February 22, 2019 10:16PMJessica: doop de doop
this session we're gonna be out of mana
that's gonna be nuts
February 23, 2019 10:17PMDante: In response to your statement last night: Maybe YOU GUYS will har har har
March 01, 2019 10:32PMJessica: bex
March 01, 2019 10:49PMGM (GM): Okay, let's see. Is this the new episode?
Was the last session a cliffhanger too?
When last we left our heroes!
Mage The Awakening: Gates to Atlantis - Episode 38
March 01, 2019 10:51PMGM (GM): So. A little GM narrative here to speed things up and streamline it for smooth no-time wasting.
The huge manifestation of birds on the highway causes major commotion. You don't know how long it lasted, because Dante was booking it out of there as fast as he could, but there was a lot of police heading in that direction, and due to gawkers, traffic behind you stopped.
Eventually, however, enough witnesses were questioned to link it to our van. And since Kurtis tuned the van's radio to scan police frequencies, (in German), Jessica can hear and translate that units are being pulled to intercept and detain us for questioning as suspects. The report is: we are armed and dangerous, and caused a fight and major accident on the road before driving off.
It is at this point where Kurtis would be like, "Ok, guys, let me handle this and call Leopold in."
A phone call to Leo, telling him that we got what he wanted and then some, plus extra info we're willing to trade, but there are police on our tail. Herr Cubic would respond to it calmly, and say "don't worry about any of that. Just get to my office before 3 P.M. After 3 P.M. horses will turn to pumpkins and police will renew their operation as normal."
In a few minutes the police radio frequencies start getting flooded with higher priority calls, stretching the forces too thin and giving us a timing to squeeze through. Amongst the calls are one or two clearly supernatural in nature, confirming that a van matching our description was spotted going in various directions where we're not headed. Uncle Leo pulling strings to create some form of decoys. But we get a pretty clear idea that we don't want to waste time, as whatever he is doing will probably expire at 3 P.M.
March 01, 2019 11:02PMGM (GM): We are able to get to CDTC HQ in Leipzig within 30 minutes. During this time, Dante's van ward gets attacked twice.
rolling 10d10>8!
= 5 Successes
5 vs 6, no breach
rolling 9d10>8!
= 2 Successes
2 vs 6, no breach
The Magemobile pulls up to the HQ.
March 01, 2019 11:04PMGM (GM): And we're live.
March 01, 2019 11:05PMEve K.: yay
March 01, 2019 11:05PMJustin: Justin scratches his head as he moves to exit the van. "Is the number 3 supernaturally important?"
March 01, 2019 11:05PMJessica: ((do we know what kind of attack?))
((god that 5))
((whew lads))
March 01, 2019 11:06PMGM (GM): ((Jessica doesn't))
March 01, 2019 11:06PMJessica: ((fair enough))
March 01, 2019 11:07PMDante: ((I assume Dante is aware that someone tried to breach the ward))
March 01, 2019 11:07PMKurtis Kerner: pockets his cell phone, looking at Justin "A true witness to the fall of faith, when the religious one has to ask if the Trinity is a real thing. Heh."
March 01, 2019 11:08PMEve K.: "Eh, three is important in several cultural superstitions... it's good luck in Chinese mythos, Wicca believe good and bad come in sets of three, so it is possible that it has some power in a supernatural way."
March 01, 2019 11:10PMJustin: Justin sticks his tongue out at Kurtis. "Thank you Eve.
March 01, 2019 11:10PMJessica: "Didn't the Greeks have three fates?"
Eve K. nods at Jessica's Question
March 01, 2019 11:12PMGM (GM): Dante, what you perceive is something like a tug, like "bonk. bonk". OOC you know what this is, but Dante probably can piece it together that it's a contact with the ward. Source or type you don't know, but you know theoretically that it had to be a Space spell or a spell with a Space component.
March 01, 2019 11:13PMKurtis Kerner: "There's three musketeers, three stooges, and three blind mice, that help?"
March 01, 2019 11:14PMGM (GM): The CDTC building stands in its terrifying glory, as per usual, hard-blinding everyone using Prime, Mind, Death, Life, or Fate sights.
March 01, 2019 11:15PMKurtis Kerner: drops all spells Eve K. drops all spells before exiting the van
March 01, 2019 11:16PMEve K.: "Dante?"
taps her temple then points to him, as if to ask if he can bring Mind link up (we had mind link up last time right?)
March 01, 2019 11:17PMKurtis Kerner: crawls out of the van, clutching his beaten up sides and a broken rib, he's got bloodied cotton rolls up the nostrils March 01, 2019 11:17PMDante: Waiting til last to exit the van, Dante fiddles with the keys before getting out. "Someone was probing the ward on the van. Best we get inside."
((network was down last couple sessions))
March 01, 2019 11:17PMGM (GM): ((Mind Network got dropped before))
March 01, 2019 11:17PMDante: Dante looks to Eve. "Sure, I will try. No idea what will happen when we get in there."
March 01, 2019 11:17PMEve K.: ((did it?))
March 01, 2019 11:18PMDante: ((Duration expired, yes.))
March 01, 2019 11:18PMEve K.: ((ohhh the wards didn't drop it though))
March 01, 2019 11:18PMDante: ((Network rote =8))
/roll 8d10>8!
rolling 8d10>8!
= 1 Success
March 01, 2019 11:19PMGM (GM): ((You guys remember that once you entered the building last time, your Mind/Prime/Life/Death/Fate dropped like there was a ton of weight on you, until you struck a pact with Cubic to lift the restriction))
March 01, 2019 11:19PMEve K.: ((which in theory should still be in place)0
March 01, 2019 11:19PMGM (GM): ((The lift expired when you exited the building, it's like a guest pass essentially))
March 01, 2019 11:19PMDante: ((The network was a way older spell, for one thing))
March 01, 2019 11:19PMGM (GM): ((He specified that, and you guys would remember it))
March 01, 2019 11:20PMEve K.: ((okay, nevermind then, I don't personally remember but Eve would as it hasn't been over a month for her))
March 01, 2019 11:20PMGM (GM): ((We could have the network up again, since it's a non-aggressive spell towards CDTC staff, but you'd have to obtain permission again from him is all))
((it's something he does through his office essentially))
Dante, your Network seems to be able to reach one person to connect to yourself. There's a lot of noise here, and you already feel the weight proximity, looking at the skyscraper, but it's not crushing you yet
March 01, 2019 11:23PMDante: ((I guess I'll put Eve and myself in contact.))
((Actually no))
March 01, 2019 11:24PMJustin: "So Jessica, do you remember the ghosts you had hanging around?"
March 01, 2019 11:24PMDante: ((I can put two minds in network, doesn't have to be me. I'll put Eve and Kurtis together))
March 01, 2019 11:24PMJustin: "There's an ectophagia ward in here."
March 01, 2019 11:25PMGM (GM): ((Ok, yes, that is correct, Dante, doesnt have to be you))
March 01, 2019 11:25PMDante: Dante concentrates a moment as he ties the two minds of Eve and Kurtis together, rubbing his temple as he recalls the oppressive nature of even being near the building. March 01, 2019 11:25PMJessica: "Is that new? They didn't get eaten when I was here before." Jessica looks at Eve like she might know.
March 01, 2019 11:27PMKurtis Kerner: "....the fuck I'm gonna get to the Gem is he ends up.... oh, hey. Hi guys." March 01, 2019 11:29PMJustin: "Not new, I don't know how it works specifically, but we might need to ask Cubic to turn it off while we're in here, or at least make it pass on you and Lucas' ghosts."
March 01, 2019 11:32PMEve K.: "Yup they were still tied to you inside the building when we met. So... I believe their anchors are too strong for the ward to sever them?"
((was looking up the ward Justin just made up a name for ;) ))
March 01, 2019 11:35PMJustin: ((haha))
March 01, 2019 11:35PMGray Suited Man: comes out to meet you, opening the front door, this time the sign above the door says something different. Cubic & Associates Claims Attorney at Law March 01, 2019 11:36PMJustin: "Maybe use the silver bauble to ask Cubic before we walk in?"
March 01, 2019 11:36PMJessica: ((thaaaat is fucky))
Jessica nods at Eve's response. At Justin: "I don't think we need to worry about it. I was here overnight before. Let's get inside."
March 01, 2019 11:39PMGray Suited Man: "Good afternoon, welcome to Cubic and Associates, your appointment is ready, please come on in."
Eve K. pauses and glances between Justin and Jessica. "So, here's the thing, Jessica has already entered the complex before with the ghosts anchored to her. Which means, A, the ward isn't strong enough to break their anchors to her, or B, Cubic made an exception on th ward for her."
March 01, 2019 11:39PMJustin: Justin shrugs. "Alright, I'm not going to care about it more than you two. Let's go."
Justin walks past the guard as if he's wallpaper since he isn't a person and enters the building.
March 01, 2019 11:40PM (From Eve K.): is that even a thing? I don't think there's a ward that can sever anchors??
March 01, 2019 11:40PMDante: Dante looks to the gray suited man and then to the group before proceeding. He will discreetly cast Mental Shield on himself before entering the building. rolling 11d10>8!
= 5 Successes
March 01, 2019 11:41PM (To Eve K.): Anything is possible, but your conclusion is reasonable. Jessica's ghost tethers seem unaffected by this
March 01, 2019 11:41PMDante: ((dont remember if any of that shit is gonna stick or not. Even after re-reading the logs.))
March 01, 2019 11:41PM (From Eve K.): so is Justin just talking shit to rile up Jessica??
March 01, 2019 11:42PM (To Eve K.): I have no idea
March 01, 2019 11:42PMJessica: ((your verbal communication spell stayed up))
((i think it just kills offensive spells))
March 01, 2019 11:42PMDante: ((Oh yeah, true))
March 01, 2019 11:42PMJessica: Jessica heads in
Eve K. nods to the grey suited man as she enters muttering a mild "thank you" as it holds the door either out of habit or politeness to whomever is controlling it.
March 01, 2019 11:44PMGM (GM): Your mental shield stays up. So does Kurt-Eve network, as they enter. But Dante, you feel like your Mind powers are now surrounded by razor wire. Were you to cast something like Third Eye or Psychic Assault on anyone outside our group, the defenses would immediately trigger.
March 01, 2019 11:44PMJessica: ((yikes))4
March 01, 2019 11:44PMKurtis Kerner: Kurtis walks in after Dante March 01, 2019 11:45PMGray Suited Man: calls the elevator for us. As usual, there is a buffet in the lobby. Snacks and beverages of all kinds look beckoning and delicious. Anyone partakes? March 01, 2019 11:46PMDante: no
March 01, 2019 11:46PMEve K.: nope
March 01, 2019 11:46PMJessica: no
March 01, 2019 11:46PMJustin: god no
Eve K. stops Lucas if he tries to eat/drink anything
March 01, 2019 11:47PMJessica: lol
March 01, 2019 11:47PMGray Suited Man: "Was your trip to Berlin fruitful?"
March 01, 2019 11:48PMJustin: Justin pointedly ignores the hollow amalgam. Eve K. glances at the Gray suited man "It was indeed. Very... educational I'll say."
March 01, 2019 11:49PMDante: Dante offers a curt smile but lets Eve's words speak for him. He crosses his arms and waits quietly. March 01, 2019 11:52PMGray Suited Man: "How's weather on that side of the country?"
March 01, 2019 11:52PMEve K.: ((Did we ever even get a description of the weather?))
March 01, 2019 11:53PMJessica: ((i think that means clear skies X) ))
March 01, 2019 11:53PMGM (GM): Oh, and Space users, even with your space sights down, when you go through the building doors, you feel that slight change, like when ears get clogged from switch in elevation, except it's not the ears that clog but your sixth sense. Like you have stepped into somewhere far far away.
((I dunno, did you pay attention to the weather?))
((it rained at one point))
March 01, 2019 11:54PMEve K.: ((I mean... we would notice the weather))
"It was alright, rained a little"
March 01, 2019 11:54PMGM (GM): ((just improvise it, no wrong answers here, he's just bantering with you))
March 01, 2019 11:54PMEve K.: ((the fake person is trying to make small talk, got it))
March 01, 2019 11:55PMGM (GM): ((he's not fake! :( ))
March 01, 2019 11:55PMEve K.: ((at least it has manners...))
March 01, 2019 11:55PMGray Suited Man: "It's been mostly cloudy this side of town."
March 01, 2019 11:55PMEve K.: ((and doesn't look like Nestor))
"Is that typical for this time of year here?"
March 01, 2019 11:56PMGray Suited Man: pushes the button to the 44th floor, and the elevator feels like it goes up at least a hundred "Give or take. Climate fluctuates. Winter has great resorts though. Visit us in winter some time."
March 01, 2019 11:58PMEve K.: "I may do just that. It is a lovely country, what I've seen of it."
March 01, 2019 11:59PMGM (GM): The elevator arrives into a completely different space, spatially speaking, but to the sleeping eye, the entourage is the same. Dark wood, old, masculine, stuffy, luxurious office, with lots of Gray Suits walking about their business, each of them slightly different in looks that another. Among them, some normal people are busy around their tasks.
Your guide walks you over to the CEO's waiting room, where Marcella already made tea.
March 02, 2019 12:00AMEve K.: ((question, can dante still feel his chalk marks inside this place? I can't remember if we asked this before?))
March 02, 2019 12:00AMGM (GM): ((Huh. Interesting. What a good question.))
March 02, 2019 12:01AMJessica: ((fucking lol. guess she keeps her feet this time))
March 02, 2019 12:01AMGM (GM): ((Can you feel them, Dante?))
March 02, 2019 12:02AMDante: Dante reaches out to feel for his chalk marks as if some cosmic entity suggested he should. ((I don't know, can I?))
March 02, 2019 12:02AMEve K.: ((lol))
March 02, 2019 12:03AMGM (GM): ((I DONT KNOW CAN YOU???))
Dante, seems so. You can.
March 02, 2019 12:03AMEve K.: ...
March 02, 2019 12:03AM (To Dante): When you reach for the chalk marks, you feel someone else's fingers on yours, touching them together with you. A female.
March 02, 2019 12:04AM (From Eve K.): to Kurtis over the mind link, so how do you want to approach this? All cards on the table including mentioning our soul jar collection or more careful negotiations?"
March 02, 2019 12:04AMGray Suited Man: "Please, enjoy your visit with us. Take it over from here, Marcella."
March 02, 2019 12:05AM (To Eve K.): "I guess we squeeze as much from him as we can."
March 02, 2019 12:05AMDante: Dante exits the elevator, a bit of a weary look about him. When he sees Marcella he smiles and nods to her, then seeks out the most comfortable-looking seating in the room. March 02, 2019 12:05AMEve K.: "Thank you." Smiles at the presence of tea
March 02, 2019 12:06AMMarcella: "Thank you, Stephen. So good to see you again, guys, please have a seat."
March 02, 2019 12:07AMGM (GM): proceeds to serve us tea and biscuits Eve K. takes an offered seat.
Eve K. accepts tea, does not touch biscuits
March 02, 2019 12:07AMGM (GM): Dante, that feeling you felt just now, it's gone.
((love it how you all wont take good but feel fine drinking their drinks))
March 02, 2019 12:08AMDante: ((the chalk feeling? or the creepy extra-dimensional female demon fingers?))
March 02, 2019 12:08AMGM (GM): ((food*))
March 02, 2019 12:08AMEve K.: ((just the tea))
March 02, 2019 12:08AMGM (GM): ((the extra dimensional bit))
March 02, 2019 12:08AMDante: Dante doesn't take anything, just sits. ((huh. Alright))
March 02, 2019 12:09AMJessica: Jessica takes a seat. Her right leg bounces. Jittery. She shakes her head at the offered refreshments and looks around at the office accoutrements.
March 02, 2019 12:09AMGM (GM): She pages Cubic in, and he says he'll be ready to receive you in a few minutes. This is your time to have a final discussion on how you wanna play your hand. We'll get to it once you got a good game plan.
March 02, 2019 12:09AMEve K.: ((random observation, The second row from the back on the magemobile only has two seat belt docks...
Eve K. sips tea and waits
March 02, 2019 12:10AMJessica: huh
March 02, 2019 12:10AMGM (GM): ((that's where we keep the guns, guns dont need seatbelts))
March 02, 2019 12:11AMEve K.: ((lol))
March 02, 2019 12:11AMKurtis Kerner: switches to Atlantean, which he hopes Marcella doesn't understand "How we wanna do this? Press for as much as we can? Are we open to more requests?"
March 02, 2019 12:12AMJessica: ((so is Jess' understanding of Atlantean gradual or can she understand it like English now? I wasn't clear on how that worked))
March 02, 2019 12:12AMDante: ((I think our houserule is just an innate understanding of the language))
Eve K. over the link just to Kurtis "I'm willing to accept more requests if it means more fire power without giving them the gem"
March 02, 2019 12:13AMKurtis Kerner: "Jess wants to go home, Joe got a lead on some library."
March 02, 2019 12:13AMGM (GM): Jessica, it's gradually developing, the more you hear it.
March 02, 2019 12:13AMEve K.: ((you signed the book, you know innately know Atlantean))
((like if you hear it you understand it immediately yes?))
March 02, 2019 12:14AMGM (GM): ((yep))
March 02, 2019 12:14AMEve K.: "Right, and those are both things we will do, probably soon after this meeting."
March 02, 2019 12:15AMJustin: "Yeah, I'd like to visit the library before we go all-in on Diana."
"I don't really trust Cubic firepower. We already know he wants the gem for himself. How do we know anyone he sends won't just yoink it?"
March 02, 2019 12:16AMDante: Dante scratches his cheek in thought. "No harm in it. Taking more requests, though, I'm not so sure on."
March 02, 2019 12:18AMJessica: "Who is supposed to get it? Also why hasn't he gone for it?"
March 02, 2019 12:19AMJustin: "Up until this point he's essentially controlled the people who are currently using it. At least they're on one of his contracts."
Eve K. shrugs "They don't know where it is."
March 02, 2019 12:19AMEve K.: *?
March 02, 2019 12:20AMJustin: "They had purchased the liquirmoscope usage from Cubic. That means that he had a bead on them at all times."
March 02, 2019 12:21AMJessica: "But who do you want to have it? Do you know how to break it?"
March 02, 2019 12:21AMJustin: "Our route will end up with it getting broken."
March 02, 2019 12:24AMDante: "As far as we know,"
Dante muses. "But what is our plan going in, here? Are we even ready to do this?"
March 02, 2019 12:24AMJessica: "I think Eve should do the talking."
March 02, 2019 12:25AMEve K.: "/em smirks
March 02, 2019 12:25AMEve K.: ((there we go))
March 02, 2019 12:29AMJustin: "I figure we should start by providing Cubic with the details surrounding his man's death."
"Stop there, and ask what he's willing to pay for additional stuff."
March 02, 2019 12:29AMJessica: "Uh, I think I should remind everyone that Hans said to tell Cubic the white roses have blossomed. I wish we knew what that meant."
March 02, 2019 12:30AMEve K.: "Perhaps you should open the discussion with that, so we can gauge his reaction."
March 02, 2019 12:31AMJessica: "Sure."
March 02, 2019 12:31AMJustin: "I don't care one way or another with that."
March 02, 2019 12:33AMJessica: "Are we ready then?"
Eve K. takes another sip of her tea, discreetly watching Marcella
March 02, 2019 12:35AMJessica: ((roses thing is a code to believe what we say, i forgot))
March 02, 2019 12:36AMDante: Dante shrugs, getting up from his seat to get himself a cup of tea after all. "I guess so. We can discuss recent events as they come up, but lets not volunteer too much outside what we already promised."
March 02, 2019 12:38AMEve K.: "Not without a better deal from him agreed."
March 02, 2019 12:38AMKurtis Kerner: "Alright. We also already agreed to give up all our mana. Which means this building can't oblate us. Which means I gotta spend time in his hospital. I sure hope he has a hospital."
March 02, 2019 12:38AMEve K.: ((we did what now?))
March 02, 2019 12:39AMDante: "I thought this was supposed to take place after our business with the gem."
March 02, 2019 12:41AMKurtis Kerner: "He wanted it after we investigate Hans's killer. He just said 'when you come back'."
March 02, 2019 12:41AMJessica: "I didn't agree to that." Jessica seems surprised to hear that.
March 02, 2019 12:41AMKurtis Kerner: "I mean we can clarify. It's kind of open to interpretation."
March 02, 2019 12:41AMJustin: "I don't want to be on the hook to go back here again."
March 02, 2019 12:41AMJessica: ((you guys made deals while she was in the room))
March 02, 2019 12:41AMJustin: "We're already pretty much drained."
March 02, 2019 12:42AMDante: "No, I think you are right."
Dante turns to Jessica. "You weren't here for that."
March 02, 2019 12:42AMJustin: "Jessica's right in that she wasn't a part of the deal, she is probably safe."
March 02, 2019 12:42AMDante: ((what the hell were we getting out of having our mana drained again?))
March 02, 2019 12:42AMJessica: ((that was part of the deal with the liquorscope))
March 02, 2019 12:43AMDante: ((The loquimorscope? yeah))
March 02, 2019 12:43AMJessica: ((i know it isn't spelled that way but it's better))
March 02, 2019 12:43AMDante: ((absolutely))
March 02, 2019 12:43AMKurtis Kerner: "Well I'm sitting at one third of my juice, so that ain't much for the old piggy bank."
"He also didn't really pressure us to contribute any specific amount, he said, like, just drain your leftovers."
March 02, 2019 12:45AMDante: Dante grimaces. ((If I had remembered that it was after hans investigation I would have actually used mana))
March 02, 2019 12:45AMJustin: "Yeah, I don't know about you guys but I'm on empty. I assume everyone else is putting as much juice into their casting."
March 02, 2019 12:46AMDante: Dante shakes his head. "I don't draw from my source terribly often."
March 02, 2019 12:46AMKurtis Kerner: "That's probably because you were using it saving my ass, while I was getting my shit pushed in."
March 02, 2019 12:47AMJustin: "Well, I couldn't just let you get murdered by dance-man."
March 02, 2019 12:47AMKurtis Kerner: "Well, I appreciate it."
March 02, 2019 12:47AMDante: "If only that bastard had just dropped his spells."
Dante's grimace deepens. March 02, 2019 12:48AMKurtis Kerner: "You tried. They had it down, the way they were all teamworking. Felt like we were fighting an organized unit like our own. Cubic should probably be aware of that."
March 02, 2019 12:49AMDante: "Should he also be aware of the flaming wreckage of some of his equipment?"
March 02, 2019 12:49AMJustin: "Oh, who's still hurt?"
March 02, 2019 12:49AMJessica: "He probably knows. Better he doesn't think we'll try to hide stuff."
March 02, 2019 12:49AMJustin: "I actually do have a little juice left."
March 02, 2019 12:50AMKurtis Kerner: "Well. Us two."
March 02, 2019 12:51AMJustin: "I got my clock kicked but I don't think any of it is lasting. I think he hit you way harder."
March 02, 2019 12:51AMKurtis Kerner: "Pretty sure something's broken."
March 02, 2019 12:51AMJustin: "Alright, Kurt and I are going to go outside."
"You guys discuss."
Justin stands up and heads towards the elevator.
March 02, 2019 12:52AMKurtis Kerner: stands up with a strained grunt and follows March 02, 2019 12:53AMGM (GM): The suits ignore us until we get to the elevator.
March 02, 2019 12:53AMGray Suited Man: "Which floor are you headed to?"
March 02, 2019 12:53AMJustin: "Ground floor. Need to step outside for a bit."
March 02, 2019 12:53AMKurtis Kerner: "Just gonna get some air."
March 02, 2019 12:54AMGray Suited Man: "Ah, of course."
takes the elevator down March 02, 2019 12:54AMDante: ((Ah, of course. I, too, a normal human like yourself, also breathe air.))
March 02, 2019 12:54AMJustin: Justin stands in silence next to the humonculous and Kurt, poking the bruises on his arms. March 02, 2019 12:56AMKurtis Kerner: "Healing isn't a harmful, is it? Especially if you use it on me, not on them. It shouldn't punish us, right?"
March 02, 2019 12:56AMJustin: "Last time I was in here I couldn't life at all."
March 02, 2019 12:56AMKurtis Kerner: "Yeah, I can't Prime either."
"You know, I'm having a thought here. Don't you find it weird that he doesn't care how much mana we contribute?"
March 02, 2019 12:57AMJustin: "I think he just wants us empty. That or he can use the mana to force a sympathetic connection."
March 02, 2019 12:58AMKurtis Kerner: "Good theory. That, or he wants something that our mana carries on it."
March 02, 2019 12:58AMJustin: "I've made it very clear that I don't approve of working with or around Cubic at all. The sooner we're done the happier I'll be."
Justin gives the grey non-person a look.
March 02, 2019 12:59AMGray Suited Man: "It's a nice day outside. Enjoy the air."
elevator arrives
March 02, 2019 1:00AMDante: Dante knits his brow, then looks to Jessica. "Remind me, did you ever actually meet Cubic?"
March 02, 2019 1:00AMGray Suited Man: "Just let me know when you want to go up."
March 02, 2019 1:00AMJessica: "Yeah. When I got out of Arcadia."
March 02, 2019 1:00AMJustin: Justin ignores the humonculous and heads outside. March 02, 2019 1:00AMKurtis Kerner: checks his nose, pretty sure it's broken too March 02, 2019 1:00AMJessica: "Then I got locked in that room."
March 02, 2019 1:00AMKurtis Kerner: "Thank you, we will be right back."
comes outside with Justin
March 02, 2019 1:01AMJessica: ((congrats you're not in germany anymore))
March 02, 2019 1:01AMGM (GM): It's daytime now and there are some pedestrians on the street
March 02, 2019 1:02AMJustin: Justin looks at the sign as he steps outside, grimacing at the sign and walking not far away, standing next to a ficus on the side of the building. "Alright, let me see the nose."
March 02, 2019 1:02AMJessica: ((got your nose))
March 02, 2019 1:02AMDante: Dante nods a bit, then returns to his seat and takes a drink from the tea. "Hopefully we will wrap this up soon, move on. Everything here is unsettling."
March 02, 2019 1:03AMGM (GM): The Ficus looks so comforting it just makes you want to lay on the bench and nap.
March 02, 2019 1:04AMKurtis Kerner: gives his noise, pulling out bloody cotton plugs, it's a mess and is still bleeding. He probably has a concussion March 02, 2019 1:04AMJessica: ((it eats fucking homeless people. These classist bastards))
March 02, 2019 1:05AMJustin: Justin focuses on Kurtis, allowing his vision to focus on the cellular bonds and the thrum of life force. rolling 8d10>8!
= 3 Successes
(Healer's Trance What is Kurt's condition health ect..)
March 02, 2019 1:07AMKurtis Kerner: Concussion
Broken nose cartilage
Left ear drum damage
Broken rib 7
Arcane damage to inner life force, significant, his organs are compromised, and his body is overworked dealing with healing stress.
March 02, 2019 1:08AMJustin: grunts as he looks Kurt over. "How are you even standing?"
March 02, 2019 1:08AMEve K.: ((I've been looking through the logs... at what point does Cubic ask us for mana???))
March 02, 2019 1:08AMKurtis Kerner: "Whatever you did when you put yourself between Slabod and myself, jolted me awake. Just been holding on and trying to not die."
March 02, 2019 1:09AMGM (GM): ((Session 33, search for words ""The favor is two fold.""))
March 02, 2019 1:09AMJustin: "Yeah, that was... different. Something I figured out by watching how Simon worked..."
grimaces ((Healing Heart))
March 02, 2019 1:09AMKurtis Kerner: "Hey, as I said before, if it works, weaponize it."
March 02, 2019 1:10AMJustin: rolling 9d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 02, 2019 1:10AMGM (GM): What would you like to repair?
March 02, 2019 1:10AMJustin: Justin channels some energy into Kurtis, miming setting his nose as he also works on the concussion. March 02, 2019 1:10AMGM (GM): Kurtis breathes out a little easier and his eyes are not as glazed.
March 02, 2019 1:11AMKurtis Kerner: "Gah! Ow, jesus.... aaahhh.... ooof... oooof..."
crack, crack, crack, pop March 02, 2019 1:11AMEve K.: ((Weee))
March 02, 2019 1:11AMKurtis Kerner: "That's better...."
March 02, 2019 1:11AMJustin: "Not done."
Justin forces more magic into Kurtis in order to repair more.
rolling 9d10>8!
= 3 Successes
March 02, 2019 1:12AMGM (GM): You can repair the broken ribs and undo some of the magical damage. He would have to recover a bit of it on his own, but that's all the juice you got.
March 02, 2019 1:12AMJustin: He works behind-the-scenes on the rib and organs while pretending to help the nose March 02, 2019 1:13AMKurtis Kerner: understands what you're doing and tries to keep his shit together to not attract too much attention. He starts looking a lot more energetic, just needs some rest and sleep now. March 02, 2019 1:14AMJustin: Justin pulls his hands away from Kurt's nose and shakes some blood off of them. "Alright, that's all I can do for now."
"Let's get back inside and get this part over with."
March 02, 2019 1:15AMGM (GM): In about 10 minutes, Kurt and Justin return to the waiting room, Kurt is looking a lot better, and Cubic's office door opens.
March 02, 2019 1:15AMMarcella: "Please go ahead, Mister Cubic is ready for you"
March 02, 2019 1:16AMGM (GM): The impossible to ignore sign on the wall to the left of the door looms ominously. "Leopold Cubic, CEO"
Eve K. stands, smooths her skirt, and proceeds towards the office door, placing her tea cup on the tray as she passes commenting "The tea was lovely thank you"
March 02, 2019 1:17AMDante: Dante stands and finishes his tea in one motion. He sets the cup aside and offers Marcella a smile as he moves with the rest of the group. March 02, 2019 1:17AMJustin: Justin follows the others, obviously unhappy to be there at all. March 02, 2019 1:18AMEve K.: ((we are all still in goth cloths lololol))
March 02, 2019 1:18AMKurtis Kerner: enters last, letting Jessica ahead of himself March 02, 2019 1:19AMDante: ((planning to leave a fireball in the previous room?))
March 02, 2019 1:20AMLeopold Cubic: The chair is actually turned with its back to you, and Leopold holds out an index finger in the air as he puts down the legacy style phone, and turns the chair around to face you, dropping his head into his palms. He is ready to start drinking by the looks of it. But he doesn't. He sees you and sighs in relief. Heavily. March 02, 2019 1:21AMJessica: ((I feel like anything that makes Cubic that miserable can't be good))
March 02, 2019 1:21AMEve K.: ((probably news that the freeway exploded XD))
March 02, 2019 1:21AMDante: ((He just found out he can't take marcella's feet on contractual grounds))
March 02, 2019 1:22AMJessica: ((omg lmao))
((we need more marcella memes))
March 02, 2019 1:23AMLeopold Cubic: "Oh. My. Well, you fellows didn't have to dress up for me."
March 02, 2019 1:23AMDante: Dante enters quietly, eyes fixed on the enigmatic old man. Once everyone has entered, he moves to the left side of the group and stands at a loose kind of attention, self-consciously adjusting the frills at the end of his sleeves. March 02, 2019 1:24AMLeopold Cubic: "Absently waves to the chairs, not even bothering to offer you to sit, assuming you'll just do it.*
March 02, 2019 1:25AMJessica: Jessica sinks into a chair, takes a steading breath, and says, "The white roses have blossomed."
Eve K. moves to sit down opposite Mr Cubic, smoothing her skirt as she sits, "We saw the need to attend an event as part of our investigation, these fit the style."
March 02, 2019 1:25AMJessica: *mine after Eve's as that makes more sense
March 02, 2019 1:26AMLeopold Cubic: "No kidding, young lady. White roses are fully blooming this time of year. Want to bet my day was crazier than yours?"
March 02, 2019 1:27AMKurtis Kerner: plops into the chair and just closes his eyes, trying to relax his spine and feel the pleasant ache that Justin unleashed on his body. He rests March 02, 2019 1:27AMEve K.: "I can only imagine how crazy your days might be."
smiles with genuine amusment March 02, 2019 1:28AMDante: Dante finds a chair for himself and sits down, draping one leg over the other. His hands find the arm rests, but the tips of his fingers are tense. "How crazy was it?"
March 02, 2019 1:31AMLeopold Cubic: "Well, the police are all over you. Safe for now, but they will be in a few hours. Your faces are gonna be on screen. I did what I could, but I'm no demiurge. I have very limited influence in that area. You folks need to get out of Germany. I just hope your methods yield as much result as they draw attention."
March 02, 2019 1:31AMJessica: Jessica whitens.
March 02, 2019 1:33AMLeopold Cubic: He can't resist the stress and brings the bottle out of the desk March 02, 2019 1:33AMJustin: "How would our faces end up on screen? At no point were we posing for a paparazzi"
March 02, 2019 1:34AMLeopold Cubic: "Thank you for the heads up on the Mercedez Benz Arena. The Rock Concert was our event. Jorg interfered and sealed up the damage to the Hallow, thanks to you."
Eve K. 's left eyebrow raises just slightly, she seems ready to say something before Justin does, then sits back just a little
March 02, 2019 1:35AMLeopold Cubic: reaches into his desk and pulls out two pieces of paper. March 02, 2019 1:36AMDante: Dante shifts his sitting posture, leaning forward a bit in the chair, watching quietly. March 02, 2019 1:36AMLeopold Cubic: The first piece of paper is a split half in half. On the left side there is a crude drawn portrait of Justin, and a less crude, more likeness to it, portrait of Kurtis. This is a sketch. The other document is a zoomed in still photograph, of not so good quality, taken from a security camera footage across the road from Mercedez Benz arena, of a blurred figure in a wheelchair as another person, blurry, is being handcuffed
March 02, 2019 1:39AMJustin: Justin scratches his head, vaguely remembering something about a wheelchair. March 02, 2019 1:39AMJessica: Jessica breathes out a heavy huff and sits back in her chair. Her leg bounces.
Eve K. leans forward again to look at the still photograph more closely, nods once, sits straight again waiting for the other shoe to drop
March 02, 2019 1:42AMLeopold Cubic: "And then there is Youtube. I don't know what you saw on the highway, but some kid tried to take footage of some birds, but it's all blurred. I'm guessing these things don't capture on media. Somebody got a good look at your van though."
March 02, 2019 1:43AMJustin: "After I worked so hard to fix it." *Justin sighs dramatically.
Eve K. rolls her eyes up to look at the ceiling for a moment thinking 'ah there's the other shoe'
March 02, 2019 1:45AMLeopold Cubic: "Yeah, not a lot of every day drivers fix their vehicles mid-driving. Don't know how it is in America, but it's rather abnormal here. People fix cars in their uncle's garage, or a car shop."
Eve K. returns her gaze to Mr. Cubic, patiently waiting to see if he has anything else to lay out on the table
March 02, 2019 1:47AMLeopold Cubic: "But... the good news, is that it's safe for now, and I'm sure you could be resourceful enough to disappear for enough time that the police loses track. Let us proceed to matters of interest to me?"
"What news of Hans?"
Eve K. nods graciously "Yes of course. Where shall I start?" Pauses for a moment perhaps more for dramatic effect than to wait for an actual answer "Well, we were able to locate Han's ghost for lack of a nicer term. I was able to summon him back to this plane. We were able to speak with him at length. Hence the earlier comment about The white roses blossoming."
March 02, 2019 1:51AMEve K.: pauses for any response March 02, 2019 1:52AMLeopold Cubic: "Interesting. Where is he now?"
March 02, 2019 1:52AMEve K.: (and because I need a bathroom break XD)
March 02, 2019 1:53AMDante: ((oh we stuffed him in a wine bottle that we just finished drinking. we were blasted and it seemed like the best solution))
March 02, 2019 1:54AMJessica: ((lemme tell you about Fernando))
((we cast our best spells when we're wasted, don't worry))
March 02, 2019 1:54AMDante: ((oh yes))
March 02, 2019 1:54AMJessica: ((we drive better too))
March 02, 2019 1:54AMDante: ((Absolutely))
March 02, 2019 1:58AMKurtis Kerner: ((shit, what do we tell him??))
March 02, 2019 1:59AMDante: ((Wasn't it at Hans request that he be jarred?))
March 02, 2019 2:00AMKurtis Kerner: ((yep. Do we reveal we have him?))
March 02, 2019 2:00AMJustin: ((Eve talking, but I'd ignore the question and keep on.))
March 02, 2019 2:01AMJessica: ((I feel like he would take it suuuuuper personally if he found out, also he makes a poor bargaining chip))
March 02, 2019 2:02AMEve K.: "In due time. First, I would like to explain, when I called Hans back, he had another ghost attached to him. One of his killers."
March 02, 2019 2:02AMJessica: ((say cubic decides he can't convince us to give him the gem. that makes us the opposition as much as baby hitler. he's not gonna give a shit if we threaten Hans' ghost. they're not on the same level as far as his priorities, I'm pretty sure))
March 02, 2019 2:03AMDante: ((Except to deprive Cubic of him, we have literally no other reason to keep Hans' soul.))
March 02, 2019 2:04AMJessica: ((Slabod(?) said Hans was Cubic's weakest man when comparing him to Mladen, their best, to instill how huge their cause was. Cubic is not going to bargain anything substantial for Hans))
((the best move might be to earn trust))
March 02, 2019 2:05AMEve K.: ((Hans is Cubic's close family friend... if we believe that))
March 02, 2019 2:05AMDante: ((I seem to recall an expression of personal sympathy to hans. Family friend, or something))
((Whether or not he is, Cubic wouldn't have said something like that if there wasn't a degree of value))
March 02, 2019 2:06AMJessica: ((yeah but he also expressed sympathy pain for jessica and he still locked her in a room. he runs a company that steals people's lives in a round about manner. his emotional expressions probably shouldn't be trusted))
March 02, 2019 2:07AMDante: ((But if he was valueless why say anything at all? No point in lying. Just don't say anything))
March 02, 2019 2:07AMLeopold Cubic: listens to you very intently, with those wrinkly, droopy, spaniel eyes, and a face which does not match the glance, his mouth sinks into the mustache, as you all who drank vodka here last time, find shot glasses set and filled. March 02, 2019 2:09AMJessica: ((also if we get jumped by the Eagles again and they break the wine bottle or something we'd be in trouble me thinks))
March 02, 2019 2:11AMEve K.: "This killers name was ((don't remember the spelling, and KK covered up the badguy sheet.. insert right name here)), of interesting note, Hans chose to personify himself in his afterlife as a dragon, while his counterpart took on the role of knight. Poetic yes? Of there second killer (insert other name here) I found no ghost, he died and passed on without incident. I was able to question the self styled knight however."
Pause with a mild smile March 02, 2019 2:11AMJessica: ((Mladen and Peter))
((Mladen Begojevich, Peter Nilsson specifically))
March 02, 2019 2:12AMEve K.: ((that's what she said))
March 02, 2019 2:12AMLeopold Cubic: writes things down in a thick notebook "That's Hans alright..."
March 02, 2019 2:14AMEve K.: "Now, here is where things get more interesting. And where we begin further negotiations. Mladen was kind enough to explain that he was part of a larger organization, with sleeper cells."
March 02, 2019 2:14AMLeopold Cubic: an inkling of a smile hides in the sad mustache "But of course he was. These mindless animals. Running around Europe thinking they can solve problems by throwing molotovs at cars."
March 02, 2019 2:17AMEve K.: "MMm, it's a bit less throwing molotovs at cars and a bit more, stealing Cubic sound equipment...."
March 02, 2019 2:18AMLeopold Cubic: looks up from the paper briefly Eve K. watches him calmly
March 02, 2019 2:20AMLeopold Cubic: "You know this first hand?"
March 02, 2019 2:20AMEve K.: "We know a lot of things first hand at this point."
March 02, 2019 2:23AMLeopold Cubic: "The incident at Berlin warehouse. My report say that the alarm went off, and at the time of inspection, four bodies were found there, singed."
March 02, 2019 2:25AMEve K.: "Mmm the other three are a bit more... flighty"
March 02, 2019 2:25AMKurtis Kerner: "Singed... more like crispy fried."
March 02, 2019 2:25AMJessica: Jessica crosses her arms and finds her shoes interesting after Cubic mentions singed bodies.
March 02, 2019 2:26AMEve K.: ((tap them together and whisper "there's no place like home" see if it works..))
March 02, 2019 2:26AMLeopold Cubic: "Were they the thieves? Did you engage with them to protect my property?"
March 02, 2019 2:27AMEve K.: "Indeed. We may also have a lead on the head of their group."
March 02, 2019 2:28AMLeopold Cubic: "Now that is very interesting. The way I surmise, the head of the group is the ultimate answer to the question about the death of my dear departed friend."
March 02, 2019 2:30AMEve K.: "His direct killers are dead. One passed on and the other in safe keeping. The head if this snake would be more than just the answer to the question of Hans death, he's the brains behind any recent attacks on your companies dealings. That's their sole mission as we've come to understand. To be a thorn in your side, and pick off your friends one by one, one cell at a time."
*of this
March 02, 2019 2:31AMLeopold Cubic: Just starts lamenting and cursing and shaking his head, wiping a tear from his eye
"These reckless crazed lunatics, behaving like infants. Children playing with fire, with the fate of the country..."
Eve K. crosses her legs and smooths her skirt "They are very passionate about their cause. They have quite a few colorful things to say about your organization."
March 02, 2019 2:33AMLeopold Cubic: "Misguided people are often very colorful, alas."
March 02, 2019 2:35AM (From Eve K.): *to Kurtis over the link" Should I dangle the Mladen soul jar or wait?"
March 02, 2019 2:36AMLeopold Cubic: "Well. Not only have you found the killers, but brought them to justice, and on top of that interfered in a robbery of my warehouse. Granted, unfortunately, the merchandise burned too, but.... collateral is inescapable. You have definitely fulfilled the first condition of our agreement, and then some. I got positions open on the staff, you know."
March 02, 2019 2:37AM (To Eve K.): Hmmm. I can't get a read on this guy, he's way too shrewd. I'll follow your lead.
March 02, 2019 2:37AMJessica: Raises an eyebrow and crosses her legs, but doesn't say anything.
Eve K. raises a brow a the offer, placing a finger to her lips as if considering.
March 02, 2019 2:38AMEve K.: "May I ask a less professional question?"
March 02, 2019 2:38AMLeopold Cubic: looks at the sketch portraits and at the wheelchair photo "Well since it's going to be that kind of day.... sure."
March 02, 2019 2:39AMJessica: ((lol that kind of day))
March 02, 2019 2:40AMDante: ((you know, some days your family friends get stuffed into soul jars and your warehouses are raided by extremists. we all have em))
March 02, 2019 2:40AMEve K.: "If you, had the opportunity, to see one of Hans' murderers. What would you do with them?"
March 02, 2019 2:41AMLeopold Cubic: "You're right, it is a very unprofessional question. That kind of question cannot received a professional answer. No answer I give will make me look good. May I ask why you ask?"
March 02, 2019 2:44AMEve K.: "I'm sure you know something of the types of magics that we are able to perform. My specialty of course is with the dead. Ghosts, shadows, souls, those sorts of things. As I said before. One of Hans' killers has passed on. The other is, still a ghost. Which I can control with relative ease."
March 02, 2019 2:45AMLeopold Cubic: "Just put it to rest. Let them be in peace, the cruel, misguided barbarians."
"You see, on one hand, I would want to tell him how wrong and utterly perverse his act of murder was. Yet on the other hand, the businessman in me would lean to just hire him.
Eve K. shrugs her shoulders slightly "That would take some doing. The reason he's still around is because Hans is still around. And Hans is not so easily put to rest."
March 02, 2019 2:47AMJessica: Hire him. Jesus
March 02, 2019 2:47AMEve K.: ((We will never understand Cubic. Just.. never))
March 02, 2019 2:48AMLeopold Cubic: "If you intend to negotiate with me for additional services using the very life and soul of my good family friend, you should know two things."
March 02, 2019 2:49AMJessica: ((oh god, now we did it))
March 02, 2019 2:51AMEve K.: ((Let the dice fall where they may, I feel a twist coming))
March 02, 2019 2:51AMLeopold Cubic: "One, is that I cannot see or talk to ghosts."
March 02, 2019 2:51AMJessica: ((that is a twist))
March 02, 2019 2:52AMEve K.: ((No it's not he's a sleeper we knew this))
"I can fix that"
March 02, 2019 2:52AMJessica: ((but where do ghost stories come from if normies can't see ghosts?))
March 02, 2019 2:53AMEve K.: ((ectoplasm allows anyone to see ghosts))
((Hence you all... seeing ghosts))
March 02, 2019 2:53AMLeopold Cubic: "I would rather you not do anything like that to me. I do not with to see a ghost of my dear boy. I would much rather bring him back to life without having to witness the horror of his ghastly form."
March 02, 2019 2:54AMEve K.: "He's actually quite handsome as a dragon, but that is an understandable response"
March 02, 2019 2:55AMLeopold Cubic: "That's the problem with most of your..... species. Your kind are not human anymore. You become frozen in time. Nothing terrifies you, nothing matters to you. A soul to you is not something eternal that belongs to God, but something concrete that you can touch."
March 02, 2019 2:56AMJessica: ((!!!))
March 02, 2019 2:57AMJustin: Justin arches a brow at that. "How are you going to be talking about God when you literally siphon promises of grandfathers to their grandchildren. When you suck the luck out of people until they die from horrible accidents. When your own building literally eats ghosts! Take god's name out of your fucking mouth!"
March 02, 2019 2:57AMEve K.: "Oh, there are things that terrify us. Far more in fact than you might imagine."
March 02, 2019 2:58AMJessica: Jessica's mouth drops open as she looks from Justin to Cubic
March 02, 2019 2:58AMEve K.: ((
starts typing something similar to Justin rant...pauses.. reads Justin rant...backspace backspace backspace)))
March 02, 2019 3:01AMDante: *Dante's mouth had opened as if to say something, but then closes as Justin takes the wheel of conversation. He looks to Justin, then to Cubic, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "Well now that that is out in the open..."
March 02, 2019 3:02AMLeopold Cubic: Leopold slams his fist on the table with a crushing boom "Don't you talk to me like that, boy! Yes! Yes, suck the luck, the dreams, the hopes! But me? No! Not me! Someone just has to run the god damn hellish crucible! You think the purgatory is down below? It's HERE! I'm just the unlucky shmuck whose friends all mutated to be like you. Someone stuck in the middle, trying to make sure the right hopes go to the right people! People like Hitler did not deserve dreams! People like Gebbels did not deserve inspiration! Himmler did not deserve his enthusiasm, and Bormann did not deserve luck! Herring did not deserve promises! Yes, someone has to be put in control! Someone who knows what to do with the primordial chaos this world has become! And will soon become! But it's never too late to fix our mistakes."
Eve K. waits for Mr. Cubic's response, remaining calm and still in her chair.
March 02, 2019 3:04AMLeopold Cubic: He cools, growing weary, his own angry words exhausted him, and by the end of his reply, he hunches down and becomes tired and pitiful March 02, 2019 3:04AMJessica: Flinches as he pounds the table.
March 02, 2019 3:08AMJustin: Justin's words are slow, acidic. "I've seen not an ounce of discrimination on how you leverage your power. I've seen pieces of equipment that siphon fate from people you don't even know. Don't pretend like you have even an ounce of the judgement needed to play God. You sold Diana Branch use of your equipment. She's literally trying to create the next Hitler and you're up here trying to espouse the virtue of your actions.
I'm tired of it. People like you disgust me, convincing yourself that you're doing the right thing when your methods hurt innocent people.
I'm tired of this game. Tell me when you're ready to siphon the mana but I'm done talking with you."
March 02, 2019 3:08AMJustin: Justin stands and walks to the door, opens it and looks over his shoulder.
"You're dying of liver failure. Stop drinking or don't, I don't care."
With that he steps out of the office and slams the door.
March 02, 2019 3:08AMKurtis Kerner: wakes up and tries to frantically calculate how much mana he could push out of Cubic's desk into Justin before he'd get crushed to death March 02, 2019 3:09AMLeopold Cubic: coughs into his fist "The boy's right about the liver. Doctor told me back in January."
March 02, 2019 3:11AMDante: Dante shrinks a bit into the chair, hand fidgeting on the arm rest. "From anyone in our position it would be easy to ask why you haven't had it taken care of. But I think I get it."
Eve K. nods both in acknowledgment of his words and in understanding.
March 02, 2019 3:13AMLeopold Cubic: a long pause "I don't want to live forever. Our kind's not meant for that. As for the rest... Diana has the Gem of Kings. Someone like that... needs to be bargained with. And if you don't... you better have a damn good reason why. There is a rumor about five americans trying to go after the Gem. But until someone holds it in their hands, they have little to say about Fate."
"But there is a second factor in your negotiations for Hans' life."
March 02, 2019 3:14AMEve K.: ((eh its more like... 6-7 now..))
March 02, 2019 3:14AMJessica: ((who's counting?))
March 02, 2019 3:14AMDante: ((and one italian))
March 02, 2019 3:15AMLeopold Cubic: ((he may not be talking about you guys :D))
March 02, 2019 3:15AMDante: ((rumors are weird like that))
March 02, 2019 3:15AMLeopold Cubic: ((but the cabal who hired you))
March 02, 2019 3:15AMDante: ((Maybe.))
March 02, 2019 3:16AMLeopold Cubic: "You see, White Roses have blossomed. That means your negotiating position with me is hopelessly doomed."
he chuckles bitterly like a dead man
March 02, 2019 3:17AMGM (GM): Justin, Marcella jumps up as you leave into the waiting room.
March 02, 2019 3:17AMMarcella: "Is everything alright?"
March 02, 2019 3:17AMJustin: Justin looks Marcella up and down. "Why do you even work here?"
March 02, 2019 3:18AMMarcella: "What do you mean?"
March 02, 2019 3:18AMJessica: ((oh god))
Eve K. waits for him to elaborate
March 02, 2019 3:18AMJustin: "Why do you work here? What makes this a better job than literally anything else?"
March 02, 2019 3:18AMMarcella: "I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand."
March 02, 2019 3:18AMDante: "I'm afraid I don't have any talent for deciphering cryptic wording. Is that some kind of contractual code phrase? We were informed it was just a phrase to convey trust."
March 02, 2019 3:18AMJessica: ((she's a unit))
March 02, 2019 3:19AMMarcella: "Wouldn't you want to work for your dad?"
March 02, 2019 3:19AMJessica: ((she makes tea and lets Cubi cut off her feet cause she's not a real person))
March 02, 2019 3:19AMEve K.: ((ahahaha))
March 02, 2019 3:20AMJustin: "Not if my dad ran the mob."
March 02, 2019 3:20AMJessica: ((now she needs a mind wipe, thanks Justin))
March 02, 2019 3:20AMJustin: Justin plops down in a plush leather chair. March 02, 2019 3:22AMLeopold Cubic: "It's exactly so, my friend. Code. As a boy, Hans always had very developed empathetic talents. White Roses blossomed, that means his final evaluation. His parting words of endorsement. With this message, he tells me that he believes you are not monsters. That you are good people who will return him safely home. Because you're kind. And so far, he's spot on right. But he always was, as long as I knew him."
"So let's get down to it, settle our business, and see what I can do for you to stop Diana."
March 02, 2019 3:23AMEve K.: ((ahh theres the twist))
March 02, 2019 3:25AMMarcella: "My dad doesn't run the mob. I wouldn't know anything about that. We're just a trading company. I answer phone calls and bring tea and coffee. I also make breakfast for guests. Like your red haired lady friend. Jessica, right? She slept so long, I made sure she had enough to eat and had fresh clothes. Dad said she might be dangerous for a while, so we just let her sleep it off."
March 02, 2019 3:25AMJustin: "Uh huh. Hans was your what? Cousin, brother?"
March 02, 2019 3:26AMDante: "To be frank, I was not interested in bartering with souls as currency to begin with. But consensus seemed to be that returning Hans would be to our benefit. We absolutely need whatever leverage we can get against Diana."
Eve K. takes a slow breath, breathing a little easier. "Let's settle things then. The favor is concluded. We can indeed return him to you, which was his request. I don't enjoy the process by which he requested to be returned but he is safe and secure."
March 02, 2019 3:27AMDante: Dante stands to stretch his legs now that the vibe of the room has cooled. March 02, 2019 3:27AMMarcella: "Just a friend to me, sir. I think he is... my uncle's... step son. Is he going to be alright?"
March 02, 2019 3:28AMEve K.: ((oh god))
March 02, 2019 3:28AMJustin: ((Can I roll empathy to determine whether or not I'm being lied to by Marcella bout any of this?))
March 02, 2019 3:29AMGM (GM): ((you can!))
March 02, 2019 3:29AMDante: ((Marcella is a sweet innocent, footless girl. She would never lie to you.))
March 02, 2019 3:29AMGM (GM): wits + empathy
March 02, 2019 3:29AMJustin: rolling 6d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 02, 2019 3:30AMGM (GM): rolling 6d10>8!
= 1 Success
You can tell Marcella is not telling you something. She's hiding some truth she knows.
March 02, 2019 3:31AMJustin: "Please don't lie to me Miss Marcella. I can tell you're holding something back."
Justin just looks at her. He looks tired and stressed.
March 02, 2019 3:31AMEve K.: ((You know what I keep imagining with Cubic... That scene in Constantine where Constantine is dying and floating to heaven because he sacrificed himself and Satan just NOPES the hell out of that and removes the cancer from his lungs... that is what an angry Justin could do to Cubic's liver "NO you will live!!! So you can sin more and go to hell"
March 02, 2019 3:31AMJessica: ((alternate reality, Justin is the mage who regrows her feet))
March 02, 2019 3:31AMMarcella: blushes deeply and hides in the monitor of her computer March 02, 2019 3:32AMJessica: ((that
March 02, 2019 3:32AMEve K.: ((like physically climbs into the monitor))
March 02, 2019 3:32AMJessica: ((that's a fun thoguht))
March 02, 2019 3:32AMDante: ((lmao))
March 02, 2019 3:32AMEve K.: ((because.. no feet.. she's small enough to fit))
March 02, 2019 3:32AMJessica: ((the Constantine thing, not the Ring thing))
March 02, 2019 3:33AMJustin: "I'm so tired of being lied to. I just want somebody to be honest with me today."
He sighs and leans back in the chair. March 02, 2019 3:34AMLeopold Cubic: "If you have a way to return Hans to me, please present it. I will configure your Loquimorscope device, meanwhile."
March 02, 2019 3:34AMEve K.: ((like Marcella is the first person to lie all day, Cubic legit thinks he's right))
March 02, 2019 3:34AMJustin: ((Word.))
March 02, 2019 3:35AMMarcella: "Alright, okay, you're clearly upset. You're.... you're one of the.... special people, aren't you? See, Hans, Hans was special too. He could... do things."
March 02, 2019 3:35AMJessica: ((Marcella's losing a calf for that.))
March 02, 2019 3:35AMEve K.: "We do, but it will require some trust on your part. Ghost is bound into an object, which I would have to bring physically into the building, I don't know if your wards will allow it."
March 02, 2019 3:35AMDante: ((No no, Cubic is only into feet. She just won't get her feet back for a few days))
March 02, 2019 3:35AMJustin: "Yeah, I'm one of those people just like Hans."
Justin rubs his eyes, clearly tired from all the running around and combat.
March 02, 2019 3:36AMEve K.: (( "Just like Hans""
March 02, 2019 3:36AMJessica: ((#metoo))
March 02, 2019 3:36AMLeopold Cubic: "Consider it granted. As of now hereby."
March 02, 2019 3:36AMEve K.: ((the new meme is "Justin did nothing wrong!"))
March 02, 2019 3:36AMJessica: ((lol))
Eve K. nods "Thank you. I will be a moment retrieving him." rises from the seat, smoothing her skirt as she moves to leave the room and out into the waiting room
March 02, 2019 3:38AMMarcella: "See, my parents and I, we're not. But we have many friends who are. And... and really, I try to not get into any of it. I live a simple life and stick to job duties. Company girl. Hehe."
March 02, 2019 3:39AMDante: "I could retrieve Hans' .. container from a distance, but with the spatial structure of this place, I don't know that it would be entirely safe.." *Dante ponders for a moment, watching Eve as she goes.
March 02, 2019 3:39AMKurtis Kerner: to Cubic "I'm not a good person, by the way. The kid is, I'm not."
March 02, 2019 3:40AMLeopold Cubic: looks at Kurtis for the scum that he is "I know that. A good person doesn't burn people alive."
Eve K. turns as she reaches the door to the waiting room "There's more space wrapped around this building than death wards, walking him in will be easier"
March 02, 2019 3:41AMEve K.: ((says the German... who are know for doing just that historically))
March 02, 2019 3:41AMGray Suited Man: meets Eve at the elevator, takes her down, more small talk Eve K. now has suggestions for where to eat dinner in town, as well as a few clubs she should try out thanks to gray suited man small talk XD
March 02, 2019 3:42AMJustin: "Your dad. His brothers and sisters and friends are?"
March 02, 2019 3:43AMLeopold Cubic: "I would rather you not try to alter the structure in any way. It can react in violent ways. Did you have any personal questions while we are waiting?"
"I believe we put a pin in what happened to your family."
Eve K. over link to Kurtis, "Should I bring up the second "wine bottle"? You can ask Dante too"
March 02, 2019 3:44AMDante: Dante shakes his head. "No, I have no intention of trying my luck. Just musing. As to the family.. wait, are you talking to me?"
March 02, 2019 3:44AMKurtis Kerner: to Dante "Hey D, should Eve bring some extra wine?"
March 02, 2019 3:45AMDante: ((I'm not connected to the network.))
((unless that's in atlantean or something))
March 02, 2019 3:45AMKurtis Kerner: (yeah he is speaking outloud)
March 02, 2019 3:45AMEve K.: ((that's why he asked it outloud in code...))
March 02, 2019 3:45AMDante: ((oh I didn't catch that. Might be because I've been awake 27 hours))
"I could go for a glass, sure."
March 02, 2019 3:46AMLeopold Cubic: "Yes, to you, sir. I believe the circumstances of your mutation lead to some tragedy."
March 02, 2019 3:47AMKurtis Kerner: To Eve over Link "yeah bring both" March 02, 2019 3:47AMEve K.: ((When he calls it mutation I feel like an X-man))
March 02, 2019 3:47AMJessica: ((same))
March 02, 2019 3:47AMDante: "The extent of which I have not yet been able to fully explore. I would know what you know, if there are no other pressing matters to speak of instead."
March 02, 2019 3:48AMMarcella: "No, his brother is normal. His step sister too. Just the friends."
Eve K. retrieves both soul jars. Returns to the lobby.
March 02, 2019 3:49AMLeopold Cubic: "I believe I was supervising a communication relay for an issue in Rome. I think your coming to power was connected to an accidental release of some dark entity, which Diana's cabal was attempting to capture."
March 02, 2019 3:51AMJessica: ((yikes))
March 02, 2019 3:51AMLeopold Cubic: "Their Loquimorscopes were only calibrated to Feature 5, and they called in technical support to pay additional subscriptions and receive remote intervention. Of course, I had to have Julius help me on the line."
"I did not know at the time that they have tempered with the devices, altering their features."
March 02, 2019 3:52AMDante: Dante folds his arms and shifts in his seat, already connecting some dots. He listens intently, gaze piercing and fixed on Cubic. March 02, 2019 3:52AMLeopold Cubic: "Nothing of the sort should have been possible according to my technicians. They were able to suppress a possession of one individual by the entity, but it merged with another."
"The way it was later explained to me, the entity operates like a nightmare, one quite infectious and extremely dangerous, so a suppression protocol your species has in place was issued, and a global termination took place. Your social ties may have fallen victim to simple policy on destroying anyone in contact with the entity."
March 02, 2019 3:56AMJustin: "Was your dad doing this whole sort of thing when you were born, or did he start at some point? I'm glad that you're able to choose to stay out of most of it."
March 02, 2019 3:56AMGray Suited Man: takes Eve back up March 02, 2019 3:56AMJessica: "Infectious? What
is it?"
March 02, 2019 3:57AMMarcella: "Dad used to work at the docks when I was born. They ran ships along the river."
March 02, 2019 3:58AMJessica: ((good lord he tiered up fast))
March 02, 2019 3:58AMLeopold Cubic: "I'm sorry. I do not know. I thought it was destroyed together with this gentleman's life. But here he is. So, I don't know."
March 02, 2019 3:59AMJustin: "Here in Germany or somewhere else?"
March 02, 2019 4:00AMMarcella: "Germany? We're in Germany?"
March 02, 2019 4:00AMJustin: Justin can't help but laugh at that. "No, I don't think so. Where do you think you are?"
Eve K. now knows simply the -best- place for coffee near by, as well a great place to stay on the way to Stargard
March 02, 2019 4:01AMDante: *Dante's demeanor when Cubic said "infectious" shifted from stoic listening to a flash of panic and his eyes stayed widened after he composed himself. "Would this termination have taken place for anyone known prior to contact?"
March 02, 2019 4:01AMMarcella: "I'm sorry, I don't understand. I'm at work. That's about all I know."
March 02, 2019 4:01AMJessica: ((Marcellabot is out of memory))
March 02, 2019 4:03AMLeopold Cubic: "What exactly are you asking?"
March 02, 2019 4:03AMGM (GM): Eve, do you return back to Cubic office?
You will be taken to it
March 02, 2019 4:04AMJustin: ((What does Marcella look like?))
March 02, 2019 4:07AMDante: "Disregard the question, I'm not sure how to phrase it. This is an.. unexpected revelation. Do you know anything about this entity outside the way it operates? Or someone who might know? And anything else about this incident?"
March 02, 2019 4:07AMGM (GM): ((like a naughty secretary? XD))
March 02, 2019 4:07AMJessica: ((yasss))
March 02, 2019 4:09AMJustin: ((That's awful. How old is she?))
March 02, 2019 4:09AMJessica: ((she's legal))
March 02, 2019 4:09AMDante: Dante realizes suddenly that he is white-knuckling the arms of the chair and forces his fingers to slacken. March 02, 2019 4:09AMLeopold Cubic: "I know more about Simon Lamprey. That man and his beast were tinkering not only with machines, but also with people. Their methods of manipulating people were too radical and direct for my taste. I started disliking them quickly. But one who possesses the Gem is hard to say no to, if you want to live."
March 02, 2019 4:09AMJessica: ((wtf why does he know everyone's backstories))
March 02, 2019 4:10AMLeopold Cubic: ((you can ask that))
Eve K. proceeds to Cubic's office
March 02, 2019 4:11AMJessica: ((I would have to check the logs to know which bits i know ic))
March 02, 2019 4:11AMLeopold Cubic: "Ah, there you are. So, what have you here?"
March 02, 2019 4:11AMJessica: ((Dante or Kurtis would have to ask))
March 02, 2019 4:12AMEve K.: ((In Trinity voice "How do you know all this" Keymaker voice "I know because I
must know. It is my purpose. It is the reason I am here. The same reason we are
all here."))
March 02, 2019 4:13AMKurtis Kerner: ((I mean Kurtis gets it. Bad guys used these Loquimorscopes as long distance phones. And he probably records everything they transmit))
March 02, 2019 4:13AMJessica: ((oh Lamprey had one?))
March 02, 2019 4:13AMKurtis Kerner: ((That's the one we have))
March 02, 2019 4:13AMDante: ((That's how we even got into contact with cbic))
March 02, 2019 4:13AMJessica: ((gotcha))
March 02, 2019 4:13AMKurtis Kerner: ((We found it on Lamprey
March 02, 2019 4:13AMJessica: ((okay I get it now))
March 02, 2019 4:13AMKurtis Kerner: ((he was the priest in Diana's cabal, he was their Dante))
((And their Justin, combined))
March 02, 2019 4:14AMDante: ((bet he didn't have a highly infectious nightmare monster though))
((so I got that going for me...))
March 02, 2019 4:15AMJessica: ((we need to get you vaccinated))
March 02, 2019 4:15AMLeopold Cubic: Looks at Eve with interest Eve K. moves closer to Cubic's desk, gently setting down the two wine bottles.
March 02, 2019 4:15AMDante: ((I mean if Dante genuinely believes this, the logical course of action is to literally abandon everyone to try to find a cure. Anything else is dangerously unethical))
March 02, 2019 4:15AMLeopold Cubic: "Bottled ghosts? One is Hans, the other his killer?"
Eve K. lightly touches the wine bottle with Hans' soul in it. "Hans is here.
she nods, and then indicates the other bottle without touching it "Mladen is here."
March 02, 2019 4:18AMLeopold Cubic: "We cannot do this here. Let's proceed to the 20th floor. The recreation center."
March 02, 2019 4:18AMJessica: ((oh god we're doing it?))
((we need to be drunk for this))
Eve K. picks the wine bottles carefully again
March 02, 2019 4:18AMEve K.: *up
March 02, 2019 4:19AMGM (GM): Whoever is following. this is the first time you have seen Cubic leave his office, except Jessica.
All Grey Suits step aside, nobody tries to help him with the elevator
Eve K. follows Cubic, slowing her step only slightly to determine if Justin is still chatting up Marcella
March 02, 2019 4:21AMDante: Dante will follow intently. March 02, 2019 4:21AMJustin: ((How old is marcella?))
March 02, 2019 4:21AMDante: ((legal))
March 02, 2019 4:21AMJustin: ((Damnit Dante.))
March 02, 2019 4:21AMGM (GM): He pushes the 20th floor button, and we go down to enter what looks like a hospital ward with a bunch of MRI looking machines. Like the big coffins etc
Justin, roll like, your diagnostic rote
March 02, 2019 4:21AMJustin: $1
rolling 8d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 02, 2019 4:22AMEve K.: ((legal age of consent in Germany is 14 soooooo...))
March 02, 2019 4:22AMJustin: ((lllegalll....))
March 02, 2019 4:23AMJessica: ((oh gosh))
March 02, 2019 4:24AMGM (GM): Justin, you can't tell. You're not seeing anything. She looks to mundane senses to be a bit older than you, she has a good bit of make up on.
March 02, 2019 4:25AMJustin: Justin sits and watches the others walk by, not at all interested in paying any more attention in Cubic as he sits around with Marcella. March 02, 2019 4:26AMJessica: Pauses briefly as we pass Justin, but follows the group March 02, 2019 4:26AMLeopold Cubic: Cubic stops by one of the MRI coffins, and the machine seems to have a receptacle slot, about the size of a mail box "Julius maintains all this, but I know enough about how to use it. Place the bottle into that slot, and do whatever you do to allow the release. The bottle will get crushed inside the machine, and it will print him a new body."
March 02, 2019 4:29AMJessica: Whispers: "Wow."
Eve K. blinks several times, her normally calm expression now a mix of awe and slight unease. She looks at the device, head tilting to the left
March 02, 2019 4:30AMLeopold Cubic: "It's his first time. And things can get rough on the first time, so there is a... adjustment period."
March 02, 2019 4:30AMDante: Dante looks on with an incredulous stare. The idea seems completely impossible to him, having no understanding of the arcana outside his own. Eve K. looks at Dante and Kurtis, both to see their reactions and to get a final nod from them
March 02, 2019 4:32AMGM (GM): Another MRI machine opens on the other end of the laboratory ward, the bed slides out, and a man stands up, heading over to the changing room, and taking one of the gray suits from the hangers.
March 02, 2019 4:32AMDante: Dante catches Eve's look and nods with a confused shrug like "I mean I guess, sure?" March 02, 2019 4:33AMKurtis Kerner: "I am entirely over my comfort level here. Do you just.... make new people here?"
March 02, 2019 4:34AMLeopold Cubic: "I wish. I don't think such a power is within even your species grasp yet. We make bodies. Temporary. They last a day before they have to be remade. Things like this, among others, is why we require continuous flow of energy from your kind. It's extremely costly."
March 02, 2019 4:34AMJessica: "Is he going to be a grey suit?"
March 02, 2019 4:35AMLeopold Cubic: "What do you mean, young Jessica?"
"Is he going to wear a grey suit? Yes."
March 02, 2019 4:35AMJessica: "Is he going to be Hans again or do your recycles just become those elevator people?"
March 02, 2019 4:36AMLeopold Cubic: "Elevator people?" - he looks appalled at the question
March 02, 2019 4:36AMDante: Dante clears his throat "What Justin said in his anger was true. Those .. people are not people. They're missing something crucial that makes a person, a person."
March 02, 2019 4:36AMLeopold Cubic: Then he suddenly gets it and laughs, as if he never thought of it from your perspective, and just now realized you don't know the simplest thing that he is long accustomed to March 02, 2019 4:37AMEve K.: "It will put Hans' soul in a temporary body. Hans IS his soul, so wherever his soul is put, that is where he is."
March 02, 2019 4:38AMLeopold Cubic: "The suits help them adjust and not fall apart. It's far from perfect. First time is hard. Some adjust, some do not."
March 02, 2019 4:39AMJessica: She swallows hard and fidgets, staring at the machine. The idea is uncomfortable for her.
March 02, 2019 4:40AMKurtis Kerner: "Look, look. Leopold. We know a thing or two. The secret mutant theory theorizes the following: it takes a body, a soul, and a mind - to make a whole person. You make the body, we got the soul. Are you saying the suit is the mind?"
March 02, 2019 4:41AMLeopold Cubic: "If you're interested in the science of it, you fellows should stick around til next monday. Julius will come back and he can explain."
March 02, 2019 4:45AMEve K.: "This is actually a very humane way to do this... most... Moros who deal with souls would just...
takes a deep breath remove someone elses soul from a living body and replace it with the wanted soul...
March 02, 2019 4:45AMLeopold Cubic: "Rest assured that nobody goes through this against their will. When Hans is ready to move on to the great beyond, he can."
"The problem is that it takes a tremendous amount of energy, which is why I will have to ask you to make a donation right away, and then you fellows can have your Loquimorscope, and a little bonus from me."
Eve K. "May I watch the process with my magic sight?" waits for the answer and then places the Hans bottle in the receptacle an peels off the wax, uncorking the bottle before closing the receptacle.
March 02, 2019 4:48AMDante: "I would also seek that permission if it were possible."
March 02, 2019 4:48AMLeopold Cubic: "With the stipulation that you will not gaze upon me at peril of immediate death to yourself. Agreed? I do not wish my soul to be examined."
"Nor my mind, respectively."
Eve K. Nods emphatically "Agreed"
March 02, 2019 4:48AMJessica: I wanna try fate sight
March 02, 2019 4:48AMKurtis Kerner: "Well, hell, can I watch it with my sight too?"
March 02, 2019 4:49AMDante: "I would like to examine the grey suits as part of this process."
March 02, 2019 4:49AMLeopold Cubic: "What kind of sight is that, Kurtis?"
March 02, 2019 4:49AMKurtis Kerner: "I don't think you'd understand. Magic sight. It would show me what all magic is involved."
March 02, 2019 4:50AMJessica: "I'd like to watch his Fate?"
March 02, 2019 4:50AMLeopold Cubic: "Absolutely not, Kurtis. This technology is proprietary."
Eve K. focuses only on the receptical and the wine bottle pulling up Supernal vision and then death sight...
March 02, 2019 4:50AMEve K.: (Supernal vision first)
rolling 10d10>8!
= 7 Successes
March 02, 2019 4:51AMDante: "So the grey suits are off limits or no?"
March 02, 2019 4:51AMGM (GM): He does not authorize supernal vision. Want that roll to be for death sight?
March 02, 2019 4:51AMEve K.: ...Sure.
March 02, 2019 4:51AMGM (GM): ok
March 02, 2019 4:52AMLeopold Cubic: "You may examine the grey suits."
March 02, 2019 4:52AMJessica: ((okay on the fate sight?))
((I don't want to ded))
March 02, 2019 4:52AMLeopold Cubic: "You may look at only Hans' Fate. Do not gaze upon mine at the peril of immediate death."
March 02, 2019 4:53AMDante: Dante hyper-focuses on the grey suits, paying respect to the 'on pain of death' style stipulation, and brings up his Third Eye. rolling 9d10>8!
= 4 Successes
March 02, 2019 4:53AMLeopold Cubic: As Cubic grants permissions, you all literally feel the building itself shift its defenses, responding to his voice March 02, 2019 4:54AMJessica: Jessica nods. "Not sure I can tune in anyway." She lets her eyes unfocus the way she does when she's trying to look at her interconnections spell. Impromptu Sybils Sight
March 02, 2019 4:54AMLeopold Cubic: Leopold puts his hand on a panel and authorizes the operation March 02, 2019 4:54AMJessica: rolling 4d10>8!
= 1 Success
March 02, 2019 4:57AMGM (GM): First, the soul bottle inside gets crushed. Eve, you feel the ghost being released, pulled from the twilight, as if cast by.... no, this... this is not any kind of power that a single practitioner could cast. This machine stores the power of a lengthy ritual. It summons the ghost back from twilight, manifests it through some form of ectoplasm, and converts it into a living soul using some alchemy, some version of a protoplasm.
Then, something chemical and Life-related happens. Justin is not here to watch that part.
Now, Dante's sight comes in.
A separate module in the machine interfaces with the remnant of the protoplasm and appears to receive data from it, as well as from Cubic's own mind. It appears to apply a powerful effect, but you do not dare to gaze at Cubic. It's more likely breaching his vault of memory to gain his memories of how he remembered Hans.
March 02, 2019 4:59AMGM (GM): The module prints out a business card and a name tag.
Hans Ehnske, Executive Manager, Entertainment and Logistics Division, CDTC
This name tag appears to be a temporary, hyperconcentrated mind. That's right, Dante, you witness a raw creation of an artificial intelligence. Not digital. But analog. It seems to be a copy of something.
Then Dante, you examine the suit on the hanger. The suit has a mind component to it, similar to the imago stored in your language translation spells. It's like the suit acts as a translator conduit between the three.
Now Jessica.
March 02, 2019 5:01AMJessica: Jessica pulls the original out of her pocket (pretty sure it wasn't destroyed when he was summoned)
March 02, 2019 5:02AMGM (GM): With your sight you feel that interconnection between yourself and the business card in your pocket. A faint little golden line connecting your gnosis to Hans.
When the new business card and name tag prints, something roars, hisses, and whirrs inside the machine, and the business card in your hand shatters its magical connection. You are now free. No longer sharing any mystical connection to Hans's fate. The geas had been cleansed.
You hold a regular piece of paper now.
March 02, 2019 5:04AMJessica: Jessica jolts as the connection severs
March 02, 2019 5:04AMGM (GM): Oddly enough, you're still a mage.
Also, you feel a stronger presence of the Lunargent Thorn tower, as your face burns! Your tattoo charge is refreshed!
March 02, 2019 5:05AMJessica: Nice
March 02, 2019 5:06AMGM (GM): Jessica, you have completed your personal quest. Gain 10 xp.
March 02, 2019 5:06AMJessica: ((!))
March 02, 2019 5:06AMEve K.: ((Glinda: You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power to go back to Kansas))
March 02, 2019 5:06AMJessica: ((fuck yeah))
March 02, 2019 5:07AMGM (GM): You won't glean anything else from the process, and Cubic asks you to come back upstairs and let Hans rest now. He will need to undergo a complicated adjustment and recovery process with supervision of CDTC still living staff
Eve K. turns off death sight
March 02, 2019 5:08AMDante: Hesitant, Dante will dismiss his sight and take his attention from the suits. He will carry on with the group. March 02, 2019 5:08AMGM (GM): Dante, you understand that Create Mind is possible.
March 02, 2019 5:08AMDante: ((jumping jesus))
March 02, 2019 5:08AMJessica: Jessica tunes back to normal
March 02, 2019 5:09AMEve K.: ((also... "i'm making a man with blonde hair and a tan"))
March 02, 2019 5:09AMGM (GM): Back at the upstairs office.
Justin, did you try to chat up any more Marcella?
March 02, 2019 5:09AMJustin: Yeah.
March 02, 2019 5:09AMEve K.: ((Marcella is force feeding Justin tea and biscuits))
March 02, 2019 5:09AMGM (GM): Ok, let's hear it
March 02, 2019 5:10AMJustin: Glean what he can about their family and friends, business. He shows Marcella how to create and throw a perfect paper airplane.
March 02, 2019 5:11AMEve K.: ((
steve Irwin voice "Cricky, lets observe this rarely seen Mormon mating ritual"))
March 02, 2019 5:11AMMarcella Cubic: Justin go ahead and make a.... presence + socialize roll
March 02, 2019 5:11AMJessica: ((lol))
March 02, 2019 5:11AMJustin: rolling 4d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 02, 2019 5:12AMMarcella Cubic: Ok, you manage to break her nervousness ice and become a little familiar
You get her to laugh and play with paper planes, which distracts her from all the contracts she has to mail
She talks about Leopold being an exception in a group of mages who refused to make a cabal, but stayed friends across time and distance.
They visit each other on semi regular basis and expand their network
It all started with 7 guys and 5 girls going on an ocean boating trip off the coast of Denmark. Their boat got into a storm and all the guys sank, except Leopold
Those who sank, the 11 of them, encountered something weird in the deep
March 02, 2019 5:16AMMarcella Cubic: They all emerged with weird abilities
March 02, 2019 5:16AMDante: ((Marcella gonna lose her feet for all that personal information about her dad))
March 02, 2019 5:16AMJustin: ((What's that 80's movie where all those old people get super powers?))
March 02, 2019 5:17AMMarcella Cubic: Leopold had to fish them out unconscious from the water. He dragged 11 people back on the remainder of the boat and saved their lives.
March 02, 2019 5:17AMJessica: ((Gilligan's Island))
March 02, 2019 5:17AMJustin: ((https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocoon_(film)))
March 02, 2019 5:17AMDante: ((Ya thought you might be talking about Cocoon. Haven't seen that in forever))
March 02, 2019 5:18AMJessica: ((good god he must have been in great shape))
March 02, 2019 5:18AMMarcella Cubic: Eventually they got rescued and were loyal friends to Leo ever since
March 02, 2019 5:18AMEve K.: (awww)
March 02, 2019 5:18AMMarcella Cubic: as each of them became successful in their business ventures across europe, they all never forgot Leo
Of them all, Leo was the shrewd one, the social engineer, the clever one
And they started building something together, a partnership
She doesn't know anything else.
But none of her blood related family are special people.
The original 11, started recruiting more. They talent hunted and fished out more special people
March 02, 2019 5:20AMMarcella Cubic: Until this company started receiving about a 100. Not permanent workers, but irregular visitors, just patching up this or that.
March 02, 2019 5:21AMDante: ((suddenly she knew more))
March 02, 2019 5:21AMJessica: ((she plugged a differetn foot in))
March 02, 2019 5:21AMMarcella Cubic: This is more what you can kind of surmise
March 02, 2019 5:21AMDante: ((lmfao))
March 02, 2019 5:21AMMarcella Cubic: How could I describe this.
She doesn't actually know what you know she knows.
Like, you ask the right questions and she doesn't know she's giving you answers
March 02, 2019 5:22AMJessica: ((she sort of knows facts without connecting dots?))
March 02, 2019 5:22AMJustin: That makes sense.
March 02, 2019 5:22AMMarcella Cubic: She thinks like, oh and then they sat in the office for a while with that one guy
what you hear: and then they casted a ritual
Her narrative is disjointed, hard to piece together, and she is easily distracted.
And let me make a little roll here for something.
March 02, 2019 5:23AMEve K.: ((as evidence by paper airplanes made out of contracts she's suppose be sending out))
March 02, 2019 5:23AMMarcella Cubic: rolling 6d10>8!
= 1 Success
all good
March 02, 2019 5:24AMEve K.: ((you are now pregnant))
March 02, 2019 5:24AMJessica: ((lolol))
March 02, 2019 5:24AMJustin: ((That is how this works, yes.))
March 02, 2019 5:24AMJessica: ((justin, you're part of the family!)
March 02, 2019 5:24AMGM (GM): When the grown ups come in, Marcella jumps and gets back to work.
March 02, 2019 5:24AMEve K.: ((lololol "the grown ups"))
March 02, 2019 5:26AMJustin: Justin unfolds a paper airplane with a conspiratorial wink to Marcella as the others walk in. March 02, 2019 5:26AMLeopold Cubic: "Now, I have my side of the bargain ready and prepared. Would you please now open your energy stores, however you people do that. The office will help you, all you have to do is respond "I grant the donation".
March 02, 2019 5:27AMJessica: "I have a question first."
March 02, 2019 5:27AMLeopold Cubic: "Yes, dear?"
March 02, 2019 5:27AMDante: ((all to donation, no anesthetic!))
March 02, 2019 5:28AMJessica: "I didn't agree to the mana deal. I was Locked in a room." She swallows, loses some of her color. Seems like she's been working up to this. She's having trouble looking directly at him.
March 02, 2019 5:28AMLeopold Cubic: "Well you can now. You know what your energy will be used for."
"It is certainly welcomed."
March 02, 2019 5:28AMEve K.: ((Ha!))
((no escape for you!))
March 02, 2019 5:29AMLeopold Cubic: "You can generate this energy from the world around you, and this facility cannot."
March 02, 2019 5:30AMDante: ((just out of curiosity, how much mana do you have?))
March 02, 2019 5:30AMJessica: "When I tried to call my parents they didn't answer. When I tried to call my Uncle Charlie he heard something other than what I was saying to him. I thought maybe you did something to my phone. But then I got brought in to the police. And they couldn't--" She takes a breath. "They couldn't phone them either. And I-I got your guy back. So I think I deserve to know. What happened to my parents?" She takes her phone out of her pocket and sets it on his desk. It's had no new messages since she disappeared. Hasn't rung. Just existed there in her pocket. And that was wrong.
March 02, 2019 5:31AMEve K.: ((wow... I have... 4))
March 02, 2019 5:31AMDante: ((8 here. This hurts))
March 02, 2019 5:32AMLeopold Cubic: "My dear child, I would not have the slightest idea about what happened there. It may have been related to the attack on you and Hans?"
"But I would be happy to provide you with a ride."
"And the extra bonus I'm giving all of you? Each of you - I arranged a new european passport. So you can travel incognito under new names."
March 02, 2019 5:34AMDante: Dante shifts his weight to one side, arms slack and hands digging at his pockets. He listens quietly to the exchange between Jessica and Leopold. March 02, 2019 5:35AMJessica: She shakes her head. "You were the one who fucked with my phone call. They had no reason to think my parents had anything to do with Hans. You were the one who wanted to keep me secret and locked up. Justin is right, you don't discriminate who gets their souls fucked by those speakers. Why should I believe you?" She's shaking.
Eve K. 's lips draw into a tight line as she listens to Jessica and Cubic's exchange, her expression becomes blank as she remembers the loss of her own parents, her gaze a thousand miles away now
March 02, 2019 5:36AMLeopold Cubic: shakes his head and sighs "You shouldn't."
March 02, 2019 5:42AMJessica: Jessica balls her fists until her knuckles turn white. She's shaking but unlike Justin she has more self-preservation than rage. Her rage is impotent. Has no outlet. She doesn't think anything she does here will end well, can't summon enough to overcome her fear of what happens if she acts on it. "Fuck you." She wipes at her tears and leaves his office with her phone, heading for the elevator.
March 02, 2019 5:43AMLeopold Cubic: "Well that's unfortunate. Now she can't have a new passport. Everyone else shall honor the bargain?"
Eve K. blinks back to the present after a moment. She murmurs without inflection or emotion "I grant the donation"
March 02, 2019 5:45AMKurtis Kerner: "Fuck it. I grant the donation." - the building hums and Kurtis and Eve are at 0 mana.
March 02, 2019 5:45AMJustin: ((This is happening in the office right?))
March 02, 2019 5:45AMKurtis Kerner: ((yes))
March 02, 2019 5:46AMEve K.: ((well except for the part where Jessica storms out of the office crying as she heads to the elevator...))
March 02, 2019 5:46AMJustin: ((word))
March 02, 2019 5:47AMDante: Dante watches Jessica head off, then looks back to Cubic with a scrutinizing gaze. "I grant the donation," he says with a moment of hesitation.*
March 02, 2019 5:47AMGM (GM): Dante At 0 mana
March 02, 2019 5:48AMJustin: Justin continues to chat up and distract Marcella, asking about favorite tea and other mundane stuff, having exhausted all of the dirt digging. March 02, 2019 5:48AMLeopold Cubic: Leopold is printing out some technical documentation. "Young man? You asked me to tell you when. Now is the time."
March 02, 2019 5:49AMJustin: ((Is that on a fax?))
March 02, 2019 5:49AMLeopold Cubic: ((on a printer))
March 02, 2019 5:49AMJessica: ((printing press))
March 02, 2019 5:49AMJustin: Justin looks at the elevator and then back at the office door, he steps into the office. "How do I give you my remaining mana?"
March 02, 2019 5:50AMLeopold Cubic: "Simply say 'I grant the donation'"
March 02, 2019 5:50AMJustin: "I grant the donation."
March 02, 2019 5:50AMLeopold Cubic: The building hums, and only Justin knows that nothing flew out
"Thank you."
turns the paper to you
March 02, 2019 5:51AMJustin: Justin picks up the paper and takes a look at it. March 02, 2019 5:51AMGM (GM): Everyone please open up the Loquimorscope character icon and read technical description.
This is what you were handed.
each of you has a copy of it
March 02, 2019 5:52AMJustin: "I'm about to go chase after Jessica. Is everyone else good here?"
Justin looks around.
March 02, 2019 5:52AMLeopold Cubic: "Loquimorscope #19 Watchful Friend activate. Authorize all present. Function 6 unlock."
March 02, 2019 5:52AMJustin: He folds the paper and places it in his back pocket. March 02, 2019 5:53AMKurtis Kerner: "Can't wait to get out of here."
March 02, 2019 5:53AMGM (GM): The silver object shines and buzzes and whoever has it can feel the pleasant warmth radiating from it.
Everyone learn the stuff by next session and ask questions when you have them. This is completely home cooked brew
March 02, 2019 5:54AMDante: Dante takes the paper and folds it crossways twice, then tucks it into his shirt next to the phone number of Hanna and Elda, finger lingering there just a moment. ((well then))
March 02, 2019 5:54AMGM (GM): 3 xp everyone, jess 10 on top, ni night
March 02, 2019 5:55AMJustin: Gonna get that bitch's numbah.
March 02, 2019 5:55AMDante: lmao
more like gonna lose that numbah coz it aint gonna happen
March 02, 2019 5:55AMJessica: ((git her done))
March 02, 2019 5:55AMJustin: She wants some of that wholesome dik.
March 02, 2019 5:56AMDante: that dyiuk
March 02, 2019 5:56AMJessica: ((she wants those italian noodles))
March 02, 2019 5:56AMDante: lmao
March 02, 2019 5:56AMEve K.: lol
March 02, 2019 5:56AMDante: the nickname for Dante's tentacle arms
March 02, 2019 5:56AMJustin: Married missionary for the sole purpose of reproduction.
March 02, 2019 5:56AMJessica: *in the dark
March 02, 2019 5:56AMJustin: Dam girl you kinky.
I am way too tired.
March 02, 2019 5:57AMDante: yea
March 02, 2019 5:57AMJessica: night
March 02, 2019 5:57AMDante: night all
March 02, 2019 5:57AMEve K.: night
March 08, 2019 10:35PMGM (GM): Brekekekeks
Guys, please discuss how you want the LQS configured
Also, Leopold tells you that if you give him the name of the terrorist leader and location, he will agree to shut down Diana's LQ-scopes, so that they lose the capabilities they currently enjoy.
March 08, 2019 10:42PMJessica: hm. How bad do we want to clear that hallow ourselves?
March 08, 2019 10:43PMGM (GM): Depends on what you mean by "clear that hallow"
Like, if you mean fall on our face, eat shit and die, that's pretty likely we'll succeed
March 08, 2019 10:43PMJessica: well we originally didn't want to give cubic the hallow. i assumed it was because we wanted it
March 08, 2019 10:44PMGM (GM): All those question marks leading to DJ Merlin are mages. Big squares are team leaders of Slabod level
March 08, 2019 10:45PMJessica: yeah but we'll be able to better deal with them as we go
even if they level up with us, the lethality of our spells is gonna go up a little while theirs levels off
March 08, 2019 10:45PMGM (GM): I mean, if the esteemed companions lift my ban on fireballs.
March 08, 2019 10:45PMJessica: us newbs can't do lethal spells yet, they already have access to them and will have diminishing returns unless i understand it wrong
March 08, 2019 10:46PMGM (GM): Yeah i would say you understand that a teensy bit wrong
They at this point buy rotes
which ups their dice pools
March 08, 2019 10:47PMJessica: yeah but how much does it help to have 4 versions of fireball?
March 08, 2019 10:47PMGM (GM): depends on what they are
if it's gnosis 5 + forces 5, sure, that's a 10 dice pool
but if it's int 5 + athletics 4 + forces 5, thats 14
March 08, 2019 10:48PMJessica: yes but i'm assuming they already have a 14 dice spell
March 08, 2019 10:48PMGM (GM): plus, these guys dont cast fireball, they're brawlers
they study spells that make them superstrong
March 08, 2019 10:48PMJessica: what does it benefit them to have another that essentially just still does damagae?
it still amounts to x damage
March 08, 2019 10:49PMGM (GM): well those are really broad general assumptions on a very broad topic
for example they could learn to give themselves 5 points of armor
Ivan could buy gnosis 4
Egor could max out his Life to 5
Slabod could buy Forces 3
and 3 is powerful shit
March 08, 2019 10:50PMGM (GM): 3 is where you can change one thing into another
March 08, 2019 10:50PMJessica: that's kinda what i was getting at
me and lucas buying 3 or 4 at something is going to be a bigger jump than them buying a rote in some situations
cause it just expands things for us more comparatively
so like for the same xp we are getting more mileage
March 08, 2019 10:53PMGM (GM): that's completely not true XD
They have to unlock rotes just like you
They learn like you
They didnt know they can do some tricks, just like you
Once they learn them, they will have a greater arsenal
and their arcana are also not as high
March 08, 2019 10:57PMJustin: He already agreed to turn off Diana's shit when we agreed to figure out what happened to his dude.
Maybe not.
Yeah, nevermind.
He said he couldn't turn off their LQmiscopes.
March 08, 2019 11:06PMGM (GM): He actually can, that was what he originally offered in return for figuring out the identity of Hans's killer. He also explained that he would be severing a tie with a business partner, because he'd be effectively siding with our group on this matter. Now, however, he feels like we're withdrawing information and making a point. Now that he learned that there is a boss, he considers that boss, who ordered the death of Hans - the actual killer. It's pretty common sense stuff. If he feels we're partially delivering, he is partially delivering.
The real picture is he probably can't afford having two powerful enemies. If he's gonna have to oppose Diana, he needs to wrap up the terrorist business.
He's simply not that stupid to let that kind of threat hang.
March 08, 2019 11:09PMJustin: I don't particularly care about him knowing about the DJ.
Someone who cares more feel free to voice opinions.
March 08, 2019 11:10PMJessica: nobody wanted to try to kill merlin so i think that should probably settle it
let Grandpa Leo off them
we can't use it while they're alive
March 08, 2019 11:16PMGM (GM): What do you mean? Can't use what?
March 08, 2019 11:16PMJessica: the hallow
March 08, 2019 11:16PMGM (GM): Oh god, if we get rid of Merlin?
It all depends. Killing him off may or may not kill the hallow itself eventually. If his awesome music is what keeps people rolling in and charging the thing
But yeah
March 08, 2019 11:18PMJessica: hm
March 08, 2019 11:18PMGM (GM): We should probably look for a Hallow in Leipzig. Somehow a trip to Berlin again doesnt sound like a good idea, considering Merlin's people looking for us
March 08, 2019 11:18PMLucas: I am her
March 08, 2019 11:18PMGM (GM): Welcome, she!
March 08, 2019 11:18PMJessica: welcome, she
Dante are you even awake?
March 08, 2019 11:18PMLucas: Hurr durr
I am tired
March 08, 2019 11:18PMGM (GM): Also, read over LQ functions. If Cubic turns off Diana's LQs, a lot of these functions will be useless
March 08, 2019 11:19PMJessica: how was first shift at nambu?
March 08, 2019 11:19PMLucas: Good
A little outside my experience, but not that far
March 08, 2019 11:19PMJessica: I feel like I can't contribute much to the LQ conversation 'cause i'm not there ic
also Eve is sort of our elected decision maker
March 08, 2019 11:20PMLucas: I took Benadryl, so I might not be here long
March 08, 2019 11:20PMGM (GM): it's a lot of pressure to put all decisions on one player
one player can make mistakes
March 08, 2019 11:20PMJessica: you're gonna end up dropping out if you miss too many sessions cause you're not gonna want to catch up
March 08, 2019 11:20PMGM (GM): if no one contributes, Kurtis will
March 08, 2019 11:21PMLucas: I don't wanna drop out. Technically I'm only 1 behind
Things aren't looking good though. Now I have 2 weekend jobs
March 08, 2019 11:22PMJessica: we can talk about that in fb chat i guess
March 08, 2019 11:22PMJustin: We don't really have a lot of things to consider when it comes to the LQmiscope.
Like, code 5 let's us know of any "awakened activity" that happens between us and any of the towers.
March 08, 2019 11:22PMJessica: anyways.
March 08, 2019 11:22PMGM (GM): So, to put it plainly, Loquimorscopes are exactly what their latin names presume: they are speaker-watchers
They are meant to be used between friends.
March 08, 2019 11:22PMJustin: So do we turn that on or off? I feel like that's the only decision.
March 08, 2019 11:22PMJessica: i guess the big question is does it tip Diana off too much to have her scopes shut down
March 08, 2019 11:22PMJessica: and does it help her too much if they don't
we can't teleport and shit like that
March 08, 2019 11:23PMGM (GM): They let you cast on each other remotely at -2, as if intimate friends, and they mask these spells, and any communication.
March 08, 2019 11:23PMJustin: But we don't really have an each other.
March 08, 2019 11:23PMGM (GM): Well, he's also giving you options to pretend to be SImon Lamprey
March 08, 2019 11:23PMJustin: The only one who can cast on them is Dante.
March 08, 2019 11:24PMGM (GM): to make your LQ read like Lamprey still has it
March 08, 2019 11:24PMLucas: My suggestion is to leave it active until just before we strike. That way we get maximum time to gather Intel, and then they're blinded for the attack
March 08, 2019 11:24PMJustin: Simon suddenly has all 10 arcana and 6 people surrounding him?
March 08, 2019 11:24PMJessica: i don't think we can do much intel gathering with them
that's a lot of risk
March 08, 2019 11:25PMGM (GM): Good point. Match his arcana by stepping outside 10 feet from the users
10 yards
March 08, 2019 11:25PMJustin: We won't though. Justin has Spirit, which Simon + Scav did not. Nobody else has life.
We can't match his arcana.
March 08, 2019 11:25PMGM (GM): You absolutely can do a lot of intel gathering
Actually, you dont know what arcana Simon and Scav had. You know what they for sure had, but you have no way to tell what they have that they didnt use
Plus, we can tell a lie
Say Simon is in his lab with some captive mages
March 08, 2019 11:27PMLucas: Guys. Get me a great job that let's me have weekends off
March 08, 2019 11:27PMGM (GM): I mean if I was Diana's cabal, i'd keep a prison cell full of mages just to power my LQ scopes
or employ lesser recruits as underlings
March 08, 2019 11:28PMJustin: But isn't Diana fate?
Wouldn't she be able to really quickly know if one or two of her friends were dead?
March 08, 2019 11:29PMGM (GM): Do you have any concrete reasoning for that?
March 08, 2019 11:29PMJustin: She's using the most powerful fate artifact any of us have ever heard of.
March 08, 2019 11:29PMGM (GM): That's a fact, yes.
Cubic is running one of the most powerful magical corporations in Germany, and he's no mage
March 08, 2019 11:30PMJustin: Yeah, but he knew when one of his people died even without magery.
March 08, 2019 11:31PMGM (GM): Well, if we can come up with a convincing lie, and maybe ask Leopold if he can solve the fate vision issue for us? After all his company deals in fate-like things. Maybe he could cloud us from the Cabal's fate sight?
We don't know what Simon's LQscope reported when he got DivineRetributioned
March 08, 2019 11:32PMJustin: It's an idea, but he did just hold out on one of the things he actively agreed to as a part of our deal. He's obviously not a trustworthy businessman.
March 08, 2019 11:33PMGM (GM): We held out too. If we keep cards open, it's reasonable to suppose he is more amicable.
We could also try some other angles.
We could try to contact Remington and get on Diana's financial side of things. Or seek additional allies. We could make a deal with Merlin, see if he can help? If nothing else, guy seems to deal in wards and finding things.
March 08, 2019 11:34PMJustin: We delivered what was asked + his dead employee's soul so he could not lose that asset. We got back less than what he promised and -some- paperwork that we could have dante'd our way through needing.
Like, not even enough paperwork for a whole party.
Because a character who -never agreed- to donate mana didn't donate mana.
March 08, 2019 11:36PMGM (GM): Cubic disagrees based on the story he was told. From his stand point, we turned in identities of a few pawns.
March 08, 2019 11:36PMJustin: Hans Ehnske > Passports
March 08, 2019 11:37PMGM (GM): Oh it was not because she did not donate mana, it's because she behaved abrasively.
He can be pressed on the point though.
March 08, 2019 11:39PMJessica: so options seem to be turning off diana's lq or pretending to be simon
i don't know if we can pull that off
does anyone in the group know him enough to pull that off?
March 08, 2019 11:40PMGM (GM): By the way, I'm not at all advising to trust Leopold, I'm just relaying what he's able to do. He can turn off the devices for Diana, disabling their arcane detection perimeter, which is a biggy
I think Justin was closest with Simon in terms of beef
March 08, 2019 11:40PMDante: No one knew Simon in a way that would allow for mimicking him to someone with an intimate connection.
Speaking of connections, if Diana hasn't heard from Simon by now, I assume she's already looked into his silence via magical means.
March 08, 2019 11:41PMGM (GM): We knew Simon as delicious mana sugar cubes
March 08, 2019 11:41PMDante: I doubt we'll spoof her
March 08, 2019 11:41PMJustin: Yeah.
March 08, 2019 11:41PMGM (GM): Okay, I'm gonna jump into character
March 08, 2019 11:41PMJessica: so i guess that leaves disabling the lq's
March 08, 2019 11:41PMKurtis Kerner: Yeah, that's reasonable assumption
We could peek at what the LQ link up looks like before asking Cubic to turn it off
March 08, 2019 11:45PMDante: Do we know what kind of modifications also were made to the LQ? Actually does Cubic? If anything I ask has already been asked let me know coz I can barely keep my eyes open.
March 08, 2019 11:46PMGM (GM): Do we need to reschedule?
March 08, 2019 11:46PMJessica: i was thinking the same
it's already almost 3
March 08, 2019 11:46PMDante: I mean yeah probably if you want to make a session out of this.
I told ya'll that I'm working every friday this month. Saturday is doable for me, but this is killing me.
March 08, 2019 11:47PMGM (GM): I wanted this discussion to kinda be in play by post or in chat, like, it's technical stuff.
March 08, 2019 11:47PMDante: Well we needed the session time slot to galvanize that discussion by the looks of it
March 08, 2019 11:47PMJustin: I can stay up for way longer if we want to discuss.
March 08, 2019 11:47PMGM (GM): Okay, so yes, Cubic knows what modifications they made.
March 08, 2019 11:47PMDante: but we're having it
March 08, 2019 11:47PMJustin: Like, you and I can hash it out and other people can sleep.
March 08, 2019 11:47PMGM (GM): So, here is what Cubic knows:
He's actually, gonna pull up a hologram
March 08, 2019 11:48PMDante: Never trust a man with a hologram
March 08, 2019 11:48PMGM (GM): Which, combined with your map and your GEM compass bottle, you can kinda see what's going on.
This is the map we drew in a hotel room in Rome
of where we predict the enemy towers are
we kinda suspect they're being imposing dicks and trying to mimic the greatness of the Oracles, by having their cabal also have 5 towers
March 08, 2019 11:50PMJustin: Makes sense.
March 08, 2019 11:50PMGM (GM): We also have a very fucked up COMPASS that Hannah gave Eve. This compass always points to the Gem of Kings, and uses the person's arcana to aid in giving information. A space mage uses it best, a time or forces mage can tell how fast the gem is moving, a matter mage can tell what the gem is touching, etc.
the compass works like this
it's the stupidest thing you could ever imagine, completely jury rigged either by amateurs or by geniuses who wanted to make this so obscure nobody could fuck with it
but so far it worked accurately
a vial of green liquid and a small silver-like ring
you drop the ring on your palm, you drip the liquid, and the drop will crawl over to the ring, pointing at the Gem direction
March 08, 2019 11:53PMGM (GM): wow i'm rehashing this for the new guys and they're all gone XD
March 08, 2019 11:53PMDante: To be fair I haven't heard this information in 10 years
March 08, 2019 11:54PMGM (GM): ok good to review then
March 08, 2019 11:54PMJustin: Haha
March 08, 2019 11:54PMGM (GM): each person is free to use the compass at any time, Eve will let you
and your arcana will aid additional information
When Anthony used it, he could sense that the gem is always in possession of a young female
March 08, 2019 11:55PMJustin: Makes sense.
I actually didn't realize it was dynamic.
March 08, 2019 11:55PMGM (GM): never once did we get that she lets go of it or anyone else holds it. Either nobody held it, or she did
March 08, 2019 11:55PMJustin: So this is useful.
March 08, 2019 11:55PMGM (GM): ok so i misspoke
sometimes she does let go of it
but nobody else holds it
when Robin held it, we knew where exactly on the map it was
when Tristin held it, we knew where it was going
and when it will arrive there
March 08, 2019 11:57PMJustin: uses spirit March 08, 2019 11:57PMGM (GM): Kurt's reads were kinda worthless. We knew what the weather was like where it was and thats about it
March 08, 2019 11:57PMJustin: "Is Shinto involved with this!?"
March 08, 2019 11:57PMGM (GM): Yeeeeeah you can't really control what you see XD
you'd see life and matter components
If Justin uses the compass, you'd know what its touching
March 08, 2019 11:58PMJustin: Makes sense.
March 09, 2019 12:00AMGM (GM): Now, what Cubic pulls up for us, whoever is in the room, or if yall decide to cool off and return, is this. He voice commands the system to display LQs 15-20, and dots pop up, with little building holograms
The blue line is us, in Leipzig
March 09, 2019 12:01AMJustin: Which of those is destroyed?
Didn't we destroy a couple?
March 09, 2019 12:01AMGM (GM): Red Lines are sabotaged connections
Green lines are active connections
March 09, 2019 12:02AMJustin: So the connections aren't necessarilly to LQmiscopes, but rather the towers?
March 09, 2019 12:02AMDante: The tower connections are to each other
I guess they must be using LQs for the linking, the way this looks
March 09, 2019 12:04AMGM (GM): He says that right now, LQ-19 is sort of offline, in "sleeping" mode. Out of rotation. But you're able to activate Function 5 to draw new, blue lines, to the 3 green towers, and you'll start getting pings on any lines between them that match your arcana. This includes spells. Not people. A hit - means an awakened activity. A person passing with a spell active counts. Just a person traveling, does not. A spell fired - counts. He says these lines are thin. They are one mana mote thin, however thin that is.
The connections ARE LQscopes, which clearly and obviously demonstrates that the cabal are keeping their LQscopes in towers now.
March 09, 2019 12:05AMJustin: LQ 18 was Forester right?
March 09, 2019 12:05AMGM (GM): That's right
March 09, 2019 12:05AMJustin: And 16 was Roselli.
Why is Amsterdam half-red?
March 09, 2019 12:06AMGM (GM): Reasonable conclusion
Ah, excellent question. Who you gonna ask?
March 09, 2019 12:06AMDante: ghostbusters
March 09, 2019 12:06AMGM (GM): XD
March 09, 2019 12:06AMJustin: Did the machine we busted have a slot for a LQmiscope?
March 09, 2019 12:07AMGM (GM): Kurtis was in amsterdam accompanied by vampire allies. He vaguely told people what he did there
Before he dropped in at Budapest, that's where he was.
The machine you busted in Forester's keep did have some kind of slot. We have seen a similar power core in Jason's castle
March 09, 2019 12:08AMJustin: So that must be what they're using to jailbreak the LQmiscopes.
March 09, 2019 12:09AMGM (GM): These panels were the controls of the core
Anthony pushed one of the buttons and the castle exploded
Problem is, we didnt see which one
But we are pretty sure that the first 4 buttons stand for Forester, Owl, Diamond Priest, and Sav
We were trying to figure out if one of the lower buttons is Diana's tower.
March 09, 2019 12:10AMGM (GM): But Scavenger was on a button, and we were not sure he had a tower, he was a bodyguard guy
March 09, 2019 12:10AMJustin: Right.
March 09, 2019 12:10AMGM (GM): And there was no LQ scope on his dead body
March 09, 2019 12:10AMJustin: Seems odd.
March 09, 2019 12:10AMGM (GM): Which means his LQ scope is probably in Amsterdam
Or in France
March 09, 2019 12:13AMDante: I'm gonna go ahead and go with he pushed the ominous fucking skull button and that is what blew it up.
March 09, 2019 12:13AMGM (GM): We know that Forester was the steward of Budapest tower, and Roselli of Rome tower, Kurtis never met the owner of Amsterdam tower. All he mentioned was that he scaled the wall and did a basic cat burgler alarm disabling, so that the vampires could steal something. The tower was medieval looking and disabled all ground or flying technology transport around it, so the helicopter couldnt get through, which is why they needed Kurtis, cause he's the only person with low gnosis they knew who can fly past its defenses. So he dove off the ledge, and flew to the chopper, under heavy fire. He didn't mention more and nobody pried.
(Anthony couldn't fly yet, when he did, his mind got lost in the animal aspect of the brain lmao)
The sabotage supposedly disabled some detection lines and allowed the Rumored Five to squeeze through from the US.
But from the hologram you see, it looks like the damage is.... partially repaired?
What does the red-green blinking mean? - we ask Cubic
and Cubic says
March 09, 2019 12:17AMLeopold Cubic: "I have never seen anything like it. Some devilry is what it means. It should be either red or green."
March 09, 2019 12:18AMJustin: haha
So they had 6 lqmiscopes?
I thought they only had 5.
March 09, 2019 12:19AMGM (GM): He says he's going to have to ask Julius to look into it. Leopold himself operates based on technical manuals his mages produce for him. All technology here responds to his voice and ties into his head, but he has little concern with how it works.
Well there are 6 of them that we know of.
Diana, Jason, Levi, Robert, Simon, and Scavenger
March 09, 2019 12:20AMJustin: Scavenger would be Martin.
March 09, 2019 12:20AMGM (GM): Good memory!
Martin + friends
March 09, 2019 12:20AMJustin: Right.
March 09, 2019 12:21AMGM (GM): shudder March 09, 2019 12:21AMJustin: But yeah, couldn't forget Simon's last words.
Do we know where the Gem was the last time we checked?
March 09, 2019 12:24AMGM (GM): Simon's last words: "I'm dead. Why do you expect me to follow your logic?"
Followed by a lot of screaming
March 09, 2019 12:24AMJustin: That was his ghost's last words.
His last words were calling out for Simon.
there was probably a twisted altar-boy relationship messed up in there.
Because Martin was important enough for him to reach out to for comfort.
March 09, 2019 12:25AMGM (GM): "Martin, help me! Help me! Martin, get up!! Get.... up..." - as he starts to collapse next to Scavenger's rotting corpse
March 09, 2019 12:25AMDante: no sad face, he lives on in half of us
March 09, 2019 12:26AMGM (GM): Nope, he lives on in Cubic's mana draining building
March 09, 2019 12:26AMDante: oh riiiight
I'm sure that's comfortable.
March 09, 2019 12:26AMGM (GM): He was a dirty man but his mana was pure
So, Justin, you can check the compass now
March 09, 2019 12:26AMDante: When your pattern is scoured clean, so too shall you be cleansed of your transgressions
March 09, 2019 12:27AMGM (GM): And it will point to.... North East, and it's in the hands of a young very healthy female
March 09, 2019 12:27AMJustin: self-flagellation intensifies So Diana is LQ-15.
March 09, 2019 12:27AMGM (GM): A reasonable conclusion
March 09, 2019 12:28AMJustin: And Martin was LQ17. Night Owl was probably LQ-20.
LQ-17 is probably docked...
I kinda want to go out there.
That place has no owners.
Unless FOrester or Roselli or both set up shop there.
March 09, 2019 12:29AMJustin: If we pretend to be Simon we could set up shop in his old tower.
March 09, 2019 12:29AMKurtis Kerner: Okay, I actually have something to contribute to this, - says Kurtis
I know you guys didn't hear this, this was given to us in a dossier back in New Haven
March 09, 2019 12:29AMDante: Making a huge and dangerous logical leap with being able to pretend to be Simon
March 09, 2019 12:30AMKurtis Kerner: But when they were showing us slides, they said that Castle Roselli belongs to Lord Roselli, Diana's right hand man.
So he is her most trusted.
March 09, 2019 12:30AMDante: Do we have reason to think that they just never meet in person on a whim? Having LQs means instantaneous translocation
March 09, 2019 12:30AMKurtis Kerner: Now, look at the numbers, guys. Diana, 15. Roselli, 16.
The numbers COULD be in order of rank
March 09, 2019 12:31AMDante: Interesting
March 09, 2019 12:31AMKurtis Kerner: If we have the 19, Simon was probably ranking low. Only one beneath him. Could Scavenger have been 20?
Well they could also have captives manning the LQs.
Is this maybe why they have Nestors?
We know they do shapeshifting on involuntary subjects
Like, that part is confusing and I'm reaching, but the rank number thing's pretty solid
March 09, 2019 12:32AMJustin: Could we use Fate magic to maybe figure out the right way to impersonate Simon based on his sympathetic ties?
Rank is interesting, but why would Simon and Martin be 2 ranks apart.
March 09, 2019 12:33AMKurtis Kerner: Simon was a freakish unscrupulous sick priest. It makes sense for those two freaks to be low in ranking order, cause they're such loose cannons. Kind of, useful for their power, but not too trusted
March 09, 2019 12:33AMJustin: They were close.
March 09, 2019 12:33AMKurtis Kerner: Well. Unless Martin is 20.
And his LQ is docked in Amsterdam?
If the tower I sabotaged was Simon's all along
March 09, 2019 12:34AMJustin: Simon would want to be in a church though.
March 09, 2019 12:34AMKurtis Kerner: Hm. Well which one of those looks like a church to you?
Oh, the 17
Okay, that makes sense.
March 09, 2019 12:35AMJustin: Saint-Fargeau does, and it's named after a saint...
March 09, 2019 12:35AM (From Eve K.): I've finally gotten pasha to bed
March 09, 2019 12:36AMDante: Saint-Fargeau is a town
March 09, 2019 12:36AMKurtis Kerner: Hm, so if 17 is Scavenger...
March 09, 2019 12:36AM (To Eve K.): jesus. yeah, we're having half-ooc loose discussion. Go ahead and read archive.
March 09, 2019 12:36AM (To Eve K.): more of a tactical planning session
March 09, 2019 12:36AMGM (GM): Eve, welcome, we're recapping everything we know
March 09, 2019 12:37AMEve K.: awesome
March 09, 2019 12:37AMGM (GM): Feel free to look up through the archive
March 09, 2019 12:37AMDante: no we need a recap of the recap
March 09, 2019 12:37AMGM (GM): Team wants you to negotiate with Leopold for extra goodies
March 09, 2019 12:37AMEve K.: of course
March 09, 2019 12:38AMKurtis Kerner: Okay, so if 17 is Scavenger, then rank thing is out of whack, or Martin ranked higher then Simon and was the next most valued after Red Prince
March 09, 2019 12:38AMJustin: If it's rank, why would Forester be 18? He's got to be one of the more capable members. He almost tpk'd us.
March 09, 2019 12:39AMKurtis Kerner: I think any of these would tpk us. We got lucky with Simon
He didn't count on us being willing to blatantly waste innocent civilians
Forester expected us, we assaulted his fortress
Simon didn't. We assaulted him in a neutral territory where he thought he was safe.
Outside their fortresses they're just like us but bigger. It's their demesnes that give them all the extra powers
March 09, 2019 12:40AMJustin: Makes sense.
March 09, 2019 12:40AMKurtis Kerner: I mean, Kurt opinion
But it makes sense. Wards, detections, mana supply. Back at home in Kassidy's hallow, our group enjoys all manner of amenities. Like a forest full of friendly spirits that track shit and give early warnings
March 09, 2019 12:42AMJustin: Home-field advantage.
March 09, 2019 12:42AMGM (GM): Now, if we ask Leopold what he knows about naughty LQ hacking, he gives us all the limited info.
The thing is, he wants the LQs back. Apparently they are costly to produce and he has a limited supply.
March 09, 2019 12:44AMDante: You would think that because they have the ability to teleport a user, they could simply be recalled tbh
a strange oversight if not
March 09, 2019 12:48AMGM (GM): It may actually occur to Dante, now that he understands space a little better, that in order to teleport things, the LQscopes need to be where they are. They -are- the gates.
It would be like moving a pre-packed portal
A stitch between point A and point B would itself have to be stationary
Otherwise it's like putting a portable hole into the bag of holding
March 09, 2019 12:49AMDante: So you dont take your LQ with you when you teleport then. Thats important.
March 09, 2019 12:49AMGM (GM): For an LQ to be recalled, someone has to use it to recall with it
Oh no, you take it
March 09, 2019 12:49AMDante: Okay I don't follow the logic then
March 09, 2019 12:50AMGM (GM): If you want to.
The minimum requirement is to touch it
if you take the LQ with you, you cant go back to where that LQ was
but you can't recall an unmanned LQ
March 09, 2019 12:50AMDante: I see.
March 09, 2019 12:50AMGM (GM): basically, they are powered by a person's own gnosis
they don't have abilities. they sort of... give... abilities
March 09, 2019 12:52AMJessica: ...can you recall a manned LQ?
like surprise! welcome to Cubic Corp
also the red ones are fucked up right?
lq 18 is a tower you guys fucked/
March 09, 2019 12:54AMDante: Does establishing and/or severing sympathetic connections via CODE: FRIEND require explicit consent by involved parties or is this something which can be initiated by virtue of having one?
For example, say we link up. What's to stop other LQ possessors from immediately forging strong bonds remotely?
March 09, 2019 12:55AMJessica: ((i am not there to ask ic i'm tired and forgot parens))
March 09, 2019 12:56AMDante: I feel like trying to talk about this all in character would just bog things down
March 09, 2019 12:56AMJustin: Yeah.
This is a half-ooc discussion.
March 09, 2019 12:59AMDante: The other half is Eve and Cubic negotiating in whisper
March 09, 2019 12:59AMLeopold Cubic: He reaches for more papers, and produces something else, written by Julius and another name he names, Vincent.
"Loquimorscope 15 seems to deviate from the standard Watchful Friend model and exhibits behavior more fitting the Restless Ally model. Function 7 is activated in an unauthorized manner as to provide immediate channeling of raw ephemeral matter between devices. Function 1 was modified to allow communication to LQscopes 1-14, which are dispatched to other unrelated clients and also interfere with communication.
Function 4 was hacked in a way to allow listening to other devices remotely.
Most importantly, Loquimorscope 15 was jailbroken outside of normal moderator functionality, and appears to be able to grant spell immunity against spells formed by users of paired devices."
March 09, 2019 12:59AMDante: Or it was just a massive wall of text
So if Diana is 15, she doesn't trust her own people. It also means we can't reasonably fight her while we have an LQ?
March 09, 2019 1:01AMGM (GM): Dante, consent is not required for function 2. It makes a read, and establishes sympathetic connection. But if it's unwanted, the person on the other end can sever it. Like answering a phone call or hanging up.
March 09, 2019 1:01AMDante: except the potential loop is endless
Unless there's something which prevents it at some point
March 09, 2019 1:01AMJessica: i wonder if they hacked it to give themselves immunity to dante's monster
they wanted it for a reason
and they only wanted to let it live if they had it
March 09, 2019 1:02AMGM (GM): Loquimorscope battles would have to be turn based, yeah
I mean, if you drop it on the ground, that ends the loop
March 09, 2019 1:03AMDante: none of this sounds practical
I'm more in favor of just shutting all the LQs down
especially knowing they are hacked to do all kinds of ridiculous things
March 09, 2019 1:03AMGM (GM): It's for friends. CDTC is a communication, teleportation, and information broker. These things are not meant for war, but they are very useful for friends.
You wanna buff me while i'm in another city - bam
March 09, 2019 1:04AMDante: Sure
which is all the more reason why linking up is basically bad
It might be coz I'm half asleep or it might be because I'm being unnecessarily obtuse, but I can't think of a scenario where having this thing isn't going to bite our asses
March 09, 2019 1:05AMGM (GM): Right now, we're not in danger, i'm not screwing us guys like that. LQ-19 was cleansed and it's running in maintenance mode. It's turned on, but not linked to the Diana group.
But if we put it into rotation, then yeah, as long as we hold on to it, the person holding it wouldnt be able to cast on Diana
We would be able to listen to their communication though, and monitor their security perimeter
as long as they dont notice.
March 09, 2019 1:07AMDante: Another concern to have
If Diana's LQ is 15
then it stands to reason she could very easily have been listening in when we discovered LQ19
which means she could potentially know any amount of shit about us that was said or revealed by the LQ at that time
March 09, 2019 1:08AMJessica: yikes
March 09, 2019 1:08AMGM (GM): Ah ok, Cubic will address this concern
When Simon dropped the LQ upon his death, the LQ-19 stopped functioning and was taken out of network, which is when Cubic took it over. The LQs have to be programmed to authorize their user. They dont work at all if people with access are not within function parameters
Authorized people were Simon and Martin
both died, and the LQ went dead
March 09, 2019 1:10AMDante: Ok good.
March 09, 2019 1:10AMGM (GM): right now, LQ-19 is granted access for all 6 of us
So all Diana's people saw or heard was the battle potentially, and then LQ-19 going dead
March 09, 2019 1:11AMDante: How long has it been since Simon became pixie stix, do we know?
March 09, 2019 1:11AMGM (GM): not to say they cant have their internal protocol saying, hey, if my LQ is dead, i'm dead
March 09, 2019 1:11AMJessica: i doubt they heard the battle or they would have buffed or rescued him
March 09, 2019 1:11AMGM (GM): oh shit, okay, let's see. We track time so well
It's been at least a week
March 09, 2019 1:12AMDante: ITS TUESDAY RIGHT
March 09, 2019 1:12AMJessica: heh
March 09, 2019 1:12AMGM (GM): Isnt it ALWAYS TUESDAY
March 09, 2019 1:12AMJessica: yes
March 09, 2019 1:12AMGM (GM): no, tuesday was the party
March 09, 2019 1:12AMDante: haha
I dont need an exact time really
March 09, 2019 1:12AMGM (GM): its like wednesday
March 09, 2019 1:12AMDante: just knowing that its a week
I mean they'd have tried to check in on Simon by then
March 09, 2019 1:12AMGM (GM): yeah it's a week. We spent about a week on Cubic biz
reasonable conclusion
i mean, cell phones exist
good news? there's not even a ghost left for them
simon is out of existance
March 09, 2019 1:14AMJustin: Neither had a cellphone.
March 09, 2019 1:14AMGM (GM): arcane equivalent of being de-atomized
March 09, 2019 1:14AMJessica: wow
March 09, 2019 1:14AMJustin: We would have looted it.
March 09, 2019 1:14AMDante: Yeah, we definitely would have probably maybe
hold the
Konrad Knox (GM): On Simon, you loot a small catholic cross, two small vials of green liquid, one vial of shiny purple liquid, the miniature bible-looking book, 2000 Euro, his wallet and ID, medical doctor ID, a few magnet cards, credit card, a cellphone, and an odd looking silver object, looking like a puzzle box
March 09, 2019 1:16AMGM (GM): Konrad Knox (GM): On Simon, you loot a small catholic cross, two small vials of green liquid, one vial of shiny purple liquid, the miniature bible-looking book, 2000 Euro, his wallet and ID, medical doctor ID, a few magnet cards, credit card, a cellphone, and an odd looking silver object, looking like a puzzle box
March 09, 2019 1:16AMDante: Beat ya nerd
March 09, 2019 1:17AMGM (GM): Jon is on cocaine
maybe he's a cocatholic now
March 09, 2019 1:17AMJessica: lol
March 09, 2019 1:17AMJustin: ...
March 09, 2019 1:17AMGM (GM): i mean yeah a mind 5 mage with a LQ doesnt need a cell phone
but he had one
Martin didnt
i forgot
March 09, 2019 1:17AMGM (GM): fucking piss
why were we stealing shit
March 09, 2019 1:18AMDante: Konrad Knox (GM): On Scavenger, you find a similar puzzle box, a cuban machete, 600 Euro, and a cell phone.
March 09, 2019 1:18AMJustin: Right?
March 09, 2019 1:18AMJessica: for fun
March 09, 2019 1:18AMDante: They both had phones
March 09, 2019 1:18AMGM (GM): I'm a cocatholic too XD
March 09, 2019 1:18AMJustin: Whooo!
March 09, 2019 1:18AMGM (GM): WE HAVE 2600 EURO???
who has the Machete?
its in the van
March 09, 2019 1:18AMJessica: what makes it a cuban machete?
March 09, 2019 1:19AMDante: We can retcon that some of this euro has been going to things that Dante and/or Eve has been paying cash for
March 09, 2019 1:19AMJustin: Let's get fucked up and oppress gays.
March 09, 2019 1:19AMDante: The cuban machete is illegal in the United States
March 09, 2019 1:20AMJessica: took me a second
March 09, 2019 1:20AMDante: ;)
March 09, 2019 1:21AMJessica: I feel like we should port somebody to Cubic Corp and ice them
March 09, 2019 1:21AMGM (GM): oh yeah and we never tried to use the green and purple liquids
March 09, 2019 1:21AMJessica: then they'll know the jig is up but it'll be down to 2 mages so fuck em
March 09, 2019 1:21AMGM (GM): anyone wanna drink Simon's potions? anyone?
March 09, 2019 1:21AMJessica: i vote justin
March 09, 2019 1:22AMDante: yeah make the thyrsus drink the weird stuff
March 09, 2019 1:22AMJessica: he'll make another fernando
March 09, 2019 1:22AMDante: chugchugchugchug
March 09, 2019 1:22AMJessica: we're totes professionals
March 09, 2019 1:22AMDante: ^
March 09, 2019 1:22AMEve K.: its worked well for us so far
March 09, 2019 1:22AMJessica: all it does is make you high and kurtis misses out again
March 09, 2019 1:23AMDante: Wait, the silver puzzle box was the loquimorscope wasn't it?
March 09, 2019 1:23AMGM (GM): That's right.
March 09, 2019 1:23AMDante: Then we have Scav's too
this whole time
March 09, 2019 1:24AMJustin: Use all mage sights to examine potions.
March 09, 2019 1:24AMGM (GM): Who has it? Coz that one never talked.
March 09, 2019 1:24AMJustin: Fuck.
We suck at this looting thing.
March 09, 2019 1:24AMGM (GM): Anyone gonna let Cubic know about this other one? XD
March 09, 2019 1:24AMDante: Oh no we're great at looting. We suck at tracking
March 09, 2019 1:24AMJustin: "I'll check this next week."
March 09, 2019 1:24AMEve K.: so question how has it been a week since the party/kill spree when we have been skipping sleep and sleeping on train rides in order to get things done quickly?
March 09, 2019 1:24AMJustin: 8 years later March 09, 2019 1:24AMDante: I mean tbh we would have mentioned the second one when we first talked about the activated one
March 09, 2019 1:24AMJessica: we have a whole notes section in the character sheets guys XD
March 09, 2019 1:25AMGM (GM): Eve, it's been 1 day since the party
But it's been a week since we killed Simon Lamprey i thought
March 09, 2019 1:25AMEve K.: ahh probably
March 09, 2019 1:25AMGM (GM): Didnt we take the train twice
March 09, 2019 1:25AMJustin: Yeah.
March 09, 2019 1:25AMGM (GM): then spend a night at the hotel in berlin investigating
March 09, 2019 1:25AMJustin: And multiple car rides.
March 09, 2019 1:25AMGM (GM): Then fernando
March 09, 2019 1:25AMJustin: We took a nap in that hotel room.
Needed that.
March 09, 2019 1:25AMGM (GM): and drunk justin
March 09, 2019 1:25AMDante: Train twice? We took a train, but we chalked to the van
March 09, 2019 1:26AMGM (GM): actually thats true
it's been like 4 days then
Simon's been dead for 4 days
March 09, 2019 1:26AMDante: I imagine we've spent a lot of bulk time at CDTC as well
long conversations, touring things, interrogating Jessica angrily
March 09, 2019 1:26AMJessica: Jess was on the train before that
that's what you're remembering
March 09, 2019 1:27AMGM (GM): we also spent like an entire day just shopping XD
March 09, 2019 1:27AMJustin: Fucking shopping.
March 09, 2019 1:27AMDante: Eve shopped.
March 09, 2019 1:27AMGM (GM): well. some of us shopped
March 09, 2019 1:27AMDante: Dante napped
on a park bench
like a hobo
March 09, 2019 1:27AMEve K.: you know leipzig to berlin is only a 2.5hr train ride...
March 09, 2019 1:27AMGM (GM): some took naps and contacted odd beings
March 09, 2019 1:27AMJessica: it's been an overnight both times XD
March 09, 2019 1:28AMDante: The world is a weird and magical place y'know
time is
March 09, 2019 1:28AMJustin: Really slow train.
Runs on 8 aa batteries.
March 09, 2019 1:28AMJessica: XD
March 09, 2019 1:28AMGM (GM): yeah it was a scenic route train
that let us sleep and recover our shit
March 09, 2019 1:29AMEve K.: through France apparently
March 09, 2019 1:29AMDante: France is very scenic
I think 4 days feels right.
March 09, 2019 1:29AMJustin: We passed through the toast fields and fry basin.
March 09, 2019 1:30AMDante: If we're gonna nail it down
March 09, 2019 1:30AMGM (GM): Yeah sure
wow, the currently most modern train actually takes 1.5 hours
even faster
hey hey, it's the 2009 train ;)
trains didnt get upgraded from back when we started
March 09, 2019 1:32AMJessica: lol
March 09, 2019 1:32AMGM (GM): OR
March 09, 2019 1:32AMJessica: something fucky happened with time both times?
March 09, 2019 1:32AMGM (GM): there was a construction on the railroad and they had to wait for other trains to pass
which is why it took jessica and heike that long too
March 09, 2019 1:32AMJessica: ahh
March 09, 2019 1:33AMGM (GM): So.
Our options: Enter the network anonymously or shut down Diana network
Or teleport in, and then shutdown network
Or, show Cubic the other LQ
March 09, 2019 1:34AMJessica: show cubic
March 09, 2019 1:34AMDante: Oh no lets just keep this inert LQ to ourselves as a souvenir of no value to us for no reason
that we definitely didnt forget about
March 09, 2019 1:34AMGM (GM): it never talked
there was no reason to mind it
March 09, 2019 1:35AMEve K.: definitely show cubic
March 09, 2019 1:35AMDante: I mean we'd have put 2 and 2 together though once the first puzzle box talked.
We have to show cubic yes
March 09, 2019 1:37AMLeopold Cubic: Squints at the device, not recognizing it. "Hmmmm... Identify."
March 09, 2019 1:37AMJessica: ...not recognizing it
March 09, 2019 1:38AMGM (GM): He obviously can tell them somehow
The following happens.
ah shit sorry wrong picture
A dot pops up on the hologram
March 09, 2019 1:42AMLeopold Cubic: "Identify make and model!"
March 09, 2019 1:42AMGM (GM): In the same place as the 19, the unknown device shows, not connected to anything, without any lines going to it.
March 09, 2019 1:43AMDante: windows does not recognize this device
March 09, 2019 1:44AMJessica: 404 file not found
March 09, 2019 1:44AMGM (GM): Either they tried to duplicate Scavenger's LQ and produced a reverse engineered counterfeit, or started hunting down other Cubic's clients and taking over their LQs and changing them enough for Cubic to not recognize. He seems genuinely puzzled.
And angry
March 09, 2019 1:45AMJessica: man it is not good that he doesn't know how his shit works
is it possible the person who designed them is helping diana?
March 09, 2019 1:46AMGM (GM): The names he mentioned are Julius and Vincent, he said they would arrive in two days.
March 09, 2019 1:46AMJessica: they're really jules verne and leonardo da vinci
March 09, 2019 1:47AMGM (GM): or two guys who picked their shadow names after watching pulp fiction
March 09, 2019 1:47AMJessica: heh
so...how dangerous is the wangjangled new lq?
seems like it could differ significantly from the floor model
March 09, 2019 1:48AMGM (GM): If you guys are willing to wait, he is going to ruffle through papers and attempt some reset procedures
March 09, 2019 1:49AMDante: This seems like a good point to go back in character next session to me. But keep discussing if ya'll want. I definitely need to sleep.
March 09, 2019 1:50AMEve K.: agreed on both points
Well.. maybe a snack then sleep.
March 09, 2019 1:50AMDante: snacks are good
March 09, 2019 1:51AMJessica: yeah we can jump into character when we come back
are we picking up tomorrow or next week?
March 09, 2019 1:52AMDante: That's a good-ass question
I am free.
March 09, 2019 1:52AMJessica: so are we
March 09, 2019 1:53AMEve K.: We have a Russian butter festival party to go to tomorrow. (aka eating all the russian pancakes party)
March 09, 2019 1:53AMDante: midnight pancakes sound amazing
March 09, 2019 1:53AMGM (GM): Ok so your final piece of information
He resets everything he can and in about an hour, all items on the hologram flicker and reset
The new LQ gets warm, then hot, glows, and re-initializes from some obvious tempering
Amsterdam Tower disappears from the holo map
Your second LQ identifies as 20
Not suspicious at all
March 09, 2019 1:54AMJessica: jelly
March 09, 2019 1:54AMGM (GM): Surely it was just a glitch
Not. It was obviously tempered with beyond recognition
March 09, 2019 1:55AMDante: Well shit that explains why Amsterdam was anomalous
March 09, 2019 1:57AMJessica: can we even be sure turning off the lqs will work at this point?
March 09, 2019 1:57AMDante: Sure.
March 09, 2019 1:57AMLeopold Cubic: "This was issued to one of theirs. Simon's bodyguard. Simon provisioned for two. But how did they... well, they obviously fool my administrator panel. That's what the glitch is about. Alright, add that on the hack list. Able to bypass the master control."
March 09, 2019 1:57AMDante: Simon's was also tampered with and was reinitialized.
March 09, 2019 1:58AMLeopold Cubic: "The device was sitting in your pocket, but lagging to report being turned off. It was still showing its location on the map."
March 09, 2019 1:59AMJessica: that's fucky as hell
March 09, 2019 1:59AMLeopold Cubic: So these two were provisioned to Amsterdam both.
With one reset, the other was still active, perhaps.
March 09, 2019 1:59AMGM (GM): Cubic at this point also leans towards just shutting down Diana's network
March 09, 2019 2:00AMJessica: so potentially the lq was listening
March 09, 2019 2:00AMGM (GM): He feels he is losing control over property
March 09, 2019 2:00AMJessica: yeah he is
March 09, 2019 2:00AMGM (GM): Supposedly nobody but Diana's clan could operate LQ 20 after Scavenger died
March 09, 2019 2:00AMJessica: yeah but we've broken a lot of supposedly's
i feel like we shouldn't even use these
we don't know how easy they can be reprogrammed again
or under what conditions
March 09, 2019 2:01AMDante: The Paranoid Five strikes again!
March 09, 2019 2:01AMJessica: or if there's stuff that bypasses resets
like safeboot thingys
March 09, 2019 2:02AMDante: I'm going to sleep now. Will read through what I miss tomorrow
March 09, 2019 2:02AMGM (GM): Well, so far, a device being in Cubic's possession seems to trump all tempering
but when they arent in his possession....
March 09, 2019 2:02AMDante: simple answer
kill everyone, give him the lqs
March 09, 2019 2:02AMGM (GM): Okay, it took him an hour and he was sweating, his glasses on, he was reading through a lot of paperwork
He did not enjoy digging in technical shit
but he got it done
March 09, 2019 2:03AMJessica: gotta figure out what jess was doing for an hour
i feel like she took a walk
March 09, 2019 2:03AMDante: Justin is now married to Marcella
March 09, 2019 2:03AMJessica: that's the mormon way
March 09, 2019 2:03AMGM (GM): The crazy part is he got it done seemingly by doing nothing but spinning it in his hands and drumming on his desk with fingertips.
March 09, 2019 2:04AMJessica: he's thinking at his building
March 09, 2019 2:04AMGM (GM): yup
and he has to think specific things
March 09, 2019 2:04AMJessica: right cause it's a mage computer
March 09, 2019 2:04AMGM (GM): i mean
reasonable conclusion
March 09, 2019 2:04AMJustin: Crazy shit.
March 09, 2019 2:04AMJessica: Justin needs to drink the potion
and see what it does
March 09, 2019 2:04AMJustin: Mage sights on potion.
March 09, 2019 2:04AMGM (GM): oh yeah. anyone wanna try potions?
not in the building you dont
March 09, 2019 2:05AMJustin: In the car, on the way to berlin earlier.
March 09, 2019 2:05AMJessica: ^
March 09, 2019 2:05AMGM (GM): Oh!
Sure yeah okay
March 09, 2019 2:05AMJessica: yay
March 09, 2019 2:06AMGM (GM): Um. Roll for it please. Telling you now you need 5 successes
you can repeat 4 times, once per day you can examine it
March 09, 2019 2:06AMJessica: you can have some dice karma from me
March 09, 2019 2:06AMGM (GM): with matter site
make 4 rolls for matter site
March 09, 2019 2:06AMJustin: Ummm....
March 09, 2019 2:06AMGM (GM): no penalty for repeats
March 09, 2019 2:06AMEve K.: or sight
March 09, 2019 2:06AMGM (GM): let's say you try to do it every day until you figure it out
March 09, 2019 2:07AMJustin: Gimme a second.
March 09, 2019 2:07AMJessica: wiggles fingers
March 09, 2019 2:07AMJustin: Might need to see how much that costs.
March 09, 2019 2:07AMGM (GM): oh RIGHT
March 09, 2019 2:07AMJustin: Cause impromptu sight costs mana.
March 09, 2019 2:07AMGM (GM): mana
March 09, 2019 2:07AMJustin: I can buy the rote though so.
One second.
Well I actually have matter sight.
Fuck yeah.
March 09, 2019 2:07AMEve K.: lol
March 09, 2019 2:08AMJustin: rolling 11d10>8!
= 2 Successes
rolling 11d10>8!
= 3 Successes
rolling 11d10>8!
= 3 Successes
rolling 11d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:08AMJessica: damn
March 09, 2019 2:08AMGM (GM): You can't even remotely figure it out, and it's fucking killing you. These rolls they represent like, all the effort and time you can give it, sans all the other activities we did
March 09, 2019 2:08AMJustin: Right.
March 09, 2019 2:09AMGM (GM): What you can tell
March 09, 2019 2:09AMJustin: Makes sense.
March 09, 2019 2:09AMGM (GM): Is these are NOT chemical elements that you ever seen in the periodic table
we're dealing with true magic, Dark Matter
March 09, 2019 2:09AMJessica: wow
March 09, 2019 2:09AMGM (GM): the kind of arcane alchemical shit Moros live on
the kind of shit the rote Dark Matter was invented to study and understand
you just havent succeeded yet
March 09, 2019 2:09AMJustin: Right.
I knew that fucking rote would come in handy.
March 09, 2019 2:10AMGM (GM): Eve can also try
you guys can keep trying every day
March 09, 2019 2:10AMJessica: Evecarry
March 09, 2019 2:10AMEve K.: cracks knuckles March 09, 2019 2:10AMJustin: #evecarry
March 09, 2019 2:10AMJessica: do it
March 09, 2019 2:10AMGM (GM): these things came out of Simon's imagination
dont blow on dice yet
March 09, 2019 2:10AMEve K.: would supernal vision help or just matter sight? or a mix of matter death?
March 09, 2019 2:10AMGM (GM): wait wait wait
March 09, 2019 2:11AMEve K.: ....
March 09, 2019 2:11AMJessica: we are all waiting March 09, 2019 2:11AMGM (GM): Ok, for this, it's straight matter.
But you need 6 successes
Justin is waiting for eve k to finish waiting
March 09, 2019 2:11AMGM (GM): You dont have Justin's background in chemistry, but you do have decent background in occult
you could figure it out from a different angle
roll 4 matter sights
March 09, 2019 2:12AMEve K.: "decent" Eve has occult 4...
that's almost an expert
March 09, 2019 2:12AMGM (GM): Justin has science 5
and he needs 5 successes
March 09, 2019 2:12AMJustin: (Sci Fi life)
Sci(ence) Fi(ve)
March 09, 2019 2:13AMGM (GM): guys, you'd get bonuses for like, a lab
or a microscope
but you're going at it raw
March 09, 2019 2:13AMJustin: We can jury-rig a microscope.
March 09, 2019 2:13AMEve K.: I have a path tool for this. So..
March 09, 2019 2:13AMJustin: Out of eyeglasses and a paper-towel roll.
March 09, 2019 2:13AMJessica: XD
March 09, 2019 2:13AMJustin: Who wears eyeglasses?
March 09, 2019 2:13AMGM (GM): you can use path tools in your roll Eve
March 09, 2019 2:13AMJustin: Seriously, that's a matter rote.
March 09, 2019 2:13AMJessica: Cubic
March 09, 2019 2:13AMEve K.: rolling 7d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:14AMGM (GM): do whatever you guys need
March 09, 2019 2:14AMEve K.: rolling 7d10>8!
= 4 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:14AMJustin: fuuuu
March 09, 2019 2:14AMEve K.: rolling 7d10>8!
= 1 Success
March 09, 2019 2:14AMGM (GM): you can use willpower
March 09, 2019 2:14AMEve K.: rolling 10d10>8!
= 0 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:14AMGM (GM): shucks
March 09, 2019 2:14AMJessica: wow
March 09, 2019 2:14AMJustin: That's a waste of a willpower right there.
March 09, 2019 2:15AMGM (GM): i mean you guys are barely scratching the surface
March 09, 2019 2:15AMEve K.: yup
March 09, 2019 2:15AMGM (GM): its ok, you get it back
somewhere in the retcon
March 09, 2019 2:15AMJustin: Yay!
March 09, 2019 2:15AMEve K.: yay!
March 09, 2019 2:15AMGM (GM): i mean, keep working at it
March 09, 2019 2:15AMJustin: Now, machete.
Need to study machete.
March 09, 2019 2:15AMGM (GM): if you guys wanna feel better about yourselves
March 09, 2019 2:15AMEve K.: always
March 09, 2019 2:15AMGM (GM): Kurtis needs 9 successes
March 09, 2019 2:16AMEve K.: woooo
March 09, 2019 2:16AMJustin: Seems unlikely.
March 09, 2019 2:16AMJessica: ...why would you bother rolling if you need 9?
your dice pool can't be that high
March 09, 2019 2:16AMGM (GM): Do you want me to try?
I'll cocaine SNIFF this
i was high for at least half the retcon time
but one of you would need to grant me Matter Sight
March 09, 2019 2:17AMJustin: That would cost me mana.
Eve can do it tho.
March 09, 2019 2:17AMEve K.: lol
rolling 7d10>8!
= 3 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:18AMGM (GM): so that's day one
so Kurtis would get a +3 to his Int+Science roll
since it's not his rote
March 09, 2019 2:18AMJessica: oh god
March 09, 2019 2:18AMGM (GM): which gives him a 6 dice total
i'll throw in WP
let's see. I have 3 willpower left post slabod fight
so yeah, i can retcon spend some
March 09, 2019 2:19AMJustin: You can get it back mid-retcon like Eve?
March 09, 2019 2:19AMGM (GM): sure
March 09, 2019 2:19AMJustin: I vote yes.
March 09, 2019 2:20AMEve K.: OHHH! I should cast matter sight on Justin! Then he can get a plus whatever to his Int science roll!
March 09, 2019 2:20AMJustin: Eh, Justin already did his int + science though.
And got to add his matter to it.
March 09, 2019 2:21AMGM (GM): that puts me at 9 dice. This is like, i just want you to think about how rediculous this is. We're granting Kurtis sight, so that his cocaine trance and meager college drop-out skills glean some kinda knowledge if he tries reeeeal hard. The only reasonable explanation for why you'd do it, is cause Kurtis is highly visual person who understands innately the forces arcana, and maybe something will click there.
9 dice that need 9 successes
March 09, 2019 2:21AMJustin: DO TI
March 09, 2019 2:21AMEve K.: do it!
March 09, 2019 2:21AMKurtis Kerner: rolling 9d10>8!
= 3 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:21AMJustin: Aww
March 09, 2019 2:21AMKurtis Kerner: day 2
we gonna do this 4 times?
March 09, 2019 2:21AMJessica: this is stupid XD
March 09, 2019 2:21AMEve K.: rolling 7d10>8!
= 3 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:21AMJessica: sure
March 09, 2019 2:22AMKurtis Kerner: ok, another +3
rolling 9d10>8!
= 5 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:22AMJessica: just drink it
March 09, 2019 2:22AMJustin: Yeah, Kurt jacks off on a cat or something and satisfies his lust.
March 09, 2019 2:22AMKurtis Kerner: wow
March 09, 2019 2:22AMEve K.: rolling 7d10>8!
= 0 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:22AMKurtis Kerner: ok, day 3, no sight
day 4
March 09, 2019 2:22AMEve K.: rolling 7d10>8!
= 1 Success
March 09, 2019 2:22AMKurtis Kerner: that would be 6
March 09, 2019 2:22AMJessica: this one will win
March 09, 2019 2:22AMKurtis Kerner: rolling 6d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:23AMJessica: #professionals
March 09, 2019 2:23AMKurtis Kerner: albeit Kurtis gets 5 one time, which is higher than both of yours, due to his 9 modifier, he cant scratch the surface either
we're all trying to decipher it, but in the train Kurt is like, can i just go to sleep?
March 09, 2019 2:23AMEve K.: 4/5 is more than 5/9
March 09, 2019 2:23AMKurtis Kerner: just drink the fucking thing already
March 09, 2019 2:23AMJessica: do it
March 09, 2019 2:23AMJustin: #science
March 09, 2019 2:24AMJessica: it's dark mana
it's fine
March 09, 2019 2:24AMKurtis Kerner: now what we did not try
March 09, 2019 2:24AMJessica: it's mana
March 09, 2019 2:24AMKurtis Kerner: is to have Dante bump one of our intelligence stats
March 09, 2019 2:24AMJustin: O fuk
March 09, 2019 2:24AMKurtis Kerner: but i dont think he knows that he can do that
he never ever tried
March 09, 2019 2:24AMJustin: Maek me smertar mister dantay!
March 09, 2019 2:24AMKurtis Kerner: so we wont do it
he hates metagaming
March 09, 2019 2:24AMEve K.: yup
March 09, 2019 2:24AMKurtis Kerner: i'm sure he's saving that for some form of ascension
max int dante would be some dark god
March 09, 2019 2:25AMEve K.: hawt
March 09, 2019 2:25AMKurtis Kerner: so yeah nobody want to try em?
feed em to fernando?
March 09, 2019 2:25AMEve K.: noope
March 09, 2019 2:25AMKurtis Kerner: water plants with em?
not even a little? :D
damnit people
March 09, 2019 2:26AMJessica: it could be a waste honestly
it's not like we can make more
March 09, 2019 2:26AMGM (GM): yeah
two unidentified potions
March 09, 2019 2:26AMJessica: ...what happens if we tell the spirit of the dark mana to do its thing?
March 09, 2019 2:26AMGM (GM): if we lose the gem affair, i'll just drink one to commit suicide
ok, um, who has the potions? who keeps them on their person?
March 09, 2019 2:27AMJessica: Justin
March 09, 2019 2:27AMEve K.: We didn't even remember we had them, let alone who had them
March 09, 2019 2:28AMGM (GM): well thats why we do it now
March 09, 2019 2:28AMJessica: Jon says he prefers justin but technically eve looted so she should choose
March 09, 2019 2:28AMGM (GM): like, if in combat, a character may want to like, use em or throw em
Justin being the chemist, makes sense he would
March 09, 2019 2:28AMEve K.: why would we throw a potion we don't know the effects of? But yeah I agree Eve would give to Justin
March 09, 2019 2:29AMGM (GM): Now, the machete is an easy identify.
It was quite obviously Scavenger's path tool, but the connection to his Gnosis is severed, so now it is not a path tool any more.
But it's still a cool +3 machete
March 09, 2019 2:29AMEve K.: :(
March 09, 2019 2:29AMJessica: interesting
March 09, 2019 2:30AMGM (GM): add it to the weapon pile in the back of the van XD
March 09, 2019 2:30AMEve K.: Bet it was a death tool...
March 09, 2019 2:30AMJustin: Okay, re-up on the loot pile.
There was a bible too right?
What'd we learn about the bible?
March 09, 2019 2:30AMGM (GM): bible and a cross
and 2 cell phones
March 09, 2019 2:30AMEve K.: Its mostly fiction
March 09, 2019 2:30AMGM (GM): prolly full of numbers
you guys want Kurt to crack the phones? thats easy peasy
March 09, 2019 2:31AMJessica: yes
March 09, 2019 2:31AMJustin: Word
March 09, 2019 2:31AMEve K.: yup
March 09, 2019 2:31AMGM (GM): these are regular non-arcane phones
so a simple read matrices will do it
rolling 7d10>8!
= 3 Successes
rolling 7d10>8!
= 3 Successes
He's got both passwords removed by rerouting micro-electricity inside the phones. He's done this trick before and has a good handle on it. So you guys have both phones address books.
I will have to get you that in a few days
March 09, 2019 2:33AMGM (GM): Also you got call histories
Also, i owe you that in a few
March 09, 2019 2:33AMJustin: Sure.
March 09, 2019 2:33AMGM (GM): I'll drop a doc
March 09, 2019 2:33AMJessica: sounds good
March 09, 2019 2:33AMGM (GM): there's also voice mails
March 09, 2019 2:34AMJessica: nice
March 09, 2019 2:34AMJustin: Write out scripts and we'll voice-act them.
For immersion.
March 09, 2019 2:34AMJessica: XD
March 09, 2019 2:34AMGM (GM): XD
yeah i'm planning to do that
anything you wanna do with bible and cross?
March 09, 2019 2:36AMJustin: Inspect.
Cross is path tool I presume.
March 09, 2019 2:37AMGM (GM): The cross was obviously his path tool. Severed, of course.
The bible has certain words circled across the entire book. Seems to be in no thematic or topical pattern.
March 09, 2019 2:38AMJustin: Academics to study?
March 09, 2019 2:38AMGM (GM): Normally religious people underline and circle certain passages that they find meaningful or memorable
This - is not that
Yeah academics to study, this is obviously a code.
int + academics pls
March 09, 2019 2:39AMEve K.: I feel like Justin gets a +1 for bible
March 09, 2019 2:39AMJessica: me too
March 09, 2019 2:39AMGM (GM): sadly no, he'd get a +1 for a cryptography manual
this could as well be a playboy magazine
March 09, 2019 2:40AMJustin: rolling 8d10>8!
= 4 Successes
March 09, 2019 2:40AMEve K.: I mean if you know the source book by heart...
March 09, 2019 2:40AMGM (GM): circled words represent some kinda cipher
March 09, 2019 2:40AMEve K.: XD
March 09, 2019 2:40AMGM (GM): lmao
ok so the circled words map to the number of the same word repeating in each chapter, and then the number of the chapter written out after each word
you arrive to a sequence of numbers
March 09, 2019 2:44AMJustin: Academics life. Bow down, peasants.
Your skill in guns is no match for my studying!
Can bullets harm Voltaire!?
March 09, 2019 2:44AMGM (GM): XD
To figure out what the numbers mean, you will need a full day to sit on them, but no roll is required, you did the hard part. The question is, are you going to spend a day from this moment to take a note book and play around with the numbers?
March 09, 2019 2:46AMJustin: Not right now. Have more important shit to do, like getting Marcella's number.
March 09, 2019 2:46AMGM (GM): XD
March 09, 2019 2:46AMJessica: you sure she'll give up tea for you?
March 09, 2019 2:47AMGM (GM): she'll give up legs
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJessica: oh god
March 09, 2019 2:47AMGM (GM): like, reverse Ariel
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJustin: #legs
It's alright girl, I can regrow them.
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJessica: Justin's a leg man
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJustin: But only if you ask nicely.
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJessica: it's official
"ask nicely" is code
March 09, 2019 2:47AMGM (GM): DONT BELIEVE HIM HE CANT
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJessica: XD
March 09, 2019 2:47AMGM (GM): he can only regrow them for 24 hours!
they'll be not real!
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJustin: Not if I enchant a magic item!
March 09, 2019 2:47AMGM (GM): they'll be gray suit legs!
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJustin: Maybe a magic pair of shoes?
March 09, 2019 2:47AMJessica: hahahahahaha
March 09, 2019 2:48AMJustin: Some nice stockings.
March 09, 2019 2:48AMEve K.: So like I just finished re-reading the Diana party, and I now realized that Justin was being felt up by a lady in a veil who gave him her number like less than 24 hrs ago
March 09, 2019 2:48AMJustin: Hahahaha
4 days ago.
March 09, 2019 2:48AMJessica: and Dante still can't get laid
March 09, 2019 2:49AMGM (GM): wait what, Eve?
March 09, 2019 2:49AMJustin: Yeah.
Justin had some quality time with a lady in a veil.
At the tass party.
March 09, 2019 2:49AMJessica: STOP TYPING
March 09, 2019 2:49AMThe Loquimorscope: I thought we established the party was like yesterday?
March 09, 2019 2:49AMJessica: NO LQ
March 09, 2019 2:49AMThe Loquimorscope: hehe
March 09, 2019 2:50AMEve K.: it was me
March 09, 2019 2:50AMGM (GM): That was the RAVE party at Merlin's club
March 09, 2019 2:50AMJustin: I thought we established it was 4 days ago?
March 09, 2019 2:50AMGM (GM): Rave party was yesterday
March 09, 2019 2:50AMJustin: The Shindi1
March 09, 2019 2:50AMJessica: not the rave party
March 09, 2019 2:50AMJustin: Shindiq was 4 days ago.
March 09, 2019 2:50AMGM (GM): then at night we went to bust speakers
March 09, 2019 2:50AMEve K.: how was the rave party a day ago?
March 09, 2019 2:50AMGM (GM): because the rave party was at 10 pm
we chilled til like 2
March 09, 2019 2:50AMEve K.: okay
March 09, 2019 2:50AMGM (GM): we drove to slabod
March 09, 2019 2:50AMJessica: we smoked some dumb mages and then gtfo
March 09, 2019 2:50AMGM (GM): yeah
March 09, 2019 2:50AMJessica: "we"
March 09, 2019 2:51AMGM (GM): so now its like next day afternoon
we cleaned Fernando's puke
for like 30 min
March 09, 2019 2:51AMJessica: poor thing
March 09, 2019 2:51AMEve K.: but we went directly from blowing up a helecopter at dianas party to meeting Cubic to train to berlin, to the rave...
March 09, 2019 2:51AMJustin: We drove all night to get to Cubic.
March 09, 2019 2:51AMGM (GM): you forget the healing at Gazebo
March 09, 2019 2:51AMJustin: Yeah.
Gazebo fun.
March 09, 2019 2:51AMEve K.: that didn't take 4 days
March 09, 2019 2:51AMGM (GM): and us needing to rest
March 09, 2019 2:51AMJustin: It took 8 years.
March 09, 2019 2:51AMGM (GM): ok well every time we need full rest for willpower
we need some sleep
March 09, 2019 2:52AMEve K.: at what point did we sleep besides on the magic 8 hour train ride that's only really 2.5 hrs?
March 09, 2019 2:52AMGM (GM): ok ok, we were finished healing, then cubic contacted us, we fixed up our clothes
March 09, 2019 2:53AMJustin: Got burgers.
No pickles.
March 09, 2019 2:53AMEve K.: yup
0 pickles
March 09, 2019 2:53AMJustin: Pickle-less.
March 09, 2019 2:53AMGM (GM): then we went to cubic, met with him, met with jessica, got drunk on canada ale, went back to cubic, went to berlin to investigate, chilled in a hotel, got drunk, rescued Lucas, did Lucas's possessed girlfriend thing, Jessica shoplifted, we prepared for party at Katerholzig
March 09, 2019 2:54AMJustin: FUck.
When you put it that way we sound super fucking incopetent.
March 09, 2019 2:54AMGM (GM): it took time
March 09, 2019 2:54AMEve K.: "chilled in hotel" is code for #evecarry talking to ghosts
March 09, 2019 2:54AMJustin: #evecarry
March 09, 2019 2:55AMJessica: pfffft
March 09, 2019 2:55AMGM (GM): we chilled at a bar too, planning
and justin and kurt chilled in a trash can
learning about enchanting pistols and eating trash mana
March 09, 2019 2:56AMJustin: Yeah.
Good times.
March 09, 2019 2:56AMJessica: ew
March 09, 2019 2:56AMJustin: #Jurt
March 09, 2019 2:56AMGM (GM): like if you wanna have not slept all this time
March 09, 2019 2:56AMJustin: #ourowncabal
March 09, 2019 2:56AMJessica: #Jurt
March 09, 2019 2:56AMJustin: #firenando
March 09, 2019 2:56AMGM (GM): you gonna like, crash
March 09, 2019 2:57AMJessica: we've been up since yesterday in game
March 09, 2019 2:57AMGM (GM): cause the only two guys who can give us clear mind and fresh body are out of mana
March 09, 2019 2:57AMJessica: i feel like we're all tired af
March 09, 2019 2:57AMGM (GM): oh yeah. Mana drain feels bad, like hunger and exhaustion
Once your body can store mana, the hunger never goes away
body learns what its been missing
March 09, 2019 2:57AMJustin: Yeah.
You need more of that supernal goodness.
March 09, 2019 2:58AMGM (GM): But like
I think that we should take a day. Justin can either crack Simon code or go Gem-Libraring
So Kurt can study up on Ley Lines and find us a new hallow
March 09, 2019 2:59AMJustin: Well Justin needs to cure cancer for Jessica.
March 09, 2019 2:59AMJessica: aye
March 09, 2019 2:59AMGM (GM): Oh RIGHT
but not without mana he dont
March 09, 2019 2:59AMJustin: Don't need mana.
March 09, 2019 2:59AMJessica: and Jess needs to see how fucked up her house is
March 09, 2019 2:59AMJustin: That's a 0 mana rote dawg.
March 09, 2019 2:59AMEve K.: We all need naps IC yes
March 09, 2019 2:59AMGM (GM): 0 mana cure?
March 09, 2019 2:59AMJessica: I mean not really
irl sure
but in game cancer doesn't necessarily have numeric downsides
so giving a numeric fix would be sorta mean
cancer is flavortext
from game design perspective
March 09, 2019 3:00AMGM (GM): omg you're such a metagamer
YOU are flavor text!
cancer is serious!
March 09, 2019 3:01AMJessica: i did a lot of game design at our last larp
March 09, 2019 3:01AMGM (GM): Aiping's mom is real!
March 09, 2019 3:01AMJustin: Haha
March 09, 2019 3:01AMJessica: it's stuck in my head
March 09, 2019 3:01AMJustin: Well it requires 10 successes.
March 09, 2019 3:01AMJessica: wow
March 09, 2019 3:01AMJustin: It's an extended roll.
But it is permanent.
March 09, 2019 3:01AMJessica: I'm not saying cancer isn't serious or that it isn't dramatic
i'm saying 0 mana is good math
just cause we feel awful about cancer doesn't mean mana makes sense
March 09, 2019 3:02AMGM (GM): Apparently Jon it doesnt even have to be
Banish Plague
instant action
no mana cost
March 09, 2019 3:02AMEve K.: it only takes 7.5hrs to drive from Budapest to Leipzig.. Or perception of distance in Europe is really lacking I feel.
March 09, 2019 3:02AMJustin: Well read the desc.
Because it says that it's self-purging but on someone else.
And self-purging is extended.
March 09, 2019 3:03AMEve K.: *our
March 09, 2019 3:03AMJessica: man all this road construction is crazy
March 09, 2019 3:04AMGM (GM): At Life 3 you upgrade the way i read it
March 09, 2019 3:04AMJustin: Interesting.
March 09, 2019 3:04AMGM (GM): if you can sling 10 successes in a single action
you dont need to spend 1 hour per cast
just BAM
March 09, 2019 3:05AMJustin: I won't be able to sling 10 successes.
March 09, 2019 3:05AMGM (GM): cured
March 09, 2019 3:05AMJustin: Also you can increase the number if you want.
March 09, 2019 3:05AMJessica: does he get bonuses for her being in a hospital being treated with mundane means?
March 09, 2019 3:05AMGM (GM): then can extended it yeah
March 09, 2019 3:05AMJustin: 10 is Ebola.
But I figure Ebola and Cancer are on similar wavelengths.
March 09, 2019 3:05AMGM (GM): you are bonus whores XD
March 09, 2019 3:06AMEve K.: depends on the cancer
Ebola has a 50% survival rate
March 09, 2019 3:06AMGM (GM): does he get bonuses? sure. For her being in hospital. Does he get penalties for the diagnosis being terminal cause late stage cause Aiping didnt have money to commit mom on time? Also yes. They even out
March 09, 2019 3:06AMEve K.: some cancers are much higher
March 09, 2019 3:07AMGM (GM): all i'm saying is, Justin is gonna go do something very special for someone
and we need to make it appropriately dramatic and not rob him of his hard earned achievement by making the task easier
and thus undermining its meaning
March 09, 2019 3:08AMJessica: sure sure
March 09, 2019 3:08AMJustin: Word up. That's why I feel the extended action economy works well for this.
March 09, 2019 3:08AMGM (GM): So let's say yeah, she's in a hospital, but they aint treating her, cause meds expensive and they cant pay and doctors dont give two fucks
Yeah, makes sense, Jon
March 09, 2019 3:08AMEve K.: They live in Germany? Isn't Germany partially socialized health care?
March 09, 2019 3:08AMJessica: doesn't germany have socialized medicine?
yeah that
March 09, 2019 3:09AMGM (GM): Sure!
March 09, 2019 3:09AMEve K.: ;)
March 09, 2019 3:09AMGM (GM): Partially
Or do they?
lets research
March 09, 2019 3:09AMJustin: That could mean no treatment.
Especially if she's a little up there in age.
March 09, 2019 3:09AMGM (GM): yeh
does socialized medicine mean they got cancer cures raining from the sky? no
it means you can go see a dr for free
are they still having to buy the meds in USA? prolly
she prolly needs intense chemo and pain meds
and then meds that make chemo not kill her
March 09, 2019 3:10AMJustin: Right.
March 09, 2019 3:11AMJessica: i wasn't assuming they could cure her
March 09, 2019 3:11AMGM (GM): According to the Euro health consumer index, which placed it in 7th position in its 2015 survey, Germany has long had the most restriction-free and consumer-oriented healthcare system in Europe. Patients are allowed to seek almost any type of care they wish whenever they want it.
Ok apparently healthcare in Germany is like literally great
March 09, 2019 3:12AMEve K.: Actually the US pays more for meds than any other country
March 09, 2019 3:12AMJustin: ^
March 09, 2019 3:12AMJessica: yes
March 09, 2019 3:12AMEve K.: yeah it's pretty bomb. I'm looking at the wiki on it now.
March 09, 2019 3:12AMGM (GM): Ok well. For some reason its not working on Aiping's mom
March 09, 2019 3:12AMJustin: TURBOCANCER
Her luck was probably stolen.
March 09, 2019 3:12AMEve K.: Like Germany > Finland > Canada > Anywhere else > US
March 09, 2019 3:12AMJustin: ....
Oh fuck.
March 09, 2019 3:12AMEve K.: yup
March 09, 2019 3:12AMJustin: Her luck might have literally been stolen from Aiping at the tournament.
March 09, 2019 3:12AMJessica: US is a garbage fire
i thought of that when they first mentioned luck stealing
where have you been?
March 09, 2019 3:13AMJustin: Shut the fuck up bitch.
March 09, 2019 3:13AMEve K.: ohh
March 09, 2019 3:13AMGM (GM): Anyone Jessica played had their luck stolen
March 09, 2019 3:13AMJessica: yeah
March 09, 2019 3:13AMGM (GM): Hans's magic cards did that
March 09, 2019 3:13AMJessica: but i mean
aiping's mom didn't get cancer that fucking night
March 09, 2019 3:14AMJustin: Yeah, but cancer has odds of survival right?
March 09, 2019 3:14AMEve K.: yup
March 09, 2019 3:14AMJustin: Aiping is hoping to luck out and still have a mom.
Cubic stole that luck, kills the mom.
March 09, 2019 3:14AMJessica: Aiping is deadd
March 09, 2019 3:14AMJustin: Also that.
March 09, 2019 3:14AMJessica: but yeah we're gonna cure mom
March 09, 2019 3:14AMJustin: Maybe.
No fun unless there's a chance for failure.
March 09, 2019 3:15AMEve K.: who will then die of broken heart because her daughter is ded
March 09, 2019 3:15AMJessica: oh god
my feels
March 09, 2019 3:15AMJustin: She's asian.
They have litters.
March 09, 2019 3:15AMJessica: that is not an asian sterotype
March 09, 2019 3:15AMEve K.: but they will both get to pass on and reincarnate :D
March 09, 2019 3:15AMJessica: yay
March 09, 2019 3:16AMEve K.: yay!
March 09, 2019 3:16AMJessica: ?
March 09, 2019 3:16AMJustin: Really?
Isn't China the most populated country?
By alot?
Most people are Chinese.
March 09, 2019 3:16AMEve K.: they are only allowed to have one kid per household
March 09, 2019 3:16AMJustin: Right.
March 09, 2019 3:16AMEve K.: unless they are rich and buy extra
March 09, 2019 3:16AMJustin: Because they need to enforce that.
Or leave the country.
March 09, 2019 3:16AMGM (GM): Aiping's mom's cancer recovery chances got deck burned
March 09, 2019 3:16AMJustin: And go to Germany.
March 09, 2019 3:16AMEve K.: permissions to have kids...not kids
March 09, 2019 3:16AMJustin: To have more kids.
I'm not saying Aiping has 3 sisters and 2 brothers.
March 09, 2019 3:17AMJessica: omg
March 09, 2019 3:17AMJustin: Her mom probably has other reasons to live.
Ones that aren't as annoying as Aiping was.
March 09, 2019 3:17AMEve K.: I mean if they moved from China to have more kids then yeh they have like a litter I bet
March 09, 2019 3:17AMJustin: ^
March 09, 2019 3:17AMJessica: STOP BEING MEAN TO AIPING
March 09, 2019 3:17AMEve K.: No
March 09, 2019 3:17AMGM (GM): Aiping, Aiming, Ailing
March 09, 2019 3:17AMEve K.: :D
March 09, 2019 3:18AMJustin: Ailing has a stutter.
March 09, 2019 3:18AMJessica: D:
March 09, 2019 3:18AMGM (GM): A full deck
March 09, 2019 3:18AMEve K.: lolol
March 09, 2019 3:18AMJessica: at least she has a reason to live?
March 09, 2019 3:18AMGM (GM): WAIT
March 09, 2019 3:18AMJessica: no
March 09, 2019 3:18AMGM (GM): Wait
March 09, 2019 3:18AMJessica: No
March 09, 2019 3:18AMEve K.: if our theory is correct
March 09, 2019 3:18AMGM (GM): Does it mean
March 09, 2019 3:18AMJustin: If we get Eve to go with us we can facilitate a last meeting between Aiping and her mom.
Or if we can wake Lucas up.
March 09, 2019 3:18AMGM (GM): that Aiping
March 09, 2019 3:18AMJessica: <.<
March 09, 2019 3:18AMGM (GM): was trying
to kill
Nicol Ebolas?
March 09, 2019 3:19AMJessica: that was terrible and you should feel bad
March 09, 2019 3:19AMGM (GM): Jon is laughing
thats all i care
March 09, 2019 3:19AMJustin: Lucas is pretty bad guy so far.
First he let a girl get raped.
March 09, 2019 3:20AMJessica: he actually didn't get it
March 09, 2019 3:20AMJustin: Then he took a bunch of naps.
March 09, 2019 3:20AMJessica: #jondoesn'tgetit
March 09, 2019 3:20AMGM (GM): Kurt would have never let a girl get rapd
March 09, 2019 3:20AMJessica: really?
March 09, 2019 3:20AMGM (GM): really
March 09, 2019 3:20AMJustin: Kurt always gets consent before jacking off on a cat.
March 09, 2019 3:20AMJessica: that's where he draws the line?
March 09, 2019 3:20AMEve K.: I mean.. Lucus could make ectoplasm to help Aiping manifest. But I doubt he could make her. Eve on the other hand...
March 09, 2019 3:20AMJessica: pffffft
i think he meant like
grant death sight
jesus christ
you're gonna like
March 09, 2019 3:21AMJustin: Delicious dellicious disbelief.
March 09, 2019 3:21AMJessica: vomit ecto in a hospital room
0 is the promised land i guess
March 09, 2019 3:21AMEve K.: oh...yeah he could probably grant death sight too
March 09, 2019 3:21AMGM (GM): Remember what Cubic said?
That you people are fucking degenerates
March 09, 2019 3:22AMJessica: i'm not a degenerate
March 09, 2019 3:22AMJustin: Paraphrased.
March 09, 2019 3:22AMGM (GM): XD
I'm sure the last thing a dying mom wants to see before her cancer is cured is that her daughter is also dead, and i'm sure her ghostly form manifested into nose jizz would be OH SO CONSOLING you fucking monsters
March 09, 2019 3:23AMJustin: Still no clue how they make ectoplasm.
March 09, 2019 3:23AMGM (GM): just set the old hag on fire and let them meet in heaven
March 09, 2019 3:23AMJustin: I thought it might be like that ash baby in GoT.
March 09, 2019 3:23AMJessica: rofl
March 09, 2019 3:23AMEve K.: magic Justin... by magic
March 09, 2019 3:23AMJessica: XD
March 09, 2019 3:23AMGM (GM): Oh, yeah, and if you let the mom know that you can summon ghosts, there goes their chinese religious fate. They're probably catholic.
Faith broken
There is no heaven
just floating ghosts
March 09, 2019 3:24AMJustin: Jess!
Read their religion.
With fate!
March 09, 2019 3:24AMJessica: catholics probably believe in ghosts
March 09, 2019 3:24AMEve K.: Ironically it was Justin who wanted to facilitate this meeting..
March 09, 2019 3:24AMJessica: the bible prohibits speaking with them
March 09, 2019 3:24AMJustin: The holy ghost.
March 09, 2019 3:24AMJessica: so the assumption is they exist
March 09, 2019 3:24AMGM (GM): Justin is the biggest monster in the group
he is Simon in the making
March 09, 2019 3:24AMJessica: he id
March 09, 2019 3:24AMJustin: Lucas is bigger.
Like, physically.
March 09, 2019 3:24AMEve K.: lol
March 09, 2019 3:24AMGM (GM): Lucas is Scavenger
Eve is Diana
March 09, 2019 3:25AMJessica: also how do i read their religion with fate?
March 09, 2019 3:25AMEve K.: woot!
March 09, 2019 3:25AMGM (GM): Kurtis is Jason
March 09, 2019 3:25AMJessica: #Dantecarry
March 09, 2019 3:25AMGM (GM): Dante is i cant tell you who
March 09, 2019 3:25AMJessica: we can fix their religious beliefs
March 09, 2019 3:25AMJustin: NIGHT OWL
March 09, 2019 3:25AMEve K.: I was wondering who Diana's baby daddy is
March 09, 2019 3:25AMJustin: Or was that Forester's name?
What was Forester's name?
March 09, 2019 3:25AMJessica: Cubic
March 09, 2019 3:25AMJustin: No!
March 09, 2019 3:26AMGM (GM): No Forester is Robert
Robert Magreth
March 09, 2019 3:26AMJessica: Cubic got that field ploughed
March 09, 2019 3:26AMEve K.: doubtful
March 09, 2019 3:26AMJessica: he didn't used to hate mages
they had a nasty breakup
March 09, 2019 3:26AMEve K.: baby's not born yet...
March 09, 2019 3:26AMJustin: Justin can help.
Life 4 - Boom!
March 09, 2019 3:27AMJessica: ...
March 09, 2019 3:27AMEve K.: he wouldn't be helping us if he was baby daddy
March 09, 2019 3:27AMJustin: Justin has never lain with a woman.
March 09, 2019 3:27AMJessica: he's fucked in the head, who knows?
March 09, 2019 3:27AMJustin: He had a kiss though I think.
March 09, 2019 3:27AMEve K.: Justin?
March 09, 2019 3:27AMJessica: Marcella can teach him
March 09, 2019 3:27AMJustin: Word.
March 09, 2019 3:27AMGM (GM): Tass ladies touched his junk
March 09, 2019 3:27AMEve K.: Got orgy groped at Diana's party
lots of kissing
March 09, 2019 3:27AMJustin: That he did.
March 09, 2019 3:28AMGM (GM): OMG it's not Diana's party!!!
March 09, 2019 3:28AMEve K.: is so
March 09, 2019 3:28AMGM (GM): staaahp
March 09, 2019 3:28AMJustin: Shindiq.
March 09, 2019 3:28AMEve K.: lol
March 09, 2019 3:28AMJessica: headcanon
March 09, 2019 3:28AMGM (GM): Diana wasnt throwing it!
March 09, 2019 3:28AMJessica: stop telling us stuff oop
March 09, 2019 3:28AMGM (GM): Silver Ladder was
March 09, 2019 3:28AMJustin: More like Diana ladder.
Am I right?
March 09, 2019 3:28AMJessica: u rite
March 09, 2019 3:28AMEve K.: mmhmm
March 09, 2019 3:29AMJustin: Gonna call up that bitch in the Veil.
See what she do.
March 09, 2019 3:29AMGM (GM): Ok ok
March 09, 2019 3:29AMEve K.: :D
March 09, 2019 3:29AMJustin: "Yo whaddup, this is J-dawg."
March 09, 2019 3:29AMGM (GM): you guys did track the Gem to the party
March 09, 2019 3:29AMJustin: "WHere you at?"
March 09, 2019 3:29AMGM (GM): Diana was there, with the gem, doing something
Then shit hit the fan and she evaced
March 09, 2019 3:29AMEve K.: yup
March 09, 2019 3:29AMJustin: "You trynna drink up some tass and have a freaky time?"
March 09, 2019 3:29AMJessica: yes
"I got a hang down that I could hang up if you catch what I'm throwing."
March 09, 2019 3:30AMJustin: "Got my girl Marcella with me, no feet but she chill. How you feel about Ghost blowjobs?"
March 09, 2019 3:30AMJessica: "I need to pickle my cucumber, boo."
March 09, 2019 3:30AMEve K.: "If you real good I'll fold you some paper airplanes? Hows that?"
March 09, 2019 3:30AMGM (GM): If you turn on ghost sight or spirit sight you can see Marcella's legs in their ghost form
March 09, 2019 3:31AMJessica: "You want some Mormon syrup on that slop waffle?"
March 09, 2019 3:31AMGM (GM): The perfect concept of her complete legs
and you can touch them
if you have spirit 3
March 09, 2019 3:31AMJustin: FUCK
Need to get spirit 3 guys.
For reasons.
March 09, 2019 3:31AMEve K.: ...Wouldn't her severed feet fall under death?
March 09, 2019 3:31AMGM (GM): yes
that wouldget you her old feet
spirit would get you her perfect feet
March 09, 2019 3:32AMEve K.: ahhh
March 09, 2019 3:32AMGM (GM): the way she wanted them to be
March 09, 2019 3:32AMEve K.: k
March 09, 2019 3:32AMGM (GM): but death and spirit can see faint overshadows of each other's entities
March 09, 2019 3:32AMEve K.: Oh! Also. Justin's first use of spirit sight was at the shindiq
March 09, 2019 3:32AMGM (GM): shadow realm and twilight kinda overlap a little
book is weird
March 09, 2019 3:33AMEve K.: and it magic mushroom level blew his mind XD
March 09, 2019 3:33AMGM (GM): says theyre very separate but then says they overlap
March 09, 2019 3:33AMJessica: the different supernal realms were piloted by different designers
and have some inconsistencies in execution
it's pretty obvious early on that Arcadia from mage and Arcadia from the fae stuff were meant to be the same
March 09, 2019 3:34AMGM (GM): Rouse Spirit (Spirit •••)
The willworker learns how to awaken
the dormant spirit slumbering within
an object. Such objects or places then
gain a measure of sentience that increases
with time, use and care. Roused
March 09, 2019 3:34AMGM (GM): CHAPTER THREE: MAGIC 251
objects can be used to affect beings in
Twilight or across the Gauntlet.
March 09, 2019 3:34AMJessica: and then i guess they decided to lock mages out of their supernal realms
so some stuff got retconned
and now they're different arcadias which is stupi
March 09, 2019 3:34AMGM (GM): So yeah, spirit can do death stuff when it comes to ghost entities
just faintly
March 09, 2019 3:34AMJessica: as i misspell stupid
March 09, 2019 3:34AMGM (GM): ghosts are spirits of people
March 09, 2019 3:34AMEve K.: Fae magic works waaaaay differently than Mage magic though
March 09, 2019 3:34AMJessica: yeah like i said they changed stuff
March 09, 2019 3:34AMJustin: Word up.
March 09, 2019 3:35AMJessica: but there's published material linking the two
March 09, 2019 3:35AMJustin: They can both dream-walk but differently.
March 09, 2019 3:35AMJessica: that got errata'd
you literally have to find the explanation on a forum
they didn't plan or execute that super well
March 09, 2019 3:35AMGM (GM): Justin, you gonna wear Simon's cross?
March 09, 2019 3:35AMJessica: do it
March 09, 2019 3:36AMJustin: It's just a normal cross.
March 09, 2019 3:36AMGM (GM): Are you gonna wear it?
March 09, 2019 3:36AMEve K.: But the mage books were written two years before changeling the lost was released?
March 09, 2019 3:36AMJessica: shrug I dunno how it lines up specifically
i know broad strokes
i read the forums
March 09, 2019 3:37AMJustin: Mormons don't wear crosses.
March 09, 2019 3:37AMJessica: where one of the designers explained it
March 09, 2019 3:37AMGM (GM): Aright
Are you still mormon?
March 09, 2019 3:37AMJustin: Justin is absolutely still mormon.
March 09, 2019 3:37AMGM (GM): lol
So he believes in many wives?
March 09, 2019 3:38AMJustin: Yes.
March 09, 2019 3:38AMGM (GM): naisu
Ashley would approve
March 09, 2019 3:38AMJustin: :)
She's kinky.
My theory:
Ashley got shunted across the Gauntlet by Justin.
Who tethered her either to himself or that fucking scale.
March 09, 2019 3:39AMJessica: I think ashley was never a real person
March 09, 2019 3:39AMJustin: And Justin needs to figure out how to bring her back across the gauntlet.
Also, Justin had to identify himself as Forester's apprentice in order to get into the party.
Which might by why Diana left.
March 09, 2019 3:40AMJessica: she's afraid
would justin kill a pregnant girl?
March 09, 2019 3:40AMJustin: Justin would cast a spell to make her give birth immediately.
March 09, 2019 3:40AMJessica: that could have fucky consequences
March 09, 2019 3:41AMJustin: Not for a life mage.
Better than an ICU.
March 09, 2019 3:41AMJessica: fair
March 09, 2019 3:51AMEve K.: I should bed since I keep nodding off
March 09, 2019 3:51AMJustin: Yeah, Coral's already out.
March 09, 2019 3:51AMGM (GM): oh shit
forester is alive
March 09, 2019 3:51AMJustin: We should get XP for bullshitting all night.
Yeah dude.
March 09, 2019 3:51AMGM (GM): i forgot that
March 09, 2019 3:51AMJustin: He dipped.
March 09, 2019 3:51AMGM (GM): i counted him as dead
March 09, 2019 3:51AMJustin: Haha
March 09, 2019 3:51AMGM (GM): it was shawn's session
but he didnt die
Red Prince saved him
holy fuck
March 09, 2019 3:52AMJustin: Word.
March 09, 2019 3:52AMGM (GM): well that will be a nice reunion
March 09, 2019 3:52AMJustin: :)
March 09, 2019 3:52AMGM (GM): Forry gonna FUCK YOU UP BRUUU
March 09, 2019 3:52AMJustin: Bah.
He wouldn't hurt Justin.
March 09, 2019 3:52AMGM (GM): have you read the char description???
March 09, 2019 3:52AMJustin: No.
Should I?
March 09, 2019 3:52AMGM (GM): yeah you prolly should
so you can be in on the meme
March 09, 2019 3:54AMJustin: FUck.
Do we know tha tshit?
March 09, 2019 3:55AMGM (GM): No. But you do now. And have to live with it
Welcome to my hell
March 09, 2019 3:55AMJustin: Have to live with what? Forester wants to turn on Diana.
That's some good fucking news right there.
The only one who stopped him is dead.
March 09, 2019 3:57AMGM (GM): Yeah but
He is convinced now that Diana is right
unless you wanna take the gem
and be the One
wouldnt that be a kick in the nuts at the end
no guys, not destroying
March 09, 2019 3:58AMJustin: We'll see.
I think I can convince Forester to turn good.
March 09, 2019 3:58AMGM (GM): oh we will
March 09, 2019 3:58AMJustin: There's good in him.
March 09, 2019 3:58AMGM (GM): maybe
March 09, 2019 3:58AMJustin: It doesn't add up, does it?
March 09, 2019 3:58AMGM (GM): well sure it does
March 09, 2019 3:58AMJustin: That was a quote
From the dream.
March 09, 2019 3:58AMGM (GM): not everyone in diana's cabal is a degenerate like simon
Jason is a decent guy, Forry too
she really isnt doing anything wrong
March 09, 2019 3:59AMEve K.: riiiiiiight
March 09, 2019 3:59AMGM (GM): she just has what allies agreed to help her
when her child is born, she'd probably feed Simon to his own beasts
March 09, 2019 3:59AMJustin: Maybe. Too late though.
Simon was fed to entirely different sorts of beasts.
March 09, 2019 3:59AMGM (GM): DELISH
that fight was a total fluke
March 09, 2019 3:59AMJustin: Also.
Kurt + Justin power combo.
It was proficied. Jurt.
March 09, 2019 4:00AMGM (GM): yeah proven in 3 fights
March 09, 2019 4:00AMEve K.: okay ni ni
March 09, 2019 4:00AMJustin: GOodnight!
March 09, 2019 4:00AMGM (GM): same nini
March 09, 2019 4:00AMJustin: Night.
March 23, 2019 10:33PMJessica: Whee
March 23, 2019 10:33PMDante: .
March 23, 2019 10:36PMJessica: we spying on the bitch
March 23, 2019 10:37PMDante: ye
good discussion
March 23, 2019 10:56PMJustin: Whooo!
March 23, 2019 10:57PMDante: mhmmm
March 23, 2019 10:57PMJustin: They added a mount to Guild Wars 2 World vs World.
Really changes how the game plays.
March 23, 2019 10:58PMDante: No kiddin?
The mount does, or the collecting it has?
March 23, 2019 10:58PMJustin: The mount does. Makes the whole thing more dynamic.
Power shifts much quicker.
March 23, 2019 10:58PMDante: Ohhh, I get ya
March 23, 2019 10:58PMJessica: jon was on a pvp map with a sea of people on mounts trying not to die at slowspeed so he could unlock it
March 23, 2019 10:59PMDante: oh god lol
March 23, 2019 10:59PMJustin: Yeah, unlocking it was fucking horrifying.
March 23, 2019 10:59PMDante: get trampled!
March 23, 2019 10:59PMJustin: Been working on it all week. I got trampled ALOT.
THey wouldn't let me go.
Just when I thought the trampling was finished, it'd start again.
March 23, 2019 10:59PMDante: damn
March 23, 2019 11:00PMJustin: It's fine.
Now I get to do the trampling.
March 23, 2019 11:00PMDante: Like a proper hazing ritual, now its your turn
March 23, 2019 11:01PMJustin: Exactly. Except I'm like the last guy in the continental united states to unlock it.
So fuck it.
March 23, 2019 11:01PMJessica: lol
March 23, 2019 11:01PMDante: You'd be like the guy in a cartoon who is in the lead, but gets taken down by a lone guy and then gets trampled all the way to the back.
March 23, 2019 11:02PMJustin: Haha
"My HUBRIS!!!"
March 23, 2019 11:02PMDante: lol
March 23, 2019 11:04PMJustin: My main character is not meant for GW2.
He's a tank/healer who is built around CC and making bosses flinch.
Does nothing in pvp.
I finally switched to a trapsmith ranger and I'm having way more fun.
March 23, 2019 11:05PMDante: I don't remember trapsmith
March 23, 2019 11:06PMJustin: It's just a ranger who uses traps.
March 23, 2019 11:06PMDante: Oh. I think I got fucked up by those
March 23, 2019 11:06PMJustin: Yeah, I suck at PVP and I can do pretty decent with it.
No clue what somebody who's good at it would be capable of.
March 23, 2019 11:07PMDante: Probably ridiculousness lol. Yeah, its kinda coming back to me a bit.
I had a guardian who had uhh.. tomes. Don't remember the spec name
March 23, 2019 11:08PMJustin: Firebrand.
March 23, 2019 11:08PMDante: It doesn't sound familiar, but probably
Google confirms
March 23, 2019 11:08PMJustin: All hail google.
King of confirmation.
March 23, 2019 11:09PMDante: Ye
It still doesn't seem familiar. Did it go by another name?
Oh look who's here
March 23, 2019 11:09PMGM (GM): okeh dokeh
itsa meee
March 23, 2019 11:09PMJessica: hai
March 23, 2019 11:09PMGM (GM): texas was awesome
March 23, 2019 11:09PMDante: was it
March 23, 2019 11:10PMJessica: XD
March 23, 2019 11:10PMGM (GM): not compared to alaska
March 23, 2019 11:10PMEve K.: XD
March 23, 2019 11:10PMGM (GM): kinda puny
but omg the chicks were all insanely hot
March 23, 2019 11:10PMJustin: Texas is the worst.
It's filled with Texans.
March 23, 2019 11:11PMGM (GM): it's like a good brisket
ok folks, core crew is here
March 23, 2019 11:11PMJustin: Too many texans to enjoy brisket.
March 23, 2019 11:11PMDante: A good brisket is puny but hot?
March 23, 2019 11:11PMGM (GM): yes
March 23, 2019 11:11PMDante: thats new
I think you should rethink your brisket
March 23, 2019 11:11PMJessica: lol
March 23, 2019 11:11PMGM (GM): i think you should rethink your rethinking recommendations
March 23, 2019 11:12PMEve K.: box?
March 23, 2019 11:12PMDante: I'm gonna have to categorically deny that
March 23, 2019 11:12PMGM (GM): shall we jump into it guys?
March 23, 2019 11:12PMJustin: I think you should rethink your rethinking of his rethinking recommendations.
March 23, 2019 11:12PMJessica: box
March 23, 2019 11:12PMJustin: baucks
March 23, 2019 11:12PMGM (GM): I think you should rethink your recommendation on my rethinking of his rethinking of my rethinking recommendations
March 23, 2019 11:12PMDante: Just shake it out
get it out of your system
b ox .
March 23, 2019 11:13PMGM (GM): The holographic panel of the Loquimorscope control lights up Scavenger's marker, and an updated map of the active LQs.
Cubic is basically giving us a conference room where we can discuss our approach privately. He understands that some of us are not keen on him and his business, but as we have fulfilled the deal, he will configure things how we want. Eve, he says that us not telling him who is behind the rebel command counts as withholding information about Hans's true killer, and if we want him to shut down Diana's LQs, we will have to give up that identity.
You get the idea that he is digging his hooves in primarily because he can't afford to have two powerful enemies at the same time. If he is to disable Diana's LQ, he can't have the rebels running around blowing up his shit.
So he is giving us whatever time we need, and a room to our disposal, if some of us need to cool off and return.
So last we left our heroes, Jessica stormed off. Where did she go?
Justin was in the waiting room with Marcella.
March 23, 2019 11:18PMGM (GM): And Kurt, Dante, and Eve were still with Cubic at the office.
We can say that we got together somewhere to discuss our final plan.
March 23, 2019 11:19PMJessica: I pictured Jessica taking a walk around the block
March 23, 2019 11:21PMKurtis Kerner: "So guys, what next? Let's summarize everything we know about Diana and the Gem. We have a compass that tells us the Gem is north east. We have identity of Diana's accountant and his contact details here in Leipzig. That path could be exploited to undermine her further. We could spy on them using the now two linked up Loquimorscopes, maybe listen in, figure out what arcana her people have, and what lines they monitor. We could give Leopold the DJ and have him take out Diana's communications..."
"We got Justin's lead on the gem, and we are wanted by the police, so if we stay in the city, Justin and I have to travel incognito. Ideas?"
"Oh yeah, and we got Jessica's business."
March 23, 2019 11:23PMJessica: Basically thoughts are going in unconstructive circles, she's in public so she's trying not to openly cry (has her hood up), but she can't stand being in Cubic's building. Like pacing but on a larger scale. Unproductive melancholy.
March 23, 2019 11:23PMEve K.: "Yeah that pretty much sums it up"
March 23, 2019 11:24PMDante: "Where does Justin's lead take us next?"
March 23, 2019 11:24PMKurtis Kerner: "My personal suggestion: we plug into the Loquimorescope network and assign one of us to monitor it closely, recording everything it shows, and see if we can get a basic layout of her defenses. I would be willing to do that, since I can record audio visual things that I see and hear."
"We also need to find new mana. Which I would need about a day to find. I got to look at Ley Lines. And I've not done that before."
turns to Justin, opening a hand towards him, giving him the turn to speak
March 23, 2019 11:26PMJustin: Justin looks around a little awkwardly "There's a library... should we be doing this without Jessica here?"
"Should I go get her?"
March 23, 2019 11:27PMEve K.: "Depends on if she's going to be going with us after Diana."
March 23, 2019 11:29PMDante: "I am not really concerned with our order of operations, but we need to get some proper rest and if we can find a mana source.. that should be priority right now I think. And yeah, Jessica should be with us discussing.
March 23, 2019 11:29PMJustin: "Yeah, I'm not sure what she wants to do. There's a man named Karl who has a libarary that has a very rare book detailing what happened to the Gem of Kings since the last time it was seen under the care of Napoleon."
"Alright, well I can probably give me and Kurt new faces... Not sure if I can do it without mana though."
March 23, 2019 11:29PMEve K.: "I'll second Dante's suggestion on proper rest."
March 23, 2019 11:30PMJustin: "I think Mana is most important. If we get sucker-punched again we won't be able to heal without mana."
Justin moves his hand up to his face and concentrates for a moment.
"Yeah, I don't need mana for it."
"The cells are used to changing."
March 23, 2019 11:32PMJessica: ((impersonate leopold and take his stuff))
March 23, 2019 11:32PMEve K.: "So that will take Kurtis a day to find. Meanwhile we can get a hotel, get some real rest. That will help the mana problem a bit too. Then we can split up, do some library research, have Kurt listen in on Diana for a bit, finish up Jessica's ghost problem. Maybe pay that accountant a visit. Once we've got enough intel, we give Cubic the name he wants and have Diana's LQ's dropped."
"Sound like a plan? Or any better ideas?"
March 23, 2019 11:34PMJustin: "I think I need to be there for both library and Jess's ghost stuff."
"So I'm not certain how much splitting up we can do."
March 23, 2019 11:37PMDante: Dante gives a nod. "Presumably all of us don't need to be present for Jessica's business or the library trip, but you are certainly needed for both. I can go where I am needed, no preference."
March 23, 2019 11:38PMKurtis Kerner: "Yeah, the accountant, Remington, knows me and Dante, but I'm sure Dante can take lead on it. You guys get a hotel, do the library and the Jessica stuff, figure out if Jessica is in on Diana. My opinion is she's pretty new still, and it's dangerous, but I'm also pretty sure she's got nowhere to go, so she'll be safer with us in New Haven. I'll take one of the 'Scopes and start tracing ley lines while listening, and meet you guys at the Hotel. Just text me at where you stop by. I think you'll do fine without me through this, I'm useless without mana anyways. One of you can take my guns and holsters. We have rifles in the van, but they're hard to hide."
March 23, 2019 11:38PMJessica: ((hands in the middle, go team!))
March 23, 2019 11:39PMJustin: "I really wouldn't know what to do with your guns Kurt."
March 23, 2019 11:39PMJessica: ((sure you do ;) ))
March 23, 2019 11:39PMEve K.: "I've got my own."
March 23, 2019 11:39PMJustin: "Somebody else might take you up on the offer."
March 23, 2019 11:40PMJessica: ((JURT))
March 23, 2019 11:40PMKurtis Kerner: "I mean, if Slabod jumps me, I'm dead anyway, guns or not. It's me he wants. At least by separating, it keeps you out of harm's way until we charge up."
"You got Dante's ward, as long as you stay with the van. You should probably keep refreshing it or whatever."
March 23, 2019 11:41PMJustin: Justin gives Kurtis a look. "Are you depressed or something?"
March 23, 2019 11:41PMKurtis Kerner: smiles "Hell no. I'm ready as ever. But you're right. If anyone's got a chance with those guns, it's gonna be me!"
"Let's ask Cubic to bring 19 and 20 online so that we can use them ourselves."
Dante takes 19, I take 20. Once I find a Hollow, I'll bring Dante over through the Scope, and he can chalk the rest of you.
"One thing. Eve. If we give Cubic the DJ now, he might launch an offensive, which would keep Slabod busy and off my ass."
March 23, 2019 11:46PMEve K.: "Alright. Lets give him the name, but ask him to delay dropping Diana's LQs till... when? Couple of days?
March 23, 2019 11:46PMKurtis Kerner: "We can just ask him to turn off the Scopes once we're ready."
"Well, whenever we ready to strike. I'm pretty sure he's not gonna do it until the rebels are shut down anyway."
"What I'm asking here though, is, does anyone object to wiping them out? Cause I'm damn sure Cubic will kill them all."
March 23, 2019 11:48PMJustin: Justin frowns. March 23, 2019 11:49PMKurtis Kerner: "If we're to believe Lucas, the guy he wants to send wiped out two SWAT teams without taking a hit."
March 23, 2019 11:49PMEve K.: "Honestly, until I found out he's a vampire I would have been less inclined to give him to Cubic. Now... I mean... He's basically eating souls to stay alive."
March 23, 2019 11:50PMKurtis Kerner: "Is that a fact? The vampires in New Haven were using willing donors."
March 23, 2019 11:50PMJessica: ((good lord))
March 23, 2019 11:50PMEve K.: "Not the same kind of vampire"
March 23, 2019 11:50PMJustin: "And now vampires eat souls instead of sucking blood."
Justin sighs and shakes his head. "Whatever, they tried to kill us."
March 23, 2019 11:51PMEve K.: "Those were just regular vampires. He's a mage who became a vampire. They need souls to live, or at least that's what I've heard."
March 23, 2019 11:51PMKurtis Kerner: "Okay, all in favor then."
March 23, 2019 11:53PMJustin: Justin just leans back and raises his hand in favor, not happy that they're continuing to rag on with the vampire joke in important discussions like this one. March 23, 2019 11:53PMEve K.: (I almost want to go up against Merlin just to prove to Justin Vampires are for real))
March 23, 2019 11:54PMJustin: ((Justin's a vampire now. He has the rote.))
Eve K. raises her hand as well
March 23, 2019 11:54PMJessica: ((i bet there's a complication and we have to face him anyway. Jorg dies?))
March 23, 2019 11:54PMEve K.: ((impossible0)
March 23, 2019 11:55PMJessica: ((how bad ass would that antagonist be though?))
March 23, 2019 11:55PMDante: Dante nods in assent. "Yeah. Not sure about how we're going to get in touch with Remington, though. Let's just start with mana and rest."
March 23, 2019 11:55PMEve K.: "Find a poker joint?"
March 23, 2019 11:57PMDante: Dante nods. March 23, 2019 11:57PMKurtis Kerner: "Alright, that's settled then. Since I can't bend light or fly without mana, I'll suppress my aura, pretend to be a sleeper, and get in touch with you when I find something."
he grabs Loquimorescope 20 and stands up
March 23, 2019 11:58PMJustin: "Let me set you up with one of my patented faces..."
March 23, 2019 11:58PMKurtis Kerner: "Okay."
March 23, 2019 11:58PMJustin: "Maybe we should get permission from Cubic before casting in here."
March 23, 2019 11:58PMJessica: ((do nick offerman))
March 23, 2019 11:58PMKurtis Kerner: stands arms open, chest square, like the Vitruvian Man, facing Justin "He said we can't cast on CDTC employees, which we are not."
March 23, 2019 11:59PMEve K.: "Let's go finish our chat with Cubic before you change your face hmm?"
March 23, 2019 11:59PMKurtis Kerner: "You guys go ahead and chat with him, I'd rather get to the search ASAP."
March 24, 2019 12:00AMJustin: Justin steps forward and eyes Kurt up and down, before putting his hand to his face and concentrates on the cells around his face. (Life 4 + Gnosis 3)
rolling 7d10>8!
= 0 Successes
March 24, 2019 12:00AMDante: Dante rolls LQ-19 across the table with his palm, curling his fingers around it before it skitters off the edge. He pinches it between thumb and middle finger and inspects it before tucking it into an inner pocket. "Jessica is still missing. You going to track her down when you leave?"
Eve K. stands smoothing her skirt "Fine by me, the sooner we chat, the sooner we can get a hotel and sleep in actual beds"
March 24, 2019 12:01AMJustin: "Huh...."
Justin squints a bit and tries again.
rolling 5d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 24, 2019 12:02AMKurtis Kerner: "Yeah, I can actually take her with me. She still has mana. She might be able to protect me. Or I - her. Would probably be useful for her to learn about finding Hollows."
March 24, 2019 12:02AMJustin: Justin is able to get Kurt's cells to react, giving him a bit of a tan, a bunch of unkept facial hair, and acne scarring on his forehead and cheeks. March 24, 2019 12:03AMEve K.: "Maybe have a chat with her about"
waves her hand in a circle as if to encompass all that's been going on "Things*
March 24, 2019 12:03AMKurtis Kerner: winces as he talks, as acne stings his cheeks "Yeah, okay."
March 24, 2019 12:04AMJustin: "Alright, that should give people some stuff to focus on that isn't your actual face shape and looks."
March 24, 2019 12:05AMKurtis Kerner: nods to Justin, and folds his hands in an almost yoga fashion, inhaling and exhaling, attempting to do the trick to flip his resonance rolling 7d10>8!
= 1 Success
March 24, 2019 12:06AMEve K.: "I'm heading to Cubic's office then. Good luck Kurtis, stay in touch."
March 24, 2019 12:06AMKurtis Kerner: His Obrimos Aura dims, making him look a bit less like a mage and more like a sleeper. Not enough to fool upclose, but passable at distance without scrutiny nods "Good luck."
March 24, 2019 12:06AMJustin: Justin nods and Kurtis "Alright, stay safe Kurt."
March 24, 2019 12:06AMDante: Dante looks to Kurtis as spells are cast on him. "Do you want mental protection of any kind before we part?"
March 24, 2019 12:07AMKurtis Kerner: "You too, kiddo."
Eve K. heads out of the conference room to Cubic's office
March 24, 2019 12:07AMKurtis Kerner: to Dante "Yeah, please."
March 24, 2019 12:07AMJustin: Justin pats his shoulder and heads out the door into the lobby March 24, 2019 12:08AMKurtis Kerner: "The usual anti-Simon mind cocktail."
March 24, 2019 12:08AMDante: Dante nods and wags his fingers at his side as his eyes lock onto Kurtis. rolling 11d10>8!
= 1 Success
((potency 1 mental shield))
Dante's lips curl downward briefly, but he shakes off whatever was bothering him. "Stay safe. You know what to do if you need me."
March 24, 2019 12:10AMKurtis Kerner: ((yeah it's a potency 1, but gives me a -5 penalty to any mind attackers.))
((-5 vs mind control, but attempts to dispel the shield have to get 2 successes))
March 24, 2019 12:10AMDante: ((Ye))
March 24, 2019 12:11AMKurtis Kerner: The usual internal static of the spell emanates between Kurt and Dante
"Good luck, DC. Don't die."
March 24, 2019 12:11AMDante: "I have no intention of doing so."
Dante turns on his heels and catches up with the group.
March 24, 2019 12:14AMKurtis Kerner: takes the elevator down and heads outside March 24, 2019 12:14AMJustin: ((YOu guys are making me worried for Kurt.))
March 24, 2019 12:14AMJessica: right?
March 24, 2019 12:14AMGM (GM): At Cubic's Office: Eve, Dante, and Justin (?)
March 24, 2019 12:15AMJustin: Justin turns to Eve and Dante as they step outside the conference room. "Alright, I don't really want to see Cubic again. Would you mind taking care of him and I'll catch up with Jessica?"
March 24, 2019 12:15AMEve K.: "Fine with me."
March 24, 2019 12:15AMKurtis Kerner: Jessica, you see a man walk out of CDTC wearing Kurt's clothes, but covered in acne, facial hair, and tanned, he looks overall quite different from Kurt, and resemblance is pretty skewed March 24, 2019 12:16AMDante: "Yeah, sure."
March 24, 2019 12:16AMJessica: does he walk the same way?
March 24, 2019 12:16AMKurtis Kerner: yeah, same energized stride
March 24, 2019 12:17AMGM (GM): Justin catches the next elevator down, so he also will appear outside shortly
March 24, 2019 12:18AMJessica: Jessica comes to a stop near one of the sleepy benches outside, waiting on Kurt to come out to the sidewalk. Her eyes are red and puffy but not actively tearing up right now.
March 24, 2019 12:18AMLeopold Cubic: looks up to the two entering his office "Well?"
March 24, 2019 12:19AMKurtis Kerner: walks up to Jessica "Hey. Kid threw a bit of make up on me. You okay?"
March 24, 2019 12:19AMJessica: "Yeah. Great."
March 24, 2019 12:20AMJustin: Justin heads over to Marcella's desk and smiles. "Hey, I'm headed out and might not be back anytime soon."
He slides her a piece of paper with a phone number on it.
"This is my cell phone number. I'm around if you need help with anything, or want tips on folding paper planes."
March 24, 2019 12:20AMJustin: He smiles at her. March 24, 2019 12:20AMJessica: Her tone is sarcastic but subdued, she's staring at the bench, remembering the tree in Arcadia.
March 24, 2019 12:21AMKurtis Kerner: "We held a little meeting deciding what to do. You're the only one with juice, so I'm gonna go find us some more. You can come if you want, but without my mana, I'm mostly just guns and fists. So it's up to you. Wanna come along? It'll keep ya busy."
Eve K. settles into a chair across from Cubic, smoothing her skirt as she sits. "Shall I get right to the point? As far as we could determine, the leader of your terrorist group is an individual known as DJ Merlin. He frequents several clubs in Berlin."
March 24, 2019 12:22AMMarcella Cubic: "Thank you, Justin. I'll be sure to call you. Oh hey, here's a little something of my own. A little gift."
March 24, 2019 12:23AMJessica: "Yeah. Sounds good," she mumbles. It doesn't sound like it sounds good.
March 24, 2019 12:23AMEve K.: "He is likely a mage who's become a vampire, the term I've heard for these sorts is a Tremere Lich "
March 24, 2019 12:23AMMarcella Cubic: she hands Justin a small memento, one of her business cards, which she folds into a tiny plane March 24, 2019 12:23AMJessica: ((oh god))
March 24, 2019 12:23AMJustin: Justin takes the business card and smiles very wide, before tucking it into his shirt pocket. March 24, 2019 12:23AMDante: Dante follows in behind Eve and props himself against the edge of a chair, one hand in his pants pocket. His other hand idly scratches his cheek. He nods at Eve's explanation as if he understands exactly what she is implying. March 24, 2019 12:24AMJustin: "Thank you!"
He grins and turns around, tapping his finger on his face and willing it into a different form as he heads to the elevator. rolling 7d10>8!
= 2 Successes
March 24, 2019 12:24AMDante: ((Marcella Cubic - Amateur Foot model. 555-5555))
March 24, 2019 12:24AMEve K.: ((XD))
March 24, 2019 12:27AMKurtis Kerner: "Alright. Perfect. You're gonna be an Obrimos sidekick today. So, lesson one. Magic takes quintessence. And according to the book here, that stuff can form natural rivers. And we're gonna try to find one and follow it to the nearest knot. So first, let's get us a cab. You're fluent in German, so get us somewhere crowded. Some market or something. Somewhere where there are a lot of people."
March 24, 2019 12:28AMLeopold Cubic: Cubic looks at the two as they talk. As they finish, he exhales, looking like his droopy eyes will melt off his face any minute now
"Damn it all to hell." - he says slowly and grumpily.
"A Tremere Lich. Merlin Rude. You got that, Jorg?"
March 24, 2019 12:29AMJustin: Justin steps outside the building, pale, freckled, red-haired, with a short beard. Eve K. raises a brow as Cubic talks to thin air?
March 24, 2019 12:30AMEve K.: ((did we miss Jorg being in the room?))
March 24, 2019 12:30AMGM (GM): Dante and Eve, you hear a shifting of cloth behind you, and as you turn to look, you see this gentleman. No, you did not miss anything. He wasn't there, until this moment.
March 24, 2019 12:30AMJessica: Jessica nods. She takes out her phone, taps on her screen with her thumb without purpose for a moment, like anyone else tapping their foot. The Unlock icon expands and disappears in time with the taps. She bites her lip, then raises an eyebrow. "Mall of Berlin is one of the biggest in Europe. Can it be inside?"
March 24, 2019 12:31AMEve K.: ((holy... ))
March 24, 2019 12:31AMDante: Dante instinctively puts distance between him and this apparently welcome interloper March 24, 2019 12:31AMEve K.: ((it's a good thing Justin isn't in here... He would have a fit at seeing this demon man))
March 24, 2019 12:31AMJessica: ((Jorg is my crush))
Eve K. 's remain raised at seeing Jorg for the first time, though her reaction isn't as much to move away as to just watch the man.
March 24, 2019 12:33AMJorg: He stands at ease, hands folded in front of himself. "Ah, yes, the mute of Berlin. I heard of him. He does not speak, which is why they call him Rude. Always has a mouth piece speak for him. I will take care of it. Put the facility on full lock down. I will depart immediately. Anything else, Herr Cubic?"
March 24, 2019 12:36AMKurtis Kerner: "Yeah, it can be inside, it can be outside, really anywhere. I actually never done it before, so I have no idea where it could be. Oh hey, there's J..oe. Hey Joe. Joining us?"
March 24, 2019 12:36AMJustin: "Yeah, it's either that or talk to Cubic and this is much better."
Ginger-Justin smiles and waves at everyone. March 24, 2019 12:37AMJessica: "Maybe you guys should try less realistic code names."
March 24, 2019 12:38AMJustin: "Anything would be better than the one Eve came up with."
March 24, 2019 12:38AMJessica: "Like you're never going to accidentally call each other Iron Man or something. You keep getting the real names mixed up."
March 24, 2019 12:39AMJustin: "So, isn't one of the towers here?"
"Wouldn't that be a hallow?"
March 24, 2019 12:41AMKurtis Kerner: "Nnnno, I think it's in Poland. Unless you mean this joint. But I can't suck anything out of Cubic's building. Gonna have to find earth's energies by doing the legwork and probing."
"I'm pretty sure if I introduced myself as Mister Inferno, I'd become a laughing stock among both the mortals and the mages."
March 24, 2019 12:41AMJustin: Justin shakes his head and rubs his eyes. "Sorry, it's gotta be all that crazy space magic in Cubic's place that got me confused."
March 24, 2019 12:42AMKurtis Kerner: "Well, Jessica, your other option is to accompany Justin on a research thing. Plus, he can probably help your friend's mother. If you could bless me with some of that Acanthus luck of yours, I could handle the search myself. And you'll be a Thyrsus sidekick for the day. Your choice."
March 24, 2019 12:46AMJessica: "I wanna help Aiping's mom. Can you do that without mana? Can I give you some of mine?" She looks back at Kurtis. "I can still try to make you lucky."
March 24, 2019 12:47AMLeopold Cubic: "Yes. Is the warehouse business cleaned up?"
March 24, 2019 12:47AMJorg: "All finished, sir."
March 24, 2019 12:47AMJustin: "I don't need mana for that. Let's help your friend's mom."
March 24, 2019 12:47AMLeopold Cubic: "Good. Equipment?"
March 24, 2019 12:47AMJorg: "Destroyed, unfortunately."
March 24, 2019 12:47AMLeopold Cubic: "The Mercedes-Benz arena?"
March 24, 2019 12:48AMJorg: "Hallow extinguished, Sir. All evidence destroyed."
March 24, 2019 12:49AMLeopold Cubic: "Good. Alright, Jorg. Engage this Merlin fellow. Take the extra caution. Don't apply the usual tactic. No need to destroy the dance club. It sounds like a nice place which makes people happy. Take out the spiders, leave the web in tact. The club belongs to Berlin's people. Kill the Lich and his servants. Once you kill them all and destroy their base, convert the resource to our asset, and report back. I have something else for you later."
March 24, 2019 12:50AMDante: Dante looks over to tall, dark, and obsidian before giving Eve a look at the mention of the word 'extinguished'. March 24, 2019 12:50AMEve K.: ((Oohh they already knew where Merlin was just not who he was. Because we never told him what club it was))
March 24, 2019 12:50AMKurtis Kerner: "Lucky away! Give me some of that redhead irish charm! Or is it scottish? I don't know. Sprinkle some fairy cereal."
March 24, 2019 12:51AMJessica: ((exceptional luck, go! Gnosis + Fate, not using the tattoo))
Eve K. blink rapidly at the mention of extinguishing the Mecedes-Benz hallow, but otherwise remains impassive, watching the back and forth
March 24, 2019 12:52AMEve K.: *blinks
March 24, 2019 12:52AMJessica: rolling 4d10>8!
= 3 Successes
March 24, 2019 12:52AMDante: ((sick))
March 24, 2019 12:53AMJessica: Jessica takes a penny out of her wallet and flips it to Kurtis. "Left pocket. French superstition."
The mage gains the 9-again quality (re-roll results of 9 and 10) on one future dice roll per success. The player can choose which of his rolls are affected by this exceptional luck (declared before dice are rolled), and they can include any action or task. This effect lasts for one scene (unless additional Duration factors are added during casting), after which time any unused luck rolls are lost.
Note that this spell does not affect a chance die, should a player’s dice pool be reduced to one. Only a result of 10 is a success.
((in case you were looking for it))
March 24, 2019 12:57AMKurtis Kerner: ((Be a darling and extend it to 1 additional scene, for 2 potency, so i get 2 9-agains for 2 scenes))
March 24, 2019 12:57AMJessica: ((done))
((don't lose the penny XD))
Jess will call Kurtis an Uber and speak with the driver for him as well
March 24, 2019 1:00AMKurtis Kerner: catches the coin and slides it into the left pocket
"Thanks, cutie."
March 24, 2019 1:01AMJessica: She rolls her eyes.
March 24, 2019 1:01AMJorg: "Understood."
March 24, 2019 1:03AMLeopold Cubic: waves him off like he was some nagging grandma, and Jorg nods, and steps outside the office, closing the door "Well. See? Knew we'd come to turns. Now I feel like we can deal. So, what shall we do with Diana and her naughty boys?"
March 24, 2019 1:04AMKurtis Kerner: The Uber arrives, and Kurt goes around to get in the back seat "Alright, you two. Stay safe! Good luck!"
waves with a smile
March 24, 2019 1:05AMJustin: Justin Waves back to Kurt as he heads off before turning back to Jessica. "Alright, can you tell me a little about the situation with your friend and her mom?"
March 24, 2019 1:05AMKurtis Kerner: "Iron Man out!"
laughs the uber drives off
March 24, 2019 1:06AMJustin: He waits for her to start heading off in the direction we need to go, following. March 24, 2019 1:06AMJessica: ((kurt's got the weird nihilistic cheerfulness going on))
March 24, 2019 1:06AMGM (GM): ((i lost my first wisdom point in 10 years))
March 24, 2019 1:07AMJustin: ((:( ))
Eve K. watches Jorg leave the room before turning her attention back to the matters at hand. Eve smiles at Cubic. "For now we would like to leave things as they are. Allow her Loquimorscopes to continue operating so we can gather a little intel on her, as well as tie up a few other things here in Germany. Once we are ready we would then ask that her Loquimorscopes be turned off, when we are ready to move against her."
March 24, 2019 1:08AMJessica: "Aiping was in the Magic Tournament to help pay for her mom's cancer treatment. I don't know a lot besides that. We could try cold-calling some hospitals I guess??"
March 24, 2019 1:08AMJustin: "You can't do some sort of resonance casting to figure that out?"
"Is Aiping a ghost following you around right now?"
March 24, 2019 1:08AMJessica: "Yeah but I can't see her."
March 24, 2019 1:09AMLeopold Cubic: "Done. 19 and 20 will monitor the rest of her chain, while showing up to her as dead. 19 and 20 will be able to talk to each other. Once you are ready, Julius and Vincent can come in for the shutdown process."
March 24, 2019 1:11AMJustin: Justin tilts his head, looking past Jessica in that particular angle that will allow nondiscript things like spirits and ghosts to become visible to his gaze. rolling 5d10>8!
= 5 Successes
March 24, 2019 1:11AMLeopold Cubic: "Would you two care to have a late lunch? I can introduce you to some of our staff."
March 24, 2019 1:12AMDante: Dante rubs his chin thoughtfully. "I haven't much of an appetite, but if the lady is peckish, I will come along."
March 24, 2019 1:13AMGM (GM): Justin, you do sense two hazy reflections of presences around Jessica. They lack detail or reason, but the two somethings are definitely there.
March 24, 2019 1:14AMJustin: "Aiping, can you lead us to your mother? I want to help her."
March 24, 2019 1:14AMGM (GM): The feel you get from them is very generic. It can resonate with what you often felt when your father punished you or yelled at you. A feeling of debt, guilt, shame.
March 24, 2019 1:15AMJessica: Jessica gets goosebumps as Justin addresses Aiping.
"Did she say anything?"
March 24, 2019 1:16AMJustin: "I wouldn't be able to hear her if she did. She needs to start walking in a direction if she can help us get there."
March 24, 2019 1:16AM (From Eve K.): soooo now Justin can talk to ghosts???
March 24, 2019 1:16AMJessica: "Lemme bring up a list of hospitals on my phone. Can she point?"
March 24, 2019 1:17AMJustin: "Yeah, she can point. I cast this one pretty hard so I might be able to make out her finger distinctly enough for that to help."
"Aiping, can you help out Jessica by pointing towards the name of the hospital that your mom is at?"
March 24, 2019 1:18AMJessica: Jessica searches for hospitals in Berlin and begins slows scrolling through the search results.
"Uh, shake your head if we need a different city."
March 24, 2019 1:19AMJustin: Justin watches the hazy forms intently to see if he can determine where they need to go. March 24, 2019 1:20AM (To Eve K.): Spirit in the book is fucking weird. Some spells say they cannot affect ghosts, and some spells day they can't. He rolled high on this one, so he has limited capacity with this one. I'm not sure how the book interprets this but see no reason to curb him from doing it.
March 24, 2019 1:21AMDante: ((beep))
March 24, 2019 1:21AMJustin: ((boop))
March 24, 2019 1:21AM (To Eve K.): for example, Spirit 3, Restore Lost Soul, can literally do the reverse of what Sever Soul does for Death. So a Thyrsus can clearly interact with a ghost. But the other spells say they cannot see ghosts or see them faintly
March 24, 2019 1:22AM (From Eve K.): a soul isn't a ghost
March 24, 2019 1:22AM (From Eve K.): but whatever you are the GM it's your call
March 24, 2019 1:23AMJessica: gm fell asleep
March 24, 2019 1:23AM (To Eve K.): if Soul isn't a ghost, what was in Hans and Mladen's jar?
March 24, 2019 1:23AMGM (GM): I did not, I'm whispering
March 24, 2019 1:24AMJustin: Raise your hand if he's whispering to you!
Not me.
March 24, 2019 1:24AMJessica: not me
March 24, 2019 1:24AMDante: ((nop))
March 24, 2019 1:24AMJustin: everyone looks at Eve March 24, 2019 1:24AM (To Eve K.): Eve summoned Hans with Summon Ghost, and then put that ghost into a soul jar. So soul = ghost, right?
March 24, 2019 1:25AM (From Eve K.): when they are dead yes
March 24, 2019 1:25AM (From Eve K.): if the spell says he can see ghosts then he can
March 24, 2019 1:26AM (To Eve K.): yeah, like, Soul Jar is also a spirit spell
March 24, 2019 1:27AM (To Eve K.): Soul Jar (Spirit ••) As the Death 2 “Soul Jar” spell, p. 137
March 24, 2019 1:28AMGM (GM): The presence either does not know or does not understand the question. It does become a bit more intense, though, so to speak. Agitated.
March 24, 2019 1:28AMJustin: "It isn't working. You don't have anything that could help at all?"
March 24, 2019 1:29AMGM (GM): Jessica, roll your eidetic memory
Int + Investigation + Eidetic Memory dots
Eve K. smiles at Cubic's offer "Thank you for the offer, but I'm more tired than hungry. Perhaps another time?"
March 24, 2019 1:30AMJessica: rolling 5d10>8!
= 1 Success
March 24, 2019 1:30AMLeopold Cubic: "As you wish. If nothing else then, we will be seeing each other soon."
March 24, 2019 1:31AMDante: "Let's be off then."
Dante offers a half bow to Cubic and proceeds to the door, opening it for Eve.
March 24, 2019 1:32AMGM (GM): Jessica, you remember Aiping's full name from the tournament. Aiping Liu Chen
March 24, 2019 1:33AMEve K.: "I'm sure we will yes. " *Eve smiles once more, stands smoothing her skirt as she does so and moves to the door Dante has opened for her.
March 24, 2019 1:34AM (From Eve K.): looks like Death can see spirits but indistinctly and Spirit can see ghosts but indistinctly per the books wording. Weird.
March 24, 2019 1:35AMJessica: "I'm gonna try that thing you were talking about with the resonance. I remember her last name." ((I'mma try that phone number spell))
March 24, 2019 1:36AM (To Eve K.): yeah, it's all Twilight. It's like, you're master in your aspect, and a secondary in the other
March 24, 2019 1:37AMJessica: ((Dialing the Lucky Number))
March 24, 2019 1:38AMGM (GM): Eve and Dante, you guys are free to go outside, the Grey Suits will as per usual escort you, but now they don't seem to trail you so much. The elevators respond to you and you can take yourselves to the lobby.
March 24, 2019 1:38AMJessica: Jessica brings up her dialer hovers over it with her thumb. She bites her lip and closes her eyes, and tries to let her thumb sort of do its own thing))
rolling 4d10>8!
= 3 Successes
March 24, 2019 1:39AMGM (GM): Jessica, what are you trying to dial?
March 24, 2019 1:39AMDante: Providing nothing interrupts them or calls to their attention, Dante will gradually make his way to the van. March 24, 2019 1:39AMJessica: Aiping's mom's number. I've got her last name and i know what she looks like from a window in arcadia, and I know she's in a hospital
it's supposed to make the phone physically nearest to her ring
Eve K. begins looking for a decent hotel that's not too far away while they take the elevator down
March 24, 2019 1:41AM (To Jessica): where is this spell from and what arcana does it use?
if that's not kosher i'll do interconnections
March 24, 2019 1:44AMGM (GM): No, this will work. The phone rings. And it keeps ringing. No answer. An answering machine pops, speaks in chinese.
March 24, 2019 1:45AMDante: "Find one with a mini bar. I'll pay for the beverages."
March 24, 2019 1:47AMGM (GM): Eve, define decent. Will a 3 star do?
March 24, 2019 1:47AMJessica: "Uh, hello Mrs. Liu Chen. This is Aiping's friend Jessica from the Magic Tournament. If you could call me back when you get this..." she gives her number but she doubts Aiping's mom speaks fluent English based on the machine. "Well, bad news is, got an answering machine. Good news is maybe we can find her address or something. Damn it, I feel like Kurt could have traced the signal or something."
March 24, 2019 1:47AMGM (GM): You could call Kurt.
March 24, 2019 1:47AMJustin: Justin immediately dials up Kurt And hands the phone to Jess
March 24, 2019 1:48AMGM (GM): Also, common sense might suggest that since you are local to Leipzig, Jessica, you might as well call all city hospitals and ask if Aiping's mom is committed there.
Just do some social engineering
March 24, 2019 1:48AMJessica: ((my brain was sure it was remembering that aiping was from out of town))
((that was my first thought))
March 24, 2019 1:49AMGM (GM): That would probably be a good use of luck, to have your magic help you dial the right one.
oh you are right!
hold on
i think Aiping is from Munich
Hold on, i will look it up
Funny thing
March 24, 2019 1:54AMGM (GM): It never came up, so you don't know.
But in your awakening, when you were coming out of Arcadia
for a split moment, just after you were a UN soldier in Ira
You were Aiping, for but a moment
You try your best to focus on that memory, but it seems like to gain a better orientation, you may have to relive that memory. You would probably be able to do that better in your sleep as you dream.
March 24, 2019 1:56AMGM (GM): But there are other options on the table.
Eve could probably extract more information from a ghost than Justin can.
March 24, 2019 1:57AMJessica: Let's try Kurtis first since Justin is already dialing. He can find her phone, probably
if that doesn't work out we'll go down the list until sleep benches
which come last
because fuck those things
March 24, 2019 1:58AMKurtis Kerner: "Tony Stark here, what's up baby?"
Eve K. flicks through a few websites "How about this place... free mini bar."
Eve K. shows Dante her phone
March 24, 2019 1:59AMJessica: "Uh, it's Jessica on Jus-Joe's phone." She makes a face at herself. "I have a phone number for Aiping's mom. Can you figure out where it is by calling it?"
March 24, 2019 1:59AMDante: Dante looks over at the words 'free mini bar' and nods approvingly. "As long as it has enough space and drinks to spare, seems fine."
March 24, 2019 1:59AMGM (GM): Eve, the 4 star is nice, but it's a little far, 15 min drive from CDTC. The closer hotels seem cheaper and crappier. Nicer hotels are a bit further. This area here is all business district.
March 24, 2019 1:59AMJessica: ((to clarify eve and dante aren't outside with us yet right?)(
March 24, 2019 2:00AMDante: ((our elevator is under narrative maintenance))
March 24, 2019 2:00AMJessica: ((LOL))
March 24, 2019 2:01AMGM (GM): ((No i did say you guys are free to use elevator and can go outside at will, feel free to narrate going outside. Justin narrated himself going out, Dante narrated heading to the van, so yeah, they're outside
((you guys are in control of your travel right now))
March 24, 2019 2:03AMDante: Dante is outside. "Oh hey, you're still here."
March 24, 2019 2:03AMKurtis Kerner: "Easy peasy, cutie. Text me the number."
Eve K. is also outside since she took the same elevator
March 24, 2019 2:03AMDante: ((I say that because we were in the elevator the whole time the uber was en route :P))
March 24, 2019 2:04AMEve K.: ((Eve does not stay in crappy hotels if she can help it. And since she has Diana's goons money she can help it))
March 24, 2019 2:05AMGM (GM): ((Jessica, remind me how you got Aiping's mom's number?))
March 24, 2019 2:05AMJessica: "Thanks." She hangs up and does so. "We're trying to find Aiping's mom. I figured out her number but we don't know where it is." She purses her lips. "I think I might be able to remember where she is if I sleep but I wanna try this first."
March 24, 2019 2:05AMJustin: Ginger-Justin waves and Eve and Dante. March 24, 2019 2:05AMGM (GM): ((Oh, the spell))
March 24, 2019 2:05AMJustin: "That didn't take as long as I thought it would."
March 24, 2019 2:05AMGM (GM): ((it displayed the number))
((got it))
March 24, 2019 2:05AMJessica: ((dialed numbers on the phone))
((sent calls))
March 24, 2019 2:05AMGM (GM): ((got it))
March 24, 2019 2:05AMJessica: ((derp derp))
March 24, 2019 2:06AMEve K.: "Well, Mr. Cubic did invite us to lunch, but I'd rather raid a mini bar and sleep"
March 24, 2019 2:07AMKurtis Kerner: Kurt slips some shades on not to freak out the driver, as his eyes flash for a moment while he dials the number March 24, 2019 2:07AMDante: "Yes, and yes. We are headed to our next hotel. Do you two want a lift?" *Dante makes movement toward the van, but lingers while the conversation holds.
March 24, 2019 2:07AMEve K.: ((so if the spell is supposed to dial the phone nearest to Aiping's mom why did it dial her home number?))
March 24, 2019 2:08AMGM (GM): Ok, Jessica, you being a german resident, you know by the phone number extension that Aiping's Mom's cell phone is Leipzig based.
March 24, 2019 2:08AMJessica: ((you don't usually stay in the hospital the whole time))
March 24, 2019 2:08AMGM (GM): But is it Leipzig hospital she is committed to for treatment?
March 24, 2019 2:09AMJessica: hmm
March 24, 2019 2:09AMGM (GM): ((what a good question, Eve))
March 24, 2019 2:09AMEve K.: ((ah I see mom's cell phone is closer to her than the hospital phone is))
March 24, 2019 2:09AMGM (GM): ((bingo))
March 24, 2019 2:09AMJustin: "We need to check in on Jess's friend's mom. Actually Eve, can you talk to the ghosts and figure out where she is?"
March 24, 2019 2:10AMKurtis Kerner: rolling 8d10>8!
= 7 Successes
March 24, 2019 2:10AMJustin: (fuk)
March 24, 2019 2:10AMKurtis Kerner: really?
on a side quest?
i couldnt roll this on something important?
March 24, 2019 2:10AMJustin: (buahahaha)
March 24, 2019 2:10AMJessica: lucky penny
March 24, 2019 2:11AMDante: ((He didnt roll 9-again either.))
March 24, 2019 2:11AMKurtis Kerner: ((nope, just the cocaine XD ))
March 24, 2019 2:11AMJessica: lucky cocaine
March 24, 2019 2:11AMKurtis Kerner: ((saving the luckies for when i need em))
March 24, 2019 2:12AMDante: ((putting on shades in the back of an uber made him think of a good ol bump))
Eve K. shrugs "Sure of course."
March 24, 2019 2:13AMDante: "Should we be doing this just.. out in the wide open? We probably do not look inconspicuous."
March 24, 2019 2:13AMKurtis Kerner: Kurt tunes in. Like, he really tunes in. His mind bends the line like a whip, grasping the forces with the familiar senses. He knows this trick well, and sends his own consciousness in part through the cellular signal. He gets it pretty damn precise. Down to the 100 yard radius, down to the neighborhood. Eve K. nods at Dante's comment and starts moving towards the van "Good point"
March 24, 2019 2:15AMKurtis Kerner: calls Jessica back March 24, 2019 2:15AMJessica: "Hello?"
March 24, 2019 2:15AMKurtis Kerner: "Hey baby. Holy shit, I got the info."
March 24, 2019 2:15AMJustin: Justin leads Jess towards the others as they head towards the van. March 24, 2019 2:16AMJessica: "Awesome. Text me."
March 24, 2019 2:17AMKurtis Kerner: "I'm just gonna tell you to save time. You gonna need it. She's way south west, like, 5 hours away. In Landstuhl. I'm looking it up, it's like the best hospital in Germany for cancer. No wonder she needed money."
"Texting you coordinates"
March 24, 2019 2:17AMGM (GM): coordinates appear in text as he's talking
March 24, 2019 2:17AMDante: Dante quickens his pace slightly as he gets nearer to the van. Upon arrival he will enter the driver's seat and unlock the doors and then immediately address his ward.
((How would I go about extending a ward's duration? Do I have to just do a new ward, or can I reinforce the current one?))
March 24, 2019 2:18AMJessica: "That's a neat trick."
March 24, 2019 2:18AMKurtis Kerner: "Approximately there, you'd have to do the rest, it's as good as I can get."
March 24, 2019 2:18AMJessica: "Thanks a lot. Good luck finding your river."
March 24, 2019 2:18AMEve K.: ((couldn't even get her the room number... what kind of super mage are you???))
March 24, 2019 2:18AMDante: ((7 success, wasted.))
March 24, 2019 2:19AMEve K.: ((So wasted))
March 24, 2019 2:19AMKurtis Kerner: "I am a river to my people."
March 24, 2019 2:19AMJessica: She hangs up. "So um, she's five hours away, actually." Sighs. "So I guess that's for tomorrow?"
She looks like she realizes that kind of trip is kind of asking a lot from people who don't know this lady.
March 24, 2019 2:20AMGM (GM): Dante, your ward has been probed 8 times, none of the attempts breached. Your ward is still at potency 6. You will need to recast it once the duration is up.
March 24, 2019 2:21AMDante: ((No way to maintain the current one then?))
March 24, 2019 2:21AMGM (GM): You can also reinforce it. It will only count if you roll 6
March 24, 2019 2:21AMDante: ((ah))
March 24, 2019 2:21AMGM (GM): You can upgrade it
Otherwise it just wont do anything
You could pour mana into it to maintain it at 6, but you got none left
March 24, 2019 2:21AMDante: ((I dont get how a mage could maintain a powerful ward with various reinforcements on it then))
March 24, 2019 2:22AMGM (GM): So you gotta recast or upgrade
March 24, 2019 2:22AMDante: ((wait pour mana into it what))
((where do you even see that))
March 24, 2019 2:22AMJustin: ((Don't they have to ritual-enchant it for that?))
March 24, 2019 2:22AMDante: ((probably))
March 24, 2019 2:22AMEve K.: ...
March 24, 2019 2:23AMGM (GM): ((They're letting most other spells take 1 mana to extend stuff, i don't see why it wouldn't be fair. Otherwise, you and Jessica can start a ritual for cumulative successes))
((or you can recast, hoping the new roll is better))
((or you can upgrade it without dropping it, if you beat 6))
Eve K. 's blinks without expression at the prospect of driving 5 hours somewhere "Yes it will wait til tomorrow"
March 24, 2019 2:24AMGM (GM): ((If you want to do a ritual, set the goals. Let's say you want potency X, duration Y, area Z, and we look up the tables and get you the target number))
March 24, 2019 2:24AMDante: "Won't happen tonight, I don't think. But I am willing to drive if that's what we want to do tomorrow. But I could use a favor at that time too."
((Alright. Does it expire after this session then?))
March 24, 2019 2:25AMGM (GM): ((Yes))
March 24, 2019 2:25AMJessica: "Um, sure. What favor?"
March 24, 2019 2:25AMDante: "If any of you have any particular talent for space.. I want to try to put something longer lasting on the van to protect it from intrusion."
March 24, 2019 2:26AMJustin: "I'm willing to learn if you can teach me how to tap it."
March 24, 2019 2:26AMJessica: "Yeah. I dunno how much help I'll be. I can't even expand a bag."
March 24, 2019 2:27AM (To Dante): A female whispers softly in your ear "I could show you how to be anywhere you want."
March 24, 2019 2:27AMDante: Dante scratches his cheek. "I am not sure where I could begin. I understand it well enough to use it, but conveying it is another matter.. Mm.. well, we can figure that out after some sleep."
March 24, 2019 2:28AMGM (GM): Justin, is your spirit sight still up?
March 24, 2019 2:28AMDante: Dante tilts his head as if leaning into something, then blinks and looks hard at the steering wheel. He fires up the van and turns to Eve. "Alright, where to?"
March 24, 2019 2:29AMEve K.: 'Martini's then sleep."
March 24, 2019 2:29AMJessica: he says yes
Eve K. rattles off the address for Innside
March 24, 2019 2:29AMEve K.: ((Best hotel name ever!))
March 24, 2019 2:29AMJessica: yes
March 24, 2019 2:29AMGM (GM): A shadow washes over the air behind Dante's back for about a blink of an eye and then goes away.
March 24, 2019 2:30AMDante: "Buckle up. Unless you need to be free in case we get attacked by flying bird thugs again."
Dante begins driving, staring hard at the road. He shudders at the shoulders. March 24, 2019 2:30AMJessica: buckles March 24, 2019 2:31AM (From Dante): I believe you. March 24, 2019 2:31AMJustin: ....
Eve K. with Kurt gone Eve takes shotgun and buckles up
March 24, 2019 2:31AMGM (GM): For extended spellcast ritual, you guys wanna turn to page 120
that will calculate your total target number
March 24, 2019 2:32AMEve K.: "Do we each want a room to ourselves or are we doubling up?"
March 24, 2019 2:33AMJessica: "I don't think we should be separate like that after the birds."
March 24, 2019 2:33AMDante: "We can more easily defend one area than two."
March 24, 2019 2:34AMJustin: "I'll bunk with Dante..."
Justin seems distracted, staring at Dante.
Is there anything Justin can do to try and force the spirit to stay visible to him?
March 24, 2019 2:34AMGM (GM): Roll better on the sight
March 24, 2019 2:35AMJustin: ....
March 24, 2019 2:35AMDante: "Yeah, that's fine."
March 24, 2019 2:35AMGM (GM): Wait, which spirit?
March 24, 2019 2:35AMDante: ((just do better Justin))
March 24, 2019 2:35AMJustin: ((5 SUCCESSES!))
March 24, 2019 2:35AMGM (GM): Not Aiping / Heike?
March 24, 2019 2:35AMDante: ((yeah but its not 7))
March 24, 2019 2:35AMGM (GM): Dante's spirit?
March 24, 2019 2:35AMJustin: ((Dante's monster.))
March 24, 2019 2:35AMGM (GM): Yeah, roll better
March 24, 2019 2:35AMDante: ((oh, wow.))
March 24, 2019 2:36AM (To Dante): "He can see me. He suspects. Can I put him to sleep?"
March 24, 2019 2:36AMGM (GM): Justin, a flicker of shadow hovers over the windshield in front of Dante for a blink of an eye, then vanishes.
March 24, 2019 2:36AM (From Dante): "Absolutely not."
Eve K. nods and taps at her phone as they discuss rooms "They have connected rooms. That would probably work"
March 24, 2019 2:37AMJessica: ((Aw, dante's about to become a mommy))
March 24, 2019 2:37AM (To Justin): you feel a warmth somewhere in your inside pocket
March 24, 2019 2:37AMDante: Dante's stare glazes over for a moment, but not long enough to lose sight of the road. He blinks a few more times and takes a hand off the wheel to rub his eyes. "Hell, I am tired."
March 24, 2019 2:38AMJessica: "Yeah, it's been like 24 hours or something right?"
March 24, 2019 2:38AMDante: "Connected rooms, great. Easy to regroup discretely."
March 24, 2019 2:38AMJessica: Jessica yawns
March 24, 2019 2:38AMEve K.: "Mmm... longer than 24 I think at this point"
March 24, 2019 2:39AMJessica: "Let's turn on some music and stay awake so we don't die on the way to the hotel."
March 24, 2019 2:39AMDante: "Between teleporting, car chases, and abrupt weather changes, I have no idea."
March 24, 2019 2:39AMJustin: Justin absently pulls a mirror out of his pocket and looks into it March 24, 2019 2:39AMEve K.: "Dante isn't going to fall asleep at the wheel"
March 24, 2019 2:39AMDante: Dante slaps the knob on the radio to whatever station was programmed before they acquired it. He has yet to mess with the dials. Eve K. smirks at the mere thought of something so absurd
March 24, 2019 2:40AM (To Justin): Ashley looks at you, her finger is pressed to her lips "Sssshhhh. It knows. It knows you can see it. It can see you too. Don't stare! Don't provoke!"
March 24, 2019 2:40AMDante: "She's right, though. Its risky anyway. But I won't fall asleep."
March 24, 2019 2:40AMJustin: Justin nods as he stares into the mirror and clenches his jaw. March 24, 2019 2:41AMJessica: The emotional highs and lows and walking had been enough to keep her awake but sitting and talking in a van was making Jessica sleepy pretty fast. She slowly leans forward into her seat belt and does the thing where she starts nodding off and jerks awake. She looks up at the sky and outside in general once in a while in paranoia.
((the post-adrenaline crash whee))
March 24, 2019 2:42AM (To Jessica): You feel Peter's hand touch yours for but a moment, between the jolts of awakeness and sleep
March 24, 2019 2:43AMGM (GM): You guys arrive without encounters or problems
March 24, 2019 2:43AMEve K.: ((yay!))
March 24, 2019 2:43AMGM (GM): You're still dressed like goths
March 24, 2019 2:43AMJustin: Justin pockets his mirror and heads towards the door with the others. March 24, 2019 2:44AMEve K.: ((yes we are))
March 24, 2019 2:44AMKurtis Kerner: Kurt doing Kurt things Eve K. heads to the front desk luggage in toe (we had our bags in the van yes?)
March 24, 2019 2:44AMEve K.: *tow
March 24, 2019 2:45AMDante: ((not sure where else we'd have them.))
March 24, 2019 2:45AMKurtis Kerner: rolling 7d10>8!>9
= 3 Successes
March 24, 2019 2:46AMGM (GM): Yeah everything we own i assume is in the bag
the question is are you taking the rifles
and if you try to disguise them
March 24, 2019 2:46AMDante: Dante lingers a moment in the driver's seat before exiting. ((I'm gonna go ahead and recast ward over the van now. Can handle a ritual attempt next time.))
Dante runs his hands along the steering wheel, then traces his fingers along the interior frame.
rolling 9d10>8!
= 5 Successes
March 24, 2019 2:48AMGM (GM): Ok, so that doesnt beat the previous ward, so you can either drop the 6 and put this one on, or try again
at -1
March 24, 2019 2:48AMDante: ((Its more about getting a new duration. I'll take the 5))
March 24, 2019 2:49AMEve K.: ((I think yes and yes to the rifles))
March 24, 2019 2:49AMGM (GM): You restructure the degrading ward and refold the space around the van, hardening it once again. It feels a bit less firm.
But it will last.
March 24, 2019 2:50AMDante: Before getting out, Dante will pop open the glove box and grab a small parcel wrapped in what looks like paper napkins and gingerly tuck it into the folds of his clothes. He'll then head inside. March 24, 2019 2:51AMJessica: The sharp smell of chlorine from the fountain outside briefly jogs Jessica to being alert, but she rubs her eyes and starts getting groggy as soon as they breach the doors.
March 24, 2019 2:52AMGM (GM): Dante, you have a chalk mark on the actual van, yes?
I believe so
March 24, 2019 2:52AMEve K.: ((there is no fountain at this hotel...))
March 24, 2019 2:53AMDante: ((Yes))
((also that picture is from the hotel in rome however many years ago))
March 24, 2019 2:54AMGM (GM): Hotel in Berlin near Gaming Pavilion, Random intersection in Berlin, Alley in Leipzig, Van itself, Kurt's sword. I think these are the marks.
March 24, 2019 2:54AMJessica: ((oh my bad, i was looking at "our hotel in rome" window that popped up))
March 24, 2019 2:54AMDante: ((Had one on the thorny book and motorcycle too))
((technically the soul jar bottles but I assume those are just disintegrated or something))
March 24, 2019 2:54AMGM (GM): ((yeah, have these written down please, because i will forget and go to your char sheet to look up))
((oh yeah those marks are gone))
((on the bottles))
March 24, 2019 2:55AM (From Eve K.): Eve will have the rifles in whatever big bag we have. If someone tries to look in them she will summon shadows into the bag so it just looks like a dark empty bag
March 24, 2019 2:55AMDante: ((Yeah, I have Motorcycle, Book, Alley in Leipzig, Van, and Kurt's Sword. Don't remember what berlin was))
March 24, 2019 2:56AMGM (GM): Ok, Eve, let's see if someone looks at the bags. Eve tucks the M16s into a duffelbag, and will try to carry them through into the hotel.
March 24, 2019 2:56AMDante: ((she did?))
March 24, 2019 2:56AMGM (GM): ((When you were getting Fernando, we asked you to save time, so you marked a spot near the hotel))
((yeah she whispered it ))
March 24, 2019 2:57AMDante: ((oic))
((yeah I remember now, ok))
March 24, 2019 2:58AMEve K.: ((it would be pretty weird since hotels don't typically ever check inside someones bag. Like... ever))
Eve K. walks confidently to the front desk waiting for assistance
March 24, 2019 2:59AMJessica: #evecarry
March 24, 2019 3:00AMGM (GM): ((Normally, absolutely, but 4 goths just entered the hotel))
((and there's been terrorist attacks))
((we keep forgetting that))
March 24, 2019 3:00AMEve K.: (( In Germany. Where there is a large goth culture. Terrorist attacks in Berlin... several hours away))
March 24, 2019 3:01AMGM (GM): ((that's fair))
Yeah you're fine, nobody asks
March 24, 2019 3:01AMDante: Dante sidles up beside Eve and offers to aid in carrying luggage. Eve K. smiles as it takes the luggage, perhaps a little more flirtatiously than she would normally "Thank you dear."
March 24, 2019 3:03AMDante: ((it takes the luggage to the room or else it gets the wicked broom))
Dante smiles tiredly and will move to whatever room is assigned once we have a room secured.
March 24, 2019 3:03AMEve K.: *rooms
March 24, 2019 3:04AMDante: ((room he will be staying in that is connected to the other room))
March 24, 2019 3:04AMEve K.: (we have five people including invisible Lucas)
March 24, 2019 3:04AMDante: ((I am very tired.))
March 24, 2019 3:04AMEve K.: ((and we don't know where Robin is. Or care lololol))
March 24, 2019 3:04AMJustin: ((She noped away from dead Fernando.))
March 24, 2019 3:04AMGM (GM): ((Robin has vanished))
March 24, 2019 3:04AMJessica: ((Jessica will face plant on a bed and not wake up until we get attacked in the night))
((fernando ate her))
March 24, 2019 3:05AMDante: ((yea you would too if a flesh golem died where you slept))
March 24, 2019 3:05AMEve K.: ((fernando couldn't eat his way out of a paperbag))
March 24, 2019 3:05AMJustin: ((Poor guy.))
March 24, 2019 3:05AMJessica: ((you be nice to fernando))
March 24, 2019 3:05AMGM (GM): So the team is hunkering down to sleep for the night? This would be... thursday night, yes?
March 24, 2019 3:06AMJessica: sure
March 24, 2019 3:06AMJustin: I refuse to track time.
March 24, 2019 3:06AMJessica: technically i don't think we know what time magic witchery cubic did so it could be any time
March 24, 2019 3:06AMGM (GM): Just seeing how many days til next Tuesday, when DJ's next party is
While Kurtis tracks Ley Lines all night.
March 24, 2019 3:06AMJessica: we had to get there by 3 pm or something and the time of day was different when we went back outside
March 24, 2019 3:07AMGM (GM): No, you know what time it is. Magic time witchery Cubic does would be transparent to you
March 24, 2019 3:07AMJessica: unless i'm crazy and remembering wrong
March 24, 2019 3:07AMDante: Dante looks down at his phone and opens up his calendar app. The day current day is... March 24, 2019 3:07AMGM (GM): it resets your timeline, but you still orient in it
March 24, 2019 3:07AMJessica: sweet.
March 24, 2019 3:07AMGM (GM): Thursday
March 24, 2019 3:07AMJessica: lol phones
March 24, 2019 3:07AMDante: The current day is Thursday. March 24, 2019 3:07AMGM (GM): it's nearing evening
March 24, 2019 3:07AMEve K.: ....
((how long were we in Cubic office??))
March 24, 2019 3:08AMGM (GM): Or WHATEVER
March 24, 2019 3:08AMDante: ((It is currently a time of day))
March 24, 2019 3:08AMGM (GM): Better question is, what would Eve like to do today?
March 24, 2019 3:08AMJessica: ((we are currently experiencing a rotation of the earth on its axis))
March 24, 2019 3:08AMGM (GM): Before Eve is okay with it being evening XD
Eve has time to do it, whatever it is
March 24, 2019 3:09AMJustin: She wants to go shopping.
March 24, 2019 3:09AMGM (GM): last session it was like 3 pm
March 24, 2019 3:09AMJustin: Get everyone new outfits.
March 24, 2019 3:09AMJessica: ((get justin some cologne))
March 24, 2019 3:10AMGM (GM): so now let's say it's like 4 pm
March 24, 2019 3:10AMJessica: ((so he can smell sexy for marcella))
March 24, 2019 3:10AMDante: ((idk our elevator ride was really long))
March 24, 2019 3:10AMGM (GM): Cubic was resetting Scavenger's scope for an hour
March 24, 2019 3:10AMEve K.: (we went to the club on Tuesday night, Wednesday early Kurt burned the terrorists, we took a train back so thats Wednesday afternoon, we get to van and drive to Cubics while fighting birds, so... maybe Wednesday night?? Am I missing anything?)
March 24, 2019 3:10AMGM (GM): Yeah sure it's Wednesday
Wednesday evening
March 24, 2019 3:10AMJessica: It is Wednesday evening March 24, 2019 3:10AMDante: ((beat me to it))
March 24, 2019 3:11AMGM (GM): Here, im gonna solve this once and for all
March 24, 2019 3:12AMDante: While the GM is taking care of logistics, Dante will pull Justin aside for a moment away from the group. "Come this way a second, need to talk to you."
March 24, 2019 3:12AMGM (GM): There, we now have a timeline
March 24, 2019 3:12AMEve K.: yay
March 24, 2019 3:13AMJessica: ((Jon's computer randomly decided to reboot, he's almost back))
March 24, 2019 3:13AMDante: ((Jon's computer was updating to the appropriate timeline))
March 24, 2019 3:13AMGM (GM): ((Dante's companion decided Jon doesnt need to see this))
((and rebooted his PC))
March 24, 2019 3:13AMJessica: ((Dante's gonna be a mommy while we're all asleep and the nightmare monster is going to eat us all))
March 24, 2019 3:13AMEve K.: to answer question Eve is going to drink, hopefully not enough to hit on anyone she shouldn't, just enough to make her brain stop spinning and she is then going to pass out, probably in her underwear
March 24, 2019 3:14AMDante: ((115% that's whats gonna happen.))
March 24, 2019 3:14AMGM (GM): ((If anyone gets a peek at Eve, she's hot))
March 24, 2019 3:15AMJustin: Justin heads off in Dante's direction at his request. "Hey, what can I help you with?"
March 24, 2019 3:15AMJessica: ((GothHot(tm) ))
March 24, 2019 3:16AMEve K.: ((its true))
March 24, 2019 3:16AMDante: "Its a bit of the reverse, actually. As we are right now, things are a little.. strained. But .."
Dante reaches into a fold in his clothes and produces a napkin-wrapped parcel.
"I don't want our healer being completely tapped out of energy if something bad happens in the middle of the night."
As he unfolds the napkin, a small pile of crude cubes come into view. He takes a couple of them and offers them to Justin. "Been holding onto these a while.."
March 24, 2019 3:17AMJustin: Justin arches an eyebrow and takes the cubes that Dante offers up. "Dante, are you alright?"
March 24, 2019 3:18AMDante: "I am very tired. I have never experienced not having mana and I think that is making it worse, but otherwise I'm fine. But what we're dealing with is dangerous shit, that's all."
March 24, 2019 3:18AMGM (GM): ((that was a solid call! everyone forgot he had them saved))
March 24, 2019 3:18AMDante: Dante shifts uncomfortably at the question, but doesn't elaborate if there is more. ((add 2 mana cubes to your inventory, or just.. you know.. eat them.))
March 24, 2019 3:19AMJustin: Justin consumes the mana. March 24, 2019 3:19AMGM (GM): +2
March 24, 2019 3:20AMDante: Folding up the mana cubes, he tucks them away again and claps Justin's shoulder. "Now, I'm going to go have a very stiff drink and then pass out. Unless there is something very important."
March 24, 2019 3:20AMJustin: "No, but hang in there. We'll figure everything out soon enough."
March 24, 2019 3:21AMDante: "I believe that."
Dante turns a bit sharply, heading for his room with a maybe slightly overconfident stride. ((So where is Lucas sleeping?))
March 24, 2019 3:22AMJustin: Justin watches him go with a frown. March 24, 2019 3:22AMJessica: ((under eve))
March 24, 2019 3:22AMEve K.: ((nobody knows!))
March 24, 2019 3:22AMJustin: ((Wherever he can))
March 24, 2019 3:22AMDante: ((hah!))
March 24, 2019 3:22AMJustin: ((Check the messenger group chat.))
March 24, 2019 3:22AMGM (GM): ((if Reedy misses sessions consistantly, he'll be sleeping with the fishes))
March 24, 2019 3:22AMJessica: ((bum bum buuuuum))
March 24, 2019 3:23AMEve K.: ((catssants))
March 24, 2019 3:23AMDante: ((the dude ragdolled in the bathroom is fantastic))
March 24, 2019 3:24AMJustin: ((That's Lucas in my mind.))
((His real character portrait.))
March 24, 2019 3:25AMGM (GM): Alright, if everyone is gonna get full sleep, then everyone will regain their willpower, heal 1 lethal damage, and all bashing damage, including persistent magical damage from paradox
March 24, 2019 3:25AMJessica: all willpower or just some?
March 24, 2019 3:28AMGM (GM): 1 point of willpower per full night sleep, 8 hours
March 24, 2019 3:29AMJessica: cool. at 4 now
March 24, 2019 3:29AMGM (GM): characters with lust vice, if you have sex or you know, get off, you get 1 extra, characters with sloth, if you sleep in late, you get 1 extra
March 24, 2019 3:29AMDante: *Dante heads over to the mini bar and pours a glass of scotch, setting it on the nightstand by his bed. Sitting at edge of the mattress, he takes a sip and then bends over, lazily undoing his boots and shimmying them off with each opposing foot. He throws back the rest of the drink and unceremoniously sets the glass back onto the nightstand before letting himself fall back and swinging his legs up onto the bed and quickly falling asleep.
((run-on sentences are great))
March 24, 2019 3:30AMGM (GM): Yeah, great idea. Everyone describe how you are going to bed.
And before we start the next session, I will need to have 1 on 1 sessions with Dante, Justin, and Jessica. Until these sessions are concluded, next episode can't start.
Eve, you're just having a great relaxing sleep!
March 24, 2019 3:32AMJessica: I'm available all day tomorrow after wake up and every day after 430 my time
Eve K. raids the mini bar as above drinking hopefully not so much that she hits on someone she shouldn't but enough to make her head stop spinning with the busy days and passes out likely in her underwear
March 24, 2019 3:32AMJessica: Jessica doesn't bother with peeling back covers, kicks off one shoe, the other one is dangling partway off. Face is in the pillow 'cause she's asleep before the lights are even off
March 24, 2019 3:33AMJustin: Justin sits on the edge of the bed and unfolds Marcella's paper plane business card, looking at it for a moment while he kicks off his shoes and uses his big toes to push his socks off as well. March 24, 2019 3:33AMJessica: aw
March 24, 2019 3:33AM (From Eve K.): should I random roll to see if eve hits on someone lololol
March 24, 2019 3:34AM (To Eve K.): you can just make that choice. If you do, I'll probably give you a willpower back for Pride. Kurt is really a bad choice of boyfriend the way he is now. Like, no girl would tolerate the rogue he is.
March 24, 2019 3:37AM (To Eve K.): you gonna do that now or in PMs later?
March 24, 2019 3:37AMGM (GM): The Rumored Heroes are resting for the night, and we are in the.....
March 24, 2019 3:38AMEve K.: ((Hawt))
March 24, 2019 3:38AMJustin: Oooh fancy
March 24, 2019 3:41AMEve K.: ((did we establish how many connected rooms we have?))
March 24, 2019 3:41AMGM (GM): ((up to you))
((the amount of money you're slinging will have them arrange whatever suites you want))
March 24, 2019 3:42AMDante: ((Yes I'll take the master suite and please knock down this wall to the adjacent room.))
March 24, 2019 3:42AMEve K.: ((Damn straight))
March 24, 2019 3:43AMJustin: ((90000 euro says that it isn't a bearing wall.))
March 24, 2019 3:43AMEve K.: ((XD))
March 24, 2019 3:43AMDante: ((hah))
March 24, 2019 3:43AMGM (GM): The camera moves from Eve going to bed, to Dante tiredly pouring a drink, Jessica kicking off her shoes, and Justin unrolling the paper plane. We fly up through the ceiling and through many floors of the hotel and cruise above the city as the evening turns to night. We pan over the streets as the underground lines light up. Traffic lights and rows of cars vanish and become colorful lines of velocity and electricity, and raw magic. Out there in the night, a reflection in Kurtis's glowing eyes as he feels and probes around the city.
A palm of the hand, shaking fingers, exhausted by his long search, he finally kneels down, touching asphalt.
Tiny particles of energy rise from the ground towards the fingertips. He's found it. He looks ahead and starts following a trace only he can see, walking tiredly along the road.
March 24, 2019 3:43AMGM (GM): Someone is watching him in the distance. This someone disappears into an alley.
March 24, 2019 3:44AMJessica: Bum Bum Buuuuum
March 24, 2019 3:44AMJessica: it's like a marvel movie
March 24, 2019 3:45AMMarcella Cubic: "I did everything as instructed. But they are really good. Especially the young one."
March 24, 2019 3:46AMLeopold Cubic: "So proud of you, my girl. It's like I always tell you. Never tell a single lie, and they will never find the truth. Did you give him a gift?"
March 24, 2019 3:46AMMarcella Cubic: nods "I had to tell them about what happened in Denmark."
March 24, 2019 3:48AMLeopold Cubic: "Hardly a fault. I have a feeling that a big game is about to begin. One in which we best bet on the right horse. All Loquimorscopes Function 8 Activate."
March 24, 2019 3:48AMJessica: ((oh god))
March 24, 2019 3:49AMGM (GM): Dark Room. Distant gunfire. A man in the chair at a DJ console puts his hand on the hand of his ever present companion.
A few floors below music plays, mixing with screams.
Four men shapeshift into saber clawed beasts, one shifts into a raven, another man becomes a bolt of electricity. They engage a squad of men in grey suits. The suits put their hands to their temples, taking out the weak near instantly, putting them to sleep. The strong - engage Jorg. He fights like a hurricane, throwing the strongest around like they are weightless. Impervious to attacks, bullets, and pain, something is off about his fighting style. He seems to generate a lot less momentum than his visible strikes should. Like he isn't really hitting people but rather shutting them down, making their knees go weak as they drop.
They pile up on him, and die upon contact, but eventually enough of them can jump on top to not touch him directly, a pile up. They surround him and finally overwhelm him with numbers, sticking multiple shivs in his chest, relentlessly. Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab.
They don't stop, they don't give him a breather.
March 24, 2019 3:55AMJessica: (( D: ))
March 24, 2019 3:55AMGM (GM): Jorg falls to the ground and bursts into black mist.
The mist reshapes itself in DJ Merlin's dark office, thrusting a hand forward into the chest of Merlin's companion, the mouth who speaks for him.
The man staggers, gasps for breath, and falls to his knees. Merlin Rude does not let go of his hand. The dying man looks up at Jorg, his eyes begging for mercy, but his mouth saying the strained words, commanded to him.
Blood gushes from his lips as the words escape.
"Do you not know.... who I truly am... I am the sevenths wielder of names.... none whose true name I know can hinder me... and I know your name.... Jorg Krupah...."
Jorg detonates.
March 24, 2019 3:59AMJessica: ((fuck))
March 24, 2019 3:59AMEve K.: ((AHHH))
March 24, 2019 4:00AMJessica: ((hope they had his business card))
March 24, 2019 4:00AMGM (GM): A man's eye through a scope of a sniper rifle. Finger on the trigger. A sniper on a roof in the night. A suppressed shot. It hits the window of your hotel room. Blood hits the floor. Whose room, can't tell. Which one of you got wounded, unknown.
Next episode will start with initiative.
3 exp each, have a good night! :D
March 24, 2019 4:01AMJessica: D:
March 24, 2019 4:01AMEve K.: AHHHH
March 24, 2019 4:02AMJessica: can i buy fate 3 or is it too soon?
March 24, 2019 4:02AM (From Eve K.): so Eve is actually going to hit on Dante.. I will PM him to let him know
March 24, 2019 4:03AM (To Eve K.): the only obvious candidate really XD
March 24, 2019 4:03AMGM (GM): we're gonna do a hell lot of rp this week XD
and here come the whispers
do you have exp for fate 3?
if you have the exp, you may buy it
also, you may buy the rote you cast, lucky number
March 24, 2019 4:05AMDante: ty for session. Will have to pick up some between session stuff throughout the week.
March 24, 2019 4:06AMGM (GM): :D
March 24, 2019 4:06AMDante: Also GG, Merlin probably already knows our true names.
Night everyone
March 24, 2019 4:06AMEve K.: Yup we dead
night all
March 24, 2019 4:07AMDante: haha ye
March 25, 2019 4:49PMJessica: AHHH
rolling 4d10>8!
= 2 Successes
rolling 3d10>8!
= 0 Successes
March 27, 2019 4:59PMDante: rolling 3d10>8!
= 0 Successes
rolling 4d10>8!
= 1 Success
April 01, 2019 11:34AMJustin: rolling 3d10>8!
= 2 Successes
April 02, 2019 7:24PMDante: rolling 6d10>8!
= 2 Successes
April 02, 2019 8:08PMGM (GM): rolling 3d10>8!
= 0 Successes