Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:38
(1) Justin (enter): 18:38
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:39
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:39
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
(1) Justin (enter): 18:40
(1) Justin: Evening.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Justin...
(2) Konrad Knox: Salutations
(2) Konrad Knox: well, YOU are here
(1) Justin: Yup, I am here.
(2) Konrad Knox: Logs are up from last game
(2) Konrad Knox: as of 4 min ago
(1) Justin: Was I in the last game?
(3) Eve Kline (enter): 18:48
(3) Eve Kline: hewwow
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Eve Kline...
(2) Konrad Knox: yes we were all in the last game
(2) Konrad Knox: no game had passed behind anyone's back
(1) Justin: Gotcha.
(2) Konrad Knox: hmmmm... i wonder where eric is
(1) Justin: As do I.
(2) Konrad Knox: chris has a theory
(2) Konrad Knox: but i aint voicing it
(3) Eve Kline: probably jacking off
(1) Justin: Ah yes, that is a distinct possibility.
(2) Konrad Knox: jacking off to THIS: http://founditsharedit.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/bear-horse.jpg
(1) Justin: I'm not going to click that.
(2) Konrad Knox: you wont resist
(1) Justin: ....
(3) Eve Kline: omg!
(1) Justin: bear-horse?
(3) Eve Kline: that's crazy
(1) Justin: Quit that, you're working with him to force me to look at the picture.
(4) No Name (enter): 18:56
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) No Name...
(2) Konrad Knox: i think he came and is now ready
(3) Eve Kline: but its just...
(4) Dante: Mrr?
(2) Konrad Knox: I was showing them the pic u were jacking off to
(2) Konrad Knox: http://founditsharedit.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/bear-horse.jpg
(4) Dante: o ok
(2) Konrad Knox: Jon's afraid to look
(4) Dante: Ya, that's the one.
(4) Dante: Totally wanking it to bear-horse.
(4) Dante: How'd you know?
(2) Konrad Knox: caught u doin it
(3) Eve Kline: you sick sick man
(2) Konrad Knox: u left ur webcam on
(1) Justin: Is that bear's nose pierced and attached to the horse's reigns?
(4) Dante: orite
(4) Dante: I forget about things like webcams.
(4) Dante: And opening cam channels that I never opened.
(4) Dante: Silly of me to forget.
(2) Konrad Knox: exactly
(2) Konrad Knox: hokaaay
(2) Konrad Knox: so lets recap, the log is up
(4) Dante: yeah, you probably should link me if you want me to look at logs.
(4) Dante: New pc since last time
(2) Konrad Knox: well the page is
(2) Konrad Knox: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MagePage.html
(2) Konrad Knox: u can find logs from there
(2) Konrad Knox: recent one you will appreciate the name of
(4) Dante: lmao, I see that
(4) Dante: You addict.
(4) Dante: Hah. Same problem I had last time too. My function key macros do not register.
(1) Justin: Special Episode?
(2) Konrad Knox: it was way too short to earn an actual number to be a full episode
(4) Dante: 24.5
(2) Konrad Knox: Okay
(4) Dante: Where are Alvin and Theodore, by the way?
(1) Justin: ...
(1) Justin: Oh, Simon.
(4) Dante: Yes.
(2) Konrad Knox: Ok, glad you asked
(4) Dante: the two dead noobs
(4) Dante: well, fainted
(4) Dante: whatev
(2) Konrad Knox: oh those two are ones scavenger been holding by the necks
(4) Dante: Yeah. Alvin and Theodore.
(2) Konrad Knox: he threw them at woman in red
(2) Konrad Knox: am i missing a joke? :D
(2) Konrad Knox: that wasnt Theodore from poker room
(4) Dante: Perhaps you have not heard of the famous trio of chipmunks.
(2) Konrad Knox: oh yeah
(3) Eve Kline: The chimpmunks names were Alvin, Theodore and Simon
(2) Konrad Knox: but whats it do... oh
(2) Konrad Knox: got it
(4) Dante: XD
(3) Eve Kline: had to walk ya through that..
** (4) Dante pats Kostya on the shoulder. **
(1) Justin: By the hand..
(4) Dante: There there.
(2) Konrad Knox: As for Theodore Remington from the casino lounge that Dante and Kurtis, he looks kind of like this. Him and his lady. Looks like a silly aged fella, but when he looks at cards, or at pool table, there is that eery concentration.
(2) Konrad Knox: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Theodore%20Remington.jpg
(4) Dante: Where have I seen him before...
(2) Konrad Knox: and he dresses kinda like his outfit on the left, like an excentric hustler fag
(2) Konrad Knox: Okay, so what transpired was Eve saw a spell forming at Seth's aura, and fired a dispellation at it. At the same time, the dead zone activated and clashed with both the curse and the dispellation. As a result, a weakened, distorted version of Seth's spell stroke the woman, as she fell at Scavenger's tossed men, and stabbed herself to death.
(2) Konrad Knox: At this point all shields and effects, including mage sights have dropped, and the only person remaining on the scene with a magical effect on him is Justin, who is invisible. However, he is now no longer able to float, and gravity starts pulling him back on.... wherever surface he floats above. Please mark yourselves with dots on the map. Everyone on the roof, sees Kurtis appear in the air and descend, barely making the landing
(2) Konrad Knox: Kurtis slides down at almost the very corner of the roof
(2) Konrad Knox: and you can fuck your chipmunks btw, im not of this culture
(1) Justin: If you fucked a chipmunk, I'd imagine it'd pop.
(4) Dante: Nah. It would probably just smear.
(2) Konrad Knox: justin, is the ugly black symbol - you?
(1) Justin: It says it's me doesn't it?
(4) Dante: It... does?
(2) Konrad Knox: no it...
(2) Konrad Knox: says like
(2) Konrad Knox: WF
(4) Dante: WE
(2) Konrad Knox: if anything
(1) Justin: I'm pretty sure that is an M, but ooooh!
(1) Justin: The dot on the left is actually the downward stroke.
(3) Eve Kline: MF?
(2) Konrad Knox: WE/WF is prolly the worst way to fail at abbreviating Justin Robertson
(3) Eve Kline: lol
(3) Eve Kline: I dunno he could have put 7%
(1) Justin: I'd try to fix it, but my whiteboard tab froze.
(2) Konrad Knox: how bout that
(2) Konrad Knox: wow... okay we can work with this
(4) Dante: It kinda looks like a game of hangman drawn by an 8 year old.
(1) Justin: With Downs and Dislexia?
(2) Konrad Knox: okay map is very handy in its scale actually. in one initiative combat turn, your guys can move a distance of one cell, do an instant action, and say a 3 seconds long sololoque. You can opt to not do an action and do 2 move instead, in which case u can move two cells per turn - counts as run
(4) Dante: Possibly.
(2) Konrad Knox: initivate roster:
(2) Konrad Knox: Scavenger, Owner, Pilot, Eve, Justin, Dante, Simon, Man in Black, Kurtis, Nestor, Lady in Red, Seth, Guards.
(2) Konrad Knox: Scavener did the throw
(2) Konrad Knox: lady died
(2) Konrad Knox: Owner spent his turn to intimidate man in black to let Seth go. Seth is let go.
(2) Konrad Knox: Pilot began the chopper's ascendance
(2) Konrad Knox: as i recall, some of us are carrying weapons. Dante has a dmg 2 revolver, Justin i think has a 9mm pistol damg 2, Eve is carrying her issue sidearm dmg 2, and Kurtis - two desert eagles, this sound correct to everyone?
(1) Justin: Yes.
(4) Dante: Yeah. Kurtis should go treasure hunting sometime.
(3) Eve Kline: yup plus an iron dagger in my purse
(2) Konrad Knox: saw that coming 92965 miles away Dante
(4) Dante: Of course.
(2) Konrad Knox: iron dagger is ur path tool correct?
(3) Eve Kline: yes
(2) Konrad Knox: Okays. Justin. Yoooou have an empathy specialty Danger Sense
(1) Justin: Yes.
(2) Konrad Knox: private msg for u
(1) Justin: Waitin' for it.
whispering to Justin, you sense the motives of the individuals on the roof, and no shit it feels dangerous. you can see the guy in tux is feeling like the most shaken and ready to snap, "nestor" is also kinda itching for trigger happy.
(2) Konrad Knox: Okay, and as soon as game starts, it's Eve's turn.
(2) Konrad Knox: ready for box?
(4) Dante: Can we do circle this time?
(3) Eve Kline: wait clarification, is Scavvy on the chopper?
(2) Konrad Knox: Justin, what you just got is not fact, but a feeling... the situational intuition
(2) Konrad Knox: Simon is on the chopper, Scavvy is on the roof
(2) Konrad Knox: chopper is now raising and the doorstep of the aircraft is passing the top of his head at your turn
(2) Konrad Knox: Circle is a possibility, but they are less reliable
(2) Konrad Knox: they always get the subject wrong
(4) Dante: Yeah, I hear you there man.

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(3) Eve Kline: and we currently cannot do spells correct?
whispering to Dante, and you, well, your empathy kinda hints you that the guy in black tux is the most ready-to-snap one, while nestor's a little shaky. Scavenger's stance hints that he's cool as a rock and shouldnt attack unless provoked, defensive. trust this info as much as u trust Dante's 1 dot of empathy
** (1) Justin runs to the left and dives down against the ground, as he reaches out with his will, and using his willpower, attempts to change some of the fuel in the chopper into highly volatile nitroglycerine **
(1) Justin: The ground being the roof.
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you do not sense any barriers for your mana to exit.
(2) Konrad Knox: But you just sensed all your spell drop and lose effects, so yeah, you with x years of experience as a mage, know what this is, this is a dead zone.
(1) Justin: Oh, so I can still attempt the spell correct? It just has to have more successes than the dead zone roll?
(3) Eve Kline: special in that case I will be shooting at the gas tank of the chopper
(2) Konrad Knox: Justin, you dont know.
(3) Eve Kline: Dex + Firearms + gun(2) = 6
(3) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [7,6] = (13)
** (3) Eve Kline found the F3 macro key **
(1) Justin: Okay, I'll set up the roll then. Transmute Liquid Rote int 3 science 5 matter 3 wp 3 = 15
(3) Eve Kline: or.. when the box gets here...
(1) Justin: [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,9,4,5,[10, 4],[10, 7],[10, 6],3,1,8,9,6,9,5] = (8)
(3) Eve Kline: and it's still my turn justin...
(3) Eve Kline: though with a roll like that I might be inclined to let you go first.
(3) Eve Kline: :P
(1) Justin: (crap)
(1) Justin: SOrry!)
(1) Justin: Thought it was my turn.
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, everyone type "box"
(2) Konrad Knox: tradition must be upheld
(1) Justin: box
(4) Dante: clocks
(2) Konrad Knox: u ppl fail
(2) Konrad Knox:
resume game

(4) Dante: Oh I forgot quotes.
(4) Dante: "clocks"
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve's turn
(3) Eve Kline: shoosting the chopper's gas tank
** (3) Eve Kline found the F3 macro key **
(3) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,5,6,7,4] = (0)
(3) Eve Kline: or.. not
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you shoot it, but it's armored.
(2) Konrad Knox: ping!
(3) Eve Kline: hurray
(2) Konrad Knox: Justin, you make a hell of an attempt to form your spell, though not having a direct line of eyesight to the fuel itself, being blocked by the gas tank exterior, and distracted by Eve's shot, your quintessense leaves your body but gets consumed by something within the area. You feel your energy release, but no "tingle" you usually get when using your powers. The chopper looks the same, no change in its trajectory.
(2) Konrad Knox: Dante
(1) Justin: Alrighty.
** (4) Dante draws his revolver as he feels the spells around him dropping. He tries to send out a thought to see if the telepathy is still in effect. "(Broadcast)Shit guys, what the fuck just happened?" ((And if Dante can also move (not sure if quick draw only applies to firing and drawing or how you want to interpret it), Dante will move to the next left cell. If not, cool.)) **
(2) Konrad Knox: Quick draw merit allows you to draw gun reflexively, which means, unaffected by regular move-action-speech rule. So, guys, you see a volver appear in Dante's hand out of nowhere. Your link however is gone. Redraw yourself where you now stand.
(4) Dante: ((Whar is tha eras0r?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you switch to freeform ,right click your doodle and choose remove))
(4) Dante: (( That did not remove my doodle. ))
(1) Justin: (( No, but it did remove mine.. )
(4) Dante: (( It is randomly removing doodles. What the crap. ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((i see your doodle removed))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((scroll map up and down, it refreshes))
(4) Dante: (( I see one of Eve's removed and one of Justin's removed. ))
(4) Dante: (( Same. ))
(4) Dante: (( At any rate... X marks the spot? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yup, youre cool.))
(4) Dante: ((The thought was an intended effort, so that's technically a speech I assume. In this case, my turn's done. ))
(2) Simon Lamprey: "That's fair enough, Lord Mason, myself and my party are departing, if you only allow my niece to accompany me?" - Simon retreats with most of his body into the helicopter, eyeing sudden appearance of Kurtis, Eve, and Dante
(4) Dante: ((Man, that is such a "caught with your pants down" moment. All the stealthers got revealed, except Justin.))
** (2) Man in Black yells "She's not his niece, she's just an innocent girl!" and shoots his pistol at Simon! **
(2) Man in Black: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],3,[10, 5],8,6,5] = (3)
(1) Justin: ((hehehe))
** (2) Man in Black hits Simon Lamprey in the shoulder, splitting blood from it in a squirt on the floor of the roof. Simon screams like a wounded animal, which he technically is, and his balance faulters, he falls into the chopper's cabin, and disappears from sight **
** (2) Kurtis slowly draws both pistols, and walks towards Seth and Dante, saying "Good shot, now take a bit closer to heart." Drawing the guns and pointing one at where Simon was last, and one at Scavenger - was his action **
** (2) Nestor Feneghan points his gun at Kurtis **
(2) Nestor Feneghan: "Who the hell are you? And you?" Looks at Dante.
** (2) Lady in Red is now dead and keeps laying there **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth backs away towards the exit closest to her
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): And the guards... two of them fire and the man in black tux
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,3,7,1,[10, 9],5] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,9,4,9,2,1] = (2)
(3) Eve Kline: you mean
(3) Eve Kline: "at"?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): wow, yes, at, stupid autocomplete. The fire AT him and get him pretty fucked up, he drops his gun and is down on the ground
(4) Dante: ((No, and. The man in black is so badass he acts twice.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the other three guards point guns respectively at Dante, Eve, and Kurtis - the three people who drew/fired guns
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): this ends round 1
(4) Dante: ((Those two guards need more training, apparently. Silly gun-crossing noobs.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): would u like new initiative or like to keep same?
(4) Dante: ((I'm fine.))
(1) Justin: (I'm alright)
(3) Eve Kline: I'm good as well))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): im outvoted 3 to 1 T_T
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Lady in red and man in Black are now on the floor, man in black cringing, though not crying, behaving honorably. So our init looks like this. Scavenger, Owner, Pilot, Eve, Justin, Dante, Simon, Kurtis, Nestor, Seth, Guards.
** (2) Scavenger 's legs produce a mechanic noise and he JUMPS up... **
(2) Scavenger: strength 5 + athletics 3 + implant 1 = 9
(2) Scavenger: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,6,[10, 1],9,5,7,9,9] = (4)
(2) Scavenger: ... jumps 6 feet off the ground and barely, baaarely, baaaaaarellly catches the bottom rail of the aircraft with his massive fists, also making a metallic clang, though covered in a leather biker jacket, with metal studs, and leather gloves, it's not quite clear what clanged, the clothes or his very flesh. He hangs on the rail of the chopper, struggling to pull himself up, which he wont do till next turn.
(4) Dante: ((What a friggin beast.))
(2) Man in White Tux: "Let this be a lesson to you, Diamond Priest, that Diana and her fanatical circle will not find support here. We're not against you, but neither are we with you. You may retrieve your girl if she is claimed as yours."
** (2) Man in White Tux waves to the guards to move towards Seth, to the two who shot the guy. But they are slow, so they dont hurry to move. **
** (2) Pilot brings the chopper up another two feet, slightly tilting it to aid Scavenger with his pull up **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve
** (4) Dante ((pokes the game room with a long, pointy, yet willowy stick)) **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((room pokes you back))
(4) Dante: (( omfg, that's cheating ))
(5) Eve Kline (enter): 20:26
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Eve Kline...
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(3) Eve Kline' from server...
(3) Eve Kline (exit): 20:26
** (5) Eve Kline places her gun pointed up into the air, placing her other hand out in an open palmed peace geastures while saying "If you wanted the chopper to leave you should have said so" **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): As a reaction to that the guard nods, mimics your gesture, says: "Let's keep the lead in the barrels." Then he points his gun at Kurtis.
(6) Eve Kline (enter): 20:29
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Eve Kline...
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(5) Eve Kline' from server...
(5) Eve Kline (exit): 20:29
(6) Eve Kline: They are all wrong the internet is not for porn it is for disconnecting multiple times
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): As a reaction to that the guard nods, mimics your gesture, says: "Let's keep the lead in the barrels." Then he points his gun at Kurtis.
(4) Dante: ((Its for disconnecting you right before the money shot))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin
** (1) Justin frowns deeply at the leaving chopper, and unable to do anything more to take it out, he makes his way towards where Seth attempts her escale **
(7) Eve Kline (enter): 20:32
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Eve Kline...
(7) Eve Kline: escale?
(1) Justin: .... escape
(1) Justin: >
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Well, nobody seems to react to what you do, Justin
(1) Justin: I'm aware.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so u can move across the roof, two cells
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so you'd be just near the guards
(1) Justin: That works.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): like,passing their pointed guns, aiming at just Kurtis and Dante now. 3 guns on Kurt, 1 on Dante.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, your move is next
(1) Justin: Well, I'll try not to get in the line of fire but.
** (4) Dante glances to Eve for a single moment before reholstering his revolver with the same flash of speed as when it was drawn. He bends his elbows, forearm and bicep perpendicular in a somewhat more casual gesture than Eve. "Sorry, sorry." With a hesitant rasp in his voice, Dante spits the words quickly to the guard aiming at him, his hazel eyes shifting only briefly to the white-clad man who took center-stage mere minutes ago. "Its a reflex." **
(4) Dante: ((end))
(1) Justin: (Anyone mind if I run and grab something to eat really quick? Just assume I follow the party invisibly)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The guard nods, and respectfully puts his palm up. "Thank you, sir." His gun is lowered.
(4) Dante: ((I don't mind, naw. We'll just drag Justin through some broken glass and rusty nails.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((and POISON))
(4) Dante: ((Yes, and POISON!))
(1) Justin: ((And the obligatory poison.))
(8) Eve Kline (enter): 20:40
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Eve Kline...
** (2) Simon Lamprey speaks up, coughing. "Lower the ladder. Let Seth come up." **
(8) Eve Kline: I wonder if there is a way to make the internet not hate me.
(4) Dante: ((Nah. The internet is a hate machine, not a love machine))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): A small rope ladder starts being lowered off the helicopter
(2) Kurtis: "Guys, we can do this their way, or we can do this our way." - he points his guns at Nestor and closest guard, and moves closer to the edge of the roof above the parking lot.
(4) Dante: ((You totally just violated cell rules XD))
(4) Dante: (( :P Better. ))
(2) Nestor Feneghan: "Put the GUN DOWN now, SIR. If anyone is stopping this person from leaving, it's me, no need for any more extremists today. Drop it or join those on the ground."
(8) Eve Kline: ((wonders if anyone else thinks KK has multiple personalies for being able to play Kurtis and then yell at Kurtis with Nestor))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((T_T i only do what the voices tell me to! ))
(4) Dante: (( Shhh, its okay Kostya. We know. The voices told us all about it. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): On Seth's turn, something happens. Out of the exit she is backing towards, come out two officers in gray business suits with golden epolettes. With them, this man. An old, well aged man, with eyes so creepily obsessed with power that making eye contact with him is not pleasing. (( http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Lazarus%20Lavrus.jpg ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the officers uniforms carry regalia of a mask from Mage book page 44
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(6) Eve Kline' from server... Removing dead client
(6) Eve Kline (exit): 21:02
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): A mask, behind it a scepter, and an Atlantean written G
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, roll int + occult
(8) Eve Kline: Int + Oct = 7
(8) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,1,7,[10, 9],3,[10, 3]] = (3)
(8) Eve Kline: 4
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You have a PRETTY GOOD GUESS who they are
(8) Eve Kline: "Shit."
** (2) Lazarus speaks with this rasp old man kind of voice that carries not creepiness, not eeriness, but outright power, ruthlessness and fear. He doesn't yell, nor does he threaten, he just softly and stately pronounces his words. Look and feel of an old man who is incharge of... say... an army of two or three criminal regions, he looks like a live Al Capone, like one of those illegal old school mafia guild master types, like a guy who ate a baby for breakfast today and killed 10 people last week, and ordered deaths of a 100 this month. He's a hardass little old man. The more frightening of the two is that The Owner of the House, nods to him and drops his valiant presense a bit. **
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(7) Eve Kline' from server... Removing dead client
(7) Eve Kline (exit): 21:08
(2) Lazarus: "This... girl... is not a claim of Diamond Priest. She has no blood relation, and is now fully awakened. As such she is property of the Guardians of the Veil, and will be taken from here now by my authority."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Now three guards aim at each of the Guardians of the Veil, and two keep his aim on Kurtis. They also shift positions a bit.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth looks panicked. "What do you mean no blood relation?! He is my real uncle!"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): and this ends round 2
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): your further actions will determine whether to keep in combat rounds or not.
(1) Justin: ((And I'm back))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): (( catch up then hee))
(1) Justin: (( I did))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright. Round 3 initiative?
(9) Eve Kline (enter): 21:22
(4) Dante: ((Probably new init))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Eve Kline...
(1) Justin: (( Yah.))
(9) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [4,7] = (11)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((lets roll it then))
(1) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [9,5] = (14)
(4) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [6,7] = (13)
(2) Kurtis: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [2,8] = (10)
(4) Dante: ((Kurt's gonna end up at the bottom again))
(4) Dante: (( lol, wow ))
(1) Justin: ((hahaha))
(2) Kurtis: ((WHAT THE HELL))
(4) Dante: ((rofl))
(9) Eve Kline: ((hehe))
(2) Scavenger: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [5,7] = (12)
(2) Simon Lamprey: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [6,5] = (11)
(2) Man in White Tux: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [2,6] = (8)
(2) Pilot: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [4,5] = (9)
(9) Eve Kline: lol
(2) Nestor Feneghan: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [8,6] = (14)
(1) Justin: He's got a higher speed.
(2) Lazarus: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [2,7] = (9)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Okay, we got our initiative
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Nestor, Justin, Dante, Scavenger, Eve, Simon, Kurtis, Lazarus, Owner, Guardians of Veil, Mansion Guards.
(2) Nestor Feneghan: "Put the gun down, ignorant bastard. I give you till I count to three. One... two.." - Nestor aims at Kurt's forehead. Kurt doesn't lower his gun.
(2) Nestor Feneghan: Nestor holds his action.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin.
(1) Justin: Hold my action!
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((just a reminder. holding action allows you to see what others do first and then interfere at will))
(4) Dante: ((Yeah, I'm thinking.))
(4) Dante: ((Nah, fuck it. Hold my action.))
(4) Dante: (( >.> ))
** (2) Scavenger climbs up the helicopter rail, and stands in the entrance, shielding access to Simon with his massive body. His action was to climb. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Scavenger's climbing looks brutal btw
(4) Dante: (( Bruuuuuutaaaaal ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): we talking Arnold brutal, but much much uglier
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): btw
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Guardians of the Veil not only didnt raise any weapons, they dont even look armed.
(4) Dante: ((http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/69398.gif Arnold is HARDLY brutal.))
** (9) Eve Kline points gun in guardians direction **
(10) Justin (enter): 21:38
(9) Eve Kline: (then hold action)
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Justin...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((justin, whats the last thing u saw?))
(10) Justin: (What'd she say before hold action?)
(9) Eve Kline: (lol dante)
(4) Dante: (( :P ))
(9) Eve Kline: points gun in guardians direction **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 2) Konrad Knox (GM): we talking Arnold brutal, but much much uglier (2) Konrad Knox (GM): btw (2) Konrad Knox (GM): Guardians of the Veil not only didnt raise any weapons, they dont even look armed.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, which one are you pointing at, the old man in the middle or two of his unarmed companions?
(11) Eve Kline (enter): 21:40
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(9) Eve Kline' from server...
(9) Eve Kline (exit): 21:40
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(8) Eve Kline' from server...
(8) Eve Kline (exit): 21:40
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(1) Justin' from server...
(1) Justin (exit): 21:40
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Eve Kline...
whispering to Eve Kline, Eve, which one are you pointing at, the old man in the middle or two of his unarmed companions?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the closest companion of the old man aims his eyes at you, a stare as sharp as a gun barrel, he looks at you focused, like a hunting hound.
(2) Simon Lamprey: "Explain yourselves at once, Lazarus." - Simon barks
(12) Eve Kline (enter): 21:45
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (12) Eve Kline...
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(11) Eve Kline' from server...
(11) Eve Kline (exit): 21:47
(13) Eve Kline (enter): 21:47
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Eve having deep connection issues))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Eve Kline...
(13) Eve Kline: lucky 13?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): there u go
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): wireless for the lose
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, repeating Simon's move
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the closest companion of the old man aims his eyes at you, a stare as sharp as a gun barrel, he looks at you focused, like a hunting hound.
(2) Simon Lamprey: "I deeply respect the feared Guardians. Explain yourselves at once, Lazarus." - Simon barks trying to be heard above the helicopter
** (2) Kurtis holds action, staring Nestor in the forehead **
(4) Dante: ((Cutting in))
** (4) Dante rapidly produces the revolver from before in his left hand, the colt 1911 following it in his right like the clap of thunder after a flash. Both are pointed at Nestor as he looks back and forth at Kurtis and Nestor respectively. "Can't let you do that." **
(2) Lazarus: "Drop the act, Mr. Lamprey. This... girl.. had been conditioned retrocognitively and is under a persistant mental effect. We will take care of her now, and properly train her, or discard her and have her unmanifested." - speaks calm..... Dante cuts in
(4) Dante: ((end))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, Dante, you did a reflexive action and a speech, you technically still have a move))
(4) Dante: ((Ah, I suppose I do.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you can keep holding it))
** (4) Dante also takes a couple of steps towards Eve, his eyes fixing themselves on Nestor. ((Nah.)) **
(2) Man in White Tux: "I hold you and your methods in respect, as they are feared and well polished. Everybody but my people, calm down, and lower your weapons. If you don't want a piece of this, now is your queue to leave. There are innocent bystander guests here, Lord Lavrus, but I can't let you take her by force in my House."
** (2) Lazarus in the calmest of voices, not even straining it, as if he was eating tea and crumpets, a half whisper. "You dare oppose the will of The Veil?" **
(2) Kurtis: "I don't care about the girl, I just want those fuckers in the chopper."
(2) Man in White Tux: "Diana's crew, and the Guardians, none will take violent action in my house. Let us part as we are. We have enough problems with Free Council extremists tonight."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): at this, Lazarus's guards, following their natural initiative, raise their sleeves and fire two bolts out of wrist mounted crossbows. Both aimed at the Owner's head.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,9,3,3,[10, 3],4,6,8,3] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,2,9,5,6,6,1,9,5] = (2)
(10) Justin: Cut in to barrel into the owner and tackle him away from the crossbow bolts?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, roll str + brawl
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): +2 for invisibility
(10) Justin: haha.. okay str 1 brawl -1 + 2 = 2
(10) Justin: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7] = (0)
(4) Dante: ((Damn, those fuckers had 10 dice after called headshots?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You run into the man, but bump against him and fall prone. Still invisible nevertheless.
(10) Justin: Got it.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((13. 4 dex 5 weps 3 weapon + 1 specialty in using it))
(13) Eve Kline: ((eep)
** (2) Man in White Tux takes 2 to the head and drops unconscious **
(4) Dante: (( Jaysus ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Mansion guards forget existance of all other targets and hail away at the Veil
(13) Eve Kline: hmm
(4) Dante: (( I dont even know who's up. Cant remember init))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((if u didnt cut in yet, you can now cast))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): people who still have move are:
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Nestor, Dante (unless u ended) Eve, Simon, Kurtis, Lazarus himself.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): if these people cut in before Owner is out, u still cant cast, if u cut in after, u can
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): guards be firing at Veil now
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,5,3,[10, 5],3,7] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,[10, 4],6,9,7,8] = (4)
(4) Dante: ((Oh I moved already. (new X mark) ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,9,7,3,8,1] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,2,5,[10, 3],9,2] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the left Veil Guard goes down
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,4,8,[10, 4],3,4] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): right Veil guard takes it to the chest
(13) Eve Kline: I would like to use my Eveneration rote on the still standing guardian please?
(4) Dante: (( as you can see by the red-orange multitude of turds, the Owner got owned. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): roll it
(13) Eve Kline: pres + occult + death = 11
(13) Eve Kline: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,6,3,5,9,8,6,4,[10, 7],[10, 3]] = (4)
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(12) Eve Kline' from server... Removing dead client
(12) Eve Kline (exit): 22:18
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The right guardian lowers his arms and descends on the wall, being already injured, he just kinda looks down at his wound, and tries to hold it shut. His str now at 1
** (13) Eve Kline 's eyes turn black and her hair stands on end for a moment as she glares at the remaining Guardian **
(4) Dante: ((Is Eve a vampire that feeds on other vampires? An ear of corn, perhaps?))
(13) Eve Kline: ((that's right))
** (2) Lazarus turns his head to Eve and looks into her blackened eyes **
(2) Lazarus: Psychic Domination: Mind 5 + Presense 3 + Intimidation 3 = 11
(2) Lazarus: "Woman. Kill everyone here and then kill yourself."
(2) Lazarus: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,9,1,8,3,9,2,2,2,9] = (5)
(2) Lazarus: roll resolve + gnosis Eve
(13) Eve Kline: resolve + gnosis = 5 (can I add willpower?)
(2) Lazarus: ((yes, u are now at 4))
(13) Eve Kline: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,6,7,3,1,9,5] = (1)
(13) Eve Kline: fuck me
** (2) Kurtis cuts in **
(2) Kurtis: "Supernal Counterspell!"
** (2) Kurtis reaches out to the big boss's spell **
(2) Kurtis: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7
(2) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,7,[10, 1],3,6,4] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: Eve, you are now, completely, entirely, overwhelmed by your need to kill everyone here and yourself. You will do this until you're unconscious or dispelled.
** (2) Simon Lamprey tries to heal himself **
(2) Simon Lamprey: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,7,6,5,2,2,7,6,7,3,[10, 2]] = (2)
(2) Simon Lamprey: and does so
** (2) Scavenger disappears in the helicopter **
** (2) Pilot takes the fuck off **
(10) Justin: How far away does he get?
(2) Pilot: 6 feet into the air
(2) Pilot: in direction away from roof
(2) Pilot: straight down south above the road
(2) Pilot: this ends the round
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): new init or same init?
(10) Justin: Same
(4) Dante: Ah dinnae care, lad.
(13) Eve Kline: don't care either
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): same it is
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Nestor, Justin, Dante, Eve, Kurtis Lazarus enervated Veil Guard, Mansion Guards. Scavenger and Simon will be exiting the round unless someone stops them.
Sorry I don't know what /me, is!
** (2) Nestor Feneghan , to the shock of Mansion guards, who were under his command, drops the mask, revealing a completely unfamiliar face, and runs for it down the exit **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin
** (10) Justin focuses upon the escaping helicopter, and knowing it's his last chance, focuses everything once more on the liquid the machine holds, channeling his willpower and energy outwards, in an attempt to change the fuel into nitroglycerine, and induce an explosion big enough to clear out the fight on the roof **
(10) Justin: Transmute Water int 3 science 5 matter 3 + will 3 = 14
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): with no visual contact with fuel itself, roll st -4
(10) Justin: 10
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): at
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yup
(10) Justin: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,2,6,5,6,4,8,1,1] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the spell goes off, as far as you can tell, towards the fuel tank
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante
(4) Dante: ((The helicopter is ... over the top of the roof still? Or it is now away from the building?))
(10) Justin: (Going up and away)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Its cockpit is 1/3 off the roof, only its tail part is still over it, and it's lifting
(4) Dante: ((I'm gonna attempt to undo the spell on Eve. That was a mind spell, right? So I should be able to undo it with mind.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((correct, it is a spell of Mind, and as long as you possess a dot in mind, you can attempt a Mind Counterspell.))
(4) Dante: ((Right, so that's what I'm gonna do.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Mind+Int+Occult is standard counterspell))
** (4) Dante looks over to Eve and closes his eyes for a moment, one of the guns in his hand lowering away from Nestor as he concentrates on manipulating the spell cast on her, trying to unweave it entirely. ((Mind 4, Gnosis 3 + WP 3 = 10)) **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((or gnosis it))
(4) Dante: (( wait what? ))
(4) Dante: ((Oh, yeah. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): beat 5
(4) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,5,7,8,8,9,[10, 10, 7],[10, 6],[10, 6]] = (6)
(4) Dante: ((k))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, your mind is clear again, the effect is gone.
** (4) Dante twirls the spell about the barrel of his revolver and dusts it off in a likely strange-looking physical display. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): DC, you're at 4 WP
(4) Dante: ((And I'll move to Eve directly, ending my turn))
(4) Dante: ((Yeah.))
(4) Dante: ((or close anyway))
** (2) Scavenger doesnt do anything, just keeps himself in the leaving helicopter, which, in another 3 seconds had moved completely off the roof **
(2) Scavenger: Eve
(13) Eve Kline: what would the penalty be to destory object on the blades of the helocopter?
(4) Dante: (( 5 years or 250,000 dollar fine. ))
(13) Eve Kline: :P
(13) Eve Kline: (kostya says roll perception... to me)
(13) Eve Kline: wits + comp = 7
(13) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,4,8,3,3,1] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): what object do you wish to destroy?
(13) Eve Kline: the blades of the helecopter
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you can focus one one blade
(4) Dante: ((which planet do you wish to destroy?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): roll at -3, analog of called shot
(13) Eve Kline: gnosis + death = 7 - 3 = 4
(13) Eve Kline: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,5,9] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you faulter the balance of the chopper as one blade seems to be rapidly decaying from tip to the spinning axel
(13) Eve Kline: hurray
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): At this point, 3 more seconds pass and something unhealthy is happening in the helicopter's tummy as enough fuel got transmitted to BAD. And it goes.... Frrrk... frrk... BOOOOOOM
(10) Justin: (WHOOOO!)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Shit is flying all over around it, outward. Screams are heard from the streets below.
** (2) Scavenger being forced back into initiative, bear hugs Simon, and cuddling with him into a ball, falls out of the helicopter, BADLY singed. The pilot is dead, burnt alive. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Now we roll stamina+athletics to mitigate the effect of a helicopter exploding into bits on us. Subtract your successes from 6, and thats the ammount of aggrevated damage we take.
(10) Justin: (whoo... v.v)
(13) Eve Kline: stamina + althletics = 3
(2) Kurtis: stam 4 + ath 3 = 7
(13) Eve Kline: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,[10, 2]] = (1)
(13) Eve Kline: ow.
(2) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => [8,2,[10, 3],8,1,8,6] = (46)
(2) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,5,6,6,3,2] = (0)
(10) Justin: stam 3 ath 2 = 5
(10) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,7,9,6] = (1)
(4) Dante: ((stam+ath=4))
(4) Dante: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,1,3] = (1)
(2) Lazarus: stam 3 + athletics 1 = 4
(2) Lazarus: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,2,5] = (0)
(4) Dante: ((5 agg? I think I might be dead.))
(13) Eve Kline: there is no way. health = 5 plus your stamina.
(10) Justin: ((I've got 2 left! We should totally leave.))
(4) Dante: ((I already have 3 fucking bashing or some check-boxed shit from something prior.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth: stam 2 + athl 0
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 7]] = (1)
(4) Dante: ((And the funny part is I have no fucking idea where the first damage came from.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, Dante, your bashing rolls into agg, and agg absorbs it.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): dante 5 agg, eve 5 agg, justin 5 agg, kurtis 6 agg, lazarus 6 agg, and guards definitely didnt make it.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): more importantly
(4) Dante: ((Oh boy? So I've got... 5 agg and 2 empty hitboxes then, or what?))
(4) Dante: ((Wait, that doesnt sound right.))
(2) Scavenger: ((ok yeah ure right))
(13) Eve Kline: (oy how many health levels total do you have?
(2) Scavenger: ((5 agg, 1 lethal, 2 bash))
(2) Scavenger: stamina 4 + athletics 4 = 8
(4) Dante: (( I have 7 hitboxes -_- ))
(2) Scavenger: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,8,7,4,6,4,9] = (2)
(2) Scavenger: scavenger subtracts from 10. and takes 8 agg
(13) Eve Kline: (then its 5 agg 1 lethal 1 bash)
(13) Eve Kline: (and is probably still not getting negatives to his pulls..)
(4) Dante: ((GG I guess.))
(2) Simon Lamprey: stam 3 + athletics 2 + scavenger protect 3 = 8
(2) Simon Lamprey: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,9,2,2,[10, 3],8,5] = (4)
(13) Eve Kline: (you aren't dead, you're just close)
(2) Simon Lamprey: takes 5 agg
(13) Eve Kline: (besides we have a healer)
(10) Justin: (Yeah, he's somewhere around here..)
** (2) Kurtis , upon his fuckin initiative turn, with 6 agg and 2 clear boxes to his person, attempts to cast telekinetic control over flying helicopter debris to move the flow of a few shar pieces into Lazarus... he does so at -8, coz technically is falling unconscious right after **
(2) Kurtis: str 3 + athletics 3 + forces 5 + ring 1 - 8 = 4
(2) Kurtis: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,7,[10, 9]] = (1)
(13) Eve Kline: (only if he took double his stam in damage would he be passing out. which means eve is passing out))
** (2) Lazarus takes extra 2 lethal damage. And on his initiative, which is now the last remaining, he is left with one health box, 6 agg and 2 lethal, thus being at -2 **
(4) Dante: ((That's just about all of us I think, lol))
(10) Justin: ((Not me..))
(2) Lazarus: Teleportation: Space 5 + Int 4 + Occult 3 + WP 3 - 2 = 13
(2) Lazarus: "Verdannt, Jesus, der Christ, freie Ratsschweine bumst. Sie haben alle Furcht verloren."
(2) Lazarus: [13 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,[10, 8],1,2,2,5,5,4,9,9,3,6] = (4)
** (2) Lazarus puts a hand on Seth's shoulder, and they both fold into a rift in space **
(2) Lazarus: Dante and Eve, you witness an awesome fiery explosion, and your bodies epically break limits of their pain thresholds, as you get thrown off your feet into the dark soothing oblivion.
** (4) Dante passes out... epically. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you get the same first part, but your body barely maintains its ability to be still kicking. It hurts like SHIT. Kurtis gets weak in his knees and you see him fall, but his eyes still open and he's still breathing. Upon quick glance around, your companions are the only beings on the roof with still going vitals.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you're at 5 willpower and 4 mana
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): we stop here for the day?
(10) Justin: Sure.
(13) Eve Kline: sure
(4) Dante: mhm
(2) Konrad Knox (GM):

(13) Eve Kline: epic!!!!
(10) Justin: HELL YEAH!
(10) Justin: The best fights always end in explosions.
(4) Dante: lol
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): i dont think i can find any words to comment right now, so im just gonna say... kurt 4, dante 4, justin 5, eve 5
(10) Justin: Sweet
(13) Eve Kline: weee
(4) Dante: Hey, cool.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): justin... you're a moron
(10) Justin: Hell yeah I am.
(10) Justin: A moron who causes explosions!
(10) Justin: 6 agg ftw!
(13) Eve Kline: lol
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u can heal 4 agg now between 20+ agg we just got, to barely get us on our feet XD i have no idea where nearest hollow is
(10) Justin: I figure we'll limp to it.
(4) Dante: I was going to buy a rote, but now definitely seems rather inopportune.
(10) Justin: Well you've got time to go into a reverie?
(10) Justin: Do some introspection..
(4) Dante: Say what?
(10) Justin: You're unconcious.
(10) Justin: All you can do is think.
(13) Eve Kline: yes why don't we interspect on the no doubt burning building..
(13) Eve Kline: that will go over well.
(4) Dante: Until you get us on our feet to get out of a burning building, yeah.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, one little P.S. addition. as you're passing out, u realize noises of the background talking people - u no longer understand. With death of the White Tux, the spell on the establishment that allowed understanding of all languages had vanished, ure not once again in foreign land
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): not = now
(13) Eve Kline: weeee
(10) Justin: Buahaha..
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): D.C. you got BALLS
(4) Dante: lolwut
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): dispelling his mind control i hate u so much
(4) Dante: rofl
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): goddamnit u just had to crash that chopper, there see, this is why i dont plan
(10) Justin: X}
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u just took 2 sessions of planned material and fliushed it down the toilet
(13) Eve Kline: :)
(10) Justin: Anything with a gas tank = my bitch.
(13) Eve Kline: might I reccomend gas into H2O next time???
(10) Justin: IT doesn't explode as well.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): guess who's hopping on one torn up prosthetic leg to kill you before you can revive your friends?
(10) Justin: Scavenger!
(13) Eve Kline: hehehe
(4) Dante: GL HF
(13) Eve Kline: yeah
(13) Eve Kline: have fun with that
** (10) Justin is invisible **
(4) Dante: I'll just be over here. Introspecting.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): please unfuck me up first. i can force leech mana out of hollows without oblation and hand it out
(13) Eve Kline: only if scavenger doesn't fuck you litterally first.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): obtw justin ure visible nao lol
(10) Justin: Was planning on making Kurtis control the fire anyways.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): kurt kinda.... oh i dunno, broke focus?
(10) Justin: Didn't want to blow my cover.
(13) Eve Kline: I can has sleep time noi plz?
** (4) Dante flies away. **
(4) Dante: Disconnecting from server...
(4) Dante (exit): 23:39
(13) Eve Kline: Disconnecting from server...
(13) Eve Kline (exit): 23:39
(10) Justin: Whelp, goodnight!
(10) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
(10) Justin (exit): 23:40