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Jessica:Hey this is a posty thing maybe I can see a log
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Chat Archive been updated on site
Clearing chat archive in roll 20
rolling token
Eve K.:oh hai ppl
GM (GM):Oh man we good to go?
Sir Dante, Esquier?
So I don't know how the new logs will be, probably awful, but here we go.
Mage, Gates to Atlantis, Season 2 Episode 43
Eve K.:...
Justin:Justin groans and rolls over onto his stomach, the cold stone makes itself known and he groans again. "Sleeping on rocks isn't my favorite."
Eve K. grumbles in her sleep indistinctly
Lucas:Lucas stares at the rock ceiling above his head.
"You could always make it invisible."
GM (GM):Something startles you folks awake an hour before noon.
Sorry, an hour after noon.
At 1:00 PM
It is an overcast day, so the entrance to the cave is not exactly sunny. The cave remains gray in its ambiance.
Eve K. gasps sitting up, looking around in the dimness of the cave for what woke her
GM (GM):Those of you who awaken first, probably freeze in an attempt to quietly awaken others, because it is impossible to ignore the fact that the skinned deer has been picked to the skeleton. To the bone, and there is a shape of a creature finishing to feed on it. The creature looks thusly.
Jessica:((the Abyss opened and we all died))
Lucas:Lucas never was a heavy sleeper. He slowly feels around above his head for his invisible steel rock
GM (GM):What looks like its head is buried in the rib cage of the animal, finishing up the last of the juicy bits.
Eve K. blinks rapidly, certain she must still be dreaming. Horror slowly creeps over her features for a moment before she calms. She tries to pull up prime sight to look over the creature.
GM (GM):The ends of the claws and the tenticles of the creature are emanating an oozing black smoke. The being appears to not be sated, so it starts gnawing on the bone.
Jessica:Jessica awakens to a confusing cracking sound, sees that fucking THING chewing open bone, and pokes her dad gently under the ribs. ((sorry connection got interrupted))
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
4 Successes
((hope he doesn't scream...))
Jessica:((It's probably not the rules but I feel like the Abyss would be like the Mage version of Paradox))
((like you look at it and its WRONG))
has a finger over her lips
((I had to retype that like 3 times))
(To Eve K.): The creature is clearly a demon from in between the plains.
Edward:Edward stirs and immediately has to roll for composure -3
(From Eve K.): great. Does Eve know how to kill those? Can they be killed?
rolling 1d10>8!
1 Success
And does NOT scream.
Eve K.:((thank all of the gods))
Jessica:((Edward is bae))
Edward:He tactically reaches for the knife, seeing that the bow is cut off from them by the creature
Eve K. immediately starts shaking her head, looking at Edward
Edward:Edward puts a finger to his lips, signifying not to awaken the Farmer
(To Eve K.): I'm gonna guess Eve has never seen one of these.
Jessica:Jessica vigorously shakes her head at his knife idea, glances for who else is awake.
(From Eve K.): probably not in person. She may have read about them. Or heard stories.
(To Eve K.): What she has seen are creatures that don't seem to belong within the Atlantean planes. It feels a bit like when you were fighting your own sins back in Jason Roselli's library.
Justin:Justin rolls over on the floor and his eyes go wide when he sees the creature, he immediately brings up life sight to determine what the fuck he's looking at.
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
Jessica:((Justin's eyes pop))
GM (GM):Justin, what you're looking at is nothing alive.
Lucas:Lucas is still gently probing the empty air above the floor of the cave above his head for his invisible pillow rock
Justin:Justin shakes Kurt gently.
Kurtis Kerner:opens one eye.... widely, and both, and he's awake.
Lucas:While searching, he turns slowly towards the creature and brought death to his eyes.
(whats the roll for grim sight again, with the rote?
GM (GM):((Should be on your character sheet))
Lucas:(I never got the notes for that one or hidden hoard.)
Jessica:((Wits + Occult + Death))
GM (GM):^ ((for sight))
Jessica:((use a website and look up the pools))
Justin:( Luk in buk.)
GM (GM):((Or this book))
GM (GM):
Jessica:((fair enough))
Lucas:(got it)
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
(From Eve K.): So knowing they are not from the Atlantean planes would magic work against them? I don't remember the sin fight well I'm afraid. I was a while ago :)
Lucas:(I see dead people)
Eve K. glances at Dante to see if he's awake
Eve K.:(they are everywhere)
Jessica:((god we can't communicate silently without him))
Dante:Dante is fast asleep.
Eve K. reaches over, very slowly and shakes him firmly
GM (GM):Eve, Dante is still asleep. Lucas, normally you see ghosts or an aura of death, but nothing out of ordinary here, your grim sight sees through this being and does not register it.
Eve K.:...
Eve K. shakes him harder
GM (GM):The Creature saws down half the bone carcass and turns its head to Eve with a lightning quick motion, aiming its twelve blind eyes
Lucas:"This thing an't got a trace of death in it."
Jessica:((Jesus christ))
Lucas:Lucas thinks to himself.
Eve K. watches the creature intently, waiting for it's next move
Kurtis Kerner:opens his palm very slowly, crawling to the far wall of the cave, backing himself up against it, mentally choosing which element to channel
GM (GM):The Creature watches Eve's every muscle.
Jessica:Jessica follows Kurt's lead, taking her dad's wrist and slowly backing away, avoiding the pit traps they saw earlier.
She chews her bottom lip as she slips past the farmer. But its attention was on Eve
Eve K. feels the others moving, and sees them from her peripheral vision, she tilts her head to the side just slightly, still watching the Creature as it watches her
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis casts something you are not familiar with, non verbally, something he must have read in the book when he fell asleep with his face in it this morning
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
rolling 2d10>8!
0 Successes
His hand glows alit with celestial fire, as a set of white armor unfolds around him, and in a few moments his slacks, shirt, tie and jacket are all covered with what you'd expect on a knight. Similar to what Mladen's ghost wore.
Dante:((thats hot))
GM (GM):The Creature tilts its head in perfect imitation to Eve, and crosses the distance in a blink, phasing through the corpse in an INSTANT, its tenticles adjusting to the blazing movement. It does not attack, but inky black saliva drips from its split jaws. Bits of deer are stuck in its hundreds of teeth.
Jessica:((to clarify, does this look like when frames skip in a movie?)
((or is it like just too fast to track?)
GM (GM):((It looks like Nightcrawler's teleportation, with tenticles trailing instead of smoke, the distance being rather short it's hard to tell.))
Way quicker than any of our initiatives though.
Jessica:((fair enough. fuck this thing))
(From Eve K.): does Eve need a composure roll to remain calm?
Lucas:Lucas lets go of his sight spell and slowly grabs Eve's shoulder and slowly pulls her close to him
(To Eve K.): up to you
GM (GM):The Creature matches this, by placing itself between Eve/Lucas and Dante.
Eve K. remains stiffly still, shaking her head just a little to Lucas
Eve K.:((so... its... trying to hug me??))
Jessica:((what's its body language relative to Dante?))
Dante:((It seems like its just mimicking actions or..?))
GM (GM):It frantically looks between all of us, and hunger is seen in its non sentient eyes.
((No, Lucas pulls you to himself, and the creature tries to be between you and Dante, assuming Lucas is dragging you away from Dante))
Eve K.:((ahh))
GM (GM):((By "matches it" i mean in speed and reaction. It moves at exactly the same time you do, mimicking the timing))
Eve K.:((okay got it))
Eve K. tilts her head to the side again, thoughtfully looking at the creature and Dante by turns. Reaches out very, very, very, slowly towards Dante while watching the creature
Kurtis Kerner:looks at the others for any sort of affirmation of upcoming action, not daring to speak
Jessica:((tapping Lotus for Mana))
GM (GM):Jessica's cheek burns with the tingle, the Lotus at the top of the tattoo glowing bright blue and Jessica is up 3 mana.
The creature inclines its neck slowly to follow Eve's hand, ready for a leap should she touch him.
Jessica:Jessica makes a coin flip motion with her thumb, sans penny, at Eve:
Lucas:(Is that Dane's girlfriend?)
Eve K. pulls back before touching him, movements still slow, looking at the others to see if they noticed
Jessica:((fucking hope not))
Eve K.:((Is now XD))
Edward:tries to lead Jessica out of the cave, shielding her with his chest, stepping in front, putting himself between the creature and his daughter.
Justin:Justin looks at the interaction between eve and the thing and frowns, he switches on his spirit sight instead.
Lucas:(Shes pretty hot)
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
Eve K.:((in a xenomorph queen kinda way...))
Justin:(I mean, geiger.)
Dante:((who doesn't love some tentacles in their life))
Eve K.:((literally Dante.))
Justin:(He was inspired by sex organs. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing.)
Lucas:Lucas notices Eve's reach and watches for a reaction from the creature
rolling 2d10>8!
0 Successes
Eve K.:((Eve gets NOTHING ahahaha))
Jessica:((that -3 from no occult T_T))
GM (GM):The creature sharply darts in a move to turn around, untrackable or near so to the naked eye, and now ignores everything in this cave, including Eve, except one person. Justin. Twelve eyes peer into Justin's spirit attuned eyes. Justin, please roll stamina + the highest of resolve or composure.
Jessica:Jessica doesn't argue or fight her dad. She doesn't want him here and the creature would at least have to dodge a pit trap to follow them.
Justin:Justin's jaw flexes and he stares the creature down.
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
Eve K.:((dodge implies it uses the same space we do and doesn't just blink where it wants to))
Jessica:((eh, you're right))
Lucas:Lucas takes advantage of the creature's distraction and rolls Eve over his chest behind him.
Eve K. keeps her eyes on the creature as she's being moved
GM (GM):The creature spreads its four clawed appendages, and dashes to the wall towards Justin, the next moment you see it, it is behind Justin.
rolling 21d10>8!
5 Successes
Eve K.:((OOOH Shit__
Jessica:((wtf that dice pool))
((feeling my mortality right now))
GM (GM):And gores him near in half across the torso. Blood spurts everywhere.
No initiative is needed here, everyone is free to attack this thing in any order, and it will respond with a turn of its own to any of our turns.
Eve K. calls shadows muttering in atlantean "May the darkness bind and keep you"
Eve K.:
rolling 12d10>8!
9 Successes
Jessica:((FUCK YOU))
Dante:((Holllly fuck))
Jessica:((STUPID THING))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis shouts "ATTACK" and Rushes at it, shooting white flames
Jessica:((Eve got the irl luck she didn't need mine))
((gets a turn on each of ours. holy shit))
GM (GM):The creature is enveloped in shadows. Out of the shadow, a bladed tenticle flies towards Eve. Eve, please roll stamina+highest of resolve or composure
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
Eve K. focuses on making the shadows very strong (7 to strength 2 durability) and tries to hold the creature in place so the others can attack it
Eve K.:
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):The creature attempts to break free and attack Kurtis.
rolling 21d10>8!
8 Successes
Jessica:As soon as they are out of the cave mouth Jessica leans against the wall and tries to set up Angle Vision so she can see what's going on in the cave.
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Kurt's armor appears to render no defense against this thing as its blade gore Kurtis in half, his corpse falls on the ground, dead. The creature appears sluggish, slowed by the strength 7 shadow.
GM (GM):Jessica, you are able to witness the scene from outside the cave.
Eve K. is visibly trembling in rage, blackness begins to pulse around her, her voice has gone dangerously low "I will feast on your strength and choke you in darkness!"
Eve K.:(Enervation, burning willpower)
GM (GM):The Creature struggles against the Shadow, attempting to devour its darkness, biting at it, attempting to eat, breathe it in, drink it in.
Eve K.:
rolling 14d10>8!
3 Successes
Justin:((Did the spirit sight actually show anything at all?))
Eve K.:((takes 3 strength away))
Jessica:Jessica gasps as she tunes in in time to see Kurtis get eviscerated. She covers her mouth. Unbelieving.
Eve K.:((oh wait I have to subtract targets stamina))
(from the roll))
((er dice pool))
(To Justin): it did. It is an extremely powerful spirit related to the vice of gluttony.
GM (GM):((Eve, you're fine, no need to subtract stamina for this fight, this thing doesn't have stamina, it uses something else, just roll the spells as normal))
Eve K.:(Okay see above then)
GM (GM):Two leading tenticles of the Creature fall off and vanish into smoke from the fired enervation spell, it uses its split jaws and the other two tenticles to attempt to chop off Eve's head and eat it. It does this in a blink of an eye. Eve, roll stamina+composure or resolve
Eve K.:(can I use willpower?))
GM (GM):((yes))
Eve K.:
rolling 9d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):
rolling 17d10>8!
5 Successes
Eve K.:((baby crying brb))
GM (GM):Eve's neck is sliced deeply, spraying blood, as the creature pounces on her, putting her entire face in its maw and eats.
Jessica:Jessica's eyes are unfocused as she is using a different place to see from, but she makes a v with her fingers of her right hand and crosses the bottom with her left index finger to make a triangle; Evil Eye (does this thing have Compsure??))
((Jesus fuck))
GM (GM):Lucas, as Eve was behind you, make a stamina+composure or resolve roll
(From Eve K.): is Eve dead?
(To Eve K.): not, yet, got 3 HP left
(From Eve K.): lethal or agg?
Lucas:(Sorry. just got back. had to let the puppy out.)
Eve K.:((This would be a reeeeeally good time to learn how to reverse time))
(To Eve K.): oh definitely agg lol
Justin:Justin, shaking makes crawls his way to Kurt, he pours his will and mana into his body, he knows it takes minutes to bleed out, not seconds. Not seconds. Not seconds. His shaking hands try to fix it.
Jessica:((I have time 2!!!))
Justin:((Healing heart + WP = 12))
rolling 12d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):((Jessica, no composure, just roll Evil Eye))
Eve K.:((he's dead Jim))
GM (GM):Justin, which half of Kurtis do you attend to? He is in two pieces. Guts and shit everywhere.
Lucas:(Adding willpower. )
rolling 9d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):Ok, Lucas, you have an action.
rolling 2d10>8!
0 Successes
Justin:Justin's lining things up as best he can and attempting to stitch them. Focusing on blood pathways, he can survive with herniation for a couple of hours at least, but blood loss is a tighter timeline.)
Lucas:(its attacking eve through me, right? like, how close is it to me/ how is it positioned?
GM (GM):Melee range. It's with its side to you. It's hunched over Eve, attempting to shove her head into its mouth. Blood everywhere, terrifying.
Jessica:"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck." Jessica mutters, blinks tears out of her eyes, trying to figure out what to do
GM (GM):Justin, you do your best to undo the horrendous damage, Kurt's spitting blood everywhere, you perform quick sealing of what is basically a violent amputation of his lower stomach and torso, to save his life he might end up legless, because this is too much to repair.
Edward:"We have to run! Go! Go!"
Lucas:Lucas tackles the thing and wraps an arm around its neck. his muscles powered by rage, hes trying to crush it to dust.
Farmer:The Farmer, awake, does not actually freak out. Click click, he cocks the shotgun, and fires away a slug into the thing. The only thing he knows to do.
GM (GM):Lucas, roll your attack
Jessica:((our normies are the fucking best))
Lucas:(strength and unarmed, right?)
Eve K.:((at least they are brave I guess))
Dante:((Does the, uh, ear-piercing blast of a shotgun in a cave wake Dante up?))
((Farmer Johann or whatever his name is is probably thinking he's too old for this shit.))
GM (GM):((Nope, nothing wakes Dante up, Dante is having a very peaceful rest))
((Lucas, yep))
Lucas:(Adding WP again)
rolling 11d10>8!
7 Successes
Eve K.:(((WOO!))
Lucas:(I think i finally understand. Lucas is only insanely powerful when up against things he has no business fighting bare handed)
Eve K.:((LOLOLOL))
Dante:((that's pretty metal))
Jessica:((You have achieved zen))
Eve K.:((rage zen))
Lucas:(Lets pop the head off this 300 foot snake, shall we?)
Jessica:((murder it))
GM (GM):Lucas literally snaps the creature's head off, as it crumbles into dust. Acid starts to pour out of its neck, before it violently explodes across the entire cave. Everyone please roll dexterity+athletics
Eve K.:
rolling 4d10>8!
0 Successes
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):except Dante, Jessica, Edward or Kurtis
Eve K.:((super dodge))
Lucas:(more wp)
Dante:((here I was, prepared to roll my sleep-dodge))
Eve K.:((sleep dodge go!))
rolling 7d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):damage to Eve:
rolling 20d10>8!
4 Successes
damage to Justin:
Eve K.:((Oh snap))
GM (GM):
rolling 18d10>8!
5 Successes
and to Lucas
Eve K. drops to the ground covered in acid
GM (GM):
rolling 20d10>8!
8 Successes
Lucas:Lucas wants to dodge out of the way as the thing crumbles to dust, but he just stands there, roaring an unearthly bellow of rage
GM (GM):dead
Eve K.:((OOOOHH))
GM (GM):You all wake up. Reverse all expenditures and damage for this scene.
You see a deer gone, but save for a few bones.
Eve K.:((HATE!!!))
Jessica:((that was terrifying))
Dante:((That was bananas))
GM (GM):This time Dante wakes up with everyone, he feels greatly refreshed.
The stew pot, licked empty, all the berries gone, and the deer carcass gone.
Jessica:Jessica sits up and looks over at her dad, then Dante, then everyone else.
Lucas:Lucas snaps awake, and is on his feet before Dante even yawns
Eve K. is visibly shaken, unusual for her. Her eyes wide, showing the whites, breath quick and labored
Jessica:"What the fuck."
Kurtis Kerner:sits up wide eyed
Lucas:he still feels the roar in his lungs and the sizzling of his flesh disolving in the acid blood of the creature
Justin:Justin startles awake and quickly looks to Kurt before moving his hands to feel his own back.
Kurtis Kerner:stares at his legs, and at his hand, and at Justin, confused and groggy
Eve K. looks around at the others, her breath normalizing. She looks at Dante last.
Lucas:He looks wide-eyed at Eve, locking eyes for a moment before turning to Justin, then Kurt.
Justin:"I am fucking done with Dante's shit."
Jessica:"Are you serious?"
Justin:"He's got a goetic demon attached to him like a leech but everyone wants to pretend like it's fine. It isn't."
Lucas:He sprints over to Justin and puts a hand gently on his belly.
Jessica:"The fuck are you going to do to it?"
Lucas:"What the fuck?"
Dante:Dante stretches from a laying position before sitting up and looking about at the commotion.
Jessica:"Did you fucking see that?" her voice is an octave up from normal
Lucas:"You were dead. we were all fucking DEAD!"
Justin:Justin is yelling, swatting Lucas away as he makes his way to his feet.
Eve K. swallows looking at Dante. "Well I know -now- is this what you wouldn
Eve K.:*wouldn't all take about back at the hotel???"
((Yeah good luck moving Lucas lol))
Lucas:Lucas helps Justin to his feet and then pulls him into a bear hug.
Justin:Justin can't help but calm down a little as Lucas foil's his attempts at being grumpy.
Lucas:"I thought we were done, man. But i got that bitch."
Justin:"I'm glad you're okay too Lucas. I'm just tired of that."
Eve K.:((goth giant hugs are the best hugs))
Kurtis Kerner:"We all had the same nightmare then...?"
Lucas:Lucas puts Justin down and flexes his arms. "For a second, I thought i felt that crazy strength i had when the Tower took me."
Eve K.:"I.. don't know if it was a nightmare."
Jessica:"Yeah. And look at the food. That thing was here."
Lucas:"What the hell was that? Are you saying we all had the same dream?"
Eve K. is still pointedly looking at Dante. Waiting for any kind of answer
Edward:"What are you guys talking about?"
Jessica:Jessica raises an eyebrow and really looks at the carcass (post cognition)
Lucas:Lucas feels his face for acid burns.
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
Dante:Dante makes eye contact with Eve briefly, then looks to food, or lack thereof rather. "I didn't have any kind of nightmare."
His face is pensive, stressed. He stands to his feet.
Farmer:"Doh, who ate all the food? There was enough for breakfast, and for a few days! What happened to the deer? Did an animal come in? What the hell...." - walks out of the cave, grumbling, to look for any tracks and, as you'll have it, to piss.
Eve K. 's eyes narrow, she stands as well, glaring up at him. "Oh, really.. would you like to see what we all did?" she taps her temple and points at him
Dante:He nods, reaching out to contact Eve telepathically.
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
Eve K. closes her eyes and recalls the dream in as much detail as she possibly can. Right down to the creatures teeth around her neck biting into her skin, and the acid burning down to bones.
Dante:Dante walks the perimeter of the cave, minding the trap pit areas. He seems restless, but rested. As the images come to his mind he stops pacing. Dante looks to Eve, gaze lingering, then looks to everyone else.
"You all experienced this?"
Lucas:Lucas is inspired by the Farmer's outburst and also leaves the cave to take a piss. He yells back at Dante over his shoulder, "Yeah!"
(To Jessica): Jessica, what you see you may not exactly fully understand. You see Dante eating the deer, the entire thing, with bones, using his hands to break the bones off and swallow them whole. Except this makes no sense, because it's literally impossible, and Dante would not be able to fit all that food inside himself, and yet he ate and ate and ate and ate.
Lucas:He rounds the opposite corner as the old man to find a spot
GM (GM):Jessica has her vision, as she kneels down to the few leftover bones and touches the spot.
Eve K. rubs hands up and down her arms nodding to answer Dante's question as her eyes open again, they hold worry and perhaps a hint of fear crinkling the edges, making her seem like she's squinting
Jessica:"Dan-" she swallows a lump. "Dante, you--" she gestures at the carcass, looks at him, eyes disbelieving.
Kurtis Kerner:stands up to stretch "Yeah. That was a wild one. New contender to being shot in dreams. Now I've been sliced by a monster in dreams. Wonder what's next and if I should even bother sleeping."
Justin:"I can't solve Dante's problems right now, and I really need to get to the library and start reading."
Justin frowns deeply at the Italian man.
Jessica:Jessica sputters but doesn't come up with anything to say.
Eve K. looks at Jessica, then at Justin and lets out a long sigh. "Dante, is there anything -I- can do to help with this problem? Because I will be damned if I'm going to be eaten and then acid melted every night in my dreams."
Lucas:Lucas comes back just in time to hear Justin say something about reading. "You know. i could browse some books after that crazy shit."
Dante:Dante's eyes move from Jessica, to Justin. He hesitates, then nods as if not entirely sure what she was about to say. At Justin's words his jaw sets.
"I did not ask you to solve my problems, either. This is.. concerning. But it was a nightmare."
He seems like he is torn between monologuing and falling silent. At Eve's words, he shakes his head.
Justin:"He doesn't need any help. He told me he could handle it."
Kurtis Kerner:"I also volunteer my help in any way possible. I've some experience fighting ethereal creatures."
Lucas:Lucas frowns at Kurt. "Did it go through your armor like that cause it was a nightmare, or cause it can just fucking go through anything?"
Dante:"It is my problem to solve. I made a choice last night, the better of the options available to me. I realize given what you saw this sounds ludicrous."
Jessica:Jessica's posture relaxes as the more experienced members of the group don't panic. "Is it that strong if we're awake? How does that work?" She goes back to her dad and squeezes his hand. "We all had a nightmare."
Eve K. frowns at Dante's shaking head, then turns her frown to Justin. She seems to be ready to say something but turns and starts carefully pacing instead, listening to Dante but not looking at him.
Kurtis Kerner:"Oh, that's a good question. I was reading about a certain spell in the Prime arcanum section, about manifesting armor and weaponry into physical world made of pure quintessence. I haven't tried it yet. I guess I dreamt that I figured it out."
Justin:Justin just shakes his head at Dante, obviously betrayed by his dismissal of the issue previously.
(From Eve K.): can I do a something + occult to try to remember anything Eve might of read that would be useful regarding this demon now that it's been named?
Kurtis Kerner:"I mean, I find it interesting that it's possible to share dreams! Which means all of your previous dream talk wasn't entirely nonsense."
Lucas:"You mean this happens a lot?"
Jessica:"Kind of."
(From Eve K.): or encyclopedic knowledge roll?
Eve K. chuckles
Eve K.:"Which is it? Kinda or no"
(To Eve K.): yeah, go for it
(From Eve K.): to which?
(To Eve K.): either occult or enc. knowledge
Eve K. continues to pace, looking at the remaining bones of the deer, lost in thought
(To Eve K.): i would combine it into one roll
Eve K.:
rolling 7d10>8! (occult roll)
1 Success
Justin:"Dreams happen, prophetic dreams, personal prophetic dreams. Not let's play human velcro with both halves of Kurtis Kerner while everyone dies around us sort of dreams."
Lucas:Lucas nods absently and searches the floor for a palm sized rock. he sits against the wall of the cave and pulls out the lead chisel. its course point wasnt ideal for carving rock, but he started grinding the little stone down trying to put his memory into stone
(From Eve K.): okay.. what do you wnat me to combine? encyclopedic knowledge is wits plus int, I just did int+ occult
Jessica:"At the hotel, before I got shot, she got really angry with me. She's irrationally protective of Dante. I accidentally walked in his dreams."
(To Eve K.): You know that such a demon would never hurt its host, but would provide rather powerful boons, as long as they were to advance their agenda. It's likely borrowing Dante's gnosis to sustain its existance. To effectively combat this, the Mind arcana is required, and learning to enter the Astral Plane, the Oneiros, Temenos, and Anima Mundi, are useful skills to learn.
Lucas:Lucas continues chipping away at the stone. "SHe?"
Eve K.:"It may have been female. I didn't bother to check."
Eve K. chuckles in a gallows humor sort of way
GM (GM):Lucas, you find the rock you made invisible before. There it is. The effect wore off when you dozed off.
Dante:Dante turns to Jessica, a grimace seemingly glued to his face.
"Jess is talking about Lydia, my fiancee. It both was and wasn't her. Its complicated. My dreamscape is not a place to go traipsing around, as can be evinced by this morning."
Jessica:"I don't think any of us were traipsing."
Eve K. pauses in her pacing "I was in no way intentionally traipsing around in your dreamscape. It came to me."
Eve K.:"I can't even traipse in a dreamscape to my knowledge"
Kurtis Kerner:"Lydia, that's the one who... hm. So she's not hurting you, DC? As long as nobody pokes her, she leaves us alone?"
Justin:"No traipsing. Just you sleepwalking and apparently eating all the food in the cave, while trapping us in your snuff dream." Justin shakes his head and tries to cool down.
"Dante, can you please get me back to Germany, I need to go to the corner of Riberkropft and Genderdorf and this conversation is making me angry."
Eve K.:"Or here's a thought we could -all- go"
Lucas:Lucas looks up from his rock. "Yeah, I'd have to say that while I personally enjoy a good brawl, I do no particularly enjoy doing so while everybody is dying."
Kurtis Kerner:"We should do some research on demons. Wouldn't hurt to stick together at the library. I mean, I doubt sleeper libraries will have any useful books for us, but who knows."
"Eve, you know anything about demons? They're not ghosts right? They're like, part prime, part spirit, but mostly mind?"
Eve K.:"You would be surprised. Before I met a lot of other mages I did a -lot- of library research. Yeah.. mostly mind. Prime and spirit too. Best way to combat them is Mind though. "
Dante:Dante frowns. Wrong word choice apparently. He looks to Kurtis and gives a look of thought. "As Jessica said, she's very protective. As far as I can tell, if its not affecting me, its fine."
Dante turns sharply to Justin. "I realize this situation was shit, but it was not a dream of my devising. I've no knowledge of it outside what Eve just shared with me."
Lucas:Lucas goes back to carving. "I'd like to see if i could find some books on alchemy, and i guess some particle physics if we can."
Dante:"A trip to the library sounds like the best option. Seems like we all have some reading to do."
Jessica:"Maybe we can convince her we're not a threat."
Eve K.:"At least until its time to meet DJ"
Kurtis Kerner:"Right, which is at midnight. I'm sticking with all of you. The only way we can protect each other is if we stick as one. One question, DC. Did you dream of anything this morning?"
GM (GM):Are you gonna check the Ward, Dante?
Jessica:I'm sure it's fine
Dante:"I did. Of family, friends. Food, old memories."
(Once the conversation simmers a bit Dante would check the ward yes)
Justin:"Dante, my issue isn't that the dream happened, it's that you have said and continue to say that it's fine, despite it obviously not being fine.
You weren't harmed, but we were threatened and then terrorized. This isn't just about you."
GM (GM):(It's been tapped over the course of 6 hours a total of 37 times. Not a single attempt breached)
Eve K.:((persistent aren't they))
Jessica:(I like to picture someone ringing the doorbell that many times))
Dante:((like a broken internet connection constantly retrying maybe))
Lucas:(I mean, mid 'bate, you gotta try something.)
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright alright alright... let's cool our heads and analyze the sitch. You two, Justin and Dante, both have ladies in the spiritual world, I guess yours became an animal spirit, and yours became a demon. So why don't we all just shake hands and make a pact, that we don't wanna fuck with everyone's spirit girlfriends, and Heike can witness the signing of the treaty, so that we can deal with Merlin, Cubic, Diana, and return to New Haven, and then rescue your guys' trapped sweethearts. Right now untrapping them only puts them in danger in the real world. Sorry, physical world. Which is the only world sleepers know as real and where they live, right."
"Lydia, was it? Hi there, um, Lydia." - stares at Dante - "If you're in there somewhere, I am a friend, and please don't send me any more nightmares."
Dante:"Yes. I fucked up. This outcome wasn't fine and I am deeply sorry for it. I don't know what else you want me to say right now." Dante gives a flustered gesture with his arms.
Jessica:"I think we should see what the library says and make a plan from there. We're just getting frustrated here."
Eve K. starts to pace again "I agree with Jessica"
Justin:Justin grunts at Kurt's peace-keeping gesture and just shakes his head and walks away, kicking what's left of the bones on the floor.
Dante:Dante makes eye contact with Kurtis, looking awkwardly.
Eve K. pauses looking at Lucas "You don't have any ex girlfriends haunting you right? Just dad?"
Justin:((Vice pull?))
Kurtis Kerner:looks at Dante, expecting... he doesn't know what he was expecting, but seeing Justin walk off, he jogs past the Farmer after him.
Lucas:Lucas grins at Eve. "Im sure you'd like to know all my ghost girls."
Jessica:rolls her eyes
GM (GM):((uh yeah, Jon, you can pull for Wrath))
Lucas:(What do we get for vices?)
Eve K. smirks looking genuinely amused now, less worried. "Do we have a way back to our truck?"
Eve K.:(1 WP back))
Kurtis Kerner:catches up with Justin outside the cave entrance
"Hey, hey. Hold up a bit. You okay? I know you're trying. Justin, talk to me."
Eve K.:(( you get full WP if you fulfill virtue but its way harder to do))
Lucas:((I maintain that Lucas still has the best charity pull in the history of WoD))
Jessica:Jessica hugs her dad and looks around the cave, at the spots her teammates died in the dream, before following everyone else out of the cave.
Eve K.:((Are we walking out of the cave? ))
Kurtis Kerner:((I dunno, are you? Kurt followed Justin, and I guess Jessica ran after Kurt))
Edward:hugs his daughter back "Did you guys have a bad dream or something?"
Eve K. continues to pace "Dante, do we have a way back to the truck?"
Lucas:Lucas is still trying to carve a likeness of the tentacle acid monster out of stone.
Eve K.:((metal))
Justin:Justin leans back against the cave wall and looks up at the noon-day sky. Blinking back moisture in his eyes he just tries to get his shit together.
"No, it's."
Just stops as Jessica comes out, self-consciously trying to get composed.
Lucas:(Do i make a craft roll for that?)
Eve K.:(probably)
(dex or maybe strength craft? not sure for carving rock if it would be dex or strength)
Jessica:"Sorry," she says under her breath, avoiding eye contact since Justin is obviously feeling a little soft. She walks the opposite way with her dad. "Sometimes we get dreams about the future. This time it was a monster. It killed half of us. We're going to see if we can get it-her- to calm down."
Dante:Dante walks in silence to the mouth of the cave and looks back to the remaining bones. At Eve's voice he turns, then reaches out to feel for his chalkmarks.
"Any means I have of getting us there is the kind of stuff that will go crazy around .. the farmer and Edward."
Kurtis Kerner:lowers his voice, to half whisper in Justin's ear
"Look man, if that dream was anything to judge by, that thing's way strong. We couldn't do anything at this very moment anyway. We have to hit the books and train. Maybe then we can like, exorcise him or something. DC probably feels pretty bad about this himself, he had no idea."
GM (GM):((Lucas, dex+crafts+1 for chisel))
Dante:((Are we gonna play the "shove two sleepers through the portal" game again?))
Lucas:(Crafts and expression maybe)
Eve K.:"Really not looking forward to hiking back 14 miles..."
GM (GM):The chisel actually assists in your creative effort.
GM (GM):((Actually, carving aesthetically, you can do expression))
Eve K.:(rolls almost never mix two skills)
GM (GM):((in this one, whichever is higher))
rolling 4d10>8!
0 Successes
Justin:Justin flexes his jaw a bit and wipes a sleeve over his eyes, he nods at Kurt. "Okay. I don't think we know everything about the Gem either."
Lucas:(shit, i rolled before i checked my expression)
(Nevermind. dex is higher anyway)
GM (GM):Dante. Your marks. Kurt's sword - presently on his back. Truck - presently by the road in the field. Your motorcycle. The alley in Leipzig. The mark by the hotel in Berlin near the e-sports arena. Everyone's personal marks, where ever you left them.
Lucas:(Lucas breaks the rock in half)
GM (GM):You feel the loss of one mark. Intersection in Berlin. Street cleaners must have got it.
Oh, you still have the tree by Ed's car
Dante:(That matches what I've got. Thanks for that)
GM (GM):(Oh, it would be wonderful if you kept track, cause i WILL forget them)
Eve K.:(makes it sound like he's actively trying)
Kurtis Kerner:at Justin "How do you mean? You got something out of that prophecy engine of a brain you got?"
Justin:"Something like that. The Gem seems like it's a smaller part of a bigger fate engine. And I don't think you can just pop it without putting the energy -somewhere-."
"I think we may be getting played by whoever hired you."
GM (GM):Lucas, it wasn't a crit fail, you don't break the rock in half, you just carve something that looks like nothing, some random shapeless shape, failing to capture the monstrosity. It looks like a sea star or something.
Justin:"But I need to read more to find out exactly -how-."
Dante:Dante exits the cave mouth fully, nodding in response to Eve's comment about hiking. He doesn't stand near anyone in particular and just kind of looks out into the early afternoon sky. He closes his eyes and lets out a quiet exhale.
Lucas:realizing his inspiration and his skill in the matter dont quite match up, Lucas tosses the rock aside and walks over to Eve.
"I guess' We're headed out?
Kurtis Kerner:"Pop it? Oh I know we probably can't pop it. That's the Mysterium folks' job. They said they wanna pop it. They probably know how. Honestly, the way things go, I'm not sure we even want it to pop, maybe we can convince em to keep it. Give it to our friend who's writing a book about Atlantis, make sure she and her mission succeeds. Can you imagine that? Her mission is to bring about the end of paradox, to unite sleepers and awakened. Can you think of a better way to insure success of that, than placing the Gem of Kings with her?"
Justin:"Huh... I hadn't thought of it."
Kurtis Kerner:"I hadn't either. It just came to me."
Justin:"I don't know that it's good to keep it in circulation."
Kurtis Kerner:"But pretty good idea, eh?" click click with tongue
Eve K. beings to walk out of the cave, pausing where she "died" in the dream. She shivers but continues out to the mouth of the cave "The sooner the better."
Justin:"But if it's a universal constant.. I need to read more."
Eve K.:*begins
Kurtis Kerner:"As do I... I am finding the chapters of Prime arcanum pretty interesting. Since this morning, when I tried to make a Dead Zone, the runes in the book speak differently to me. I think I've gotten better. So I'll keep trying stuff. Like, more magical stuff. More crazy stuff."
GM (GM):So, with all out of the cave and two sleepers in tow, we are in the middle of a forest with a river to our left and mountains behind us, and we are 14 miles from the road.
Jessica:Soon as Jessica finishes relieving herself behind a bush and figures it's safe to come back to the group without violating Justin's privacy, she returns with her father in tow. "So...we're using a portal, right?"
Eve K.:"Did I mention I really am not looking forward to hiking 14 miles? Because I feel the need to restate it."
Dante:Dante rouses himself from whatever brooding he was doing and looks to the others. "I can certainly give it a try. No telling what's going to happen." He gestures with his right hand to the two badass sleepers.
Jessica:"Can't they just close their eyes until it's over?"
Eve K.:"Not how it works. Just being sleepers enforces reality around us"
Kurtis Kerner:"Shitty as that is"
Jessica:"What if we did it as a ritual? Would that make it safer?"
Dante:Dante looks down at his right hand, fingers curling into his palm. He flexes them a few times and looks to the others at Jessica's question, wondering himself.
((How does that work again mechanically? There's some kind of disbelief roll?))
Justin:((The backlash roll or whatever is +2/sleeper))
Jessica:((did everyone fall asleep?))
Dante:((It seems like it.))
Justin:((am not sleep))
GM (GM):((was freakin looking up paradox, +2 per sleeper yes))
Dante:((gosh darn))
Eve K.:((omygosh))
Dante:After waiting a moment Dante just shakes his head. It probably wouldn't make a difference, or so he's assuming. "I'll just give it my best effort."
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, path tools make it safer. Other than that, not much really. Dragging sleepers with us is a bad idea. We can knock em out again?"
"Edward, are you okay with portals?"
Eve K. smirks "It wouldn't matter if he says yes"
Dante:"If the sleepers are sleeping, that's probably fine right?" Dante's attention turns to the two again.
Edward:stares dumbfoundedly, more focused on having his bow and knife, and cooking utensils, and lamenting the loss of the deer hide he was going to use as a cloak.
"For the sake of argument, I'll say yes. If my presence limits your powers, there is not much I can do about it."
Lucas:(Did the deer hide get eaten? Cause Eve and I were sort of laying on it)
(Your underwear is also gone.)
(Nom Nom munchy Dante.)
Jessica:((yum XD))
Eve K.:((Oh my))
Edward:(Oh that's a good point, you were, no deer hide is fine)
(No lamenting for daddy)
Edward:Edward rolls up the deer hide in a backpack sort of arrangement, and hands it to Brick to put on his back with some rope
Jessica:"Are we really taking that to a library?"
Dante:((How strange that a goat would just come into our cave and eat everything and leave.))
Jessica:((hey don't be mean to goats))
Lucas:Lucas haphazardly shoves the skin in his backpack. " I didnt bring a lot of stuff to Germany anyway"
its a tight fit but since Lucas only brought with him a few Teeshirts and the pair of pants he was wearing, he managed to zip it up
Eve K.:(("The Atlantean tongue is a language from wizardry’s golden
age. It cannot be read or heard by Sleepers." LOL so when we speak in Atlantean Dad and farmer hear nothing))
Jessica:((we are just a pack of weirdos))
Dante:((just a bunch of weirdos waving their hands))
Eve K.:((XD))
Jessica:((hive mind))
((guess I'm infected))
Dante:((no stay out))
Jessica:((or what?))
Jessica:((oh okay))
Lucas:(The tentacle boogies will get you)
Dante:((You guys have weird dreams.))
Jessica:(( YOU DON"T SAY ))
Dante:(( :) ))
((I appreciate the shift key usage))
Jessica:((let's make the portal geeze))
Lucas:(Where's Nick Cage when you need him?)
Dante:((Yeah I guess ya'll are just waiting for me to spam spells at this point))
Dante looks to Edward, then the farmer. "Okay. Uhh.. yeah."
((Gonna try to put them both to sleep.))
((farmer first))
rolling 8d10>8!
5 Successes
Dante:((Edward next))
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):((Sleepers just hear gobledygook in our setting, it's way cooler than just being weirdos))
Dante:((Like magical simlish huh))
GM (GM):Wow. Okay. So, Dante concentrates, and Edward and the Farmer both yawn, roll their eyes, and lay down to sleep. Wow.
Jessica, that's probably a bit unsettling to see your parent's brain to be literally a wind up toy that can just be shut down.
Dante:*Once the two sleepers are doing what they do best, Dante turns away from them as if it matters and extends his arm, placing the fingers on his right hand into alignment and cutting through the air.
((Don't worry about it, totally normal))
GM (GM):Dante, you find it a lot easier to do since your family feast.
Dante:((Is that so?))
Jessica:((oh god))
Dante:Concentration becomes apparent on Dante's face as his body seems to put itself into the effort of making the portal ((burning WP))
rolling 11d10>8!
2 Successes
((impromptu, so 2 paradox dice))
Jessica:((are we doing this as a ritual or no?))
Dante:((No need))
((unless I'm misunderstanding))
Eve K.:((pretty sure that means a portal opens))
GM (GM):A distortion in space cuts.... and checking for paradox
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
Will you absorb the wild backlash spell attempting to go havoc?
Dante:((I'll eat it))
Eve K.:((like Lucas' underwear and a whole deer))
GM (GM):A small cut in the middle of Dante's forehead, for one bashing, his nose bleeds lightly. And we have a gaping hole in the middle of space, with shimmering folded borders.
Dante:((Ay now, I ain't eating no underwear))
Justin:Justin heads through the portal.
GM (GM):The portal leads to.... what was the destination, Dante?
Dante:((the truck))
GM (GM):Right on.
Justin, you find yourself where we started, where the truck was. The truck is not there.
Dante:((Don't want Eve to lose yet another car))
Justin:"Trucks gone."
Justin shouts over his shoulder.
Eve K.:((...))
Dante:Dante waits til last to go through the portal to ensure everyone makes it.
Jessica:((we didn't even get to blow it up))
Dante:((My chalk mark was still on it, correct?))
Justin:((European repo guys are tenacious.))
Eve K. steps through the portal
Eve K.:(wasn't the chalk mark ON the truck?)
GM (GM):Your mark on the truck is in tact, Dante.
Eve K. looks around with prime sight up perhaps the truck is invisable
Dante:((after stepping through the portal gonna raise Spatial Awareness.))
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
Jessica:"Um, are we just leaving my Dad behind?" Jessica calls through the portal at people leaving the Sleepers behind.
Dante:((Dante is literally waiting til everyone else is through. I assumed someone would carry the sleepers, but he will put them through if not))
Eve K. is carrying no one, for obvious reasons
Lucas:Lucas scoops up Ed.
GM (GM):No traces of magic or the truck. Just regular highway traffic. Which is now slowing down because people are staring at the open portal and emerging people. The drivers have to keep going, but they keep looking back like, "wtf am i seeing?"
Jessica:((Jessica will help carry the farmer))
Dante:((We left the truck on the highway???))
Lucas:He walks through the portal and then walks back through for the farmer
Jessica:((I thought we pulled into a field))
Lucas:after dropping off Ed of course
GM (GM):((Oh yeah, we drove it like a bit aways))
((That's right))
Dante:Dante gives a nod of thanks to Lucas as he does the literal heavy lifting
GM (GM):Yeah, pardon me, then normal highway traffic in the distance, you are hidden by some brush, and don't bother the drivers.
But the vehicle is gone.
There are tire tracks in the grass though.
Lucas:After coming through a second time with the farmer, Lucas chuckles.
"I was always the beast of burden when i went hunting with pops."
Eve K.:((O
GM (GM):Grass is well flattened here. Several tire tracks. One set belongs to a really big vehicle.
Eve K.:((I'm confused how a portal to the truck does not result in us being at the truck regadleass of where the truck is?))
Jessica:((me too))
Dante:((Because the portal was to the location where the truck last was, not the truck as the object))
Lucas:Lucas frowns at the tire tracks.
"I dunno if I can carry both these fellas."
"They fucking towed us."
Eve K.:((I am further confused. Can't Dante feel where the truck is from the chalk?))
GM (GM):((He can if he pops over to it and looks))
Dante:((Can feel that its "there." Knowing anything about the area requires going to it or scrying))
Jessica:((do not))
GM (GM):((He kinda has to "step" to it))
Dante:((yea no, I'mma scry this shit. Do I see anything with spatial awareness where the truck was at?))
Eve K.:((I also thought we were a good ways off the main road.))
GM (GM):((We did resolve that, yes))
((We are a ways off the road))
Eve K. looks at the multiple tire tracks. "So help me if our truck got towed..."
Eve K.:"Wait... Didn't Adrian mention that DJ had a mechanics shop?"
GM (GM):Spatial Awareness reveals no distortions nor manipulation of space here, except your portal obviously.
Dante:Dante thinks a moment. "You think the DJ stole our truck? Could be I guess."
Jessica:"Why would he do that if he wanted us to show up at his club?"
Eve K.:"With a tow truck. Or some big truck. Or it could be a normal tow truck. Heck at this point who knows who's tow truck it could have been."
"To show us he can."
Kurtis Kerner:"Maybe he wants to see us fly like his Eagle Team"
Dante:((What kind of connection do my chalkmarks confer sympathetically speaking? If I wanted to scry on one, what would be my penalty I guess is what I'm asking))
Kurtis Kerner:((-2))
((Intimate. Chalk's in yo soul baby))
Eve K.:((ooooh))
Dante:Dante closes his eyes, focusing in on the dusty particulate seemingly bound to his essence.
((scrying truck chalk mark))
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):Your years spent in law enforcement as a guard you know exactly what kinda parking lot this is. The fenced off area, the boot. It's in a vehicle impound.
Dante:"Fuck. We were in fact towed."
"Vehicle's impounded."
Jessica:"Is it worth getting or should we just go to the library?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Fuck you. Yeah, it's worth getting."
Dante:"Eventually my luck with tearing holes in space is gonna run out."
Kurtis Kerner:"What wasn't worth getting was your dad. We're getting Trucko out."
"Put me in there, DC. I'll blast it out of there."
Eve K.:"Unless someone else plans on renting ANOTHER truck, we are getting this one back. "
Jessica:"Fuck off, Kurtis. You'd do the same in my shoes. Asshole."
Eve K. glares at no one in particular
Kurtis Kerner:"I'll concede to your argument, if you agree not to demean cars. Cars are people too. Our van died a hero."
Eve K. 's glares harder
Dante:Dante looks to Kurtis. "Yeah, I can do that. You wanna go alone or what?"
Eve K. begins pacing up and down the tire tracks. Checking the time on her watch.
Kurtis Kerner:"You could go to it, then bring me over. You'll work the people, I'll work the mechanics. We'll have it out of there in no time."
Eve K. pauses and turns to look at Jessica. She paces over to her and reaches into her bag pulling out her copy of the Gates to Atlantis "Here. Start reading. Might as well fill the time usefully."
Kurtis Kerner:"Look, Eve, it's gonna be fine, okay? I'm a thief and Dante's a telepath. What's an impound? An electronic lock, a mechanical boot, and a garage door. All of that I can work. Plus we can turn invisible. Just handle the release paperwork and we're good."
Eve K.:"Are you certain its a normal impound? Not in any way related to the DJ?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Actually we might want our resident alchemist. Justin, you got any better at turning candy wrappers into money? Could you forge an inked document?"
Jessica:"Uh, sure. Thanks." She hisses through her teeth slightly as numbing cold overtakes her fingers before the book begins its transformation. Figures matching her tattoos appear in a line down the spine as she cracks it open.
Dante:"Just looked like an impound. No idea otherwise."
Eve K.:"Because the last thing we need to happen before midnight is for you to be caught in a trap"
Justin:"Uh, sorta? I don't think I can move the ink..."
Kurtis Kerner:"Okay. Stay put here then. We'll handle it."
"Okay, Dante. Here's what we should do. You get out of the parking lot, you bring the others over, Eve sorts this over legally with your help, they sign the release paperwork, we drive it out. All we need to do is get you to the front door of whoever impounded us, right? Least amount of risk."
Eve K. starts to rub her temples in slow circles "Sure"
Dante:"Right, right.. but if it is a trap, I could be caught out right away. What if... hmm."
((Do I feel like I could co-locate to my chalkmarks?))
GM (GM):((try it?))
Dante:"It just might work," he says more to himself than the group. "Okay. Uh, right."
Dante moves away a bit, still in view of the group and concentrates, feeling out the chalk mark on the van. Once he has a good sense of it, he concentrates, grasping onto the image of being in two places at once.
GM (GM):((yup))
Chalk mark on the truck is honed in.
Dante:((WP will make it 7 then.))
GM (GM):You're good to cast.
Roll it.
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
((also vulgar))
GM (GM):
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
((shit was supposed to be 9 dice, not 7. Oh well, seems successful enough))
GM (GM):Wind gets knocked out of Dante's chest. That's about what the rest of us in the field can perceive.
There is an independent version of you, fully sentient and multitasking with its own mind, standing at the truck. The rest of us see Dante standing where he was in the field, bleeding a little from his nose.
Since this was the only necessary roll and the rest of this will be chalk work, and social stuff, since Kurt is not gonna opt to steal the vehicle, I suggest we skip the tedium and narrate this. You guys hop over to Dante to find that we were in fact impounded by Police. Next to the Truck, we also see Edward's car. Eve's CSI ID is enough to get them to cooperate and explain their actions. They received a phone call that claimed to have seen Edward's car get out of control and swurve into the field. They investigated, found both vehicles, and here we are. They ask us what we were doing there, and that's about the only answer we need to come up with.
Jessica:((sounds good)
Dante:At one point during this before grabbing everyone, Dante will 'swap' back to his self in the field by the group and update them, testing out the limits of his ability to maintain two positions.
((I am all for skipping the tedium here on account of the sun threatening to rise))
GM (GM):Are we gonna present Edward to them and just tell the truth that we were looking for him? I mean, a car stuck in the woods is very suspicious, there is definitely some terrible accident, plus his wife is missing. It might make more sense to bullshit out way out of it.
Dante:((I don't know that giving anyone true information about Edward is a good idea for him.))
((but others should weigh in here))
Jessica:((magical people are looking for him in order to ice him
Eve K.:((Eve votes bullshit))
GM (GM):My vote goes to bullshit too. With enough Danteing, we could tell them "chicken soup" and be let go.
Dante:((chicken soup is canon now. Someone spilled chicken soup and the car just crashed. Its weird.))
GM (GM):So, Dante, make a roll for whatever you use to make people fuck off. Suggestion, Telepathic Control, Domination, take your pic of severity
Dante:((Just suggestion to befuddle for the time, impromptu roll))
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
((8 is statistically the best dice pool))
((or so our campaign suggests))
GM (GM):Good enough. We're just telling them that we were first to respond to the scene in our own rented vehicle, and we're getting the vehicle out and they give us the keys and stamp the paperwork.
Eve K.:((Thank all of the gods))
Eve K. checks her watch
GM (GM):By 4 P.M. we're pulling up to the Library
Dante:((refresh me, is this a public library or something fancier? It was fancy right?))
GM (GM):This is a very interesting library. Definitely private. A personally owned book store more like. This ain't no grand city library. A private collector.
GM (GM):Indeed.
Dante:((Karl the Kollector))
Lucas:((Karl the Kollektor)
GM (GM):Karl ostensibly has a book in his possession that used to belong to a nazi general Ernst Kaltenbrunner, which may have information
Who walks in first?
Dante:((Who dies first?))
Justin:After finally getting to somewhere where he can expand his knowledge on the Gem, Justin is eager to step inside. He moves up to the door and pulls it open.
Dante:Dante follows after Justin
Eve K.:((where are the sleeping normals?))
Jessica:Jessica shakes her dad and the farmer awake. "We're here."
GM (GM):This is a VERY cozy library, you immediately feel the love for this place.
Jessica:((in the car?)
Justin:"Oh wow, this place is great!"
Eve K. to Jessica "Perhaps they should stay in the car?"
GM (GM):Edward and the Farmer are out until Dante wakes them really. You guys fucking knocked them out XD
Jessica:"Well last time the car got stolen while we weren't looking. And it's a library."
Eve K.:"It got towed. And is NOT a library clearly."
Eve K. looks at the bookstore type shop
GM (GM):It's tight, entirely wooden, with perfect soft lighting, and it has this kind of a messy feel to it, like it's handled by one overworked and nerdy man, a passionate book love, not a large professional staff.
The sole person in here sits in a soft chair behind a cluttered desk. He is at most 5.3, a tiny tiny little person with a big hooked nose and bushy red eyebrows.
Jessica:"It looks less dangerous than leaving my dad outside as bait."
Justin:((I assume universal language is still on, since a bunch of ignorant americans talked to european authorities?))
Karl:He raises his head as the soft little door bell rings when you enter, and lowers his thick glasses, examining you. Coyly.
Dante:((The network had 3 scenes when I cast it. I think this is the last scene, unless KK prefers to rule otherwise))
Lucas:Lucas waves in a friendly way at the scruffy little man. "Howdy, fella"
GM (GM):((Universal language network is dropped when we sleep, but you can recast it))
Eve K. looks at Jessica, as if weighing the pros and cons of something. Her lips are pursed tightly. After a moment she shakes her head and gets out of the truck muttering something under her breath as she walks to the shop
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
Karl:"Ooooooooh. Hello. Welcome."
Dante:((two gets us 4 people. Dante, Eve, Justin, uhhhhh Lucas? Jessica speaks German right?))
Justin:((She does.))
Jessica:Jessica "hmphs" and crosses her legs in the seat, out of the seat belt at this point. Since she can't wake up the Sleepers she decides to watch the car. She has her own reading to do. Cracks open the Gates book and sets it on her lap, looking up now and then.
Justin:"Hello! Are you the curator of this collection? Karl?"
Justin steps right up to Karl's desk.
Lucas:Lucas wanders into the store and between the shelves looking for anything interesting
(Grim sight)
Dante:As if in sudden remembering something, Dante excuses himself, brushing past the others and heading back to the truck. He runs his hands along the side as if inspecting something. ((Ward on Truck))
Karl:"Yees, yess, indeed." - hops off the chair and closes the book he was reading. - "I'm glad you heard of me! Where from?"
rolling 11d10>8!
8 Successes
((oh my god that truck is so warded.))
Eve K. raises a hand in greeting as she enters the shop and begins looking around (with prime sight up) for anything interesting
Eve K.:((you are on fire tonight!))
GM (GM):((Dante found his specialty. Wardings))
Justin:"I believe he was your cousin? Friendly fellow, he drove us around for a bit. We had a conversation about his thoughts on Rome and rare books came up."
rolling 7d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):((All his Wards are boss))
Justin:Justin holds out his hand to shake Karl's
Dante:((Can I spend XP to take a skill specialty in warding while I'm at it? Joking of course))
Karl:"Ooooh yes, ha ha ha, that narrows it down to three. Can you believe the funny story? Our parents were seven siblings, so I have eighteen cousins, can you believe it? What can I do for you, fine travelers?"
Dante:His task finished he looks at Jessica through the window, opens the door momentarily to speak with her. "If anything tries to check in on you, I should know. Is there anything I can do for you before I head back inside?"
Jessica:((can't you attach specialties to magic somehow? like rotes or something?))
GM (GM):((You can take Occult specialty "defense against scrying" for 2 xp, and that could add to your ward rote a +1))
Jessica:"I just don't want to leave him out of my sight. Everything keeps disappearing when we turn around. I'll be fine."
Eve K.:((Kinda. Eve has an occult specialty in "ghosts" so any rote involving ghost with occult gets the bonus)
GM (GM):((to attach specialties you must know rotes.))
Justin:"I understand that. I can't tell you how many of my friends growing up had 4 to 8 siblings." Justin laughs and scratches the back of his head. "So, there's a rare book I've been looking everywhere for. It was written by the nazi general Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Are you familiar?"
"Perhaps not written by, perhaps just possessed by."
Dante:Dante gives a short nod. "Alright. Well if something comes up, let me know." And if there's nothing else from Jessica, Dante will return to the rest of the group.
Kurtis Kerner:looks around the boring ass flammable fuel. Paper with letters. Yup, he will pick up exactly zero women here.
"What a wonderful fuel store you have."
Eve K. looks to Karl with a smile, (still with prime sight up) "Just looking for something that sparks my interest. "
Jessica:((Jessica will pick up where she left off on stuff like mirrors and material types, and move on to ritual magic))
Karl:"Ahhh, yes, yess fine traveler, I do collect all manner of editions that were in possession by the Third Reich, I've a number of books owned by Kaltenbrunner, most of his surviving collection. Please, follow me."
Justin:"Absolutely, thank you very much." Justin follows after Karl.
Kurtis Kerner:"Fine traveler... who talks like that." - whispers, looking around, okay, it does feel impressively cozy. Kurt just didn't want to admit he'd like it in a library.
Jessica:((he's like a stray cat who pretends he doesn't like to be fed))
Dante:Dante paces about the eclectic little place. He begins perusing the bookshelves. He smirks at Kurtis' whispers as he brushes past him. ((Looking for anything of occult nature. Primarily Goetia, demonology, stuff like that.))
Eve K. for the first time today seems finally at ease, comfortable. She's even humming a tune quietly
(From Eve K.): does Eve not see anything with Prime?
Karl:*Karl leads you down the staircase which reveals MORE tightly packed space, that is even darker and cozier, windy and tunnely, you don't see anything but wood in terms of walls and ceiling. No white painted plaster walls. Is the whole interior made of wood? No exposed heating pipes or ventilation. It's shelves and wood plate, and shelves and furniture. Chairs with stacks of books on them, tables. Is this even categorized? Karl seems to know where he's going. You reach a corner where a singular light source is one dim light bulb.
Lucas:Lucas scans the aisles carefully, looking for any titles that stood out to him. his deeply ridged brows shading his eyes far more than usual.
(To Eve K.): sure Eve sees stuff with prime. Karl ain't human.
(From Eve K.): OOH really. Mage?
(To Eve K.): You don't think so
Karl:Dante, roll int+academics
or int+occult
(From Eve K.): even more oh really... Int + occult for what he is?
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
(To Eve K.): no thats for him
Karl:You do see a section on Goetia and may excuse yourself to do some research, it would branch you out into another tight corridor
Lucas:(looking for occult, alchemy, or books of moros origin.)
(From Eve K.): so what do I roll?
Karl:"There. All of the six hundred and nineteen salvaged books. Kaltenbrunner's entire collection. Anything you're interested in, in particular?"
Dante:Dante says few words, but excuses himself and indicates to the group where he will be at should they need him. He'll just start by pulling down an assortment and thumbing through.
(To Eve K.): I wonder if Eve would even know what he is. Had Eve ever seen a goblin?
Karl:Lucas, roll int+occult
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
(From Eve K.): probably not, but encyclopedic knowledge gives me a roll
Justin:"There was a book on rare gems that he had in his possession."
Karl:Lucas, there are rows and rows of books here on occult and alchemy. Sorting through them would take a really long time. You can pick out a dozen by barely even scanning. How much of this is fiction, that's the crux of the task.
Justin:Justin speaks distractedly as he looks over the assorted spines.
Lucas:(i'm running low on steam. words aren't making as much sense as they should.)
Dante:((much the same))
Karl:"Aaaaah, Colonel Aysmann's requisition..."
"Yes, yes...."
climbs on top of a chair and starts looking through the rows of shelves
"Where do you fine travelers hail from?"
Lucas:Lucas pulls down a few books and flips through, looking for keywords and technical jargon similar to what he studied in the tower.
Eve K. looks for books that light up to her prime sight in the area Lucas is looking, starts handing him books as she finds them
Justin:"America originally, but I've been all over the place."
(From Eve K.): can I do a roll?
Justin:"The smell of these pages. There are books in here older than my grandparents."
Karl:((Lucas, if you wanna head to bed, go for it, same for Dante, i will give you guys your book results in private, you will learn about alchemy and demonology respectively over Messenger, this main log here will be Gem related and Justin gets to stay))
Lucas:((thanks. ill hit you up tomorrow. im just fuckin wiped)
(night all
(To Eve K.): you can just surmise, this is probably a goblin. It's like, if you haven't seen one, you wouldn't know. It's up to you if you seen one before.
(From Eve K.): Eve probably has not seen a goblin
Eve K.:(night)
(To Eve K.): then you suspect it might be a small mythical creature in human disguise
Karl:"Aaaah, a fellow connoisseur! Now that is music to my ears, young man. What are you called?"
Eve K. now done finding books for Lucas, begins looking for things she thinks Kurtis might find interesting, which are prime lit up
Karl:Karl picks up an old blue covered dusty tome
Eve K.:((good boy))
((gold star for Justin))
Justin:((uh huh.))
Karl:"A pleasure to meet you Joseph. Now, is there any specific piece of jewelry you're tracking, or just the entire collection. Here you are. This is a requisition list of the General's jewelry possessions."
Justin:"I'm trying to track a jewel that's hopped from place to place through history. Hoping to find some secrets of it here."
Eve K.:((Imma conk out too if there is nothing else Eve can get herself in trouble with))
Justin:Justin waves the book a bit.
Karl:((oh there is, but we will pick up at the fun library stuff next session, please be sure to check out the logs of this session afterwards))
Looks at Joseph
Justin:"Do you have somewhere where I can sit down and dig into it.?"
Karl:"A jewel, you say?"
Eve K.:((mmkay. Eve is still looking for Prime shiny books of interest))
((night ppl))
Karl:"What kind of Jewel are we talking about? I've learned a lot about Ernst's jewels."
Karl's swift sticky fingers skip between the books, as he hands Justin another book and another, and another.
Justin:Justin gives Karl a look, trying to determine if there's more to him as he takes the books.
Karl:You get the impression that Karl is doing exactly the same to you.
Justin:"Are you familiar with the Archduchess Sophie of Austria?"
Karl:"Oh ho ho ho ho hooo.... are you sure you're from America, Joseph? And not from Poland?"
Justin:"Well American history only goes back so far mr Karl. An avid reader quickly moves on to deeper histories." Justin smiles.
Karl:"If you seek what I think you seek, follow me. And take all those books. You'll need them. But your search does not start here. It starts beyond this veil."
Karl opens up a dusty brown curtain, which you didn't even see there before, and beyond it is a blue dimly lit chamber with a lot less cozyness to it and more cool air breezing out of it. It seems to be the true basement, a dungeon like underbelly of this building. Japenese, mongolian, and hindu museum paraphenalia are resting on some shelves, a private collection of helmets, musical instruments, and a few dull old weapons.
Deeper in, more book shelves can be seen.
Justin:Justin frowns and nods, following Karl as he moves further. He holds the books closely, very aware of how rare and fragile they can be.
Karl:Once you are past the curtain, you notice a green glow above your head, like a small torch. Behind you, back in the cozy chamber, Kurtis is seen examining some book, and above his head is a white and gold halo. If you look at Karl, he looks nothing like his old self, save for the eyebrows and the hook nose. If you have ever seen an illustration of a goblin, an oversized version of one, is what you see Karl to be.
"Come to the right place for knowledge, you have."
Justin:"I see that now..." Justin eyes the window? into the main library. "That must be useful to keep an eye on people... how long have you collected and distributed this sort of knowledge?"
Karl:"Just upwards thirty years now. Collecting, that is. You'll want this, and this, and this."
Justin:Justin takes the additional books in his arms. "And um... if you don't mind me asking, what sort of ethnicity? is that the right word? are you?"
Karl:"Well there are thirteen pure goblin ethniticities, not counting goblinoids, or dark ones, or the mislabeled ones. My name is Karlatak Grangalash, which, if you're a scholar, almost universally belongs to the Bark Goblin ethnicity. My kind prefers wood over other environment."
Justin:"Oh, interesting...." Justin stops in the middle of the hall, his eyes going wide. "Karlatak, can you answer one very important question for me? Are vampires actually real or are my friends just messing with me?"
Karl:bursts out laughing and holds on to the wall
laughs for a while longer
chuckles, snorts, and barely manages to stop
Justin:Justin frowns. "I knew it. A-holes."
Jessica:((A-holes. How old is he?))
Karl:"Never believe a wizard who thinks books are fuel."
Justin:"Words to live by, thanks."
Karl:"And what type of Shaman are you? Who is your patron legacy, if you don't mind me asking?"
Justin:Justin continues to follow the goblin. "The spirits call me the Knight of the Waters, but spirits tend to be vague on what that means."
Karl:"Really? You are of the Water Concordance? It is a pleasure to see one of the Order."
"Do me a favor and pull that lever over there."
Karl points at the empty wall, and only if your Spirit Sight is still on would you detect a conceptual lever sticking out of it.
Justin:"I don't think that's what that means, or if it is I'm missing context." Justin stares at the wall and flips on his spirit sight.
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
He moves forward and pulls the "lever"
Karl:"Ah right, I'm sorry, always forgetful, you Atlanteans can't see innately like we do with your fake eyes. Such is the toll of the Lie."
A door opens in a wall, leading into a very private study. More books here. A thick wood table. Four chairs. In one of the chairs sits slumped a skeleton dressed in victorian garb. Dead. But up right.
"You can study here. Please try to not disturb Gonzelius. You're not skittish of corpses, are you, young knight?"
Justin:Justin frowns at the skeleton.
"What happened to Gonzelius?"
Karl:If you look at the ceiling of this particular room, it becomes apparent why he brought you here. The symbol in the middle is the crest of Timur Tamerlane.
"Who knows. But he asked not to be disturbed, even post-posthumously, and I would be an asshole to not honor my good friend's wish."
Justin:Justin frowns at that and eyes the symbol. "So I don't imagine if I go far enough down this hallway, I'll reach a forge under a mountain?" Justin says jokingly as he sits down at the table, looking over the books he's collected on his short walk.
Karl:"Don't know, but if you do, let me know, I'll open a second business."
Justin:"Fair enough. Would you mind letting me know who the last person you had ask about this was?"
Justin speaks absently as he opens a tome, looking through the appendix to find a place to start.
Karl:"Tobias Ast. He sold me the Kaltenbrunner collection. I think the Nationalists were fascinating. Humans are a lot more creative than goblins. Where wizards go, goblins don't go. And vice versa. You know."
"If you like, I'll make you coffee. For a bit of extra charge of course, no hard feelings, I do have to buy my roast."
Justin:"You seem nice enough, I can't imagine why wizards would avoid you and yours. I don't drink coffee, but I appreciate the offer."
Karl:"They don't. I often receive visits."
Justin:"Oh, did I misunderstand you when you said 'Where wizards go, goblins don't go and vice versa?'"
Justin:"Fair enough." Justin smiles warmly at him and goes back to poring through the tome.
Karl:"Where the hallway takes you, is not where it takes me."
Karl:"But yes, yes, I keep your company. Though I much prefer Shamans to Channellers, Warlocks over Theurgists, and Enchanters over Necromancers."
"Well, enjoy yourself, I will be upstairs, young knight."
Justin:"Thank you very much Karlatak."
GM (GM):You dive deep into the stack of books. Karlatak knew almost exactly what you're after. Fatigue and hunger didn't stop you as you grinded the pages in multiple languages down for hours.
You could truly indulge the nerd now here. Not only did it probably feel good to bore Kurtis out of his mind, but Gonzalius was very non judgemental company. He perhaps himself wanted to die here and be found as a library skeleton.
Here are some things you learn. Your books primarily come from three periods. Mongolian conquest, Napoleon Bonaparte, and World War 2
Justin:Justin runs a hand through his hair as he looks through the books. He'll take notes if he has an extra pen and paper. When he sneezes from the dust, he'll excuse himself to Gonzalius.
GM (GM):As you browse through the shelves here, and figure out how Karl denominated the glossary and book order, you find a crusty ancient copy of a re-written manuscript. It's not the original, which surely is destroyed by now, but a faithful translation of nothing less but Tamerlane's own diary.
Gonzelius smiles. Well, he's been smiling.
"I have always preferred to fight my battles in the spring. This winter sits with me poorly. I feel death coming not by sword or flame of war, but by flame internal. As predicted by the monk, that old fool, I have fallen ill, and shall likely not reach China. But I had to try and defy Fate. No generations of offspring behind me shall judge me harshly for this attempt. I have instructed my Khalil to release the envoys should the campaign end with me. As my soul nears Gur-I Amir, I feel the weight of the gift and its many curses. I have broken the Transoxiana, the Ma Wara An Nahr, the Tughlaq and the Persian expanse, and have subdued the Chagatai Khans. I have damaged the world, but surely it remains whole. Where mere husks of men have the circle broken by the line, in my case the circle remains whole. I could drive the spear further and split it in two. But I do not, because it is mine. For truly it is the mark of monarchy to hold the world in your hand, to have the power to crush it to dust, and to choose not to."
The copier here annotates in parentheses:
Timur was a Muslim, possibly belonging to the Naqshbandi school of Sufism, which was influential in Transoxiana However, his chief official religious counsellor and adviser was the Hanafi scholar 'Abdu 'l-Jabbar Khwarazmi. In Tirmidh, he had come under the influence of his spiritual mentor Sayyid Baraka, a leader from Balkh who is buried alongside Timur in Gur-e-Amir.
You skip through numerous and timeless annotations and lists of troops and data entries, tactical battle data, supplies, provisions...
GM (GM):Another personal record.
"Sayyid is an insightful man, his knowledge makes me hesitate. Abdu 'l-Jabbar had always advised me to destroy the treasure I have siezed, but Sayyid sat with me and told me to not destroy it, and instead lay it at rest if the burden proves too tormenting. He cautioned about forces of nature beyond even the man of men, the king of kings is not enough to contain what may come out, should it be struck asunder. Show me, I said to Sayyid, reveal to me the secret as I grow old. We entered then into a valley of light where the stars reflected in the ground and flew all about us, but Sayyid insisted that he cannot show me the truth for even there, he has no power of bondage akin to that of mine. He said that only the chosen can awaken the gifts of the stone, and only one who is chosen may recover to wield it. In hope of leaving this legacy of my life and preserving all efforts I had put to my work as a conquering emperor, I will take the gift with me to the next world, so that those who honor and remember me shall call upon me and receive the gift from me through the veil between the worlds."
Justin:"Hmm.. so Timur wasn't an awakened? Does the gem trap their souls...?"
Justin reads on.
GM (GM):Scanning through a dozen of demagogy and ponderings, you grab a clue. A french archeologist had reached Tamerlane's tomb in Samarkand in 1601 and excavated the remains, leaving most of them in tact, but taking some personal items.
This leads you into France.
A recount by a young cavalry officer named Joachim Murat. Murat was largely responsible for Napoleon's rising fame. In October 1795 Napoleon ordered Murat to seize large cannons and used them to repel the attackers on 5 October 1795 The defeat of the royalist insurrection extinguished the threat to the Convention and earned Bonaparte sudden fame, wealth, and the patronage of the new government.
Murat married one of Napoleon's sisters, becoming his brother-in-law; he also served under Napoleon as one of his generals. Bonaparte was promoted to Commander of the Interior and given command of the Army of Italy and within weeks, he was romantically involved with Joséphine de Beauharnais, the former mistress of Barras. The couple married on 9 March 1796 in a civil ceremony.
This General, Murat, would eventually become Marshal Of France, by being a loyal friend of Bonaparte. He recognized the man's near mystical influence, and had often been in the company of Napoleon throughout their careers. It is according to Murat, that the following story was told. Having some amount of liquor, Napoleon went on to tell Murat about the events of 1795, just mere months prior to their famous beginning during the insurrection. Napoleon told Murat that
as early as June 1795 he was not at all sure of his career's dramatic turn and rise until a certain encounter. He moved to the Bureau of Topography of the Committee of Public Safety and sought unsuccessfully to be transferred to Constantinople in order to offer his services to the Sultan.
GM (GM):A few days later, an emissary of the Ottoman Empire, a frenchman, appeared to him with an offering. Within it was a single precious stone, which Napoleon commented on experiencing as such:
"It was not but a trifle, an expensive exquisite beauty, but such meaning would be trivial beyond monetary value to a career frenchman such as I, so I beheld and conversed with the emissary further, for the way he moved and spoke seemed to hold me, grasp on to my focus. It was as if I were on a journey through the stars, where I was king and bishop, knight, and servant, vizier and executioner, master, and slave. Where I were a falling star and the space it falls through. The emissary saw this in my eyes, he talked with me as I have glanced his brow. He implored me to project myself into the stone, and before I could ask what in the name of heaven he would mean, a feeling came over me, and a future revealed itself where I would stand successful for the glory of France, and that is when I knew the path of my destiny. In return, he wanted but one thing. He implored me to never seek the Sultan further. To see to the affairs of Europe and return as ally no sooner than in 10 years."
The diary ends here, but this is where the helpful goblin picked up the slack when he loaded you with all those books. One of the ones he picked for you, recounted the events from a perspective of a different writer, documenting the outcomes. There is a lot to cross examine, but you manage to keep hold of the narrative. The price - is time. It takes hours to sort through useless information.
He did near exactly that. In February 1806, Ottoman Emperor Selim III finally recognised Napoleon as Emperor. He also opted for an alliance with France, calling France "our sincere and natural ally". The alliance had collapsed a year later in favor of allying with Russia.
"I knew that they were coming for the stone to take it back. I had to hide it, but keep it within my person, to stay near it, to keep its charm strong."
GM (GM):
In 1810, Napoleon I of France divorced the Empress Joséphine, as she proved to be incapable of producing an heir.
He re-married two months later to Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria.
Affectionately, Marie went by a pseudonym, Mimi.
"Mimi, what a charming exquisite sapphire!"
GM (GM):Another diary, in a different book, by a different chronicler.
A copy of a copy of a printout of a printout. Murky, blotchy, and low resolution, barely readable. Not readable really. But Dante Canavacciuolo's Universal Language does not care about ink or print or language. It conveys a translation of the author's idea. And despite all the copies, your brain, affected by his spell, can deduce Bonaparte's hand.
"If I were to secure my holdings, I had to sire an heir. Thus, the choice was obvious. It both provided fate's blessing with my new wife, and removed the stone from my possession directly, so it could not be found, should they come."
Within a year, Marie Louise bore a son. To celebrate, in June 1811 Napoleon I commissioned the Napoleon Diamond Necklace from the Parisian jewellery firm Nitot et Fils, at a cost of 376,274 French francs. This sum was the equivalent of the Empress's entire annual household budget. He hid the stone amongst the others in the necklace. That, however, unbound him from its influence and executed the toll. Several years later, in 1815, Napoleon was exiled to Saint Helena. Marie Louise returned to Austria with the necklace and owned it until her death.
Upon the death of Marie Louise in 1847, the necklace passed to Archduchess Sophie of Austria, the wife of her brother Archduke Franz Karl of Austria. Two diamonds were removed from the necklace to shorten it, at the request of Princess Sophie. These diamonds were fitted to a pair of earrings, the location of which is now unknown.
GM (GM):But another jeweler, anonymous, suggests that the recounts of the other jewelers were incorrect, either due to error or conspiracy. It recounts another, much larger, deep violet stone removed from the necklace, or supposedly removed from it, and replaced with another stone. The fate of that stone is unknown to this jeweler.
A third jeweler contradicts the second, insisting that the removed stones were two rubies.
It appears that the versions of the necklace are contradictory, as if someone fabricated the recounts, or the gemstones were actually capable of changing their structure on the fly. A clever move, which makes you lose the trail. It's nearly hopeless, and you pull your hair in frustration. Desperately searching for the tail end of the story, dead ends in every trail.
Justin:Justin's eyes are bloodshot by now, he runs his hand across his face.
GM (GM):But the story picks up with another. A hundred and thirty years later. A german courier and spy Ilse Remgard, who was charged with delivering a parcel with a stone matching the description across the border from France to Germany. Once again, the stone is described as a deep violet.
Ilse recieved the parcel in Marseille and trasported it to Munich, for safekeeping with Colonel Aysmann, its further fate does not track until it shows up in a private collection of the SS General Ernst Kaltenbrunner. After the WW2 ended, however, his mansion was picked apart, and a lot of paraphenalia disappeared.
Looking through the stuff you initiated with, back in the cozy section of Karl's shop, when he was handing you the Nazi documents....
You find a depeche with very little narrative to it, but a list of possessions belonging to Colonel Dietrich Aysmann.
Books, Uniforms, Weapons, Ammunition
GM (GM):Schnapps, 17 bottles, 1931 vintage
Vodka, 6 bottles, 1945
Engraved Parabellum Pistol, 2 pcs
Jewelry, precious metals, unusually finely cut large ruby.
List compiled by Jordan Otto Wolf.
GM (GM):More trails, more cross checking....
Jordan Wolf's diary:
I was visited by auctioneer who identified himself as Tobias Ast in regards with donating confiscated possessions of war criminals to private collectors to draw money for charities helping the victims of war and their relatives. The gentleman was particularly interested in the ruby recovered from Colonel Dietrich Aysmann, stating he had an interested buyer.
Roll int+academics
Justin:(Int + Academics + WP = 11)
rolling 11d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):Ast in German is Branch
Good Night
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 3d10>8!
1 Success
>roll 3d10>8!
rolling 3d10>8!
5 Successes
GM (GM):fuck yourself
rolling 3d10>8!
1 Success
Jessica:int+occult roll,an int+academics roll, and an int+crafts
rolling 3d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 4d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 4d10>8!
4 Successes
Dante:oh buddy
GM (GM):you pieces of shit are ridiculous
Dante:fucking high five
Hive mind!
Dante:That's what I do
GM (GM):Okay, your results will await you in your respective FB chats
GM (GM):Good job
Jessica:If you haven't gotten to it by Friday i'll make the logs
you'll still need to add the whispers though
nice dice
GM (GM):Beep
Jessica:We are the God Machine
GM (GM):You are certainly not
god machine is bullshit written by hippies
like really? angels and demons are just machines? fuck off, be more creative
Justin:It's pretty creative when you dive into it.
Jessica:I think it's probably a matter of taste. Yeah that
GM (GM):it's like techno-dystopian
but it makes terrible crossovers
cause then Obrimos be like "imposter! i am the real angel!"
Jessica:I think it's somehow an astral concept that got out. Made of Aether just like the supernal realm of mind
It's like all humanity's technological ideas somehow got out of the astral space and became an entity
rolling 3d10>8!
2 Successes
Justin:That's only if you read it as the actual judeo-christian god.
rolling 3d10>8!
2 Successes
Justin:And not some frightening ever-growing construct that overlayed with reality.
I prefer to read the god-machine as less of a creator and more of an infection.
Justin:There's still room for religious mythology outside of the thing, including angels.
But the god-machine's angels are absolutely programs.
Lucas:I got 2/3 on both rolls
thats probably my luck for the night
GM (GM):Okay, Lucas, you find 2 main avenues of research you can pursue within the 5 hours you guys have spent in the library so far
One avenue is transmutation of liquids, the other is transmutation of solids. Which would you like to pursue? You can focus on one in detail.
GM (GM):You have to cross reference and cross check multiple sets of books, a lot of it is fantasy, fiction, or just legendary type nonsense. Nothing gives a clear vibe of "I am an Atlantean mage of the Lead Coin Tower, and this is how you do things", but there are recounts of people who seemed to have an unnatural gift for chemistry, one claims to be a former associate and critic of the russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, now mind you this is dated like, 1901, and Mendeleev was born in 1834 or so. So this is ancient chemistry.
There was a bit of a feud, which you can easily cross reference on wikipedia, between Mendeelev and Svante Arrhenius, over who gets nominated for Nobel Prize
The famous russian chemist criticized Arrhenius a lot, which is known fact, but Arrhenius's assistant described the man doing some interesting things.
Lucas:do i remember either name from the tower?
GM (GM):You do.
Svante Arrhenius's name was on the walls.
Having forgone the Lead to Gold experiments, and having failed at them, Arrhenius however was able to synthesize glass out of aluminum, which is pretty much scientific heresy. You have seen Justin do similar things, but with a limited duration. What Arrhenius figured out is how to transmute a solid with a permanent duration.
This was huge, and his assistant never figured out the method.
Lucas:Sweet. I want to search for anything having to do with Svante Arrhenius
GM (GM):You get lots of information that is publicly accessible. Svante was a famous Swedish scientists and his works are well published, if somewhat considered to be unorthodox or outright wrong by some colleagues.
Arrhenius was the first to use basic principles of physical chemistry to estimate the extent to which increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are responsible for the Earth's increasing surface temperature. In the 1960s, David Keeling demonstrated that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are large enough to cause global warming. Arrhenius' contributions to science are memorialized by the Arrhenius equation, Arrhenius acid, lunar crater Arrhenius, Martian crater Arrhenius, the mountain of Arrheniusfjellet, and the Arrhenius Labs at Stockholm University.
You dig and dig and dig, and learn that Arrhenius was likely using a touch of magic in addition to doing sleeper science. His permanent transmutations always ended up in creating glass, but he eventually learned how to transmute any metal, not just aluminum, into crystal glass. It required, however, coating the object in some substance, which assisted with his casting. You could cross reference it with Gates to Atlantis book, and next time you get a level up in Matter 3, you will be able to unlock and buy Transmute Earth rote for 6 xp. If you ever manage to find the secret ingredients, your transmutations into glass will be permanent.
Lucas:With further research and study, i could possibly learn how to apply permanence to other materials as well.
GM (GM):You guys see Dante buried in books in a corner. He talks to nobody for like 5 hours.
Lucas:I also continued to read and do research after studying in the tower, so i'm gonna nab me that next dot in academics
GM (GM):Kurtis is sulking in his loss of a bet, because we are the only people here and there are zero women, but then he realizes that since he didn't fail to get a number either, he doesn't owe the money yet.
He chooses to occupy himself with sleeper junk food the goblin has out front in the lobby, a sports car magazine, not really part of a book collection, just lobby reading.
Eve K.:((clever))
GM (GM):Eventually though, Kurtis picks up an actual book, on history of automobiles and carriages, and just indulges in his hobby.
Lucas:((we got 4 xp last game, right? ))
GM (GM):((yes
Lucas:((whats a good resource for finding xp costs for skills and whatnot?
GM (GM):((the mage book))
Justin:((The world of darkness book too.))\
GM (GM):
Jessica has her findings, Justin has his findings, Dante and Eve has their findings, so... it's 9 PM. Time flies by fast
Eve, to earn that Mushrooms specialty, you have to learn survival first
to put theory into practice
Eve K.:((yeah yeah, I'll go camping later))
Lucas:((gonna grab a shower right quick guys, be back in a few. Lucas is reading. hes gonna be a while.))
Eve K.:((so we have all read til 9pm? We should probably food and park the sleepers somewhere before its DJ time)
GM (GM):Yeah, you guys are driving the plot until you are done or until it strikes midnight, so, RP away. For simplicity's sake, you guys have all researched for 5 hours. Justin and Dante have spent the most time. Lucas a little less. Jessica is quickest, because she is reading a Gates book.
Kurtis and Eve are reading casually without specific research, so we have some free time.
Justin:Justin sits back in his chair and rubs his face with his hand, he looks at his skeletal companion and blinks.
"Well, this tells me the journey that the gem took, a little about how it works, and not much else."
Gonzelius: "..."
Justin:"More than I had, but I don't know that it gets me to the point where I want to be."
"You don't happen to know anything about containing the resonance do you Gonzelius?"
Eve K. stretches out of her curled up position on a comfortable chair, un-tucking her feet from under her as she stands to replace the book she had been reading. Over the link "I'm going to go fetch food for us and the truck crew, any requests?"
GM (GM):Gonzelius looks at you with that longing glance from his eye sockets, which is seen on a man who loved the thirst for knowledge more than anyone or anything, who chose his final rest here, in hopes to do more reading in the afterlife. Before him is an open tome.
Justin:"Didn't think so. Do you mind if I?" Justin stands up and moves across the table, he looks over Gonzelius's shoulder.
GM (GM):A dust and cobweb covered book titled "Life and Habits of Rare Primordial Lizards And Their Ilk" by Brom Virmer.
it looks even more ancient than Gonzelius himself
Justin:"Now that..."
Justin pops on Spirit sight to see if he can see the hazy form of a ghost here.
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):Your spirit sight is clear. Gonzelius did not leave a ghost. However, the rest of what you see may make you gulp. The masks of mongolian soldiers start tracking you with their eyes. The suits of armor form bodies within them. Weapons now manifest ghostly arms and fists, holding them, unattached to any bodies. Trade implements show faint images of workers, using their conceptual versions. This ancient stone chamber comes to life with the mysteries of the knowledge hidden here. There are a lot of spirits.
Justin jots down the page number of the book Gonzelius was reading and slides it over to him to start reading it.
"A ham and cheese sandwich sounds like it would be great."
Eve K. nods to the mental response and heads towards the door on a quest for the nearest market or sandwich shop.
Jessica:((missed "over the link")
Sandwich sounds great.
Kurtis Kerner:"Actually I'm gonna go with you. Bored."
puts the book about cars back
Eve K. smiles "Great, I don't think anyone of us should go anywhere alone at this point."
GM (GM):Justin, it's a ponderous tome that lists ancient lizards that used to walk the earth and were hundreds of feet tall. It's written by a renaissance man, and a few pages in you realize that this is a very very inaccurate version of a dinosaur book.
Eve K.:((you are somehow surprised that Kurtis.. cocaine addict Kurtis is bored in a private library?))
GM (GM):((hey don't stereotype cocaine addicts, there is a complex personality. He's also addicted to parties and adrenaline, which is the opposite of a library))
The more important here is why Gonzelius chose this book to die with, and that is answered by the page he was on. If you read that page, the author gets a bit romantic and flowery, and the text is as follows:
"And I am certain that once, humans like us, have shared the world with these ancient terrors, and walked among them, and saw them as we see street cats. It makes one wonder in awe and horror what things may yet come, what surprises fate has in store, what eras will come after us, and what our offspring will behold. Should we reincarnate in a thousand years, or in ten thousand, or in a hundred, what world, what planet might we awaken our new life upon? What subsidy granted? What role allotted? We may find our world in ice and glacier, or a barren desert, a rocky wasteland, or a lush jungle. Upon this earth, my friend reader, we are but ancient lizards." - the author snaps back out of it, and continues more or less scientific categorization, inaccurate as fuck, but likely describing a brachiosaurus.
Justin:"Well, no accounting for taste." Justin sighs and puts the book back under his skeletal friend, making sure it's still open on the same page.
GM (GM):Justin, you hear a bird's cry, a hawk, and then another, multiple. Eeeeee, Eeeee... the predatory screeches. Then.... a distant rumble, you feel a shaking of the ground... cries... a gallop of thousands of hooves.
Justin:Justin ducks, eyes wide as he looks around.
GM (GM):Whistles and shouts and the whinny of hundreds of horse mouths. Warrior cries.
Justin:"Does anyone else hear these birds and hooves or is it just a spirit thing?"
Eve K.:((congratulations you are now in land before time))
GM (GM):You duck under the table, and get grazed by a gust of violent wind, as you see faint glimpses of hundreds of hooves riding past you, your hair being pulled by the gusts, you swear you feel the horses' breaths.
You smell their flesh.
Eve K. pauses at the door to see if she hears birds or hooves?
GM (GM):Others in the link, you don't hear or feel shit from where you are.
Eve K. over the link "I feel nothing out of the ordinary Justin. It is likely a spirit thing."
Jessica:Nothing from the car. Jessica looks out the windows briefly.
GM (GM):Justin, something lifts you up and tosses you across the room, at least four feet up in the air, as you land you get that feeling that you'll get smashed in a stampede. Horses above you, jumping over you, landing an inch to the left, an inch to the right. Curved swords, fur hats. The mongols.
Justin:"That's not good Ooofh! Getting attacked by spirit mongols!"
Justin concentrates and brings up a bit of protection against spiritual assault.
(gnosis 3 spirit 3)
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):The stampede harmlessly passes by you. While still terrifying, now the riders who try to grab you prisoner, simply grasp through you. Their swords and spears, when they slash at you, miss, and harmlessly pass.
Eve K. tenses at the door "Do you need help?:
Eve K.:*over the link
Justin:"No, so far. Think I've got it handled..."
GM (GM):Sounds of the stampede come to a half in the distance, replaced by a terrible pause, then, a hiss of thousands of weapons drawn from scabbards, and a clash of battle.
Justin:Justin stands up and heads in the direction of the horde.
GM (GM):Now it is the cries of dying souls.
Justin:Just to see what they're doing.
GM (GM):A stone wall.
You hear them there, past it.
Justin:"Oof." Justin nearly walks into the wall and shakes his head.
"Alright, might be the time to head back..."
GM (GM):There is a hut to your left, an old woman offers you something to drink. A brew? A stew? There is no room in this chamber for a hut, but you feel it there, you're like, in the open field, in two places at once.
Like a fantasy made vivid, a Shadow World projection of the dominating knowledge in this collector's room.
Justin turns and looks at the books about the gem.
The journal, to see if anything gleams.
GM (GM):Someone taps you on the shoulder gently, offering you to trade a fish hook for something.
Justin:"No thank you..."
GM (GM):The trader starts showing other items, as the healer woman tries to serve you... soup? It smells... odd. She puts it on the table.
Eve K.:((and just like that without even knowing Justin gave up his chance at owning Maui's magic fish hook))
GM (GM):Another man hauls in a cart of grain, his wagon breaks down, and he asks if you can give him a hand.
Tamerlane's Journal seems to be one of the epicenters of all of this madness. He was his people.
Justin:Justin focuses on the books, trying to glean if there is a common thread in the books, if the concept of the Gem prevails so he can identify it elsewhere.
GM (GM):Roll resolve+academics please
Justin:((Can I use my history specialty with academics?))
GM (GM):you can, this is mainly to see if you can continue to concentrate, because all these spirits are now distracting you and will keep pulling you in multiple directions
rolling 9d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):Yeah you can concentrate and ignore the distractions, though it occurs to you that if you turn off Spirit Sight, you might be able to concentrate better on the strictly academic research. If you press on with the Spirit Sight, when you return to the Nazi books, the scenery changes, and the steppe becomes instead the streets of this very city, Berlin. Spandau is covered in marching soldiers. You're in an office of an SS officer. He pours himself a drink, he hates cognac and schnapps, you know this, you can feel the guilt. He prefers vodka. Very unpatriotic. Your roll is good enough to discern his uniform. A shtarmgruppenfuhrer, a major general.
Justin:Justin shakes his head and turns off spirit sight. "I don't need more context, I need a trail."
Eve K.:((to bad he's not dead or Eve could summon him and force him to answer questions... oh wait..)
Eve K. walking to the sandwiches
Nazi General: "And I need Hitler to admit we're losing. But he will not. We're in too deep. The Russians will crush us." - and then he disappears, as your senses switch off.
GM (GM):You find nothing here about containing the resonance. Tamerlane never brought himself to a decision to destroy the gem, as his new spiritual adviser advised against it.
Eve K.:((bet spiritual adviser was a mage))
GM (GM):This library would be a certain help for someone looking for the gem or tracking down its location. But you already know where it is. You understand that Tobias Asp, was likely a pseudonym or a name changed. Perhaps an immigrant. His name in english would be Tobias Branch. Likely, Diana Branch's ancestor.
Whatever she is doing, was not started by her, but a game long in play.
Justin:Justin frowns at the room in general, turns around, and heads, back to the larger library.
Karl:Karl, who near dozed off at his counter, perks up and looks over, adjusting his glasses. Here in the big library, on this side of the veil, he looks like a very small human again.
"My goodness, you've been surely long and hard at work. Have you found what you're looking for?"
Justin:"I found a record of where it's been and some insight into it, but not alot about the underlying function and construction, nor it's place in the world along with any of the other "Tools of Fate".
Eve K. over the link while buying sandwiches or sandwich ingredients "Dante we should chalk mark this place"
Justin:"It was useful, and I appreciate it sir. I just hoped to find something deeper."
Eve K.:((did KK mention the Retcon that Jessica has the extra book not Eve's book?))
Karl:"Oh, I do believe that information is somewhat known. A crown, and a sword, a shield, and some seeds for some tree. A wise king must rule well, to grow wealth and abundance, to prosper, must lead with both shield and sword. Or something to that motif."
Justin:"Where does the gem come in? On the crown?"
Jessica:((No he didn't. Thank you))
Eve K.:(( :D ))
Karl:"These are old legends, you see. Wizard world legends. Please do not quote me on any of this. From what I heard, the Red Crown of Tutankhamun is a duplicate. The real thing is lost. The crown supposedly grants one in possession a knowledge of answers to any asked question. The gem commands respect and appreciation, popularity. The tree must be planted and grow, and only righteous hands may grow it, supposedly one fruit shall make any who eat it be void of hunger. The sword would let the ruler know his enemies' intent, and the shield... well, sounds ridiculous, but the shield was to grant them impervious form."
Eve K.:((have to share with Lucas though. Like.. arm wrestle each time you want it XD Jk Jk))
Karl:"The set was broken, because the seeds have died. Unworthy people tried to plant it, and, well... nothing happened. So the artifacts of the Wizard King cannot be assembled."
Lucas:(Lucas is always down to wrassle))
Eve K.:((hawt))
Lucas:(Sorry i took so long. got side tracked
Karl:"I suppose they still work individually. People do seek them."
Eve K.:((no really??? do they??? XD))
Justin:"Right. Anything of power is going to drive people to seek it out. Any idea where they came from?"
Eve K.:((don't mind me, I'm in an odd mood tonight))
Karl:"A fool's errand, sir. Might as well seek the Holy Grail or the Spear of Longinus, or Noah's Ark."
Lucas:Lucas hops up from his table and stretches, his joints cracking audibly. Over the link, "Guys. i think i found a way to make transmutation permanent."
Kurtis Kerner:"That sounds useful. How do you do it?"
Justin:"Well the gem at least exists and is being used. There's more to it that I don't yet know."
Eve K. over the link "Very useful... how?"
Karl:"Where they came from? A little above the paygrade of a small private collector. From the wizard world."
"Where did Excalibur come from? Or the Mirror of Galadriel? Or the One Ring?"
Justin:"Lake, Tolkein, Tolkein."
Karl:the goblin merrily laughs
"Then perhaps it came from a mountain, where all gems come from."
Eve K.:((When Karl says 'from the wizard world" Immediately think "back room of Gringotts:
Justin:"If only I could figure out how to get back to the mountain. It might be my next stop."
"I do think I'm done reading for the day though Karl."
Lucas:"I gotta do some more studyin', and probably a bunch more cross referencin' with one of our books, but I think i can figure it out. The guy could only figure out how to turn any metal into glass. forever."
Karl:"Excellent. Since you're not checking anything out, it will just be the cost of a daily reading pass, for... one, two, three, four people. So, let's see here.... " - he looks at his receipt printer. "Forty goblin coins please."
Justin:"Umm.. what is a goblin coin?"
Lucas:((sounds like we gotta do him a solid.))
Jessica:((goblin sets the mongol spirits on us))
Eve K.:((I smell a side quest :'( ))
Lucas:((I dunno what the gobbos are like in WoD, but i highly doubt its gumdrops and rose petals being in debt to one.))
Karl:"Do you mean you have never dealt with Bark Goblins? How long have you been a wizard, mister?" his eyes go wide
Lucas:Lucas pulls out his phone and snaps pictures of as many of the relevant formulae and research from the books on Svante Arrhenius
Jessica:((not long enough to meet a vampire obviously))
Eve K.:((XD))
Justin:"Not to my knowledge. Would you mind informing myself and the rest of my friends about Goblin coins?"
Lucas:Lucas walks up to the counter in time to hear Karl's exclamation.
"You're a Goblin? I thought this was just a plain ol' book store. I aint never met no goblin before."
Eve K. isn't there is buying sandwiches/ingredients for sandwiches
Karl:The goblin laughs cheerfully "Gotcha! Ha ha! That will be forty euros. Boy, that's a good one, right? Didn't think I was gonna get you with that one."
Justin:Justin lets out a sigh of relief.
"Okay, we need 40 euros for the library trip."
Lucas:Lucas jogs back down an aisle and grabs the book/books that he was reading.
"How much to add these?"
Eve K.:((I think Dante also had euros on him))
Karl:"Tell you what. You can have these, if I can make a copy of that book you folks have."
"And we'll pass the reading admission fee."
Eve K. pauses in buying foods... Over the link "How does he know about our book?"
Karl:"I... am a collector, and that book IS very special. If I could add it to my collection, you'd have a lifetime free pass in this place for any needs."
Kurtis Kerner:"How does he know we're mages?"
Kurt grabs a fat Philly sandwich and a bottle of beer
Eve K. frowns... over the link again.. "How is answering my question without me being there?... Can he hear the link?"
GM (GM):((he wasn't, he was just explaining his interest))
Justin:"No, I think he was just explaining his interest."
"Which book are you talking about in particular?"
Eve K.:((awful coincidental."
Jessica:Ask him if he has books like it.
Justin:Justin pulls out his bible with the code.
Karl:Karl laughs coyly, appreciating the joke.
"The one your channeller had in his back pocket, the one your other friend was reading in the car, and the ones you three carry on your persons. They are the same book."
Jessica:((he has powerful book magic))
Karl:((intensely powerful))
Eve K.:((sense book location x5))
Justin:"Lifetime passes sure would be useful, and didn't we want to spread this information anyways?"
Jessica:Did we?
Lucas:((Sense book i dont own+3))
Kurtis Kerner:"The lore, sure.... telling people magic is real, sure... but the book has the rotes... anyone with it could actually do magic."
Justin:"Hmm.. what about the lore sans the grimoire parts?"
Jessica:Even Sleepers? Some of these symbols are hard for me to read. How can they?
Kurtis Kerner:"Okay, that may be a good point. You do need to be awakened, which means, Atlantean genetics..."
Lucas:"I dunno, man. I'm from Alabama. Pretty sure thats about as far from Atlantis as you can get. . ."
Eve K. over the link "I do wonder if it would be useful in another magic using creatures hands... I'm sure your ancestors were not native to Alabama Lucas..."
Lucas:"How do we get a book anyway. I ain't got one of those yet."
Eve K. over the link again "Well you could arm wrestle Jessica for the extra copy, or ask to borrow mine."
Karl:"Ah, my friend. You have just glimpsed at the feelings I dread. That urge to find the knowledge that is there for the taking, but unable to quite get the fruits. Taking a bite, but not the whole thing. Context, but no trail. While I apologize, that my years of collecting have only a meager supply, thus this feeling is inflicted upon you be me unknowingly, I implore you to not inflict the same suffering on me willingly, for you hold the full and very curious knowledge, which to me means a great lot."
Jessica:When he says he wants the book, does he want every copy? Does he know how to make new copies out of it?
Eve K. over the link "I believe he intents to copy one of them word for word, not keep one of ours."
Justin:"How long would it take for you to copy the book?"
Lucas:(Less time than it takes to tell you how long it will take)
Karl:"I have very few talents, and they are laughable compared to yours. But my life has been one of paper pages and bindings. Most of the odd magicks you see here are powered by my wooden home, but one special talent I hold within myself. I can copy any book, no matter how special, with but a simple ritual. Especially one like yours, which already was copied one hundred and seventeen times. It would be but a mere gesture."
Jessica:(( D8 ))
Mr. Jones.:((I killed a lot of people))
((I was down to 5 books, almost got them all))
Eve K. stumbles while leaving sandwich shop, over the link "Whoa... wait... there are only 5 copies...unless.."
Eve K.:((OOOOHH!))
Eve K.:((Jones killed soooo many pplz))
GM (GM):((so satisfying when Claire forgets her own canon, oh yessss, this topic wasnt touched for 10 RL years))
Eve K.:((yeah yeah, I've slept since then))
Lucas:"I say we should let the dude copy the book. Whats the harm?"
Eve K. over the link, seeming to have recovered, her thoughts calmer now "Is that lifetime passes for all of us?"
Eve K.:*over the link
Justin:"Just to be clear, that's lifetime passes for each of us? Including the two who left for sandwiches?"
Karl:"Oh, sir, if I had that kind of book, I would be in your debt... and as meager as that is, that would be lifetime passes and of course, assistance in your research endeavors. And perhaps, I could return a small favor back to you..."
Jessica:That sounds like a lot but, I've never met a goblin before. How likely is he to try to screw with us?
Eve K. over the link "from what I've heard of a the fae which isn't much... pretty likely. In folklore you have to be very careful how to word an agreement with any magic creatures."
Kurtis Kerner:"Hey if none of you want to do it, I'm down for frying a goblin. Once I'm done with this Phily."
Justin:"I don't know, Karl seems pretty cool. No frying him."
Eve K. over the link still "Then again we could use all of the favors we can get at this point"
Justin:"I say we let him."
Karl:"Before I offer my small favor, I must ask a question first. Not to overstep my boundaries with assumption. The question being: is this towering long haired gentleman your servant or subordinate, or does he stand on equal footing in your group?"
Justin:"He's new but he's one of us." Justin gestures to Lucas.
Karl:"Perhaps his copy of the book is simply not with him at the moment? In which case, I may have overstepped."
"If that is not the case, then my offered small favor may be self evident."
Eve K.:((he's offering to make Lucas a copy too))
Eve K. over the link "seems like he's implying he would make a copy for Lucas as well as himself."
Lucas:(Wheres the button to hit that makes it happen?))
((Slams button))
That seems like a pretty good deal.
Lucas:Lucas is a little taken aback. he knew the books were important to being a proper mage, but he just assumed that one wold fall in his lap when the time was right. maybe this was it?
"I know i ain't been with y'all very long, but i think it'd be real nice to have my own Atlantean book.
Eve K. over the link "It's a pretty good offer, but... I would want it clear he cannot copy it again, or sell, lend, or give away his copy."
Kurtis Kerner:"Do you pledge yourself to the cause of finding the Gem of Kings then, Brick? Cause my vote would hang on that."
Eve K.:((promise its easier than a fraternity pledge. We don't make you climb flagpoles naked... except when Eve is bored))
Lucas:"Well, you guys saved my life, continue to help me learn more about magic and my part of it, and I've taken part in helping you guys kill a bunch of gangsters. But i guess if you gotta hear a yes or no. Yes. I'll help you."
Kurtis Kerner:picks up extra sandwiches for Farmer and Edward for when they wake up
Lucas:"Did i mention fighting dream monsters and dying along side everyone?"
Eve K.:((buying -all of- the sandwiches))
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright, welcome to the... heh... how did those guys call us? "Rumored Five", which I guess now becomes "Rumored Six". Make this man a book."
Justin:"Alright, can you promise us that the copy stays here? And that you won't copy the copy you make for yourself or sell, lend, or give it away?"
Karl:"I can make such a promise, although it will be difficult to resist the opportunity. Perhaps you could instill me with resolve by explaining why it is so important that this book remains unique? I can see it is highly valuable and has been widely copied already. Why not make more?"
Kurtis Kerner:"My frying engines are online."
Eve K. over the link "Tell him copies of this book are dangerous. There are wizards who would kill him and anyone who knows of the book just to protect the secrets within"
Justin:"Copies of this book are dangerous in that there are wizards who would kill you and anyone who knows of the book just to protect the information it holds."
Lucas:Lucas thinks of Jorg and clenches his fists.
"There are some bad wizards out there, man. Real bad ones."
Eve K.:((It amuses me that Jorg is a bad guy in Lucas' mind and a cult hero in everyone else's))
Lucas:(Lucas is the only one in the group he's killed.)
GM (GM):((That's because Lucas watched Jorg do his work))
Lucas:(I actually dont know if Lucas knows his name.)
Eve K.:((I feel like that would make Eve more of a fan... or possibly give her a motive to get better so she could kill him.. but that doesn't matter now))
Lucas:(I dont think he ever learned that Cubic's Jorg, and the Shadow Man are the same)
(Hey guys. I dont think Dante is gonna make it tonight)
Eve K.:((gee really? Why do you say that?))
Jessica:((god damn it))
Karl:"Ah... I see... this reminds me for some reason of an old goblin king, of the Stone Goblin tribes, Barrakuk Regis. Barrakuk held in his hands the water of the fairy fountain, a rare thing by which we goblins were said to gain wishes in the older times. He wished for infinite knowledge in the wrongest way possible. He told the fountain that he wanted to know everything a goblin king must know. His wish was granted, and while he certainly learned a whole lot about governing, eventually all he could hear in his head were the cries of the suffering souls. For three years he ruled, until this drove King Barrakuk Regis mad, and he drowned himself in the Fairy Fountain."
Eve K.:(( 100% this is sandwich Eve is eating:
Karl:"Very well, sir. I promise. I agree not to make additional copies of this book for sale or for personal use. Only two. One for your friend, and one for my library."
Justin:"Can you also keep our identities a secret? I don't want said murderous wizards following a trail of bread-crumbs back to us."
"I know it's alot, I'm just trying to cover my bases Karl."
Eve K. over the link "Nice addition Justin"
Karl:"I don't believe I know your identities, Joseph."
Justin:"You know our descriptions, some ideas of what we were after. You have information that I'd prefer for you to not disclose to anyone who comes looking."
Karl:"Certainly, that is definitely the kind of information that I would keep private when requested."
Justin:"Very well." Justin puts his hand into his back pocket and produces one of the Gates to Atlantis.
Eve K.:((poor Karl gonna be soooo sad when Season 3 rolls around and the super rare and valuable book goes on kindle unlimited for free))
Karl:Oooooh. Karl's eyes become maniacally glued to the book, and he reaches for it, his little fingers wiggling, like a baby's
"How curious! Yes, yes, yes. A very magical book. It will power the dwelling with a lot of goblin magick!"
Jessica:((Karl can't even read a kindle. He can only read paper books. he's a wood goblin))
Karl:Who is present in the room? Justin and Lucas?
Karl:Dante is reading.
I mean with Karl.
Eve K.:((presumably dante is reading))
Karl:Jessica is not there?
Eve K.:((she baby sitting sleeping sleepers))
Lucas:Lucas is standing next to Justin
(Towering over more like.)
Karl:Okay, so, Justin and Lucas would remember the first time they touched their book, it scanned them, and burned or froze or some other thing, to test them in some way. After that, the design of the book changed somewhat. Anthony's book remained mostly the same for Justin, save for plant life on the binding turning to dragon scales. For Lucas, it was more vivid as the changes to his book attunement design were more severe.
Lucas:(Lucas hasnt had a book yet)
Eve K.:((he touched Eve's thats about it))
Karl:(in messenger we discussed him picking up Eve's book or Jessica's book, up to you if it's canon)
Now, when Karl takes the book, something odd happens that you two have not seen before. The book sends through Karl's fingers a set of inky black tendrils, forming black lightnings, then regular electric arcs, flames, blood mists that smell like iron, and ice shards, which turn into water and evaporate, it is throwing every element upon him, and his human disguise breaks, as he becomes a very clearly visible green goblin.
Eve K.:((He has angered the book!))
Karl:Karl's face distorts in a wide scowl, full of tension as he shakes, and just when it starts looking scary, the scowl turns to a grin.
"There, there you beautiful thing, calm down, I don't need to read ya! I know I can't! I can't even read your language! Don't need to read to copy the writing! Calm down, calm down now!"
"Eaaasy.... eeeeasy.... there, there..."
Karl pets the book as if it were alive.
"That's it. Just an old Archivist. Good..."
Karl:The book's designs part, the Stone Book on the book's cover falls apart into pieces, they float up into the air, spin in a circle, changing materials from stone to gold to silver to mercury to lead and to iron, cycling between. Various shapes form out of little floating shards. A coin, a key, a book, a palm, a thistle, a gauntlet, an owl, a sword.... and then projection forms, a hologram, which shows a whole row of books, at least a hundred. All of them burn, except five. The first, with the stone book roots and dragon scales on its covers, the second, with a copper key, and golden angel wings upon it, the third, a necromantic tome with the lead coin and skeletal birds, the fourth, a thorn covered thistle with pretty designs, and the fifth, a green moss and fern covered tome with the iron gauntlet and demonic heads on it.
"Oh I see... powerful Book Making magic here... an Ancient One made you... you are nearly extinct, stuck in Time and Space. You've died so many times, you poor thing. It's quite alright, I'll put two new of you on the tail end."
Lucas:(Could have just put two of ours on a shelf and turned the lights out and had them reproduce naturally)
Justin:Justin sort of stands back and just watches out of curiousity.
Eve K.:((bow chicka bow wow))
((barry white music plays in the background))
Jessica:((one book peels back its cover...naked pages covered in ink. It slides a page between the pages of the other book. Yeah, right there...))
Karl:Karl closes his eyes and reaches out to the projection, you feel the locks on the shop's door click shut, and the lights go off, including the lights outside! Jessica, you see the shop's transparent windows go completely dark. What happens here is secret, goblin magic hides it. A myriad of paper pages fly in from nowhere and assemble into a book, the bindings fly from the destroyed copies, and designs, in default configuration, Gates to an ancient city, with 5 evenly positioned symbols around them, in a star, assemble on the front cover. The top of the star, an angel's face, on the right, a bearded spirit guide, on the left, an faerie, complete with elf ears, on the bottom two blades of the star, a skeleton, and a horned demon.
Eve K.:((coooool))
Karl:"One of you has had quite the journey through our world, it must have changed you quite a bit. I see your name. Gates to Atlantis! Welcome to Karlatak's Library. Let it be a welcome home."
The two new projections take physical form, and drop onto the counter next to Justin's original. The hologram fades. The two new books are of a default design.
Lucas:Lucas looks wide-eyed at the two new books. He slowly reaches for one of them, in awe, but hesitates and then drops his arm back to his side.
"That was a hell of a thing."
Karl:The lighting returns to normal and the doors unlock. Karl takes one of the new copied books, attempts to open it, and checks the content. Justin, if you look, you can see all the previous annotations on the last pages for the notes. One of these books is number 6 and one is number 7. Anything written on the sidelines of previous books would reflect in them. Karl takes the 6th book himself and slides the 7th to Lucas. This would mean, anything Karl or others might write on it, Lucas will see written on his.
Karl himself, however, seems unable to read the text.
"Nonsense of course, to me anyway, ancient, powerful magic at work here. But one needs not to read to be a scribe."
The book Karl touches remains in neutral configuration, it does not shock him anymore, nor does it change designs. It simply shows him gibberish.
Justin:Justin takes the book in hand, looks over it, and puts it back in his pocket.
Lucas:Lucas squares himself before the book and slowly, but firmly places both hands on either side of the book and then closes his grasp on both sides of it
Karl:Justin, your book seems in tact. All Anthony's notes are there. That book being number 1, you have none of the responses. Communication through the book is only one way, and they always relied on the person with book 3, to team up with book 1 in case of needing to split up.
Lucas:fully feeling the trepidation of a certain king pulling a sword from the stone.
Karl:On Lucas's book, side lines and notes pages in the back are full of back and forth memes, almost like a chatroom log, a lot of it is Kurtis and Tristin testing spells.
Everything written by previous members of the group is in Lucas's book.
That includes new custom rotes.
GM (GM):Lucas, the book eases into your hands, scans you without any pain or discomfort, and arranges into a familiar design. The Gates to Atlantis become gates to a crypt, the Lead Coin moves into the right and center, the other symbols rearrange and form into a skeletal armored death knight, the coin in one hand, and a chisel in another. Skeletal drakes flying in the skies over the crypt.
The binding on the edges is the same design as the walls on the Procurators' arena, and 9 gladiator figures are evenly spaced between them.
Eve K.:((awww it likes you))
GM (GM):((more so. it IS you))
Lucas:Lucas runs his fingers lightly over the details on the cover. remembering every moment carved here in magical memory
He traces the nine figures, tears welling in his eyes. He whispers each of their names to himself. one of them was smaller and slighter than all the others. with a grin, he wipes away his tears, "I guess I'll always have my friends with me."
Lucas opens the book and reads the first page.
Justin:"Well thank you very much Karl." Justin holds out his hand.
"Are we about ready to head out?"
Eve K. over the link "Heading to the truck, lets find a safe place to eat sandwiches and stash the sleeping sleepers"
Eve K. over the link "Dante chalk the library"
GM (GM):Alfie, Sebastian, Christoff, Gertrude, Richter, Otto, Gesser, Claus, and Lars
Lucas:Lucas looks suddenly up at the goblin, embarrassed. "Yessir. Thank you very much, Mr. Karl. For my book, sir."
((Thanks for the names. i had forgotten most of them. lol))
Karl:"Of course. And thank you for mine. Have a pleasant day, gentlemen."
Karl disappears into the downstairs bowels of the library.
Lucas:((Most bowels are downstairs.))
Justin:Justin heads to the car.
Kurtis Kerner:returns with Eve
"So, we fryin' anyone?"
Justin:"No frying. We have a new ally for research and whatnot."
Lucas:"and I got a book!"
Kurtis Kerner:"Ah." - says Kurtis, chucking a wrapper into the trash can and wiping his hands on the napkin. "What a disappointing day. But hey, congratulations! You might have just as well signed your death warrant and a subscription to living on the bleeding edge of adventure!"
Lucas:"Justin, man. How'dya fit this dang thing in your pocket?"
GM (GM):Lucas, as soon as you ask that, the book resizes into a thin metal band magazine.
Eve K.:"It gets smaller if you want it to. I prefer it bigger myself"
GM (GM):((lewd))
Lucas:Brick raises an eyebrow and smirks at Eve before turning to Kurtis. "I ain't no stranger to rough roads and dyin. I already died twice. I figure the next time might not stick either."
GM (GM):((Eve the book size queen))
Eve K.:(( XD ))
Kurtis Kerner:"Better not."
GM (GM):((Need Dante for next stuff. End here?))
Eve K.:((Can we go back to hotel to drop off humies?))
((and eat sammiches))
Lucas:(Throws the book at bad guy
Book grow to the size of mattress.
Book crushes baddie)
GM (GM):((You need to figure out wtf you gonna do with a very confused and very displaced very old farmer))
((He's got places to be! Things to do! ))
Eve K.:((feed him sammiches first off))
((does he tho?))
GM (GM):((3 xp folks))
((light sesh))
Eve K.:((yay!))
GM (GM):((yeah you can go back to hotel, but it will cost you another hour, and it will be 10 PM by then))
Lucas:((I got my book. Lucas is officially a bookworm from today on. he even has 2 dots now in academics just to show how much he loves it.))
Eve K.:((That's fine with Eve, ppl are safer at hotel))
Lucas:(Question about spending XP. Do i have to pay for each level as well as the level i buy?)
(Pr each dot, I should say)
Eve K.:(going to bed yall, and yes))
Jessica:((too tired to figure out what you mean, text me tomorrow if someone else doesn't answer. night everyone))
((goblins are cool))
Eve K.:((You have to pay for each level you gain, even if you buy a whole bunch at once))
((night night))
GM (GM):((depends. rotes you just pay the cost of rote level x2))
((arcana levels are 6xlevel for matter and death, 7 for others))
Lucas:((The book you sent says you have to pay for dots you've already purchased in order to gain the next. i.e. you have to spend 3 for the first dot, then spend 3 again plus another 3 for dot two
(It used an attribute at 5 points per dot as an example and you had to spend 45 xp to move you attribute from 3 dots to 5 dots
Jessica:Still haven't gotten away from shit to out the log together
Dante:oh well
Jessica:I feel like I don't have enough time to do anything except on the weekends and people keep wanting to eat my weekend time.
Dante:More or less where I'm at.
Jessica:Driving an hour to and from work sucks
Dante:Well you do what you gotta do, I suppose. Still sucks.
Mage: Gates to Atlantis - Episode 44
GM (GM):Hello frens!
Eve K.:"Hi Dr Nick!""
GM (GM):So, it is 9 PM, 3 hours til midnight, from where you are, which is the Library, Club Katerholzig is just about 2.5 hours away
Nope, scratch that, you're in Berlin.
Not in Leipzig
Eve K.:And we were dropping the sleepers off at our seedy hotel
GM (GM):It's 30 minutes away, and you have time to get to a hotel and change
Okay, so are you keeping the sleepers asleep?
If you are not, we have problems, because the farmer wants nothing to do with a hotel, and Edward wants to lead the team and he is not leaving Jessica alone to fight Hitler.
So far, you have had them asleep in the car.
Eve K.:So they can sleep in the hotel. I don't see why we couldn't move them carefully.
GM (GM):But now you have to either drag two unconscious bodies to the seedy hotel. Which, nobody will care if you slip an extra hundred on the desk. Or.... something else, I don't know
Eve K.:Carry them like they are drunk into the hotel. Using a large mime-building to do the carrying?
GM (GM):Alright, are we going with using magic to keep the sleepers asleep and using magic to move them without notice?
Lucas:Mime building good carry things
GM (GM):Definitely an option. The other option is to have Kurtis bend light and make them invisible at least for the carrying part, until they are inside the unit
Lucas:Mime building carry things good
GM (GM):Are you gonna risk any other people witnessing you load two unconscious people in?
Eve K. while still in the car "Kurt can you do that invisible thing on Edward and the farmer please? This may be a seedy motel but we still don't want people asking questions"
Kurtis Kerner:nods and turns around, touches both men on the tips of their shoes
Bestow Invisibility, Impromptu, Forces 5 + Gnosis 4 + Ring 1
rolling 10d10>8!
2 Successes
paradox roll:
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
Kurtis Kerner:Absorbing.
rolling 10d10>8!
1 Success
paradox roll
rolling 3d10>8!
2 Successes
And absorbing, for total of 3 bashing damage
Lucas:((If you want that much bashing damage, you could just have Lucas punch him in the face.))
Kurtis Kerner:*Kurt's face goes red and veins bulge on his temples, a cruel grimace of pain on the bony cheeks, eyes getting blood shot, and his neck flexing, he sweats, as he feels his collar get too tight. He doesn't get it why his powers are fighting him, but forces the light to obey, feeling the headache grow.
The light flickers in the truck, and for a while everyone's vision glitches, as the air sparkles with thousands of little mirrors, and then, as if a layer of liquid quicksilver covers both men, and spreads through their clothes, rendering them transparent.*
Eve K.:((but will a punch to the face from Lucas make two sleepers invisible?))
Justin:((To whomever he punches, yes.))
Lucas:((The person he punches will have a hard time seeing things for a while))
Dante:((oh we started. reading.))
Kurtis Kerner:to dull the pain, Kurt pulls out a packet of white powder, spills a bit of it on the wrist, and sucks in a little bit of it through the nostrils, along with the nose bleed, which he swallows back up. The scent of metal and minty coolness of cocaine, bring him back into the comfort zone
Lucas:((You missed all the reading, Dante. Lucas learned how to permanently change any metal into glass))
Dante:"Eventually we will have to wake them up at some point. They need food and water. And this old farmer needs to go back to whatever life he has left. Family, something."
((Well done.))
GM (GM):Speaking of that, the sleepers will probably need to use the bathrooms soon too.
Lucas:((Still have some kinks to study out, but I'll get it))
Jessica:((and eat))
GM (GM):Time pressure is getting a little bit real, it's 2.5 hours til midnight, and you either have to recast the sleep spell to keep them under, or wake them up, and almost guaranteed to have a discussion.
Eve K.:"Yes, eventually we will. Perhaps that can be what the hotel group does while I and whoever else go to meet DJ Merlin Rude. Figure out where to send the farmer and what to do with Edward."
GM (GM):But you carry them without problems into the hotel room and put them on the bed. Invisible as they are, they are still heavy. Lucas, if you are gonna carry both, how are you gonna do it?
One by one, assuming, and like, over the shoulder or what?
Or in the arms?
Dante:((if they ask why you're carrying stuff that isn't there, just tell them about your mime career))
Lucas:((Fireman style over the shoulder seems more reasonable. and less like carrying a bride over the threshhold
GM (GM):((yeah you basically stole my joke i was building up to Dante XD))
Lucas:(It'll just look like hes walking around flexing his gorgeous bod)
GM (GM):So, to anyone who might happen to look out their window, you are miming like you're carrying something invisible.
Making it look like flexing
Lucas, can you make a dexterity roll please? Just straight dex.
Lucas:((lucas hasnt worn his corpse paint since the first session))
GM (GM):actually no
Dex+ Subterfuge or Dex + Stealth
Dante:((Dante can aid with the carrying if necessary))
GM (GM):Dante, do the same, Dex + Sub or Dex + Stealth
Oh and Dante also needs to make Strength + Athletics
Lucas:((Lucas has neither stealth nor subterfuge))
GM (GM):((Ah, it would give you penalties, just roll dex alone, Lucas))
Lucas:((So im down to one die for either))
GM (GM):((i was thinking to help the roll))
((if you dont have those skills, just roll dexterity))
Dante:((If Lucas can just straight carry them without a roll, there's no reason to assist. It wouldn't make sense if he looked like had it so handily))
GM (GM):((this just determines how well you're able to carry something invisible))
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):((Dante, you can assist if say, some clothing slips and you're able to feel it and pick up))
Eve K. is watching Lucas fake flex while carrying invisible people with pure amusement on her features
GM (GM):Okay, Lucas, when you carry the farmer, as he is invisible, he stirs, your hand slides off his shirt, and you feel his pant legs sliding, because his belt is loose, but you don't see it, so you kinda struggle and barely hold on to the guy, but manage to grasp in a better spot just by feel, and pull him back up on your shoulder.
So there's a bit of awkward miming, but you don't drop either of them.
Lucas:((Invisible ancient willy on my shoulder))
Eve K.:((ewwww))
Dante:Once the motel room has been secured and the mime has a handle on his ancient willy, Dante will move for the motel room.
Lucas:((it means invisible willy touching you))
Eve K.:((oooh nooooos giraffe with broken neck!))
Justin:((Giraffe with broken neck has been invoked.))
Lucas:((took longer than i thought to figure out how to type a check mark. there's like 6 different codes for it)
Eve K. follows after Dante "Dibs on the shower"
Jessica:"Have we decided who is going to meet with Merlin?"
Dante:"I am interested in this meeting, but it might be exponentially safer for anyone who goes if I stay and things go bad."
Justin:"I'd rather not."
Eve K.:"Besides me? No I don't think we have." begins digging through her bag, pulling out a black leather skirt,and this corset
Lucas:Lucas drops the farmer and Edward on the bed.
"I wanna go, but i gotta eat somethin first. that sandwich didn't last long"
Dante:((How far is the club from this motel? We'd have time for some cheap delivery?))
Jessica:((good lord this group and food XD))
Dante:((Just trying to keep your dad from starving to death))
GM (GM):Yeah from this hotel the club is 25 minutes
Jessica:((I thought the sleepers had sandwiches waiting already))
Dante:((Don't remember that. Big if true))
Eve K.:((we eat and sleep a lot in game because its so late in rl XD))
Kurtis Kerner:"Woah, well if you're wearing that, I'm sure as hell going."
Jessica:((wish fulfillment))
Eve K.:((they do. Eve bought sandwiches for everyone))
Kurtis Kerner:pulls out the favorite white suit
Jessica:((Eve is bae))
Dante:((Ah, thought it was just for the group. Groovy.))
"So it sounds like Eve, Lucas, and Kurt then."
Eve K. smirks "You think that wise? Of this crew you are the one he would want dead the most. If he wants any of us dead." starts towards the bathroom and the shower
Dante:"Unless Jessica also wants to go?"
Jessica:"I'm tempted. Probably gonna pass."
Lucas:Lucas grabs his bag and goes to the nearest mirror. he pulls his grease paint, eyeliner, and lipstick from his bag and in short order has a shocking contrast of black and white corpse paint.
After the finishing touches he puts on all his spiked gear and leather jacket.
Last but not least, he pulls Claus' bulky chain over his shoulder like a bandolier.
Justin:Justin looks up at Lucas, gives him a look at the mime paint, and opens his Gates book to start reading.
Kurtis Kerner:"If anyone, it's Slabod who wanted me dead. As far as we know, Merlin issued an invitation. He could kill me by now twice over, but I sense he either can't or it's not his style. We took down one of his teams and a part of another. I'm sensing a deal coming. 'Sides, vampires are weak against fire, right?"
Justin:Justin shakes his head at the continuation of the stupid vampire joke.
Eve K. turns the shower on, scrubbing off the last 24 hours hastily. She dries, dresses, and comes out of the bathroom barefooted, heading for her purse "He's not a straight vampire, he's like.. a mage who is also a vampire. It's hard to explain."
Jessica:"What happens if a mage gets bitten by a werewolf?"
"Are werewolfs a thing? Do magic creatures ever go extinct?"
Justin:Justin drops the book and looks at Jessica.
"What if a mummy dances with a frakenstein?"
Eve K.:"Nothing good. Werewolves are a thing yes. Though I've never met one."
Dante:Dante looks to Justin. "They are considered married."
Justin:"Finally, someone talking sense."
Jessica:Jessica laughs out loud but covers her mouth.
Justin:Justin smirks at Dante and looks back in his book.
Eve K. begins to apply make-up nothing as dramatic as Lucas' corpse paint but still subtly gothic
Lucas:Lucas chuckles at Dante and asks. "If they're married, which one's the mummy and which one's the daddy?"
Dante:Dante shrugs a bit, grinning. "With everything we've been through already I don't discount any other wild ideas. Or at least I'm actively trying not to."
Eve K. chuckles
Lucas:Lucas smiles jovially through the paint, and the dark illusion cracks slightly. before his face returns to the brooding scowl
Dante:Dante gives an audible laugh at Lucas' joke, shaking his head a bit. It felt good to laugh genuinely with all the serious things going on.
Eve K. finishes with her makeup and then pulls out her copy of the the Gates to Atlantis, she begins flipping, as if already knowing what she's looking for. After a moment she spreads the book open, pointing to a passage with a fingertip "Here. Tremere Lich. -That's- what I think DJ Merlin Rude is."
Justin:Justin makes a note of the page and flips over to it in his book and starts reading.
Lucas:Lucas leans over her shoulder, careful not to smear his makeup on her hair.
"You mean like, Phylacteries and necromantic rituals to achieve immortality?"
Kurtis Kerner:"So it's a badass dude who had the balls to fight a ballsy vampire, got eaten, and then tore the fucker from the inside out post-mortem."
Eve K.:"Essentially. And now he has to feed on souls to extend his life."
Dante:"I am less interested now than I was before."
Lucas:"I'm sure he's all sunflowers and rainbows."
Eve K. chuckles again
Eve K.:"Oh yes. I'm sure"
Jessica:"So he eats souls instead of blood...'cause our powers come from our soul and vampires' powers come from blood?"
Justin:"Karl said vampires weren't a thing, but I guess you can become an approximation of one by doing this blood magic stuff."
Jessica:Jess flips through looking for a page with a were-mage or something.
Dante:"Even without a soul, a mage is still a mage right? Or did I misread? There is an awful lot about manipulation of souls written in our books."
Eve K.:"Karl is wrong. There are true vampires. And there are Tremere Liches"
Dante:"..a disturbing amount."
Eve K.:"Even without a soul yes."
Dante:"Alright. Before anyone goes anywhere we should do a quick brainstorm. What all do we know about Merlin Rude?"
Jessica:"Only shows up at his club at night."
Justin:"Up all night, sleeps all day. He doesn't talk to anyone. He can cast a dead zone."
Dante:"We know he is extremely powerful. Dead zone powerful. Possibly soul-eating powerful if Eve is correct. Do we know anything about his magical specialties?"
Eve K.:"Facts? He is a powerful prime user. A powerful death user. Has several other cells of terrorists. Is Cubic's enemy."
Dante:Dante nods slightly.
Eve K.:"For that dead zone to work he has to be a master at prime. For that many zombies to show up he either has an awful lot of time on his hands or is a master or more of death."
Kurtis Kerner:"Can he charm us with mind control if Dante isn't with us?"
Lucas:Lucas frowns. "I want a zombie army."
Justin:"Can't smell very good."
Dante:Dante looks to Kurtis "That is part of what I want to establish. I can send you off with shielding against mental intrusion and manipulation, but it would be hubris to assume I am better than him at it."
Eve K.:"No idea if he has any skill at mind or not"
Lucas:"I never did have a good sense of smell. makes sense for me being a moros and all. Decay is kind of our thing."
Eve K.:(scratch that.. he contacted Dante telepathically)
Dante:((I contacted him.))
Kurtis Kerner:"Your wards, DC, the thing that protects us against any kind of all-seeing eye."
Eve K.:((Oh then eve's statement stands))
Lucas:((The big boi wards))
Dante:"What about them?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Hmmm. We do know that for some reason Merlin Rude runs the underworld groups in the city who oppose what Jessica did."
Jessica:"Do we have time to do another ritual before the meet up? I feel like bigger spells are better in this instance."
Dante:Dante scratches his cheek, looking about the presumably shabby motel. ((Sense consciousness=8))
rolling 8d10>8!
5 Successes
Dante:"We could probably try something, sure. But a ritual takes time.. it took hours when I dealt with our pursuer. It took a couple hours when we warded one of our last rooms."
Eve K.:"We have precious few hours left."
Dante:"What kind of ritual were you thinking of, though?"
Jessica:"I dunno. More wards. I don't know if you guys can help me cast Luck or not. This is just really risky."
Dante:Dante shrugs a shoulder, head shaking a bit. "I haven't put any time to studying your specialties yet."
Justin:"I don't think I can cast without fate arcana."
Eve K.:"Rituals require that those who participate have the arcana needed to cast the spell. I don't know any fate magic either."
Jessica:"I didn't know if Prime could sub or something." shrugs "I guess rituals are out. Is there something you could do to make it easier for the Sleepers to see magic at the club?"
"That could make things harder on Merlin. Maybe."
Dante:"There was nothing overt going on that I recall seeing. Presumably anything flashy enough would cause the universe to react violently."
Eve K.:"Correct"
Dante:"In the case of escape, though, hopefully chalk works in dead zones."
GM (GM):Dante, you do not detect any unaccounted for presence, other than your neighbors in their hotel rooms
Jessica:"What if they could see the subtle stuff? That would make everyone have to quit casting."
Eve K.:"Right. Dante. I'll need a new mark."
Dante:*Ah, right."
Eve K. approaches Dante, still barefoot waiting to put on the knee high 4 inch boots she's laid out
Dante:"I like the idea, but I don't know a way to do that. You could try to force your senses on sleepers, but even that will right itself."
Dante leans over and reaches for his chalk, gesturing questioningly. "Where should I grab in case of emergency?"
Jessica:"You'd only need to get it right on one or two, right? Prime would do it. They could see everything."
((left boob))
Dante:((lmao I realize in hindsight that that is a weirdly phrased question))
Kurtis Kerner:looks at Justin for a while
Lucas:((Justin looks longingly back))
Justin:Flips through the book reading about Tremere.
Kurtis Kerner:"The knight of waters... holy water? Eve, I think the guy who can heal anything he touches should definitely tag along. He needs to know vampires are real."
Justin:Justin looks up from the book and sighs.
Kurtis Kerner:"Like, if we croak out there, it's gonna be him, DC, and Jessica with her dad and this old fart, left in here."
Eve K. raises a brow at Dante's question her expression bemused "I don't know Dante, where would you want to grab me?"
Jessica:((Justin looks up. He knows really, what Kurt is saying is he is afraid to go without Justin, his rock. They share a look. They won't acknowledge their feelings yet. Will they wait until it's too late?))
Eve K.:((I see the fanfic is still coming along))
Justin:((Fanfiction nooooo))
Lucas:((I ship it so hard))
((adding that ship to the armada))
Dante:Dante grins sheepishly at first, then bends his arm and pats his elbow. "Here is fine. Or at the wrist. Or collar."*
Kurtis Kerner:(( XD ))
Justin:Justin stands up and channels a bit of Will to clean his body in lieu of taking a shower.
Dante:(( Oh god, what chapter are you on?))
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
He then channels a bit more Will to clean his clothes.
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
He runs his hand through his hair, looking cleaner than anyone else in the room.
Jessica:((we're about to get to the near-death scene where they kiss))
Eve K.:"Can't do waist, I'm not putting this corset back on again, elbow I guess"
Lucas:((I'm on chapter 44:))
Dante:Dante watches Justin out of the corner of his eye. After marking Eve with chalk at the elbow, he turns to face him. "How are your reserves, by the way?"
Justin:"On a scale of 1 to 11, I'm at a 4."
Kurtis Kerner:"Alternatively, Dante could mark this room, and jump to it if an emergency hits, and then pull us up. Dante knows how to use a gun, and it was he who killed Slabod. Perhaps that is why Merlin contacted him."
Eve K.:(("a solid 5/7"))
Lucas:((On a scale of 1 to meta XP))
Eve K.:((.. 7/5 that way))
Dante:Dante nods, then reaches into his shirt and produces a small folded parcel. He unwraps it and takes two die-sized objects and passes them to him. ((two mana cubes))
Lucas:((5/7 is a perfect score))
Dante:"Merlin didn't contact me. I contacted him. He was scrying on us."
Justin:Justin swallows the shirt-sugar quickly, smiling to Dante. "Thanks."
Dante:((Shirt-sugar is the best kind. Full of fiber.))
Eve K. goes to her purse again, fetching out her own sugar cubes, eating 2 of her own
Jessica:"I've got three left. Anyone need them?
Lucas:(Has Lucas ever even used Mana for stuff?
Justin:"Hold onto it for now. I can't imagine I'll run into a scenario where I'll need to burn 6 in a row."
Kurtis Kerner:"I wonder how he anchored the scrying. Slabod wanted me dead, because I fried his crew, but that thread died with Slabod. Merlin would probably use Slabod's death as some kind of connection. I feel like leaving Dante without all of us to back him up is dangerous too. In other words, I think I'd prefer to stick together, except maybe to give Jessica time to sort things out with her dad, which clearly needs to happen."
Jessica:Jessica purses her lips and nods.
Eve K.:"I know I want an escape route in case things start going sideways"
Justin:"I'm sure it will. This guy employs crazies willing to kill innocent people in order to fuel his vendetta."
Dante:Dante's eyes narrow as he listens to Kurtis' rationale, the cogs turning in his head. "I'll be right back, just going to check the truck for something." He moves to the door.
Justin:Justin goes ahead and pre-emtively fires off a spirit and matter shield.
Dante:"I am not sure if sticking together as a big group is the right move still, though." he says as he opens the door to leave for the truck.
Justin:((Spirit 6, Matter 11))
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 11d10>8!
5 Successes
Dante:((that's one hot-ass shield))
Justin:((Yeah, it's a potency 3!))
((Cause shields. Hard to dispel.))
(From Dante): ((When Dante goes to the truck, he's gonna drop off Slabod's knife, then come back. Kurtis pretty much gave him all he needed to put that together.))
(To Dante): Noted.
GM (GM):Dante, please roll int+occult
rolling 5d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):Carry on
Eve K.:"I agree with Dante, would rather not put all the eggs in one basket as it were"
Dante:((I mean I feel like that was a knowledge check, but somehow I'm still paranoid))
Kurtis Kerner:"If we weren't all together, we would have never survived Slabod. Our balls were pretty close to fire on that fight."
"But Eve... if he can turn you against me, and me against you... A master of Prime and Death, this guy covers all our powers. The guys we're leaving at the hotel have all the powers he does not. It's like, our best assets."
GM (GM):Our prisoners .errr "rescued sleepers" begin to stir.
Eve K. begins to pace the small room, looking thoughtful
Kurtis Kerner:"For example, the space magic? Or the language magic? With Slabod's team eliminated, I guess he's also taking a hit in the Life department?"
Dante:"None of that is going to matter if we're all in a sufficiently powerful dead zone. The only gambit we'd have at that point is that the untested chalk could break the rules of magical reality like it does the mundane."
Eve K.:"Yeah I get it Kurt. And as Dante said if he drops a dead zone on us we won't have much beyond wits and pretty looks"
"Well and Lucas I suppose"
"and guns"
Justin:"Yeah, Lucas is good."
"Who all has guns?"
Lucas:Lucas cracks his knuckles. "I gotta say, darlin. I've always had a knack for breakin skulls even before i was Atlantean"
Eve K. goes to her suitcase and pulls out a small of the back holster for her guy and a leather belt slipping them both on
Kurtis Kerner:We have 3 M16s, Dante's revolver, Eve's revolver, and my two 50 cals.
Lucas:((Her black guy holster, huh?))
Eve K.:(She'll even draw it sideways for effect if you ask nicely ;) ))
*gun btw not guy
Dante:((And here I was thinking Eve had a retainer all this time))
Justin:"Alright, Kurt, have you burned through that spell I cast on you guns?"
Eve K.:((would be nice))
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah, pretty sure of it. I had to reload."
((Would like to purchase Alter Accuracy.))
((Matter 2 rote.))
Dante:((oh, at some point before my last dialogue Dante returned. obviously.))
GM (GM):((Eve taking care of baby, baby woke up))
((Okay, mark it down, Justin))
Dante:"So we're all going now then?"
Jessica:"Lemme do my coin flippy thing."
Dante:"I'll take all the precursory voodoo we can get."
Jessica:Exceptional Luck on Dante, Eve, Kurtis, and Justin. Tapping Black Lotus. The lotus tattoo over Jessica's eye glows and burns briefly.
Justin:Justin gestures to take Kurt's guns and starts working some voodoo.
rolling 8d10>8!
3 Successes
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
Eve K. rolls her neck and mutters in Atlantean "to see the unseen" (casting Supernal Vision)
GM (GM):Jessica, you tapped the Lotus last session, which is the same day, your tattoo does not respond. But you can cast Exceptional luck normally.
Justin:((Gun 1 gets 9-again on 3 shots, gun 2 gets 9-again on 2 shots.))
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):You got 3 mana back last game
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt hands the guns to Justin no problem, and the magazines
Justin:"Where's the sword?"
Jessica:(you said we didn't spend spendable in the dream so i took my mana back to 1, if the black lotus stayed tapped then whatever, i'm still at 4 mana down to zero))
Eve K. 's eyes flash white for a moment as the spell seals over her vision
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 6d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):((oh that's right, actually, that's interesting. This is cooler that way, if Jessica tapped the tattoo in her dream and it glowed as she slept, but no mana was spent.))
((either way you are at same 4, so you're good))
Dante:((pretty solid rolls))
Jessica:Jessica eats her three sugar cubes
Everyone gets a number of 9-again rolls equal to the results of my roll for you
you choose the roll
Justin looks around as he feels the magic settle.
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt reaches under the bed and unwraps the 5 feet long sword, placing it in front of Justin
Dante:"Lest we not get too laden with magic.. do we want to forego the network or not?"
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
Justin puts his hands over the sword and works some voodoo on it, aiding the heft and swing of it.
"Dante, can I get your revolver? Eve too?"
Justin hands the sword back to Kurt
Dante:Dante whips out the revolver with a half spin, holding the grip out for Justin's voodoo touch.
Justin:((Next two sword swings get 9-again.))
Kurtis Kerner:gives Justin a slight nod, almost a bow? and takes the sword, testing it.
Justin:"Easy there cowboy."
Justin takes the revolver and channels some of his will into it, adjusting the way it sits in the hand.
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
((Next shot gets 9-again.))
He hands it back over to Dante.
Dante:"Some Americana certainly rubbed off on me in my youth." Dante smirks, tucking the revolver away with far less flair.
GM (GM):As the revolver spins, Dante, make an int+occult roll
Justin:"Eve you should be able to do it yourself if you want. But if you'd like I can do it, getting some practice in."
Dante:((uhhhhh sure))
rolling 5d10>8!
3 Successes
((I hope you know those successes were supposed to be in your brain shield.))
((kidding of course))
(To Dante): your revolver triggers a memory of the iron revolver in your dream. You recall your past escapade. You recall the garden, and the way you were able to split yourself between conversing with your father, with John, and with Lydia. You get a feeling that you most definitely can do the same feat physically. Being in multiple places at once, here in the real world, with individual thought processes. Who's to say the real you has to be the one that goes into the Dead Zone?
Dante:((Is there a particular rule about casting the same spell over like...idk.. 6 times? If not I'm going to literally mental shield everyone right now))
((different targets so no recast penalty afaik))
GM (GM):((Only if it's on the same target, correct))
Dante:((Mental Shield spam here we gooooo))
Justin:((Yeah, you can do an extended roll. You set a target and roll until you get it.))
((And there's a time constraint.))
((It gets a little wonky with spells though.))
rolling 12d10>8!
7 Successes
GM (GM):((your limit on actively maintained spells is gonna make you shit your brains out))
Justin:Justin flies away
Dante:((Oh yeah there's a control limit.))
((Can I just relinquish some of them? I don't recall if there's a penalty with that))
Justin:((Oh woops.
rolling 12d10>8!
4 Successes
Justin:((Nevermind, no alter accuracy rolls. That costs mana.))
Justin:(( My bad.))
rolling 12d10>8!
6 Successes
((I'll cast more once I get clarification. If I can just cast them and relinquish control so that they are still up but not in my command, I will continue))
GM (GM):((looking it up))
Dante:((also rip increased accuracy. Better to have your mana for healing tho))
Eve K.:(still dealing withh baby))
Justin:((Yeah, I'd drop it in a combat situation but not really as a prep thing.))
((Maybe if we were at a mana locii))
Dante:((all the more reason we need a hallowed sanctum))
Justin:((That's what I'm talking about!))
Jessica:((we need an old abandoned subway like the ninja turtles))
Dante:((Only thing I can find on relinquishing spell control is talking about indefinite duration spells))
Jessica:((justin can practice making abominations))
Justin:((What are you trying to do Dante?))
Dante:((dismiss control of spells while still letting them exist))
Justin:((You can't relinquish control of shield spells. If you relinquish control they go away.))
Dante:((Ya that makes sense given the listed rules))
Jessica:((or he could make us abominations and we can come out of the road and yell STREET SHARKS))
Dante:((Hard pass. But I could use space to shape the subway into a labrynthine nightmare impossible to navigate for all but the cabal))
GM (GM):((ok, no, only spells with duration: Lasting are not part of spells under command. Spells that are concentration, prolonged, or transitory duration are falling under command))
((concentration spells are hardest to maintain, they make you lose defense, you can't cast aimed spells, and have to roll if you get attacked to stay focused))
Dante:((Ye, I think we got it sorted. Thanks amigo))
GM (GM):((page 119))
Dante:((nah ur trollin. Its 129))
((Ok gonna stick with Justin Eve and Kurtis then I think. We don't even know if Merlin has brain bullshit. He do have space tho))
(From Dante): ((If Dead Zone can cut off an active network, no reason it can't also cut off co-location.))
Justin:((I accept the 7 success mental shield.))
Dante:((please note this is not an armor shield. Specifically it protects you from fuckery of the brain. All brain spells against you get -7 :) ))
(er 5))
Justin:((No. they get a -5 there you go.))
(( :) I got a matter shield for material fuckery))
Dante:((ya I am falling asleep and all numbers are the same))
((You're pretty handily protected atm ya))
((Gotta keep the healer safe))
(To Dante): It's true, with exception that the real you stays at the hotel with the chalk and the duplicate is sent. Co-Location will cut off, but per Co-Location rules, with Mind 5 and Space 5 each duplicate is separate, and each time a copy is destroyed, you get to choose which one the real one was. So you can assist in the field, while also always having yourself as the safety net in Hotel.
Jessica:((pretty much))
(From Dante): ((Valid.))
Dante:((5=7 is a 5/7 at best))
Jessica:((I'm getting tired drunk))
((so spells are cast, yes? next?))
GM (GM):Next, Edward goes "Uuuugh.... how long have I been asleep?"
Farmer groggily rubs his eyes, and looks around.
Edward:looks around, makes sure the farmer's still there
Justin:Justin heads out.
Dante:Dante rubs his neck as he comes out of a gesture of casting. "Oh.. a while. Several hours." He looks to Edward and the farmer, then gestures to wherever the sandwiches were kept.
Kurtis Kerner:Slides guns into holsters, slips on the blazer, adjusts a red tie, and slings the contrabass case over the shoulder
Edward:gets up, feeling the worst case of bad breath
"Where are we? Oh, take it is, Ludwig" - he rushes to the farmer, who tries to get off the bed, but he's so sore from the prolonged laying that he almost falls over.
"Take it easy, here, let me help you, hold on."
Dante:"A shitty motel in ((Berlin I think?)). Excuse me a moment." Dante heads into the bathroom.
(From Dante): ((If I combined cast Multi-tasking and co-location in one cast, does it cound as one spell under my command?))
Edward:he looks in the mirror, noting the bristled shadow on his face "Ughh... I'll be next... I need to shave and brush my teeth. Thank you for getting food. Shit I'm so sorry. All that exhaustion. It's very unlike me, I slept in... Was everything real? Was it all... real? Jessica, we have to get tickets to Florida."
Justin:Outside on the street, Justin leans against the building's wall and watches the people walk on by.
(To Dante): yes, you pay the penalty on the front end by reducing dice roll by -2
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis walks out and leans beside him
(From Dante): ((Without multi-tasking would my other self be mimicking my actions or would it be like just an unmoving thing?))
Kurtis Kerner:thunk - goes the contrabass case, its kickstand planted into asphalt.
(To Dante): mimicking
Jessica:"Everything is real. We need get Mr. Ludwig somewhere safe, and then we about Florida."
Justin:"Not looking forward to extremist mc soulsucking dracula guy."
Kurtis Kerner:lights up a cigarette
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
The sound of a flushing toilet and bathroom sink precedes Dante exiting from the room.
(From Dante): ((Paradox, vulgar, 2 dice))
Kurtis Kerner:"If it comes to taking me out, I'll do it. On the off chance that he says, hey, surrender me to him, and gets off of our ass, so be it. Just get to the Gem."
GM (GM):
rolling 2d10>8!
0 Successes
You're ok Dante
Dante:(( ayy ))
Justin:"Nope, not an option. Do you have any idea how many times Slabod punched me in the face when I was trying to get you up? Can't let all that be for nothing, then I'd be mad."
Edward:takes his turn and goes to the bathroom, while Ludwig goes straight for his sandwich
Justin:"Nope, no negotiating with terrorists."
(From Dante): ((there goes that then))
Justin:Justin laughs and shakes his head.
Edward:"Ludwig, do you have any relatives anywhere in Germany?"
((Edward would only go in once Dante comes out))
Jessica:Jessica sits on the bed while Ludwig eats his sandwich and her dad takes a turn in the bathroom. Depending on Ludwig's progress on his sandwich when Ed's done, she'll go next or last.
(I'm assuming Jess isn't going to club))
Dante:((Are they both looking away from the bathroom? Looking to leave the hotel room without the sleepers noticing.))
Jessica:((how would they not notic if they're actively waiting on you to leave it?))
GM (GM):((I'm sure Incognito Presence will take care of that))
rolling 10d10>8!
3 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah, you're a good guy, Justin."
Justin:"You're a good guy too, even though you try to pretend otherwise."
Dante:Dante casually strolls out from the restroom to the motel exit. ((once out of the room, Dante drops incognito presence and ... exits the bathroom again.))
GM (GM):Yep, Edward doesn't notice Dante leaving and goes about his business in the bathroom.
Dante:((this is complicated))
GM (GM):Neither does anyone else.
Dante:((I should just put everyone to sleep always))
GM (GM):((yup. morality))
GM (GM):((gotta shake these sleepers, Jessica))
Jessica:((can you imagine a Wakened Edward?))
Dante:((Farmer has no reason to even hang around us. Its amazing he hasn't run screaming out the door))
GM (GM):((He tried, we knocked him out))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt just kinda says "Hmmm" to that, as he smokes
Dante:Dante eyes Kurtis' cigarette, then pats himself instinctively. "You look ponderous."
GM (GM):So, Eve also gets in the truck, we will assume she does while Claire puts a baby to calm state
Justin:"When Simon was getting away, Dante didn't want to follow him. You and Eve decided to help me anyways, even though we were all inches from death. When I was going to keep info from Jess, you saw that that was wrong and stepped in to do the right thing."
"You're selfless and you always help and despite everything you're more honest that probably anyone."
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt's answer to Dante is to simply hand him a new cigarette, already lit on his fingertip
Dante:"Ah jeez, uh, I'm walking into something. I'll be over here." Dante takes the cigarette sheepishly and gives a gesture of thanks.
Jessica:((now kiss))
Dante:He wanders around a bit, not wanting to be eavesdropping or seeming that way.
Lucas:Lucas goes to wait next to the truck, lighting his next to last cigarette.
Kurtis Kerner:"Maybe you're right. Dante's smart. You're passionate. Eve's determined. Me, I'm just in it for the score, without being a complete son of a bitch about it."
Justin:Justin laughs and shakes his head. "Sure man, whatever you say." Justin steps away from the wall and heads to the truck.
Edward:waits til everyone's gone
"Jessica, we can't stick with these people. We need to get out of here!"
Dante:((I'm guessing Eve is still inside? Or was she joining us outside))
Jessica:Jessica refuses to match his level of agitation. "I'm taking a shower, dad. Then we're helping Mr. Ludwig. Then we can talk about other stuff. Were you going to take him to Florida?"
GM (GM):Farmer Ludwig says: "Now that my farm is gone, everything my family had, is gone. My life is over, it's ruined. A retirement home is a joke. I had a wife, whom I outlived, my poor Grette, heaven be her home. I have nothing to live for, and I'm not much use to you, kind people. I don't know what I could do with myself. Collect insurance on the farm, and get a small apartment somewhere? I'd like to see if my animals survived."
Dante:((they're zombie food bub))
GM (GM):((Eve's getting in the truck. I think we're smoking and strategizing))
The clock ticks 10 PM
Eve K. slips into the truck surprisingly graceful in her 4 inch heeled boots and short leather skirt
Eve K.:((was anything cast on Eve?))
Kurtis Kerner:Watches Justin go, and turns to Dante, then to Lucas
"Well, that don't mean I'm a bad guy. Not being a complete son of a bitch, don't mean he's wrong." - he throws the cigarette on the ground and gets in the truck.
Dante:Dante takes a long drag, watching the group lingering outside. As Dante stops pacing around outside for a moment, Dante also comes out of the bathroom ((if I hadn't already emoted that, I forget)) and wanders about the motel, taking a seat away from the private conversation Jessica is having with her father.
GM (GM):((spells on Eve: 2 turns of 9again, 4 supernal vision, ment shield 5 (6 succ)
Justin:Justin turns on his life sight.
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):Jessica, you go into the bathroom to shower and see Dante come out of it, you swear he left already.
But whatever.
Dante:Outside Dante joins the rest of the group at the truck after snuffing and pitching the cigarette butt in a nearby receptacle.
Jessica:((wtf dante))
Dante:((Magic is weird))
Lucas:Lucas puts out his cigarette on the heel of his boot and tosses it before climbing into the truck,
Eve K.:((he's always in there now. watching))
Jessica:((i'm fine with that)0
Eve K.:((.... hawt?))
Jessica:((guardian angel dante comes with a free demon))
Dante:((Dante is effectively in two locations.. for now))
GM (GM):Two cigarettes discarded on the ground and one in a nearby receptacle fall as true justice and measure who the good persons in the group are and are not, as the truck head out. Who's driving?
Jessica:Jessica pauses before going in the bathroom. She didn't know what to say to Mr. Ludwig. It was so sad.
Taking showers after other people back to back always felt a little less clean. The smell of their bodies and preferred cleaning substances always cloyed in the damp air. It was like washing with body odor, even if it was clean body odor. Better than no shower though?
Edward:"Well, I feel like we owe it to this man to take him back to his farm. He saved my life, and I'm not leaving your side. So let's try to find transportation and bring him back so he can see to his animals?"
he doesn't stop talking until she runs water
then he talks to Ludwig about something as she showers
GM (GM):Back in the truck. Who's at the wheel?
Jessica:"We won't know it's safe until after my friends get back. We should try to come up with a plan B," she says loudly through the door as she undresses. Water runs.
GM (GM):Kurtis will take shotgun if Dante drives.
Dante:Justin is probably a great driver right? Should be fine.))
GM (GM):Yeah don't think so
Justin:((He has a learner's permit!))
((He has one dot!))
Dante:((...Dante will drive.))
Eve K.:((does Edward not realize its 10pm?))
Dante:((Edward's a little fucked in the head I think))
GM (GM):((He's slowly coming to that realization, but he just slept all day))
Justin:((Ya'all are no fun. How else is Justin supposed to get his driving practice in for the test?))
Jessica:((Jesus you are sheltered. No wonder you're still in the closet))
Dante:((I won't fight it if Justin gets in the driver's seat first.))
Kurtis Kerner:((nope nope nope scoot scoot scoot))
Eve K.:((Not in the rental truck))
Justin:((You didn't get the insurance?))
Kurtis Kerner:((Kurt will be like, that's funny, get in the back, buddy, we need us alive))
Eve K.:((lol))
Eve K.:((dante is driver for life))
GM (GM):Dante, you've been voted in, roll the Perfect Driver or your drive normally, whatever
Dante:((I do have a rote.. may as well use it. This is a fucking lot of spells I'm commanding.))
rolling 12d10>8!
4 Successes
((I drive well.))
Eve K.:"Stop at least a block away to park"
Dante:((as soon as we're done driving, I'm dropping the spell.))
GM (GM):You cut the bleeding edge of every light and turn, and get there before it's 10:16
Dante:((Yes a block away))
Justin:((If justin Drove we could have spent more time in the car.))
Dante:((Does the motel have like a separate room or anything or is it just a studio-style presentation?))
Eve K. traces rune designs on her leather skirt idly with a finger tip, watching the city fly by as they drive
Dante:((No one wants to spend more time in the car))
Eve K.:((the bathroom))
Dante:((not unless its a road trip anyway))
GM (GM):The scene.... looks, well. You can't tell cause you can't even get to the club. It's all blocked off with detour signs. Dante and Eve, you can surmise from your work experience, this is a big accident scene, and the paramedics and firemen have already gone. You're looking at a ruined street corner. When I mean ruined, I mean exploded and singed. Club Katerholzig is not really a club anymore. Gone is the patio, the dancefloor, and the light filled labyrinths, gone is the music. Only the smell of smoke and sulfur and burnt rubber, and a few policemen standing guard.
Justin:"Oh wow..."
Eve K. 's eyes go wide and she blinks rapidly puling up her death sight
Dante:"Cubic did work..."
GM (GM):((Dante, the motel is like a studio yeah, one big room with three beds, and attached utility corner, it's pretty seedy, has no kitchen, has an ice machine though in the hallway. Vending machine with snacks. This is shit in comparison to what we normally roll with))
Eve K.:
rolling 9d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:Motel Dante claims one of the beds, but listens in to what's going on there.
Eve K.:((motel dante makes me think of Hotel California))
Dante:((Welcome to the Hotel Canavacciuolo))
((if it makes it easier Eve is trying to count how many mages died in that ruin))
GM (GM):Eve, a lot of people died here, your forensic gaze tells you, I mean, a couple of dozen. The building is soaked in death. But then, there's more that your Grim Sight returns. Death Magic. Powerful manifestations of it. And then there is another sense, that sense you got when you first knew of the Lich. Something your brain senses, but does not understand to classify. Death "powers" that are not in the Book.
There is really no building anymore. This used to be a multi-story building. Now it's a ruin. It's leveled and collapsed. Only small pieces of the first floor remain, the entrance is being cleared out, but work is stopped for the night. You see construction trucks parked and equipment layingaround.
Eve, you can't tell how many of the dead were mages, but the kind of feeling you get is what you usually get at scenes of mass murder crimes.
Eve K.:"Well.. Shit." *Eve purses her lips, concentrating a moment on the unknown death powers, trying to focus on where they are located
Kurtis Kerner:"How about a drink eh? We got like, an hour...." gulps
Eve K. nods absently still studying the ruins. "There must have been dozens of people in there..the ferryman's purse is overflowing with coin to early spent."
GM (GM):((Jessica undresses. Sensually. Water runs down her naked body. She slowly takes the soap bar and runs it over he neck, touches it to her lips, pretending it's Peter's 17 inch satyr boner. No, not fuzzy enough, she takes a tooth brush and makes it soapy with motel soap. Now it's perfect. She strokes herself with the tooth brush, the bristle just right to remind her of him))
((got my own fanfic going))
Justin:((That's pretty fucked up man.))
Eve K.:((....))
Edward:Ed and Ludwig eat and exchange words in a heated debate
Eve K.:((over socialized healthcare, their heated words soon becoming heated actions as Edward, always the one to act first, tosses Ludwig on the bed in a fit of passion))
((see I can fanfic too))
GM (GM):((now THAT is fucked up. Ok you win))
Jessica:((Eve asks Dante how many people he can he at once...))
Eve K.:((headcanon accepted))
Dante:((You've seen Multiplicity?))
GM (GM):((I've seen the Watchmen))
Eve K.:((straight up would ask if she wasn't busy studying dead ppl))
Justin:((Dante begins to answer, but becomes distracted when he sees Dante looking into his eyes. Three more Dante's appear and they each move to the bed in perfect sync.))
Jessica:((orgy of 2 space mages))
((just copies and copies))
Dante:((Dante and Dante and Dante gesture to the bed, then Dante climbs under the covers. Dante blushes.))
Eve K.:((so long as they don't get dumber as they copy))
Jessica:((i'm fucking dying))
Eve K.:((I think Dante wins))
Eve K.:((all seven of them))
GM (GM):((Jessica, dressed as Silk Spectre, to Dante, painted blue. "Are you even with me? You're studying the damn book again, aren't you? Can I have your full focus?"
Dante: "Sorry darling, pleasuring you does not take even one eighth of my processing power, it would be wasteful))
Eve K.:((oooh snap))
Justin:((Watchmen series looks dope tho.))
Dante:((Dante spends the next 8 hours ritual casting Co-location. He takes 5 bashing in the process, but its worth it))
Justin:((but he likes it))
Eve K.:((totally))
GM (GM):Okay. So. lol.
Lucas:((bash me, daddy))
Eve K.:(( XD))
Dante:((persistent bashing is hot))
GM (GM):As the truck pulls up, the cops make eye contact with Dante.
Kurtis Kerner:"Maybe Cubic took care of the problem for us already. This.... this may be hood. We can hope, right?"
Dante:((Literally everywhere we go has cops))
((That need magical bullshitting))
GM (GM):These cops though, make eye contact with YOU.
Eve K.:((ya need to custom make a cop specific rote "These are not the droids you're looking for"
GM (GM):They open the yellow tape so the truck can get past the blockade.
Dante:"Yeah, I don't know if that's the ... case." Dante stares back, gaze hardening. He watches them as he very hesitantly drives past.
Eve K.:"Ohhh shit. Well... He can control cops apparently"
GM (GM):They salute.
They close the yellow tape behind us as we drive in.
Lucas:((Queue Ackbar. It's a trap!))
GM (GM):It's bumpy and rocky, what was formerly the courtyard of what was formerly Katerholzig is now a junkyard of cracked open concrete blocks and burnt up signs, shattered glass everywhere, you proceed til you know the truck can't pass anymore and you have to dismount.
Jessica:((...wonder how long that's been a thing))
Eve K. leans up so she can see out the front windshield better, specifically looking for any spells in their path that might trip as the go forward
Dante:Dante slows the van to a stop upon reaching the terminus of the path, then does a three-point turn around, positioning it so that it faces the yellow tape.
Eve K.:*turck
(that one)
Justin:"What is the best case scenario here, really?"
"This is just guaranteed to suck."
Dante:"We get suckered into another favor quest."
GM (GM):Eve, it's the same picture, same sensation you felt before, intensified as you're behind yellow tape. Death. Death everywhere. Deep Death. Death on a Horse with a Scythe kind of death. Death magic.
Eve K.:"Best case scenario? He's impressed and wants to recruit us."
Dante:"I didn't realize we were just playing make believe."
Justin:"Do not want to work for Dracula. That's how you become like Renfield."
Dante:Dante grimaces.
Kurtis Kerner:"It's not midnight yet, you know? Maybe we could get something to drink?"
Justin:"Do you have a cup?"
Eve K. rolls her eyes despite the tenseness of the situation at the Renfield comment
Kurtis Kerner:swallows
Dante:Dante looks around at the burnt out ruins. "Where?"
"It would be impolite to arrive only to leave."
Eve K.:"We are quite early. Unfashionably so actually."
GM (GM):A single man in a construction equipment suit stands at what used to be some kind of entrance, it is excavated enough for there to be an opening. It's a door with stairs that lead down, the inner basement bowels of the former club.
This man motions to the entrance, a single hand motion, that's all.
Eve K. takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders "Shall we?"
Dante:"Unless you have something very important to do before we go, let's get a move on." Dante gets out of the truck, looks with scrutiny at the gesturing man, then to where he was pointing.
((sense consciousness=8))
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:pour just a tiny touch more cocaine powder on the back of his palm and snorts it in, wiping off sweat that built up above his brow. His jaw tenses and his eyes gain sharpness. The intoxicating fearlessness to combat that scared to death feeling.
Dante:((sweeping the area then dismissing the spell))
Justin:Justin gets out of the truck and heads after Dante.
Eve K. slips out of the truck, smoothing her skirt before she follows after the others, scanning constantly for any spells that seem dangerous
GM (GM):Dante, aside from the cops and the entrance gentleman, a powerful mind resides below. It awaits. It tries to remain patient.
Dante:((Yea well we're early so he can suck it up))
Eve K.:((that's what I was thinking))
Dante:((also, so they do in fact have minds then. Good to know.))
GM (GM):((hey, you asked))
((they do))
Dante:Dante moves in the direction they were gestured to head towards. The stairs leading to the basement below. He takes a moment at the door frame, steels himself, and heads down.
Motel Dante rolls over in the bed.
Eve K. speeds up her steps just enough to be a step behind Dante, so she can stop him if she sees anything dangerous
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt squares up tall, breathes in heavily, the aura here being his antithesis, and assumes a more confident, aggressive demeanor
GM (GM):Oh. Eve. The Hallow. This place's Hallow that we were tapping for oblation before? Gone. Gutted. Slain.
Eve K.:((and Lucas, mime-buildings along behind them all))
Jessica:Jess comes out of the shower, same clothes but at least clean. No new ideas on what to do with Ludwig. She sits down on the corner of the bed Dante is laying on and finally sets to work on her ham and cheese.
Eve K. swallows and clenches her jaw a moment, before rolling her shoulders
Jessica:((poor hallow))
Lucas:((I'm awake. just grabbing some quick noms))
Eve K.:(( :'( ))
((rip hallow. We hardly knew you))
Lucas:Lucas silently lumbers behind the group, ready to throw his fists at things.
Eve K.:((Justin can help you with that. Literally throwing fists))
Jessica:((or consenticles))
Justin:((Oh yeah, either or.))
((Both if you want.))
Dante:((Space 3, ranged blow))
Lucas:((Consenticles would be amazing for doing Lucas' head crushing thing))
Dante:((Tru tru))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt walks along with Dante, and as his shoe crosses the entrance border, that's when he casts the Magic Shield on himself, Dante, Eve, Justin, and Lucas
rolling 8d10>8!
6 Successes
((8 is best dice pool))
Lucas:((Lucas gets baddie in headlock
Lucas grows 4 huge tentacles
Proceeds to crush said baddie))
Kurtis Kerner:Dante:
rolling 8d10>8!
5 Successes
((confirmed again))
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
Eve K.:((sad face))
Kurtis Kerner:Justin:
rolling 8d10>8!
0 Successes
Lucas:((Git Gud))
Justin:((Glory be to mormongod))
Kurtis Kerner:Lucas:
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
Eve K.:((guess he doesn't love you the most after all ;) ))
Justin:((He loved Lott and took everything from him. Amen.))
Eve K.:((lololol))
Eve K.:((oh a bet. with the devil no less))
Kurtis Kerner:All except Justin gain a 4 armor against spells targetted specifically at their pattern.
Justin:((Lott's entire family was murdered by god with salt and rapists.))
Lucas:((Savung all the best rolls for himself and his bestie))
Jessica:((lot's the one whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt))
Eve K.:((job was the one who lost everything on a bet with the devil ))
Justin:((Not talking about Job his name sux.))
Lucas:((and then his daughters got him super drunk and fucked their dad))
Jessica:((he didn't bet with the devil, the devil was betting with god))
((which is even worse))
Justin:((Lucas has been reading fanfiction.))
Eve K.:((that's Lot with the daughters))
((yeah that's what I was saying))
Lucas:((yeah. that was Moses' fanfic))
Dante:(("This shield functions against spells such as mind control or soul theft that do not directly inflict damage." So I can drop my mental shield on you then sir, since you have 6 successes?))
Jessica:((we're done with bible))
((stop it))
Eve K.:((devil bet god Job would lose his faith if god took all the nice stuff away. So god took all the stuff away))
GM (GM):You recognize the bar and corridors once filled with dancers and people making out and doing drugs, now the walls are smeared with blood. Another set of stairs, down down down, a bunch of offices, burnt walls, cracks, leaking plumbing, smell of sewage, another long corridor, and you're pretty sure you're a good bit far away from where Katerholzig actually was.
Dante:((This rules out doing an underground sanctum. We have to be different.))
Lucas:((Spoiler: this is what his club looked like all along. he just revealed it for shock value))
Eve K.:((just how long is everyone planning on staying in Germany???))
Eve K.:((5/7?))
Dante:((give or take))
GM (GM):((I'd prefer to keep both shields sir :D ))
Lucas:((you guys complete me))
Dante:((Ya sure.))
((Well I feel incomplete. About 5/7))
GM (GM):((Merlin used to have an underground sanctum, Jorg killed it))
Eventually light starts flickering, and before you is another corridor, at the end of which is complete darkness.
Eve K.:((baby brb))
Lucas:((5=7 though. perfect score))
GM (GM):Your footsteps now echo, indicating a big empty space.
Justin:((My life sight is up. Anything out here?))
GM (GM):Rats and cockroaches.
Lucas:((Guys. Jorg ate Merlin))
Dante:((Definitely not))
Jessica:((would that make him a lich?))
GM (GM):In pitch black, we don't know what we're even stepping into next, and the smell of blood is thick in the air. But the feet don't seem to stick to the floor, so the floor is at least clean.
Lucas:(Does grim sight help to see in the dark since darkness is the domain of death?
Dante:Dante, whispering, says, "Hey, can any of you produce light so we aren't going through complete darkness?"
GM (GM):In here, that wonderful feeling of total chill and acceptance, that the music of DJ Merlin used to inspire in us to have a good time, that feeling is gone. In fact, now it is a depressing, dour feeling, now this place aims to strike fear.
Dante:((So Merlin is physically blind then probably.))
((Unless further down is a lit room))
((Or he's just so brooding that he loves being in total darkness))
Kurtis Kerner:sighs, he really didn't want to know what the hell is here to see
Kurt lifts his left hand
rolling 10d10>8!
1 Success
Dante:((I can't think of anyone who would ever want to walk in total blackness with shit on the ground. You'd be tripping on everything.))
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 2d10>8!
2 Successes
Eve K.:((back))
Dante:((Oh you said the ground is completely clear. That's .. .weird. Didn't catch it))
Kurtis Kerner:*Kurtis feels the nervousness and fear, and he can't seem to focus the spell right, the light goes out of control, and Kurt gains a severe fear of darkness. Just before the paradox really gets out of control, Kurt's light is stripped from his hand, and it bolts somewhere forward in a quick flash, before exploding in a blinding full illumination, shocking our dilated pupils trying to adjust to darkness, and in several moments of intense blinks we can see around us.
Eve K. mutters "Fuck" under her breath as she winces with the sudden light
Justin:Justin shields his eyes at the solar flare
Dante:Dante raises his arm to shield from the sudden burst "Shit, what the hell?"
Lucas:Lucas closes his eyes in a grimace, nut otherwise stays still.
Justin:((nut otherwise))
Jessica:((lucas is sexually attracted to darkness))
Lucas:((Thats how I nut))
Eve K.:((Not surprised.))
Lucas:((At least I finished before kurt dark blocked me))
GM (GM):A concrete light gray bunker, old bomb shelter is what Katerholzig seems to hold under. No blood on the walls, or on the ceiling, nowhere... but the scent of it is deep in everyone's heads. You can taste it in your mouths. A modest desk stands at the back wall of a room, about 50 by 50 feet large, square. On the desk, a broken DJ station, disks burnt and scattered, ruined, the sound board, broken, singed, papers burnt. The only other pieces of furniture here are an old and quite massive couch, with all sorts of obnoxious outfits scattered on it, jersey shirts, baseball hats, golden chains with clocks, all obnoxious colors, orange or purple or yellow, some pink hats, Chad style, shades, skechers, reeboks, a bunch of DJ specific fashion paraphernalia, and a wooden wheelchair. On the walls of this bunker, writings, tiny and numerous writings. Music notes. Lyrics.
A final detail. Opposite of the entrance, behind the desk, stands a thick vaulted door, we're talking a submarine kind of vault. Pressurized, with valves, etc. A single round window in it reveals an edge of a coffin inside.
On the couch sits a small man dressed in a baroque outfit, once extravagant, now rather tattered, with a chalkboard in his lap, a piece of chalk in his hand, and his other hand is open, having just caught Kurtis's misplaced source of light and having spread it around. If it weren't for the shades he is wearing that completely clash with the outfit that matches 1700s, you'd be looking at an aged version of Lestat.
Justin:Justin looks around them room and then over at Dracula. When he makes out the coffin he can't help the eyeroll.
Jessica:((no respect for your elders. shame))
Eve K.:((which Lestat? Tom Cruise Lestat I hope...))
Merlin Rude:((there is no other))
Eve K.:((
Dante:((the uglier one))
Merlin Rude:((there IS no other))
Dante:((there is only korrok))
Eve K.:(( < 3 ))
Merlin Rude:holds up the chalk board with words already pre-written on them
Dante:Dante tries to make out the words as he approaches, cautiously.
Merlin Rude:The words are in german
Eve K.:((well of course they are))
Justin:((Does Merlin show up to life sight?))
GM (GM):The only things alive here are us and a couple of rats. Merlin does not appear to have what you'd expect on a person where the life pattern should be.
Merlin Rude:*He does not smile, but holds out the chalkboard closer to us, further from himself, his hands a little shaky, as he expectantly inclines his head.
Dante:((Oh fuck me, I never cast a new network language thing))
Eve K.:((well.. neat))
Dante:((Network+universal languages combined cast=6))
rolling 6d10>8!
6 Successes
Dante:((3 scenes, 3 potency. I'll grab everyone.))
((Maybe not Merlin..))
Merlin Rude:The tablet says: "Thank you for accepting my invitation. I will not lie and say "welcome" because you are not welcome here, but I do appreciate you keeping to the appointment and arriving early. May I use one of you as means of communication?"
Dante:((Or maybe I will add Merlin :| ))
Eve K.:((lolololol))
Eve K. raises a brow and looks at Dante as the recognition of the written words clicks into place
Jessica:((good lord that's a trap))
Dante:((He's mute. He had to speak through someone else. Not that we know that in character))
Merlin Rude:Before the contents of the tablet translate themselves to you, Merlin slightly nods, his eyes gleaming a little, like a gentle half-beaming half-smile, one of those "ah, there you are", silent. Dante, he can FEEL your network coming up. You can feel that.
Dante:((He's almost completely senseless... holy shit.))
Merlin Rude:Dante, (and only Dante), hears: "May I enter?"
Eve K.:((he's got his mages senses x200% I bet))
Dante:Dante makes a physical gesture of assent, mimicking it in his allowance of Merlin's entry into the network.
"You are welcome here for our parley."
Merlin Rude:Eve, to you this guy reads as a kind of magical creature you have never seen. It has Moros undertones in a way that his pattern is Death and Matter in arcana, but it is also equally Prime, Mind, and Space. As if his very existence broke some kind of Atlantean rule, which we did not know possible. He is a mage which clearly has an Atlantean true gene, but he is NOT of a tower.
Dante:((Ha-ha, we're in danger.))
Jessica:((insert that simpsons kid))
Dante:((She gets it))
Eve K. 's eyes roam over Merlin Rude studying him with awe, curiosity, and a touch of caution. As if studying a tiger without an iron fence between them
Merlin Rude:"Thank you" - now everyone hears the melodic pleasant voice. This is a voice of a musician. Of a person who understands sound and what it does to people. Intonation, inflection, carrying comfort and authority at once, not strained, but soft, musical, reassuring.
Eve K.:((Ralph his name was Ralph))
Dante:((So he's like.. a presence 5 vampire then?))
Merlin Rude:"I planned to remain in the chair and offer you the couch, to keep a respectable distance, but I started hurting, so if you would join me, we can talk on the couch. As you see, I don't have much."
Justin:"Alright, sure."
Justin heads over to the couch and takes a seat.
Merlin Rude:Justin, the man does not have any visible fangs. Other than his odd wardrobe and the scent of blood you can't get out of your mouth, he's just a guy. Oh yeah, except he's not alive.
Justin:Yeah, the not alive bit is pretty telling.
Eve K. looks at the couch at at Merlin Rude, seeing Justin move to sit her lips twitch in an almost smirk and she follows after. Over the link "Thank you for the invitation"
Merlin Rude:"There may be clothing, just move it. Or have it. It belonged to my masks."
Justin:"Your masks?"
Justin eyes a big clock medallion.
Eve K. takes a moment to carefully move the clothing, setting it aside gently to clear room for anyone else who plans on sitting on the couch
Dante:Dante folds his arms across his chest and looks to Justin who beat him to the question.
Merlin Rude:"Disguises. Such as the person you saw at the keyboard when you visited. You are a very good dancer, Justin, and should not waste but develop those talents."
Eve K. over the link to everyone but Merlin she shares what she saw of his pattern and how he doesn't belong to a tower
Justin:((How'd he get the damn name))
Merlin Rude:((I'll show you the moment later in FB))
Lucas:Lucas flops onto the couch and stretches out.
Eve K.:((That's right wear your shadow name with pride!))
Merlin Rude:"If you truly so prefer."
Eve K. once she's cleared the cloths, frowns at Lucas taking up 70% of the couch and waves her hand at his legs, if he doesn't move she -will- just sit on him
Dante:Dante moves to be a polite distance for conversation, but doesn't take a seat. His eyes look back to the vault door briefly.
Lucas:((To be clear, hes just manspreading, not laying on the couch))
Dante:((how dare you mansplain that you're not manspreading))
Eve K.:((Eve's action remains))
Dante:((or are))
Justin:"I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. So you're a Dracula?"
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis tries to shake off the fear and sits in the wood wheel chair instead, just to be contrary and further away from the man.
Justin:Justin sets the clock down and leans forward on the couch, looking at Merlin.
Eve K. looks at Justin and just shakes her head
Merlin Rude:"It depends on what you mean by a Dracula."
"Do you mean the real Dracula or the fictional Dracula?"
Justin:"That is a perfect question."
Eve K. smirks at this and looks around the room for any signs spells
Lucas:"My buddy wants to know if youre a vampire. he doesnt think you're Vlad Tepes"
Merlin Rude:"Vlad died two hundred years before I was born, so I never met him, but he no doubt was an awful person, so I am nothing like the real Dracula. And in terms of fiction, I'm afraid there are just too many canons to choose from, but I think I can answer you in a way you can understand."
Justin:((Shit 1676))
Eve K. gives Justin a sort of "I told you so" look
Merlin Rude:((ok, this is a roll to determine whether or not Eve can see the spells here. Kurtis cannot, because of a certain reason))
Eve K.:((what is this roll? Do I roll?))
Merlin Rude:((don't panic, this is just a roll on how well Merlin's devices can obfuscate his powers))
((no, i roll))
Eve K.:((boo))
((roll good!))
Dante:((in before 33 dice))
Merlin Rude:((you already rolled 4 successes on Prime sight, Merlin needs to beat that))
Eve K.:((good for me!))
Merlin Rude:((sigh, not quite 33))
Dante:((One day!))
Merlin Rude:
rolling 17d10>8!
5 Successes
Jessica:((i do not like this dice pool))
((it is scury))
Eve K.:(( :( ))
Dante:((It is a pool of many))
Lucas:((A pool aplenty))
GM (GM):Eve, there are definitely traces of magic, and they are visible to you, slightly, but not discernable. It's Atlantean magic, but it's like a jailbroken rooted phone. This person does not draw his power from the Towers, and does not use the same rotes we do in this place.
He does use Quintessence.
Eve K. again to everyone but Merlin she conveys this as best she can over the link
Merlin Rude:"I am not a vampire. I do not think of myself as a vampire. I am a musician. I was very young when I was attacked and killed by a vampire who attempted to destroy me, but like all of you I had awakened, and have destroyed the vampire instead, in turn, having gone through a series of interesting changes."
Justin:"Oh... okay that is interesting. So there are -actual- vampires though?"
Eve K. over the link "Just can't take me word for it hmm?"
Eve K.:*my
Justin:"Absolutely not. Probably never."
Merlin Rude:"Yes. Would you like me to show you one?"
Eve K.:(blarg words))
Justin:Justin's eyebrows go up at that.
"... KInda? Would that be rude?"
Dante:((It would be merlin rude))
Merlin Rude:"Absolutely. It would immediately try to kill you."
Justin:"Oh! No thanks."
Eve K. over the link but not to Merlin "No go for it. You know, because how would you know for sure otherwise..."
Dante:Dante gestures to the vault door. "In there?" he says with a hint of curiosity
Merlin Rude:"In there is where I sleep, so no. But I can call a nearby vampire from anywhere."
Dante:"By the same method you used to issue your... missive?"
Merlin Rude:"You are awfully curious, perhaps you fancy apprenticeship? I feel like there are enough visitors in your head already."
"Vampires are troublesome creatures to deal with. Those not smart enough to know better are too violent and feral to be trusted, and those smart and civilized enough are too treacherous, that they eventually stab you in the back."
Dante:Dante's eyes narrow and his jaw sets. "Networks like this are sometimes quite noisy, yes."
Eve K. nods in agreement to Merlin Rude's explanation smiling with some level of satisfaction. After a moment "About your invitation?"
Merlin Rude:"Networks are music to my ears. I used to weave them together and listen. I quite enjoyed the dance above."
Dante:"I recall noticing various networks when we were last here.. Nothing I could tap into. Didn't try, though." Dante lets his jaw loosen as the subject shifts a little.
Merlin Rude:"About my invitation. I want to answer for the deaths of Slabod, Ivan, Egor, Bella, Stephen, Kopash, and Samuel. I want to know why you killed them, once business with Hans, Mladen and Peter was concluded. I want to know who Hans Ehnske and Jorg Krupah work for."
Lucas:Lucas' brow knits together in confusion.
"Who are they?"
Kurtis Kerner:to the group, excluding Merlin "Alright, I say I fireball his ass and let him join the rest."
Dante:((Wait so he doesn't know who Cubic is? That can't be right..))
Justin:to Kurt and the rest "Don't think we'll survive that one."
Merlin Rude:"They were good people, and they were reliable."
Justin:the rest - merlin*
Eve K. raises a brow at Merlin Rude's last statement
Dante:Dante responds to everyone but Merlin, "Yeah, this guy is.. something else."
Eve K. to answer Lucas' question "You never met Hans, and Jorg was.." Sends a mental picture of Jorg (the true black skinned man)
Merlin Rude:adjusts his posture, because his back is sore
(From Dante): ((So here's a question.. when I actively swap my location, that includes the items on my person I assume right?))
GM (GM):((yes they are the same item, you fire a bullet here, the bullet goes away from the other revolver, spend a chalk here, some chalk is spent in the other))
Dante:((Right, okay.))
((Which of us had loquimorscopes?))
GM (GM):((Kurt has them, he was recording stuff off of them))
Dante:Dante moves to make a bundle of cushioning out of clothing to offer for his back.
((Ah yeah.))
GM (GM):((which by the way there is more data, it's just perishable, i will need to play it back when we are alone))
Lucas:Now Lucas had a name to go with that face. the one who killed him and all his friends.
"Jorg. I won't forget it."
Eve K. tilts her head to one side considering Merlin Rude for a moment. Over the link "Are you not aware that they tried to recruit us?"
Dante:Through the network to all but Merlin, "Hey did we bring Cubic's little toys with us here? I feel like we shouldn't have them even thought we're speaking in the network."
Lucas:((Crashing pretty hard guys))
GM (GM):"Of course I am aware of recruitment. I did not recall when that was grounds for execution. Slabod and Bella were going to get married. Egor and Augusta just started dating. Do you really think that only you may recruit people into your cabal? Do you think that you are in a game where you can simply murder and loot? That you can take the amulet Bella crafted for Slabod and wear it without anyone knowing? That you could just take a man's attuned knife and nobody would find you?"
((we can continue next session from here, no pressure))
Kurtis Kerner:to all but Merlin "Yeah I got them, wasn't gonna leave em in the hotel. They're in the contrabass case with my sword."
Eve K. smirks and raises a brow "I do think when someone tries to kill me, I'm allowed to defend myself."
Merlin Rude:"Have you been attacked by Slabod or his friends?"
Dante:To our gang, "I am.. uhh, also at the motel right now. I can watch them from there if it would be better that way. But leaving them unattended I agree."
Motel Dante rolls over in the bed again.
Eve K. shares just a glimpse of Slabod and his crew attacking at the Hotel
Kurtis Kerner:to Dante: "Okay. I'm gonna pass em to ya right in front of him, ok? A little sleight of hand under the jacket"
Dante:Dante shuffles a bit to get in position for the movement.
Eve K.:((Nothing could possibly go wrong))
Merlin Rude:"Of course he would attack in vengeance for his murdered fiance. Who would not be furious? Love and revenge are understandable and powerful things."
Kurtis Kerner:dex 4 + larceny 3
rolling 7d10>8!
5 Successes
Dante:((Oh buddy))
Kurtis Kerner:slips the LQs into Dante's hand
GM (GM):((ok yes i am falling asleep, gonna have to continue later guys))
Eve K. also shares, as a distraction the memory of the Slabod and crew planning to double cross them in their death warded van.
Eve K.:((weee sleepies))
Kurtis Kerner:((4 xps all))
Dante:((Great Merlin reveal, man. Holy hell))
((give urself an extra 2xp GM))
Eve K.:((Hey Justin believe vampires are real now????
Jessica:((man I feel bad for him))
Justin:((Absolutely not))
Dante:((I do too.. really bad.))
Jessica:((stop making me feel bad for bad guys))
Eve K.:((heart strings man. ))
Dante:((I still don't really give much of a shit about Slabod's crew tbh. But Merlin is something else))
Eve K.:((Have to keep reminding myself they wanted to manipulate us. Merlin though. I think if his stupids hadn't tried to recruit us and we met with him instead things might have been different))
((Probably not though.))
Dante:((I mean they literally said to each other in a language they thought we couldn't understand that they would "just kill us" if we didnt do their thing.))
((No pity for them, sorry))
Eve K.:((Pfft Justin hates Cubic as much as his Mormon heart will let him))
GM (GM):((So Merlin is meant to be opposite of Leopold Cubic. Leo Cubic is all about control, a sleeper with lots of resources, got to live long and grow old, a torubled burdened man, keeping tabs on fate of the world in his luxurious moving castle. Merlin is all alone, died young, deaf, and mute, super powerful, and very local to his club))
This is a good place to pause because Eve answered with "Slabod planned to double cross us"
And Merlin has a great answer, but i lack strength to write it now
Justin:Spunds like a plan my man
Eve K.:((Yes specifically the "Just kill us " bit too))
Justin:sleep calls to me.
GM (GM):though i wrote it in my head last week in the shower
Justin:While thinking about Peter's dick.
GM (GM):Bella's dick
Dante:Dante and Dante and Dante are going to bed, you sickos
Jessica:Traps are gay
Eve K.:W___ (its a tooth brush))
Jessica:I dig it
Eve K.:Oh we know
Eve K.:night all
Jessica:also who the fuck puts soap on a toothbrush?
Dante:a weirdo
Jessica:So notably roll20 has the option to view the logs as a single page again, just FYI. I think that happened this week cause I didn't notice it before
So I guess enough nerds bitched
Dante:Good. The redesign was absurd.
Eve K.:yo
KK is getting his caffeine I have been sent along as sacrifi...entertainment :D
Jessica:Jon's taking the dog out. We just got back from Pathfinder because we are insane I guess.
Eve K.:cool cool
Jessica:Our current count is two LARPs and three tabletops. To be fair we skip a lot of the LARP weekends but it still feels excessive
Dante:That's a lot
Jessica:Yeah it is.
Eve K.:How long do the LARP games last?
Jessica:Friday night to Sunday morning
Eve K.:ah
Jessica:But usually we only do one if they fall on the same month
We are trying to find new home base larp
These are okay but they don't check all the boxes
Eve K.:I see. It sounds like a different sort of LARP than I did. My record was 4 LARP games in a weekend. Did Friday night Vampire, Saturday Day Changeling, Saturday Night vampire (Sabbat), and Sunday Morning Mortals it was wild
Lucas:estoy aqui
Eve K.:Pasha has just stirred in his sleep and is calling for Papa. It may be a few more minutes before the GM arrives
Jessica:Kk. Dante did you get to take a nap?
Dante:Yeah I got like a whopping 20 minutes
Eve K.:checks her source materials hola... como,,estats?
Jessica:Bien. Usted?
Dante:No hablo español.... ma parlo un po italiano
Eve K.:bien aussi (french)
Jessica:Well y'all get to hear about my gardening adventures while we wait cause I need to focus on something so I don't fall asleep
Eve K.:hooray
Eve K.:vs zombies?
Jessica:Well you talk about something then you butt 
Dante:Oh I wasn't implying it was sleep inducing, only that I'm gonna fall asleep anyway :P
Also I was unaware roll20 even had emojis.
Eve K.:yes how was the familyng?
Dante:It was busy, tiring, draining mentally and physically
So, a typical family gathering
Jessica:So you're moving?
Dante:Yeah. Movers come next week to pick up stuff already packed
Eve K.:To....?
Dante:Same city, about a mile and a half away.
Little closer to work, better neighborhood
Eve K.:ooooh. Does it have a yard? With plaaaantssszzzzzzzz?
Dante:It has grass
that technically counts
I'm not a gardener
Eve K.:grass is plant
Jessica:I tore out my hedge this weekend (and last). Replanting with beachy shit
Dante:Oh? Like what beachy shit?
only thing that comes to mind is palm tree
Jessica:Coconut palms (leaning away from the house) and sea grapes
There's two little corners where I'm making herb beds, one Mediterranean and the other I am still deciding
Dante:That sounds like a very diverse garden
those things
Jessica:I have five acres so I'm just getting started
Dante:Oh shit
Jessica:I'm gonna make a wooden walkway out of one by fours and put white sand down around everything
We have a veranda around the whole house and when it gets replaced we're gonna make it look like a dock
Dante:That sounds pretty awesome
Jessica:Yeah I'm excited. Step one is about halfway done
My mom said she didn't want her key lime tree so I'm trying to get it from her
I'm making a raised bed for Hawaiian plants. Ordered Malay apples all the way from Hawaii. Have two kinds of banana trees
Eve K.:om nom nom fruits
Jessica:There's a lot to do but I'm excited about it. It's been years since I've had even a small yard
Been planting shit like crazy
Eve K.:see I'm great at the planting step, not so much at the 'keep watering so they don't die' step
Jessica:My trick is to plant something like lemon grass that falls over dramatically when it's thirsty and comes back up after watering
Then I don't have to pay much attention. Just wait till it acts like it's dying and I water everything
You just need a drama llama
Eve K.:hmmm a plant drama queen
Jessica:Peppers are also good at that
I have citrus and if you water them too often they get moldy feet and die
Eve K.:XD yeah the do
Jessica:So I wait till my peppers are being dramatic and then water them. Also improves their flavor so win win
GM (GM):Hello!
Who do we have?
GM (GM):Okay, Jessica, you go first before we begin.
Jessica:Jon is here don't believe roll20
Eve K.:so does the temperature dipping to almost freezing. That's how navel oranges get so sweet.
GM (GM):Jessica, your private RP with Edward is amazing. You spend like an hour telling him the whole thing, everything that happens to you.
You notice that for the first time Dad actually listens and finally pays attention. It's like, you're doing the impossible.
Now it's time to make the one big decisive dice roll. Make it good, use whatever resources you got.
Edward:*Edward asks all the questions, which you answer, and at the end of the story, you can feel his sleeper mind struggling, and he is about to come to terms with all this crazy shit being real. And he just needs to make one crazy leap of faith, which his entire genetic code forces him to resist, the best it can.
"Alright. Alright. So, just.... I'm... okay, okay. Can you prove it? Show to me that all of this is real. Do some kind of magic. I don't know, guess a number I think of, make me find a hundred dollar bill, hell, do something that would make me know without a doubt that this is all true. Can you do something magical?"
GM (GM):It's up to you how you're gonna do it and what you will cast, but if you succeed, you just might overwrite Edward's naturally built-in denial.
Lucas:((Show him a fairy XP))
Jessica:((fuck. I'm trying to decide if I wanna go with something I have more dice in or something more undeniable, like bestowing a Sight even though it's not a rote))
GM (GM):((Something he would understand too. Think of something that satisfies both. And since your character is now under duress, you may use this as a good time to buy stuff with exp))
For instance, if you bestowed Edward with a Fate Sight, would he even know what he's looking at?
Jessica:could bestow angle vision thoguh
that's straight forward enough
GM (GM):((Are you high enough level to bestow it onto another?))
Jessica:((the bestow sights are only 1 level above using the sights themselves. i'm gonna look up angle vision)
((it's level 1 and i have space 2)
Lucas:((Thor Ragnarok just ended, so while waiting to see the outcome of jessica's spell, i have this super epic fantasy-ish music going on in the background))
Eve K.:((Woot!))
Jessica:Jessica slows down. "You really don't believe it yet? ...I guess I was the same way. I thought I was going crazy or something in Arcadia. Let me think... Here." She reaches out with her right hand, and touches the bridge of his nose.
Impromptu Bestow Angle Vision, 2 space + 2 gnosis, + 3 from wp
((wish me luck))
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
((trying to make him see the back of his own head))
Jessica:((kinda disappointed in that roll tbh))
((i hadn't actually tried that spell bestowed though so i couldn't buy it))
GM (GM):((He is not resisting, so no counter roll, however, as he is a sleeper, the covert spell for the sight would count as vulgar, so we do a paradox roll with 2 dice))
GM (GM):
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
Jessica:((i'll take the damage))
GM (GM):And Jessica, you can feel the spell resisting Edward's mind, the very reality of it. You wince and grimace and concentrate and force it into his eyes, your own eyes go bloodshot and you suffer a crippling headache as your eardrums seem to nearly pop, like your airplane just took a nose dive.
Edward seems confused. "Woah... woah... ww-what... okay. Explain, what this is."
Edward:"Are you okay? Is this hurting you? Undo it, undo it, turn it off, don't hurt yourself!"
Eve K.:((This reminds me of when siblings do that "Quit hitting yourself" thing for some reason)
Edward:*looks around, turning his head left and right, rubbing his eyes, looking up and down, however the angle vision is functioning, you are not sure what he is seeing. Your spell's power wasn't enough to give him the 180 turn, but he's seeing something odd for sure.
Jessica:Jessica winces and covers ears gingerly but doesn't release the spell. When she's sure her ears aren't going to pop: "It's okay, Dad. It's Space magic. I put your sight behind you. Can you see the back of your head?"
((he's not seeing out of the back of his head, he's looking at it))
"Remember how I said when you think shit is impossible, reality tries to agree with you? That's what makes spells go wrong. You gotta relax. Your sight is just moved back. Look around. It's okay."
GM (GM):((He can't. To see the back of his head, his sight would have to turn one, two, three times. He can do up to 90 degree angle, I believe with 1 success. His vision can turn a single corner. So he could see like, behind himself, as if he had eyes on the back of his head. This spell is not in core book, so I don't know the rules. Hippie dippie special edition spell, ))
Edward:"I can see.... behind myself..."
((The mage can see around objects, corners or other obstructions that are blocking his view. His vision shifts as if he’d changed his vantage point to look around the blockage.))
((With Space 1, the spell can be used to direct the mage’s sight around a single corner or obstacle, as long as the new vantage point is one that’s within reach of some part of his body. He could hold a newspaper in front of his face, for example, and see over the top of it as if he’d craned his neck. With Space 2, the mage can send his vision off like a mobile camera, around multiple, distant obstacles or through a series of twists and turns, like the bends of a ventilation shaft. The spell doesn’t magnify or illuminate whatever’s at the far end of his vision, it just provides him with an unobstructed view. This use of the spell requires the caster to concentrate for the duration of the casting.))
((not disagreeing with the ruling just posting))
"Are you okay? I can turn it off."
Edward:((Yeah, that's what I read. That's for you. For bestow on another, drop each level down. So you can bestow space 1 on him. For your own full effect, you'd need space 3))
Edward:Edward now needs to make a roll to understand and figure out this freaky thing. It's gonna be his resolve
rolling 3d10>8!
0 Successes
Eve K.:((ed we gonna need you to do better))
Jessica:((he used his good rolls not dying to Dante's gf and the men in black)0
Edward:"Well hold on. This... this is pretty confusing.... how is that useful? What... how do I look straight? Oh, I see... no, I don't get it. Shit... what's the point of this other than give you a headache?"
Jessica:"I mean I can use it to look around walls without actually peeking."
Edward:he now turns around with his body, feeling the air about like a lost puppy
Jessica:Jessica takes his hand. "Or I could look at people behind me without turning around. Watch my back."
Edward:"Well it makes one hell of a confusing thing if you do it to someone like me. Just makes me want to throw up. Can you do that to customs officers?"
Jessica:"Can't do it to cameras, dad. Also I could seriously hurt myself."
Edward:"Alright, alright, turn it off!"
"Are you okay?"
Edward:"That's... that's a hell of a thing to try and deny. You said you can give luck? Show me."
Jessica:"That one's easy."
"It's just...also easy to write off."
((reading the outmost eddies))
GM (GM):Jessica, you're probably not sure what you're seeing here, that feeling of vertigo when you first tried to guess the coin toss on the train, when magic just resisted you as you were coming off of the awakening. The Rumored Five explained to you the Paradox before, and the denial it causes in sleepers, but you're pretty sure you're witnessing it. Edward is struggling to believe you, and something innate is closing his mind to it, sealing it up. Like having to get out of bed, because the alarm is going off, but slamming the snooze anyway.
Edward:"Yeah, alright. Ready."
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
"Let's look for the hundred dollar bill."
Eve K.:((or.. more since the Rumored however many we are need da cash))
(( ;) ))
Jessica:((3 successes = 300? X) ))
Edward:Ed reaches into his pockets, shrugging. He's not expecting to have any money on him, but something jingles in his pocket. He pulls out three german pennies.
"Oh, hey... okay, alright. Gonna throw all of these in the air at once, can you predict how they land?"
Jessica:"Heads, heads...last one lands on its side."
She points at each coin so he can look at the dates or something.
Edward:So Edward throws three coins into the air, and they spin up above your heads, flying in three separate arcs. Jessica quickly shoots a pointing finger, and calls out "Heads, heads, side!" - pointing at each one distinctly, super fast, before they land. Ding, ding, ding. Heads, heads, and the third one lodges itself in between Edward's shoelaces, approximately on its side.
Jessica:Jessica blows the proverbial smoke off her finger guns.
Edward:Edward makes a roll
He's gonna use his willpower
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
Edward:"Okay.... okay that... was... hella impressive. Wow, that's incredible. Good job!"
Jessica:Jessica smiles. It's sort of goofy looking and genuine. "Thanks Dad."
GM (GM):Okay, you've succeeded. Edward is now a believer in magic. He still invokes paradox, but he stops denying your powers. Well done.
Edward:"Alright, young lady. Let's get this done then. To hell with going to Florida. Let's settle Ludwig up, and then we handle this Baby Hitler Gem. Your old man is not leaving your side. Put a gun and a knife in my hand, and let's see if reality keeps agreeing with me a little while longer."
Eve K.:((yay!!!))
GM (GM):((You can add on your sheet a temporary 1 dot retainer. Edward. For every major decision, he may question you, you make a persuasion roll, if you pass, Edward follows your lead and obeys))
((Edward will only listen to you, not to the rest of us))
Back At The Bunker......... do we have everyone present and awake?
Episode 44: Interview with a Vampire
Eve K.:((YEAAAH!))
Eve K.:(He LIVES!))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"So... as you can see, I am on a losing side, which is rendered yet more so. Shall you help me stop the Thieves?"
Eve K. looks to her fellows, trying to gauge their reactions without words
Justin:Justin looks nonplussed at Merlin's explanations. He doesn't look as actively upset as he did while sitting at Cubic's desk, but still it's clear he doesn't want to be hear and doesn't care for this man.
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"To answer your last question, Madam Kline, the vampire which I have vanquished possessed a mastery of their species version of Astral Projection, it is the art and discipline called Auspex. It is unparalleled amongst their kind, but is outmatched by the Atlantean arcanum of Mind. When I grew in power, I have merged my ability with the beast's auspex, gaining insight into both, which allowed me to separate myself from the influence of the Iron Gauntlet's Oracle. Likewise, the vampire's undead nature allowed me to inherit its form, without attachment to the Oracle of the Lead Coin. The price, of course, was obvious. It will be centuries before I regain my other senses, if I survive that long at all."
GM (GM):Justin, by the way, you placing yourself between Kurtis and Merlin surely helped Merlin's persuasion be more persuasive. Realizing he's been had, Kurtis extinguishes the fire, not that it could hurt Merlin anyway. Kurtis chills out.
Justin:((I'm not certain I understand that))
Eve K. blows out a short breath nodding slightly "Quite the price. There's always a steep price. Still if it were easy everyone would be doing it." she smirks to herself, leaning back on the couch looking thoughtful
Jessica:((me either))
Eve K.:((You made Kurtis stop and have to think for a minute instead of just trying to burn the vampire mage, thus making Merlin's argument more persuasive in that we got to hear it))
GM (GM):Kurtis was going to shoot fire at Merlin, but Merlin spoke his name, and Justin reacted as well, coating the area in moisture. This cools Kurtis down and lets Merlin's words sink in. Kurt would have shot a harmless fireball anyways, if Justin had not intervened. Justin's intervention gave Kurt's volatile mind that extra second to process the "I have no power" and dismiss the flame))
Justin:((I appreciate the explanation.))
Justin, upon seeing Kurt chill out, takes a seat once more.
Dante:"In the interest of a tenuous alliance and undoing what has been done, I am willing to aid." Dante thinks briefly about Ludwig's farm, then looks to the rest of the group for an actual answer.
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"You are free to refuse me and leave, young healer. I seek no unwilling conscripts. I only ask help of as many of you as it takes to kill the thief. I wish justice served. If all of you refuse, Kurtis shall stay and serve his penance. It is a just thing to do. If you accept my task, all between us shall be forgotten, and you can have Slabod's possessions. I shall lift the curses on his knife and his amulet. They will be yours to use. Also, naturally, you will have all tools at my disposal available to you. Although your vehicle is already very well protected, there are additional things I can do."
Eve K. crosses her legs left over right, her booted foot tapping the air. She looks at Kurtis, an eyebrow raised
Justin:"I'm not going to sit back while everyone else gets in danger. You are aware that your followers injure and kill innocent bystanders in their pursuits, right? I can accept that maybe somehow you were just too inept to actually seek out help for Max, but you must know that part."
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"I was not aware of that, could you please elaborate?"
Justin:"The card game tournament that Mladen and Peter attacked, they ended up killing multiple people including two innocent sleeper girls."
Eve K.:((reason #1437 why we keep Justin around. Telling the other side they are inept XD)
Justin:((Aww, that's sweet.))
Jessica:((Justin is so honest))
Eve K.:(( I said... < 3 ))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"Their targets were Hans Ehnske and Jessica Murphy. Mladen assured me he will have it done. I agree with you on that his method was unacceptable, I cautioned him against it, and people have suffered for it."
Eve K.:"There seem to be innocent lives on both sides of this tally board"
Justin:"You may have your mind and heart in the right place, but you let loose and empower the sorts of people that have no regard for the damage that they cause.
I'm no fan of the corporation but the methods you employ also make you culpable in suffering. You want to make yourself out as being better, well then strive to be. Your lack of oversight kills people."
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"An ironic observation, young man. Ancient and immortal, monstrous if I let loose, and feeble when I choose to remain civil, in constant struggle against a subdued monster, I am deaf, blind, and mute. Lack of Oversight indeed. I built the best I could. Gentleness proved extremely ineffective against the Corporation. War is not gentle, and war was what it took. That said, I am open to suggestions. Five Atlanteans who bested Slabod. What would you do in my place? Knowing that I cannot stand idly by while The Soul Thieves grow power, ability, and influence in Europe. Would you like to assume the oversight responsibilities for my operation? To be my new lieutenants? Then I could continue on your terms and insure success."
Justin:"We don't know eachother yet, but you can start by letting us know what you know about the soul thieves. Who do they target and what happens to the people they target?"
Eve K. smiles "Took the words right out of my mouth. Any information you have about this group would go a long way"
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"You know me if you were paying attention. You have no sympathy nor interest in my past, but you know me. I am too polite to dig in your past, however. But I do not require knowledge of you for this to work. As for the thieves... They walk in gray suits, headed by powerful commanders, they own construction companies, banks, firms, which change their names, titles, and brands. I have a list compiled. They target people of all spheres in life. Gamblers, artists, rich and poor, each incident is seemingly random, but recently there have been patterns. They have high demand, because they take high bulk volume supply. They used to rob a mother, rob a child, a single painter, a single gambler. Now they get greedy, hungry. They target mass events. Concerts, art galleries, auctions, tournaments, weddings, banquets, churches. Mass gatherings. They target, what a thief would call...."
Kurtis Kerner:"High profile heists..." nods
Eve K.:"Is this escalation a recent occurrence or has this happened before?"
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"Their methods... allow them to not be upclose and personal. Unlike us. We have to stay reactive, to come in face first. They have time to plan. They have the special knowledge of the Grimoire's enchantments. They no longer face their victims. Instead, they use tools, technology. Cursed envelopes, which steal love from love letters. You write to your lover, and the moment you drop the envelope in, you feel nothing for them anymore. Cursed stage equipment, to drain inspiration from concert audiences and talent from performers. Cursed cards and dice to steal luck. Cursed music boxes, cursed photo albums, cursed trinkets of all sorts. We can never predict what will come next, which is why spreading out and keeping an ear close to the ground was always and is important."
"This escalation had started approximately ((Marcella's age)) years ago."
Eve K. 's foot taps in the air a bit faster, leaning back against the couch
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"Worse and worse in the past twenty years."
"What you are really asking is that I tell you about how they do it. But I have never read the Grimoire, I never found it. So I do not know."
Dante:"And this Grimoire is the origin of their power? What else can you tell us about it? You mentioned you sent a diving team for it. It was lost at sea? Over a century ago?"
((Or was that just unclear timeline in the narration?))
Eve K.:((I am also unclear on the date of the ship sinking))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"A dutch galleon lays ruined and looted at the spot mentioned in the scrolls. Our diving team reported finding nothing of importance. The galleon set sail in 1662, but it never arrived. I divined its location using my combined abilities with a friend's. When connected, together we could find things, if searching long enough. I found where it sunk, but we could not see below in the water. The divers made their dive in 1969, but it was already empty."
Justin:"This grimoire, could it have the power to force awakenings?"
GM (GM):((Cubic would have been near his late twenties in 1969))
Justin:((Right, but we don't know if Merlin's divers were just inept.))
((Er, nevermind. We're just agreeing with one another.))
Dante:((Everyone is inept!))
Eve K.:(( "Professionals" ))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"A good question, I suppose. Atlantean mages, I believe, can live their entire lives as sleepers. Atlantean gene is a dormant one, according to the theories. Any stress can awaken an Atlantean to their origin. I suppose when falling victim to the curse, it might awaken someone. It would likely kill them, in that case. Not many survive awakenings."
Justin:"I'm talking an uncanny number of awakenings. Can the grimoire steal the spark of awakening along with a soul and keep it?"
Jessica:((was a book one of the things Karl mentioned? i gotta look at the log
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"Emotion, integrity, talent, luck, virtue, fertility, and memory - those seven are what we have read about. If the spark of awakening is what requires all or any of those, then yes, very likely. During the awakening, a person needs everything their soul can offer to survive. Strip a piece, and who knows?"
Eve K. glances at Lucas lips pursing, then to Kurtis "Do you have any information on any of the commanders beyond Hans and Jorg?"
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"I am aware of two. William Brandman and Arnold Eubanks. They hold no power over me, and they stay far away."
Lucas:Lucas tries to pay attention to all the information, but after a combination of that freaky vision and being out of his depth, it was all sort of going over his head.
He catches Eve's glance, and sort of shrugs. Though his expression is probably fairly unreadable under his makeup
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"They are builders. One is a construction foreman, the other is an engineer architect."
Dante:Dante scratches his cheek as he thinks about all the new information. New names are helpful. He is realizing now how little he knows.
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"I am without clue how to describe their powers or even what they do without sounding like a blind child. They make buildings that do not exist. Anywhere."
"I do not know how such a thing can be accomplished."
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"Their names are listed on certain secret documents as project managers for certain construction projects. We have hit all such building projects, of which we found seven. But the buildings are not there. Not where they should be."
Eve K.:((baby))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"The latest lead we had was on the warehouse, where the speakers from the rock concert were taken from. That warehouse was not constructed by them, it was an ordinary building, but the transport company was licensed to be hired by Brandman."
Dante:Dante turns to the others and gives a very meaningful look as Merlin says 'buildings not where they should be.'
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"What I never found out... is who stands in charge of all this. The true predator king. Who owns Devalon Construction, Press and Paper Company, Cube Data and Transport Corp, Digital Media Partners Incorporated, Wholesale Warehouse Depot, Measurement and Calibration Bureau... or any number of other generic names they may come up with."
Kurtis Kerner:"I would like us to have some thought privacy so we can discuss. Would you mind stepping out of our network?"
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"Certainly. You may even provide me with a parrot."
GM (GM):Merlin's presence in the network vanishes.
Kurtis Kerner:"Anyone else is thinking Fuck This Guy? What's our chance of getting out of here alive fighting? I can't use my powers, but guns still work."
Dante:Dante makes a polite bow as Merlin fades from the network and then turns to address the rest of the group.
"You heard him, he wants you if we don't aid him. And apparently you can't harm him? I don't know if that's really possible or not, but I also don't want to find out that its true for all of us."
Kurtis Kerner:"We'd need everyone to take on a guy like that. Jessica, and maybe even Daddy."
Dante:"We can't just kill away our problems. That's what got us into this mess."
((people asleep?))
GM (GM):((possibly))
((Jessica, the Grimoire is not something Karl had mentioned))
Dante:((He did mention a book though. Coz he owns a private library))
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, we could just agree and then get to it after gem, or flee the country. I mean his powers have gotta have a range."
Dante:"He's said as much that his range has limits. No matter what we do, the gem has to come first, though. The Cubic business was strictly so we could gain an upper hand. We should probably not be wasteful of the wanton destruction that our involvement has wrought."
Kurtis Kerner:"We could give him Cubic's identity, but I don't know how LQs will react. And will this guy be more helpful than Cubic himself? I mean, Cubic's building alone could eat us. I have no idea how we could even cast a spell in there, let alone kill him."
"As far as I'm concerned, no Merlin, no problem. But... I don't feel too good about that option."
Dante:"He is untouchable there, as far as any of us know."
Justin:"Right, I figure we can do the thing to help him after getting the gem squared away and then wash our hands of both of them."
Kurtis Kerner:"I mean, if this Grimoire nonsense is true, then what Cubic is doing is pretty fucked up."
Justin:"He's doing -something- with all the luck. It isn't all going to client.s"
Dante:"Justin, please give him a parrot so we are not being incredibly rude."
Justin:Justin picks up a pillow and channels some power into it.
Eve K. tilts her head as she speaks over the link "I will -not- choose more bloodshed Kurtis. I want to look at the building sites. I also think Merlin has more than just your name, he may have other names of ours as well. This all feels like smoke and mirrors. Like a big puzzle that has all these pieces tied together we just aren't seeing them right. As for the Grimoire, its an interesting coincidence that it was lost at sea and Cubic's friends awakened at sea..."
Kurtis Kerner:((Did Justin share with us everything Marcella told him about how Cubic's friends came to power? the boat accident on the coast of Denmark?))
Justin:((Sort of like verminous metamorphosis but a little differeint.))
rolling d10>8!
0 Successes
Eve K.:"how about a crow Justin? They can speak and are more pleasant to deal with"
Dante:"And your logic is sound. Its being put to use. Do we know if it was in any way going to Diana?"
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
The pillow changes into a stark white parakeet. It flaps it's way over to Merlin and alights nearby.
Eve K. over the link "His daughter certainly has something to do with it all. They started going for bigger targets after she was born..."
Dante:((Yeah I don't think Justin told us about the Marcella info. If I'm wrong please correct.))
Jessica:((why can't he use Cubic's name? Does that say something?))
Eve K.:((he doesn't know it.))
Justin:"When I was alone with his daughter, I found out that he used to work on a boat in Germany in his youth. He took a bunch of friends out and they found something in the water. All of them except Cubic awakened."
Jessica:((right. but he's the name guy))
Eve K.:((once he knows a true name that person cannot use magic against him. But he has to know the name first. Plus... Cubic is human."
Lucas:Lucas chimes in with a thought. "What if this Predator guy is Somehow linked to Baby Hitler and this Cube guy is just trying to get the Gem from us so that whole thing can go down?"
Dante:((As far s we know, Cubic hides away in his spatial tower of power all day long. Its easily possible Merlin has no inkling about him whatsoever))
Eve K.:((I feel like we were told the boat story IC weren't we?))
Dante:((We weren't, but now we have been.))
GM (GM):((Well Justin just did))
Dante:"All the more reason not to trust anything to do with Cubic and be all the more on guard on that front."
Eve K. frowns at Justin over the link "Before she was born I take it? That makes this Grimoire's existance much more plausabe. Insert Eve's comment about awakening at sea and lost Grimoire at sea from above here*
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:attempts to work with the parakeet's vocal and sound perception apparatus, but the bird does not agree to be touched, Merlin is helplessly trying to find the silly thing as it flies off, not wanting to be touched by a cold hand. A bit of will allows Justin to command it to stay, as Merlin continues to work its vocals to little result. "Chiki cheeki, choooch choopa" - is about as good as it gets. Merlin has never used a bird as a mouthpiece.
Dante:((cheeki breeki))
Eve K.:(( XD ))
Eve K. frowns at the bird
Eve K.:"Well that won't do"
Justin:Justin frowns and pulls the bird back to him, he drops his enchantment and turns it back into a pillow before taking another route.
Dante:Dante looks over to Merlin and gives a grimace.
Justin:The pillow would become flesh, he needed a mouth, vascular system, respiratory system, a small nervous system used to control it aaaaand maybe some fingers on the bottom to get it to move.
Eve K.:"For goodness sake." rubs her temples "How does this... speaking for you work exactly? If I consent what happens?"
((Baby again XD))
Justin:((Turning pillow into pillow-nando.))
Dante:((oh god))
rolling 7d10>8!
7 Successes
((you are a fuckwit))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:((What... the fuck))
Jessica:((you wasted so many fucking successes))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:((fucking pillownando???))
Jessica:((I could have used those earlier you butt))
Eve K.:((What...just happened??))
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:((okay this is vulgar as fuck))
Justin:((Yeah, like a flesh pillow with a mouth that sounds like Merlin's voice and a bunch of little fingers so it can skuttle around the ground.))
GM (GM):
rolling 2d10>8!
0 Successes
((matter 3, life 4.... yeah, yeah he can do it))
Dante:((flesh pillow just sounds so... awful))
GM (GM):((it's not a precious metal or anything, and it's transformation, not technically life creation))
Justin:(( :) ))
Jessica:((Justin is in the wrong profession))
Eve K.:(( -_- ))
Jessica:((from the makers of fleshlight...))
Eve K.:((Staaaaap you are making it worse))
Jessica:((now with consenticles))
Eve K.:((Gaaaahhh))
GM (GM):The pillow shrinks in size, as Justin can transform, but not add matter. As systems become more complex, the goose down becomes living tissue, and the organism shrinks to about one third its original, size. Reshaping, transmuting, but retaining its initial mass.
Dante:((Shake its hand, Merlin...))
Jessica:((can you please offer Justin a left hand path so he can reach his potential with some kind of guidance?))
Eve K.:((Where is the pillow in relation to where Eve is sitting?)
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:touches the Pillow
Jessica:((she's sitting ON it!!))
Justin:Justin smiles at Georgio and takes control over it with his powers. It skuttles across the room and crawls up Arthur's leg.
Dante:((She wasn't sitting on it. It was a parakeet before it was a terrible abomination right?))
Justin:Georgio is a biomachine meant to allow Merlin to hear and speak as normal.
((Correct, it was a parakeet before it was Georgio.))
Dante:((Georgio. Amazing.))
Georgio The Pillow:screams in a terrifying scream as Merlin touches it "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Eve K.:"Yeah... that's...not better."
GM (GM):You quickly sense what's wrong, Justin. You monitor it. Shift some of the power into giving it a more complex brain.
Justin:"Just needs a bit of tuning...."
Eve K. is visibly suppressing a shiver. goosebumps raising on her exposed skin "mmhmm"
GM (GM):Skip the feet, skip the breathing, keep it alive with quintessense, make the nervous system more complex. You can finetune this, the spell is very successful and you have plenty of active potency to work with.
"KAAA - RAAA KARA. Ra. Ka. Mah."
"Ma ma mo mee mee me me mooo."
"Ta ta ta ta Rrrra. Rooo. Hhhhhh."
Justin:"Annnd just a little more...."
Jessica:((i'm sure we all are going to have normal dreams after session))
Georgio The Pillow:"Eks. Ex. Ekssss. Ksss. Kssseee."
Justin:Justin's hand is out, the biomass shifting on Georgio as he works through the kinks.
Dante:((my dreams are always normal))
Georgio The Pillow:"Zzzzzzzeeeeeee. Zzzzzzeeee."
Justin:"Now this is interesting, gives me loads of new data on human speech..."
"Language is so interesting...."
Justin:Justin mutters as he performs mad science.
Georgio The Pillow:"Innnnn. Innnnterrrrr Inteee-te-te-teteresting, appppppprrrrooooach, young man.... verrrrry ccrrrrrexexexexecreativvvvve."
Dante:((Dante will remember this))
Eve K.:((Justin is giving Dante nightmare food...I'm sure that won't be a problem later))
Georgio The Pillow:"Yyyyyy yyyyooooou aaar-a-a-a-re ay aay aay a sssscientific g-geniussss"
Jessica:((Justin is fucking left handed as fuck))
Justin:"Now you're just flattering me. Almost got it perfect."
Dante:((As a lefty, I'm concerned))
Georgio The Pillow:"Y-y-y-young m-m-an p-please, ttthhhiss isss crrr-r-uel, innnffffuse anaesthet-tic, this b-being issss innnn a l-looot offfff pppppp-painnnn"
Justin:"Oh, sorry my initial design didn't include those sorts of nerves, had to add them while tweaking.."
Eve K.:"You seem to forget that part a lot..."
Dante:Dante watches on in horror as this happens, not having several glasses of wine to temper his acceptance. "The sooner you fix this, the better."
Georgio The Pillow:"C-c-c-annot-t-t-t c-c-control-l-l aa-a-a-a t-t-t-hing in p-p-painn"
Eve K.:Raises a brow at Justin
Justin:Justin does what he can to stop the firing of the pain receptors from going off.
((Assume that's another roll.))
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
Georgio The Pillow:"Much better. Thank you.... Superb work."
Justin:Justin nods and sits back on the couch, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow.
"Happy to help."
Georgio The Pillow:"You are an astounding practitioner."
Eve K. over the link "I wonder how much Lucas's idea holds water. We know Cubic does some work from Diana.. we know he wants the gem. It's all getting more tangled together by the moment"*
Justin:"I do what I can. So do you know what the corporation does with all of the soul pieces that they steal?"
Kurtis Kerner:"I mean we could tell Merlin about the Gem and see if he can leverage more than Cubic. I doubt it. Also, we have Loquimorscopes on us, and I don't trust them. Cubic could be watching."
Eve K. looks at Dante thoughtfully. Over the link "Can you share all that we've learned with Jessica Dante?"
Jessica:((I have a guess))
Dante:"I have been doing so, but I will also continue to do so. And I agree, Kurt. Cubic could easily be watching. For all we know about those things, I feel like we still don't know enough."
Georgio The Pillow:"We have seized the merchandise in storage, and sometimes in transportation. But never mid financial transaction. Their books are private, and if we miss the transport, the stolen cursed items fully charged disappear into those non existing buildings. They sell it off site, somewhere, to someone. If they make it to the sell stage, means we failed, lost the run. We only ever stopped them mid collection, mid transportation, or in surplus storage."
Eve K. nods with a smile of genuine appreciation over the link "what does she think about all this?"
Jessica:If Dante passes this information along after Edward and Jessica get back from their discussion, Jessica will guess to Dante, after some thought, "If that book can make life and they started harvesting big after Marcella was born...maybe she's a construct they're keeping alive."
Justin:"If you don't mind, can we switch to the predator? Do you know if it has anything to do with the corporation?"
Eve K. nods at Jessica's idea over the link "I had thought a similar thing, not perhaps that she is a construct but that she had been born with some birth defect the were keeping in check."
Dante:"She speculates ((see above))."
((Jessica is not in the link, to be clear.))
Georgio The Pillow:"I believe the predator is who runs it. Some kind of soul-less soul collecting vampire or demon or atlantean. I call it the predator, because I host one inside. A being who subsists on cannibalizing people's souls is a predator, and an advanced one at that. Hans, Jorg, all of them predators."
Eve K.:((right, it's why Eve asked for the conveyance))
Justin:"So the predator you're asking us to kill is the leader of the corporation?"
Georgio The Pillow:"Precisely. If you can find him. That was Mladen's, Peter's, Bo's, Max's and Slabod's task. They were to capture Hans Ehnske and interrogate him."
"Of course to capture any of these trained killing machines they would have to take them down first, and force their ghosts to cooperate."
Dante:((If there is no more side business at the motel, Dante will just start periodically relaying between Jessica and the group.))
Jessica:"What power does Merlin have over names? What if he had Cubic's, assuming it was his real name?"
Justin:"I thought he was asking us to hunt down and kill a random monster, not the head of the organization. I'm not comfortable with that."
Eve K. over the link "Because...there is a difference between a monster and the head of an organization that steals pieces of peoples souls...?"
Eve K. raises a brow at Justin
Justin:"Motive and severity. I don't know everything about what happens to people who get luck stolen, whether or not he's actually trying to direct things like he implied, and what he's doing with it."
"What happens to people who have had parts of their souls taken?"
"You mentioned that people could come back here to recharge."
Georgio The Pillow:"The ones that can, do. Music can restore inspiration and emotion. But not luck, not fertility, not memories. Some bounce back, some commit suicide, some just try to recover and live their lives as bleak shadows of their former selves. Broken homes, broken families, artists hit the writer's block, it all depends."
Eve K. over the link "It was a hollow Justin. That kind of recharge that we Atlantians can benefit from."
Georgio The Pillow:"We try not to send our own operative to places where they can be affected too severely. In one particular encounter, Mladen lost several of his friends because they came into contact with a device which stole motivation. He got them back to the club, where they were able to remember and recover. The largest populace of Katerholzig, were of course, victimized artists. My music was able to bounce them back. Luck was harder. Fertility was near impossible."
Justin:"Was there any sort of pattern at all? It was unilaterally good people who were targeted?"
Eve K.:((didn't he answer this already? ))
((also where are the LQs? Did the go to the hotel via Dante or is Dante holding them on this side?))
Jessica:"Cubic claimed he only stole from people who deserved it. He was really hard to read."
Georgio The Pillow:"Good people? I think you were the first to point out that I am not exactly a good judge of character. I did not scrutinize morality of my chosen champions, and neither did I scrutinize the victims we helped."
Justin:"Fair enough."
Kurtis Kerner:((One LQ is with Kurtis, one is with Dante))
((LQs are currently in Spying on Diana Mode that Kurtis can read from when we are in private, they are recording her shit for us, but we dont know if Cubic is spyin on us too)
Eve K. over the link "they targeted the concert Brick was attending. Metal heads aren't all "bad" people. Most are just normal everyday goths. Maybe a little depressed here and there but normal in this day and age. "
Kurtis Kerner:((If we are gonna use LQs as advantage, we need to return to Cubic so he can turn off Diana's comms, so we can jump her tower, if thats our plan))
Dante:((and if we aren't, they're a colossal liability))
Eve K.:((yuuuuup especially right now. while we are talking out loud to Merlin..))
((in fact..))
Eve K. thinks that very thing over the link. What if Cubic is listening with the LQs right now?
Lucas:"So what did they take from me at the concert? Am I out of luck or somethin?"
Justin:"As far as I can tell, Brick didn't get any part of his soul stolen."
Eve K. over the link "Because he awakened instead. Barely survived at that."
Justin:"We learned that awakened souls can be taken too."
Lucas:Lucas nods. "I guess that makes sense. I didn't wake up next to a pool cause i was happy and healthy."
Eve K. over the link "Perhaps Lucas is destined for greater things and his awakening overwhelmed their capacity to capture it. Or it was interrupted in time. "
Dante:"Considering Slabod's crew was intent on using the speakers to prove to us that there was bad shit going down, no reason to think it wouldn't work on us. It was a recruiting tactic."
Justin:"Depends on what they were trying to do with them. Just show them to us and explain what they did would be one thing. Trying to use them on us would be the other, and is seemingly less and less likely as time goes on." Justin eyes Eve at that one.
Dante:"Hard to say. You're right that it seems less likely, now."
Eve K. over the link "Seems to me Slabod was not a very tactical planner, he may have thought 'If I do this they will understand' or was expecting it would cause an emotional 'how terrible we will of course help you' reaction
Georgio The Pillow:"You awakened during the Rock Concert, Mister Brick? Tell me, what do you remember? I may be able to answer your questions."
Dante:"When we've come to a decision we should probably put the.. pillow talk aside and reintroduce Merlin. The privacy was necessary, but I fear for prying ears."
Lucas:"I remember a little. and can put together some from what i saw, but i have to say that the most i remember is from my awakening proper, not what happened after."
Eve K. over the link "Agreed. I feel like there is some connection to our larger task here. I can't put my finger on why... just a feeling... But I agree to hunting this... predator he's asking us to find"
Justin:"You do understand that we likely know who this 'predator' is right Eve?"
Dante:"I was thinking Cubic at first but.. he presents himself as a sitting figure. That could be a wolf in sheep's clothing situation, but we don't know for sure."
Justin:Justin eyes Dante at the wolf in sheep's clothing metaphor.
Eve K. nods at Dante's thought "Right. It's possible he's the predator, wouldn't let us read him with sights after all. But it could be someone pulling the strings behind the curtain"
Lucas:"I wasn't doin all that great at the concert. i kinda starved myself to afford the trip out here from Alabama. I remember passin out, and wakin up with a knife in my hand, layin on some dude from the concert. same knife was in his back. Then a bunch of cops showed up and then Jorg did some kinda ritual or something with a buncha chantin and then i was in the supernal realm of death. "
Eve K.:*over the link
Georgio The Pillow:"The Mercedes Benz Arena was their Hallow. It belonged to the corporation. They used the concert equipment to mass steal things from the audience. It made music fans go crazy, see demons, lose memories, get possessed, lose their talents, lose their minds, lose joy and integrity and virtue, all sort of things. When the music was played, when you were there, they happened to be particularly successful in their harvest, they took too much, and the crowd became violent, killing each other. This, of course, negatively affected their Hallow. So, we knew that they would send someone to cleanse it or restart it, reawaken it, or shut it down, purge its energy. So we tried to take a half measure. We called the police, to try to make it difficult for the Corporation to operate. Turns out, the worst case scenario happened, the man they sent was Jorg Krupah, and he took out the police and did what he needed to. It seems you awakened as a result of his magic to cleanse and reawaken the Hallow, or as a result of being killed in the process when the Hallow was stealing your soul. It is hard to tell."
Dante:Dante makes eye contact with Justin for a moment, his gaze lingering before returning his focus to the talking pillow monster.
Lucas:"Yeah, apparently when i woke from gettin woke, my ass skeedaddled as quick as a raccoon when you turn on the porch light. I don't remember nothin after the tower though. I remember wakin up next to a pool with Justin standin over me."
Georgio The Pillow:"Consider yourself lucky to have been found by friendly people."
Lucas:"That was probably Jess. she sorta hands out luck from what I hear."
Justin:"Lucas, I don't know how this guy's power works, but avoid using names in front of him at all."
Georgio The Pillow:"She stole enough of it with her playing cards to afford giving it away."
Eve K.:((Shots fired))
Dante:"That's probably for the best."
Eve K. over the link "He already said her full name.. but I agree caution with names is best"
Lucas:"Oh shit. I ain't never been good at sussin out stuff like that."
Eve K. over the link "Are we reaching a decision?"
Lucas:"Personally, I'm pretty inclined to think the predator and baby hitler are part of the same goal at this point."
Justin:"I think it's all disparate."
Dante:"I vote aid after the gem. If we want to hand out any information we have about Cubic, I'm not opposed, but that's a separate topic to vote on."
Dante nods at Justin's thought.
Kurtis Kerner:"I don't know if I get a vote, considering I started all this."
Dante:"You're part of the group. Essential and wanted."
Kurtis Kerner:"I say give me to him and wash your hands off this mess."
Justin:"I agree that we focus on the Gem first. I'm not inclined to hand out any info until I have the whole picture. Acting before we had the whole picture is what got us into these sorts of messes.*"
Kurtis Kerner:"Or take him out and send him to Slabod and Bella."
Eve K. smirks at Kurtis, over the link "you get a vote of course, since this is in part taking responsibility for your choices"
Eve K. added "Trying to take hik out is -not- taking responsibility for your choices by the way. At least in my opinion."
Kurtis Kerner:*"Look. This... creature... looked into my soul and told you everything it saw. He's right. I can't stand being afraid. I can't stand these exact situation. Can't stand figures of conviction and authority telling me what to do. Fuck, guys, if I am actually that broken, and he is right, then yeah, I cop to it. Fuck. Like, even if he's the good guy, I want to disobey him just because he fucking thinks he's on top. I can't stand being domineered or pigeon holed into cooperation. I'm a thief, a rebel, and a criminal."
^ was over thought link
Eve K.:((I keep needing to go back and forth between lappy and phone app because baby is restless sleeping so my entries are a little choppy))
Kurtis Kerner:((its fine hun))
Eve K. shakes her head
Kurtis Kerner:"I don't like Cubic much either, but at least he made us an offer like a businessman, not pressured us to aid him or else!"
Eve K. over the link "But he doesn't. He has said he
Eve K.:...
*is weak, reached a plateu, he just wants -you- to take responsibility for the deaths of his friends. We are lucky he doesn't want blood or lives in return. -I- would be more vengeful than he is if my friends were killed."
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah Merlin did say he's on the losing side. But if we test it? He's likely to assert control over this bunker right away. Think he invited us because he thought we could kill him? He must know full well that he can press us into service somehow."
Eve K.:*over the link
Eve K. frowns at Kurtis, over the link "Sure, that's why he's literally said we can all refuse and leave. Except for you."
Georgio The Pillow:"I would offer you a drink, but everything in my club was destroyed. I am sorry. Take your time with decision making. I've naught to do but wait."
Lucas:(seeing "Georgio the Pillow is typing" is pretty fucking lol worthy.)
Eve K.:((I'm laughing and yet picturing how it might change Dante's nightmares all at the same time..))
Eve K. over the link "So Justin, Dante, and I are voting "yes, after the gem" Kurtis is... undecided we will call it. Lucas? Dante what does Jessica vote?"
Dante:((weedlyweedlywoodlywoo, Jessica come in, tell us what you wanna dooo))
Eve K.:((is that.. a summoning spell? XD))
Dante:((If it works, then yes.))
Kurtis Kerner:"I wouldn't say undecided. I would say, if we try to kill Cubic we die, so as far as I see it, Arthur is very politely asking us to commit suicide. So, my suggestion is to bury him in this crypt, and let Cubic run Europe. Why? Because if Mysterium destroys the Gem or if we keep the Gem, we can shut down Cubic later anyway, and right now, going against CDTC is suicide. Going against Diana without CDTC is suicide. So fuck this pillow wanker. What's another bad choice? We got a job to do."
"Justin here says I'm some kind of knight, and so is he. Well guess what knights do? Ruthless bloodthirsty killers - that's what knights are. They have swords and fuckin' armor, for a reason."
Eve K. chuckles out loud. Over the link "That is -not- what a knight is. Knights stand for something. A code, a principle, and ideal. the honor of their lady. Whatever. They are not just killers, running around wacking at things with swords."
Kurtis Kerner:"Those are fictional knights."
Eve K. shakes her head watching Kurtis as she speaks over the link "He is not asking us to commit suicide, he's asking us to stop a mage powered cooperation from preying on whoever they choose to target. Fictional. Hmm. And most people think magic isn't real."
Kurtis Kerner:"Anyways, your vote is 3 against 2, so do as you like."
Eve K.:((who else voted no?))
Kurtis Kerner:((Nobody, he's saying it doesnt matter what Jess and Lucas vote, you have 3 votes))
Eve K.:((if they both voted no it would be a tie))
Kurtis Kerner:((only if they voted for killing Merlin))
Eve K.:((Kurtis is the only vote for that I think))
((I also think everyone else is sleeping))
Justin:((Coral is. I want to be.))
Lucas:((Speaking of jessica, did we lose jon and coral?)
Dante:((yea pretty sure its big time bed time))
Lucas:((I tend to agree. we all got a trip in a little bit.))
Eve K.:((Did Lucas vote?))
Lucas:(Yep. Hes for helping)
Eve K.:((motion carried. Lets call it))
Justin:((alriht headed to bed. Will worry about xp if that's a thing tomorrow or wheneverm))
Dante:((ye, night all.))
Lucas:((Or should I say Morning?))
Kurtis Kerner:((4 xp all))
GM (GM):Silly Dante
I have my own room for GM secret rolls
Won't find them here :)
Dante:((I wasn't looking for anything, I needed to check my sheet))
ya dingus
GM (GM):((Oh hi then, same))
GM (GM):((I think Kurt needs to buy offensive specialty, his occult is just abysmal))
Dante:((1 dot?))
((surely you're not taking a -3))
GM (GM):((yeah 1 dot. and it makes me use impromptu and not rotes, or rely on science/athletics rotes))
((that's why I telekinesis more))
((but all my prime shit needs occult))
Dante:((Damn that's rough. Gotta read some books about spooky shit. Go back to Karl))
GM (GM):((yeeeeah it just bores him to death))
Dante:((tbh Kurt has probably seen plenty of occult shit since his awakening to justify a point buy))
GM (GM):((RPwise though he is the kinda guy who is gonna keep tugging at a weight bar until he sprains all the muscles and does it the hard way and eventually either breaks or learns by doing. He can't learn academically))
Dante:((Ya, that's about the impression I had))
GM (GM):((remember the UAA application, how the naturally easy steps just did not sit in the brain. Kurt picks up a book, reads the rituals, and his interest and confidence just wanes))
((but chasing after an electric spark and catching it and throwing it all sports like, that's how he learns. kinesthetically))
Dante:((Totally get it, ya. Relatable in some cases))
Justin:((Transform Other Life 4, Gnosis 3))
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
((Evil abyss hurty roll.))
rolling 3d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):Harro
Jessica:Where's mom?
GM (GM):iunno
Eve K.:Okay you can stop panicking, I'm here
Had to make sammich
Eve K.:mage fuel
Jessica:Jon's getting logged in.
Eve K.:baux
Eve K.:[box]
It's 4 AM, you stand outside the ruins of Katerholzig, the cops part yellow tape for you, and your truck awaits, guarded by one of the officers the whole time, who steps away. With this, we begin Episode 45.
Kurtis Kerner:pinches the bridge of his nose
Eve K. in a quiet tone as they head towards the truck. "The Farmer's house is back to normal. He undid it with a simple time spell."
GM (GM):It is a cloudy night, you feel light trickling of barely dripping rain
Dante:"One less loose end."
Justin:"Of course he did." Justin mumbles as he gets into the van.
Of course now it was more like a truck, but in his heart of heart, it'd always be a van.
Eve K. raises a brow "Isn't that what we wanted? I'd rather not have to drag the poor man around after us. He's been through enough as it is."
Justin:"I don't get why he needs stooges for anything if he's a master of like 4 arcana and can do things that would make Tristan's eyes bleed."
Eve K.:"I would imagine it still takes energy. Besides, no man is an island. We all get lonely for company from time to time."
Lucas:Lucas shrugs, "Well, at least we can drop off he old timer an he can cozy on up at his own house for however much time he has left."
Eve K. nods as she climbs into the truck, sliding into the middle of the back row, shivering just a little, perhaps from the rain.
Lucas:Lucas climbs into the truck, with even it
Kurtis Kerner:"Someone else take shotgun, I don't feel so good. I'll take a nap in the back"
Lucas:With even its large frame squatting slightly on its suspension.
Dante:Dante gives Kurtis a look of concern, then gets into the driver's seat and waits for everyone to be ready to leave.
Lucas:((Typing in the dark. hard to see keys))
Justin:Justin moves out of the seat to make room for Lucas and takes a seat in the front instead.
Eve K. frowns with concern as well watching Kurtis
Lucas:Lucas squirms uncomfortably. "Mind if i hop up there, Hoss? Back seats aint exactly cozy for a dude my size."
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt leans on the back left window and closes his eyes, still paying attention.
Justin:((stares at Lucas, after waiting like 2 minutes for him to take the initiative and take the front seat, he now wants it like 10 minutes later.))
Jessica:((it's the lady with change meme again))
Lucas:((lol you just type faster than me XP))
Justin:"Nope, you snoozed and lost and I'm picking the music."
Justin starts messing with the dial.
Jessica:((oh god))
((they don't play the Monkeys here, Justin))
Dante:"Find something relaxing."
Justin:Justin messes with the radio dial, searching for something that at least resembles classic rock.
Eve K.:((everything is in German))
Lucas:"I mean, I doubt you can find a country station out here in Germany, so i'll be alright."
Eve K. chuckles
Eve K.:"I have headphones and my cell phone full of music if it comes to that."
Kurtis Kerner:"Now we have to take out you know who. All because of me and my impatience. And you know who is helpful. Son of a bitch."
Lucas:Lucas focuses on the song. "Hey, thats the Scorpions. you know theyre from here? they did a coupl of their songs in German."
Justin:"Well that's pretty neat."
Eve K.:"I did know that actually yes."
Justin:Justin lets the Scorpions play, a little hard but not awful.
Lucas:"Cain't be a real metalhead and neglect the classics, ya know?"
GM (GM):The night Berlin and its lights open once again before you, the starless night, and droplets on the windshield.
Eve K.:"We will figure something out Kurtis, we always do."
Dante:"We'll figure out much better after some rest." Dante drives.
Eve K.:"If its restful sleep yes."
Lucas:"This one's called, Du Bist So Schmutzig"
Justin:"Alright, how do we get to the lawyer?"
Eve K.:*accountant
Justin:"Accountant too. That one."
Lucas:"I'm guessing we can't just make an appointment?"
Justin:"Probably not."
Eve K. smiles as the song plays shaking her head no
Eve K.:"What do we know about him?"
Justin:"I didn't meet him. Dante?"
Dante:"He's a gambler, likes his women and his cards. Didn't have much time to talk to him before shit hit the fan."
Justin:Justin starts adjusting the radio after the song is done and hits some older rock, he leaves the station there.
Eve K.:"Hmmm... perhaps we look for a high stakes poker tournament "
Justin:"Do you have enough of a sympathetic connection to track him at this point?"
Eve K.:((what's playing DJ Justin???))
Dante:"I could certainly try."
Kurtis Kerner:
((Feel free to reference this))
Jessica:((would the LQ help with the connections thing?)
Justin:Sultans of Swing by the Dire Straits is playing.
Justin:"I didn't realize the majority of the music on the radio in Germany would be english..."
Kurtis Kerner:"He's uuuh... he's married... to Clara. Clara Remington. You know we could ask Leopold about Remington, as long as we don't mind crawling deeper into his debt pocket. He does trade information."
Justin:"I don't want to get further involved with anyone if we can help it."
Eve K.:"Seconded"
Jessica:((it's the same way in France. Much as Europe likes to say we have no culture their entertainment industries don't really keep up))
Eve K.:"Might be a niche radio channel. Then again most Germans also speak English, and often French as well"
Jessica:((Portuguese cinema amounts to porn with plot))
Justin:((Turns out it's mostly in english. ))
Jessica:((there's also a lag. When I was in highschool they were still listening to the sex pistols in France))
((they just don't really have anything like Hollywood or big radio))
Lucas:((Sex Pistols took 30 years just to get across the channel?))
Jessica:((Elvis and shit had a lag too. There's a term for it but I forget now))
Justin:((The joke is that Sex Pistols is an English band.))
Eve K.:((I swear this the the twangeist "rock" song I've ever heard...))
Jessica:((it's not their native language. England has BBC))
Justin:((Don't listen to alot of classic rock?))
Lucas:(With the exception of some of the more culturally relevant countries, the world media is dominated by american product. Hollywood and our music are like 60% of all media consumed world wide. even foreign artists come here to make it big internationally)
Jessica:((yeah Keith urban is Australian))
Eve K.:((don't listen to a lot of Dire Straits for sure))
Justin:Justin smiles as Aerosmith's "Dream On" starts up.
GM (GM):In Summary, Dante, you remember the poker game with Ted and Clara Remington (his wife, who you recognized as Mastigos), a man named Marcus Castana, and Kurtis. Ted talked to you about running finances and brokering for Diana and Mr. Douglas, owner of the club. He referred to Simon Lamprey as a good man and a stable partner. He also knows Kurtis as an accountant, who practices accounting in New Haven, Oregon. For the Chandler Enterprise. That was the lie Kurt fed him without going into detail. You also remember that there was an army general who was going to be assassinated, and a lady who kept asking Dante to find Remington and deliver a suitcase full of sensitive information which could bring Diana down, her whole enterprise. Turned out the suitcase was a bomb intended to kill someone, but the suitcases got swapped, so the suitcase intended for Remington exploded elsewhere. The rest you're not sure on.
Dante:Dante says the thing above this line.
Lucas:"Nice. Aerosmith is always great." Lucas frowns. "Nobody tell Liz I like anything other than Black metal or she'll curse me or something."
Eve K. taps her foot idly in the air to the song "So we can try scrying him. I can try some old fashioned investigative digging. Liz?"
Justin:"Who's Liz? Also, you definitely got more useful information at the party than I did."
Eve K.:"What did you do at the party Justin?"
((evil smirk))
Justin:"I'll bet going magic-lite will pay dividends here..." Justin just blushes and says nothing.
Lucas:Lucas sighs. "Liz is my girlfriend. But i doubt she's gonna be too into me disappearin and not headin home for so long. plus she probly thinks i died at the concert."
Lucas pulls out his phone to check for messages.
Eve K.:((How many days ago was the concert?))
Lucas:((3? 4? something like that. it hasnt been a week yet i dont think)
GM (GM):There are messages from every single one of your contacts, Lucas.
Lucas:Lucas sees Justin blush and gives him a light punch on the shoulder. "What did you do at this party, ol buddy? What party are we talkin about?"
GM (GM):How long ago have you checked messages last, actually?
Lucas:Lucas trails off and his smile fades behind his corpse paint.
Eve K.:"I would be careful there. It's possible Guardians of the Veil are trying to find your most frequent contacts. Just as they did with Jessica."
Jessica:((Justin blushing is cute af))
Lucas:((I dont think ive ever actually checked any since we started))
Eve K.:((after the motel attack didn't Kurtis look at all our phones?))
GM (GM):Everyone who you have messaged, replies with "who's this?" - an effect of Kurtis having given us all new numbers.
Lucas:((So basically i have my entire contact list going "
(("New phone, who dis?"
GM (GM):((like, whomever you have messaged, yeah
Lucas:((Lucas hasnt looked at his phone since the concert.))
GM (GM):((oh, ok, then that's different))
You have NO messages.
Dante:Dante idly scans the radio stations before returning to the classic rock station.
Jessica:((that's disconcerting))
Lucas:((Thinking about Elizabeth made him remember that he has a phone. its perfectly reasonable that someone suddenly thrust into a different reality and new duty to save the world would forget they have a phone for a few days))
Eve K.:((see eve comment above))
Dante:((I never even use my phone on the weekends except for duolingo. Not so farfetched))
Eve K.:((O.O))
Lucas:Lucas scowls at his phone. "Thing must be busted. figured I'da had a ton of people tryin to figure out if I'm ok. . ."
Jessica:((fucking lol at "O.O"))
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright, so I have to be part of the front too on this one, since I'm the accountant colleague. Anyone wanna give me a quick rundown on accounting terms?"
Eve K. leans her head back against the seat back, closing her eyes "As I said... It might be that the Guardians of the Veil have already started their work... severing your connections to the mundane"
Justin:Pink Floyd; Comfortably Numb starts playing.
Jessica:((accounts payable, accounts receivable...*voice drones into vague noises in the background)
GM (GM):Lucas asked Justin what he did at the party. How's Justin gonna answer that? :D
Dante:((accounts accountable?))
Jessica:((accounts account account))
Eve K.:((int+Academics roll to see if Eve knows any accounting terms))
Lucas:((Lucas turns to eve: "What happened at this party?
Eve K.:
rolling 4d10>8!
3 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:"Brick, I scrambled the phone numbers, you gotta reach out to your people and tell em it's you. If someone's texting your old number, it's going elsewhere."
Dante:"Justin, watch the road for a second." Dante checks his phone.
Eve K.:((Eve asked Justin what he did at party, he blushed and didn't answer, then Lucas asks, Justin continues blushing))
Dante:"I don't know a thing about accounting," Dante calls back to Kurtis.
Justin:"We're just Two lost souls swimming in a fish booowwwwl year after year!"
Justin watches the road, singing along with Floyd.
"Runnin' over the same old groooound..."
Dante:Dante returns his eyes to the road once he's confirmed whether or not there are any messages.
GM (GM):No messages for Dante, except the group's normal communication history.
Jessica:((Dante has a message from his gf from his own number))
Lucas:Lucas gasps a little. "No shit?"
Remembering Eve's words about the Guardians of the Veil and just blanket texts everyone in his contacts.
[Hey, guys. Its Brick. sorry i ain't called nobody, my phone got all smashed up in that concert fandango an i had to get a new one. had to find some work over here to get a ticket back.]
Dante:((If ya'll are waiting for me to say "we arrive at the motel," just say when. Unless we're doing a road trip episode.))
Dante will continue to proceed to the motel unless directed otherwise.
Justin:"Dante, can you stop by here? I'm getting hungry."
Jessica:((god damn it))
Justin:"Heeeey Juuuude, don't make it baaaaad"
Lucas:Lucas puts his phone in his lap so he can keep an eye on it and turns to Eve.
"So what did Jus do at this party?" He whispers in her ear.
Jessica:((eve should bite you first))
Lucas:((do it. Lucas is already dead anyway))
((An ancient lich in the body of a 28 year old))
Dante:Dante pulls over to whatever food place Justin is talking about, noting that he too could eat.
Eve K.:"I'm not sure what Justin did. But most of us were information gathering, in one form or another. "
Lucas:((Why hello fellow hoomans. I too can eat foods))
Eve K. smirks thinking back to the party
Justin:"I'll have a number 3 with no pickles."
Eve K.:"Some of us use more... intimate means of gathering information of course."
Dante:Dante looks back to give Eve a hard look, suddenly remembering the thoughts he was subjected to.
Eve K. 's smirk widens
Lucas:"I think i need to hit up one of these parties with you guys"
Justin:"I wouldn't, it ended with an exploding helicopter and two fatalities."
Lucas:Lucas shrugs and grins. "Sounds like a proper Moros party"
Dante:"Anyone else, or just Justin and me?" Dante orders two number 3s with no pickles for ease of communication.
Lucas:(Ill have a number nine. a number nine large. a number six with extra dip. . .)
Eve K.:"I'm not hungry, yet no."
Dante:"They don't serve that here anyway."
Lucas:"I'm pretty much always starvin. I was livin off ramen noodles and tap water tryin to save up just to get to that damned concert. I lost 40 pounds in 3 months."
Eve K. idly licks her new fangs before letting them slide back into hiding, her expression says she has a come back for that but she doesn't voice it
Dante:"That sounds .. incredibly unhealthy." He orders another number 3. What even was the 3? He wasn't paying attention to the menu at this point. Once everyone gets their food they'll proceed to the motel.
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah, I'll pass..."
GM (GM):Dante, when you eat, restore 1 mana point if you're not full.
Jessica:Oh god
Justin:"Fish was always seasonal in New Haven. These guys have it year-round looks like."
Justin takes a bite of his fish sandwich.
Eve K.:((barf))
Dante:Dante gives the fish sandwich a bit of a turned up nose at first, but when he sees Justin enjoying his he goes for it. The sandwich is gone before they arrive.
Justin:Justin's brows draw in imagining Lucas 40 pounds heavier.
Eve K. closes her eyes so she doesn't have to watch people eating fish sandwish
Eve K.:*wich
Dante:((Oh jeez yeah, he'd be even more of a monster))
Eve K.:((also I rolled 3 successes on accounting terms?))
Lucas:Lucas orders two of the highest calorie entree
Justin:"You sure it was 40 pounds?"
Eve K.:"You must have been a real beast with 40 extra pounds on you." eyes still closed
Justin:"Rock you like a hurrricaaaaaane!"
GM (GM):Once at the motel, what's the plan?
Justin:Justin mimes drumming.
"Man that gets in your head."
Lucas:Lucas shrugs and talks over a mouthful of his food. "I mean, i dont have a scale at the house, but it was way more than ive ever taken off for football or wrasslin."
He pulls up his shirt to reveal abs that are somwhere between bodybuilder and emaciated.
"My head gets a little fuzzy for the last few weeks, so it could be more like 30 or 35. it was a lot."
"I usually can't see these bad boys. Everybody thinks abs are awesome, but it ain't usually healthy to have em. unless you just naturally carry a low bmi"
GM (GM):((Yes, Eve, you rolled 3 successes, feel free to look up 3 major accounting concepts online and that's what Eve will recall))
Eve K. glances at the exposed abs in appreciation
Jessica:When the troupe gets back Jess will be sitting up at the head of one of the beds in a light doze, waiting on their return.
GM (GM):((Konrad doesn't know accounting terms! :D ))
Dante:((how dare))
Kurtis Kerner:When they arrive, Kurt caught a little nap and wakes up in a much better mood. He feels better himself, not detecting the nature of his prior affliction
Lucas:(Le Gaspu))
Edward:Actually, Jessica, how did our night go? You took a walk with Edward, and he probably went to bed.
Eve K. shares with Kurtis information about Accounts payable, Accounts Receivable, and Equity
Edward:Second Dante kept you appraised of the situation.
Dante:"Once we've had some rest, how do you want to proceed? Also.,. given recent events would you prefer if I secured my own room?"
Kurtis Kerner:nods along, taking notes as Eve describes the bureaucratic nonsense
Dante:Dante crinkles a food wrapper in one hand, fist awkwardly balled for a moment as he adds the second question.
Lucas:((Everyone at once: YES!!))
Kurtis Kerner:"Well what exactly is going on with you, man?"
Eve K.:"Nah, that's fine. But I warn you. If I'm woken up by anything unpleasant I -will- bite you and not feel bad about it."
Justin:Justin shudders at that, not in a good way.
Jessica:((well in my head the conversation with edward was cosynchronous with the chat with merlin but you said merlin took 4 hours or so, so I think at some point Jessica took a nap sitting up so she'd hear people come in))
Lucas:Lucas grins at Eve, "Promise?"
Dante:Dante gives Kurtis a tired look. "I can explain in some detail when I've had some sleep. Right now I am exhausted. Its amazing we didn't crash on the way."
Eve K. tries to stay serious, but smirks and winks at Lucas after his comment
Jessica:((are people entering the room yet?))
Justin:Justin walks through the doorway.
Eve K.:((waking up Rambo dad Edward by yelling Hurricaaaane... classic))
Jessica:Jessica startles awake. "Jesus Christ."
Dante:((Edward immediately is wide awake and packing a bug-out bag))
Jessica:((um, he cleaned the guns. He knows where the guns are))
Eve K.:((He picks Jessica up and carrries her under one arm to the nearest airport))
Justin:"Rock you like a hurricane!"
Jessica:"Shut the fuck up."
Justin:"It's the Scorpions!"
"Lucas said they're from around here."
Eve K.:"It's also 4 in the morning."
Lucas:" We started and ended our trip with the Scorpions, man. I think Justin's got the rock bug. Stick with me, buddy, and i'll have you a proper metalhead in no time."
Jessica:"Please no."
Dante:Sometime before Dante parks the truck, Dante 2 shimmers and winks out of existence.
Eve K.:"I second this plan"
Justin:"I could probably make someone's head metallic."
Justin flops into bed.
He kicks at his shoes, after about a minute of effort one falls to the floor.
Eve K.:"Given the late hour we can chat in the morning, Justin, Kurtis."
Lucas:Lucas looks surprised. "Broham, i need you to give me a metal head next time i get in a tussle."
Dante:Heading inside, Dante's eyes follow the commotion. "Are you sure you don't want me to get my own room?" He seems hesitant, but starts looking for an open spot to crash.*
Justin:Justin waves his foot in acknowledgement at Eve and goes back to trying to kick his shoe off with his sock.
Jessica:"About that..."
Eve K.:"My warning stands. But no."
Justin:"I'll give you metal head, metal teeth..."
Lucas:"Metal fists. . ."
Justin:"Could give hornets like metal razor stingers and stuff..."
"Then other life mages wouldn't be able to take 'em...*
Mumble mumble.
Eve K.:"Once you get good enough you could give yourself a metal head."
Lucas:"Now that's fucking etal as fuck!"
(Metal too!)
Jessica:"So...she wasn't affecting my dad or mister Ludwig, right? Is that because they're sleepers or because you haven't put them in the mental link before?" Jessica addresses Dante's question and ignores the metal silliness
GM (GM):The motel is mostly quiet. One or two guys stand outside chatting and smoking. Since the doors look out on the outside, nobody decent expects to get sleep here anyway. You hear yelling from one of the widows in german. "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" But that's about it.
Jessica:"I'm kind of wondering if sleeping in a different room isn't the issue. Maybe we just need to sleep in different shifts from you."
Justin:The second shoe never comes off, but he does get the sock from his first foot off.
Eve K. removes second shoe. Because shoes in the bed are gross
Justin:The shoe is ridiculously clean, as if it's only ever had the dirt from today on it ever.
Eve K.:((Covered in VAMPIRE germs))
Eve K.:(( XD ))
Lucas:(Was it christoff's cigs that i have?)
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah I have no problem tackling this in the morning." - Kurtis rubs his neck, upon which the amulet is very snugly wound. He puts his fingers on it. "This thing better not shock me."
GM (GM):((Yeah Christoff was the smoker))
Dante:"Bear in mind, I only received the knowledge of what happened secondhand in this case. Eve shared the nightmare with me after the fact. If I had to guess, it could be because they are sleepers. But that is not a certainty. I'm sure you can recall at least the general impression of nightmares you have had before awakening, maybe even in detail."
Eve K.:((what is the sleeping situation? There were 2 king beds. We have Rambo dad Edward, Farmer, and all of us now))
Lucas:Lucas digs out his pack to find it empty. He grabs Christoffs and finds only one left.
"Anyone got a smoke i can get?"
Dante:Dante scratches his cheek, his posture suggesting dissatisfaction with his own answer. "But I did find out quite a bit when we were at the library. Some of it likely related."
Eve K.:((does this room have a couch?))
Dante:((idk prolly))
Dante looks over to Kurtis as he references the amulet. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Just don't take the fuckin' thing off."
Justin:Justin's passed out on the side of the bed Jess was laying in.
Eve K.:"Right that's for sure"
GM (GM):The room has two beds, a ratty couch, a shaky table with uneven legs, two chairs, a bathroom.
Eve K.:((like table chairs?))
Kurtis Kerner:"So mad at myself. Can't believe I got caught like that. Fucking vampires."
Lucas:Lucas heads to the bathroom to scrub his face
GM (GM):((yeah like table chairs))
Kurtis Kerner:will sleep on the floor by his contrabase case if we're tight on room
Eve K.:((where is farmer sleeping?))
GM (GM):((Who gives a shit let's get to business))
Dante:Dante moves to a corner of the room and seats himself on the floor, nestling into his own sleep spot.
Dante:((Though Jessica didnt have a chance to respond.))
GM (GM):Elderly person and a sleeper should sleep in beds probably :D
And us tough ass mages should probably bum around them
Except Justin and Jessica took one bed.
Like assholes
Jessica:((the hell, sleep in the bed then))
GM (GM):Edward's probably on the floor.
Jessica:"I guess we can go over it tomorrow? Unless there's something we can act on tonight."
Lucas:With his face clean, Lucas rolls up his backpack, throws it on the floor and throws his jacket over his shoulder and lays down
Jessica:((next to the bag of guns))
GM (GM):Ludwig probably on the couch or wherever you let him sleep. Kurt's on the floor.
Eve K.:((this is literally why I asked. Cause Eve doesn't want to be an asshole to the old farmer guy :P ))
Dante:((Edward can take the shitty burberry carpet))
GM (GM):Maybe THREE people could lay in one bed?
Jessica:((if they're king sized you can fit at least 3))
GM (GM):Okay, fuck it, episode 45, bedroom motel arrangements!
Dante:Dante looks up from his slouched position to Jessica. He nods. "Nothing we can do right now as far as I know.*
Lucas:(Using his backpack as a pillow on the floor.)
Dante:((this is the fastest any gm has ever drawn a map))
Jessica:((episode 45, we don't give a shit what #3 is as long as it doesn't have pickles, but we NEED TO KNOW how we sleep lolol))
Dante:((Fast food is all the same, gosh darn it))
Jessica:((that bathroom is too big if it's as big as the beds))
GM (GM):#3 was a delicious sandwich.
Dante:((Don't lie, it was a fishwich.))
((That shit was nasty))
Eve K.:((knowing where we sleep will come in handy if Dante's girlfriend tries to eat us all again))
GM (GM):With german sturgeon!
Jessica:((I know I'm just poking the bear))
GM (GM):okay, put yourselves places
Dante:((My fiance doesn't want to eat you))
Eve K.:((Put NPC's places first))
Lucas:((Lucas scoots under table)
Dante:((Earthquake safety, I like it))
GM (GM):Edward will sleep on the floor by Jessica
Eve K.:(So Dante is sleeping behind the couch?))
GM (GM):He has cleaned all three of our M-16s by the way
Jessica:((earthquake safety, eve))
GM (GM):Dante is hanging in the corner like a spider, Eve is upside down like a vampire on the shower rod.
Eve K.:((oh look an empty king sized bed...
Jessica:((which one of us does she bite in the night?))
Dante:((There. Not behind the couch))
((Its morning))
((we're sleeping at like 4:30am))
Jessica:((morning yay! nothing bad happened!))
Eve K.:((She's good til midnight))
GM (GM):((You need 8 hours to regain a willpower point. Sleeping 8 hours?))
Eve K.:((Yup))
Dante:((fuckin yes))
((I've burned a lot of willpower on dante'ing things))
BEEP BEEP BEEP - alarm goes off at 2 PM
Eve K. watching everyone settle on the bed smirks and slips to the bathroom, coming out in a tshirt, sleeping in the middle of the big king sized bed like a queen
Eve K.:*floor not bed
GM (GM):You wake up! And Kurtis does not get zapped. And.... looks like nothing happened. No dreams bothered anyone this night.
Dante:((Clearly it was a fluke))
Jessica:((she's like a snake. horks down her weight in food and then she's good for a while))
GM (GM):Daylight illuminates the room in a gray undertone. Looks like rain has picked up, and puddles outside click clack with raindrops.
Jessica:((we missed checkout))
Lucas:((Lucas has a lot of extra pints))
GM (GM):Oh nobody in this rathole gives a shit about housekeeping or checkout. They'll clean you once you're gone.
Dante:((We probably have lice now tbh))
Eve K.:((Only the best))
Dante:((the best lice))
Lucas:((And bebbugs))
Justin:((control swarm))
Dante:((give diana lice))
GM (GM):You have to go ask for new towels. There are like two guys in the front that's it. The kiosk guy who books you, and a single janitor who services the entirety of 18 units.
Lucas:((Thats a lot of units to service by yourself. sounds exhausting))
Eve K.:(( XD))
Dante:((something something hardworking german ethic))
GM (GM):Feel free to roll stamina to not catch lice. You don't have to, but if someone rolls, everyone has to roll.
Dante:((you fuck))
((dont do it))
Jessica:((nobody rolls))
Lucas:((Gonna roll))
((are we really going to waste justin's mana on this?))
Dante:((I gave him sugar))
Lucas:((Roll 0d10>8!))
GM (GM):Okay, nobody caught lice cause nobody rolled.
But there were definitely bed bugs cause you can see empty larva shells.
rolling 4d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):Oh.
Okay, everyone rolls.
Justin didn't catch lice.
Jessica:((We're getting a divorce Jon))
Dante:((I'm also divorcing you))
Eve K.:((As am I))
((and I'm getting custody of Lucas))
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 4d10>8!
2 Successes
Eve K.:((don't even try fighting me in court for it))
rolling 4d10>8!
0 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:No dice, no lice.
rolling 3d10>8!
0 Successes
rolling 2d10>8!
4 Successes
Justin:((they know))
GM (GM):Jessica and Lucas wake up from an actual itch in their LONG hairs.
Lucas:((Guess who has lice!)
Dante:((You guys weren't using those successes, so I borrowed them))
GM (GM):Dante like a fucking Lice defeating champion rolls 4 on 2 dice.
Eve K.:
rolling 3d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):And Eve also wakes up itchy.
Jessica:((we will regret those successes later))
GM (GM):You three have lice.
Jessica:(('cause they should have been on a different roll))
Lucas:((If Lucas has to shave his head, EVERYONE has to))
Dante:((I can only imagine Coral yelling at Jon not to do it right before he did it))
Justin:(( :) ))
Lucas:((They become vampire lice))
GM (GM):No, just lice.
Dante:((Ecto lice))
Dante:(( Oh god, +1 but it hurts))
Eve K.:((110% blaming Justin for this side quest))
Justin:((This is fair, I just needed some quick bugs to have access to in case of a combat situation.))
Dante:Dante looks around after waking up and stretching. If there is a coffee maker in this shithole, Dante will start brewing coffee.
Lucas:((What do i need for my jizzbiote again? I'll burn those fuckers right off))
Eve K. frowns at the itchy feeling. Realization dawns on her. "Fucking great. Now we have to go to a convenience store on top of everything else to get Lice shampoo. "
Jessica:"Wha--wait, can't Justin get them off?"
Justin:"The place is lousy?" Justin takes a minute and focuses on the life around, filtering for little lice bugs.
Eve K.:"Will it cost mana?""
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):Lucas, I assume you mean the power where your fists are coated in blackness?
Lucas:((I was thinking whole body, but yeah))
GM (GM):With the aura of decay and destruction?
Okay. Look on your sheet. Decay rote.
Stamina+intimidation+Death, Vulgar, no Mana cost
Dante:((At this time if any spells from Dante were on you they are all gone. Except the network/universal language combined cast))
Jessica:((luck is also gone))
Dante:Dante feels out for his ward on the truck as he awaits a possibly brewing pot of coffee
GM (GM):((Dante, did you make that network spell free of concentration somehow? Cause when you sleep, and all))
rolling 8d10>8!
3 Successes
Dante:((Its not concentration is it? It was also 3 scenes. I'll look))
GM (GM):((It's fine when we normally shift scenes, yes, for prolonged. But we actually slept. So all spells drop over nights of sleep))
Dante:((I was unaware of this rule. Cancel it all then))
Jessica:((can one dante sleep for the other?))
Dante:((how do wards that are nonpermanent persist ever then?))
((One dante can't sleep for the other. Its more like the same Dante is in two locations and can move back and forth between them.))
Lucas:((did Dante and Dante snuggle?))
Dante:((or I assume one can't sleep for the other. Would be sick tho))
((Cute, but I dismissed the spell before we arrived))
((If the sleepers had been awake that would have been very awkward at the minimum))
Lucas:((I must've missed it))
GM (GM):((Okay well yeah now I'm stumped. Wards do last when you sleep. I guess so does network))
((They are both prolonged duration))
((Shit. CAN one Dante sleep for the other?))
((Hold on))
Dante:(( I mean with sleep of the just probably anything is possible. But it shouldn't save me from fatigue. Life for that.))
Jessica:((yeah but might save us from gf if she doesn't come out while you're awake))
Justin:Justin focuses on the lice and kicks their little bodies into gear, gathering their dead and eggs and migrating away from the wonder of the mages bodies.
rolling 8d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):((Okay, yes, jesus, you can in fact sleep with one of the Dante's if your spell successes were more than 1 for duration, but then since you're not fully powering down, fatique would be a thing))
Dante:((That's awesome to know, damn. Also enjoy your lice))
Jessica:((that's awesome.))
GM (GM):((Because both minds share one body and one Life pattern))
Eve K.:(( You deserved that. Justin should go buy lice shampoo at penance ))
GM (GM):((Until he pumps Life))
Eve K.:*as
Lucas:((Dante-2 passes out inexplicably and Tentacle Bitch pops out of his ear))
GM (GM):Justin, the lice are not obeying, nothing happens.
Dante:((You are all very mean to what you think is dante's dead fiance))
"They're small.... let me try again."
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
Lucas:((Justin: "Sure hope I don't get lice"
Everyone else: gets lice))
GM (GM):Dante, the ward on the truck was probed twice, and neither attempt breached.
Lucas:((I rolled 3 successes on my decay))
Dante:((hott. Also if we're rolling new scene its now gone))
GM (GM):
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
Lucas, you feel the black power of destruction and decay forming on your body, but it slips out of control, something goes wrong. Together with the lice, it also washes over you and your clothes, the threads on your attire fray and holes tear in it, you start to smell of rot. You take 1 bashing damage, but the lice on you die.
This bashing damage will persist for 15 minutes and is not healable with any means natural or supernatural.
Justin, you have established control of Jessica's and Eve's lice. You see their budding survival efforts on their scalps.
They're trying to eat skin and lay some eggs pronto!
Lucas:Lucas grimaces and growls low. "I got mine handled."
Justin starts a wholesale evacuation, back to the shag carpet of second chances.
Kurtis Kerner:Meanwhile, lice free Kurtis looks through the phonebook
Lucas:Lucas' hands are shaking. He berates himself. for something that once came so naturally to him, it felt like struggling to remember how to ride a bike or breathe.
GM (GM):Everyone, Lucas smells of the worst unhealthiest fart.
Justin:"Yikes, everyone is lice-free. Heading outside."
Justin escapes the smell.
Eve K.:((or you know, to those familiar with it.. rotting flesh )
Eve K. blinks a few times. Frowns at looks to see if Dante is still asleep and this is somehow some strange new nightmare...
Lucas:Lucas puts a finger through some of his new holes an tears and sniffs himself. "I'd say i'd gag a maggot, but they usually like dead folks. . ."
Eve K.:*and looks
Jessica:"Oh god." Jessica follows Justin
Dante:Dante grimaces and considers abandoning the pot of coffee. He takes it with him instead.
Lucas:((Con saves everyone))
Kurtis Kerner:winces, abandoning the phone book on the table "God, what am I doing?"
Eve K. deciding it isn't a dream, slips out of the bed still in just her oversized tshirt and heads for the door "You can have the shower first Lucas."
Lucas:"Hey guys? I got time for a shower, right quick?"
Kurtis Kerner:Walks outside and looks up into the rainy sky. He looks at his phone and searches for phone numbers online.
"Please dear god yes."
Lucas:Lucas gets a shower in and changes into his clothes from the night they went clubbing
((Is his hair safe from the rot?
Eve K.:"Kurtis, mind coming to the truck with me. We need to chat if you recall."
Kurtis Kerner:walks over
Eve K.:"Also" turns to Justin "Thank you for getting rid of the bugs."
Justin:He gestures in assent and leans against the wall.
Eve K. hops into the truck and closes the door
GM (GM):Lucas, you wash off this gooey like liquid off your skin, like salmon slime from the scales, some of your skin also peels, takes you about 15 minutes to get reasonably clean. The water sliding down off of you has a greenish hue.
Kurtis Kerner:hops into the truck with Eve
(From Eve K.): "How you doing Kurtis? Feeling better?"
Jessica:((fucking ew))
Lucas:((Hey, zombie is just a stepping stone to lich, right?))
(To Eve K.): Yeah, not sure what came over me down there.
(From Eve K.): "You seemed terrified of him. He didn't do anything outwardly aggressive or frightening. Did he do something to you mentally?"
(To Eve K.): I... I don't know.
(To Eve K.): What about you?
(From Eve K.): "I'm fine. Wasn't expecting his curse to be so well worded but It's fine. I'll manage. I'm more worried about you."
Jessica:Jessica helps Edward and whoever else pack up the truck once Lucas is safely in the shower and the smell has begun to disperse. She leaves the door open to help it along.
(To Eve K.): I think I'm okay. I don't feel what I felt back there anymore.
(To Eve K.): It was just a dark tunnel.
Edward:Ed is ready to go, he's eagerly packing up and helping Ludwig out.
"So Ludwig can return home?"
Lucas:((When his skin peels is it like fresh shiny new skin underneath or does he just look normal? I was thinking acid peel fresh looking))
Justin:"He should be good to, yeah."
(From Eve K.): frowns as she hears people packing the truck, lowering her tone "I don't mean just the tunnel. I mean this situation. We need to be more careful. This job is getting more dangerous."
Ludwig: "Well there is no way I will leave you all behind now, knowing what I know and having seen what I saw. If myself or my farm can be of any help, don't hesitate to call me. You will find food and shelter."
Jessica:"We really appreciate it Mr. Ludwig. I'm sorry you had to sleep out here last night."
Eve K.:((sounds like someone needs a visit from Dr Dante brain surgeon. XD JK JK))
Justin:"Thank you mr. Ludwig, I'll make sure to visit when this has all blown over."
(To Eve K.): "It was always dangerous. But yeah, I got you. I'll be on guard."
Lucas:Lucas comes out dressed in his Katerholzig best, looking, and smelling, much better.
Ludwig: "Thank you for caring after my health, the medicine you have performed has me feeling truly better."
(To Eve K.): "Are -you- sure you're fine. Are you craving blood?"
Justin:Justin smiles brightly. "I'm glad."
(From Eve K.): bites her lip mulling over what else to say she sighs and simply nods "Okay. Just be careful alright? I don't know what we would do without you. What I would do without you."
(From Eve K.): "No not yet, probably tonight"
Edward:Edward and Ludwig exchange contact details
"We can drop him off, right?"
Lucas:Lucas scoops up the old man gently in his arms and gives him a mild bear hug. "Gonna miss you, Ludwig. You take it easy, you hear? and don't you take shit from anybody."
(To Eve K.): "Yeah, that was exactly my thought when I saw him turn you into this shit... in it together. I ain't leaving you. I want to discuss doing what he wants, but I don't trust the Loquimorescopes."
Ludwig: "I haven't taken shit from anyone in my entire 66 or however old I am! Same for you, young man!"
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis inside the truck motions to the LQ in his hand
Lucas:"Not a snowball's chance in a heatwave in hell, pops."
GM (GM):The truck's trunk is loaded up.
Jessica:((so...we go drop off Lud and then find accountant?))
Lucas:((Crashing super hard,guys. Dunno how much longer i can keep it up))
GM (GM):((Up to you, he doesn't mind hanging out))
Justin:((Definitely drop off Ludwig.))
Dante:((Ludwig is a danger to have with us.))
(From Eve K.): "Nor do I. On the balance I think his reasons are more just. But I don't know who would be of more help."
Jessica:((don't want to get him killed))
GM (GM):Alright, waiting on Eve to finish private talks. Feel free to look up Remington online with wits+investigation. Also, a thought occurs, a shortcut. We could return to the High Society Club that held Diana' celebration. It's been a week since the Helicopter, they probably cleaned up, and the two people who knew us as enemies are both dead, so.... people may know Remington there?
Justin:((Either sounds like a plan.))
Dante:Dante sets the cooling coffee aside and pulls out his phone and starts googling Remington.
rolling 4d10>8!
1 Success
(To Eve K.): "We should talk later. Have your chat with Justin next. I'll call Cubic and ask about Remington."
Kurtis Kerner:Gets out of the truck.
"I'm gonna call Cubic. Find out if he knows Remington, what his favorite wine is and if he hosts more private poker games, or something."
GM (GM):Dante, you find 2 Theodore Remingtons. But only one of them is the accounting office. You have the address. Remington & Remington Accounting.
It's in Leipzig.
Dante:"Careful what you share. I know where he's at, I think. A psychic cold call is probably in poor taste, though."
GM (GM):The other Theodore Remington is listed as a stock broker.
And has a different address. Also in Leipzig.
Different phone number.
Dante:((Remington & Remington Brokerage?))
GM (GM):Remington Leipzig Financial.
It seems that the brokerage firm he runs alone, and the accounting firm is a partnership with his wife
Dante:((Busy mr. moneybags.))
Kurtis Kerner:"I don't have to call him, but then we're going in cold. Just with what we gathered at the party. Our poker skills and my story about Chandler Accounting. If we had some inside knowledge from Cubic, who ostensibly has converted to anti-Diana cause, maybe we could get some tricks up our sleeves, but that's just my hunch."
"Your call."
Dante:"If he can relay information over the phone, fine. But we're already running a busy schedule as it is."
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright, you pick the place, I'll place the call."
Dante:"First we need to get Ludwig home. Then, probably his brokerage in Leipzig. If he isn't there, then there's an accounting office."
Kurtis Kerner:nods, still in the back seat
dials a number on his phone
Leopold Cubic:"Yes?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Two minutes of your time. Quick question."
Lucas:((Can omeone be me? IM dying))
GM (GM):((I could try or someone else could))
Leopold Cubic:"Go ahead."
Kurtis Kerner:"Ted Remington, are you familiar?"
Lucas:((Lucas is grumpy cause hes like 18 hours cold turkey on cigs. you dont have to be talkative))
Leopold Cubic:"Of course. Independent broker, banker, and accountant. Handles many in our little world. A powerful man with a long reach. What do you want to know?"
Eve K. opens the truck door and seeing Lucas has showered goes inside the hotel to put on proper clothes before approaching Justin "Can we have a chat?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Relationship to Branch. Anything we could leverage?"
Justin:"Is it quick? We're already running late."
Eve K.:"Hopefully. And we aren't going anywhere til Kurtis is done with his call anyway."
Eve K. heads to the truck again for a word in private
Justin:Justin eyes Kurt on the phone and shakes his head. "Sure."
Leopold Cubic:"The man is loyal to money and opportunity to make money. He sponsors only causes that have a return on investment. For a fee he runs financing detail on Diana's laundering and security, which I believe are a private mercenary company. He would know more on that. Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Met the man once. Would like to meet him again. Just to talk."
Leopold Cubic:"A private poker game, or a golf match. Theodore is an avid card player and an equally obsessive golfer."
Justin:"Eve, where are you going? Kurt's still in the truck."
Jessica:((lucas expounds to Edward the virtues of metal and punching things))
Eve K.:)) Kurtis Kerner:Gets out of the truck.
"I'm gonna call Cubic. Find out if he knows Remington, what his favorite wine is and if he hosts more private poker games, or something."__
Kurtis Kerner:looks up and sees that people need the seat, so he gets out and leans on the trunk
"Any tips to make a good gift?"
Eve K.:((So... he got out of the truck... then.. was still in the seat??))
Justin:((Kurtis, Kurtis, Kurtis, and Kurt.))
Kurtis Kerner:((Yeah, I derped, had him get in to get away from noise for a call, but he's back out now))
Justin:Justin gets into the truck as Kurt gets out.
((How do I whisper?))
Eve K.:(( /w name of person))
Leopold Cubic:"Oh, tut tut tut... the man has everything he likes. You could get him some good cigars if you want to do business. What could someone like me advise someone like you? You people can be everywhere at a whim. Figure something out. Good vodka, cognac, cigars. Just don't buy him a watch nor bring his wife flowers. Someone got shot for that. When can I expect you for the final visit? I am yet to fulfill my end of the deal. Are you still using the Loquimorscopes?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Still are. A few more knots to tie. Expect us soon. We'll be in touch. Gonna cover as much area as we can, to close what loops and angles might give us an edge."
Leopold Cubic:"Want my opinion?Your best edge would be working for me. Heh heh heh heh."
Kurtis Kerner:"Noted. Definitely a recommendation I'll consider."
rolling 6d10>8!
4 Successes
Lying, wits + subterfuge
Leopold Cubic:
rolling 10d10>8!
3 Successes
Detecting motive.
"Good. Please do. You would make a fine associate."
Eve K.:((holy snap that dice pool))
Justin:w/ eve
Kurtis Kerner:"Thanks for the tip, Mister C..."
Leopold Cubic:"Tut tut! Shhush. Names have power."
"Til later." hangs up first
With that being said, you do tend to try and Mother Hen me. Like you're trying to be a moral gatekeeper but without an actual moral impetus.
Like when it comes to helping other people, it's always about whether it's useful to you or your mission rather than whether someone is in need.
Normally that would be fine, if it didn't also come with you trying to police everyone else."
Justin:((So whispers only cover a single paragraph.))
GM (GM):((Apparently))
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, that wasn't as productive as I'd hoped, D.C. Cigars, cognac. No flowers, no watches. He likes poker and golf, and his mind's on the money. An interesting bit, he runs financing Diana's security."
"So, optional, meeting him in an unofficial capacity and inviting him to a golf or poker event, or just hitting his office and talking business."
"The only idea I have when we get to the real shit, is that out interference saved him from a bomb, but other than that, how do we persuade a greedy man to pull Diana's funding? I'm open to ideas. I can bullshit enough to pretend to be an accountant with Eve's coaching. But what's our angle?"
Step 1. Disposing the man towards us.
Step 2. Convincing him that Diana is going to cost him more losses than profits.
Step 3. Show enough credibility so that he doesn't fact check us.
Kurtis Kerner:rubs his forehead
"Or, you know, there's good old fashioned fireball."
looks to Dante, Jessica, and Edward
Jessica:"He sounds over protective as fuck over his wife. We don't need to make friends with him of we can make his associates into enemies. Just a thought. Although I don't know how to make them a credible threat to her. I dunno. I didn't think through that one enough before I started talking I guess." She runs her fingers through her hair.
*if we can make
Kurtis Kerner:"I could claim to be an auditor. Tell him that her forces had been careless. That Simon Lamprey leaves witnesses now. Describe what Justin saw when he awakened, just not point to Justin. Say something like, Hey, sleeper witnesses to his experiments, problems with press in the US."
"Tell him that clean up costs to keep US Law Enforcement off her had been eating up the revenue. Problem is I can't prove anything unless I forge some documents."
"We could also tell him that we are Diana's associates. A US based comptroller sent to review her european assets to run checks and balances. That could potentially gain us access to her forces disposition."
Jessica:"What happens if he figures us out though?"
Kurtis Kerner:"He'll probably call his own security and we may have a fight."
"But we now have two backers who hate each other, plus the farmer."
"Alright, let's get Ludwig home first."
"Actually, Jessica, is this something your magic could guide in? Which path to take, for the best outcome, it's a wide stretch, but."
Jessica:"Sounds good to me."
((Lucas: ain't no place like home"))
"Sure. Lemme try."
GM (GM):Your tattoo has strung you with the familiar recharge when you woke up.
Jessica:((reading the outmost eddies is like narrative good fortune, right? Since exceptional luck is for rolls))
((that's seven dice, lemme check on Mana real quick))
((no Mana cost))
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):Jessica, your mind disconnects from the here and now for a few timeless moments. It goes into a fugue state similar to, just more controllable and less intense than, your experience on the Snowy Mountain of Arcadia's Tower, when the Delver revealed himself to you and taught you Interconnections. You are able to see multiple possibilities of meeting Theodore Remington. At a gold club house, us all golfing together, he's in a good mood, he's playing well and winning, but we're not being pushovers either, garnering his respect.
At a poker table, where he is less talkative, more competitive, more intense. But also, when he wins, an explosion of positive energy disposes him to talk a lot and drink. Should he lose though, he is wrathful.
Then, at the office, with his wife present. She truly keeps his bases covered. An acanthus and a mastigos, predicting the odds and manipulating people. They themselves are a money making machine, a team, two of them. Isolating him from her seems ideal, exposes him to influence. Clara is sharp. And in the office, he is all business. He keeps liquor in his desk.
In all three possibilities, you sense him saying no to our inquiries. But then you feel something else awaken in you.
GM (GM):You seem to hold some focus of sway over each particular possibility card.
You feel that if you put a little extra effort, you might attract good or ill fortune into or away from either of these scenarios.
Justin:"I can't turn into a dragon. In the Dreams it's always peaceful, but the kind of peace you get knowing you have the most power in the room, if that makes sense."
GM (GM):((You have precedent for unlocking Shifting The Odds))
Justin:((But that's a whisper.))
Jessica:((ooh, a new toy))
Eve K. opens the door to the truck to see where everyone else is at.
Eve K.:"Well then lead on."
Jessica:Jessica tunes everyone out for a few minutes, staring in the way people stare off when they are daydreaming. She snaps back when Eve closes the truck door, jumping a little.
Justin:Justin rolls his eyes at Eve.
Eve K.:"Rolling your eyes isn't going to help the situation, just say what you are feeling."
Jessica:"We need to keep Remington away from his wife no matter what we do. We have a few options but they'll all need magical help."
"His main weakness is that he gets carried away when he indulges his vices. She evens him out. We gotta unbalance him if we're gonna manipulate him."
Kurtis Kerner:seems to be focused on Jessica
"I'm listening."
GM (GM):Oh, the interesting thing is, Jessica, you don't see Remington's face. Nor his wife. Not their real faces. You see them the way you imagine them in your mind.
Justin:"Don't be facetious." To Jess "Let's hear it."
Jessica:((Makes sense.))
Eve K.:"No promises on that one. I won't be able to keep em."
Jessica:"So--are you guys okay?"
Justin:"I don't think she likes me any better."
Eve K.:"I don't like you any less either."
Jessica:"Um. Okay." Jess looks between them. "So... We were just talking about Remington. I think my powers are getting bigger. Or about to or something."
Eve K. nods "That's good."
Jessica:"Anyway our options, poker, or meeting him at his office." She ticks them off on her fingers.
Kurtis Kerner:"Offices, of which he has two."
Eve K.:"Busy guy"
Justin:"Is anyone actually good at Poker? Like, real good not magic good?"
"I only know how to play slap-jack."
"And like, go-fish."
Jessica:"I saw us doing well at golf. We get his respect but that won't overcome his professionalism. Same when we gamble or see him at work. We won't be able to just butter him up."
Kurtis Kerner:"Oooh, what if we pose instead of as accountants, instead, as investors, for his broker front. Say we want to invest into Branch's company, whatever covers he has for her business. Her private security, offices, factories, whatever they produce."
Justin:"So if nothing works, how do we do it?"
Eve K. listens thoughtfully then glances around for Dante
Jessica:"I don't really know how investing works or how to sound legit." Turns to Justin. "I gotta nudge it with luck."
"I don't really like it. It breaks the rule about putting everything on a spell."
She crosses her arms.
Justin:"Well I'm not going to be able to lie very well. We all saw how quickly Slabod's crew saw right through me."
Kurtis Kerner:"Hmmm.... he might want to see the money.... I could say that Aurora Casino of New Haven wants to.... Oooh, yes! Throw in Hannah into this. A gambler, he might like that. An investment, where I am an agent, and the reason I was at the party with Dante, my associate, is to find partners in the gambling business. That might get us talking."
Jessica:"Who is Hannah again?"
((everyone fell asleep))
Eve K.:((not asleep))
Jessica:((we probably should stop here I guess?))
Justin:((Also not asleep.))
((looks around at sleeping Dante, Lucas, and Kurt.))
Kurtis Kerner:((I'm not asleep but Lucas and Dante are))
"Hannah is who hired us. Hannah Riley and Jared Willow, two american associates. Hannah is with Mysterium, and Jared is Adamantine Arrow. They were the ones who believe Diana will bring ruin and have the means to destroy the Gem."
Justin:"I don't know that the Gem can just be straight-up destroyed. I think that the power always has to go somewhere.
Either way, what would pulling her in help us with?"
Eve K.:((Thought Free council was in there somewhere))
Jessica:"Well if we have a real fake investor we could have real fake paperwork. At least our paper trail would look right."
Kurtis Kerner:"I mean I could give her phone number and hope she can be more convincing than us, maybe she'll give him some account numbers or... it's just we have no money on us, so we don't pass as investors, but we pass as agents of investors."
Jessica:"I like it."
Justin:"Gotcha, good enough plan at least."
Eve K.:"I'll help however I can in whatever plan you all decide on."
Jessica:"I still feel like our plan will need a nudge. Since we are breaking the rule about making a plan hinge on a spell I think I should do it in advance. Like a ritual. If it even works like that. I gotta look at my book."
Kurtis Kerner:"Solid idea."
Justin:"We can, but I don't have any Fate arcana to help."
Eve K.:"I'm not sure any of us do."
GM (GM):Meanwhile, we drop off Ludwig. He shows Dante a round about country road that bypasses the highway, a sneaky way to get into the fields and to the farm. It takes us at least two hours to get him, and sure enough his house stands as it did before.
Jessica, you do not feel a Time dilation when you approach the farm, nor a trace of a Time spell.
Jessica:"Since we need to take advantage of his weaknesses I think I want to try props or something as representations. Alcohol bottles and stuff maybe. I dunno. You guys could help me come up with a list maybe? This will be my first time casting it myself."
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah, great idea. We should set up shop somewhere. If we get this guy nailed, we'll open Diana up the way Guardians strip down newly awakened."
Jessica:Jessica nods and gets distracted by the farm. It's good to see it's okay.
Eve K. smiles slightly seeing that the farm is fine. Though she doesn't look surprised in the least either.
Justin:"Simple time spell..." Justin shakes his head as he heads for the tool shed.
"Figure we can set up in here."
Kurtis Kerner:looks around with Supernal Vision
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
"Hmm. I don't see no time spell."
Jessica:"How are we going to get props if we are using this as a base?"
"There's no time spell."
Justin:"Because there isn't a time spell that can be done with the time arcana that would allow you to blow up a house and then reverse it."
"It's ridiculous."
"Also, what do you need as props? I have no clue what you're doing so you'll need to lead the way here Jess."
Jessica:((the time spell Edward and Denise were under was in the woods and we walked out of it by the time we reached the fa, correct?))
GM (GM):((yes))
(To Eve K.): mind rolling supernal vision for me?
Jessica:"There's no time spell. He's lying or something."
Kurtis Kerner:"Unless he's good at hiding his spell residue... or if his shit don't work like ours."
(From Eve K.): You want eve to look with Supernal vision?
(To Eve K.): At least try yeah, you may beat the successes.
Eve K.:"Would you like me to see if I can see his spell?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah. What do you make of this?"
examines the house
"I mean is it even safe for him to enter?"
Jessica:"Fair." Addressing Justin's question: "I think it probably needs to be stuff that means something to him or...matches a feeling or something. Gambling makes his emotions go erratic. He probably has a favorite brand of liquor. I dunno. I'm just spitballing."
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
5 Successes
GM (GM):The wall that spelled Katerholzig in blood fire looks normal.
Jessica:((very nice))
(To Eve K.): No time spell, but there is a Mind spell. The destruction of the house was likely an illusion.
(To Eve K.): a full sensory hallucination.
Ludwig: is beside himself with joy as he hobbles over for his chickens, smiling.
Eve K. 's eyes go white for a moment as she looks around the field and to the house, after a moment she smirks just a little "Clever... very clever... Of course that makes a lot more sense."
Kurtis Kerner:"You seein' something I'm not?"
Jessica:((yay chickens are fine))
Eve K.:"So it would seem. It wasn't a matter spell. Or a death spell. It was all up here." *she taps a finger to her head like she does when she gives Dante permission to add her to their mind network
Kurtis Kerner:"A mind spell? An illusion?"
Jessica:"That makes me paranoid."
"That means he was in our heads right?"
Kurtis Kerner:slaps himself "Which... he knew he could use on me and you and Ludwig, because Dante was in the cave."
Jessica:((Dante's gf wasn't full last night he just stole her during the conversation))
Eve K.:"It seems to have been an illusion yes. Full sensory illusion. He has quite the flare for the theatrical so I'm not surprised. Rather he was 'in our heads' or not I would have to ask Dante."
Jessica:((Dante fell asleep in the car...even though he was driving. His space magic is that good))
GM (GM):((Alright, I'm falling asleep, let's continue next time.))
Justin:((Sounds good.))
Jessica:Yep. I'm gonna look up ritual magic and see what kind of props list I can think up. Night y'all
Justin:Before bed, Dark Matter and using one of my 9-agains.
rolling 11d10>8!>9
2 Successes
Next morning, dark matter and using another 9-again.
rolling 11d10>8!>9
4 Successes
Purple vials rolls
Not using 9-again
rolling 11d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 11d10>8!
4 Successes
rolling 7d10>8
2 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis tries to recall the nature of the bible Justin carries.
rolling 2d10>8!
0 Successes
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 6d10>8!
0 Successes
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
Justin:((Okay, so the matter sight to look at the thing and figure out how old the ink is.))
rolling d10>8!
0 Successes
rolling 11d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):A Justin thing.
rolling 10d10>8!
3 Successes
Justin:((Resolve 3 Occult 1 Spirit 4 WP 3 = 10 along with 9-again.)
rolling 10d10>8!>9
4 Successes
((Wits 2 Empathy 4 Danger sense 1 wp 3 = 10 along with 9-again.))
rolling 10d10>8!>9
6 Successes
((I've notated that the rolls have been spent and I've decreased willpower appropriately.))
GM (GM):Okay. So, the ritual
You clear it with Ludwig, and he lets you use the attic. It's a pretty well maintained attic, a few spiderwebs, but otherwise he took good care of the cleanliness.
Jessica:((we are driving back, Jon is here but I may post from here or his phone, not sure if it'll be a pain to switch back and forth))
((sounds good. Anything else or should I spend my Mana and do my rolls?)
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis does come up with you, and does give a dirty look to the panties. At which point he asks "What exactly are you doing?"
Jessica:Jessica swipes her hand across her forehead. "I'm trying to symbolize his wife somehow. I don't know her name, just that she's probably hot based on what you said about women hanging off his arms when you met him, and people associate sexy with underwear. I feel like I'm treading water."
Kurtis Kerner:"I see. Her name is Clara, and yes, she's insanely hot. But... what are you, like, doing? Are you trying to shift his luck? Or ours? Because we're right here, and you know us better than any of us know Teddy."
Jessica:"Yeah but like...I guess I felt like spotting his weakness gave me something to work with? When I saw us getting lucky at the gaming table he got angry cause he was losing."
"I guess I already saw us doing well and earning his respect and it didn't get us anywhere so I was going for a different angle."
Kurtis Kerner:"Huh... like, give him just enough challenge to make it feel real, while still letting him win in the end?"
Jessica:"Yeah, something like that. It doesn't matter if we win the card game, we need to get past his defenses. We can charm him all we want. He's still a professional. We need to get him to indulge and keep his wife out of the way or she'll mess up our efforts. That's why I was focused on him instead."
Kurtis Kerner:nods "I see. Well, I won't disturb you."
GM (GM):So, what takes you some time, as you read through the Book, is to formulate the exact effect your ritual will accomplish.
To steer the fate of events in such a way that Theodore keeps playing us, and Clara does not interfere.
Jessica:Makes sense
Eve K.:((I'm here but also making sammich))
GM (GM):Okay, roll to set up the hexagram. Two rolls.
Int + Occult to get the design right, and Dex + Crafts to not spill salt and not mess up the mechanics. You can ask for help on this part from a friend.
Jessica:((how does help change my roll? Or would someone else do that roll?))
Dante:"I have a steady hand, if you'd like some help. Up to you."
Dante has taken interest and is watching, but not moving to interfere.
Jessica:((I don't know how to do assisted rolls))
GM (GM):Both will make a dex+crafts roll and you can pick the higher.
Jessica:((sounds good))
GM (GM):The int+occult roll has to be yours
"I'd love the help."
rolling 3>8!
I know I did it wrong one sec
rolling 3>8!
Jessica:For some reason it's dropping the d10 portion
rolling 3d10>8!
0 Successes
There we are
Phones suck
Dante:((oh gosh, on the phone even))
GM (GM):You describe to Kurt and Dante a pretty good design that you deduce would suffice. Your logic from the downtime document is what you apply, 6 being a good number for vice and all. There are 7 deadly sins, but 6 is the devil's number.
Jessica:((we are driving))
GM (GM):So you draw for us what you'd like us to salt.
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt and Dante would both assist in the salt pouring, feel free to take either of our rolls on this one. Or your own. All three of us will make dex+crafts rolls
Dante:Dante scratches his cheek in anticipation of any directions he's given. "Just let me know where to get started."
rolling 4d10>8!
3 Successes
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt, seeing the plan, resumes his typical eagerness for action "Well that looks good to me, let's salt it up." (Kurt's dex+crafts is 6)
rolling 6d10>8!
6 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:wow...
we're gonna die
Dante:((yea from too much salt))
Kurtis Kerner:that was a Fireball kinda roll
Jessica:Six successes on a hexagram
Kurtis Kerner:Will you let Kurt do it?
Kurtis gets to draw all shapes fr now on XD
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt turns on like, an autistic level of detailization, as if something turned on in him.
"No no no, hang on, imperfect. Jess, bring that angle in, DC, your line's a bit off. Here, like that, no, a little more, okay. Right here. And the salt has to be even too, all the same height."
he kneels down to the floor and crawls, measuring, and being all intense. It's not until he starts sniffing the salt a bit that you might get the idea that the reason he's so good at this particularly, is because he spends a lot of time arranging white powders into perfectly sniffable rows. The cocaine addict.
Eve K. is watching in quiet amusement
Jessica:((this is awesome))
Dante:"Ah, oh yeah.. sure, that makes sense. Right."
Dante just follows Kurt's lead as he takes the lead.
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt fixes and corrects until he just loses patience and redoes the whole thing himself until it's to his satisfaction. To a normal person it probably looks the same, but Kurt finally exhales with that very Kurt-like intensity
"It's perfect."
Eve K.:"You may want to look for green candles. They represent luck in candle magic."
Jessica:"Good to know. Thank you."
GM (GM):Will you take Eve's advice?
GM (GM):Green candles for all, or bad luck candles for some symbols?
Jessica:Bad luck for the wife
Eve K.:"Black candles of course are for curses."
Jessica:"Black it is."
GM (GM):What symbols get black candles?
And what symbols get red?
I mean green
Jessica:The panties get black. The green ones go on the cards and the penny (cause his good luck is my good luck)
GM (GM):What color are the panties?
The panties themselves
Jessica:I was thinking black and lacy but not like one of the super low rise or anything
(From Eve K.): (I'm assuming with Occult 4 Eve knows this easy stuff without even thinking since I Chris know this with like occult 0.5 XD))
(To Eve K.): Eve knows the candle colors, but Eve does not know what ritual Jessica is attempting, because Jessica is making it up. Her belief in the ritual is what gives it power, and Eve would know that, but certain rules of the universe will make the current rougher or smoother.
(To Eve K.): Eve needs to make an occult+int roll if Eve wants to help though :)
GM (GM):Ludwig does not happen to have a spare tie in his wardrobe, the one he does have is black, reserved for his funeral. He has like one suit. It would be douchy to take that, so Kurtis offers his dark blue tie, taking it literally off his own neck.
Will you use Kurtis's tie?
Or insist on Ludwig's and promise to buy him another?
Don't know who else here owns a tie.
Eve K.:
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
Jessica:Use Kurtis'
Dante:((Trynna remember if anyone's goth clothing had either a tie or a cravat or anything))
((Dont think they did))
Eve K.:((nope))
((dante's shirt was pretty fancy but no tie or cravat))
Dante:((Note to self: buy a cravat))
Eve K.:((Eve would 100% jump Dante if he wore a cravat. Just a fact.))
(From Eve K.): that was an int+occult roll btw
(To Eve K.): You look at the hexagram and you don't think that this particular design is going to work. It's missing runes, and the floor boards have breaks in them, she'd need to put a carpet underneath, and a hexagram is more for demon/spirit summoning anyways. She would be better off with a heptogram.
GM (GM):Alright, what color candle for the tie?
Jessica:White. it's not an element we are manipulating it just represents part of Remington
GM (GM):Calculator and Glass of wine?
Jessica:Calculator white, wine is green
GM (GM):Okay, why?
Jessica:It's like the cards. When he drinks he feels good
Calculator is a representation of his job
GM (GM):Money, cards, and wine - you want good luck on those things for Ted.
Tie and calculator - just to hone in on him, neutral grounding influence.
Panties - bad luck on Clara.
Correct flow?
GM (GM):Alright, perfect.
Eve is giving a critical eye to our concoction here.
Eve K. looks at the hexagram this way and that.. then comments "Are you trying for traditional Wicca symbols? Because hexagrams are usually for demon or spirit summoning in that tradition. You also wouldn't want any breaks in the design. You could use a heptogram. It's called a fairy star.. would work well for"
Eve K. looks for a carpet while speaking "I'd use a carpet to cover the floorboard cracks.. Ah like this one."
GM (GM):7 deadly sins, 7 symbols on your tattoo... if anything does represent Jessica Murphy's magic number it... would indeed be the lucky 7. Eve may have a point. Plus, the wood boards do serve as a way to dispose of your sacraments, but the breaks in the floor boards do mess with the design. They introduce tiny breaks. A broken circle, any summoner would know, is bad news.
Dante and Kurtis feel free to make int + occult rolls if you wanna fact check Eve if you don't trust her.
Kurtis Kerner:"But I just got the design perfectly!"
Jessica:"We were just talking about goetic demons in the car, and I was thinking vices. points? I need something to place on the last point."
Eve K. shrugs and kicks a carpet "Just an observation. These sorts of details help when you are doing rituals at first. But then again you -can- brut force it with your will. If you believe it will work it will."
Dante:Dante just listens quietly, nodding and looking over at the design.
"It is a very nice, perfectly tight set of lines.."
Kurtis Kerner:"It does have breaks through, because of the floor boards.... hang on, do you have any gum? Like a lot of gum? We could patch the sections in the floor boards where the salt crosses with gum, or putty, so the lines are straight."
GM (GM):Jessica, you can change the design as Eve advises and come up with the 7th item, or proceed with your current design.
Jessica:Justin: Chimes in from the doorway: "I could just use measuring tools and draw it again perfectly." (Int+academics)
"Sorry Kurt, I think I should follow Eve's advice. It really is masterful though."
Kurtis Kerner:"Measuring tools, which any of us brought! Bah." - Kurtis fumes and gets up, pretty upset, but...
GM (GM):You get to use Eve's Int+Occult roll, which had a result of 2
Jessica:((yuss, Eve with the save))
GM (GM):A new set of Dex+Crafts rolls from anyone who wants to help and Jessica herself, as we draw a Heptogram!
((Damn it, I was hoping to summon a spectacular demon encounter, 6 successes on a hexogram already gave it amazing bonuses))
Eve K.:"You two could work together? Justin could calculate, you could pour? They are very straight lines."
Jessica:Justin: "Pretty sure Ludwig does woodworking. He'd have some tools."
Dante:Dante positions himself to be of aid in drawing this new geometric shape.
"Yeah, if not in the house, then probably in the shed."
rolling 6d10>8!
4 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:"They were perfect!"
Eve K.:"They were yes."
GM (GM):Okay, do you use a carpet Eve suggested?
rolling 4d10>8!
1 Success
Jess' roll. Now Justin's
I can't see his stats on his sheet
Just his background
GM (GM):His dex+crafts is 3
rolling 3d10>8!
1 Success
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt begrudgingly approaches the new layout
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
Jessica:So obviously going with Dante's
Kurtis Kerner:He doesn't have the inspiration anymore
Jessica:Poor Kurtis
GM (GM):Okay, Dante has the lead this time, and if you are willing to sacrifice an hour, Justin can go get the tools and measure everything with tools. Then his dex+academics will go into play.
Jessica:He says no
Jessica will see if Ludwig has anything gold related
GM (GM):Okay, here we go with the heptogram
Dante:"Hey, it was a really great shape. Well done."
Dante works to lay down the design on the carpet with a steady hand and deliberation.
GM (GM):Ludwig does not have a golf club or a golf ball
Dante:((I'm gonna assume we had to go grab a second cannister of Morton's from the kitchen after scrapping the first design lol))
GM (GM):Closest he has to a ball is an egg
((yeah, safe assumption))
Jessica:Jessica looks up standard grass heights for gold courses. She will take Justin outside with a pair of scissors and they will clip a portiom of Ludwig's lawn to gold course height and use the clippings
That will be our last prop
GM (GM):And the candle color on this?
Jessica:White, sorry
We're gonna be playing poker so
Golf is just to key in
GM (GM):Alright, at this moment, you feel, Jessica, that anyone who does not work Fate, should leave the room.
Jessica:"Alright everyone, I think I need to do this part alone. Thanks for the help."
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt leaves first. "You'll do great. Good luck."
Dante:Dante nods and positions himself just outside the room. Leaning at the edge of a doorframe, or the base of stairs, he calls out.
"We're here if you need us."
GM (GM):The door closes. You are ready to begin as the clock strikes 7 PM, on September 26th, Tuesday. A week ago, on a Tuesday, Merlin Rude would be having a party.
How time flies... you feel the presence of Time and Fate. It's gonna work, you sense it.
You wanted to cast your Exceptional Luck here.
Now is the time.
Hope for that good luck.
rolling 6>8!
It keeps the d10 on the goddamned line
And posts the rest
It's really fucking annoying
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
Okay two rolls get 9-agains! Whoop
Jessica:Lemme buy shift fate for 6 xp and roll
GM (GM):Mark off 1 Mana for Exceptional Luck
How much Mana do you currently have?
Jessica:1 left. Ate my last two cubes
GM (GM):So now you are at 2?
Jessica:Also, it's actually.4 xp cause it's level 2
No I ate two used one
I am at 1 Mana remaining
GM (GM):Ok, sold.
You might want to bum some sugar cubes before you begin, you have a feeling this will take energy.
Would you like to do that? You would know when you're empty.
Dante:((Would it be too late to leave her some mana cubes? I can make an int roll or something if you want))
GM (GM):((Nope, leave away))
Dante:((to determine if he would think to do so))
Jessica:I have no more cubes
GM (GM):((Just give her cubes, mark off before you left the room))
Dante:Dante leaves Jessica with... 3 cubes.
((3 left))
Jessica:Nom nom 4 mana
GM (GM):Kurtis leaves you 6 sugar cubes.
Jessica:Do I think I need that many??
GM (GM):Yes.
Jessica:Alright, ten mana
GM (GM):You will be digesting them as you go. Each cube takes 10 minutes to digest and enter your pattern, so they will supply you during the ritual.
Alright. So here is how this will work. You are alone and the clock is ticking. You have all the time you need, no limit, the magic will continue to flow. You have read in the book that to make the spell more effective, it helps if you chant. The words of the chant are up to you, and you should type them for us, and your gnosis will fill it with Power of your Mana. You have Gnosis 2, so each roll is going to take you 1 hour, which means chanting and seeing what things will bring. After each roll, I will give you a little narrative of what you experience.
Your stamina is 4, so you can do 4 consecutive rolls without resting, after which you can take a break or experience fatique. If you take breaks, you will need to rest for no more than 20 minutes or the spell will lose its progress.
Each casting you will be casting Shifting The Odds, each cast will cost you 2 mana. 1 mana because the rote says so, and 1 because you are targetting a target sympathetically using nothing but a Shadow Name.
You can begin at 7:20 PM, when The first pair of Dante's cubes digests and you feel the power tingle at your fingertips.
I have the number of successes needed written down, I will tell you when you meet them.
Jessica:Jon says I'm not casting the spell multiple times I'm casting once and taking a long time to do it
Eve K.:((yup))
Jessica:From what I read today that seems.correct
Eve K.:((you roll your dice pool until you get enough successes))
Jessica:So it theoretically shouldn't be consecutive.mana costs
Dante:((you do have to roll many times, each roll has a cost))
((Pretty sure anyway))
Jessica:((it's one spell not many))
((same with paradox; it's one roll at the end of casting))
Dante:((Only stuff I see on ritual spellcasting doesn't say one way or the other about mana cost or whether or not its interpreted as one cast. Dunno.))
GM (GM):((Guys guys guys, the GM says this is what's gonna cost, there's no reason to argue. But leave it to Jon to do so anyway.))
Jessica:((that's a low blow. I think the book doesn't say because there's no reason to think it works different from other extended actions except as noted))
((the Jon comment was out of line))
Eve K.:((Mana Cost
Players spend points of Mana to allow mages to perform
various feats of magic, including the following:
• Improvised Magic: Casting an improvised spell requires
the expenditure of a point of Mana, unless the primary
Arcanum used is one of the mage’s Ruling Arcana.
Eve K.:• Sympathetic Magic: Casting a spell upon a target
beyond sensory range requires the expenditure of a point of
Mana. See “Sympathetic Spells,” p. 114.
• Aggravated Damage: Mages must spend a point of Mana
for a spell to inflict aggravated damage. The mage must first
have the prerequisite Arcana dots to cast an aggravated
Eve K.:effect, as described in the spell descriptions.
•Power: Certain effects that significantly alter the laws of
nature or physics might require the expenditure of Mana, as
described in the spell descriptions.
In the case of instant-action castings, the spell’s entire
Mana cost must be spent for the mage in a single turn, or he
Eve K.:cannot cast the spell. See “Gnosis,” p. 76, to determine the
mage’s maximum allowable Mana expenditure per turn. For
extended-action castings, points can be spent over the course
of the casting, as long as the total required points are spent
by the final roll.))
GM (GM):((This is a special ritual that will accomplish a lot more than the spell in the book normally would. Shifting the Odds is a level 2 spell that can shift a minor outcome and create a minor shift in fate to some small positive or negative outcome. What Jessica here is doing is trying to shift multiple factors on multiple people to keep acting and keep shifting and maintaining, for as long as a candle is lit. It's gonna work because Jessica is going to pour a lot of energy into this.))
Dante:((Normal extended actions don't have resource cost associated with them))
Eve K.:((Pg 128))
GM (GM):((Jessica is asking essentially for a continuous shift that will ensure Theodore's predisposition. This was a group project ritual with Jessica as point man. It's an effort, not a low blow, don't cheapen her contribution))
Jessica:((thank you for the rules Eve))
((I said the low blow was the Jon comment))
Eve K.:((per rules it would be at least 2 mana if I were GM I would say more since we are asking to significantly shift this mans opinion of us. ))
Dante:((I'm indifferent here, but I did have to pay per roll for a mana-cost ritual. If we go forward one way or the other, couldn't care less.))
Eve K.:((mmhmm))
GM (GM):((Yeah, your mana cost was every roll Dante, because you were also doing something not normally done by the rote. You were permanently reprogramming a non-sleeper))
((And I'm not debating it. Like I said, don't care how we do it. It seems fair enough to me that reaching beyond the normal limits of a spell should levy a cost.))
GM (GM):((Long story short, your ritual will encounter resistance, and for the sake of streamlining, I'm asking for this cost. This is not yet another opportunity to argue and induce spoilers, we don't need to fight the GM, who can literally set a target number. The whole point is that Jessica's resources exhaust in the facing of such a massive weight of Fate. A few really good rolls will do it. But again and again, the arguments in the battle against GM. This is a special case, not the first one, not the last one. My way of letting a character do something bigger than their limitations allow.))
Eve K.:((Oh hai))
Justin:((While it is possible that you somehow decided that Jess's spell costs 9 mana and Dante's also happened to be costed exactly the same way it would have been costed if you had to pay the mana cost per roll, Occam's Razor suggests that you just didn't know how it worked.
I don't know why it's so important for you to admit to being wrong , especially in a scenario where it's just a bunch of nerds playing a game. You aren't beyond reproach, people are allowed to say something whenever something comes across as wrong.
I don't have it out for you. I enjoy this game and I enjoy your storytelling. That doesn't mean that I'll never have clarifications and feedback, and feedback shouldn't cause this apparent level of resentment.))
((never admit to being wrong.))
Justin:((That had asterisks next to it, but roll20 at them.))
GM (GM):((Okay. So. Yeah, there are gonna be custom and kinda secret factors to casting this ritual, including, spoiler alert, possible detection and countermeasures, which, I was going to dramatically describe for Jessica and everyone to make this very special, but wanted the mechanics out of the way first, so it doesn't turn into mechanics hell that costs us hours of arguing instead of RPing, which is what it is turning into anyway, so I no longer care. I'm sorry for calling you out, but it's been non stop, we're clashing continuously. And don't even get me started on Bestow Exceptional Luck. I let Jessica do that beyond her class, because Coral felt the character was useless, and I was like, hell, why not? I'm not beyond reproach, like when I was open to revision of the shields and AOE fire damage, but jesus christ when I have something elaborate like this prepared, please work with me instead of immediately going to "oh, kk fucked up again, let's fix it", maybe approach it like, "hey, is this being homebrewed?"))
((I'm definitely fallible and I don't know the rules, but this here ritual is either gonna take a lot of mana or really hard target number. Right now, it's dramatic. She can pour a lot of her focus into the fetishes she prepared, to succeed))
((The only danger is: will she get exhausted?))
((her target number is not that high))
Justin:((How is "Hey, are you aware that the mana expenditure in rituals works like this" in any way construable as "kk fucked up again."?))
((I think the scene is great, I'm really into it. I just wanted to make sure you weren't spending our mana due to a misunderstanding.))
((Is there any way to get you out of high-alert defense mode?))
GM (GM):((Because that wasn't what was said. Jon says I'm not casting the spell multiple times I'm casting once and taking a long time to do it
Jessica:From what I read today that seems.correct
Jessica:So it theoretically shouldn't be consecutive.mana costs))
((The message was: "I shouldn't" not "Are you aware?))
((Yes, there is. Don't immediately jump into "I shouldn't do this" mode))
Justin:((I feel like you're drawing lines based on your emotional reaction here.))
GM (GM):((Well yes, I'm tired. I'm tired of arguing. I have been tired of arguing weeks ago.))
((Especially since Eve quoted you, the QED of extended casting mana expenditures))
Justin:((Right, that corroborated what I said.))
((Certain spells, like healing or giving a tool 9-again cost mana. You can increase that mana cost by casting sympathetically. The number of mana you can use at a time is limited by your gnosis.
If you are at gnosis 1 and you want to heal sympathetically, you need to do so via ritual casting so you can spread out the mana expenditure between rolls.))
((I was making sure you had an understanding of how mana expenditure worked in ritual casting. This wasn't an argument, it was a clarification. You decided that there were plenty of reasons for the mana cost to be 8+ anyways, that's fine.))
((You decided to get mad and throw personal attacks and that wasn't okay.))
Justin:((Notably, it looked like you were costing it as "You need to pay the full mana cost per roll". If you read through your wording, I think you'll find how incredibly easy it is to land on that conclusion.))
GM (GM):((I didn't get that from what was typed. And yes, I specified the cost pretty clearly, 2 mana per hour, spread across the casting time, which is within her Gnosis, at Gnosis 2 she can spend 2 mana per turn, each hour being treated as a turn.))
((What I got from the response is a player immediately jumping into arguing, i.e. I shouldn't do this))
Justin:(("Each casting you will be casting Shifting The Odds, each cast will cost you 2 mana. 1 mana because the rote says so, and 1 because you are targetting a target sympathetically using nothing but a Shadow Name."))
GM (GM):((If you want to make sure that I am aware how something works, you could type just that. "Are you aware of the extended spellcasting rules? Advise Page 76"))
Justin:((In that quotation, you specifically stated that each roll would cost 2 mana because that's how much the rote and the sympathetic casting costs for one spell))
GM (GM):((Right, i was letting her know to use the rote she just bought so she knows what to roll))
((You understand the cost assigned correctly))
Justin:((Extended spellcasting doesn't treat each roll as a separate spell with it's own mana cost. That quotation pretty clearly shows that you thought it worked that way.))
((You backpedaled and made up reasons why you weren't wrong, and I have no idea why you care so much.))
((Normally an extended roll of that rote sympathetically would cost a total of 2 mana, independent of the number of turns it took.))
((Independent of the number of rolls it took.))
GM (GM):((It does work that way though, Eve literally quoted it))
Justin:((It doesn't, please read it again.))
((It sounds like you're reading this part wrong: "In the case of instant-action castings, the spell’s entire
Mana cost must be spent for the mage in a single turn, or he
Eve K.:cannot cast the spell. See “Gnosis,” p. 76, to determine the
Justin:mage’s maximum allowable Mana expenditure per turn. For
extended-action castings, points can be spent over the course
of the casting, as long as the total required points are spent
by the final roll."
It is clarifying that you can spread out the mana expenditure over multiple turns if the spell you're casting requires more than one mana.
This is notably different than an instant-cast spell in which you have to be able to spend the entire pool of mana in the turn that you cast it.))
GM (GM):((On page 126, it explains how a custom spell with a significant changes... yes, that's what you quoted))
((So, like I said, this is not one spell being cast here, this is multiple spells, being cast as a ritual, to shift multiple factors: 1. that we book the appointment and he is available, 2. that we make good first impression. 3. that Clara is not with him, 4. that the game goes his way and pre-disposes him, etc. I set a specific way of doing this particular thing. I did not say, hey, this is how you cast a single spell extended))
((Lumping multiple instances of Shifting the Odds into one ritual, pushing a whole series of effect into one, and on top, tying it to a lit candle))
((Which i believe was exactly what I said, multiple times casting the same spell))
Justin:((As long as you understand how extended casting a single spell works, I don't care. Do you feel like you're sufficiently right enough to continue?))
GM (GM):((Not really, I have unresolved issues with Coral which I will try to address now, or it may fold the game, cause I don't really feel adequate to continue it with this group, since it's been argument after argument, and there is unhappiness, which is not conducing to any gaming experience, yours, Coral's, and certainly mine, I think pretending that everything's good, when there is a fundamental issue of me doing things in different from book ways or throwing balancing issues.))
Justin:((Maybe we ought to get on the phone and talk about it then.))
GM (GM):((I'd be open to it just not at 2 AM))
Justin:((Sounds like a plan. I don't think my tone comes across correctly online.))
GM (GM):((Mine definitely doesn't))
Justin:((Fair enough. I think we just need to hash some stuff out over voice, because it sounds like we're both here for the same reasons, we just clash sometimes.
I love the game, I love getting to play with you again all these years after the death of Genesis, and I definitely want to keep it going.))
((This game, not Genesis. It's long dead.))
GM (GM):((Sure, if you think it helps, ya, no problem))
Justin:((Alright, going to go to bed then. I'll talk to you later.))
GM (GM):Hello!
Lucas:Have am arrive
GM (GM):Welcome back!
GM (GM):Hello Coral!
Welcome back from vacation!
GM (GM):Disneyworld?
Lucas:Didney Worl
Justin:Something horrible just happened to Lucas!
Jessica:Yeah specifically star wars but we did some other stuff
GM (GM):So I've read! Anything there left of the old star wars?
Jessica:yeah the old ride is still there
they just didn't try to build the new stuff near it
GM (GM):Is there a lot of focus given to the new stuff, the disney stuff, Rei and Kylo Ren and Old Man Luke
Jessica:the old thing isn't to scale like the new stuff
everything in the new area is life sized
there's even like sound effects for spacecraft taking off or flying by but like, beyond the walls
the skyline is extremely impressive
GM (GM):How expensive are the tickets?
Jessica:kylo ren used to be the character greet but i think it didn't test well 'cause we're back to vader
i dunno my parents paid for everything
my stepdad had a work conference so his work paid for a lot of it
Justin:The new area is entirely current canon timeline.
It's the resistance vs the first order.
The character meets are all the old characters though, like Coral said.
GM (GM):Oh. So its a lot of Snoke
Yeah Vader is just too iconic to replace
Justin:Ehh, more like generic rebel people and generic first order people.
Jessica:vader, chewie, and bb8 are the greets
yeah they're using broad strokes themes
Justin:I guess Rey does walk around.
Jessica:specific characters show up for acted out scenes
Lucas:Cause she's Rey, and no one will really notice if it isn't Daisy Ridley
Justin:Actually Phasma and Kylo walked around too.
So some characters were around.
Lucas:I remember seeing phasma when we went 2 years ago. They just had a quick loop for a parade and then back after a little break. Occasionally stopping to "question" park goers along the way
Justin:It was like that but more drawn out.
They still had the parade thing though.
Lucas:They have their own place now
Gonna catch a shower right quick, guys. Shouldn't take too long. Just got home not too long ago, so I'm trying to get my cleansing done
Justin:Guess we're still waiting on Dante?
Lucas:If anything crazy happens, just remember that Lucas is standing around looking sullen and being moody
Eve K.:#mimebuildingforlife
GM (GM):Ummm.... 4 out of 5 is pretty good
Let me poke Eric more
Dispicable Me greets are pretty disturbing
GM (GM):because instead of using actual little girls, they use like
Jessica:that's how i felt about the incredibles meet a little
the characters ride the line where's it's odd whether you represent them with real people or as mascot costumes
Lucas:Yeah. I can see that.
It's that uncanny valley that makes them hard to represent regardless of how you try
Jessica:something like that yeah, but it's not really creepy so much as, i dunno, impossible to make it look "right" i guess
GM (GM):Okay, so I think we can proceed without Dante, since we're most of us here
Lucas:They'll figure it out one day. AR or some kind of advanced masks or something
GM (GM):jesus, no just no masks, use little girls
Jessica:what about creeps?
Justin:Let the creeps win sometimes.
Am I right?
Japan is doing fine.
Lucas:Creep factor gets pretty high at Disney and universal
Theyve shut down a few rings that managed to infiltrate staff
Eve K.:bauwx?
GM (GM):Okay, here we go.
Upstairs in Ludwig's Attic!
GM (GM):Based on feedback, the super special narrative ritual mechanics are rehashed to give Jessica more freedom of managing expenditures!
The ritual will traverse through the objects in a manner that Jessica described, and she starts it by dropping in just 2 quintessence to get the ritual going and rolls as an extended casting should roll, with 14 as the target number.
Jessica:((when did we get a mana refill again?))
((i can't remember))
GM (GM):Within the heptogram sit seven objects, three to hone in on the target, the grass clippings to resemble a golf course, someone's calculator, Kurt's tie, three to give good effects, the wine, the glass, and cards, and Jessica's undies for the curse.
((You guys got a bunch of mana cubes from Kurt before the ritual, and folks chipped in to fill Jessica up))
Jessica:((okay gotcha))
GM (GM):((My mana shows 3, and Kurtis dropped 6 into cubes for Jessica))
((I had 9 before, and wanted to make sure she has enough))
((I believe everyone donated some, i can look back))
((2 from Dante))
((3 from Dante))
Your spell roll would be wits + higher of occult or science + fate + 3 for sweet props, and you can use willpower.
Jessica:((thanks i was trying to figure out what my roll was and the chat log is super long right now. one moment)
rolling 9d10>8!
1 Success
((do i need to pause between rolls or just keep going?)
rolling 9d10>8!
1 Success
((it's cause Dante isn't here))
rolling 9d10>8!
8 Successes
Eve K.:oooh snap
rolling 9d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 9d10>8!
4 Successes
((wtf with that one roll)
((14 isn't even a low DC))
((that's nuts))
((confirmed invoking Dante gets good rolls))
Eve K.:yup
GM (GM):Okay, let me look. So, each roll is an hour, right? Let's see the table.
Did you buy Gnosis 3 or not yet?
GM (GM):Okay, each roll is 3 hours
But that's a lot, so we're gonna do something special, ok?
GM (GM):Okay! Perfect. Could you please link me the ritual description doc you wrote again? Or describe it here. What item does Jessica start with to hone in on Theodore?
Jessica:((gotta open my doc brb))
GM (GM):((Thank you! ))
lemme read the end again. I forgot i had it as a gdoc so i was looking through my folders
At each point of the hexagram she places a representation;
a pack of cards, freshly shuffled
a shot of whatever liquor Ludwig had on hand, most expensive she can get away with.
Her phone, opened to the calculator app
Jessica:A tie, symbolizing the pride of success
A pair of panties (she will give Kurtis the most ugly look possible if he makes a comment)
Finally, her last penny
GM (GM):((Okay, thanks for linking that, perfect)
So, as Jessica enters the trance, she feels optimal angles of traversing the ritual. The possibilities play through the time-fate and arrive to the more optimal solutions. She can feel tunnels of chance sort of shape themselves, eliminating undesirable outcomes. She finds it the easiest to work with the items that magnetize luck to her willing friends group, the harder portion is to hone down on the target, and the most difficult, most resistant element would be the black candle for the curse of poor luck for Claire Remington. Jessica can quickly calculate that she can make the most progress if she starts with the green candles first, to charge up the good luck first. She drinks the liquor, and the flame of the candle extinguishes by itself. A sure sign that the ritual has begun taking its form. Jessica's quintessence trickles out of her fingertips like sparkling blue fairy dust, akin to which she had seen in Arcadia. With liquor consumed, Jessica can feel Peter's unseen presence somewhere within her mind. "Hoot hoot", just like back then in his cave, when she drank his wine. The sparkling magic swirls around the glass, and then lands on the cards. Jessica deals the Poker hands, shuffling and visualizing poor outcomes for the hands for her group and good hands in the opponent's.
Jessica:hoot? "Peter?"
GM (GM):He doesn't exactly answer with words, but with his presence. You can tell Peter is there, or rather, the raw form of the Satyr and its powers are there, with you.
GM (GM):Working with the card combinations is what takes the most of this three hour period. You hone in on every combination, and the first three hours, you accumulate the 2 successes from your first two rolls.
As all the hands are "rigged" with your mind, the candle extinguishes and you know exactly what to do. You cut your finger with a knife and seal the "hands" with the blood from your "hand".
A blood drop hits the deck, and as the candle dies, you see the blood sizzle and smoke on the deck, as if the deck was hot.
Your blood drop, like acid, eats a small hole through the stack.
The coin at this point almost sentiently cries out for your attention, it's ready to spring into action and target all this luck onto the person you shall search.
GM (GM):Jessica touches the coin, and this is where something happens. The battle for those 8 successes.
On the turn of the fourth hour, Jessica focuses on the tie, the grass, and the phone calculator. She imagines Theodore Remington, as she knows him from his description.
She comes into contact with something right away as the three white candles start to flicker, creating ghastly shadows all around the room.
How well is Jessica versed in the lore of Magic the Gathering?
Jessica:pretty well. she got into it before the novels got bad
GM (GM):It makes sense, she didn't just play it for the rules and winning, but was probably exposed to what it all symbolizes.
Would Jessica have a feel for what an elemental type creature would be?
Jessica:yeah. elementals in mtg aren't like in fantasy works
so like, instead of a being of solid fire or rock or whatever it's an antelope with magical traits such as actual trees instead of antlers
fire elementals most often match the fantasy theme and green-aligned creatures match it the least
but yeah she knows what an elemental it
GM (GM):And in Jessica's mind, what would a difference between an elemental and a person would be like? For example, if a fire wielding mage, a wizard or a sorcerer, took form of a living flame or a antelope and stood next to an elemental, what would she do to tell the difference?
Or how could she tell it in general?
Jessica:so a person "wearing" fire and fire taking people shape are going to act different
a person being fire still acts like a person
a fire in a human shape is probably someone's puppet
or if it's sentient it'll have strange motives or reactions
GM (GM):how will their behaviors differ?
Jessica:you can't reason with an element. it does what it does. a fire can't choose not to burn things like the person can, and it doesn't place a moral value on it, because it's just its state of existance
fire elemental may have no survival instincts, because it's not really a thinking creature
a fire elemental will just burn things. a person is probably burning with a purpose
fire elemental might take a lot of smaller inhuman forms or be able to act in lots of directions 'cause really it's just a fire in a particular shape
a human has to have direction
you aim a hose at it and it probably doesn't have a lot of options, it doesn't get creative. it's not creative
GM (GM):(Add Academics specialty Magic the Gathering to Jessica's skills sheet)
Jessica:((nice, done))
GM (GM):When you hone in on what should be the fate of Theodore Remington, you sense a presence of what could be described in your own words as a Fate Elemental.
GM (GM):You don't see it, the spell being sympathetic, you obviously don't hear it, but you can sense it. Like, you SENSE it with your gnosis senses. You feel it, think it, you even hallucinate it. A shape made of changing images. A form made of projections. You could imagine it as windows that Delver of Secrets opens up for you when you use Interconnections, these images would make some kind of form, an entity made of events, a force of nature.
First time seeing this kind of thing can get pretty confusing, and this is where you feel a choice. This.... for the lack of a better term, entity, guards the Fate of the Remington Estate. You could retreat and stop right here, simply taking what you got, the lucky cards, with generic luck charm on them, or you could try to engage in a contest of power with the elemental, and THAT is what would cost you an additional expenditure of mana, you'd cut right into its operation or sneak through its perception and influence.
The elemental's natural inclination appears to be keeping the events of Remington Estate on a certain track predicted by a certain prediction force. This understanding does not come to you easily and you gain in within your trance, as you are covered in beads of sweat.
The rest of us who are not in the room would see shadows and lines of blue light coming from under the attic door.
But we will figure out what the rest of us are doing while Jessica does the ritual later.
Jessica:So I need to coax it onto different Fate threads
Like a pyromancer shaping fire
except I have to sort of choose "where" it exists as far as which fates it's favoring
GM (GM):Yeah, you feel you can temper with it or try to weave your magic carefully around it to bypass it. Either strategy will cost 2 additional quintessence. It feels pretty awesome. Channeling that amount of quintessence is new and you can tell what is letting you do it. The prop items you prepared.
Justin:((DO ittttt!__
Jessica:Let's move it onto different threads. Spending 2
Current total 6
GM (GM):You engage with the elemental and feel its resistance, but you overcome it. You find the threads which guard specifically Remington's Game Luck, as symbolized by the grass, as the grass clippings take root and start growing out of the floor boards of the attic, standing upright, his Financial Fate, as the calculator begins to spit out random numbers and perform calculations without your input, and his Business First Impression Luck, which tightens Kurt's tie.
Your trance guides you. Theodore Remington wields your kind of magic. He does what you do, he's just older and better at it. He reminds you of Hans. He is an Acanthus as you are. More over, Remington, quite possibly, almost definitely, as the threads confirm, does the very things you are doing. He often rigs his own cards and golf balls to favor contacts he is trying to befriend. He routinely performs such charms, and the Elemental Entity protects this microcosm from costing him too much for these manipulations. You can tap into these aspects and shift them, from how Remington would arrange them to how you need them arranged.
Your quintessence penetrates successfully, undetected, and you can move the threads to expose the Three Aspects of Remington to your magic.
GM (GM):This battle takes the next three hours.
On the fifth hour of the ritual, the Fate of Remington lies true and naked before you. The elemental's protection shifted, you can now attach your boon. Remington himself, however, offers some resistance from his own personal arcane resolve. You can cut that resistance by either dropping the final 2 mana and attaching the ritual to him, OR by spending more time in trance and trying to overwhelm him before you fatique yourself (this option raises your total successes requirements number by a roll I make for him).
Should you succeed, with the mana option automatically, or with the persistance option with more rolls, Remington will be subject to a shifted chance of you making a good impression, card games going his way, and him being more inclined to listen to your reasoning.
The candle lights grow into fantastic shapes on the walls, the shadows forming figures that should not exist in this attic.
The Satyr's presence grows stronger within you, as does the Delver's. You sense a looming presence of the Lotus.
Jessica:Final 2, mana is at 4
GM (GM):The candles go out. The grass growing out of the floorboards grows two feet tall, your phone shuts down, and the tie sticks to your fingers, not wanting to be let go. Raw power of fate flows from you, and you can sense the ritual take effect. You're 10 successes in, and then, she emerges in your vision. Beautiful, stylish, but not seductive. Flirtatious, but calculated and reserved. A perfect match for talented, risk taking, and arrogant Theodore. When he becomes too bold, she helps him stay his hand of careless decisions, the warning signal for when he flies too high. Behind every brilliant machination of Theodore, stands the Mastigos, a lady warlock, Claire. With only one candle remaining lit, you smell her perfume on your panties, they start feeling like they are not yours anymore. A foreign scent, a foreign look... the final stretch. Your mana expenditures have cut the time of the ritual from 15 hours to 6 so far.
Your wish is to turn Fate in such a manner that Claire is not with Theodore when you visit.
Claire is not aware of your doing. But Claire's Fate appears to be.
You enter what could possibly be a full on hallucination.
"What do you want here, you little bitch? My husband is married happily."
GM (GM):
Claire would never speak this way. But this.... this love, this protective force, her loyalty, her ego... manifests itself quite aggressively.
Images of various choices for you to make and push... Claire's taylor has her dress ready. Claire has a seminar to attend that day. Claire's car is ready to be picked up from the shop, and her driver is on vacation. Claire has a charity event she just can't miss. Claire's fallen ill, and must rest. Claire's spa appointment got rescheduled.... Or Theodore asks her to take a day off for herself, because he wants to have a private game and hates to bore her. The possibilities of endless reasons. You form them. She rejects them. But you eventually succeed. Choose the reason.
Jessica:Claire has a seminar to attend
GM (GM):A marketing seminar that the Estate has to represent their brand in, and she prepared a presentation.
The idea of Theodore alone starts playing out across your viewed possibilities. More and more of them turn out this way.
The woman, elegantly dressed, in a white blouse and dark blue business blazer, with a matching skirt, on high heels, beautiful, of age, she looks at you.
"Why are you doing this?"
Jessica:interesting that she asks a question. does it feel like this is Claire or somehow the manifestation still?
GM (GM):This deep in trance you have no idea, she is about as real as the Satyr and your own entities.... well, actually.
Let's make a roll of Composure+Occult+Fate
fatique is really taxing your clarity
Jessica:(7 dice)
GM (GM):you've been swimming in fate for hours
rolling 7d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):Yeah, you don't know
She is preparing papers in a binder for the seminar, with conference notes.
Jessica:do i need to answer her to complete the ritual? seems risky
GM (GM):She doesn't want to go, but she is going. With annoyance she stacks papers in the binder, expecting an answer.
You don't know if you need to answer, but she looks straight at you in the middle of what appears to be a lavish home office. No... a TRULY lavish home office. It has fox furs with heads hanging on the walls just for decoration, just to contrast her book shelves.
Jessica:"I have to make sure things go right." (leave it up to her entity or whatever to interpret)
(the less actual information i give her i feel like the better)
(feel like i'm interacting with part of her gnosis)
GM (GM):She huffs, angrily shuts the document parcel and storms off.
The foxes raise their heads and hiss at you, their eyes gleaming with ruby red.
"Why are you killing ussssss?"
Jessica:"If change kills you then be more flexible."
(I feel like this might amount to leaving impressions on her or something so i wanna be vague)
GM (GM):Claire is doing yoga on a mat in a lavish studio. She is exceptionally flexible for a woman in her forties. Mirrors in her private studio.
"Darn it, I forgot about the seminar tomorrow. Wait.... why are you doing this?" - she looks straight at you, pausing her exercise routine.
Jessica:"I have to make sure things go right."
GM (GM):past Claire, in the mirror, a beautiful ancient enchantress in ornate blue robes with flaring red hair and a mystical tattoo looks back at you. Symbols fly around her head, and her sapphire shoes do not touch the ground as she floats. A necklace of liquid flowing quicksilver adorns her neck.
Jessica:((that's intense))
GM (GM):Claire gets up begrudgingly and takes off her headband, letting her hair loose, and walks over to the home office to put her papers in the suitcase to get ready for the seminar.
Claire is putting dinner on the table. She decided to cook herself today. Theodore is all dressed up. A private celebration? Just them two, a romantic dinner at home. He opens a bottle of wine. Claire stares you down.
"What? Here too? Not now! Not on this day, I can't leave him on this day."
Jessica:This seems like a pattern. "If change kills you then be more flexible." Not sure that's the right answer. Hoping this doesn't actually kill her. But they're basically magic nazis and she can't let up.
GM (GM):You can smell her cooking. A delicious seasoned chicken.
Claire puts the dinner down, and kisses Theodore. "I'm sorry sweetie, I completely forgot, I have to get something ready for the seminar."
"Ah yes, can't let that one slip, darling... but surely it can wait."
"No, no, apparently it can't."
"It's not the perfume itself, it's the presentation" - says Sandra, the spa professional. Claire is getting a face mask at the spa. You can smell the minerals.
GM (GM):She gasps. "Ah! Oh my god, I completely forgot about the presentation."
She looks at you suddenly.
"Uggghh... WHY are you doing this?"
Sandra: "Doing what?"
Claire: "No no, dear, not you, thank you for reminding me about the seminar presentation... I completely forgot... it's... it's her, she's the..."
GM (GM):Sandra: "Who?"
Jessica:"I have to make sure things go right." Sweating. Heart beat is speeding up a little. The line between interacting with Claire's magic? and interacting with Claire seems like it's blurring, or like maybe she was mistaken to begin with. In for a penny though.
GM (GM):Claire runs from you. You sense it. Like a rabbit chased by dogs, from one tunnel of possibilities, to another, to find any possible combination of days that could happen on the day of your visit, any day where she could stay. You can keep chasing her, playing out the remaining 6 hours of your well deserved roll, or you can spend 1 more mana, totalling 7 for the whole ritual, and pin her down right now, saving yourself time. It is completely up to you.
Jessica:1 more. I feel like the longer we do this the more she has a chance to feel me out
Can't tell exactly how we're interacting with each other so decreasing the contact seems best
GM (GM):You feel yourself that mighty sorceress. Your body, real body, back in Ludwig's attic is a dirty sweaty mess, dehydrated and fatiqued, your eyes rolling, breath lulled, but in the Outer Eddies, you feel the might of the powerful floating enchantress, sicking your dogs on the quarry. A push of force, WOOSH, and you strip her of possibilities, and strip her of clothes, into a corner. The last place she could hide, the safest place.
They're having sex. No... making love. They are exceptionally in love. She is on top. He is about to shoot inside her, but he is considerate and wants to let her orgasm first. She turns to you angrily, covering her breast.
"The audacity! You miserable little cunt!"
Jessica:I guess I'm pushing her off?
Man I feel mean XD
GM (GM):You push her off, no words, all action?
Jessica:Well I definitely don't know what to say so yes
It's pretty jarring to do something like this to somebody
GM (GM):"Not even going to humor me, huh? Not talking to me? Just going to force me to leave his side?"
She is forced to comply to the fate you force. She remembers the seminar tomorrow and now she can't stop thinking about it. She panics, her romantic feelings gone, but she love him too damn much. She fakes an orgasm so he can have his.
"Oh my god, sweetie. Here, let's kill the wine. So... what about a little getaway tomorrow? Just you and I on the boat? Could be fun."
"Uuugh, sorry babe, we forgot about that marketing seminar."
GM (GM):
"Oh, come on, there and back, you'll be ready by monday"
"Teddy, I have nothing prepared. At all. We're gonna look bad."
"Aw, well, next week, I promise. Okay. I'll see if I can get together with the boys for a private game then."
GM (GM):
"Yeah, baby, have fun. Bring your girls in too, have a good time. Big week coming."
Her panties on the bed..... lace and frill in the shape of a butterfly....
You open your eyes and the black candle goes out. Your panties are not yours. The frill and lace, the butterfly. They're Claire's.
You managed to be done in 9 hours, which puts you at 4 AM on Wednesday, September 27th, and you are pretty solidly sure that it's gonna work, no matter when we set the date. All you have to do is light that black candle again and keep it lit. As long as it is lit, the Fate will go your way.
GM (GM):
You are completely exhausted and also probably really need to pee, or maybe have already peed.
Above all, you are RAVENOUS.
You have a patch of tall grass growing rooted in the floor, your calculator is errored out, the card deck has a hole through them, and Kurt's tie is not Kurt's tie anymore, it's a black tie with a different pattern.
Those of us with Prime who are awake for some reason at 4 AM feel a chilling tingle of a massive spell completing.
Jessica:Jessica's knees feel weak from the drop in blood sugar. She has a headache from the sustained attention that makes lights feel too bright and oppressive. She staggers downstairs keeping her hand on the wall for balance, shooing people out of the way and doing that horrible waddle-walk that people who are truly desperate for a bathroom are reduced to. "Fuckfuckfuck." Her knees feel weak and rubbery and do not like the stairs. She does "the move" when she gets to the toilet and doesn't even get a chance to shut the door before she starts letting her bladder empty
*she feels light-headed from the drop in blood sugar
(the move being that one where you pull your pants down as you sit)
GM (GM):Yup!
When you find yourself back in the kitchen, there is a meal with a note on it - "For Jess" - it's covered with some wrap, a water bottle, and some orange juice.
Probably most of us are asleep. We'll deal with what we were doing during this thing in our next session. :)
Jessica:sounds good
GM (GM):We definitely need Dante to proceed
Well done!
GM (GM):Nice 8 success roll
Jessica:yeah that was bananas
GM (GM):So that was the big twist
The first thing Remington did when he reached mastery is cast an elemental entity to keep his fate from being tampered with
Jessica:that's cool
GM (GM):But your 8 successes actually beat it
Jessica:i gotta learn that spell maybe
it seems like it could be massively dangerous though
GM (GM):yeah this was way more awesome than a regular shifting the odds
Justin:Yeah it was.
Jessica:i like that the tie and the underwear changed
GM (GM):yup
Jessica:i almost feel like i need a morality roll, i felt bad about pulling their intimate moment apart like that. that's kinda rapey
GM (GM):Fate is a gateway to chaos
Well. If you think about it.... all you were doing is going through possibilities. If you rape someone in your head but dont actually do it, do you need a morality roll?
Jessica:fair enough
GM (GM):You correctly guessed that you were interacting with Claire's raw gnosis, and Ted did teach her some Fate magic. As a Mastigos she is a master, but as a fate user she is a novice.
Whenever you caught up with an alternate possibility she created, it was overwritten and her memory of it is wiped
'cause it's not possibility anymore
GM (GM):right
but she held on to the string that let her squeeze just out
i tried really hard to imagine fate magic, it's really my weakest next to spirit
a hell for a cinematic storyteller XD
Justin:Fair enough.
GM (GM):but essentially yeah, you were locking out her possibilities
Jessica:it was cool
GM (GM):in every reality she has to go to the seminar, because you chose that
and because you threw mana at it generously, you never got detected
Jessica:i liked what happened to the props. like even the grass
GM (GM):yeah the grass is freaky.
Jessica:that was cool
GM (GM):higher level fate spells cause that kind of chaos to happen
you did a lot of prep work, you engaged your team to draw the more proper design
Justin:Cabal casting!
GM (GM):grab yourself extra 2 exp for this deal. You did a good job describing the ritual in your document and inspiring my version of it. Next session we'll be back to everyone doing stuff.
GM (GM):Alright, let's hope we can have everyone next game :D
Have a good night guys, and welcome back!
It is notjust me.
I am so excited.
It is us.
GM (GM):to do do
Justin:Do do do
I am here.
SO is Dante.
Dante:We are here.
Is that a new Dante picture?
Dante:Oh I've had it for a while, but its newer yeah
Justin:Coral's making hot chocolate.
I am brewing some coffee.
I think we're good.
Dante:We'll see where the night takes us then.
Lucas:I am Aqui
I didn't think that would happen.
I'm surprised.
Dante:My world is upside-down.
Lucas:I mean. Im awake. I'm just sick
Eve K. is a vampire now
Eve K. bites you all. The end. ;) JKJK
Jessica locks herself in the attic for several hours. The house becomes a spooky place. Draft winds, weird noises, knocking, games of shadows and lights, a crackling, and blinking under the door slit. The candles go out at last, and after 8 hours Jessica is sweaty and exhausted on the floor.
Eve K.:(If I recall food and drinks were left out for her?))
Jessica:((yeah and i peed heh)
Eve K.:((I am interested in what happened at Midnight when Eve goes vampire for the first time.))
GM (GM):Oh absolutely. As it hits midnight, Eve, you awaken.
A deafening heartbeat that pulses in your ears, a maddening thirst in your throat, and a pressure that makes you feel like your heart will stop if you do not feed.
You jolt awake, as the attic light quivers and your companions are.... asleep? Awake? everyone describe how you guys spend the night.
Jessica was working, so she is exhausted and now needs to rest, but what of the others?
Justin:Justin's sleeping on the couch.
GM (GM):Quick descriptions of the 11 PM through 4 AM period
Justin:He doesn't stay up too late, especially after all of the go-go-go of the last few days.
Dante:I think Dante probably finds a corner or a wall to lean up against and falls asleep himself if left undisturbed.
Eve K. was sleeping because you can't wake up unless you were asleep?
GM (GM):Actually, fair point, did Eve go to sleep to begin with?
Lucas:Lucas is Mime buildinging
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis goes to sleep almost immediately after wishing Jessica good luck. Takes a drink, brushes teeth and sleeps through unless woken.
Eve K.:Eve would sleep yes, until she wakes up.
GM (GM):So okay, the first event then is the silent stroke of midnight, and Eve wakes up, feeling the hunger.
You seek "blood of the living world".
Eve K.:((it has to be from a beating heart as I recall as well))
((so no fake blood or magic blood))
GM (GM):((that's a correct deduction))
Eve K. squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, holding her temples trying to ease the heart pounding in her ears. She looks around to see if anyone is awake.
GM (GM):Kurt's not awake. Is anyone at 12 am?
Eve K. if no one is awake Eve hesitates, considering who to wake up.
Eve K.:((well not Lucas then XD))
Dante:Dante is laying down, tossing as he tries to find a comfortable position, though he's not paying attention to anything in particular.
Eve K. decides to gently wake either Dante or Kurtis, whoever is closer to her
GM (GM):Dante is closer
But Kurtis is more soundly asleep
Eve K. quietly wakes Dante
Dante:Dante looks up at the sound of feet shuffling close to him. He sits up. "Mm? Can't sleep?"
Eve K. kneels down shaking her head, she whispers quietly "It's not that. Merlin's curse woke me up." Eve looks pale again, as she did the previous night when the curse was first laid.
GM (GM):Dante, if you take a look at Eve's face, the whites of her eyes are blood red, with pupils turned black. What she says sounds more like "Ithh not that. Merlin'th curth woke me up" - as all of her teeth, not just the canines, are sharpened. She is pale, and her nails are completely inappropriate.
Eve K.:((Pink nail polish?!? with that dress?? completely inappropriate))
Dante:Dante tries to mask his surprise at her change in appearance as she comes near. "So its time for.. that then. Have you uh, seen yourself?"
He keeps his voice low, instinctively keeping a bit of distance. He rises from a fully seated position and into a crouch.
Eve K. frowns at his question, shaking her head, having heard her words coming out oddly she tries to whisper more carefully "Is it different from last night?"
Lucas:((eat the farmer!))
GM (GM):Yeah, those "nails" are now growing straight out of her knuckles, exposed nail bed, and are 2 inches long, hooked, they'd make an eagle shit itself
Jessica:((do not et the farmer))
GM (GM):((et edward instead))
Jessica:(( :( ))
Eve K.:((Eve isn't eating the farmer))
Dante:((Is it in fact different than last night? Coz I don't remember this description at all.))
Eve K.:((Yeah me neither...))
Dante:((Just eat the farmer. Its better this way. He's old anyway))
Eve K.:((I dun wanna. Besides Justin will be cross with Eve after all that time he spent fixing the farmer))
Eve K.:((see))
GM (GM):((This is the first time you see Eve like this, Dante))
Dante:((That's what I thought.))
Lucas:((she's like Nosferatu vamped out))
GM (GM):Eve, you look at Dante, his neck looks fucking delicious, his heart is so healthy it hurts. My god, Justin is even more delicious, that young, life gnosis filled Thyrsus aura, it's agonizing. That male strength. And Lucas, oh man, you could chug that beast down for hours.
Dante:"I mean.. I don't remember seeing you look like this, no." A long pause. "Did we even talk about how we were addressing this?"
Eve K. takes a deep breath closing her eyes to try and control the new vampire urges, shaking her head to his question
Dante:Dante catches her eyes with his briefly, then casts his gaze elsewhere, anywhere. "Well, everyone else is asleep I think."
GM (GM):Eve, make a willpower roll at -3 please. Resolve + Composure
Justin:Justin jostles a bit in his sleep, ending with his head against a couch cushion and mouth open.
Still asleep
Dante:((You're gonna drool all over that couch))
Eve K.:
rolling 4d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Eve's claws draw back, becoming nails again, most of her teeth slide back and dull a bit, except for the long pointy canines that remain knife sharp
Eve K. lets out the deep breath slowly, eyes opening again, whispering with a nod "Except for Jessica"
Dante:"Right, well best to let that go undisturbed unless there's an emergency." Dante stands up fully and stretches, running his hand to the back of his neck, then back down. His arm lingers forearm up as he looks at it, then back to Eve. Then he shoves his hand in his pocket. "And you have to actually bite someone or..."
(From Eve K.): ((does Eve have any idea of she has to bite someone? Can she feel the limits of the curse?))
(To Justin): In your dream you see a herd of pregnant cows, they birth calves one by one, but one of their midst births something that clearly does not belong on a farm.
Eve K. looks up at him, still kneeling, she licks her lips nervously, whispering in response "I believe so."
(To Eve K.): She feels the hunger, pretty sure she knows what a vampire is.
(From Justin): Is this how whispers work?
(To Justin): yes
(From Justin): Justin looks back and forth across the field, confusion showing on his face as he moves forward, focusing on the odd cow, trying to figure out what exactly it is.
(From Eve K.): ((it was more of a technicality question I think. Does it have to be a bite or would cutting a vein do.))
(To Eve K.): How would you know? Try stuff. :)
(To Eve K.): Eve has never been a vampire
(To Justin): The odd cow is a wooden decoy painted in cow colors, an allusion to Pacifae, the mother of the Minotaur
Dante:Dante forces out a held breath and nods. "No sense prolonging the inevitable then." He stretches out his right arm, crouching down. "I can only guess at how this will go, but .. well, nevermind."
(From Justin): "I can see that you're hiding, but I don't know which one you are..." He reaches out his hand, taking hold of the wood of the decoy to uncover what lies beneath.
Eve K. reaches for his offered arm, relying on her new instincts to guide her in the process, trying to focus on controlling how much she takes more than anything else.
(From Eve K.): ((trying to stop feeding as soon as the hunger symptoms lessen enough to not cause penalties))
Dante:Dante's left hand comes out of his pocket, fingers drumming inconsistently at his hip. His eyes are fixed on Eve and his arm, perhaps waiting for something.
Eve K. bites with her vampire fangs as gently as she can, holding his arm carefully.
GM (GM):Eve, please make a wits+survival feeding roll.
Dante:Dante grits his teeth and exhales through them harshly. He seems intent on letting Eve do what she needs to do. The fingers on his left hand curl and he resists the urge to pull away, reacting to her action.
Eve K.:((spending a willpower because Eve really doesn't want to hurt Dante))
GM (GM):Eve's two canines sink in, puncturing the arm, her eyes pulse, her neck veins show in dark red, her hands grip Dante's arm with a steely desperate grip of a dark creature, a predator catching prey. The real question now is do the other teeth turn sharp and sink in as well? The roll results incoming.
Eve K.:
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):2 dots of health escape from Dante into Eve, lethal damage. Eve, he tastes intoxicatingly, after a minute of blood transfusion, you feel your hunger subside, head stops pulsing, your heart rate normalizes, the pain subsides, and in a short time, you are okay...
Your fangs retract, your eyes go from red to pink, then back to white normal.
Things are feeling a little better....
Eve K. pulls back with a shaking breath, licking the wound to see if that closes it as she's read it does.
(To Justin): inside the wooden decoy is a beautiful brunette woman, nude, her belly open, bleeding, from live birth, a cord still attached to the crawling minotaur offspring, the whole experience is gruesome.
Eve K.:((can I buy a point of survival specialty vampirism? ;) ))
(To Justin): "I know exactly which one you are." - the beautiful woman replies
GM (GM):.... Dante's wound closes uncannily fast. And things are feeling better....
....for a few seconds...
...and then....
Dante:Dante leans against the wall behind him as this happens, watching with a sort of bewildered fixation. He can't help but grimace at the feeling of losing a substantial amount of blood so quickly. He sways a bit, then...
((and then what))
Eve K.:((no and then))
Dante:((always a catch))
(From Justin): Justin looks out across the dreamscape and then down back to the crawling minotaur, his eyes lock with the woman and he speaks. "Do you? Who do you think I am?"
Jessica:((Dante grows fangs))
GM (GM):To Dante, this felt pretty intense, an fast blood loss, it was head-spinning and entirely pleasant. But something.... had a catch. While Dante certainly qualifies as a beating heart of the living world, he is.... not a regular person, but an atlantean mage carrying the spark of Gnosis, to which something is also attached....
Eve K.:((dante's girlfriend gonna eat Eve now))
GM (GM):Eve, you feel the most intense mental burning... no, soul burning, you have ever.... actually, you have never experienced anything like this, you have no idea what is happening with you physically, but academically, you instantly guess how bad you guys messed up. Magical diablerie.
Mastigos gnosis burns within you, demonic visions invade your mind.
An iron gauntlet squeezes upon your throat.
Jessica:((Dog in a fire: this is fine))
GM (GM):When a vampire consumes blood of a mage, they consume a little bit of their gnosis.
Eve K. grips her head as the visions fill her mind, collapsing to the floor, trying to ride out the sensation as silently as she can
GM (GM):The coin comes forth, and resists it, the two paths collide, for a while you are..... stand by for a vision
Eve K.:((that settles it. Eating the farmer next time. !00%))
Justin:((I can make you a blood pet. Whatever flavor blood you want.))
((Ergonomic shapes.))
((Relaxing sounds.))
(To Eve K.): You see Dante walking a small boy, his brother, Roderigo, from school. Dante wants to swing by his squeeze to give her a ride on the bike, so he trusts Roderigo to walk himself, and the boy gets run over and dies. The death of his little brother is a secret and a huge source of guilt for Dante.
GM (GM):Eve, in a few minutes, you feel part of Dante within you subside, leaving a painful memory.
(To Justin): "A problem."
Eve K. lays with her eyes squeezed shut, a few tears on her cheeks, taking deep slow breaths to try and keep in control of herself
(From Justin): Justin's jaw sets. "I'm sorry you think so."
Dante:As this is happening, Dante is trying to keep Eve at ease. He had no idea anything like this would happen and is pretty much in the dark as to /what/ is happening.
((I'm pretty sure he had no idea anyway. If I'm wrong, correct me.))
GM (GM):Dante, you recover from the bite quite quickly, the wound closes abnormally fast, but leaves you with a sense of persisting weakness.
((unless Eve shared it with you before, she's done research. Feeding on mages consistantly is how liches are made. That's what Arthur did to become Merlin, he ate Merlin))
Eve K. after a few minutes Eve's breathing evens out. Her eyes blink open. She whispers "Well that was... something. Won't be doing that again if I can help it. I'll have to find some normal humans to feed on. No offense. You.. it.. that... was intense."
Dante:"What the fuck was that?" Dante's voice is terse, concern clear in his tone, but the terseness is enhanced by his hushed volume. He squats further down, having to steady himself as he does so.
Eve K. whispers quietly "I'm not completely sure, but I think just a tiny piece of your gnosis came along with your blood... and.. a vision... or.. memory?" Her lips purse, expression concerned and nervous, unsure of how he will react
Dante:Dante seems confused at first, letting it sink in. A hint of several emotions cross his face. His brow sets and he looks at her directly, just glad to see that she doesn't look so unsettling anymore. "Tell me as much as you feel comfortable telling. It needn't be now, if you prefer. But if a piece of me came along with my blood.. no, we will not do that again."
((If we want to move forward, could handle this conversation privately. I don't know how everyone's doing as far as time or awakeness.))
Eve K.:((Yeah agreed))
Justin:((I'm having a blast.))
Eve K.:((really comfy couch is it?))
Justin:((Yeah, minotaurs and shit.))
(To Justin): The vision fades, and the minotaur rises, is slain, and falls, as unknown armies ravage the green grassland. You find yourself alongside the Gemgrinder / Smith / Shaman from your awakening. "You have softened your ways. Good. A world with less pain is worth saving."
Eve K.:((<.<
GM (GM):((Just tell me when everyone is back asleep and it will be morning.))
((You guys are done when you're done))
(From Justin): Justin turns to look around the cavern as the gemcutter works, he nods quietly. "I've found that it's within my power to decrease suffering, at least somewhat... Did you craft the other Tools of Fate here too?"
Eve K.:((after a brief-ish conversation Eve goes back to sleep until morning))
(To Justin): "Yes. A terrible mistake. The world was not ready to sunder like it has. Our home was lost."
Jessica:(i don't remember where Jessica falls exactly on the timeline, she's gonna binge whatever food was left out and passout probably shortly before or after everyone else wakes up?)
Dante:((Your ritual completes at 4am))
(From Justin): "You're saying it lead to the fall? The Primal Wild splitting from the mundane world?"
GM (GM):Alright, so vampirical adventure folks go to sleep. Next event on the timeline is 4 A.M. which is when Jessica completes the ritual, she binges on the food and passes the fuck out. You guys can all sleep til noon, so that Jessica gets full rest, or you can be awake and let her sleep, or she can sleep half time and not get a full rest, but at least clear her fatique.
Dante:((You do your spooky magical fate thing, we do our spooky stupid idea thing, we call it a draw, meet for toast))
Eve K.:((yay toast!))
(To Justin): The old man looks at you somewhat oddly "No. The Primal Wild splitting from the True World. There is no mundane world, but an empty fallen one."
(From Justin): Justin nods and waves his hand a bit at that. "Right, I mistakenly used the incorrect vernacular. Is there a way to use the tools to repair the rifts?"
Justin:Justin grunts and rolls a bit in his sleep, he knocks a cushion on the floor.
(To Justin): "Nobody knows." - the smell of breakfast stirs you
Alright, Sept 27, wednesday, noon. Edward and Ludwig are already cooking up breakfast. Everyone has had enough sleep. Everyone gets a willpower point back, and all your appropriate personal bonuses. Jessica's tattoo wakes her with a string, Kurt instinctively fingers his necklace, though it does not zap him, he charm temporarily pacified by Merlin, until mission completes.
(From Justin): "Wait! The Primal Wild, it was a desert when I was there last, that can't be right can it? I don't have much more time!"
GM (GM):Eve, you feel like a million bucks physically. Mentally not so much. Dante, your arm hurts. A deep bruise on it. Jessica could use a shower, she smells.
(To Justin): "Deserts need water"
Eve K. munches toast and drinks unhealthy amounts of coffee "So... do we have a plan?"
Justin:Justin grunts as he rolls off the couch onto the floor.
"Umph, thirsty.."
Kurtis Kerner:"Oh god, my back... musta pinched a fuckin' nerve. Did it work? Did the ritual work?"
Justin:Justin moves to a standing position and rubs his eyes, he walks over to where Kurt is and squints, looking past his flesh into his nerves to see what's up.
Jessica:Jessica hisses under her breath and rubs t the familiar sting. It didn't hurt too bad but waking up from that was like having your plate taken away before you were done eating. She rubbed at her face to wake herself up, patting her cheeks. No good. She was groggy as fuck. She stumbled from whatever surface/bed she found last night after being bleary and starving, and made her way to a bathroom for a shower.
Justin:((Healer's Trance 8 dice.))
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):Yeah Kurt's just suffering from hypertension in his sleep.
Dante:Dante rouses himself and joins with the others and nods toward Kurtis' question.
Justin:"Do some stretching and jumping jacks and you'll be fine. Or I could zap you better with some magic" Justin wiggles his fingers mysteriously.
Jessica:Julian Smith drifts half-heartedly from the bathroom: "I'll never get naked in your shower..."
Kurtis Kerner:stretches "No, no, I'll stretch. A little natural nature doesn't hurt. I like my magic after lunch."
Jessica:"Promise to always wear my clothes..."
Justin:"Fair enough! I have it and I might as well use it."
Justin hits himself with his patented one-two wakeup punch. He first sheds the dying cells from his skin along with any detritus still sticking to them.
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
"Good as a shower."
He then focuses on his clothes, shedding anything that he doesn't want to be there.
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:"What's for breakfast? Oh, fresh eggs, nice, Ludwig. Zer gutt!"
Justin:"Annnd even better than washing it."
GM (GM):Dante, do you eat?
Justin:Justin smiles, looking, smelling, and feeling fresh as he sits down to eat.
Dante:Dante looks over to the food available and takes himself a hearty portion. He takes big bites and savors his food.
Eve K.:((who is Julian Smith??))
Justin:((Look up the song!))
GM (GM):((Justin, for the matter spell on the clothing, casting a vulgar spell or covert? Repair object or equivalent?))
Justin:((Repair object.))
((It's covert.))
GM (GM):((good deal))
Justin:((I've got the Rote.))
Jessica:((Julian Smith is the beginning of my horrible taste in music))
GM (GM):Dante, is your vampirical arm covered? Sleeve not rolled up? Wound hidden?
Dante:((I dont think Dante would have made an effort to cover it at first, but he would the moment someone points it out))
GM (GM):Okay, so in this case, Dante has a big ass bruise on his arm. It's closed. But it's fresh, like, in blue stage. And it's two circles close together.
Eve K.:((there actually shouldn't be a bruise... Unless Eve fucked something up. Vampires don't leave marks))
((which.. I mean she may have. Never having been a vampire before...))
GM (GM):((true vampires, sure, you are under a vampiric curse. You still use gnosis, not bp, and you're still atlantean. You don't have the mystical obfuscation they got. You're like a half))
Justin:((Haha sucky vampire.))
Jessica:Eventually Jessica appears in the dining room, changed but hair still dripping like she didn't place much importance on drying off completely before attending breakfast. She sort of slumps into a chair and eats something with mechanical clunky movements, propping her head up with one hand and looking bleary. Mmm unbuttered toast. Super not paying attention.
Eve K.:((fair enough))
GM (GM):So here's the deal. As Dante eats, his bruise turns black, black pigmentation eats at the damaged tissue and repairs it. The bruise goes to yellow, which normally takes a few days. Dante, mark off 1 lethal, heal 1 box.
Dante:((uhhhhhh sure))
Eve K. is still munching toast and drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee "Is there a plan?"
Justin:"If I've learned anything in the last few days, it's that I'm not good at this social maneuvering chess game thing. I'll take my queues from you all."
Jessica:((so the ritual got attached to the black candle right?)
GM (GM):(that's right)
Kurtis Kerner:"Guess lady luck here is to tell us what the plan is. Oh, can i have my tie back?"
Dante:After finishing his food, probably before the others at the rate at which he was eating, he rubs his arm, looking down at it just after the change. While listening to the others, he shifts his sleeves forward.
Jessica:Jessica listens for someone to provide the plan while shoveling eggs in her face before she realizes she's the one to answer the question. "Oh right. Yeah." She clears her throat. "I made a spell that'll separate Remington from his wife's influence. It's tied to a candle upstairs. As long as it keeps burning we're good."
"Uh...your tie looks a bit different now but sure."
GM (GM):((Also Dante, restore 1 mana))
Kurtis Kerner:"Oh. That -is- different. I kinda like it. Is that the kind he wears?"
Jessica:"Yeah. It was really hard to key into them. I did run into part of Claire's gnosis though. That was uh, different."
Kurtis Kerner:"But it worked? Luck is on our side?"
Dante:Dante turns to look at Jessica as she mentions the encounter. "This must have taken a lot out of you. Good work."
Jessica:"Yeah. She's gonna remember an appointment she can't avoid when we burn the candle, and she won't have an opportunity to get back to him. Thanks. I don't think I like ritual magic."
"Maybe we start smaller next time."
Kurtis Kerner:"Aha, okay, well that's great, kid! So, private game, talk leisure, talk business, and no Claire to interfere. Any pointers? Cards or golf? I'm better at cards personally."
Justin:Justin remembers a thing while he's in the middle of eating his toast with some scrambled eggs on top.
Dante:((The best kind of simple breakfast right there. open faced scrambled egg))
Jessica:"Cards, but we need to play to lose. He gets overconfident and cocky."
Kurtis Kerner:"Wait wait wait, aren't you some kinda card shark? Maybe we bring you in as our champion challenger, while we chat."
Justin:"Oh! Droom stough! Thur toors oough gulp fate had something to do with the fall of Atlantis."
Jessica:"Um, trading card games are nothing like poker."
"Wait what?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Justin, chew the damn food."
Eve K. looks at Justin
Justin:"I did, after a fashion."
Kurtis Kerner:"Oh, so, is that like pokemon?"
Justin:He takes another bite of scrambled eggs, makes a face, and adds some ketchup.
Eve K. looks like she might say something... hears Kurtis comment about Pokemon and frowns further
Eve K.:((baby crying))
Jessica:She makes a face. "Yeah, if pokemon was played by adults and paid real money."
Kurtis Kerner:"Okay. Well that still makes you good right? Same skill set? Bluffing, playing... anyways just a thought, now what's that about Atlantis?"
Dante:Dante seems completely lost with the card talk after it stops being about poker. "Well.. anyone can play to lose. But we will have to be convincing."
Justin:"The Tools of Fate, they ostensibly had something to do with the sundering of worlds."
"The 'fall of atlantis' apparently happened with the forging of the Tools."
Kurtis Kerner:"What, is that conjecture or another dream revelation?"
Justin:"It wasn't fridge logic if that's what you're asking."
Justin chews a forkful of ketchup and eggs.
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, I -guess- that's what I'm asking... nom nom Cause I got a book full of theoretical legend nonsense about Atlantis, doesn't help us any."
Justin:"Well it has something to do with the object of our crusade."
"It might represent a hidden additional option."
Kurtis Kerner:"Must be nice to receive straight dope from the cosmos."
Justin:"You gotta watch wooden horses birth minotaurs and stuff. It isn't as great as it sounds."
Kurtis Kerner:"Woah, you mean the greek myth?"
Justin:Justin flicks a bit of ketchup-covered egg out of a circle he made with his fingers to illustrate the point. "Yeah, exactly like that."
Kurtis Kerner:"That's a... Poseidon, right? Poseidon coming down in form of a white bull?"
Jessica:"I thought he was a sea god?"
Eve K.:"The wooden horse was Troy... Those are two different myths. Poseidon was a sea god yes."
Kurtis Kerner:"Never trust a woman who fucks a bull."
Eve K.:(( I gotta go baby isn't settling down))
Kurtis Kerner:((kk))
Dante:"Poseidon didn't go himself, per the myth. The bull was sent by Poseidon.. if I am remembering right. Haven't thought about this since I was in school. Not that its particuarly relevant."
Eve K.:((Eve will occult 4 answer questions about myths))
Justin:"No, it was a wooden cow. Poseidon gave uh... Pasiphae? a white cow for a sacrifice and she decided it was a really good looking bull."
"She got a guy to craft a wooden cow so she could mate with the bull inside it."
Justin:"That's where we get the minotaur. I got to witness the birth for some reason."
Dante:"Yeah.. that was it. Glad I already ate." Dante pushes his plate a bit further away.
Kurtis Kerner:"What have you been reading before bed? See, I focus on the practical parts of the Book? Like, the one that shows the useful superpowers?"
Justin:"Once you get a feel for your Arcana you can generally wing it from there though."
Kurtis Kerner:"You are a strange young man."
"So, let's call up Remington and ask how life is?"
Justin:"Sounds like a plan."
Kurtis Kerner:"Dante, you feeling like talking to an accountant or should I?"
"I think we should try to play him against handling Diana's operation and convincing him that, you know, if the world ends, he probably won't like it either."
"That I guess is my rough plan?"
Dante:"At the party I was more your associate than the other way around. It might be an easier foot in the door if you call him up."
"Yeah, the continued world is a mutually beneficial thing unless you're crazy already."
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright. OOH, shit hold on. If this douchebag was on her side, he's an acanthus. He can do what Jessica does, and she can tell if things are related. If he like... scans homeboy Jesus over here, and sees that he iced Priest Daddy, he might not like it. Can you two wipe the... freaky interconnections?"
Justin:Justin tilts his head at being referred to as Homeboy Jesus.
Kurtis Kerner:nods at Justin "Yeah, you, my friend. You've got Simon's blood on your hands."
Jessica:"How do you unblood it?" She glances at Dante
Kurtis Kerner:"Some kinda... simplementic magic or whatever. Distance relations."
Jessica:"I guess I can try."
Justin:Justin holds out his proverbially bloody but very clean hands to Jess.
Jessica:((so Fate + Gnosis))
Dante:Dante scratches his cheek with a thoughtful look, eyes moving over to Justin's hands from where he's seated.
GM (GM):((Yeah Fate+Gnosis Jessica, and describe what she is doing))
Jessica:Jessica pictures the card windows in which she usually compare interconnections, with Justin's bloody hands in one window. Her visualization of the face for the priest is dark and fuzzy but includes his fucked up tower and method of death. She imagines the windows like tvs with an old VHS, with the tape tearing.
rolling 4d10>8!
1 Success
Dante:"I cut the threads of space that tie everything together. I think this is a bit different. But let me see what I can see too." ((Space+Gnosis to see the sympathetic connections between Justin's hands and ... "Priest Daddy" ?))
GM (GM):((Dante, if you do not yet have the rote Correspondence, do Space+Gnosis, if you do, roll that rote))
Dante:((Yeah, I was looking at it, don't have it. But I'll buy it now if that's fine.))
GM (GM):((if you succeed in the impromptu roll, you can buy it for next time))
GM (GM):Jessica, the cards flip in your mind and open to a scene of a burning ambulance, a monstrous man full of stitches, dying in the background, a man in a white suit covering his face from something above. From above, like an angel of death, descends a completely frenzied Justin, looking like a different man altogether, perhaps more of how he was on the dancefloor with Slabod, or fighting him. He lands upon the priest's chest and strikes him down. "Your Divine Retribution!" The words etch themselves on the MTG card description.
Dante:Dante curls out the fingers of his right hand as he concentrates, focusing on the usually imperceptible threads that bind everyone and everything together. He searches, looking for the threads that tie Justin to Diamond Priest.
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Dante, you are a well skilled Space user considering your newly found talents, and you recognize that within Space, lives not only space, but sympathetic concepts. Of course, you knew that, it is the foundation of remote casting and the principles of wards, bans, and portals. But here is what's kind of new and cool. The man is gone. The soul is gone. The mind is gone. But a concept of a Diamond Priest, a concept, a memory of Simon Lamprey - does exist and is very much still around. No ghost. But a space-ghost, which exists as long as every person who remembered him exists. Wiping everyone's memory of Simon is not within your grasp. But these threads in your visible range - are.
Yourself, Eve, and especially Kurtis and Justin - have strong links to Simon. Justin destroyed is body and extinguished his life aura, while Kurtis frayed his ghost and gnosis pattern. And then you all ate the sugar. So... yeah.
Jessica:Jessica flips an invisible card in her hand, looking at the Diamond Priest and his inscription. "Justin, I think part of your connection to the priest is your concept of divine justice. I feel like if you let go of the righteous anger there it would be easier to break the tie."
Justin:Justin frowns at that and shakes his head. "I don't think that's doable."
Jessica:"You can't like, repent??"
Justin:"There is nothing to repent for. He deserved what he got."
Dante:"Alright so.. uh, Eve, Kurtis, Justin, and myself are all tied directly to the dear departed bad guy. I think I could cut these with enough time. Nothing is left of him, technically, but the .. idea of him still remains."
He looks to Justin as Jessica posits her theory.
"Then what's to be angry about?"
"Either way, most of us are really tied up in this, so whoever is going has to be addressed."
Justin:"He still has a legacy that I'm uncovering. A legacy of suffering. I'm not rid of him, not yet."
Jessica:"Maybe a dumb question but...can we put the idea of him in a jar?"
GM (GM):Jessica, the card becomes something like a sorcery card, with Justin's furious grimace and Simon's look of defeat and terror. Card title: Divine Retribution.
On September 9th of the current year, Simon Lamprey, aka Diamond Priest has been slain by Justin Robertson at Hargenn Plaza after having escaped from the burning helicopter. His soul was destroyed by Kurtis Kerner also known as Kurtis Withrow.
Jessica:Jessica looks intently at the invisible object in her hand, glances at Kurtis.
Kurtis Kerner:Looks at Dante "Can you hide it, change it, cut it?"
Jessica:"Does everyone here have strong feelings about this guy? Cause it really seems like that's a big part of his, uh, idea."
Justin:"I don't think anyone else is as mired up in it as me. It's fine if you all want to go without me, I have other things I can do while you're all gone."
Dante:Dante makes a scissor motion with the index and middle fingers on his right hand. "Cut it, hide it, I think I can do both. I have more experience with one than the other."
Kurtis Kerner:"Guy was scum as far as I know. Typical predator. But I mean, should I be surprised, he was a catholic priest."
Jessica:"Kurtis is featured heavily too. That's too many people left behind."
Dante:Dante makes a face, giving Kurtis something of a pointed look before composing himself.
GM (GM):Dante, looking at this structure, you feel like you can do all of the above. These structures are nearly physical to you. You could cut them, hide them, change them around, or even create new threads in their place where there are none.
The fraud, however, could be told. By another mastigos. Which Jessica's ritual got rid of.
Comes down to potency.
Kurtis Kerner:"What, don't tell me you're catholic too, DC?"
Dante:"Not practicing, for a number of years now." Dante shrugs. "I assume you want to be cut from Simon completely, yeah?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Uh, yeah."
Dante:"We'll start with you then."
Dante stares at Kurtis, concentrating and honing in on the threads connecting him to his soul victim.
((impromptu Destroy the Threads))
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):((you can now buy Destroy The Threads for 6xp))
Jessica, you notice the MTG card description fade and change.
On September 9th of the current year, Simon Lamprey, aka Diamond Priest has been slain by Justin Robertson at Hargenn Plaza after having escaped from the burning helicopter. His soul was destroyed by the killer's associate.
If you scroll to the next related card, you see Simon's ghost fall apart into tiny ghostly sparkling spheres, drawn into a man's hand as others watch. The man now looks generically blonde in a fiery aura, in a suit of unspecified color, his face is obscured by a blur.
Kurtis Kerner:"Well I don't feel any different."
"Don't suppose I would."
Dante:Dante squints his eyes as if doing so would tell him the results of his handiwork.
"I don't think you should, yeah."
((Is it possible to maintain concentration while casting other spells that are instant? I'd want to look again with Correspondence if so.))
GM (GM):((oh lol i see. correspondence is a trance like healer's trance))
Dante:((Concentration spell ya.))
GM (GM):((yeah, justin can heal while disgnosing, so yeah, you can do this, it's silly, go ahead. You can roll again if you want to use a rote))
((i dunno, how do you do it Justin? Do you drop healing trance before you heal, and then recast it to check healing?))
((he never checks healing XD the dice tell him))
Dante:((Hmm.. well for the sake of not grinding to a stop lets just move on for now?))
GM (GM):((k))
Dante:"Alright." Dante turns to Justin. "Do you have a need for this kind of connection to the man in pursuit of your delve into his legacy, or can I just cut your threads too?"
GM (GM):((rip jon's awakeness))
((you were fun while you lasted))
Dante:((Sun's up over there I think))
GM (GM):((let's pause for the night?))
Dante:((I'm okay with it.))
Justin:((I was asleep, Coral is asleep now.))
Justin frowns at that and looks to Kurtis. "Does anything actually change? From what Jess was saying, it sounds like it actually impacts your connection with the person. I'm not ready to give that up."
((Oh, Kurt's gone already.))
((We can stop here.))
Dante:((Yuh, well ya'll were silent for a pretty good while. Figured it was a good pause time. G'night.))
GM (GM):ok i think we're good for now
Kurtis Kerner:looks at Justin, pondering his question, looks over himself "I don't feel any different. Still remember everything. If there's a change, don't think I've got the eyes to see it."
Dante:"I might be able to make your connection look different at a glance as an alternative, if you were interested in coming along."
Justin:"So it's more like a mask that you put over reality?"
Dante:"If hidden, yes. If destroyed, no. The connection is erased."
Justin:"Okay, if you can hide it, that would be preferable."
Kurtis Kerner:"This connection, what does it do, D.C. ?"
"As far as I know, it makes it harder for people who can see it, see it. Does it actually do anything else?"
Dante:"Its a.. paper trail that leads between two people, things, concepts. A sort of bond that strengthens over time."
"I don't know how Jess's particular brand of this kind of thing works."
Justin:Justin frowns at the description and scratches at his chin. He looks down to his empty plate and moves into the kitchen to begin doing some dishes.
"Sounds like Kurt thinks it doesn't do anything and Jess is saying that you actually need to drop whatever it is between two people."
Jessica:"I mean I might be wrong. I'm new remember?'
GM (GM):Jessica, you saw description of Kurtis change on your interconnection card as soon as Dante cast
his name erased from prophetic history
though the act remaining
Dante:((If I am able to keep concentrating on Correspondence, then I should be able to see the new connection between Kurt and Simon right?))
Jessica:"When Dante cast on Kurt...Fate magic remembered someone killed him, but it became really unspecific. I could see a blond male with shadowed facial features. It...was kind of like...if you ran water over a watercolor painting. You get the gist of the picture but details are lost."
GM (GM):((yes, it has been cut, and i think you'd need a higher correspondence roll to restore it. there are layers of it, based on successes))
Dante:((layers of perceiving the sympathetic connection?))
GM (GM):((yeah, basically if you roll correspondence with success 3, you will be able to see a faint remnant of something that was destroyed only with success 2))
Jessica:"Before Dante cast his fate was clearly decided by Justin and his soul was clearly destroyed by Kurt. Now it reads that he was killed by Justin and his would destroyed 'by his associate.' So probably it would get just as vague if things were cut for Justin."
GM (GM):((but someone who rolls 1 or 2, wont see that link))
Justin:After working on a pan with some stuck-on filth for a while, Justin frowns and focuses on the chemical bonds between the pan and the rest, severing them on a microscopic level in order to clean the ornery bit of cookware.
Jessica:*soul was
Justin:((repair object 6))
Dante:((Jeez I didn't realize it was that deep a spell, alright))
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):((actually by the rules in the book your destruction result is a penalty to their correspondence))
Jessica:((You almost fucked up real bad, look at those 1's))
Justin:Justin spins the sparkling clean pan in his hand and smiles, before putting it up.
GM (GM):That is one clean pan!
Justin:"Can you make me come across as an apprentice rather than a killer? Would that make it easier for me to understand his potions?"
Justin turns and pulls out a green potion bottle.
Jessica:"Um...I mean it doesn't change what you know about potions so I don't see why it would work that way."
Justin:"Gotcha, not sure how any of this stuff works. Look, I'm not willing to change how I feel or what I've done. If your magic doesn't impact those things, feel free to cast away."
Dante:"I can try to hide your connection to Simon temporarily then, as I said. So that's that settled then."
Justin:Justin nods and picks up the rest of the finished dishes, he starts on them, running the sponge over the dishware, removing the grime.
"Go for it."
Dante:*Dante looks to Justin intently, focusing in on the connection between Simon and Justin. He tries to conceal it, muddying how it appears for the time being. ((impromptu Conceal Sympathy))
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Dante, as your effort is more gentle here, the strands of this connection are not severed, but distorted, tangled, smudging of chalk marks, though still the smudge of chalk, proverbially speaking, is still undeniably there. It is easy to see, but the degree of it has changed. Now if you examine Justin's Space Aura, you can tell there is a distant connection from him to the late Simon Lamprey. Just a less clear of what nature. They may have met, known each other, been friends, or colleagues.
Jessica, you see the picture on the card change, the light from the wings becoming more angelic and somewhat disguising Justin's distorted grimace by a shadow of a flame of the burning ambulance.
The description on the card changes again, to the following:
On September 9th of the current year, Simon Lamprey, aka Diamond Priest has encountered a young man whose lover he took, and was slain at Hargenn Plaza after having escaped a fiery death in the air. His soul was destroyed by the killer's associate.
Justin:Justin places the last of the dishes on the drying rack, nice and clean.
GM (GM):Justin, you don't feel a single bit of difference, neither in memories, nor feelings on the matter.
Jessica:Jessica reads the inscription aloud: "On September 9th of the current year, Simon Lamprey, aka Diamond Priest has encountered a young man whose lover he took, and was slain at Hargenn Plaza after having escaped a fiery death in the air. His soul was destroyed by the killer's associate."
Kurtis Kerner:"So that's what Fate thinks..."
Eve K.:'Sounds pretty vague"
Justin:Justin squeezes the water out of the sponge after running some soap through it, he winces a bit at the description.
Kurtis Kerner:"Doesn't feel any different, right?"
Jessica:"That's weird."
Justin:"Nope, I feel fine. What's next?"
Kurtis Kerner:looks at Dante and makes a scissor fingers motion
"Well I guess next we make the call and pay a social visit."
opens his cell phone and looks for Remington's number
"Though if Justin didn't feel anything, I'd opt for cutting the connection completely."
Justin:"Something obviously changed, as per Jess's description."
GM (GM):((Dante you can buy Conceal Sympathy for 4 as well))
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, if we're happy, I'll dial in the big man."
Dante:"Yes. Its just not a sensory experience in the mundane sense."
Dante gestures with a hand to Kurtis.
GM (GM):Jessica, will you be maintaining your interconnections spell during the call?
Jessica:Yes. Do I need to roll?
GM (GM):No, already have it running
GM (GM):So, with Kurt's ties cut, and Justin's masked, the phone is put on speaker, and off we go to dial. Beep beep beep boop boop bap bap bop bop beep beep... it rings four.... five... six... seven times, until a male voice answers.
"You have reached Remington & Remington Asso..." the message gets cut off as the man himself picks up from his private line. "Remington."
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis looks at Dante, then at Jessica, points to her ritual candle and makes a lighter gesture with his hands... then he shrugs, and answers ((Going to make a subterfuge roll for Kurtis and have the roll drive the interaction))
((if Jessica lights the candle, all our interactions with Remington get a +3 while it burns))
Jessica:Jessica places the candle on the table and takes a matchbook out of the junk drawer in the kitchen. The kitchen smells like smokey sulphur for a moment, then the candle is lit and she shakes out the match.
Kurtis Kerner:Wits 3 + Subterfuge 3 + Candle Bonus 3 + Willpower 3 = 12
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 12d10>8!
5 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:"Was hoping to reach Ted... it's Kurt Lithgow, my friend and I met you back at the club when the whole... attack and all. What a crazy night huh, wanted to see how you're doing?"
Theodore Remington:"Oh hey, that's right! How are you yourself! Clara and I are okay, a few scratches, but mostly stress! What an awful night, still don't know who did it! Unscathed, with fortune's luck! I was really bummed out that our game was interrupted, and so rudely at that! Gotta hand it to the hosts, security was on point!"
((Now theodore gets to roll his empathy to detect any bullshit, he is using willpower as well, and also he has a flat boost from the Fate Elemental that surrounds all his actions, which would normally give him a bonus against all who try to mess with his pre-destination, but Jessica disabled that, so he doesn't get it.))
Theodore Remington:
rolling 12d10>8!
5 Successes
GM (GM):((oooooh, who do ties go to... one moment))
Jessica:(oh god)
GM (GM):((okay if one person is lying and the other is detecting, who is the attacker and who is the defender?))
((Experts, chime in!))
Justin:((I'd say the detector is the defender. ))
Dante:((I'm inclined to think liar is defending against scrutiny here.))
((but I could see it either way))
Justin:((Feel free to swing it either way, but the liar is wielding a lie at the detector, who is defending. WIth that being said, whatever floats the boat.))
GM (GM):((Ok, thanks for feedback!))
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah, damn right they were, ushered us all out in time. Happy to hear Clara's okay though, what a charming lady! Well, it was great making your acquaintance, and we really wanted to discuss some business opportunities, too bad those assholes interrupted. But we figured we'd give you a couple of weeks before we call again, y'know."
Theodore Remington:"Oh yes, absolutely, Kurt. Our meeting was brief, but if you want to meet, I'm open to see both you and your... what was your partner's name?"
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt looks at Dante with a question, putting the phone briefly on mute
Dante:((Hell I don't remember if I even gave my name.))
"Did I introduce myself? I didn't take a name until recently.. Dante, if I did."
Kurtis Kerner:nods and quickly unmutes ((yeah i don't see it in the logs, so I don't think you ever did))
Kurtis Kerner:"Dante. There is actually more of us in the firm. We have our German agent here in Berlin, our investigator, and a few others you might be interested in meeting. Was going to introduce you to the crew and talk investments."
Theodore Remington:"I think it's a great idea! I was actually planning to organize another friendly poker tourney. Since our last game was interrupted, I figure I at least owe you the flop! A thousand euro buy in, tomorrow at 5, how does that sound?"
GM (GM):Jessica, the time and day match your vision precisely.
Jessica:Jessica offers Kurtis a thumbs up
Theodore Remington:"Nothing formal, a small get together with a group of friends, you are welcome to join, if you like."
Kurtis Kerner:"I was hoping you'd say that, Ted. We're in."
Theodore Remington:"Perfect. How many players? We'll have seats, drinks, and dinner arranged."
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis looks around to see who's going, he's nodding to everyone, like everyone is welcome.
Eve K. nods with a shrug
Justin:Recalling that they wanted him to be there, just gives a nod.
Jessica:Jessica also nods
Eve K.:((Baby crying))
Kurtis Kerner:((kk))
"Five, all together, if that's not too many."
Justin:((Dum dum dummmmm))
Theodore Remington:"Oh, no, the more the merrier, just like before, you remember that."
Kurtis Kerner:"A thousand each, right?"
Theodore Remington:"A thousand each. Winner takes all."
Kurtis Kerner:"We'll be there, Ted."
Theodore Remington:"Do you have preference for beverages? Wine, cognac, whiskey, vodka? Food allergies?"
Jessica:shakes her head
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt laughs "Heh. Lead and fire, mostly."
Theodore Remington:"Ah yes, those two are a headache." chuckles
Kurtis Kerner:"As for beverages, trusting the host's taste and selection."
Theodore Remington:"Wise, because you're not gonna get it better than here."
GM (GM):Jessica, your head gets a pleasant ding. Choosing no preference and letting Ted rule the alcohol was a good move. Kurtis probably said it guided by your ritual.
You feel Theodore's pleasant disposition grow.
Justin:((His relationship meter increased.))
Jessica Murphy:Nice
GM (GM):Which probably brings upon an odd philosophical loop to ponder upon. Is Kurtis even making his own phrasing choices, or is your prophecy writing his moves?
Jessica Murphy:(if I fill up the meter I can unlock new dialogue options and fu-nevermind this isn't mass effect)
(I think I just looked at a future and chose one, Kurtis still chose his words I just saw a preview of this timeline)
Dante:((can I roll to bang theodore?))
Jessica Murphy:(omg yes)
Kurtis Kerner:"Good to hear it! Well, looking forward to the game. Tomorrow at 5 then."
Theodore Remington:"See you soon."
Justin:((Dante, Dante, Dante, and Danteee' take Teddy's hand.))
Jessica Murphy:(moar fanfiction)
GM (GM):click
Kurtis Kerner:wipes beads of sweat as he hangs up
Justin:Justin lets out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in.
Jessica Murphy:(you know his wife won't be there to interrupt. You can take your time and make it good. Pomade his pubic hair. Make it Italian)
Justin:"Alright, that went pretty well."
Dante:Dante nods at Justin's words, drumming his fingers on the table.
Kurtis Kerner:"Okay. So. We're an investment firm from New Haven. We're opening up a Mage Bank account here, off shore. To evade taxes. We have 23 000 dollars to convert into Euro. That will be our deposit once we return home to clear some paperwork. That's our cover story. The money is real, that will be my personal score after the Gem is delivered, so we'll have it, legit, after we're back home. And I guess once we seal that, let's try to all ask leading questions and smoothly switch topics to his dealings with Diana, see if we can convince him of her.... I don't know, poor reputation. Recall any dirt on her that you can, and smoothly, not too thickly, compromise her assets to him. While learning all we can. Cubic said Remington was important. Wonder what Remington thinks of Cubic too."
"Now, the actual problem. I don't have the 23 grand yet. The employer holds it, and we can't call them, because it's traceable. No backward communication was part of the job. So, we need 5000 euro to enter the game. Any ideas?"
Justin:"Compromise her assets? What does that mean?"
Jessica Murphy:"Rob a bank?" Jessica says under her breath
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, maybe we have heard some rumors that she pays off her debts by accumulating other debts, maybe she... I don't know... sponsors turning people into animals, and if that dark secret is out, she will lose financial stability. If Theodore is her banker and broker, whatever we can think of that makes a broker not wanna deal with someone. Like.... in the drug business, a dealer wouldn't sell to someone who talks to the cops, or has a cop family member, or someone who is late on paying, or whose cash is hot, or who's being watched, or on probation.... I'm no accountant, but I'm guessing something like that exists for investments, like, a code."
"So, what I think would be beneficial is if each of us comes up with one bad thing we know about Diana, to use as arguments when we chime in."
"Let's keep in mind, we don't know if Ted is aware of the Gem, or if he is helping her retain it, or if he wants her to keep it, because he is promised some sweet position in her order."
Jessica Murphy:"Wouldn't he know that the stuff we are feeding him about her isn't true?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Precisely, Jess! So the less we lie the better, the more he can confirm, the better."
"For example, things we know for a fact. One, a party that celebrated her company's success suffered an attack. Security did well, but an attack happened. Fact."
"Another fact. She has lost 2 associates, and 3 strongholds in a month. Fact. Someone is working against her, and that someone has not been stopped. We pimp our own adventures as a success point."
"Ummmm... Justin could probably talk about the trouble he ran into with the priest. And DC could talk about his awakening issues.... I mean... I'm open to anything. The more facts, the better."
"You know, I haven't been paying much attention to all your dream nonsense, but I've been half-way listening. And this guy? Ted? This kind of crap is probably important to him."
Jessica Murphy:"Heh. Maybe we can get him black out drunk and take him into a dream."
Kurtis Kerner:snaps his hand, ending up in pointing a finger at Jessica
"Exactly the kind of creative ideas I'm looking for. Without Clara there to defend him, that might work."
Justin:"Well, we know that Diana is using the power of the gem to turn people to her side."
Eve K.:((back, catching up))
Jessica Murphy:blink
Justin:"So she's manipulating the people she deals with with magic."
Kurtis Kerner:nods at Justin encouraging
Jessica Murphy:"So maybe she's manipulating him. Might not even be doing it on purpose with the gem effecting things."
Eve K.:"We also know she doesn't keep her side of deals, she did things with her loquimorscope she wasn't supposed to."
Justin:"Maybe we wait to get an idea of how he feels about Cube Corp before dropping that tidbit."
Kurtis Kerner:"Eve is our investigator, so far what we know is that Diana trades steel. She owns a steel storage company chain throughout Europe" ((that paperwork is with you, Eve, you have a list of companies Diana is associated with. Surprise surprise, in all the cities of the Star of their Tower Perimeter and locations they visited, Berlin, Leipzig, Budapest, Saint-Fargeau, Rome, Amsterdam))
Justin:"We know that she inherited the gem from her father, but I don't know that that is useful information."
Kurtis Kerner:"Okay. That's actually all true. The Gem might be affecting Ted without Diana even knowing. It's an artifact that influences masses."
"Agreed on bringing Cubic up once we know what he thinks of Cubic."
"If he hates Cubic, he might be okay with Diana sabotaging the loquimorscopes. If he relies on Cubic for secure communication, he would be furious that Diana may be listening."
Kurtis Kerner:"Cubic is the courier wizard of Oz, he is the secure radio. Ted is the bank keeper. Diana is what, the queen? Simon was the religious recruiter? PR specialist? Scavenger was the enforcer? Forester and Red Prince? Researchers? Muscle?"
"What kind of man is Forester?"
looks at Justin
"I mean he was a huge douche to us, but you know him better, you spent time with him"
Justin:"He's a good man, but he's locked in to a particular course. If we can convince him that we represent that course, I think we could detach him from Diana.
I get the impression that he isn't well-regarded on her. He was recently hit full-bore with the gem's influence."
"I think Simon was actually the means by which she generated her troops. Scavenger was absolutely an enforcer. I think Red Prince is her lover, he's her second as far as I can tell."
Jessica Murphy:"full bore? What did that do to him?"
Justin:"I got the impression he tried to rebel against her, and now he's convinced she's a 'pure soul' and that she isn't awful. That sounds like she actively hit him with the Gem's influence, but also means that the influence itself is the only reason he's still working with her."
Eve K.:"Hmm... interesting. I wonder if there is a way to reverse the effect."
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah, explain that..."
Justin:"He's locked into shepherding the 'tools of fate'. I thought our job locked us out of working with him because of that, but now that we are bound to the Vampire's request, there might be a chance."
"It sounded like he was Fate-Bound into it. Is that something you can look at Jess?"
Jessica Murphy:"Uh probably. Easier if I know what the gem looks like."
Justin:"Do you have a piece of paper? I'm sure I saw it depicted somewhere in my research."
Jessica Murphy:Jessica rummages the junk drawer and pulls out a yellow pad and pulls a page out of it
Justin:Justin takes the paper in a pencil, and stares at the page for a moment, thinking of how he wants to go about putting a picture together.
((What do you want me to roll kemosabe?))
Eve K.:((baby again))
GM (GM):((Um. Actually, your research might suggest that the gem changes its nature, the color, the mineral structure. It seems to have a self preservation effect that allows it to hide. It was an amethyst in one recount, a ruby in another, a diamond in third. But in your dream, when you were swimming in a glass of canada dry ginger ale, you saw its true prismatic nature... a perfectly cut gem of a questionable structure. You could draw it.
for purposes of giving Jess a bonus, roll your dex+expression
you have no problem recollecting it, but how good an artist is Justin?
Justin:((fucking awful. Dex 2 + Expression -1 = 1 dice.))
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):((Is Dante awake?))
GM (GM):((Justin could share his memory of the dream to Jessica through Dante))
Jessica is a great artist, Justin not so much. He draws a technical drawing of a geometric shape. It could be anything, and doesn't help identify a gem very well.
Justin:((I'm getting a 403 error trying to get to the magepage.))
GM (GM):
Dante:Dante looks over to the drawing, then to Jessica. "Might be easier to convey directly?"
Dante taps his forehead.
Justin:"Yes please, I'm awful at this."
Dante:Dante nods and reaches out to connect Jessica and Justin's minds. "I get it. I'm shit at drawing."
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):Very nice
Jessica, you can see the gem sparkling in bubbles of liquid, a radiant glow... it is truly beautiful, and you can see Forester, the way Justin remembers.
Forester is an elderly, stout and stern looking man, bearded, wizened, a man who spent time in the nature a lot, a man who takes great care of his personal health.
Jessica Murphy:Jessica frowns at the "gem" Justin drew, glances as him to make sure that he's actually finished and not about to add something to it to make it look like, you know, a gem. And then Dante does his thing and she can see. "Oh wow."
GM (GM):You gain an appreciation for Justin's lack of drawing skills, but you feel like you can draw it yourself from the vision.
Jessica Murphy:She takes the paper and flips it, and draws Forrester and the gem.
GM (GM):As Jessica draws, Justin and Dante can both observe the radiant glow of the Gem of Kings. All around, in the glow, the vision that bothered some of you, hits you and opens all around. Burning ground, breaking glass, falling buildings, a city in flames, being bombed. People evacuated, and some people forcibly dragged by soldiers in masks, shackled in silvery metal, into black vans.
Nobody seems to care. People who are being rescued don't try to help these "prisoners", they are just being ignored, as if that's the proper procedure, or even if it's not happening at all.
Justin:Justin frowns, the dream-image coming to life, bringing with it the horrific visions of a future they're tasked to stop.
Jessica Murphy:(interconnections now?)
GM (GM):In a while, Jessica's hand produces a drawing of forester and the gem. Roll dex+expression Jess?
Jessica Murphy:(I remembered it was expression instead of crafts this time, do I get a star??)
GM (GM):(sure, pin it on your shirt!)
Jessica Murphy:(nice!)
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):It's a good drawing. You can concentrate on it as a visual aid for interconnections, and even get a +1 to your interconnections roll.
Jessica Murphy:Nice, so 7 dice
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
Dante:((not too shabby!))
GM (GM):Forester, this man, is tightly interconnected to seeing the Gem of Kings serve its purpose in the hands of the Chosen One, whom he believes to be Diana's child. Not Diana itself necessarily.
Jessica Murphy:"Forrester is loyal to the Chosen one, not Diana."
GM (GM):He doesn't see Diana as a person, it could be she, he, it. A means to an end. Forester sees the Gem as a conduit for Fate. A fate that he believes will open the door for a new world.
How would you tell if the Gem is affecting him?
Jessica Murphy:In Jessica's mind the Delver is seated at the table, leaning to the side and examining the picture, propped up on an elbow. It raises an eyebrow at her. The obvious question. "Why would Forrester want a new world? What's his motivation for that?"
I'd need to know what he's like to know how he's different
"What's worth tipping the world over for?"
GM (GM):The Delver speaks quietly to Jessica:
"Tell me about the man and I will tell you about what he wants."
Justin:"Give me a moment..."
Jessica Murphy:nods
Justin:"I guess he's like a caretaker. Works quietly and competently, toiling to take care of a garden that people keep walking through. I think he sees the slow decline of the world as a status quo, and wants something to jumpstart humanity back to the right path... There's more to him, some sort of legacy, I'm trying to remember..."
something clicks and Justin smiles as he remembers.
GM (GM):The Delver hears through Jessica's ears and points at the drawing.
"This kind of man would see the return of the Old World, the end of industry, of the internet, of production, of corporate domination...."
Jessica Murphy:Jessica raises an eyebrow. "Still seems like an extreme course of action. Usually when people resort to mass murder and such there's a personal reason somewhere. What's he lose if she loses?"
Justin:"He's the last of a line known as the Magreth, His line watched over the Aggtelek and the Szalajka, they listened to the forests and divined from the grasses and the stars."
"He's currently the steward of something called the "Fallen Outpost" we may be able to find him there."
GM (GM):"Ah..." says Delver... "that kind of heritage may color this man in additional colors. What would you do if someone told you that if you serve like a good servant, your mother and father, your friends and your home, would be kept safe in a new world, and would survive the cleansing? Would you be a willing slave to a force that can keep what you care for from the calamities to come?"
Jessica Murphy:"I'd think that was a shitty deal," Jessica mumbles with no context for anyone else. "That's a backwards way of threatening everything he cares about unless he complies."
"Build an ark and I'll put you in the boat while everyone drowns. Good boy."
"He must not have any hope."
Justin:"That makes sense, he was grasping for other options."
GM (GM):"Indeed. Such a deal would only make sense if the one offering you the rescue was not the same one responsible for the calamity." - after speaking his third deduction, the Delver vanishes as your spell ends.
Jessica Murphy:Jessica blinks and sits up, looking at the empty chair she was talking to. "Something else is going to cause a calamity. The fate gem is just meant to influence who survives it."
Dante:Dante shifts his weight and looks curiously. "You've had some kind of revelation?"
GM (GM):Does any character / player remember who the black vans in the visions belong to?
Jessica Murphy:"That's why I'm not detecting a mountain of resentment from Forrester towards Diana. The silver ladder."
GM (GM):If the player remembers, the character remembers.
Dante:((Thats Seers right?))
Jessica Murphy:"They were the ones stuffing people into vans with magic cuffs. They had Tristan in our dream."
GM (GM):((I don't know, maybe??? There was a description at some point.))
Jessica Murphy:((I don't know anything about seers, I've seen descriptions for silver ladder Bros putting people in magic prison though))
GM (GM):((there you go))
Dante:((Thought Seers had been referenced ... huh.))
((Guess another thing I have to look up later.))
Jessica Murphy:"If the gem is used to save people why are we breaking it again?"
Justin:((My dreams always had ladders. Seers are fine, no issues with them.))
Dante:((I might just be confusing the name then.))
Kurtis Kerner:"How do you figure it's used to save people?"
Justin:"Diana isn't the sort of person you want in charge of anybody's well-being. She warps innocent people into tortured monstrocities, or at least had Simon do so."
Kurtis Kerner:"Hmmm. While I find the morality of the mission a fascinating topic, I'd like to focus on the very practical topic of where to get 5000 euro. Dante? Eve? Got any legal means? Because if not, I'm going to go rob a bank."
Justin:"How long does it need to be good?"
"He probably has some anti-magic crap, nevermind bad idea."
Kurtis Kerner:"We're dealing with a wizard accountant whose job is to keep a mage bank where mages can keep their money free of sleeper scrutiny. I think fake money is not something that he won't immediately notice."
Dante:Dante shrugs a shoulder. "Five grand by tomorrow night? No way."
Justin:"Are banks around here federally insured?"
Jessica Murphy:"Justin can you make a white baby? We could try selling that. Joking, obviously."
Kurtis Kerner:"Robbery it is. Good news though. I don't have to rob banks to rob them anymore. Pretty much walk in the front door now. When it comes to electronic ATMs, I'm basically Dante. You know what I mean." two tongue clicks
Jessica Murphy:"Well that's nice. Why haven't we been doing that?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Because it's bloody illegal? Wow. Some moral compass you got!"
Jessica Murphy:"How is my moral compass broken? Why are we doing jobs that involve burning people to death instead of just taking money from people? That's your take, we gotta 'earn' it?"
"We're saving the world supposedly. The world can pay up."
Justin:"The fight with Slabod's crew didn't have anything to do with getting money."
Kurtis Kerner:"I didn't say that, that's why I'm going to go rob a bank, cause I ain't got better ideas! The difference is, I'm already a criminal and haven't given a damn for years. You're a pokemon nerd, and can't succumb to bad influence so fast!"
Jessica Murphy:"Magic the Gathering is not Pokemon."
Kurtis Kerner:"Potato tomato"
Jessica Murphy:"They barely even try."
Oh god not dad
Edward:"If you think for a moment that I will sit here and let you people steal 5000 euro of someone's hard earned money, you are in for a reality check, Kurtis."
Justin:"Yeah, nobody answered me when I asked if it was federally insured. If it is you're just stealing from the government."
Kurtis Kerner:"Well what do you figure are the chances your military spending account is still in tact, and if so, not being monitored by people who, you know, killed your wife?"
Edward:"I don't know if it's insured..."
Kurtis Kerner:"Eve, are german banks insured?"
Justin:looks to Eve.
Kurtis Kerner:((if she is still awake))
Dante:Dante looks to Eve.
Kurtis Kerner:((gonna check))
Jessica Murphy:((they are as of 2014))
((up to 100k per person))
Kurtis Kerner:((she sleeping))
((jessica can answer))
Eve Kline (Iris Fields):Eve is looking it up, to preserve action continuity, but someone can look it up faster
Jessica Murphy:Jessica flips through her phone. "As of 2014, looks like they're insured for up to 100 grand. Kinda weird it's a new thing."
Edward:"Why in the world would you think it's okay to steal from the government?!"
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, look how well they've done their job keeping your family safe. Why not? It's a victimless crime."
Justin:Justin sorta shrugs at that, content that people aren't being hurt from it.
Edward:"No, you listen to me. Mister big guns." - Ed squares off against Kurt.
Jessica Murphy:"Common dad, don't drink the Kool-aid."
Kurtis Kerner:"Listen to your daughter. We are going to get seats at that poker table. So unless you're gonna risk pulling your life savings..."
Edward:Ed looks ready to lay hands on Kurt
Kurtis Kerner:"Oh you can try to stop me. Not on your best day."
Edward:"What, you gonna shoot me? Vanish into thin air? Paralyze me?"
Jessica Murphy:"Stop! This is stupid!"
Dante:"This is neither the time or place for chest-thumping." *Dante opens his mouth to say more, but stops at Jessica's interjection"
Jessica Murphy:"Dad why is it okay to kill people for a cause but we draw the line at money?"
"That's what the military does."
Edward:"If you're gonna use the ATM, use my account, Kurt. I'll give you the number."
Jessica Murphy:sigh
Edward:"Because it's the law, Jessica. Because laws matter. Why is it okay to beat people in your stupid card game, but not okay to cheat? It's perfectly fine for your... asian friend to not win the money and lose her mother's treatment chance as a result of losing, but it's not okay to break the rules and draw an extra card? Isn't that why you didn't win?"
Jessica Murphy:"Okay so we just say fuck the whole world living, Germany has laws against stealing. Really?"
"Laws serve a purpose and where that purpose ends is where I stop caring. I think that is pretty fair."
Kurtis Kerner:"Told you sleepers are trouble. Look, Ed. Jessica's right. And your account won't do us any good. I can control electricity in electronic devices, but I still have to play by the device's design rules. The moment I pull your account, they will know it was accessed. Even if I tell the ATM to not report its location, the signal is sent. Sure, they won't know where from, but all they need to do is go to your house again. Grab your pair of boxers, or your wife's bra, and establish one of those sympathy connections..."
Edward:"Don't you dare mention my wife again, you glorified son of a..." - Ed grabs Kurt by the lapels.
And this is when....
Ludwig: hobbles over quietly and puts a wooden box on the table, unlocks it with a key and opens it. Inside, a few thousand euro, the farmer's cash savings.
"The bank is too far of a drive."
GM (GM):((Your payout for taking the farmer back home))
Justin:"Absolutely not sir, you've been too generous this far."
Ludwig: "I am an old man, and if the world ends, I will owe you my life already. I said what I meant. You can count on me in ending those bastards. Germany will not have another Hitler. One was enough."
Kurtis Kerner:smiles at Edward
"Is this okay with you?"
Edward:still holds Kurt by the jacket, growling a little, but looks back, and lets him go.
"You -are- very generous, Ludwig. Do you have enough to spare?"
Ludwig: "Nine thousand or so, I live within my means..."
"What this young man had done for my health, I would have paid the doctors...."
Kurtis Kerner:"Good point, consider it a Doctor's salary, Justin! There, money earned!"
Edward:"You've no shame."
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, your call guys, Ludwig's money, or the government's. I can spread the withdrawal across 5000 accounts, to only result in 1 euro loss each. Nobody would even notice."
Justin:"I'd prefer to take from the bank, as much as I appreciate the generosity mr. Ludwig."
Edward:"I thought better of you."
Justin:"A government's job is to serve it's citizens. They would be fulfilling that purpose even if they don't know they are."
Jessica Murphy:"I agree with Justin. Sorry Dad."
Edward:"It's a bad idea, and you will reap the consequences. A kind man is offering money to you right here, generously."
Kurtis Kerner:"I'll be back before dinner."
Jessica Murphy:(but the shame!)
GM (GM):Kurt leaves and you argue with Edward on the point he seems irreconcilable on, but feel free to roll a persuasion check to calm him down
Justin:((PResence plus persuasion?))
GM (GM):yep
Justin:((Presence 3, persuasion 2 = 5))
rolling 5d10>8!
3 Successes
Jessica Murphy:Nice!
GM (GM):yeah, Justin enters a debate with him and manages to get him to agree, without costing Jessica any loss of loyalty points. Edward begrugingly agrees, it takes a while, but he is still a retainer.
GM (GM):Now Kurtis does his roll, while you guys figure out what to where and who Eve will bite next.
Because you gotta survive another night.
Justin:After the argument, Justin sits down for a bit and approaches Ludwig. "Do you happen to have an encyclopedia set or anything? Old books about the area or history books or something?"
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt walks out of the farm house realizing that he is in the ass of the world 14 miles from the highway. He drives over to the nearest bank, which takes him an hour.
Jessica Murphy:Jessica didn't witness anything that went on with Dante cause she was casting so she'll volunteer
Figures everyone is gonna have a turn
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis approaches the ATM and puts a hand on it, embarking on a rather difficult task. He puts his shades on, because he remembers what his eyes tend to do when he talks to machines
rolling 10d10>8!
2 Successes
*a slight panic happens amongst the clerks inside as they notice irregularities and glitches in the system, quick withdrawals. A few of them turn outside, and does Kurtis notice them in time to get the cash and get out?"
rolling 7d10>8!
4 Successes
He does. He gets out without a problem, but only with 2000 euros.
Ludwig: "I have some old war books, history and such. I don't think I have anything like what you're asking. I have a dictionary, will that do?"
Justin:"No, the war books might help."
"History definitely will."
Ludwig: pulls out Battle of Maginot Line and History of World War 2 from the Allies perspective. He also has History of Berlin's Establishment, and a book about taking down the Berlin Wall and the end of cold war. Most of the rest are historic fiction.
GM (GM):What are you looking for?
Justin:Looking for the things the Margreth line specifically looked over. Going to see if I can figure out what/where the fallen outpost is.
From what he said, it seemed like it was distinct from the budapest tower.
GM (GM):Both of those locations are national parks in the north Hungary. Wilderness north east of Budapest, along the country's northern border with Slovakia.
GM (GM):It's likely that Forester had several minor outposts setup across the wilderness, while his big fort was in the area near Budapest.
A map on the phone is more helpful to you there than Ludwig's books, they focus primarily on Germany and the specific topics
Justin:Fair enough.
GM (GM):One thing does become clear, northern hungary forest hold special meaning and interest to Forester
Justin's phone buzzes, it's Kurtis.
Justin:Justin clicks the phone on.
Kurtis Kerner:"Got 2k, could risk getting more at another bank, or Ludwig could front us 3"
Justin:"We did what we could. I'm fine with borrowing the other 3 from Mr. Ludwig."
Kurtis Kerner:"He's a sweet old man. Ask him what he wants for dinner."
Justin:"Will do, thanks Kurt."
Justin stares at his phone.
"Oh, he wanted me to ask and then tell him."
"Mr Ludwig? Hey, what do you want for dinner?"
Jessica Murphy:God damn it
Ludwig: "Are you cooking? Heh heh heh. I was going to fry some schnitzel with fresh eggs. Yedwiga and Bonnie just laid fresh!"
Justin:"Well I think Kurt was seeing if you wanted him to pick us up something."
GM (GM):"Oooooh so kind of him, refusing the money and then treating me for a meal! Well, in that case some pizza would be good. I really like the thin crust pizza, the craving for city food, darn it all."
Justin:"What toppings? Pepperoni?"
Ludwig: "Oh, whatever everyone likes, I just like having pizza!"
Justin dials up Kurt.
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Got it."
Kurt is back at 8:40 PM and has grabbed several kinds of pizza for everyone
GM (GM):Looks like we have a plan of attack for Remington, and can skip to the meeting?
Jessica Murphy:Yar
GM (GM):Next session can start at Remington's door. We'll handle biting and dreams over facebook
there will be dreams
looks at Jess
GM (GM):not for everyone, but for some
Jessica Murphy:@a group where you can only say yikes
GM (GM):to be soon determined
Jessica Murphy:XD
Justin:So do we get xp for this and last session?
GM (GM):mmm yeah, while not much action, we did spend a good bit of time, and we have a plan ready, so 4 xp all
Justin:Sounds good.
That was fun, excited for next game.
Have a gread night everyone!
Eve K.:So, didn't get to handle the feeding over facebook.
GM (GM):We can handle it now. At the strike of midnight, Eve finds her teeth gaining the familiar sharpness, and the heartbeat pounding in her head. I believe there was a volunteer.
Jessica:Jessica volunteered
Eve K.:Eve would warn Jessica that when she fed from Dante, something happened that did not feel entirely right nor safe.
Dante:Did I miss the conversation we had about the feeding or did we just not address it at all? Dante would have warned against mage feeding after the event if we did.
But if we didn't, we didn't.
GM (GM):I think this is the time for it now, because it's pretty damn important. Please, warn away.
After the feeding is addressed, we can proceed to the meeting.
Jessica:"what do you mean it didn't feel right? What's it be like? What do we do then?'
Dante:"I'm not sure what it is supposed to be like, but.." Dante turns to Eve. "Can you feed on like an animal or something? I'm hesitant to suggest other people in our company."
Jessica:"No way."
Eve K.:"I... perhaps it is safer for me to do it to a sleeper. I don't know if I'm at liberty to disclose information confidential to Dante's person, but I seemed to have absorbed some part of his aura, and memories, or thoughts? Perhaps that. The only people in our company who do not qualify as mages are Ludwig and Edward."
Kurtis Kerner:"I'm not volunteering myself, considering vampires don't like fire, and if Eve combusts, we're down a major player."
Jessica:"Not cause she's our friend or anything. Cause she's a major player." Sarcasm
Kurtis Kerner:"You've known her for a week. You make friends easily. You'll learn to know better."
Eve K.:"I mean, I supposed I could chase down some wildlife. We are in the woods. But I don't think I can turn into a bat or... if I have any other vampiric powers, I'm not sure how to activate them. And the curse specifically says to feed on the blood of a beating heart of the fallen world. Which means I can't eat anything affected by magic."
Jessica:"I'd say you make friends unreasonably hard if you can't call someone your friend after being through some of the shit we've been through. Ludwig has sacrificed enough for a bunch of randos. I don't know about asking my dad. He'd probably want to white knight but I don' it."
Kurtis Kerner:"Hey girl, you may have been through a lot, comparatively, but I didn't grow up playing magic the gathering. For me, it's like, Thursday."
Eve K.:"Don't mind him, Jessica. He spent his formative years in a hostile environment."
Dante:"We've all been through a lot of stuff that for each of us is the hardest we've ever seen. Let's not bicker over that right now."
(Where are Edward and Ludwig presently?)
GM (GM):Ludwig and Edward are in the house, within earshot. Ludwig in the kitchen, Edward near Jessica.
Edward:"This feeding. If you feed from me, it would be safer?"
Eve K.:"Well, theoretically. From what we learned at the meeting with Arthur, he consumed a vampire named Merlin from within by letting Merlin devour him whole. Stands to reason that if a vampire feeds on the awakened consistently, the vampire may be consumed. But as this is to be only my second feeding, I do not have much practical experience."
GM (GM):Those teeth are starting to look really unfriendly.
Edward:"But vampires can feed on normal people without abilities without consequence of backlash?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Seems so, more or less, we have this thing inside us, called Gnosis, it's like a..."
Eve K.:"It is like a soul."
Ludwig: "This vampire misfortune is real calamity. If you told me any of this was real a week ago, I would bet my life on you being a liar. Maybe this is hell, or some kind of nightmare. But be it as it may. Augusta is getting quite old and isn't laying eggs very well anymore. I love the little lady, but if it spares human blood, you can eat her. If a live chicken would suffice."
Eve K.:"That is very generous of you Ludwig considering all you have been through so far at our expense."
"But if I'm going to feed on an animal I would rather it be a wild one, just in case it doesn't relieve the thirst. Wouldn't want Augusta's life taken in vain."
Justin:"And then fallen world thing means I can't make a blood pet or anything."
Eve K. smirks "I suspect Merlin put that part into the curse specifically because of you yes."
Justin:Justin puts up his hands dramatically and shrugs before going to get some water to drink.
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright. Ludwig, can we hunt on your land?"
Ludwig: "All that ever comes here are foxes. Deer stay away."
Kurtis Kerner:"You got a rifle? Or a shotgun or something?"
Edward:"This is a stupid and unnecessary waste of time. You people need sleep and concentration for tomorrow. Feed from me and be done with it. You're going to go out in the dead of night stalking through the forest in your high heels?"
Eve K.:"Beating heart would imply it has to still be mostly alive..."
"I do own other shoes. But you have a good point"
Edward:rolls up his sleeves and unbuttons a shirt collar, giving his neck
Eve K.:"You are certain about this decision?"
Eve K. watches Edward closely, hungrily, but holds herself in control for now.
Kurtis Kerner:"Hey, I can shoot it in the leg. Bullets ain't magical. I'm just not chasing foxes with a pistol. How about your clever traps, Bear Grylls? She could drink from a wounded animal."
Edward:looks at Kurtis with distaste "I'm not sure this man has a soul after all. I'm certain. Just don't kill me."
GM (GM):Eve, that artery be pulsing deliciously.
Justin:Justin takes a sip of water as he flips on his healer's trance, keeping a careful eye of Edward's vital signs.
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
Jessica:Jessica gets up and paces the kitchen/living room with her hands n her pockets while her dad prepares to be fed on, obviously uncomfortable with the situation but not interjecting
GM (GM):Vital signs nominal, adrenaline elevated, Edward is scared
Justin:"I've got you Mr. Murphy, you're not going to due from this, promise."
die rather
Dante:Dante looks over to Jessica, quietly mouthing 'its gonna be okay' before watching Eve intently.
Kurtis Kerner:joins Jessica in the kitchen
"Hey, cheer up. You're gonna love New Haven if you come with us. We work for a whole casino full of vampires."
Eve K. nods to both statements and approaches Edward carefully, holding onto her control as much as possible. Moves in closer, slow and careful.
Eve K.:((Ahh Kurtis, always with the helpful info.))
GM (GM):Eve, roll the willpower, resolve+composure
Jessica:(please don't fuck up)
Eve K.:adding willpower point
rolling 10d10>8!
6 Successes
(From Eve K.): Eve will stop the moment she feels the hunger subsiding. Doesn't want to hurt Edward
GM (GM):ok, mark off a willpower. You have an exceptionally good grasp on the hunger. Your fangs calibrate to very precise near-needle like fangs, you will cause the man no pain, heal the wound afterwards, and will stop exactly when sated with no danger of frenzy.
Eve K.:((getting good at being a vampire little goth dance))
Dante:((baked your dice I see))
GM (GM):You don't use vitae, so feeding roll not necessary. Your willpower roll is the only thing that drives this narrative. So you're good.
Everyone sees Eve treat Edward very gently, and he slowly lowers on the bed, in pleasant slumber. His vitals are fine, he looks like he's donated a pint of blood, a slight weakness, and high levels of dopamine. Justin, you see a substance new to your knowledge enter Edward's body through Eve's fangs. This substance, when interacting with Edward's blood cells, has a non-magical but definitely supernaturally chemical effects. Hallucinogenic, addictive, and relaxing towards his nervous system.
Justin:Can I kill the addictive nature of the substance?
GM (GM):Once she is done feeding, though you may run the risk of violating Merlin's contract should she choose to drink from Edward in the future. Not saying you can't, just think twice and be sure you wanna do it.
But yes, you can in fact neutralize the substance's effects. You can purge Edward of it entirely in fact.
Justin:"Eve, I'm watching your vampiric saliva do some pretty weird things to Edward's blood. Mostly good stuff, but I'm also detecting an addictive presence in the substance. I'm pretty sure I can kill it entirely, but I don't know if that'll screw with count chocula's contract on you."
"Unchecked, I'm fearful that it'll start modifying his brain chemistry which will put it outside of my scope of influence and maybe even Dante's since he doesn't know the life Arcanum."
Justin is staring at Edward as he sleeps, his eyes obviously focused on something the rest can't quite see or grasp.
Kurtis Kerner:"Hey, vampire dad, I say it's an upgrade."
Justin:"No, more like vampire bite junkey dad."
"Not an upgrade at all."
Eve K. closes her eyes after the feeding studying the feeling. She nods to Justin's words "I'm not surprised, vampires don't have a lot of trouble finding willing victims in the sleeping world in most larger cities. I've heard the phrase 'blood addict' before in regards to them."
Eve K.:"Rather or not purging Edward of that substance would effect the curse... hmm.. hard to say. Kurtis... can you 'see' the curse if you look with prime?"
Dante:Dante frowns at that. "This is something to avoid if possible. Maybe we refrain from using the same person twice."
Kurtis Kerner:"So you can inject him with stuff that makes him not have this argument next time and willingly put his neck up, and we wanna get rid of it? Donor dad is a great asset. But fiiiine.... " sighs "I live to serve". his eyes flash white
rolling 8d8>10!
0 Successes
Dante:((The real curse. 8 dice failed.))
Kurtis Kerner:"Looks clear to me."
Justin:"Alright, I'm going to clean him out then."
((Will Banish Plague work?))
Jessica:((had that happen the other night fighting shit in the Hedge, was a real oh shit moment))
GM (GM):((Banish Plague will work))
Dante:"He was already willing given the context, I don't see how having him unwittingly willing makes it better somehow anyway." *Dante gives Kurtis an appraising look.
Justin:Justin holds out his hand towards the sleeping rambo-dad and starts working his magic through the sleeping man. Working like a mystical liver, sieving out the dire substance and neutralizing it.
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
Eve K.:"When we are back in a big city this will be much easier. Just drop me off at a BDSM nightclub around 9 and pick me up a little after midnight."
Kurtis Kerner:"Fine, fine. Who am I to drive the human slave agenda?"
GM (GM):Justin, good enough. Edward is in a pleasant distant dream, he will wake up wishing it continued, but he will not retain addiction.
Justin:Justin nods to himself, putting his hand back down at his side as he takes a sip of his water. Alright Jess, no risk of addiction. Where to now?
GM (GM):What really assisted you here is Eve's high roll on precise injection control. She really didn't push it.
Justin:((cheers for Eve))
Eve K.:((cause making Jess' dad addicted to her would be reeeeeeeeaaaaallly awkward...))
GM (GM):If you guys are ready to end the day and sleep, we time skip to the party at Remington's.
Eve K.:(lets do the time warp again))
Jessica:((nah she'd just be New Mom that's all))
Eve K.:((that made it more awkward.))
Mage The Awakening: Gates to Atlantis, Episode, like, what, 49? Poker Game at Remington & Remington. September 26th, at the agreed upon time. Outside Remington's office.
GM (GM):Punctual and on time, as it's 4:55, you guys arrive at Remington & Remington, an old renovated building, it is stately, but not as masculine as some of the old structures around downtown Leipzig. A security guard opens the door for you, the interior definitely had a woman's touch to every detail at this office. The business is closed for the day, and this is obviously a private event after hours, another attendant offers to check your coats, etc.
This is probably the time to declare what everyone is bringing with you.
Kurtis Kerner:leaves the guns and the sword in the hummer truck "Even I am not that stupid."
Jessica:((trying to think if I even have anything in particular to bring))
GM (GM):Cast your spells, shields, declare your sights, and...
Jessica:((we left the candle burning at Ludwigs))
GM (GM):((the candle? bringing it or?))
Jessica:((I thought that was weird to bring, figured we would have it there? unless someone wants to say otherwise))
GM (GM):((nobody said you had to leave it. We need to keep it lit, which is something Kurtis can do only in active range))
((could leave in the vehicle?))
Jessica:((sounds good))
Eve K.:((leaving weapons, casting entropic guard and Supernal vision))
Justin:Justin carries everything he normally has on him: Book, Journal, and Potion Bottles.
Eve K.:Entropic guard roll
rolling 12d10>8!
4 Successes
Supernal vision roll
GM (GM):That's a 5 armor
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
4 Successes
Dante:((Dante will leave his stuff in the truck and if someone wants ssomething marked he can do so. Going in with Mind sight and Space shield and Mental Shield on Kurtis if he wants it))
Justin:Unseen Aegis Roll
rolling 11d10>8!
8 Successes
GM (GM):lmao
Justin:((Whoo 3 armor.))
GM (GM):((which is hella hard to dispel))
Dante:((the toughest 3 armor this side of the gauntlet))
Justin:Spirit Sight roll.
Jessica:((gonna roll Fate sight and Fortune's protection))
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
That's it for Justin.
Can I split that shield to a 5 power shield for 3 scenes?
GM (GM):Yeah i don't see why not
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis will happily agree to be Dante-shielded
Jessica:Sybils Sight
rolling 4d10>8!
0 Successes
Fortune's Protection
rolling 4d10>8!
1 Success
Jessica:rolling hot today
Dante:(Mental Shield on Kurtis)
rolling 11d10>8!
4 Successes
((Untouchable on Dante))
rolling 11d10>8!
4 Successes
Jessica:((if you're handing them out i'll take one, but if you need to conserve your juice that's cool))
Dante:((Third Eye on Dante))
rolling 9d10>8!
4 Successes
((Dante will buff anyone requesting))
((You wanted mental or space?))
GM (GM):Jessica, your tattoo is recharged with a familiar sting, though you get no reads on the fate threads, the presence of any mystic force or its interactions with Fate seem completely normal here.
Justin:((How many spells can Dante juggle simultaneously?))
Jessica:((let's do space, i guess))
rolling 11d10>8!
2 Successes
((ur untouchable kid))
Jessica:((finger guns))
Justin:((Gnosis +3.))
((If you're not near that limit, Justin wants some of that sweet sweet mind shield.))
Dante:((I'm at 3/6. We should probably network too))
Justin:((Put up network and don't mind shield Justin then. You ought to have a couple of free slots so you're not dropping stuff to cast.))
Dante:((I feel like I need to figure out if htere's a way to shield people across a network or something.))
Justin:((Ritual casting. Each additional target is +1 to difficulty.))
Jessica:((combined spell cast as--yeah that))
Dante:((Hmmm, yeah that'll do the trick in the future prolly.))
Jessica:((the bigger effects you want in mage the more elaborate and time consuming it gets to cast))
Dante:((Network going up, willpower for this because silent communication is very improtaton))
rolling 11d10>8!
5 Successes
Jessica:((if we all have sex it'll be easier to cast sympathetic spells though))
GM (GM):((You can shield them sympathetically. I would say adding someone to the network gives you acquaintance sympathy))
Justin:((Goddamnit Coral.))
Dante:((You're still lobbying for that ritual orgy lmao))
Jessica:((well Eve didn't bite us all :( ))
Eve K.:((Only three more to go for Eve))
GM (GM):((Won't have to ask Kurtis twice))
Eve K.:((pretty sure Justin will be the biggest hold out))
GM (GM):((mormons are cool with this))
Jessica:((get him drunk, he gets stupid))
Eve K.:(( truth))
GM (GM):((we tell him it's just a marriage))
Eve K.:((got the logs to prove it))
Dante:((Only need 3 successes for all of us, so put other 2 to potency))
GM (GM):((got it))
Dante:((Oh wait did we ALL go to the poker game?))
Eve K. over the link "I introduced myself at the party at Eve Martin so I'm going to go with that in case he has connections to anyone I spoke with there."
Dante:((just confirming))
GM (GM):((all the mages, no sleepers, yes))
Dante:((Actually I'm going to forego space shield on Dante for a ward instead.))
((if thats fine))
GM (GM):((a ward on the truck?))
GM (GM):((perfectly fine, just make the rolls and all the necessary strategic prep))
Jessica:((can assist if you like))
Eve K.:(baby crying))
Dante:((Not sure how you could, don't remember the mechanics. I was just gonna cast it as an instant action))
Jessica:((i don't remember either, brain's fuzzy))
GM (GM):(Yeah assisting is for when you guys do rituals, this is a solo one))
(rituals take hours
Dante:Dante runs his hands along the frame of the truck, fingers tracing the area he intends to ward. Tactile confirmation of his intent. If Jessica shows interest in what he's doing, he'll guide her along his process. ((For the sake of RP anyway))
rolling 12d10>8!
4 Successes
Jessica:((sounds good))
GM (GM):ok
The fabric of space folds inward and back out, hardening against the penetrative factors of scrying and sympathy.
Dante:Dante nods to himself, lingering a moment before joining with the others.
Kurtis Kerner:Before the party leaves the vehicle, Kurtis will perform a manipulation charm on the candle. He'll tie a knot of energy conversion, transforming the light from the burning candle from the spent wick back into combustion heat, essentially letting the flame burn on its own, he'll feed it a mote of mana so the wick does not burn out and the flame fuels from mana instead.
Transform Energy, impromptu, with 1 mana extra cost for duration, vulgar, Gnosis 4 + Forces 5 + Forces Ring 1 = 10
rolling 10d10>8!
5 Successes
GM (GM):paradox roll
rolling 2d10>8!
2 Successes
jesus christ
Jessica:(Let it Gooooo))
((make a fernando))
Dante:((holy crap lol))
GM (GM):((yeah i didnt specify that i was gonna absorb it))
((have to do it before i know result, and i hoped it failed))
Dante:((You aint held us to that before, but we can start if thats what you want))
GM (GM):((we started that a few sessions ago))
Dante:((I must have been asleep))
GM (GM):((ye))
Jessica:((i don't remember that either but i'm good with it))
Justin:((I don't remember that either, but I don't mind it as a mechanic.))
Dante:((is technically the rule per the book too. p123
I had no idea))
Dante:((Its also.. still different from how we have been doing it either way))
GM (GM):((yeah we looked it up a few months ago and were gonna stick to it, cause otherwise we can just cheese it))
((up to you, i am good with rolling either way))
Justin:((Let's do it! Chaos!!!!))
GM (GM):The charm on the candle works beautifully, a perfect self sustaining flame singularity, but Eve, your supernal vision detects Kurt's newly found enhanced power backlash into his own head. Something's gone wrong. His eyes roll back as he holds the candle in his hands and, not letting go of it, forces his feet into a lotus pose on the seat.
Kurtis Kerner:"I am the keeper of the sacred flame. I must tend to this fire eternal."
Justin:"That sounds bad.""
Jessica:(( 8( ))
GM (GM):((Dernagement: temporary, severe. Multiple Personality: Kurtis Kerner / Keeper of the Flame))
"Uh that..."
Jessica:((give him two bodies, keeper of the flame can stay there))]
GM (GM):With her Supernal Vision, Eve can examine all our preparation spells working as normal, and of course, the building. Unlike Cubic's Impossible Towers, Remington & Remington is actually quite modestly enchanted. It's not a hollow, but a demesne. It holds a strong Fate and Time enchantment, as well as a Mind enchantment. Hypnosis and mind control are particularly difficult here, unless you are Clara Remington. The Gauntlet is very thin, and divinations of Fate and Time are in particular flux, easy to read. He settled here because from here he can read destiny. There is that Elemental residing here as well, which makes sure that Remington's Fate stays rooted in the course he has set.
Jessica:((it doesn't buzz off since the candle is lit?)
GM (GM):((Actually, i am wrong on the rules guys))
((mitigation has to be declared prior, pattern scouring does not))
((After the Paradox roll is made and the number of successes
are revealed by the Storyteller, a caster can attempt to
contain the Paradox in part or in full with his own flesh. He
can choose to convert Paradox successes to bashing damage
GM (GM):on a one-for-one basis. This is called a backlash.
A backlash is voluntary. If the mage is willing to suffer, he
can eliminate any portion of the successes he wants to, or
eliminate them all, as long as he has enough Health to
withstand the damage. A self-sacrificing mage could even
choose to use his last Health, thereby probably rendering
GM (GM):himself unconscious))
((we were doing it correctly))
Dante:((oh hey))
Dante:((What page was that? I was searching for that bit earlier))
GM (GM):((it's one below))
Dante:((I am an idiot))
GM (GM):((124))
GM (GM):((well, up to you guys, i can try to absorb it, or we can go with this more dramatic outcome))
Justin:((I'd say absorb it, I figure this'll be dramatic enough.))
Dante:((If someone has a clever solution I don't care either way lol. We've got a lot going on already tho))
Jessica:((i love drama, that's my vote))
((let's have everything go spectacularly wrong))
((Remington murders half the cabal in cold blood and the next chapter is the survivors in post-apoc))
Justin:((ew, post-apoc is awful.))
GM (GM):((Eve is telling me to absorb it for the love of god))
Jessica:((Edward and Eve turn to each other for comfort, Edward develops a horrible addiction he won't admit to))
Kurtis Kerner:A few moments of internal struggle, and Kurt snaps out of the fugue state with a considerable effort, he holds his fingers around the candle, and even though not touching the flame, his fingertips singing by the rogue element, suffering persistent magical damage.
Jessica:((Eve learns how to use Vitae and uses it to start a harem))
Justin:((fucking stop writing fan fiction.))
Kurtis Kerner:"Whhhoooo.... wu, we're okay. We're okay. Eaaaasy now. I'm good. We're good. It will hold." - he carefully places the candle in a little jar on the back seat.
Justin:"Ah good, was worried there for a moment."
Jessica:"You okay now? You went fucky for a second."
Kurtis Kerner:"Uhhh. Yeah. Things have been different since the cave. Not necessarily in a good way. I may have to take it easy on using powers."
Dante:"Glad you got a hold on it. We've been exerting a lot of power lately, so it might be wise for us all to take a lesson from this. Let's go."
GM (GM):So, now prepared and inside, the brokerage firm is a pleasant visage, not quite the gold and oak feel of CDTC with its grand hotel wingspan for style, but a very nice lobby, greens and bronze here, portraits of Claire Remington, her dog, the two of them, her and Ted, a few landscapes and still lives, what looks like their personal manor on a hill somewhere. Further ahead towards the offices, portraits of German financiers and industrialists. Attendants and security here are somewhat lax, you haven't seen anyone armed, but everyone is very friendly. You check your coats if you do, and are shown into a private room, an expertly set up poker room, with a few players already present.
At the head of the table is the gentleman portrayed on the splash screen, a gray haired, thin featured, pleasant gentleman, he had just lit a cigar. Dante and Kurtis recognize him, and he immediately recognizes them.
Food and drinks are catered, a light salad bar, the smell of cooked lamb under cover, and the bar is extensive, the cognac here is Louis 13, the expensive stuff, a few wines, Point Bordeau, Gewurstraminer, Silvaner. It's not the Diana selection, but it's good enough.
Theodore Remington:"Ah, more company, yes! Our new friends! Welcome! Perfectly on time! Punctual! I like that! Please, come in, take seats. My apologies, Claire couldn't be present tonight, she had agreed to run a seminar for the local charity, you know, giving back to the community, but hey, we're going to have a good time. This is John Naverski and this is Ben, my old time poker friends. Please, introductions all around."
GM (GM):John does not read to be awakened, Ben does. Acanthus.
Dante:*Dante moves to introduce himself to both John and Ben as Theodore speaks. He then regards Remington, nodding curtly and smiling. He gestures to the others to sit and will wait til at least everyone but Remington himself is seated.
"Its a pleasure to meet once more."
((iirc we used Dante in the phone call right? If so, that's how he introduces. Doesn't use last name.))
Justin:Justin smiles at each in turn good-naturedly as he takes a seat. "Joe, nice to meet you all."
Kurtis Kerner:"Pleasure to meet you both. I'm Kurtis." - Kurt shakes hands with all three.
GM (GM):Both John and Ben shake hands with each of you.
Theodore Remington:"Pleasure's all mine, it's so good to make new contacts, that's partly why we even go out to socialize, right? Ben here is in construction, and John goes way back with us since the Berlin Wall."
Kurtis Kerner:"True words, Ted. So here we have Joe, he's interning with us since this summer, a very skilled scientific analyst."
Theodore Remington:"Oh! What kind of analysis?" - Ted looks at Joe
Justin:"A bit of a jack of all trades. Mostly biological and historical stuff, but I dabble. I'll try not to count cards too bad here while we play." Justin smirks.
Kurtis Kerner:"Invaluable chemist too. A genius at mineral analysis."
Theodore Remington:"Ah, you are in mining. Of course. America."
Ben:"I came from a mining background too. Nothing like a chemist to tell a sapphire from heat treated tanzanite, am I right?"
GM (GM):John just sort of chuckles into his mustache, he does not say much.
Justin:"A quick test of where they lie on the Mohs scale should determine which is which pretty easy."
Ben:"Yeah, tell me, how good -is- american gold, really? I mean, all bullshit aside?"
Justin:"Everyone knows Gold is only as good as the salesman peddling it."
GM (GM):Attendants are already setting the glasses, but Theodore uncorks the bottle himself and pours by his own hand, to keep it informal.
Theodore Remington:"See, I told you these guys are good."
Jessica:Jessica takes the opportunity in the pause after the joke to offer her own hand for introductions: "Jessie."
Kurtis Kerner:"Which ties in to our forensics investigator. Eve Martin. For when chemical analysis fails and you have to analyze the salesman."
Theodore Remington:"Charmed. I think I saw you at the party briefly, oooh, Jessie, nice to meet you, and what do you do?"
Jessica:Over the link: Kurtis' assistant?
Eve K.:"It's good to see you again, Mister Remington. We briefly intersected, but Lord Storm has gotten the better of my time, unfortunately."
Dante:Over the link:"Something you can talk about for our time here."
Kurtis Kerner:"Jessie's got a talent for probability. A student of your arts."
Theodore Remington:to Eve "Lord Storm got himself into a handful after that party."
To Jessie "Ah, an upstart statistician? I see you are quite fresh! Well. Welcome to the community of the fortunate and educated! Please, have a seat."
Ben:"Wait a minute, Jessie? Jessica Murphy? Ted, she's all over the news."
Jessica:Oh god. Should I deny it??
Theodore Remington:"No way. Oh, I'll be damned, that's right. This evening just got a lot more interesting. Boy, do we have a lot to discuss."
Kurtis Kerner:"I wouldn't."
"Told you we were worth meeting with."
Theodore Remington:"Alright, alright, you've piqued my interest. But first, let's toast. To a good game and a good evening."
They serve the food, it's as predicted, lamb, with vegetables.
Dante:Dante toasts.
((perfect golden brown))
Eve K.:"Wouldn't expect any less of you but to be appropriately informed. What did you think of the little stunt they pulled at the stadium?"
Theodore Remington:"Wait, back up a bit, you know whose play that was? I may not be as informed as I seem."
Kurtis Kerner:"What's your interest?"
Justin:((Chips McKenzie.))
Theodore Remington:"Just gossip, I'm a humble banker. But it's good table talk."
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, it's Jessie's story to tell."
looks to Jessie as he digs into the meat
Jessica:((the stadium was Lucas))
((I'm confused))
Eve K.:"Nice cognac. Vintage. May I?"
((Oh, where were the games held? Some kind of arena?))
Jessica:((convention center))
Eve K.:((That's what Eve would have said))
Justin:"I don't think it's fair to lay that one at Jessie's feet to explain. She's not a great storyteller anyways."
Justin eats a head of broccoli as he gestures with a fork.
Dante:Dante smirks to himself and turns his attention briefly to the plate of food. The lamb looks particularly good, but he stops himself and takes a drink, then turns his attention back to the group.
Ben:"This young woman has real talent as far as statisticians go. She's gone to the finals. You guys brought your very own card shark."
Theodore Remington:"The more fun! Well I can't wait to hear what happened, from whoever is the better story teller."
Jessica:Jessica deliberately swallows a bit of lamb to excuse her brief silence as politely declining to talk with her mouth full, and says: "I wouldn't call myself a shark yet." She smiles.
"Honestly I wasn't conscious for a lot of it. When I try to explain what happened it's a lot of disjointed scenes for me, so it's hard to tell it right. Honestly the news probably knows more than me."
Ben:"Anyone who sits down to play anything against Mladen Begojevic is at least a dolphin sized aquatic animal."
Justin:"Mahi-Mahi or like a porpoise?"
Theodore Remington:"Well, we've been troubled here in the community. Surely it is us being targeted. The club, the game, the other attack. Someone's hunting down the people in charge of the status quo."
Justin:"Probably Branch's crew if I had to guess. Seems like every time there's a big upset it's them."
Ben:points at Joe "Yeah, see, he knows."
Justin:Justin speaks out of the corner of his mouth as he grabs some lamb on his fork.
Jessica:Jessica digs in so she can listen instead of putting her foot in her mouth
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah, I have to agree with Joe there, Branch losing her two big players like that in one night. That's just sloppy. We were gonna invest with her first, but after that slap in the face, no way."
Justin:Justin nods and chews.
Theodore Remington:sighs "Oh, I wish Claire was here, she'd have a lot to say."
Eve K.:"I'll say what's there to say. If you're throwing a high society party, you better provide proper security pre-emptively, not post-factum. People got hurt."
Ben:"What would Branch want to do with Mladen Begojevic?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, think about it, high profile event, lots of publicity."
Theodore Remington:"Wait a minute. I get it. Mladen is a high time activist. Enters the tournament, just to let all the acanthus know he's not above taking cash from the sleepers. And Branch shuts it down. A philanthropist. In the name of the Lie. Good move on her part. So where did Jessie come in?"
GM (GM):John coughs, wiping wine off his mustache with a napkin, seeming un-phased by the talk.
Jessica:"I played against him. By the way, I'm kind of embarrassed to ask but which wine goes with what? I'm horrible at wine pairings."
Theodore Remington:"Depends, if you like it a little less unctuous, I'd go with the Point Bordeau, it will be less fruity than the any of the pinos. If you want your lamb to be on the rare side, and you like a bit of a bite to it, I'd probably go with the malbec. And Silvaner is a white wine, that's for dessert, and yes, there is dessert."
Dante:Dante takes a large bite of the lamb, listening quietly as the discussion unfolds. He sets his dinnerware aside and savors the flavors.
"The lamb is excellent, by the way. Enhanced in some way, or just good old fashioned culinary talent?"
Theodore Remington:"Only old fashioned. Enhanced with the best charm there is. Financial success. Thank you for the compliments, sir. By the way, Dante, what is your job in the operation?"
Jessica:Jessica nods and inexpertly swirls the Bordeau around in her wine glass. It's just something she's seen people do somewhere, she doesn't know anything about legs or what unctuous means.
John: observes Jessie quietly for a while.
Jessica:((John is probably Cubic-tier))
Dante:"I'm just a middleman." Dante waves a dismissive hand.
"I move information and people around as needed."
((Could be Remington's retainer.))
((He said they go back to the Berlin Wall. That's a long time.))
Jessica:((not that long))
Dante:((? 30 years since it came down))
Jessica:((came down in '89))
Justin:Justin gives a polite chuckle at Remington's theory before speaking. "I can absolutely see how you landed there by extrapolating on incomplete data. How does the information that the games were a part of a Cube Corp enterprise rock that boat?"
Jessica:((I guess when I read it I was like "that doesnt make him supernaturally old" and you read it as "they've been friends a long time", which is true))
((I guess I was looking for clues or something i don't know))
Dante:((Oh yeah, I figured that might have been your interpretation lol. Nah just meant they could be lifelong friends type thing))
Jessica:((yeah makes sense))
Theodore Remington:((hold on, calculating response))
John: laughs for the first time, like he just heard a good joke or won a bet
Jessica:((when Joe plays Jenga he uses a bat))
John: "Told you it was Cubic's play"
Dante:((Roboremington needs more processor cores))
Justin:((They call him the Mormon Slugger.))
Ben:"Oh. My god. John called it, you son of a bitch."
Justin:"Whoa now, don't bring my mother into this!"
Theodore Remington:"Alright, I bite. Tell me everything."
"I can't wait to play a game with you. You guys are just everywhere, aren't you? Why haven't I heard of you?"
Kurtis Kerner:"You probably have. The Aurora, New Haven?"
GM (GM):Ben and John shake their heads.
Theodore Remington:"Foreign players who seem to know a lot about everyone, yet no one's ever heard of you. Fascinating. Just the kind of personalities we need nowadays. So, shift the tables for me here. So the attack was Cubic's play?"
Justin:"If we spill it all at dinner, what will we talk about while we play?"
Dante:"No one minds the mice as long as they aren't in the pantry."
Dante gestures to Justin in agreement.
John: twirls his walrus mustache and hyperventilates in a crotchety voice with merry impatience "To hell with the dinner, deal the damn cards!"
Ben:"Amazing. You got the old man worked up. Well, it does make sense now. Has Hans Ehnske written all over it. I'm assuming the other two explosions too. Leo Cubic did have trouble with some extremists in southern europe."
Theodore Remington:"Can't rush the game until we have some dessert! Fine, I'll throw you a hook to look forward to as well. How would the information on William Brandman rock this boat?"
Kurtis Kerner:"who the fuck's that? someone bluff something."
Jessica:He thinks I'm freshfaced, I'll just ask
Kurtis Kerner:"he can tell you're new, it's a thing we can read"
Jessica:"Sorry, I don't know who that is."
Theodore Remington:smirks and looks to others, to see who might spark interest
Justin:"I cannot pull this one off. Somebody else, pass."
Ben:pierces everyone with a look, following Ted's look, as if to double up another set of eyes on everyone's reactions
Dante:"I'm always interested in information, its good for business."
Dante:"Who in the fuck is that? Was he at Diana's party?"
((Can I do a check to see if he was a name mentioned?))
Justin:"Might be a heretofore unknown member of Branch's cabal."
Dante:Dante scratches his cheek as he responds to Remington's proposal, smiling as genuinely as he remembers how to.
GM (GM):((You could look at the game's log and search :) ))
Dante:"Could be. Would be weird, though."
(I did a quick ctrl F for the name didnt find.)
((just not each log. Will do later then))
GM (GM):((you can view all logs on one page now))
Dante:((the ones from openrpg too?))
GM (GM):((oh no, it's just the latest roll20 log))
Jessica:((Eve K. glances at Lucas lips pursing, then to Kurtis "Do you have any information on any of the commanders beyond Hans and Jorg?"
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:"I am aware of two. William Brandman and Arnold Eubanks. They hold no power over me, and they stay far away."))
Theodore Remington:"William Brandman, the man responsible for Leo Cubic's Moving Castle. If someone knew how this man does what he does, would that rock the boat?"
Justin:Justin leans back and sighs dramatically.
"That's a hefty bit of rocking."
Jessica:Jessica chokes a little on her wine, turning red at the embarrassingly cliche reaction
Theodore Remington:"How does Tiramisu sound for dessert?"
Eve K.:"One of my all time favorites."
Dante:Dante's eyes widen a bit and he shifts in his seat. "Tiramisu sounds great."
Eve K.:"I've been scanning these three for spells, they are not reading our minds, nor do they seem networked. There is some strange effect that Theodore has. I don't understand what it does. Some kind of power of the Fate Arcanum."
Dante:((I assume Third Eye bears out Eve's assertions about them not using supernatural mental power?))
GM (GM):((it does))
Dante:"Noted. I don't see anything unusual either."
Theodore Remington:"You see, " - Ted muses once what is probably some of the best and juiciest Tiramisus ever, gets served, - "My dear Claire and I have been married for 27 years, and I have always, always argued in favor of staying curious, yet neutral. She often wants to just be involved in everything, and me, I leave that stuff to someone like the next Leo Cubic. Shippers, transporters, traders, you guys take all the risks. A treasurer stays close to the receiving point, it is a much safer job. But in the end, you get to see the receipt copies. Who is more informed at the end? The one selling information, or the one cashing the check?"
Ben:analyzes everyone's reaction to this statement very intently
Justin:Justin scoffs a bit at the information about a lack of risk. "You only mitigate risk so long as you're careful with whom you associate. A hand in the pocket of lion tamer is a good way to get mauled."
He takes a decent bite of the dessert and savors it, letting his words hang in the air.
Dante:Dante nods his head instinctively as Theodore talks about staying neutral. He takes a big bite of his tiramisu, letting the flavors linger in his mouth for a bit. "I can respect not wanting to get too deeply involved. Much easier to extricate oneself from danger."
Theodore Remington:"Ah, they all think they're lion tamers."
Justin:"I find the opposite to be true. They all think they're the ones taking the correct precautions, playing it safe." Justin just shakes his head and takes another bite.
"Lions surrounding them all the while."
Eve K. plucks at the dessert demurely, keeping her posture reserved and minimally seductive towards mostly Ben, taking a meaning that flirting with a happily married man would be disrespectful
Theodore Remington:"Alright folks, let's get this show on the road. Entry fees down please." *he puts a thousand dollars in cash on the table.
GM (GM):Ben and John do the same right away.
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt slaps his 1000 down and slides it towards the center of the table
Justin:Justin produces his roll-o-cash and puts it into the pot.
Jessica:follows suit, albeit less aggressively than everyone slapping bills down
Eve K. Eve has put her 1000 into a neat envelope, not sealed, and slides it over to the table's middle
Dante:Dante presents the money in such a way to show its all there without being flashy about it.
Theodore Remington:Theodore takes Eve's envelope and trusts it without counting, joining the bank notes from it with the rest
GM (GM):The cards are dealt, and the candle does its work. It's exactly as Jessica predicted, and you guys don't really need to make the rolls. Losing in poker is easier than winning, and Theodore is well disposed. He's getting happier and happier. The choice here, dear players, is such. If you last in the game longer than Ben and John, there is a pretty good chance that they will leave and you will get time with Ted completely one on one. If you want this to happen, then we can make some rolls. To beat Ben and John.
Justin:Let's roll it up.
Feelin' like a magic man.
These fingers are enchanted yo.
Jessica:((oh god))
Dante:((I'm down.))
Justin:((Fuck yeah you are.))
Justin:((I'm a go-fish master. Not as good at Solitaire.))
((That one tends to get me more often than not.))
Jessica:((flashbacks to people on my hick ass dads side of the family being impressed that i won at solitaire without cheating, and wondering who the fuck cheats at solitaire))
GM (GM):((can everyone see their cards?))
Justin:((They're face down for me.))
Jessica:(click on them you ape))
Dante:((And who the fuck cheats at solitaire))
Jessica:((apparently my aunt))
Justin:((GM wants all my cards.))
Dante:((How dare))
GM (GM):((is this fucking thing working?))
Dante:((I mean I see my cards.))
Jessica:((I can see mine))
Dante:((all 3 of them))
((and now they gone))
Dante:Card-shark joe palmed them
Jessica:((I place a card face down in trap position))
GM (GM):(this is insane)
Jessica:((if we are rolling anyway why do we need cards?))
Dante:((what kind of poker has joker anyway))
Jessica:((russian poker))
((it's like Texas Hold 'Em))
GM (GM):why does justin have 7 cards
Justin:((FUck u that's why.))
Dante:((4 pocketed aces))
Jessica:((because he palmed them, pay attention))
GM (GM):omfg
this is madness
are there online poker simulators?
Dante:(If I match the joker do I win?)
Justin:gm stole all my cards!
GM (GM):ok i'm gonna deal everyone 3 cards
then we bet or fold
then i deal 1 more
we go around
and then 1 last one
and thats the hand
Eve K.:I'm staying in.
Dante:stay, but what is that rotating card spam in the corner?
stop stacking jeepers!
GM (GM):i have no idea
Ben stays
so does John
Justin:((I have no clue how this works.))
((ALl my cards are gone.))
Dante:((you have 3 cards on my client))
GM (GM):(same)
((Found them))
Justin:((If I fold can I be in the next round?))
Dante:((I assume so unless we're all all-in or something.))
Justin:Justin folds it up.
Dante:((Put a bow on it and send it off next christmas))
GM (GM):jess?
GM (GM):John folds
Eve K.:staying in
Dante:uhhhh thats a fold from me dawg
GM (GM):Eve wins with a pair of 2s and high king
GM (GM):Ok this app is awful
GM (GM):let's just fucking make some rolls
Dante:Thank god Eve knows how to play this bizarre version of poker
GM (GM):it's a goddamn nightmare
Jessica:roll is haunted so only a moros could deal with it
GM (GM):everyone just roll, fucking, i dunno, wits+subterfuge
god this is frustrating
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
Dante:Don't get frustrated over a bad app, there are many
GM (GM):no good online poker sites either
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:Whoa Jess with the 7 pool, hott))
Jessica:(( ;) ))
Eve K.:
rolling 5d10>8!
0 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 6d10>8!
0 Successes
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
Jessica:gtfo ben
GM (GM):
rolling 5d10>8!
0 Successes
Ok, So Dante, Jessica, and Ben outlive John
John laughs, and says he's going to take a walk, shakes everyone's hand, thanks for the game, and goes to stretch.
The Candle insures that Ted is in the lead, but Dante, Jessica, and Ben still have money
final set of rolls for Dante and Jess to beat Ben and get him to fuck off
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:((this fuckin guy))
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 10d10>8!
7 Successes
Jessica:GET OUT
Ben:oh my fucking
Dante:((You and I are building a strong trend of making GM shit))
Ben:So, Ben, stands up.
Jessica:(high five)
Dante:((high five))
Ben:"I'll see that flop. Damn it! Almost had it." - he's actually angry, he had a shot for the money
Justin:((high as many as I can.))
Jessica:((put the tentacles away))
Theodore Remington:"If you'll excuse us, folks. I think young Jessica and I have got to finish this behind closed doors."
Dante:"Hell of a game. Good luck!" Dante looks to Ben and then Remington.
GM (GM):Ted is like, up 5000, with Jessica holding on to the remaining 2
Justin:Justin sighs at his near instantaneous losses and excuses himself.
Kurtis Kerner:indulges himself in the lobby to more alcohol and dessert while the two finalists have their tense final round
Dante:joins Kurtis for more dessert
Eve K.:"Got to say, the girl is better at cards than you are, Kurtis. She works her craft well."
Kurtis Kerner:"I'm good at cheating, I never said I'm good at playing by the rules."
Theodore Remington:"So. I think I see what you do for Kurtis and Dante now. Card shark indeed."
Jessica:Jessica drums her fingertips on the table with nervous energy as her cabal leaves. She has to remind herself not to do the card-flicking that has become habitual. "I'm thinking there's a Mox Sapphire in my future."
Theodore Remington:smiles at her as he deals their hands
Dante:"I thought for sure I had Ben in that last round, but oh well." He says idly in the network.
Theodore Remington:"I have 5000, you have 2000. Do you think you can stop me from buying the pot? You got the big balls to go all in if I push you?"
Jessica:Jessica purses her lips. "I like my chances."
Theodore Remington:looks at her with a kind smile
GM (GM):Jessica, you feel like the winds of Fate have come to a nexus. Either something happened to the candle, or some kind of singular point of determination has come to your personal choice. You have blessed the others in your party with making all the right decisions so far, but now you are not sure if Ted wants to win or if he'll respect you if you win. Which will you choose?
Jessica:I'm gonna go for it and try to win
I feel like he knows I'm new to this. They already have my name and stuff
like, he has 5 grand sitting around
Theodore Remington:you both are four cards in, and Ted doesn't break a sweat
Jessica:he wants to work with winners
Theodore Remington:he buys the pot and you have to go all in to match him
Jessica:Jessica slides her money to the middle
Theodore Remington:"Can I ask you one question, Jessica?"
((oh god))
Dante:((Is a hotdog a sandwich?))
Justin:((Is a burrito a corn dog?))
Jessica:((is milk a broth when you eat cereal?))
Dante:((true philosophy right here))
Theodore Remington:"I paid really close attention to everything said earlier, and arrived to one question for you."
"Do you work for Leo Cubic?"
Jessica:((I have an answer for him but remind me if we're currently doing anything for cubic please))
GM (GM):((He is waiting for us to return to him so he can deactivate Diana's LQs and teleport us to her))
Jessica:((yeah but we're not like working "for" him right? Like we finished the actual job))
GM (GM):((well you gave him Merlin's identity i believe))
((and Slabod's, and Mladen's, and you retrieved Hans))
((so yes, though he would gladly ask more of you))
Justin:((Answer is no, we're not currently on a sidequest for him. We have some of his equipment and we are waiting to cash in a reward.))
GM (GM):(( ^ ))
Jessica:Jessica's face gets very serious. Now she is doing the card flicking as she considers her answer. "Mr. Cubic sponsored me in the Magic the Gathering Tournament. Something about the explosion made me Wake up, and it had something to do with Hans. I don't really know how all that works... he held me hostage because he thought I had something to do with Hans' death, so we did a job for him that involved proving I didn't murder him my first day as a wizard. But no, I don't work for him. I don't exactly play Magic anymore."
Theodore Remington:"You're a very honest girl. Honest girls don't make good card players." he smiles
GM (GM):Alright, roll wits+subterfuge to win
Jessica:WP again
rolling 10d10>8!
4 Successes
((I get nervous and try to press the roll button at the "right" time even though that's not at all how that works)
Dante:((How very Fate of you))
Theodore Remington:"Unless they're very lucky."
Ted slides the cards over and folds.
"Congratulations, Jessica. Winner takes all." - He slides the 5 grand over to you.
"Let's rejoin your friends in the lounge."
Dante:((8 grand?))
((oh nvm, misread the text))
Jessica:Jessica grins and scoops the money up. She dawdles slightly behind Remington, curious. She peaks at his cards on the table
Theodore Remington:He placed them face down
Like, letting him leave first, looking at his cards
I wanna see if he let me win
Theodore Remington:He's not leaving before you do.
Dante:((please stranger, stay alone in my poker room unattended))
Theodore Remington:Yeah, he knows you want to know and he is denying you the knowledge unless you breach etiquette
Jessica:can i use Fate sight to tell?
ah i seee
Yeah i'll leave
Dante:((It'll make for a fun conversation piece for the future if we don't cock it all up in the end))
Theodore Remington:he smiles as you leave, with a smile that indicates he is pleased that you complied with whatever charade he has played, he does like being in control of his decisions
"Well, your card shark took the prize. It was tense! I have to say, you are welcome guests, and have really entertained my tired routine! Thank you for the great game! Now, that we are all by ourselves, let's talk. Your company wants to start business with me. And we have a lot to discuss."
((gonna stop here for the night, ok?))
Dante:((sounds good. We finally got through the prelims, I am happy))
GM (GM):((you guys did really good!))
Jessica:((also we can afford to do shit like stay in hotels again))
Dante:((and pay back old man ludwig))
GM (GM):((aw you guys care))
Dante:((Old fart named his fucking chicken, of course I care))
Jessica:((Grandpa Ludwig is cool))
Justin:((He's teh best.))
GM (GM):((Ludwig better than Leo?))
Justin:Ludwig can't really be described as a monster.
Jessica:((Ludwig is more likeable than Leo, I wouldn't want Leo gone though))
Dante:((Leo is a lot more complex and interesting imo, but Ludwig is grounding. I don't really see any comparison other than they're both old.))
GM (GM):((they're both your grandpas))
Dante:((Nah Grandpa Leo is still my grandpa))
Jessica:(( X) ))
Dante:((Ludwig is more like long lost great uncle or something))
GM (GM):((next session we talk about all that nonsense on the board))
Dante:((ye that's a lot of stuff I was peeking at))
Jessica:man cards on roll20 are hilarious
GM (GM):triggered me
Dante:((that was so great. +1 XP to the GM for trying to make cards work))
Jessica:i have no idea how to play poker so i was glad to roll
Justin:((I was winning.))
Dante:((Justin had 7 cards, no way he could have lost))
Justin:((I'm a master.))
Jessica:tru fax
please tell me the shadow figure on the left is a Beast
Justin:Probably not.
the anniversary edition of owod changing breeds has more balanced stats for weres than the nwod version does if that tiger is a weretiger
changing breeds in nwod was a victim of having to publish to keep everyone paid so it had horrible quality control issues
Dante:I'm not sure what that even is
Jessica:i hope it's non-mage bullshit
i gotta sleep or i'll die though
Dante:ye ye, night
GM (GM):Henlo!
Justin:Good evening.
Chris won't be here as he has the plague still.
GM (GM):It's been a while!
Fire people
Jessica:omg I feel human again. I've been doing everything electronic by phone
also please tell me we have a weretiger as a villain
that's what that tiger is yes?
and a weremoose?
GM (GM):yeees
Jessica:i know you're lying but if you do get the itch, skinchangers 20th anniversary from old world of darkness is more mechanically sound than new world of darkness
they were under the "keep something published even if it's bad or we'll sink" model before they switched to print on demand and kickstarters and skinchangers was rushed and somewhat famously bad
but anyway
help me remember what we are doing since it's been a year
Dante:So there's this thing called the Gem of Kings
Jessica:little more recent
Dante:We were talking with Remington
Just finished poker
Jessica:he tossed the game, maybe, i will never know because i couldn't see his cards
GM (GM):You never will
Should we wait for Evy-Eve?
Jessica:jon and i can go get our tv out of the car if we do
Dante:Fetch the talky-looky!
Justin:Tokky lukey
GM (GM):okie doky
Eve K.:oh hai
GM (GM):everything is online?
everyone strapped in?
Justin:Strapped in!
Dante:Seems so.
Eve K.:indeed
Mage: Gates to Atlantis, Episode 50. Remington's Play.
Theodore Remington:he smiles as Jessica takes leave of the private game room, with a smile that indicates he is pleased that she complied with whatever charade he has played, he does like being in control of his decisions
He addresses the rest with a grin
"Well, your card shark took the prize. It was tense! I have to say, I am thoroughly enticed! You are welcome guests, and have really entertained my tired routine! Thank you for the great game! Now, that we are all by ourselves, let's talk. Your company wants to start business with me. And we have a lot to discuss."
He walks over to the pool table, and wordlessly refills everyone's glasses and motions to the pool cues, sending a silent invitation to anyone present
Justin:Justin smiles and takes the offered drink, he sips and takes the pool cue, circling some chalk over the tip as he waits for one of the others to start that discussion.
Theodore Remington:Theodore racks up the balls, and lets Justin break
Kurtis Kerner:"Thrilled your game was satisfying, Ted. As I said, we brought our best. As for business, it's quite as you implied. We represent an American based investment firm that needs to keep its money in a safe remote location."
Eve K. sips her drink quietly, watching the pool game progress
Justin:Justin frowns at having to break. "Pool is a fantastic game, mostly it's just geometry and momentum given form. The only part I never was very good at was breaking, since it boils down to hitting the balls hard and hoping -something- goes in..." Justin muses to himself as he sets the Q ball and clacks the end of the cue to it, sending it careening towards the gathered balls.
Eve K.:((I can't remember if we have a network up or not?""
Theodore Remington:He nods to Kurtis and to Justin "Well, I assume we can both be gentlemen and not use our gifts. Pool as pool goes."
Dante:Dante takes the drink offered with a nod of gratitude and watches Justin's break.
((I have it listed as a current spell. Jess, Dante, Eve, Justin, Kurt.))
Eve K. over the link "You should have said something earlier, breaking balls is my favorite part of pool."
Eve K. smirks slightly before taking another sip "It would be in poor taste to cheat at pool."
Eve K.:*aloud she says
Justin:"I certainly wasn't planning on cheating..." Justin tilts his head at Theodore as he examines the result of his own break
GM (GM):((wow, um, not sure what skill check to use. Dexterity for attribute. I guess either larceny or weaponry?))
Eve K.:((for pool? Eeesh.. your guess is as good as any...))
Dante:((Not larceny. No theft involved.))
Eve K.:(Weaponry would be for hitting Theo with the cue I would imagine)
Justin:((For breaking I'd just do Str + Dex, for actual play I would do Dex + Academics))
Eve K.:((Academics?)
Justin:((Pool is just geometry.))
Dante:((There is a lot of mental math that goes into pool sure. I could see it maybe.))
Justin:((You could do Science if you see math as more of a science than an academic pursuit.))
((Str + Weaponry would be fine for breaking if you want to keep Attribute + Skill))
((If you've got a pool shark or someone who frequents bars, I'd do Dex + Socialize))
GM (GM):Actually that sounds good, that is what we are doing, do Dex + Socialize with +2 for having high academics
Justin:((Dex 2, Socialize 1, +2 = 5))
rolling 5d10>8!
0 Successes
Eve K.:((eve ducks as a pool ball wizzes past her head JKJK))
Justin:((We've all been there, hit the balls, nothing goes in.))
GM (GM):((there's a 1 it's a crit XD))
Justin:((Do your thing buddy!))
Theodore Remington:Theodore catches the ball that flies off the table, with a smile. He says nothing about it, Justin's forewarning was honest, he said he wasn't good at breaking, and Ted just waves it off and resets.
"Well, I can appreciate a fair game. Few people can play billiards well nowadays. A dying breed."
Justin:Justin's mouth forms a flat line as his Q ball flies off the felt, his cheeks burn in obvious embarrassment. Tag, someone else try, I'm obviously cursed.
He ducks and hands the cue to Eve.
Eve K. takes the cue with her free hand, and finds a coaster or otherwise safe place to put down her glass
((this is me playing pool in real life))
Theodore Remington:Looks at Eve with a challenge
Dante:((My only saving grace when I was learning to play pool was that it was away from a crowd. It wasn't pretty.)
Eve K. smiles pleasantly "Shall we leave them as they are, or do you want to rack them again?"
Theodore Remington:"So, an investor, Kurtis? Surely you didn't come all this way to Germany to find me just to keep your money safe. Did the U.S. shut down its Mage Banks? I mean, if you're in a pinch, there's Switzerland for God's sake."
waves to Eve to rack them up and try again
Eve K. follows his gestures, re-racking the balls, making sure they are set tight together and perfectly placed, leaning over the table slightly due to her short stature to do so properly
Theodore Remington:waves her on to break
Kurtis Kerner:"I didn't say we're not doing some other things in Europe."
Eve K. approaches the other end of the table, looks over the velvet a moment before lining up her shot
Eve K.:(gonna spend a willpower, don't have a high academics to add)
Theodore Remington:"Dealing with Leopold Cubic? I bet."
Eve K.:\/roll 6d10>8!
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
Jessica:(yeesh, close)
Eve K.:((dice aren't being nice today... need to do something with an 8 dice pool to reset them XD ))
Jessica:(twiddles fingers)
Theodore Remington:Theodore looks at Eve with a bemused smile of appreciation. He has that air about him that a socialite would know. He likes the way she is dressed, the way her hair and nails and make up are done. Eve can tell when a man would sleep with her should he have the opportunity and when a man wouldn't. Theodore does not give off that vibe of seduction. He appreciates from distance, a happily married businessman. Eve breaks, and doesn't really set up any good plays, but a ball does go in, a solid, as it is her turn again. It seems a lucky shot, and Ted evaluates not so much Eve, but her motivation. Why she took the cue next.
Eve K. studies the table, looking for her next shot, twitching her lips, and tilting her head before approaching a solid play.
Eve K.:
rolling 3d10>8!
1 Success
"There are many interesting... players in Europe we are here to get to know better."
Theodore Remington:Another ball in, Theodore nods.
"Well, what's your business partnership with Branch? Since we're all talk about the Prom Queen."
Eve K. half circles the table looking for another good shot, tapping a fingertip against her cue as she evaluates. She smirks lightly at the term "Prom Queen" before finally approaching the table to shoot
Eve K.:
rolling 3d10>8!
1 Success
(To Dante): Twilight Temple, Mind 5, Comp+Occult+Mind, no cost, vulgar
(To Dante): Effective Gnosis 4
(To Dante): Lidia
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, we were at her party."
Theodore Remington:"Your little ladies are quite talented. One's a card shark, the other's a billiards ace. I wish you could have met Clara, you'd get along just find. She's terrible at both, but enjoys being around players."
Eve K.:"Her name does seem to be on everyone's lips of late." *She steps past Remington in search of another shot, if there was any seduction in her steps before it's slipped away as her focus is on the game now
rolling 3d10>8!
0 Successes
Eve K. nods for him to take his turn finally
Theodore Remington:"Well, I think the lady's had a good run. It's time to take matters into our own hands."
Remington replies, to which context, that's vague, as he starts on the stripes.*
dex 3 + socialize 4
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
Eve K.:((it's like he does this for a living or something :| ))
"It would be nice to meet her, I'm sure we would have a lot to talk about."
Theodore Remington:calls three balls in a row, lifting his glass to Justin "Just like the young man accurately pointed out, geometry."
Remington stops, when it's three for three, he could end the game now by taking the entire table, but he's not here for competition, this is fun and banter. He passes the turn and offers any others of us to take a turn.
Dante:Dante watches Theodore's skill with a cue, grinning a bit as he repeatedly sinks called shots.
"You were just biding your time, eh?"
Eve K.:"I'm not surprised your better at doing math in your head than I am. Quite a show to be sure"
Theodore Remington:"Time's a finite asset for some, a more abundant for others."
Justin:Justin takes the cue and tries his luck, lining up a shot and letting loose.
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Eve K.:((yay!0)
Dante:Dante gestures with a polite clap at Justin's go.
Theodore Remington:"So you are not associates of Diana Branch? Let me see here. A small freelance investor group of American Atlanteans, who managed to get involved in a whole lot of trouble all around multiple cities in Germany, with awareness of Cubic, and Mladen. I could only wager two guesses. Either you are hidden associates, that being said, shadow figures, silent partners, or.... or you're private investigators. Of course there is another possibility."
GM (GM):Justin sinks one in, and lines up another, which is an easy sink too.
Eve K. returns to her set aside drink taking a sip before commenting "Do go on, it really is interesting all the webs you are tying us up in."
Justin:Justin listens to the conjecture, as he lines up the other shot and lets loose
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
Eve K.:((new rule, always let the ladies warm up the table))
Theodore Remington:"Well. The third option is you are enemy spies."
Justin:"I didn't know you had enemies. Neutral party and all that."
Theodore Remington:"Correct! I live to serve. Not enemy to me, but to someone."
Eve K. smirks "You know I'm not sure if I should be flattered or not. I do enjoy being painted in a mysterious light, but perhaps not with such a conspiratorial tint."
Theodore Remington:"I think you enjoy being painted. In any tint with any type of paint on any style of canvas." smiles
GM (GM):Justin is 6 shots in, one more remains, and then he can call the 8 ball.
Justin:Justin narrows his eyes, focuses on the angle he needs to hit to get the next shot in without hitting the 8-ball and scratching himself out of the game.
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
Theodore Remington:"Well done! Strong as a group!" Ted claps a few times.
Eve K. smiles in return "Rumor at the party was, Diana's practically a fated thing, who would want to try and challenge that?"
Kurtis Kerner:"You should see him dance."
Justin:Justin sticks his tongue out at Kurt's comment.
Eve K. chuckles "It -is- quite a sight"
Jessica:Jessica stifles a chuckle
Theodore Remington:"The Americans, The English, The Greeks. Surely not the French or the Polish. Nobody within the Starlight certainly."
Eve K.:"It's starting to sound like you are reciting the sides for world war II."
Eve K. takes a sip before smirking "Or perhaps III?"
Theodore Remington:"Well, it has always been the same war. If you ask me, I'd call it VI or VII by now."
Dante:((Is the Starlight something we have heard referenced before?))
Eve K.:((Not that I remember))
GM (GM):((Never))
Dante:((Didn't think so.))
Eve K.:"Hmm... that reminds me of something you said earlier. About Lord Storm being in some kind of a bad way after the party? I do hope he wasn't injured." glances at her painted nails
Theodore Remington:"Light injuries, he is recovering. Swiftly so. Clara and I wish him all the best. How do you know Lord Storm?"
Eve K.:"Prior to the party I admired some of his architectural work."
Theodore Remington:"I think he is talented, if not a little too forceful. I like him as a friend, not so much as a.... well. Your assessment is fair."
"What do you think of his craft?"
Eve K. nods with a lightly amused expression before finishing off her drink "It reflects its maker in several aspects. Made with talent, an eye that appreciates the beauty in things, well made structures over all."
Eve K.:"Able to withstand the test of time."
Theodore Remington:"A lot of money goes into his work, a lot of resources supplied by business partners. Storm almost cut it in with Leopold, but Kulebyakin talked him out of it."
"Have you met Petro Kulebyakin?"
Eve K.:((No??))
Justin:((I mean, I don't remember him))
Eve K.:((he's not on our nice picture map here))
"Can't say I've personally had the pleasure no"
Jessica:(("Ben" looks like he's going to star in the next spiderman remake))
Eve K.:((He would make a good spiderman))
((I can see him pining after a redhead and then marrying a blonde))
((would look fantastic in the venom costume in spiderman 2))
Theodore Remington:"Long beard, looks like a proper wizard, forever homeless? Leopold's staff sorcerer. He was such a great guy before he split his mind in two."
"A real hoot, if you're still in Germany by end of October, you have to meet him! Petro's got the best jokes."
"So, anyway, how much are you looking to invest?"
Kurtis Kerner:"It's in seven digits and up. If our client's positively impressed with your security policies and procedures."
Theodore Remington:"Ah, God give me mercy, we run the Mage Bank for Germany, of course we have security policies, let me pull that up for you, Kurtis... a moment... " - Theodore opens up his phone. Then he looks to Justin.
"Go ahead, call the 8 ball."
Justin:Justin frowns and considers for a moment, before gesturing to the corner pocket, he lines up the Q ball to get there with just a single ricochet, and shoots
rolling 5d10>8!
6 Successes
Theodore Remington:Flipping between the apps, Ted continues the story he was telling Eve.
"So, this sorcerer, Kulebyakin, is present when Storm is interviewing with Leopold, showing him the architecture. Cubic was in the construction business, surely headhunting for people like Brandman, who can work in nonlateral dimensions, and Petro gets this vision or something. Just wouldn't budge, wouldn't let Storm on board. Of course, Leopold trusts everything Petro says, so, apologies and all that, but Storm didn't make the cut."
Claps as Justin finishes the game crisply with precision, exactly as called
Jessica:((6 successes on five dice is disgusting))
Eve K.:"Interesting. Wonder what he might have seen. Lord Storm had mentioned one of his masterpieces had taken a tumble. Perhaps the foundations aren't as sturdy as they appear."
Justin:Justin smiles at the applause, clearly proud of his finish as he collects the balls and racks them up again, to be polite if nothing else.
Theodore Remington:"A tumble? Do tell?"
Theodore steps from the table, motioning any of us to challenge the winner(s), he's basically letting us play pool.
Kurtis Kerner:seeing that Eve has got Ted's interest, he's not wanting her to get distracted
"Hell why not, I'll play. Wanna go?" - he nods to Justin.
Eve K.:"It was in Italy if I recall correctly."
Justin:Justin smiles at Kurt and gestures. "Go ahead and break, I'm sure you're better at it than I am."
Eve K. taps her finger to her lips looking thoughtful, trying to remember "A castle I think... "
Theodore Remington:"Oh! Castle Roselli! You know about that too? Who -are- you people! Well, Frederick didn't build that. He investigated it. Found some interesting things."
"I know certain people sure started investing more into insurance right after, and hiring extra security. You know what I mean? Can never be too careful."
Eve K. "Is Castle Roselli in Rome? Lord Storm never did say the name. He mentioned he didn't build the castle itself but rather its fate."
Kurtis Kerner:grins at Justin, chalking up a cue "It's been a while for sure... you don't want me to play you with my mind? I mean it'd be easier!"
Jessica:"Dumb question, maybe, but what's the point of the chalk?"
Kurtis Kerner:"You wanna take that question, science boy?"
Justin:"If you feel like you need the practice, go for it. I'll be playing the old fashioned way though." Justin smirks and chalks up his cue.
"Huh? Oh, it adds a bit of additional friction, stopping the cue from sliding off the ball too early and shooting the Q ball off in a random direction."
Theodore Remington:Ted looks at Eve. POINTEDLY. He didn't enjoy having just given away something.
Justin:"You want the cue to strike the ball, not stroke it."
Eve K.:"Yes I can imagine that would make a lot of people nervous..."
Theodore Remington:"Ah, well, since he told the story to you, I suppose the name shouldn't hurt. Yeah, it was a castle belonging to a local magnate. An awakened gentleman. Storm hates dealing with Fate, for personal reasons, he never wanted to know more than he needed, no matter how much I tried to warn him. Anyways, yeah, turns out someone broke into the castle and triggered some form of self destruction mechanism that the owner built in."
Kurtis Kerner:To Jessica "What he said. Of course, now that I think about it, I really don't need the chalk, because I can just add friction. But hey, hell, why not play like normal people."
Kurt aims to break
dex 4 + socialize 1
Eve K.:"Bit strange to build a self destruction mechanism in a 400 year old castle. Makes the investigator in me wonder what the magnate was hiding. Hmm.. Ah perhaps he was married and want a fail safe for hiding his cigar collection from his wife. " Eve smirks "Otherwise sounds a bit... James Bond villain if you ask me."
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
Theodore Remington:"Hey, I one hundred percent agree, I'd be itching to find out more, but I'm not in the information trade, that's Leopold's forte. I trade in money, and have a professional agreement not to snoop where I don't belong. But if you know anything about it, I'm awful curious. Do you know the castle's owner?"
Kurtis Kerner:"It's a slop shot, but I'll take it. I'm stripes."
Justin:"I mean, better than my track record for breaking."
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
puts a second stripe in
"Yeah, it's coming back, slowly."
Eve K.:"I would wager if it's called Castle Roselli perhaps it's still in the family? But I don't recall Fr...Lord Storm mentioning a name. He became a bit..distracted and didn't finish the story I'm afraid."
Justin:Justin nods as he leans against the wall, watching Kurt sink some balls.
Theodore Remington:"Oh. Oh. Wait, were you and Fred involved romantically?"
Eve K.:"It was...well.. we will never know, since the party abruptly ended..." picks up her glass as if to drink but realizes its empty.
Theodore Remington:refills it
Eve K. nods demurely accepting the refill. Takes a short sip.
Theodore Remington:"Promiscuous old fox. I figured, because his friends just call him Fred and associates call him Lord Storm. But nobody calls him "Fr.... Lord Storm", except his mistresses who try to hide it."
Kurtis Kerner:aims at the third ball and then shoots Ted a straight forward glance. Ted immediately recognized the weakness and shot a glance back. Aha. Now Ted understood.
Eve K. watches Remington for a moment, and then glances at his phone "You were looking something up I believe."
Kurtis Kerner:"You know, I met with Roselli. Count Roselli. Jason Roselli. However you may call him. Red Prince, as some do. And I didn't like him. The man was a dick. He dabbled in summoning spirits of vices, demons, and we were not on good terms, and parted poorly after two encounters."
Dante:Dante clears his throat and sips from the drink he'd been nursing. He looks to Kurtis, then Eve, and finally Remington.
Theodore Remington:Stares
Eve K. glances back at Kurtis with a raised brow, as if surprised by this information
Eve K.:((and the shoes keep dropping folks))
Theodore Remington:laughs suddenly "That's Jason for you. Blue blood, what can you do?"
Theodore shows Eve his phone
"I was going to show you our company's security policy, but I feel we should talk a bit more candidly and not waste time."
"Biding it however may I be" - looks at Dante
"Most people in our business have some sort of special ability, a trick they cultivate. Leopold has a moving fortress, Ben can see what a person is afraid of. I have a gift too. Which is why I think showing you our investment policy is a waste of time."
Eve K.:((Ah see that's why Ben would make the next spiderman. Because he knows.. deep down... everyone is afraid of spiders...))
Theodore Remington:((truth ^))
"You know Gringotts, the goblin bank? Harry Potter anyone?"
"Yes, no?"
looks between us
Eve K. raises a brow "Yes?"
Dante:Dante nods in vague recollection.
Justin:Justin is clueless about Harry Potter and just sort of looks at the pool table.
Theodore Remington:"Yes. You're looking at the Chief Goblin. I'm the money man. I make cash disappear from the Sleeping World into the Awakened World, and vice versa. Naturally, I've been developing my Acanthus talents to aid me in this specialty. Long story short, I can look at a person and see how much money they have. Anywhere. In any form. In any country. Electronic, paper, plastic, bitcoin, doesn't matter. This number follows you to my brain. Displays over your head. So I know for a fact, that Kurtis, and the rest of you, don't sling seven, six, or even five digits. But I'm not angry. Not at all. I like you. I'm just curious what the real reason for your visit is. And the evening's been interesting so far. You are all very intriguing."
Jessica:"Wizards..." Jessica mutters and shakes her head, although with a smirk. Impressive.
Theodore Remington:"Says the young girl who beat Mladen Begojevic in a card game. Something that the best would find impossible."
"You're quite the wizard yourself."
Jessica:"I don't feel like that's on the same level at all."
Theodore Remington:"I'm slightly more of age." - he laughs. "The old guard. Time on our hands, and all that."
Justin:Justin sighs a bit as he looks up from the table and over to Remington, then across the room to see if anyone but Jess is going to talk.
Dante:Dante's gaze raises up Remington's face, stopping just above his forehead as the accountant tells of his talent, maybe wondering what that must be like.
"Of the things I've heard lately, a talent like that is perhaps the most practical. But we should stop beating around the bush, as enjoyable as this exchange has been."
Jessica:((I think from here on he is Uncle Remington, he is amazing))
Eve K.:"It's as you say, though I did want to make a reference to being curious what was in your Vault 713..." Waves away the notion
Jessica:((wtf you guys do not have even five digits, you chucklefucks))
Dante:((That cool uncle who does goofy magic tricks and sends you cards with 20 dollar bills on your birthday.))
Eve K.:(pfft pretty cheap uncle if he's only sending 20s in this economy)
Theodore Remington:((wow at some point Dante went by Aerumna))
Jessica:((don't you sass Uncle Remington like that))
Dante:((We went over that a while back, but yeah.))
Eve K.:((yup))
Jessica:I think we should tell him.
Dante:"We won't get anywhere if we don't."
Eve K. over the link "Tell him... how much?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Tell him that at Diana's party there was a fortune teller, the Madam, who wanted to steal some papers from him, and we prevented that, and he owes us, so we're here to collect the debt in the form of truth. Is there an anti-Diana faction, and if there is, why?"
Eve K. Over the link "Perfect"
Jessica:Jess lets out a breath.
Justin:Justin shrugs and tosses the 2 ball back and forth between his two hands.
Eve K. looks back at the rest as if to get some confirmation, waiting for any minute motion before turning back to speak
Theodore Remington:"Oh, there is no reason why our exchange cannot continue being pleasant, while also being more frank. Who would blame anyone for not being forthcoming at these times? I'm simply letting you know that if you were waiting for a good moment to be forthcoming, you are free to be such at this time."
Dante:"Seems fine to me. Just so long as we don't mix up any stories later."
Eve K.:"Very well, the truth then. Among a number of... things that we were investigating at Diana's party was a forturne teller, the Madame."
Justin:"Eh, just convince him that it makes sense to go ahead and drop Diana before he gets mixed up in everything to come."
Kurtis Kerner:puts down the pool cue on the table, keeping his hand on it. Suddenly wondering how good of a weapon it is
Theodore Remington:looks at Eve like he has no idea what she is talking about
Dante:((If movies tell me anything, you get one swing and your cue is useless.))
Jessica:((nah it just upgrades from bashing to lethal))
Jessica:((stabby stab))
Theodore Remington:((
Eve K.:"It seems she had some interest in some papers, papers which belonged to you. She wanted them stolen. We prevented her from doing so. It did make us wonder. Because there was a lot of murmuring, a lot of whispers..."
Theodore Remington:((feel free to reference this episode))
"Oh! Oh. Well. Thank you!! I'm very carefully listening. Sounds crazy, so it has to be true. A Madame? She have a name? What did she want to steal?"
Justin:((Madam Chanel))
Eve K.:((Dante what did Madem Chanel want you to steal?? Eve doesn't know this she was necking with Lord Storm at the time..."
Justin:((Justin was also busy and not interacting with her.))
Dante:Dante clears his throat. "Madam Chanel is all we know of her name. She was seeking financial documents pertaining to Branch's operations."
GM (GM):((I apologize for that confusing episode session. Shindiq had 7 independent parties. A lady in the veil wanted to assassinate a general using an exploding suitcase, while madame chanel wanted a different suitcase stolen from Ted, meanwhile another party wanted to execute Diana's cabal, while a fifth party wanted to execute Remington himself, but we never got there))
Dante:((It was a wild session. Justin had some fun.))
Eve K. inclines her head
Eve K.:"She wasn't the only faction present at that party who had some plans against Ms. Branch. We are aware of at least 4, in addition to whomever actually attacked the party. Most of it was again whispers and speculation. But.. is it more than that? Is there some... actual faction with plans against her?
*should be individual in the first line not faction. doesn't sound right saying faction twice
Theodore Remington:"Oooof, well, again, this is something of a question for an information trader. But use common sense, look at the facts, she is trying to do something extraordinary, and if she didn't have enemies, she wouldn't be hiring a private paramilitary company. Do you know any people who keep mercenaries on retainer for fun? Especially digging up a man like Nestor from where ever he came from, Kosovo? Kuweit? Beirut?"
Dante:Dante pats himself down as if searching for something lost. "A thought occurred, one I hadn't considered since the incident."
((Would I still, say, have Madam Chanel's business card? Can't imagine throwing it out.))
Eve K.:((ah good old nestor...))
Theodore Remington:((if she gave you a card, Dante, you would have it))
Eve K.:"Since we are speaking in truths now, I'd just like to mention that you don't strike me as the sort of person who would keep themselves in the dark where it comes to information about large investments. Such as Ms. Branch. "
Theodore Remington:"In the dark? I practically deposit her checks! Of course I am aware."
"So it is Diana? She is what you're after? That's why you're in Europe? Diana, not Cubic, and not me?"
Dante:Dante secrets a small piece of cardstock from within his clothing and flips it over to look at the lettering. He thumbs the corner idly, uncreasing bent edges.
Eve K.:"You could say we have a diversified portfolio. But those we represent don't want to support something that has too much opposition. Too much risk.
Theodore Remington:"I can assure your superiors that the risk is minimal. Starlight employs a core of almost two thousand armed personnel. Nothing's going to threaten her, as far as pay stubs are concerned. Her people are well paid and well equipped. Her steel mill production is booming. She edged out all sleeper competition."
Jessica:Oh is that all?
Two thousand.
Eve K.:"So, are you saying that the party attack, and the castle destruction were just, one off events?" raises a brow looking skeptical
Theodore Remington:"Do you know something I do not?"
Dante:"It brings to mind the question of Cubic's personnel size."
Justin:"That's alot of people on the payroll, people who are there -for- the payroll."
"Our biggest objective here was always to see if we can get Remington to drop Diana as a client. It sounds like that'll have a big impact."
Kurtis Kerner:"Okay. Starlight... either a company, or a name of their mercenary group, or their territory. The towers on the map do make a star"
"What if we told you that, hypothetically, Americans are going to throw forces to seriously hurt Starlight's integrity, wipe out their influence, kill their stock value. And when the ashes scatter, will come the time for blaming someone. And when the music stops, you don't want to be the one left without a chair. Would that sway your confidence?"
Theodore Remington:"It's hard to deal with hypotheticals. Are you telling me that Americans are sending a force, or are you not telling me that?"
Dante:"Wait, are they? I don't know much of anything about your exploits before Italy."
Kurtis Kerner:"Can't tell you that, Ted. Would have already if we could."
Eve K. takes a sip from her drink
Kurtis Kerner:"We weren't told."
Theodore Remington:"But you are telling me this much. A threat? Or are you trying to recruit me as ally? You understand that Silver Ladder has a Magistrate in Berlin? Lazarus will not let anyone infiltrate with any degree of efficiency without causing here the same thing that's going on in Hungary. A war zone with open field."
"The German Silver Ladder sanctioned Starlight to be green lit."
Justin:"I imagine they either have or are going to do them sour at some point, just like they did Cubic."
Dante:"A proverbial world on fire, you could say.. What do you know about the war zone in Hungary?"
Dante slips the card back into his shirt as the topic shifts.
Theodore Remington:"My friends say the Free Council is going to take the north side of the country."
Eve K.:((not a lot going in there really. Some ravens... two or three...))
Theodore Remington:"I stay away from open war at all times, I'm an accountant."
Kurtis Kerner:"Hitler would claim otherwise. The accountants cause it."
Justin:"But you work for Diana, who is setting on a veritable mercenary army and who has who knows how many monstrosities at the ready, created by Lamprey."
Theodore Remington:"Hitler had a chip on his shoulder because the jewish were better at counting."
Eve K. can't help but chuckle at that
Theodore Remington:"For Diana? Monstrosities? No no no. I work with Diana. And with many others."
Justin:"Nobody works with Diana. Everyone who's met her is in her thrall, at least to an extent."
Theodore Remington:"I simply deposit the investments her firm routes into the fund warehouse."
"Thrall? Nobody is her Th... wait a minute. You don't know what Diana is doing, do you?"
Justin:"You didn't notice that you were willing to look the other way, justify things you normally wouldn't? You haven't found yourself giving her the benefit of the doubt? Think hard."
Justin looks pointedly at Remington.
Theodore Remington:"Honestly? I just count the profits. I deal with laundering money for all sorts of people. Including people with questionable motivations, but unquestionable credit scores. Their checks do not bounce."
Eve K.:"You know "I simply deposit" sounds pretty close to "I was just following orders"
Theodore Remington:"Alright. Convince me. What do I have in return if I abandon the Five Eyes?"
Eve K.:"You mean besides not having open war in Germany?"
Theodore Remington:"I mean. Here is what I lose. If Starlight does establish territorial sovereignty, I lose access to trade and enter their territory. I lose a solid 23% of my profit. I lose the guaranteed citizenship and partner status, lose my shares of their holdings. War in Germany, if you mean what you say, will happen anyway."
Justin:"Does it seem likely that Starlight will still be around if things keep going the way they are? 2 of the 5 eyes are out."
Theodore Remington:"If Americans are coming, they will either wipe the floor with Branch and the Five Eyes, but so far, they haven't, and Branch has executed 6 agents with such early detection, they didn't even cross into eastern Europe... Or Branch stands, and then all favors and betrayals will be remembered and repayed."
"Two? What do you mean two?"
Eve K.:"Not to mention the destroyed towers... How many of those was it?"
Justin:"Simon and Martin are gone. I believe two towers remain."
Theodore Remington:"Towers? What are you talking about?"
"Who is Martin?"
Eve K.:"Hm. Perhaps I was wrong and you aren't so well informed. What do you think Branch is doing?"
Theodore Remington:"Oh, that thing doesn't count as a person."
Dante:Dante gives Theodore an appraising look at first, then swirls his glass at the words "that thing."
Theodore Remington:"I think you are not informed. Branch is making a new country, approved by the European Union. A country where the Awakened will not have their powers, and will live like normal people. And the only opposition right now is the UN, mainly in the face of UK and US."
"Tell me you knew that?"
Eve K.:"I'll tell you this. There are 5 towers, that we know of. And if they do what we speculate the do. You are sitting in one of the cities that will be turned "off" when things go south."
Justin:"You're pretty focused with the immediate implications of that. Diana's looking at things on a generational level. She's grooming the next Hitler, and handing him a country to campaign from."
Theodore Remington:"Leipzig will not be 'turned off', come on!"
"What do you mean, turned off?"
Eve K.:"Well. I mean. You wanted to live in a country without Awakened powers right? That's what you signed up for?"
Theodore Remington:"That's the idea when you visit. Starlight is a free stay, open borders concept, as far as I know, everyone is free to come and go, but within borders, no Atlantean influence. A zone of truce. No mind reading, no future telling, no manipulation, just simple human... truths. It would make a nice vacation spot."
"No need to ward against sympathy, no need to shield yourself, no need to constantly worry that someone might have a knife at your back."
Eve K.:"Hope you have a summer home somewhere then. Leipzig is inside the border if the tower lines are any indicator"
Kurtis Kerner:"You know, Ted, I grew up an orphan, and had been one long enough to know there is always a knife at your back. Even a literal one."
Theodore Remington:"This -is- the summer home."
"Do you know what I have to do every morning to keep myself safe from people trying to temper with the fabric? Pulling the plug would be an excellent way to enjoy work and vacation."
Jessica:How many people are planning to come here for vacation, in theory?
Just a thought, this sounds like a trap. Permanently depower a bunch of the worlds most powerful mages? Sounds like a good way to get away with Hitler.
He thinks it's a deadzone, I don't know much but I wouldn't trust someone to temporarily take away my powers
Eve K. gives a visible shiver "Of course it is. And the told the Jews they were going on holiday to get them on the trains...:
Eve K.:*they
Dante:"Even if you take away the weapon and tools someone is comfortable with, they can still find another tool to get the job done. I've seen enough violent ingenuity to last a lifetime."
Theodore Remington:Ted is listening, considering
Dante:*"Its a staging ground for something bigger.
This shit is way out of my depth, but the information we have lining up with the information we're getting equates to a pretty dangerous implication."*
((That's mind link, I fucked up format))
((Or roll20 did. Looks fine to me.))
Jessica:((Dante says the quiet part out loud, everyone STARES))
Eve K.:((Lol))
Dante:((Good thing I didn't have to roll to not confuse the two huh))
Justin:"How do we feel about just laying out everything we know in return for him laying out what he knows? It sounds like he has a bunch of info about the cabal and Diana's stated plans and resources."
Kurtis Kerner:"I feel if we do that, we need to be battle ready to kill him if he fights. Everyone good on juice?"
Justin:"Sitting at half a tank, so better than Slabod?"
Dante:"He seems like he's bought into this idea of an amusement park of mundane delight. Must be under a lot of daily stress. He's intimated as much. I don't know about everything we know, but we need to give him more than we are for sure."
"I can do what needs to be done."
Kurtis Kerner:"D.C. you got a mark on my sword?"
Dante:Dante scratches his cheek idly, feeling out for that connection. *"Yeah."
((fingers pls))
Kurtis Kerner:((you got it))
Justin:((10 here.))
Jessica:((For the rest of the scene, Dante can't think inside his head, he compulsively says thoughts out loud. everyone is horrified. There's nothing they can do))
Dante:((okay now wiggle them like you're digging through a bucket of noodles))
Justin:((A time-honored italian pass-time.))
Jessica:((bringing home noodles from the well, just like in mama's country))
Kurtis Kerner:((special exceptions are for food thoughts, those he has to loudly shout))
Eve K.:((reverse monologue))
Dante:((Its true. I did deep research on Italian traditions regarding pasta. I LOVE ME SOME PASTA))
Justin:(("Hey ma! I got a good catch today, a whole bushel of linguine !!!))
Dante:((I'm dead))
Eve K. over the link "Ready if I need to be"
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright, let's go."
"Jason Roselli turned me into a beetle."
Justin:"He got better."
Justin gestures to Kurtis
Kurtis Kerner:"Or it could have been Forester. Same fruit from the same tree."
Eve K.:((wait...what are we doing??? lol?))
Jessica:(("Some bad stuff happened to us and we're pretty sure it was Diana's guys. Lemme figure out which guy real quick. Hang on what did he look like??"))
Justin:"Diana Branch is in possession of an item that shifts the fate of whomever uses it. An item that has shaped the world when wielded by it's previous owners including Napoleon and Hitler."
"Were you aware of this? If not, I think we both have some blind spots as far as our information goes."
Theodore Remington:lights up a cigarette
Dante:((That's called the "Oh boy" moment))
Theodore Remington:exhales
Dante:Dante watches Theodore closely, trying to gauge him.
Theodore Remington:"My fate is protected. Nothing can alter my fate, my will, my thoughts, or the events around me."
Justin:"Do you hold a Tool of Fate, Theodore Remington?"
Theodore Remington:"I am a Tool of Fate. At my fingertips are Prom Queen's budget and funding, her deposits for steel production, her treasury for running security, her very link with the Wizarding Bank, if you will. Money runs the world, and nobody cancelled that law yet. What more of a Tool can there be?"
Eve K.:((baby is crying))
Jessica:Should I tell him about the candle?
Dante:"I mean, probably not."
Justin:Justin shakes his head and drops the 2 ball back onto the table. He steps forward and offers his hand to Theodore. "Your tower of commerce is nothing but shack against the hurricane of Fate that Diana wields right now. Take my hand, and allow Dante to show you what I've seen, what I know about the Tools of Fate."
Dante:"Well.. what does that get us if you do?"
Justin:((Shit, I said Dante again.))
Dante:((We went in with Dante this time.))
Jessica:((Jon you pickle butt))
He'd believe he was fallible?
Dante:"Mm.. maybe, yeah."
Theodore Remington:roll manipulation+persuasion please Justin
Justin:((Manipulation 1 + Persuasion 2 + WP 3 = 6))
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
Theodore Remington:
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
Dante:Dante stands in an open position, gesturing casually with his hand between Justin and Theodore. "If you haven't seen what my friend here has seen, you should."
Theodore Remington:((he has great offensive social skills, not so much defensive))
Dante:((That's what his wife is for))
Theodore Remington:Ted takes your hand
Jessica:((makes sense))
((wonder if his wife was gone the day the deal with Diana happened))
Theodore Remington:((unlike Clara and Cubic, Ted is a curious gambler, hard for him to say no to new info and experiences))
Justin:Justin grasps Ted's hand firmly, looking at him straight in the eyes before he nods to Dante
Theodore Remington:((his wife is on board with Diana))
Dante:At Justin's nod Dante concentrates, willing the two minds of Remington and Justin to enter into a line of communication. "Let him show you what he has seen."
((Network = 8))
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
((jeepers creepers))
Theodore Remington:Ok Justin. What information are you granting Ted?
Anything you are ommitting?
Justin:1. Take him to the Mountain, to the Forge, where the Tools of Fate were forged in the primordial cauldron of the world.
2. Ride the waves of Fate to Timur Tamerlane, take him through the journals.
3. Jump onto Napoleon Bonaparte, the small amount we know about that and where the gem went from there.
4. Take him up until Diana's Father came across the gem.
5. Show him some "so far" horrors of Diana, fused flesh monsters, so he understands what she's doing now. Include some information I got from Forester about how she sees herself as a bringer of death.
6. Jump to the future, to the prophetic dreams, the hellscape of the Silver Ladder assaulting and capturing mages, putting them to death.
I need to show him that the wave of Fate on the horizon is far greater and more destructive than his mantra can ever hope to stand against, not unless he helps us stop it before it starts.
GM (GM):Dante, and Ted - you are able to see 2, 3, 4, parts of 5 that Justin actually experienced.
You are unable to see anything that Justin experienced in his Astral/Dream journeys.
Justin, to you the feeling is strange, you can recall the dreams, you can think of them, but you're not getting feedback of them being comprehended.
Justin:*"Well that's odd... I can't show the dreams..."
GM (GM):6. Dante CAN comprehend, as he was merged into that dream, and can remember it. But Ted can't comprehend it.
You guys can verbally describe it. As a highly accomplished Acanthus, Ted is a powerful prophet and can probably interconnection his way into checking facts.
Dante:"The dream, yeah.." Dante starts to speak, but turns to Justin. "You are more acquainted with that prophetic situation than I am."
Justin:"Okay, I can't show you but I can tell you. Sometime during the primordial soup, when Fate was being forged for the world, several Tools of Fate were forged deep in a mountain. One of these Tools of Fate is the Gem. I don't know it's intended purpose, but I do know what it's done. Powered conqueror after conqueror after conqueror and every horror they unleashed upon the world."
"And if the trajectory continues as it stands, I've had visions of what happens. Soldiers in uniforms of the Silver Ladder, their power unchecked, hunting down and eliminating willworkers. A witch hunt for a new world, one that I'm not sure the world will recover from."
GM (GM):Do you share mental projections of research done in Karl's library?
(This will expose Karl's existence to Ted)
Justin:Images of books, not the area I was in.
GM (GM):kk
Dante:((Yeah, Karl is OUR musty old tome goblin))
Theodore Remington:
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
He takes in everything you explain and show, it takes a while. His eyes roll back as he seems to be reading the future past. Jessica, you get a tingle in your body from toes to tips of hairs on your head. It's pleasant, pleasurable as it passes over all of you
Some odd conduit of fate loopback. Ted, being protected by his Fate elemental, unaware that you already manipulated his Fate, now dives into the new layers of Fate, a Jessica-created version of Fate, which to him is the only.
blinks a few times and looks at each of you
"I see. I need a few days to calculate, contemplate and make a decision. It's a big decision for Clara and myself. Please enjoy the dessert, the drinks, and feel free to use the pool table. I will return in a few minutes. I will take the time to think in my private temporal dimension, where I will have more time. You should see me return shortly."
Dante:((He has a fucking hyperbolic time chamber.))
Theodore Remington:((he does))
Jessica:((let me lounge in my time jacuzzi))
Theodore Remington:He stands up and enters into his private study, he will be gone for 5 minutes. The door closes.
Dante:Dante looks to the rest of the group, then back to Remington. "There are heavy decisions to be made, after all."
((We should get one of those.))
Theodore Remington:nods to Dante before he leaves
Jessica:((we need it in the back of our 15 seater jeep))
Kurtis Kerner:"Well that went well. Glad I opened up with the beetle part."
Jessica:((like one of those fancy limos))
Dante:((Now that's a mage-mobile))
"It got us talking, anyway. I wonder if Remington has ever been a fish."
Kurtis Kerner:((So a DeLorean that travels back in time as it travels forward in distance, so it constantly lags behind itself and crashes into its own ass?))
Dante:((Hell yeah))
Jessica:((you forgot the hot tub))
Kurtis Kerner:"I've never been a fish."
Dante:((A stretch DeLorean with an open bed jacuzzi))
Kurtis Kerner:"Bet ya beetle sucks more balls than a fish."
"Can't remember much of it to be honest."
Dante:"I'm remembering less as time goes on. It wasn't very long."
Kurtis Kerner:"And remember this one time, where I was chasing Justin through the woods with a gun, or when I turned on the team, and when I dropped all the spells. Mind control sucks."
Dante:"Only when its against you." Dante smirks a bit.
Kurtis Kerner:"Shit, was Merlin controlling my mind?"
"I'm not afraid of the dark. Not normally."
Dante:"You went.. a little batty when we were down there. Maybe it was too much stress? I don't think he did anything to control us."
Kurtis Kerner:"Son of a bitch. Well, I wish I knew how to work on it. More growing power is a little hard to control. I feel stronger, but... more unstable."
Justin:"Not a great combo."
Dante:Dante gives Kurtis a long look, starts to say something, then clears his throat. "As long as you stay aware of it, you should be able to keep on top of it."
Theodore Remington:Before Kurt can meaningfully contemplate, the door opens and Theodore returns. He looks scruffy, unshaved, exhausted, his hair a mess. He slumps down in a chair.
"I'm going to help you. Yeah... Clara won't like it, but you're right. Everything points to you being right. Starlight will fall. Unless you are in it. You're the Rumored Five. Damn... there was so much to see, even I can't see it all. Night Owl is stronger than me. There are curses on you. Kurtis can't leave Europe or that necklace will choke him, and Eve hungers for blood. I will try to lift them. Curses are Geas, even advanced ones.... but first thing first. We have a very time sensitive problem."
"How long have you waited? Is it still Friday the 26th?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Yup, 10:45 PM."
Dante:Dante cocks his head a bit at the odd question, then nods.
Theodore Remington:"It's been a few days for me. I was in trance, but many things are blocked. Here is what you need to know immediately. Diana's headquarters are protected, among other traps and magic, with paid mercenaries. They will fight as long as they are paid. Now, there is this operative, Nestor Feneghan, he leads a few dozen personal elite troops, unpaid loyalists. They are few, but they'll never betray the cabal."
"It's the PMC that's the real problem. Two thousand mercenaries, whose check got cut on Thursday. But I don't think it was cached yet. I sent a guy to cash it in, everything's closed on weekend, it will probably post overnight by monday, unless I call my guy to cancel the check before midnight."
dials the phone quickly
"I can't go back in time past 24 hours, and it would have been too late, otherwise I would have done it."
waits for the person on the other end to pick up
Justin:Justin kind of sits there wide-eyed as he hears everything Remington can do.
Theodore Remington:"Sylvia? It's Ted, this is urgent, is Aston still up?"
"Wait, what? Where is he?"
Dante:Dante paces a bit, tensing as the sudden urgency and information mounts. He moves to pour Ted a drink, pauses, then one for himself.
Jessica:((oh god))
Theodore Remington:"Oh."
"Oh no, alright. Is everything okay? Are you okay?"
"Wait, wait, calm down, don't... don't panic. I'll... I'll ask Clara to stop by. Hey, it's going to be alright. Just. Stay put, don't call anyone, okay? Stay put, Sylvia. I'll talk to you in a bit."
hangs up
"My courier, Aston Wistbrecht, delivered the check, and has just gone MIA. He had an argument with his wife, over some tax issue, they fought and he drove off, left his cell at home."
"So, how good are you guys at, say, robbing a bank?"
end session
Justin:Oh thank god.
Dante:((Holy shit))
((Its 5:30))
Jessica:((oh good, something we're good at))
Justin:7:30 for us.
Theodore Remington:5 xp each bye
Jessica:((let's rob a bank again))
Dante:((Crime is our middle name.))
Justin:((Opportunity for Kurt Carry, gonna be great. Wahoo!))
Dante:((Get ready to dump xp into larceny, folks!))
Justin:((I can be at 4 dots next session.))
Dante:((That's a lotta theft))
Justin:((I have no justification for dumping that much xp into Larceny.))
Jessica:justin's been stealing plants from nurseries
for reasons
Justin:Fernando gurgles in the background.
Dante:I can see it now
An army of fernandos paid in whatever fernandos eat
Justin:zyjsy esd omyrmvr yjpihj/
Dante:PMC = Plant Military Company
Justin:That was intense though.
Justin:Jiminy Christmas.
Didn't know if he was going to come out and be like "Guards, sieze them!"
Jessica:i was pretty nervous
Aladdin chase scene music intensifies
Dante:I kinda thought we might have to immediately bamf out or something tbh
All the while shouting at Kurt to not fireball
GM (GM):no u guys did great
starting from the ritual and to completion, the gambling
you did a thing that really left him no choice
a picture is worth 1000 words
Justin:I'm glad that worked.
Because I was out of ideas.
He didn't seem like he was being swayed.
Dante:Glad Justin got to it before Dante did. Was I think better coming from that perspective.
And if Dante had tried it might have had far less impact because he couldn't have shown all the stuff Justin learned that he hadn't shared visually.
Justin:In a unique position to show the breadth of the issue.
Jessica:Good night/morning! I LIKE CEREAL
Jessica:had to move laptop
Eve K.:hai
GM (GM):Hola!
Put whatever action music you require on, because tonight we're robbing a bank
Can't be any more difficult than robbing a museum.
Jessica:for whatever reason the opening to CSI miami is what came to mind
well we don't have the Masque Ombre here fam
GM (GM):Yeah, just imagine all scene descriptions as fancy 3D camera work and upbeat percussion from your favorite heist movie
Alright, let's jump right to it.
Mage The Awakening: Episode 53: The Bank
GM (GM):As with all popular heists, we approach under cover of night, while the voice over behind the screen plays, telling our viewers the instructions Remington gave us a few hours ago. :D
Eve K.:(gets popcorn)
Theodore Remington:"I have deposited 2.5 million euro into Branch's corporate account, at which point it leaves my brokerage and enters the confidence of Deutschland Abteilung Eins Bank (Division One). The payment is delivered in a sealed parcel, and Branch's account is one of several sub-accounts for Starlight organization. Their assets are usually kept in Vault 4. I should not know this, but I have divined it in my trance. I could be wrong, adapt accordingly.
I would expect a bio-metrics scanner, either retinal, fingerprint, voice, or gnosis. Whose? There is a list of bank's senior officers, but I do not recommend abducting them or even getting near them. Division One employs almost strictly awakened personnel, as far as I am aware. I do however, believe that the bio-metric scanner can be overridden in emergency cases. It is that mechanism that you will need to breach and activate.
60 minutes before showtime.
Eve K.:"So, Kurtis.. I feel like you might have more insight on this than the rest of us hmm?"
1 minute later...
Kurtis Kerner:"Justin, Eve, your help I'm going to need first."
On the white board in Ted's office
"A list."
Kurtis Kerner:"One. A tight black cat suit, non-static, elastic, preferably 45% wool 55% polyester."
"Two. If you can jury rig mirrors, I need four, of this design, with rubber handles and flexible tilt"
Jessica:leans forward, eye brow raised, watching Kurt draw on the whiteboard
Eve K. nods looking at the design
Dante:Dante sets his jaw as Ted lays out the situation before them. As Kurtis formulates a plan, his look changes to that of someone who clearly doesn't know what they are looking at but is trying to seem like they get it.
Justin:"I can't just create this stuff out of thin air..."
Lucas:"there ain't enough spandex in the world to make a catsuit my size"
Kurtis Kerner:"I'm assuming whatever tricks of the trade I have learned in robbing regular banks, is probably not gonna work all the way here. My skills may not stand up to a test by a wizard bank, so Dante, you're my man for any armed security, given your expertise as a guard, you can point out flaws from the routine side of things, and also, to get in and out of places where I cannot. Could we talk about your special chalk? It gets you in and out, but are there rules or limitations? How does it work? Exactly."
Looks to Justin as he replies.
"Could you adjust a mirror to certain specifications if given any mirror? Say, a lady's cosmetic one?"
Eve K.:"Kurtis is already wearing cloths, just have to modify the fit and material. As for a mirror. I have on in my purse that can be modified, and it wouldn't be hard to get more of the same sort."
Justin:"I could or Eve could, but I don't think me or Eve would be able to create a catsuit out of any given raw material.."
Kurtis Kerner:"Brick. You won't be needing a catsuit. You, my friend, I want on the outside. Your powers are over death and decay, right? How is your Forces?"
Justin:Justin rubs his eyes and nods to Eve as she simplifies it. Ah, I was thinking too literal.
"Thanks for that Eve."
Theodore Remington:Brings a couple of various mirrors from Clara's collection, and lets us choose three in addition to Eve's one
Lucas:"well, so far my practicin with decay ain't gone too well. I ain't had much time yet to try forces, really"
Dante:"Mm, right. The chalk. Well, so far I haven't run into any situation where it couldn't be used. Anything I mark, I can reach out to and interact with. I can pull objects to me, or travel through to the other side. But weight plays a role. Brick is probably too heavy for me to pull through, for example, at least not without bracing myself somehow."
Kurtis Kerner:To Brick
"In that case, can I rely on your strength to cover us if things go wrong?"
Lucas:Lucas grins and cracks his knuckles. "I ain't never showed from an ol fashioned throwdown
Kurtis Kerner:To Dante
"Weight plays a role?"
Dante:"Yeah. I mean you try dragging this guy around with your bare hands." Dante points over to Lucas.
Lucas:Lucas shrugs. "I could always help if you want."
Dante:"All I'm saying is, if you need something moved via chalk, I have to be able to actually carry it reasonably enough."
Kurtis Kerner:To Justin and Eve "In that case, Matter Workers, do your thing."
Hands you designs for thief's reflector mirrors, with specified purity and reflection properties
Dante:((iirc we had some difficulty with pulling someone.. probably Lucas. Or was it pulling myself to Eve?))
Lucas:"am I gonna need a disguise or somethin? I don't think my leathers is a good option for blending in around here."
Kurtis Kerner:To Dante
"That's huge. So if an object is light, you can reach it, but if it is heavy, you step to it?"
Dante:"The simplest explanation, yeah."
Kurtis Kerner:"Justin, Eve? Are you two able to adjust size and weight of objects? Let's say you turn a fridge Dante marks into a coin sized toy, I slip it through a ventilation shaft with a timed charm, and when it goes big, we reach and go to the mark?"
Lucas:"if that's a problem, can't you just, I dunno, tap me on the shoulder or somethin and I try and move that way when you give me a tug?"
Justin:Justin shakes his head vehemently
"That's a big no-go."
"Probably master-tier stuff if it's even possible."
Dante:Dante looks to Lucas. "Wouldn't know without trying, big guy. If you were moving in the direction I was trying to pull.. maybe? "
Theodore Remington:Theodore lays out a blueprint on the table
"This is the map as of two months ago. With things in Germany as they are, that's all I should really say about that."
Eve K.:"Hmm... if its a weight thing though... You -can- transmute a piece of paper into a sheet of metal which weighs much more... but size.. not yet"
Dante:"Lest you forget, I have transported each of you at least once via this method, Lucas excepted from that. So if you need an emergency pull, Kurt, it should not be an issue to just mark you."
"This is all providing they don't have some kind of magical uhh.. spatial anti-magic field or something." Dante scratches his cheek, scruffy from several unshaven days.
Justin:Justin sits down and studies the mirror, looking back and forth between the instructions, trying to figure out how he would go about doing this.
Kurtis Kerner:"Of course, being mages, they probably have some sort of defense against people like Justin simply turning into insects. The chalk however, had not failed so far. A true wildcard from the bowels of hell nobody seems to expect."
Eve K. begins working on a mirror, starting with transmute solid to purify the mirror
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
4 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:"Nerd team, what's the heaviest material on Earth?"
GM (GM):Eve, you get the surface of the first mirror to correct specifications. Now it just needs to be framed into a slider with a handle, wheels, and a suction cup.
((What's the duration of the transmutation?))
Justin:"Depends on who you ask. Osmium and Iridium are the two readiest answers for densest material. "
Eve K.:(prolonged 1 scene)
Justin:Justin focuses on the material of the mirror, sliding it through several configurations until he gets it just right.
(Transmute Earth: 11 dice.)
rolling 11d10>8!
2 Successes
Eve K. begins to alter the plasticity of the plastic backing of the mirror to shape into the slider (impromptu)
Eve K.:
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis, scratching wildly on paper, writing, scratching things out, re-writing... his eyes look alive, his face full of interest. The typically rather dim witted man is now applying himself, as if all he needed to engage his mind is a criminal interest. He does some math on paper, tapping his temple
"Justin, how much would a football made of Osmium weigh?"
Justin:(1 to potency, 1 to make it last an additional scene.(
"It's twice as heavy as lead so..."
"Like 300 pounds? A little less than that."
GM (GM):Justin, you adjust the second mirror to fit the specifications. Just need to jury rig it to a suction cup and some wheels.
Justin:((Can I buy Jury rig?))
Dante:"Would that be a solid object football sized, or a football converted into osmium with a hollow core?"
Justin:Justin watches Eve fuse the bits and bobs together with interest.
Kurtis Kerner:"Jessica? Finally, for you, I have a special mission. And the most important one. You're local. Can you do some shopping?"
GM (GM):((I'm recording all your roll results to determine the chosen infiltrator's bonuses / maluses ))
Justin:"Hollow, we're talking just the ball bit. It would probably crumble in on itself."
Eve K.:"If I recall it's pretty brittle yes?"
Justin:Justin focuses on his second mirror, adjusting the reflective bits to the specifications as he tries to figure out how to commit that jury rig thing Eve did to memory
rolling 11d10>8!
6 Successes
Dante:Dante nods a bit, interested but totally lost in the subject of converting matter.
Kurtis Kerner:"300 pounds.... Dante, is that enough to render you unable to pull it, and instead be pulled to it?"
Justin:(5 potency, 1 to add an additional scene.)
Dante:"I'm really not sure, but that's mighty heavy. Brick, how much do you weigh?"
Eve K.:(Eve did alter plasticity to shape it not Jury rig... thought that might work to?))
GM (GM):Justin, that mirror is pretty damn perfect, it's up to par with Eve's, and even a little more pure.
Jessica:"Shopping?" crosses arms.
"Sure I guess."
GM (GM):Eve, you alter plasticity of your mirror to fit as a handle
It needs some wheels and suction cups, but it is now shapable
Dante:((With a strength of 2 is that something I would know I would serve as an anchor?))
Justin:"I need some thing with wheels and something with suction cups..."
Eve K. works on the suction cup part to make it more rubbery transumiting solid of the other half of the compact into the suction cup
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
9 Successes
((tosses extra suction cups at Justin ;P ))
Dante:((Actually WOD page 47 has a chart if we want to go more or less by that. Strength 3 is 250 pounds/lift a public mailbox))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis gives Jessica a rather odd shopping list for a nearby supermarket
1. Hotwheels toy cars, 2 boxes, or 12 cars.
2. A pack of toothbrushes with rubber grip handles.
3. Suction cup souvenir toys, like Trolls or some other stuff, doesn't matter.
4. A pair of soft slippers, the fuzzier the better.
Kurtis Kerner:5. The biggest wooden cutting board you can find in the kitchen department.
6. A chicken sandwich.
Dante:((Its like a bad stocking stuffer christmas list, I love it))
Eve K.:((20 mage bucks says he eats the sandwich))
Kurtis Kerner:((coronavirus prepper list))
Dante:((no tp))
Justin:Justin looks wide-eyed at the blast of matter-fueled Gnosis coming from Eve's willworking.
Eve K.:((not enough TP or frozen corn)
Jessica:"I am not bringing you a sandwhich. What the fuck."
Dante:((oh shit I didn't even see the 9 successes. What are these dice tonight?))
Jessica:((shh the dice will hear you))
GM (GM):((They already did))
Dante:((I didn't say it in front of them so its cool))
Eve K.:((Eve gives up her life as a death mage to go into the novelty toy business))
Jessica:((lol Eve marries mage Santa))
Dante:((Santa is a mastigos fyi. Kids believe in him only because he hasn't had the chance to find them and make them forget yet))
Jessica:folds the list and sticks it in her pocket. "Do I need to know the rest of the plan - " waves at the mirror project "Or should I leave now?"
GM (GM):((btw, while prepping inside Remmington's demesne, vulgar spells are considered covert, as long as you don't leave when you cast them))
Eve K.:((he))
Jessica:((Santa is canon))
Eve K. tests her suction cup on something...
((gf is what happens when you are naughty))
Dante:((Hmmmmmm, now that's a theory))
Eve K.:((Plot twist. After this is all over Dante and eve retire to the north pole to deal with the naughty nice list))
Jessica:((in the future Jessica takes Dante into the past and through Christmas movie magic Dante ends up as Santa))
Eve K.:((Canon))
Dante:((I'm loving this holiday film))
GM (GM):Eve creates something insane, a mirror whose frame is suction cupped at the back. You can plop it on a surface, and it will stay. It won't roll though, since it has no wheels yet, and not enough material in the original lady's mirror, to make wheels from
Eve K.:"Justin look at this crazy thing! Kurt will this work?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Yes, Jess. The plan is, I'll use the cutting board with fur on the bottom to make myself a slide to be able to get under surfaces. And the chicken sandwich.... well. You never know when we need Dante to influence a hungry guard to go pick up a sandwich that suddenly appeared."
Justin:Justin just stares at the thing, practically glowing with arcane might.
"I don't even..."
Eve K.:"Me neither! "
Eve K. giggles very uncharacteristically poking at her invention
Kurtis Kerner:At Eve
"Yeah, that's fucking great, holy shit. Yeah, make a few that stick, and a few that can roll. Some lasers are mounted high, some mounted low, and I don't know if they have smooth surfaces or if they are padded leather to prevent suction cupping. To be safe, I'm counting on both. Each mirror should have a frame that can stick, roll, or be hand held. That's where toothbrushes come in."
Eve K.:"I'm gonna see if I can make another one..."
Jessica:Jessica checks her phone for the nearest box store that would have all these assorted items, and leaves on her fetch quest
Kurtis Kerner:"Ted, from your household, i just need a screwdriver, a box of paperclips, a key, any spare key will do, and if I can borrow your iron and shoe polish."
Eve K. starts purifying another mirror with transmute solid
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Jessica, you don't need to roll for shopping, you just need to roll for your notoriety to see if anyone recognizes you in the streets
Jessica:what would i roll for that?
Dante:((Can I intervene here first?))
GM (GM):Are you applying any measures to hide your identity?
Yes Dante, you can
Before Jessica leaves, Dante....
Dante:Dante gently claps a hand on Jessica's shoulder as she goes to leave. "Hang on a moment."
With a somewhat practiced gesture, Dante releases his hand and waves it a bit in front of Jessica. ((Casting Incognito Presence on her))
rolling 10d10>8!
3 Successes
Eve K. squints at the mirror concentrating on shaping the back now
Jessica:((what would that spell feel like, you think?))
Eve K.:(alter plasticity impromptu)
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
Dante:As he finishes the spell, he leans in a bit and lowers his voice. "Don't steal anything if you can help it." His face is grave, serious for a moment, but then perks up into an encouraging smile.
((Maybe confidence boosting, a bit? The way it sits on you is almost like the good parts of a new start in a new city.))
Jessica:"Yeah yeah...that feels pretty good. What did you do?"
Eve K. taps her finger to her lips looking thoughtful
Dante:"Should you pass by anyone in general, they will think nothing of your passing. Its as if you're nobody, going no where in particular."
Dante:Dante taps his fingers at his side. "But if you do something out of the ordinary, people could still notice. So be cautious in that regard."
GM (GM):To everyone it just seems like Jessica already left. She fades from attention.
Eve K. focuses on the suction cup part again (transmute solid)
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
4 Successes
Jessica:Shoots Dante finger guns, but for some reason he's not paying attention to her anymore. Oh well. She leaves
Dante:((I wonder if I'd be immune to the effect given that its my spell... but I do like the idea that I'm also subject to it))
Eve K.:((how many mirrors are we making?)
GM (GM):((4))
Dante:Dante waits for Jessica to go, then, as if she hadn't been there a moment ago he returns to the group.
Eve K.:"Okay that's the last mirror until we get wheels. Time for the cat suit. What was the fabric mix?"
GM (GM):((Ok it's a good question Dante. Actually, pure form of Level 2 Incognito Presence is only to affect the mage themselves, not affect others. Being Mind 5, you are definitely powerful enough to affect groups or other individuals, i do feel like it should be an impromptu roll though, since technically it is a different exercise of a familiar ability, and you should design and buy an upgraded version of the spell, and then you can specify if you wanna be immune or affected, and we figure the cost))
Dante:((we had a discussion previously about applying it as an other spell and I have it as a rote from that discussion, but I'm open to that being impromptu instead. I can reroll))
((it is certainly more balanced if I pay for it rather than us having just adapted it as either or))
GM (GM):((Ah, in that case if we already agreed upon, just determine if you're immune or not, your have the power to do so))
((it does make sense, i'm skinning Justin for exp when he adapts spells))
Dante:((Yeah, then I should pay for it starting now. I'll roll impromptu and we can hash out the specifics later if you want.))
((It was like pre-hiatus that we talked about it the last time I'm pretty sure. Different way of playing then))
GM (GM):((Just buy it for 6 xp and its a lvl 3 spell, with same rote stats, and you determine at the time of casting if you're immune.))
rolling 9d10>8!
3 Successes
((-6xp, I'm immune to my own))
GM (GM):((The dice obviously didnt give a fuck))
((3 either way))
GM (GM):Jessica, only Dante is paying attention to you now.
Dante:((She's getting you a chicken sammie))
Kurtis Kerner:"45 wool, 55 polyester, and there is a certain weave pattern, and if you can make it anti-static, that would be ideal."
Justin:"I can make it anti-static easily, can also adjust the content, but I'm not certain how to mess with the weave pattern. Any ideas Eve?"
Eve K.:"I don't know of any specific spell for it.. but it should be doable... If I can alter the alignment of atoms to change an objects matter... I should be able to alter the alignment of the fibers in a weave of cloth.."
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt draws for you a fiber weave sketch on a piece of paper, as unhelpful as that is
"Like that, the little fabric fibers go like this, so they don't stick nor restrict. I had one made custom in New Haven, but it went up in flames."
Eve K. studies the sketch nodding
Justin:"I think this is the same deal I ran into with the money, I can change that material and the print, just not the shape..."
Dante:((I'm loving this tag-team transmutation stuff, not gonna lie))
Justin:"Kurt, what does this weave do for you?"
Eve K.:"I'll give it a a combination of plasticity and transmuting
Eve K. frowns at nothing in particular and takes hold of Kurtis' shirt sleeve
Eve K.:
rolling 7d10>8!
4 Successes
(To Eve K.): FB messenger
Kurtis Kerner:"This weave was actually designed for paramilitary personnel, but you know how this goes. It leaked into the underworld and got renown among the pros, as gold. It's really the closest to magic that sleepers got. At the same time it keeps you from overheating and being cold, keeps sweat in, so you don't drip and smudge your DNA all over the place, it slides when you need to slide, it stops sliding when you press in, it grips when you open your fingers, and it's incredibly sturdy when you need to break glass with a swift elbow."
Eve K. shakes her head and frowns further squeezing her grip on Kurt's shirt "Almost..." Eve takes a deep breath the first attempt not quite right... but she knows she
Eve K.:* is close
(buying matter 4)
GM (GM):Looking at the weave, of course, you see that Kurt only explains it as his small brain understands it. The fabric doesn't actually keep sweat in, it naturally evaporates it.
((Oh ok))
Eve K.:(trying again, with reconfigure object)
GM (GM):So, since Eve is buying matter.
Eve K.:
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
GM (GM):Back when she rolled that 9 on the mirror, when Justin felt that shock of Matter Gnosis
It lingered.
A small shockwave boomed from her aura, felt by all practitioners of matter, by Justin to a lesser degree, and by the Moros, Lucas, to a stronger degree, as the Lead Coin dinged in the mind.
((So, casting impromptu reconfigure object?))
Eve K.:((yes roll is above))
GM (GM):((Ok hold on))
((Yeah, that should do it!))
Jessica, you can come back any time, btw
Just make your roll for subterfuge
wits + subterfuge if you're using your wits to stay hidden or dex + subterfuge if you're relying on physical evasiveness
Jessica:((kk, I feel like not enough tome has passed yet))
GM (GM):((if you could make me these two rolls actually, i can narrate what happens to you as you're out in the city))
Eve K.:((what do you roll if you are being evasive like Kronk in Emperors new groove? Does she get bonus dice if she does the theme music?))
GM (GM):((if you pass by wits, your choice of routes is good, if you pass by dex, you don't mess up if someone chases you))
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):cops:
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
MTG Fans:
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:((I just love the way you tap for mana!))
GM (GM):No cop stops you, you evade them nicely, well aware of them.
Eve K.:((lololol))
Justin:Justin nods as the weave generates at Eve's willworking, he then performs some lesser enchantments, adjusting the conductivity to just about nil while also adjusting the threads to the specified materials.
Eve K.:((will you sign my mountains!))
Justin:((Alter conductivity 11))
rolling 11d10>8!
5 Successes
((Transmute Earth 11))
rolling 11d10>8!
5 Successes
Dante:((holy cannoli))
Lucas:Lucas stands quietly over Eve and Justin as they work, trying his hardest to see what they're doing with matter.
GM (GM):The fans are harder. See the grinders, the nerds, the introverts, the rogues of the gaming underworld, they move like you, think like you, and sure enough, someone bumps into you.
"Hey! You're Jess Murphy!"
Jessica:((MTG nerds will literally complain that women are invited to events because Wizards started inviting people based on charisma and minority status instead of skill because they had a lot of math nerds with no social skills and it wasn't growing the game))
Dante:((does the potency of incognito presence not factor in, or am I misunderstanding?))
Jessica:((oh god))
GM (GM):Lucas, make a roll on your Matter vision
Lucas:((kill them))
Eve K.:((Kill them!))
Dante:((Kill theeeem))
GM (GM):Lucas, Discern Composition, if you have it as a rote
matter + gnosis if you dont
Lucas:((one sec))
rolling 3d10>8!
1 Success
Fan: "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else."
GM (GM):moves along
Eve K.:(("This is not the MtG player you are looking for... move along")
Jessica:jumps at the unexpected attention after Dante's spell. "Uh hi--oh, okay?" remembering how hard it was to shake the last guy, she was about to engage, and then he just wandered off. Weird spell.
Goes back to looking for suction cups
Dante:((How does it feel to be mistaken for famous celebrity and wanted criminal Jessica Murphy?))
Lucas:((oh hi! You're. . . .face goes blank not who I thought you were.))
Dante:((Talk about awkward))
GM (GM):The spell works like a charm through the rest of the night, even if you are about to brush shoulders with people, they reflexively give way and avoid you, as if you were another face in the crowd.
Eve K. notices Lucas watching her and Justin.." Here.." casting prime sight on Lucas to help him see the spells
Eve K.:
rolling 10d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Lucas, you can discern the weave, the materials, and the transmutation of what the two practitioners were doing. The studies you have done in the Tower of the Alchemist help you understand. You can purchase Discern Composition rote now if you wish for 2 xp, Also, when you level up, you can buy all the Matter spells you witnessed them cast, as you can perceive their shaping. Transmutation, Plasticity, Conductivity, Reconfiguration.
You are effectively being mentored
((I gotta peek over Kurt's should while he's throwing fireballs one day))
Kurtis Kerner:Meanwhile, Kurtis is deeply sunk into the map, the plan in his head forming, he practices his squats, jumps, grip, as he is sure that relying on his own superpowers inside the magic bank is going to be difficult or even impossible
Jessica:Jessica arrives as Kurtis is practicing his squats. "Spell almost broke at the store. Somebody noticed me for a second. Something to remember."
Justin:Justin holds his hands up to catch the bags of toys
Dante:Dante steps up to Kurtis while he's invested in his planning. "I may have experience keeping people contained, but getting past someone like me has never been a requirement. Maybe if - ah, welcome back." Dante turns to greet Jessica, then nods at her information.
Justin:"Over here."
GM (GM):You got wheels, more suction cups, and handles to jury rig
Justin:((Can I purchase the rote?))
GM (GM):Your improvised super-suction cups are already pretty perfect, so we might not need them anymore
((oh, sorry i thought i said yes above, yeah you can buy jury rig, i think its a 6xp
Dante:"Someone who knew you, or a stranger?"
Eve K. gets started on adding wheels to things
Eve K.:((jury rig impromptu)
rolling 8d10>8!
1 Success
Jessica:"Stranger. MTG player."
Eve K.:"You must be pretty famous in that circle, being talented, and female probably turns a lot of heads"
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt looks back up at Dante, not wanting to lose his attention
"Maybe if what, DC?"
Dante:"Huh.. I didn't know you were so famous. That is valuable to know, thank you." Dante turns back to Kurtis.
Eve K.:((Oh snap this reminds me of that dragon on wheels.. remember 'Squeeky squeeky"
Justin:Justin starts fusing the bits together
Lucas:Lucas turns to Jessica, "I ain't never knew anybody famous."
Justin:((Jury Rig 7))
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:"I was going to say, maybe if we had time to study guard patrols I'd have a better idea going in, but I'm pretty well lost when it comes to burgling."
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
Eve K. works on her second mirror adding wheels
Eve K.:
rolling 8d10>8!
5 Successes
Lucas:((it definitely has wheels))
((and power steering?))
Kurtis Kerner:"Well, what was your job in prison exactly? Were you an armed guard? What are european protocols? For example, is use of lethal force an instant yes, or is there a procedure for apprehending?"
((and air conditioner, Lucas))
Dante:((Oh jesus, there's something I haven't thought about in over a decade))
Eve K.:((the fact that Dante was a prison guard? Or squeeky squeeky dragon?))
Dante:((How prisons operate in italy))
GM (GM):Justin and Eve, doing great, the mirrors are starting to shape up into exactly what Kurt needs, a burglar's tool for disabling lasers, with tilt, handles, wheels, and cups, multipurpose anti-lasers
Eve K.:((with a good amount more pasta than in the US I would imagine))
Eve K. starts adding the handles
Jessica:((they have batons made of wet spaghetti and dry pasta guns))
Eve K.:(( shouldn't one jury rig per mirror work to add the wheels and handles?))
GM (GM):((i think it's a 1 success per feature? let me look))
Lucas:((even rolls exceptional success mirror grows convertible))
GM (GM):((yeah its exactly what i said, 1 success per quality))
((Dante, just make it up. How did Dante's prison operate?))
Justin:Justin focuses on adding some handles
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
He sits back and looks at his completed mirrors, with handles, wheels, and suction cups.
Kurtis Kerner:"Jess, come here a moment, thanks for getting all that stuff. I didn't lie when I said your role is the most important."
Justin:"That's what I call 'good enough'."
GM (GM):((wait, did the incognito on Jess dispel?))
GM (GM):((ok))
Dante:"Lethal force is an absolute last resort. Don't think I ever saw an inmate neutralized while I was there. Not that I had a long-standing career. We would check inmates regularly, disrupt crowds that looked like they might be conspiring, things like that. We weren't armed, no. Only time we'd ever use force is to quell a riot or break up fights. Mostly we adhere to EU standards, but I'm sure some of the stuff we did was not part of typical protocol."
Jessica:Places items neatly on the work space, and crumples the bags
Eve K. rolls a mirror around the work table
Eve K.:"they are kinda cute"
Dante:((The warden carried around what he liked to call the Rigatoni, which was a riot suppression tool that fired hot slippery pasta from a wide-mouthed barrel))
Jessica:((don't make him get the tomato spray))
GM (GM):((LMAO))
Dante:((The tomato spray was a last resort.. we don't talk about that anymore))
Jessica:((not since the media confused it for blood))
GM (GM):((The Rigatoni Batoni, doubled as a concussive baton))
((He was a well-liked warden. Everyone called him by his first name. But if you got on his bad side, watch out, else you'd get a face full of Tony's Rigatoni Batoni))
Lucas:((the bad ones end up in prosciutto jackets in the smoking room))
Kurtis Kerner:((LOL))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt looks to Jessica
Lucas:((Jessica shoots finger guns at Dante))
Jessica:((take 3 lethal))
Lucas:((kill streak!))
((air strike available))
Jessica:((engage paper airplanes!))
Kurtis Kerner:"Your real task is that crazy luck you attract. The way you talk to time and fate and determine perfect moments. Can you do that to me?"
Lucas:((make him a Felix Felicus potion))
Jessica:"Sure. Lemme see..."
((looking something up one sec))
((okay I can't find a Bestow x the way exceptional luck has a bestow upgrade, so i can either:
cast it on you at level 1 or make up a level 2 rote to bestow)
GM (GM):((do you have enough to level up fate?))
Jessica:((one sec))
GM (GM):((fate 3 would be 6x3, so 18 xp, if you want))
Jessica:((actually i have 17 unspent, my bad))
((i was thinking i still had fate at 1 for some reason))
Lucas:((XP debt!))
GM (GM):Jessica attempts to bestow the power she felt in command of upon another, and she can feel that she's really close, but it doesn't quite leave her aura, as if something holds it back, perhaps the sheer power requirement. The headache threatens, unless she let's up. But her personal predictive powers are in tact.
((not dealing with xp debt, it becomes a mess))
Jessica:((why? you have to spend your next points on it. I'm not arguing in favor i just don't understand why it's a mess))
Dante:((I was going to say something that 2am me thinks is funny, but I'm pretty sure its not so I deleted it and now I'm just typing.))
((it's 4 am here so it's probably hilarious))
Dante:((oya, a real side-orbiter))
GM (GM):((How are we doing? Should we wrap up?))
Jessica:((i'm awake))
Justin:((I'm good with whatever.))
Dante:((maybe wrap once we've got all the gadgets and gizmos made and we're ready to move on))
Eve K.:((yeah))
Jessica:"Kurt, I think the best I can do is give you some luck right now. I can't like...fold it off me onto you."
Justin:((Right, we can end when we're prepped.))
Jessica:((lol end, gib xp, Jessica "figures out" the spell))
Kurtis Kerner:"If I stay in contact with you, and I need to make decisions, like, right or left, up or down, heads or tails, can you see outcomes?"
Jessica:"Yeah, easily. Coin-flips are pretty easy."
Kurtis Kerner:"What can you do with Time?"
Jessica:"I can see where something has been. I'm not great at it yet. I don't know if this helps but I've been working on being able to see from a different angle than normal. I could maybe mage sight from your position if I crafted the spell carefully."
"Maybe if Dante and I worked together I could give us a point to look through and use our mage sights."
((it was a combo of angle vision and one other spell i kept failing the roll on a while back but i can look it up if that's useful))
"What kind of time spell were you looking for?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Just getting a feel for what you can do, rather than choosing something specific and asking if you can do it. You can see the past. Could you look at a vault and see the last combination someone entered?"
Jessica:"Yeah, remember the bullet? Same kind of thing."
Kurtis Kerner:"Alright, crew. I think I'm ready to formulate a preliminary plan. There are 3 plans. A, B, and C."
"Plan A: The Entry from Above. Assuming that I won't be able to do my normal powers inside the building, we come in with our magic prepared in advance and use laws of physics from there. Any building should have ventilation shafts. We make the Osmium Football, which I make invisible, and lift with telekinesis, flying alongside it to the roof of the building. There, I open up the vent using mundane means, assuming it's enchanted against magic, and drop the football down, hoping that it lands somewhere above or in one of the rooms. The Football, being marked, would allow DC to jump to it. The mark on me would let DC bring me over. Possibly the rest of us, and we can all operate together."
"This plan hinges on two things. One, that I can lift a 300 pound ball, which I can, my telekinetic limit peaks at about 800 on a good day. Two - that the football lands somewhere useful and doesn't get stuck in the vent somewhere."
Eve K. nods along as Kurtis details the plan
Dante:"A 300 pound ball of anything is gonna make a huge racket."
Kurtis Kerner:"That If that does not work, we have Plan B. The Entry from the Street.
Jessica, Eve, Dante, and Justin, work your natural charms and distract the guards, while I climb and study the building. If things go bad, Lucas comes in with brute force. If all goes smoothly and the guards are properly distracted, I cut the most convenient window and go in the conventional way."
Justin:"Charms, yeah sure that works."
Kurtis Kerner:"The huge racket the football will make, we're going to have to mitigate. Either wrap it in something soft and try to slide it, or make another noise to mask it..."
Dante:"You can show them your dance moves." Dante grins a bit.
Kurtis Kerner:"Plan C is really, if it all goes to shit. Brick bricks a guard, we strip em, Justin changes my face, and I go in as a guard and do the business there, procuring equipment on site."
"If anyone has better ideas, please share."
Justin:"Lucas, can't you make things bounce?"
Jessica:((oh god))
((just leave it invisible and bouncing))
Lucas:"I've never tried. I can make things invisible and steel though"
Justin:"Huh, thought you made that rock bounce."
Eve K.:((Ohh yes... inviable bouncy 300lb ball of crazy))
Dante:"Did he just throw it really hard?"
Jessica:((mage pinball))
Justin:((Alter elasticity.))
Dante:((Full tilt))
Justin:((Let's do this.))
Eve K.:((he did!))
Lucas:"it bounced cause it was steel and I chucked the fucker."
Jessica:((alter physics to make it increase in speed as it goes))
Eve K.:((Yeeeeees!))
Lucas:((stop making magic flubber metal, guys))
Eve K.:((knock out all guards and cameras. Then Kurt can do his thing buddy))
Jessica:((i wonder how fucked up spirits get when mages do shit like that to objects))
Dante:((We may never get another chance to make magic flubber))
((Justin can give it a little sentience, as a treat))
Eve K.:((So it screams each time it hits something))
((ooooh or curses!))
Dante:((A sentient, 300 pound bouncy ball of ever-increasing momentum. Good god))
Jessica:((no it doesn't hurt it so it just screams WHEEEEEE))
Eve K.:((oh god))
Kurtis Kerner:"The video cameras is why I prefer the method from above."
"Also, looks like the bank features a dual key system. Ted is saying the security station has keys to the Safe room. And only authorized personnel have Safe keys. And in those Safes are where the vault keys are. Each bank officer has their own Safe key to access the appropriate Vault Key."
"Which honestly to me is just an extra bullshit step."
Justin:"Me or you could get through that so long as our magic is active."
Jessica:"Aren't we assuming magic won't work?"
Justin:"Fair enough."
Kurtis Kerner:"I'm sure they have all kinds of shit to make it not work, otherwise we could just turn into a fly. Bet they have flamethrowers or some shit to combat insect swarms."
"I think what mages don't expect are sleepers being skilled enough to break in with conventional means."
Jessica:"Makes sense."
Kurtis Kerner:"Does it? I could be off my rocker, they could have perfectly sound sleeper security professionals."
Dante:"These separations between the security station and the laser grid. How wide are they? Arm width?"
Eve K.:"So far that hasn't been what we've found. More powerful mages seem to forget that there are mundane ways to do things.
Dante:"Like pushing buttons randomly."
Kurtis Kerner:"Looks like the security station is a room about 20 by 12, the Safe Room is 50 feet across 35 wide, and the laser grid is a hallway."
Eve K. smirks
Dante:"And the bars themselves? I wonder.. if I had a way to remotely mark a wall or object.."
Dante scratches his cheek.
"Maybe I am overthinking things. We do have a professional in our midst."
Eve K.:"if you could see it couldn't you do one of those portals and reach in."
Kurtis Kerner:"I could levitate your chalk, but what if the building shuts down active spells? Then it would drop on the inside..."
"Safe to say as long as we all have marks on us, we're inseparable."
Dante:"Yeah, I don't really know about using a portal. Reality really doesn't like that. But you're right. If something dispelled your levitation, that would be a problem."
Dante nods at that.
((Do I feel like if I am not in possession of the chalk, I could reach out to it directly since it is made of the stuff that leaves the marks?))
Dante fiddles with a pocket and produces the chalk, staring at it intently.
Kurtis Kerner:"Would you like me to try holding it?"
Lucas:"wonder if we could grind up some of your chalk and make tattoos of your mark."
Jessica:"Sounds like an expensive idea if it doesn't work."
Dante:Dante reaches out with it in his hand, hesitating halfway, almost retracting his arm in a possessive way. "Yeah, I mean.. now is the time to find - we are NOT grinding it up."
Eve K.:"oooh... now that would be interesting if it did work.. wouldn't have to keep reapplying.."
GM (GM):Dante, as you stare at the Chalk intently, you can tell that you have used 1/4th of it. It is now 75% of its original length.
Lucas:"I'm always down for more ink. and I bet Atlantean would look fire as hell."
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis gives Dante a moment before taking it. He simply holds out his hand, to let Dante place the chalk into it willingly on his own
Dante:Almost as if still conflicted, he raises his hand above Kurt's open palm and lets it drop into his awaiting fingers.
"...Try marking something," he says with reservation in his voice.
((When Justin inspected it, did Dante hold onto it the entire time or did Justin hold it? I don't remember.))
Justin:((Want to say Justin held it.))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis gently takes the chalk, and makes a mark on the desk, handing the chalk back to Dante
GM (GM):Dante, you still feel all the marks you place, and this mark as well. However, you do not feel the connection to the chalk itself as long as Kurtis holds it.
Dante:((Wait, I can feel even the mark Kurt placed before taking back the chalk?))
GM (GM):((Yes!!!))
Dante, roll intelligence + occult
Dante:Dante reaches his hand out to take it back, lingering a moment on this new information.
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
((its no 5 on 5...))
GM (GM):Mind and Space, thought and place. Intent is what matters. Marking is the intent. Kurtis is marking a mark for Dante to jump to. Kurtis knows the chalk is not his. The marking for Dante is the intent.
Dante:Taking the powdery stick back, he slips it back into his pocket and gives a perhaps overly appreciative nod. "I could still feel that mark you placed. That's... that's really something."
Kurtis Kerner:"So in theory it would work."
Dante:"It could. But losing the chalk in the scenario you suggested could still be a problem. One I'd rather not risk."
GM (GM):((So, here's the thing. I do have a cliffhanger planned, which I think we could actually get to in like, 10 minutes. The thing is, no matter how I put this, I don't really want to cheat the difficulty, and your guys's rolls on prep of the tools beat the bank physical security's rolls by far. You've near guaranteed Kurtis's entry. So if you want, I can narrate, making a few rolls to see if Kurt himself fucks up on his rolls, and get us to the group puzzle.))
Eve K.:((No one suspected the arts and crafts team!))
GM (GM):((yeah you were ridiculous))
Jessica:((fucking lol))
Justin:((Narration is fine.))
Dante:((Those were some absurd rolls. And yeah narration is fine. We mark the footboulder.))
Eve K.:((footboulder!)
Lucas:((I made it to the end of a session! Yay!))
GM (GM):Okay. You're in front of the bank. Vulgar spells are now vulgar, and casting them causes paradox. So Kurtis needs to cast 3 vulgar spells. Invisibility on the area around himself, within which he keeps the ball in.
Lifting the ball. And flight. He is equipped with successes in excess of 4 over the opposing team in each area: camouflage, sabotage, and penalties.
Kurtis casts.
Kurtis Kerner:Invisibility:
Dante:((You did!))
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 10d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):paradox, absorbing if happens
rolling 2d10>8!
2 Successes
2 bashing
Kurtis Kerner:Lifting the rock. I need 3 successes. Allocating all into strength. Telekinesis
Using willpower. 11 + 3 = 14
rolling 14d10>8!
5 Successes
GM (GM):paradox roll, also absorbing
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
3 bashing total, rock is lifted
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 13d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):paradox:
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
4 bashing
GM (GM):Yeah, looking pretty hurting.
Eve K.:Kurt gonna need a magic massage after this
Dante:((Healing Heart Happy Hour))
Kurtis Kerner:The bank does have a few difference from the plan map. Instead of just two outside guards, there are four. They are in uniform, armed, the outside guards appear to be sleepers. They patrol the front and sides of the building. Inside the bank everything is empty, teller stations are closed, light is dimmed, it's like midnight. Kurtis disappears from sight, and keeps in contact telepathically.
"Okay, I'm about to land on the roof, the vent shaft is easier than planned. About to drop the ball in. Can anyone volunteer to distract the guards when it makes a ruckus? I don't know, honk a horn, crash a car into another car, throw a rock, make a dog bark, whatever?"
GM (GM):Anyone can step up to handle guards, describe how you do it, and roll
Jessica:"Justin, could you make a buddy car alarm do its thing?"
Justin:"I'm not the smoothest operator here. That seems more everyone else's territory... Oh yeah I could do that."
Jessica:"I feel like crashing is a bit much."
((all of the car alarms go off. it sounds suspiciously like classical music))
Justin:Justin flips on spirit sight and scans the cars, looking for an alarm spirit.
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
Jessica:((Smoke on the Water))
GM (GM):Yup there are a few parked cars, in particular there is the bank's security van
Jessica:((Beep beep beep, beep beep be-beep...))
Justin:"There we go.."
Justin heads towards the security van, all normal-like until he's close enough to speak to the spirit living in the car alarm "Do your thing buddy..."
((Control object 7))
rolling 7d10>8!
4 Successes
Justin:Real cool-like he walks away.
Dante:((Cool guys don't look at car alarms))
GM (GM):You guys hide appropriately, and the guards run out and converge, inspecting the van. At this same moment...
Kurtis Kerner:"Good work. Dropping."
"Descending to the roof."
"Oh crap. I can't fly anymore."
GM (GM):Telepathic contact with Kurtis breaks.
The rest is for you as readers.
Kurt improvises, trying to pry the bars open, realizing that he does not have his telekinesis anymore either. In contact with the building, he is as good as a sleeper.
Rolling for Kurtis's stealth, with willpower:
Kurtis Kerner:dex 4 + stealth 2 + willpower 3
rolling 9d10>8!
6 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:okay
well this is gonna be comedic
this session
so together with your gear he has like average of 14 successes
Jessica:((Kurtis becomes a noodle and slides past all the defenses. Now the hard part...))
Dante:((Becoming al dente?))
Kurtis Kerner:Prying the vent bars with a crowbar, he follows the vent shaft to see the Footboulder stuck, because the bank people were sensible enough to put additional, more sturdy bars on the vents that descend into the rooms.
Kurt does however, find himself above the security station, where a single guard is posted at the desk, the guard is not in uniform, and although Prime sight is down, the impression is clear that he is awakened. He is unaware of Kurtis, because the suit is amazing, makes no noise, produces no detectable static, rubs on nothing, and even Kurt's face, covered in shoe polish he borrowed from Ted, does not light up in the darkness of the vent. And since he is marked with Dante's chalk underneath the catsuit, and the football is marked, there is at least a way for Dante to jump into a cramped vent. It's not ideal, so Kurtis tries to find a better way to bring friends in. He travels back up the vent until he can get a precise spot over the guard's head. Somehow fucking sneakily he unscrews a conveniently located vent grill with the screwdriver, while the guard is distracted watching a porno on his other monitor, because maybe Dante cast an aura of negligence over the place, Kurtis can descend from the ceiling and sneak down behind the guard's back.
Now, two options. Pick the keys off the guard's belt, or knock him out. Kurt evaluates his options.
Unless he can be so insolent as to pick the lock behind the guard's back, but that would have to take a miracle.
Lockpicking skills are a good bit higher, plus it's a specialty, so Kurt will use the improv lockpick he made at Ted's to try to access the Safe Room.
Kurtis Kerner:Using my third willpower, Dex 4 + Larceny 3 + Lockpicking 1 + Willpower 3 = 11
rolling 11d10>8!
3 Successes
It's close, takes a while, but the stealth roll guarantees the quietness. The guard scratches his head, reads a book, turns around once, but Kurt keeps an eye on him and ducks behind a file cabinet, eventually the guard goes to use the restroom, and that's when Kurt can pick the lock finally.
Jessica:((if you had taken profession burglar from second edition that would be a rote skill))
Kurtis Kerner:Now he is in the Safe Room, with rows and rows of safe lockers. This room is separated from the security station with bars, and this is enough space for the team to converge. This room has one other set of bars - leading to the laser grid and the vaults. But there are cameras pointing at that set of doors. Here things can get loud, and we need to take care of this guard, who is potentially a mage... and we have to do it without magic.
If only Kurt could bring the entire team over, and jump the guard when he comes back from the restroom.... if each one of us lands a punch, we could render him unconscious in one surprise round.
If only Kurt could contact the team telepathically. But wait, we planned on this like, first thing, so we have a backup device. In Kurt's ear, a bluetooth, he quickly dials Dante that it's safe to port.
Everyone chalked, woosh, woosh, woosh, except Lucas. Dante has to roll for bringing over Lucas.
GM (GM):Dante, do the strength roll.
Dante:((Too late to suggest him as an anchor I suppose. Is this just strength?))
GM (GM):((Not too late at all))
((Explain your idea))
Dante:((I just figured if he's a heavy anchor he could be outside with a chalk mark as a means of egress. But we didnt talk about it beforehand.))
GM (GM):((Excellent idea, he can be our escape))
Dante:Then again, if I can chalk to him I can chalk to any big thing I have marke.))
GM (GM):We should be able to 5 man punch a mage into a coma, ya?
Dante:((Iono. Brick is literally our puncherman.))
GM (GM):Bring him over then.
Strength + Athletics it was
and you just need 1 success
Justin:((I vote bring Brick to punch good.))
Dante:Dante plants his feet, preparing to grab the mighty mime. He rubs his hands together quietly before extending out his grasp.
rolling 4d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):Brick, you're inside of a vault. A security guard is about to emerge from the shitter. You hide behind a file cabinet.
Brick, i need you to punch a man with your best punch.
Don't fuck this up, you have one surprise round
Punch like you never punched before.
((Someone wake up brick))
Lucas:((I'm here, jeeze))
Lucas:((I make punchy punch roll now))
Dante:((make the big wallop))
Lucas:((adding wp so brawl+str+left hook+wp=12))
rolling 12d10>8!
2 Successes
Lucas:((fucking lol. You cunts and your insane luck stole my punchy punch power))
GM (GM):Lucas wings up the left hook, and the man is unawares, so he doesn't even have his defense, but what is this? Lucas's punch is drained of power by some mysterious force field...
Dante:((Ahem. Borrowed.))
GM (GM):Luckily, wooosh, Justin appears with HIS punch
Justin:((Chance die!))
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
Lucas:((don't forget my heavy hands. +1 damage after the roll))
GM (GM):Swish!
To save the day, Eve plops in! Pistol whipping is allowed too, with weaponry!
Lucas:((remember. Lucas isn't good at punching. He's good at squeezing things until they pop))
Dante:((He does do that pretty well))
Lucas:((he's not really big except for his abnormally python-esque biceps))
Eve Kline (Iris Fields):
rolling 3d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):Jessica jumps out, having herself probably buffed for both time and fate for a perfect strike
feel free to roll your Fate / Time spells if you have them
perfect timing / exceptional luck
and land the best punch you can land
Jessica:((-2 mana, exceptional luck and perfect timing))
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):You get 9 again on your next roll
Jessica:((perfect timing, not taking the 9 again yet))
Lucas:((Jessica flicks him on the chin just right and he faints))
Jessica:((according to text i can choose the roll))
GM (GM):((yup))
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
((2 dice added to punch with 9 again))
GM (GM):((so +2 dice for the punch and 9 again on the punch / pistol whip / rifle buttstock whip, we do have rifles))
Jessica:((doesn't matter, it's 1-1 either way))
((gonna use my last wp))
((so that's 5 dice at 9 again))
rolling 5d10>8!>9
3 Successes
GM (GM):bam!
Jessica:((not the worst?))
Jessica:(I am buying a dot in brawl, this is at least the second scuffle i've been in and landed a hit))
GM (GM):Dante, the man himself, having thrown everyone in, now throws in himself with his best!
Dante:((And then Dante leaves via chalk!))
((Brawl + Str + WP = 7))
rolling 7d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):Bam!
And Kurt, flipping the screwdriver in his hand, jams it into the guard's face, with weaponry, for lethal i think
Jessica:((how is he not down already?))
Kurtis Kerner:((strength 3 + weaponry 2 = 5))
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:((I think we're all hitting him in the same moment? Maybe he already is IDK))
Kurtis Kerner:Shirk!
Jessica:((fair i guess))
Kurtis Kerner:2+3+3+2+0+2 = 12 damage
Jessica:((technically i think two of the bashing just upgrades to lethal))
((unless i'm remembering wrong))
((10 bashing is a lot though, shit))
GM (GM):The guard collapses.
Now we're on the clock. Who's smart? Hack the computer to loop the cameras, while the rest of us figure out which Safe the key to vault 4 is.
Jessica, can you divine at least a smaller number of safes out of the spread with anything you got? So we have less to search
Justin:"Hey buddy, do you mind looping the cameras for us?"
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
((Control object.))
GM (GM):Alas, the spirits are quiet, and you cannot feel your gnosis responding. Something dampens it.
Justin:"Guess not. Anyone good with computers?))
GM (GM):Dante is the best of us at 3
Dante:"I know my way around some security systems.. been a while. I'll see what I can do."
((Int+comp or...))
GM (GM):yeah
Dante:Dante begins doing his best hackerman.
Jessica:((i'm not sure how i would do that, we were retro-ing the spells i just used))
GM (GM):Jessica's fate senses are not responding either. Having spent her prepared buffs, now that she is inside the vault, they're gone. We frantically try every safe we can.
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Jessica:((did they not number the safes??))
GM (GM):Alright, the cameras are looping, so we have time.
Dante:((They're all numbered 69))
Jessica:((I worked at a bank and we definitely numbered ours))
GM (GM):The safes are numbered, but only those who belong in Vault 4 know where their keys are.
Jessica:((oh i see))
Kurtis Kerner:The security guard has the master key to the door with the bars, but not to the safes.
Jessica:((can i feel my tattoo? like is it stronger than the dampening effect?))
Kurtis Kerner:So Kurtis starts picking locks.
Jessica can feel the tattoo.
Jessica:((if we can get to vault 4 i can post cognition and see where the key went from last time it was touched with one))
((that's one of my tattoos))
GM (GM):Good call. Save your one and only spell.
Dante:((OOh shit, thats good))
GM (GM):You're the only person who can use magic in here.
Jessica:"Guys I can still feel my tattoo. I can use postcognition to figure out our key if we can disarm the lasers."
Kurtis Kerner:starts to pick random locks
"Okay, supposedly there are only 5 vaults, so I will pick locks, until we have 5 distinct keys."
Dante:Watching Kurtis work at a lock, Dante reaches out, feeling for his marks. The situation has him concerned and seeking some small comfort.
Kurtis Kerner:For each picked lock, it will take 1 minute, and for each attempt i will roll a d5, we stop when we collect all 5 key variants
anyone is welcome to try themselves at lockpicking
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
Jessica:((ooh I can help!))
Kurtis Kerner:1 lock cracked, rolling for key
rolling 1d5
Jessica, go
Jessica:(dex + larceny?)
Kurtis Kerner:yes
rolling 4d10>8!
1 Success
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 1d5
Jessica manages to pick a lock, but the key she finds looks exactly like Kurt's
they go to the same vault
keep picking
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
rolling 4d10>8!
4 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 1d5
Kurt pulls a different looking key
Jessica, roll 1d5
rolling 1d5
Dante:Dante moves to one of the safes and begins fumbling with it awkwardly. ((dex4, larceny 0=3))
Jessica:((damn it))
rolling 3d10>8!
2 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:we have 3 of the same key, and 1 different looking key
Jessica:I'm gonna keep rolling until you tell me i can't
rolling 4d10>8!
2 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:Dante, roll 1d5
Dante:((oh yeah d5))
rolling 1d5
Kurtis Kerner:We have a third looking key
rolling 1d5
Kurtis Kerner:Another 2
need a 1 and a 4
3 minutes passed
rolling 8d10>8!
0 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt breaks his lockpick
It's down to you two
Jessica:nah fuck that, Dante give him your pick
Dante:Dante does that.
rolling 4d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 1d5
((fuck 3))
Kurtis Kerner:need a 1 and a 4
4 minutes passed
rolling 8d10>8!
3 Successes
rolling 1d5
Kurtis Kerner:"Oooh, this one's new!"
"Okay, fifth one, last one, keep looking!"
5 minutes.
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 1d5
"Damn it, this one is the same, try another row, maybe it's up there."
Jessica:((Can I justify buying a third dot in larceny now or do you want me to wait on it?))
Dante:Dante watches the professional do his thing with the makeshift shim Dante was using. ((Do I know how much time was bought from looping the cameras?))
Kurtis Kerner:((you can buy it))
((like, when else is the perfect time? you're robbing a bank))
Jessica:((I meant did you want me to wait until the end of the challenge not was now a good time))
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):((Dante, you had 3 successes?))
Dante:((on computers))
rolling 1d5
GM (GM):((yeah on computers))
GM (GM):((20 minutes, you bought us 20 minutes))
6 minutes in
Kurtis Kerner:"Fuck fuck fuck fuck"
rolling 8d10>8!
5 Successes
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Kurtis Kerner:"I got it! I fucking got it!"
Jessica:((simultaneously: I got it!"))
Kurtis Kerner:Jessica got it at the same time.
They WERE in top row!
Dante:((Now that's perfect))
Kurtis Kerner:High fives Jess
"Bitch yeah!"
Jessica:"Fuck yes!"
Kurtis Kerner:"Okay hurry hurry hurry"
Dante:"We got maybe thirteen minutes left, let's get our asses in gear."
Kurtis Kerner:On the map, we are now at THIS door.
Behind this door is a tunnel of lasers. This door has 5 keyholes.
Jessica:((good thing we have 2+ of each))
Kurtis Kerner:We have 5 different keys
they are not numbered, so we have to try which ones fit
luckily, everyone can try simultaneously
Dante:Dante takes his key and shoves it into the third slot.
Kurtis Kerner:we distribute extra keys
Justin:Justin stands at slot one and works his keys.
Jessica:slot 2
Kurtis Kerner:slot 3
Jessica:dante took 3
Kurtis Kerner:slot 4 then
eve gets 5
Eve K. accepts her key
Dante:((Gosh get out of my spot))
Kurtis Kerner:okay, roll 1d5 until you get your slot number, each roll is 15 seconds, its gonna be chaos in here so just say done and how many rolls you had to make
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Eve K.:
rolling 1d5
Dante:((8 rolls))
Eve K.:
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Eve K.:
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Eve K.:
rolling 1d5
Justin:((FIrst try.))
Eve K.:
rolling 1d5
Kurtis Kerner:naisu
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Eve K.:
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Eve K.:got it
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
I don't feel like duplicates should count though
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Dante:((can you like just roll a 4))
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
rolling 1d5
Lucas:(should I be rolling d5s?
Kurtis Kerner:4 minutes on that wow
so we try all permutations of keys
going fuck fuck fuck fuck
Kurt can't find his slot
has to switch places with people
but eventually the light goes green and we get it
Kurtis Kerner:"What's our time, DC?"
Dante:"Nine minutes."
Jessica:4 4 5 5 5 1 4 3 3 3 5 4 1 2 makes 14 rolls @ 15 seconds is 3.5 min, but that assumes i'm trying the same key over and over for no reason. with no dupes that's 4 tries which makes 1 minute which makes a lot more sense
((if it has to be 4 minutes so be it, i just think it's silly))
Dante:((I kinda agree with Jess on this one. I don't follow what the dupes represent other than just benny hill-esque antics))
Kurtis Kerner:"Piece of cake, more than enough!"
*Kurt slides the improvised roller board slide, and.... Dives under! Acrobatics roll! Laser avoidance! DEX! ATHLETICS! AND +6 FROM MIRRORS
Dante:((I'm not worried either way though))
Kurtis Kerner:dex 4 + athletics 3 + tools 6 + willpower 3
16 dice
you guys wanna roll the target number before i roll?
need a 5
Dante:((lets see it))
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 16d10>8!
6 Successes
After some matrix bullshit, plopping the autosuction mirrors, and rolling them along as he needs to, disabling the lasers, Kurt makes it to the vault in about 60 seconds.
Dante:((Some matrix-ass shit right here.))
Kurtis Kerner:Now he stands in the long hallway with 5 vaults in front of him. They are MASSIVE
He calls you over. "Chalk over here, Team"
You guys chalk over.
Roll strength for Lucas
rolling 4d10>8!
3 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:These vaults are taller than us. They are basically rooms.
"So, which one is vault 4?"
"We either count from this end, or that end."
"2 candidates. This one, or that one."
Justin:"Jess, is this the time for you to use your tattoo powers?"
Dante:"Left to right is the most normal seeming thing to do, but its a crapshoot."
GM (GM):On the ceiling we all see suspicious looking dispensers. Justin, you can surmise pretty safely these dispense gas.
Justin:"Oh.. looks like if we guess wrong they gas us." Justin fastens his shirt around his face just in case.
Jessica:"I don't know if I can look at all the keys at once and see where they all go. I only have one shot. Can we narrow it down?"
Kurtis Kerner:"No pressure."
"Hmmm. Interconnections? No, Postcognition? What are you tattooes again?"
"Okay, okay.... wait! Wait!!!"
"I got it."
Jessica:"The lotus gives me mana. The satyr is protection. Delver of secrets is interconnections. Melody is Pos cognition, harbinger faerie is my lucky fairie, the other one i presume bestows bad luck but i haven't sicc'd her on anyone."
Kurtis Kerner:"The courier was here thursday night. So an interconnection between the courier, Aston, and a safe. You can choose either of the two. If it's not one, it's the other. Does anyone here know what Aston looks like?"
Jessica:"Why would we know that?"
"Also I can't really use interconnections off 'the guy has brown hair.' "
Kurtis Kerner:"How about a name? Aston Wistbrecht, right?"
Jessica:Jess looks to the side, addressing someone nobody else can see. "Does a name work?"
Kurtis Kerner:"Can you ask fate if Aston Wistbrecht was here thursday night dipositing a parcel? Or is that too specific?"
eyes the gas dispensers
Dante:"Would it even be possible, or easier, if you did have a full description of what Aston looks like?"
GM (GM):tick, tock, 8 minutes left.
Kurtis Kerner:"I was not prepared for gas."
Dante:"We were certainly warned of possible other dangers. Unfortunate we didn't figure out what they were."
Jessica:Jessica visualizes a card, whose art consists of a courier, looking away, nametag says "Aston Wistbrecht," with a clip board with two signature columns and Thursday's date.
Next a card with her view of one of the two possible vaults. If he wasn't connected they had to try the other.
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
((whew lads))
Dante:((scary number))
Jessica:((yellow checkmark))
GM (GM):Yellow it is! That one!
You come to the vault, and there is a control panel, a fingerprint scanner, and the element to bypass it.
Jessica:((flavor text on the vault card is Time is Money.))
Dante:((Time is money, friend))
GM (GM):As we concentrate on the bypass mechanism, suddenly a purely magical phenomena appears, a sort of a holographic puzzle, a prime fantasm, 8 flat squares arrange themselves in the air. And a diagram with square 1 on top and the others placed under.
We can move the free floating squares with our hands, as they need to be put into correct order to appear stacked behind each other, with 1 on top and 8 on very bottom, to form the diagram as shown
When the sheets are arranged in order, the vault will override.
Anyone can type the numbers where they want to place sheets
Dante:((I stack them in the correct order.))
Jessica:((so if you visualize 1 as being gone the upper right one would be completely uncovered, so that's 2, assuming i'm correct that these are a top down view of layered squares))
((in order for the small one at the bottom to be visible that means the one to the right of it is under it))
((three can't be right based on the same logic))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt is trying to fiddle with gas dispensers, while you guys work on the mechanism
Jessica:((it looks like they're stacked in a sort of spiral unless i'm off base))
Dante:((I thought of it as a spiral too, but that's about all is standing out to me))
Jessica:((is that correct?))
Kurtis Kerner:((Where are 2 and 3?))
Jessica:((you didn't answer so i thought i had it wrong))
Kurtis Kerner:((Yup! thats it!))
Dante:((Good job))
GM (GM):The light switches from red to green. A female pre-recorded voice announces softly.
"Arcane override procedure successful."
Kurtis leaves the gas dispensers alone. The vault locks slowly start to turn, shift, and a massive room opens up, decompressing with escaping steam, like a fallout vault. Inside are shelves and shelves and shelves. As the door opens more widely and pushes inward, you see several figures inside the vault. Armed with assault rifles, in paramilitary uniforms. The man in front wears sunglasses and a smug grin, he holds a parcel in one hand and a gun in the other, shaking at us with the parcel like it was an index finger, scolding a naughty child.
"Tsk tsk, the famous Kurtis Kerner, and your new gang of rats. Did you buy new ones after the old ones died off?"
GM (GM):"
Justin:((aww mannn))
Jessica:((I for one am proud to die beside you comrades))
GM (GM):The door opens all the way, clicking the bolts in, as the Security System announces: "Welcome to Division One Vault 4, Administrative Access granted. Your Atlantean Priviledges had been restored. Have a good day."
You feel the power of your gnosis.
Nestor Fenneghan:"Kill them."
End Session
GM (GM):7 exp each
Dante:((Can we get 400 xp instead since we're gonna die next session?))
Eve K.:pfft we've killed Nestor before
Dante:((several assault rifle armed men. Anyway, we'll see what happens. Good night.))
((Good session))
Jessica:((night yall. hope we don't die XD))
Eve K.:((night night))
Justin:((Can I go ahead and buy Vermious Metamorphosis?))
GM (GM):((how do you not have it yet?))
Justin:((Just been casting it freeball.))
GM (GM):((you've only done it like, always.))
GM (GM):((yes of course you can buy it))
Justin:((It's like a signature spell, I finally have the throw-away xp to buy it.))
GM (GM):((you're so infuriating))
Justin:((Gracias, purchasing for 6.))
GM (GM):((how much exp do u have?))
Justin:((28 now.))
GM (GM):((k))
GM (GM):ninite
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
Lucas:Box turtle
GM (GM):How do you webcam over roll20?
Jessica:am i doing that right now?
GM (GM):you are
Jessica:damn it
Dante:I am not sure. I hear something though
Jessica:that's from our campaign
Dante:Your campaign about majestic dogs?
Dante:Ya I think so
Jessica:our campaign is 2nd edition crossover chronicles of darkness
GM (GM):yeah that's nifty, saves you having to use discord
Jessica:we are using roll20 during quarantine
Dante:Makes a lot of sense
Jessica:i don't recommend using roll20 for voice
Dante:I imagine the codec is probably doodoo
Jessica:it makes an individual connection between each computer like a spiderweb
Jessica:so if somebody's connection or computer is slow it's easy to drop audio
i don't know things
Dante:Gross, but I guess it makes sense.
Lucas:it also means that its poosible for just kk and me to have a bad connection ithout interfering with either of our connections with eachother
Jessica:lemme figure out how to be Jessica instead of Dottie
Dante:Just get up on your hind legs and tie your fur back
And also be human
I guess.
Kurtis Kerner:IM KURT! HOLY SHIT!!!
Merlin "Arthur" Rude:I am a spooky vampyr bleeeaahhhhhhhh
The Loquimorscope:Ring ring
Who was the joker that impersonated me?
Kurtis Kerner:KK, I think you got some permissions crossed somewhere
The Loquimorscope:hi
PMC:I think some profiles just didn't get assigned
also stick 'em up
Justin:Stick 'em up?
GM (GM):Are you guys not able to choose your own characters?
Dante:We're shitposting
GM (GM):Yeah I never prohibited that
Eve K.:??
Jessica:Eve since you're just tuning in apparently everyone just noticed the drop menu
and we were posting as characters other than ourselves
GM (GM):wow it took you guys 30 sessions to realize you can shitpost
Eve K.:ah.
those soldiers are tiny af
Eve K.:only compared to Nestor's giant head
Jessica:that vault door is 12 ft tall or those characters are 3 ft tall
i'm picking i don't actually care
GM (GM):Okay folks
Taking off right where we landed.
The vault size is shown for comparison to human size, it's quite spacious
The entryway is wide enough for 3 people to stand side by side
The map on the left shows which vault we are in (yellow mark)
Lucas:((just wanna point out that I've never had anything in my drop menu except Lucas(profile) and Lucas(character)))
GM (GM):And you are free to place yourselves where you stand at the moment of opening
Either on the 3d image or on the top down map, whichever is easier to use
Dante:((I can't put myself on top of the image))
Jessica:send image to back
GM (GM):((ta da))
GM (GM):Kurtis was in the back, cause he was messing with a gas dispenser.
Dante:Dante at the bottom of the steps, looking in as it opened, I suppose.
Eve K.:Eve is at the bottom of the steps as well yes (not hanging on the outer bars)
(there now I'm not sideways)
Justin:I don't remember exactly, but I assume Justin was up front opening the door.
Dante:Nestor had recognized Kurt, so he was in field of view in some way
Jessica:i was working the mage panel when we opened it so tbh i'm not exactly sure where that is
was it on or next to the door
Dante:If it was on the door you could presumably move wherever as it was opening prolly
GM (GM):((Kurtis needs to be in field of view of Nestor yes, that's right hold on))
Jessica:i like this vault art
GM (GM):((More like so, and one of the little boxes is sticking out open, Nestor is near it, that's where the parcel was))
So, the vault door opened as the voice announced that your power access restrictions were lifted, and although your existing spells had dropped when you chalked in, you now regain your grasp on gnosis, i.e. you can cast. The clock nears midnight, and Eve, you are starting to get a little thirsty and the mouth feels a little tight and uncomfortable. And it's initiative.
And if everyone could please account your mana, willpower, and life/damage, and what you are armed with
No hurry, let me record everything, this encounter is really all we got for tonight
Eve K.:((of course it approaches midnight ))
Dante:((You don't rob a bank like this in broad daylight after all :D))
(( 12 Mana, 2 WP, 8 HP, 0 damage, M16 slung at the shoulder, a revolver at his hip, neither in his hands ))
Justin:(WIllpower 4, Mana 6, 3 sugar cubes, unarmed, Max health 9, sitting on 1 lethal.)
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis: 4 bashing /9 2 willpower 3 mana, screwdriver, thieves' tools, catsuit
Jessica:Mana: 1 Wp: 0 Health: 9, I have 1 bashing listed but i think that is probably very old and not supposed to be there
Dante:((I think bashing is old yeah. You didn't do anything here to cause harm to yourself))
Eve K.:(( 3 mana, 6 sugar cubes, 2 willpower, 8 HP 0 damage. gun in lower back holster))
Dante:((If we're listing sugar, Dante has 3))
Kurtis Kerner:((List everything you brought, weapons, tools, whatever, cubes for sure, even though they each take 10 minutes to digest))
((if you would have eaten them before the heist, say so))
((you can have ingested your cubes))
Justin:((I would like to have ingested my cubes.))
Eve K.:((Eve has her Iron dagger in her boot as well))
Kurtis Kerner:((Justin is 9 mana 0 cubes?))
Jessica:((i used my last one a while ago and my character doesn't have relevant equipment so that's all for me))
Dante:((Dante would have given out his last 3 cubes to whoever was lowest I think))
Eve K.:((Eve will eat two then))
Lucas:((mana 10, WP 5, unarmed/chain/chisel, HP 8 damage 0))
Eve K.:Mana to 5 cubes to 4
Jessica:((i'll take the last one if that's cool))
Dante:((I have 3. Take them all if you can store it))
Kurtis Kerner:((Yeah, Eve, you can eat all your cubes if you want))
Eve K.:((I do not want))
Kurtis Kerner:((Jessica how many cubes you eating?))
Jessica:((i thought eve meant she ate two of dante's i derped))
Jessica:((i'll eat all 3))
Dante:((good good))
Kurtis Kerner:((Jessica at 4 mana))
Eve K.:((no Eve ate 2 of Eve's))
Dante:((And with that, Simon Lamprey is part of us all, save for Lucas.))
Kurtis Kerner:((Eve is choosing to save some cubes))
Eve K.:((she is indeed))
GM (GM):Alright, everyone listed their weapons?
I have so far:
Kurtis: 4 bashing /9 2 willpower 3 mana, screwdriver, thieves' tools, catsuit
Dante: 0/8 health 2 willpower 12 mana M16, revolver
Justin: 1 lethal/9, 4 willpower, 9 mana
Jessica: 0/9 health, 0 willpower, 4 mana
GM (GM):Eve: 0/8 health, 2 willpower, 5 mana, gun in holster, iron dagger in boot
Lucas: 0/8 health, 5 willpower, 10 mana - unarmed, chain, chisel
Eve K.:((can you describe the Starlight Mercenaries body armor please?))
Dante:((And also their guns. And their total HP pools. And their motiviations))
Eve K.:((I meant what it looks like :P))
Dante:((Well ya))
Justin:((Can I design a rote to see the total HP of whomever I'm looking at with life sight?
Lucas:((and their hopes, dreams, and social security numbers))
Dante:((I like this idea))
Eve K.:((proabably))
Jessica:((bruh i need to make that rote))
((instead of guessing phone numbers guess ss))
((rote is dots x3?))
Dante:((Think so))
Eve K.:((2 per dot yeah))
(pg 340 for reference))
Lucas:((freaking sweet! There's a chain fighting style))
Justin:((KK, when you get a chance, can you add a handout that's just experience costs?))
((Or just make it and give me edit access to it, I'll fill it in.))
GM (GM):Ok, so Eve, you probably have expertise to recognize the stats of their body armor
Do you have access to WoD armory book?
Page 175-177
The dudes who are not Nestor are wearing this:
Full Riot Gear
Rating 3/4, Strength 2, Defense –2, Speed –1, Cost •••
GM (GM):Full riot gear protects almost all of the human body,
even hands and feet. Moreover, this gear offers stronger
protection than normal Kevlar armor. This armor
is soft and flexible on the outside (using Kevlar), but
hard on the inside (using armor plating made of metal
or rigid polyethylene fibers). Riot gear also comes with
GM (GM):any number of accoutrements: shell and bullet holders,
built-in holsters, a half-dozen pockets, badge displays,
radio holsters, even microphone tabs by the head and
neck. The disadvantages of riot gear are that it’s heavy
and cumbersome: characters wearing it will have their
movements hindered (as reflected in higher Defense
GM (GM):and Speed penalties).
For a higher price (Cost ••••), a character can find riot
gear that protects against armor-piercing weapons, as well. This
gear offers the same statistics as normal riot gear, except that this
riot gear offers equal protection against weapons with Armor
Piercing (armor-piercing rounds, rapiers, screwdrivers).
GM (GM):Riot gear cannot be purchased on the open market.
While savvy buyers might be able to find a vendor
through the Internet or on the black market, such
armor is generally available
GM (GM):so in addition to defense - 2, they get 3 to melee attacks and 4 to firearms
Nestor is wearing a bullet proof vest and is more lightly geared, he is at a 2/3 and lethal to the chest gets downgraded to bashing for him from bullets
Bulletproof Vest
Rating 2/3, Strength 1, Defense –1, Speed 0, Cost •••
The average bulletproof vest is black and made of
Kevlar. The vest stops bullets, edged weapons and blunt
GM (GM):attacks with some efficiency. Like all true bulletproof
armor, a bulletproof vest downgrades damage done from
Firearms from lethal to bashing.
Worn on the upper torso, the majority of bulletproof
vests only cover the chest. The wearer’s back is
not protected with the average Kevlar vest. In fact, a
GM (GM):number of places remain unprotected, and targeted attacks
will ignore any defense the vest offers. For bodily
fortification beyond the chest region, see “Bulletproof
Vest Accessories,” below.
A bulletproof vest is not technically a “flak jacket” (see
below), though this vest is often mistakenly called such.
Eve K.:Does their riot gear have helmets? and if yes do the helmets have visors?
GM (GM):They do have helmets and the helmets do have visors. Nestor does not have a helmet.
Eve K.:standard plastic visors?
GM (GM):((Ok, Justin what do you need for experience costs?))
((Bullet proof visors, same stats as riot gear kit))
Justin:((Just create a handout named "Experience Costs" and add me as someone who can edit it. I'll do the rest.))
GM (GM):((Done))
Lucas:(I would ask if someone could tell me how to shrink my lucas token, but its size appropriate))
GM (GM):((Alt +drag))
((Eve, it's like bullet resistant hard plastic, I think is what those helmet visors are made of))
Eve K.:((KK))
GM (GM):((I don't think it's ballistic grade glass))
Eve K.:((No it probably wouldn't be glass))
GM (GM):Whenever everyone is ready, it's initiative.
Lucas:((Alt+drag just lets me bypass the grid. it doesnt change size))
rolling 1d10+7
GM (GM):((Lucas, try clicking it and then dragging the corners, while holding alt))
rolling 1d10+6
Kurtis Kerner:
rolling 1d10+8
rolling 1d10+5
Eve K.:
rolling 1d10+7
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
(initiative is 10)
Dante:((are you +8 or...))
Eve K.:??
((8 +4 = 12))
Dante:((oh +6))
((Yeah I can math. I just wasn't sure what she was getting at))
((I'm a derp))
Jessica:(("I can math." - Dante, April 2020
Eve K.:((ohh I thought she did >8 instead of +8 so both derp))
Dante:((One pasta plus one sauce equals delicious))
Kurtis Kerner:((Eve has dex 3, Jessica 2, Eve goes before Jessica, Kurtis goes before Lucas))
Eve K.:((what about Nestor and his pets?))
PMC:PMCs are gonna all use the same initiative for the 6 of them
for simplicity
Dante:((im scared))
rolling 1d10+7
Nestor Fenneghan:
rolling 1d10+8
Dante:((What a cock))
Eve K.:((Hate him))
GM (GM):Nestor 16
Dante 13
Kurtis 12
Lucas 12
PMC 11
Eve 10
GM (GM):Jessica 10
Justin 8
Justin:((XP Costs are in. If anyone has any other common rules questions they want notated on a handout, let me know.))
Jessica:((love you))
Nestor Fenneghan:"Kill them."
lifts his rifle and fires a chain of bullets (3 round burst) at Kurtis, with a danger to hit everyone in front of him, looking up autofire for Steyr AUG
Jessica:((do you need help with automatic fire rules?)
GM (GM):(Nevermind, firing into melee is not applicable to autofire)
GM (GM):(I have the armory open, but yes please correct me if i am wrong, first time dealing with autofire, it's a +1 to the roll for a short burst))
Jessica:((since I go late in the round i'll look up some rules for you))
((i think there's 2 or 3 different ways to handle auto))
Dante:((There are 3 autofire modes, which have different bonuses and penalties))
Nestor Fenneghan:((yeah i am going off of page 154 of core wod book))
Dante:((WOD pg 155 has autofire))
Nestor Fenneghan:Short burst 1 + Dex 4 + Firearms 3 + Steyr AUG 4 = 12, Kurtis does not have armor and defense does not apply, shields are not yet up either.
Dante:((oh there you go))
Nestor Fenneghan:
rolling 12d10>8!
6 Successes
Justin:((160 has the full rules))
Jessica:Automatic weapons can fire a short, medium, or long
burst in place of a single shot.
• Short Burst: Three bullets fired at the same target.
The shooter enjoys a +1 to her dice pool.
• Medium Burst: 10 bullets, which can hit one to three
targets standing close together. The shooter receives a
Jessica:two-die bonus to her dice pool. If firing at more than
one target, subtract the total number of targets from
the shooter’s pool, then make one attack roll per target.
• Long Burst: 20 bullets at as many targets as the shooter
wants. The shooter receives a three-die bonus to her
dice pool. If firing at more than one target, subtract
Jessica:the total number of targets from the shooter’s pool,
then make one attack roll per target.
Kurtis Kerner:Okay, so Kurtis take 6 lethal damage on top of 4 bashing, out of 9 total. He does not pass out due to having 4 stamina, so it's not double his stamina in one attack, but does he pass out because his boxes carry over?
Is he now at 6 lethal 3 bashing or does he cover the bashing boxes?
It's been a while
Dante:((I forget how boxes roll over))
Justin:((He rolls a Stamina roll to see if he stays up.))
Kurtis Kerner:((And I believe Hardy counts for these))
Justin:((It does. I think it gives +2?))
Kurtis Kerner:((+1))
((it's solely for unconsciousness checks, nothing else, so for this effective stamina 5))
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
((He is conscious, but with how much damage?))
((6 lethal 3 bashing?))
((that bashing is from paradox and he cant heal it))
Jessica:((you can move on i'm looking it up))
GM (GM):Okay, it's Dante
Kurtis is riddled with bullets.
Lucas:((hardy is 1 per dot))
Kurtis Kerner:((only have 1 dot))
Lucas:((its really good for survivimg grptes
Dante:Dante, cursing at the sudden gunfire, racks his brain. Need to buy time, shit, shit. If I could just... create a distraction. He reaches out with his hand, channeling his command of space as he tries to warp the space within the room, twisting it in such a way that the way Nestor and his crew are looking is not the way it seems to be.
((This is uhh, an impromptu cast of the Labyrinth rote. I want to make it so that if they fire in our direction, the bullets fly in another direction, in the space of the vault room.))
Lucas:((Surviving gross smells. God, im bad at typing in the dark))
Dante:((Like a sphere around them, the space is rotated 90 degrees. They shoot at us, the bullet flies into the wall to the right of them. ))
Eve K.:((Damage is in WOD Main book page 171 the bashing gets pushed off the grid and a box upgrades to lethal)
Dante:((So bashing goes away by converting to lethal, or excess bashing converts?))
Eve K.:(for each bashing the falls off the grid yes))
((if you have 4 health boxes and you have four bashing then get hit with 1 lethal, 1 bashing "falls off" and is converted to leatal)
((so you would be 2 lethal 2 bashing)
Dante:((Ya so he's 6L 3B then))
Eve K.:((yeah))
((if he runs out of bashing then the lethal start going agg))
Lucas:(([\][\][\][\] becomes [X][\][\][\]))
Eve K.:((yes))
Dante:((So then 7L 2B. He took 6 lethal))
Kurtis Kerner:((My actions are at -3, because 1 bashing fell off and converted, so it's 7L 2 Bash))
((so all my boxes from the end are checked))
Jessica:(("And that’s the first rule of tracking your character’s
Health: A more severe wound always “pushes” a less severe wound to the right. Wounds that are “pushed off”
the right edge of the Health chart as a result are ignored.")
Eve K.:((yeah, and a stamina roll every turn to stay consious))
Kurtis Kerner:((kk))
Lucas:((Where did the 7th lethal come from?
Jessica:((Once all the boxes on your character’s Health chart
are filled and there areno less severe wounds to pushright,
any new injury upgrades the least severe wound that he
alreadyhas. These upgrades occur from left to right. That’s
the second rule of tracking your character’s Health.))
Eve K.:((the bashing that fell off))
Dante:((Oh its ignored not converted))
((For the spell its like...))
GM (GM):((Well it won't matter if they keep rolling like that XD))
((Okay, Dante explained to me the spell he is casting. Below the map he will draw how he wants the spacial axis rotated))
Dante:((yeah so like the space is literally just rotated.))
((so the X's are the bad guys. The sphere is the area and.. if they shoot at the door or move toward it, they actually move up, does that make sense?)
GM (GM):Yes, and is it perceived space or actual space?
Like, they see us as they did before, what they see does not change?
Dante:((Its actual space. They are still looking at us))
GM (GM):One scene prolonged duration
Dante:((Duration is 1 scene, yes. Or if they see and dispel it I guess))
((or I dismiss it))
GM (GM):6 yard area, so roll at -5 please for the effect complexity.
Dante:((this is an extreme situation so like uhhhh.. will power))
((9-5 = 4 + 3 = 7))
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):Wow.
Nobody notices any visual indication of anything happening.
Dante:((afaik this has no visual representation, yeah. ))
Lucas:((its only because he didnt have 8 to roll. 8 is the magic number))
Dante:As Dante finishes his spell he moves to the side of the vault, taking cover and thumbing toward the entrance before making an X gesture like "Don't go in there."
((Totally right, ya. If 8 dice, then 10 successes))
Lucas:((if you had 8 to roll it woulda been exceptional))
((also potency is just 1. So.. lets hope they are stupid and don't figure anything out))
Justin:((Whoo, that was scary. Thanks for that one Dante.))
GM (GM):And it's to Kurtis.
Jessica:((i think they'll figure it out as soon as the lefties shoot the righties on accident))
Dante:((This is fukken scary still. Maybe bought like a round?))
Jessica:((i feel like the bad guys could use a segmented nervous system about now))
Dante:((They could use a case of the die))
Jessica:((remember how octopus arms could operate on their own?))
Kurtis Kerner:*Kurtis throws his hands up to Turn Projectile, seeing guns, but gets interrupted by a hail of bullets and before he knows it, he's bleeding from his mouth and feels warm liquid beneath the breached cat suit. Eyes blood shot and dulled with pain, he pulls what's left of his focus together to try and muster a bullet veil, at -3
Jessica:((what happens when hands with guns in them can just unload in a room where space is fucked??))
Justin:((He needs to roll to stay conscious on each of his turns.))
((Unless you want to count the roll immediately after damage was dealt as his roll for this turn.))
Jessica:((are we in a mind meld or is Dante the only one that knows what happened with space?))
Dante:((We have nooo oactive spells))
Kurtis Kerner:((yeah i have to roll again for stamina))
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:((Dante gestured to not go in there, but that's about the best that could be done this turn))
Jessica:((we should treat them like bugs in a box))
((justin and eve change the properties of the front of the lock boxes so the bullets ricochet like bouncy balls))
Kurtis Kerner:Turn Projectile 12 - 3 = 9
rolling 9d10>8!
1 Success
Jessica:((jessica could bestow luck on bad guys and give them great rolls to murder each other with while space is fucked))
Kurtis Kerner:((so he will turn whatever bullet flies through the opening in our direction next))
Jessica:((they've almost certainly got better dice pools than us, we should make that their folly))
Kurtis Kerner:He staggers back, and it's to Lucas
Lucas:Lucas steps up to the door and points in at the men, scowling viciously. "If ya'll don't drop yer guns and fight like real men, I'm gonna come in there and smash all yer skulls in those pretty little helmets like watermelons dropped off a feris wheel at the county fair!!"
GM (GM):Intimidate roll?
Dante:((Makes me wanna drop a watermelon off a ferris wheel))
Lucas:((presence 2 +Intimidation 3 + scowl spec 1 + Striking looks 1 = 7))
GM (GM):vs their resolve?
Justin:((Probably a contested roll on a per dude basis?))
GM (GM):sure
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:((I love that Lucas has a specialty in scowling))
Eve K.:((Random question.. Does Nestor have the payroll we came for or its still in the open box?))
Jessica:((promptly riddled with bullets))
Dante:((He was holding an envelope and there's a security box open))
Eve K.:((thanks))
Justin:((Resistance dice pool would probably be resolve + composure.))
Lucas:((lucas has a face thats built for looking mean))
GM (GM):Ok
Lucas:((I need to find some specialty or something that lets me add Brawl to y intimidation rolls))
Nestor Fenneghan:In one hand holds the parcel he is taunting us with, in the other the rifle, which is slung over his neck and pointed at Kurtis
So yes, he has the envelope
Nestor attempts to resist Intimidation
resolve 4, composure 4
Jessica:((Air of Menace •• Intimidation •• You wear a history of violence on your sleeve. +2 to menace others, and less rough characters must spend Willpower to pick a fight, but social maneuvering is harder.))
Nestor Fenneghan:
rolling 8d10>8!
2 Successes
PMC:Guy 1: Resolve 3, composure 2
rolling 5d10>8!
3 Successes
Guy 2:
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Guy 3
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
PMC:Guy 4
rolling 5d10>8!
1 Success
Guy 5
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Guy 6
rolling 5d10>8!
2 Successes
Dante:((That one guy is gonna feel real fuckin' awkward))
Lucas:((I am not scared of some hick american farm boy))
((tie fails i take it?))
((Don't think so))
Justin:((Tie goes to defender generally. So I think you intimidate one guy.))
PMC:So, the runt of the party gets identified. Guy 4 drops his gun, scared, but trying to save his face, he looks at the others, and goes "Fine, I don't need a gun, I'll fight him like a man." He draws a knife and walks towards Lucas. Dante, please describe how your shit works.
Lucas:((that one dude sees stygia flash in lucas' eyes))
Dante:((Oh so you're approaching me))
((Okay well, he starts to walk and as soon as he gets close to Lucas he suddenly is face to face with a deposit box))
Jessica:((I'll fight you like a man! -- goes in the corner))
PMC:He walks, determinedly to comply with the big guy's demand, flipping his knife, to the unison "what the hell are you doing?" of his comrades, and ends up not reaching Lucas, instead, exiting to the side, facing a box
Justin:((Exit Stage Right.))
Dante:((Heavens to mergatroid))
PMC:The other PMCs smirk behind their visors, it's not the first time a group of amateur awakened tried to scare them. They are not impressed. They draw their AUGs and fire medium bursts at Lucas.
Dante:((oh no))
((oh nooo))
PMC:((please hold as I fucking...))
((kill my own NPCs))
Lucas:((scared bro gets riddled with bullets))
PMC:((Calculating route))
Lucas:((if he survives, they can call him swiss))
Jessica:((sorry to interrupt you guys. you can finish painting the walls red before we grab our money))
PMC:Okay so they each get +2 for autofire
And each of them wear 4 armor gear
But only some of the bullets will ricochet
Those that do, will certainly hit guy 4
So that guy is probably going to spunge most of em
Whatever is left after he falls down will be distributed to the rest
PMC:Let's see if they smoke him
Guy 1:
Lucas:((the dudes on the right will probably be at a pretty high risk of hitting any one of the dudes on the left))
Dante:((That's what it looks like))
PMC:Dex 3 + AUG 4 + Firearms 4 + 2 autofire burst - 4 armor = 9
rolling 9d10>8!
2 Successes
Guy 4 takes 2 lethal from Guy 1's fire
Guy 2's fire:
rolling 9d10>8!
2 Successes
nevermind these uniforms downgrade lethal to bashing
PMC:so 4 bashing
PMC:Guy 3 fire:
rolling 9d10>8!
3 Successes
Okay that's 7 bashing, which is this guy's health total
So now he needs to roll for consciousness
rolling 3d10>8!
0 Successes
He falls the fuck down
PMC:Guy 5's fire is now going to spread....?
Justin:((Poor knifeman jones.))
PMC:Between Nestor, guy 1,2,3,5, and 6
Dante:((He had one moment of bravado and that was all it took))
PMC:If you have a rule for ricochet, tell it to me now or i will start making shit up
i say out of 10 bullets, 5 bullets ricochet
or hey no
we roll a d6
to see who gets hit
Justin:((If autofire (even a short burst) is directed at a single
target, and that target is in close combat with someone (or
anyone is within a yard of the target), an autofire roll is
made against each person. Even though a short burst normally applies against only a single target, anyone nearby is
targeted as well. Bullets might miss or pass through the target or ricochet to hit bystanders. The attack is treated like
autofire against multiple targets; a -1 penalty is applied for
Justin:each person who could be hit. Further modifiers unique to
each target also apply to the pool rolled against each.))
Jessica:((i don't think they probably have ricochet rules but i'll look for future rounds))
PMC:yeah, so how do i do this? we have 2 more guys who are firing into melee range
is it an attack roll on all of em at a -1?
autofire does ignore firing into melee
Dante:((I think you roll on all of them but.. not sure))
PMC:Dante broke the DM
Justin:((Take -1 for each target it could hit beyond the 1st. Make a different roll for each possible target.))
It could hit Guy 1
Justin:((So +1 and -4 and roll a total of 10 pools, 5 for guy 1 and 5 for guy 2.))
Jessica:((optional rules: Ricochet When a bullet misses, roll a die. On a 1, bullet hits another character Reload p156))
Dante:((Space is weird))
Jessica:((but there is magic involved so i feel like chances would be better than rolling a 1))
PMC:so thats 6
10 pools of 6
Justin:((go for it.))
Dante:((my god))
PMC:Guy 5 to Guy 1
rolling 6d10>8!
0 Successes
Guy 5 to Guy 2
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
1 bashing
PMC:Guy 5 to Guy 3
rolling 6d10>8!
4 Successes
much damage
4 bashing
so hit him in the visor
Guy 5 to Guy 6
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
And to Nestor
Justin:((Okay, that's 3 bullets.))
they each fired 10
Justin:((Short burst only fires 3 bullets.))
PMC:they did medium bursts
Justin:((OOh they're firing medium burst? My bad.))
Dante:((these were medium bursts yea))
Justin:((Sorry, carry on.))
Dante:((the room is literally just hot lead and pain))
PMC:Nestor does not have 4 armor, he has 3 armor
so it's 7 dice for him
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
Now Guy 6's shots
To Guy 1:
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
Okay, the blood dots is how many bashing they each have, when they start taking lethal, i will mark it with orange
and i guess agg with yellow
And.... it's tooooo...
Lucas:((Melt off all their armor with decay!!))
Dante:((Well that was a pretty good round for team bad guy. They dished out a lot of damage.))
((So now you all don't know what happened to space still, but you do know that they just fucking unloaded on each other while shooting at Lucas))
((Or at least to the extent that you can see it))
Eve K. tilts her head considering the bullets bouncing around and back at the men. She smirks. "Your aim could use improving.."
Eve K. mutters in Atlantean "May you be as blind as bats"
Eve K.:Summon shadows
rolling 12d10>8!
6 Successes
Dante:((oh yeah uh, labyrinth was super vulgar))
((I'll eat it))
GM (GM):
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
1 bash to DC
Eve K.:((summon shadows is also vulgar and I'll eat it))
GM (GM):
rolling 2d10>8!
1 Success
1 bash to Eve
Okay, Eve, you summon The Boyz, where are the shadows going, you can draw them and issue your orders
Eve K.:So five cubic yard volume of darkness drops centering on Nestor, going with 5 to durability and 1 to strength and the 1 strength tendril is just gonna flail about to randomly hit someone and cause chaos so they continue to shoot (at each other) in the total darkness)
GM (GM):The inside of the vault goes black, and a tendril rolls a 1d6 to see who it hits
rolling 1d6
hits guy 3, for how much?
what's the tendril attack roll?
1 str how much brawl?
Eve K.:1 str
it doesn't have brawl
GM (GM):chance die
Eve K.:it doesn't have skills
GM (GM):
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
just slaps nestor on the boot
Eve K.:fine by me
GM (GM):Anything else?
Eve K.:nah
GM (GM):Jessica
(From Jessica): can i still use exceptional luck as bestow exceptional luck until i buy it since i've been using it all campaign or should i wait and do something else?
(To Jessica): Do something else, it was an honest mistake, but we did catch it
(From Jessica): kk
Jessica:perfect timing
rolling 8d10>8!
0 Successes
Dante:(( :( ))
GM (GM):You can still move or talk
Jessica:Jessica holds her wrist up like checking an imaginary watch and counts up on her fingers and....the spell unravels
GM (GM):Just can't find that perfect moment.
Dante:((You missed the bus))
Jessica:"Damn it! Should we shut the door?!"
Justin:"I don't think that's necessary sofar..."
Dante:((Response is free right?))
Eve K.:"We still need to get what we came for."
Lucas:((She'll never ever ever ever ever do it again))
Jessica:Looks frantically between the ink-dark vault and Kurtis, who looks ready to tap out
GM (GM):Justin
Dante:Dante also is just fixed on Kurtis, not saying anything.
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis is staggering and is about to fall down, heavily bleeding, and concentrating on maintaining a force wall against gunfire, jaw locked tightly in a hard wince
Justin:Justin dashes back and crouches next to the door, out of gunfire range. He reaches a hand out to Kurt and starts knitting him back together.
rolling 10d10>8!
1 Success
Dante:((well, that's one open box))
Lucas:((one to anesthetic))
Eve K.:((lol))
GM (GM):((XD))
Lucas:((You feel better. still dying))
GM (GM):Actually, yes, any time Justin heals now, it is smooth and pleasant, automatically anasthesized
Eve K.:((toss a sugar cube to your healer or rumored five mages))
Dante:((Toss a Tass to your Healer, I love that song))
Eve K.:*Oh rumored five mages..
Justin:((Do I still have enough in me to drag Kurt out of firing range?))
Eve K.:He would have to be in the fault to be in firing range now XD
GM (GM):((yeah, you're touching him so yes))
Eve K.:*Vault
Dante:((Ya'll dont know that though. Just that they shot themselves))
Eve K.:(geeze))
Justin:Justin grabs Kurt by the arm and attempts to yank him out of firing range. "Time to huddle down and focus on not dying."
Jessica:((from our end didn't it look like they aimed at us and shot each other? I feel like we'd know dante did that))
Dante:((Yeah, thats probably a logical conclusion, especially since I gestured not to go in))
((Context clues and all that))
Jessica:((you're the only one that fucks with space like that))
Dante:((Not sure who all was actually looking through the door though))
Lucas:((Guy stumbles blindly towards the door and out of the shadow. sees the rumored 5 and then dives towards them. back into shadow confused))
Dante:((fucks with space is about as accurate as the fuck that is yeah lol))
Kurtis Kerner:A bullet pops out of Kurt's chest without him noticing any pain from the procedure, in fact, Justin's power courses through him, dulling some of the pain from the other bullets, Kurt looks like he is on a slow uphill climb in composure, but as Justin drags him out of the way, he drops the wall he holds
GM (GM):That's round 1.
The Breach Alarm fires off. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
As emergency lights go off.
And we are in Round 2 back to Nestor
Nestor Fenneghan:A quick intelligence + occult roll
Int 4 + occult 3 = 7
rolling 7d10>8!
2 Successes
"Nobody fire! Spread out. Spacial distortion. Jason, we got the parcel, pull us out.
Hope you enjoyed that, Kurtis. You still have to come and get what you came for."
Nestor Fenneghan:Nestor tries to step back in total darkness, towards the back wall opposite of you, and ends up.... 90 degrees clockwise, on the wall by Guy 5 and 6, is that correct, Dante?
Nestor Fenneghan:His entire turn is going to be trying to figure out tactics for his people, so he says "roll call".
Guys quickly call themselves out, and he understands he is by Guy 5 and 6.
"90 degrees distortion. Fire upon South wall on my voice, full auto."
He then goes prone, in total darkness
GM (GM):Dante
Eve K.:((as the song says "flip it and reverse it"))
Jessica:((make them shoot the ceiling))
((it's raining bullets))
((or control "Jason"))
Lucas:((Bout to get real M.C. Escher in here. . .))
Eve K.:((yeah))
Dante:((Did I hear Nestor call that out?))
GM (GM):roll a perception check
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):yes, loud and clear
Dante:((If I wanted to change the spell so that the direction is reversed, would I need to just drop the spell and recast it or...))
GM (GM):((Yes, and there is a matter of visual range. Eve, how do Shadows interface with perception of the space they are in?))
Right now most of the vault is in near total darkness, 5 cubic yards out of total 6, so there is some light in the corners
Eve K.:((They don't distort space. They are just darkness with substance Eve can control))
Dante:Dante moves to peer into the room as he hears Nestor's call to his men, assessing the darkness
Jessica:((you don't have to cast it inside the darkness, cast a rebound at the doorway if inside the room doesn't work))
GM (GM):In this darkness, what does gunfire look like?
Also, how do you damage the Shadow's durability? can it be shot through? or is it by magical means only?
Eve K.:The way eve pictured it was, the outer edge has the durability, like a wall, the inside is just dark, and there's 1 tendril causing trouble)
Per book "It is not a
material object, so it has no Structure.
Attacks directed through it (if it is
being used for cover) must deal with its
Durability, but they don’t damage the
Eve K.:shadow barrier."
Dante:((What does the durability do though?))
Eve K.:((its like any cover, like the vault door has durability))
Dante:((so it eats bullets if it doesn't bypass?))
GM (GM):((So durability gets subtracted from gunfire rolls like with armor? is it armor?))
((cause your durability on this one is 5))
Dante:((ur shadows are scary))
Eve K.:(Per WOD book "Durability: A factor of the objectÕs material hardness.
Successes achieved in an attack roll against an object
must exceed the itemÕs Durability before any damage
is actually inflicted. Thus, if a door has 1 Durability, any
successes achieved in excess of one are counted as damage
to the target."
Eve K.:((yeah they are))
Dante:((If I wanted to just drop my spell, is that an action or...))
Jessica:((i wouldn't think so))
Justin:((• If successes achieved in a single ranged attack exceed the cover’s Durability, the ranged attack passes
through the cover and hits the first target behind it. Any
successes rolled inexcess of the cover’s Durability are also
taken by the object as Structure damage. Damage that
exceeds the cover’s Durability is then rolled as a new dice
pool against the target, but any armor worn by the target
Justin:is subtracted from the pool. It is possible that the new
damage pool might thus be reduced to a chance roll. Once
cover’s Structure has been exhausted, the object provides
no more protection.))
Dante:((Okay, well it sounds like they are gonna shoot the south walll so...))
GM (GM):((you can just drop it and cast something else, also fuck you XD))
((this is not going how i imagined AT ALL))
Justin:((The attack hits the durability, successes exceeding 5 will pass through and be the new dice pool.))
((There is no structure, so the shadows will only dissippate if they're dispelled or if Eve drops them))
Eve K.:((correct))
Dante:Dante drops his spell and looks to the severely injured Kurtis, twisting his hand into a tight grip, cloaking the man in a shield of space.
Eve K.:((so they have to roll over 5 successes for their shots to get out to us))
rolling 12d10>8!
3 Successes
Justin:((And the successes over 5 are the new dice pool. So if they get 6 successes, they roll again with a dice pool of 1 to see if they hit anyone.))
Dante:((3 potency, 5 armor on Kurtis.))
Eve K.:((right))
GM (GM):Kurt's visage visibly shivers, like he is surrounded by hot air from jet afterburners
and then normalizes again
no heat, just a space distortion
Kurtis is next
Dante:"We need to bring on the heat!"
Kurtis Kerner:Justin, do you have us covered by the vault door or am I in range to lob a projectile in there?
Justin:Behind the door.
Specifically out of view.
Kurtis Kerner:Plus i really couldnt take another paradox right now
Justin:"Kurt, can you do something about that alarm?"
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt nods at Justin
"It's fucking Nestor... get the parcel... get that son of a bitch! I'll take care of the alarm. Can you get me up and running?"
Kurt's eyeballs roll up to flash a brief golden glow of a voltage spark behind the pupils, as he attempts to traverse the electrical matrices to disable the forces that guide the alarm system. He needs 5 successes for this system and he is still at -3, so here goes.
Jessica:((most alarm systems cancel warning signals if they're turned off in a certain number of seconds))
Kurtis Kerner:Impromptu control electricity - 3 = 10 - 3 = 7
Jessica:((i dunno if that applies here in mage bank))
Dante:((Strange things happen in mage banks.))
Kurtis Kerner:((well the thing is, i could short it with a god honest lightning strike, but it's vulgar. control electricity is covert, it's a gentle negotiation, but i have to breach their magic defense which is 5))
((the bank's defenses against intruders are not disabled, we are just granted casting privileges))
rolling 7d10>8!
0 Successes
crit XD
GM (GM):The alarm keeps going.... and that gas dispenser.... it activates
Eve K.:(( XD))
Dante:((well thats... fucked))
Jessica:((the real challenge was the bank itself))
GM (GM):Ceiling directly above us now releases toxicity 3 gas every round. Jon, you're an expert on poisons and venoms, quick rule check here?
stamina+resolve is contested action to resist it i believe
if failed, 3 damage is applied?
Justin:((Looks like it.))
GM (GM):the dispenser being directly above us, the first it will reach would be Eve, Lucas, and Jessica, make the rolls, and next round everybody rolls
Stamina + Resolve
Lucas:((Rolling now?))
Justin:((Do eeet))
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):passed
Jessica:coughs and covers her mouth with her shirt
GM (GM):poison not administered
Eve K.:
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
Justin:((They have to get at least 3 successes or else all damage is applied.))
GM (GM):oh
Justin:((It is toxicity 3 right?))
Justin:((So that's 3 bashing.))
GM (GM):ok
3 bashing to Jessica, 3 to Lucas
and 3 to Eve
Kurtis Kerner:"Shit, no, that's wrong..."
GM (GM):Lucas goes next
Lucas:((What arcana would it be to move the gas into the vault?))
Justin:((Matter 4))
((Forces like 2?))
Eve K.:((Yup))
Justin:((Space 3.))
GM (GM):((Any number of methods, forces could do it by making a wind, yeah, Space could do it, matter could))
Justin:((How many dispencers are there?))
GM (GM):((forces 3 would do it, telekinesis is unlocked at 3))
((1 dispenser))
Lucas:where is it and how high above our heads is it?
GM (GM):directly above the vault door 15 feet up
Eve K.:((too bad white men can't jump))
Lucas:((Not really anything i can do then. i cant exactly run in there and start punching))
Justin:((Scoop n run. Pull people out of the way, buy us time!))
Lucas:((can i try to decay the gas?
Justin:((Or dash in there, grab the thing from Nestor and bring it back to us.))
Eve K.:((That ^))
Dante:((Its total darkness in there))
GM (GM):((you can try! you know your touch can decay things))
Justin:((Matter sight. Look for paper.))
Eve K.:((oooh))
Lucas:((doesnt casting it take my action for the turn?))
Justin:((You can still run in.))
((But yeah, that's your instant action.))
GM (GM):((cast decay and hop on up and block the dispenser with your body, take it for the team XD))
Lucas:((Also, would Lucas be able to understand the space thing?))
Dante:((Uhhh that I dropped my spell or...))
Lucas:((in order to actually reach the paper))
Justin:((You got a clear shot Rudi, go for it.))
Dante:((Oh, the spell isn't active anymore. And none of ya'll knew how it worked to begin with I think?))
((But you knew something weird was going on))
((Nestor also said to shoot the south wall.))
((And Dante did say not to go in at one point.))
((Well, gestured anyway))
Lucas:((I fell like brick would just assume that whatever dante rigged up wpuldnt affect him))
Justin:((Perfect, roll matter sight.))
Dante:((Its a good logic))
Justin:((Detect object, 195, go go go .))
Lucas:((Whats the pool?))
Justin:((Detect substance.))
((Matter + Gnosis unless you have the rote.))
Lucas:((I dont think i do. havent done anyting with matter
Justin:((Perfect. Gestures at the roll))
Lucas:((Its improtaton though, so ill use some wp))
((matter 2+ gnosis 1 + wp 3=6))
rolling 6d10>8!
5 Successes
Dante:((I fucking knew it))
GM (GM):wwwwwhat the heeeeell
Justin:((You know all paper in 16 yards.))
((Justin has some cash in his pocket (even though that's sort of cloth/paper hybrid and a book in his back pocket.))
GM (GM):In the darkness of the vault, all paper contents light up to you. One in particular is being squeezed, prone on the floor.
Dante:(( I think per the rote, if he saw the envelope he could specifically look for that))
Justin:((And a phone number folded in his front shirt pocket.))
((Word up.))
Lucas:Lucas's eyes fill with tears. they seem gritty. then he blinks and his eyes look to be made of wet clay. He steps into the room right towards the slightly moving paper on the ground to the right.
GM (GM):Not with your human eyes, but with an entirely different sense, you can outline paper, in full pitch black, by KNOWING
It requires no light for you to see, you sense it with some internal radar that gives you a shape, quantity, stack thickness, and paper type.
It's pretty freaky, and pretty cool
You make it in the darkness to Nestor. Go ahead and move your token
So now.... the remaining mercenaries, at Nestor's command, will fire upon south wall. Nestor is prone, so they will not hit him, but they risk hitting Lucas. Guy 5 and Guy 6 cannot see anything, but they understand that their comrades from the north side will be firing south, so they kneel to avoid line of fire, and will fire their weapons from crouch. They are doing this because they think it will shoot us, they do not know the spell is dropped and will ricochet randomly again.
They also have to deal with Durability 5 Shadow
GM (GM):which might very well render all their shots harmless by absorbing it
Guy 1:
11-5 = 6
wait no
it does not do -5
Eve K.:((they have to get more than 5 successes to breach the shadows outer ring
GM (GM):+2 for medium burst
Justin:((-2 for 3 possible targets.))
((So just Dex + Firearms + Weapon bonus.))
GM (GM):So how does it work if they are not firing into melee because the other two crouch, does it count at all if they shoot at chest level?
do they still get the -2
how do you determine who they hit?
Eve K.:((they are also shooting blind))
Justin:((That's up to you. Maybe it's just -1 because crouching halves the difficulty.))
GM (GM):assuming they can pass
yeah -1 works
but they are also shooting in the dark
which is firing blind
Dante:((They put their guns down and surrender I think.))
Jessica:((yeah pretty sure))
Justin:((The Storyteller knows where the target actually is,
and secretly makes a chance roll (see p. 125) for you if
your character attacks in approximately the right direction. A success means your characterhits and does one or
more Health points of damage, depending on how many
10’s come up. Of course,if a 1 comes up a dramatic failure
occurs, the circumstances of which are left to the
Justin:Storyteller’s discretion.))
((So roll a chance die per possible target. On a 10, it hits, otherwise it doesn.t))
((Or rather on a 10 it has the ability to hit.))
GM (GM):Ok so it's really chance die for all of them
Dante:((Well this just keeps compounding))
GM (GM):before durability even counts
GM (GM):Guy 1:
rolling 1d10>8!
1 Success
needs a 10
no good
Guy 2:
GM (GM):
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
Guy 3:
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
Guy 5:
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
Guy 6:
GM (GM):
rolling 1d10>8!
0 Successes
GM (GM):Nobody hits.
But a whole lot of fire happens
Eve K.:(( ;) ))
GM (GM):Lucas, you feel bullets graze past you and a deafening boom
The Shadows and the darkness take it all, and those bullets never find any useful mark
It is Eve's turn
Eve K. looks up at the gas dispenser and clicks her tongue thoughtfully. Eve draws the iron dagger from her boot and mutters in Atlantian "The winds of change are coming"
Eve K.:(casting shape air impromtu +1 for dagger path tool)
rolling 9d10>8!
3 Successes
Eve K. takes a deep breath and redirects the gas over to the guards on wall opposite Lucas and Nestor
GM (GM):Okay. At this point, the mercenaries panic and start running around struggling to find cover. It's not yet their turn to get anywhere meaningful, but panic ensues.
Eve K.:Oh and the tentical flails about
trying to trip someone
GM (GM):The gas is filling the vault, and they will start taking damage from it next turn
Yeah, it trips someone, and a guy falls down and starts crawling. In the dark
Jessica's turn
Jessica:exceptional luck on self
rolling 6d10>8!
2 Successes
GM (GM):You feel it, the winds of fate are in your sails.
Jessica:Jessica's hair stirs in the unmoving air
Lowered voice: "I'm thinking as soon as Knuckles gets the papers we keep them shooting each other?"
"We gotta keep 'Jason' from getting them out."
Justin:"I don't think we have a ton of time."
Dante:"The parcel is all that matters right now."
Dante:((Justin I think))
GM (GM):Justin
Justin:"Stop that, buddy."
Justin:Justin gestures his hand up to the dispenser while his other hand holds onto Kurt, splitting his focus on patching wounds while simultaneously attempting to get the dispenser to stop producing knockout gas.
((Healing heart 10, alter accuracy 7, -2 for combining spells = 5 +3 for spending a willpower = 8))
rolling 8d10>8!
4 Successes
((Kurt gets healed for 4, dispenser stops producing gas.))
GM (GM):((Alter accuracy? You sure you got the right spell? That gives 9 again to an item))
Justin:((COntrol object, I'm dumb. The dice is correct though.))
GM (GM):((Are you interfacing with a spirit?))
Justin:((Control object is a matter + spirit rote that rouses the sleeping spirits inherent in all objects and subliminally controls them))
GM (GM):((Oh, it's the 'do your thing buddy'))
Lucas:(("Interfacing" is so impersonal. I prefer to call it "Makin buddies"))
Lucas:((Stop doing your thing, buddy))
GM (GM):So the healing heart works, and as soon as you contact the spirit of a gas dispenser, something interesting happens, you feel a greater spirit awaken as the alarm turns off, the spirit of the vault.
Dante:((Would you care to make a deposit today?))
Vault Spirit: "Hello. I sense intruders inside me, have you seen them?"
Eve K.:((... nope... I can't even))
GM (GM):Only Justin hears this
Eve K.:((that's why I said "I can't even" not "eve can't even"))
Dante:((I can't help but imagine the vault as the great deku tree now))
Eve K.:((I can't help but thinking "that's what she said"))
Justin:"Hello, and good to meet you. Yes, we are in the process of attempting to withdraw an item for it's proper owner, Theodore Remington. There are others in the vault attempting to abscond with it. Is this something that is within your power to help with?"
Eve K.:((also #Justincarry))
Lucas:((there are Intruders inside me, senpai. It's me, Vault-chan))
Eve K.:(( XD lmao))
Jessica:((this is amazing))
Justin:Justin vaguely stares up at the valve as his mouth occasionally moves while he talks in his head.
Vault Spirit: "You have security permission, but I have never seen you before. How would I know you're not a trickster..."
Lucas:((I will now destroy everyone inside me))
Vault Spirit: "All who work within me know numbers. Help me out with a problem, and I will trust you. Tit for tat."
Eve K.:((Ohh noooos not math))
GM (GM):This is happening mid battle yes
Justin:"Very well... I'll do what I can to help with your verification."
GM (GM):At the speed of thought, an image shows up in Justin's head, and only in Justin's.
Vault Spirit: "Find me the missing number, and I will help you".
GM (GM):
Justin, you slip into a trance.
Justin:"Hmmm okay...
GM (GM):We can continue with rounds, and on his turn Justin can find the answer and then something is gonna happen. The gas does turn off, and Kurtis stands up.
Justin:"7 plus 2, plus 9, plus 9 is 27"
GM (GM):In Trance, Justin can calculate and sort of ignore the rest of the fray
Justin:"So 2 plus 1 plus 3 plus 6 is 12"
"The missing number would be 12."
Vault Spirit: "Ah Yes! You know numbers! Very well, I trust you. Now, about those intruders. They are inside?"
Justin:"They're in the vault, but one of my compatriots is also in there. They have a parcel belonging to our client and will be attempting to disparate very soon. My compatriot is the Dread Knight Brawler, their leader is the Man with the Unkillable Face" Justin does his best to thread in the langauge of the spirits as he discusses the situation with the Vault Spirit.
"Dissipate rather."
GM (GM):Lucas, you feel the floor beneath your feet start to heat up. Fast.
Eve K.:((Dread Knight Brawler is a pretty badass title btw))
Dante:((It sure is))
Vault Spirit: "Your friend best come out swiftly. Time for a cleaning. None break into Division One!"
Justin:"Big guy, get the paper and get out."
Jessica:((man with unkillable face is amazing))
Eve K.:((yeah that's a good one too))
GM (GM):That's round 2. Round 3 starts with Nestor. Reinforcements are somewhere on the way
Nestor Fenneghan:"Agh! Get off of me, I won't let you have it!" - Nestor tries his best to beat Lucas off and protect the parcel, scrambling to not touch the heating floor with any bare skin, the envelop threatens to burn soon, and the floor heats fast like a stove turned on.
"Jason! Where are you? ETA on that portal?!"
Nestor is going to use his full defense against Lucas's attempt to take the parcel.
and that's his action. There is no way he can fight or harm us, and as far as he knows, he is stuck in a maze without an exit.
GM (GM):Dante is next.
Jessica:((Dante if you don't have another idea please verify we aren't being faked out about the parcel)
((It would take me two turns to do that. I can't see into darkness.))
((And thats if I could even get into Nestor's head at all))
Dante:Dante calls out, repositioning himself in front of the heavy wall as if in preparation. "Give a holler when you've got it! We can't hang around much longer."
((I'm delaying my action))
Kurtis Kerner:Hollers "We don't have to get the parcel, just gotta make sure they don't get it. Brick, get your ass outta there." A fireball starts forming in his hand, holding action for Brick to get out
Dante:((If you have an idea that would let me do what you're thinking in on turn I'm totally open to that, just fyi. I don't know though.))
Lucas:((Nestor is blind and prone, right?))
Eve K.:((yup))
Dante:((If Nestor is in total darkness does he even get his defense? I am not sure how that works))
GM (GM):He is blind and prone and he is balled up with his weight on the Parcel, like, he's trying to be in a fetal position, if the floor wasn't heating up. So while he cannot effectively defend against actual attacks, his turn is specifically to use defense against attempts to pry the parcel from his hands.
You can kick, slash, punch at him and his defense wont apply, abuse him all you want
it's the specific thing he is doing, holding on to it
Eve K.:"Just bring him out here if you can't get it from him"
Justin:((Combine Correspondence with Finder should do the trick Dante.))
GM (GM):so trying to take it from him is a -6, because you're in the darkness too
although you can see the envelope itself
just can't see how Nestor's body is positioned
Lucas:((I'm gonna grapple him and carry him outside))
GM (GM):that is... hmm an idea.
Jessica:((bruh let him burn))
Justin:((Take the thing!))
GM (GM):See, you can see the parcel, but when it comes to grappling, you are both fighting blind
Dante:((That combined spell could work, but it'd be a chance die. The sympathetic connection nukes the dice I think))
Lucas:((Does he have any cash on him?))
Eve K.:((lololol))
GM (GM):So i guess both are at no defense and.... for him to do anything to you in a grapple would be a chance die, he doesn't know where you're coming from. You at least see the parcel, so you just get a penalty, of -5, which is the shadow durability. He won't have his defense against being grappled.
But then you will have to find the way out in the dark
Justin:((Does Shadow count as cover for melee?))
Lucas:((fighting blind is a minus 2 penalty))
GM (GM):((I don't know but i don't exactly know how to penalty a blind grapple while magically orienting onto a parcel))
((ah, ok, so -2 to both you an Nestor then?))
(From Eve K.): Can't eve drop the shadow for Lucas so he can see through it?
Justin:((Welcome to mage, where the rules stack higher and more perilously than Jenga.))
Dante:((If this was D&D 5E... "just slap disadvantage on everything and call it a day"))
Eve K.:((Least its not "Who's Line is it anyway" where the rules are made up))
(To Eve K.): Yes she can
The Storyteller makes a Wits + Composure roll for you, keeping the result secret (or he may substitute Survival if the situation applies).
Dramatic Failure: Your character is convinced that he knows the target's location, but is completely off base. Failure: Your character cannot locate the target but can attack blindly where he believes her to be. The Storyteller may make a secret chance roll, as per the rules above, assuming your character attacks in the right direction at all.
Success: Your character can attack the target as if she is substantially concealed (-3 penalty).
Exceptional Success: Your character can attack the target as if she is partially concealed (-2 penalty). Once your character has succeeded on an attack, a roll must be made for him by the Storyteller each turn to keep an ear on the target. This is a reflexive Wits + Composure roll (although Survival might substitute for Composure if the Storyteller agrees). The Storyteller can decide whether or not the same listening modifiers apply from turn to turn.
(To Eve K.): but on your turn
GM (GM):Okay, Lucas, a roll for you is made
Lucas:((Do i do it?))
Justin:((No, it was made in secret. But the result would have to be revealed so you know how much to subtract from your roll.))
((Which seems short-sighted.))
Dante:((They have a lot of weirdly short-sighted rules lol))
Dante:((Ooh a blindness pun, I didn't catch it at first.))
GM (GM):You grapple someone in the general direction of the parchment, but someone else runs into you, and it looks like you're establishing grapple against someone in a helmet.
((He had 0 successes lol))
((with two 1s lol, a crit even))
What do you do?
You can try to establish grapple dominance with an opponent and carry them out
Lucas:((I mean, he has to realize the guy isnt who hes supposed to be grappling))
GM (GM):You know that the guy with the parcel was not in a helmet, so you can also try to break free of this guy
just trying to get what your action is
what kind of boots is Brick wearing?
it's starting to smell like burning rubber from the merc boots
Lucas:((I dont want this guy. im gonna toss him like garbage))
GM (GM):melting rubber rather
Okay then roll a grapple
Lucas:((Yeah, hes got on those big goth boots. theyre gonna melt eventually))
GM (GM):str + brawl against his str + brawl, you both are blind so i guess the penalty doesnt matter
Lucas:(( str 3 + Brawl 5 plus WP 3= 11))
GM (GM):go for it
rolling 11d10>8!
2 Successes
PMC:((str 3 + brawl 4 = 7))
rolling 7d10>8!
1 Success
You toss him aside.
GM (GM):That's your turn
Lucas:((I cant move too?))
GM (GM):((you can))
Lucas:((I move towards the papers that my group was holding))
GM (GM):That's smart.
Lucas emerges from the vault.
Dante:Seeing Lucas exit the vault, he glances to Kurtis who looks ready to throw flame.
Lucas:Lucas comes out drenched in sweat, steaming, and smelling of burnt rubber. "Hoo boy. yy'all might wanna stay put here. its hotter than the devils pouch in the front row of church in there!"
Justin:"You go to church?"
Eve K. bursts out laughing "Justin get out of my mind"
Dante:((If I was to buff Kurtis in a way that would reduce his penalty of a ranged attack, would that count toward the fireball he's about to throw?))
Lucas:Lucas chuckles. "It's been a minute, but i have been before. I'm from Alabama. . . But its more like, you can imagine how much the devil'd be sweatin if he sat up front at a sunday service, right?"
Kurtis Kerner:((Lobbing a fireball is a ranged attack, like a thunderbolt would be))
Dante:((Dante will act.))
Justin:Justin just narrows his eyes in consternation and waits for Kurt to throw his signature spell.
Dante:*Seeing no other option in the moment, he will focus on Kurt, attempting to bestow on him a clearer understanding of the space around him. ((Impromptu Spatial Awareness))
rolling 9d10>8!
2 Successes
((2 dice can be used to reduce penalties based on environment or concealment))
GM (GM):((oh wow))
Dante:((Each success eliminates one penalty die to the mage’s ranged attack dice pool in the following turn, helping her to offset (or eliminate) penalties for opponents’ concealment or other spatially based conditions such as hitting a prone target. She cannot gain bonus dice by virtue of this spell; it simply eliminates penalties. ))
((Ted doesn't really need the check anyway, right? He'd just tear it up.))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurtis smiles at Brick "It's about to get a hella lot hotter. Eve, give me a clear shot!"
the flame has focused in his hand, action holding til Eve can go
Eve K. nods glancing back at Kurtis
PMC:But PMC's go first, they are trying to gang up on Nestor's voice, taking a penalty, cause tanticle keeps tripping someone, but at least some of them do manage to sort of congregate.
Dante:((Sorry for clarification that was Spatial Map, not Spatial Awareness))
PMC:They can't effectively fire, because they do not know which way fire will bounce back
All they do is surround Nestor
Eve's turn
Eve K. eyes flicker black for a moment as she takes a deep breath in the shadow is now see through for everyone in the Rumored cabal. She steps down out of the way but before losing line of sight points her iron dagger towards the vault before speaking in Atlantian "Take a deep breath"
Eve K.:casting transmute air impromtu
rolling 9d10>8!
5 Successes
changing all the nitrogen in the vault into oxygen
Jessica:((holy shit))
Justin:((If you let me go I'll make it even worse, I promise.))
Eve K.:"Everyone should.."
GM (GM):((Ok this is only in the vault, yes?))
Dante:((It would almost be rude not to let Justin go at this point))
Eve K.:((Yes. LIke.. up to the line I'm about to draw))
Well.. basically where the darkness is
to save time
Dante:(( there? ))
Eve K.:yeh
((they bunched up so nicely))
Kurtis Kerner:That fireball is almost ready to burst as the turbines roar and Kurt's hair steams with anticipation, his ears will start smoking any second now as he catches Justin's glance and squeezes his fist so tight the knuckles are white, letting him go first
Dante:((Jessica is after Eve right?))
Jessica:((I'll hold/duck further out of the way of the fireball))
Justin:Justin reaches a hand out indoors, simultaneously making all the sweat light up like beacons to his life sight, and transmuting that sweat to nitroglycerine. ((Combine Life Sight 8 with Transmute Water 11, 6 dice))
rolling 6d10>8!
1 Success
((Approximately a milk jug worth of sweat.))
Eve K.:((gross. But effective))
Jessica:((that's probably all the sweat in the room)
Justin:((Which is probably as much as everyone's sweat combined in the room.))
Kurtis Kerner:Does anyone wanna calculate bonuses for me? The range penalty for prone Nestor are negated for me by Dante, the oxygen succeeded with 5 and nitro with 1
Dante:(( I almost feel bad for the Vault Spirit at this point))
Eve K.:((Well the parcel is fucked, at the very least))
Justin:((It's ranged, which means it still needs to get through the 5 power wall. I figure once it's in, they're fucked though.))
((Unless Eve wants to drop it.))
Eve K.:((No I took the wall down for friends
Justin:((Cool cool...)
Dante:((Does it still have durability tho?))
Eve K.:((Shadow spell is no longer affected any of the rumored cabal))
Jessica:((if dm prefers))
Dante:((I had no idea that could be done))
Jessica:((you could treat all these things like damage mods on weapons))
so you roll normally and add x lethal or agg on a success))
Kurtis Kerner:((I know shadows can move, but can they exclude certain people from seeing them?))
Jessica:((instead of trying to add up dice))
Lucas:((Any way we can have kurt chuck the ball and slam the door behind it? the backdraft is probably gonna kill us))
Kurtis Kerner:((I think it's safe if Eve drops it, i doubt anyone is gonna be firing at us, considering theyre paranoid about their directions))
Eve K.:(( Per section on controlling spells: Mages can, however, restrict the factors of an existing spell
to exclude targets, reduce the spell’s Potency, or even eliminate
it altogether. You can exclude a particular target from
an existing spell’s effect, such as excluding an ally from a
warding spell to allow the ally to pass through the warded
Kurtis Kerner:((oh wow))
Eve K.:((eve is removing you all as targets of her spell))
Kurtis Kerner:((does that have limitations or cost anything to do? does it mean i could exclude friendlies from being hit by fireballs?
((do you need to allocate successes to exclusion?))
((what page is it on?))
Eve K.:((128))
Dante:((Well this is fucking neato))
Kurtis Kerner:((wow, so you can exclude and decrease at will, and that becomes permanent, you just need to recast if you want to add targets back again))
So -2 for prone + 2 for Dante + 1 for Justin and +5 for Eve ?
and i'm assuming all the damage done will be agg
Justin:((That sounds about right.))
((Any bonuses for the spirit?))
((Cleaning bonuses?))
Dante:((+5 to spicy))
Kurtis Kerner:((yeah, the ground is hot so it's melting their shoes, so their gear doesn't protect them as good, but yeah let's say it's a +1))
Justin:((Do the shadows give a bonus for keeping things nice and contained?))
((Fire that doesn't get to spread is strong fire.))
Dante:((Do the questions about bonuses give a bonus for being proactively trying to secure bonuses?))
((I want a big roll with lots of bonuses.))
((I love bonuses.))
Dante:((Yea buddy))
Kurtis Kerner:so +7 and the rote is Presence + Science + Forces, but my dice pool on that is actually worse now than just using gnosis, so using that.
Gnosis 4 + Forces 5 + Forces Ring 1 + Willpower 3 + 7
this might be the largest dice pool in a while
1 mana out
so, 20 dice pool
rolling 20d10>8!
7 Successes
Justin:((KILL NESTER))
Dante:((Sorry the parcel has 9 hp))
Eve K.:((Oh also they might feel a touch light headed from that 90% oxy they are breathing))
Dante:((Uhhh that probably won't matter))
Jessica:((or light headed from not having a head anymore))
Dante:(( ^ ))
GM (GM):So, the guys -are- spread out, so they're not all instantly dead. Their gear is melted to shit, the farther ones took 5 agg, Guy 6 took 6 agg from the area, Guy 5 is fucking crispy chicken, he's instantly dead and his remains a burning, Lucas takes 3 agg from the doorway backdraft, and as for Nestor.... the burnt to crisp parcel becomes ash as it was hit dead on with the hottest part of the fireball, and the fist clenching it, relaxes, as a stocky older african american gentleman in a mercenary uniform, dressed exactly as Nestor was, collapses limp without senses, as the floor continues to heat up, and screaming is now engulfing the room.
You all feel a great suction as the oxygen is consumed forming a vacuum, as the wind blows through the vault door, now the fire alarm activates as well, sprinklers pop out, but don't go off, the friendly spirit taking care of business, as a portal starts to form above the african american gentleman's body, but then, as if someone changed their mind, disintegrates.
Eve K.:((
Eve K.:"We should go now"
GM (GM):The great flame actually parts the shadows for a flash, enough to give the mercs an idea which direction to run in, they dash towards the door, but the vault violently snaps shut, Lucas barely managing to get out of the way. Locks click into place, security protocols engaging, and screaming muffles inside.
You get a feeling that Eve is right, and that bank security is on the way. Someone with a brain probably realized that the Spirits were tricked and the access override Prime Puzzle was solved, that someone broke in and faked access, and the Bank Spirits need a re-initiation rituals again.
It would be a great time to get the fuck out.
Dante:"Wh-what the fuck? The door just shut!" Dante tries to ignore the muffled screams from within. ((Where'd we leave the vehicle?))
Eve K. takes a deep breath in through her mouth "More reason to leave, it's really close to midnight"
Kurtis Kerner:Blows out his finger "Thanks for the boost, team, great shot."
GM (GM):((where ever you left it, it's chalked and it's safe, I assume))
Dante:"Am I taking us to the truck? I guess that's our best option." Dante concentrates, reaching out to feel his connection to the chalk on the truck.
GM (GM):The connection is there.
Dante:((Scrying on it))
rolling 7d10>8!
0 Successes
Kurtis Kerner:"Yeah let's get the fuck out of here."
Dante:((of course))
Dante, rattled at the events of the evening, shakes his head and vigorously rubs days old stubble. "Let's get out of here, yeah." Dante pulls himself to the truck.
GM (GM):You can still touch the truck's mark, but are unable to scry on it. Possibly, the magic protocols are reactivating.
Dante, describe the location where you parked the truck last.
Justin:((Parking garage right? Where we cleaned up "Fernando"))
Dante:((Well we at least drove near the bank did we not?))
((Or did we go by some other method?))
Justin:((I think we took the hummer there.))
GM (GM):((probably around the bank area somewhere))
((hummer truck is what i mean))
((cause the van is toast))
Dante:((I'd say we prolly parked a couple blocks away at the furthest. Hummer is what I'm referring to yeah. I keep saying truck coz its 5:30 am lol))
GM (GM):((our hummer is the truck))
Dante:((Yeah it'd have been parked maybe a couple blocks away. Somewhere out of immediate view, an alley maybe?))
GM (GM):You find yourself in that alley just as it was. A big old black cat is sitting on a trash can, eyeing you
Dante:Dante will stare at the cat for a moment and then start pulling people through. He'll save Lucas for last.
Cat: "Myow"
Dante:((don't fireball me cat))
Cat: watches this, tensing with each reappearing person, not sure what it's seeing.
GM (GM):roll strength to pull Lucas
Dante:Dante will try to approach the side of a building and prop his leg up against it when he goes to pull Lucas.
((Any kind of bonus for leverage?))
Eve K.:((In my head canon cats have supernal vision as a natural talent))
Dante:((Cats are pretty magical))
GM (GM):+2 bonus for leverage
Dante:((oh baby, that brings a 4 to a 6))
GM (GM):good thinking
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
GM (GM):Lucas is in
Lucas:(Lucas is gonna sort of hop in the direction of the pull))
Jessica:((holy shit that would have been awful))
Cat: "Myow?"
Dante:((Oh yeah, would it help if Lucas hopped toward my hand when I grab him?))
Jessica:((cat is a familiar))
Dante:Dante turns back to the cat as it meows again. In a hushed tone, "Now don't go telling anyone about this.."
((Can I.. read the cat's mind somehow?))
Lucas:((The question, Dante, is can the cat read yours?)
Dante:((I'm gonna try it. Its totally abstract but hey fuck it right?))
GM (GM):((you can try))
Dante:Dante tries to get a read on this thing, bringing up his mind sight and then trying to scrutinize it
Justin:While Dante tries his ridiculous, Justin just flips on spirit sight.
rolling 6d10>8!
3 Successes
Jessica:((justin should help him read its mind))
rolling 9d10>8! ((Mind sight))
2 Successes
((now read the depths if I even can comprehend it))
Eve K. leans against the hummer licking her rapidly elongating canines
rolling 9d10>8!
1 Success
GM (GM):Justin, just dormant spirits here, but there is an active spirit here attached to your group, it sort of zooms around you like an amorphous sprite - it's a spirit of triumph, victory, successful heist
Justin:"That's not a Familiar. Getting in the car."
Justin opens the car door and gets inside, his heart still thumping from the adrenaline of the battle.
GM (GM):
rolling 4d10>8!
1 Success
Dante:Dante squints, not breaking eye contact with the cat. "Maybe not, but it is a curious cat."
Cat: "Myow..." scuffs and scatters off, its mind's workings a mystery to you.
Dante:Dante gives a shrug and hurries to the driver's seat without a word.
Eve K. climbs into the Hummer picking a back window seat
Dante:((Now he's gonna go tell all his cat friends about this))
Eve K.:(("Silly mages, trying to learn jelical cat secrets, don't they know cats have 3 different names"))
Kurtis Kerner:Kurt didn't even notice the cat, he gets into the car and grabs his weapons, slinging holsters around himself.
"Nestor really has it out for me. Well. I have it out for him too. Whoever he is."
Dante:"Fuck Nestor." Dante grits his teeth and starts up the hummer.
After Credits Scene
Eve K.:((grabs popcorn))
Dante:((personally I hope we find out what happened to the concrete football))
((or titanium? whatever it was))
Lucas:((It was SUPPOSED to be a pillow))
GM (GM):September 26th, early evening, mere hours before the heist. A dark skinned tattooed man opens white milky eyes, shaken from his dream. He stands from his pedestal in the middle of a pentagram, surrounded by totem poles. He speaks straight ahead of himself, at the empty room.
"My Lady, we are in danger. The accountant. Has betrayed. You must retrieve the money now. Tonight."
Jessica:((oh no))
GM (GM):"What did you see? Who?"
"The Paths of Fate are interwoven. Someone small, someone big, someone weak, someone powerful. Simon's killer approaches. You must send Nestor with haste."
"Thank you, Owl."
Jessica:((Owl is cool))
GM (GM):September 27th, minutes past midnight, as the Hummer of the Rumored Five drives off.
A jeweled hand, beautiful, feminine, strikes the table. 4 figures sit at the table, their faces concealed.
"Damn it. We're in trouble now. This Kerner refuses to die!"
"Let him come."
Justin:((We can turn him. He was team Forester if I recall correctly.))
GM (GM):At the same time, in the Hummer.
Eve: "Um, guys, I'm getting really hungry..."
A flash of fangs, and a comedic moment as a bunch of sleeves are rolling up offering for a bite just to keep her quiet and not cause Dante to have an accident.
The End
GM (GM):7 exp all
a mighty session
Eve K.:wheee
Dante:good jorb all
THat was fantastic.
Dante:That vault spirit was some cool shit
GM (GM):You guys have concluded the Theodore Remington sub-arc, and have now officially converted another outer circle ally, and debuffed the final boss.
Don't forget that Lucas has bad burns that need healing, otherwise they will take weeks on their own
Justin:Yup, we'll get to that soon.
Dante:And also like ya know uhhh addressing the vampire in the room
Justin:Not it.
*touches his nose8
Dante:None of us should be it, we figured out already it was bad bad
Eve K.:I had half a mind to have eve eat Nestor clone but then the room started getting hot
Lucas:The great vault oven of 2019
Eve K.:just drop eve off at a fetish bar ;)
Dante:I mean we're in germany so there's one of those at every corner right?
Eve K.:basically
Lucas:prretty sure this is Lucas' first Agg
Eve K.:next to the bratwurst stands
Dante:Its also his second agg
and his third agg
Eve K.:lol
Lucas:Bratwurst, Beer, and wild fetish workers, step right up!!
Jessica:((buying Fate 3))
Dante:more powerrrrr
Lucas:im going to bed guys. same time next week? im gonna use my xp to invest in better hurty hurty punchy stuff
Dante:We'll see. Tentatively next week. I'll let ya'll know by Thursday at latest.
Jessica:nice job everyone
Justin:Fantastic, thanks KK.
Lucas:high fives all around
Justin:Was a damn good combat.
Dante:Five highs for the Rumored Fi - Six
Justin:Rumored Five*
*(Never actually five.)
Lucas:dude, i was afraid i wasnt gonna get any intimidations and i was gonna feel silly
Dante:That's why its a rumor haha
I'm glad you got that one guy lmao
I can't believe they all matched you
Eve K.:((anyone else notice nightowl only described 5 ppl?))
Justin:((He was describing one person.))
Lucas:we're the rumored five, duh
Dante:Someone small, someone big, someone weak, someone powerful
Then Simon's killer.
Eve K.:mmhmm. Anyway ni ni

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