some things done. I can come by later." - puts out his smoke
(2) Anthony: "Oh, did I give you my phone number? maybe I should give it to you so you can contact me. Since I don't know yours or anything. I have my cell phone here, here, it's... " lists his cell phone number without waiting for Kurtis to get a pen out
** (1) Kurtis tries to write it down as fast as he can **
** (3) Kassidy goes inside to get business cards then comes back and hands you each one **
** (2) Anthony accepts the business card, punches the number in his phone with the name lissted as "D.K." **
(3) Kassidy: If you want to go with me to meet the man about the fate stuff call me before 3pm so I can give you directions to where he's gonna be today... gotta do some tracking down myself.
(1) Kurtis: "Here is my number. Call me if you need anything, if you find the third guy, or if something bad is about to happen to all of us. And I promised you that wiskey. I'll get that to you ASAP."
** (1) Kurtis sets a paper with a written number on the table **
** (2) Anthony puches the number in his cell phone as the name "M.K." **
(1) Kurtis: "Anthony, your number again, slower please."
** (2) Anthony sighs and listst he number again at the same speed. Finally he sighs, and lists it exaggeratingly slow **
(3) Kassidy: (which is normal speed for everyone but humming birds and Tony ;)))
(1) Kurtis: "Okay, got it" - writes it down on the back of Kassidy's card, signing it: Anthony
** (2) Anthony heads into the house and fries up some eggs and toast before heading into the baement to start entering rotes into the computer **
** (3) Kassidy makes sure Kurtis gets out without running over any animals or scratching his zoom zoom mobile **
** (1) Kurtis washes his face, looks in the mirror, plays with the soap in his fingers for a moment, turns the water off, puts on his shirt, the jacket, and walks out the door, getting into the car, and carefully driving out **
** (1) Kurtis waves his hand, looking back at the house, smiling **
(2) Anthony: (( if I understand it correctly, I'm able to enter the fact that rotes exists for spells, but not hte rotes themselves, since that's not in the book ? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((thats how i understood it.))
(2) Anthony: (( dang it, I forgot about runes of power :/ Coulda helped in my spellc asting ))
(3) GM Claire: So you two are gonna get a few things done before 3pm is that correct?
(1) Kurtis: ((yes))
(2) Anthony: (( Aye, but nothing that needs interaction ))
(2) Anthony: (( not as far as entering rotes is concerned anyway ))
(3) GM Claire: ((right so just running around errandy type stuff... if you are planning anything significant or any secret spell castings poke me in the whisper tab, I'm gettin Wand to about where we are at and should have him in main room by our 4pm meeting time))
(2) Anthony: (( Oh, I will try to set up a book for Ochawi to read and ask him if he needs anything while I"m busy ))
** (1) Kurtis drives to the closest decent looking restaraunt place and orders a breakfast, neading Kassidy and her foxes in his head. "So what if I smoke? Pff. Everybody smokes. Yes, an omelete and some bacon please. And a large coke." **
(1) Kurtis: ((what does uchawi mean?))
(3) Uchawi the Parrot: Thank you Anthony this book on Vulipin anatomy shall surfice for now
(2) Anthony: (( witchcraft/sorcery closes to "magic" in Swahili ))
(3) Book!: "maybe I'll finally meet a woman"
** (1) Kurtis gets his breakfast and eats it, noticing all the things around him in a new way, trying to organize them differently **
(1) Kurtis: ((whose book was that?))
(2) Anthony: (( basically using htis time to try to catch Anthony up to my knowledge XD ))
(2) Anthony: (( I think both of ours? ))
(3) Book!: (whoever has their book open?))
(2) Anthony: (( since I"m copying rotes from it, I woudl definately have it open ))
(3) Book!: ((Kurtis are you reading while you eat?)
** (1) Kurtis opens his book on the table and scans through the pages as he eats, categorizing what he sees **
(1) Kurtis: ((i am now))
(2) Anthony: "Dang, this book lists a scrying spell, but I can't do it yet. I wish I could see where it was. Hello? Can you hear me?"
(3) Book!: (*snicker*)
(3) Book!: (for you two assume you can hear what the other says into the book please cause I don't want to copy it twice into the same window)
(1) Kurtis: Okay. The red clay like lines are heat. The wobbly blue strings are electricity. The bubbles must be air... or no, that's mana. The yellow ones are... light, balls of it, radiating everywhere... and this one... what's this?"
(3) Book!: "What the fuck?"
(3) Book!: (kurtis are you thinking or saying?))
(4) Roger: (can I open a whisper sidebar to anthony somehow?
(4) Roger: (or kurtis..whoever is talking
(1) Kurtis: ((saying quietly))
(2) Anthony: (( we would both hear you since we both have our books open ))
(2) Anthony: (( if I understand correctly ))
(4) Roger: (so...we can rp in here?
(3) Book!: (so speak in man page for now yes assuming Roger is talking through the books))
(3) Book!: *main
** (1) Kurtis tries to put his hand through a pulsating vibration he can observe everywhere around the restaraunt, then looks back at the book **
(1) Kurtis: "Hey, are you there, again? Third guy?"
(2) Anthony: "Hello. This is probably a suprise to you, but did you find this book recently?"
(4) Roger: ok......simone...I'm going crazy..I need a drink and a nap....
(3) Book!: (cat) Meow
** (1) Kurtis squeezes the vibrating ball in his fist, trying to diminish it **
(2) Anthony: "You're talking over me Kay, gah, go ahead. I"ll listen for now."
** (2) Anthony gets up and paces the room as he listens to the conversation **
(1) Kurtis: Sound Mastery: Gnosis + Forces
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,2,8] = (2)
(4) Roger: "rtalking...over hwo? No! if I astart to talk back it means I'm crazy...otherwise..i'm just having an halucination........except now i'm talking to myself..
(3) Kassidy: (new voice) Is the book going off again? (female sounding)
(4) Roger: talking over who*
** (1) Kurtis takes the vibrating ball in his fist and holds it tight, squeezing it to a smaller size **
(3) Kassidy: (Kurtis you mute the resturants sound)
(2) Anthony: "yes it is. Kay is talking to whoever has the third book."
(3) Kassidy: "Kay?""
(2) Anthony: "he thinks he's hallucinating, not suprisingly."
** (1) Kurtis looks around into the freakish silence. 5 seconds of complete muteness. **
(1) Kurtis: "Woah."
(2) Anthony: "Well, I don't remember what he called himself, and if someone can hear us not sure if I wanna use his real name."
(4) Roger: ".......great...the halucination is talking about me as if I weren;t here..."
** (1) Kurtis hears his own words? **
(3) Kassidy: "Person with the other Gates to Atlantis book... You aren't crazy"
** (2) Anthony mumbles, "At least not any more crazy than any of us." **
(4) Roger: ".....because the disembodied voice is the best judge of sanity.."
** (2) Anthony waits for someone to say something and after what seems like an eternity (which is only about 1/2 a second) bursts out, "Okay, whoever you are with the third book. You're not crazy, someone evil wants the book from you." **
(2) Anthony: "These other two voices you hear are friends. And you have probably experienceda lot weirder stuff htan books talking recently. "
** (1) Kurtis drops the spell quickly and looks at the book, realizing Anthony's voice is coming from it **
(2) Anthony: "My name is Tony Parrot."
(4) Roger: ".........shit......."
(4) Roger: "it must have been the rum...
(1) Kurtis: "Heh, mana, yeah we exchanged phone numbers not realizing we have these radio books. Tony I just did something cool. I muted this whole place" - whispers excited
(2) Anthony: "May I ask where you are?"
(3) Kassidy: "*supresses laughter at Tony's name* It wasn't the rum... Did you have a dream.. or.. acid trip lately with a tower in it?""
(2) Anthony: "And you put your name on the tower I woudl guess?"
(1) Kurtis: "I'm in this restaraunt on South Murray and fifth, and I cancelled all sound for a few seconds. Silence..."
(4) Roger: "...........if your an hallucination....its no surprise you know my dreams"
(4) Roger: "fuck, I could be dreaming now'
(3) Kassidy: "We are not Halluciniations... and Kay you aren't helping!"
(2) Anthony: "You could be, but you aren't. If you are dreaming, no harm, no foul. If you're not dreaming, then you need to listen to us. What have you got to lose?"
(1) Kurtis: "What? Not my fault this guy's an alcoholic!"
(1) Kurtis: "Well... considering how much we drank last night, I'm starting to wonder."
(4) Roger: "ok, I do not need to be judged by my own fucking dreams!
(2) Anthony: "We are not a dream. Okay, where are you? Maybe we'll come to you to try to explain things."
(3) Kassidy: "Look we can prove we are real and want to help you, just meet us. Will you do that. Meet us at 1259 E. Travis, theres a man there who can help you, and all of us"
(4) Roger: "ok....*there is the sound of paper ruffling as he searches the book for a microphone ..*
(2) Anthony: "Turn to the very last page of your book. It should be blank."
** (3) Book! is just a book **
** (1) Kurtis tries to make the straw make a circle inside his Coke paper cup, to make a whole loop around it **
(2) Anthony: "Just before hte back cover."
(4) Roger: "........how the fuck are you seeing me? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOUNG ON?!"
(4) Roger: going*
(2) Anthony: "You've awakened. I awoke a little while ago, few days. The other guy awake recently, and the lady has been awaken for a while."
(1) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,6,1,9,[10, 1],7,2] = (2)
(2) Anthony: "It's kinda complicated. Just think of it kinda like the matrix, but not."
(2) Anthony: "It's easier to explain in person."
(2) Anthony: "As the lady says, can you meet us at that address?"
(4) Roger: ".......like the matrix...but not..."
(3) Kassidy: Please don't tell him its like the matrix I've met enough of us who think they are Jedi knights
(4) Roger: "Jedi..."
(2) Anthony: "Well, okay, so it's a mix between the matrix, heroes and star wars, what hte heck. that's why it's better to explain in person."
(4) Roger: "how do I hang up this book-phone"
(4) Roger: ?
(2) Anthony: "Arey ou goign to meet us?"
(4) Roger: "is there a hidden button?"
(1) Kurtis: "Travis, your name's Travis?"
(4) Roger: "who the hell is Travis?"
(3) Kassidy: Listen... guy with the book... have you been seeing anything strange lately?... like been able to know when animals are around, or.. umm.. see energy around moving things. Maybe even seen peoples dead loved ones hanging around them? Anything like that in the last few days or weeks?
(4) Roger: ".....I'm listening."
(3) Kassidy: NO Travis street is where we need to meet him think slower than you talk Toni
(3) Kassidy: *tony
(2) Anthony: "That wasn't me, that was Kurtis."
(1) Kurtis: "Third guy, what's your name?"
(2) Anthony: "yeesh."
(4) Roger: "Roger"
(3) Kassidy: Alright.. well all that is normal. The three of us that you can hear with the book.. we have all been through it. We can help you. Its just important that you understand that right now if you have that book you are in danger
(1) Kurtis: "Yes. Kurtis is me. One at a time. I'm trying telekinesis here, and it's working. Hey, we gotta find the... Roger here, and figure out what he is."
(3) Kassidy: Roger, great, I'm Kasandra Fox
(4) Roger: "telekinisis...."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, you know anything about it?"
(4) Roger: "I want to talk to the girl again. I'll hold if she's not available"
(3) Kassidy: Yes we know Kurtis.. hence my asking him to meet us at 1259 E. Travis thats where my friend with the fate magic is staying right now
(4) Roger: "magic..."
(1) Kurtis: "No. I'll take a message though!"
(1) Kurtis: "Just kidding."
(2) Anthony: "come to 1259 East Travis street, okay Roger? We'll meet you there."
** (4) Roger you hear the sounds of keys being typed **
(1) Kurtis: "You need a ride?"
(2) Anthony: "Umm.. what city are you in Roger?"
(1) Kurtis: "Excellent question."
(2) Anthony: "Are you in New Haven?"
(4) Roger: "yes.."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, we'll meet you there. We have to head out now."
(4) Roger: "is that a residential place?"
** (2) Anthony looks at Kassidy with a raised eyebrow **
(2) Anthony: (( I presume kassidy is in the basement ))
(3) Kassidy: (on the map at the top the blue dot is the 1259 E. Travis)
(3) Kassidy: (Yes she is)
(3) Kassidy: 'Yes it is"
(2) Anthony: "Try map quest."
(4) Roger: no. I wont go to a strange suburban house with a bunch of crazies. if you want to meet me..it will be uin public
(2) Anthony: "Easier than the directions I normally have to get in my work. I usually have to use google earth."
(4) Roger: in*
(3) Kassidy: *sighs*
(3) Kassidy: How about Namesake's Grill...
(3) Kassidy: Thats a nice public place that at least three of us know"
(2) Anthony: "Okay, listen closely. We have been waiting for this meeting and we have to go. There is important informatoin we need to get, and it will involve you since the book seemes to have chosen you."
(1) Kurtis: "I'm actually a few blocks away from it."
(4) Roger: "why the hell did you pick that place? *sounds startled*
(2) Anthony: "Anyway, I'm going and I'm taking my book with me, I can't miss this meeting."
(3) Kassidy: "If we leave now Tony and I can be at Namesake's in about an hour with me driving... We met there yeasterday figured it was a neutral location... Why Roger?"
(4) Roger: "....I'll....be there..."
(3) Kassidy: "Great we can go to the meeting from there agreed all?"
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah."
(2) Anthony: "You'll be where?" Namesake or travis street?"
(4) Roger: Namesake"
** (3) Kassidy looks at Anthony and whispers **
** (2) Anthony nods **
** (1) Kurtis finishes his breakfast and pays his bill. **
(2) Anthony: "Okay, meet you there."
** (4) Roger can;t hear people nodding **
** (2) Anthony closes the book, tucks it under his arm and heads to his car **
(4) Roger: "...fine"
(2) Anthony: (( tha'ts becuase the nod wasn't meant for you ))
(3) Kassidy: (you no longer hear anything from Anthony ro Kasandra Roger))
(3) Kassidy: Let's get to namesake's and keep the book shut for now I think"
(2) Anthony: "Sounds good."
** (3) Kassidy follows Tony out to the cars locking the cabin up as she goes **
** (1) Kurtis walks to the car and sees it surrounded with heavy white lines. Looks at himself, seeing the same lines tracing from him to the ground. Everything around him has these thick white lines leading to ground. Tries to pick the lines up like he does with any others, but the lines do not let go. They feel like solid heavy pipes bolted to the asphalt **
(2) Anthony: "Kurtis said that he heard a kids voice from the book, that didn't sound like a kid. Is there yet another book out there I wonder?"
(3) Kassidy: "That or the kid's book got picked up by his dad or something...
** (2) Anthony nods, "Could be. I"m not sure if the book only transmits awakened voices or not. I haven't heard non awakened from it yet, but I just dn't know." **
** (1) Kurtis walks to the car, watching the white lines follow him, he gets in, the lines transfer inside, connecting his butt to the driver's seat **
** (1) Kurtis bats at the pipes a few times, unable to pick them up **
(3) Kassidy: "I have no idea I suppose we could try to test it but I wouldn't want to leave the book just laying around)
(3) Kassidy: *"
(3) GM Claire: (okay from what I can tell Kurtis is closest then Roger, Tony and Kassandra will arrive last)
** (1) Kurtis seems to be able to do only two things - pass a hand right through the line, or grab and hold it, but not lift it **
(2) Anthony: "There are ways tot test it without having one leave our site. Like one of us opnen the book, show it to someone and ask a question and the others see if we can hear them sepaking."
(1) Kurtis: What are these things. Some kinda force. Either weight or mass...
(3) Kassidy: "That's an Idea we should try that at some point"
(2) Anthony: (( did kassidy deive her jeep or did she get in my car with me? Either way, I'm driving there ))
(3) GM Claire: (Kassidy gets in her Jeep you get in your car. This book conversation occured at around 1pm, so Kassy and Tony would arrive at Namesakes at 2. Would Kurtis and Roger have gotten there by then>))
** (1) Kurtis flips through the book, figuring by the watch he still has plenty of time to arrive to the grill bar, not being too hasty for any more food at the moment **
(2) Anthony: "Once I get better at space I think I can use the book as a scrying portal. The book mentioned something about objects having sympathetic connections and hte stronger hte connection the easier to cast a spell over distance, and these books are almost like hte same book.
(2) Anthony: "And some of the spells in here are quite scary. All magic has some way of hurting people, even life magic. But some can hurt eaiser than others like, not suprisingly, death magic."
(3) GM Claire: (wonders if Tony is talking to himself or over a cell phone to Kassidy?))
(1) Kurtis: Gravity. It has to be gravity. From everything to the ground. But only a master can access it. Certain titles, certain colors... but how can I tell? Am I adept, novice, or apprentice, or initiate? I can set things on fire, I gotta be something good...
(2) Anthony: (( had talked about it while getting int he car ))
(3) GM Claire: ((ah))
(1) Kurtis: Anyway, I'll deal with this later. Time to go meet the third musketeer.
(3) Kassidy: Sympathetic connections are a little complicated but yes I think the books would scry well togeather, as for the ability to hurt people, yes magic can be used for destructive means, some more easily than others
(3) Kassidy: *""
(3) Kassidy: (is are third musketeer still connected and just being quiet?
(3) Kassidy: (Wanderer is dced he will be right back))
(3) Kassidy: (He's missed a lot of our rambling too))
(2) Anthony: (( driving at this point ))
(7) Wanderer (enter): 00:27
(3) Kassidy: ((me too)
(3) Kassidy: yay!
(2) Anthony: (( rehi ))
(7) Wanderer: (oy vey, sorry guys)
(2) Anthony: Booting '(4) Wanderer' from room...
(4) Wanderer (exit): 00:28
(2) Anthony: (( it happens with openrpg sometimes. ))
** (7) Wanderer arrives at the resturaunt and pauses outside long enough to crack opn his rum and take a long drink **
(3) GM Claire: ((okay boys lets recap, Kassidy gets in her Jeep you get in your car. This book conversation occured at around 1pm, so Kassy and Tony would arrive at Namesakes at 2. Would Kurtis and Roger have gotten there by then>)
(7) Wanderer: (yes)
(1) Kurtis: ((Kurt is chilling in his car by the place he ate breakfast in, he has plenty of time))
(2) Anthony: (( do you show up there before 2 or not? ))
(3) GM Claire: ((Give me times you arrive so we can figure how long you two enteract with each other))
** (1) Kurtis drives all the way home, brushes his teeth, puts on a new shirt - a black cotton one, with no tie, a brown leatehr jacket on top, and a new set of blue jeans. Cologne, hair gel, and a professional smile. Ready for the new day, he drives to the Namesake's. **
(7) Wanderer: (1:20)
(1) Kurtis: ((Im there at 1:25))
(3) GM Claire: Feel free to discribe yourselves))
** (1) Kurtis walks in a looks around **
** (7) Wanderer is standing out front with the weird bookm under his arm, drinking another swig of something from a brown paper bag **
** (7) Roger wswitches his alias for IC **
** (7) Roger hides the bottle and heads inside.. **
(1) Kurtis: ((did i notice the guy out front?))
(7) Roger: (I was there when you arrived, so...probly)
(3) GM Claire: ((yeah..))
(2) Anthony: (( he said he had the book under his arm, kinda like someone wering a flower in his lapel to be identified ))
(7) Roger: ((not intentional, lol, but pretty obvious yes)
(1) Kurtis: ((last game ive been failing my observation rolls))
** (1) Kurtis waves to the guy with the book **
(3) GM Claire: ((okay so we have established in the past that Kurtis is blind... this just helps cement it... moving on, you are both in the waiting entery area))
(1) Kurtis: (( :) ))
(2) Anthony: (( so you guys stand around for 35 minutes til we show up? ))
** (7) Roger looks around his work, nodding at the folks he knows **
** (7) Roger (thought he worked here....?) **
(3) GM Claire: "Can I help you Misoures? Is Zee other man with you Roger?"
(7) Roger: "uh....no. don't know him..."
** (1) Kurtis is a tall skinny looking man in his early twenties, chin shaven clean, light blond hair combed back an gelled, black cotton shirt and a brown leather jacket over it, a backpack over his shoulder **
(3) Mater'd: "Ah zeen would you like to be seated Misour?" (to Kurtis)
(1) Kurtis: "Actually, I'd be Kurtis."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, Mister Roger here, we scheduled a meeting I believe."
(1) Kurtis: "You two know each other or somethin?"
** (7) Roger is an average height man with neck length dark hair and clean ashaven feaqtures, his eyes are slightly red, and he is wearing a pressed white shirt and black slacks with a blue and gold dtie **
(3) Mater'd: ...(Mr.Roger's ...)
(7) Roger: I....yes...I guess...I do know him..
(7) Roger: can we get a table please?
(3) OOC :P: *uncontrolable giggling*
(1) Kurtis: "Okay... I have a feeling that like, everyone in this city knows each other all of a sudden."
(3) Mater'd: "Ov Course this way please"
** (3) Mater'd leads you over to a table near the window where you can see the ocean, nice veiw very secluded **
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, I've been here yesterday. You have really big steak."
(1) Kurtis: "I'll take that steak."
(3) Mater'd: " I will let your waitress know"
** (3) Mater'd walks away **
(1) Kurtis: "And we'll be expecting two more."
(3) Mater'd: "Ov course Misour"
** (3) Mater'd walks away again! **
(1) Kurtis: "And my fork is a bit dirty"
(3) Mater'd: (don't make me kill you))
(1) Kurtis: "So... Roger.."
(2) Anthony: (( naw, he'd just spit on his steak XD ))
(3) GM Claire: (talk you tow have like... 20 minutes before Tony and Kassandra get there))
(1) Kurtis: "Welcome to the club."
(8) Wanderer (enter): 00:44
** (3) Waitress Suzie comes to take Roger's order then walks away at some point... and he missed.. stuff... what was the last thing you saw Wand?)) **
(2) Anthony: (( rerehi ))
(8) Wanderer: Disconnecting from server...
(8) Wanderer (exit): 00:45
(3) Waitress Suzie: ((yay... his chat window disappeared...))
(2) Anthony: (( doesn't liook like he's here yet ))
(9) Wanderer (enter): 00:46
(2) Anthony: ((rererehi))
(3) Waitress Suzie: (back.. no chat bar...
(1) Kurtis: ((his chat dialog box is gone))
(2) Anthony: Booting '(7) Wanderer' from room...
(7) Wanderer (exit): 00:46
(3) Waitress Suzie: how do we fix this (look at Serp hopefully))
(2) Anthony: (( It happens sometimes with connections. If someone has not good connection wiht server they sometimes drop a lot ))
(3) Waitress Suzie: ((he's in but he doesn't have a chat window... how do we get it
(3) Waitress Suzie: back all he sees is the newhaven map
(1) Kurtis: ((what do u see instead of the chat box?))
(2) Anthony: (( I have cable so it doesn' t tend to happen to me. You're at smae place w/server so wouldnt' happen to you. Seems only william would be effected ))
(2) Anthony: (( oh that, one sec.. ))
(2) Anthony: (( he either resized it to nothing, or closed it, gotta find sbox to reopen it ))
(2) Anthony: (( tell him try ctrl-h ))
(3) Waitress Suzie: nothing happened
(2) Anthony: (( or up on top: windows then click on "Chat window"
(3) Waitress Suzie: yay!
(9) Wanderer: (thank you
(9) Wanderer: (I'm fixed)
(2) Anthony: (( de nada ))
(2) Anthony: (( what was last thing you saw? ))
(2) Anthony: (( kurtis being rude to matre'd? XD ))
(3) GM Claire: Stop typing for a bit he needs to catch up
(9) Wanderer: (ok, I'm up to speed)
(9) Wanderer: So...who the hell are you?
(2) Anthony: (( incidnetly, clicking on "scroll on" turns off scrolling ))
(1) Kurtis: "So... Roger.. I'm Kurtis. Welcoem to the club."
(9) Wanderer: "ok Kurtis. what is this all about?" *looks around the room cautiously"
(9) Wanderer: (grim sight)
(9) Wanderer: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,9,6,[10, 6],9,8] = (5)
(2) Anthony: (( figured as much with the picture of the coin with the skull XD metaknowledge ))
(3) GM Claire: ((4 sucesses))
(9) Wanderer: (uh...meant f3 I guess)
(1) Kurtis: ((for magical spells, you roll the vs(8) macro, the F3))
(1) Kurtis: "Well. In a moment, the geeks will explain in more length, but so far, I can tell you this. It's part about this book you have. And part about yourself."
(3) GM Claire: ((you see a lot of swirly engergy surrounding Kurtis but its not quite like the death that hangs over others, through out the room you can see how each person has been touched by death in their own way... you also see a pool of that swirly dark energy surrounding your brown book something like a supernova in this room of death. There is a simmilar effect coming mutedly from Kurtis' backpack))
(3) GM Claire: ((There is also interestingly enough a shadow like an echo from the seat where that older genetleman was sitting in his white suit yeasterday.. the man that was kinda creepy))
(1) Kurtis: ((what do i see with supernal vision?))
(2) Anthony: (( I right clicked hte map, properites->lock now it can't be moved without unlocking ))
(3) GM Claire: ((Kurtis... Tingle Tingle and Roger glows like a fairy :P.. naw but he looks something like Tony strenght wise but with a more umm... shaded or palor like feeling to it (Roger if you have thought up how your resonace looks please discribe it))
(3) GM Claire: ((thank you Serp :D /me gives Serp a cookie))
(9) Wanderer: (detect substance)
(9) Wanderer: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,2,6,6,1] = (0)
(3) GM Claire: ((no substance for you))
(2) Anthony: (( botch ))
(9) Wanderer: why can I see every dead reletive these people ever had? what the fuck is happening?
(1) Kurtis: ((looking at the book, am I able to tell if it's a master or slave copy, like i did with Tony's?))
(2) Anthony: (( actually, I did that, not you, with space I thought ))
(2) Anthony: (( analyze sympathetic connection ))
(3) GM Claire: ((yes his is "Younger" than yours by about 2 seconds))
(1) Kurtis: ((I thought i did it with analyze enchanted item))
(1) Kurtis: ((spent 3 willpower on it))
(3) GM Claire: ((I think you both suceeded at it with different ablilities)0
(1) Kurtis: "Well, first thing is, don't be afraid. This book seems to be a manual that has answers. This book kinda... has brother books. Yours seems to be the youngest.))
(1) Kurtis: )) = ""
(9) Wanderer: yours is in youir backpack
(9) Wanderer: I can...see it
** (1) Kurtis nods **
(9) Wanderer: how the fuck can I see it huh?
(1) Kurtis: "Well, we've established you're one of 'them'... well, one of 'us' "
(9) Wanderer: it looks like its dripping black.......goo
** (3) Waitress Suzie brings the mens their steaks **
** (3) Waitress Suzie leaves **
(1) Kurtis: "Digging into this read, I'm pretty ready to call us... mages."
(9) Wanderer: ......
(9) Wanderer: what?!
(1) Kurtis: "You're getting off easy. I wish you saw what everything looks like for me."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra drives up in her jeep and steps out waiting for Tony before she heads into the resturant **
(9) Wanderer: back the freak train up, ok?
(1) Kurtis: "You don't belive me?"
** (2) Anthony pulls up along side Kassidy and gets out, looks around quicklywith his (still active) life sight nad heads inside (and, no, he doesn't think to hold hte door open for kassidy) **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((The time in game is now 2pm))
(1) Kurtis: "They mentioned something about Death magic. Maybe that's what your path is."
(1) Kurtis: "Sounds kinda creepy to me."
(1) Kurtis: "Better be careful with that."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra steps inside and waits for Mater'd getting the door for herself thank you **
(3) Mater'd: "Can I help you Madam & Misuour?
(1) Kurtis: "Kass, over here!"
(9) Wanderer: (detect substance)
** (1) Kurtis waves **
(9) Wanderer: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,9,1,2,8] = (3)
(3) Mater'd: (totally butchers the french language)
(2) Anthony: "hi, we were supposed to meet.... him..."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yeah.. we're with him.."
(9) Wanderer: I want to know how I can tell you exactly how many protien molecules are in your steak!?
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Dramatic pause for character discriptions!!! Starting with Roger!!))
(1) Kurtis: "Same way I can tell how much you weigh"
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (PAUSE I SAY!))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (grr!)
** (2) Anthony waves at Kurtis. Tony is wearing an expensive well cut business suit that looks like it has bene slept in. Tony has dark hair that is neither long nor short, but of indercernable style. **
** (9) Wanderer is a young man with neck length dark hair, slicked back, his face is clean shaven, his eyes a bit bloodshot, he's wearing a pressed white shirt and blue and gold tie with black shoes and slacks **
(9) Roger: (sorry......*switches to IC alias*
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra is a woman of a tallish nature about 5'10'' with redish hair, straight at just past shoulder lenght, she is wearing jeans and a green button down shirt untucked but still tasteful, she has brown eyes and is carrying a kakii colored hip bag **
** (2) Anthony is carrying in his left hand a black satchel and his right hand is never still. It brushes his coat, flicks his nailson his stomach, scratches his leg, all without seemingly conscoius effort, as if he cant stand still for a second **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((apparent age mid 20's))
(2) Anthony: (( late 20's ))
(9) Roger: (how much death surrounds each of you?
** (1) Kurtis is a tall blue eyed man with dyed blond hair, combed back, gelled and spiked in the front. His lips are thin, mouth is wide, teeth are perfectly white. He is dressed in a black cotton shirt, two buttons open. Brown jacket sitting beside him. Blue jeans on thin well figured legs. He looks handsome but unsettling, unpleasant, he just feels wrong. **
(2) Anthony: (( my resonance wouldn't be visible until I cast? Or is it visible to any mage sight? ))
(9) Roger: (ythe amount of death that has touched you would be visible to mne Grim Sight)
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra is surrounded by an interesting balance of vibrant life and minor deaths such as small animals, there are a number of relatives dead in this womans history all from natural old age type causes **
(9) Roger: to my)
(1) Kurtis: ((i see that all of you have weight, you radiate heat, you all have auras which i perceive as blue bubbles of different shape))
(2) Anthony: (( I believe that all mage sight sees resonance ))
** (1) Kurtis is surrounded by death indirectly. He seen deaths, and people around him died often and a lot, but never by his hand **
(9) Roger: "tell me what is going on.."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((all mage sight sees ressonance when you cast or if you have higher level arcana.. but the specific mage sights see what they see... death sees death, time sees time, life sees life, forces see forces))
** (2) Anthony 's surrounded by the cycle of life, seeming as if plants and animals spring up, age and die very quickly, inaudibly you can hear hte sound of the jungle, like him, it is full of energy **
** (2) Anthony has very little death associated with him, but you can sense some decay **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((prime is special because its prime and is better adept at tracking resonace
(9) Roger: (death sight only sees death, not life cycles. how many close to you have died in life? how many have you killed? how close aere you to death from desease? general description)
(9) Roger: (not specifics...just.....a lot..or a little kind of thing)
** (1) Kurtis 's resonanse is a furious wirlwind of energy and quintessense, it's spiky, energetic, radiating different sorts of power, pure power, though on a very small scale. It reminds of a miniature tornado. **
(1) Kurtis: ((if anyone reads mage auras here))
(1) Kurtis: ((none of u have prime, gotcha))
(9) Roger: (nope, no prime)
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra walks over to the table, pulls out her own chair and sits down setting the bag carefully beneath her chair **
(2) Anthony: (( pp110 says that all mage sights see resonance ))
** (2) Anthony sits at the table placing the black satchel beside he chair close to him **
(2) Anthony: "Hi, I'm Tony Parrot"
** (2) Anthony offers his hand **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "So you must be Roger, I'm Kassandra Fox, ((I already said that - the page numbers.. and each vision still sees what it is sepecific to in addition to resonace))
** (1) Kurtis looks to a life mage like a fairly young healthy person with the exception of presense of foreign substance in his lungs and his blood **
(2) Anthony: (( yeha, was responding to roger ))
(9) Roger: who..are you people? and I man en masse, not individually
(9) Roger: I mean*
(1) Kurtis: "Great Britain football team."
** (2) Anthony shurgs and says in a low voice, "Far as I've been able to figure out, we're people who've been awakened to see the real world. mages is a term used." **
(9) Roger: "you read too much Harry Potter
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Well... as a group we tend to call ourselves Awakened for need of a title though others will call themselves mages, or devine beings.. umm Jedi.. *sighs and rolls her eyes* Fae touched... Atlantians...there are a lot of terms
(2) Anthony: "And it seems you would be too. I just awake a few days ago, it's all new to me too. But luckily we somehow wound up with these books that describe magic to us."
(1) Kurtis: "How did you get this book, Roger?"
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "A very lucky find considering the origional only copy was burn but I'm not going into that again..""
(9) Roger: A ups guy dropped it off.
(1) Kurtis: "A UPS guy.."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra slaps her forehead **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "all the wonders of the known universe, the ability to weave reality... and UPS delivered it... Well.. at least it wasn't FedEX
(9) Roger: you have one too *looks at
(9) Roger: Anthony
** (9) Roger looks at anthony** **
** (2) Anthony nods. **
(9) Roger: its in your satchel
** (3) Waitress Suzie comes back to take Tony and Kassandra's orders **
(3) Waitress Suzie: "Would you like anything folks?"
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah. Remember? We talked to you over them, they kinda like radios, I think it's called space magic."
(2) Anthony: "Mine was delivered ot me in the african rain forest. apparently from Kassidy, but she never sent it."
(2) Anthony: "I was reading about that in the book, I think it has some sort of scrying window on it."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I'll take the special"
** (1) Kurtis waits for others to order **
(2) Anthony: "Hmm.. oh, BLT, hold the bacon."
(3) Waitress Suzie: "Anything else?"
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Nope"
(2) Anthony: "Orange juice, thanks."
(1) Kurtis: "The heaviest steak you got, medium please. And a bottle of miller."
** (1) Kurtis gives Kassidy an evil eye **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((GM to the ladies room talk amungst yourseves and I already gave you your steak Kurtis!))
(9) Roger: "I refuse to claim to use magic. but what -is- happening?
(2) Anthony: "So, anyway, form what I've read in thsi book so far..."
(2) Anthony: "A long time ago the world was a little different, it was like all together. Then these people started having weird dreams about an island with dragons."
(2) Anthony: "Aftera while they dreamt all the dragons left, so peole started tryign to find this island, and htey found it."
(9) Roger: "dragons...."
(2) Anthony: "And on this island htey started studying the mysteries of hte universe with their newfound sight."
(2) Anthony: "hey, it was a dream."
(2) Anthony: "It never said they actually ever saw draons except in dreams."
** (1) Kurtis leans over to Kassidy **
(2) Anthony: "Anyway, they wree awakened to the magic in the world and started studying it."
(9) Roger: "prove it. show me some "magic"
(1) Kurtis: "Hey, Kassidy, I want to try something later if it's okay with you." - says quietly, letting Tony handle Roger
(2) Anthony: "Well, the thing is, you're not supposed ot do magic were non awakened, sleepers, cna see. apparently it causes a backlash or something."
(2) Anthony: "But... hmm.."
(2) Anthony: "let me think..."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: I got it Tony... It hurts less with practice...
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: And that depends Kurtis we will talk about what it is later
** (2) Anthony nods **
(9) Roger: "so...you can;t do anything to prove what your saying is true..."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks around the room **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (one second gotta look up the rote again cause I didn't write it down last time :())
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Transform self, Stamina+ Athletics + Life =8)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,8,9,3,5,9,5] = (3)
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra 's eyes begin to glow a bright yellow her fingernails become longer and curved like a cats and her white teeth grow to points like fangs **
** (9) Roger jaw drops..... **
(1) Kurtis: "Hate when she does that."
(9) Roger: how did you do that....? *a stunned whisper*
(2) Anthony: "I love it."
(2) Anthony: "Tha'ts one of hte transform spells, not sure which since I can't do it yet. It shoudl be in your book... although you need ot know life.. what's the word, oh yeha, arcana, life aracana to cast it. I know life but don't think enough yet."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (rolling parodox for Kassy)
(2) Anthony: "It turns out that different mages seem to be better at different types of magic, although Kassidy and I seem to share a bit of the same."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,3,2] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: "This book, Roger, is a manual to everything you can do. Broken into chapters"
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (whooo)
(9) Roger: "......ok....you have my attention..."
(2) Anthony: "I've read about... death. life, time, fate, space... umm.. and some others. Only been reading a few days."
(9) Roger: "you telling me...I have...superpowers..."
(2) Anthony: "I seem to know Life, space and time I'm fairly sure of."
** (2) Anthony nods **
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra closes her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath the effects wear off **
(1) Kurtis: "And you, my friend, seem to have Death."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Thats one way to put it"
(2) Anthony: "Of course, you have to realize, some people don't like the fact you have super powers, and apparently they want this book that isn't supposed to even exist."
(9) Roger: ok..i'm willing to go somewhere private...
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "One man in particular... Mr. Jones is very intent on that and will not stop short of killing you to remove the book from your posession
(2) Anthony: "Oh, yeah, I saw some ghosts or something too, that witchdocter called me a spirtwalker or something, so I guess I have spirit also."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Spirit can be useful especally up at my Hollow if you know how to use it
(1) Kurtis: "Roger, one question quickly - did you eat tacos recently?"
(2) Anthony: "Now, according ot Kassidey here, this book si extremely rare. Notice I said this book, not these books. It appears, somehow, to all be hte same book."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((game time is now 2:45 meeting at 1259 e Travis is at 4:00PM))
(9) Roger: ....tacos?
(2) Anthony: "We have this meeting of someone Kassidy knows who apparently knows Fate, kinda like the future I guess. At four oclock."
(1) Kurtis: "Tacos."
(9) Roger: what does that have to do with anything?
** (3) Waitress Suzie comes and drops of the BLT - the B, the giant steak and Kurtis's second? Giant steak? **
(1) Kurtis: "A lot."
(9) Roger: no.....
(1) Kurtis: "Then there is a fourths"
** (2) Anthony eats his LT sandwitch **
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks at the second giant steak **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Compensating for something there Kurtis?" *sweet smile*
** (9) Roger has yet to touch his steak **
(9) Roger: ok..why haven't I gained superpowers, huh?
(2) Anthony: "Kassidy wsa sayign maybe it was someone who happened by the book. How long have you had hte book Roger, and has anyone else been close to it? Oh, and it seems you need to pick a new name to tell people cause names have power nad you don't want other mages to knwo your true name. I'e aoften heard stories about names having power but never believed it."
(1) Kurtis: "Maybe. Hope you get on with those studies of life magic. Maybe you could help me out."
(2) Anthony: "And I guess we have ot be careful now and you dont' want ot cast magic where others can see because apparently it can backfire and stuff although I'm not sure cause it's never happened to me the book just mentiones it here nad htere and there's a lot I don't know..."
(2) Anthony: "but thinks seem to happen fast once you awaken don't you think I mean you just got htis book and it talks to you and such and hten you find out it was us and now you have htis meeting you didn't even know about."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You just don't know how to use them yet... your powers.. actually... that works for an answer for you too Kurtis *smirk*"
** (2) Anthony finally stops and takes a breath **
** (9) Roger seems stressed as he is bombarded with information, he winces and grips his head.. **
(9) Roger: (alter integrety on my water glass)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "By the way you may have noticed that Tony Talks a lot...
(9) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,9,9,9,8] = (5)
(2) Anthony: (( wow ))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (yay!)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (thats like... wow)
(9) Roger: (that would turn the glass to powder)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (yeah..))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Go with that))
(2) Anthony: (( covert? ))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((hells no)
(9) Roger: (amazingly...yes)
(9) Roger: (yes it is)
(9) Roger: (pg 198)
(2) Anthony: (( covert but witnessed, ca still cause paradox ))
(9) Roger: (matter 3)
(2) Anthony: (( dang, I'm only one who didn't take a 3 dot arcana? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((i chose artifact for my merit, and i still dont have it on me lol))
(9) Roger: (define "witnessed"....how often do you look at other peoples water glasses in a resturaunt...it diodn;t explode...just...disolved.."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((doesn't matter I failed Paradox roll for all you know no one was looking))
** (2) Anthony sees the spell cast ( mage sight up ) and glass disintigrate, "That wasn't very smart, now you're wet." **
** (9) Roger as he grips his head...his water glass...turns to sands....sending water spilling across the table... **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (thats like my 4th failed paradox roll too when I suceed someone is gonna go into a coma with all the pent up sucesses just watch))
** (1) Kurtis scoots away **
(9) Roger: did.....did I fdo that....?
(9) Roger: do*
(1) Kurtis: "mmhm"
(2) Anthony: "yeah. You did. You gotta be careful."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Wasn't me I don't do matter"
** (1) Kurtis looks unhappy: "His powers are cooler than mine, did you guys see that?" **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Oy.."
(1) Kurtis: "Death and Matter?"
(2) Anthony: "Seems that way at lesat."
(2) Anthony: "Death and matter... what did the book say about that..."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You create fire out of thin air.. that's pretty cool don't go all whiny just yet"
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Moros"
(9) Roger: he...creates fire..?
** (2) Anthony bends down, oepnes his satchel, pulls out his version of hte book and starts to flip **
(1) Kurtis: "Whiny? Check out what this guy can do. It's awesome. He actually touches the molecular bonds."
(9) Roger: (I'm sorry..I misread..I need to alter what ahppened a little..)
** (1) Kurtis tries to see the powder's molecules like he did with the table the night before **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "MMhmm and I can make pigs fly... no really.. and you can create fire without magic.. welcome to the new reality"
(9) Roger: (he has to touch something to do what he did...so how about he picked it up to drink and it disolved in his hand...that ok?)
(1) Kurtis: Matter sight: gnosis 1 + matter 1
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (yeah)
(1) Kurtis: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2] = (0)
(2) Anthony: (( that's what I read as happeneing anyway ))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (You go blind!... just kidding)
(2) Anthony: (( but probalby cause I know it's touch so that's how I visioned it ))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (blind...)
(9) Roger: ok....you have my undevided attantion...what else can I do?
** (1) Kurtis tries to move his hands through the powder, picking it up on his fingers **
** (1) Kurtis completely separates from the conversation **
(2) Anthony: "Well, youre book will tell you. Look upt he spells for Death, Matter and read about... Moros Kassidy said."
(9) Roger: can;t tyou just...tell me some of it?
(1) Kurtis: He can shape these lines that are too heavy for me to lift. That's amazing. I wonder if he can do what I can do as well...
(2) Anthony: "Eww, death. Musta been creapy awakening. You see like the 3 headed dog or something? Wha'ts his name... myself, I was in a dense jungle. Kassidy sais that different people see their awakenings all different, not two alike. Personal to the person I guess."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Hmmm with death... well... let me think.. well.. when you get strong enough... you could umm.. *whisper* make zombies
(2) Anthony: "Well, I don't do death, can't ell you, didn't readu p on it too much. Apparently with matter you can disolve glass."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, for one you can tell exactly how much volume something occupies, what's a mass of any object, right? What mass doesnt this table have?"
(1) Kurtis: does*
(2) Anthony: "You can probalby change things aroudn too, like lead into gold and stuff like htat."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "With matter yes"
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Mm and I seem to recall something about darkness with death.. mm.. calling shadows I think *shrugs* I'm more about the living really"
(9) Roger: uh.....whoah..slow down.....
(9) Roger: Kurtis right..?
(1) Kurtis: "mhm"
(2) Anthony: "From what I've been reading, hoever, if you turned lead into gold, it would only remain gold for an hour or so unless you put extra oomph into it. And it wouldn't remain gold forever unless you put part of yourselfintot he spell. Sonot really pheasable to change lead into gold and sell it unless you wanna go to prison for sellinglead."
(9) Roger: (Discern composition..)
(9) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,2,5,5,5] = (1)
(9) Roger: .....uh.....60 pounds.....
(9) Roger: mahagony...
(9) Roger: with wrought iron base..
(1) Kurtis: "That's cool. Let's compare."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra begins the cut the steak of giantness into small peices and seems to be slipping them under the table **
** (1) Kurtis looks at the gravity force pulling on the table **
(9) Roger: look..I work hwere...can we go somewhere else?
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,5,4] = (0)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "sure"
(2) Anthony: "Yeah, we got somewhere to go, gotta be there before 4."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (you loose!)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "1259 e. Travis"
(1) Kurtis: "Odd. The total amount of gravity I see pulling on this table is a lot more, like 400 and over."
** (2) Anthony grabs a couple packets of crackers from the basket on the table nad pockets them **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "That's a good drive from here..."
(9) Roger: (detect subtance)
(9) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,1,[10, 8],7,1] = (2)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (3)
(2) Anthony: "Maybe we shoudl get going then. Don't wanna be late."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (2) sorry you had a 1
(1) Kurtis: "Makes no sense, probably all the stuff on the table is confusing me. This table cant weigh 400 pounds"
(2) Anthony: "But then, with fate, I guess they'd know if we were going to be late or not anyway."
(9) Roger: There are 1,236 pieces of stainless steel silverware in this building...
(9) Roger: (oh right0
(9) Roger: (sorry)
(9) Roger: (uh..how many do I need?)
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra signals for the waitress and the bill and some boxes and a partridge in a pear tree) **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (you're good)
(1) Kurtis: "Thanks everyone, you've been watching 'Random Facts of the Day', we will return next week."
** (2) Anthony tosses some money on to the table. **
** (1) Kurtis devoured his steak by the way **
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra does the same **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (both of em?)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (:P)
** (2) Anthony 's LT sandwich is gone **
(1) Kurtis: ((no, he pockets one :P i only wanted one steak))
** (9) Roger pays his biulls nervously...getting a little.....freaked/excited about the idea of superpowers **
(2) Anthony: "I wonder if their quiche is any good here."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra still has steak and veggies - some steak in a box now **
(9) Roger: I've been drinking...can I get a ride?
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "... Sure"
(2) Anthony: "Oh, I can fix that."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Or that *smiles* give it a try Tony"
(2) Anthony: (( gotta look it up, but it's 1 dot remove poisoin ))
(2) Anthony: gnosis 1 + life 2 [3d10.oepn(10).vs(8)] => 3d10.oepn(10).vs(8)
(9) Roger: uh......is he gonna..... use magic on me?
(9) Roger: uh..please dont....
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "mmhmm"
(2) Anthony: gnosis 1 + life 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 5],7] vs 8 result of (1)
(9) Roger: i think I need to have booze in me for this..
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "It doesn't hurt"
** (2) Anthony touches roger on the hand **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (you feel sober unless you want to resist with your resolve?)
(1) Kurtis: ((men's room break. Kurt will drive to the meeting place, where he will smile and nod and be quiet till i return))
(9) Roger: look..I need...to know what I can do...
(2) Anthony: (( I was wondering about tht, it's not listed as a contested spell ))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "We can help with that. Still need a ride? (mages can contest with Resolve but not anything else)
(9) Roger: and...you just wasted the money I spent on my rum..
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra rolls eyes **
(9) Roger: but yes.....a ride..please...
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: I've got more at my Hollow if you are bent out of shape about that."
(2) Anthony: (( oh, and it's 2 dots ))
(2) Anthony: (( purify bodies ))
(9) Roger: can we go *suddenl;y seems outright eager*
(9) Roger: I need....to try this...
** (9) Roger picks up his book **
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra starts to leave picking up the bag and heading towards the jeep while talking leaving money on the table* 'I'm the jeep if you want a ride come on." **
(2) Anthony: "Sure. I understand at higher life I can cause posion, instant drunk. Might be interesting."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra heads for jeep **
** (2) Anthony checks and makes sure there's enough money on the table for the bill and tip then heads out the door, snatching a few more packets of crackers on the way **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You know how to get where we are going Tony?"
** (9) Roger follows her looking at his hands.....almost tripping over a table as his mind races **
** (2) Anthony heads for his blue stingray **
** (2) Anthony follows the jeep at the location (( as TPBTS goes and smokes a cig )) **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (break for 10 minutes peeps while people smoke get drinks and what not))
(9) Roger: (I'm hungry..)
(2) Anthony: (( one second, gotta give some one phone # )))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (KK)
(9) Roger: (I'd kill a man for an egg mcmuffin right now..
(1) Kurtis: ((back))
(2) Anthony: (( back ))
(9) Roger: (seriously.......tell me who to kill)
(9) Roger: (I mean..welcome back =P)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (hehe)
(1) Kurtis: ((moros has its strengths and weaknesses, i had a moros char :) ))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((are we all back say here if you are)
(9) Roger: (Its my second favorite type
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (here))
(9) Roger: (my fave is Obrimos
(2) Anthony: (( here ))
(9) Roger: (Here)
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra throws a shoe at Kurtis)) **
(2) Anthony: (( I had/have an obrimos char))
(1) Kurtis: ((here?))
(9) Roger: (My main is Acanthus)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((are we ready to proceed?))
(1) Kurtis: ((yes))
(9) Roger: (I am)
(2) Anthony: ((`1 ))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((huzzah))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((box me it is now 3:45)
(1) Kurtis:

(9) Roger: (so..no RP in the jeep eh?)
(3) GM Claire: Everyone arrives... at 1259 e. Travis at near about the same time, the house looks fairly adverage, in a middleclass area of town, just outside of downtown where they big blue dot is. :) One story building painted a peachish color slightly fades, slightly unkept lawn, green ford taurus in the driveway.
(1) Kurtis: ((i fucking hate green ford taurus))
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra gets out of the jeep still carrying the kakii bag and walks across the lawn to the front door opening the screen to knock on the door proper **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (would anyone like a perception roll? Wits + investigation?))
** (2) Anthony gets out of his stingray and carrying is every present satchel stands behind Kassidy **
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [9,8,7] = (3)
(9) Roger: (please)
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah baby yeah))
(2) Anthony: wits 3 + inves 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,6,2,2] vs 6 result of (1)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (very nice Kurtis)
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (eh..)
(9) Roger: [5d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [7,[10, 8],4,[10, 4],3] = (3)
(9) Roger: (woot, me
(9) Roger: (wait..wtf..)
(9) Roger: (thats...too many numbers..)
(1) Kurtis: ((10 is open))
(9) Roger: (oh...lol..rerolls!
(2) Anthony: (( no, it's opne 10. 10's are rerolled ))
(1) Kurtis: ((thats a good roll))
(9) Roger: (I beat K =P
(1) Kurtis: ((ja))
(9) Roger: (hehe)
(2) Anthony: (( and it's actually 4 sucesses ))
(9) Roger: (sweet, heh)
** (1) Kurtis speaks into the book: Attention at the window, 8 o clock, someone watching. Notice the giant crows on the roof. Be careful. **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Shh"
** (3) Bald Guy answers the door peering out at you **
(9) Roger: Um..hello
** (1) Kurtis parks the Supra near the Taurus, the black divinity laughing evilly at the pathetic green excuse of a vehicle with its powerful roaring engine **
(9) Roger: We're here to see the wizard
** (1) Kurtis slaps his forehead **
** (3) Bald Guy appears to be a completely bald tannish man in his late 20's with a number of earrings and necklaces around his neck, he also has tattoos on a good portion of his arms, his eyes are a very very light brown **
** (1) Kurtis pages on Tony's cell phone **
** (2) Anthony frowns, opens up his phone and reads the message **
(3) Bald Guy: "They are with me... *sighs* I guess"
(3) Bald Guy: "Come in"
whispering to Anthony, "you sure it's a good idea to have a mage of death around?"
(2) Anthony: (( I take it kassidy said then and bald guy responded ))
** (2) Anthony follows kassidy inside **
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra steps into the home (nope I did that right) **
** (9) Roger follows them in...feeling like he's stepping down the rabbit hole **
** (2) Anthony looks around but, suprisingly, doesn't say anything, waiting for kassidy to talk **
** (1) Kurtis follows Kassidy, trying to keep close to Anthony's side **
** (2) Anthony shrugs at Kurtis, for no apparent reason **
** (1) Kurtis nods and shrugs **
(3) GM Claire: inside the home to your left is a living room with several faded floral couches, there are a numberof people in this room looking well...for no better word Gypisie-ish, the women in wide skirts and head scarves, long black curls running down their backs, the men looking vaugely european and not speaking in any language any of you have taken :P, the bald man leads you down the hall and up some stairs into a room smelling thickly of incense, all of the steriotypical gypsie magic items laying around the room haphazardly including a large round table and the customary crystal ball which the man is now picking up and moving
** (9) Roger takes a step towards the crystal ball... **
(9) Roger: (discern composition)
(9) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,5,9,1,4] = (1)
(3) Bald Guy: "So you've found three of them so far Kass, there will be one more if you make it in time.
(9) Roger: (so...zero...)
(3) Bald Guy: (iyeah)
** (9) Roger looks at it dfor a few moments..then follows the group) **
** (3) Bald Guy sits down at the round table after pulling up some chairs for everyone **
** (2) Anthony sits down **
(3) Bald Guy: "So how can I help you gentlemen *nods his head* and lady
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra sits down **
(9) Roger: I have...no...idea.....
** (2) Anthony looks round the room with his life sight, anything look magical as far as he can tell (including hte bald guy)? **
** (3) Bald Guy looks at Roger his eyes going white for a moment (ala Mr. Issac) **
** (1) Kurtis looks around the room with Prime sight **
(3) Bald Guy: (Is very very magic as is a vast majority of this room)
(2) Anthony: "Well, Kassidy set up this meeting. I'm not sure why. We seem to be at the right place though."
** (2) Anthony starts fidgeting **
(3) Bald Guy: You are a Moros mage, Intermidiate Death and Matter, you can call the dead from their slumber and disconnect atoms from atoms
** (1) Kurtis barely lifts a brow **
(9) Roger: uh......but why am I here?
(3) Bald Guy: I do not answer vauge questions of meaning. More mundainly you are here because that book wishes to make itself known to you at that is very dangerous, the Veil does not take kindly to newly awakened mages weilding so much power, Not the lest of which mages not under their control. More to the point, Mr. Jones is very interested to know why he failed when he tried to destroy this book and why it is now seeking out new masters.
(9) Roger: The "veil"?
(2) Anthony: "So you don't know why it chose us then?"
(3) Bald Guy: "The book chose you the same way all great things of power choose their wielders, it searched your souls and found within them the hope it needed to be certain that you would not let it be destroyed again. It saw into your core and knew that you would not use it for destructive ends.
(9) Roger: someone tried to destroy this book...?
** (1) Kurtis fiddles with the thought **
(2) Anthony: "I guess the biggest question I have then is... what now?"
(9) Roger: uh.......you guyts keep saying I can control matter.......
(9) Roger: could I...ut the books back together?
(9) Roger: put*
(2) Anthony: "Do I just go on with my life? Or do change my life? Or..." Tony suddently stops asking questions as if realizing htis may not be the best time to ramble on
(3) Bald Guy: "A number of someones suceeded in destorying this book almost two decades ago. April 4th 1989 this book was destroyed it's only copy burned with those who had written it. Or so it was until this book.. in different pockets of time found its way to the here and now
** (1) Kurtis puts his hand on Tony's shoulder carefully, tapping it lightly, and nodding **
(1) Kurtis: "So, it has a way to replicate itself today?"
(2) Anthony: "I understand that ... someone here knows fate. My question is, will Jones succeed?"
(3) Bald Guy: The book has a great tie to time and space. It is able to exist in multiple times and places at once. It has the capacity for great scrying should you be able to unlock its potential.
(9) Roger: ...who the hell is jones?
** (3) Bald Guy looks up at Tony **
** (1) Kurtis to Roger: The guy who wants the book gone and us dead. The man in a white suit. **
(9) Roger: ......
(9) Roger: white...suit you say....?
(3) Bald Guy: Mr. Jones is the individual who is responsible for the origional books destruction and the deaths for 4 score Free Council mages over the course of three minutes.
** (3) Bald Guy stands up from the table and goes to rumage through a few boxes looking for something **
(9) Roger: Your fox......*looks at kassidy*
(9) Roger: it was in my resturaunt yesterday...
(2) Anthony: ".. 80 mages in 3 minutes? Full blown mages? And we're just ameteurtes? And this book seems to think we can succeed where other, more experienced have failed, and died?"
(9) Roger: it bit a man in a white suit on the leg
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra smiles so was I **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Minor get away distraction
(1) Kurtis: "Okay. So he is really good at this... magic. What do we do? Do we keep on studying magic and defend books, do we wait to be attacked, or do we pursue Jones? What's a wise course to take?"
(2) Anthony: "I hope he didn't get rabies. Poor fox."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra chuckles **
** (3) Bald Guy returns to the table with a small black velvet box and a black velvet bag. Sets the box on the table in front of Kurtis, and then goes back to another set of boxes again rummaging **
** (1) Kurtis picks up the box, scanning it with Supernal sight, not opening **
(1) Kurtis: "For me? Thank you" - bows
(2) Anthony: "It is relatively obvisous that this book wants more than just not to be desroyed. I mean, if that's all it wanted it could go... somewhen else and hide. So it wants us to use it somehow to... do something. Whatever the book wsa designed for. Since it seems to be a free council imaybe it wants us to spread it's knowlede. Or not."
** (1) Kurtis opens the box **
(3) GM Claire: inside the box is a simple ring made of tarnished silver, it has light etch marks on it and a facited clear crystal set even with the surface of the ring
** (2) Anthony whispers to Kurtis, "You might want to ensure you didn't just get engaged" **
** (3) Bald Guy returns to the table with some insense in a golden burner and again the velvet bag which he is now waving above the incense smoke mumbling in a language none of you have taken.. his phrases occationally puncutated with High speech words which you do strangely recognise **
(1) Kurtis: "Not if I put it on the middle finger..."
** (1) Kurtis tries it on the middle finger **
(3) Bald Guy: (it fits)
(3) Bald Guy: (well)
** (1) Kurtis nods **
** (9) Roger watches, confused... **
** (1) Kurtis looks into the three crystals on the ring, white, red, and pale blue, noticing no supernatural gleaming like you would expect from sci fi films **
** (1) Kurtis checks out a passing by gypsy lady **
** (3) Bald Guy 's eyes begin to turn black, from the pupils out his mumbling growing more rapid, the room suddenly feels hushed and the hairs on your arms and the backs of your necks raise with the heightened sense of magic contained in this room **
(3) Bald Guy: [13d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,3,3,8,8,7,8,6,9,6,3,5] = (5)
(1) Kurtis: "shit shit"
(3) Bald Guy: You have five questions to ask in order to find the way to stop Mr. Jones from destroying the book
(3) Bald Guy: Think carefully
** (9) Roger raises his hands and remains silent **
** (1) Kurtis turns to his companions: "draw straws who goes first?" **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Someone keep Tony's mouth shut for the time being *smiles*
(1) Kurtis: "In the bar this morning I learned this nice trick I kept telling you about..."
(1) Kurtis: "Ummm... anyone? guys?"
(2) Anthony: "Well, I have some questions but..."
(9) Roger: "ok..lets start with the basics......"
(2) Anthony: "Like do we need to kill mr. Jones or not. But do we want to ask that as one of hte five?"
(1) Kurtis: "Kass, have any good ones? Let's go Kass, Roger, ONE for Anthony, me, and then one more for who proves to be more useful."
** (9) Roger looks at the three other people... **
** (9) Roger looks at Kass **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I like Tony's question honestly... its straight forward and gets things started...
(1) Kurtis: "These guys won't be like... "you need to kill him if you want to live, but you need to not kill him if you want to die.." right?"
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Well.. We can find out..
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks directly at the bald man "If we kill Mr. Jones will the book be safe?" **
** (3) Bald Guy drops the runes onto the table and begins to study them **
(3) Bald Guy: "It is not Mr. Jones death that will end your peril but the death of another which will cement it."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yay... that was helpful... Gotta love fate magic... always so damned.. cryptic..
** (2) Anthony scraches his head, "Now did he mean will cement our peril, or sement hte end of our peril" **
(1) Kurtis: "Okay, thought so. Roger?"
(1) Kurtis: god i love gypsies...
(2) Anthony: "Did he mean, killing Mr Jones won't end oru peril, but if someone else dies we'll be in more danger, or less?" Tony sighs
(3) Bald Guy: (laughs uncontrolablely at Kurtis))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Could be... or he might be talking about cement... like cement shoes? or...no.. so Jones' being dead won't help us thats the first part..
(9) Roger: Uh......well..from the sounds of that......anyone mind if I ask why jones wants this book destroyed so badly?
(2) Anthony: "Yeah, someone else we either do noeed to kill, or keep alive. Just not sure which."
(2) Anthony: "Becuase he doesn't want people to know about magic. he's greedy."
(1) Kurtis: "Okay guys guys. We need to find out where the other is, who he is, and what they can do... Crap, hard to pick..."
(2) Anthony: "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
(1) Kurtis: "No, Roger, we already know why."
(9) Roger: ok.....
(1) Kurtis: "Free Council wants magic to spread, other mages don't. Jones works for them."
(9) Roger: Then I'd go with who is this other....
(2) Anthony: "I tink we can find hte fourth same way we found the third."
(1) Kurtis: "Ok, that's a good one. do it."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Randomly open the book and wait?
** (2) Anthony shrugs **
** (9) Roger looks at the bald man **
(1) Kurtis: "I hope the fourth guy has fate and time, so we can milk him for more riddles."
(2) Anthony: "Is there a rush?"
(9) Roger: Who is this "other"
(9) Roger: ?>
(2) Anthony: "Oooh, that's a good question. What is the dead line on dealing wiht mister jones."
** (3) Bald Guy looks at the runes then looks up directly at Kurtis **
(3) Bald Guy: "You claim it is a family heirloom but it is far more than that, the life you touched is the life you are responsible for."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: What?
** (9) Roger blinks **
(1) Kurtis: "Me?"
** (1) Kurtis thinks **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Sold any antiques lately Kurtis?"
(1) Kurtis: "Bought... just one..."
(1) Kurtis: "Eliza..."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: So this Eliza is the other person?
(1) Kurtis: "She didn't want it for her thesis, that little ..."
(9) Roger: ..i'm lost
(1) Kurtis: "Anthony. You're up. Make it good."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Me to.. "the life you touched is the life you are responsible for' whats up with that?"
(9) Roger: ......did he answer my question..?
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Yeah I guess.. Eliza *shrugs* whoever that is
(1) Kurtis: "Eliza's death will cement the end of our peril? We need to kill Eliza??"
(1) Kurtis: "That makes no sense."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Or Eliza's death will cement our peril.. hard to say its all.. crypticy
(9) Roger: it makes even less sense to me
(2) Anthony: "If we are resposnsible for it, then we must save them. If elize dies, we are doomed it seems."
(2) Anthony: "Do you know who htis eliza is, and where did that name come from?"
(1) Kurtis: "Yes. I know exactly who she is and where to find her."
(2) Anthony: "Okay."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "That's helpful"
(9) Roger: uh..kay
(2) Anthony: "So, we have to prevent jones from killing eliza, or one of us, but not necessairly killhim."
(2) Anthony: "Waht do we know of Mister Jones? What is his.. arcana?"
(1) Kurtis: "Ask that. That's a good question. "
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "So what's so special about her I wonder?... Well.. he has a lot of death I know that much"
(9) Roger: uh....like my powers?
(1) Kurtis: "Well, we seem to have our friend Roger here who might challenging him."
(2) Anthony: "so we should ask what mister jones' path si?"
(1) Kurtis: "Yes, ask his full arcana make up, how much of what, so we know who we up against."
(1) Kurtis: "They come in ranks... it seems"
** (2) Anthony loks at roger, looks at kassidy **
** (2) Anthony shrugs and turns to baldy locks, "What is Mister Jones path and arcana?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Like a master can do a lot of things, an adept - some, an apprentice - a bit, a novice - is kinda what we are, just a few things..."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Might help... what do you think Roger??"
** (3) Bald Guy studies the runes **
(9) Roger: you do understand that i've been involved in this for...2 hours right?
(1) Kurtis: ((the question of win - GM disappears into books for an hour lol))
(3) Bald Guy: (I hate you all :D)
(1) Kurtis: (we win GM)
(9) Roger: (I want to play with my powers some more...)
(1) Kurtis: "You can turn him into powder, like that glass."
(9) Roger: Uh.....I canh?
(9) Roger: can*
(1) Kurtis: "I don't know. Can you?"
(2) Anthony: "Maybe with death. If you were powerful enough."
(1) Kurtis: "Is working with people different from working with objects?"
(9) Roger: How would I know?! I have had powers for 4 hours!
(2) Anthony: "Well, there seems to be like ten different arcana"
(2) Anthony: "So one would presume they are seperate."
(1) Kurtis: "I see what forces apply to people same way as to objects, it's just they are harder to grab, they always move when people move."
(2) Anthony: "There is life, death, matter"
(2) Anthony: "So life is not matter I guess?"
(3) Bald Guy: "He may have the palor of Moros but Mestigos is his true calling, He cannot grasp the draw of unseen be it forces, atoms, or spirit, But his eyes can see into the depts of your mind finding your inner most secrets and turning your desires into vices, his grip upon the dead is near to a masters, He can be in two places at once, the glimmer of your aura is as clear as day to him."
(1) Kurtis: "Okay okay okay... prime, death, space, mind."
(1) Kurtis: "So it's Partial Moros, no matter. Partial Obrimos, no forces. Full Mastigos."
(1) Kurtis: "What can we counter him with? Forces he wont expect. Matter he won't expect. In Prime, he might be strong. But if I brush up on it..."
(1) Kurtis: "Life and spirit he cannot see."
(9) Roger: just because he doesn;t have it doesn;t mean he wont expect it
(2) Anthony: "So maybe we get spirits to attack him."
(1) Kurtis: "You can't defend against what you don't see coming... right?"
(2) Anthony: "Oh, wait, death can see spirits too can't it?"
** (1) Kurtis shrugs **
(1) Kurtis: "Didn't read much on it."
(1) Kurtis: "Okay. My question."
(9) Roger: Whats a spirit?
(2) Anthony: "A spirit is from something called the twilight"
(2) Anthony: "Not a ghost, which is a dead person."
(9) Roger: I...dont..know any of this
(2) Anthony: "Spirits also inhabit things, like there can be a spirit of a table you can ask to help you."
(1) Kurtis: "My question is, where can we find Jones?"
(2) Anthony: "I've been reading on it today casue i can talk to spirits a little>
(9) Roger: (ok..I'm sorry..is there a way to break away here? I worked all day..I need to pass out)
(9) Roger: (I dont want to stop you guys RPing, but I need to go)
(3) Bald Guy: (ask two more questions so I can give exp)
(2) Anthony: 'Okay, who what when where why. We know why. Who know who. We don't know when or where
(1) Kurtis: (i asked mine, so one more.)
(1) Kurtis: (i just asked where)
(3) Bald Guy: "Find the fourth and you will find Jones, behind the Veil where pages are made perminate."
(2) Anthony: "Bwhind the veil? Uh oh. Sounds like hte spirit realm."
(1) Kurtis: "I think we all know what to ask now."
(2) Anthony: "wedo?"
(1) Kurtis: "Where the fourth book is."
(1) Kurtis: "All i know is its 300 miles away"
** (2) Anthony shurgs and nods **
(1) Kurtis: "Wait. no. we can ask that ourselves if he comes in contact"
(1) Kurtis: "crap"
(2) Anthony: "We seem to have some time limit here."
(2) Anthony: "So might as well as where the book is."
(2) Anthony: "Cause when we find hte book we'll find jones."
(1) Kurtis: "Let's ask how much time we have maybe"
(2) Anthony: "unless "behind the veil where pages are made permineate" is hte where."
(2) Anthony: "Maybe we should use the 5th question to ask him to xexplain the 4 answers "
(1) Kurtis: "goood one."
(2) Anthony: "I doubt it works that way though."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Why do we need to Find jones? WOn't he try to find you
(2) Anthony: "So, what, we keep running?"
(1) Kurtis: "well, mayeb we could catch him unattended... hm, ok, how about, give us the name of the person we need to protect...."
(2) Anthony: "Maybe we shoudl ask where we can hind, or how."
(1) Kurtis: "Hmm. fuck... hmmm it doesnt make any sense... hmmm... think think think..."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Okay, we know he's after this book, we know he's near the fourth person, we know we have this Eliza girl to protect... we know what Jones can do.
(2) Anthony: "Ask where to find the 4th book."
(1) Kurtis: "okay, so protect Eliza, from Jones, find the fourth to find Jones... Eliza's death is bad."
(2) Anthony: "Who is this eliza you keep talking about?"
(1) Kurtis: "Okay. Where is the fourth book? Exact address."
** (3) Bald Guy looks at you like you've gone crazy asking for something exact... **
(1) Kurtis: "Eliza is the girl who had the book before me. I took it from her, promised to return."
(3) Bald Guy: :P
(2) Anthony: "Wouldn't space tell us that?
(1) Kurtis: "What? You said we can ask any question, my friend!"
** (9) Roger rubs his temples **
(2) Anthony: "You can ask anything, but you might want to be reasonable if you want a response."
(1) Kurtis: "You don't look too well, Roger."
(3) Bald Guy: ((okay Wand has to go so we will take him either home or to the hollow after this yes? lets give Wand EX and you can ask the last question)
(2) Anthony: (( getting sleeping here. ))
(3) Bald Guy: *XP
(9) Roger: ((I'm about to friggin pass out..I spent eight hours ahauling tables)
(2) Anthony: (( sleepy in ohter words ))
(1) Kurtis: "Heh. What, should I ask what interstate to take? That vague enough for gypsies?"
(3) Bald Guy: (One for coming one for character, give me something you learned and -ALL OF YOU- vote for best rp)
(9) Roger: (I learned that magic fails to compensate for science. and I nominate Kurtis)
(2) Anthony: (( you base range of mage sight on successess rolled (terra didn't ) ))
(3) Bald Guy: (gonna do it this way from now on too every hour over 4 we play I will give an extra xp so.. so far 2 extra)
(3) Bald Guy: ((That's how it works in the book yay!))
(3) Bald Guy: (who for RP Tony?)
(2) Anthony: (( not the book I have, maybe wod but nto mage 2 ))
(2) Anthony: (( Kassie ))
(3) Bald Guy: (you can't nomintate Kassie she's and NPC :P)
(2) Anthony: (( I'd have to say roger ))
(3) Bald Guy: (an)
(3) Bald Guy: (gives Serp a cookie thought for the RP nod)
(9) Roger: (woot)
(1) Kurtis: ((i learned that prime is more useful if I up the gnosis a bit instead of forces. I nominate Anthony for finally learning to time his words))
(3) Bald Guy: (... three way tie one for each of ya
(3) Bald Guy: so.. 4 +2 = 6 today thus far)
(9) Roger: (circlejerk *smirks*
(9) Roger: (hooray for 6
(9) Roger: (now, goodnight all)
(9) Roger: (I need to pas sout)
(9) Roger: (*waves*)
** (2) Anthony waves **
(3) Bald Guy: (night)
(9) Roger: (great game Claire!)
(9) Roger: (*poofs*)
(1) Kurtis: ((game next sunday))
(1) Kurtis: Okay our last question
(3) Bald Guy: (last question you two) (Thanks :D next game SUnday!))
(9) Roger: Disconnecting from server...
(9) Wanderer (exit): 03:57
(1) Kurtis: "Which way to go for the fourth book? Where is it? Give as much precision as you can, please!"
(1) Kurtis: "This is a big freaking country"
(3) Bald Guy: "Tristin Lang, Riverside County. You will find him if the law is on your side.
** (1) Kurtis writes down in his notebook Tristin Lang **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh yes. We can turn it to our side."
(2) Anthony: "Riverside, as in california?"
(3) Bald Guy: "One more thing."
(2) Anthony: "Oh, dang it. Our first quesiton should of been: What is the best quesiton we can ask."
(1) Kurtis: "Anthony, damn it, why didnt you think of it before?"
(1) Kurtis: "Then again, the answer might have been "the one that gives you most information" "
(2) Anthony: 'It's probably like three more wishes for geies though, probably wouldn't work."
(2) Anthony: "No, the answer woudl of been: That one."
(1) Kurtis: "Woah woah. messing with my head here."
** (2) Anthony turns to Baldy Locks, "You said one more thing?" **
(1) Kurtis: ((Gm working))
** (3) Bald Guy gets up and walks to a locked chest pulling out five pendents that look like this! ^ **
** (3) Bald Guy sets them on the table, goes back to the chest, pulls out a glass bottle full of a clear liquid, a peice of chalk and a black crystal **
** (3) Bald Guy puts the crystal on the table in front of Kass handing her the chalk **
(3) Bald Guy: "write a rune of power you most identify with, take a strand of hair and wrap it on the pendent before you then place the pendent here
(2) Anthony: "You mean like commune?"
** (3) Bald Guy places the bottle of clear liquid in the center of the table and uncorks the bottle, it smells of sage and Calendula flower **
** (1) Kurtis looks at this kind of amused and amazed at the same time, mystified by the procedure **
** (1) Kurtis pays a closer look to Kassidy, admiring not only her features suddenly, but her mystic aura, she suddenly doesnt seem all so crude to him **
** (3) Bald Guy writes the rune for Healing Heart on one facute of the crystal handing it to Roger who writes something :P, then hands it to Kurtis **
(3) Bald Guy: (ummm that is Kassie does..)
(3) Bald Guy: hehe
(3) Bald Guy: (stupid alias)
(1) Kurtis: "uuuuuh"
(1) Kurtis: "mmm.."
(1) Kurtis: "Oh oh... ummm..."
(1) Kurtis: "hmmm."
(1) Kurtis: "ooh ooh."
** (1) Kurtis opens his book and flips through **
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra wraps a strand of red hair around the pendent and places it near the bottle, Roger looking confused does the same with his shorter hair **
** (1) Kurtis writes "Call Lightning" on the crystal's facet and wraps a dyed lock around the pendant, places it near the bottle, bows to Anthony, passing him the chalk **
** (2) Anthony writes "Commune with Median Life" on teh crystal, works a bit to get a lock of hair and finally wrapps it around the pendant with a puzzled look. **
** (2) Anthony takes hsi penant and places it in the center near hte bottle **
** (3) Bald Guy writes a rune none of you recognise on the crystal and places it in front of him. **
(3) Bald Guy: "When the moment is right place your pendent in the bottle to seal the spell. You will know when it is right."
(3) Bald Guy: (yay for giant rituals.. okay so.. first off each of you roll Resolve + Occult +fate please doesn't matter if you don't have fate)
(3) Bald Guy: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],4,2,9,5,6] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,6,3] = (0)
(3) Bald Guy: (that was Kassie.. bloody alias
(2) Anthony: resolve 1 + occult -3 + fate 0 = chance die [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] vs 8 result of a failure
(3) Bald Guy: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,5,3] = (1)
(3) Bald Guy: (for roger ))
(1) Kurtis: ((resolve 3 + occult 1 and still fail))
(3) Bald Guy: [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,8,9,6,5,5,1,[10, 4],1,2,4] = (4)
(1) Kurtis: ((i hope we dont totally fuck this up just yet))
(3) Bald Guy: (8 successes isn't bad twice what he got on his own)
(3) Bald Guy: (and now the flavor text)
** (3) Bald Guy chants in that language you cannot understand, spiced with High Speech, the rythm of his voice drawing you into the ebb and flow of fate, feeling the strands of destiny coil and twist around you like leaves caught in the wind, held in place by spider webs, jest before you feel as if your mind would real from the spinning weave you feel compelled to set your necklace into the bottle submerging it in the liquid it contains **
** (1) Kurtis drops his necklace into the bottle when he feels the compelling urge to do so **
** (1) Kurtis doesnt know what else he can do or which power to apply to help the process **
(3) Bald Guy: (good job Kurtis you winzor)
(3) Bald Guy: (lol)
(1) Kurtis: (kinda rolled a 0 so clueless)
(1) Kurtis: ((tony doesnt win lol))
** (3) Bald Guy after a moment draws all of the pendents out of the bottle, each one now dotted with 8 drops frozen on their metal surfaces **
(3) Bald Guy: "Use these only when your need is great, for they will grant you great fortune but only for a moment."
(2) Anthony: "And how would I active it?"
(3) Bald Guy: (so... what that means is... you have 8 chances to use these necklaces, and each necklace will give you the chance to reroll 8's & 9's as well as 10's on 1 die roll
** (1) Kurtis bows and accepts the pendant, placing it on his neck instead of the "Hard Rock" pendant he bought ast year for 45 bucks. **
(2) Anthony: (( ahh ))
(3) Bald Guy: "Remove a stone remove your luck"
(2) Anthony: "Sio I now have my own lucky charm."
** (3) Kassidy aka Kassandra takes the necklace and places it around her neck carefully **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "And the extra necklace?
(1) Kurtis: "Luck... such a vague entity, but I feel it helps in those moment when you're up against uncertainty."
(3) Bald Guy: "For the lost one."
** (2) Anthony takes the necklace and wears it underhis shirt **
(2) Anthony: "For the who now?"
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin Lang."
(2) Anthony: "Ahh, yes. Okay."
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: mmhmm
** (1) Kurtis takes the necklace "We will find him and give it to him." **
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (roger puts his on and says something bewilderedish))
(1) Kurtis: "Thank you, very much."
(1) Kurtis: ((roger says something like "omg what is this all about?"
(2) Anthony: (( falling asleep here ))
(1) Kurtis: ((ok we ready for box?))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: we ready for box yes
(1) Kurtis: ((good scene to end episode))
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: mmhmm
(3) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Box me
(1) Kurtis:
Next Time on Mage: To find Tristin Lang

(3) GM Claire: Thank ya
(1) Kurtis: ((gg))
(2) Anthony: (( good sessi, 6 exp, thx ))
(3) GM Claire: you already have your xp yes.
(3) GM Claire: any spending peeps?
(1) Kurtis: ((hoards exp)) NO!
(3) GM Claire: Fine!
(1) Kurtis: Thats right!
(3) GM Claire: I didn't want the XP anyway :P
(2) Anthony: no. need to save up
(1) Kurtis: smart smart
(3) GM Claire: (takes Tristin's )
(3) GM Claire: hehe
(1) Kurtis: next time maybe spend
(2) Anthony: night
(1) Kurtis: prime 3 or forces 4, thinking forces 4
(3) GM Claire: night
(1) Kurtis: nite serp
(1) Kurtis: killin servah
(2) Anthony: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Anthony (exit): 04:35
Downtimes: Kurt

** (3) Gypsie Woman opens a curtain for you to step through, her eye pupils are milky with cataracts. **
(3) Gypsie Woman: Inside you will find clues to obtain what you seek, young sorcerer.
** (1) Kurtis bows in thanks to the woman and enters. **
(3) Gypsie Woman: inside is a table with a giant crystal ball, the woman follows and sits you down at the table inviting you to concentrate
** (1) Kurtis sits down and concentrates on the crystal ball **
(3) Gypsie Woman: Which is that what you seek?
(1) Kurtis: "Power. I seek power. A tool to help me shape the world and vanquish the enemies hunting us."
** (3) Gypsie Woman closes her eyes and puts her hands on your temples, as you leave your body and now you are in a dojo, smells of cedar and pine, an old chinese smith works at the forge. **
(1) Kurtis: "Hello. Um. Greetings. I'm Kurtis. Can you please help me craft a path tool?"
** (3) Spirit Smith turns away from the forge to you and looks you over **
(3) Spirit Smith: Do you wish for a tool or a weapon?
(1) Kurtis: "A sword. Big, two handed. Something european, if you know where that is"
** (3) Spirit Smith nods **
(3) Spirit Smith: How do you intend to use it?
(1) Kurtis: "I will protect my fellow mages who aim to save the mysterious books from Jones"
(3) Spirit Smith: A sword is capable of evil as it is of good. You will have to make it yourself.
(1) Kurtis: "Can you guide me?"
(3) Spirit Smith: I will guide you if you swear to bring about the end of the man who threatens your friends.
(1) Kurtis: "Oh I swear. I'll bring about the end of Jones alright. Don't know how, don't know when, but I'll be there when he falls. I will make that day come true."
** (3) Spirit Smith nods **
(3) Spirit Smith: Orichalk, lunargent, and hermium are the three perfected metals from which the best is made. Gold, silver, and mercury. But you will forge your sword from steel.
** (1) Kurtis bows again and rolls up his sleeves, unbuttoning down the shirt. **
** (3) Spirit Smith heats up the forge again, bringing out a molding form of a fitting blade design, and hands Kurtis a pair of gloves, preparing a crucible and instructing Kurtis on molding the sword **
(3) Spirit Smith: You must meditate and dedicate your path to this mighty weapon, and keep it closely bonded. It will take you a day and a night you must spend with it together.
(3) Spirit Smith: ((i'll get you the details later, you spend a day and a night there, and then will awaken, and the sword will be there at the gypsie's room))
(1) Kurtis: ((sounds good, i'll drop a point into Crafts, cause that would be his first attempt at something like this.))
(1) Kurtis : Disconnecting from server...
(1) Kurtis (exit): 08:25
(3) Spirit Smith : Disconnecting from server...
(3) Spirit Smith (exit): 08:25