Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(4) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:51
(2) Eve Kline (enter): 18:51
(3) Dante (enter): 18:51
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Eve Kline: :P!
(3) Dante: But you see, the lack of a 1 will be the unspoken proof.
(2) Eve Kline: I don't care.
(3) Dante: :P
(2) Eve Kline: love you eric
(2) Eve Kline: XD!!!
(4) Konrad Knox: im sorry do you guys need to do a little of (||) <==8 to figure out who's on top?>
(4) Konrad Knox: 8===> (||) to figure who's on top?
** (3) Dante blinks. **
(2) Eve Kline: umm... No I won't have sex with your best friend to see who's on top?
(2) Eve Kline: >.>
(4) Konrad Knox: party pooper
(2) Eve Kline: I know huh? I'm horrible
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(4) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:54
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Eve Kline (enter): 18:54
(3) Dante (enter): 18:54
(3) Dante: omg... I've had AVA running the whole time. Still logged in, somehow
(2) Eve Kline: wow
(5) Justin (enter): 18:55
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve Kline...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Dante...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Justin...
(4) Konrad Knox: so, who's down in da hoood?
(3) Dante: yo mama?
(4) Konrad Knox: shit, anyone remember what we were doing?
(5) Justin: Uhh.. sorry for not being here last night ppl.
(3) Dante: No.
(5) Justin: The building just blew up right?
(3) Dante: Educated guess based on statistical probability?
(5) Justin: Indeed.
(4) Konrad Knox: apology accepted Jon. Eric, stand up, walk up to Jon and punch him in the face. A good hard punch. Come on.
(2) Eve Kline: We umm.. had just... killed Diana
(2) Eve Kline: ...and were heading home?
(2) Eve Kline: XP for everyone?
(3) Dante: Yeah, Diana's dead, we got the gem.
** (5) Justin bares his jaw for Dante **
(2) Eve Kline: *wonders if he will buy ig*
(5) Justin: Come on hit me, I want you to hit me!
(3) Dante: Kinky.
(2) Eve Kline: ...
(2) Eve Kline: get a room you two
(5) Justin: Fuck yeah it is you dirty little boxer.
(5) Justin: Put on those gloves.
(5) Justin: What is that red? Sexy.
(4) Konrad Knox: you all seen tropic thunder right?
(5) Justin: I bet you didn't even wrap your knuckles. And no.
(4) Konrad Knox: tom cruise as director
(3) Dante: (( Impromptu Psychic Control - Gnosis 3, Mind 4, Willpower 3 = 10 ))
(3) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,3,3,[10, 3],3,7,4,8,6] = (3)
(2) Eve Kline: well.. you should have.
(5) Justin: My apologies.
(4) Konrad Knox: ok, this movie producer he owns this studio, and runs it remotely via screen, super hardass guy. One of his guys fucked up, and he looks at him, then looks at the big janitor and says "you. come up to him and punch him in the face"
(3) Dante: I have seen it, yes
(2) Eve Kline: Eeeeeps! Our upstairs Neigbors are like... reinacting Jurassic Park...
(2) Eve Kline: *hides in the suv with the giant sunroof and hopes they don't notice her*
(3) Dante: They're breeding ancient dinosaurs from preserved fossil DNA stuffs?
(5) Justin: Kinky.
(2) Eve Kline: They are banging around loudly
(3) Dante: Kinkier.
(4) Konrad Knox: Nobody move a muscle. They react to motion.
(5) Justin: Kinkiest.
(2) Eve Kline: They learned how to slam doors!
(4) Konrad Knox: Okay. So Eve and Lord Frederick Storm just got to first base, he started touching her and cheek-cuddling. Dante is talking to the Acanthus Madam Chanel, who found out thanks to him that the panicked twin Redrick is panicking. The lady in red is standing around chatting with a fat black guy in a top hat, two wierd looking gents in tuxes stand still drinking their glasses and stare at each other's faces, without talking, they exchanged glances with Redrick as he started towards the bar. Kurtis is chatting with miss Clara Remington, whose husband Theodore supposedly does accounting for this place. And Justin is being pleasured by Charlotte, Eden, Morgan, Lesley, and Brad, and then asked to take a suitcase from a certain general in the hottub, just as a man fitting description walks in through the buffet lounge towards gambling room.... sounds about right?
(5) Justin: Umm, yeah.
(4) Konrad Knox: log is available for reference here
(4) Konrad Knox: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Session25k.html
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): let me know when everyone's ready, review notes, etc. Everyone in the mood to do this?
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): map reflects most current situation described last time
(5) Justin: Gotcha.
(3) Dante: Uh, ya. Mood will come to me.
(2) Eve Kline: *peers around*...
(3) Dante: Awww, you didn't post the rape-isode.
(2) Eve Kline: *pokes the game with a stick*
(2) Eve Kline: I think its dead jim.
(5) Justin: Eh?
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Claire, you ready?
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): you didnt reply so i assumed you're mooding-up
(2) Eve Kline: oh.
(2) Eve Kline: >.
(5) Justin: Que?
(2) Eve Kline: why don't < signs work?>
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): aka andrew's new song?
(3) Dante: I don't know.
(2) Eve Kline: umm...
(2) Eve Kline: less than signs?
(3) Dante: Andrew WK?
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): mamuteo?
(2) Eve Kline: > = greater than...
(3) Dante: asawasaw?
(3) Dante: Yeah, you cant do less-than. Never could >.>
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Bee Good God Honey?
(3) Dante: Pollen Patsy, Preventative Position?
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, so, it's your moves. Plan your poses after the box.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): last moves recap:
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): EVE:
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Lord Storm says: "I admire your wit, insight, and charisma, Eve. May I?" - he brushes his strong hot veined hand over your shoulder, and touches your neck, gently, asking for permission, very slowly, with his rough cheek. He smells nice. To compare, this is not Kurtis's obsessed grope. This is a slide, a gentle placement.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (7) Dante: (Justin) " in this case" ((continued from previous)) (Kurtis) Yes, your sword is still marked, as far as I can wager.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (7) Dante: (Broadcast) *momentary transmission of dead-"air" with an overtly heavy feeling of exhaustion before total silence from Dante*
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (5) Eve Kline: You okay there dante what was that dead air? *keeps her thoughts from leaking over the link like he asked ealier*
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): JUSTIN
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you can percieve matter. Leather seats, metal tables, ceramic plates, glasses made of crystal glass, silk on the girls, hi carpet, both guards packing UZIs, walls made of sheetrock, on top of wooden frame with reinforced steel skeleton. What else do u wanna read in your surroundings? You got 3 map-inches of radius
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): DANTE:
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ** (7) Dante looks to the one known as Madam Chanel and arches a brow. "Bookwork from a man with documents on Diana? Why am I to help you? Do you intend to erase a paper trail, or are you perhaps someone attempting to bring Diana down, as you appear to imply?" (( minus 4? Fuck that. I've already had terrible dice with rolling 6. rolling 3 is going to be even worse. )) **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (2) Madam Chanel: "I'll leave you with what you need to know. You take the job, I'll answer a question."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): JUSTIN:
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (3) Justin: I want to read the suitcase, also going to glance over Charlotte to see if she really is high/aroused, or if she is just saying she is. (Fuckyeah paranoid virgin)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the case is bulletproof mold of steel and titanium, and it's empty. Charlotte is aroused, but high - not so much, meaning, you can see her system IS handling it. And her hormones spike. To get her actual FEELINGS at those bodily reactions - you cannot.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): And this is between Dante and Kurtis:
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (2) Kurtis: "Remington... yeah... her names Clara, Clara Remington, and her husband is... Ted or somethin... dude, these drinks are spiked with so much fuckin quintessense. I'm full on it, but i'm also shut down somehow... I gotta find a coke dealer somewhere, I'm fuckin gonzing man, this psychodelic shit aint good.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (7) Dante: (Kurtis) The woman beside me wants me to find Mr. Remington. Says he's got important bookwork on Diana's finances that could tear her operations apart if they fell into the wrong hands. Just can't quite make her out without getting inside her head.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): and then... there's a confusing spam of sex crazed blabber in Dante's head from Kurtis and Justin
(3) Dante: (( lol yes ))

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(4) Konrad Knox (GM):
Party up, animals! Mage Episode omfg 26!!

(2) Eve Kline: ((now remind me... did I give Lord of the Dance.. I mean Lord Storm permission to continue kissy face touching?)
** (4) Lord Storm looks at you with a smile, the charming aged man, a mix of Sean Connery and Patrick Steward, if the second still had ponytailable hair. He touches your cheek, his eyes transfixed on your lips, but he keeps himself steady, he doesnt speak a request of permission, but rather reads body language, a lean towards him one inch will connect you, a lean an inch away will separate you **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): REMINDER: (5) Eve Kline: "Well thank you, you are certainly an interesting conversation partner." *smiles and leans minutely into the touch encouraging the change in topic*
** (4) Lord Storm will now attempt to kiss you by means of nibbling softly on your upper lip, then the lower lip, and will try to cup a feel of your thigh, Eve **
(4) Kurtis: Okay man. Clara's going to introduce me to Remington. You wanna follow me? Might need some cover. Where's Eve anyway?
** (2) Eve Kline tries very hard not to think of the song "its getting hot in here" keeping her thoughts from broadcasting while she allows Fredrick to kiss her placing a hand lightly around his shoulder and another on his hand over her thigh **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): At this time, we'll assume another 10 minutes passed, and we all get another wits+composure perception roll chance, to keep sharp track of our surroundings details. So, everyone who still wants to look around and notice anything unusual - roll wits+ composure. Specifying what you look for - will help notice what your interest is
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Yeah, let me just wrap this up first. I think Eve is speaking with another of the Acanthus group that I am now with. Not sure of their exact location.
** (2) Eve Kline rolls wits plus comp to discretely observe anyone coming into the sauna area **
(5) Justin: Wits 2 Composure 4 = 6 Reactions of people towards the man with the suitcase that had just entered.
(5) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,8,5,5,1] = (2)
(2) Eve Kline: (wit + comp = 7)
(2) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [3,7] = (10)
(2) Eve Kline: (opps)
(2) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],6,9,9,[10, 2],[10, 5],8] = (6)
(4) Madam Chanel: "Oh, you are good, you are... mmm-mmm-good, warlock. You will go far. Of course, it's not by fate that you will help me. It is by what I make fate be. If I can convince you that my goal is in persuit of truth, then your fate will become to help me. At this point you still may refuse, but that will turn the fate around. However you put the terms, i will know it before you will. As for purposes of my obfuscation - you can't trust most people at this party unless you knew them a long while."
(2) Eve Kline: (omg)
(3) Dante: (( Eve sees the universe? ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((I see everything))
(3) Dante: (( You are the One. ))
** (2) Eve Kline *changes the matrix* **
(3) Dante: "Yes, I understand quite well about mistrust in groups, small or large - artificial or naturally occuring. But the unknowable factor of your intention is simply too haphazard a predicament for me to give my word in your aid. Perhaps my curiosity must remain unquenched." (Kurtis) So this Clara gal will take you to Mr. Remington then? I was beginning to worry I'd have to strike a bargain with this Acanthus.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Okay, Justin, you see that Charlotte, aka lady with the veil, hides her face behind your shoulder and tenses a bit, trying to conceal herself from the general. All her friends, as well, look at him, and have a moment of very tense faces, then acting like nothing happened, but still keeping the guy in the side vision, following him with their eyes. The general himself is holding a glass of wine, and a bulletproof suitcase, which to your matter sight looks empty inside. He's wearing green uniform pants with two thick red stripes down their length, a medal-decorated jacket and a round hat. As he walks past the buffet and into gambling room, people don't really mind him, nobody bows or parts their way, he's pretty much ignored despite the uniform
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you sense three other auras nearby, they are across the walls from you, all are stranger to you, resonating with spirit magic, one aura is in the men's changing room, and two auras are in the women's dressing room. You hear quiet moaning from somewhere to you left, also behind the wall. Keen observation helps you note that the sauna's temperature controls are located outside the sauna's doors, which technically is a sfaety concern, since one could lock someone inside and raise the heat, but then you spot a safety lever on the inside of the sauna room, just behind Lord Storm's shoulder on the wall, which releases the steam instantly into a vent, thus making the sauna user safe from suffocation. Anything else you'd like to note? You have plenty of successes for details if you look for specifics
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Dante, want to look about with wits+comp?))
(3) Dante: (( dont have any specific interests, but I will roll for general perceptions, yes ))
(3) Dante: (( wits + comp = 6 ))
(3) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,1,8,2,2] = (1)
(2) Eve Kline: apparent exits? any chatter? Can I guess at Lords Storm's intentions with his romantic advances? Besides the obvious))
(4) Madam Chanel: "My intention is to chat with the accountant and take a look at those papers, or just bypass talking to the accountant in the first place. I was asked to do an audit by a third party, neutral to Diana and her business. Let's just say you'd be doing me a favor and I would owe you one. Perhaps I should first ask what affiliation with Diana you hold yourself? Of course, I could ready it from your past, but I find such methods too intrusive."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the joint saunas are organized in private booths, with thick cloth between them, right now there are nobody in thej oint saunas, the women in the lady sauna sound like they're having a bit of naughty lesbian activity, you hear "bumsen Sie mich, Retta, bumsen sie mich!". To guess at Storm's intentions you need a wits+empathy roll.
(2) Eve Kline: (wits + emp = 4+
(2) Eve Kline: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,6,[10, 4]] = (1)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): The exits are marked on the map, the joint saunas have two exit doors north, and there is a potential getaway exit through the vent shaft, it's a jumpable distance if you manage to hop on a bench, and then on top of a booth dividing frame
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, Storm reads to you the way a riddle does, he's obviously enticed by your figure and overall appearance, seeing you in your bikini, got him not just aroused but outright horny, he looks like he trusts you, but the eyes of the man are so deep that you remember to keep caution, as you realize more may hide beneath the charmed guise
** (3) Dante smirks a bit, amused by the inquisitive turn-around. "I am not directly affiliated with Diana, either, though her business and aims do possess my thoughts to a degree. I am simply trying to establish the truth of the situation, perhaps not entirely dissimilar from your present situation. Though I do not report to any officials that wish an audit of her expenses. And I would tend to agree that intrusive measures are unnecessary, though I suppose that is a given. Not all of us cherish the publicity of our exploits. You would find it equally impudent of me to attempt to detect untruths in your words, I am sure." Dante leans back a bit in the seat, his smirk spread softer and wider into a contented smile. **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you sir, notice two things. The live band has 5 instruments. But by the wall, there are 6 cases. All carrying cases matching the instruments shape, but one extra one is locked with a lock hanging on the loops, a celio carrying case. You notice that there is already a celio player playing an actual celio and his celio case is open, so are all the other, except the extra case. Second thing you notice is a lady in red who gestures a waiter and takes a strawberry off a large platter, and as he walks away, she puts the strawberry into her hair, and substitutes it with the strawberry shaped hair-pin, quickly placing the pin on the platter.
(4) Kurtis: Yeah. She told me Remington's playing poker somewhere here. We'll go find a poker table.
(5) Justin: Dante, is anyone in the sauna right now? There was supposed to be a general guy with a suitcase in a sauna, but he just walked by me, I don't know what to think about this.
(3) Dante: (Justin) Eve is in the sauna, with some older Acanthus man; she's gathering information I presume. Best not say anything to Kurtis about that if you cross paths. I don't know anything about a general or a suitcase though.
(3) Dante: (( lolwtfrudoinwithastrawburryinurhairlolz? ))
(4) Madam Chanel: "You would never do that, mister player man. You're too honorable and too cautious. My son is involved in Diana's operations. I need to know if he's in trouble and needs to cash out now or if there's profit to be made."
(2) Eve Kline: ((hehehe))
(5) Justin: Ask her, and I can't really talk directly with Kurtis, we're all linked to you, not linked to eachother through you.
(3) Dante: (Justin)I'm aware of how the link is working. I just mean that if you two cross paths. But I will ask, yes. (Eve) Do you know anything about some General, or a suitcase of any kind? Justin seems to be under the impression that a general carrying a suitcase was supposed to be there, but is currently elsewhere. I'm.. not sure what to make of his question or his information.
(2) Eve Kline: /me what kind of suitcase? Do we know what its made of or whats in it? I can't exactally wander into the mens dressing room and not look out of place
(3) Dante: "I can be made to do what is necessary, but you do have me there, Madame. I fear you may actually be compelling me with your story, in truth. You said earlier that if I agree to your task, I may ask you a question. What might I attempt to glean from my singular, humble question?"
** (4) Madam Chanel hands you a business card, Dante. It says Madam Chanel Lenos, Fortuna Enterprise, and a phone number **
(3) Dante: (Eve) Yeah, I dont know. Let me see if I can find out more. (Justin) What kind of suitcase? What exactly is she supposed to be looking for? She says she can't exactly walk into the mens area without looking out of place.
(2) Eve Kline: ((did I notice any suitcases?))
** (4) Lord Storm at this point will try to transfer the kiss into french **
** (3) Dante takes the business card in hand and looks over it, flipping it over in a casual display of inspection. **
(4) Lord Storm: ((Eve, among Storm's belongings there was a suitcase, it's not with him now, but it was when he entered locker room))
(3) Dante: (( lol, Stormy, waddaplaya ))
** (2) Eve Kline allows Lord sean-connery-wannabe Storm to do some tongue playing, teases her own tongue in and out and along his tongue to give him just a little encouragement **
** (4) Lady with the veil tugs on Justin's sleeve. "I think that's him. I so don't want to be near him, could you just get that case and come back, please?" **
(5) Justin: I assume it is a black bulletproof suitcase like the one I just saw. The man is a military man, a general, I think, who is supposed to be waiting to fornicate with a young girl in the Sauna.. oh wow. Hey can you get a mental image from me and send it to Eve?
(4) Madam Chanel: Dante, which hand are you taking business card with?
** (5) Justin glances to Charlotte, his brow raised **
(5) Justin: "Why do you need that suitcase?
(5) Justin: "
(3) Dante: (( Left ))
(5) Justin: "And you said he'd be in the Sauna right?"
(3) Dante: (Justin) Yeah, I could try. Send away.
(4) Lady with the veil: "I'm supposed to deliver it. But I'm also supposed to be "entertaining" him, you know... like one of the courtisans... But I'd much rather entertain you, my intoxicating American Justin."
** (5) Justin concentrates for a moment, on the sight of the general with the suitcase, and attempts to send that distilled image through the mental link as he does his thoughts **
(4) Madam Chanel: ((Dante, are you wearing a watch on the left hand?))
(3) Dante: (( I don't remember whether or not I am. Can we assume yes? XD ))
(5) Justin: "I understand that, why would he want to skip out on your entertainment? Why would he not be where he was supposed to be? And does he know you were supposed to be delivering it?"
(4) Madam Chanel: ((Yes it is. Sucka.))
** (5) Justin draws his brows together, in an attempt to chase back his own thoughts from the fog that the quintessence created **
(3) Dante: (( *shrugs* I am quite pro at trap-falling ))
** (4) Madam Chanel touches the watch on your hand with a feather light slip of a sliding finger as you take her card, all in one fluid motion and part of transaction. **
(4) Madam Chanel: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,4,9,2,2,9,4] = (3)
(3) Dante: (( contesting? ))
(4) Madam Chanel: ((damn, and u dont even get to resist. uh uh))
(4) Madam Chanel: Dante, you don't feel anything wrong with you
(3) Dante: (( ... ))
(3) Dante: (( I dont get to resist a spell on me? ))
(4) Madam Chanel: (( not this spell, nope, staring at it in the book. you dont even have the arcana to feel it ))
(3) Dante: (( Alright, whatever. Lets keep it going. ))
(2) Eve Kline: /me thinks Fredrick Storm here had a suitcase when he came into the sauna, don't know where it is now probably mens dressing room didn't check what was in its, I'll do a scan for it.
(2) Eve Kline: ((so... either our neigbors are having really scary sex... or a fairly normal fight... eeeeps... so glad we are moving soon))
(3) Dante: (( Indeed ))
(4) Lady with the veil: Justin, Charlotte is not making it easy to think. Eden is fondling your crotch, and Charlotte is nibbling on your neck, hiding in it like a cute defenseless litthe thing. The sight of Morgan dry-jacking Brad through his clothes is also still right in front of you.
** (4) Lord Storm now unleashes a teaser of his own passion, sucking your salive through his lips, milking your tongue with his tongue, he goes for a pleasure-gifting touch, to the base of your spine, just wher your swim pants end, he fingers the lining. To think straight please give a willpower roll, or there might be some heart rate increasing **
(2) Eve Kline: (willpower is 7 can I spend one to get a plus 3 lol?)0
(4) Madam Chanel: "A singular, humble question. What may I attempt to glean from one humble inquiry? I look at you once, and i know that you aquired this suit but a few hours ago, and did not pay for it either, you had it resized, and you travelled in company of four. A single inquiry at your hand, and I did not even have to talk to it. Do you think a question will allow you less?"
(4) Madam Chanel: ((yes Eve you can spend willpower on resistance roll))
(2) Eve Kline: ((hurray so i'll have 10))
(2) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,3,6,5,1,4,2,6,2] = (1)
(2) Eve Kline: (lame)
(4) Lord Storm: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,8,6,9] = (2)
(4) Lord Storm: Eve's this guy is doing a damn good job as a lover. He nailed a spot, and the combination of warm water, his touch, and his voice make you shiver and your thoughts... well, describe your lust as you will. He says into your ear "It's okay, Miss Martin, we're all alone. Nobody will enter for a loooong tiiiime..."
** (5) Justin groans and attempts to slide out of the seat, as the girls work at fizzling his throughts away, taking note of the hallway the man walked beyond, as he attempts to stand **
(4) Lady with the veil: "Justin, please!..." - half whispers, "It's complicated, I don't want to be near that man. Pleeeease?"
(5) Justin: "It's very obviously complicated, so much so that it's difficult to come to a conclusion, when you're doing such a damn good job of.. distracting me."
(4) Lady with the veil: "He's touched me before, done me before, slept with me, his sweaty alcohol soaked hands, fat little fingers, the way he gloats at his influence on people, please, Justin..."
** (4) Lady with the veil grovels **
(4) Lady with the veil: "Don't make me go back to him... I want to spend the night with you."
** (5) Justin straightens as the description puts that sour taste in his mouth, the result of a fair upbringing, and the righteous fury of being in a situation to help and defend a damsel in distress, however twisted the particular situation might be **
(5) Justin: "Who is he?"
(2) Eve Kline: (is that susposed to be in a seductive voice... or does it sound like a veiled threat?))
(4) Lady with the veil: "If you save me, American, I will do anything you want, tonight. And I promise you - I will thoroughly enjoy it."
(4) Lord Storm: (Eve, very seductive, very calming, very horny voice of a guy who digs you and wants to spread your legs and give it to you hard right there in the water)
(4) Lord Storm: (He practically whispers it into your ear and blows a bit of hot air into your hair)
(5) Justin: "Wait, there isn't even anything in the suitcase, why would anyone even want it?"
** (3) Dante looks to a spot on the table and sets the business card down where his eyes are. He doesn't look up from that spot, his eyebrows knitting slightly. "You tell at a glance that I arrive with a group, do you? The guards at the door could verify or disprove that statement, or anyone else who witnessed my own entrance. I'm afraid I don't follow where your question goes, nor your presumptions." **
(4) Lady with the veil: "He's some... war hero, Lingort i think is his name... General Lingort, him and his buddies frequent such parties, and often pay for young people like us to be present. They don't arrange service like pimps would, but it's expected that if we come and party for free, we have to do whatever they want. He's a VIP guest here, and his hands wander."
** (4) Lady with the veil looks at Justin **
(5) Justin: "Answer the question please, who would want an empty suitcase?"
(4) Lady with the veil: "The suitcase is empty? I don't know, it's probably hidden somehow, I only have to deliver to the guy who's supposed to pick it up. They don't get along with Lingort well, so I'm the middle man and a pleasure whore in one."
(5) Justin: "Who are you delivering to?"
** (2) Eve Kline says in her own seductive purr "That sounds promising..." while running her nail tips down from his shoulder to his mid back. **
(2) Eve Kline: any news on this suitcase?
** (5) Justin stares at charlotte as he asks, doing his best to piece things together, through the conversation **
(3) Dante: (Eve) Justin was going to send me an image to try to send to you. Haven't gotten anything specific yet.
(4) Madam Chanel: "What I presume, warlock, is that with just a glance I was able to harvest a bundle of information about you, and I didn't have to ask a question. And I am just a stupid superstitious woman, while you are sharp and agile, and will have a benefit of asking a question for free. A question of a fortune teller. Is there nothing you'd like to know?"
(5) Justin: The man with the suitcase is General Lingort, I think he's the one who ordered the military raid on the free council. He has a suitcase that seems to be empty, I think it has some sort of enchantment on it, like maybe a space spell that is inside, which reaches to whatever it contains from somewhere else. This girl needs to deliver it to somebody who obviously doesn't like the General.
(4) Kurtis: Excuse me, oh... that was to her. I gotta take a leak real quick. Drank too much. We'll be going to the poker room then. I'll keep you posted on Remington.
(5) Justin: The General is going to the poker room, I'm supposed to get the suitcase and give it to Charlotte, so she can give it to her higher up, who I presume is at the party.
** (4) Lord Storm tightens his grip on Eve's thigh, as another hand goes to her breast. Dante, now with every transmission from Eve, you can hear her moan, or a broken breath, or a dirty thought, since her composure is faultered by the man's advances. **
** (4) Lady with the veil looks at Justin **
(4) Lady with the veil: "Well, you just give it to me, and I'll take care of it. I'm not supposed to tell, or I'll be in trouble. It's nothing bad, Justin, you won't get in trouble."
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) I'll catch up with you. It'll be less suspicious that way, anyway. (Justin) Okay, the poker room. I'm headed that direction. We'll figure things out there, I guess. Kurtis will be there too. (Eve) Eve, Kurtis and I are heading to the poker room. Seems we have several things going on at once here. "Fortune teller, I do not assume that you gleaned information from a glance, but that is inconsequential at this time. You seek my assistance and I will give it, with the question being asked at the end of this transaction."
(5) Justin: "I'll check it out."
** (4) Madam Chanel smiles **
** (5) Justin eyes the girl for just a moment, before turning and stepping off towards the door **
(4) Madam Chanel: "Exactly as I saw it, warlock. Good luck to you. I'll meet you on the balcony at the smoking deck. God Bless."
(5) Justin: Dante, keep an eye on anything weird going on, I have a feeling that there are plots ontop of plots ontop of plots in this party, but then maybe it's just the drinks and pills.
(4) Madam Chanel: "Oh. One more thing. Please, don't drink and drive. I really like your spark."
(2) Eve Kline: ((she likes my spark!!!))
(5) Justin: ((Shee likes my sppaaaark! *revives*))
(4) Kurtis: Leak leak, take a leak, take a leak leak leak. Piss piss piss... damn it, it's so hard it's embarassing. Wish I had a girl or two. Hmm. If a japanese girl was here, i could pee AND have sex at the same time... which one's men's? Ah there it is.
** (4) Kurtis is strolling towards men's bathrooms **
** (3) Dante nibbles gently on his lower lip, nodding to the woman's words. "The smoking deck. Drinking and driving? Madame, you are the one who said I was too cautious." He grins slightly and looks to his destination; the direction of the balcony. (Justin) Yeah, this place is pure anarchy hidden amongst the organization. **
(3) Dante: "Oh, one last thing. When do we meet?"
** (3) Dante visibly shudders, blocking out Kurtis' thoughts. **
(5) Justin: You seen anything weird sofar?
(2) Eve Kline: Several things indeed. Should I scan around for the suticase before I become completely distracted?
(3) Dante: (Justin) Only everything. I've been speaking with an Acanthus who appears to have neutral business to attend to with Diana, though she cannot get close to Diana for it. I'm working with her at the moment, though she does happen to know a few things about me I'd rather have kept secret. (Broadcast) Okay everyone. Our biggest lead so far is waiting for us in the poker room. I can't recall enough details from all of you to summarize completely, but there may be something to do with the suitcase, Mr. Remington, and Diana all wrapped up into the operations of the next couple hours. Kurtis is heading to the poker room, Justin should probably follow suit. (To Eve) I dont know what you've gotten yourself into, but be careful. The man you're with must be as dangerous as the woman I am currently consorting with. Justin mentioned piles and piles of plots and I am inclined to agree.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, as you walk, the lighting becomes dim, the corridor is not well lit, the buffet atmosphere changes into soothing red velvet, luxurious carpets and even walls are covered with this material, color is cherry red, it's exciting, it looks like a casino, you never been to a place like this before, it reeks of misery, loss, desperation, fear, danger, excitement, glory, victory, luck, and success. A room with a roulette table and a dealer is the first thing you see. To the side - a poker room, covered with a pair of curtains. There's a dealer and two gamblers playing roulette right now.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): The roulette hits the 00 as you enter.
(3) Dante: (( I will be glad when I can terminate this brain-farting mindlink ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Previous results are 21, 22, 18, 31,28, 4, 00
** (5) Justin eyes the table, his brows drawn together as he's never really been introduced to a similar device before, instead of studying it, he looks around at the dealer and players **
(4) Kurtis: Ya, poker room, right after my bladder's empty.
** (4) Kurtis is peeing **
** (2) Eve Kline begins to tease her fingers along the waist band of Storm's swimmie shorts and... completely loses track of anything dante might have tried to tell her XD **
** (4) Kurtis looks around with supernal vision **
(4) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,7,7,4,2,1] = (0)
(2) Eve Kline: ((no he doesn't))
(4) Kurtis: all clear... la la la, safe to pee. Oh, i wonder... what the forces of piss look like...
(4) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 6],3,9,7,[10, 5],7,8,8,1] = (5)
(5) Justin: ((Specialty: Urinary Force))
(4) Kurtis: Damn... liquid velocity is just as traceable as solid...
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you at this point detect Kurtis's resonanse to your left, men's bathroom, right across the wall
(4) Kurtis: Dun du-dun dun dun. Okay. Just a peek to see if there's any pervy asian chicks in the sauna and i'll be right there.
(3) Dante: (( Acanthus then appears behind Kurtis and whispers, "Your fate says you will get a tract infection. Or does it? Bwahahah!" ))
** (4) Madam Chanel looks at Dante **
(4) Madam Chanel: "We will meet in one hour and seventeen minutes if you succeed, and in four months, five days, six hours and eleven seconds if you fail. Go with God's help."
(5) Justin: ((Hah! Dante survives the night!))
** (2) Eve Kline slows in her intimate dealings frowning slightly as she feels the resonanse **
(3) Dante: "Strange to hear a future-worker speak of God. I will see you there, Madame Mystery." (( Not if I die due to success >_> ))
(5) Justin: ((Yeah, or maybe she just meets your ghost.))
** (4) Lord Storm is quite a surprising pleasure to touch, sure he's not the young stallion he was once, there is some hair on his stomach that's more gray than it is black, but damn are those muscles in shape. Most of the man's weight is in his shoulders. He has the hands of a laborer who works for a living. He now proceed to bite at your earlobe, and his hands greedily squeeze your ass, Eve, as he lifts you, hoping you'll catch the momentum and wrap legs around him. It feel a little dirty, a bit sinful, kind of like daddy's girl doing something naughty. The thought does cross your mind. **
** (3) Dante lets out a held breath as Eve's moaning and various surface expressions wane from the slowed intimacy, then begins walking to the poker room to meet with Justin and presumably Kurtis. **
(2) Eve Kline: ((blah... blah blah... blah blah blah... blah. Umm.. yeah.. totally can't think of something to write ICly now...))
(2) Eve Kline: ((what are the chances of this becoming a deeply dramatic and moviesque moment of Eve wrapping her legs around sexy connory-Storm man and Kurtis stepping in right at that moment...)
(3) Dante: (( Oooh, embarassed? ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the dealer is a young man of age 31, smoker, cancer in left lung, early stage. The roulette table is made of wood and the device itself is cast aluminum, thats most you care to gather, no magnets or rigs or anything you'd expect from such a place from what they said in church. The dealer is focused on the ball and ensuring nobody moves their chips while the ball is rolling. The players are two men, one's a copy of Mark Twain, but with red hair instead of white, and one's a green young lad, around your age, excited, loud, drunk, going "yeah baby! go go go!" The general passes right by the roulette and foes into the poker room directly. He leaves the wine glass empty on the table, and picks up another one from a cruising waiter
(3) Dante: (( I'd say....exactly a million to 1 ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((pfff conflicted... can't decide which Eve would do slow down or proceed))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((roll it.))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((first goes storm with presense 4 and persuasion 1 = 5))
(2) Eve Kline: ((what do I roll?))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((willpower of course, except no bonus this time))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((cant do bonus for same thing twice))
(4) Lord Storm: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],[10, 2],7,2,6] = (2)
(4) Lord Storm: 3
(2) Eve Kline: ((ouch))
(3) Dante: (( YOULL BE FINE ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((do I get a bonus for omg Kurtis is coming?))
(4) Lord Storm: ((beat 3 or jump into daddy's warm hands))
(3) Dante: (( err, caps ))
(4) Lord Storm: ((that depends, do you have feelings for Kurtis?))
(2) Eve Kline: ((mmmm yes but he was also being a jerk ealier...))
(4) Lord Storm: ((ok, i'll rephrase, does the character feel strong enough for him to earn a circumstance bonus?))
(4) Lord Storm: ((lets see vices. pride, and virtue fortitude. mmm, your call. convince me and get +1 bonus dice))
(2) Eve Kline: ((well.. she would be interested in persuing something with him perhaps after this whole thing thought she's probably not planning on it being anything serious or long term like marriage, she's not the marriage type though))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you once again note the band, as you walk past them, 5 players, 5 instruments making a complete quintet, and 6 cases. One locked.
(5) Justin: Dante, I don't know how gambling works, I can't gamble. This is a gambling room, do you know how to gamble?
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Upon passing into the buffet lounge area, you see five young people - three women and two men, who notice you, they are all bundled up together, girls sitting straight, and the two guys both talking on their phones
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Eve, emote what you're actually feeling, you may in PM if you want it private, but Dante may detect part of it, since your control is faultered))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i didnt mean convince me OOCly, give an RP of your attempt as if you were writing a story :D ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((ah... poor dante..))
** (3) Dante tries to keep memory of the unusual case for later as he continues his way to the poker room, striding casually as he offers a nod and faint smile to those who notice him. (Justin) I'm not a big gambler, but I know my way around a casino, yeah. **
** (4) Dealer to Justin "Guten Abent mon herr." noticed you don't comprehend. "Good evening, sir. Care to play? The rules are simple." **
(5) Justin: "Oh.. Could I sit back for a round, see how it goes, then jump in if I feel ready?"
(5) Justin: Any other leads that you've seen that I can check out, while you play poker with the General? It might be best if we slip into different places, so as not to miss anything, and my skills aren't really relevant here.
(4) Dealer: "Sure. You bet on numbers, minimal bet is 10 marcs, or 5 US dollars, each number wins 1 to 36, playing on the outside is 1 to 3, colors are 1 to 2, so are odd and even, zero and double zero are 1 to 36, both together are 1 to 18
(3) Dante: (Justin) Absolutely, yes. There are 6 instrument cases out by where the band is playing. 5 band members, 5 instruments. The 6th has a lock or series of locks, I dont remember which. I'd like to know whats inside. It seems strange to me.
(5) Justin: Oh! See thats something I can get done, I can just look through it.
** (5) Justin smiles to the dealer and shakes his head **
(5) Justin: "I'm sorry sir, I'm not much of a gambling man."
(3) Dante: (Justin) Yes, indeed. I was planning to make mention when we met up, but now that I think again, this is much better. I'm on my way to the poker room now, so if you pass by me, just pretend not to notice me.
(2) Eve Kline: God this guy is fantastic. This is so naughty. I feel like a little school girl compared to him. Oh hell was that Kurtis? What happens if he comes in here. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Think Eve. Oh can't think. Mmm that felt sooo good. No,, think damn it girl. How does he keep finding jus the right spots? This man has some serious skill. Fuck what if Kurtis walks in. This could get really ugly. He kinda deserves it. He was bieng a jerk. But not that big a jerk. Hell what am I gonna do. I don't want him hurt but I don't owe him anything either. I'm enjoying myself. This is so wrong but feels so good. Dangerious but thrilling to. Just the right kind of.. wow this guys stronger than he looks. Well built for his age. Very hmm.. sean connery like. What if this is all a trick? Or a distraction. Damn its a good distraction if it is. Shit... I wonder if Dante can hear this. Must be what its like reading Kurtis mind all the time...
** (4) Dealer deals, the young guy bets on 15, the "Mark-Twain" pulls out stacks of chips and covers half the table, including 15. **
** (5) Justin turns around, and walks through the hall, not aknowledging Dante as he steps past **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((amazing pose, Eve. No bonus, girl. Roll willpowah))
(2) Eve Kline: (:P)
(2) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,2,8,5,4,4] = (2)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Up into the lap you go, little schoolgirl
** (3) Dante passes Justin and places his fingers over the bridge of his nose at the sudden stream of conscious thought coming from Eve. He continues walking, not missing a beat except for that first moment. (Eve) *open frequency for a moment* ... Kurtis' thoughts on that subject are usually much more often and rather fleeting. But don't let me stop you. I'll just do my best to ignore you, though by now I'm sure you're ignoring me. **
(3) Dante: (Justin) Good, just like that. Keep on heading back to the band area and try to find out what's in that locked case.
(4) Lord Storm: "Mmmm. Aahhh..." - he supports you on his lap, and nibbles at your swimsuit, gently, the buldge in his swimmies alone is probably enough to just leave you sitting on it. This guy is either on serious viagra or really happy to see you.
** (5) Justin slips into the buffet and does his best not to look over to the group of sitting young ones he was with earlier, making his way around the tables, and out into the band room, eyes drawing out across the band, looking for the sixth case **
** (2) Eve Kline wraps her short but well shaped legs around his waist, pausing just a moment as Dante's thought slips through the stream of complex thoughts she's already having **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you hear the young gambler's voice yelling "Fuck yes!" as roulette hits 15
(5) Justin: Watch out by the way, I think that the dealer is an acanthus, shifting the luck of people at his table to gain a good majority while keeping the fish hooked.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Also, Justin, you notice that Morgan, Eden, Charlotte, Brad, and Lesley are gone from the buffet lounge.
(2) Eve Kline: "Mmmm" scratches her nails very lightly up his back guaging his reaction and arching her back with the bite
(2) Eve Kline: *nibble
(5) Justin: Well shit, Okay it might just be a trap Dante, but they're not looking for you, they're looking for me. Damnit I knew it!
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you walk through the buffet just a bit earlier than passing Justin, and the young party was just leaving behind your back, somewhere back into the ballroom and disappearing from your sight
(3) Dante: (Justin) Duly noted. I'll keep an eye out here. If they were looking for you, then maybe this shift was a smarter move than initially planned.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you enter the roulette room, see a man who looks like a mix of Stalin and Mark Twain, and some young gambler, super drunk, super happy. You also see the dealer. He is stern and suspicious of the young man's luck.
(5) Justin: Yeah, I guess it was. Good thing things are working out in our favor..
** (5) Justin remembers that Dante was hanging out with an Acanthus prior to entering the room, as he scans for the case **
** (4) Lord Storm gets a firmer grip on Eve's cute butt, squeezing it tight. **
(3) Dante: (Justin) I'll pretend you didn't say anything about luck or fate just now. Reasons I'll explain later. *Dante looks over the two men, lingering on the young drunk before observing the roulette table itself.*
(4) Lord Storm: "You must be my perfect holiday gift, Miss Martin, think about time we unwrapped you?"
(4) Kurtis: Oh asian giiirls, asian giirls... maybe in this one? Nope. In this one? Nope. In this.... What the fuck?
(2) Eve Kline: ((dramatic pause!!!!))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you hear a sound in your head that is literally a roar of an african lion, if a lion could roar in human language. It sounds very fucking creepy and alien-like, imagine if a lion spoke "WHAT THE FUCK" in english with its lion-like vocals. Eve, you see Kurtis, gently peeking into the tiny opening in your curtain, and then suddenly sliding it open in a harsh toss.
(4) Kurtis: "Hey, you old asshole! That's my girlfriend!"
(3) Dante: (Surface thought) What the fuck is going on...!? (Broadcast) Everyone, report now!
(3) Dante: (( Like I said. A million to 1 chance. Dramatic convention is laaaaaaaaaaaw. ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((surface thoughts =)) AHHHHHHH!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK this is bad
** (2) Eve Kline freezes in place like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar? **
(4) Kurtis: Report? Just gimme a moment. Dante, get my sword, please.
(2) Eve Kline: ((quick get out the sword I want to cut his head off! LOLZ!))
** (4) Lord Storm drops his jaw and lets his hands up, dropping Eve in the water **
** (3) Dante widens his eyes at the initial roar, and then at Eve's reacting thought. (Kurtis)Not without a report. Last time something bad happened, you almost shot Justin. Besides, I would have to give it to you in person. **
(5) Justin: Umm, I'm in the ballroom.
(3) Dante: (Justin) Yeah.. we have a situation elsewhere. Stay sharp, but don't stop what you're doing. I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I think Kurtis .. may have found Eve.
** (2) Eve Kline falls into the water sputters around a bit and splashes as she is suddenly dropped like a hot potatoe and being a short person is likely under water for a moment or so before she stands up looking very pissed and very angry at both men now **
** (4) Kurtis sends Dante an image through his mind that he is witnessing, and before that second manages to pass, he says "Okay, I don't need a sword." **
(2) Eve Kline: ((I'm gonna need a composure roll))
** (4) Kurtis steps into the swimming pool and initiates a fight with Storm by means of kicking him in the balls **
(5) Justin: Dante, why is that bad? Dante?
(2) Eve Kline: ((what I wouldn't give for an acantus right about now to stop time with.))
(2) Eve Kline: ((resolve + composure - three as my vice is pride and I was just dropped into the hot tub like last weeks cheep date))
(2) Eve Kline: ((=4)
(2) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (4)] => [6,4] = (10)
(2) Eve Kline: ...
(2) Eve Kline: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,3,7] = (1)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you succeed on self control))
(2) Eve Kline: ((will I need to roll init?))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): okay, how many people wanna be in the fight scene?
** (3) Dante shuts his eyes tightly as if that's supposed to help block out the image. (Kurtis) I see, now. I can't help you here, just don't blow our cover in the tussle. (Justin) Because Eve was... look its just important that we keep our cover no matter what I think in the next few minutes. Kurtis and Eve are together right now, but there's gonna be some bloodshed in a minute if someone doesn't calm the situation. **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((are you planning on acting or fleeing?))
(2) Eve Kline: ((I plan on having words at least with them.))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, you gonna have to roll init))
(2) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [9,6] = (15)
(3) Dante: (( Am in poker room. I will be communicating with them though, so I can roll Init too. ))
(2) Eve Kline: Ohhh nice))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [[10, 9],8] = (27)
(2) Eve Kline: woah.
(3) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [6,7] = (13)
(2) Eve Kline: ((and I thought I rolled well))
(4) Lord Storm: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [8,7] = (15)
(2) Eve Kline: ((the fates conspire aganst poor lord of the dance Strorm))
(3) Dante: (( Unless you dont think it necessary for me to stay in initiative while broadcasting thoughts ))
(4) Kurtis: ((to Justin, no, to Kurtis and Eve, yeah, because you could give them 1 thought per round each, each turn lasts 3 seconds))
(4) Kurtis: kick to balls: str 3 + brawl 1 - storm's defense 2 = 2
(4) Kurtis: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7] = (0)
** (4) Kurtis kicks but Storm blocks with a muscular knee and... Eve goes next **
(2) Eve Kline: "Girlfriend???.... Okay hold on...This is not the way to handle this, calm down now Kurt." (trying to be persuasive?))
(2) Eve Kline: ((presence + persuasion? 4)
(2) Eve Kline: [4 d10.open(10).vs(4)] => [[10, 10, 2],7,1,4] = (3)
(2) Eve Kline: oh would I get minuses?
** (4) Lord Storm launches a swift counter attack by means of a punch to Kurt's face **
(4) Lord Storm: strength 4 + brawl 3 (-) = 6 - kurt's defense 4 = 3
(2) Eve Kline: (Surface thoughts =) Double fuck!
(4) Lord Storm: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],5,[10, 1]] = (2)
** (4) Kurtis stands still and doesn't flinch, as Storm's fist flies to his face, and connects with the shield, stopping, and stripping 3 armor points, but unable to struggle through the protection. Kurtis ends initiative and his action is to crouch down into water, and give dropped Eve a hand, while opening the other arm to invite for an assist **
(4) Kurtis: "Come on, let's get out of here, this guy's not worth you and way too old."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you walking towards the band?
(5) Justin: Yes.
** (3) Dante just stares at the roulette table, idly watching the spins as he waits for more thoughts to come through. **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you percieve the roulette and the ball from a space perspective, you can sense how it moves, how the ball traverses space, you can tell where it will land fairly early, a few seconds before it actually lands, it hits 9. The young man loses all his chips, "Mark Twain Stalin" shovels a stack to his side.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): "Get too happy, lose self control, lad" - Mark Twain says
** (4) Dealer looks at Dante **
** (2) Eve Kline raises a finger as if about to say something, pauses, clenches her fist, looks at both men, expression all levels of mixed up with some anger and confusion and hurt pride feelings and guit and more anger and a touch of 'aww how romantic' and a little 'fuck them both where are the lesbians', steps out of the tub without anyones assistance and walks to the ladies changing room without a word. **
(4) Dealer: "Care for a game sir? Rules are simple."
** (3) Dante looks up at the dealer and offers a curt smile. "I think these two are doing a fine job of trading chips. I'm content to watch for now, but I may jump in. Lets hear the rules." **
** (4) Kurtis gives Storm a glare. "That's rediculous. If you wanna make a scene, I'll meet you outside." Then tries to follow Eve. "Eve, Eve!" - but the door blacks his way, not really, he can still see through it. "Eve!" - he broadcasts the voice through the door as if it werent in place. **
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Okay, what's going on? Haven't heard anything since the initial reaction.
(4) Kurtis: Shit. Eve! Come back..
** (4) Lord Storm storms out into the men's dressing room and curses **
(4) Lord Storm: ((haha, storm storms))
(2) Eve Kline: "There is a reason I chose the womens room Kurt."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the ball room looks a bit less lively in the tables area than before, but the dance floor is now packed, some cheerful retro from the 70s is playing, and people are dancing, the live band is playing, you see 5 musicians and an extra locked celio case. 2 locks, one on each latch.
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Kurt? My man, what happened? (Eve) You okay? Kurtis caught you, didn't he? I don't know enough about you two to say anything, so I won't. I will say, however, that the mission of the group which I joined should supercede anything going on right now.
** (5) Justin uses his matter sight, in an attempt to look at the case, and whatever is inside **
(2) Eve Kline: God I HATE men. Fucking egos all the time. So possesive so macho. Grrr rrrawr... (cursing) Get a grip Eve. Dante's right.... Dante you're right. Where the hell is that stone I'll kill that bitch myself if I see her I don't care any more I want this over.
(4) Kurtis: "Eve! Don't. Please. Don't make me blow this all and turn the walls invisible. I want to see you." - he walks into the women's dressing room. The two making out lesbians go "Oooh daemn." and keep going
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): keep making out that is, and giving Kurt and Eve a dirty look
(3) Dante: (Eve) For what its worth, some of us are not entirely self-absorbed. Let's not do anything that will get us all killed, though.
(4) Kurtis: It's cool man, I'm cool, unless the fucker decides to pick a fight. Cock-blocked him just in time.
** (2) Eve Kline tries very very hard to be calm **
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Let me just say that I am glad for that this mental link-up's separation. You do not want to be in her mind right now. Let's just get focused on the mission and make way to where Remington's supposed to be.
(4) Kurtis: Alright. Alright, man. I'm sorry, man. -cut in wild thought- Eve's mine! -conscious thought cut in- I'll be coming out now.
(2) Eve Kline: "Kurt. I'm very upset right now. I just went... from hot and bothered... to dropped like a hot potatoe... I'm not going to start this argument. Because it will end badly. I cannot talk about this now. We have other things to do."
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Good man. You and Eve can have a long chat about yourselves someday soon, I'm sure.
(3) Dante: (( *wonders if justin's matter sight is so incredibly strained right now from analyzing that his head is about to explode by now* ))
(4) Kurtis: "I apologize, Eve. My bad. I over reacted. I'll be outside." - nods and starts walking
whispering to Justin, give me a crafts + int or weaponry + int roll
** (4) Kurtis walks out of ladies bathroom. A little odd. **
(4) Kurtis: Tell Eve please that I'll make it up to her.
(2) Eve Kline: ((if this were a movie there would have been a screaming match followed by make up sex))
(2) Eve Kline: ((XD))
(4) Kurtis: ((deathdealer + firestarter = explosive zombie babies))
(2) Eve Kline: ((ewwie))
** (2) Eve Kline takes a deep breath... and another... and one more... Then scans to see if Storm is still around as she doesn't want to run into him on her way out before she begins to change. **
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Your words will have more impact than my iteration of them, Kurtis. Just follow through with what you just told me.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Storm's aura's gone out of the dressing room range
(5) Justin: Guys, the instrument is a bomb.
(3) Dante: (Surface thought) A bomb?! (Broadcast) Okay, news from Justin... there's a bomb in an instrument case where the band is playing. Justin, do you know if its live or anything?
(5) Justin: I don't know if it's live, but it's got complicated mechanical stuff, and a very very explosive substance inside.
(2) Eve Kline: A bomb? Did I... hear your.. thoughts.. clearly.. damn thats an ackward expression
(4) Kurtis: Another explosion? I bet this one will be blamed on us as well.
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Shit... yeah that sounds like a bomb. And yes, Eve. You did receive my thoughts quite clearly. Down by the band, a bomb in an instrument case.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, miss Clara Remington, lady you saw Kurtis with earlier at the bar, enters the roulette room now and walks towards the poker room, slipping through the curtain
(3) Dante: (Justin) Didn't you say that you were looking for a General with a case? Were you able to analyze the suitcase at any time? *Dante glances to Clara and then looks back to the dealer* "Do I get an explanation of those rules you mentioned earlier?" (Kurtis) Your gal's here, she just went into the poker room, past the roulette tables.
(5) Justin: It was an empty, black, bulletproof case.
(2) Eve Kline: Should we do something about the bomb?
(3) Dante: (Justin) Maybe there's a reason its empty now... (Broadcast) Okay guys, what's our plan of action? We've got Kurtis' contact in the poker room, she just slipped by me. There's a bomb in an instrument case and a General walking around with an empty, bulletproof suitcase.
(4) Kurtis: My gal is right here, having slipped into some hot sugar daddy's arms, and she's very pissed. Oh, you mean... ermmm. Clara? Okay, on my way.
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) *thoughts of a chuckle* Yes, Clara.
** (3) Dante looks to his watch to see how much time has passed since he arranged the meeting with Chanel. **
(4) Dealer: Yes sir, you place a chip, the cost is 5 dollars or 10 marcs, that's minimal bet, okay? Numbers win 1 to 36, outside 1 to 3, zeroes 1 to 18, odds and evens, and colors are 1 to 2, once the weight is on the table, no more bets, alright?
** (4) Dealer smiles courtly **
(2) Eve Kline: Well.. here's the question... do we.. not want the place to explode? Cause.... we could just alert security.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, it's been about 20 minutes
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Eve suggests we could just alert security about the bomb. That may, however, result in our target escaping in the potential event of an evacuation. Or it could lead to our questioning as well.
(4) Kurtis: So why would someone be insane enough to explode all these mages?
(5) Justin: Sure, lots of people here are evil plotting individuals, but if there's just one innocent here, then we need to make sure that the bomb doesn't go off.
(3) Dante: "Hmm, where might I actually get some chips? Usually there's a changer behind a bulletproof window or something in these kinds of places.
(3) Dante: "
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Justin thinks that if there is even one innocent here, we need to stop the bomb. Kurtis asks why someone would be insane enough to explode all these mages, to quote directly.
** (4) Dealer grins **
(4) Dealer: "Just place the bill on the table, sir."
(5) Justin: Look, I don't know how long the bomb is set for, but I can flag down a security guard here really quick.
(5) Justin: Anybody have better ideas?
** (3) Dante nods and smiles before reaching into his wallet and opening it. "Ah, I knew I should have had more currency exchanged when I arrived. My apologies if I got your hopes up there." He replaces his wallet and gives a sheepish shrug. **
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Anyone have a better idea than flagging down security? Justin can take care of that, since he's in the main area.
(2) Eve Kline: Have any of us even gotten a wiff of our target?
** (2) Eve Kline finishes dressing and maybe fixes her makeup before heading out towards the bar for a stiff drink, being mindful of who is around her and ready to make a quick change of tradjectary should she see Storm **
(4) Kurtis: "Oh, I have a much better idea, why don't we just explode the place ourselves before the bomb goes off, thus rendering the evil mastermind's work moot?" - Kurtis enters ballroom and waits for Eve, he walks past her, looks at her, knowing that she's going to the bar, but he has to proceed to poker room, and gives her a sad glance of unspoken words needing to come out, but moves on
(3) Dante: (Eve) Not the big-bad, no. There is, however, what seems to be an accountant for Diana here. (Broadcast) Kurtis suggests we blow it up before the perpetrator does.
(5) Justin: Is he drunk?
(3) Dante: (Justin) Do you really think he needs alcohol to reach that conclusion?
(5) Justin: Touche'
(2) Eve Kline: Of course he does. Violence solves everything in Kurtis' happy little world of rubber walls. *angry thoughts* I need a drink.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you percieve a number of suspicious people, a lady in red, looking around, conversing with several men in tuxes, she pauses to look at a fat black man in a top hat who checks his watch and looks to a red haired freckled young kind, barely 19, one who was sitting by the Acanthus table, himself being Acanthus. You see two Mastigos standing still next to each other by the wall, and staring into each other's faces blankly, you can see a mind link between them, it's a conversation, you also see the man in a white suit patrolling the upper deck, the one you followed earlier but his slipped into secure area, finally you see a flock of young people, three girls, two guys, drunk and high, overfilled with quintessense, get their coats and run outside
(3) Dante: (Eve) I have no intention of even remotely horning in on Cupid's territory, but he does seem genuinely sorry for his behavior. He has expressed such to me. Regardless, I think we all need a drink.
(3) Dante: (( ITALICS ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): One of the high ladies is wearing a veil
** (5) Justin steps out his percieved range of the explosive, looking around the room, and over at all the individuals dancing who would certainly be caught in the blast **
(2) Eve Kline: Huh... there is defiently a plot here... and that young group leaving probably has something to do with it... hmmm didn't Justin leave with a woman wearing a veil?
(3) Dante: (Eve) Let's find out. (Justin) Who did you get your information from, Justin? And does a woman with a veil ring a bell?
(5) Justin: Yeah, her name is Charlotte, she wanted me to grab the General's suitcase for her.
(3) Dante: (Eve) The woman in a veil was named Charlotte. She was also the one who gave the information about the general and his suitcase to him. (Justin) I wonder if its all connected somehow..
(4) Kurtis: Dante, I was being sarcastic, Jesus. Okay, let's think. We're among the enemy, at an enemy party, the silver ladder, the people who want us dead and our books destroyed, we're in a shark's mouth with a yummy piece of meat. Who could possibly set a bomb here? Possibility A. Other Silver Ladder who hate Diana. B. Free Council. C. Someone random. Do we really wanna mess with this? If this is a revenge for wiping Free Council of the city lead by underground terrorist militia, why the fuck would we not let em blow it up? I hate the ladder, pricks like that hitting on young girls instead of making normal families. They're all fucking bitches. I mean, I'm a piece of shit myself, and the kind hard to find, but come on, even I don't go that far."
(4) Kurtis: (ITALICS )
(2) Eve Kline: Well she's leaving in an aweful hurry for someone who wanted Justin to get her a suitcase... What was in the suitcase anyway? I never got an explaination... or was.. distracted.
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) You're right. Its entirely possible that this is a retaliation by the Free Council. (Broadcast) Okay. Justin's veiled gal was seen by Eve just now, leaving in a hurry. Justin said the bulletproof suitcase was empty. I still dont know for sure if its connected to the bomb, but this looks pretty clear-cut.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you look around the room, and you spot Brad, Leslie, Morgan, and Eden fleeing through the exit and turning towards the parking lot. Charlotte goes to the door last, then she pauses, runs back to the ballroom, and spots you, starting to move towards you. She's about 20 feet away, moving through the crowd to you. How do you react.
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Kurtis also brought up a valid point that this bomb could be some form of retaliation by Free Council members. Perhaps its best to stay out of this bomb issue if that's the case. (( For after Justin's next action ))
** (5) Justin eyes Charlotte suspiciously, making sure to ready himself against any sort of mental or physical assault coming at him, he steps forward towards her in turn, his brows drawn together **
(2) Eve Kline: Did any of us see this General near where the bomb is?
(5) Justin: He had to have walked past it to get into the room.
(3) Dante: (Eve) I was pretty heavily distracted by an Acanthus woman, getting information about Diana's accountant/bookkeeper/whatever you want to call him.
** (4) Lady with the veil reaches you, Justin, leans over to your ear and whispers "Get out of here, Justin. I really do like you. Call me. I gotta go. I'm sorry, I gotta go." - gives you a crunched up piece of paper with a number in it, kisses you and hurries back to the door. **
(2) Eve Kline: ...Okay wait... Storm had a suitcase when I met him... then went to the sauna locker room... Did the General have a suitcase before or after I was in the sauna?
(5) Justin: After, the kids likely set it up to begin with, and used me to verify that it was in place.
(3) Dante: (( Just assume I am relaying the information between Justin and Eve ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, are you in the poker room or still in the roulette room. You dont have line of sight from one to another, there's a curtain falling in the doorway, you have to lift it and enter between the rooms
(5) Justin: We're just about out of time, everyont get out of the top deck if you're there, and the blast radius of the bomb, it's about the size of the balroom floor, maybe more, it could collapse the upper deck if it goes off right.
** (3) Dante takes his leave of the dealer's presence and enters the poker room. "Maybe I'll try my luck at cards instead." **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no my man :D if you want to auto-relay, buy the Network rote at mind 5. Talk the talk baby))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this be lesson at the headache of multi-telepathy and motivation to go mind 5))
(5) Justin: ((Ah sorry then, I was replying to Eve)
(5) Justin: ((Well thats why Dante said that anyways)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((good point))
(5) Justin: ((I had forgotten to wait for his relay))
** (4) Dealer replies to Dante "Well, luck will probably not help you if you didn't bring any money with you." **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, Bartender asks you what you wanna drink
(3) Dante: (( I am hereby skipping the previous exchange between Eve and Justin and moving to Justin's last statement, which isnt tied to the exchange. That work for you? ))
(5) Justin: ((YesOO
(4) Man in Black: ((yes :) ))
** (3) Dante chuckles at the dealer's words and turns sharply. "My goodness, I am forgetful." He briskly walks past the dealer once more, heading towards the main area again. (Broadcast)Justin says we have little time left. Perhaps he knows something we didnt a moment ago. Let's get out of here, off the top deck and out of the bomb's radius as quick as possible. He says the radius may consume the entire ballroom. **
(2) Eve Kline: "Cosmopolitan and don't skimp on the vodka"
** (4) Man in Black Tux suddenly takes a seat next to Eve and goes "Hi there, doll. My name's Roc, how are you? Can I get that drink for you? You look like you need one." **
** (3) Dante looks at his watch again as he moves, trying not to run into anyone as he checks the time. **
(5) Justin: The blast, however, should give us ample distraction to check out the heavily guarded parts, if we want to take that chance. If we can mark the crystal then we can get out of here.. Tell Kurtis to keep an eye out for powerful magic surrounding items, I'll be looking for unique materials with my matter sight.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, Dante, while you were still facing the poker room, through the curtain you saw a glimpse of Miss Remington offering the general a glass of wine, which he took. You saw the general's back and oily neck, the poker room has blue velvet walls and dark lighting, even darker than roulette room, very private and dim. The moment you turn sharply and make a few steps, you hear a sound of breaking glass and a choking scream. The general hurries out of the poker room and tries to stagger-run past you
** (5) Justin looks around, focusing on unique materials as he looks around, preferably gem-shaped, putting distance in between himself and the bomb as he eyes the room **
** (2) Eve Kline glances over at Roc, blinks at him. "I've been better. No you probably don't want to start down that road and yes, yes I do need one." Downs the drink in one go and orders another **
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Justin suggests we could use the blast as a distraction to investigate further. Kurtis, keep an eye out for powerful magic surrounding items. Justin will be doing the same.
** (4) Roc gives the bartender some money, enough for a few drinks **
** (3) Dante turns once again to go observe the scene in behind the curtains, possibly bumping into the general in doing so. **
(4) Roc: "You're here alone? What's your name?"
** (4) Roc is a thyrsus **
** (4) Roc got two unfamiliar spells on him, one is looking like protection, and the other - you're not sure what it is, but it's a life spell **
(3) Dante: (( HE'S SECRETLY UGLY ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((Yeah))
** (2) Eve Kline takes her second drink looking at Roc with more focus "Persistant aren't you." **
(2) Eve Kline: I'll keep my eyes open as well.
** (2) Eve Kline attempts to bring up matter sight to incorperate with her supernal vision **
(4) Roc: "No, not really. I don't talk to many people, I best get along with those who are at the bar, looking sad, like you."
(2) Eve Kline: (matter + Gnosis = 5)
(2) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,[10, 4],1,6] = (2)
(2) Eve Kline: (What does this guy look like?)
(3) Dante: (( He's really 4 feet tall and has boils all over his neck ))
** (4) Roc looks average, maybe 5.11, kinda scrawny, no mustache, kind of like the paranoid kid from zombieland if he managed to comb his hair down **
(2) Eve Kline: ...((LOLZ!))
** (4) Roc is MORE powerful than you **
(4) Roc: and actually more powerful than Justin
** (5) Justin is not that powerful **
(2) Eve Kline: ((So is... like... the tables in this place...))
(4) Roc: A thyrsus's aura is easier to compare to another thyrsus
(3) Dante: (( more powerful than a locomotive? able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? some amazing creature from the planet Krypton? the man of steel? Superman??? ))
(4) Roc: ((Justin Roc < Forester))>
(4) Roc: ((oh wtf))
(4) Roc: ((Forester > Roc > Justin))
(4) Roc: ((as far as auras you have seen))
(5) Justin: ((Forester > Roc > A toddler > Justin))
(3) Dante: (( lol fell for the less than sign trap ))
(2) Eve Kline: "I'm Eve Martin."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, Justin, you find a lot of gems of different sizes, - every single woman in the ballroom is wearing some kind of gemmed jewelry, any woman entering range of your powers starts resonating. An emerland necklace. Woman in red. A diamond ring - woman in blue. Saphhrie earrings - woman in black. A ruby amulet - woman in white. Ah, here's a pimped up black gentleman with a giant golden chain, massive looking, covered in diamonds.
(3) Dante: (( This right here is almost remniscient of Tony sensing all the bugs and shit on the ground ))
(2) Eve Kline: If it helps the search I remember the gem was purple...
** (5) Justin blinks at the headache that threatens with all the things that slip through the filter, and instead focuses on gems in more odd places, in pockets, shoes, platters, ect. **
** (3) Dante returned to the curtain room some time ago. **
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) If it helps the search, the gem was purple.
** (5) Justin modifies it once again for purple as a color **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, behind the curtains you see four people. An acanthus dealer, an acanthus man of quite a noble stature, looking like he's out of 1800s, the clothes, the monocle, the hair style and curled mustache, thin and well trimmed, brown hair, combed and divided in the middle. Miss Remington, herself being Mastigos, is holding her hands to her head in surprise, exhalting "What happened? I don't know what happened!" An Obrimos man is the last man in the room, he is sitting at a table, and is the only one still thinking about the game, well, at least he is the only one who didn't drop his cards and still holds them.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((sorry, takes time to get to everyone's scene description))
(3) Dante: (( yep yep, I knows ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, roll me a wits+composure
(5) Justin: Wits 2 Composure 4 = 6
(5) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,7,5,5,9] = (2)
(4) Roc: "Nice to meet you, Eve. I'll buy all your drinks tonight if you want. Don't have anything better to do, nobody talks to me here."
(4) Roc: "The only reason I'm admitted is because I have powers."
(2) Eve Kline: "I'm only admitted because I look good in a black dress. Why don't they talk to you?
** (3) Dante shakes his head once, seemingly finding no source of danger in the room. He looks at his watch again to check how long its been since he parted with the Acanthus and then, having determined the amount of time, responds. "I heard a scream, everything okay?" He tries to remain calm, forcing into the back of his mind that there may be a live bomb in the ballroom. **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you definitely see a wierd thing out of place, there is a waiter, passing around a platter of whip-creamed strawberries. Ping ping ping! One of these things is nooot like the ooothers... help me choooose? Aha! One strawberry is mechanical, a device. Plastic, steel, copper, aluminum, silicone.
(5) Justin: Hah! I think I found the detinator or something like it. I need a pickpocket in here like now!
(2) Eve Kline: ((Oh its like the song from sesame street!)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the 1800s man goes "Something's wrong with the general, he probably had too much to drink. It's alright, Clara, honey, don't worry."
(3) Dante: (Justin) A pickpocket? We're going to take a device out of someone's pocket, who may be on edge because he set a bomb?
(5) Justin: A theif or something! There is a guy with a platter and a mechanical strawberry on it!
(5) Justin: A waiter, he's walking around, damnit just get Kurtis in here, he's a criminal right?
** (4) Waiter walks around with the platter, offering it to random people "strawberry, sir?" "no thank you". "strawberry, mam?" "ah, thank you, sure" - woman picks real berry. "Strawberry sir?" "Ah thanks!" real berry. "Strawberry? Anyone?" **
(5) Justin: "I'll take one!"
** (4) Waiter walks up to Justin **
(4) Waiter: "Strawberries, here you are sir."
** (4) Waiter offers platter **
** (3) Dante looks to the 1800s man and nods. "That is well. Clara, is it?" He then looks to the distressed woman, whom he recognizes was with Kurtis. Dante lowers his voice a bit. "Care to talk about it, miss? Perhaps it would be easier to talk to a stranger about it. (Justin) The strawberries are complimentary. I saw a gal in red take one earlier and put it in her hair, switching it out for what looked like a strawberry hairclip or something. **
** (5) Justin smiles to the man and nods, picking up the mechanical strawberry without missing a beat **
** (4) Waiter nods and moves on **
(4) Waiter: "Strawberry sir?" "Strawberry mam?"
** (5) Justin eyes the hairclip, making sure he isn't pressing any sort of pressure plates **
(5) Justin: I'm pretty sure I got it..
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): There's two basic pushables on the strawberry - the snap-on which makes it a hair clip and goes on hair, and a wierd looking button shape where the butt of the berry would be.
(3) Dante: (Justin) Got the mechanical strawberry? I was curious about that woman's particular action.
(5) Justin: I asked you if you saw anything weird.
(3) Dante: (Justin) It just didnt seem like anything that alcohol wouldn't explain.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): The 1800s man goes "We were actually just to have a private poker game, but now that the general is so untimely leaving, we have a free chair. Care to join?" Dante, you notice two suitcases on the floor, both identical.
** (4) Clara looks at you with a smile and makes piercing eye contact **
(4) Clara: "I think I'm fine. Thank you, sir."
** (4) Clara gives you one of those tingly tense mindpower contests, you feel a resonating magical static, like a pain in the back of your neck, a clash of wills is best way to describe it **
(4) Clara: You instantly recognize her as one of your path
(5) Justin: me stares at the pin for a moment, and then off to the bomb, before doing his best to pull up spirit sight, wondering if he could somehow see a spiritual link in between two objects which were made to compliment one another
(5) Justin: ((Shit, emote that))
(5) Justin: Spirit 2 gnosis 3 = 5
(5) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 3],6,4,8] = (2)
(4) Kurtis: Woah. I think i just found your general guys, he's laying in the middle of the buffet lounge on the floor. The guards just checked him, he's dead. You okay Dante? - runs to the roulette room
** (3) Dante waves a dismissive hand to the man. "I'm afraid I've lost enough already, prior to coming here. I'm flat-broke at this point. Thanks for the warm offer, though." He fixes on Clara's eyes at the realization of their shared path. "Are you sure you don't want to - " Dante stops in the middle of his sentence. (Kurtis) Yeah, get here quick. Clara's here and the general just darted from the room we're in. **
(4) Roc: "Oh that sucks. Being liked for you looks. I know how it is. I'm disliked for similar reason. I can't walk. Paralyzed from top down."
** (4) Roc drinks vodka shot straight, coughing and struggling, organism clearly not of a drinker. "Jesus this stuff is shyte" **
** (2) Eve Kline blinks a little surprised by that revilation "That would explain the spell." Smiles and chuckles at his response to vodka **
** (4) Kurtis runs in, quickly identifies poker room, runs up behind Dante's back **
(4) Kurtis: "Ah, Miss Clara! Hey, we're both in for a game!"
(2) Eve Kline: "Russia is a harsh country I suppose"
** (4) Kurtis pulls out a stack of cash **
** (3) Dante turns to look at Kurtis, breaking eye contact. "Ah, the money factory. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sit with these folk since I was broke." **
(4) Clara: "Ooh, you two are friends? Theodore, this is Kurtis Lithgow, an associate accountant. Kurtis, this is Theodore, my husband." 1800s man holds out his hand to both of you. Obrimos at the table perks up detecting Kurtis, with a look of slight challenge, like "hmpf!". He speaks as well "I'm Marcus Castana"
(4) Roc: "Yeah, the spell. Not just anyone can figure out what it does at first. You know I tried to repair it permanently but couldn't. So what pooped on your party? Someone treated you like a piece of crap and left?"
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Oh jesus Justin you did NOT open that can of worms))
** (3) Dante looks to the stack of cash, shaking his head slightly as he grins before looking to Clara. "Sure are. Bosom companions." He steps to the side a bit to let Kurtis by. "Pull a chair, I can just watch. It does appear as though there was room only for one more anyway." **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, this is what spirit sight brings
(3) Dante: (( LOL he so did. ))
(2) Eve Kline: "Oh not just one." Smiles bitter sweetly and orders a third drink. "Hmm.. I wonder why it wouldn't work permanently"
(3) Dante: (( spirit sight will take a minute. brb ))
(5) Justin: ((lmao, well nobody ever taught him spirit, he wanted to see what the curled up bit of power in the back of his mind was capable of))
(3) Dante: (( Kekekeke ))
(3) Dante: (( ...ever heard of a zerg rush? >_> Just wait. ))
(5) Justin: ((oshit))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): You enter a whole new dimension, a world you vaguely know as familiar, it feels like back then in your awakening. Spirit sight active, first thing you notice is your mirror - it holds a living presense and looks like a dragon, the feeling is surreal. You know how usually you look in the mirror and see a shadow or a flash of that creature? Now it's all in a different effect - it's almost reversed, when your eyes focus on the mirror, everything else, including you, become shadowy and vague, and the dragon becomes sharply shaped and opaquely drawn in reality, as if the mirror is a window into real world and you are in some kind of photocopy, like you were blind and the mirror is a tiny lense of eye glasses that bring back your focus. Then, once the familiar spirit is gotten used to, you see a massive spirit over the ballroom - spirit of music, waltzing with spirit of festivity. Just under them in the air hovers a black shadow of conspiracy, reaching down to every person in the room, spirit of distrust, conflict, jealousy - like a massive cloud. You see individual spirits walking about, here you see representations of all vices and virtues, they walk amongst the guests like guests themselves, filtering through all that junk, you focus on the celio case. Spirits of safety, calmness, and trust - surround it.
(2) Eve Kline: ((wall of text))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you happy now? this is what u made me do))
(5) Justin: ((I'm SORRY!))
(2) Eve Kline: ((SORRY won't make the spirits go away!))
(3) Dante: (( SORRY wont make the carpal tunnel cure itself either. Poor Knox. ))
(4) Roc: "Oh yeah? What happened?"
** (5) Justin looks around, suddenly like he's on an acid trip, stumbling back a few steps, his eyes closing tightly after taking that mindfuck of various sights in to his over-filled awareness, his eyes shut, clench, and he does his best to will the goddamned spirits away **
(4) Theodore Remington: "Oh, with that among of money we can make room for two chairs, indeed, sir?"
** (4) Dealer nods, so does Clara and so does Marcus **
(2) Eve Kline: "Long story involving a guy who think's he's my boyfriend and jealousy and another guy and a suana"
** (4) Kurtis splits a stack of bills into two, handing Dante what must be at least 1000 bucks **
(4) Kurtis: Together our chances of winning are better.
** (3) Dante smiles, delighting in the dual invitations of presence and cash. "Well, let's have ourselves a game then." **
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Let's not forget the bomb.
(4) Roc: "I kinda fail to see how it's sad? A guy wants to be your boyfriend, I wish I had your problems, wish I had a girl wanting to be my girlfriend and thinking she's my girlfriend."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin just before you manage to turn the spirit sight away, you see a carnival of German Nazi spirits celebrating the battle of Leningrad. One of them reaches to you with a spirit drink and goes "Ja ja! Drinken, drinken, amerikenn!" and then vanishes along with his swastica covered friends
(2) Eve Kline: "Well the short physical altercation was cause for slight alarm. I don't see why you wouldn't have a girl wanting to be yours. You've nothing going against you."
** (3) Dante looks to his watch, again taking note of how much time has passed since agreeing to the woman's task. "Maybe even a few games." He gestures for Clara to seat herself (I think she stood earlier?), insisting on her being seated before he sits himself. **
** (5) Justin gasps and chokes as he gets away from those spirits, visible shaking as he looks around **
(5) Justin: *mental gulp* Oh god, I wish somebody had told me about what happens when you open up spirit sight.. Whats happening over there?
(4) Kurtis: The bomb won't run away. But Diana's papers? We got a chance to snatch it here. Wonder what a chance of us surviving here if we break casting rulles is... Maybe we can just gain their trust. Something tells me they respect capable players.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, it's been 39 minutes since your conversation
(3) Dante: (Justin) That bad, eh? I guess now you know Tony's world a little better. We're apparently sitting to play a few hands of poker. We've got Mr. and Mrs. Remington here, so we're gonna play a few hands and glean information if possible. How is the bomb situation?
(5) Justin: I think I have the trigger to it, I'm not really sure though. Who is the lady who placed it on the platter?
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) But the bomb -could- be on a timer. Breaking casting rules here - Oh, Justin thinks it may be set to a trigger. One sec. (Justin) I don't know... she was wearing red, I think.. and I believe she put a real strawberry in her hair. I guess look for a woman in red with a strawberry in her hair to match the look of the clip?
** (2) Eve Kline sips her now third drink and alters the conversation slightly "Now I understand what motivates me to be at such parties like this. But why would you come of you don't get talked to very often? Wouldn't seem very enjoyable." **
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Okay, I'm back. Justin's looking into who may have placed what is apparently a detonator-strawberry device on the platter of strawberries.
** (5) Justin nods to the mental words, and looks around with his set-up life sight in order to find actual strawberries, specifically in hair. **
(4) Roc: "Yeah, really? Would you go for me? I can't walk unless I'm awake and aware of the fact and doing magic, until I run out of energy, I'm not good looking, don't have any cool hobbies, I drive a crappy car, I have a crappy job. I hang out at my parents' house, but not because they don't let me out, no, it's because I'm not ready for the world, I don't have any good skills, or useful knowledge, only how to stop the pain and keep nerves operational. I could become a doctor, but I don't have money or motivation to go to school, could become a runner, but I wouldn't pass the drug tests... and I'd have a girlfriend, except I'd never be myself with one. I envy someone who can at least do that. be themselves."
(2) Eve Kline: "Just sounds like you lack motivation. You work major magic every day of your life just to walk, something most people take for granted, but you do nothing with it. I would think you would have some goal having put that much work into the mere act."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante. Clara politely curties you, and to the pleasure of herself and her husband, admires your manners, lifiting her skirts a bit and sitting down, the dealer brings a chair for you next to Kurtis, and starts dealing cards.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justiiiiiin, you scan for life and you see people. You also see strawberries on the waiter's platter. but none of them carry Life auras, for strawberries torn off their plant, sadly, no longer channel the flow of beautiful life... :(
(3) Dante: (( Those poor strawberries... ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): However, you do see a lady in red. More than one. A blonde, a redhead, a brownhair, and a black brunette
** (5) Justin noticing that the dead strawberries no longer react to life, he switches to matter to check for the same thing, this time specifically in the ladies in red **
(4) Roc: "Yeah, I guess so, Eve. I put about as much work into magic as you do into walking. You might have a point though. I tried doing things, but then I got out of schedule and forgot to do other things. Heh. Guess I'm just a desperate loser without a real goal. Look at these ladies, all with their men, husbands, shapperons, dates, which one of them will let me have a chance with their girl? Look at them? I'll probably still be focusing on making my spine work while they blast me with a lightning bolt."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Bingo, Justin, the readhead has a strawberry in her hair.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, ready to play some cards?
** (5) Justin watches from afar, studying the redhead and any of her little actions **
(2) Eve Kline: ((bed 4 me soon?))
** (3) Dante is ready to play some cards, taking a seat after Clara and looking to each member of the group briefly. **
(3) Dante: (( denied: Ninja'd from Knox's inevitable "Denied!" ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((hates you both))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (Deni... oh fuck))
(2) Eve Kline: (*goes to bed at Justin's house cause you two are meanie butts*))
(5) Justin: (*highfive*)
(3) Dante: (( Yikes, long trip. Good luck! ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, basic rule of gambling games in mage - we use main skills: wits, composure, and subterfuge. If youre playing fair - composure+subterfuge. Helps you keep your basic bluff solid. If you're cheating - wits + subterfuge
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): if youre playing fair, players dont contest u, since everyone bluffs and expects to be bluffed
(3) Dante: (( omg so glad I bought subterfuge last session ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): if youre cheating, there will be contests
(2) Eve Kline: "Do you know what most women like in a man? Either money or power. Once you have one of those or both, with most women you are in the clear."
(4) Roc: "Yeah I always thought it was confidence and sincerety, but I guess I can't give out either."
(4) Roc: "If it's money and power, I'm totally hopeless."
(4) Roc: "But hey, you're cool, I like you. Where are you from?"
(3) Dante: (( fo rillz, yo. getchu some cash an' iz all good dawg ))
(2) Eve Kline: "America." smiles "I think you had a good idea going with the doctor goal. Your type are very adept at that field after all."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, she's coming over to two gents in tuxes who stare at each other intently without saying a word. She touches one on the shoulder and whispers something, she slips the hand into the man's pocket, then does so to the other. Then she turns to the ballroom and looks at someone in the crowd, and then she demonstratively takes the berry out of her hair and eats it sexily, blowjob-like.
(4) Roc: "Yeah, my type? The disorganized chaotic slacker type? I'm sure I'd make a great doctor if you lend me 60 000 francs and do my homework for me."
(4) Roc: "It could work as a relationship. I promise in return to never hold offensive illusions that I'm in any way your boyfriend."
(4) Roc: "You solve my problems, I solve yours."
(4) Kurtis: Dante, the first round of bets is 100 each.
** (4) Kurtis puts 100 down **
** (4) Kurtis tries to play fair first **
** (3) Dante puts 100 down. **
** (3) Dante tries to play fair always. **
(4) Kurtis: composure 4 + subterfuge 3 = 7
(4) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,3,9,5,3,[10, 3]] = (3)
** (4) Marcus Castana plays fair **
(3) Dante: ( 3 +2 = 5 ))
(3) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,6,[10, 2],4] = (1)
(4) Marcus Castana: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 2],9,5,7,2] = (2)
(3) Dante: (( I will go broke, boahahha ))
** (4) Theodore Remington plays fair 3+3 **
(4) Theodore Remington: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],5,1,8,3,9] = (3)
(4) Theodore Remington: 4
(4) Clara: plays fair 2+1 = 3
(4) Clara: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],7,5] = (1)
(3) Dante: (( .... she matched me. ))
(2) Eve Kline: "You know, there is something I don't understand. If you are all these things you claim, why even pretend and buy me drinks at all?"
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Theodore gets the upper hand and says... "Alright, you know what? I raise you 300."
** (4) Kurtis is 100 bucks down, but puts 300 more to the table **
(4) Kurtis: "Alright I bite."
(3) Dante: (( ... what exactly is the game here? 5-card stud/draw? Texas hold 'em? ))
(3) Dante: (( Obviously not texas hold 'em ))
(4) Roc: "I dunno. I guess I... um, heh. Guess I'm just liking to feel like one of them sometimes. A sad attempt to socialize? Why, you feel insulted? It's money honestly earned. "
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh i dunno wtf we're playing))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((we're playing who rolls more dice))
(3) Dante: (( o....kay then. ))
(4) Kurtis: "So, you do finances for the entire company, or just this house?"
** (5) Justin looks down into the men's pockets, to see if any objects have been placed inside **
(2) Eve Kline: "No, not insulted just trying to understand. You seem like a very complicated person. You perfectly sociable and yet you claim shyness. You have more talent at your choosen path than most can boast but claim laziness. It doesn't all add up."
(4) Theodore Remington: "Miss Branch and Mister Douglas are both my clients, recommended by Mister Lamprey, a good man to know if you are in need. And your practice is from USA, you say?"
(4) Roc: "Doesn't all add up, huh? All my talents are magical, what am I going to do with it? Lay my hands on dying people and make them better without any expertise? Or show magic tricks growing hair out of my eyes? Really, Eve, think about it. What kind of magic do you do?"
(4) Roc: "Did your magic ever help you advance in career?"
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, they are square objects, looking like made of hard paper
(2) Eve Kline: "Yes actually. I'm a Crime Scene Investigator. Knowing how people died magically often helps me find clues to explain it mundanely."
** (5) Justin follows the woman in the red dress's stare across the room, eyeing who she's looking at as she does her sultry berry-sucking **
(4) Kurtis: "Yes, I practice contract accounting in New Haven, Oregon. For the Chandler Enterprise."
** (3) Dante looks up from his hand and at the bets placed thus far. "Ah.. well, I know when to fold 'em." **
(4) Kurtis: Wits 4 + Subterfuge 3 = 7
(4) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,3,[10, 2],[10, 10, 7],2,9] = (4)
(4) Kurtis: 5
(4) Theodore Remington: wits 3 + empathy 0 (-1) = 2
(4) Theodore Remington: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4] = (0)
(4) Theodore Remington: "Oh that's great, a successful american business, I presume?"
** (4) Kurtis puts 300 down trying to recover his money and enters next round, again, not cheating yet **
(4) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,7,4,6,[10, 4],5] = (2)
(4) Marcus Castana: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,3,5,5,[10, 9]] = (1)
(4) Theodore Remington: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,6,9,[10, 5],1] = (3)
** (3) Dante puts down the minimum bet...? **
(4) Clara: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,1] = (0)
(3) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,1,8,1] = (2)
(3) Dante: (( 3, 2, 1, 0. It was inevitable ))
(4) Kurtis: "Damn, sir, you're on fire."
(3) Dante: "Been playing for years, I take it."
(4) Kurtis: Can we get into their mind or somethin? Maybe figure out their cards?
(4) Theodore Remington: "It's just a mixture of talent and science."
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Clara's a mastigos. She'd pick up on it right away if I cast something, I figure.
(4) Roc: "Ah, you're one of those death people. The... Moros, right? Gloom and doom."
(4) Kurtis: Unless... I counterspell her. Risky, got an Obrimos too, very unfortunate combo.
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Yeah, not any real way of getting out of detection. May just need to get down to brass tacks.
(4) Kurtis: Let's make the Obrimos leave. Get someone to help. What happened when the General ran off? Why did he die? He eat or drink anything?
(2) Eve Kline: "I consider myself fairly optimistic actually." Smirks
** (4) Dealer looks between the players **
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) I dont know, but I'm fairly sure that they aren't aware he's dead. Or at least some of them...
(4) Kurtis: "He looked like he had a heart attack or something. Can you ask Eve or Justin to look at his body and see what killed him?"
(4) Kurtis: (ITALICS)
(3) Dante: (( Brain has reached critical mass. ))
(4) Kurtis: ((yeah claire and i need box of sleep XD ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((Yes plz))
(3) Dante: (Kurtis) Yeah. One moment. (Eve) Eve, got something for you to do. The general we were talking about earlier is dead. He may still be laying where he died and we need to know what killed him.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, it was the redheaded freckled kid in the crowd, he's sitting at a table, with his very nervous looking twin
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): the woman looked at him
(2) Eve Kline: Will do.
(2) Eve Kline: "You know I think I'll head to the buffet for a snack. Care to tag along?"
(5) Justin: Hah, I think that the red-haired freckled kid was supposed to set off the bomb with the strawberry hair pin. The woman in red just gave him a sign, or she's a slut, dunno, but I do know that I have the pin she meant for somebody else.
(4) Roc: "No, thanks, you have fun. I think I've expired my charge of male confidence for today. Good luck."
(3) Dante: (Justin) That's good.. and bad. It wont be long before they realize their plan's been compromised in some way.
(2) Eve Kline: "You're wishing me luck? What for?"
(4) Roc: "For whatever, for everything. Solving your problems, getting a snack."
(2) Eve Kline: "Well in that case good luck to you as well. For the same." Smiles as she heads for the buffet
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you see the woman in red doing some nervous head jerks towards the freckled kid. He is faking a smile and shaking his head. She comes up to the two silent staring men, they nod without breaking eye contact. Then, she looks at the fat black guy in a top hat, and he starts walking towards the band
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, as you come to the buffet, you see Guards studying general's body confused, preparing a black bag
(5) Justin: Okay, everybody take cover, I think shits about to hit the fan.
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) All hands, abandon your posts. Justin says shit's about to hit the fan!
(2) Eve Kline: (I would like to do the death sight spell to see what caused his dead? Would that be considered to break the casting rules?))
** (5) Justin pockets the strawberry, as he walks towards the exit, making sure to wait until all of his companions come to him **
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (not if you notify the guards, the spell is i believe touch based)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): (so you'd have to come up to body and touch it)
(2) Eve Kline: ((its a level one spell, at this point I could do it from a distance))
(2) Eve Kline: "Excuse me, what's happened to that poor man?"
(3) Dante: (( He died, duh! ))
(4) Bouncer: "Found him like this, not sure how, we got a Moros on the way."
(2) Eve Kline: "I'm a Moros. I could tell you if you like."
(4) Bouncer: "Oh, yes, yes, come on over."
(4) Bouncer: "Sorry, your name, please?"
(2) Eve Kline: "Eve Martin"
** (4) Bouncer pulls out a hand held. **
** (2) Eve Kline comes on over stepping with practiced skill around the body inspecting it for obvious signs before kneeling down to touch the body **
(4) Bouncer: "Eve Martin, date time, reading off General Lingort."
(2) Eve Kline: "Do I have permission for the spell?
(4) Bouncer: "Yes, ma'am."
** (2) Eve Kline casts the spell :P Death 5 + Gnosis 2 thought I could have sworn that was the first rote I bought... but its not on my list.. *shrugs* I'll spend a will setting it to 10)) **
(2) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,8,4,2,7,[10, 2],5,4,4] = (3)
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): He was poisoned by cionide put into his wine
(3) Dante: (( Oooooooh. Classic. ))
(5) Justin: (( Knew it when he put his wine glass on the table ))
(2) Eve Kline: "Cyanide, in his wine."
(3) Dante: (( Yup, I remember reading that. ))
** (4) Bouncer records it, turns off handheld **
(3) Dante: (Eve) You find the body okay?
(4) Bouncer: "Thank you, Miss Martin."
(2) Eve Kline: "I could ask his ghost who it was if you like."
(2) Eve Kline: Poison in his wine. That's what killed him. When did he get the wine is the question.
(4) Bouncer: "I think that would be best carried out outside of the party, not to spoil it. Miss Martin, could you please follow us into the VIP area?"
(2) Eve Kline: "Certainly if you like."
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) The General was poisoned via something in his wine. Dropped dead as he left the poker room and made it to the buffet.
(2) Eve Kline: They are taking me to the VIP area.
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) Eve is being escorted to the VIP area. Be careful, Eve.. that's dangerous water.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, at this moment, the following transpires.
(3) Dante: ((boom, we all die. ))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you see the black guy in a top hat walking up to the locked celio case and touching it. At the moment the two telepaths who had a staring contest for a few hours, both turn and pull out two pieces of hard paper, which suddenly break their disguise and become two beretta pistols, they fire at the man in the top hat. The freckled redhead kid dives under the table. The freckled guy's brother points a gun at the strawberry lady in red, and Roc turns around, saying,
(2) Eve Kline: ((heh its gonna be wall of text followed by box))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): "Uh, might as well" and dives in front of her, getting shot instead.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, as you enter the VIP area, you see a room full of guards, who greet you, and quickly turn to the monitors, which all point into the ballroom.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Security immediately jumps everyone who is holding a gun, shots get fired.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): The curtains of the poker room open, and the guard enters and announces "There is a security situation in the ballroom, I would advise staying here until it calms down. Thank you."
(3) Dante: "Ah, thank you for the notification." *looks to the guard, then back to the group.* "Interesting evening.."
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): And Eve, the moment shots get fired, which you witness on the monitors, the door in front of you, leading into a hallway down opens, and a familiar man runs in.
(4) Nestor Feneghan: "What's going on down there?"
(3) Dante: (Broadcast) We got a serious situation. Guns are being fired. Security's on it, but Justin's down there too. And the bomb.
** (4) Nestor Feneghan looks at Eve **
(4) Nestor Feneghan: "Who's she?"
(5) Justin: They gunned down the guy who was going to set off the bomb, and a bunch of people are gunning at eachother.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM):

(3) Dante: (( FUCKING NESTOR ))
(2) Eve Kline: .... OMG I found the real Nestor!
(2) Eve Kline: ((Would the real Nestor Feneghan please stand up, please stand up, please stand up))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i got something gangrapingly epic prepared for you next session))
(2) Eve Kline: I hope by gangrapingly epic.. you don't mean... gangrape.
(5) Justin: Gangrapingly epic?
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ((it does duh))
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok did anyone feel like u didnt get enough attention from me?
(5) Justin: It was good.
(2) Eve Kline: awww Roc commited assisted suicide
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): 6 xp all around
(2) Eve Kline: woohoo!
(2) Eve Kline: I will use it to heal my emotional scars from being dropped into a hot tub
(3) Dante: I felt adequately catered to, yes.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): thats what u get when someone shows up and says you're their girlfriend
(5) Justin: Truth,.
(3) Dante: Roc, that poor pathetic bastard
(5) Justin: inorite?
(3) Dante: He'll be fine, though. Totally will fix himself up with magic.
(3) Dante: He dont got the balls to die, I think.
(5) Justin: Nah.
(2) Eve Kline: He might even get sympathy sex from the redhead who's life he just saved
(5) Justin: I could totally kill everyfrigginbody right now.
(5) Justin: Just click boom!
(5) Justin: Muddafucka!
(3) Dante: How? spam them with spirits?
(3) Dante: Or that.
(3) Dante: Sure
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): necrosex
(5) Justin: ... CLick the strawberry.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): someone could puppeteer his dead corpse
(2) Eve Kline: bed!
(5) Justin: g'ni9ght
(2) Eve Kline: *steals justin's bed since she is having a sleep over at his house cause Dante and KK are mean to her*
(5) Justin: Shat.. well I've got a comfortable couch. *sleeps on his couch*
(2) Eve Kline: *totally steals all the blankets too*
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): wat im not mean to u
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): i love you baby come back to my bed
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): im cold without you T_T
(2) Eve Kline: Yeah but you denied me bed time for TWO hours.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): I'm very sorry.
(3) Dante: I AM mean, yep
(5) Justin: Yup.
(5) Justin: But I'm a nice guy.
(3) Dante: Lies
(2) Eve Kline: *sends all Dantes cookies to Justin*
(5) Justin: See? I'm nice because I said I'm nice.
(3) Dante: I hear your thoughts
(5) Justin: Thats how this works.
(5) Justin: *takes the cookies*
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): fine dont come to my bed
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): *whips Claire to death*
(3) Dante: T_T
(2) Eve Kline: X.X
(5) Justin: t.t
(5) Justin: @.@
** (4) Konrad Knox (GM) carries corpse to bed **
(3) Dante: O__o
(5) Justin: Justin's face when he saw the spirits. @.@
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): h_h
(2) Eve Kline: XP
(3) Dante: ....He did say necrosex earlier.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): no, here's justing's face
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ( 8 ) . ( 8 )
(5) Justin: Pupil Mitosis.
(4) Konrad Knox (GM): ya
(3) Dante: Justin's face is a pair of double-nippled boobs
(2) Eve Kline: yes.
(2) Eve Kline: Night
(5) Justin: Dude, awesome.
(5) Justin: He should live that. Just get life up high enough and live the dream.
(3) Dante: Night night!
(5) Justin: Night!
(2) Eve Kline: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Eve Kline (exit): 02:10
(3) Dante: >.>
(5) Justin:
(3) Dante: Lessthanfail
(5) Justin: buahaha
(5) Justin: <.>
(3) Dante: >.> I think Knox is in trouble
(5) Justin: Si'. maybe we should leave the openrpg.
(3) Dante: Perhapses.
(5) Justin: sespahrep
(3) Dante: Pepsahrse
(5) Justin: esrhaspep
(3) Dante: Sleep. Catch you later, hopefully next week.
(5) Justin: Aight.
(5) Justin: Lataz.
(5) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Justin (exit): 02:12
(3) Dante: Yup. Take it easy.
(3) Dante: Night Knox. Hope you didnt get into too much trouble.
(3) Dante: Self-destructing his brain...
(3) Dante (exit): 02:13