Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.3...
Locating server at 66-233-209-7.anc.clearwire-dns.net:6774...
Game connected!
(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:16
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:16
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:16
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) Kurtis...
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:18
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:19
(2) GM Claire (enter): 21:19
(3) Anthony (enter): 21:19
(3) Anthony: Konrad says you're going to be doing preludes with "missing players". How can you do preludes with players if they're missing? :P
(1) Kurtis: oh hush
(3) Anthony: That's what you said
(2) GM Claire: good question and to answer that... here is a salmon in a coctail dress...
(3) Anthony: im starting the server. till 10 Claire will be doing preludes with missing players, regular room will go live at 10
(1) Kurtis: today we might actually have the entire family together
(1) Kurtis: Claire, call Wand! :P
(3) Anthony: I can't remember what ppg it was on in the book :/
(3) Anthony: and it doesn't seem to be in the indiex.
(3) Anthony: found it, pp 91 :D
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Anthony...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) GM Claire...
(4) GM Claire (enter): 21:30
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) GM Claire...
Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (2) GM Claire...
(4) GM Claire: soo... yeah...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Kurtis...
(4) GM Claire: oh btw
(4) GM Claire: salmon in a coctail dress...
(3) Anthony: lol
(3) Anthony: lets see, gnosis + composer... needs 5 successes... 10 minutes between casts
(3) Anthony: er, rolls
(3) Anthony: shouldn't be too hard
(4) GM Claire: I used to play a forum game where you tried to find a picture of something that was better than the picture placed before.. basically something that pwned the thing before it.. like zebra next picture might be lion
(1) Kurtis: i invented that game
(5) Shawn (enter): 21:33
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) Kurtis...
(5) Tristin: Hello
(1) Kurtis: Booting '(2) GM Claire' from server...
(5) Tristin: one sec for Rachel.
(2) GM Claire (exit): 21:33
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Kurtis...
(1) Kurtis: missing Wand
(4) GM Claire: Hello.. now where is my salmon...
(5) Tristin: You need a Hering..
(5) Tristin: (it's for tree cutting)
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Shawn...
(4) GM Claire: indeed.. but I wanted my salmon in a coctail dress back..
(4) GM Claire: great and now the maps gone...
(4) GM Claire: and I still don't have a salmon...
(1) Kurtis: hmmm
(1) Kurtis: click miniatures, browse
(1) Kurtis: select the file
(4) GM Claire (exit): 21:37
(4) GM Claire (enter): 21:37
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) GM Claire...
(4) GM Claire: yay!
(3) Anthony: Hey, hey, the gang's all.. oh, wait, no we're not...
(1) Kurtis: where is rachel?
(1) Kurtis: and wand?
(1) Kurtis: missing two so far
(3) Anthony: who is wand?
(1) Kurtis: Roger
(3) Anthony: Oh yeha
(6) No Name (enter): 21:40
(3) Anthony: that's probably rachel since no name
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Rachel...
(1) Kurtis: yay
(5) Tristin: No it isn't!
(1) Kurtis: she is here
(5) Tristin: Imposter!
(6) Rachel: hello
(1) Kurtis: ello
(3) Anthony: 'ello
(1) Kurtis: do u have macros setup?
(1) Kurtis: Have Shawn explain that to you :)
(5) Tristin: I forgot how to change her profiles and stuff
(4) GM Claire: *chuckles*
(1) Kurtis: ctrl+s
(5) Tristin: then what?
(1) Kurtis: chat stuff
(5) Tristin: I'll set her Macros in a bit
(1) Kurtis: chat window for fonts, colors, names, chat macros for macros
(1) Kurtis: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,5] = (0)
(5) Tristin: She also needs Serp's program
(1) Kurtis: on website
(1) Kurtis: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MageSheet.zip
(5) Tristin: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MagePage.html
(5) Tristin: Damnit
(5) Tristin: ...
(5) Tristin: The thing is too big for her lappy
(1) Kurtis: the zip?
(4) GM Claire: as in too big in size or the window is too big?
(6) Rachel: window is too big
(1) Kurtis: it has the close button though, visible, right?
(1) Kurtis: what do u not see?
(1) Kurtis: the Load button is what matters most
(1) Kurtis: it lets youl oad stats
(1) Kurtis: so it looks like Roger is out huh
(3) Anthony: it runs in 1024x768 cuase that's what konrad runs it in
(1) Kurtis: Rachel needs cooler typing descriptions :)
(6) Rachel: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [1,6,1,1,6,8] = (3)
(1) Kurtis: if you dont see past arcana and social skills, then its not big enough, otherwise its okay
(5) Tristin: No, she can't see all the skills or most of the Arana.
(1) Kurtis: Rachel, press CTRL+S, go to Chat tab, Chat Windows Tab - it lets you customize stuff people see
(1) Kurtis: oh, laptop huh
(3) Anthony: what resolution does she run that thing at?
(3) Anthony: 600x400???
(1) Kurtis: Serp, change resolution i guess :)
(3) Anthony: can't
(3) Anthony: it's about as samll as it can go
(3) Anthony: I had to squeeze it up to get it that small
(1) Kurtis: well, Shawn can have two charsheets open probably on his PC
(3) Anthony: I don't siupport anything under 1024x768 :P
(1) Kurtis: heh, thats why i prefer old school picture JPG charsheets :D
(3) Anthony: 800x600 probably, tha't just freaking low
(4) GM Claire: lol
(5) Tristin: One sec
(4) GM Claire: well I like the program
(1) Kurtis: Rachel and Claire will be doing prelude i guess
(1) Kurtis: we can hang out in main room :D
(1) Kurtis: we do have a mission now :)
(4) GM Claire: yes your mission should you choose to accept it is to pretend you are getting ready for a plane trip to california.. (you being your characters... in fact... don't even pretend..)
(1) Kurtis: (we're driving :D)
(1) Kurtis: (only 300 miles, and i own a sports car i itch to use)
(5) Tristin: Rachel and I's chars are already there :)
(4) GM Claire: Kassie so isn't driving 300 miles with you two...
(1) Kurtis: oh come on, be adventurous :D
(4) GM Claire: ... very well you and anthony can have a nice conversation about how you all are going to get to california while Kassie is out buying earplugs for the trip... :P
(4) GM Claire: hehe jk
(5) Tristin: How do I add a profile to hers?
(3) Anthony: 300 miles? I have a stingray, should be a breeze
(1) Kurtis: a profile?
(5) Test: like these things...
(1) Kurtis: u just open a new instance of the program and load her file
(5) Test: forgot what they're called.
(1) Kurtis: oh
(1) Kurtis: aliases
(5) Test: jaja
(1) Kurtis: Windows - Alias Lib
(1) Kurtis: then click two faces, and add new alias.
(1) Kurtis: you will be able to select it with the same looking button in the text bar
(3) wOOt: I wonder why I made thsi alias? O.o
(4) GM Claire: ...
(1) Konrad Knox: real me
(1) Kurtis: Mage me
(1) Kurt's Voice: mage me when invisible
(5) Tristin: *shoots them both*
(3) Farfer: I'm floating in space in a ship
(3) Tank: I"m in Russian trying to get VITAS and radiation poisoning cured
(1) maniac: *kills innocents*
(3) William: I'm sitting in a haunted house picking my nose
(5) Tristin: For some reason when Rachel changed her idle ect. it wont apear.
(3) Anthony: I'm in New Haven
(5) Tristin: nvm
(4) GM Claire: yes huh..
(6) Rachel: hooray! it changed
(4) GM Claire: lies!
(3) Anthony: Wasn't New Haven the name of the port in the Popeye movie?
(3) Anthony: oh, that was Sweethaven. n/m
(4) GM Claire: I hope not... cause then we will have to move due to copywrites to umm.. turtle haven! weee
(4) GM Claire: oh good
(6) Rachel: [1d100] => [44] = (44)
(1) Kurtis: [1d100] => [75] = (75)
(1) Kurtis: i win
(5) Tristin: [1d100] => [100] = (100)
(5) Tristin: OWNT!
(1) Kurtis: wtf
(4) GM Claire: ohhhh
(1) Kurtis: cheat
(5) Tristin: nope
(5) Tristin: swear
(3) Anthony: [1d100] => [54] vs 0 result of (1)
(1) Kurtis: [1d100] => [50] = (50) => [101] => 101 = (101)
(1) Kurtis: OWNT
(3) Anthony: wtf?
(3) Anthony: how you haxor that line?
(1) Kurtis: l33t skillz
** (4) GM Claire rolls eyes **
(1) Kurtis: [1d100] => [35] = (35) => Serpardum
(3) Anthony: what die roller?
(4) GM Claire: is rachel receiving whispers alright?
(1) Kurtis: lol i just type stuff after the macro
(3) Anthony: [1d00] => [1] vs 0 result of (1) 101
(6) Rachel: nobody has wispered to me yet...i guess
(4) GM Claire: did you get that whisper?
(6) Rachel: nope
(1) Kurtis: its in the separate tab
(6) Rachel: nm
(1) Kurtis: that says GM
(4) GM Claire: umm boys....
(1) Kurtis: noob
(1) Kurtis: X)
whispering to Rachel, test tets whisper whisper
** (3) Anthony picks his nose and flicks the bugger at kurtis **
** (4) GM Claire sicks the salmon in a cocktail dress on you **
** (1) Kurtis sets Anthony on fire **
(3) Anthony: You only have forces 3? you can't set on fire yet
(3) Anthony: :P
(3) Anthony: You can make fire bigger and move it I think though
** (3) Anthony makes an ant colony of red fire ants outside think that Kurtis is an anthill **
(1) Kurtis: i dont think the fire spell gets an upgrade at forces 4
(3) Anthony: Hmm.. did we ever figure out where we needed to go?
(1) Kurtis: i think gnosis determines the power, im looking at it right now
(1) Kurtis: not yet, that will be my next step
(1) Kurtis: we know who to look for though
(3) Anthony: well, we know 300 miles away, but what directoin?
(3) Anthony: I have space 1
(3) Anthony: I wonder if I can can use that with the book to determine where to go
(3) Anthony: (( hush up ))
(4) GM Claire: good question...
(3) Anthony: I think I need 2 though
(1) Kurtis: my gnosis is 2
(3) Anthony: You raised your gnosis?
(3) Anthony: oh, right, you have prime
(3) Anthony: I need 3 more exp to raise my life
(1) Kurtis: Obrimos seems to have a good headstart, but comes to a deadend at 4
(3) Anthony: yeah, finder takes space 2 for outside of immediate area ;(
(3) Anthony: One thing I'd like to do before we fly off, though, is make a wand
(1) Kurtis: you're flying too
(1) Kurtis: ?
(1) Kurtis: its only 300 miles :D
(1) Kurtis: i mean from Oregon to California lol
(3) Anthony: go off, flyoff,w hatever
(1) Kurtis: race ya :D
(3) Anthony: from my calcuations Ishould be able to make one in about an hour?
(5) Tristin: I'll win... I think.
(1) Kurtis: what do u need to make a wand?
(5) Tristin: What's two time lemme do?
(1) Kurtis: did you pick your rotes, Tristin?
(1) Kurtis: you go through the book Mage2, and pick 6 rotes u can have for free. you buy the rest
(3) Anthony: clair, mayI attempt to find a nice stick to use as a wand and attune it?
(5) Tristin: No, I would have to understand my magic to be able to cast spells.
(5) Tristin: I've looked through them.
(3) Anthony: I woudl remove the bark
(1) Kurtis: dont u need prime to make wands?
(3) Anthony: not according to the book
(1) Kurtis: life and spirit can do that?
(3) Anthony: it's not an imbued item
(3) Anthony: it's a path tool
(1) Kurtis: i think theire whispering a prelude now
(3) Anthony: So I'll be waiting a while for my response. *sigh*
(1) Kurtis: maybe not if claire looks here
(3) Anthony: kurtis: read page 91
(3) Anthony: pdf 91 book 89
(3) Anthony: "Magical tools"
(1) Kurtis: yeah im looking at it
(1) Kurtis: i know u can have one as a merit, which is what i picked
(1) Kurtis: how much of stuff do u need to make one yourself?
(3) Anthony: No, you don't have a path tool as a merit, you have an artifact, don't you?
(3) Anthony: or an imbued item?
(1) Kurtis: artifact
(3) Anthony: right. Totally didffernet.
(1) Kurtis: claire, explain :D
(3) Anthony: A path tool (or order or arcana) helps get rid of paradox
(3) Anthony: If you use a tool you have less chance of paradox
(3) Anthony: (( from what I read)
(1) Kurtis: artifact gives you a better difficulty modifier
(3) Anthony: an artifact can do a number of htings depending on the artifact
(4) GM Claire: you can make a magical tool if you wish it will require a craft challenge however and the gnosis plus composure challenge to dedicate it
(3) Anthony: it can give you more die, better TN, whatever hte GM decides
(5) Tristin: I just noticed you didn't capitialize inititive Serp.
(3) Anthony: I have survival
(3) Anthony: I have 1 in craft, 3 in survival
(1) Kurtis: have any craft skill?
(1) Kurtis: i have 1 craft too
(3) Anthony: I have 1 in craft, yes
(3) Anthony: so I still only get a chance die
** (3) Anthony tries smoothing out a stick removing hte bark **
(1) Kurtis: still a chance
(1) Kurtis: if u put a willpower point in it
(3) Anthony: [1d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [3] vs 6 result of a failure
(1) Kurtis: even a better chance
(3) Anthony: "Dang, broke it. Let me try another."
(4) GM Claire: crafts + intellegence...
(3) Anthony: oh, forgot int..
(4) GM Claire: yeah...
(3) Anthony: craft 1 + int 3 [4d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,6,5,3] vs 6 result of (1)
(1) Kurtis: dumdum :D a mage forgot his own intelligence
(1) Kurtis: thats a better roll
(3) Anthony: "Hmm.. doesn't look too bad" Tony waves the stick around in the air
(1) Kurtis: "i failed a spell, hmmm, oh right, i forgot to think"
(4) GM Claire: doesn't look good either :P
** (3) Anthony sits under a willow tree outside rubbing oil into the stick trying ot feel the resonance of it and tune it to himself **
** (1) Kurtis searches phone books, address books, google, contact lists, newspapers for a specific name **
(3) Anthony: gno + comp .vs. 6 or 8?
(3) Anthony: 8
(4) GM Claire: 8 magic
(3) Anthony: gno 1 + composure 4 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,3,9,7] vs 8 result of (2)
** (3) Anthony senses a little bit of hte magic in the stick ( 10 minutes pass ) **
(3) Anthony: gno 1 + composure 4 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 1],7,2,[10, 1]] vs 8 result of (2)
** (1) Willow drops an acorn on Anthony's head **
(3) Anthony: "Ahh, yess.. I'm beginning ot see how it can help me..."
(3) Anthony: (( 10 minutes pass ))
(3) Anthony: gno 1 + composure 4 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 10, 10, 2],5,8,7] vs 8 result of (4)
(3) Anthony: "Oh, that's how it works!"
(3) Anthony: (( 30 minutes and I have a wand now? ))
(4) GM Claire: ((correct)
** (3) Anthony tucks the wand into his belt under his shirt **
(1) Kurtis: we're doing this for the rest of the gypsie day i suppose, to head off for Cali in the morning
(4) GM Claire: morning of 23rd yes?
(1) Kurtis: assuming i find that my search subject is in cali
(3) Anthony: since it was 5 pm when we met the oracle
(3) Anthony: you have space kurtis?
(1) Kurtis: ill make investigation rolls later, dont wanna overwhelm the gm
(3) Anthony: am I correct in assuming that all a wand does is get rid of 2 die of paradox?
(1) Kurtis: no, but i'm a bounty hunter, i find things, i dont need magic for that
(4) GM Claire: correct
(3) Anthony: But runes can give 2 die, I always forget to use them
(3) Anthony: Atlantean
(3) Anthony: (( I wonder if I called a spirit if it could tell me? Hmm.. nto sure how much spirits know ))
(4) GM Claire: depends on the spirit but the parrot might know
(1) Kurtis: ((i think depends on the spirit))
** (3) Anthony talks to his parrot, "Uchawi, I'm thinking of summoing a spirit to try to find out where the other book is. Do you think a spirit woudl know, and if so, what type of spirit?" **
** (1) Kurtis tries the old fashion way. Looks at the USA map, and draws a circle aof 350 mile radius from New Haven **
(3) Anthony: (( I thought it was 300 miles? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((to be sure))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: If you could make the right kind of deal with a spirit who is good at finding things then you could probably gain their help yes
(1) Kurtis: ((Kurtis is a 2 day old mage, it was his first experience with prime magic, could be mistaken))
(1) Kurtis: ((i only rolled 3 successes on an extended cast))
(3) Anthony: "What type of spirit would be good at finding things? I'm not at all familair with spirits."
(3) Anthony: "A wind spirit maybe?"
(1) Kurtis: "Washinton, Idaho, California..."
** (1) Kurtis goes online and brings up Washington, Idaho, and California phone book directories **
(3) Anthony: "Well, I'll try to see what I can summon..."
** (1) Kurtis looks for the last name, then first name **
(3) Anthony: Emphermal Shield gnosis 1 + spirit 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,9] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Kurtis: "It's a common last name, but the first name is pretty rare"
(1) Kurtis: ((btw I didnt even play with shields yet, though i have the rotes. didnt have a reason to discover them))
(3) Anthony: spirit Tongue gnosis 1 + spirit 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,2] vs 8 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: "Okay, let me see.... I'll try to summon a.... hmm.. finding sprit? no..."
(3) Anthony: "I can try just the closest spirit but that won't help..."
(3) Anthony: "Okay, let me try the closest spirit and see what it would suggest maybe."
(5) Tristin: Any word on Wanderer?
(5) Tristin: (())
(1) Kurtis: the way its looking now, we're leaving him to study his book and stop freaking out, as we go forth on our own, too bad since he is pretty powerful
(1) Kurtis: though green as hell
** (3) Anthony changes the Atlantean rune for Lesser Spirit Summons **
(3) Anthony: Lesser Spirit Summons - Request - Closest Spirit gnosis 1 + spirit 2 + rune 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 4],6,[10, 3],8] vs 8 result of (4)
(3) Anthony: (( was that right? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((claire says wait a minute, she is in the middle of prelude :D ))
(3) Anthony: (( yeah, I"m just doing htis to fill up the time anyway ))
(3) Anthony: (( too bad we can't multi mind our GM XD ))
(1) Kurtis: ((isnt it kinda dangerous summoning the first closest spirit?))
(1) Kurtis: ((what if its a scary tiger?))
(3) Anthony: (( it was a request, not a demand ))
(3) Anthony: (( If I demanded, yes, it would be very dangerous ))
(3) Anthony: (( but I requested, so they'll come if they're curuious what I want ))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: a giant black goo materializes a-la call of cathulu and eats your head make a new character... jk hehe
(1) Kurtis: lol
(1) Kurtis: something like that yes
(3) Anthony: (( It's contested though, target rolls resistance reflectively ))
(3) Anthony: (( but 4 successes I think is good ))
(1) Kurtis: ((oh, the GM rolls for spirit?))
(3) Anthony: (( well, duh, you think I do? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah if its a frog, it wont resist much.))
(1) Kurtis: ((like in Abyssal. taking over small bodies is easy, big powerful bodies it tough. ))
(1) Kurtis: ((with spirits, if something is a wise spirit, prolly takes more skill to compell it))
(3) Anthony: (( it only rolls resistance if it doesn't want ot come ))
(1) Kurtis: actually, we're not IC yet, why we doing the (()) ? :D
(3) Anthony: (( Doctor Bombay, Doctor Bombay, Emergancy, Come Right Away ))
(1) Kurtis: Tony Parrot!
(1) Kurtis: Come in, Captain Parrot! The World needs you!
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ...lol
(1) Kurtis: Captain Parrot to the rescue!
** (4) Uchawi the Parrot starts humming the captain planet song **
(1) Kurtis: Captain Parrot is a hero, minimize pollution down to zero
(1) Kurtis: well it would be kinda fun to have 4 players come consistantly even if roger is missing
** (3) Anthony goes and smokes a cigarette to find out what, if anything, responds to his spirit summons **
(3) Anthony: moving the map again. tsk tsk
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: WHO Moved my map...
(1) Kurtis: nut me
(3) Anthony: why isnt' it locked?
(1) Kurtis: it was the Tristin!
(3) Anthony: pain to line it up too
(1) Kurtis: ill do it
(1) Kurtis: hang on
(5) Shawn: I'm just draing on things!
(5) Shawn: I didn't move anything
(5) Shawn: drawing*
(3) Anthony: umm.. someone just remove it?
(1) Kurtis: yeah reloading it is easiest
** (4) Uchawi the Parrot hates you all **
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ...lol I'm still on the parrot alias
(3) Anthony: get it where you want it and LOCK IT
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: Squak polly hates you all!
(3) Anthony: - 10,000 exp for whoever moves it :D
(1) Kurtis: gah
(1) Kurtis: nobody touch the map!!!
(1) Kurtis: im reloading it
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: leave the salmon alone!
(1) Kurtis: its big
** (1) Kurtis has a spasm attack **
(5) Shawn: :|( I didn't do it...
** (3) Anthony watches the map jerk all over the screen **
(3) Anthony: You just had it perfect
(3) Anthony: now STOP
(3) Anthony: Okay, it's locked
(3) Anthony: don't move it please anyone :(]
** (3) Anthony goes and smokes hte cigarette he was goign to spmoke 15 minutes ago while wiating for a spirit to show up **
(1) Kurtis: yes yes join the TAR army
(3) Anthony: (( back ))
(4) UPS: ((Front))
(3) Anthony: (( left ))
(5) Shawn: You mean TARD army... *comedy drums*
(5) Shawn: V.V
(4) Sick child: (*coughts then laughts*)
(5) Shawn: I tried.
(5) Shawn: If we seem a bit odd.. I just brewed a whole pot of coffee...
(6) Rachel: mmmm coffee
(4) Sick child: mmm pepsi vanilla...
** (3) Anthony gets bored and starts singing, "Dirty Deeds and they're Done With Sheep" **
(5) Shawn: ...ewwww...
(3) Anthony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCRE9qOgbug
(1) Kurtis: brew a whole pot of pot
(1) Kurtis: haha funny...? pot of pot/
(1) Kurtis: ?
(1) Kurtis: joke ya?
(5) Shawn: ...
(1) Kurtis: lawl
(4) Sick child: ....
** (4) Sheep runs away!!!!!!!! **
(5) Shawn: That song is funny Anthony.
(1) Kurtis: omfg lol
(1) Kurtis: i listened to that 3 days ago and thought they sing "thundercheek"
(1) Kurtis: at which point i started to pet GM's cheek
(5) Shawn: The real one?
(1) Kurtis: ya
(5) Shawn: 'done dirt cheap'
(3) Anthony: O.o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZNHT_bQhT8&mode=related&search=
(5) Shawn: wtf?
(1) Kurtis: whats with you and sheep? :D
(4) Sheep: wtf indeed
** (4) Sheep hides from serp.... **
(1) Kurtis: do i need to know something about Anthony the field biologist?
(3) Anthony: found it in related in youtube
(1) Kurtis: mmhm
(4) Sheep: sure...
** (4) Sheep still hiding **
(3) Anthony: Just waiting for prelude to finish up so my spirit will come :D
(4) GM Claire: I told you a black ooze materializes and eats your head...
(5) Shawn: ((ownt))
(1) Kurtis: no no it doesnt
(1) Kurtis: i refuse to have no hyperactive healer mage without a head!
(3) Anthony: kinda a double negative there
(5) Shawn: Yeah...
(1) Kurtis: exactly :D
(3) Anthony: meaning you do want a hyperactive healer mage without a head
(1) Kurtis: im reading the paths in the Mage2 book. the coolest part is their stereotypes about other paths
(1) Kurtis: what each path thinks about others = lol
(1) Kurtis: starts at page 94
(1) Kurtis: lol Mastigos about Acanthus
** (4) GM Claire puts the salmon back in case she needs to use it... **
(3) Anthony: Thyrus RE Mastigos is funny
(3) Anthony: "Most of htem seem to be half a step away from eing psychopahts. The rest have alrady crossed tht threshold"
(3) Anthony: lol. that is funny kurtis
(4) GM Claire: what did you boys write in the backs of the books?
(1) Kurtis: just marks i think
(3) Anthony: Just marks
(1) Kurtis: i only made marks
(3) Anthony: Wait, no..
(3) Anthony: I wrote a word...
(3) Anthony: some workds...
(4) GM Claire: something about anthony not being a halicontion...
(3) Anthony: what was it, "It's for real".. no...
(3) Anthony: "yeah.. tyringot rmember..."
(3) Anthony: let me look in log
(4) GM Claire: (waits a long time...)
(3) Anthony: Mon Oct 08 00:58:01 2007] : ** Anthony writes lightly in pencil on the back page, "My name is Tony Parrot and I'm not a hallucination" **
(4) GM Claire: ty
(3) Anthony: (( 12:22:35 top 12:24:58 is not a long time, 2½ minutes :P ))
(5) Shawn: [20d10.open(10).vs(1)] => [4,4,[10, 1],2,6,5,9,3,9,9,6,5,2,2,8,9,1,9,6,2] = (20)
(3) Anthony: shawn, I dare you to roll 1d1.open(1)
(3) Anthony: Aftery ou restart openrpg you can tell us how it went :D
(4) GM Claire: Tony what do you look like again?
(1) Kurtis: Shawn dont do it
(1) Kurtis: its an infinite loop
(5) Shawn: ...
(4) Sheep: the sheep says no!
(5) Shawn: I'll crash?
(3) Anthony: Dark hair, "just" a haircut, on the thin side
(3) Anthony: was wearing suit
(4) GM Claire: probably
(1) Kurtis: you roll 1 die with 1 dot
(5) Shawn: Asshat, Kon...
(3) Anthony: I didn't go too depe into my looks, but how I was dressed
(1) Kurtis: and every time you roll a 1 you reroll, because 1 is open
(3) Anthony: it won't crash,it'll go in an infinite loop
(3) Anthony: it'll never reutrn
(1) Kurtis: so you roll 1 die, the only number coming up is 1, and you will infinitely reroll, it will never finish
(5) Shawn: ah
(1) Kurtis: 1d2.open(2)
(1) Kurtis: is manageable
(3) Anthony: [1d2.open(2)] => [[2, 2, 1]] vs 0 result of (3)
(3) Anthony: [1d2.open(2)] => [1] vs 0 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d2.open(2)] => [[2, 1]] vs 0 result of (2)
(3) Anthony: [1d2.open(2)] => [1] vs 0 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d2.open(2)] => [[2, 2, 2, 1]] vs 0 result of (4)
(1) Kurtis: [1d2.open(1)] => 1d2.open(1)
(3) Anthony: try 1d100.open(99)
(3) Anthony: or open 2
(3) Anthony: 1d100.open(2)
(3) Anthony: that would take a freaking long time
(1) Kurtis: [1d2.open(1)] => 1d2.open(1)
(1) Kurtis: wait wtf
(3) Anthony: that would lock up too
(3) Anthony: [1d4.open(2)] => [1] vs 0 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d4.open(2)] => [[2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1]] vs 0 result of (15)
(1) Kurtis: [1d2.open(1)] => 1d2.open(1)
(1) Kurtis: why cant i roll this?
(3) Anthony: it should allow youto.. unless it prevents it?
(1) Kurtis: [1d2.open(12)] => [1] = (1)
(3) Anthony: maybe it's smart enough not to allow open 1, but I doubt it
(1) Kurtis: [1d2.open(2)] => [[2, 2, 2, 1]] = (7)
(3) Anthony: what roller you using?
(1) Kurtis: oooh open1 is not allowed
(1) Kurtis: the default OpenRPG
(3) Anthony: I'm going ot try this and if does I"ll be pissed I have to restart. heh
(3) Anthony: [1d1.open(1)] => 1d1.open(1)
(3) Anthony: ahh
(1) Kurtis: it wont let u
(3) Anthony: they did block it
(1) Kurtis: open1 is dangerous
(3) Anthony: [1d6.open(2)] => [[4, 1]] vs 0 result of (2)
(1) Kurtis: yay for them IMO
(3) Anthony: [1d6.open(2)] => [[5, 5, 3, 6, 3, 3, 1]] vs 0 result of (7)
(3) Anthony: [1d6.open(2)] => [[6, 3, 5, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 6, 1]] vs 0 result of (18)
(3) Anthony: [1d10.open(2)] => [[3, 6, 5, 4, 2, 9, 7, 2, 10, 4, 5, 5, 2, 3, 3, 2, 10, 1]] vs 0 result of (18)
(1) Kurtis: [1d2.open(0)] => 1d2.open(0)
(3) Anthony: [1d10.open(2)] => [[8, 8, 4, 9, 9, 5, 2, 1]] vs 0 result of (8)
(3) Anthony: [1d10.open(2)] => [[5, 6, 2, 3, 8, 1]] vs 0 result of (6)
(3) Anthony: [1d10.open(2)] => [[10, 9, 6, 1]] vs 0 result of (4)
(3) Anthony: [1d10.open(2)] => [[2, 1]] vs 0 result of (2)
(3) Anthony: [1d10.open(2)] => [[10, 7, 3, 6, 5, 8, 6, 5, 7, 3, 2, 3, 1]] vs 0 result of (13)
(1) Kurtis: [100d2.open(0)] => 100d2.open(0)
(1) Kurtis: [100d2.open(1)] => 100d2.open(1)
(3) Anthony: [1d20.open(2)] => [[10, 11, 1]] vs 0 result of (3)
(3) Anthony: [1d20.open(2)] => [[3, 12, 11, 14, 3, 19, 7, 16, 3, 14, 12, 8, 6, 7, 4, 12, 12, 1]] vs 0 result of (18)
(1) Kurtis: [100d2.open(2)] => [1,1,1,[2, 1],[2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 2, 1],1,1,1,1,1,1,[2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,1,[2, 2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,1,1,[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,[2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,1,1,1,1,[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],[2, 1],1,1,[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1],1,1,1,1,1,1,[2, 2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 1],1,1,[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 2, 1],1,1,[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,1,[2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,[2, 1],[2, 1],1,1,1,1,1] = (266)
(1) Kurtis: woah
(3) Anthony: yourolled 100 dice
(1) Kurtis: i wanna have that die pool on my fire spells
(4) GM Claire: ll
(3) Anthony: fine, but they're only d2's and you need 8 to succeed...
(5) Shawn: [1d100] => [20] = (20)
(3) Anthony: [100d2.open(2).vs(8)] => [[2, 1],[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,[2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 1],1,1,1,[2, 1],[2, 2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,[2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 1],1,[2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 2, 1],[2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,1,1,1,1,[2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,[2, 1],[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,[2, 2, 1],1,1,1,[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],1,1,[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,1,1,[2, 1],[2, 2, 2, 2, 1],1,[2, 1],[2, 1],1,[2, 2, 1],1,1,1,[2, 1],[2, 1],1,1,[2, 2, 1],1,[2, 1],1,[2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 1],1,1,1,1,[2, 1],[2, 1],[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 1],[2, 2, 2, 1]] vs 8 result of a botch
(1) Kurtis: oh yeah
(3) Anthony: not a single 8
(1) Kurtis: not so good
(3) Anthony: hmm.. I see a 9 there..
(1) Kurtis: [10d10.open(8)] => [7,2,1,3,[9, 10, 7],1,6,[9, 6],[8, 9, 9, 8, 5],6] = (106)
(3) Anthony: oh, it doesn't sum them up, that's righ t:d
(3) Anthony: [1d1000.vs(800)] => [667] vs 800 result of a failure
(1) Kurtis: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,3,2,9,2,7,6,7,1] = (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d1000.vs(800)] => [821] vs 800 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d10d10] => 1d10d10
(3) Anthony: no recursion
(1) Kurtis: [1d1000000.open(10).vs(8)] => 1d1000000.open(10).vs(8)
(1) Kurtis: [1d100000.open(10).vs(8)] => 1d100000.open(10).vs(8)
(1) Kurtis: [1d10000.open(10).vs(8)] => 1d10000.open(10).vs(8)
(3) Anthony: that woudl of rolled for a lONG time
(1) Kurtis: [1d1000.open(10).vs(8)] => [[41, 994, 105, 430, 251, 871, 466, 488, 690, 240, 586, 921, 335, 617, 144, 78, 215, 367, 54, 558, 672, 283, 245, 980, 225, 22, 310, 905, 726, 497, 775, 41, 574, 754, 762, 636, 497, 57, 584, 194, 899, 221, 639, 787, 689, 36, 520, 258, 37, 359, 961, 111, 287, 940, 33, 546, 475, 963, 401, 951, 4]] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: lawl
(1) Kurtis: didnt stop until it rolled below 10
(3) Anthony: right
(4) GM Claire: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
(3) Anthony: and if youdid open 2...
(1) Kurtis: 1000 is max u can have on a dice
(4) GM Claire: 92
(1) Kurtis: it would spam a lot
(3) Anthony: [1d1001] => [647] vs 0 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d2001] => [1450] vs 0 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d3001] => [2785] vs 0 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d10000] => [1673] vs 0 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: [1d10000] => [3758] vs 0 result of (1)
(1) Kurtis: [1d10000.open(10).vs(8)] => 1d10000.open(10).vs(8)
(3) Anthony: [1d1000000] => 1d1000000
(4) GM Claire: liar!
(3) Anthony: [1d100000] => 1d100000
(3) Anthony: [1d10000] => [9960] vs 0 result of (1)
(1) Kurtis: [1d10000] => [2700] = (2700)
(1) Kurtis: [1d10000] => [8962] = (8962)
(3) Anthony: I can have 10000
(1) Kurtis: [1d100000] => 1d100000
(3) Anthony: [1d10001] => 1d10001
(3) Anthony: exactly 10,000
(1) Kurtis: [1d10000.open(10).vs(8)] => [[3258, 76, 6512, 4948, 5472, 4636, 7404, 3913, 7063, 7794, 2914, 3601, 4357, 1703, 1902, 6622, 3156, 9708, 9881, 222, 3001, 8307, 9837, 3571, 5706, 2429, 877, 5392, 8411, 9038, 9696, 4534, 8389, 2796, 933, 3932, 4561, 2808, 6984, 8915, 9024, 6597, 7735, 2134, 9102, 1955, 8629, 737, 8479, 8891, 7559, 4090, 8229, 3398, 7762, 3725, 1811, 3588, 9817, 2172, 3560, 6296, 478, 6115, 4604, 2149, 6587, 9070, 3361, 8338, 3557, 6175, 4581, 4397, 5143, 9243, 438, 7586, 8495, 5941, 7712, 3656, 722, 679, 4401, 4719, 5992, 5728, 2683, 3804, 9289, 2724, 6437, 3843, 8441, 6245, 3448, 5975, 6110, 5482, 9732, 1662, 5481, 4092, 6664, 2257, 2450, 2177, 2346, 6668, 3804, 2929, 9320, 5328, 3199, 7153, 8511, 9200, 6007, 9826, 5768, 291, 3593, 1277, 3167, 7850, 2238, 2571, 2445, 9879, 8858, 3798, 777, 8346, 7289, 165, 7922, 8245, 5877, 244, 6986, 8011, 5514, 7972, 2900, 4668, 7188, 9320, 6134, 5753, 689, 7214, 9740, 6773, 3977, 6451, 5464, 2212, 5281, 6320, 9379, 6742, 992, 9380, 7484, 9755, 4761, 1407, 1919, 1421, 7891, 635, 7447, 4595, 8525, 7558, 126, 2790, 4843, 5800, 9112, 2514, 6337, 4024, 7978, 8190, 454, 3936, 2171, 3732, 1151, 3819, 9240, 7296, 7207, 336, 5184, 4863, 317, 1524, 2940, 31, 6920, 2024, 8420, 8756, 5442, 3589, 3621, 3973, 7690, 7016, 1236, 4219, 2474, 5328, 1939, 3136, 6845, 8740, 7202, 8755, 1172, 5778, 4471, 2428, 6562, 8316, 3683, 8697, 6177, 377, 5763, 7375, 9044, 234, 1724, 2158, 3923, 7712, 4548, 1649, 1654, 4973, 3809, 6597, 1166, 792, 7485, 333, 9421, 2166, 3185, 6119, 7491, 9692, 7245, 553, 4980, 4753, 3483, 4096, 5576, 5750, 4345, 1048, 3908, 7630, 3800, 4833, 7268, 8468, 4326, 7359, 8339, 5225, 4005, 5743, 8037, 3748, 9264, 6735, 8271, 3508, 8591, 8957, 979, 6488, 3463, 6217, 684, 6199, 3747, 4704, 3786, 3672, 8329, 2718, 6179, 2562, 683, 2166, 1522, 4014, 4162, 8267, 1991, 4544, 1820, 9813, 6715, 8752, 7319, 3482, 6633, 7666, 9100, 2110, 9724, 4232, 1579, 5086, 7123, 3764, 8115, 4098, 7301, 8888, 390, 5186, 3265, 6335, 6489, 1879, 5769, 7435, 6793, 6709, 1331, 4344, 3521, 4723, 1180, 2458, 1252, 6448, 9041, 7151, 7783, 6764, 4050, 7469, 9149, 8073, 79, 8802, 1007, 3028, 3843, 5307, 388, 1171, 5953, 3442, 7082, 5167, 6542, 3464, 9637, 1262, 5803, 378, 1662, 311, 7772, 3119, 3556, 287, 158, 8398, 695, 5202, 7346, 4679, 36, 1003, 6966, 4940, 7211, 6631, 6114, 1397, 4554, 2790, 8808, 5316, 8838, 3045, 3074, 8742, 2456, 998, 730, 5425, 7288, 2954, 3379, 9123, 5820, 2]] = (1)
(4) GM Claire: ahhh!
(1) Kurtis: holy ^*&#^
(3) Anthony: [1d10000.open(2).vs(8)] => [[1554, 5009, 5592, 3952, 5034, 2804, 3879, 5596, 8172, 3653, 5060, 6422, 5693, 9990, 6756, 2621, 3726, 8760, 7860, 7903, 5725, 4735, 5441, 4172, 4996, 1860, 2825, 2892, 8054, 6761, 3634, 525, 7460, 7440, 3780, 3569, 9120, 7433, 6514, 1942, 1670, 5121, 3897, 2009, 6051, 8466, 2937, 4521, 3954, 8410, 9616, 1813, 9653, 8559, 6972, 6598, 669, 3568, 6231, 9099, 1253, 3646, 2669, 9537, 6127, 8350, 7905, 4300, 8970, 9895, 2634, 2935, 7812, 9675, 3285, 477, 8569, 4968, 4246, 6941, 2220, 6738, 2424, 7907, 8262, 8532, 6169, 8469, 1425, 5132, 2249, 7123, 799, 1490, 1664, 7405, 4350, 8037, 5165, 7567, 1872, 7302, 9180, 1338, 6403, 3819, 6483, 9488, 9798, 1391, 2114, 1689, 5974, 3050, 4113, 8473, 4509, 2414, 1905, 6322, 9495, 9293, 2482, 1149, 9444, 6302, 1633, 1]] vs 8 result of (127)]
(3) Anthony: wow, lucky
(3) Anthony: was even shorter than yours
(3) Anthony: shoudlof been much longer
(1) Kurtis: lol yeah
(1) Kurtis: thats crazy thou
(1) Kurtis: how can 1 even come up?
(3) Anthony: one in 10,000 times
(3) Anthony: [1d10000.open(2).vs(8)] => 1d10000.open(2).vs(8)]
(3) Anthony: hmm.. wtf?
(3) Anthony: [1d10000.open(2).vs(8)] => 1d10000.open(2).vs(8)]
(3) Anthony: [1d10000.open(2)] => 1d10000.open(2)
(3) Anthony: it broke itself?
(3) Anthony: [1d1000.open(2)] => [[665, 200, 709, 780, 518, 715, 454, 569, 173, 794, 265, 37, 689, 418, 207, 195, 44, 816, 822, 789, 405, 477, 118, 330, 353, 891, 486, 343, 579, 984, 947, 314, 277, 632, 547, 743, 93, 75, 523, 824, 699, 44, 718, 377, 460, 759, 295, 308, 112, 753, 227, 643, 791, 903, 528, 667, 657, 944, 844, 249, 613, 266, 406, 720, 972, 674, 158, 123, 590, 419, 624, 732, 691, 812, 163, 427, 552, 633, 25, 454, 131, 320, 567, 619, 223, 675, 551, 38, 123, 536, 253, 408, 694, 559, 783, 400, 479, 527, 105, 550, 398, 496, 978, 134, 627, 119, 459, 51, 502, 408, 67, 559, 989, 146, 385, 764, 107, 548, 124, 428, 809, 12, 529, 305, 409, 816, 233, 955, 354, 73, 328, 514, 157, 991, 221, 804, 947, 365, 468, 375, 579, 310, 637, 45, 618, 266, 501, 729, 451, 489, 628, 233, 970, 158, 232, 797, 801, 456, 787, 785, 550, 757, 556, 932, 856, 236, 525, 855, 216, 895, 705, 297, 93, 747, 466, 453, 992, 587, 283, 514, 987, 558, 157, 453, 381, 243, 999, 527, 580, 695, 527, 749, 417, 516, 475, 793, 831, 832, 457, 531, 243, 599, 860, 63, 407, 524, 636, 534, 64, 387, 209, 771, 313, 558, 913, 33, 594, 385, 373, 417, 856, 639, 943, 561, 401, 979, 82, 173, 262, 21, 744, 878, 180, 411, 897, 978, 331, 748, 315, 285, 231, 77, 987, 692, 34, 218, 558, 613, 388, 643, 414, 273, 328, 665, 926, 800, 315, 218, 226, 541, 19, 128, 209, 975, 542, 367, 839, 580, 684, 37, 415, 384, 603, 262, 169, 895, 900, 264, 455, 473, 448, 822, 976, 515, 872, 761, 976, 881, 704, 47, 150, 550, 96, 23, 957, 646, 222, 490, 659, 612, 53, 662, 17, 592, 784, 871, 948, 47, 485, 471, 752, 373, 656, 556, 682, 121, 904, 964, 896, 440, 41, 55, 450, 809, 194, 702, 879, 704, 50, 87, 848, 804, 310, 679, 945, 494, 669, 411, 834, 341, 867, 361, 966, 464, 631, 199, 908, 396, 997, 412, 774, 619, 651, 244, 386, 596, 296, 1]] vs 0 result of (358)
(1) Kurtis: hope not
(3) Anthony: [1d1000.open(2).vs(8)] => [[387, 911, 820, 399, 103, 881, 347, 581, 273, 77, 228, 52, 945, 478, 308, 918, 8, 180, 262, 933, 780, 923, 750, 118, 286, 675, 376, 298, 470, 374, 910, 990, 545, 330, 487, 657, 417, 216, 92, 680, 560, 19, 777, 504, 589, 934, 383, 70, 3, 871, 733, 232, 668, 54, 98, 844, 449, 878, 170, 816, 664, 527, 508, 79, 66, 203, 152, 367, 314, 396, 395, 635, 761, 390, 989, 454, 783, 912, 733, 244, 212, 122, 706, 87, 410, 67, 682, 816, 448, 964, 640, 56, 617, 927, 152, 582, 79, 296, 379, 76, 752, 526, 241, 480, 175, 21, 940, 142, 474, 639, 78, 648, 916, 56, 971, 847, 129, 686, 948, 833, 225, 659, 682, 410, 626, 354, 693, 24, 8, 130, 178, 95, 273, 994, 471, 833, 930, 424, 273, 948, 39, 131, 469, 849, 4, 324, 228, 978, 334, 797, 830, 951, 624, 137, 883, 199, 892, 694, 718, 434, 163, 713, 256, 657, 749, 756, 930, 990, 161, 618, 513, 227, 423, 509, 41, 676, 498, 37, 65, 656, 179, 387, 216, 497, 89, 928, 54, 486, 180, 603, 250, 888, 820, 345, 297, 985, 7, 90, 62, 960, 923, 951, 718, 992, 433, 812, 229, 773, 498, 27, 749, 936, 634, 778, 971, 846, 754, 777, 142, 373, 445, 33, 540, 290, 463, 988, 343, 691, 992, 549, 863, 907, 924, 751, 808, 537, 721, 981, 708, 500, 166, 68, 916, 32, 245, 92, 572, 87, 545, 15, 303, 19, 761, 572, 244, 672, 19, 391, 215, 273, 117, 971, 1000, 194, 973, 927, 784, 522, 603, 236, 259, 869, 300, 702, 342, 213, 69, 686, 733, 226, 591, 323, 35, 834, 832, 822, 731, 369, 277, 43, 425, 712, 554, 612, 380, 274, 521, 513, 28, 157, 27, 550, 394, 105, 90, 444, 618, 565, 195, 313, 685, 980, 741, 285, 800, 528, 641, 991, 916, 29, 654, 817, 177, 84, 474, 115, 155, 717, 754, 602, 780, 211, 745, 658, 795, 217, 881, 542, 80, 8, 41, 364, 852, 232, 999, 928, 294, 13, 65, 437, 651, 727, 328, 170, 537, 798, 60, 940, 663, 389, 364, 146, 913, 626, 931, 140, 538, 380, 101, 370, 436, 763, 544, 867, 215, 911, 575, 793, 910, 182, 398, 884, 371, 282, 996, 819, 701, 875, 265, 100, 383, 375, 986, 771, 977, 537, 246, 890, 655, 803, 504, 185, 308, 618, 259, 829, 490, 763, 778, 14, 230, 554, 805, 202, 622, 769, 510, 814, 676, 318, 342, 227, 804, 473, 135, 761, 68, 519, 910, 102, 503, 564, 433, 361, 589, 700, 736, 81, 4, 787, 749, 668, 535, 885, 906, 843, 20, 304, 890, 618, 170, 502, 717, 389, 3, 880, 809, 376, 44, 134, 108, 155, 90, 437, 794, 643, 959, 570, 279, 517, 190, 883, 648, 945, 79, 574, 997, 135, 374, 184, 402, 149, 660, 126, 20, 306, 724, 778, 751, 602, 122, 22, 963, 60, 606, 587, 185, 879, 814, 469, 770, 423, 431, 40, 678, 931, 535, 86, 991, 946, 75, 81, 248, 977, 657, 703, 610, 338, 372, 940, 516, 284, 150, 148, 506, 433, 40, 365, 98, 247, 83, 885, 971, 479, 646, 252, 375, 396, 425, 139, 233, 615, 701, 501, 675, 9, 519, 715, 472, 715, 643, 924, 304, 179, 685, 263, 80, 755, 502, 208, 872, 863, 154, 19, 555, 350, 252, 280, 676, 523, 550, 403, 706, 828, 781, 632, 827, 986, 825, 101, 761, 846, 615, 540, 259, 611, 853, 166, 851, 82, 810, 385, 403, 381, 430, 565, 409, 195, 345, 75, 892, 674, 76, 10, 14, 343, 470, 6, 84, 647, 861, 297, 312, 1]] vs 8 result of (607)
(3) Anthony: [1d10000.open(2).vs(8)] => 1d10000.open(2).vs(8)
(1) Kurtis: gah lol stop
(3) Anthony: I thinkmost times the result is too long
(3) Anthony: so it doesn't produce anything
(1) Kurtis: yeah
(3) Anthony: which is what 1d1.open(1) does
(3) Anthony: it gets too long and aborts
(1) Kurtis: ok, we have permission to Box in

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(4) GM Claire: stop playing with dice and plan your trip silly persons. tell me what you are packing, how you are planning to get where, and where where is... since you already have a name and county if you remember the last thing you got last time...
(1) Kurtis:
Mage: Gates to Atlantis Episode 3

(3) Anthony: How do I know what to pack until I know where I"m going?
(3) Anthony: Idon't know if I'm going to mountains, snow, beach, where
** (1) Kurtis calls Anthony **
** (3) Anthony answers his cell phone **
(3) Anthony: "Tony here."
(1) Kurtis: "Hey. Kurtis."
(3) Anthony: "Hello? Hello? Anyone there? Speak... oh, hi."
(3) Anthony: "You figure out whree the book is yet?"
(3) Anthony: (( since you already have a name and county if you remember hte last hting you got last time... ))
(1) Kurtis: ((ya, making investigation rolls with GM))
(3) Anthony: (( oh, you, not me ))
** (3) Anthony shakes his phone, "Hello? Hello? You still there?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, hey, I think I got us some results. I'm in my office. Looking for it."
(1) Kurtis: "I looked through the phone books and catalogs, found more than one Riverside Counties, but only one in 300 mile radius. This guy, Tristin Lang, he's in California.
(1) Kurtis: "And there are three listings for him."
(3) Anthony: "Riverside California.. okay, you knwo where?"
(3) Anthony: "Ahh, good, one should be him."
(5) Tristin: ((*hides*))
(1) Kurtis: "Patching into mapquest right now."
(3) Anthony: (( where did we get the name Tristin Lang from anyway? I forget ))
(1) Kurtis: ((the bald guy))
(5) Tristin: ((made it up))
(1) Kurtis: "You know, I'm thinking we gotta leave Roger behind for now. I don't think he's got enough mojo for the trip just yet."
(1) Kurtis: "Kassidy, Well, I'm safe and secure for her. Heh."
(5) Tristin: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v625/Gulfoiboy/mapquest.jpg
whispering to Anthony, our last question to the Gypsi mage was who the guy is, he gave us name and address
(5) Tristin: ((sorry))
(1) Kurtis: ((lol))
(3) Anthony: (( ROFL ))
(5) Tristin: ((hehe))
(1) Kurtis: "So, I wonder what this guy can do."
(3) Anthony: "Dunno. have you been able to talk to him throug your book again?"
(1) Kurtis: "Not as of yet, I'll try in a moment. Okay, Riverside is a city in California along Interstate 93."
(3) Anthony: "So, I guess we're going to california. Riverside. Hmm.. could be in mountains would be cold, could be in desert. I'll take a bunch of clothes."
(3) Anthony: "When ya wanna leave?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Riverside county is near LA dumbass"
(3) Anthony: (( LA has mountains ))
(3) Anthony: (( I've gone swimming i the ocean in teh morning, and skiing in teh mountains in the afternoon in the same day ))
** (1) Kurtis hears Kassandra's voice from the phone **
(3) Anthony: "You ever been to Big Bear Kassidy?"
(3) Anthony: "Went there once, went skiiing."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, Cali is gonna be hot, so maybe a pair of beach shorts?"
(3) Anthony: "yeah, I figure I"ll bring some blue jeans, teeshirt, and a few jackets for whatever it htrows at me."
(1) Kurtis: "I vote for driving. Might be a relaxing and scenic trip, besides, what if this guy is a 190 pound boxing champion and we need to knock him out. Think we can pack him into a car trunk easier than into an airplane"
(3) Anthony: "Okay,when you wanna leave?"
(3) Anthony: "It'll be about a four hourdrive."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Great we're gonna have a regular interstate convoy..."
(3) Anthony: "hey,I love seeing hte country side anwyay. Driving through the dessert is nice."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, it will be beautiful."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Theres no real desert between Oregon and LA...
(3) Anthony: It depends ont he route you take
(3) Anthony: "If you follow the coast, or go over the mountains or what."
(3) Anthony: "I guess we can go the coastal route." Tony shrugs
(1) Kurtis: "Mountains and lakes not likely though, not desert as in sand, but like, wasteland. Wheat fields, grass, grass, grass."
(1) Kurtis: "We could take the cool route along the coast on the other hand."
(1) Kurtis: "That for sure wouldf be pretty."
(3) Anthony: "I think kassidy may want ot fly."
(3) Anthony: "But htat can be an issue if there's problems."
(1) Kurtis: "Oh come on, Kass. Make that jeep of yours work. Or you can ride with me. In the FRONT"
(1) Kurtis: "Hey hey, we can even have radios. Check out a trick I learned."
** (1) Kurtis tries to amplify his voice to sound like a speakerphone **
(3) Anthony: (( transmission ftw ))
(1) Kurtis: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,[10, 3],2,7] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: ((indeed))
** (1) Kurtis 's voice sounds like the radio, a bit weak and scratchy, but its hearable **
(3) Anthony: "Umm.. yeah, nice. You do impressoins now." Tony doesn't look impressed
(1) Kurtis: "Come oooon, driving will be fun. Okay, got the three addresses."
(3) Anthony: "Well, what's it going to be?"
(1) Kurtis: "T. Lang at 5300 Luke Atis H172, Tristan Lang at 1298 John Roe Parkway suite 67... and this one looks more promising..."
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin Lang, at 573 Pacific Way"
(3) Anthony: "In Riverside County? What City?"
(3) Anthony: "Riverside City?"
(1) Kurtis: "Riverside County, Riverside City, along Riverside Highway. Can't be easier."
(3) Anthony: "Okay. Whe you wanna leave?"
(3) Anthony: "I gotta go home and throw some clothes and such into my car... but whenever isgood fory ou."
(1) Kurtis: "I say in the morning. I need to get some things done. Try contacting him through the book again. Please. You seem to be better with people."
(3) Anthony: "tonorrow moring?"
(3) Anthony: "Right. I'll try the book. Hmm.. I have it here."
** (3) Anthony opens up his book while he's on the phone, "Hello, anybody there?" **
(1) Kurtis: ((incidently, what does Anthony look like, a visual description?))
(3) Anthony: (( His hair is medium length ,not long, not short. Usually not combed well. Dark hair. He's a bit on the skinny side, he's always fidgetting as if he can't stand still. around... 5'10 Iwould say ))
(1) Kurtis: ((no beard? eye color?))
(1) Kurtis: ((is he pale or tan? looks more like geek or like indiana jones? ))
(3) Anthony: (( no beard, clean shaven. havne't thought (nor cared) about eye color ))
(3) Anthony: (( a cross between a gook and indiana jones ))
(3) Anthony: (( er, geek ))
(1) Kurtis: ((lawl))
(1) Kurtis: ((gook lol))
(1) Kurtis: "Well, I can hear you."
(3) Anthony: "Well, I don't hear anything from the book. I'll try later I guess."
(3) Anthony: "Okay, lets head out tomorrow seven aye em."
(3) Anthony: "Meet at Kassies?"
(1) Kurtis: "yeah I hope he didn't throw it away, and also that he hasnt been killed yet."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, see you tomorrow, Anthony."
(3) Anthony: "Right. Night."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (city)Miraloma
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (assume Kassie says yes you can all meet up at her house :P almost done here)
(3) Anthony: (( O.o My ex-wife lives in miraloma I think ))
(1) Kurtis: ((assume i said Miraloma :D ))
(5) Tristin: That's where I lived until I was 3(())
(5) Tristin: ((weird))
(5) Tristin: ((it was just called Riverside County at the time though))
** (3) Anthony will pack various clothes in a cloth sided suit case, throw in some coats, throw in snow chains just to be on the safe side, take some rabbit food to eat on the way, carrots, celery, water **
** (3) Anthony will also bring his book and wand **
(3) Anthony: "And that... thing htey had made"
(3) Anthony: (( pendant ))
** (3) Anthony will meet up at Kassidy's at 7 am **
** (3) Anthony waits around for Kurtis **
** (1) Kurtis packs a new suit he bought, a black shirt, a red tie, and a white jacket. His black trench coat, and a brown suade jacket, in case of rain. Blue jeans, black jeans, and in a special bag - his "equipment", skin tight black suit, ranger boots, a lockpicking set, a set of mirrors, a laser pointer, and a signal flare gun **
** (3) Anthony chats with the foxes while waiting **
** (1) Kurtis will arrive at Kassidy's house at 6:55 **
** (1) Kurtis waves **
(3) Anthony: "Hey. Ready to head out?"
** (3) Anthony chews on a carrot, Tony is wearing blue junes and a gray teeshirt with a light leather jacket **
** (3) Anthony takes the sunglasses out of his pocket and puts them on **
(1) Kurtis: "Yup. Kassie ready?"
(3) Anthony: 'I was jsut talking to this fellow about the time he had catching a mouse for breakfast this morning."
(3) Anthony: "I havne't knocked yet."
(1) Kurtis: "How was the breakfast? Was the mouse yummy?" - face of disgust
(3) Anthony: "To a fox it's pure delight."
(3) Anthony: "Although they usually prefer rabbits, abit more meat on them you know."
** (1) Kurtis is dressed in a formal white cloth jacket on top of a back cotton shirt, black trousers and brown shoes on him. A tacky red tie is on the shirt, contrasting with his poisonously yellow hair **
(1) Kurtis: "You know in France it's forbidden to serve rabbits without their ears, because they look exactly liek cats when skinned?"
(3) Anthony: "How do you manage to keep a white jacket clean? I don't even bother with white teeshirts anymore."
** (1) Kurtis picks his nails **
(1) Kurtis: "I'm not a field biologist."
(3) Anthony: "Hmm..no, I didn't know that."
** (1) Kurtis has a rolled up black trench coat on the back seat, a suitcase beside it **
(1) Kurtis: "Make sure we all carry lighters. If shit hits the fan, they could serve as flamethrowers."
(3) Anthony: "Say what?"
(1) Kurtis: "heh. check this out."
** (1) Kurtis jumps out of the car and stands in a few feet from Anthony and the fence, takes a lighter out and aims into the air **
** (1) Kurtis flicks the lighter on, making a small flame **
(1) Kurtis: Fire Control: Wits3+Science1+Forces3
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,8,2,5,4,6] = (1)
(3) Anthony: (( influence fire? that's vulgar :D ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((only with sleepers around :)))
(3) Anthony: (( weird, control fire is covert, influence fire is vulgar? ))
(3) Anthony: (( 2d is vulgar, 3d is covert. strange ))
(1) Kurtis: ((Control fire is covert if u use it right))
(1) Kurtis: ((if there is already a fire, i can covertly transfer it, seeming as natural))
(3) Anthony: (( yeah, just read that. influece is vulgar though. strange ))
(1) Kurtis: ((in this particular moment, definitely vulgar. especially if i throw fireballs))
(3) Anthony: (( with 1 success, all you coudl do is either double it's size, or make it hotter ))
** (1) Kurtis produces a miniature explosion, seeming more like a fire burst, enhancing the flame about 5 times, and making it burn a few passerby moths, before going back to normal **
(1) Kurtis: ((i have a ring that lowers the penalty))
(3) Anthony: (( you reading hte same spell I am? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah. actually, lets see how much penalty i get withdrawn))
(3) Anthony: "You bugger..."
(1) Kurtis: ((at least 4 times))
** (3) Anthony goes over to the burnt moth and tries to save it **
(3) Anthony: Heal Flaura and Fauna(2) Gnosis(1)+Life(2) [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,9] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Kurtis: "Um. Sorry, it's just a moth. You're probably standing on a few ants right now yourself"
(3) Anthony: (( dang, forgot a rune before hand ))
(3) Anthony: "And you're just a person."
(1) Kurtis: "Point taken. You have the gift to heal, why not use it."
** (1) Kurtis turns off the lighter **
(1) Kurtis: "Please. Keep it." - hands Anthony the lighter
** (3) Anthony shrugs and puts the lighter inhis pocket **
** (1) Kurtis nods **
** (3) Anthony yells, "KASSIDY, YOU READY?" **
(1) Kurtis: "You know I was thinking how amazing these things are, and why the powers find us and nobody else. Why am I not a healer and you are not a theurgist."
(3) Anthony: "Seems pretty obvoius to me."
(3) Anthony: "I don't go aroudn killing moths for hte fun of it."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, neither do I really. It's the first time."
(3) Anthony: "That's what they always say."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, what, you saying that we awaken with the gift that reflects our personality?"
(3) Anthony: "Something like that. I really don't know how it works, but it seems that the givts I was given reflect my work in the world."
(1) Kurtis: "What about that waiter Roger then? Power of Death? He must be something else to deserve that gift."
(3) Anthony: "They aid me in what I normally do."
** (1) Kurtis looks at the watch **
(3) Anthony: "Well, death is a part of life you know. Death isn't necessarily evil. Foxes have to kill to live, to eat, is a Fox evil?"
(1) Kurtis: "Wow, she is taking a long time... girls. probably taking a shower."
(3) Anthony: "nature is a continuing cycle, things die all the time to make room and nourishment for new life. New life is born, old life dies. Every day, every second."
(1) Kurtis: "Anthony. I must tell you, you're one interesting man." - smiles
(3) Anthony: "You want to see what it's like?"
(1) Kurtis: "What do you mean?"
** (3) Anthony touches Kurtis **
** (3) Anthony mutters an Atlantean phrase **
(3) Anthony: visions of hte Living World - gnosis 1 + life 2 + rune 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,5,1,1] vs 8 result of a botch
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (you fail!)
** (3) Anthony pulls his hand back as if the touch shocked him **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (badly)
(3) Anthony: "Ow, you rejected it."
** (1) Kurtis widens his eyes **
(3) Anthony: "Maybe you don't want ot know what it's like."
(1) Kurtis: "I didn't try to."
(1) Kurtis: "What did you want to show me?"
(3) Anthony: "How the living world looks."
(3) Anthony: "You can see the flow of life"
(3) Anthony: "I wanted to give you the vision... but Icouldn't . "
(1) Kurtis: "You mean, every little bitty thing, bugs in grass, and such?"
(3) Anthony: "exactly."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, ever since the awakening I already see everything as an acid trip, I see forces of nature in many colors and shapes, like materials I can touch, and other things I don't understand yet."
(1) Kurtis: "I practiced last night, finally figured out how to filter them out. All at once are too much."
(3) Anthony: "I've expreiemnted and foudn I can do that with life, space, time and spirit."
(1) Kurtis: "One time I confused gravity and light, and couldn't understand why light is so heavy, turns out I was pulling the wrong strings."
(1) Kurtis: "What's a spirit?"
(3) Anthony: "Spirit is a bit.. creepy. Everything has a spirit, I never realized it before. Even a table has a spirit, but they usually seem to be sleeping."
(1) Kurtis: "Can you do things with spirits?"
(3) Anthony: "Then there are tree spirits, wind spirits, you nave it, there seems to be a spirit for it."
(3) Anthony: "I can talk to them."
(3) Anthony: "I haven't really yet, I tried to summon one to ask where we were going but one never showed up. I guess they didn't find me interesting enough."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (or tasty enough :P)
(1) Kurtis: "Try it again. Summon something."
(3) Anthony: "Just anything? "
(1) Kurtis: "I dunno, something harmless, preferably. Can spirits hurt you?"
(3) Anthony: "You know, if I summon a spirit it woudl probalby be a good idea to have a reason why."
(3) Anthony: "yes, they can hurt us It hink."
(1) Kurtis: "Ummm. Because you want to know what they are, or something. Make friends."
(3) Anthony: "I dont' quite know ohw, but I know the book states that my shielding for spirits protects me from them."
(1) Kurtis: "Shielding?"
(3) Anthony: "If it protects me, it must mean they can hurt me somehow."
(3) Anthony: "Haven't you been reading your book?"
(3) Anthony: "It's one of the things that all Arcana can do, shielding. Each arcana has it's own shield."
(3) Anthony: "That work different ways."
(1) Kurtis: "Yes, a bit, not the spirit section. I focused on forces."
(3) Anthony: "Well, you have a forces shield hten I'm sure."
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, right, right. I saw that too."
(1) Kurtis: "I don't know how to do it though."
(3) Anthony: "The spirit shield helps me boht against spirtis and more mundane things."
(3) Anthony: "You don't know how to do what?"
(1) Kurtis: "Have you tried it?"
(1) Kurtis: "How do you make a shield appear?"
(3) Anthony: "yes, I cast a spirit shield yesterday."
(3) Anthony: "Well, you have to channel through your tower"
** (4) Wolf Spirit appears in the circle you made sniffing around looking up at you expectingly. **
(3) Anthony: "And without a rote, y ou have to will it kinda, hard to describe. YOu shoudl know, how you cast other htings."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, big massive tower with a golden key"
(3) Anthony: (( I didn't cast anythign yet though for a spirit to show up ))
(4) Wolf Spirit: (oh...)
(3) Anthony: "I really don't know HOW I cast spells, I jsut do."
(4) Wolf Spirit: ((Hates yoU!))
(3) Anthony: (( Okay,I'll cast now ))
(4) Wolf Spirit: ((thank you!)
(3) Anthony: "Okay, you want me to summona spirit? You won't be able to see it, but Iwill."
(1) Kurtis: "Okay, try casting it, yeah."
** (3) Anthony mumbles the atlantean rune for summon spirit **
** (4) Wolf Spirit appears in the circle you made sniffing around looking up at you expectingly... again! **
(3) Anthony: summon spirit - Request - gnosis 1 + spirit 2 + rune 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,2,5,6] vs 8 result of (2)
(3) Anthony: "So now there's a wolf spirit here. What do you want me to ask it?"
(1) Kurtis: "Why do they howl at the moon?"
** (3) Anthony looks at kurtis with a stupified expressoin on his face **
(3) Anthony: "You want me to ask it WHAT/"
** (3) Anthony shakes his head **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra steps outside looking over at the scene.. she shakes her head slightly. **
(1) Kurtis: "What's the wolf spirit's area of competence?"
(3) Anthony: "Hunting I woudl guess."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Tracking, and killing things smaller than it."
(1) Kurtis: "Well then... umm... how do you find Tristin Lang?"
** (3) Anthony looks at the wolf, knows it's an extremely stupid question, but feels he better ask it something before it gets pissed **
(3) Anthony: "Sir wolf, would you be able to find someone for us that lives in California?"
** (4) Wolf Spirit in a grumbling rought voice **
(4) Wolf Spirit: "You give me something worth my time and I will hunt anything you need caught."
** (3) Anthony cocks hsi head, "What would be worth your time?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Kassidy, how nice of you to join us. We're all packed up. ready to go?"
(3) Anthony: "What is it you desire?"
(4) Wolf Spirit: "The essence of a rabbit spirit."
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra chuckles **
(1) Kurtis: ((lol))
(3) Anthony: "So spirts eat spirts?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: he wants to to catch his dinner for you."
** (3) Anthony shudders **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I am ready to go" indicates a backpack on her back. "We taking three cars, two cars? whats the plan. Oh and we will have backup when we reach Riverside county. I called in a favor or three..
(3) Anthony: "Sir wolf, I release you now, but when I do need someone caught I will be sure to bring an rabbit and seek you again."
(1) Kurtis: "If you like, you can ride with me. Anthony and I have fast cars. A jeep will slow us down. On the other hand, if you really want to, we can take three cars."
** (1) Kurtis looks at Anthony **
(1) Kurtis: "Do I wanna know?"
** (4) Wolf Spirit wanders off **
(3) Anthony: "Hmm? Oh, the wolf spirit said he could track anyone down I wsih to catch, as long as he got paid."
(3) Anthony: "In this case, the spirit of a rabbit for dinner."
** (3) Anthony watches the spirit wander off **
(3) Anthony: "Good to know."
(1) Kurtis: "Haha, what? Even spirits want to get paid?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Well.. how do we plan to get this guy back up here? Who's car?"
** (3) Anthony reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a cracker and feeds it to Ucawi **
(3) Anthony: "I guess it depends on how big he is and what car he chooses to go in?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Of course even spirits want to be paid. In fact spirits are more likely to want payment than humans.
(1) Kurtis: "Either my backseat or Anthony's front seat, won't be a problem, I think."
(3) Anthony: "And how do we even knwo he wants to come out here?"
(1) Kurtis: "Well, he is safer with us than alone. Jones failed to kill us, so he will probably go after him."
(3) Anthony: "Is he going to live here? I mean, what if he has a hosue and a wife and kids or somethiung."
** (3) Anthony sighs, "I guess we'll jump off htat bridge when we come to it." **
(3) Anthony: "Would you like to ride with me kassidy?"
(1) Kurtis: "He'll be a dead family guy if he doesn't come. I guess it's his choice."
(5) Tristin: ((some dick keyed your car))
(3) Anthony: (( My car is dark blue, not read though ))
(3) Anthony: (( red ))
** (1) Kurtis rolls eyes **
(3) Anthony: "Shall we?" Anthony gets in his car
** (1) Kurtis hops into his car and starts it **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks between the two of you and in an instant of life magical awarness sees the pissing contest coming like a train wreck.."Three cars it is then.." Walks over to her car and jumps in without another word starting it up. **
** (1) Kurtis transmits to Anthony's car **
(1) Kurtis: "Now we're stuck at 80 mph. And I blame you."
** (3) Anthony turns on his car and the radio **
** (3) Anthony shrugs **
** (3) Anthony starts driving **
** (1) Kurtis 's Supra roars and booms, and drives out **
(8) Wanderer (enter): 01:02
(3) Anthony: (( you r car is not loading for me ))
(1) Kurtis: ((for me either))
(3) Anthony: (( I seem to recall openrpg doesn't liek spaces in the names ))
** (1) Kurtis transmits to Anthony and Kassidy over the radios: "You know, on the other hand, I think maybe we could take Roger along." **
(8) Roger: ((Um....hello all)
(3) Anthony: "Well, call him and see if he's home."
** (1) Kurtis calls Roger **
(8) Roger: (i'm trying to figure out where I've been up to this point..)
(3) Anthony: (( home reading your book ))
(5) Tristin: ((Hey there Wand!))
(8) Roger: S?)
(8) Roger: (shawn?)
(1) Kurtis: ((after the gypsie stuff, you got an amulet, and we dropped you off home))
(5) Tristin: ((yesh))
** (8) Roger answers his phone **
(8) Roger: Who's this?
(1) Kurtis: "Hey, It's Kurtis."
(3) Anthony: (( how did kurtis hear me asking him to call him ? heh, transmission is one way usually ))
(1) Kurtis: "Another mage popped up in California, up for a trip south?"
(1) Kurtis: ((sound mastery is capped at 3 dots, can do anything with sound))
(8) Roger: "Is this line secure?" *slight slur to his voice*
(1) Kurtis: ((thats the spell i used))
(1) Kurtis: "Sure is. We're all packed, driving now. Want us to drop by and pick you up? There's a spot open on the crew for a man who can turn things into powder."
(8) Roger: "I can turn milk into vodka....."
(8) Roger: "MILK...into FUCKING VODKA!!"
(8) Roger: "...and the ghosts wont shut up"
(6) Rachel: (imagain if you had a cow)
(1) Kurtis: "You're in. Pick you up in 10 minutes at your place?"
(3) Anthony: (( yes, but the best part is water into gas XD ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (lol))
** (1) Kurtis switches to the radios **
(8) Roger: "who'll take care of simone?"
(5) Tristin: ((your type status is Big O :)))
(1) Kurtis: "Take her with you."
(8) Roger: ((Yes, yes it is =P)
(1) Kurtis: "Lads and lasses, our Interstate 93 Liner just picked up an infinite fuel supply. Making a pit stop at Roger's"
(8) Roger: "uh......she hates cars.."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "n the road again I just.. wha.. who just turned my music into you guys talking?"
(1) Kurtis: "That be me, dear"
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra honks at you **
(3) Anthony: (( you making it so I can hear kassidy too? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((i can try with another roll))
(1) Kurtis: ((ask me :D ))
(3) Anthony: (( just wondering if I heard both sides of the convo ))
(1) Kurtis: "Well, we'll be only gone for a day or two tops, Roger."
(3) Anthony: "Or if I'm even hearing you "
(3) Anthony: (( ))
(8) Roger: "uh......I guess...I'll be ready..."
(8) Roger: "I need to find socks.."
(1) Kurtis: ((yes, Anothny and Kass can hear Kurtis, Kurtis can hear Anthony, that was the first intended spell i cast))
** (1) Kurtis re-establishes a three way connection, amplifying radiowaves across the convoy **
(3) Anthony: "Right, I guess we need to go pick him up. lead the way, I dont even know wahere he lives."
(3) Anthony: (( if it's radio waves it's not sound control but transmission, no? ))
(1) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 + Forces 3 + Ring 1
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,8,4,7,2] = (1)
(3) Anthony: (( you know atlantean, don't you kurtis? ))
(1) Kurtis: (( Anthony and Kurtis know an equal amount of Atlantean))
(3) Anthony: (( then you can use an atlantean rune and get 2 more die ))
(1) Kurtis: ((i didnt make one.))
(3) Anthony: (( no, you say it ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((its called high speech))
(3) Anthony: (( make sure you find a reason to ask anthony about it IC ))
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah, i didnt study it))
(3) Anthony: (( you've heard him mumble in high speech before he cast his spirit summoning ))
(1) Kurtis: ((kay. when time comes up))
** (1) Kurtis stops by Roger's place, motioning the convoy to follow **
** (1) Kurtis honks **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra follows **
** (8) Roger stumbles outside wearing a weathered black trtrenchcoat over wrinlled black clothes, and a serious case of bed-head... **
(1) Kurtis: roger, lol, you see a convoy of three cars waiting for you :D
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra tries not to laugh too much and shakes her head muttering milk into vodka **
(1) Kurtis: "hey Roge!"
** (3) Anthony waves **
(8) Roger: "Rog-ER...two sylables..."*/me climbs into kassys car
(1) Kurtis: "Pick your ride, I'm grumpy, Tony's friendly, Kass is just... *whispers* scary" winks
** (8) Roger looks Kassy dead in the eye as he climbs in **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra moves the bag from the passenger seat placing it on the center devider (wits plus composure if you like) **
(8) Roger: I just spent my night merging household apliances into each other
** (3) Anthony glances at kasseys car and smiles, thinking it was the car he would of picked too **
(8) Roger: My refrigerator can now microwave things
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: And turning milk into vodka I hear... this is why I'm driving...
** (1) Kurtis drives among the streets and heads onto the interstate "Woooohooo!" Wind in the face, elbow on the door, shades against the sunlight, grin of freedom. **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: That's... pretty cool.. you should have seen the flying rabbits I made durning my awakening.. trippy..."
(1) Kurtis: "Catch up, slow pokes!"
(8) Roger: where are we going?
(1) Kurtis: "Caaaa leeey fooornia, babeeey!"
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra keeps up really well for a jeep.. and with that comment passes your penis mobil and drives ahead of you for a few miles* **
(8) Roger: ((Are we on like...CB radios?)
** (3) Anthony races along hoping not to get a speeding ticket, but realizes that at least one speeding ticket on this trip is gong to be inevidable. **
(1) Kurtis: ((oooh guys, wanna contested roll race?))
** (1) Kurtis sees Kassidy pass him **
(1) Kurtis: "Admirable"
** (1) Kurtis unlocks the Forbidden box and hits up the NOS **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: sure))
(8) Roger: I bet I can make this thing go faster......
(1) Kurtis: "Doctor Ferril, you in?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (dex plus drive yall)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [5d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [[10, 8],[10, 8],[10, 9],6,2] = (4)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ohhh owned
(8) Roger: (hold one moment!)
(8) Roger: (grr..so much for holding..)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (7 sucessses)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (sexy)
(1) Kurtis: ((dex 4 + drive 2 + sports cars specialty 1))
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [6,1,8,6,7,9,2] = (5)
** (3) Anthony floors it **
(1) Kurtis: ((errr 5 successes))
(3) Anthony: (( to bad I have 0 dots in drive ))
** (1) Kurtis hits it to the ground, flames roaring out of the thruster, the car amazingly doesn't catch up with the jeep **
(8) Roger: (nm,,,could have sworn I had a spell that wopuld let me imbue an object for a bonus)
(3) Anthony: dex 2 + drive -1 = [1d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [3] vs 6 result of a failure
** (1) Kurtis looks in the rear view mirror for Anthony's stingray **
(3) Anthony: (( hmm.. one sec.. ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (pause peeps)
(8) Roger: (no, my spell only effects simple objects....not a car)
(3) Anthony: Come on baby...you can do it..
(1) Kurtis: "Oh I know you're cheated Kass. I just don't know how."
(3) Anthony: (( high speech ))
** (1) Kurtis makes the fuel burn hotter **
(3) Anthony: coaxing hte spirit gnosis 1 + spirit 2 + rune 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,8,1,5] vs 8 result of (1)
(3) Anthony: (( dang, only 1 die bonus ))
(3) Anthony: dex 2 + drive -1 + 1 from coaxing = [2d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [[10, 8],2] vs 6 result of (2)
(1) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,6,1,2,6,5,4] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: "damn it!"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Roger... Two people just appeared in the back seats of Kassies Jeep behind you.))
(8) Roger: (haha botch!
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (and why are you all still doing stuff when the GM SAID PAUSE?!?!)
(8) Roger: What the hell....? *blinks looking back*
(1) Kurtis: "What?"
(6) Rachel: "fuck"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (6) Rachel: (whispering): "fucking hell!"
(1) Kurtis: "What?!"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (so she doesn't have to type it again!)
(8) Roger: who the hell are you?!
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "What the hell! who the... what.. who are you two!"
(5) Tristin: ((I'm here too?)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (yes)
(1) Kurtis: "Yo, guys, what the hell? What's going on?"
(5) Tristin: "What the Hell just happened?"
(6) Rachel: ...where the hell are we?
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra pulls over tires screeching **
(1) Kurtis: "Which way to throw fireballs?"
(5) Tristin: ((What is the layout?))
(8) Roger: What the flying hell is going on here?!
(5) Tristin: ((who's where? including me))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (you are in a jeep... you are in the backseat next to Robin, Kassie is in the front seat, Roger is next to her in passenger seat you are on an interstate and you just pulled over)
** (3) Anthony sees Kassandra's car pull over and pulls behind her, "Ochawi, see what's up" **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Kurtis and Tony are in different cars behind this one)
(6) Rachel: I just wished I was someplace safe...
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (a wits plus composure roll is in order for everyone at this point)
(3) Anthony: (( be careful what you wish for ))
(8) Roger: someone please make some sense ogf this1
(8) Roger: [0d10.open(10).vs(6)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(6)
Sorry I don't know what /me's is!
(6) Rachel: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [3,3,5,5,5,5] = (0)
** (1) Kurtis 's black Supra roars with almost a sonic boom, as Kurtis extinguishes NOS, and screeches to a stop, raising a cloud of dust in a few meters from the jeep **
(3) Anthony: wits 3 + composure 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [2,7,2,2,[10, 5],6,7] vs 6 result of (4)
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,8,3,5,2,3] = (1)
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [5,4,4,2,2,4] = (0)
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,1,[10, 4],5,7,6] = (3)
(5) Tristin: sorry
(8) Roger: (I didn;t roll that first one..)
(5) Tristin: (())
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [9,1,9,2,2,1,6] = (3)
(8) Roger: (the second one is the one I rolled0
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Okay okay everyone slow down... You wished you were someplace safe...let me guess... you just recently received a book as a gift or in the mail or something anounomously didn't you)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (gm discribing scene)
(5) Tristin: "gates to Atlantis?"
(6) Rachel: yeah...i did. just before all this shit started getting crazy...
(8) Roger: my head hurts...
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Robin you see nothing out of the ordinary, Roger, you see that green parrot flying towards Kassies jeep, Tristin you notice a green parrot flying towards the jeep you are in, Kurtis you also see the green parrot)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yeah gates to atlantis... umm.. well welcome to being a mage.. let me guess (looks at Tristin) you're Tristin Lang?"
(8) Roger: and why is there a parrot?!
(6) Rachel: parrot? where?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Robin you can see a green parrot now too, its landing on the hood of the car)
** (5) Tristin looks her over, to see if she is hostile" **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Tony assume you can see inside the car for the duration of the parrot being on the car hood)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (character discriptions all)
(8) Roger: am i on an acid trip or something?
(3) Anthony: (( Imight lose internet ))
** (8) Roger is wearing slightly disheveled all black clothes including a trenchcoat, has neck length dark hair, and a nights worth of stubble on his face **
** (5) Tristin is a moderatly tall boy of 16, obvious asain ansestory. He has short black hair and dresses in dark clothing, curently wearing a NIN T-shirt and blue jeans. **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra is a woman in her mid twenties, with red hair and a charming but straight forward air about her, she currently has her hair up in a pony tail and is wearing a green tank top and jeans. Her eyes are brown. Tristin and Roger you also notice in the divider between the front seats a fox peaking its head out of a kakii bag) **
** (3) Anthony is 5'10" wearing blue jeans, a gray teeshirt, a light black lether jacket, sunglasses, dark medium lenght unruley hair, a bit skinny **
** (1) Kurtis runs over and stops by the jeep finally. A young tall handsome man in a white cloth jacket on top of a black shirt with a red tie, black trousers, brown shoes, blonde spiky hair combed back, pitch black shades hanging on the nose. He leans on the window and asks "So this is Tristin Lang? Mm, I thought you'd be bigger." **
** (3) Anthony gets out of his car and casually walks over **
(8) Roger: [0d10.open(10).vs(8)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(8)
** (5) Tristin looks at everyone, decerning if they want a fight **
(8) Roger: (*grumbles*)
(8) Roger: (DGrim Sight
** (3) Anthony smiles, "Hi, how you get hin her jeep?" **
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 2],9,3,5,6,4] = (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (waiting on robin before proceeding guys give her time I'm throwing whispers at her for stuff)
** (5) Tristin calms down, no scenceing a fight **
(3) Anthony: (( we're outside the city I presume? Not a busy freeway but a fairly sparce one? ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (aw hell... Roger whisper people for their grim sight discriptions okay? just let them know what you need to know))
(5) Tristin: "Yeah... I'm Tristin... who are you guys?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (I said WAIT FOR ROBIN)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (grrr)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (angry gm smash)
(5) Tristin: ((sorry))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (and yes we are on a fairly deserted interstate)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (sends tristin to poke her)
(6) Robin: "so....fuck" directed at the two in the front seat "how do you two know eachother?"
whispering to Wanderer, To Roger: the aura of death indirectly surrounds Kurtis, people around him died, but not by him. He recently burnt a few bugs with a lighter.
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (give a discription of your character hon)
whispering to Shawn, To Tristin: Kurtis seems peaceful, but ready for surprise combat
** (6) Robin long brown hair,worn down. long light brown jacket. black pants. sneakers. **
** (8) Roger looks directly at Tristin **
(1) Kurtis: ((no shirt weeeee))
(8) Roger: your friend......
** (8) Roger grips his head **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I'm Kassandra Fox, and to explain, we know each other because of that book there in your lap, "Gates to Atlantis" Everyone here has received one recently.. except for me.. and in so receiving them has become awakened to the magical world...
(3) Anthony: (( Ihave no idea what a grim sight is supposed to looklike so can't describe mine ))
(8) Roger: (I was really only looking at the newcomers
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((girm sight tells a mage what if any recent deaths have occured around the person they are looking at and how much death hangs around the person..)
(1) Kurtis: ((i burnt some bugs :D))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((btw Tristin and Robin.. that book you both have Gates to Atlantis.. well its sitting in your lap... freaky since you didn't have it with you))
(3) Anthony: ((youknow how hard it is to give mouth to mouth to a moth? ))
** (1) Kurtis looks at the other girl **
(1) Kurtis: ((lol))
** (5) Tristin looks down, just noticeing the book in his lap. **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((lol))
(1) Kurtis: "She... she's one of us too."
(5) Tristin: "This damn thing..."
** (3) Anthony notices the books, "Oh, yeah. You have htem too. I wonder, is my name on the back page?" **
(8) Roger: someone died....
(8) Roger: recently
** (3) Anthony opens up his own book where he had written in pencile on the last blank page **
(8) Roger: someone you knew *looks at tristin*
(5) Tristin: "...Denzel? I heard the gunshots.... how do you know this?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Club is getting bigger every day it would seem... surfice to say though.. Tristin and.... friend you are safe. You may have recently been in contact with a older man in a white Suit.. a Mr. Jones.. he is quite interested in those books.. enough to kill for in fact"
(8) Roger: "I can..see him....."
** (5) Tristin opens his book to the back page **
(8) Roger: "but like...an echo.."
(6) Robin: fuck, hes the one who set me up!
** (1) Kurtis almost touches Roger's shoulder, but keeps the actual hand on distance from touching the trench coat "Roger here is a Death seer." **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (on the back page of your book tristin are the words "My name is Tony Parrot and I'm not a hallucination"
(1) Kurtis: "Set you up?"
(8) Roger: My head is starting to throb again......anyone have a tylonol?
(6) Robin: yeah, hes the one who had the cops all over my place. trying to bust me for dealing
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "here.."
** (1) Kurtis to roger "Can't you make anything into water with tylenol in it?" **
(5) Tristin: Which one? *looking at Robin*
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra places her hand on Rogers head... her hand seems to glow slightly for anyone with mage sight up **
(6) Robin: mr. jones
(8) Roger: I dont k now what tylonol is made of...
(5) Tristin: Mr. Jones? That's the guy I... borrowed....
(8) Roger: so I can;t just...make it
(5) Tristin: book...
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,6,6,6,3,5,2,1,5] = (1)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Roger your headache leaves)
(3) Anthony: "And you do know what vodka is made of?"
whispering to Rachel, Kurtis's deep almsot metallic voice whispers into your left ear: dealing what?
(5) Tristin: ((acediminiphine))
(8) Roger: I do once I analize it
** (1) Kurtis moves his mouth silently **
(8) Roger: I touch it...learn it, then can make it
(3) Anthony: "So touch a tylenol."
(8) Roger: sorry..Mr. jones
(8) Roger: bad guy
(8) Roger: wants us dead
(5) Tristin: Who is he?
(8) Roger: incidentally, you now have powers and abilities far beyond those of mere mortals
(8) Roger: cool huh?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yeah... longer story is these books aren't suppose to exist because the only one copy that was made of them Mr. Jones and his assosicates burned in 1989 along with about 40 or so mages who were working on it..
(8) Roger: But the book came back
(3) Anthony: "Well,it's still to be determined if we're immortal or not. I thinkw e can still die. Pretty sure of it in fact."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Now there are...(counts) 5 copies some how.. all connected.. and he is pissed I'm sure"
(8) Roger: I said "beyond mere mortals"
(8) Roger: which we have
(8) Roger: ok.......thought
(3) Anthony: "Ahh, but we're still mere mortals, just ones who can actually see."
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Wanderer...
(8) Roger: I have radpidly been learning the whole universe is made up of puzzel pieces
(3) Anthony: "Although maybe we can transcend this flesh."
(8) Roger: so...
(3) Anthony: "I mean, I can talk to spirits so something exists beyond this body."
(8) Roger: what is each copy holds a tiny invisiblwepiece
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Mr. Jones Tristin.. is a very bad man.. who does not want the knowledge of magic to come to just anyone.. and above all wishes these books and their owners destroyed"
(8) Roger: what if we put them back together?
** (1) Kurtis talks to the girl i nthe back seat **
(1) Kurtis: "Well you're on a highway between Oregon and California."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Boys and.. Girl *smiles* this is not the best place to be discussing this I don't think."
(3) Anthony: "True. A little conspicuous too Iw ould think."
(8) Roger: "I have been reading...."
(8) Roger: "I can take us...somewhere
(3) Anthony: "I take it we dont' have to go to california now."
(8) Roger: "Somewhere where no one could see us..."
(1) Kurtis: "I can blow something up to make it look just like a regular car wreck" BIG GRIN
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I can take us somewhere too.. my hollow which is safe enough with all the spirits I have contracted to protect it right now."
(6) Test1: lets get out of here, then.
(3) Anthony: "Youmust have to hunt a lot of rabbits, Kassidy."
(3) Anthony: (( don't be so testy ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "erm.. a hollow is a place of magic.. like if you think of magic as rivers and streams a hollow is a little pond where it pools."
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin, ride with me."
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks at Tony **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: You have no idea Tony.
** (5) Tristin looks to the man. **
** (1) Kurtis nods **
** (5) Tristin nods **
** (5) Tristin opens up the door and steps out. **
(3) Anthony: "So I guess it's backt o Kassidy's then."
** (1) Kurtis walks towards the black supra and opens the passenger door **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Seems so"
(3) Anthony: "Uchawi."
** (3) Anthony gets back in his car **
(5) Tristin: Ooh damn! Shotgun!
(8) Roger: Gazunhiet
** (1) Kurtis laughs **
** (1) Kurtis gets in **
** (4) Uchawi the Parrot flies to Tony's shoulder **
** (5) Tristin gets in Kurtis's Supra **
** (1) Kurtis starts the car **
(5) Tristin: "So what's your name?"
(8) Roger: I need a drink...
** (3) Anthony cloes the door, turns on the engine, peels a u turn and heads back to the city **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "buckle up people this is gonna be interesting"
(5) Tristin: "I've seen you in this ball..."
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra follows Tony's suit making a U turn and heading towards the city **
** (3) Anthony chuckes, "heh, we're in front now Uchawi, think we can stay here?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Kurtis. You can call me Kurt. Tristin, this entire... crusade here that me and my companions gathered has to do a lot with who you are."
** (8) Roger pulls out his book and suddenly begins reading it avidly **
** (1) Kurtis drives after Kassidy's jeep **
(5) Tristin: "Who I am?"
(1) Kurtis: "You have been given a special gift. I don't know what it is yet, but... it's important that you live and do something with it. There was a man who told us to find you. He gave us this to give you
(8) Roger: Dear god.....
(8) Roger: This just......doesn;t make sense...
** (1) Kurtis takes a pendant on a chain out of his pocket and hands it to Tristin. The pendant has eight dots on it **
(8) Roger: I mean....its all just....swirling together, science and some...well, frankly scarey shit
(5) Tristin: "What's that?"
(1) Kurtis: ((amulet on the map))
(5) Tristin: Pretty fancy... why are you giving me this?
(1) Kurtis: "I don't know, but you can only use it eight times. It's supposed to give you luck in the heardest times. This magical man gave them to us"
(1) Kurtis: "Because it belongs to you."
(8) Roger: (how are we suposed to RP different vehicle here? I'd like to RP with the people in my car
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Magic is our ability to reshape reality.. it is often easier if we move within the laws of science as much as we can)
** (1) Kurtis undoes his tie, and opens his black shirt, revealing his amulet, exactly the same **
(8) Roger: but this is sooooo far byond science....
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (actually because of Kurtis everyone can hear eachothers cars.. or did you drop the spell))
(8) Roger: I mean..this is like...necronomicon shit
(1) Kurtis: ((i did, but i can recast it))
** (5) Tristin puts the Amulet around his neck **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((oh nevermind then.. just talk to the people in your car and ignore the others
** (3) Anthony talks to Uchawi... "I spy with my little eye.. something that is blue..." whiling away the drive back **
(1) Kurtis: ((unless one of you can call me and ask to put it up))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (lol Tony)
(8) Roger: ((I'm good, its ok)
(8) Roger: ok........*reads over a page a few more times*...watch this...
(1) Kurtis: ((tony is alone in his car, aww))
(5) Tristin: Where are we headed?
(1) Kurtis: "New Haven."
(8) Roger: (summon Shadows)
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,[10, 9],[10, 4],1,1] = (2)
** (1) Kurtis slides the shades back up his nose to sit tight on the eyes, with a smug grin, and lights a smoke **
(5) Tristin: Where's that?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Imagine learning that you can heal cancer with a touch.. that's my reality... or imagine.. this girl here she seems to be able to teleport across the state thats pretty intense"
(1) Kurtis: "About 80 miles north. That way." - waves his head forward
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Hey whats your name anyway's hon?... You don't have to give your real one.. in fact..its safer if you think of a new name for yourself to use around other mages"
** (8) Roger raises his hand.....and reality bends....darkness bubbling from the haair...tendrils of blackness oozing from an orb of utter blackness above his hand **
(5) Tristin: So, Oregon?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (we should totally color coordinate which car we are in with our typing color lol)
(1) Kurtis: "You should get to know Dr. Ferril. He's cool. He can heal things with his touch."
(8) Roger: from the air*
(6) Robin: I'll stick with Robin.
(8) Roger: what IS this?!
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *smiles* "Robin it is, so now we have a Parrot a Fox and a Robin *chuckles*
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks at Rogers hand **
(8) Roger: (need a paradox roll btw)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "darkness...the essence of darkness)
(8) Roger: (this is vulgar)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (on it)
(1) Kurtis: "here, check this out, hold on"
(5) Tristin: (this okay?)
(5) Tristin: (damnit)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((your clean Roger))
** (8) Roger the blackness reaches out to caress the dashboard...as if feeling around the inside of the car... **
** (1) Kurtis establishes voice connection with Anthony's stingray **
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,7,6,2,3] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: "damn..."
(5) Tristin: ((XD))
** (1) Kurtis calls Anthony **
(3) Anthony: "...no that's green, not yello. I said I saw somethign yellow.."
(1) Kurtis: ((lol))
(5) Tristin: Watch what?
(3) Anthony: "Oh, what's up/"
(1) Kurtis: "You okay there man?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *looks over again* "Okay.. Roger.. abyss tendrals.. not in my car! "
(3) Anthony: "Yeah, just whilingaway thetrip."
(1) Kurtis: "Hope not feeling too lonely? Tristin is a cool kid."
** (8) Roger closes his hand as a cold sweat runs down his brow, and the darkness swirls inward and vanishes **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((YOU BEGIN TO DRIVE INTO THE FOREST NOW))
(1) Kurtis: "Hey, you wanna show the girls how to drive? This ownage asks for a rematch."
(3) Anthony: "I have to do research and find out if parrots or color blind, Uchawi claims he isn't but.. not sure."
(1) Kurtis: "Of course they're color blind."
(8) Roger: (dont make me transmute your gasoline into sugar =P)
(3) Anthony: "well, let me put up my mage sight so I don't run into any deers."
(5) Tristin: What's color blind?
** (1) Kurtis chuckles: "Parrots, Tristin, parrots. Alright, you ready? Let's show em how it's done." - pats Tristin's shoulder **
(3) Anthony: High Speech - Pulse of the Living World(1) Wits(3)+Medicine(3)+Life(2) + high speech 2[10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,5,3,3,8,6,7,2,5] vs 8 result of (1)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "So... Robin.. Space magic.. and I can guess a little mind magic too... That makes you a Mastigos mage.. pretty powerful.. You are probably really freaked out right now but if you want we can all help you. Hey you need to make any calls or anything.. let anyone know you will be gone for a while?"
(3) Anthony: (( 10 freaking dice, and 1 success. yeesh ))
** (1) Kurtis adjusts tire friction to fit the road **
(8) Roger: I can;t help you....aparently I'm a necromancer...
(6) Robin: i just need somesmokes for now.
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],8,7,5,9,6] = (3)
(6) Robin: anyone got any smokes?
** (3) Anthony watches the road in front of him to make sure no deers dart out across, which he shoudl be ablet o tell now because of mage site **
** (1) Kurtis zooms in front of the jeep **
** (8) Roger chuckles and pulls out some wrinled notepaper from a poacket **
(8) Roger: (Transmute Earth)
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],[10, 8],4,8,[10, 4],5] = (4)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "mmm.. I don't smoke... but.. hmm Roger you know how to make cigerettes by any chance?"
** (1) Kurtis 's car feels on the rocky road like on smooth asphalt **
** (8) Roger the paper bgins to twist darkening into dried tobacco in the center... **
(8) Roger: (let me narrate! yeesh!)
(8) Roger: (Was already doing it =P)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (:P)
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra notices Kurtis trying to race her... **
** (8) Roger before Kassy finishes the sentance..a cigerette is in his hand **
(8) Roger: here
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (hits the gas)
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra found the F3 macro key **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [5d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [4,1,7,3,4] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: "Not a chance this time, sister."
** (3) Anthony notices kurtis coming up behind him **
(8) Roger: oh jesus...
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [9,1,7,5,9,[10, 7],5] = (4)
(6) Robin: a cigerette is the best you can do?
(1) Kurtis: Z-O-O-M
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra found the F3 macro key **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [5d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [6,3,2,1,1] = (1)
(8) Roger: define "best"?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (you are winning)
(8) Roger: you looking for weed?
(6) Robin: well, you know...
(6) Robin: yeah
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra shakes her head... **
(3) Anthony: high spech - coaxing the spirits - gnosiis 1 + spirit 2 + high speech 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 5],9,1,5] vs 8 result of (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "hand it here.."
** (1) Kurtis winks at Tristin, who by now should have wind blowing in his face like in a roller coaster **
** (8) Roger takes the ciggette back.... **
(8) Roger: (Transmute earth)
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,2,6,2,1] = (1)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (tony what are you doing?)
(8) Roger: (uh....does that mean it worked?)
(3) Anthony: drive -1 dex+2 coaxing +2 [3d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [9,3,4] vs 6 result of (1)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (yes)
(1) Kurtis: ((lol im rofling at Tony, he has no drive so he keeps summoning spirit bulls to push his car, its so hilarious))
(6) Robin: as long as its smokeable
** (8) Roger hands it back **
(3) Anthony: (( and when it's all done I only wind upw ith 1 success anyway ))
(8) Roger: Its now marijuana
(8) Roger: enjoy
(6) Robin: thankyou.
(8) Roger: glad I could help
(8) Roger: That will be 1 soul in payment
** (1) Kurtis attempts to establish sound connection throughout the convoy **
(1) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,9,2,6,7] = (2)
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra rolls her eyes **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [5d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [7,7,5,1,6] = (3)
(8) Roger: I'm trying to get a jump on this "necromancer" thing
(6) Robin: i was just hoping for a ciggarett, but with all these new found powers, why settle?
(1) Kurtis: "Hello hello, testing?"
(6) Robin: soul payment?
(8) Roger: kidding
(5) Tristin: Robin?
(3) Anthony: "Hmm? yes Kurtis?"
(5) Tristin: How can I hear her?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Kurtis you doing that thing with my radio again?"
Sorry I don't know what /me's is!
** (1) Kurtis 's voice is in all cars, and Kurt's car can hear everyone else's car, a bit scratchy and sometimes dropping volume, but mostly hearable **
(1) Kurtis: "Yes I am."
(3) Anthony: "You may never be able to listen to shanai twain again
(5) Tristin: Cool..
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "mutters in High Speach"
(6) Robin: hello out there!
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra chuckles **
** (1) Kurtis looks at Tristin **
(8) Roger: I could make this a lot easier.....anyone have a spair cellphone?
(1) Kurtis: "Did you know your girlfriend smokes?"
(3) Anthony: (( if I loose internet continue without me ))
(5) Tristin: girlfriend?
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks at Robin **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Girlfriend?"
** (1) Kurtis 's tires are adjusted to smoothen out the friction **
(6) Robin: ?me shakes head
** (3) Anthony slows down sub sonic to not scare the aniamls **
(1) Kurtis: "Well I guess not then, how do you know each other?"
(8) Roger: We could be asked the same question
(5) Tristin: She's my... travel agent.
(1) Kurtis: "Well see, I met Anthony in a restaraunt with Kassidy, and then Roger ended up working in the same restaraunt..."
(3) Anthony: "I know Kassidy from work. We ran into Kurtis with the book in a resteraunt."
** (6) Robin snickers...travel agent **
(1) Kurtis: ((we're driving towards the red dot on the map, the Hollow))
** (1) Kurtis smirks at Tristin **
(1) Kurtis: "I see we share a common interest. I'm also a very frequent traveller."
** (3) Anthony pulls up into hte driveway and stops the car **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks back at robin again... (healers trance) **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,4,4,3,4,9,4,2,4,3] = (1)
(3) Anthony: (( ouch ))
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra frowns slightly and turns back to focus on the road **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (indeed)
(5) Tristin: ((is it safe to be tranceing while you drive a car))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((SHH yes with rotes)
** (3) Anthony waits for the others to pull up, "You know, Uchawi, I actually think it might be easy to catch rabibits.." **
** (1) Kurtis pulls up **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra pulls up he gates open **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *the
(1) Kurtis: "Anthony's a bit strange, talks to an invisible parrot, but you'll like him, he's cool"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (describes the hollow give me a bit))
(1) Kurtis: "Sometimes he talks a lot, but alcohol usually helps. Roger can probably supply us with a lot of vodka."
(5) Tristin: That green one? It's not invisible...
(3) Anthony: (( he's not invisible, he's just not something you notice ))
(8) Roger: I prefer Rum actually, but vodka was easier
(1) Kurtis: "You're right, it's not... hm."
(1) Kurtis: "It always pops out of nowhere."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (Kassies home is a two story wood cabin with a poarch all the way around, it is far off the beaten path off a dirt road just outside a national park, there are a number of woodland creatures running around including a high number of foxes. The place has a calming feeling, and is full of life and vitality. Inside is a mixture between a medical lab and a vetranary clinic with a number of creates lining the livingroom with animals in different states of healing. The kitchen has an island with a stove, and there are stairs leading up and down from the main room as well as a hall leading off probably to spare rooms and a bathroom (blue prints soon)))
(8) Roger: not sure I'm allowed inside...might kick me out of the necromancer's union
** (1) Kurtis pulls up the roof of the supra, and gets out **
(1) Kurtis: "We're here."
** (8) Roger climbs out of the jeep **
** (5) Tristin hops out of Kurtis' Supra **
** (1) Kurtis locks it **
** (6) Robin gets and leans on the jeep **
** (1) Kurtis looks at Tristin, pointing at the porch **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra hops out of the jeep as well **
(1) Kurtis: "Welcome to Kassidy's world. You're on your own in there. Things get... creepy." chuckles
(5) Tristin: How so?
(3) Anthony: "It's not creepy, it's wonderful in there."
(8) Roger: I can see ghosts...how creepy could it be?
(3) Anthony: "All those animals, and the labratory equipment..."
(5) Tristin: Ghosts?
** (1) Kurtis kills his cigarette and drops it into a trash can outside **
(8) Roger: Yes. Ghosts
(5) Tristin: Here that Robin, lab equipment.
(3) Anthony: "Oh, watch out for that one fox with the runny nose, it can be a bit messy."
** (5) Tristin smirks to her **
(3) Anthony: "I can see spirits. Not sure if I can see ghosts."
(3) Anthony: (( I actually can, just can't talk to them ))
(8) Roger: No. You can't.
(8) Roger: (9You have death 1?)
(3) Anthony: (( no, spriit, but it says I can see ghosts but faintly and can't talk to them ))
(8) Roger: (hmm...I'm pretty sure ghosts and spirits are completely different)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "its for a hobby.. the lab that is.. improving animals fight or flight abilities. and healing sick animals"
(8) Roger: A mad veteranarian.....cool
(6) Robin: maybe i can make that equipment useful...
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Haha.
(3) Anthony: (( see spirit tongue pp 246 ))
(3) Anthony: (( casting spirit tongue with death 1 I can also talk to ghosts ))
(8) Roger: (hmm..seems..unfair, but my char still assumes you can'y)
(8) Roger: I need something to drink..
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (( I can't find my log cabin blueprints will keep looking between comments))
(1) Kurtis: ((death is lot more powerful in other areas than spirit))
(1) Kurtis: ((and yes, it's in the book))
(3) Anthony: (( a lot more powerful, I can't touch someone and make them die liek you can :P ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Shall we all go inside, the spirits around here are being a bit restless with this many mages suddenly poping up."
(8) Roger: (I can;t do that yet either)
(1) Kurtis: "Sure"
(5) Tristin: "Sure"
(3) Anthony: (( but you WILL be able to ))
(5) Tristin: ...
(6) Robin: lets go
** (1) Kurtis goes in when invited **
(3) Anthony: "Oh, yeah, sure"
(8) Roger: I think..I can maybe help keep this place a little safer...
(3) Anthony: Tony walks inside
** (8) Roger follows them in **
** (5) Tristin follows Kassidy into her house. **
(3) Anthony: (( and, no, tony doesn't hold the door open for anyone ))
** (6) Robin follows suit **
(5) Tristin: ((Not eeven me? Chivilry -is- dead :( ))
(3) Anthony: (( not even kassidy ))
(3) Anthony: (( and, yeah, anthony doesn't know chivilry from a tbone steak ))
(3) Anthony: (( he's a vegetarian, doncha knwo ))
(8) Roger: (screw chivalry, he doesn;t know common curtesy it seems
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra leads the way and unlocks the door, as in previous description there are animal creates in the living room as you enter with different animals in stages of healing, Kassie continues in to the kitchen and the large Island with the stove, there are four chairs sitting around it, Kassies chooses to sit on the counter behind the island **
** (8) Roger opens the door and holds it for the others **
** (3) Anthony walks intot he kitchen, petting the odd animal here and there **
** (1) Kurtis opens the drawers where jack daniels used to sit, and puts two new bottles in it **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra smiles **
(8) Roger: Pass that please
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Good boy
** (6) Robin walks into the kitchen beelining to the fridge **
** (1) Kurtis bows, and walks over to a corner away from the traffic **
** (3) Anthony absently chews on a celery stick **
** (1) Kurtis picks a chair, in fact **
(6) Robin: got anything for munching on?
(8) Roger: booze? someone? anyone?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((in the fridge there are a number of cans of zoo diet (animal food) three take out boxes with varying amounts of steak in them and fixings for sandwiches and the like))
** (5) Tristin How did Robin get that J' anyhow? **
(5) Tristin: ((I said that....)
(8) Roger: I made it
(8) Roger: you want one?
(1) Kurtis: "The healers here seem to have a bogus habit of curing drunkenness just to spoil your fun, so, drink or not, it will only make you go pee."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Help yourself, there are chips in the cabinent there (nods her head) and crackers I think...
** (5) Tristin smirks **
(5) Tristin: Of course
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: unless someone ate them all. *looks at Tony's shoulder)
** (6) Robin chooses the can of zoo diet food **
(8) Roger: got a pencil?
(1) Kurtis: ((i bought the J during the day))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Erm... thats... pretty much dog food hon.. its for the sick animals..
** (5) Tristin shakes his head **
(8) Roger: ( J = Joint, not jack daniels)
(3) Anthony: "Oh.. umm.. actually, I think Uchawi did get a little busy on the crackers yesterday."
** (6) Robin puts it back **
(1) Kurtis: ((my bad))
(6) Robin: i guess i'll have chips and some jack, then
(8) Roger: seriously...you want a joint give me something you dont mind being gone
(1) Kurtis: "Remember guys, we all still have a mission to complete."
(8) Roger: and....that mision is....what?
(1) Kurtis: "Eliza."
(3) Anthony: "Oh, yes, don't we have to rpotect someone? Who was that again?"
(3) Anthony: "yeah, eliza. We figure out who eliza is yet?"
(6) Robin: "eliza?"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yeah we did.. Kurtis seemed to know her."
(1) Kurtis: "According to a nice man who told us where to find Tristin, we're all goners if a nice lady named Eliza doesn't survive."
(3) Anthony: "Ooh, I bet I can find eliza... I was talking to a wolf spirit and he said for a rabit he could find someone for me."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Ya should probably fill in our new members guys... I have sick animals to feed"
** (8) Roger pours himself a glass of Jack damniels, then opens the freezer looking for ice cubes **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra opens fridge, gets out some zoo diet, heads for sick animals **
(5) Tristin: Nothing on me...
(8) Roger: dont look at me...I'm still not "filled in"
(1) Kurtis: "Anthony, all you."
(3) Anthony: "Well, all I know is I was in the african rain forest, I get a book sent to me, I wind up able to control insects and such..."
(3) Anthony: "The book has a note saying Kassidey sent it to me and to bring it with me to a meeting with her."
(3) Anthony: "Which I do, she knows nothing about it except it was supposedly burnt a long time ago and shoudln't exist."
(3) Anthony: "And, strange enoguh, it seems like all the copies of hte book are, in fact, the same book! Just shifted thorugh time like 5 seconds each or something."
(8) Roger: That makes no sens
(3) Anthony: "If I write in the back of htis book it's shown up in other books 5 seconds later, one 5 seconds, the other 10."
** (3) Anthony nods **
(8) Roger: at least not at that timeframe
(3) Anthony: "You're absoutely right, it's magic."
(8) Roger: dont give me that ration of crap ok?
(3) Anthony: "Look at the back of your book. Open it to the back page. See any writing?"
** (3) Anthony opens his own book **
(8) Roger: "Magic" doesn;t mean it can;t be explained
** (5) Tristin opens his book **
(8) Roger: I've seen the writing
(3) Anthony: "Well, watch this."
** (3) Anthony erases the words out of his own book **
(5) Tristin: Yeah... I feel a strange time flow between the books. It's as if they all exist at different times... but at the same time..
(4) GM Claire: The words begin to disappear, first from Kurtis book, then Tristin's, Rogers, and Finally Robins"
(3) Anthony: (( every book they showed up in should now have them disappear in 5 second stages, if I udnersand it right ))
(8) Roger: ok, if your theory is right...anyone have a pencil?
(8) Roger: lets test this theory
** (3) Anthony hands roger his pensil **
(3) Anthony: "Well, there's one thing
(3) Anthony: "My book is liek the master or something."
** (8) Roger writes the word "TEST" in his boook on the blank back page **
(5) Tristin: Mind turning that into something smokeable when you're done?
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra from other room "ITS THE OLDEST" **
(3) Anthony: "so ify ou write in another book, it will only appear in books in the time line after it, or something. give it at ry."
(4) Book!: (robins book gets the word TEST in it)
(3) Anthony: "Yeah, what kassidy says, mine is the oldest."
(8) Roger: it can;t be five seconds
(3) Anthony: "I quite havne't figure it all out."
(8) Roger: because that would mean in five seco0nds you bookm disapears and ends up with kurtis
(8) Roger: and there would be no lag between words apearing
(1) Kurtis: "hm"
(8) Roger: true?
(5) Tristin: It's... *thinks* 4.5 seconds between the books...
(8) Roger: consider this alternate view
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "WHAT ABOUT THE SPACE PART"
(3) Anthony: "When I felt the relationship between the books, they were almost like the same book. and some are 5 seconds newer. I dono't understand it, because according to kassidy this book shoudlnt' even exist, it wsa burnt."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (from other room)
(8) Roger: each book is a link in a powerflow
(8) Roger: that flow follows a course between books, like a river, anthony's is the head of the river
(3) Anthony: "Oh, yeah, tha'ts one other thing. If you talk in a book another book that's open will hear it like it's int he same room."
(8) Roger: when you add something it flows down the river to the next book
(3) Anthony: "And there's some type of scrying portalorsomething, I dont' quite understand, I don't knwo enough about scryingto understand it."
(8) Roger: May I please talk anothony?! *frowns*
(6) Robin: i have a feeling
(6) Robin: its the same book
(3) Anthony: "Sure,I"m not stopping you from talking. Just open your mouth and talk. That's twhat I do."
(8) Roger: yes, vert frequently while interupting others
(8) Roger: very*
(8) Roger: as I was saying...
** (3) Anthony shurgs **
(8) Roger: each book is a point in a powerflow
(8) Roger: you drop a log in a river, it can;t flow upstream
(6) Robin: each book?? its the same book
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "TIME IS NOT CIRCULAR"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (from other room))
(3) Anthony: "A log in a river isn't in more than one point in the river at hte same time."
(8) Roger: so anything you write anthony flows to us, but anything I write can only flow downstrea,
(8) Roger: I klnow its not
(8) Roger: that my point
(8) Roger: thats*
(3) Anthony: "I've always thought of it like htis."
(3) Anthony: "This book was made, or it's predecesor."
(8) Roger: I dont think its the same book frankly
(3) Anthony: "At one point something happened ot make copies of it, 5 seconds apart."
(3) Anthony: "But they are more than copies, tehy are like the same thing."
(5) Tristin: Four and a half *he corrects*
(8) Roger: self replication. Bacteria do it all the time.....RIGHT KASSY?!
(3) Anthony: "So when a book that was copied is changed, any book that was copied from it is changed."
(8) Roger: a powerflow
(8) Roger: just like I suggested
(8) Roger: that doesn;t make it the same book
(6) Robin: its the same, just in different places at once...
(3) Anthony: "Now, there is one problem. If this book" tony holds up his book, "is destroyed, then ALL the books will get destoryed. We can't let that happen."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, the deal is this, we have a killer mage, Mr. Jones, he is skilled in Death, Mind, Prime, and Space magic. He has been killing people for these books, and he wants to kill Eliza. Eliza is the lady I got my book from. And I promised her to return with results, sort of. She is probably not too excited to see me. We have to save her life, otherwise something bad happens to us."
(5) Tristin: Death... Mind... what what?
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra comes back into the room **
** (1) Kurtis browses through his notebook **
(8) Roger: types of "magic"
(5) Tristin: Ah
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Death magic.. is well ghosts, zombies dead things.. *points to Roger*
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Mind.. well thats thoughts, feelings, memories, .. *points to Robin*
(8) Roger: you make it sound so cheerful
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *shrugs*
** (6) Robin smiles **
(1) Kurtis: "He is vulnerable to Spirits, Life, and Forces, as in, he cannot see them. Or matter. Anything unseen, he cannot see. Except things he is skilled in."
(8) Roger: Matter is the ability to effect non-living substances
(3) Anthony: "Robin is mind? Interesting.,"
(8) Roger: again..Me
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "mmhmm liquids into gas, gold into silver.."
(1) Kurtis: "A Mastigos?"
(3) Anthony: "An insect swarm shoudl effect him I would think, until he dispelled the swarm if he could."
** (1) Kurtis attempts to scan Robin's aura **
(6) Robin: shit into weed!
(1) Kurtis: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,[10, 9],7,6] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yes a Mastigos.. she has Space magic too.. thats'' well trasporting, moving out of the way.. knowing where things are.. scrying"
(8) Roger: there a reason your listing things you could attack me with?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: We are talking about Mr. Jones Roger...
(1) Kurtis: "She is a mastigos alright, and indeed, mind and space. A signature I have not seen before."
(3) Anthony: "Not you, Mister Jones, pay attention."
(8) Roger: ahh, I could turn his clothes into Lye
(8) Roger: that would probly suck
(1) Kurtis: "Roger..."
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks over at Tristin... **
(3) Anthony: "youwould have to touch him to do that, right?"
(8) Roger: Dont know
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "hmmm... fate magic...
(3) Anthony: "Ify ou're close enough to touch him,he's close enough to touch you."
(1) Kurtis: "This guy is a killer, a very powerful mage, he can probably counterspell everything we throw at him."
(8) Roger: and?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Acanthus like the gypsies fate and time magic.
(8) Roger: ok....new plan
(8) Roger: I alter the conductiviny beneath his feet, you fry his ass
(5) Tristin: That.. me.. I think..
(3) Anthony: "Also, I seem to recall we dont' have ot kill this guy, we just have to protect Eliza."
(8) Roger: I can make concrete act like copper
(5) Tristin: That's*..
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Fate being the odds of things and time being able to control time... even look back and froward in it
(1) Kurtis: "You pick all those things up being a waiter?" 0 arches a brow
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Hmm.. a perfect circle.. You're each from different paths.. all the arcana are covered."
(8) Roger: I've been reading the book
(8) Roger: I can aparently do all kinds of things
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "convenent"
(3) Anthony: "They are all covered? There are ten arcana, aren't there?"
(1) Kurtis: "Okay. Try changing conductivity of this wood block." - tosses Roger a wood block
(8) Roger: and five of us
(1) Kurtis: "This can be useful."
(8) Roger: each with 2
(5) Tristin: 6...
** (8) Roger catches the block.. **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Six with me yes.
(5) Tristin: So you and Tony are alike?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: MMhmm I have higher life magic than he does. But yes we are both Thyrsus
(5) Tristin: *nods*
(5) Tristin: So... Kurtis is... what again?
(8) Roger: (Alter Conductivity)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Obrimos
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,9,7,4,7] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: "Well, if you guys wanna try out your powers in saving an innocent's life, I know where Eliza lives."
(1) Kurtis: "341 G Street Apartment #3"
(5) Tristin: And those magics are?
(8) Roger: there.....this thing is now as conductive as copper
(8) Roger: good luck testing it..
** (8) Roger tosses him the block **
** (1) Kurtis catches it, looks over it **
(1) Kurtis: "Hmm. Thanks."
(5) Tristin: I don't know her, but I don't like this Jones guy...
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: For you Tristin time manipulation, forsight, hindsight, luck magic.
(1) Kurtis: "Last time I tried fucking with electricity, I took out the fuses in this entire house, I think Kass won't appreciate."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "No She won't appriciate it just got it working properly again."
(8) Roger: ok.....we are going to..rescue someone?
(8) Roger: I say we get going...
** (1) Kurtis puts the conductive wooden block into his bag **
(1) Kurtis: ((so it can return in 300 episodes later))
(3) Anthony: (( too bad it'll wear off in about an hour ))
(8) Roger: (um...no)
(1) Kurtis: ((damn))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Hold your horses here, Tristin and Robin seem to have just awoken..they may not be ready just yet, they may not even know how powerful they are."
(8) Roger: (its a scene duration..sort of storyteller discretion there)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Smiles))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Evilly))
(8) Roger: I say...we actually test our powers then
(3) Anthony: (( from what I've been reading, a scene is an hour ))
(8) Roger: (9you read wrong =P)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: usually but not always yes))
(8) Roger: (Scene is when a GM decides its a scene, lol)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (( a scene can be as long as I want, but standard is 1 hour))
(8) Roger: I have yet to really...try
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Well.. we are safe enough here... to test things out if you all wish to. wish more of us had higher prime a sheild might be useful.
(5) Tristin: Hmm, so I'm luck and stuff?
(1) Kurtis: "Well, if they manage to prove themselves more than a duo of weedheads, they deserve their powers. Combat testing makes men."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Luck and Tim e yes.
(1) Kurtis: "And makes women into amazons."
(5) Tristin: Anyone have a die?
(5) Tristin: Or deck of cards?
(1) Kurtis: ((am i catching Obrimosis or what?))
(8) Roger: Kassy...you got stuff you dont mind destroyed?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: mmm... *looks through some drawers.. hands over a deck of cards*
(3) Anthony: "Do you two know high speech?"
(1) Kurtis: "Speaking of shields..."
(6) Robin: i know im strong enough for teleporting not only myself, but tristin as well. whats bigger than tristin?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: sure.. I've got plenty of tin cans from zoo diet *nods to the recycle bin*
(5) Tristin: A tank.
(8) Roger: should we go outside for this?
(1) Kurtis: "I have to learn this shield... a forces shield can work."
(1) Kurtis: "An elephant"
(6) Robin: do you have a tank?
** (5) Tristin attempts to shift his luck at drawing a good poker hand **
(6) Robin: roger, make an elephant!
(6) Robin: haha
(8) Roger: Ahem...that would be a -living- thing
(8) Roger: I do -non- living
(6) Robin: cant do that?
(6) Robin: well, then...that sucks
(8) Roger: no, thats Life
(8) Roger: I have Matter
(8) Roger: gee..thanks
(1) Kurtis: "Just teleport us all"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: I can...
(1) Kurtis: "All together we're bigger than Tristin"
** (1) Kurtis takes a drink of water **
(8) Roger: I dont remember cvolunteering for this...
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: I could make an elepant.. but it would take some doing...
(5) Tristin: (what do I do for Shift the Odds?)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((TONY falls asleep from all the excitement))
(5) Tristin: (Wits+occult+sci+fate)
(5) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,2,4] = (1)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((wits occult fate))
(1) Kurtis: ((one stat, one skill, one arcanum))
(5) Tristin: Shuffles the deck and draws five cards, tossing them in the middle one at a time.
(5) Tristin: **
(5) Tristin: ((success soo...?))
** (1) Kurtis watches Tristin **
(1) Kurtis: ((what are you trying to do with the spell?))
(5) Tristin: ((Get a great hand))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((You get a great hand))
** (1) Kurtis squints **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((straight flush))
(1) Kurtis: "Hmmm..."
(1) Kurtis: "I'm gonna want to talk to you later, Tristin."
** (5) Tristin smirks **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra chuckles **
(5) Tristin: Anyone for a game?
(6) Robin: pass
(1) Kurtis: "Maybe later. You and me against the Royal Casino on Aurora Street"
(5) Tristin: Sounds good.
(1) Kurtis: "Work on those Time abilities of yours."
(8) Roger: (sorry, back)
(1) Kurtis: "Maybe we'll be up for some roulette."
(8) Roger: so...are we =not- testing our powers?
** (5) Tristin closes his eye and focuses on his own time flow, speeding himself up **
whispering to Shawn, You hear Kurtis's voice whispering on distance into your left ear: i make a bet, you stop time, place the ball on the right slot, sit back, we win.
(6) Robin: everyone up for some fresh air?
(1) Kurtis: ((Tristin, if you didnt pick your rotes, you just do Gnosis+Arcanum for spells improvised))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((he knows))
(1) Kurtis: "I love air."
(5) Tristin: ((I did))
(8) Roger: I could -make- air...
(5) Tristin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(8) Roger: actually...wow..I can;t..
(6) Robin: our i could take everyone out on the pourch
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Give it a try Robin"
(5) Tristin: ((Doh, stan plus athletics plus time))
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,5,8,8,4,2] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: "If you stick me into a wall, I will kill you."
(6) Robin: can kill me for testing!
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,[10, 8],9,[10, 10, 7],2,6] = (3)
** (5) Tristin dahses around the group in circles **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (she succeeds and he succeeds))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (and likely runs into a wall as he is teleported))
(5) Tristin: OUF!
(1) Kurtis: "Alright, you two seem to have the shit together." - picks his nails
(6) Robin: welcometo the front pourch everyone! hahaha
(8) Roger: you guys up for seeing something new...?
** (5) Tristin shakes his head, running headlong into the unexpected wall **
(1) Kurtis: ((i wonder if there is a penalty for the amount of people you're teleporting))
(8) Roger: (whats the bonus for using high speech?)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: +2 for using runes.. +1 for just high speech which most mages instictively know
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((runes you have to write or trace in the air))
(1) Kurtis: ((Tony so far was the only one who did them.))
(5) Tristin: ((How come I only got 3 at the end, but 5 were 8 or higher?))
(8) Roger: ok.......for those of you gutsy enough to try teleportation....
(1) Kurtis: ((it doesnt always count em right))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((there is a penelty normally yes.. because the counter doesn't count things inside square brackets for some reason))
** (8) Roger kneels on the porc with the pencil in hand....and draws runes in a triangle.... **
(8) Roger: (Ghost Gate)
(8) Roger: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,2,5,2,8,4,4] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis steps away **
(8) Roger: (son of sa..only one?)
(8) Roger: (that enough?)
** (5) Tristin dashes to pick up a bunch of leaves from a nearby tree **
** (1) Kurtis watches Tristin carefully **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (only one is enough for one person at a time to pass through the gate))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (discribing scene PAUSE))
(4) GM Claire: Within the view of the gate you see a twighlight realm, the skies dark and covered with clouds, visable are a band of what appear to be native american indians in an erthreal form, shadows of their true selves, ghosts, they have just penned a creature made of inky darkness to the ground with ghostly spears, it is the land of twilght and ghosts beyond this runic gate))
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra shivers **
(1) Kurtis: "What... is... that?"
** (5) Tristin drops his armful of leaves. **
(8) Roger: That........is the Twilight
(8) Roger: aparently......I can do stuff there
** (8) Roger takes a deep breath, and step thorugh **
(1) Kurtis: "Can we? Is it dangerous?"
** (8) Roger steps* **
(1) Kurtis: "Anyone else help yourselves, I'm not going."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: It's dangerous... but we should be okay.. I may have to get creepy though"
(1) Kurtis: "What about Eliza? What if we get lost?"
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra whistles **
(6) Robin: to roger, "did it hurt?"
(8) Roger: (Is this the same twilingth that spirits live in?)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "we cant get lost, the gate stays open while we are inside unless Roger is stupid enough to close it."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yes))
(1) Kurtis: "What's that thing on the ground those guys are killing??"
** (5) Tristin lets go of his time acceleration and aproaches the gate **
(8) Roger: It was as painless as the transition between life and death possibly could be
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Shadow spirit
** (8) Roger steps slowly towards the ghosts **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Twilight is not just for ghosts but spirits too
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra holds her hand out as a silver and rubied fox hops up her arm onto her shoulder **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "when you step through a gateway into twilight it can effect you and you can effect it. So be careful"
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra takes a deep breath and steps through the gateway **
(1) Kurtis: "You're not possibly going in, are you?"
(1) Kurtis: "Oh great."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "can't let any of you go alone, you are all too new."
(1) Kurtis: "Grrnnn.."
(8) Roger: (um...how are they pinning it down?)
** (1) Kurtis looks to the two left on the light side **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (with ghost spears))
(1) Kurtis: "Up to you guys. I'm going in."
** (6) Robin shakes head no **
(1) Kurtis: "I hate you, Kassie."
** (1) Kurtis walks in **
(8) Roger: (Sculpt Epherma)
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,6,4,3,[10, 9]] = (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I didn't open the gate"
(8) Roger: (I am reshaping the ground beneath the creature into a cage, and hardening it
** (5) Tristin follows them cautiously, trying to feel the fate of them and the danger of entering. **
(6) Robin: "damit"
** (6) Robin hops through **
(8) Roger: (I'm like a god here =P)
(8) Roger: (need a paradox roll
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yours still fine)
(8) Roger: (Grim Sight)
(1) Kurtis: "How do you know they're the good guys, and the thing on the floor is not?"
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,3,5,[10, 10, 10, 7],2] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: "I don't think he listened when you said be careful."
(8) Roger: I dont, but I can handle ghosts, I can;t handle shadowbeasts
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (you don't need mage sight up in twilight to see things...))
(8) Roger: (how intact are these ghosts?)
(6) Robin: "if i die,im gonna be pissed"
(8) Roger: (I do to scan them =P)
** (1) Kurtis looks back **
(8) Roger: (I want to knwo if their corpus is damaged)
(1) Kurtis: "If you die, I am gonna be pissed."
(8) Roger: if you die I just saved you a little time in crossing over
(1) Kurtis: "So you better not die."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((their corpus is damaged yes, they have been fighting that spirit for a while now))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(3) Anthony' from server... Removing dead client
(3) Anthony (exit): 03:50
(5) Tristin: (what do I roll to know how the outlook of this ordeal feels?))
(8) Roger: Hello *speaks to the ghosts*
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((unless you have the rote its gnosis + arcana))
(8) Roger: May i be of some help...you look a bit torn up
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((winds of chance is what you want))
(8) Roger: ?
(5) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 5],[10, 10, 8],[10, 10, 6]] = (3)
(5) Tristin: ((DAAAAMN))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (holy)
(8) Roger: (wow..)
(1) Kurtis: (sex)
(8) Roger: (Drugs)
(5) Tristin: ((coco puffs))
(8) Roger: (dammit!
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ...
(8) Roger: (rock and roll! its Rock and roll!)
(5) Tristin: (( S D and C is a book))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (six sucesseswith three dice..))
(5) Tristin: ((You guys can worship me later, so what do I know?))
(4) Indian Ghosts: (in whisper)
(1) Kurtis: "So, they're indians? Dead indians fighting a shadow? They won?"
** (4) Indian Ghosts looks at Roger cautiously **
(5) Tristin: There are more comeing guys...
(8) Roger: I can restore you......I'm not going to hurt you
(8) Roger: My name is Roger
(1) Kurtis: "shit shit."
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra frowns and whistles twice... the fox hops from her shoulder and runs off in a flash of quicksilver **
** (1) Kurtis closes his eyes and breathes in **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: How bad is it Tristin do you know?
(5) Tristin: Bad... I feel a big fight..
(8) Roger: We're not bad guys here.....we're just neutrals
(1) Kurtis: Invisibility: Wits 3 + Stealth 2 + Forces 3 + High Speech 1 + Ring 1
(1) Kurtis: "Bend light"
(1) Kurtis: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,[10, 10, 10, 7],[10, 6],7,8,7,[10, 3],6,9] = (5)
** (4) Indian Ghosts look at Roger curously **
(4) GM Claire: (7)
(4) GM Claire: (disapper)
** (8) Roger roger looks the the most injured one.... **
(5) Tristin: Tell them we are friends...
** (1) Kurtis disappears **
(8) Roger: (Restore Corpus)
(8) Roger: Actions speak louder than words..
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,1,5,[10, 7],4] = (1)
(4) GM Claire: (do you have all these rotes?))
(8) Roger: (I'm casting them all by fgnosis
(8) Roger: (notice how its always 6)
(4) GM Claire: (ah)
(4) GM Claire: (would be good to know that.. being the GM and all))
(8) Roger: (saves me mental math, heh
(8) Roger: (You have my sheet, lol)
(8) Roger: (no rotes on it =P)
(8) Roger: (sorry, i'll be more clear in the future
(8) Roger: (so that would have restored 1 corpus level
(8) Roger: (and I need a paradox pull
(1) Kurtis: ((spell out how you're casting a spell: breakdown, like Gnosis x + Forces y. I have that copied into notepad, this saves the GM a lot of work.))
(8) Roger: (will do...but unless I state otherwise..its gonna be gnosis + arcana)
(1) Kurtis: ((so u have gnosis 3?))
(8) Roger: (I built the char to cast that way)
(8) Roger: (yup)
(1) Kurtis: ((how did you buy 3rd dot??? thats like 8x3... thats like 24 exp))
(8) Roger: (uh..I used 6 of my seven starting merit dots)
(8) Roger: (bought 2 gnosis)
(4) GM Claire: ((The spell does not effect the ghost you were casting on, instead it heals one of the other four ghosts in the group as the paradox whips the magic out of your hands
(8) Roger: See..? *talks to them calmly* i can help
(1) Kurtis: ((by the flipping of pages by GM, i think we're fucked))
(5) Tristin: Guys... they should be comeing any time now...
(1) Kurt's Voice: "I'd listen to the kid who can tell the future..."
(8) Roger: Thats ok, if I can;t use my powers to help people..I dont really want them
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra holds her hand out as the small silver and rubie fox runs up her arm nuzzling her ear **
** (5) Tristin enters a fighting stance, his right leg sprawled out in front of him, his body slinked low, his hands bent over one behind the other like two sickles **
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Well, you can help the dead people here who needs healing, I think I will help a girl who is alive and might soon be dead."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Shit... five of those on the radar *nods down at the dieing shadow spirit*
(8) Roger: the gate is right behind you...
(8) Roger: thaey can;t follow you through
(5) Tristin: I knew it.
(8) Roger: (ok, can a ghost speach spell breach the language barrier here?
** (6) Robin raises bat **
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Don't make us knock you out and drag you into it! if we stay, it means death."
(8) Roger: (speech*
(8) Roger: *sighs* ok, I have an idea
** (8) Roger everyone back through the gate **
(8) Roger: Everyone back through the gate
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((you speak ghost, regardless of their launguage, doesn't mean they speak back to you))
(8) Roger: c'mon, hurry!
** (8) Roger heads for the gate **
** (5) Tristin still in a fight-ready position, he heads for the gate **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra begins muttering in High speech waiting for everyone to go through the gate **
** (8) Roger walks back through into the dreal world, his grim sight letting him see the indian still **
** (1) Kurtis runs to the gate **
(8) Roger: (four indians, right?
** (6) Robin briskly walks backwards through the gate **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (four)
(8) Roger: Kassy! i have a better idea!
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (no five)
(8) Roger: .me looks to the others
(8) Roger: I need 4 bottles
(8) Roger: or containers
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra slips back into the real world. **
(8) Roger: or -something- that seals
** (8) Roger races into the house **
** (5) Tristin alters Ragers chance of finding decent containers **
(5) Tristin: Roger*}{}{
** (1) Kurtis is invisible, so you can't tell where he is, but he is around the gate **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra hisses through her teeth watching as the shadow spirits enter the veiw of the portal **
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,2,2,6] = (0)
(8) Roger: (I'm looking for empty 20 ounce soda bottles, or even a box of zip-lock bags
(5) Tristin: ((damn))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Just stay on this side they can't come through the gat like we can"
(8) Roger: (any kind of containers)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((you fail))
(8) Roger: (who fails?)
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Dun du dun, two bottles of Jack in the closet... blind waiter..."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((there are opened zoo diet cans, an empty bottle of jack D. no soda bottles)
(8) Roger: (grabs the empty jack bottle and 3 empty cans)
(8) Roger: **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yeah.. he could empty out my jack and then I could kill him.. *frowns at the air*
(8) Roger: (Gnosis + death, soul jar, on the first idian, into the jack bottle
(6) Robin: i can chug!
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,8,5,5,4] = (1)
(5) Tristin: Me too.
(1) Kurt's Voice: "He could remake it... water into wine... hmm.... I refuse to call him jesus."
(8) Roger: (fucking hell, I have had nothing but shit rolls all night0
(8) Roger: (so what happens?)
(8) Roger: Kepp the spirits back for a little bit if you can!
(8) Roger: keep*
(1) Kurt's Voice: "How?! Will fire burn them?"
(4) GM Claire: A shadow spirit sensing the yummy gnosis begins to investigate the gate, slamming it with a sharp tendral that (thankfully) does not pass through the gate
** (1) Kurtis backs away from the gates **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Anyone have any matches?, or a lighter??"
(1) Kurt's Voice: woah
** (8) Roger begins to chant again, trying to seal the first ghost again **
(8) Roger: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,6,7,7,5,4] = (1)
(6) Robin: baseball bat+ranged attack
(8) Roger: (gnosis = death = highspeech)
** (1) Kurtis 's invisible hand hands a lighter into kassidy's hand, lighter becomes visible **
(8) Roger: (=
(6) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,8,[10, 3],8] = (3)
(8) Roger: (I'm trying to fucking type a plus sign)
(8) Roger: (so the first one works right?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Hope you don't mind losing this, flicks it on, steps through the gate (presence socialize spirt (spirit speach))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,5,6,[10, 9],6,7,[10, 10, 4]] = (3)
** (8) Roger seals the jack daniels bottle with the first indian inside **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra seems to be conversing in a tense tone though none here can hear the words **
** (1) Kurtis watches Kassidy through the gate **
** (8) Roger picks up an empty can **
(8) Roger: (anyone know the mechanics of casting two spells at once? I know you can)
** (5) Tristin concetrates on the time flow, wating for the perfect time to strike ((perfect timing)) **
(1) Kurtis: ((well you need gnosis 2 or more for the number of spells to weave, thats all i know))
(5) Tristin: ((int+ composture+ time))
(8) Roger: (I have it, i'm trying to combine 2 spells)
(1) Kurtis: ((*contemplates invisible fireballs*))
(1) Kurtis: ((u get a penalty. GM working.))
(5) Tristin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,8,9,[10, 8],5,[10, 3],9] = (5)
(1) Kurtis: ((i want shawn's dice))
(1) Kurtis: ((i know a fate mage when i see them))
(5) Tristin: ((6 bonus dice on next roll))
(8) Roger: (I just want to not roll shit every time I try)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((just need one sucess for the jars and you can need gnosis rating over 1, and you get -2 dice per additional spell can't do the same or simmilar thing, and if you have a rote for one need a rote for both otherwise improvised for both)
(8) Roger: (both improvised)
** (8) Roger chants as he crunches the first can shut **
(1) Kurtis: ((so 4 dice. hmmm risky))
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra hands the lighter to the shadow spirit, who takes it up and begins to move away, three other spirits follow it, but the last spirit turns away from the ghosts and heads towards Kassie **
(8) Roger: (five plus i'm spending a willpower.......how many does that add?)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (3)
(8) Roger: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,[10, 7],5,5,4,[10, 10, 3],2] = (3)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (six minus 2 is 4...)
(8) Roger: (yes
(8) Roger: (I chanted in high speach
(8) Roger: (thats +1
(8) Roger: (and spent a willpower, +3
(8) Roger: (aww...shit...I didn;t declare the willpower officially did I?)
(8) Roger: (*beats head on desk*)
(8) Roger: (I just asked what it did)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (I got your math its fine)
(8) Roger: (I'm tired..i'm just trying to seal 4 indians safely in jars...how do I do that?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: 4 sucesses you can split those over the two spells))
(8) Roger: (so the sceond indian is encased in metal, right?
(1) Kurtis: ((Tristin gotta give me insane buffs))
(1) Kurtis: ((between three of us we have a lot of firepower for gnosis1-3))
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra Transform self (Stamina, Athletics, Life) **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,2,5,[10, 7],4,9,8] = (4)
** (8) Roger pants with exsertion, and repeats the last spell, chanting deeper as he attempts to seal the next indian in safety(no willpower this time) **
(8) Roger: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,4,[10, 9],4] = (1)
(8) Roger: (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (through the haze of twighlight you all notice Kassie grow claws, gain scales on her arms where visable and see her eyes begin to glow, she falls into a defensive stance muttering in that spirit tongue))
(1) Kurtis: "Great, she became a tiger again."
(8) Roger: (1 success each......thats enough to seal the indian and crunch the can shut)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yes it is))
** (1) Kurtis commands "Fire" and steps through the gate. **
(1) Kurtis: Wits 3 + Science 1 + Forces 3 + Ring 1 + High Speech 1
** (8) Roger pants as he begins his final incantaion on the last remaining ghost **
(1) Kurtis: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,7,8,3,[10, 2],7,1,5] = (2)
(8) Roger: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,4,4,3] = (0)
** (5) Tristin closes his eyes and hopes for a miricle ((shift the odds)) **
** (8) Roger swears loudly as the magic fails him **
** (4) Shadow Spirit lashes out at Kassie who attempts to parry the blow **
** (1) Kurtis is invisible. He raises both hands and spreads his palms, lighting up two fireballs. Too the outsider it looks liek two torches floating in the air **
(5) Tristin: ((Wits+fate+plus 6 from the perfect timing))
(4) Shadow Spirit: unarmed attack (strenght + brawl)
(5) Tristin: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,6,7,1,8,6,8,[10, 1],5,1] = (4)
(4) Shadow Spirit: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [2,4,[10, 3],[10, 9],8,4] = (3)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [8d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [3,8,1,1,5,4,1,7] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: ((we didnt roll init lol))
(1) Kurtis: ((but its ok))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yeah..))
** (1) Kurtis casts Unseen Shield on Kassy, attempting to gather all the lines he sees into a wall in front of her **
** (8) Roger begins to chant again, sweat running down his brow **
(8) Roger: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,6,5,1] = (0)
(8) Roger: (fucking hell!)
(8) Roger: (Th universe is overestimating how much patience I have at 530 in the fucking morning!)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (we need to roll init peeps)
(1) Kurtis: Resolve 3 + Occult 1 + Forces 3 + Ring 1 + High Speech 1. Kurtis yells: "Defend!" ... and rolls INIT
(5) Tristin: [5d10] => [3,7,2,7,2] = (21)
(1) Kurtis: Init [8d10.open(10)] => [[10, 4],6,1,1,2,7,6,9] = (46)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Init [6d10.open(10)] => [2,2,2,3,4,1] = (14)
(8) Roger: [0d10.open(10).vs(6)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(6)
(8) Roger: (I need a minute to look up my bloody init
(1) Kurtis: ((F1, Roger))
(6) Robin: [6d10] => [10,10,8,7,5,8] = (48)
(1) Kurtis: ((woah))
(1) Kurtis: ((someone who beats Kurt's init is scary))
(8) Roger: (I need to know MY NUMBERS)
(8) Roger: (not the bloody macro)
(1) Kurtis: ((5))
(8) Roger: init [5d10.open(10)] => [2,7,9,[10, 3],6] = (37)
(5) Tristin: ((She's just trying to get MSN to work, lol))
(1) Kurtis: ((GM says ur init is 5))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (well Robin will be going first, then Kurtis, then shadow,then Roger, then Tristin, Then Kassie))
(6) Robin: (go then?)
(8) Roger: (uh....re-ad it..I had a ten....)
(8) Roger: (look like an even 40
(5) Tristin: ((She still has that ranged attack on her bat))
(6) Robin: yeah bat+ranged attaack
(6) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,8,7,7] = (1)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: So first round, Shadow thing misses Kassie because it is dristracted by fire balls, so Robin and her bat)
(1) Kurtis: ((she throwing the bat?))
(5) Tristin: ((no, it's a space spell she gnosised))
(1) Kurtis: ((cool))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: She hits for 2 damage
(5) Tristin: (("Ranged Blow"))
** (1) Kurtis casts protective shield over Kassie **
(1) Kurtis: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,2,5,3,1,4,5,8] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin, bring us luck, Kassie, kick his ass!"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Trying"
** (4) Shadow Spirit attacks Kassie, strenght + brawl) **
(5) Tristin: ((so did that alter fate spell I casted right before the init roll not happen?))
(4) Shadow Spirit: [7d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [9,4,3,[10, 5],9,[10, 10, 5],3] = (4)
(4) Shadow Spirit: ((it did))
(5) Tristin: ((who next?))
** (8) Roger pants, nearly exhausted and tries his spell again, still chanting in high-speach **
(8) Roger: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,1,4,7] = (0)
** (4) Shadow Spirit slashes at Kassie, but doesn't manage to make do any damage **
(8) Roger: (jesus fucking christ
(1) Kurtis: ((roger is spent, we gotta get him out of here))
(1) Kurtis: ((he needs the drugs to paint the future! sorry.))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Tristin you are up))
(5) Tristin: ((can I charge it and punch?))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((you can do what ever you want that a person could do in three seconds))
whispering to Shawn, give kassie extra dies
** (5) Tristin Dahses at the Shadow creature, atempts to slide under it and palm it from below **
(5) Tristin: ((Dex plus athletics, then str+brawl?))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yes at a -2 for two actions))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((don't forget to add your levels of kung fu)
(5) Tristin: (short dash is my skill spec, so plus one on that too)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (mmhmm))
(5) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [7,7,4,7] = (3)
** (5) Tristin then palms **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((you dash under him perfectly))
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [1,7,2,6,2,5] = (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: you do one damage to the creature
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (kassies up)
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra attempts to slash out at the shadow thing with her own claws **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [10d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [1,8,9,5,8,8,5,6,2,9] = (6)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (five damage shadow thing does not look happy))
(5) Tristin: ((and I'm under him.. :( ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (2nd round Robin)
(6) Robin: (ill try my ranged attack again)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((kk))
(6) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(5)] => [5,5,7,2,2] = (3)
(6) Robin: (opps)
(5) Tristin: ((that was wrong ))
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [3,[10, 2],2,[10, 6],2,5] = (2)
(5) Tristin: ((same result anyway))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (2 damage, this shadow thing is looking pretty hurt now))
** (1) Kurtis had those fireballs in my hands I entered the gate with. Well, he throws them at the shadow. **
(1) Kurtis: ((potency of fireballs is 2. Rolling Dex+Athletics-2penalty for ambidex))
(1) Kurtis: Dex 4 + Athletics 3 - 2
(1) Kurtis: [5d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [3,1,[10, 7],8,6] = (3)
(4) Shadow Spirit: Shreaks in pain before falling to the ground ermmm on Tristin
(4) Shadow Spirit: (robert)
(8) Roger: (Roger..)
(8) Roger: (I'm chanting and casting again
(8) Roger: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,1,6,9] = (1)
(4) GM Claire: (wasn't talking to you... was talking to my.. invisable friend)
(8) Roger: (ok..thats the third botch in a row
(8) Roger: i'm getting pissed
(8) Roger: this is statistically impossible)
(5) Tristin: ((*waves to Robert*, nice to meet you, I'm Shawn))
(4) GM Claire: ((you go blind .. just kidding))
(8) Roger: (*is not even REMOTELY in the mood*)
(1) Kurtis: ((she did that to me when i botched 4 times))
(4) GM Claire: Tristin.. you are under a umm thing))
(1) Kurtis: ((cured me though.))
(1) Kurtis: ((kick it in the balls))
** (5) Tristin tries to climb out from under it **
(5) Tristin: (str+brawl again?)
(4) GM Claire: (yesh))
(8) Roger: (why isn;t the indian helping?
(4) GM Claire: ((well.. are you trying to hurt it or get out))
(5) Tristin: [8d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [2,1,6,3,3,8,4,6] = (3)
(4) GM Claire: ((Because it knows without its friends it's fucked and they are all in jars))
(5) Tristin: (just get out))
(4) GM Claire: ((that would have been athletics then)))
(1) Kurtis: ((Kassy gets the kill))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [1,2,3,6,5] = (1)
(4) GM Claire: (you kinda struggle your way out))
(4) GM Claire: (wait no thats a fail you don't sorry))
(4) GM Claire: ((The sucess counter gets me confused))
(1) Kurtis: ((a 1 cancels out a single success))
** (4) Shadow Spirit attempts to get up and tries to flee **
(5) Tristin: ((What happened to that miricle I was casting?))
(4) Shadow Spirit: (no ones hurt yet, thats a miricle))
(5) Tristin: ((okay))
(1) Kurtis: ((it applied to that turn i think. its most useful to cast it on others before its their turn. a sort of a boom headshot effect))
(4) Shadow Spirit: (dex plus athletics to get up))
(4) Shadow Spirit: [4d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [5,6,9,9] = (3)
** (4) Shadow Spirit gets up off Tristin and begins to move away, going slowly because its hurt **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks back at you all "Killing blow or let it go?" **
(5) Tristin: Get him!
(5) Tristin: ((Wrath vice :) ))
(1) Kurtis: "Let's get out of here, we don't have time for this."
(8) Roger: (so to revue the monsters are all gone and I didn;t achieve shit?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (anyone else??))
(8) Roger: (that about sum it up?)
whispering to Shawn, wand gets mad so easy... i have fun with my failures
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((you have several indians in bottles... thats something))
** (5) Tristin strands up and adjusts his flow through time **
(1) Kurtis: ((lol they are now probably drunk on jack))
(8) Roger: (That is meaningless0
(1) Kurtis: ((u got a bunch of indians drunk))
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra killing blows... **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [10d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [5,[10, 5],7,[10, 9],2,4,[10, 4],7,3,9] = (6)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (boom headshot)
(1) Kurtis: ((u pretty much gave us this entire scene, thats not too bad))
(5) Tristin: ((nvm, I only did that because I thought everyone else wanted to let it go))
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra slashes out at the shadow thing before it gets out of reach ripping it into shards of shadow splashing mana around the area **
(1) Kurtis: "Wow.... I don't see that at work every day..." sighs "Bend light." - drops his hands and reveals to plain sight
(8) Roger: (are we out of rounds then?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yes))
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah, we gotta hurry our asses to Eliza's place))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Whooo... haven't had a spirit fight in months...
** (8) Roger kicks open the screen door and hurls the jack daniels bottle into a rock **
(1) Kurtis: "This is like, Ghostbusters material right there... where did you learn to fight like that, Kassidy?"
** (5) Tristin climbs to his feet and heads for the gate **
(5) Tristin: ((er.. house))
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra steps back towards the gate waiting for the others to go through first **
** (1) Kurtis exits the gate making sure the ladies are out **
(5) Tristin: Coming Robin?
** (8) Roger proceeds to stomp the cans, breaking the seals, and once the souls are freed he kicks them furiously into the underbrush **
(6) Robin: on the way
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra steps out after Robin. **
(1) Kurtis: "Someone looks grim."
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra shakes her head the effects of her spell slipping away making her look normal again **
(8) Roger: fucking WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!
(1) Kurtis: "Well, that was educational. Now can we get with our program?"
(5) Tristin: Cheer up man.
(5) Tristin: Where's Tony?
(8) Roger: Get bent asshole
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Sleeping in side"
(8) Roger: I waited my whole life to be something special, and guess what? i'm still not
(1) Kurtis: "I guess that taught you a lesson of patience. Reading a book is not enough, you have to feel the flow. Practice."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I'm not even touching this one someone else play pep talk I'm gonna find some rum since my Jack is gone"
(8) Roger: find a sharp stick and shove it up your asshole sideways Kurtis *snarls*
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra walks inside **
(1) Kurtis: "Listen to me, Pal. You have two choices: stay in this group and be patient, or leave and die. But out there, you're on your own."
** (1) Kurtis points at Roger with a cigarette before lighting it up and going inside **
(5) Tristin: Can I have one of those?
** (6) Robin heads inside **
(8) Roger: I didn;t ask to be part of this!
** (1) Kurtis throws Tristin a pack **
** (5) Tristin follows them, and catches the pack **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra tosses Kurtis a look of death for having a cig in her house but doesn't throw anything at him **
(5) Tristin: None of us did bro, but we have to live with it.
** (1) Kurtis walks out on the balcony, nodding to Kassidy's look **
** (5) Tristin lights up a ciggerette, inhaling deeply, relaxing. **
** (8) Roger grabs a dead branch off a nearby tree **
** (5) Tristin notices the look on Kassidy's face... "I.. think I'll smoke this out here..." **
** (6) Robin takes a seat in the kitchen, tired. **
(8) Roger: (Destroy object, Death + gnosis)
(1) Kurtis: "Kassidy, is there a way we can all organize these mages to go save this girl?"
(8) Roger: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,6,5,5,6] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: ((Roger, u make the bunny cry))
(8) Roger: GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!
** (8) Roger hurls it against a tree **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Ya seem to be getting the hang of space there Robin keep it up."
** (1) Kurtis watches Roger's attempts to focus as he smokes beside Tristin **
** (6) Robin nods **
(8) Roger: (I'm sorry, I have just failed every roll I've tried in the last hour and A half
(8) Roger: (I am incrddibly pissed right now)
(1) Kurtis: "A pissed off Death mage... creepy."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (from inside) Pissed off life mage is creepier
(1) Kurtis: "I wonder if we will die of Eliza dies..."
(1) Kurtis: "if*"
(8) Roger: you can all use your god damn magic, I just had it snatched away!
(1) Kurtis: "I don't understand the significance. Just a student writing a thesis on this book. Geeky looking girl."
(8) Roger: notihng fucking works
(5) Tristin: ((lemme future it!!! What do I roll Time+Gnosis?))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "(from inside) Its the paradox"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (yes time + gnosis)
(1) Kurtis: "Well, try something easy and small. Maybe you're not strong enough. Try destroying a little rock, or making one."
(5) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,[10, 10, 1],4] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: "Maybe you're tired or your batteries died. You put an indian tribe into bottles."
** (8) Roger spits out highspeech and points at a nearby boulder **
(5) Tristin: (2, what do I see?)
(8) Roger: (Destroy object
(8) Roger: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,6,5,9,6,6] = (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (destroyed)
** (8) Roger growls as the surface of the rock scours away as if cut by magma **
(1) Kurtis: "See, that works? Now, can you try replace that boulder? Make one just like it."
(8) Roger: (only death 1 agg
(8) Roger: I don't make things, i unmake things. what's the point of trying to create when i'm a breaker?
(1) Kurtis: "Well. Before unmaking something, do you think of how to remake it?"
(8) Roger: (dealt*/
(8) Roger: what would you know about this?
(8) Roger: this wasn;t matter, Obrimos
(8) Roger: This was death
(8) Roger: I rotted it
(8) Roger: Death doesn;t remake things
(1) Kurtis: "Then why bother casting it?"
(8) Roger: because I'm pissed off!
(8) Roger: becuae this seems to be all death can do!
(1) Kurtis: "But you're a Moros, right? I've glanced it in the book. You've read it, right? You can both make and unmake, as long as it's physical matter."
(8) Roger: fuck you! what do you know? you obrimos flash around with energies and forces, you have it easy, you can just make fire whenever you wish
(1) Kurtis: "Well, what, you think it was easy for me? I fail too, all the time. Thing is... I think you need a system. Try relate to something you know. Like restaraunts"
(8) Roger: not something you would even remotely understand since you were throwing fireballs around
(1) Kurtis: "Well maybe I can help? Let's sit down and talk about it, pick our brains a little. I've been paying attention a bit and playing around, trying to feel the energy, you know? "
(8) Roger: no. i dont know. enlighten me, oh great sorcerer, what do you know that i dont
(1) Kurtis: "Oookay, glad you asked. I'm not great at my magic either, but I could maybe share my experience? See, I see spells in lines, I'm more of a handy man guy, I weave them with my hands and tell them what to do, it's how I learn. Maybe you can organize your powers, as I dunno, whatever waiters do, as plates, or cups..."
(8) Roger: no. there is no reason these spells are failing like this, it's not how i organize, it's that death is useless.
** (5) Tristin 's face flushes white as he looks to the group. **
(1) Kurtis: "Actually, I failed spells too. I seem to be better at some things than others."
(1) Kurtis: "For example, I pick fire because fire picked me." shrugs, "Any time I try to influence gravity, I fail. It's like I need to lift more before I can lift that pipe. Like a magic gym, get it? Need to get ripped first.
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (from inside) "He went blind once!"
(8) Roger: oh my god...you really think I'm so fucking stupid that all I can think in is dishes?
(8) Roger: that I can;t picture the molecular bonds holding items together?
(8) Roger: you think i'm a moron? I'm a Moros, not a Moron!!!
(1) Kurtis: "Well, you're really angry. That's showing something about your character. If you're gonna fight, fight in the right direction. Keep your mind cold."
(8) Roger: do you think that I can;t picture the potential decay in an item and accelerate it?
(1) Kurtis: "I don't know. I don't know anything about you. All I know is you're a waiter, which probably means you didn't go to college, you dress in a trench coat and have a pet cat who hates cars. And you're angry. And easily become angry."
(8) Roger: i'm angry because the one time I needed my powers to actually do good it failed!
(1) Kurtis: "Well, holy crap, big whoop. Magic fails. Do you always expect things to work? Hell, try throwing a rock up in the air and catching it 10 times. Do you think you'll never miss and drop it?"
(8) Roger: your magic has no limits, but mine does! it's unfair.
(1) Kurtis: "Well, that's just not true. Like, i see heat as plasticky red lines i can bend, weave like threads, but gravity is more like white iron tubes i cannot lift... Maybe you have a similar limitation."
(5) Tristin: I need some rest... where can I sleep Kassidy?
(1) Kurtis: "Hey you can crash at my place."
(8) Roger: I'm not a master, I know my limits, the spells I was casting were within my limits
(1) Kurtis: "Look, man, I don't know what else to tell you. Read your book, practice matter magic, don't do anything rash with death, it's dangerous. I ain't got all night to play pep talk, there's other guys I want to socialize with. Look, everyone is practicing their shit. Robin is teleporting from the porch to the couch. Tristin is drawing cards. Tony is summoning spirits."
(1) Kurtis: "Hey Tristin, you ever been to a casino?"
(8) Roger: They just wouldn;t work!
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: There are two spare bedrooms down the hallway, the couch folds out as well take your pick
(5) Tristin: Not gambling, but yeah, I've been to Vegas.
(1) Kurtis: "Sleeping in a wood cottage... going to a casino with a ton of money."
(1) Kurtis: "Money, T, Money."
(5) Tristin: You don't mind me crashing... I really need to lay down soon.
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Honestly I don't think crashing at your place would be safe,.. at least the hollow is seluded and garded.
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *guarded even))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Tristin you were teleported from California to Oregon, and we were on our way to get you anyways course I don't mind if you crash
(1) Kurtis: "He'll be fine! Have Roger stay at your place. And Robin."
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra frowns at you **
** (1) Kurtis grins **
(8) Roger: (Gnosis + death + highspeech) *growls some deep dark words*
(8) Roger: (summon shadows)
(8) Roger: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,9,5,3,2,6] = (2)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Tell me Kurtis how will be feel if Mr. Jones finds you both and decides its time to off you while you are off making your fortune
(1) Kurtis: "This boy here is destined to sleep at my place and win a lot of cash tonight on roulette."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ther are greater things at steake here. If you need money I have plenty.
** (8) Roger inky blackness leaks all around him and proceeds to aimlessly hurl branches around angrilly **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh fine. But where will I sleep? All rooms are taken."
** (5) Tristin Tristin's face is still pale, he walks into the living room and folds the couch out, laying down. **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: You can take the loft, I have a cot in the lab downstairs, I don't sleep much anyways"
(6) Robin: ill take one of the spare rooms
** (1) Kurtis frowns, considering **
** (6) Robin heads of f in that direction **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra smiles **
** (8) Roger just tears the fuck out of the clearing with shadowy tendrils **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Help yourself hon there are clean linens on both beds
(1) Kurtis: "okay. You go ahead Robin, I'll be fine"
(6) Robin: "'night, all."
** (1) Kurtis scratches his chin, grinning at Kassy **
(1) Kurtis: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],3,1,1,7,1,8,1,2] = (2)
** (1) Kurtis turns invisible **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: .... That's not funny!
(1) Kurt's Voice: Night night
** (5) Tristin lays on his back stareing blankly at the ceiling **
(8) Roger: (i'm going to bed, my character wont be for a while, he's as pissed as I am and will be taking it out on the surrounding terrain
** (5) Tristin says halfheartedly "g'night" **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra shakes her head and heads down to the lab and her cot as she promised to give Kurtis the cot calling "Night all" over her shoulder **
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((you can damage the hollow if u rip it. Then we will definitely be mad at Roger))
(5) Tristin: ((How much EXP for this ordeal?))
(4) GM Claire: box me! KK
(1) Kurt's Voice: Box!
(1) Kurt's Voice:
First kills, first travels. First disappointments, first victories, first defeats. Whill they find their Future or Perish?

(5) Tristin: ((night Wand, hope you feel beter))
(1) Kurt's Voice:
Find out in the Next Episode: Eliza!

(5) Tristin: ((I ALREADY KNOW!!)))
(4) GM Claire: So end of session, 2 for learning curve if you tell me what you learned, 2 for showing up :D, and I will take 3 best rp so vote for best RP and 2 for extra time from normal game lenght
(4) GM Claire: Tristin what did you learn!
(5) Tristin: I learned that not all black men are theives.
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((I learned that ROTES pwn GNOSIS at gnosis < 5. thanks Roger for discovery))>
(5) Tristin: No Jk
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((I learned that ROTES pwn GNOSIS at gnosis < 5. thanks Roger for discovery))>
(5) Tristin: They are
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((I learned that ROTES pwn GNOSIS at gnosis less than 5. thanks Roger for discovery))
(4) GM Claire: 2 things
(5) Tristin: Umm, I learned that the books are all the same book, exactly 4.5 seconds apart.
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((2nd, i learned that fire can deal damage in twilight at full potency))
(4) GM Claire: (depends on the creature)
(8) Roger: (are you actually trying to pis me off Kurtis?)
(5) Tristin: And that the guy I robbed wants to kill us all.
(4) GM Claire: (can we get through learning curve without fighting))
(4) GM Claire: ((yay))
(8) Roger: I learned that magic doesn;t work when you actually need it to. it waits til your counting on it, then it fucks you.
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((no, it's actually true. I never realized it))
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((Tristin robbed jones omg))
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((I ended up doing a job for Jones))
(4) GM Claire: Robin what did you learn
(6) Robin: its harder to kill a cop wearing a bullet proof vest
(6) Robin: and...
(6) Robin: men in white suits fucking suck
(4) GM Claire: yes they do :)
(4) GM Claire: so rp points, you each get 3 votes, vote!
(1) Kurt's Voice: wtf
(5) Tristin: three votes?
(4) GM Claire: no wait.. three of you can win..
(4) GM Claire: my brains hurt
(1) Kurt's Voice: ahaaaa
(4) GM Claire: vote for rp damn it
(5) Tristin: I vote for everyone but me and Chris. (no offece, you're GM)
(5) Tristin: offence*
(4) GM Claire: (you can't vote for me) vote once
(5) Tristin: You said three votes!
(4) GM Claire: I didn't mean it!
(5) Tristin: XD
(6) Robin: lol
(1) Kurt's Voice: I vote for Tristin coz he's cool
(5) Tristin: Then Me
(6) Robin: i vote kurtis
** (4) GM Claire brains leaking out of ears **
(5) Tristin: Woot that's two for me!
(5) Tristin: Three!
(1) Kurt's Voice: i would vote for Anthony, but i voted for him last time, would for robin, but she doesnt talk much , is shy or somethin
(1) Kurt's Voice: I'd vote Roger but he is moody. Tristin was funny.
(8) Roger: I vote for anthony
(4) GM Claire: Tristin you can't vot for yourself
(5) Tristin: Then Roger
(8) Roger: how about you just state your vote and keep you comentary in your head kurtis
(1) Kurt's Voice: random roll Anthony's vote?
(8) Roger: ?
(4) GM Claire: Roger Kurtis and Tristin get 2 xp for rp
(1) Kurt's Voice: [1d3] => [1] = (1)
(4) GM Claire: ohh oh yeah.. pick numbers we will roll for Tony
(1) Kurt's Voice: oh wait
(1) Kurt's Voice: 1 - Tristin, 2 Kurtis, 3 Roger 4 Robin
(8) Roger: now, i didnlt play the 2 extra hours you all did, I showed up late
(4) GM Claire: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
(4) GM Claire: Tristin!
(8) Roger: so I just get learning curve and attendance, right?
(5) Tristin: 3.141592
(4) GM Claire: so still roger kurtis and Tristin :P
(4) GM Claire: no pie for you!
(5) Tristin: :(
(4) GM Claire: So.. Kurtis =8. Tristin = 8, Roger= 8, Robin = 6, and Tony = 6 xp :D
(4) GM Claire: any sending peeps?
(1) Kurt's Voice: 13+8 = 21
(1) Kurt's Voice: not yet
(8) Roger: not yet
(1) Kurt's Voice: i need 24 for either gnosis 3 or forces 4 or prime 3
(1) Kurt's Voice: my prime suxors
(1) Kurt's Voice: i dont even go there
(5) Tristin: Drop my three remaining merits for gnosis two.
(1) Kurt's Voice: alll i can really do is fire, invisibility, and shielding
(8) Roger: I'm going to bed now
(8) Roger: byw all
(4) GM Claire: bye
(1) Kurtis: nite Wand
(5) Tristin: night Wand
(1) Kurtis: next sunday
(6) Robin: later
(1) Kurtis: BE THERE
(1) Kurtis: i mean here
(4) GM Claire: same bat time same bat channel
(4) GM Claire: hehe
(1) Kurtis: Chocolate SUNDAE
(8) Roger: Disconnecting from server...
(8) Wanderer (exit): 05:55
(5) Tristin: You know, it's Monday for Rachel and I...
(4) GM Claire: yes its monday here too right now
(1) Kurtis: Sets Roger on fire:
(6) Test1: Disconnecting from server...
(6) Rachel (exit): 05:55
(1) Kurtis: [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,3,9,1,9,1,3,[10, 4],4,3,9] = (5)
(4) GM Claire: that was fun you guys are cool
(5) Tristin: Thank you, I had fun too.
(4) GM Claire: well. some of you
(5) Tristin: Really gotta pee..
(4) GM Claire: good I hope rachel did as well
(1) Kurtis: same
(4) GM Claire: ...
** (1) Kurtis pees **
(5) Tristin: I think she did.
(4) GM Claire: good good
(5) Tristin: Well, good night you two.
(5) Tristin: Thanks for the game.
(4) GM Claire: night you two hehe
(5) Tristin: *waves*
(5) Tristin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Shawn (exit): 05:58