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(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 21:58
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Anthony (enter): 21:58
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 21:58
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Anthony (enter): 21:58
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Anthony...
(2) Anthony: dang it, lost my good minis
(2) Anthony: damn it, tree is fucked up again. game tree pisses meo ff
(4) Eve (enter): 22:01
(5) Robin (enter): 22:01
(1) Konrad Knox: thats why i dont use it, i dont bother
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Eve...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Robin...
(2) Anthony: ahh, it didn't like the '
(7) Shawn (Tristin) (enter): 22:03
(7) Tristin: Hello
(4) Eve: Hello
(2) Anthony: Greetings and salutations
(1) Konrad Knox: Greetings all :D
(7) Tristin: How was everyone's week? It's cold in Fl so I don't want to think about how Claire and Kon are...
(2) Anthony: fairly well, almsot over my cold
(7) Tristin: That's good.
(4) Eve: One of our mice jus died :( but it hasn't been that cold really
(1) Konrad Knox: Well, we're fine up until today, when one of our mice died. Claire holding up just peachy, I was bawling for an hour
(4) Eve: bawling is such a strong term...
(2) Anthony: Die of old age?
(4) Eve: We.. don't know?
(4) Eve: perhaps?
(7) Tristin: =( I'm sorry to hear.
(1) Konrad Knox: 6 months with us, and god knows how many before we bought her... shouldnt be too old
(2) Anthony: I mean, really, what's the lfie expectancy of a moue?
(2) Anthony: *mouse
(4) Eve: mice only live like a year or two tops.. and we didn't know how old they were.
(1) Konrad Knox: at most 2 years
(5) Robin: aw, poor mousey
(4) Eve: Our other mouse is acting sorta funny now..
(2) Anthony: Did I ever tell you my aunt wsa in the newspaper?
(4) Eve: don't know if she's sick, lonely or what.
(1) Konrad Knox: so 6 month is like... dying at 25
(4) Eve: yes...
(1) Konrad Knox: yes, you did
(1) Konrad Knox: she got a LOT of mice
(4) Eve: yeah.
(2) Anthony: rats, not mice, but yeah
(2) Anthony: keep them seperated :D
(1) Konrad Knox: mice would be like eaten by rats
(7) Tristin: what is this an Offspring song?
(4) Eve: yeah
(2) Anthony: I mean seperate the males from the females
(4) Eve: they were both female
(4) Eve: but its okay, kostya will get over it, and we may consider getting a second mouse if he is feeling better about pets in a while.
(5) Robin: shawn can mal you a kitten...
(5) Robin: mail*
(7) Tristin: I don't know how well that will work...
(4) Eve: :S Kostya is allergic to cats
(4) Eve: *cries in the corner*
(5) Robin: that really sucks. :(
(1) Konrad Knox: maybe... in a month.. when i get used to seeing pets die and shut off my heart
(1) Konrad Knox: but... i can express my feelings and kill you all tonight. :) jk
(7) Tristin: There is a lol
(1) Konrad Knox: So... our story has taken a little twist.
(7) Tristin: oops.... scratch "there is a"
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, Robin, and Anthony has landed in what seems to be Egypt, and Eve is doing some research on the details of your enemies, having talked to and dismissed by Hannah. She booked a flight and currently is in the airport waiting for it. The three of you see a habitation to the north of the pyramids, with yummy food caravans going that way, you all are very hungry, but Tristin saw writings and symbols on one of the pyramids that are clearly inviting for his arcana. Meanwhile Robin is having a huge headache whenever she tries thinking of portals, which will last for 3 hours since the landing, and casting another portal will take 1 hour prolonged duration. But on the good side, she is feeling better, as the potion took care of poison, along with Tony's healing. Tony... you're feeling fine, not counting being very hungry.
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin has 2 mana and 2 WP left.
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony has 5 WP and 3 mana...
(2) Anthony: wait, what?
(2) Anthony: I have myself as having 10 mana
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, correct me
(2) Anthony: 5 willpower and 10 mana is what I have
(1) Konrad Knox: k
(2) Anthony: I didn't use any mana
(2) Anthony: I take it new scene so no one has any active spells up?
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, i'm showing 4 WP and 10 mana left. is that same as what you have?
(1) Konrad Knox: right, all active spells dropped
(1) Konrad Knox: and Eve I have 3 WP and 8 mana
(4) Eve: yes
(7) Tristin: I have down 2 mana 4 wp
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, 2 mana 4 wp
(1) Konrad Knox: your Wp capacities are 7. Eve's is 6
(1) Konrad Knox: just so you know
(1) Konrad Knox: all rdy?
(5) Robin: mhmm.

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(7) Tristin: Box me
(2) Anthony: Box m e amadaus!
(7) Tristin: lol!
(4) Eve: we demand box
(7) Tristin: I just choked on my popcorn because of you Serp...
(1) Konrad Knox:
Mage: Season 2, Episode 3

** (2) Anthony eyes the caravan to the north, "Anyone else hungry?" and starts walking toward it **
** (7) Tristin looks to the pyrimid, then to the food. Yeah... I'll grab a quick bite, but I want to check that place out. **
(7) Tristin: ""
(5) Robin: "alright. food sounds good."
(7) Tristin: ((Puncuation is for nobs))
** (2) Anthony starts to sweat and removes his jacket, "Man it's hot" Body Control Covert - gnosis 2 + life 4 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,2,8,6,5] vs 8 result of (2) **
(7) Tristin: ((noobs* v.v))
(1) Konrad Knox: the food smells exotic
(7) Tristin: ((I belive my Fate sight is still up...))
(2) Anthony: (( reducing my breathing, metabalism and heartrate should cool me down a little ))
(1) Konrad Knox: the spell works, Tony, you feel more comfortable in the heat
(1) Konrad Knox: ((all active spells dropped in the new scene))
(2) Anthony: (( incidently, gives me +2 init ))
(7) Tristin: ((Can I have two sights up at once?))
(2) Anthony: (( yeah ))
** (7) Tristin begins looking into the flow of time as well as the strands of fate in his suroundings **
(7) Tristin: ((Temporal Eddies Wits 3 + Invest 2 + Time 4))
(7) Tristin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,4,[10, 6],[10, 6],2,1,7,1] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Tony +2 init))
(7) Tristin: ((Sybil's Sight Gnosis 2 + Fate 3))
(7) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 1],1,4,9] = (3)
(5) Robin: incognitognosis 3+ mind 3))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,3,6,1,7] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you open the structures of Time to your gaze, and you see an ancient interconnection of them in the particular pyramid. Around it, everything is ages old, you can feel the strands like pages in the book, open for you to swell into their creation. Millenia worth of knowledge. As your Fate sight engages, you know for certain that you have been destined to come here, and that the Caravan is headed to Kirdasa, a small village where they will resupply and sell their food.
(5) Robin: ((boo :())
whispering to Robin, take a look sometime at dot 3 space spell "create new strands" or something like that. it lets you randomyl create sympathetic connections between objects making casting on them a lot easier. like, you can link your shirt to Tristin's boots, and it will reduce casting penalties.
(7) Tristin: "This place if very interesting.... Let's go see those guys with the food, anyone have any money?"
(2) Anthony: Pulse of the living world (C) (life mage sight) - gnosis 2 + life 4 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,6,[10, 2],6,5] vs 8 result of (1)
(7) Tristin: ((Can't remember how much I have on me v.v))
(2) Anthony: 'I have some cash. Hope they take us dollars."
(5) Robin: "I think I have a 20."
(2) Anthony: "If they don't take U.S. dollars we'll have to try to barter I guess. I'm starving."
** (7) Tristin nods **
(2) Anthony: "I hope they speak English."
** (7) Tristin walks tword the caravan carefully, trying to look friendly as possible. **
(2) Anthony: (( we are way overdressed for the deset, I'm sure ))
(2) Anthony: (( like my leather jacket is out of place ))
(7) Tristin: ((I'm wearing robes...))
(2) Anthony: (( robes? ))
(5) Robin: ((ive got a tshirt and jacket))
(2) Anthony: (( I thought you were weraing clothes ))
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, a picture of life opens in front of your eyes, you see that Camels are tired, and the merchants are hungry, and one of them has lung cancer, otherwise you are free to inspect living creatures and their auras, you pick up low signals from the few insects and occasional lizards
** (2) Anthony looks closer at the merchant with lung cancer **
(7) Tristin: ((Like chineese robes... Err.. have you seen Fearless (Jet Li) Robes like he wears if you have... they are clothes...ish))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin is wearing chinese kung fu robes, the kimano type))
(7) Tristin: ((Bingo))
(2) Anthony: (( ahh, way out of place :d ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((except pants instead of skirt i think))
(7) Tristin: ((Yes, pants... but they are sort of baggy... hard to discribe if you don't know what I'm talking about.)
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, the man is 39 years old, a lot of tar in his lungs, some alcohol in his blood, he has a few missing teeth, and his feet are tired but surprisingly have no blisters, for he is wearing sandals. He is not sweating much under his light robe. His hair is covered from the sun by a typical towel-looking garment with a brace around it.
(7) Tristin: ((Actually, the guy on the Kung-Fu page of WOD is wearing them!))
(2) Anthony: Banish plague (C) ( at 4 can do at sensory range ) gnosis 2 + life 4 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,6,5,4,2] vs 8 result of a botch
(2) Anthony: (( Oh, I did find a penalty for redoing spells if you fail, according to nWoD you lose 1 dice each new attempt ))
** (2) Anthony tries again **
(2) Anthony: Banish plague (C) ( at 4 can do at sensory range ) gnosis 2 + life 4 - 1 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],1,6,3,[10, 2]] vs 8 result of (3)
(2) Anthony: (( 3 successes shoudl cure his cancer ))
** (5) Robin takes off her jacket and tries to stuff it in her already overstuffed bag, letting half of it danggle from the bag. **
(1) Konrad Knox: A very atypical looking monk walks out of the door of the pyramid Tristin was standing at. He is clad in a hooded brown robe and stands still, his hands folded, bowing to Tristin without saying a word.
(1) Konrad Knox: a random merchant checks Robin out, nods to her and carries on
(2) Anthony: (( Woot for charity! ))
** (5) Robin frowns to herself **
(5) Robin: ((incognito gnosis 3 +mind 3 -1 for retrying))
(5) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,6,3,3] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox: next merchant who approaches starts spastically talking in arabic to you htree, waving his hands
** (5) Robin frowns even more **
(2) Anthony: "Hi, do you speak English?"
(2) Anthony: "You got any food? We're hungry."
(1) Merchant: "English! Yes! Very little! Food, in town! Can sell! Out of town - no can sell!"
(2) Anthony: "YOu can't sell food out of town? That's.. strange. Okay, which way is town?"
** (1) Merchant keeps pointing to Robin and showing thumbs up with a dirty smile **
** (5) Robin looks very unhappy. **
(1) Merchant: "This way, Kirdasa!"
** (7) Tristin eyes the merchant wishing he was better with Forces magic **
** (1) Merchant points north-north-west **
** (2) Anthony looks the way the man is pointing to try to figure out h ow far it is **
(1) Konrad Knox: The town seems to be about 2 miles down the road camels are heading
** (2) Anthony sighs, "Well, how about giving us some food, jsut something ot get us by for now? And I'll gie you some money just because." **
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you feel the monk's gaze still on you. Not persuasive, not really sly, but perhaps observing
(1) Merchant: "Kirdasa! Market in town! Can sell. Out of town, cannot sell!"
** (1) Merchant points to the food, to the town, to Anthony's clothes **
(7) Tristin: "You guys go... I'll catch up."
(1) Merchant: "Good robe. Good clothes! In town can sell! American money?"
(2) Anthony: nod
** (1) Merchant ponders **
(2) Anthony: "Why can't you sell to us out here?"
** (1) Merchant shakes his finger in the air **
(1) Merchant: "Bad money machine, beep beep, in town."
** (2) Anthony reaches into his pocket and pulls out a twenty dollar bill, "Wouldn't thsi work?" **
** (1) Merchant looks at Anthony's bill **
** (1) Merchant ponders... **
(1) Konrad Knox: is it a neat clean straight brand new bill, or a used up dirty sweaty curled up kind of bill?
(2) Anthony: (( the way tony is? used up dirty kind of way ))
** (1) Merchant makes a sad face, forcing his smile to be friendly **
(1) Merchant: "Kirdasa, come town, will sell food, water, clothes!"
(1) Konrad Knox: Another man approaches him, they start arguing in arabic
(1) Konrad Knox: the second merchant gives Anthony a bottle of Aquina bottled water, and points at the bill
** (2) Anthony hands the second merchant the bill **
(2) Anthony: "Thank you."
(1) Konrad Knox: the second merchant nods, they push around with the first merchant, and the second one leaves, pocketing the money, and petting his camel
(2) Anthony: (( I figure tony probably has a little over $100 in cash on him ))
(2) Anthony: "Wait, what about food? I'll givey ou my watch for some food"
** (2) Anthony takes off his watch **
(7) Tristin: "you guys go ahead..." *looks to the Pyrimid, ten to Robin. "Be careful..." Then to Tony. "Both of you..."
(7) Tristin: ((Then*))
(2) Anthony: (( Not any fancy kind, just probaly like the one I have on now, a $200 citizen ))
(5) Robin: "You're not hungry?"
(1) Merchant: "No good, no good!" arabic fast speech, cursing, as far as you can judge by tone, "In town Kirdasa, cook food, count money, check money is good."
(7) Tristin: "Yeah... but I don't want to leave this place quite yet."
(2) Anthony: "Money is good? oh, fake money going around? But my watch is good, here, look"
(2) Anthony: tony holds out his watch
** (1) Merchant looks at the watch and gives a wide smug toothy smile, a couple of missing teeth replaced with golden **
** (1) Merchant takes the watch and hands you a loaf of... what looks like pie, about a hand in size, wrapped in paper **
(5) Robin: "thats it?"
(2) Anthony: 'How about 3 of htose for hte watch? One for each of my friends too."
(2) Anthony: "That is a two hundred dollar watch, for sure it is worth more than one pie."
** (1) Merchant smiles and shakes his finger **
** (2) Anthony hands back the pie, "fine, give me my watch back, no deal." **
(1) Merchant: "Lots of food in town, little food here. Price cheaper in town."
** (1) Merchant backs off, but another merchant who comes by starts fighting with him, and as a result the watch drops, and the stronger of the two fighting grabs the weaker one and drags him away down the road **
** (2) Anthony picks up the watch and pockets it **
** (2) Anthony attempts to give the pie back to whichever merchant will take it **
(1) Merchant: the last merchant in the back of the caravan approaches, but refuses to take the pie, speaking in a more clear english
(5) Robin: "Odd couple..."
(1) Merchant: "Please visit our town, it's the policy not to trade on the way. Goods have to be accounted for. All visitors are required to register before visitng this site. Please register with local administration."
** (2) Anthony nods, "Thank you, we will." **
(5) Robin: "uh, yeah. register."
(2) Anthony: "Oh, and tell your friend" tony points to the man he had cured the cancer in, "to stop smoking or his cancer will come back"
** (1) Merchant gives a bit of a shocked look **
(1) Merchant: "How did you know?"
(2) Anthony: 'I"m a Doctor, I can tell."
(1) Merchant: "We all been telling him that. A doctor? Good American doctor?"
** (2) Anthony nods **
(2) Anthony: "One of the best" (( pride ))
(1) Merchant: "I think the mayor of Kirdasa can make a good deal with you for clothes and food. His son is very sick, and there is no money to send him for surgery."
(2) Anthony: nod
(2) Anthony: 'I will make sure to check on his son."
** (1) Merchant nods and says quietly **
(2) Anthony: "Kirdasa is the town? Okay,we will got here later."
(1) Merchant: "Welcome to Egypt, Americans. I have but one advice for you if you're staying long. If you come with nothing, you leave with nothing. I big you farewell."
(2) Anthony: "Farewell."
** (1) Witch bows to you once more and joins the leaving caravan **
** (1) Merchant does that ^ **
(1) Merchant: ((whenever one of you sends a PM, my alias changes to a randomized one))
** (2) Anthony turns to robin and Tristin and looks at the pie, "I guess we split this three ways. I take it you want to explore that pyramid?" **
(2) Anthony: (( that is freaking weird ))
(2) Anthony: (( at least you figured out the mystery of the changing alias ))
(7) Tristin: "Gonna follow them to Kirdas....whatever?"
(5) Robin: "I don't think we should split up."
(2) Anthony: "Well, I don't think we can go in the pyramid, it said you have to be in the path, which we're not"
(5) Robin: "oh, right."
(2) Anthony: "so we can eithe rwait out here in the hot sun til he comes out, or we can walk into town, get food, water, then come back or meet him there."
(5) Robin: "I don't want to be waiting around in this heat either."
(5) Robin: "yeah, I guess we will meet back here."
(2) Anthony: "So, actually, " Tony hands the pie and the bottled water to Tiristin, "We can get some in town."
(7) Tristin: "I'll be there as quick as I can, just going to check that place out."
(2) Anthony: "Oky, meet us at the town gate or whatever it is, wherever this road meets the town.
(5) Robin: "Alright, don't get eatn by mummies or anything and be safe."
(2) Anthony: "Or Robin can find you I think by scrying."
** (2) Anthony takes backt he bottle, takes a drink, hands it to robin **
(5) Robin: "Yeah, We'll work someting out
(2) Anthony: "For the road"
** (5) Robin takes a quick swig **
(5) Robin: and hands it to tristin
(2) Anthony: "good luck and be safe."
** (7) Tristin takes the water and pie. **
** (2) Anthony waves to tristin and starts to follow the caravan **
(7) Tristin: "I will, I have a good feeling about this place..."
** (5) Robin gives tristin a quick hug and takes off after the vcaravan **
** (7) Tristin concentrates on their fate and the fate of their destination **
** (2) Anthony looks over his shoulder at the pyramid, "Looks old." **
** (7) Tristin hugs her and kisses her cheek **
(2) Anthony: "What? No kiss for me?" Tony grins and continues to walk down the road
(1) Konrad Knox: the soft white sand is scattered around close to the ground by the hot light wind, the rather straight road leads you to town, slowly if you follow the caravan step by step
(7) Tristin: "Very old..." chuckles at his comment.
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin, to find out others' fate, there is a separate spell you need to cast))
(7) Tristin: ((Ah, okay.))
** (5) Robin concentraits hard while walking along the road. **
(5) Robin: ((incognito gnsois 3 + mind 3 -2))
(5) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 6],2,[10, 3],4] = (2)
(5) Robin: ((finally))
** (2) Anthony passes by the caravan nodding at the merchants (( no way hyper active tony is going to plod along )) **
(2) Anthony: (( ingonito hides your aura? ))
** (7) Tristin watches them walk off into the horizon, then turns to face the Pyrimid, wishing his friends a safe journey. **
(1) Konrad Knox: (( the SEP field))
(7) Tristin: ((Blends her in with sleepers))
(2) Anthony: "Hey, Uchawi, you know anything bout that particular pyramid?"
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, none of the merchants pay any attention to you
(2) Anthony: (( ahh, SEP, same thing that uchawi has ))
(2) Anthony: (( similar anywy ))
** (7) Tristin smiles to the monk in the hood. **
** (1) Uchawi looks at the pyramid and nods as he begins his explanation... **
(1) Uchawi: "Oh yes, Anthony, we're where you think we are. Indeed these are the famous, or infamous Pyramids of Cairo, the city to our east. This particular one is the Step Pyramid of Djozer, which was designed to serve as a gigantic stairway by which the soul of the deceased pharaoh could ascend to the heavens.
** (2) Anthony cocks his head, "Strange, similarity to the stairway to ascend." **
(1) Uchawi: "Egyptians treated their emperor Imhotep with such respect for his achievements, that he was forever deified with these structures."
(2) Anthony: "I wonder if someone tried to duplciate the stairway from Atlantis"
(1) Uchawi: "Uchawi wants some pie..."
** (2) Anthony eyes the pyramids around them, "Hmm.. I wonder if hte pharoes were awakened?" **
(1) Uchawi: "Awakened or not, they had the notion of ascention, though to what extent, I do not know. The shape of Egyptian pyramids is thought to represent the primordial mound from which the Egyptians believed the earth was created. The shape is also thought to be representative of the descending rays of the sun, and most pyramids were faced with polished, highly reflective white limestone, in order to give them a brilliant appearance when viewed from a distance. Pyramids were often also named in ways that referred to solar luminescence. For example, the formal name of the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur was The Southern Shining Pyramid, and that of Senwosret at el-Lahun was Senwosret is Shining."
(7) Tristin: "Do you speak English?" then in Mandarin "Or do you prefer Chinese?"
(2) Anthony: (( /me ignores that from tristin ))
(1) Monk: "I speak any language you do, traveller. Welcome. Care to come in?"
** (7) Tristin nods "I would..." he walks forward catiously, though without fear. **
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony and Robin, you're on the way to town, so yeah, you can't hear Tristin and Monk anymore, leaving them near the pyramid.
(2) Anthony: "The Bent Pyramid? What a strange name."
(1) Monk: "Welcome to the Ancient Catacombs of Time and Destiny. Truely, we have been waiting for you a long time. I am Noel, and I will be honored to be your guide."
** (1) Monk leads you up to the two doors **
(2) Anthony: (( jsut googled it, wow,it is bent ))
(7) Tristin: "Nice to meet you Noel.. I am Tristin Lang"
(1) Monk: "You have a choice to explore both chambers, but you have to eventually make your ultimate choice. This one will lead you along the Path of a Prophet, and the other one through the Path of a Warrior."
(1) Monk: "Oh, we know who you are. We have foreseen this day before even you did, Tristin." - smiles as he turns
(7) Tristin: "Profit or Warrior?"
** (1) Uchawi rubs against Anthony's cheek **
(7) Tristin: "Oh Prophet..."
(1) Monk: "Indeed." - chuckles
** (7) Tristin thinking aloud. "A prophet can tell others their destiny... a warrior can fight and help ensure destiny..." **
(1) Monk: "Egyptians have studied the art longer than most cultures belonging to the sleeping world, but not all secrets have been discovered. The Warrior's path will help you achieve the mastery of perfect timing and control in battle, while the Prophet's art will allows you to read one's destiny by the palm of their hand. Palmistry and combat - are the deepest secrets studied here. Which would you like to explore first?"
(7) Tristin: "First? So I may explore both?"
(1) Monk: "Of course. No one would make a choice blindly. Pick a hall and come on in."
(2) Anthony: (( we're walking 2 miles so it's going to take a little bit... gonna go to store real quick and get a sammich ))
** (5) Robin kicks at a rock along the path **
(7) Tristin: "Then I choose Prophecy first."
(1) Konrad Knox: the rock flies, bouncing around
(1) Konrad Knox: hits a merchant, the merchant looks around and back to his business, shrugging
(7) Tristin: (It bounces off his head, hits yours, you loose Incognito))
(5) Robin: "oops."
** (1) Monk leads you into the hall modelled in the ancient arabic style with dark golden walls, dust-shaded stone pillars, and the floor is tiled with an intricate pattern that loops on itself, like connected chain links. Inside are tall columns in form of statues of hooded men and women, in each corner you notice pedestals with open books in them. Each wall contains a few cells, small rooms you could compare to booths in a chinese restaraunt. Each booth is occupied by a couple of monks, studying each other's palms, and their own, looking things up in the thick books, and i mean thick, thickest you have ever seen. **
(1) Monk: "The Temple of Destiny, and the school of prophets, the place where palmreading was studied for not ages, but millenia, forwarded by the close second league in India, the Temple of Bramins, Chantra-Nu-Trihasaptra.
(7) Tristin: ((Hows the magic sight veiw these things?))
(1) Monk: Your time sight shows the past and the future of these men as truly ancient, they always dressed the same, and always were here. The creepiest part is, wherever you look, past or future, they seem to have been always studying, and look like they will keep on doing so.
(7) Tristin: "Palm-reading... so it works?... My... how do you keep all this a secret from the sleepers, with all the archiologists and stuff?"
(1) Monk: Your fate sight shows that everything in here is bonded by fate magic, you get a feeling that numerous oaths bind people to their places, a mysterious bond is on ever stone of this place, and structures are so complex it feels like hundres have added to their architectures, spells crafted of spells.
(1) Monk: "True Palmreading, if it is not forgery of Charlatans, demands a gift. As you study the books and learn the significance of each line, you discover new signs, and the more symbols you know, the more vividly you can see the events on a person's life. For example, by the palm of your hand, I can tell what choices you will make, and how your life began, and how it ends. Not that the lines do not change when situations change, but if you look at the current prospect of someone's future, you can travel through their lifetime, from birth to the very death. We knew that you would come here, getting lost on your very noble quest. To answer your question, you must have read the writing above the door?"
(1) Monk: "When your gift has awakened you, you have became a brother to everyone here, and only one of us can possible enter this place."
(7) Tristin: "I speak no Atlantian, I had a friend traslate what he could."
(1) Monk: "You speak it not, because you don't believe you can, but look inside you and your very fate. Open your eyes around you." - writings on the walls and in the books, written in Atlantean, suddenly make sense to you, as if you have instantly learned a language. You can understand the diaries and the multiple chronicles of thousands of men, as the monk leads you on, showing things around
(1) Monk: ((as a free merit in the character creation, your character does know Atlantean. Your mage book is also written in Atlantean, in case you have not realized it. It might have seemed English to you))
(1) Monk: "Atlantean makes sense in your mind before you can put it on paper or parchment."
(7) Tristin: ((I didn't know the first part.))
(1) Monk: "It was a language crafted from ideas in a more generic way than other languages, above words and cases. Ideas are written raw, in a way only awakened can read"
(1) Monk: ((yes, ask Claire. In the beginning of campaign all characters received the free merit +1 High Speech. You can read and speak Atlantean if you wish to.))
(4) Eve: ((high speach comes as a free merit to all mages its in the template.))
(7) Tristin: "I understand now..." He looks at the runes and symobls of the temple, taking in their meaning.
(1) Monk: "Perhaps you were destined to come here to complete your awakening and mature as a part of Atlantis. We do not know where Atlantis has gone and why, but we try every day to discover it. The power of Fate itself is the only force guiding us to dig deeper into its own roots."
(1) Monk: You see names of Prophets, clarifications of symbols. Life, death, murder, disease, birth, marriage, lost love, journey home, animals, gods, weapons, wars, peace... each word, each idea, each event is captured on nearly any object you see
(7) Tristin: "The legend that surounds the sleepers is that it sunk... I assume you have searched the seas then?"
(1) Monk: chairs have enchantments on them to have their bases never fail, tables have songs, sonets, odes, and rhymes written, telling tales of men and gods
(1) Monk: "No sea in this world contains where Atlantis is, for it has fallen away from this Realm, behind the Gauntlet, behind the Infinite Abyss, where nothing but nothing exists."
(1) Monk: "Should you choose this path, you have to put your signature in this ancient tome, and I shall bestow on you the gift to see one's future, as it will be yours to practice."
** (1) Monk leads you to the biggest book in the hall, it's about the size of a rhinosorus **
(7) Tristin: "So I must choose only one?"
(1) Monk: "To show you what potential is hidden in this art, let me see your hand."
(1) Monk: "Indeed, for there are two of you, who have come here at the same time."
** (7) Tristin he holds out his hand. Palm faceing up **
** (1) Monk looks at Tristin's hand **
(1) Monk: "Tempting Fate by invading its home too often can drastically irritate its very structure, so treat this gift wisely, should you choose to receive it. I can answer you one question about your future. I see that you face a great enemy. Not one, but many. Do you have a particular question? For I see everything clear as morning water in your path."
(7) Tristin: "If you see everything then... nevermind... I would like to know of my connection with my friends.. Tony, Kassy, Kurt, Eve I scence I'll be seeing her again. And Robin."
(1) Monk: "Very well. Your destinies have crossed in the passed as you faced a common enemy. It was a coincidence of Fate, and you have Kassidy Fox to thank for that. You now have come to each other's aid as you face the new danger that lays upon your world, and a dangerous group of Mages to face. But you will defeat them all, and your quest will succeed, and you will stay friends, until one of you dies, and then some of you may never see each other again."
(7) Tristin: "I thought as much..."
(7) Tristin: "Before I choose, may I see the other path?"
** (1) Monk nods and leads you outside, and to the other hall. Above the door, a sandwatch and a dagger on the background decorate a golden headframe **
(7) Tristin: ((Go back to Robin and Tony.... I gotta go to the bathroom))
** (2) Anthony walks along approaching the city, "Shouldn't be too much longer now. How you holding up? I was able to cool myself down." **
(2) Anthony: (( test ))
(1) Monk: This chamber is nothing like the previous. Not at all a library, instead it looks like a museum, with statues of warriors around, and a lot of sandwatches. It it absolutely empty. Only you and the monk. The monk heads on a bit ahead of you, and you turn your head and see a small pedestal with a very shiny curved dagger with a silver handle and a single diamond in its hilt tip standing on it, no protective glass or any other cover defending it. The dagger radiates Time magic so strong it almost creates a pulse in your head. It wants you.
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, Robin, you almost reach the town.
(1) Konrad Knox: ((test successful))
(2) Anthony: (( had scroll off so didn't see what I typed, thought I had turned it back on, guess I didn't))
** (2) Anthony looks at the city they're approaching **
** (5) Robin wipes the swet from her brow **
(5) Robin: "Longer walk than I thought it would be."
(1) Konrad Knox: the town of Kirdasa looks if not poor, not very prosperous. Behind the wall gates, you see most buildings are 2-3 floors high, half of them are shacks. You'd guess population is not too high, not more than a few thousands. Plenty of marketplace however, and now the caravan stops near the military patrol - guards in uniforms, as they're checking some papers and nodding their heads. Guards have guns on em, as well as clubs.
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "I'm used to walking. At least here we don't have to fight our way through underbrush." **
** (2) Anthony whispers to Robin, "I hope we don't have too much trouble without passports" **
(5) Robin: "Yeah, but at least it would be cooler in the shade of the underbrush."
** (5) Robin nods hoping the same. **
** (5) Robin stops and rolls her jeans up just bellow the knee. **
(5) Robin: "Its so fucking hot."
(2) Anthony: "I wish I could slow down your matabalism the way I did. Maybe I can."
(2) Anthony: (( body control other is not a spell, but body control is 2 dots. Surely at 4 dots I can reduce Robin's metabalism? ))
(1) Monk: Tristin, the Monk stands in the middle of a lit circle, a pattern reminding of a calendar, or perhaps a watch is painted on the floor, and the light hits it perfectly through the mozaic window, which is the only window in this hall, the rest of the room is shadowed in a calm twilight
(5) Robin: ((shawns still afk))
** (2) Anthony tries to reduce robin's metabalism - body control other (made up) (C) - gnsois 2 + life 4 [6d10.open (10).vs(8)] => [6,6,[10, 4],5,5,[10, 9]] vs 8 result of (3) **
(1) Monk: "Here, warriors train to perfect themselves in carrying their mind and body through instances of time."
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, choose which 3 bodily functions of Robin's you'd like to ammend
(2) Anthony: (( so won't work the same...))
(2) Anthony: (( breathing, heart rate are the big 2 for heat ))
(5) Robin: ((hawk vision!! jk))
(2) Anthony: (( that's something different, totally different ))
(2) Anthony: (( I could give you hawk eyes, but that's a different spell ))
(5) Robin: ((ah.))
(2) Anthony: (( this is a self spell that allows me to slow down my metabalism, to not need food as often, breath less often, hearrate reduces, I used it to stay cooler ))
(2) Anthony: (( Just breathing and heart rate Konrad ))
(2) Anthony: (( with my 2 successes on mine, I got 1/4 breathing and heart rate, +2 init, 4x as long without food ))
(2) Anthony: ((yours acts differnt though casue it's a made up spell, not sure how much your heart rate and breathing will be reduced ))
(7) Tristin: ((Back, sorry))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ok, at dot 4, you can do that to other humans yes. just cant create life from raw, or anythign supernatural))
(2) Anthony: (( Okay, so her breathing is 1/8th normal, heart rate 1/8th normal, 8x as long without food, +3 init))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you feel Anthony's spell give cool you down, you feel alleviated, like you could carry on quite longer than before, the heat doesn't seem as bad either
(7) Tristin: "You travel through time?"
(5) Robin: "Ahh, thankyou Tony."
(2) Anthony: (( yeah, I was wondreing that about create life, if I had to use dirt or something, apparently yes :D ))
** (1) Monk stands, facing away from Tristin, folding his hands behind his back. "Time travel is an art for those who fully master this path, traversing the past and the future, and slowing down your opponent's eyesight, vision, movement, and defense abilities. Couped with your powers to see Fate, making you a weapon more lethal than ever before, timing strikes perfectly and evading hits which are not even placed. Warriors who keep their minds and bodies in tact with the beat of Time itself are on the top level of the ladder where dangerous people are lined up." **
(1) Monk: Tristin, you notice the pulse from the dagger calling to you stronger and stronger as you look at it
(1) Monk: "Not only can you travel through time yourself, but you can send others there as well, to be hit by a thousand cuts before they are let out."
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, Robin, you approach the gates, and the guard stops you with a stern yet welcoming smile