Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 00:07
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 00:07
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.


(2) Anthony (enter): 22:00
(1) Konrad Knox: greetingssss
(1) Konrad Knox: waiting on others
(1) Konrad Knox: rachel was on 2 hrs ago so they should be on
(1) Konrad Knox: read Tristin log its hilarious
(1) Konrad Knox: they kept fighting for the spear
(2) Anthony: reading it now
(3) Eve (enter): 22:05
(2) Anthony: why the hell did he pick up the buckets of water?
(1) Konrad Knox: no clue
(1) Konrad Knox: what would you do?
(2) Anthony: Being a life mage? I would of inspected the water, if it looked find tasted it
(2) Anthony: But then Tony is used to potions
(1) Konrad Knox: being acanthus
(2) Anthony: Tiem and fate? I would of been curious why the buckets were there and looked at hteir past
(1) Konrad Knox: with life and spirit sight you'd find nothing add about the water. prime is the key. prime would tell you its charged with mana
(2) Anthony: Yes, which is why he would of tasted it
(2) Anthony: tasting it he woudl of felt hte mana
(1) Konrad Knox: yup
(1) Konrad Knox: you'd feel like... magically full
(2) Anthony: But then Tony is more studied up on potions, concoction,s mana
(1) Konrad Knox: a boost of energy
(1) Konrad Knox: like drinking a lot of caffeine
(4) Robin (enter): 22:09
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Robin...
(2) Anthony: Evening robin
(2) Anthony: Or morning as the case may be
(5) Tristin (enter): 22:09
(4) Robin: good evening.
(2) Anthony: And Tristin :d
(5) Tristin: Bad Eveneing!
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Tristin...
(3) Eve: Bad?
(2) Anthony: Bad? ahh, what's wrong?
(5) Tristin: I cast monkey's paw on all your pants!!!
(1) Konrad Knox: well maybe if nobody's connection gets assraped, we might actuallyhave a game
(5) Tristin: muhuhahahahaha
(2) Anthony: heh
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, i figured out why monkey paw worked that way
(1) Konrad Knox: he cursed his own spear. it lead to HIS demise
(2) Anthony: yeah, was kinda a bummer last week. "Sorry, we dropped your internet for about 12 hours. We didn't think we needed to wrn you."
(5) Tristin: Duh
(5) Tristin: Agreed Tony
** (2) Anthony turns to Robin, "Dosn't it seem like we've been walking to this gate for weeks? I mean, my feet keep moving but we're not getting anywhere. Maybe we're stuck in some sort of space loop" **
(1) Konrad Knox: so, ok, as claire told me, apparently what happened is that in the beginning of this new chapter, your mana and WP werent reset back on GM sheets, hence the recent confusions i had about them. Can everyone tell me what you have on sheets plz so i can mark it?
(4) Robin: lol.
(2) Anthony: Is willpower reset automatically?
(3) Eve: after more than 3 weeks yes.
(1) Konrad Knox: in beginning of new chapter yes
(1) Konrad Knox: last session Tony said 11 mana, 5 WP. this is what my sheet reads. is yours read differently?
(5) Tristin: 2 damage 1 ag 1 lethal. 1 WP, no mana
(2) Anthony: 10 mana, 5 willpower
(2) Anthony: Oh, so I should have 11 mana then?
(1) Konrad Knox: 11
(1) Konrad Knox: your total is 12
(2) Anthony: marking 11
(3) Eve: Technically if you've done nothing for a full week unless you have a willpower higher than 7 it would all be restored. You get one back every night.
(2) Anthony: I haven't used any mana
(3) Eve: You sleep.
(1) Konrad Knox: for gnosis 2 max mana is 12
(2) Anthony: Okay, marking 12
(3) Eve: Mine are all still the same as before.
(4) Robin: uh...wp and mana are based off what again?
(2) Anthony: Willpower is 5, which I think is my normalmax?
(2) Anthony: mana is 10 + gnosis thereabouts
(2) Anthony: until ghosis 5 then it jumps
(1) Konrad Knox: anthony is gnosis 3?
(4) Robin: so am i
(2) Anthony: 2
(1) Konrad Knox: it gets confusing
(2) Anthony: anthony is gnosis 2
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, page 76 book
(4) Robin: or I have gnosis 3.
(1) Konrad Knox: gnosis 2 mana 11
(1) Konrad Knox: gnosis 3 mana 12
(2) Anthony: okay, 9 + gnosis then:d
(2) Anthony: so I have 11 mana
(1) Konrad Knox: 4-13
(1) Konrad Knox: 5-14
(2) Anthony: wht is my willpower, 5?
(1) Konrad Knox: 6-15
(1) Konrad Knox: 7-20
(1) Konrad Knox: 8-30
(1) Konrad Knox: 9-50
(1) Konrad Knox: 10-100
(1) Konrad Knox: mana skyrockets
(4) Robin: i have 8 mana left, then
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony your total wp is 7. u have left 5
(2) Anthony: willpower = resolve + composure right?
(1) Konrad Knox: yes
(1) Konrad Knox: no WP = wisdom
(1) Konrad Knox: Wisdom rolls are resolve+comp
(1) Konrad Knox: to avoid derangements or degradation
(1) Konrad Knox: when u kill someone
(2) Anthony: Okay, starting is resolve + composure then, max is widowm. got it. which is why I have 5
(1) Konrad Knox: resolve+comp determines if u suffer wisdom loss
(1) Konrad Knox: right
(5) Tristin: With our 20 mana char sheets we'll have to use one for 10s and 1 for 1s late game
(5) Tristin: 1 row I mean
(2) Anthony: Or jsut have the programmer fix the sheet
(2) Anthony: but, true, tristin, that works too
(2) Anthony: although you can't mark them that way
(2) Anthony: it wn't let you
(4) Robin: oh, and 3 wp for me too.
(5) Tristin: you can fix them to let us?
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you have 8 mana on my sheet and 4 Wp left
(1) Konrad Knox: is that correct?
(2) Anthony: I can do anything. *muahahhahahahaha*
(4) Robin: i only have 3 wits
(5) Tristin: -anything?-
(4) Robin: and i thought that was the same as wp
** (3) Eve makes tony do her taxes in that case... **
(5) Tristin: lol Eve
(2) Anthony: No, starting willpower is resolve + composure. max willpower is wisdom (7)
(1) Konrad Knox: yeah, in the start ofthis chapter you all regained your Wp to 7
(1) Konrad Knox: except eve who has 6
(2) Anthony: so I get 2 more willpower then for 7?
(2) Anthony: cause I have 5 marked now, I've never had more than 5
(1) Konrad Knox: u havent used Wp in my chapter?
(2) Anthony: I've never ever used willpower ever
(1) Konrad Knox: 7
(4) Robin: no, i haven't used any wp yet, either.
(2) Anthony: Okay, I'm ready for a box, but gonna go smoke a cig real quick so whenever we're ready
(2) Anthony: back
(5) Tristin: I have!!
(5) Tristin: Pick me!
(2) Anthony: oooh, oooh, mister karter! pick me! pick me! oooh, ooh, mister karter!
(4) Robin: lol mana water...
(5) Tristin: Stupid buckets... wouldn't need it if I would have drinkeded the water...
(2) Anthony: heh
(1) Konrad Knox: ok. willpower IS resolve+comp.
(3) Eve: Of course it is.
(1) Konrad Knox: its on the charsheet
(2) Anthony: Okay, max swillpower IS resolve + comp, not wisdom
(2) Anthony: back down to 5
(2) Anthony: tht's starting maybe?
(4) Robin: mine is 6, then.
(3) Eve: Am I the only one who actually looked at the bottom of the character sheet for all those helpful reminders?
(1) Konrad Knox: why did Terr had us mark it as wisdom?
(2) Anthony: but from teh sheet is where Ig ot it, yeah
(2) Anthony: let me check mas...
(4) Robin: ine doesnt work.
(2) Anthony: Terr is an idiot
(4) Robin: mine*
(5) Tristin: Yeah, that would make evil mages blow...
(3) Eve: ...I can think of a few reasons.. starts with dumb.. and sounds like bass...
(2) Anthony: he did all kinds of things wrong
(2) Anthony: wiell have to check the base book for willpwoer
(2) Anthony: resolve + comp
(2) Anthony: back down to 5
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, so Tristin has it at 5 as well, cool
(5) Tristin: yesh... does that mean I have no WP now?
(5) Tristin: :(
(1) Konrad Knox: though he currently has none, yes
(2) Anthony: But wait
(2) Anthony: According to the book to get willpower back you have to spend experience points
(1) Konrad Knox: u guys probably gonna track your own, cause i keep getting it wrong.
(2) Anthony: Do we get it restored automatically anyway?
(3) Eve: That is if you use a perminate willpower to do something.. like create life.
(5) Tristin: Yes, when you do your virtue or vice
(2) Anthony: Oh, right
(1) Konrad Knox: the way i understand you regain 1 per day you sleep
(2) Anthony: spending it that way temporarily lowers the maximim. got it
(1) Konrad Knox: 1 for a vice
(1) Konrad Knox: all for virtue
(2) Anthony: So I would get it back for curing hte guys cancer anyway then:P
(5) Tristin: Yeah
(5) Tristin: Well no
(2) Anthony: yeah, it didnt' really cost me anything
(2) Anthony: an act of charity has to cost something
(5) Tristin: With charity you have to put your life in danger for someone else
(5) Tristin: then we get our WP back
(5) Tristin: You me and Robin all have that.
** (2) Anthony kicks himself for leaving his passport at home **
(2) Anthony: It his safety deposit box probably
(2) Anthony: *in
(1) Konrad Knox: eve said 2 wp per virtue, so i may be wrong, maybe Mage has a diff rule
(1) Konrad Knox: WoD says virtue restores all wp
(5) Tristin: Tristin should invest in one of those... we going to switzerland any time soon?
(2) Anthony: I was thinking of how a matter mage could easily get moeny
(2) Anthony: Just go gold snipping with matter sight up
(5) Tristin: hehe
(2) Anthony: sniping
(2) Anthony: reading the description of matter sight, it would do it too
(2) Anthony: you would know where all the gold was int he gorund
(1) Konrad Knox: yea charity you cant just give something away that u have a lot of
(1) Konrad Knox: it has to be sacrifice
(1) Konrad Knox: Hope is the suckiest
(1) Konrad Knox: u have to make others hope too
(4) Robin: haha
** (1) Konrad Knox wonders why ppl voted for him to GM as he is noob at it apparently **
(4) Robin: im a mind mage, i shouldve picked hope
(2) Anthony: I just had a vision of 3 mages strapped by their ankles over a pit of lava and hte middle one saying, "Ahh, come one guys, we're gonna get out of here! Really!"
(4) Robin: lol
(5) Tristin: Don't care, it's been a fun game with both of you as GMs... I bet Tony would be good too.... *nudge KK*
(1) Konrad Knox: he'd be pretty excellent gm for sure
(5) Tristin: Just don't pass it this way... I suck.
(2) Anthony: I gotta come up with something though. I have one thing but it's more of a side quest thing
(1) Konrad Knox: maybe you get teh GM stick next chapter?
(2) Anthony: I gotta come up with a main story though
(2) Anthony: been thinking on it
(1) Konrad Knox: cool, u still have at least 6 week
(2) Anthony: I have a few smallt hings, but no big theme yet
(2) Anthony: It's gonna take us tht long to get through this game XD
(2) Anthony: *gate
(1) Konrad Knox: anyway, Tristin walks out of the pyramid beat up, potion healing him, he got 1 uber dmg on him, up to him, can be a scar or whatever. Eve is flying a 747 over North Atlantic Ocean, and Tony and Robin made it to the city gates.

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(2) Anthony: I wonder if ucahwi can teach me a language
(2) Anthony: even temorarily
(2) Anthony: I'll have to ask him once the box comes up
(2) Anthony: (( /me envisions konrad asking claire right about nwo ))
(5) Tristin: Checking on the name I gave you, Ediphon, correct?
(1) Konrad Knox:

Episode 4... i think

(5) Tristin: *Dings the bell*
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Ediphon is correct))
(2) Anthony: "Hey Uchawi, can you teach me their langauge for a while? Not sure how your knowledge git works."
(2) Anthony: *gift
(1) Konrad Knox: ((yup. this is where u ask Claire. The familiar has 2 abilities: grant flight and encyclopdeic knowledge))
(2) Anthony: (( oh, then no ))
(2) Anthony: (( encyclopedic knowledge means uchawi knows it ))
(2) Anthony: (( enclyclpedic knowledge is a merit ))
** (5) Tristin walks out of the pyrimid holding Ediphon in one hand, a decent spear in the other. He sets down the road tword the city Tony and Robin left to. **
(1) Uchawi: "I can translate to you from most existing languages, but you'd have to do your own brainwork to learn it and remember."
(1) Uchawi: "What would you like translated?"
(2) Anthony: "Hmm.. okay. so you're like a reference book."
** (5) Tristin uses the spear like a walking stick. He drank a healing potion hopeing it would help from the battle, but he still aches like he cannot explain. **
(2) Anthony: "No, just wanted to be able to speak to them in their own tongue. It's okay" tony ruffles uchawi's feathers
(1) Officer: "Identification and passport please!" - speaks in bad english with an arabic accent
(2) Anthony: "Hi, I seemd to have lost my passport, I'll have to get a new one sent from the embassy. Here is my (what state I live in?) ID"
** (2) Anthony pulls out his state ID **
(1) Officer: (oregon)
** (2) Anthony pulls out his Oregon ID **
** (1) Officer does not look happy **
** (4) Robin sets down her bag to rumage through it. **
(2) Anthony: "We're actually here because I'm an American Doctor and I was told the Mayer's son was sick?"
(1) Officer: "Do you have a traveler's visa?"
** (4) Robin finds her driver lisence rubbered banded to some cards. **
(2) Anthony: "Like I said, it got lost. I'll have to get one from the embassy. But we're just here to see the mayer."
(1) Officer: "Oh, yes! Very much so. A minute please."
** (2) Anthony smiles at Robin **
** (1) Officer gets on the radio with someone and goes into the booth to dial the phone **
** (4) Robin smiles **
whispering to Robin, u got incognito on still?
** (2) Anthony 's stomach growls **
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, it's been about four hours into your flight, you're over the ocean
** (2) Anthony is reminded of his watch and puts it back o n his wrist **
(3) Eve: Yay..
(2) Anthony: (( too bad my medicine bag is in my car ))
(1) Officer: you hear the voices from the booth, in arabic and english. "Yes, a man, doctor."
** (3) Eve gets up to go to the restroom assuming the fasten seatbelt sign is off, taking my bag, with the bottle of stuff in it with me. **
** (1) Flight Attendant gets out of the bathroom **
(1) Flight Attendant: Excuse me.
(3) Eve: #me steps out of the way as best she can.
** (1) Flight Attendant moves on **
(3) Eve: gah!
** (1) Flight Attendant is a sexy male **
** (3) Eve checks out his butt **
(2) Anthony: (( probably gay though ))
(4) Robin: first impression mind3 ))
** (3) Eve careful clambers into the bathroom **
** (1) Flight Attendant has a nice butt, but it would look better in blue jeans on a harley **
(4) Robin: ((mind 3+ gnosis 3))
(2) Anthony: (( you have mind? ))
(4) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],1,8,[10, 10, 5],6,1] = (3)
(4) Robin: ((yeah))
(5) Tristin: ((We have been over this =P ))
(4) Robin: ((i can mind control primates))
(4) Robin: ((wonder if it would work on this guy?))
** (3) Eve does that wonky thing with the liquid and the bracelet ring thing to see where about she is in relation to the gem. **
** (2) Anthony lifts the collar of his shrit to get some air down theire. Even though his metabalisms been slown down it's still freaking hot. At least it's not as humid as the rain forest though and Tony is used to the heat **
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, your spell works, on top of the Incognito. The guard simply does not notice you at all, acting like you're supposed to be there.
(5) Tristin: ((in addition to 1 pressence, hehe))
(1) Jared Willow: Eve, the glowing on the ring becomes a bit brighter, just a hue more green, and points in the same general direction, if only a little bit more towards your thumb
(1) Jared Willow: god...
(2) Anthony: (( ooops, sorry ))
(1) Konrad Knox: username changes whenever someone pms me lol))
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, do you have a compass?
(3) Eve: ...no.. but I know that the plane is going east.
(1) Konrad Knox: which way are you facing?
(1) Konrad Knox: how about... wits+survival
(3) Eve: sure.
(2) Anthony: (( moss always grows on the north side of the toilet ))
(4) Robin: ((thats probably not moss lol))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((rofl))
(3) Eve: ....
(1) Konrad Knox: u dont have to roll if u convince me in your logic
(1) Konrad Knox: plane has bathrooms in the nose and tail sections, on the left side
(1) Konrad Knox: ((torturing players is fun))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((her wits+survival is a chance die :) ))
(2) Anthony: (( would give me 6 ))
(3) Eve: Alright.. so.. I know that the airplane is going east, because from the US you have to go east to travel over the atlantic ocean, I would have had to face either towards the front of the plane or the back of the plane to get to a bathroom. Bathrooms are on either side of the isle, so, depending on which bathroom I took front or back, left or right I could figure out which direction I was facing an thus which way which ever thumb it is.. (which you didn't mention) is facing.
(1) Konrad Knox: which bathroom did you go into?
(3) Eve: Well since the front bathrooms are reserved for 1st class passengers, I must have taken the back bathroom.
(1) Konrad Knox: on the left or on the right?
(3) Eve: Right.
(2) Anthony: (( a mage flying coach? Unheard of! ))
(1) Konrad Knox: alright, so, facing the toilet, which direction are you in?
(3) Eve: So I'm in the back bathroom, North.
(1) Konrad Knox: Correct
(1) Konrad Knox: you can tell that the glowing on the ring's diameter is but a few milimeters more to the north now
(2) Anthony: (( one reason eveyr game should have space 1 :P ))
(1) Konrad Knox: it's mainly east and a slither to the north, just a bit
** (1) Officer returns to Anthony **
(3) Eve: (cool))
(1) Officer: "You like to see the Mayor's son now?"
** (3) Eve flushes to toilet to make it seem like she did something useful, washes her hands of the green stuff, puts the ring back on as a bracelet, and heads back to her seat where the pretzels await her. **
(2) Anthony: "Yes. Also, there is a gentlemen coming from the pyramids. When he gets here, also an american, can you direct him to where I"ll be? I'll follow you now."
** (2) Anthony follows the officer **
(1) Officer: "Is he your assistant? Who is he?"
(2) Anthony: "He is an associate, a friend."
(5) Tristin: ((Me bringing my dagger and spear there will be a tast....))
** (1) Officer directs you to another couple of officers who are waiting for you in the jeep **
(1) Officer: "Alright, alright, move ahead, come along now."
(5) Tristin: ((task*))
** (2) Anthony jumps into the back of the jeep as if by second nature being very familiar with them **
** (4) Robin picks up her bag and slings it on her back. **
** (4) Robin gets in the jeep if there is an open seat... **
** (1) Officer waves his hand past Anthony's back, as if he were directing traffic, and passes Robin under his arm, "Move along, move along please." **
(4) Robin: ((like stops me from following?))
** (1) Officer drives the jeep through the streets of the small village, a little market-filled town, with a few museums and fountains now and then. Most buildings are small, 2 to 3 stories tall, many streets are 1 story stone shacks **
(1) Officer: ((no, lets you get in))
(4) Robin: ((k))
(1) Officer: "You two from the west coast?"
** (1) Flight Attendant approaches Eve **
(4) Robin: "I am."
(2) Anthony: "I'm for Oregon. West coastish."
(1) Flight Attendant: "Anything to drink?"
(2) Anthony: (( was that officer to us? ))
(2) Anthony: "Oh, yes, I'm parched."
(1) Officer: ((no, no, thats flight attendant to Eve))
(5) Tristin: ((Officer looks at you funny))
(2) Anthony: "Incidently, you got any water? I"m very thirsty."
** (1) Officer passes them a flask of water **
** (2) Anthony 's stomach protests that it wan'ts something a little more solid in it than palin water **
** (2) Anthony drinks from the flask and hands it to Robin **
** (3) Eve glances up from the bad magazine that comes with the flight. **
(1) Officer: "You have no tools with you?"
(3) Eve: What do you have?
(2) Anthony: "I'm here for an examination at this time, I'll determine what tools I need."
(4) Robin: "thankyou." Robin drinks from the flask, handing it back to tony.
(1) Officer: "Our mayor's son is very ill, and nobody can diagnose him, his heart seems fine, and his lungs too, but he cannot breathe"
** (2) Anthony nods **
(2) Anthony: "Could be a number of things."
** (1) Flight Attendant to Eve, and only Eve: "We have ice water, coke and pepsi products, orange juice, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, grape, tomato and cherry. Wine and beer complimentary for the lady." **
(2) Anthony: 'Could be a microbial infection, heridtary, cancer, I won't know until I examine him. Then it may be something simple."
(3) Eve: I would like a glass of cranberry juice then.
** (3) Eve smiles **
** (1) Officer drives to the outskirts of town, past all the government buildings, leaving the road behind, turning on the dirt road towards a large clearing with a green garden, a small water pool, and a high fence surrounding a two story villa, the Mayor's home **
** (2) Anthony looks around, "Very nice." **
(1) Officer: "It does not look simple. The mayor has been looking for a cure for seven months."
** (2) Anthony looks for standing water, a sign of a possible mosquito plague **
** (1) Flight Attendant sexily pours a glass of cranberry juice and hands it to Eve together with the can, touching her thumb with his thumb "by accident" **
** (3) Eve admires the sexy juice pouring and takes a small sip **
(3) Eve: Thank you
(1) Konrad Knox: the pool with the countain seems to be well maintained, the water running. there are insects in the air, but none seem dangerous or hazardous. however, the house itself does not look good in the Life sight. its energies are dimmed, as if something is blocking them, masking them.
(1) Flight Attendant: "you're welcome"
** (2) Anthony frowns looking at the air **
** (1) Officer stops the car by the fence, leading you through the gates to the house **
(1) Officer: "He would like to see you now, this way. Please wait."
** (4) Robin follows the officer. **
** (1) Officer 's english is not the best **
(1) Officer: "Please wait."
(2) Anthony: spirit sight - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,9,[10, 8],4] vs 8 result of (3)
** (1) Officer shows Robin to wait at the porch **
** (2) Anthony looks at the villa with Spirt sight also **
** (4) Robin stops to wait. **
(4) Robin: "sorry"
** (2) Anthony follows the Officer looking around with his mage sights tryign to determine the cause of the dimmation **
(1) Konrad Knox: The house definitely has a nasty spirit imprint, something quite unhealthy, it's a spirit of vice, it is somewhere inside, hiding.
** (1) Officer tells you to wait and enters the house and closes the door behind himself **
(1) Konrad Knox: cut to Tristin
(5) Tristin: How much per skill dot?
(5) Tristin: (())
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you're beat up, hurting, hungry, the road in front of you lasts for 2 miles, and behind you for god knows how many
(1) Konrad Knox: ((3x current level))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((page 34 wod))
(2) Anthony: (( first dot 3, second dot 6, third dot 9, etc.. ))
** (2) Anthony whsipers to Robin, "There is a dark presense about thsi place. With life sight the life energy seems dimmed, with spirit there is a strong vice hidden. Keep an eye out." **
** (5) Tristin thinks back on his battle, seeing the reletivly short journey before him. He does what he can to keep his mind from the heat and the occasional sharp pain he feels on his right shoulder... "Funny... I was stabbed on the left.." **
** (4) Robin nods to tony. **
** (5) Tristin puts it his mind. Thinking back to how he may have done better. And regrets killing the man... he did not want to. **
(5) Tristin: ((I'd like to buy wep 2 and Occult 1))
(5) Tristin: [1d10] => [3] = (3)
(5) Tristin: ((didn't mean to do that))
(1) Jared Willow: ((u had 18 xp. occult 1 = 3, wep 1 = 3, wep 2 = 6. total spendage 12. 6 xp left?))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i hate pms))
(5) Tristin: ((I have 9 left I think... just spent 9 had 18))
(1) Jared Willow: ((u had 1 wep already nm))
(2) Anthony: (( I'll post a bug report on that ))
(2) Anthony: (( Hey! I didnt' pm you that time! ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((yup, all good))
(4) Robin: ((hehe...i had to.))
(2) Anthony: (( it doesn't seem to be random, but to the same one every time ))
(5) Tristin: [0d10.open(8).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(8).vs(0)
(2) Anthony: (( Maybe you sh oudl ch ange the alias Jared Willed to "I've Been PMed!"
(5) Tristin: ((danmit.. sorry))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ok, 9 xp left Tristin, marked.))
(1) Konrad Knox: a lizard crawls around your foot, Tristin
(1) Konrad Knox: it runs away
(2) Anthony: ...
(1) Flight Attendant: Eve.
** (5) Tristin watches the lizzard **
** (1) Flight Attendant 's aura resonates to your Death Sight, you see that the man has been closely connected with Death entity **
** (3) Eve takes a closer look gazing at his aura though her eyes are on his ass. **
(1) Flight Attendant: he does not exactly sick or not about to die, but he's been rubbing shoulders with death itself quite a few times
(1) Flight Attendant: the ass is fine
(1) Flight Attendant: the aura around it isnt
** (1) Dude Next Seat to you: "Mine's better" **
** (3) Eve glances at the fellow next to her, evaluating his looks with a wiry smile. **
** (1) Flight Attendant upon further investigation - has seen hundreds of dead people, it looks like he has a wife who works in the morgue doing autopsies, and this couple is into some kinky shit. They did it on the operating tables, covered, bathed in ghostly auras of many people she opened up. Those auras stuck to his. **
(2) Anthony: grant spirit sight - Robin - gnosis 2 + spirt 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,7,5,7] vs 8 result of a failure
** (2) Anthony tries again **
(2) Anthony: grant spirit sight - Robin - gnosis 2 + spirt 3 - 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,5,5] vs 8 result of a failure
** (2) Anthony tries one more time **
(2) Anthony: grant spirit sight - Robin - gnosis 2 + spirt 3 - 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,8] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Anthony: (( robin has spirit sight up ))
** (1) Dude Next Seat is quite nice, and his aura is clean, he lost an aunt **
(4) Robin: ((sweet))
(2) Anthony: "When I'm inspecting the child see if you can find the spirit of vice, what it is."
** (3) Eve gives the man next to her a wink and tries not to think to hard about the flight attendents.. hobbies... (need composure roll..)) **
(2) Anthony: (( I like subtracting 1 dice each failure, makes a LOT more sense then being able to jsut try forever ))
** (4) Robin looks around egarly with the new sight. **
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,5] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox: you manage to not scream or puke at the Attendant's sick little hobbies
(1) Konrad Knox: anything you'd like to do during the 4 remaining hours of your flight?
(3) Eve: ((besides the occational flirtaious comment to the guy next to me... nada))
(1) Konrad Knox: well, feel free to barge them in, as we cut to Anthony and Robin
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, Robin, the mayor walks out of the house, he is a fat dark skinned stumpy man, very egyptian looking, he has a ring in his ear, and he greats you with a greatful smile and a worried look. He speaks very clear English
(1) Mayor Latep: "Welcome, welcome to Kirdasa, my name is Ramid Latep, I am very, very happy to see you. How did you hear of our trouble? I have almost lost all hope."
(2) Anthony: "A traveling caravan told us of your troubles. We are hree to find out what is wrong with your Son."
** (2) Anthony offers his hand to shake while looking over the man with spirit and life sight **
** (4) Robin smiles and nods to the mayor as her greeting. **
** (1) Mayor Latep shakes Tony's hand eagerly, and gives it to Robin too, his spirit is being cut up with what you almost literally see like swords and cleavers of various sizes, but they are not breaching his aura, more like banging against it. Whatever the spirit is of, it's coming from the house. **
(2) Anthony: "Yes, I'd like ot see him now. Also, my friend here will be checking the house while I'm checking your son for what may be the cuase, if that is okay."
(2) Anthony: "A lot of times disease and sickness is caused by ones surorundings. If you'll lead me to him?"
** (2) Anthony speaks to Robin in Atlantean, "Something is worng with the house, find it, but be careful." **
(4) Robin: "And can you lead me to a room he spends a lot of his time in, besides his bedroom, by chance?
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you do you have Space sight up?
(4) Robin: nope.
(1) Konrad Knox: you see nothing! nothing!! muhahaha
(1) Mayor Latep: "Yes, yes of course. Please come in."
(4) Robin: not yet...))
** (2) Anthony follows the Mayor, looking aroudn hte house as he goes trying to determine the causation **

(1) Anthony (enter): 00:07
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
(3) Eve (enter): 00:07
(3) Eve: weee
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Eve...
(1) Anthony: Wee!
(2) Konrad Knox: cookie for u
(2) Konrad Knox: and for u
(2) Konrad Knox: Wee!
(4) Tristin (enter): 00:07
(2) Konrad Knox: and for me
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Tristin...
(1) Anthony: wee!
(2) Konrad Knox: cookie for Tris
(2) Konrad Knox: haha robin gets no cookie
(5) Robin (enter): 00:08
(1) Anthony: last I saw, robin followed along
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Robin...
(2) Konrad Knox: ok....
(2) Konrad Knox: we survived the server assrape
** (1) Anthony rubbs his butt **
(1) Anthony: "I fell down some stairs I tell you!"
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, you saw the spirit trying to cut the mayor, yes?
(2) Konrad Knox: blades - swords, cleavers, etc, trying to breach him but cannot
(5) Robin: ((mhmm))
(1) Anthony: they are actively doing that?
(2) Mayor Latep: yes
(1) Anthony: Like now, not an impression of happening in the past?
** (2) Mayor Latep opens the doors and leads you inside. A large house, well decorated. Not superb, it's not a european mansion, neither a renessance museum quality, but it's a spaceous, cozy home. 5 rooms in the first floor, and 4 on the second, large kitchen **
(1) Anthony: In Atlantean, "Looks like we may need to do an exorcism"
(2) Mayor Latep: yes, the spirit, coming from the second floor, like a trail of smoke or mist rather, manifests at the Mayor's back and head, trying to chop him up, but being unable to. the blades reach Anthony and Robin, but they just go right past you, more interested in the mayor
** (5) Robin robin just looks at you slightly puzzeled, though recognizing the language just not understanding **
(1) Anthony: (( does she recognize what I'm saying? ))
(1) Anthony: (( I thought it was decided we all knew atlantean? ))
(5) Robin: ((not without the help of some mind magic))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((she recognizes the language but she doesnt get what youre saying, i think is what she means))
(1) Anthony: (( I was lead to understand everyone of us had hte free merit Atlantean ))
(5) Robin: ((i know a few words))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((yes, yes, YES! You all know Atlantean. Things make sense to you. A week after you have awakened, you all speak Atlantean like a native tongue ))
** (1) Anthony follows the mayer to where his son is, wondering if he's going to be on the second floor **
(3) Eve: .... If you can't speak atlantian.. then you never would have been able to read those books btw..))
(3) Eve: I thought that was clear...))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((for the millionth time. if anyone again asks if they know atlantean, i will shoot you and harvest your mana!))
(1) Anthony: (( atlantean = high speech = we each have 1 dot in right? ))
(5) Robin: ((i just forogt))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((yup))
(4) Tristin: ((It wasn't written on either of our sheets.))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((/me shoots you both and steals ur mana))
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, the GM gave it to you free, write it down :D ))
(1) Anthony: (( kanz I plz hav ur mana? ))
(2) Mayor Latep: (( yup. Kurt, Tony, Tris, Robin, Eve, and even the asshole Roger could speak it))
(4) Tristin: ((I was told on the last session Claire GMed for sure.. but I guess I missed it, because I didn't notice unti l I saw the logs.))
** (2) Mayor Latep goes to the kitchen to prepare some tea **
(4) Tristin: ((Go ahead.. I have no mana))
(1) Anthony: In Atlantean, "There is some spirit in this house, coming from upstairs. I wonder if his son is up there"
(2) Mayor Latep: "Would you like anything to eat?"
(4) Tristin: ((stupid buckets))
(1) Anthony: (( your life = mana ))
(1) Anthony: "Oh, yes, please, I'm starving."
** (1) Anthony suddenly gets real interested in the food **
** (1) Anthony 's mouth starts to water **
(5) Robin: "Yeah, I'd like something, too."
(1) Anthony: "While we're eating, how long ago did your son start to show trouble?"
** (2) Mayor Latep nods and hurries back with two intricate clearly expensive egyptian style cups of tea, not tiny ones, but really nice big cups of tea, and a plate of lamb meat cooked in some unfamiliar to you sause, and a lot of pasta **
** (1) Anthony gets annoyed at the swords attacking the mayer - Ephemeral Shield (C)(1) Gnosis(2)+Spirit(3) [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,5,9,9] vs 8 result of (2) **
(1) Anthony: (( 3 dots of spirt shield on the mayer ))
** (2) Mayor Latep sees you eating eagerly and brings more: pork, which by taste reminds of sweet and sour chinese, shrimp in cocktail sauce, and a bowl of salad **
(3) Eve: ((ah pasta.. authintic egyptian food right there..))
(5) Robin: "oh, I love shrimp."
(2) Mayor Latep: the salad contains eggplant
** (1) Anthony just nods as he gets busy stuffing his face **
** (1) Anthony avoids the meats **
(1) Anthony: (( sometimes I have to remind myself tony is a vegetarian ))
(4) Tristin: ((Tony is allergic to eggplant!))
** (5) Robin takes and eats practically all the shrimp, some salad and pasta. **
(2) Mayor Latep: Egyptian Koshary Pasta to be precise
(1) Anthony: (( heh, like that would matter with him ))
(1) Anthony: "So, how long ago did your son start to exhibit trouble?"
** (1) Anthony drops the body control on himself aand Robin **
(2) Mayor Latep: ((Eve is criticizing my choice of food... she is now googling for egyptian food...))
(5) Robin: ((but, I love the shrimp :( ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve dont make me get the Flight Attendant and have him bring you egyptian food authentic as you like it!!!
(1) Anthony: (( lets see, 2x spirit sight, life sight = 3 spells. ))
(1) Anthony: (( max spells is.. 3 + gnosis? ))
(3) Eve: ((totally wants real egyptian food now as it sounds yummy and includes pitas and hummus))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, dang, and spirit armor = 4 spells ))
(5) Robin: ((ive got icognito and first impressions))
(2) Mayor Latep: "It's been about 7 months. It started... started suddenly, and... and nobody can see what's wrong, he cannot breathe and has a rash, a different kind every week, but not any kind seen before. Now his skin is clear again."
** (2) Mayor Latep brings you some figs **
(2) Mayor Latep: "Very good fruit. Figs. Have you tried figs before?"
(5) Robin: "Yes, they're pretty good."
** (5) Robin grabs a handful. **
(1) Anthony: 'Oh, yes, I'm a vegetarian, I love them actually>'
(2) Mayor Latep: "He is upstairs, whenever you're ready to see him."
(2) Mayor Latep: incidentally the spirit is reaching exactly from upstairs. Anthony, you can recognize the spirit a bit better by its hue... it's vengeful.
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin... you're walking down the road towards town?
(4) Tristin: ((yup))
(2) Konrad Knox: lizard leads you on, sticking its tongue at you
** (1) Anthony finishes, "Okay, I'll go up to see him now." Tony brushes crumbs off his lap as he stands up and follows the spirit trace upstairs to where he suspects the son to be **
(2) Konrad Knox: suddenly it deviates from the road
** (4) Tristin reactivates time sight, looking at the lizzard **
** (5) Robin pockets a few figs for the road and follows tony **
(1) Anthony: (( notice I didn't follow the mayer up, but lead the way for whoever follows ))
(4) Tristin: ((Wits 3 + Invest 2 + Time 4= 9))
(4) Tristin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,2,8,8,5,6,4,7] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: this lizard is 3 years old, and its time flow is normal, it's a normal lizard as far as you can tell
(2) Konrad Knox: it suddenly turns around in the opposite direction and crawls away from the town, back to the pyramids
** (4) Tristin looks to see if there is anything fateful about the lizzard. **
(4) Tristin: ((gnosis 2 + fate 3 = 5))
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,[10, 3],7,8] = (3)
(4) Tristin: ((Improvised spell, just checking out my fate and the lizzard))
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, as you enter the room, tracing the spirit, it comes out of the bedroom with a young man laying in bed, looking completely normal as far as modern medicine goes, except physically obviously too weak to move and clearly suffering. His spirit is a light aura, which reminds of teeth that used to be white but became yellow due to cavities. The aura is suffering, decaying, and it's being chopped up into pieces, piece by piece, by a large gray spirit of a ... woman, standing near the bed. The woman has six arms, each one holding a sharp blade, she is carving out pieces out of the young man's aura.
(5) Robin: "Looks like I won't need to look to had for the spirit..."
(5) Robin: hard*
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin... your fate ... has... now crossed the lizard's fate. There is no thickness, neither gravity on this lizard. Nobody cast any fate spells on it.
(1) Anthony: Spirit Tongue (C)(1) Gnosis(2)+Spirit(3) [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],9,3,3,8] vs 8 result of (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: the lizard has no mystic force, except of course, now it does, since you casted a fate spell on it
** (4) Tristin tries to pick the lizard up. **
(1) Anthony: "I'd like to examine him alone with my help if I may" Tony says and closes the door behind Robin, only Robin, Tony and the boy shoudl be in the room with the closed door
** (1) Anthony turns to the spirt, "Who are you, and why are you doing this to this child?" **
(1) Anthony: (( Robin won't hear what tony says, it's in spirit speak ))
** (2) Spirit hacks and slashes away at the boy, getting deeper and deeper into his vulnerable aura, paying a hateful glance to the newcomers, sending a few blades their way, but the blades fly around and return to the boy. Some of them fly past your back and try to hit the Mayor, but with no result, his spirit being too thick with defense against them **
(2) Spirit: the door is now closed
(2) Spirit: map of the room is in order...
(5) Robin: ((universal language gnosis 3+mind 3. in attempts to understand tony and the spirit. do i have any die penalties?))
(1) Anthony: (( it is not a natural language, not a spoken language, one spoken between spirits, not audio ))
(2) Spirit: ((you unfortunately will get no effect))
(5) Robin: ((oh...))
(2) Spirit: alright, so we have a room with a bathroom in the corner, it contains no little man, which Shawn obviously drew there for fun, a shelf with books on it, and 4 objects on the top - souvenirs. A statue of a cat, a candle, a small bronze statue of a man digging something with a shovel, and a framed picture of a young boy and his mother... the other corner is a big orange lamp, a rug in the middle, a tv by the wall. 3 windows. on the bed is the young boy, he is 16 years old. And the giant red thing is a six armed female spirit, looking like a mix between Bothisatva and a Sentinel from diablo 2's desert level. A warrior with 6 blades.
(3) Eve: creepy
(1) Anthony: (( Does she answer my question, or ignore me? ))
(5) Robin: ((pink))
(2) Spirit: ((she will answer momentarily.))
** (2) Spirit looks at Anthony with evil red eyes and hisses at him, booming vowels now and then **
(4) Tristin: ((what for those of us that never played diablo?))
(1) Anthony: (( then she looks like the indian god with 6 arms ))
(4) Tristin: ((Or is it insignificant, and just think of the 6 arms?))
(4) Tristin: ((Shiva))
(2) Spirit: "It's the least he deserves! This line is cursed and I am his vengeance!"
** (2) Spirit takes a good slice of the boy's aura, as he moans **
(1) Anthony: (( Kali? ))
(1) Anthony: (( kali has 4 amrs ))
(2) Spirit: ((gah... okay, i will look up the name of the egyptian equivalent to the goddess. a moment))
(1) Anthony: (( it doesn't matter ))
(3) Eve: (heheheh))
(1) Anthony: (( turn off grid locking please konrad ))
(2) Spirit: (( well there is none, too bad. its not an authentic egyptian spirit, and doesnt have to be :P ))
(5) Robin: ((hehe))
(2) Spirit: ((done))
(1) Anthony: "Why is his line cursed and why are you his vengence?"
** (2) Boy groans **
(1) Anthony: "She says that his line is cursed and she is his vengence, not sure for what, trying to find out" Tony says to Robin
(2) Boy: "Are you here to help me? Can you help me? My name is Liam."
(1) Anthony: "yes, Liam, we are here to help you."
(5) Robin: "Hi Liam."
(1) Anthony: "Why does this innocent boy deserve you to do this to him? What has he done to you?"
(2) Boy: "Hi... it hurts when I breathe. I don't know what's wrong with me, nobody could tell. Please, it hurts!!"
(1) Anthony: (( I"ll start putting spirit speak in italics ))
** (2) Spirit turns and gives a scowl **
(2) Spirit: "Because the devil's spawn is easier to kill than the devil himself!!"
** (2) Spirit hacks at the boy's spirit **
(1) Anthony: "So what do you have against the father? The Mayor?"
(2) Boy: "My line is cursed? Is it..."
** (1) Anthony drops life sight **
(1) Anthony: gossamar Touch (
** (2) Spirit pauses, as if a person who is taking an annoyed breath, being distracted from important work, and turns fully around, raising all 6 blades. "What business do you have here, mortal?" **
(1) Anthony: "My business is to stop you. You are hurting an innocent boy and I will not stand for that."
(1) Anthony: "I ask you to leave now. Before I have to make you leave."
(2) Spirit: "You have no knowledge what you get yourself into, mortal! Do you not know what pain is? Do you not know what mercy is and how much it hurts when one's pride and innocence have been molested? Before the dragon hatches from the egg, I will destroy it so that the dragon's legacy dies wit the murderous father!"
(1) Anthony: "Again,what has the father done to deserve this?"
** (2) Spirit steps forward, lowering the blades, driving one of the left arms around in the air, as if tracing Anthony's cheek. Her ugly skeletal face changes into a beautiful egyptian woman, as she peers him in the eye **
(2) Spirit: "Why don't you ask him?"
** (2) Spirit tilts her head **
(1) Anthony: "I will ask him. But why don't you tell me?"
** (2) Boy to Robin: "Hello. What's your name? Are you a doctor too?" **
(1) Anthony: "If you stop hurting the boy we can go speak to the father together.
(5) Robin: "yeah, I'm doctor Lauren... nice to finally meet you.
** (5) Robin walks to the side of the bed causiously, but not to alarm the boy. **
(2) Spirit: "trust me. I am talking to him right now!!!" the spirit angrily screeches: "YEEEEEEEE!!!" - so loud that your senses hurt, as if someone screamed right in your ear, as she changes into the skeletal form again and cuts away at the boy
(2) Boy: "Aaaah!"
(2) Spirit: "Hear me speak! Oh yes, we are having a great conversation with the fiend!"
(1) Anthony: (( did I cast gossamr touch yet? ))
(2) Spirit: ((never rolled it))
(1) Anthony: gossamar touch (V) - gnsosis 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,6,4,9] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Spirit: ((you using your axe?))
(1) Anthony: (( vulgar spell ))
(1) Anthony: (( yes, using my axe ))
(2) Spirit: ((you gotta slash it in the air or something))
(1) Anthony: (( <.>< >.> ))
** (1) Anthony pulls out his axe and wields it while casting **
** (2) Boy freaks the fuck out **
(2) Boy: "Daaad! He's got an axe!!!"
(5) Robin: "So much for not alarming him..."
(2) Boy: ((rolling paradox, hold on))
(4) Tristin: ((lol))
(1) Anthony: (( you roll for vulgar yet? caue I"m ready to cast antoher vulgar spell ))
(5) Robin: "shhh...you're dad can help you. we can."
(5) Robin: dad can't**
(5) Robin: untouchable wits3+occ1+space4))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,1,6,[10, 10, 9],[10, 8],5,[10, 1]] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( nice 6 successes on 8 dice ))
(5) Robin: ((4 dots armor, then))
(2) Boy: ((untouchable covert?))
(5) Robin: (( :) ))
(1) Anthony: (( shields are covert, yes ))
(2) Boy: ((no paradox tony))
(5) Robin: ((yeah covert))
** (2) Mayor Latep runs in, opening the door, a guard with a gun behind him **
(2) Mayor Latep: "Put that down!"
** (1) Anthony swings his axe thorugh the ghost, "I SAID STOP IT!" - Harm Spirit (V) - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 + willpower 3 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 6],8,2,1,9,1,9] vs 8 result of (4) **
(2) Officer: "Drop it!"
(5) Robin: "uhh...It might require surgery..."
(1) Anthony: (( spirit takes 4 lethal damage to corpos ))
** (5) Robin walks to the door to try to distract the officer and the mayor **
** (3) Eve asks the flight attendent for more ice. **
(1) Anthony: (( wiating on results of paradox ))
** (5) Robin drops icognito **
(2) Officer: ((tony, you did not subtract gauntlet resistance, which is 4 here))
(5) Robin: "this is standard procedure, really."
(1) Anthony: (( she is on this side of hte guanlet, she is not in the shadowrealm or she wouldn't be here ))
(2) Officer: ((nm))
(1) Anthony: (( pp 249 ))
(2) Officer: ((got it))
** (2) Flight Attendant brings Eve more ice **
(1) Anthony: (( 4 corpus hopefully hurt her a bit ))
** (2) Spirit loses an arm and stabs the boy with all her 5 remaining swords **
** (2) Boy screams in pain **
** (3) Eve thanks him and crunches ice idly **
(5) Robin: "oh... screw it."
** (2) Officer rushes at Tony trying to grapple the axe **
** (5) Robin steps back from the door and plays with her hand gestures **
(2) Mayor Latep: "What are you doing?!!"
(5) Robin: no wait
** (4) Tristin caught the lizard, talking to the lizard occasiononaly on the way to the city. **
(1) Anthony: (( you may need to rule, however. harm spirit says I need to be able to see the sprit, which I'm using spirit tongue for, but spirit tonge doesn't allow the spirit to hurt me ))
(5) Robin: Suspension (investigation 1 +wits 3+ space 4))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,8,5,8,7,4,3] = (3)
(1) Anthony: ((oh, n/m I cast gossmar touch ))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((when you casted the gossamar touch ,yuo can be touched))
(4) Tristin: "Sorry, will be easier with someone to travel with."
(1) Anthony: (( yes, the spirit can hurt me now ))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((paradox on harm spirit))
** (5) Robin loops the stands of space and cast them towards tohe officer **
(2) Mayor Latep: ((Havoc))
(1) Anthony: (( if there is any paradox, I will mitigate the damage internally ))
(1) Anthony: (( how many dots? 1? ))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((1 success. is dmg lethal or bashing?))
(1) Anthony: (( 1 success? So I take 1 bashing ))
(1) Anthony: (( bashing from what I read ))
(2) Mayor Latep: Anthony, the spell backfires, hitting you on the head
(1) Anthony: (( I can re-read it to make sure ))
(1) Anthony: (( Not if I mitigate it it doesn't ))
(1) Anthony: (( If I take the bashign it doesn't backfire, I take the bashing and it works as normal ))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((thats what the emote meant, it bashes you on the head))
** (1) Anthony turns to the mayer and frowns. **
(2) Mayor Latep: ((or whichever bodypart you like to be bashed on, doesnt matter))
(1) Anthony: (( here comes some bad paradox ))
(2) Boy: ((rolling paradox for robin))
(1) Anthony: spirit tongue - Mayer (V because on sleeper) - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,[10, 4],7,7] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Anthony: (( he might get a saving throw? ))
(2) Boy: ((robin, 1 paradox on suspencion))
(2) Boy: ((take 1 bashing or cause havoc))
(1) Anthony: (( reguardless, it's on a sleeper so +2 die of paradox, -1 for axe, 1 die for paradox correct? ))
(2) Boy: ((hold the hell on!! lol))
(2) Boy: ((im still on Robin;s suspencion))
(5) Robin: ((bashing isnt so bad))
(1) Anthony: (( the mayers about to freak the fuck out :D ))
(2) Boy: Robin, your suspencion spell goes out of control and you feel a strike, like someone bashed you
(1) Anthony: (( with everyone swinging axes and swords and guns, should we go into init?))
(5) Robin: "balls."
** (2) Officer manages to reflexively avoid the suspencion spell, lucky him **
(2) Officer: ((now paradox rolling for tony-mayor spirit tongue))
(1) Anthony: (( I would describe it more like feeling the spell going out of control and using force of will to control it hurting us ))
(2) Officer: ((ah, good one))
(2) Officer: ((2 paradox on spirit tongue. Bedlam or 2 bashing))
(1) Anthony: (( 2 bashing ))
(1) Anthony: (( 2 success on 1 dice? ouch ))
(1) Anthony: (( this bashign is normal bashing? Let me check... wanna see if I can heal it ))
(2) Officer: ((better check yeah))
(2) Officer: ((tony, you had 1 die for vulgar spell paradox, which is 1 for your gnosis. Axe cancels out that 1 with -1. Sleeper adds 2. So the total is 2 dice))
(1) Anthony: (( Backlash damage is resistant; it cannot be healed with Awakened magic, such as with the life 2 "Self Healing" ))
(1) Anthony: (( pp 124 ))
(2) Officer: ((ouch, youre fuckt))
(1) Anthony: (( it's resistant bashing damage ))
(2) Officer: ((has to heal over time))
(1) Anthony: (( bashign takes a few hours to get over ))
(2) Officer: ((like tristin's agg))
(5) Robin: ((Healing potions wont help?))
(2) Officer: ((ok, you got 3 boxes marked))
(4) Tristin: ((It's lethal resistant))
(1) Anthony: (( nothing helps ))
(1) Anthony: (( it's bashign resistant, not lethal ))
(4) Tristin: ((Mine))
(5) Robin: ((ah))
(1) Anthony: (( yeha, your's is lethal ))
(2) Officer: at this moment. the Mayor is standing shocked, the guard is trying to grab the axe, and aiming a gun, but not firing. Boy is screaming. Spirit is chopping boy. you two determine whether its showtime and we go Init, or you try a diff. approach
(1) Anthony: (( okay, spell was a success? mayers mouth hanging open? ))
(1) Anthony: (( it dpends on how hte mayer reacts )) "This is what I'm delaing with Mayer, leave us and let us do our job."
(2) Spirit: "He can hear me?"
(1) Anthony: "Yes, right now he has the ability to hear you."
** (2) Spirit lashes at the Mayor with all 5 swords, but the Mayor's spirit is like thick armor **
(2) Spirit: "This, this is what you get because I cannot hurt you. This is how I pay you back for what you've done!"
(1) Anthony: "You have made this spirit mad for some reason, I haven't figured out why yet."
(1) Anthony: (( guard is probably going WTF? ))
** (2) Boy looks at the picture of him and his mother, and winces, breathing heavily as he gets a short break from pain **
** (2) Officer is choosing who to shoot **
(1) Anthony: "Mayber, take the officer and leave and let us deal with this. Or you can deal iwth it yourself. Your choice."
(2) Mayor Latep: "Who are you? Leave my son alone! Where are you?"
** (2) Mayor Latep hears the voice but can see no spirit **
(1) Anthony: (( I gave him spirit tongue, allows him to see spirits too ))
** (2) Mayor Latep seens the woman **
(2) Mayor Latep: robin and tony, wits+comp rolls plz
(1) Anthony: (( The mage can see, hear and speak with spirits. He can also detect... ))
(1) Anthony: wits 3 + comp 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,2,7,[10, 2],4,1] vs 8 result of (1)
(5) Robin: 3+3))
(5) Robin: 6
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 3],4,3,5,3] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( He gets a roll on disbelief every 10 minutes to make the spell disappear ))
** (2) Mayor Latep looks at the spirit, a small hint of recognition blinks in his eye, as he turns away and exits, setting the guard down. "This is clearly a curse, please, deal with it, we will not interfere." **
(1) Anthony: (( it only has to beat 1 dice ))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((oh he believes it))
** (3) Eve creates a small rift in space and throws ice at Tristin... jk.. I don't have space.. chews on more ice, and glances at cute guy sitting next to her to see what he's doing out of idle curiosity. **
** (1) Anthony closes the door **
** (2) Spirit rushes to the boy **
(1) Anthony: "Okay, spirit, do you have anythign to say until I get down to the business of kicking you out?"
(2) Spirit: "Nooo! Come back here, you murderous bastard and watch your spawn die!!"
** (2) Spirit assumes the lovely female shape again **
(2) Spirit: "Would you really... do such a thing... kick me?"
(1) Anthony: "YOu are hurting htis boy, this boy by your own admission has done noething to you."
(1) Anthony: "You say the mayer has done something, but will not tell me what. So you leave me no choice but to force you back across the gauntlet."
(1) Anthony: "I am willing to listen to your side, if you chose to give it. If not" tony shrugs
** (1) Anthony gets ready to drop gossamar touch on a moments notice **
(2) Spirit: "Naive mortals, foolish to the end. Should you strike me down, I shall return again, for my heated passion for vengeance and justice is my drive. Look at the picture on the shelf."
** (1) Anthony looks at the picture on the shelf **
** (2) Spirit motions to the picture, which looks exactly like the spirit, it's the woman with the boy **
(4) Tristin: ((Am I close to the city? 2 Miles isn't that far...))
(1) Anthony: (( Is this a ghost or a spirit? A ghost would be more indistict ))
** (2) Boy notices Tony looking at the pic **
(1) Anthony: (( If it's a ghost, my harm spirit wouldn't of hurt it ))
(2) Boy: "That's my mom, mister. Is it her doing this?"
** (5) Robin notices everyone looking at the picture and looks as well. **
(2) Spirit: ((it is the spirit of her vengeance))
(1) Anthony: (( it makes a little difference, if it's a ghost or a spirit, although Ic an perform excorcism on either ))
(1) Anthony: "It is not your mom, but your moms anger."
** (1) Anthony turns to the boy, "What happened that made your mom so angry?" **
(2) Spirit: ((it's closer to you than it would be to a Moros, as far as ephemeral beings are concerned))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you're at the gates. Guards stop you. They ask for ID and visa. The city is apparently on tight security
(1) Anthony: (( afk 1 second, nature calls ))
(2) Boy: "I don't know, my mother died"
(2) Konrad Knox: cut to... EVE
(4) Tristin: ((Want to stop before I get to the guards... I do have a spear and a knife...))
** (2) Flight Attendant brings Eve ice **
(3) Eve: (("Hello? well how are you Nature.. thanks for the trees and all that."))
(2) Flight Attendant: "here you are."
(3) Eve: "Thanks again."
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you can do all the stopping and such, drop the spear or hide it in the sand. How are you concealing the knife?
** (2) Flight Attendant winks at Eve **
(2) Flight Attendant: "No problem"
** (2) Flight Attendant eyes you a moment too long **
** (3) Eve chews ice and tries not to think about it... **
(3) Eve: (composure))
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,7] = (0)
** (3) Eve small visable shiver. **
** (2) Chick , the Goth one from the airport turns out to be sitting right in front of you, and she turns around and whispers to you "Freak." **
** (4) Tristin slips the knife into his backpack and hopes to increase his luck in dealing with the guards. **
(4) Tristin: ((Gnosis + fate sound good?))
** (1) Anthony turns to Robin and speaks in Atlantean, "You can read minds right? The mayer should be thinking about his wife right now. Try to find out what he did." **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, to hide the dagger: dex+subterfuge
(4) Tristin: 3+2=5
** (3) Eve almost spits ice at seeing her again... but swallows instead. **
(5) Robin: "Right
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,3,1,1] = (0)
(2) Konrad Knox: to get the luck with guards... which spell are you using?
(2) Konrad Knox: lol good luck
(2) Konrad Knox: the dagger's tip is sticking out of the backpack and jingles against the other items in it
(1) Anthony: "It's going ot take me hours to excorsise this spirit. Plesae bring up some food and water, it's going to be a while dpeneding on how strong this spirit is" (( in atlantean ))
(1) Anthony: "And find out what the hell that mayer did to his wife to piss her off so much"
** (2) Spirit stabs the boy again **
** (2) Boy swallows heavily and sighs **
(1) Anthony: (( Okay, I can excersise the spirit, but It hink I need to find hte teather ))
(4) Tristin: ((Just making one up, hopeing for luck... I don't want die rerolls or anything, just social luck))
(5) Robin: yeah."
** (2) Dude Next Seat whispers to Eve "Yeah, this guy really likes dark girls, huh?" - he winks to the chick ahead as well **
** (2) Chick replies "yeah, I bet he's some kind of secret sexshop owner" **
(1) Anthony: (( indiex doesn't have anything for fetter... hmm ))
** (5) Robin walks over to the mayor to make eye to eye contact. **
(2) Spirit: ((tether for this one exists, yes.))
(5) Robin: ((telepathy gnosis3+mind 3))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,8,4,3,8] = (3)
** (3) Eve puts up prime sight with a rote.. wits + occult + prime =7 **
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,7,2,6,5,9] = (1)
(2) Spirit: ((Robin could use sympathetic connection to find it out, she is a space 4 mage... not to give players hints on how to solve my puzzles or anything))
(1) Anthony: (( just tryignto figure out what ot use to find the tether, I know there is a way, I've readit before but forget where ))
(1) Anthony: (( yes,it can be done with space too which was my second thought ))
** (3) Eve tries to see if dude next to me is also a mage. **
** (2) Chick is not a mage, but a guy somewhere in the first class is. His aura is screaming "MASTIGOS" though the seat cushion **
** (1) Anthony sits in the chair and is reading through his book **
(1) Anthony: (( but with knowledge of arcanaum we're given It hink with the arcanum we'd know which one to use :P ))
(1) Anthony: (( one way is to find the sympathetic connectoin with space but I think there's a few other wasy? ))
** (2) Chick IS a mage, Moros. nm. but with very low gnosis. **
** (2) Dude is not mage **
(2) Dude: ((there, all straight))
** (3) Eve smiles weakly **
(1) Anthony: (( damn I wish this book had a better index ))
(3) Eve: "Something like that I'm sure."
(5) Robin: ((im trying to look it up but shawns mom is talking to me...sorry))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((omg lol))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((Mayor resisted telepathy with 3 successes on 3 dice rolls))
** (1) Anthony will study the spirit trying to find it's fetter **
(2) Mayor Latep: ((this sidequest hates you))
(2) Mayor Latep: Robin, you are unable to break Mayor's mental defenses...
(1) Anthony: (( using spirit, can't find aything for it but shoudl be possible? )))
** (2) Spirit nearly renders the boy unconscious with her stabs, then stops for a moment, stepping to Anthony **
** (2) Spirit turns into the woman from the picture again **
** (1) Anthony looks up from the book **
(1) Anthony: (( I wondre if space 1 correspondance can be used to find a spirit fetter ))
(5) Robin: Ill try telepathy again.))
(1) Anthony: (( remember to -1 dice ))
(5) Robin: ((gnosis3+mind 3-1))
(5) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,9,8,1] = (2)
(2) Spirit: "Are you planning to destroy me, mortal?"
(1) Anthony: "No, not destroy you, just make you leave the boy alone."
(2) Spirit: Robin, you are inside the mayor's mind
(2) Spirit: "I ask you not to do this. I will tell you my story, but please, leave, and let this family's destiny fulfill itself. You have no role in it, and you are intruding, you stand in the way of justice."
(1) Anthony: "Tell me what happened and I will be the judge. I can promise neither way until I hear the story though" tony closes the book and gets into a listening mode
** (2) Spirit sits down at Anthony's feet, on her knees, swords dropping from her hands, she is naked. Completely. **
** (5) Robin robin thinks thoughts of the woman to the mayor hoping to he'll share a thought about her. **
(2) Mayor Latep: Robin, you gather from the mayor's head a deep rejection of the entire situation, but it is only a wall, a cover. The mayor feels guilty of many things, and has fed himself with hopes that all his good deeds for community make up for it. He thinks of the sword in his hand and the woman dropping into the swimming pool at midnight.
(2) Spirit: "Years ago my origin lived her mortal life as a faithful wife and a good mother to a son she thought was her own. She helped her husband every step in his career, supporting him when he was a young engineer, holding his hand as he went into politics and became successful influencing masses. A good woman for a man like that, it would seem. This child was not hers. It was spawned out of wedlock with a rancid whore, a mistress who came to clean up his house. She never found out until one day he had to get shots and took a blood test. She got suspicious and disowned her husband, but he killed her for it. Hence, I was born from her. And now I am weak and helpless to make him regret. I cannot enter his heart, but I can enter that of his bastard son."
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you're at the gate.
(2) Officer: "Id and passport, please?"
(2) Flight Attendant: Eve, you're now close to the European border
(3) Eve: Yay.
(1) Anthony: "You are right to be angry at the Mayer. However, the boy" Tony nods to the boy on the bed, "had no say in who his mother and father were, nor what they did. This is a different culture that my own. In my own culture he would be made to pay for what he did to hsi wife. I do not know the laws of this culture, however."
(1) Anthony: "Destroying the son for the sins of the father is wrong, however, and this I can not allow.
** (2) Spirit offers Anthony a sauser full of milk, it's ethereal, but your spell, if it is up still, allows you to take it **
** (1) Anthony looks at the saucer, "What is this? Why shoudl I drink it?" **
(2) Spirit: "A peace offering."
(1) Anthony: "There is no peace needed between you and I, but between you and the boy."
** (1) Anthony does not accept the saucer **
(1) Anthony: (( what, so I'm wrong ot not trust an evil spirit slashing at an innocent boy? ^.^ ))
(4) Tristin: ((I never saw you approve of the luck spell))
(1) Anthony: "I will tell you spirit, if you were only attacking the Mayer and not the boy, I most likely would of allowed it and gone on my way as it is what he deserves. I can not stomach the hurting of innocents, however. I wish there was a way I could bring you to peace."
(2) Spirit: "The man has no heart. Nothing he loves but himself. The only person he cares for is this boy. If he is to learn his mistakes, he must understand what remorse is. He is still a man, there will be other children, other sons and daughter. You think in Mortal terms. In your world it matters whether someone is alive or not. In my world it matters more what ideas and feelings one has. He is an evil man. This boy is innocent, and I will not kill him. But he will suffer until his father learns his message. If you destroy me, another spirit will arise from the molested soul when you walk away. I will release the boy if you convince his father to truly, truly regret what he's done. He is wrong."
(2) Spirit: ((there is a spell for social luck, Tristin, i think its in Fate.))
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,[10, 9],[10, 5],1,8] = (3)
(4) Tristin: ((4))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((k, you totally failed to hide it, but you're hoping the guard is careless. lets run some contested rolls))
** (1) Anthony thinks. "Let us speak tot he father together, shall we? But you must attempt to keep your temper if you are able. I know it is difficult because basically all you are is temper. Can you try for me though?" **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((guard wits 3 + investigation 4 - 4 from your luck spell. 1 success = you're busted.))
** (1) Anthony "Let us speak tot he father together, shall we? But you must attempt to keep your temper if you are able. I know it is difficult because basically all you are is temper. Can you try for me though?" **
(1) Anthony: (( I have no idea why I put thinks in there ))
(2) Konrad Knox: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,8] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you're fuckt))
(4) Tristin: ((Ouch))
(1) Anthony: (( heh, he let me walk in with an axe under my shirt ^.^ ))
(4) Tristin: ((The spear draws too much attention...))
(1) Anthony: (( oh for sure, I got rid of any chance of an inspection by claiming to be here ot see the mayer, which it turns out I was ))
(2) Spirit: "You are trying to reason with justice and vengeance. You intrude my destiny, and ask me of things you have no choice to ask. If you try, the boy will live. If you fail, he will be paralyzed. Not dead, not truely alive. I will cripple his soul. It's the only way to make his father truly cry in pain."
** (2) Spirit shifts into the six armed skeletal warrior with another uncontrollable impulse of her very nature, screeches and rushes to the boy **
** (2) Spirit loses the arm your axe chopped off midway **
** (2) Boy groans again **
(2) Officer: "Id and passport, sir? And weapons have to stay behind the gates."
** (2) Officer points at tristin's arsenal, the spear and the backpack **
** (1) Anthony sighs **
(1) Anthony: Emperial Shield (C) - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 10, 7],2,5,9] vs 8 result of (3) (on theboy)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 dots of spirit shield on the boy ))
(2) Mayor Latep: Robin, the Mayor is thinking of his son and an overall sense of worry
(2) Mayor Latep: What are they doing... they must be some kind of exorcists... what if they found out? Found out I slayed her with the sword and killed her... dropped her in that very pool... no, they will never find out.
(1) Anthony: (( Robin is here our downstairs? ))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((i dunno actually. where are you robin))
(5) Robin: ((I went over tho the mayor))
(1) Anthony: Control Spirit (C) - STand there - gonsis 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,[10, 6],[10, 4],9] vs 8 result of (4)
(2) Flight Attendant: Eve, radio announces that your flight is landing in Rome
(1) Anthony: (( yeha, I think she went down stairs ))
(1) Anthony: ((it is contested, one sec...))
** (4) Tristin looks to the man and puts on a persona. "I'm with that caravan of merchants that passed this way. I had to fall behind some ways back on the road to help fix one of the wagons. Please don't keep me waiting, we were unsuccessful and I need to ask the others for help and further supplies." **
(1) Anthony: (( target rolls resistance refleixively, has to beat 3 successes ))
(5) Robin: ((downstairs))
(1) Anthony: (( tristin, you are claiming to be an arab? O.o ))
** (3) Eve chews more ice. **
(1) Anthony: (( an asian with american clothes claiming to be an arab. LOL ))
(4) Tristin: ((Just with them, not an arab though...))
(4) Tristin: ((Kung Fu robes))
(3) Eve: ((not to mention the wagons he fixed that they didn't have))
(4) Tristin: ((I said I didn't fix them? maybe)
(2) Spirit: ((resistance of this spirit is 4, tony))
(1) Anthony: (( most unlikely excuse of the year award goes to... TRISTIN! ))
(1) Anthony: (( so it rolls 4 dice ))
** (2) Officer looks at you, and sorry, but you in no way pass for a local. you pass for an asian martial artist **
(2) Officer: "The trade caravan who just came through the gates, yes?"
(4) Tristin: "Yes. Not too long ago. We need some help, it turns out one of the axles was broken."
(2) Officer: "Wagons you say. They all carried camels. No wagons."
(4) Tristin: ((What is the in game time?))
(2) Officer: local time in egypt is 5:07 pm
(1) Anthony: (( actually,not sure if I can cast Numinus shield on others at 3 dots ))
(2) Spirit: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,5,[10, 10, 8]] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( no, cant ))
(2) Spirit: Anthony, the spirit's power is great, but you manage to seize control of it, with some effort
(1) Anthony: "Plesae, stop attacking the boy or I will need ot excorcise you without discussion. Your choice. Control yourself."
** (1) Anthony looks at the picture which he suspects is the fetter **
** (2) Spirit stops, leaving the swords in the boy's aura **
** (1) Anthony examines the picture **
** (2) Spirit screeches **
(2) Spirit: the picture is that of the little boy and a young woman who looks like the spirit, when she is in human form, they are hugging. He is wearing a blue jackets, she is in a white dress
(1) Anthony: Correspondce on picture and spirit - Improtu spell - 1 mana - gnosis 2 + space 1 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,8] vs 8 result of (2)
** (4) Tristin attempts to turn back time with that, but feels his mana depleted **
(2) Flight Attendant: Eve, you land in rome. Everyone exits the giant 747. The crowd is crazy, everyone wants some air, some smokes, and go pee. A few people squeezing by, accidentally groping your boobs
(3) Eve: "accidentally"
(1) Anthony: (( does 2 successes on correspondence tell me if hte picture is the fetter? ))
(3) Eve: I'm going to.. check for some of those tourist brochure things to look for a hotel. And watch to see if the creepy mage girl is still following me.
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you try the spell, but you feel something like a hunger, except in a magical sense. You get a hint that you're depleted, because you remember how it felt being charged. You feel the opposite of that.
** (5) Robin robin become horrified by the thought of murdering her, she drops the telepathic connection and cast suspension on the mayor.((wits3+investigation 1+space 4)) **
(5) Robin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(5) Robin: ((minus one for re try))
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(0)] => [5,3,2,[10, 8],1,7,8] = (44)
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,2,9,4,4,[10, 8]] = (2)
(5) Robin: bahh
(1) Anthony: (( 3 successes ))
(1) Anthony: (( what is suspension? what it do? ))
(5) Robin: bahh at hitting wrong buttons))
(2) Spirit: Anthony, the spirit is connected to the picture, to the fountain in the swimming pool, and to something else you havent seen. The woman from the picture was murdered and floated dead in that pool
(2) Spirit: the picture is not the fether, destroying it will bring no salvation
(5) Robin: ((keep the mayor from a murder spree. the thought freak robin out.)))
(2) Spirit: it belongs to the boy, he keeps it as his lucky charm, it helps him cope with his disease
(1) Anthony: "Do you know where the body of the woman is now? If we can find hte body we can prove him guilty and get jsutice for you."
** (4) Tristin looks down the road looking for any aproaching people of vehicles. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, the creepy girl united with the Mastigos from first class, and together they took a cab somewhere, she nodded to you on the way out of the plane. You look at brochers, half of them in Italian, half in english. You spot at least a dozen hotels, and about fifty sight seeing invitations.
(4) Tristin: ((People or vehicles*))
** (5) Robin goes back upstairs, leaving the mayor suspened. **
** (1) Anthony rubs at the headache controling the vulgar spells had given him **
(2) Konrad Knox: you see Pantheon, Colloseum, Vatican Museum, Trevi Fountain. In fact, beside you is a giant display screen, showing a video of this website: http://rome-hotels.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g187791-Activities-Rome_Lazio.html
** (3) Eve looks for a hotel ad that features a visa symbol and at least three stars. Also looks around for an atm machine that will change money. **
** (1) Anthony nods as Robin enters, and speaks in Atlantean, "The father killed his wife. This boy is the fathers sone but not the wifes." **
(5) Robin: in atlantean "Yeah, He creeped me out. I've got I'm suspened in the other room."
(2) Mayor Latep: Robin, you cast the Suspencion, which Mayor tries to avoid as he gasps in terror, but you manage to suspend him downstairs and the spell is in your full control. He tries to wiggle and run but cannot move.
(1) Anthony: In atlantean, "The spirit says she will leave if the father shows true forgiveness and ... compassion."
(5) Robin: ((I'm = him))
(1) Anthony: in atlantean, "The spirit has a very hard time controlling herself. I gave her an order to stand there, not sure how long it will last."
(2) Mayor Latep: Robin, suspension also costs 1 mana
(2) Mayor Latep: so u got 7 left
(5) Robin: "Maybe I could try to pursuade him ."
(1) Anthony: in Atlantean, "How do you want to handle this? I can think ofa few ways. We can try to get the father to show compassion and the spirit to leave by herself."
(5) Robin: ((okay))
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "We could try to excercise the spirit then leave."
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "We can turn in the father no matter how it turns out."
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "The father did kill his wife. That is not something we can easily look away from."
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "However, it may be hard for us to prove it also, unless we can find out if he hid the body or what."
(5) Robin: atlantean: Yeah, I believe it happened out by the pool."
(2) Spirit: "He buried her body in someone else's coffin in the town graveyard."
(1) Anthony: nods, Atlantean, "yes, that is what the spirit said, he stabbed her with a sword in the pool."
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "Well, we could go dig up the body, then try to explain to the authorities why we're digging around the graveyard."
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, the Le'Bagio Hotel looks great. 4 stars, attractive guys on the brochure, rather cheap, and, hey, accepts Visa.
** (1) Anthony turns to the spirit, "If we prove the mayer guilty of murdering your counterpart, will you leave the boy alone?" **
(3) Eve: yay!.. and now to the ATM :D
(5) Robin: "I think thats something I want to get into. Maybe we could just ruff him up a bit?"
(5) Robin: I don't want to get into*
(1) Anthony: Antaltean, "If the spirit was hurting hte mayer, I'd just leave, he would be getting what he deserves. The boy does not deserve it though."
(2) Konrad Knox: the ATM is there.
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "I do not know if it is our... responsibilty to turn the mayer in for murder. I just.. don't know."
(3) Eve: I'll get about a hundred out in Euro money.. and about fifty in Lira.. ((Italian currency))
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "It seems wrong to let him get away with murder, but then again, turning him in won't bring the boys mother back, then the boy will be missing a father also."
(2) Spirit: "The boy may be at peace if the killer suffers. What jail can make a rich man suffer? He controls the town."
** (1) Anthony looks at the boy on the bed with concern **
(1) Anthony: "What would you have us do then Spirit?"
(1) Anthony: "I feel for all parties concernted, except the mapyer. I feel for the wife and hte boy, but they do not deserve this."
(1) Anthony: "I feel for all parties concernted, except the mapyer. I feel for the wife and hte boy, but they do not deserve this."
(5) Robin: Atlantean, "I could try to help the mayor feel some compassion."
(2) Officer: Tristin, there are no people nearby, but there is a bus going inside the town, behind the gates, it's making a stop. About 100 feet from the gates.
(1) Anthony: Atlantean, "Bring the mayer up here to talk. We will give him the choices."
(5) Robin: "Alright, then."
(1) Anthony: atlantean, "Your spell wouldn't hold him long anyway, his disbelief would soon break it."
** (5) Robin walks down the stairs to the suspened mayor. **
** (4) Tristin looks as the bus aproaches for all matter of doors and entrances **
(4) Tristin: ((Wits + Inv?))
(5) Robin: "Mayor? Would you like to come back up stairs and talk the doctor and you son? It would help us out." said trying to be really nice and sweet after suspending...
(1) Anthony: (( control spirit is indeed prolonged, so it shoudl just stand there for a scene. cool ))
(4) Tristin: ((I found a spell that matches what I was looking for. Winds of chance pg 152))
(2) Spirit: "Do I look like the spirit of rationality? I do not know how I would deal with it. I am dealing with it by hurting what he loves, until he truly regreats cheating on her, hiding the boy for 13 years, decieving her, and finally, after bringing her enough pain so she couldn't take it, killing her body with his own hand, the wife who gave him pleasure, food, shared troubles with him, supported and loved him, made love to him in bed in the ways he wanted, fulfilled every desire."
** (5) Robin drops the suspension spell while talking. **
(4) Tristin: ((The bus would be part of that though I would think))
(2) Flight Attendant: Eve, you got the money. The airport in Rome follows all common sense airport structure. Taxis, baggage claim, city exists. Pick a route.
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, Wits+Survival for you are in the field
(4) Tristin: ((Wits 3 + Inv 2 =5))
** (3) Eve already has her bag as she just had carry-on.. so.. heads for the taxi area and gets one that will take her to the hotel from the brochure. **
(1) Anthony: "When he gets here, he should still be able to understand you. Tell him that, just as you told me."
(4) Tristin: (( Wits 3 - survival 1?))
(1) Anthony: "When he gets here, he should still be able to understand you. Tell him that, just as you told me."
(4) Tristin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: you see the door opening as the bus stops to let passengers out. But it's a 90 feet run past the gates, past the guard in front of you, past 4 more armed guards and a security booth.
(4) Tristin: ((Although survival is ability to live off the land according to the WOD pdf))
** (1) Anthony walks over to the boy and inspects him - Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(2)+Life(4) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,2,3,3,4] vs 8 result of a botch **
** (1) Anthony tries again - Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(2)+Life(4)- 1 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,1,9,1] vs 8 result of (1) **
(1) Anthony: (( does the boy get healed a ittle,or is it spiritual dmage? ))
** (2) Mayor Latep is freaking out, the first thing he tries to do is grab the radio so he can call guards **
(2) Mayor Latep: ((guys, you're going way, way, way too fast))
(4) Tristin: ((How far are the wheels off the ground?))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((i am still on Robin's move, unsuspending the mayor))
(1) Anthony: (( I'm talking tot he spirit and helaing the boy while she's downstiars ))
(2) Mayor Latep: "What have you done to me, lady?"
(2) Mayor Latep: ((spiritual dmg. physically nothing wrong with him, Tony))
(2) Mayor Latep: ((his soul is being slaughtered))
(1) Anthony: (( you're the one who put us in 3 different places :P ))
(2) Spirit: ((ya, together you pwn things too fast))
(5) Robin: "I'm just showing you the kind of importance you are dealing with here, I Need you to come upstair with me, your sons life depends on this. Or you can not and he will die."
(3) Eve: #me ((snicker))
(1) Anthony: (( dang, restore corpus is vulgar ))
** (2) Mayor Latep puts down the radio and complies, following Robin **
** (2) Mayor Latep comes upstairs **
(2) Mayor Latep: "Fine, alright."
(1) Anthony: restore corpus (V) - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,9,6,6] vs 8 result of (2)
(5) Robin: "Thankyou mayor."
(2) Mayor Latep: "His health is more important."
** (5) Robin ushers the mayor upstairs. **
(1) Anthony: (( 2 corpus restored tot he boy? And do I need to mtigate paradox? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((rolling that right now!))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you didnt emote swinging an axe or anything, so i assume youre not chanelling the spell through it?))
(1) Anthony: (( using my axe for all the magic ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((k))
(1) Anthony: (( I've had it in my hand hte whole time ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yeah, you swing it through the air every time you cast, which looks pretty fucking insane given the situation :) ))
(1) Anthony: (( in this case I would probalby lay it across his chest ))
(1) Anthony: (( freaking him out even more ^.^ ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((lol and you STILL got 1 paradox. mitigate or havoc?))
(1) Anthony: (( mitigate - 4 bashing ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ouchies))
(5) Robin: ((thats gotta be charity))
(2) Konrad Knox: you restore a measure of cuts
** (1) Anthony 's headache gets worst as he has to wrestle with yet another spell **
** (2) Boy takes a few good breaths **
(1) Anthony: "Boy, do you feel well enough to go to the bathroom?"
(2) Boy: "It's working, papa, it's working!"
(1) Anthony: "I think a bath might do you some good."
** (2) Boy tries to rise, but not quite **
** (2) Boy shakes his head **
** (1) Anthony sighs **
(1) Anthony: restore corpus (V) - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,5,2,2] vs 8 result of a failure
(1) Anthony: restore corpus (V) - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 - 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,1,7] vs 8 result of (1)
** (2) Spirit completely forgets the boy as soon as father is in the room, she glares at him, but the spell holding her still **
(1) Anthony: (( 1 more corpus, paradox? ))
** (4) Tristin looks to see if he could plausibly fit under the bus **
(2) Spirit: ((first spell no paradox, second cast 1))
(1) Anthony: (( damn it ))
(1) Anthony: (( down to 4 health ))
** (1) Anthony rubs his temples, "Go take a bath boy" **
** (2) Boy tries to get up, moving slowly, leaning on the wall to help himself walk **
(2) Markus Late: "I haven't seen him walking in months! You did it!"
** (1) Anthony closes the bathroom door when the boy is inside, "Be careful" **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, yes, you can fit under the bus, if you can make it there.
** (1) Anthony waits for the boy to be out of hte room, "No, I did not do it. I have only healed him temporarily." **
** (1) Anthony closes the door to the bedroom **
(1) Anthony: "This spirit has all rights to be angry at you. What you did to your wife. But the boy should not have to pay for it. Which is why you're here, to decdie what to do about this."
** (2) Mayor Latep looks back to the door, but Robin is blocking his escape route **
(2) Mayor Latep: "How did you know?"
(1) Anthony: "Yes, we know you killed your wife in the pool with a sword and hid her body in someone else's grave."
(1) Anthony: "As you have probably ascertained by now, we are more than we seem."
(1) Anthony: "But we have a problem, a big problem. This spirit is not going away until something happens. What is up to you."
(1) Anthony: "You could go to jail for what you did to your wife, but that will not bring your wife back, and your son will then not have a father."
(2) Mayor Latep: "Destroy her! She was a bitch! Just kill her ghost, or whatever it is that holds the curse! You don't know the half of it. She was stealing from me, robbing me, it was a terrible mistake to do what I did, but she deserved it."
(1) Anthony: "That is not the answer I was looking for."
** (1) Anthony looks at Robin **
(2) Mayor Latep: "Look, look. I can pay you. A lot. Just please, curem y boy."
** (1) Anthony looks at the spirit, then at the mayer **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, any way it goes, your boy will be fine, I will be sure of that."
(1) Anthony: "I am not, however, decided on what to do with you."
(1) Anthony: "You murdwered your wife in cold blood."
(2) Cab driver: "Zis hotel, madam?"
(1) Anthony: "Don't you feel any remorse?"
** (4) Tristin puts what energy he can muster into boosting his chances a bit further **
(3) Eve: "Yes thank you.
** (4) Tristin **
** (3) Eve pays my bill in euros or whatever the cab meters currency is listed as. **
** (2) Spirit glares at the boy's soul being healed, mourning her hard work wasted, and at the Mayor's spirit. **
(2) Spirit: "Please... please... I want him!"
(5) Robin: Atlantean: I think I'm about kick this mayor's ass
** (1) Anthony turns to the spirt and points to the mayer, "No, actually, you want him" **
(2) Spirit: "You strengthen the boy... you can weaken the father.... so I can slice his throat over and over and over again!"
** (1) Anthony contemplates, "I wont' lie to you, I can' (( the mayer shoudl understand teh ghost? )) **
(4) Tristin: ((Gnosis 2 + fate 3))
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,[10, 1],8,[10, 5]] = (3)
(2) Mayor Latep: ((what spell Tristin?))
(2) Mayor Latep: "Please, no, don't do it... but... it's either me or Liam... either me or him... what has to be, will be..."
(1) Anthony: "here is the thing, mayer. Even if I excorsiced this spirit, for it is a spirit and not a ghost, there is no guarantee that the wrong you have done won't produce another and put you back in this same boat after we leave."
** (2) Spirit tries to dash at the mayor like a doberman on a chain **
(2) Spirit: "Release me!! Release meee!!"
(4) Tristin: ((Winds of chance))
(1) Anthony: "I propose another solution. You turn yourself in, Mayer."
(1) Anthony: "Not for your sake, or your wife's sake, but for your sons sake."
(1) Anthony: "Anything I could do here today would just be temporary. As soon as I left things would go back the way they were. How much do you love your son?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you got 7 obstacles. The guard ahead of you. four guards near the gates. the booth with a block post. finally, the small newspaper kiosk between you and the bus. You feel lucky enough to at leats evade 3. But 90 feet... it feels risky
(1) Anthony: (( wht the hell is tristin doing? ))
(5) Robin: "Or would you rather kill him, much lifke you killed your wife. I'm sure two of these things hanging around could be cheerier than one."
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you're in the hotel. Fountains, gardens, stylish elevators, italian statues, it's classy. You feel the romance in the air, you feel the love of Rome, if you only had someone to share it with, you feel that breeze that couples feel, swooned and light in the head on their vacation... if only that blonde haired obrimos was here...j/k
(4) Tristin: ((All eyes are city-side of the bus right?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((tristin is doing a suicide run for the bus trying to break into the city by... running i think))
(1) Anthony: (( why the heck you trying to break in? LOL ))
(4) Tristin: ((Not running if eyes are all city side. Running draws attention))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((no, Tristin, the guard in front of you is looking at you. the guards in the back are looking at the gate, occasionally looking at the guard in front of you.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((unless all-eyes are something else you mean))
** (3) Eve goes to the front desk to get a room for at least two days and talk to the manager about the possibility of staying longer depending on how my business meeting goes. **
(4) Tristin: ((No. the guards... I just didn't get a clear picture of what's going on.))
** (2) Mayor Latep sighs **
(2) Mayor Latep: "No... if I went down like that, all my work would be ruined. I'd be remembered in shame. At least give me a quiet way out."
** (4) Tristin hands the guard the spear. **
(2) Spirit: "Give him to meeee! Please! Release me!" - the spirit becomes a nude woman again
(1) Anthony: "What would you propose, Mayor?"
(2) Mayor Latep: "I'm ready. For Liam's sake. Look after him, alright?"
(2) Mayor Latep: "I ask you very dearly."
(1) Anthony: "What are you planning on doing?"
(2) Konrad Knox: and at this precise moment, Robin, you feel like your powers to open portals are once again, finally, restored.
** (4) Tristin while the guard is dealing with the spear he tries secureing the dagger in the back of his pants quickly **
(1) Anthony: (( dang it, if the mayor dies, it will be on Tony's conscious ))
(2) Manager: "Certainly, madam. No problem. You prefer the view of the pool or the gardens?"
(3) Eve: "The gardens would be very nice."
(2) Konrad Knox: ouch. Tristin. Dex+Subterfuge-3
(2) Konrad Knox: to quickly conceal dagger
(2) Konrad Knox: need 2 successes
(4) Tristin: ((Not Larc?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((no, thats for picking locks, pickpocketing. larceny if offensive against other. subterfuge is defensive, trying to act normal when you're up to something))
(4) Tristin: ((Also discribes it as palming and whatnot. *shrug*))
(4) Tristin: ((Dex 3 + Sub 2 -3 =2))
(4) Tristin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8] = (1)
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
** (5) Robin found the F4 macro key **
(5) Robin: ((cat))
(2) Mayor Latep: "I don't know, but not like this. Can I exchange my son for myself? If she returned... so lay her vengeance... from the dead... the anger must have been too powerful"
(1) Anthony: "Yes, it is a very powerful anger. Tell me, are you sorry what you did to your wife?"
** (2) Officer spots you, Tristin, and tries to restrain you from hiding the dagger **
(1) Anthony: "Seeing the anger it caused?"
(2) Officer: "No no, mister, that too. And your passport, please. Nice dagger, by the way."
(2) Officer: another guard comes up.
(2) Officer: "Is there a problem?"
(4) Tristin: "Look, I don't have a passport. I didn't know I was coming here. I need to keep this dagger though.."
** (2) Officer says something to the other in arabic **
(2) Officer: "Who are you, sir? Identify yourself."
** (1) Anthony turns to the spirit, "Would you feel avenged if you could hurt the mayor, but not kill him?" **
** (1) Anthony turns to the spirit, "Would you feel avenged if you could hurt the mayor, but not kill him?" **
(4) Tristin: "Tristin Lang... I'm from Anihime California.."
(1) Anthony: "Knowing the pain you have been causing him already by hurting his son, you can see he was quite hurt from it.
(2) Manager: "No problem, madam, here is your key. Room 707, on the 7th floor, just take the elevator to the left in the end of the second hallway past the restaraunt. Anything else I can do for you?"
(1) Anthony: (( Anaheim ))
(4) Tristin: Anaheim*}{}{
(4) Tristin: ((Yeah, I know))
whispering to Robin, you are able to cast portals again, paradox timeout is over
(3) Eve: "That will be all for now thank you."
(2) Mayor Latep: "I regret, I don't regret, what does it matter? I only regret that my boy has to pay for what I did, when I could."
** (3) Eve goes up to my room looking at the menu for the Resturant as I pass it, admires the view of the garden, checks out the room service menu, then.. goes to the bathroom to try that thing with the bracelet ring and the liquid again. **
(2) Spirit: "I seeeee... his soul is hardened so strongly with his derangement... his security in his own determined perfection, that he is too thick for my blades to reach the sensitive spot. Open him to me.... open him to meeee...."
(2) Mayor Latep: "I regreted it since the day I did it."
(2) Mayor Latep: "The nightmares I had... but my life and career were on the line, I was able to put Liam into the best school in town."
(1) Anthony: "Why did you regret it? That I think is very important to the wrath of your wife."
(2) Mayor Latep: "I developed this town so greatly, the population nearly doubled with my help. I did work for municipality, and the theories... would be wronged if I ended up publicly arested. Perhaps surrendering myself to her angry soul is the true end I deserve. I'm sorry, if I had only known, I would have never summoned a doctor. You should not have come here."
(1) Anthony: "Fate brought me here, I see that."
(5) Robin: atlantean: This guy is messed up...
(1) Anthony: "What would you have me do? He is truely sorry."
(1) Anthony: "He is even willing to sacrafice himself to you. Is that what you would want? Would that bring you back? Would that stop any of it? Tell him how you feel, he can hear you."
** (1) Anthony looks at the spirit of vengence and at the Mayer **
(2) Mayor Latep: ((sec))
(1) Anthony: "You must also remember, Mayor, that you dying or going to jail does not help your son."
(1) Anthony: "What you did is a great evil, and you have brought this on yourself. But your son deserves none of this."
(1) Anthony: (( holding ))
(1) Anthony: (( The fact is, I knwo that we can probably find the tethers and destroy them, find the link from the deed/ghost to the mayer/son and destory them preventing the vengence to reemerge, but tony is very pissed off at the mayer ))
(2) Spirit: "You can have your son if I can have you. You will not die, your body will live. But your soul... is mine. I will do to it what you did to me over and over again. Just lift that shameless chin of yours and open yourself to me"
** (1) Anthony shudders **
** (1) Anthony turns to Robin, "Oh my god, the spirt wants to take his soul. He will become soulless." **
(2) Spirit: ((not all spirits have to have tethers that are physical objects. her teather is the man himself. she would never be free by abusing the son, but the mayor's hardened spirit integirty was too high for her to destroy. it's a bit of a puzzle that goes beyond find-n-destroy the item. it's a bit psychological))
(1) Anthony: "He will sitll be here, but without a soul, on autopilot if you would. I've read a little about it."
(5) Robin: "man..." Looks down and contempates a souless existance for a minute.
** (1) Anthony shudders **
(1) Anthony: (( he will be open for possession, it is easy to possess a soulless person ))
(1) Anthony: "Think long and hard on this Mayer, do you understand what the spirit is offereing you? She would take your soul, you would become souless."
(1) Anthony: "Your soul would live on...somewhere. You would live on here. But you would be seperated. It is a hight price. But the choice is yours."
(1) Anthony: (( dang, I wonder if this is an act of hubrus for me to allow this ))
(1) Anthony: (( it would be for me to take his soul ))
(2) Officer: "Oh, you are American?"
(2) Officer: "Are with the doctor?"
(1) Anthony: (( stealing the soul is the worst act of hubrus, wisdom 1 even ))
(2) Officer: ((you dont have to steal soul... you're just damaging the corpus a bit, thats what the spirit is asking, but yes, it's still an act of hubrus at wisdom 7))
** (1) Anthony turns to Robin, "I don't like thsi, but I don't see any other way." **
(1) Anthony: "Do you?"
(5) Robin: "If they both want to do it, I guess its not really our choice."
** (1) Anthony shudders **
(5) Robin: "Yeah, but if it'll bring them both justice...it might be alright.
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, aw...eve... which way is North, eve?
(3) Eve: ...
** (4) Tristin pulls out the dagger, not threateningly, but as if to hand it over **
(1) Anthony: "A soul for a murder though. Seems like a high price. But a soul to prevent the harm of your son, maybe not."
** (2) Officer looks at you **
** (3) Eve sighs and goes down to the lobby where there is no doubt a tourist type gift shop... looks for and buys a compass. **
(2) Officer: "The doctor who came to see the mayor. You're with him?"
(4) Tristin: "... I can't give this to you.."
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you got a compass and find north
(2) Konrad Knox: you drop a drop on your hand, and the ring glows brighter in the north east direction. much brighter then in the airplane, but not as bright as the liquid quite yet
(3) Eve: Yay!
(2) Konrad Knox: more north than east
(3) Eve: ...
** (3) Eve goes back down and buys a map of rome and a map of Italy... and a map of Europe. **
(2) Officer: "You don't have to, sir. We can place it in a box for safe keeping while you visit the town."
** (1) Anthony chescks to make sure the boy is okay in the bathroom, wouldn't do for the boy to drown in the bathroom while hte mayer gives up his soul to protect him ^.^ **
(4) Tristin: "I just need to see my friends... they came with the caravan. I don't know if we will be heading back this way to get out of the city."
** (2) Boy waves to Tony passively from a bubble bath **
(2) Boy: "Will I be okay, Doctor?"
(1) Anthony: (( he asked you twice if you were with the doctor, you should answer him ))
(1) Anthony: "yes, son, you will be okay."
(4) Tristin: ((Sorry missed that.))
** (1) Anthony closes the bathroom door with a sad shake of his head **
(2) Officer: "Is your friends the doctor and the lady assistant?"
(4) Tristin: "Yes I with the doctor.."
** (3) Eve orders a sandwich from room service... looks over her maps.. and contemplates how the heck she is going to get in contact with the other three where ever they are... **
(4) Tristin: "Assistant... oh you mean... yeah I'm with those two."
(2) Officer: "The doctor asked us to let you in. Sorry, not look American. Look Japanese, Bruce Lee, yes?"
** (2) Officer laughs and leads Tristin to the gates **
(2) Officer: other guards relax
(4) Tristin: "Chineese... I'm not Bruce Lee..."
(1) Anthony: (( 1 point of bashing damage is regained every 15 minutes. it's surely been longer than that? Do I regain some health? ))
(2) Officer: "Funny man! Chinese karate. Packs spear!"
(2) Officer: "With the doctor."
(4) Tristin: "It's not my spear... you can have it if you want."
(2) Officer: others nod
(2) Officer: "Oh, nice. Souvenir from China!"
(4) Tristin: "Er... yeah."
(2) Officer: "Thank you. The car already went to the Mayor's villa, you'd have to wait for them to return."
(4) Tristin: "Where's the villa?"
(2) Officer: "10 miles from here north. There is a market here in the plaza, a shopping center and a city museum straight ahead. Enjoy your visit. No stab anyone, okay?"
(2) Officer: ((Tony, you regain 2 health))
(2) Officer: ((been about 30 min))
(5) Robin: ((i get one bashing healed, as well?))
(2) Officer: ((yup))
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, healing the son wasn't done but a few minutes ago ))
(4) Tristin: "No stab" he repeats.
** (1) Anthony waits for the mayor's decision **
(2) Officer: "Okay, okay. You stab I shoot, ya? okay, okay." - guard laughs
(2) Officer: the guards start talking in arabic, but you recognize "mayor" and "doctor"
(4) Tristin: ten fucking miles.... you've got to be kidding me.
** (4) Tristin nods **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, the road to the villa north leads through the middle of town, you'd be passing all the busy and scenic places, it's gonna be a walk through the crowded streets
** (2) Mayor Latep nods his head **
(2) Mayor Latep: "Alright. Stop cursing Liam, and take me instead."
(2) Mayor Latep: "I deserve what I have gotten. But he is not to pay for it."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, man, I"m going to regret this." Tony sighs and turns to the spirit, "What do I need to do?"
** (4) Tristin heads down the road looking for anything of interest **
** (2) Mayor Latep closes his eyes and you see his spirit "drop its armor", like an armadillo would suddenly flake off its scales, or a hedgehog soften his needles **
(4) Tristin: I guess my magic strength is depleted.. I feel so drained.
** (1) Anthony drops the spell compelling the spirit to stand still **
(1) Anthony: (( hmm.. robin still has spirit sight up? she will be able to see this too. *shudder* ))
** (2) Mayor Latep aura starts shining with that vulnerable, tainted gleam, too low to call a pure light, but still, it is beautiful, it's tainted with all the bad deeds and guilt and murder, but it shines greatly with all his true concern for the town population. Being an egoist who lives for pleasure, the man did care for his country and for those who live in it, he took it as his pride to serve others. **
** (5) Robin stands back against the door. **
(4) Tristin: Maybe just time magic is out though... still probably have some fate left... haven't used too much strength on fate..
** (2) Spirit lashes out like a beast, all her five arms sending blades at the Mayor, ripping his soul bit by bit, like they did to the boy, but with much much more intensity. The Mayor quietly lays on the bed and the sight is truely devastating, the spirit uses its teeth, kicks, stabs, tears, slices, rips... **
(4) Tristin: It felt like those spells I casted... though the didn't help, they came into effect.
** (1) Anthony tries to close his eyes at the terror before him, but can't. It is something he allowed and forces himself to watch the results of his actions however horrific they may be **
(5) Robin: like a bad train wreck Robin can't look away.
** (4) Tristin hopes to get to the villa faster or just know exactly where it is, looking dwelling inside his personal chance and fate. Maybe someone can show him where the mayor is, or hell even drive him there. **
(4) Tristin: ((Winds of chance fate 3 + gnosis 2))
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,3,2,[10, 2]] = (2)
** (4) Tristin walks by people asking occasional people if they know how to get to the mayor's. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, well. Robin and Tony, you didnt do anything by your own hand, so you're not guilty, but you did get yourselves into this mess and didnt escape from it when you saw how serious it is. You -are- part of this event now and it resulted from your actions in part. So, the man being hurt... you cannot do much, unless you kill the wife spirit. My question is, I'm having a hard time deciding whether to roll degeneration... opinions?))
(1) Anthony: (( I think it is an act of degeneration to not stop someone from getting hurt, just not sure at what level ))
(1) Anthony: (( robin really had no say i the matter, I don't htink she shoudl roll ))
** (3) Eve looks through her cell phone for the aurora's phone number... **
(5) Robin: ((he wanted to get hurt...and deserved it anyways))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you know that villa is north down the road, fate will not help you to just pop an idea in your mind, and of course, no fate can make your legs walk faster than you move them, but.... oh - there are plenty of cars driving by going your way.
(1) Anthony: (( 8 is "Injury to another (accidenttal or otherwise) roll 8 dce ))
(2) Konrad Knox: A guy driving a car stops at your side, Tristin
(1) Anthony: (( 7 is petty theft, etc... I don't htink then that I would need to roll degerneration, but nor do I go up in wisdom by any means ))
(2) Dude: "Where you're going?"
(1) Anthony: (( yet, allowing a soul to be hurt, maybe it should be 7 ))
(4) Tristin: "The mayor's villa."
** (2) Dude speaks in arabic of course **
(1) Anthony: (( I am willing to roll4 dice for degeneration ))
(4) Tristin: "I'm to meet some friends there."
(2) Dude: "Mayor?"
(3) Eve: ((that only applies if you have 8 wisdom but keep in mind also this man is getting his soul ripped open which is a bit more serious than stealing a tv))
** (2) Dude points forward **
** (2) Dude opens the door **
(1) Anthony: (( I would say it is at least a 7, 4 dice. ))
(1) Anthony: (( I dn't know if it's 6 though 3 dice ))
(2) Dude: ((4 dice))
(1) Anthony: (( tony did know that he could of prevented this, by destroying hte spirit even if temporaritly or excommunicating it. Tony allowed this line of action to go on ))
(1) Anthony: degeneration [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,1,1] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Anthony: (( wiew! ))
(2) Konrad Knox: robin 4 dice
(5) Robin: [1d10] => [10] = (10)
(5) Robin: op
(4) Tristin: ((That's a success))
** (1) Anthony tosses with the results of his inaction and tries to come to grip with it and finally decides that it is indeed what he Mayor deserves and just punishment for his actions and even though Tony could of done otherwise, this was the only way to make sure the Son was alright **
(5) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,[10, 1],6] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you see the man suffer, you evaluate what you could have done, yes, could have killed the spirit, could have walked away, but the choices were hard, and the boy's life was worth it. Your morality is SAFE!! Yaaay
(1) Anthony: (( is the spirit taking his soul, or just attacking it? Does the father take the place of the sons anguish now? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you could have opened a portal out so you wouldn't have to make this decision, perhaps could have opened the Mayor to suggestion, but, hey... you coulda done a lot of things, but it feels like the man got what he deserved, and the boy's life was worth it. You get over it! yaay!
(1) Anthony: (( so if the father eve decides to bring his shields back up, the spiirt will start attacking the son again? ))
(4) Tristin: ((+1 WP for sloth!!))
(4) Tristin: ((hehe))
** (2) Spirit starts hacking, and slashing at the man's soul, until it's ripped to shreds, and once the man lies motionless in a coma, barely breathing... the spirit dissolves and becomes one with him **
(4) Tristin: ((But if she used any will power isn't that against sloth?))
** (1) Anthony waits to see if the mayer moves **
(2) Boy: you hear a splash in the bathroom and the boy runs out naked
(2) Boy: "You did it! You..." - looks at his dad
** (5) Robin looks away... **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, the dude gives you a lift to the gates of villa's fence
** (2) Dude points at the gates and waves **
(2) Dude: "Goobye"
(4) Tristin: "Wow, thanks man."
(2) Officer: more guards stop you of course
** (1) Anthony checks the Mayor to make sure he is physically alright **
(4) Tristin: "Bye" *waves to the guy and sets tword the villa..*
(4) Tristin: "I'm er... with... the.... doctor."
(4) Tristin: "He is in there right?"
** (2) Mayor Latep is alive, heart is beating, he is weakly breathing... for all you can tell he is in coma **
** (2) Officer nods and motions Tristin in **
(2) Officer: "Doctor with Mayor son Liam. Healing medicine. Liam sick."
(1) Anthony: (( from what I was reading he shoudl be able to move around kinda like a zombie or something? ))
(2) Officer: "Cannot breathe. Come on up this way upstairs."
(4) Tristin: "Ah, I see..." *follows the officer*
(2) Konrad Knox: ((he will, he kinda is like a zombie with no motivation to move anywhere, he's a broken man, so he just kinda... lays there like a zombie would if nobody raised him))
(1) Anthony: (( woul loss pp 276 ))
(2) Konrad Knox: the door to the room opens and you guys see a pretty beat up Tristin and an officer behind him come in. Officer panics.
(1) Anthony: (( according to the book, he won't become zombie like until his wisdom reaches 0, at the rate of 1 wisdom a week ))
(4) Tristin: "Hey... I'm... here?"
** (4) Tristin looks at the situation ((your axe still out?)) **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((lol, im not exactly planning him to run for president. the char's done. he just suffered the pain the boy suffered for months in about 1 minute, he's still in pain shock.))
** (5) Robin moves out of the way when the door opens **
(1) Anthony: (( yeah )
(1) Anthony: (( yeha, but the state of the mayor says how we make our exit ^.^ ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((in either way, he's laying there quietly. looking into the ceiling, no motivation in his eyes, he looks sick, he barely breathes. he looks kind of like the boy did when he was sick, except he doesnt moan))
** (1) Anthony puts his axe into his belt **
(4) Tristin: "What'd you kill?"
(5) Robin: "Hi Tristin."
(4) Tristin: "Hey Robin."
** (1) Anthony turns to the son, "You will be fine now son. Your father, however, is now sick. I am not sure there is much we can do for him." **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you see Tony putting the axe into his belt, Robin standing next to him, a naked boy jumping around, but suddenly becoming sad and leaning to his father, who is laying on the bed, looking awake but kinda... immobile
** (2) Officer draws a gun just in case **
** (1) Anthony kneels down in front of the boy and says quietly, "Your father loves you very much. He made a great sacrafice for you. Don't let him down." **
(2) Officer: "What happen here?"
** (1) Anthony stands up and turns to the officer, "The boy is fine" Tony nods at the boy, "Unfortunatley, the Mayor is sick and htere is nothing I can do to help him." **
** (1) Anthony turns to robin and tristin, "Lets go, I want to get the hell out of here and find hte closest bar." Tony walks out the door without a backward glance **
(2) Officer: "No no, explain this please. What do you mean the mayor is sick?"
** (5) Robin follows quickly after. "i couldld use a drink as well..." **
(2) Officer: "You cannot leave!"
** (2) Officer points the gun at Anthony, him being the one with the axe **
(2) Officer: "What did you do?"
** (5) Robin stops to look at the officer. **
** (1) Anthony stps and turns around, "I did not do antying I saved the boy as you can plainly see. If you want to know more than that, ask the mayer." **
(1) Anthony: "I've had a very bad day and I have a splitting headache. I am leaving, I did what I said I was goign to do, heal the son."
(5) Robin: "the mayor just gave a bunch of blood to his son...he needs time to recover. but, the boy is healed now. thats all."
(4) Tristin: "You had a bad day?"
** (5) Robin contiues down the stairs **
** (2) Officer lowers the gun **
** (4) Tristin follow Robin **
(2) Officer: "Is he be alright?"
(4) Tristin: }{Follows*}{
(5) Robin: "He'll perk right up in a few hours..."
** (2) Officer stays with the mayor in the room **
** (2) Boy runs after the mages **
** (1) Anthony leaves **
(1) Anthony: "I have this freaking town."
(2) Boy: "Wait, wait please"
** (1) Anthony stops and turns around, "yes son?" **
(2) Boy: "Can I come with you?"
** (2) Boy puts on some shorts **
(1) Anthony: "Can you come with me... your father though..."
(4) Tristin: "Err... woah... sleeper. Bad idea.""
** (1) Anthony remembers what the mayer said about watching over his son **
** (1) Anthony rubs his forehead, "Will this day never end." **
(2) Boy: "You switched our souls, didn't you?"
(2) Boy: "I cannot come with you?"
** (1) Anthony whispers to the boy, "nto quite, but close" **
(5) Robin: "i was thinking just to take a picture of him and scry on him every now and then. not babysit everyday."
(1) Anthony: "I.. don't know."
** (1) Anthony walks back into the room **
(1) Anthony: "Mayor, MAYOR, do you want your son to go with us?"
(1) Anthony: (( the mayor is going to be bad off in a month or so, no better htan a zombie, his son will become an orphan. *sigh* ))
(2) Konrad Knox: the mayor is now being supported by the guard, who is trying to talk to him, and the picture is similar to someone trying to talk to an old man... the mayor being in the aftershock just babbles something about "i deserved it... i deserved it all.."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((nah, he's a rich kid in a small town))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((he just likes you coz u saved him))
(1) Anthony: (( true, he has an inheritance ))
** (2) Konrad Knox walks to Robin **
** (2) Boy does ^ **
(1) Anthony: "Son, stay here. Watch over your father. And remember that he loves you very much."
(1) Anthony: "I did not save you, your father did."
** (2) Boy shakes his head with a smile **
(5) Robin: "do you have a picture of yourself i canhave?
** (1) Anthony shakes his head, "Sorry, I don't" **
(2) Boy: "yeah. here"
** (2) Boy gives her a picture **
(1) Anthony: (( oh, thought the boy was saying that ))
(2) Boy: "Can I give you something else?"
(5) Robin: "thankyou, thats all. just want something to remember you by."
** (2) Boy leans up and motions her to come closer with a finger **
(4) Tristin: "Just pluck one of his hairs. That should be fine."
** (5) Robin put the picture into her backpack of stuff, squeezing it in. **
(2) Boy: "Just for a moment."
** (5) Robin leans over a litte "What?" **
** (2) Boy reaches up and pecks her on the cheek "Thank you!" **
(5) Robin: "uh... "
** (2) Boy comes to Anthony **
** (5) Robin stands up and leans away **
(1) Anthony: (( thank ou for letting my father's soul get destroyed. Yeha, that'll make her feel real good ))
(2) Boy: "Thank you. Here, please have this. I don't know what you did but it saved me life."
** (2) Boy gives Anthony a toy cat **
(2) Boy: it's one of those tall skinny creepy looking egyptian cats
(2) Boy: a statuette about 6 inches tall
** (1) Anthony takes the toy cat and lokes at it, "Thank you, I will cherish it always" Tony ruffles the boy hair, turns around and leaves **
(1) Anthony: "Gawd I need a drink. Or ten"
** (5) Robin waves to the boy and walks briskly out the front **
** (3) Eve calls Aurora **
** (2) Boy runs back to the house **
(4) Tristin: "I wounder if hasish is legal here.."
(2) Manager: "Hello. You've reached Aurora, this is Assistant Manager Donovan speaking, how may I help you?"
** (1) Anthony looks at the statue of hte cat and puts it in his pocket, "Uchawi, I'm not sure if I did the right thing, but it seemed like the only thing." **
** (1) Anthony looks for the nearest bar **
(5) Robin: ((spatial map space4+gnosis 3))
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,1,6,[10, 8],3,1] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: well guys, you're about 5 miles away from town, in a private villa
** (1) Anthony will start walking deep in thought **
(3) Eve: "Yes this is Eve Kline, I've a need to get in touch with an Associate of Mr. Withrow's, I think perhaps they may be listed under his emergency contact information, a Mr. Parrot. it's very imporant."
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin can tell you tht for sure. the spatial map does not last 5 miles, but... the city is south, 5.2 miles down the road.
(2) Konrad Knox: around the villa are gardens and outskirts of deserty area. sand and dry trees, not much else
(1) Anthony: "I tell you what, if that wsa the standard penalty for murder, there would be very few murderers."
(5) Robin: "Well I'd rather not stay in town much longer. How about we find a bar in a different town altogether?"
(1) Anthony: "How about we go back hame?"
(1) Anthony: "Think you can cast a portal yet?"
(2) Konrad Knox: you two feel tired, but at least you're not too hungry. Tristin on the other hand is pretty hungry.
** (4) Tristin 's stomach rumbles **
(5) Robin: "Yeah. Are you talking about the hollow?"
(1) Anthony: (( bashing damage gone? ))
(1) Anthony: "Oregon, the hollow, the states, whatever."
(4) Tristin: "I need some food, some of Kurt's mana food, and a nice bed..."
(5) Robin: "I think the hollow has everything we're needing."
(4) Tristin: "Will Kassidy mind us bargeing in?"
(2) Manager: "Mister Parrot? I don't think I have his number. All information belonging to this case is confidentially kept by an agent who is not here at the moment. I don't think it's a good idea to discuss it over long distance phone. Signals can be traced."
(1) Anthony: "She shouldn't mind."
** (5) Robin robin take one of the heaing potions out of her bag to remind her of kassidy and the cozy hallow. **
(2) Manager: ((please roll paradox))
(2) Manager: ((plz plz plz plz plz plz plz))
(5) Robin: ((Iroll one die?))
(2) Manager: ((no no, you roll the portal))
(5) Robin: manipulation2+invest1+space4))
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,6,6,3,3,7] = (0)
(2) Manager: portal fizzles
** (5) Robin take out her bat from her sheath for extra help. **
(3) Eve: *sighs* "Very well, I hadn't imagined you would be much help any way."
** (3) Eve hangs up. **
** (5) Robin makes her usual slahing movement and focuses on the hallow **
(1) Anthony: "Actually, maybe you shoudl give us a portal to Eve wherver she is."
(5) Robin: 7-1+1 for bat))
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 5],8,1,[10, 3],8,9] = (5)
(2) Witch: the portal opens...
(5) Robin: "I don't think i have anything of Eve's to make it easier. Lets try from the hollow so I can scry on her safely first."
(4) Tristin: ((BURN HER!!!!))
(2) Witch: ((no paradox. gah!))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((i got nicknamed))
(4) Tristin: ((She turned me into a newt))
(1) Anthony: "Fine". Tony steps through the protal
** (5) Robin walks through **
(3) Eve: ((how do you know she is a witch?))
** (4) Tristin follows through the portal **
(4) Tristin: ((She looks like one!!))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((no paradox means i cant send your portal off into random destination, accidentally uniting you with Eve. *cries* that would be too easy on the GM wouldnt it))
(1) Tank: testing
(2) Konrad Knox: testing
(1) Tank: (( someone send me a PM please ))
whispering to Anthony, DIE
(1) Tank: testing
** (5) Robin drops the portal after everone gets inside the hallow. **
(1) Tank: testing
(1) Tank: (( heh, only does it to you, maybe it's GM only
(2) Konrad Knox: you're all in the Hollow. Back in New Haven, portal closes.
(2) Konrad Knox: nobody is home
** (1) Anthony turns to Robin, "What say we never discuss what happened there. Ever." **
** (5) Robin looks around while heading to the living room **
** (3) Eve lays on the bed of her hotel room contemplating her next attempt to find these people **
(5) Robin: "Sounds reasonable..."
(2) Konrad Knox: everything looks like usual in the Hollow
(1) Anthony: "Okay,now we get to try to find out where Eve went."
(1) Anthony: "it's been close to 4 hours, doubt she's still at the office building."
** (4) Tristin looks at them and hopes to glipse some of the event so he won't have to ask them about it. **
** (4) Tristin prying into their recent past **
** (5) Robin thinking of Eve attempts to cast a scrying portal on the tv tapping it with her bat. **
(4) Tristin: ((Postcognition gnosis 2 + time 4 = 6))
(5) Robin: ((scrying gnosis3+space4+1bat))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,7,6,5,9,4,2] = (1)
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,6,2,6,5] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, the spell you cast allows you to see what happened in the location where you are. Last thing you see is Kassidy making dinner and leaving.
(2) Konrad Knox: ((to look at other people, you have to use something else))
** (4) Tristin sighs not getting a desired resualt. **
(4) Tristin: ((Yeah, I need space 2))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, Kassidy was cooking chicken breast, baking. She didnt like it, it turned out too chewy
(4) Tristin: ((result*))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, to scry on Eve, you get a -8 modifier. You have nothing personal of hers, and you only seen her for a short time. You get a chance die
(5) Robin: "hmmm, anyone have anything of eves to help me get intouch with her?"
** (1) Anthony shrugs **
(5) Robin: "sighs"
(1) Anthony: (( try the chance die ))
** (5) Robin taps the tv, hoping for the best. **
(5) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: goddamn
(1) Anthony: (( nope, .vs(10) ))
(2) Konrad Knox: oh
(5) Robin: (aww))
(5) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [5] = (0)
(2) Konrad Knox: no luck
(5) Robin: "Anybody got her number?"
(1) Anthony: (( wait, was it a chance die, or 1 die? there'sa difference ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((chance))
(1) Anthony: (( 8 - 8 = 0, yeah, chance die ))
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. how do we find her. What do we even know about her?"
** (3) Eve gives up on trying to find them for the moment and orders pasta from the roomservice. **
(5) Robin: "umm, she has a pretty name?"
(1) Anthony: "Oh, maybe a wolf spirit can find her."
(3) Eve: ((gives robin a cookie))
(5) Robin: ((yumm))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((anyone of you has common sense as a merit? coz im pulling my hair))
(1) Anthony: summon spirit - searcher wolf gnsois 2 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,1,7,9] vs 8 result of (3)
(1) Anthony: "Anyone have her phone number?"
(1) Anthony: (( did she give us her number? ))
(1) Anthony: (( I have dream but am not sleepy XD ))
(2) Wolf Spirit: "Greetings."
(1) Anthony: (( I could metagame and take a nap ))
(3) Eve: ((if we had exchanged phone numbers we wouldn't be having this problem now because I would have already called you.))
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((and get random dream a GM feels like sending you))
(1) Anthony: (( actually, I get to kinda phrase a question for hte dream kinda ))
(1) Anthony: "Hello again. We need to find someone, the problem is, I'm not sure hwo to describe her to you to find her. You have any ideas?"
(2) Wolf Spirit: "You're asking me to describe something you want me to find. Hmmm. Can it be a yummy rabbit with long ears, fluffy gray fur, and... oh wait, maybe a badger. A badger will do."
(1) Anthony: "No, no, it's a woman we know named Eve."
(2) Wolf Spirit: "Eve." - nods "What does she look like and when have you seen her last?"
(1) Anthony: "What do you need to know to be able to find her?"
** (3) Eve considers for a moment throuhg a mouth full of pasta.. and calls the Aurora again. **
(2) Wolf Spirit: "I need a description of what her spirit looks like."
(1) Anthony: "We saw her last about 4 hours ago in a building. Of what her spirit looks like."
(1) Anthony: (( did I ever see Eve with spirit sight up? ))
(2) Manager: "You've reached Aurora Casino, assistant manager Donovan, how may I help you?"
(3) Eve: "Hello Donovan, It's Miss Kline again.. look.. if they call you.. would you be able to give them a number?"
(3) Eve: "The associates of Mr. Withrow I mean.
(2) Manager: "Certainly, but once again, Mr. Willow and Mrs. Riley highly insisted on avoiding long distance transmissions. They would certainly pick up surveilance on their tail. What is the number?"
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((i dunno, did you?))
(1) Anthony: (( I can't recall.. ))
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((neither can I))
(3) Eve: "I'm sure your facility has the capacity to at least have caller id."
(1) Anthony: "Well, to be honest, I really don't think I know what her spirit looks like Tony sighs, "Sorry to disturb you Doesn't seem like I can describe her suficiently for you to find her."
** (2) Manager chuckles out of politeness **
(4) Tristin: ((Life, but not spirit.))
(2) Manager: "I'll make sure to give them this number then."
(3) Eve: "Thank you."
** (3) Eve hangs up again. **
(4) Tristin: (("(1) Anthony looks at eve with life mage sight **"))
(4) Tristin: (("4) Eve: ((Eve's aura is that of a younger woman, probably not yet in her mid-twenties, she seems to be very healthy, vibrant, and oddly immune to a number of deseases and toxins))"))
** (1) Anthony thinks, "You know who would have her number, (konrad's chars name here). But he's out of the country." **
(4) Tristin: ((Kurtis))
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, kurtis ))
(1) Anthony: "Okay, you know Kurtis? maybe you can scry kurtis and have him give you her number."
(4) Tristin: ((That was the name I gave the guy who wanted to kill me))
(1) Anthony: "Arg, we're freaking mages and we can't find one woman? What's wrong with us?"
** (3) Eve finishes her pasta and considers her next move. **
(5) Robin: "yeah, thats a good idea."
(2) Wolf Spirit: "I don't think I know the man. I remember his car, it was parked here, but the spirit was very noisy. Seeking someone out of the country will take some time. Long distance to cross"
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((or u dismissed wolf?))
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, dismissed wolf ))
** (2) Wolf Spirit goes poof and didnt say any of that **
** (1) Anthony 's headache finally goes away **
(5) Robin: ((how many die penalties for scrying on kurt?))
** (3) Eve looks at her maps of Italy.. then Europe and draws a big line north and west of Rome **
(5) Robin: ((3+space 4+ 1 bat))/me taps the tv gentally once more
(3) Eve: ...Vinice first I think...
(2) Manager: ((6))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((-6 penalty))
(5) Robin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((well congrats guys you assfucked him and yourself for the rest of the campaign.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you guys remember in session 2 the lady who gave u the job specifically instructing you not to try and contact him? here is why))
(1) Anthony: (( scrying is not necessairly contacting ))
(2) Kurtis: Robin, you scry on Kurtis, seeing from behind him. He is high up in the air, at night, but not flying, just high above ground, mountains around him, he is sneaking along a wall, he is moving in light steps along a wall of what seems to be a castle, and a few moments later you feel attempts to temper with the spell
** (5) Robin drops the spell when she notices interferance. **
** (1) Anthony squints at the TV, "Where is that, a castle? Ahh you dropped it." **
(1) Anthony: "Well, he looked kinda busy anyway."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, well, teh only place we know Eve from is Kurtis and hte casino right? maybe the casino has her number."
(4) Tristin: "Anyone know how to call the guy that asked us to do this?"
(5) Robin: "yeah, maybe."
(4) Tristin: "His number... or how to get it?"
(1) Anthony: "yeah, the casino, let me give them a call."
** (1) Anthony grabs a phone book and looks up the casino and calls it. **
(1) Anthony: "What was that lady's name at the casino... I'm so bad at names."
** (1) Anthony waits for someone to answer the phone **
** (5) Robin shrugs. "Who, Eve?" **
(1) Anthony: "No, eve is who we're looking for. The manager of the casino."
(2) Manager: "You've reached Aurora, assistant manager Donovan, how may I help you today?"
(5) Robin: "Oh."
(1) Anthony: "Hi, this is Mister Parrot. We got sperated from someone in our group. You wouldn't happen to have the number to Eve would you?"
(3) Eve: ((for ten million cookies who was the lady you met in the office..))
(1) Anthony: (( I'm so bad at names, you know that. No fair asking me ))
(2) Manager: ((thats why i post logs))
(1) Anthony: (( I'm so bad I"m thinking of my next character having hte flaw, "Unable to remember nams" ))
(2) Manager: ((u guys had 2 contacts - dude in plate armor who met u in casino, and woman in the scorpider building. plate armor guy helped her recruit you. god help them))
(2) Manager: "Yes, she left her number for you. Though calling her may be dangerous, as it will give out your location to outside surveilance. The number is -insert number here- "
** (1) Anthony writes the number down **
(1) Anthony: "Good point, I guess I should call from a pay phone."
** (1) Anthony thinks **
(1) Anthony: "Thank you" hangs up
(1) Anthony: "Okay, I have her number, but the lady says it may be dangerous to call her
(1) Anthony: "I wonder if someone with forces could track the number and talk to her cell phone directly."
(1) Anthony: "Do any of us have forces?" Tony looks around
** (5) Robin shakes her head. **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, I know, this is going ot get tricky though."
(1) Anthony: "You scry your home, you have a phone there right? Or a phone booth near by or something. Then you use that phone through the scrying window to call her."
** (4) Tristin 's eyes roll back for a moment **
(1) Anthony: "They could maybe track us, but track us to somewhere we're not"
(4) Tristin: "Guys we gotta move!"
** (1) Anthony jumps up, "Move where? My car is here." **
** (1) Anthony runs to his car **
(1) Anthony: (( wiat, where is my car ))
(4) Tristin: "Anywhere... but not here..."
(3) Eve: ....
(1) Anthony: (( my car is not here, it's at the scopider building ))
(4) Tristin: "Something is headed here.... fast."
(1) Anthony: "Shit. And no wheels."
(1) Anthony: "Open a portal, anywhere, quick."
(5) Robin: "my house..."
(5) Robin: 4+1+2+1 bat)) slahses the air for a portal
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,4,2,3,8,9,6] = (2)
** (1) Anthony steps thorugh the portal (( after check for paradox )) **
(4) Tristin: ((We're in a hallow))
(2) Manager: ((hallow))
(1) Anthony: (( you mean a demense, yeah ))
** (5) Robin steps through **
(1) Anthony: (( makes vulgar magic covert ))
** (4) Tristin steps through and in a bit of a hurried voice "Close it." **
(4) Tristin: "Oh I hope Kassy doesn't hate us..."
** (1) Anthony looks around, "Nice pad." **
** (5) Robin drops the spell after tristin steps through. **
(1) Anthony: "Man, I'm getting tired of this. We go to the building, we get attacked. We go to leave, wind up in bum fuck egypt. We come back, get attacked. "
(5) Robin: "Haven't been here in a while..."
(1) Anthony: "Someone's gonna tick me off once too many very soon and heads are gonna roll."
(2) Konrad Knox: last thing you see from the closing portal is a shadow flying into Kassy's house through the roof, sniffing around, and heading to the portal, but it closes just before it
(1) Anthony: "What was that thing."
** (3) Eve decides to go take a dip in the pool. **
** (3) Eve swim swim swim **
(2) Konrad Knox: the water is warm
(2) Konrad Knox: pleasant to the skin
(2) Konrad Knox: where is your phone?
(5) Robin: "hopefully Kassidy will understand..."
(5) Robin: in the kitchen))
(3) Eve: in my little purse thing under the towel.
(3) Eve: next to the liquid stuff, which I'm not letting out of my sight.
(2) Konrad Knox: So youre at Robin's home. I guess she describes a scene. :)
** (4) Tristin steps over the cats on the way to the kitchen **
(5) Robin: its obvously abandoned. clean sweeped by the police a while back. Cats still living here, gettting in and out through a broken window.not so Surprising no one has wanted to rent it out.
(1) Anthony: "Why do you think it would be dangerous to call her? YOu think they're monitoring hte phoen lines? But we're not in chicago, and it's just phone to phone. If we don't say anything discriminating they would have no way to trace it over the other millions of phone calls right?"
(5) Robin: "well, at least the pay phone by the laundry mat works..."
(1) Anthony: "I htink we should chance it, what do you think?"
(1) Anthony: "But get ready to portal out if someone comes and chases us again. Or fight. I'm not feeling like running right now."
** (1) Anthony walks outside and looks for the pay phone **
(5) Robin: ((dont think the phone would be turned on, nor the electricity or water.))
(4) Tristin: "I cannot maintain any mentally tasking spells right now.."
** (5) Robin walks with him."yeah, Its just at the end of the block." **
(4) Tristin: "Your Jeep still here?"
whispering to Robin, you can make your portals seem like they are portals to somewhere else, its a spell "create new strands" or something. it may confuse your enemy who tries to gate hop to you, and shake em off your tail))
(5) Robin: "I think it was impounded or something."
(2) Konrad Knox: Tony, you see a coffee shop nearby, probably a phone in there
** (1) Anthony walks tot he coffee shop **
** (2) Dude At the counter looks at you and nods "Hi" **
** (4) Tristin follows Tony **
** (1) Anthony nods, "You got a phone?" **
** (2) Dude hands over the phone **
(2) Dude: "Local call?"
** (1) Anthony looks at the number **
(1) Anthony: (( what area code? ))
(3) Eve: oregon area code)
(4) Tristin: ((We're in Anaheim now))
(1) Anthony: "Actually, oregon." Tony reaches into hsi pocket, pulls out a $20 and puts it on the counter, "For the call."
** (1) Anthony dials the number **
** (2) Dude takes it **
** (3) Eve answers her phone **
(3) Eve: "Hello?"
(1) Anthony: "Hello. We got seperated. Where are you?"
(3) Eve: "I'm in Italy, Hotel Le Bagio, looking for the gem.. where are you?"
(1) Anthony: "ITALY!?! What the heck you doing..." Tony sighs, "never mind. Hotel La Bagio you say. We're in Anaheim."
** (1) Anthony gives Eve his phone number, "In case you have to contact me." **
(5) Robin: ((could i create new threads over the phone for a strong connection?))
(3) Eve: "Anaheim.. I'm in Italy because the artifact that our contact gave me pointed me in this direction towards the gem. The hotel is in Rome. I reccomend you guys get here, its a starting point to finding what we are looking for."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes, dot 3 spell))
(1) Anthony: "Well, think we should take a flight there?"
(3) Eve: "Unless you have any other means.. I would be careful, I have a suspicion that we are being closely watched. I've already had two mages on the plane I was on, after switching flights last minute."
(1) Anthony: (( don't think it would be cool opening a portal in the diner ^.^ ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you can create your own sympathetic connection between things and people))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((youre in a coffee shop, not a diner))
** (5) Robin taps tony on the shoulder, I could try making a stronger connection and opeing on back at my house. if it doesnt work we could take a plane. **
(1) Anthony: "Well, we have other means, but when we went ot... um.. view someone else we were attacked. I think it's best if we do this mundane for now."
** (1) Anthony turns to Robin, "You have a passport?" **
(5) Robin: "Alright."
(5) Robin: "uh, somewhere..."
** (1) Anthony turns to Tristin, "You have one?" **
(4) Tristin: "I don't.."
(3) Eve: "Alright I'll make arrangments for rooms here... Unless you wish to make other accomodations yourselves.."
(1) Anthony: "Well, we'll have to do it our way then I guess and chance it."
(4) Tristin: ((Wait yes I do))
(4) Tristin: ((Scratch that v.v ))
(1) Anthony: (( tell me IC, not OOC ))
(4) Tristin: ((He wouldn't have said that, just ignore))
(4) Tristin: "YEah I do."
(3) Eve: "I'm going to hang up now, I don't want to chance people tracking the call. Call me if anything comes up. See you when you get here."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, I think we'll have to fly out. We'll take some time to get our passports together. Mine is back in Oregon."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, wee you when we get there. What room number?"
(3) Eve: "You have my number now. I'll meet you in the lobby I would rather not say my room number over the phone just in case."
(1) Anthony: "Roger that." Tony hangs up
** (3) Eve hangs up. **
** (1) Anthony turns to the coffe shop dude, "Thanks for the call. Can I get a coffee to go plese?" **
** (3) Eve immediately turns off her phone for at least five minutes. **
** (2) Dude fills you a coffee cup **
(2) Dude: "3.75 please"
(1) Anthony: "Actually, have you eaten?"
** (1) Anthony pays **
(2) Dude: "Why?"
(1) Anthony: "Tristin?"
(1) Anthony: (( was said to tristin, not the dude ))
(4) Tristin: "Not since that pie you gave me."
(1) Anthony: "Maybe we should have lunch." Tony sits at hte counter
** (1) Anthony grabs a menu and orders a BLT sandwich, hold the bacon **
(4) Tristin: ((LT))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, how far is your house from the coffee shop?
(4) Tristin: "I'll have mine with bacon."
** (5) Robin sits at the bar next to tony, ordering a slice of pie **
(1) Anthony: (( The pie is a lie! ))
(2) Dude: "Guys, this is a coffee shop, I don't really serve food, or have a menu. Diner is next block."
(5) Robin: ((less than a block i guess, since we went here intead of the aundry mat wich is a block away
(2) Dude: ((lol u guys are insane))
(1) Anthony: (( coffee shop in anaheim not serving food? hell, even the starbucks have food if only rolls ))
(2) Dude: ((anaheim sucks))
(1) Anthony: (( Every coffee shop I've been to has served food :P ))
(3) Eve: ((starbucks are high end coffee shops.. this is a run of the mill down the block from the laundry mat coffee shop.. it probably doesn't even have Latte's)
** (1) Anthony gets up and heads to the diner **
** (5) Robin does as well. **
(2) Konrad Knox: fellas, as you walk to the diner, you dont even have to roll anything to notice a giant dark cloud form over Robin's house, and a number of shadows leaking into her roof
(1) Anthony: "Freaking wonderful."
(1) Anthony: "Lets get out of here."
(1) Anthony: "Obvoiusly we can't cast squat, we're being watched."
(2) Konrad Knox: windows in the house break, glass flies out, cats scatter around, the house is being proper searched
(5) Robin: "Shit, hope my cats are okay."
(4) Tristin: "Aren't spirits intimidated by cats?"
(1) Anthony: "some are, some aren't."
(1) Anthony: "The wolf spirit I use to find people wouldn't be."
(1) Anthony: "I guess a mouse spirit would be."
** (1) Anthony walks down the street away from teh house **
(1) Anthony: "How the heck am I going ot get my passport in Oregon now without being able to warp there?"
(5) Robin: "Uh,maybe I'll just buy a new passport."
(2) Konrad Knox: the shadows seem to stay in the house area, having no other scent to follow, looking for more remainders of portals or spells, but not finding them
(1) Anthony: "I'd like to know how they got to anaheim so fast, must of ported in."
(5) Robin: 'yeah."
(4) Tristin: "I think they just move -really- quick...."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so we need to get to itally without passports. Wonderful."
(4) Tristin: "We got to Egypt..."
(1) Anthony: "We are lucky we didn't get jumped there either."
(5) Robin: "somehow I'm not so sure I want to open a portal."
(4) Tristin: "Speak for yourself..."
(1) Anthony: "Right now they don't know, as far as we know, that it's in italy. If we open up magic there and they follow,t hey will know."
(1) Anthony: "And we can't get on a plane without passports.
(1) Anthony: "It would take a few hours to drive back to oregon
(4) Tristin: "Well, mine's in my backpack.."
(1) Anthony: "Where is yours Robin?"
(5) Robin: "I think mine was in the house..."
(4) Tristin: "Wish I didn't get caught up in trying to get past the guard and remembered I still had it.."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm... "
(1) Anthony: "It would be easy to turn into a mouse and go get it, but then they'd sense the magic."
(1) Anthony: "Maybe... we could offer some kid $20 to go in and get it."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((lol))
(5) Robin: "heh, yeah."
** (3) Eve turns her phone back on, looks around to see if anyone is checking out her ass and heads back up to her room **
** (4) Tristin can't you brainwash squirrels or something? **
(3) Eve: ((what time is it in Italy?))
(4) Tristin: ""
(1) Anthony: "Yes, I can. But that takes magic. I cast magic, and they would sense it."
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, a hot guy was checking out your breast, but not the ass... oh wait, yup now he's checking out ass
(5) Robin: "Oh yeah, actually...my mouse friend...."
(1) Anthony: "Although they mostly seem to be following portal magic, they can probablky sense others."
** (3) Eve goes up to her room with a smile on her face. **
(4) Tristin: "I think they started when we scryed..."
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, the hot guys follows you
(1) Anthony: "Why didn't they find us in Egypt? maybe because the portal went wrong?"
(1) Anthony: "Can you make a portal look wrong? Hide it or something?"
(3) Eve: guys?
(3) Eve: ))
(5) Robin: "Yeah, I can also put a key on it.
(1) Anthony: (( ?? ))
(1) Anthony: "Well, can you make a portal go somewhere, but make it look like it goes somewhere else?"
(3) Eve: ((oh just guy..))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((one guy, same guy from the pool))
(1) Anthony: "Like make a portal to Italy, but make it look likeit's going ot tasmania or something"
(1) Anthony: "Or maybe even cast 5 different portals going all over and we only step through one."
** (3) Eve puts up prime sight just in case.. rote - wit+occult+prime = 7 **
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,2,5,8,[10, 4],9] = (4)
(1) Anthony: "Then we get away from where the portal went as fast as possible."
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, the guy nods to you with a smile, by the look of him he's travelling either alone or with buddies. No woman.
(5) Robin: "ALright."
(5) Robin: "lets get out of plain sight."
(2) Konrad Knox: Magically... you sense nothing of him, he is no mage, but your phone radiates now with a hint of space magic, though it's been withered quite a bit in the 5 minutes of it being off, and it keeps withering
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. you wanna try that? Open up five portals. One to itally, the others to like, japan, australia, the arctic, etc... then we go through the one to itally and freaking run"
(2) Konrad Knox: the guy smiles at you again and talks. "How are you doing, miss? My name is Carlos. The water is nice, yes?"
(1) Anthony: "We gotta be fast though, I think as soon asyou open a portal those spirits will be on us."
(4) Tristin: "What if it opens into the middle of Rome?"
(1) Anthony: "Well, can you aim for the eifel tower orsomething?'
(1) Anthony: "Oh, that's france"
(1) Anthony: "Anywhere in the area shoudl help us, we shoudl be in same country I think though so we won't have to cross borders without passports."
** (3) Eve will be killing the aura of the space spell now I think. Turning phone off again. **
(5) Robin: "I think 2 is better than 5 just because of the time it would take. don't want to be still casting when they show up/
(3) Eve: "Nice to meet you Carlos, I'm doing just great, the water is lovely yes. I'm Iris by the way."
(1) Anthony: "yeah, but with 2 they have a 50 50 chance of finding us. And they'll just send spirits to both."
(5) Robin: "france, and uh...spain, then."
(1) Anthony: "With 5 they won't be sure."
** (3) Eve smiles with charm. **
(5) Robin: "maybe 4"
(2) Carlos Riva: "Itis like the flower?" - smiles charmingly, showing the gleaming white smile
(1) Anthony: "Open the one to italy second. So if they come we run through before they can follow
(1) Anthony: "Tyr to get off 5 if you can before they come."
(3) Eve: "Yes like the flower." *smiles again beginning to dry off*
(1) Anthony: "I wish we could hide our spells."
(5) Robin: "alright, ready?"
** (2) Carlos Riva is slim, nice built and hairy mediterranean man, could be spanish, could be italian, could be both **
(1) Anthony: "lets duck into this alley
(5) Robin: "yeah."
(3) Eve: ((dies of hairy man))
(1) Anthony: "I think it shouldn't be too hard to make a portal to an entier country, shoudlit?"
(2) Carlos Riva: ((just on chest, no armpit hair))
(2) Carlos Riva: ((short hair))
(3) Eve: ((that is even worse!!))
(3) Eve: ((chokes and gags))
(5) Robin: "I'll cast them all in a row next to eachother. It'll be the second one that should be our correct destination."
(2) Carlos Riva: ((good teeth though! ^^))
(1) Anthony: "Right. Ready?"
(3) Eve: ((no fuzzy mens))
(1) Anthony: "If they go havoc, just let them. Except for hte one to italy who cares where the others go?"
(5) Robin: ((space4+ inves.1+manipulation 2+ 1 for bat))
** (5) Robin slashes vertically 5 times **
(5) Robin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(2) Konrad Knox: think your best thoughts about some country
(5) Robin: ((any penalty die?))
(5) Robin: ((im theinking spain for the first one))
(1) Anthony: (( that's too close to where we're relaly going, think of japan or something ))
** (3) Eve makes small talk with the fuzzy man who has nice teeth though. Then goes up to her room. **
(5) Robin: ((mmmm australia, then.))
(4) Tristin: ((We can tame some kangaroos!!!))
(1) Anthony: (( or the sprits can try anyway ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, the more you can think of a country, the more you know about it and where it is on the map, the higher chance its gonna be a right destination
(1) Anthony: "Try austrailia, italy, japan, antarctica, china."
(2) Konrad Knox: for penalty purposes... start listing things you know about countries.
(1) Anthony: (( and you thought geography in school would never serve you ))
(2) Konrad Knox: otherwise you'll get "described" penalty, which you really dont want. (-10). Try to go for familiarity. countries you seen on tv, on map, have souvenirs from, friends from, etc.
(2) Konrad Knox: Egypt comes to you at -4, youve been there
(5) Robin: "australiaa its got lots of sharks. they say gooday,mate. and its a island in the middle of the ocean south of japan. originally settled by convicts. plenty of desert there...
(1) Anthony: (( Hey, you can do somethign youc an see right? How about one to the sun? heh ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ooh ooh, Egypt comes to you at -2. Tony has the TOY CAT!
(4) Tristin: ((China too then, I have robes))
(5) Robin: alright, egypt witll definatly be one.
(1) Anthony: (( oh, right, just send a bunch of spirits into the tramatized boys room. riiiiiiggggghhhhtttt ))
(5) Robin: ((china cuz tristin is asian))
(4) Tristin: ((azn*))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((is still laughing))
(5) Robin: ((w/e))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((k, done laffing))
(5) Robin: How about one right back at my house, since that'll be easy.
(1) Anthony: (( incidently, italy is the boot ))
(2) Konrad Knox: for Australia it looks like a freaking -9 penalty to me so far. not complete idiocy but pretty rediculous XD
(1) Anthony: (( and if you dont know what that means, we're fucked ^.^ ))
(5) Robin: ((eh)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((u have an excellent travel mage lol :D u gonna be marching with penguins XD ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((a crystal meth dealer who drinks potions for kicks))
** (1) Anthony turns to Robin, "You seem to be having some trouble there. Maybe we shoudl go get an atlas first?" **
(1) Anthony: (( Hmm.. a picture of a place, what pentalty woudl that bring? ))
(4) Tristin: ((LSD...))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you're in your room, Carlos disppointed went to masturbate alone
(5) Robin: "Uh, well it doesn't really matter where the others open if i get one right
(1) Anthony: "True. Can you get it right?"
(2) Carlos Riva: mmm... what a woman... white hair, so gorgeous. Iris, like the flower... what a piece of delicious female... the ass... the breast... and im spent...
** (3) Eve is happy Carlos went off alone because he is a fuzzy man. **
(1) Anthony: "You know where italy is right? It's the boot."
(5) Robin: "yeah, the boot."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((better than -10. Maybe -8 or -7 ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((atlas definitely helps her))
(1) Anthony: "They grow olives there, lots of pasta. Lots of italians..."
(4) Tristin: "Not in Italy!"
** (4) Tristin chuckles **
** (5) Robin nods **
** (3) Eve looks in the brochure magazine thing all hotels have for a day trip to Venice **
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, Robin. How about Academics+Intelligence roll? results will subtract from your penalty. your basic geography knowledge from school
(1) Anthony: (( -8 or -7 sis still chance die for her ))
(5) Robin: intell 2 academics none...
(2) Konrad Knox: 1 dice
(5) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: NICE
(1) Anthony: (( chance die at that :/ ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((no, one die))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((2 int -1 penalty))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((1 solid dice))
(1) Anthony: (( ahh, cool ))
(1) Anthony: (( except that scholar skillsare -3 unknown penalty ))
(1) Anthony: (( mental are -3, otheres are -1 ))
(2) Konrad Knox: well Robin, you kinda sorta know where all these countries are, though an atlas could help focus better.
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ouch!))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((well then she has to roll vs 10))
(5) Robin: (uhhh))
(2) Konrad Knox: good luck
(5) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [3] = (0)
(5) Robin: :(
(2) Konrad Knox: looks like map or atlas
(5) Robin: "Where would i get a world map, a phone book?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, furniture is flying out your house's windows
(1) Anthony: (( I'm getting hungry ))
(5) Robin: "not like i have an atlas handy"
(1) Anthony: "A store."
(2) Konrad Knox: (( u guys wanna stop here?))
(4) Tristin: ((sure))
(5) Robin: ((alright))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((Claire baked me so many russian pirozhki i can go up all morning))
(1) Anthony: (( gonna need to get an atlas at least, maybe good spot to stop ))
(1) Anthony: (( what is a pirozhki? ))
Sorry I don't know what /box is!
(3) Eve: ((yummy yummy nom nom nom))

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(2) Konrad Knox:

Session End. God help them all... god helps us all.

(1) Anthony: thanks for game all
(1) Anthony: I gotta go eat
(1) Anthony: my stomach is growling
(2) Konrad Knox: 7xp each
(3) Eve: They are like little baby looves of bread with meat and cabbagie goodness inside them
(2) Konrad Knox: just to let u know
(2) Konrad Knox: ure fine when ure casting spells
(2) Konrad Knox: ure not fine when u cast spells that fly over insane distances
(2) Konrad Knox: especially close to enemy lines
(2) Konrad Knox: u got chosen for the mission because of ur low gnosis, which lets you cast spell locally undetected under the radar
(2) Konrad Knox: but when things happen between countries, that trace becomes clearer, unless your Mastigos can mask them
(2) Konrad Knox: Mastigos are the stealthers
(2) Konrad Knox: TOTALS: Tristin 16 xp, Robin 42 xp, Eve 15 xp, Tony 17xp
(4) Tristin: Correct
(2) Konrad Knox: questions comments concerns or we all go to bed?
(3) Eve: Why do Itailan mens have to be fuzzy?
(2) Konrad Knox: its just one hun, your next italian will be better
(2) Konrad Knox: ure int a hotel resort
(2) Konrad Knox: so now Kurtis has to have a neat battle with a shadow minion, which is cool coz its a reason for him to grab exp as a reason after my chapter is done. im sure he'd pwn the minion up.
(5) Robin: well, thanks for the game, everyone.
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin?
(5) Robin: goodnight.
(2) Konrad Knox: nite Robin
(4) Tristin: ?
(3) Eve: night all
(4) Tristin: Huh?
(2) Konrad Knox: OOC duel Kurtis? Demesne style 1v1 no paradox, full mana full WP
(4) Tristin: Good night.
(4) Tristin: Maybe some time this week.
(2) Konrad Knox: get on sometime
(4) Tristin: About to fall over.
(4) Tristin: Okay
(2) Konrad Knox: kk
(2) Konrad Knox: nite all.
(2) Konrad Knox: server ripcording
(4) Tristin: night, peace
(5) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Robin (exit): 06:56
(4) Tristin: Disconnecting from server...
(4) Tristin (exit): 06:56