August 04, 2019 12:44AMJessica:((can edward see my tattoo?))
August 04, 2019 12:45AM(From Dante): ((Do I feel like I could reach out to this other mind via telepathy?))
August 04, 2019 12:45AMDante:((honey, what did you do to your face?!))
August 04, 2019 12:45AMGM (GM):Kurtis strikes the ground with a glowing hand, creating a circle of pushed force away from himself in all directions, raising dust in the air around himself, his jacket flairs dramatically in the wind as his eyes glow with power, and his hair sets ablaze. His mouth is forced open as light spurts out of it, and an electric buzz escapes it. The effect is not what the spell was supposed to do, for Kurtis does not have the necessary Prime 5, but all of you feel a wave of a shocking tingle that emanates Kurt's aura. He has achieved something greater - his overload effort raised his gnosis to 4. The Obrimos's shockwave feels lie a burst of energy, a flush of exhilirating power, trapped within, a charge of potential, a hopeful surge, a feeling of adrenaline, like a momentary sensation of being limitless and without bounds. It makes the hair on the backs of your necks stand and tremble. Examining Kurtis with Life Sight, Justin can see that Kurt's body is weakened but due to no specific damage. Nothing is broken that Life magic could fix, the Aura is drained, but there is no volume to replenish it. It is a strange feeling. The best guess for how it feels is Kurtis ceased being what he used to be and broke the vessel where his Gnosis was contained, only to become something drained, but of higher capacity. A highly energized smaller creature that has become an exhausted larger creature. Magically speaking.
August 04, 2019 12:45AMGM (GM):Justin, so... please roll intelligence+science+matter
Mind you, this is considering you have science 5, real research. Like, you're good at picking up the basics very quickly, the school stuff, what humanity knows, you're pro at that. But examining these vials, that's where your mind really belongs, that's real brain food. So this is gonna be hard, this is the kind of work that brains like yours consider actual work. A stronger, more experienced alchemist or alchemists made this, and they spent a lot of work to also cover their tracks, to obfuscate the substances within, they created new chemical elements impossible for nature to sustain or even exist, this is atlantean science, and you are gonna need 5 successes on a single roll to crack this bad boy. Good luck.
August 04, 2019 12:46AMLucas:He looks away and tries not to tear up. "I killed him, you know. when i was younger. i was an angry person. I had to learn a lot of self control on my own. Elizabeth helped with that."
August 04, 2019 1:05AMKurtis Kerner:gets up from one knee, checking around himself, covered in sweat, his hair wet and droopy.... he looks at Dante. "That was weird.... did it work? Anyone feel any different? Cast something? The Dante Mind Shield is still on, so I guess it didn't work, did it..."
August 04, 2019 12:45AMDante:"Did he just grow a power level?
August 04, 2019 1:06AMEve K.:"No, I don't think so. But I think you had just achieved something a lot greater. I sense that you have gotten stronger.
August 04, 2019 12:46AMJessica:((Luckily Justin rolls 5s))
August 04, 2019 12:47AM(To Dante): ((You don't know! Unless you try))
August 04, 2019 12:47AMJustin:rolling 11d10>8!
=1 Success
August 04, 2019 12:47AM(To Dante): ((You usually can contact any mind you sense. Usually.))
August 04, 2019 12:48AMLucas:((lol that was close))
August 04, 2019 12:48AMJessica:((so close))
August 04, 2019 12:48AMJustin:Justin frowns, 3rd time in a row he's failed to figure out the damned green vial. He rubs his eyelids and considers maybe trying to figure out the black vial instead.
August 04, 2019 12:49AM(From Dante): ((For the purposes of rolling am I currently in sensory range then?))
August 04, 2019 12:49AMLucas:(Let Lucas help you next time. He studied alchemy for years)
August 04, 2019 12:49AMEdward:"I am so sorry. This is some kind of nightmare. Seems the war has begun. Jessica's right. If these forces are in play, they won't let us back in the house on base. We have to get out of Germany and check on our extended family."
Eve K. tilts her head to the side at this new piece of information "Literally killed him?" She looks thoughtful a moment, then asks a second question "Self control is important for us. The urge to just let go can be very tempting. But... well.. hell breaks loose when we do."
August 04, 2019 12:51AMJustin:((When I say black I mean purple.))
August 04, 2019 12:51AMJessica:Jessica stands up like she suddenly remembered something. "I tried to call Uncle Charlie on my bugged phone."
August 04, 2019 12:51AMLucas:Lucas sighed heavily. "Yeah. it all seems fucking stupid now. he was a shitty dad, but he didn't deserve it."
August 04, 2019 12:51AMEve K.:*doesn't ask a question... continues speaking XD
August 04, 2019 12:51AM(To Dante): ((Since you don't really see minds with your eyes, but sense them with the third eye, yes, this mind that is present, while you can't tell exactly what direction it's in, you are in sensory range. It appears this mind is actually close to you, like, in you, or on you.))
August 04, 2019 12:52AMDante:"The more invisible you are, the safer everyone you know will be. Germany is not a good place to be right now, certainly. But this stuff is not just here, in case my accent was not indicative enough of this."
August 04, 2019 12:52AMLucas:Lucas shook his head. "I was just a rebellious teenager and he and his church friends tried to exorcise me."
August 04, 2019 12:53AMEdward:"I'm sorry, I do not recognize the accent. Italian, I guess?"
August 04, 2019 12:53AMLucas:"But yeah. Self control is where i try to stay most days."
August 04, 2019 12:53AMDante:Dante rubs his forehead of grime that has probably built up throughout a day of trekking and wandering and closes his eyes for a bit. "Yes, sir."
August 04, 2019 12:53AMEdward:"Bugged phone? Where is your... I don't have my phone, lost it back on the road."
August 04, 2019 12:53AMLucas:((Itsa me, Dante.))
August 04, 2019 12:54AMEdward:((woohoo))
August 04, 2019 12:54AMDante:((Its-a me, Dante Canavacciuolo. Let's-a go!))
Eve K. 's eyes widen, she lets out a breath "Exorcise hmm. That...doesn't sound pleasant."
August 04, 2019 12:54AMGM (GM):Justin, same roll, same difficulty.
August 04, 2019 12:55AMJustin:rolling 11d10>8!
=4 Successes
August 04, 2019 12:55AMLucas:"Pleasant aint a word id bring into it."
Lucas closes his eyes and tries to focus on the water again.
rolling 3d10>8!
=2 Successes
August 04, 2019 12:56AMGM (GM):The purple potion looks like something that is reactive with organic material and it's definitely a transmutation based effect. The formula, when applied to organic material, makes it conductive to something. Not electricity. But something else. It makes something possible to change, to transfer.
To put through.
August 04, 2019 12:57AMJustin:Justin sits back, staring at the vial with a frustrated look on his face. August 04, 2019 12:57AMJessica:"We found it. That's how we found you. Yeah, somebody bugged my phone. I tried calling you and mom and you didn't answer and Uncle Charlie answered but he was hearing me say things I wasn't. I don't know how far they try to scrub things. They'd have to scrub a hundred people if they tried to get rid of anyone we talk to. Right?" She looks over at Dante. "Do they go after extended family?" She runs her fingers through her hair, which is getting lank and oily. Showers. She missed regular showers.
August 04, 2019 12:57AMGM (GM):Lucas. You detect water back where Edward said it would be. Backtrack and follow the mountain, hugging it to the waterfall. You sense water, clean water, running briskly underground.
August 04, 2019 12:57AM(From Dante): ((this could go terribly. Fuck it.))
August 04, 2019 12:58AMDante:rolling 8d10>8!
=4 Successes
August 04, 2019 12:58AMLucas:Lucas follows his senses back towards the mountain and the waterfall
August 04, 2019 12:58AMEdward:"How did you find me by my phone? I was careful not to leave tracks! Can others do the same?"
August 04, 2019 12:59AMDante:Dante opens his eyes and looks about the cave again, then back to the cave mouth. August 04, 2019 12:59AMJessica:"People can find us using personal items. That feeling you get towards things that are yours...they follow it."
August 04, 2019 12:59AMEdward:"I have not received any calls... and what do you mean about Charlie? Charle's hearing is fine! His ears work well, it's what's between them that bothers me sometimes. Where is that little bloke?"
August 04, 2019 12:59AM(From Dante): "I have a hunch already, but hello?"
August 04, 2019 1:00AMJessica:"No dad, I mean I said things into the phone and they changed what came out the other side with magic. He couldn't hear what I was saying to him. He heard what they wanted him to hear."
Eve K. follows Lucas back towards the waterfall
August 04, 2019 1:01AM(To Dante): "Hurry."
August 04, 2019 1:01AMJessica:She purses her lips. "I don't know if you can make it harder to track you if you renounce ownership of a thing. Like when you throw something away but just like, deciding it's not yours anymore. I'm not sure how to figure that out. Hm." Kind of talking to herself towards the end.
August 04, 2019 1:04AMEve K.: Same. Tired. Ready for a nap after I've eaten something. Hope the Truck is still there when we get off this mountain.
August 04, 2019 1:05AMKurtis Kerner:mutters, nose still in book "That's not the only way, there are many. I could track any working phone no matter whose it is or who is using it."
August 04, 2019 1:06AMEve K.:((not to mention Eve literally just followed his tracks lol))
August 04, 2019 1:08AM(From Dante): "What do you want from us? And where?"
August 04, 2019 1:08AMEve K.:(how cold out is it?)
August 04, 2019 1:11AMEdward:"This is completely wild. You know, I never told you this, but when we grew up, Uncle Charlie and I, we were a lot closer back then than we are now. Life just sort of happened this way. I like to stay with a stable job now, and he likes to travel, scrape by, no plan, no resources, all risk. But back as kids, we were close. We'd always get into some fight or another, where he'd do something and have someone after him and I'd always be there to save him. He was little and scrawny. But one thing sure, he loved our family. This one time, I was stupid and lost a family heirloom in a stupid card game to some local boys, this was back when grandpa had the old house in Brooklyn. Secretly, unknown to me, Charlie went back, bet everything he had and won it back, probably by cheating.... we had both gotten a good beating that day. Poor Charlie had to hide, but we got it back, and we wouldn't have if it weren't for him. You have always had a lot from Charlie in you. We should make sure he's safe."
August 04, 2019 1:12AMGM (GM):((it's a chilly morning, crisp and a little windy, colder near the water))
You guys find water, and the waterfall.
Eve K. watches the waterfall while Lucas does whatever it is he's doing to gather water, then frowns looking around
August 04, 2019 1:13AMLucas:Lucas starts looking near the water for tubers, roots, berries and edible herbs.
August 04, 2019 1:13AMGM (GM):A beautiful little peaceful river flows from a small tinkling waterfall. Mushrooms grow nearby under trees. A few blueberry bushes.
August 04, 2019 1:13AMJessica:Jessica has a small smile as he tells the story, like this is an old familiar story. She looks at Kurt. "Is there a way to safely contact him? I've been afraid to try to call anyone since the first time. I don't want to draw people down on him."
August 04, 2019 1:13AMLucas:and maybe some mushrooms
rolling 4d10>8!
=1 Success
August 04, 2019 1:14AMJessica:((jesus christ do not pick mushrooms if your survival isn't high))
Eve K. sits on a rock, closing her eyes to listen to the waterfall. On a whim she opens her prime senses, trying to feel out any nearby ley lines
August 04, 2019 1:15AMJessica:(inkcaps are the coolest, btw. They fucking melt))
August 04, 2019 1:15AM(To Dante): "Katerholzig. Midnight."
August 04, 2019 1:16AM(To Dante): there are now 6 minds in the cave
August 04, 2019 1:16AM(From Dante): ((Jeeheeheeesus))
August 04, 2019 1:16AMLucas:((Arent dangerous mushrooms rarer than "edible" ones"))
August 04, 2019 1:17AMJessica:((everything's edible once))
August 04, 2019 1:17AMEve K.:*mutters softly in atlantean "to feel the power of nature unleashed"
August 04, 2019 1:17AMLucas:((like there are more that are inedible due to bad flavor or toughness as opposed to being just deadly)
August 04, 2019 1:17AMJessica:((really it depends on where you are and what trees are around you))
August 04, 2019 1:17AMEve K.:rolling 6d10>8!
=2 Successes
August 04, 2019 1:17AMDante:Dante rises to his feet, doing a few squats, stretching out arms and legs before pacing about the cave. He walks to the entrance, peering out into the chilly morning scenery, then heads back in. August 04, 2019 1:18AMKurtis Kerner:"You could call him. We've learned a lot about communication in these past days. I mean, look at the Loquimorscopes. Considering these things exist, I've no idea what's safe and what's not."
August 04, 2019 1:18AMDante:"We are on a time limit from the DJ himself. Katerholzig at midnight." August 04, 2019 1:19AMKurtis Kerner:"Wait, what?" - forgets to think quietly at DC
Eve K. frowns. Over the link "Any other instructions he's passing along?"
August 04, 2019 1:20AM(From Eve K.): (did Eve find any ley lines?)
August 04, 2019 1:20AMDante:"
That's all I got. I noticed the presence of another mind a short while ago. Think he was scrying on me. Unsure. I contacted him. He told me that. Nothing more. His mind has left the area to my knowledge."
Eve K. smirks, over the link, her thoughts tinted with amusement "no wonder why they call him "Rude" so demanding."
August 04, 2019 1:22AMJessica:We can't take my dad there. August 04, 2019 1:22AMDante:"
Obviously not."
Eve K. over the link "Oh no, Dad is not going. No sleepers thanks."
August 04, 2019 1:24AMJessica:God, what the fuck do I even tell him? August 04, 2019 1:25AMEve K.:*"Midnight gives us what... 15 hours?"
*over the link ^
August 04, 2019 1:26AMLucas:((Lucas rolled a survival for food stuff, KK))
August 04, 2019 1:27AMJessica:15 hours...well that's time enough for a phone call. Jessica gets her list of numbers out since her phone is off. "Can I borrow your phone, Kurt?"
August 04, 2019 1:27AMGM (GM):Eve, you feel the presence of ley line energy in the stream itself and are able to pull power from it, forming a node at a large moss covered rock at the very foot of the waterfall. You can harvest enough energy from this great human sized stone to power a room.
Lucas you pick a small amount of berries, no mushrooms here are good to eat, but pretty sure the berries are blueberries.
August 04, 2019 1:30AMKurtis Kerner:"Mmm... no, not my phone, use someone else's."
August 04, 2019 1:31AMJessica:"Dante?"
August 04, 2019 1:31AMJustin:Justin takes out his phone and offers it, putting the vials away. August 04, 2019 1:31AMKurtis Kerner:"DC, you should probably ward this cave with your new fancy scrying ward. Ward everywhere we sleep."
August 04, 2019 1:31AMJessica:"Thanks." She pauses, takes a breath, and dials Uncle Charlie.
August 04, 2019 1:32AMLucas:"Man. I wish i could remember my foragin a little better. i can't seem to really find anything other than just some blueberries."
August 04, 2019 1:32AMDante:Dante looks to Kurtis and nods. "I should probably get started now."
August 04, 2019 1:33AM(From Eve K.): (can't you pull mana from ley lines?)
August 04, 2019 1:34AM(To Eve K.): Just power. But you can follow Ley Lines to naturally occuring Hallows
August 04, 2019 1:34AMEve K.:"Do blueberries go well with venison? Not that it matters at this point. I'd eat straight meat if there was nothing else."
August 04, 2019 1:34AMDante:Dante moves about the room, mindful of the trapped sections of flooring. He begins running his hands over the stone and preparing an area big enough for them to sleep. August 04, 2019 1:34AMEve K.:"Incidentally. Found a ley line."
nods to her rock August 04, 2019 1:35AMGM (GM):The phone keeps dialing and dialing and dialing, no answer.
Eve K. over the link "Hey Kurt. Found a ley line."
August 04, 2019 1:35AMLucas:Lucas takes off his shirt to use as a make shift basket for the berries. "I mean, its better to have blueberries and meat intead of just meat, right?"
August 04, 2019 1:36AMKurtis Kerner:"Nice, where?" flips a few pages in the book to skip ahead
August 04, 2019 1:36AMLucas:over the link: *"Can't find anything other than blueberries, guys. They'll be good, but probably not for stew."
Eve K. over the link "Here at the waterfall. Which I may take a dip in to clean the dust and forest off of me."
August 04, 2019 1:37AMJessica:Jessica stares at the phone. Blinks a few times. She swallows. "I-I can't get ahold of him."
"Dad, do you have anything of his?"
Eve K. watches Lucas shirtlessly gathering berries "In most things it's better to not have just meat yes."
August 04, 2019 1:39AMDante:Without taking his eyes off his work, he speaks "Its early in the morning still. Could be sleeping."
August 04, 2019 1:39AMEdward:"No, no, I... I don't, but as soon as I recover and we eat and rest, we're going to get to the airport and get tickets to Florida and get on a plane to meet up with him."
August 04, 2019 1:40AMEve K.:(("We" he keeps using that word. I don't think it means what he thinks it means))
August 04, 2019 1:41AMEdward:"There is a property we still own there, a little cabin on the coast, we know to meet there if there's trouble."
August 04, 2019 1:42AMJessica:"Dad you can't go through any place that checks your id. Like maybe ever now." Her eyes widen at the idea of the magnitude of that statement. "And I can't go with you to Florida."
Eve K. considers the waterfall a moment then shakes her head absently. Over the link "Perhaps waterfall showers will be in order when the day gets a little warmer. It's a bit chilly now."
August 04, 2019 1:43AMLucas:Lucas is still sweating. he hasnt had a chance to get a work out in and is taking advantage of the crisp air.
August 04, 2019 1:44AMEdward:"What? I'm a major, I have a military ID, the U.S. military. I'm an army engineer with high clearance. We're all going to regroup in Florida, that place was bought with cash from an old fisherman, and there is no paperwork, no electronic record, he simply handed us the keys and a lock box with a title. Nobody official would know to wipe this record, because it doesn't even electronically exist."
August 04, 2019 1:45AMLucas:"Definitely wouldnt mind a dip right now. bet it ain't much colder than Blackwater. springfed river in Florida not too far from where i used to live. even in high summer it'd be colder than a witches tits in a brass bra."
August 04, 2019 1:45AMEdward:"Grandpa and our uncle bought the place and the boats back in the 50s"
August 04, 2019 1:46AMJessica:"Dad the people who went after you wiped your existence from Germany. They definitely have eyes on airports after you killed their guy."
August 04, 2019 1:46AMEve K.:"not worried about how cold the water is. I don't want to get my corset wet. And I can't go around shirtless while I dry before putting it on."
August 04, 2019 1:46AMJessica:((why not?))
August 04, 2019 1:46AMEve K.:"not with the chill in the air"
August 04, 2019 1:46AMKurtis Kerner:To Eve
"Sexy" August 04, 2019 1:46AMEve K.:(( ;) ))
August 04, 2019 1:47AMKurtis Kerner:"Can you guys hurry up, meat's almost ready" August 04, 2019 1:47AMEve K.:((That was all aloud to Lucas Kurtis. there was no "over the link))
August 04, 2019 1:47AMKurtis Kerner:"I'm starving!" ((Oh ok))
August 04, 2019 1:48AMEve K.:((not to say Kurtis can't randomly think "Sexy" to Eve ;) ))
August 04, 2019 1:48AMKurtis Kerner:((In response to previous over the link statements))
August 04, 2019 1:48AMLucas:Lucas turns to look at eve and catches himself glancing down. he turns away but can't hide his pale back flushing red.
August 04, 2019 1:48AMKurtis Kerner:((the waterfall showers comment))
August 04, 2019 1:48AMEve K.:((gotcha))
August 04, 2019 1:49AMLucas:"I mean. its 2019. you can do what you want, right?"
Eve K. over the link to Kurtis through Dante "That's why you keep me around right?"
August 04, 2019 1:50AMJustin:The exhaustion finally gets to Justin, he nods off on the cave floor. August 04, 2019 1:50AMJessica:Jessica puts his phone in his pocket before Eve comes back and thinks she stole it or something.
August 04, 2019 1:51AMEdward:"Alright, if they wiped my existence, they did us a favor. We fly with cash... and... I still have my ID, wallet's in the stash over there. We stick together, that's not negotiable!"
August 04, 2019 1:51AMEve K.:"I certainly can. But I'm also very hungry. Lets get back since venison is almost done and we have water and blueberries which you skillfully gathered."
she splashes a little water on her face and hands before standing on her rock, beginning to head back, but lagging so Lucas can stay close August 04, 2019 1:52AMJessica:Jessica squares her body language towards him, almost a mirror. "I have to help them stop New Hitler, Dad. I
have to, or they don't make it. There's like a prophecy." She winces at the word. So corny.
August 04, 2019 1:53AMEve K.:((Best. Line. Ever. "I have to help them stop New Hitler"
August 04, 2019 1:54AMEdward:"Jessica, we don't have time or place for these games. We have to get out of the country. Mom is gone. And you can get hurt. And all this crazy wizard stuff is too big for us to handle. Don't you think there is an organization of democratic wizards who have it under control?"
August 04, 2019 1:55AMKurtis Kerner:"Haa... yeah. We work for that organization. We're the control. I know. Rich."
August 04, 2019 1:55AMEve K.:((We
August 04, 2019 1:55AMEdward:"Well you can't be the only ones, what the five of you?"
August 04, 2019 1:55AMLucas:Lucas takes one last look around at everything appreciating the beauty of the mountain and the stream. "Yeah. I'm still tryna get my weight back up. no fat over my muscles makes me fell naked."
August 04, 2019 1:55AMEve K.:(( "We're the control" Oh my. ))
August 04, 2019 1:56AMJessica:"I did get hurt. And Justin fixed it. We have to stop it. There's nobody else. It's not a game, it's just shitty."
Eve K. chuckles "I know the ladies can't be complaining."
August 04, 2019 1:56AMDante:Dante begins tracing a line in whatever detritus might be on the cave floor, one that will serve as the boundary for the ward. He tries to make one large enough to encompass everyone as they sleep. ((Let's talk mechanics. I'm gonna need a ward against scrying large enough for us to sleep inside of. Not sure just how big that would be. 16 yard radius, 12 hour duration? Probably shooting for potency 4 or 5.))
August 04, 2019 1:57AMKurtis Kerner:"Oh there were others. One instantly aged to old man and popped into thin air, one went insane, one fell into a coma, and one simply disappeared without trace. There's been casualties. We're what remains."
August 04, 2019 1:58AMGM (GM):((calculating ward))
August 04, 2019 1:58AMDante:"Don't worry. Everything is under control."
He says this in his best disinterested authority figure voice. August 04, 2019 1:58AMEve K.:((sounds ominous for some reason))
August 04, 2019 1:59AMDante:((because its gonna be a lot of successes and take like 3 hours to cast))
August 04, 2019 1:59AMJessica:Jessica's mouth becomes a line, her nostrils flare, and she glares at Kurtis, but doesn't contradict him.
August 04, 2019 2:00AMDante:(( :| ))
August 04, 2019 2:00AMEve K.:((he's 'helping'))
August 04, 2019 2:00AMJessica:((yeah...I see that))
August 04, 2019 2:01AMJustin:((Speaking of Tristan, he'll be here on the 17th for the game.))
August 04, 2019 2:01AMGM (GM):((9 successes for potency 5))
Eve K. steals a blueberry from Lucas' shirt basket, munching on it with a smile
August 04, 2019 2:03AMEdward:"Why us? Why does it have to be us? Don't wizards have a wizard army?"
August 04, 2019 2:03AMLucas:"That one was mine!" Lucus bellows with a grin, tossing a blueberry at Eve's face
August 04, 2019 2:04AMEdward:"How many are there? And what is this New Hitler nonsense? Who is Hitler? Where? Are they resurrecting him?"
Eve K. attempts to catch the tossed blueberry with her mouth
August 04, 2019 2:04AMJessica:((roll seduction))
August 04, 2019 2:04AMDante:"Alright, I can shield us from spying while we sleep, but it could take a few hours. Do we have that kind of time to wait? And do any of you think you can render assistance?"
August 04, 2019 2:04AMEve K.:(lol)
(I was thinking dex+athletics tbh))
rolling 4d10>8!
=0 Successes
August 04, 2019 2:05AMKurtis Kerner:"I'd suggest a very short rest. If we gotta visit the accountant, the library, and the DJ, that's a busy day..."
Eve K. has a blueberry bounce off her cheek
Eve K. over the link "We don't have to do it all today. The only task with an actual -dead-line is meeting DJ"
August 04, 2019 2:07AMEve K.:"You need to toss them better if you want me to catch them."
August 04, 2019 2:07AMJessica:"It's's not "us" Dad. You can't keep trying to kill wizards. You'll fucking die. You almost died already. WE have to stop New Hitler because we're in the prophecy." Jessica looks around for help but Dante is busy, Justin is asleep, and Kurtis is not a great little helper. "I don't know why it's us. I have no idea. But you don't have powers or even know what they look like and you'll just get killed."
August 04, 2019 2:07AMLucas:"Maybe you should just always be ready to catch blueberries."
August 04, 2019 2:08AMKurtis Kerner:"Or he'll do what? As long as we get back to the city, he's not going to send a legion of undead at us. That strikes me as a kind of thing he can get away with in the forest. In city, most he can do is send a team of assholes, the likes of which we've handled before." August 04, 2019 2:08AMEve K.:"I feel like my readiness to catch blueberries is pretty high. You should aim better."
Eve K. over the link "Don't think he's the sort of person I wanna piss off more than we
August 04, 2019 2:09AMEve K.:*have already done
August 04, 2019 2:09AMDante:"
Probably true. But that's a busy day, like you say. We still have to locate the accountant to begin with."
August 04, 2019 2:09AMLucas:Lucas frowns at the blueberry on the ground. "You shouldn't waste food, Eve." he says as he tosses another one with a high, slow arc.
August 04, 2019 2:10AMEdward:"Look, little lady, I am your father, and I may not have powers, but you don't have them either, so we're both in the same boat. And this knife combined with life experience amounts to quite a bit of "powers". I don't know what you mean with all those prophecies, but in all the books I read, prophecies are self fulfilling bullshit. I do not believe in prophecies."
Eve K. catches this one without too much trouble, munching happily, then trots back to fetch the grounded blueberry, catching up with it in hand "Waste not want not hmm?"
August 04, 2019 2:11AMEdward:"Someone creates prophecies, and that someone always has an agenda."
August 04, 2019 2:12AMGM (GM):Alright, Eve and Lucas, you guys near the cave.
August 04, 2019 2:12AMJessica:"Dad I do have powers. They're just...subtle. I can give people luck. I can see around corners. But I'm getting stronger every day. You're not."
August 04, 2019 2:12AMLucas:"20 second rule?" He says as he opens his mouth for the blueberry
August 04, 2019 2:12AMJessica:She crosses her arms.
"Most importantly I'm less crunchy now."
Eve K. brushes the blueberry off a little before tossing it carefully towards Lucas' mouth
Eve K. over the link "I'll help with the shield, we are almost there"
August 04, 2019 2:15AMEdward:"Luck? You give people luck? Jessica... would you listen to me? We have a safe place to go. Hide out. Regroup with Charlie, then.... then hunt down whoever.... listen to yourself, you want to fight Hitler. Where is this Hitler?"
August 04, 2019 2:15AMLucas:Lucas catches it clumsily, but saves it with his teeth. "I mean, if theres germs on it and i get sick, Justin can whip me nack ino shape, right?" he says around the juicy berry
August 04, 2019 2:16AMJessica:"I don't want to tell you because you'll try to go with us."
Eve K. nods "Suppose he can yeah"
August 04, 2019 2:16AMGM (GM):The smell of cooking meat fills your nose and there's nothing quite like fresh kill.
Guys near the cave, smoke is coming out of it.
August 04, 2019 2:17AMEve K.:"Though I would be surprised if a big guy like you were taken down by one little blueberry"
August 04, 2019 2:18AMLucas:"The Black Death took down half the population of Europe, and it was carried by lil ol rats"
August 04, 2019 2:18AMEdward:"Try to go with you? Jessica Murphy, if you think for a moment that I will part with you, that's out of the question. You're coming with me, that's final. No options, no negotiation. You are my daughter, my only daughter. Mom is gone. And we do this as a team or not at all."
August 04, 2019 2:19AMLucas:"Damn, that deer smells good. Hope you guys saved us some Back-strap!"
Eve K. heads over to help Dante as the enter the cave
August 04, 2019 2:20AMEve K.:*they
August 04, 2019 2:20AMGM (GM):So, everyone's back at the cave, Lucas brought blueberries, and the food is ready. All together everyone can eat. Kurtis taps Justin in case he wants some meat.
August 04, 2019 2:20AMJessica:Jessica's face softens and she says quietly, "Dad, whatever you think is going to happen to me, it's happened. I got framed for murder. I got shot. In the neck. I fell in one of your traps on the way in here," she turns and gestures at the tears in the legs of her jeans. "I don't think you could survive that shit." Her voice breaks on "survive." "I dunno why but magic makes a big difference. And the people we're up against are not playing."
August 04, 2019 2:21AMKurtis Kerner:"Dante, eat first, then do the ward stuff, that stuff takes hours, and you'll be crazy hungry."
August 04, 2019 2:21AMJessica:"You can't just be stupid and protective."
August 04, 2019 2:21AMJustin:Justin stirs and blinks before getting up to take some food. He quietly and quickly consumes it while not really paying attention to the conversations nearby in his sleep-daze. August 04, 2019 2:21AMKurtis Kerner:"Fuel up before exerting. Now! I am ready for some of this meat!"
August 04, 2019 2:22AMEve K.:"Good point. Lets eat. The blueberries are delicious and that venison smells heavenly"
August 04, 2019 2:22AMKurtis Kerner:reaches for some ribs and stew August 04, 2019 2:22AMDante:Dante looks to Kurtis and nods, eager to get some of the meat. August 04, 2019 2:23AM(To Dante): the peppery powder on your fingertips forms again, but it does not separate from your skin, clearly maintaining that the choice is yours.
August 04, 2019 2:24AMJessica:Jessica reluctantly pulls away from the argument and sits down to eat, feeling light headed from lack of sleep and food.
August 04, 2019 2:25AM(From Dante): ((Not til I know more about it))
August 04, 2019 2:25AMLucas:Lucas digs in. " I tried to find some watercress and some burdock, but I guess Europe just has different stuff growin around here."
August 04, 2019 2:25AM(To Dante): The powder dissipates.
August 04, 2019 2:26AMKurtis Kerner:Kurt hungrily bites into the meat and keeps eating and eating and taking seconds, wolfing down protein and berries August 04, 2019 2:27AMGM (GM):There's plenty of deer for all, nobody is short shafted, and even the farmer eats enough to get full.
August 04, 2019 2:27AMFarmer:"You should listen to your father, young Jessica. He is a very hardened man."
Eve K. takes a piece of meat trying to hold it so she doesn't get meat juice all over her hands. Eating her fill and snagging a few more blueberries on the side.
August 04, 2019 2:27AMLucas:(Does lucas remember any german at all from having Alfie in his head?)
August 04, 2019 2:28AMJessica:Jessica doesn't acknowledge the farmer.
August 04, 2019 2:28AMDante:Dante digs in, enjoying the fresh meal thoroughly and maybe reveling a bit in the primitive sight of the group gathered around a fire, eating barehanded. August 04, 2019 2:28AMGM (GM):Lucas, roll int+academics
August 04, 2019 2:28AMJessica:((use willpower getting a language would be baller))
August 04, 2019 2:30AMLucas:(adding willpower. Lucas really wants to make the old farmer feel Wilkommen)
rolling 6d10>8!
=2 Successes
((dem sevens doe))
August 04, 2019 2:32AMDante:Once everyone is done eating, Dante will begin pacing the perimeter he previously marked out and recruit whoever is willing to help ((space 2 to contribute)) with the ward. August 04, 2019 2:32AMEdward:"Stupid and protective. Even having lost your mother and your home, you haven't learned a thing. Eating the meal I caught, without any magic, you tell me I am stupid and protective. I will always be protective, you will understand one day, when you have children. And I am far from stupid. You on the other hand, are being stupid. Hell is breaking loose all around you, and instead of running in the other direction, you entertain some fantasies about stopping Hitler."
August 04, 2019 2:33AMGM (GM):Lucas, you remember short bits and pieces of German
August 04, 2019 2:33AMEve K.:((weren't we able to help last time with space 1?))
August 04, 2019 2:33AMDante:((were you? I dont remember anyone getting to roll for successes on it other than me))
((maybe I'm incorrect))
August 04, 2019 2:35AMJessica:Jessica lets her dad go on his tirade while she quietly and mechanically eats. She looks down at her food and says quietly, "I'm not asking permission."
August 04, 2019 2:36AMLucas:Lucas scoots over to the old farmer. "Dir gut alter mann?"
August 04, 2019 2:36AMGM (GM):((you can assist with space 1, it's just gnosis holding you down. all the cool people can do 1 roll per hour, while less cool people with gnosis below 3, have to spend 3 hours per roll))
August 04, 2019 2:36AMDante:((Ahhh, right-o))
August 04, 2019 2:36AMJustin:Justin gets up and tries to help Dante with his work. August 04, 2019 2:36AMJessica:"If I don't do this...make something good out of what happened...then mom died for no reason. She died and I got powers and I never did anything with them. And then lots
more people will die. I can't deal with that."
"You guys got attacked just because I got activated. I need to at least do something good with them."
August 04, 2019 2:38AMEdward:"You're as stubborn as the rest of the Murphys. Alright, let's do it. But I'm not leaving your side. I can handle myself. As you said, as long as the sleeping boy lives, everyone can be healed. And anyone who doubts me in a fight is welcome to try."
Eve K. now full and somewhat content, gets up to help Dante, as she focuses on this newer aspect of the arcane a shiver runs through her. Her eyes bleed to black past the iris, her shadow deepens, seeming to come alive on its own for a bare moment.
August 04, 2019 2:39AMEve K.:((Buying Gnosis 4)
August 04, 2019 2:39AMJessica:"It's not
the same Dad. You get hurt harder. What are you going to do if we open a portal under your feet and set you loose in Australia? You don't know how to deal with powers. You got lucky."
"And Uncle Charlie is out there by himself and he doesn't have powers either."
August 04, 2019 2:40AMKurtis Kerner:looks up at Eve Eve K. catches herself on the cave wall, a crack forming and then closing where her fingers touch, she takes a deep breath, closing her eyes
August 04, 2019 2:41AMLucas:Lucas glances up to Edward. "I ain't had a good rumble in a minute, if you wanna wrassle a bit."
August 04, 2019 2:41AMDante:Dante fails to notice at first, but as the frisson of energy skitters across his senses, he turns to watch Eve as she, too, does some highlander shit. August 04, 2019 2:42AMJessica:((this cave is magic))
August 04, 2019 2:42AMLucas:Lucas trails off as he feels a surge of energy coming from Eve.
August 04, 2019 2:42AMJustin:"You two are going to make us show up easier on the bad guy's radars." August 04, 2019 2:42AMJessica:Everyone looks at Eve August 04, 2019 2:43AMJustin:Justin speaks into the link while working on Dante's ward. August 04, 2019 2:43AMGM (GM):Another burst of tingling shock goes over the awakened (Justin, being asleep, simply perhaps stirs as in a disturbing dream), and a very different kind of feeling envelopes us. The feeling of being covered in ash, or wet rot, slimy, sick, destructive. Dark. A grim sort of feeling. For a moment, a split moment an invasive thought flashes in people's minds, an acknowledgement that some time long ago, a serial killer was mercilessly dispatched by a survivor victim with extreme vengeance. No idea where that thought comes from, but it quickly fades.
August 04, 2019 2:43AMLucas:((how much is gnosis 2? :P))
Eve K. shivers again, a pulse of mana flowing off of her. She opens her eyes as they flash white a moment with raw power. Eve shakes her head as if to clear it.
August 04, 2019 2:43AMJustin:((Hasn't been asleep since dinner.))
August 04, 2019 2:43AMDante:((He hasnt been asleep))
August 04, 2019 2:44AMGM (GM):((oh okay, he's up, never mind. That's right, he's groggy but awake))
((for gnosis 2, it's 16))
August 04, 2019 2:45AMLucas:Lucas forgets everything he just said to Edward and the farmer and looks around the cave trying to feel where the serial killer vibe had come from.
August 04, 2019 2:45AMEve K.:((do your thing cave of wonders!))
August 04, 2019 2:45AMLucas:((I'm one shy, dang it. . .)
Eve K. shakes her head again and then says softly "Some cave you've got here."
August 04, 2019 2:47AMDante:((Aight so target is 9 successes right? Let's boogie. Hour 1)) *Dante guides the others, running his right hand along a perimeter, willing the area around his palm to diffuse itself into a kind of static interference.
rolling 10d10>8!
=3 Successes
August 04, 2019 2:47AMJessica:((nice)
August 04, 2019 2:47AMJustin:(Is it Space + Gnosis?)
August 04, 2019 2:47AMEve K.:rolling 5d10>8!
=1 Success
August 04, 2019 2:47AMGM (GM):((yup, space + gnosis))
August 04, 2019 2:47AMJustin:rolling 4d10>8!
=1 Success
August 04, 2019 2:48AMLucas:((grim sight is death+Gnosis, right?))
August 04, 2019 2:48AMEve K.:((Yup))
August 04, 2019 2:48AMJustin:Justin shores up the edges of the ward, sort of like someone pushing two ends of fabric together so someone can actually use the zipper in the middle. August 04, 2019 2:48AMEve K.:((unless you have rote))
August 04, 2019 2:48AMGM (GM):((if you bought it, then it's a different roll, if you didnt, death+gnosis))
August 04, 2019 2:49AMDante:((Is Jessica participating in the ward?))
Eve K. draws the ward smooth in places it's already been joined, making sure the seams are firmly togeather
August 04, 2019 2:49AMGM (GM):((if you bought it, its wits+occult+death))
August 04, 2019 2:49AMLucas:(Yeah i bought it and Find hidden hoard))
August 04, 2019 2:50AMKurtis Kerner:Within that first hour, Kurtis falls asleep
August 04, 2019 2:50AMJessica:((yeah))
August 04, 2019 2:50AMGM (GM):((Ok so Lucas, your second rote is wits+crafts+matter, for hidden hoard))
August 04, 2019 2:51AMLucas:rolling 7d10>8!
=2 Successes
August 04, 2019 2:51AMJessica:rolling 3d10>8!
=2 Successes
August 04, 2019 2:51AMDante:((hott))
August 04, 2019 2:51AMEve K.:((oh nice!))
((we won't be up forever this time!))
August 04, 2019 2:51AMLucas:((I see
some death))
August 04, 2019 2:51AMDante:((Thats 7 for hour 1. Anyone with 3-4 gnosis still can keep rolling.))
August 04, 2019 2:51AMEve K.:rolling 5d10>8!
=2 Successes
August 04, 2019 2:51AMJessica:Jessica guides the shape of the magic like she's supporting a water balloon, trying to get it into the right shape without popping it or spilling it
August 04, 2019 2:51AMJustin:After the first hour of work, Justin groans as the weariness draws in on him, he excuses himself to get some sleep. August 04, 2019 2:52AMDante:Dante nods approvingly at everyone's contributions, working more directly with Eve as the time passes. August 04, 2019 2:53AMGM (GM):Edward is curiously watching you like lunatics.
Eve K. feeling renewed by her commune with nature Eve helps finish up the last touches smiling faintly despite their audience
August 04, 2019 2:53AMGM (GM):Farmer just goes to sleep.
August 04, 2019 2:53AMDante:((Think Eve's roll hit it. 9 successes achieved.))
((guys we can do rituals within a reasonable timeframe))
August 04, 2019 2:53AMEve K.:((what is lucas trying to see with Grim sight?))
August 04, 2019 2:54AMGM (GM):Yup, in 2 hours, the ward is up with potency 5. If anyone else wants to add extra successes, you can, since it takes 2 hrs anyway
August 04, 2019 2:54AMLucas:((Just reminding that lucas offered to wrassle Edward before Eve went Chris Lambert))
August 04, 2019 2:54AMGM (GM):Dante can reinforce it with extra goodness
August 04, 2019 2:54AMDante:((I have one more roll to add for this hour. Extra to potency))
August 04, 2019 2:54AMEve K.:((Yeah he did))
August 04, 2019 2:54AMDante:rolling 10d10>8!
=7 Successes
August 04, 2019 2:54AMGM (GM):fuck
August 04, 2019 2:54AMDante:((oh my god))
August 04, 2019 2:54AMEve K.:((OHHHH)))
August 04, 2019 2:54AMLucas:((holy fuck))
August 04, 2019 2:54AMJessica:God himself turned away
August 04, 2019 2:54AMGM (GM):well that's... a Big Guy kinda roll
August 04, 2019 2:55AMDante:((big dick warding energy))
August 04, 2019 2:55AMEve K.:((we gonna get some peaceful sleep))
August 04, 2019 2:55AMJessica:((Dante also goes highlander))
August 04, 2019 2:55AMGM (GM):that's a potency 12 ward
August 04, 2019 2:55AMLucas:((He added ALLTHE GOODNESS))
August 04, 2019 2:55AMGM (GM):good luck DJ
this is like, Diana level ward
August 04, 2019 2:55AMJessica:((we are Big Kids now!))
August 04, 2019 2:56AMLucas:((we done gradiated from huggies to pull_ups))
August 04, 2019 2:56AMDante:As if with a realization, a certainty of purpose and intent, Dante gestures with his hands, the ward shimmering and fluctuating before dispersing into the diffusion of energy that would blot out the eye of god himself. August 04, 2019 2:57AMLucas:((your ward is so good it even keeps the air out. we all suffocate and die))
Eve K. working so closely with the ward and Dante, Eve can feel the surge of energy as the Ward slides into place, she glances at Dante seeming both pleased and impressed
August 04, 2019 2:57AMDante:((Nah that's matter))
August 04, 2019 2:57AMJessica:((light can't pass through. we're all blind))
August 04, 2019 2:57AMEve K.:((truth))
August 04, 2019 2:58AMGM (GM):Dante, as soon as that final push happens and the ward completes, you suddenly start feeling failed breach attempts. Something had been affecting you sympathetically the whole time, and now it no longer can. It got cut.
August 04, 2019 2:58AMLucas:((The cave now lies on another plane of existence))
August 04, 2019 2:58AMGM (GM):these attempts are higher than potency 7 but definitely lower than 12
August 04, 2019 2:58AMJessica:((wow))
August 04, 2019 2:59AMDante:Dante shares a look with Eve, unable to hide a sharp grin. It fades as he feels his ward immediately tested, but his stance remains confident. "I think we can get some rest now."
((the fuck))
August 04, 2019 2:59AMJessica:((isn't like 6 and over "epic" or something?))
August 04, 2019 3:00AMLucas:(dante is space jesus)
August 04, 2019 3:00AMGM (GM):The same is true for Kurtis. Dante can feel that sympathetic effects on Kurtis have ceased.
Eve K. nods with a smile, reaching out to give his shoulder a squeeze "You did great"
August 04, 2019 3:00AMJessica:((how about Jess' phone?))
August 04, 2019 3:01AMGM (GM):((is not being sympathetically affected))
August 04, 2019 3:02AMJessica:((wasn't sure what all hoobijoo was on it since Kurt said it was above his paygrade))
August 04, 2019 3:03AM(From Dante): ((Did Kurtis get slashed by Slabod's knife in the fight back then?))
August 04, 2019 3:03AMGM (GM):((right. the ward is not a dispel magic kind of thing, it's a block from people who are continuously casting on you over distance, like if someone had something of jessica's and they kept some spell up on her, that would cut. The phone was messed with in a different sort of way, so that doesn't get cut.))
August 04, 2019 3:03AMJessica:((kk))
August 04, 2019 3:03AM(To Dante): WHAT A QUESTION.
August 04, 2019 3:03AM(To Dante): WHY DO YOU ASK
August 04, 2019 3:04AM(To Dante): HUH
August 04, 2019 3:04AMJessica:((COME TO ME AT MIDNI--HELLO?))
August 04, 2019 3:04AM(From Dante): ((IT SURE IS A QUESTION))
August 04, 2019 3:04AMJessica:((Dante just hung up on him XD))
August 04, 2019 3:04AMDante:((NOW who's fuckin' Rude))
August 04, 2019 3:05AMJessica:((yeah boi))
August 04, 2019 3:05AMLucas:99
August 04, 2019 3:05AMLucas:((Merlin is. its in his name))
August 04, 2019 3:05AMDante:((oh u rite))
August 04, 2019 3:05AMEve K.:((... yeah I guess it is))
August 04, 2019 3:06AMGM (GM):So, how long with everyone sleep?
August 04, 2019 3:06AM(From Eve K.): can I use matter to make the cave floor softer?
August 04, 2019 3:06AMJessica:we have 15 hours and apparently only need a couple for ritual magic. Even if Dante had only gotten like 3 successes the rest of us could have cleaned up
So I say full night's rest
August 04, 2019 3:06AM(To Eve K.): you can use plasticity, but it's a bit pointless since it will drop the moment you doze off
August 04, 2019 3:07AMLucas:((I wanna turn a rock into a pillow. or at least something soft.))
August 04, 2019 3:07AM(From Eve K.): that's what I thought. Guess I'll leave it be
August 04, 2019 3:07AMJessica:use the deer carcass
it'd be metal
August 04, 2019 3:07AMEve K.:((thats a nope from me))
August 04, 2019 3:08AMLucas:((I wouldnt mind using the pelt, but i figured someone else would need it, like Ed or the farmer))
August 04, 2019 3:08AMDante:((I think Dante would plan for about 6 hours sleep, then get up to check on the ward.))
August 04, 2019 3:08AMGM (GM):((Lucas, roll gnosis+matter))
August 04, 2019 3:08AMEve K.:((we shall huddle together in a mage pile for warmth))
August 04, 2019 3:08AMLucas:((besides. its just bones left. we cooked that bitch.))
August 04, 2019 3:09AMEve K.:((6 sounds good))
August 04, 2019 3:09AMDante:((its not gonna be spacious. 16 yard radius))
August 04, 2019 3:10AMGM (GM):several people can fit on the pelt
people can sleep in a circle, heads together, using pelt as pillow
August 04, 2019 3:10AMLucas:Lucas picks up a good sized rock and focuses on the particles within. trying to remember his tie in the tower. (Adding WP)
rolling 6d10>8!
=2 Successes
((Those ones scared me for a second.))