Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(14) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:00
(13) Justin (enter): 22:00
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(13) Justin (exit): 22:00
Moving to room 'Mage2'..
(14) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:00
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(11) Eve Kline (enter): 22:00
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Eve Kline...
(3) Dante (enter): 22:00
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Dante...
(13) Justin (enter): 22:01
(3) Dante: So, then.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Justin...
(13) Justin: Hah!
(3) Dante: So I said, "That's not an improvement, I already have 2 feet!"
(11) Eve Kline: weeee
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, Dante. Leopo was having some intense phone conversations, his eyes all running left and right, as if he has to think on the fly, a little nervous. He finished his cigar, and poured himself some cognac.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, Martin is now in a shape of a little black boy. His eyes are filled with anger and tears. He rushes at you and angrily bangs his small fists at your... well, crotch. But as he is made of your own ectoplasm, all it does is harmlessly passing through you and leaving blotches on your skirt. Everyone else can see this black boy now.
** (13) Justin 's head tilts to the side in confusion, looking around, as he asks **
(13) Justin: "Is that supposed to be Scavanger?"
** (11) Eve Kline wipes the stains off her skirt with distaste. **
** (3) Dante watches Leopo a bit longer before turning his attention to the little black kid. **
(11) Eve Kline: "Yes. This is Martin, before he was a... well something else."
(14) Kurtis: "I'm not surprised. When I met my spirit, it didn't look much like me."
(13) Justin: "You met your spirit?"
(3) Dante: "Well hell, now I kind of want to meet my spirit. This is.. engaging."
** (14) Scavenger notices the rest of us **
(14) Scavenger: "You! You! You! It was all your fault! We were going to create a perfect world! Where everyone could be happy! It was all your fault! They made me do this! They made me! You made me!" bursts into tears
** (13) Justin frowns at the little boy's ranting **
(11) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,5,1,5] = (0)
(14) Kurtis: "Yeah, we met our spirits in the spirit world, and at one point, thanks to Jason Roselli, had to fight our own vices."
(14) Kurtis: "That Obrimos prick."
** (11) Eve Kline frowns a moment, almost reaching out in a maternal way to the crying child... draws her hand back deciding he might just try to bite her. **
(14) Kurtis: "Anyway, to business. Hey, kiddo."
(3) Dante: "Hah, interesting. At any rate, this kid's rambling about something being our fault. I'd suggest we get this over with before we start to question what we're doing."
** (14) Scavenger turns around and frowns at Kurtis **
(14) Scavenger: "What do you want, soulless joke of a man?"
(14) Kurtis: "Your nutricious quintessense will do, I always wanted to eat a black kid."
** (14) Kurtis 's eyes burst into flames as he speaks "Siphon Essense" **
** (14) Scavenger shrieks like a cat whose belly got set on fire and starts shaking, as bursts of light enter Kurtis's hands from Martin's head **
** (11) Eve Kline begins to summon Simon Lampry to her while Kurtis siphons Scavenger **
(11) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,3,3,2,4,8] = (1)
(14) Kurtis: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,6,[10, 2],5,9,4,2] = (3)
(14) Kurtis: Resolve 3 + Occult 1 + Prime 4
** (14) Kurtis keeps channeling, as Martin suddenly breaks in half, then in quarters, and small children start pouring out of him, being freed from their chains, Eve you start feeling a bit of resistance in the Ectoplasm, as your commanded shape of the black boy is periodically interrupted by other children flying out **
(11) Eve Kline: ((lol))
(11) Eve Kline: (BRB)
** (14) Kurtis will not stop siphoning until Scavenger is completely destroyed. Scavenger had 16 mana to his person, so, since Kurtis cannot fit that into himself, his pockets start filling with sugar cubes you all love. **
** (14) Scavenger screams in now many voices: "Free us! Free us! Don't.... destroy us.... plea.... free.... heeelp.... aaahhhh! **
** (14) Kurtis channels, face glowing with the infernal spark of his eyes, his hands aflame, hears nothing but his own hunger **
** (3) Dante watches the tiny black kids wail miserably, wincing and turning away moments later. **
(14) Kurtis: "Shut up and feed us!"
** (13) Justin clenches his jaw tightly, his fingers digging into his own arms, as he watches the horror bestowed upon the wicked child **
(14) Kurtis: "Who didn't make it in the game, deserves no more but to be food for those still kicking!"
(3) Dante: To Kurtis: The faster you end this, the better.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, within Kurt's head, you kind of hear a static, or maybe more like a music played by some heavenly/hellish pipe organ, it's just an overwhelming flow.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): In a few painful minutes, it's over. 26 kids, white, black, and hispanic alike, girls and boys, are siphoned off.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Meanwhile, Eve, you reach contact with Simon's ghost
** (11) Eve Kline summons the ghost of Simon to the gazebo **
(11) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 2],3,3,6,4,5] = (1)
** (3) Dante sits down cross-legged in the grass. He looks over to Justin. "What does your god tell you about this?" **
(3) Dante: ((Yay, gazebo love))
** (13) Justin glances down to Dante as he sits, a dark look coming over his features as he considers **
** (3) Dante reaches into his pocket and produces a cigarette, slightly dampened and bent. He lights it quickly and takes a long, thoughtful drag. His gaze doesn't leave Justin. **
** (14) Simon Lamprey appears in a white catholic robe of a bishop with a heavy cross, he is well groomed and combed. He holds a Holy Bible in his hands, and has rosary beads hanging on his wrist. Behind his back, growing out of his shoulder blades - are a pair of black demonic wings with cruel claws on their membranes. **
(11) Eve Kline: ..."Well this is... special."
(13) Justin: "Well he's never spoken to me before, but I imagine if he did, he'd say that devouring a soul, even a wicked one, isn't something you can ever really justify. Just ask for forgiveness for, no matter how little you deserve it."
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Good evening to you, brave necromancer. I salute your victory."
** (14) Kurtis sits idly on the grass, finishing touches to the infused sugar, his palms are smoking, his eyes are closed, he looks like he really needs a moment alone **
(3) Dante: "Well, nevermind that for now.." *he says before looking into Eve's mind to see what she sees.* "I think the one you find most wicked is here."
(11) Eve Kline: "How polite of you. If you would be so kind as to manifest we can finish the last of this task. Mind you no trickery, you will not harm me or mine"
(11) Eve Kline: (command)
(13) Justin: "She's hooked Lamprey?"
(11) Eve Kline: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
(11) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 6],[10, 2],5,7,3,6] = (3)
(11) Eve Kline: (that one)
(3) Dante: "...Yeah."
** (3) Dante glances over to Kurtis, reaching into his pocket and tossing him his smokes and lighter. **
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Oh, so direct. My. But of course. There is no need for that. And I sure hope you would not go to the extremity of forcing my being into ectoplasm." - suddenly feels your commanding will "Well, but of course, I will gladly manifest."
** (13) Justin grunts a bit, as he looks towards where Eve looks **
** (14) Simon Lamprey appears in previously described attire before us all **
** (14) Kurtis perks up hungrily and his fingertips start twitching nastily **
** (13) Justin 's eyes narrow as he looks over Simon, his white attire, his gigantic wicked black claws **
** (3) Dante remains unphased, having seen the form prior to the manifestation. "Maybe we should get some information from him if we can." **
** (13) Justin and wings **
** (14) Kurtis lights up a cig with his fingertip **
(13) Justin: "That looks pretty appropriate."
(14) Kurtis: "Oh, this one is packed with over twice more energy. This fat ass will feed us all tonight."
(11) Eve Kline: "I will give you an oppertunity to atone for your sins Simon. If only we are all so lucky when our time comes. Tell us what you know of the gem and its current were abouts please."
** (14) Simon Lamprey to Kurtis: "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I know things you do not." - to Eve, when her question dominates all conversation from Simon's perspective: "The gem of the kings? This is what it's all about?" **
(11) Eve Kline: "Is there something else it should be about?"
** (14) Simon Lamprey thinks **
(14) Simon Lamprey: "No, not at all."
(11) Eve Kline: (manipulation + subterfuge for lying check)
(14) Kurtis: "Oh I'm sure there's plenty in your fucked up arsenal for 'it' to be about"
(11) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,9,4,5] = (1)
(14) Simon Lamprey: wits 3 + subterfuge 3 = 6
(14) Simon Lamprey: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,3,7,6,1] = (0)
(14) Simon Lamprey: of course he's lying
(11) Eve Kline: "Lying to me is unwise Simon. I'm the only one here keeping you from being his quick ticket to more mana" *points at Kurtis for emphisis*
(13) Justin: "He's an eel."
(13) Justin: "Also oddly appropriate.."
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Oh, truly? I beg to differ. I see that you have found those little souvenirs we used to carry. Aren't you at all curious what they are for and how they may help you, and what riches they can unfold?"
(11) Eve Kline: "A lampry is a blood sucking swamp creature actully - over mind link-
(3) Dante: "I don't give a damn about riches, but I would appreciate knowing who we've been looking at for the past hour."
(14) Kurtis: "And a great source of quintessense."
** (3) Dante pipes up a bit, casting a stern gaze to Simon not that it would intimidate him. **
** (14) Simon Lamprey turns to Dante **
(14) Simon Lamprey: "A Mastigos... and not at all yet trained in subtlety. Of your kind you are one of most crude. Perhaps one day a good mentor will sharpen your scalpel."
** (11) Eve Kline smirks slightly and pulls out her iron dagger slicing her hand with the intent of creating ectoplasm **
(11) Eve Kline: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,7,[10, 8],1,8,4,2] = (3)
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Before you - is a man of faith, an activist, a pioneer, a visionary, a savior, and a punisher. Of course, as well a sinner."
** (14) Simon Lamprey looks a little panicked **
(11) Eve Kline: "Listen to my carefully Simon, you will cooperate and stop being smart with everyone or I will make you into a timid school girl, and then Kurtis will eat you. Understood?
(14) Kurtis: "Keep him steady for me would you?"
(11) Eve Kline: *me
(13) Justin: "Oh shut up, we all know you've got nothing good left in you."
(14) Kurtis: "Can you make him look like an asian teenager? The kind he loves so much? I'll make it painful, I'll tear the essense from his inside out."
(11) Eve Kline: "Its a little disturbing that you are enjoying this Kurtis.
(11) Eve Kline: ^ over mind link
** (3) Dante shrugs his shoulders a bit at Simon's comment, clearly disregarding his opinion. "I'd have to agree with Eve here. Let's not let ourselves go from necessity to enjoyment." **
(14) Simon Lamprey: "That is not true. But very well. Gem of the Kings is where it always has been - in the hands of people who care about future. Last time I've seen it, it was with our associate at the party you and Free Council interrupted. We came to the Silver Ladder clubhouse to negotiate rights of passage in the german war zone."
(3) Dante: ((Also, gotta sleep soon if I am to be functional at work.))
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh snap, yeah, time flies))
(13) Justin: "Oh wow, that means that it's close."
(11) Eve Kline: "Tell me about these trinkets of yours we've aquired"
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Why would you want the gem anyway? You clearly know nothing of politics."
(3) Dante: "I'm less interested in his information about the gem and more about the actual situation. We can find the gem just fine."
** (11) Eve Kline begins to sculpt the ectoplasm into funny balloon animal shapes **
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Ah, these? Well, for that you have to promise me that you will not turn me into essense. Pinky swear?"
** (11) Eve Kline looks at him dead serious **
(11) Eve Kline: "Do I look like someone who has ever pinky swore?
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Would you care to try?"
** (11) Eve Kline looks at Kurtis **
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Violate the promise, and join us forever."
(11) Eve Kline: "Asian schoolgirl you said?"
(14) Kurtis: "Nude, with a cup breast size."
(14) Kurtis: "And amputated legs."
(3) Dante: "We already know some of its function. We can probably figure out the rest if he does not feel compelled enough to cooperate."
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Alright, alright, hold on."
** (11) Eve Kline pauses mid-smirk and then looks back at Kurtis oddly **
(3) Dante: To Eve: Since he seems to be more responsive to you, probably due to the command, don't forget to ask him about the vials of liquid we found alongside his other belongings.
(14) Simon Lamprey: "These devices are property of Cube Transport & Data Corp. - a cargo handling corporation, known in Europe. Undercover, they are an independent neutral agent for magical long range transportation. We were their clients, so they let us have these devices as a way for contact and reception point. But thanks to our intellectual thinktank powerhouse, Jason Roselli, whose castle you so blatantly destroyed, we were able to "hack" our samples, and establish full time surveilance with what Leopold Cubic only believes to be "magical webcams"
(3) Dante: "Leopo...C.." "So the guy in the scrying window then."
** (3) Dante blinks a couple of times before resting his gaze on Simon's visage, particularly his eyes. **
(14) Simon Lamprey: "What it boils down to, is our organization paid CTDC to use their long range travel, transportation, and spy network, to watch over our towers and teleport from place to place, but we were not very faithful on our end, and traced CTDC as well, so our group had unlimited intelligence over Northern Europe."
(11) Eve Kline: "and the vials?"
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, those are pretty much eyes of the devil. Kind, convincted, and empty.
(14) Simon Lamprey: "You may turn me into mana on the spot, I will never tell you what those vials are for."
(3) Dante: "For what reason do you hide such a secret, when the cubes are such an immense resource that you so freely divulge information about?"
(14) Simon Lamprey: "Let us just say, you have won your battle, and those have nothing to do with your task, my personal property, bury it with me."
** (14) Simon Lamprey to Dante: "I'm dead. Why do you expect me to follow your logic?" **
** (11) Eve Kline raises an eyebrow. Shrugs and flings the ectoplasm at him, sculpting it with her mind into an asian schoolgirl. But no amputation. **
(13) Justin: ((Awwww))
(14) Kurtis: "Good enough. Come to daaaAAAAAAADDDDYYYYYYY" - channels screaming Simon
(3) Dante: "Did death change your logic? Hmph. No matter, I guess."
** (3) Dante looks to Eve, then to Kurtis. He flicks his cigarette butt, frowning a bit in realization that he only had a couple of drags from it before burning itself out. **
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): a process much longer takes place, Simon withers, his fragile form falls, deflates, seeps into Kurtis, who devours it with hungry satisfaction.
** (11) Eve Kline pulls out a vial and examines it with renewed curiosity frowning at it with her mage sight **
** (14) Kurtis finally finishes, sweat on his brow. He thinks of a badass thing to say, looks among his friends, then spits on the ground, and hands a bowl of cubes to each. "We have 41 mote of essense. Count me out, I'm already full." **
(11) Eve Kline: "Hmm. I feel like I need to take a soul shower."
** (3) Dante sighs loudly and rises warily from his cross-legged position. He looks over at Eve. "Bury them somewhere, or keep them, or whatever. Just tell me you're going to bury them and let's get on with this. I feel like we just lost decades of information." **
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): you have 3 bowls full of sugar cubes. 15 in one, 15 in another, 11 in third. Divide them as you will.
(3) Dante: ((I dont even recall what "max" is))
** (11) Eve Kline takes the bowl with 11 **
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yours is 12 at gno 3))
(3) Dante: ((yeah.))
** (11) Eve Kline smiles in a not very nice sort of way **
** (3) Dante takes one of the two remaining bowls. "Might need these later." **
(14) Kurtis: "Let's never speak of this again."
** (13) Justin reaches for one of the bowls **
(13) Justin: "I'm completely tapped."
(3) Dante: "Or do this again."
(11) Eve Kline: "At least you won't have to explain someday that you with purpose summond the souls of two world wide evils and helped make them into sugar cubes... you just asked questions. I twisted them into living sculptures with the substance from betwixt and between I created from my own blood."
(14) Kurtis: "Dunno about you, but I'm a mercenary. I can't promise I won't do it again. I really don't know if this infant who has the Gem - will be a great leader or humanitarian like Ghandi, but I don't care. Lamprey was right, I know nothing of politic, or right or wrong. I do the job and I get paid."
(11) Eve Kline: "If I ever went to a confessional I think the priest would try to excercise me."
** (13) Justin frowns at the words of both, as he pops a sugar cube into his mouth **
(3) Dante: "How utterly to the point of you, Kurt. I don't claim to know any more than you, but I certainly wish we had gleaned more information. At any rate, what is our next step? We need to locate the gem, which we can do right now.."
(3) Dante: (( and I really gotta go. ))
** (14) Kurtis smokes like half a cigarette in a single breath **
(11) Eve Kline: "The truth of it is there are light and there are dark and there are gray. Sometimes there has to be gray to balance it all, and I'm surely not light or dark. To your question that's simple.
** (11) Eve Kline pops a sugar cube in her mouth and pulls out the green liquid and ring from her purse **
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ((OK. You're all full on mana. All get +4 xp. Night Eric. I gotta do purchases with the crew. Have a good one))
(3) Dante: ((I'd like to do purchases too, but it'll have to wait I guess. Later.))

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(14) Konrad Knox (GM):
moo moo moooooo fuckass

(13) Justin: ....
(3) Dante: ((HELP I AM GOST LOOKER 2))
(11) Eve Kline: (its from John dies at the end" a book
(3) Dante: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Dante (exit): 23:02
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Sorry, this was a reference from the book John Dies in the End
(13) Justin: Oh, neat.
(11) Eve Kline: Almost done with it... Amy just... exploded.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): awesome book about a dude who could see ghosts
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): and like he had fans in many states across USA
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): and they sent him letters, some skeptical, some helpful
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): and one time he gets these scooby doo glasses, made of plastic
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): and a note
(13) Justin: ...
(13) Justin: What happens?
(11) Eve Kline: ... its... hard to explain.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): wont spoil it, amazing book
(11) Eve Kline: yes
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): buy it in barnes and noble
(11) Eve Kline: or amazon
(13) Justin: hehe
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ok so u wanted medicine?
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): god im glad we had this session
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): with no combat
(13) Justin: Yeah, and I'd like to buy the healing rote.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): so i could at least PARTIALLY reveal why enemy was so advanced
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): they used a third party transport corp
(13) Justin: Yeah.
(13) Justin: It was sort of cool.
(13) Justin: Was wondering how they had all that high tech magical mumbo jumbo.
(11) Eve Kline: I'm buying rotes... Summon dead, command dead, and.. ectoplasm balloon animal sculpting
(13) Justin: Hah!
(13) Justin: That was excellent.
(13) Justin: Dissappointing with the lack of amputee though.
(11) Eve Kline: :P
(11) Eve Kline: When you become a level 5 death mage you can make them all amputated asian schoolgirls Eve refuses, on moral principles.
(13) Justin: haha
(13) Justin: Can't argue with that.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ok justin first
(13) Justin: In any case, how much is one point of medicing and the three-point rote Healing Heart take?
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): u bought rote cleanse plague for 4xp
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): leaving u with 8
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): right?
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): then medicine dot
(13) Justin: Yes.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): 3xp
(13) Justin: And rote is 4xp.
(13) Justin: Leaving me with 1.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ok so u buying healing heart?
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): the one that costs 1 mana to heal some lethal dmg?
(13) Justin: Or Aggrivated since I'm life 4.
(13) Justin: It's the general heal spell.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok yes, and u can cast it at sensory range
(13) Justin: Yup.
(13) Justin: Pretty useful. 9 Dice pool isn't bad either.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ok actually it says this
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): to heal agg u gotta touch
(13) Justin: Yeah.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): at level 5 u can heal agg at sens
(13) Justin: Until life 5.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ok so we clear on this
(13) Justin: Crystal.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ok u full on mana too
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): on my sheet u have 1 wp left though
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): so u will need sleep soon urself actually
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah wp is the only reason to sleep really
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, eve
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): any purchases?
(11) Eve Kline: or doing something in your character
(11) Eve Kline: I'm buying rotes... Summon dead, command dead, and.. ectoplasm balloon animal sculpting
(11) Eve Kline: :)
(11) Eve Kline: which is what I named my version of ectoplasm
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): mark em on ur char sheet
(11) Eve Kline: I have.
(11) Eve Kline: 3 each?
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): yes.
(11) Eve Kline: :)
(11) Eve Kline: 3xp remaining
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): um, give me formulas for rotes
(11) Eve Kline: I have that I have 2 agg and 1 bashing.
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): dont wanna look up
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): yes same here
(11) Eve Kline: control ghost is presence intimidation death
(11) Eve Kline: summon death is presence persuastion death
(11) Eve Kline: ectoplasm balloon animal sculpting is Stamina occult death
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): cool
(11) Eve Kline: 11 dots to do ectoplasm balloon animals..
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): Kurtis is stockpiling exp
(11) Eve Kline: I'm going to have enough ectoplasm to make elephants
(14) Konrad Knox (GM): not gonna spend it until u take over as gm
(11) Eve Kline: mmmmkay