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(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 21:51
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 21:52
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 21:52
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) Konrad Knox...
(2) Anthony (enter): 22:00
(2) Anthony: Hey
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Anthony...
(1) Konrad Knox: hey
(1) Konrad Knox: youre the only one online...
(2) Anthony: gonna go smoke a cig while waiting
(1) Konrad Knox: i think its time to use phone soon
(2) Anthony: that's okay, I totally forgot it was sunday night
(2) Anthony: Until you IMed me then I was like, Oh, yeah, that is tonight ain't it?
(2) Anthony: superbowl was good good
(3) Eve (enter): 22:01
(1) Konrad Knox: oh right
(1) Konrad Knox: superbowl sunday
(3) Eve: huh?
(2) Anthony: g'evenin'
(1) Konrad Knox: claire was right
(1) Konrad Knox: she asks me isnt it sb sunday? im like huh? never watched football
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Eve...
(2) Anthony: I watch maybe 2 or 3 football games a YEAR. But I make it a point to watch the superbowl
(3) Eve: do stoners watch football?
(2) Anthony: Definately
(2) Anthony: and play it on consoles :D
(3) Eve: bla
(2) Anthony: Nerd stoners though.. not sure :D
(2) Anthony: Although I was and did
(3) Eve: hmmm...
(3) Eve: but wouldn't it be like 2am there?
(2) Anthony: Where is there?
(3) Eve: florida
(2) Anthony: They anser phone?
(2) Anthony: If they don't show up I wanna do some kurtis .vs. tony using both methods of armor
(5) Tristin (enter): 22:09
(2) Anthony: I think the current method gives us too much protection
(2) Anthony: Or not :d
(2) Anthony: :D
(5) Tristin: Hey guys, sorry
(6) Robin (enter): 22:09
(2) Anthony: We were wondering if you were drunk from a superbowl party
(5) Tristin: Nope
(6) Robin: I don't even like football that much.
(5) Tristin: I caught the tail end of the game.
(2) Anthony: Me either, I watch 2 or 3 games a year, but make it a point to watch the superbowl
(2) Anthony: Mostely so when people talk abouti t for months later I can nod knowingly
(5) Tristin: I see the end of 2-3 games a year.
(2) Anthony: yeha, me too
(2) Anthony: I'll flip channels, see 2nd quarter, meh.
(3) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Eve (exit): 22:11
(2) Anthony: flip see 4th quarter, close game, watch the end
(5) Tristin: 4th, okay.
(2) Anthony: Thsi was damn good game though
(5) Tristin: yeah, same feeling.
(6) Robin: I think my problem is i had an over exposure of of dumb highschool football games
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Tristin...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Robin...
(2) Anthony: End of 1st, 3 - 7. end of second, 3 - 7 end of third 3 - 7. Start of forth, 10 - 7
(5) Tristin: I saw from NE's second touchdown on, very interesting.
(2) Anthony: last 2:50 10-14
(2) Anthony: last 20 seconds of game, 17-14
(2) Anthony: it came down to last play, but giants won undefeated patriats 17-14.
(2) Anthony: If patriats had one they would gone entire season without being defeted. now that don't mean squat :d
(2) Anthony: Anyhoo, konrad, what happened to claire?
(1) Konrad Knox: technical issues
(5) Tristin: My comp's all messed up... :( I'm supprised it's working now and I'm not on the laptop.
(5) Tristin: Sound drive disapeared? = (
(1) Konrad Knox: how big were patriots?
(2) Anthony: Big? They hadn't lost a single game all season
(1) Konrad Knox: i mean obviously giants would win if patriots are small
(5) Tristin: Liar
(5) Tristin: They just did
(5) Tristin: Oh, lol.
(2) Anthony: Size as in refrigerator perry? naw, they wree about the same size
(2) Anthony: Although one dude on patriats was freaking quick
(2) Anthony: But there was one play.. was like zomg
(2) Anthony: giants... quarterback gets ball, he gets jumped on by like 4 patriats
(8) Eve (enter): 22:19
(2) Anthony: play over we think, he swings around, gets free, passes a long freaking pass guy catches it with 2 patriats on him
(2) Anthony: That play gave them the game
(2) Anthony: I think he used time magic
(1) Konrad Knox: technical difficulties resolved
(2) Anthony: I acutally thought about that, a time mage as a football player
(1) Konrad Knox: headphones stopped working for some reason on laptop
(2) Anthony: or a life mage
(1) Konrad Knox: reboot fixed it
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Eve...
(5) Tristin: Space mage
(5) Tristin: Untouchable, run the ball.
(1) Konrad Knox: turn grass into bees and pwn game
(8) Eve: yes all is well now for I am breaking my back just to know your name and such...
(2) Anthony: umm.. what?
(1) Konrad Knox: right.
(8) Eve: song lyrics
(1) Konrad Knox: claire gets violent when technical difficulties occur.
(2) Anthony: Okay, where did we leave off, robin's apartment was getting trashed by some spirits, we're down the street getting ready to open some portals to try to get out of their radar
(2) Anthony: Eve is ... somewhere
(2) Anthony: We have her phone number but need to get away before calling
(5) Tristin: Rome
(2) Anthony: yeah, we figured out it wsa rome
(2) Anthony: don't remember hwo we figured that out
(5) Tristin: We did call her.
(1) Konrad Knox: so, obrimos are the best football players anyway. just carry the ball to the touch down with forces. kick it ones and have it fly to where it has to be.
(2) Anthony: Oh yeah, we did
(8) Eve: In a nice hotel... I told you...
(2) Anthony: she gave us the hotel and waoudl meet us in lobby
(5) Tristin: Oui
(1) Konrad Knox: correct
(8) Eve: Da
(2) Anthony: If this portal trick doesn't work, we're gonna get some nasty spirts on us real quick
(1) Konrad Knox: and Robin is scaring us all with her extensive knowledge of countries she needs to open things to
(8) Eve: *snicker*
(2) Anthony: 'I figure just start opening portals, they notice, we jump in one
(2) Anthony: 'who cares whre it goes, close them all on other side
(1) Konrad Knox: Australia has kangoroos lots of sun and sharks who say g'day mate
(2) Anthony: so they can guess which we went too, then we freaking run
(8) Eve: :D
(2) Anthony: get out of area, then get to rom from whereever we are
(2) Anthony: Just don't open one to the bottom of the oscean or hte moon :D
(5) Tristin: Or middle of ocean... I don't like that either.
(2) Anthony: Moon is even in sensory range, you can see it
(1) Konrad Knox: or u could get her a frigging map
(1) Konrad Knox: anyway, all rdy up?
(5) Tristin: Ready.
(2) Anthony: ready
(2) Anthony: 'Why had we decided not to take plane?
(2) Anthony: 'oh yeah, visas
(1) Konrad Knox: i dunno how much wp or mana u have, keep ur counts. all i know is tristin is spent
(1) Konrad Knox: u can get visas some way probably
(5) Tristin: I think I have one..
(2) Anthony: 'One second, before we start
(2) Anthony: Were we ever given a time frame?
(2) Anthony: How fast this thing hd to be bound?
(2) Anthony: I had gotten the impression it was ASAP
(1) Konrad Knox: yes. ASAP
(1) Konrad Knox: correct
(2) Anthony: but dont' remember a speficic before next tuesday or anything
(1) Konrad Knox: read logz
(2) Anthony: I'm asking tristin and robin
(2) Anthony: although I'll just ask again when game starts
(2) Anthony: anyway, ready
(8) Eve: ready

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(1) Konrad Knox:
Mage Season 2: Stone of the King. Episode... 5!

(2) Anthony: 'Hang on...
(2) Anthony: 'How soon we gotta find this thing
(2) Anthony: 'Maybe it'd be better if we just get there by mundane means
(2) Anthony: 'So these things don't track us
(2) Anthony: 'And I wonder how Eve got to rome so fast
(2) Anthony: (( from my calcuations it's only been 4½ hours since we parted ways from eve? ))
(8) Eve: I was on a plane while you all were in Egypt.. plus I gained time as I was going east))
(5) Tristin: "I don't have a problem either way, magic or mundane."
** (2) Anthony popints over his shoulder, "I just worry about those things." **
(2) Anthony: "How they even tracked us from out here in the boondocks"
(1) Konrad Knox: ((mm, a bit more than that. about 7-8 hours. you guys except Tristin are in full health too. How much time does it take to get to Rome from Oregon on the fastest plane... hmm))
(5) Tristin: "They must scence our magic."
(2) Anthony: (( 7-8 hours? Hmm.. okay. ))
(6) Robin: "I think I can do a portal there, an then as soon as we get there i can close it, and put a sort of lock on the space magic in the area."
(2) Anthony: "But hwo they sense it way out at the hollo?
(2) Anthony: "Can you cast your portal so they can't see it at all? Like stealithy?"
(5) Tristin: "Except for me though, who needs to sleep then..."
(2) Anthony: 'Maybe that takes prime aracana, I'm not sure."
(5) Tristin: (())
(5) Tristin: ((Shit, sorry... bad punctuation.....))
(2) Anthony: (( are you sayign you have to go to sleep? ))
(6) Robin: "hmmm, I'm not sure if I can lock the space in the area first or not."
(5) Tristin: ((Tristin probly should... but that was ooc sorry))
(2) Anthony: "here's the thing, we were out at the hollow, away from town center. yet they racked specifically us, why?"
(2) Anthony: (( *tracked ))
(5) Tristin: "I had the vision right after scrying on Kurt."
(2) Anthony: "You think that had somethign to do with it?"
(6) Robin: "Yeah, I was wondering if it had something to do with Kurt..."
(5) Tristin: "It's a hunch."
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "It's possible I guess. So then why they track us here/" **
** (6) Robin shrugs **
(5) Tristin: "I don't know. I'm back in the US for one day and look what I get into..."
(2) Anthony: "So you think it may have had somethign to do with them watchng kurt?"
(1) Konrad Knox: if you take a close look at Robin's apartment, it looks like the dark things inside it are going in cricles ripping things apart, but none of them has exited the house, they are all inside
(2) Anthony: "Okay, lets get out of here before we do any magic."
(2) Anthony: "I think getting away from them is more important than haste right now
(2) Anthony: "My passport is back in Oregon."
(5) Tristin: "I hope the cats are okay..."
(2) Anthony: :looks at the apartment
(6) Robin: "yeah...poor kitties"
(2) Anthony: (( I dont' rmemeber if I have life sight up or not ))
(2) Anthony: (( for the sake of argument, I'll say I don't ))
(2) Anthony: "Okay, I want to test something"
(2) Anthony: "Get ready to RUN"
(6) Robin: "uh.."
(2) Anthony: "I'm going ot cast a covert spell, life mage sight"
(2) Anthony: "I want to see if they sense it."
(2) Anthony: "It will tell us a LOT, but if they do,w e gotta run."
whispering to Eve, By the way, while bathing in the hotel pool with supernal vision up, you saw that the pool sparkles with yummy quintessense. swimming around had nicely charged your body with 1 mana per hour of touching the water
(5) Tristin: "... dude..."
(6) Robin: "How about I run, then you can cast, and Ill continue running."
(2) Anthony: "here's the thing..."
(2) Anthony: "What if we go to another city,cast a protal and they follow it?"
(2) Anthony: "We gotta know what it is they're following"
(2) Anthony: "With all those mages in the city, why did they follow us?"
(2) Anthony: "Okay, you two start running."
(2) Anthony: "head to the bus station
(2) Anthony: "We can head out to the headport form there."
(2) Anthony: "here's my phone number in case we get seperated"
** (2) Anthony gives both of them his cell phone number **
(6) Robin: "Alright, I guess."
(6) Robin: "Are you sure you don't want to just run?"
(5) Tristin: "I've got it written down, but thanks."
(2) Anthony: "After I cast if they see me. We have to know."
(5) Tristin: "I'll stay here... you'll need someone to help fend off those things."
** (2) Anthony looks at the building, "Well, if they come after us, I plan on running like hell." **
(2) Anthony: "Increasing my speed and moving very fast."
(2) Anthony: "Also, they're spirits. Can you harm spirits?"
(5) Tristin: "Can you do the same for me? I don't think I can do any heavy spells right now.... I feel... it's like a thirst."
(2) Anthony: (( oh what the hell, mychar sheet says I know influence forces O.o ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((u not looking at William by any chance?))
(2) Anthony: (( it fuxored up my char sheet, I'll deal with it later )
(2) Anthony: mage sight life (Covert) - gnosis 2 + life 4 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,2,[10, 3],7,7] vs 8 result of (1)
** (2) Anthony watches intently to see if htey respond **
(5) Tristin: ((What do I have to do to fix my roller to count seccesses correctly like yours?))
(2) Anthony: (( use my hax ))
(1) Konrad Knox: the shadows are still inside the house, ripping things up, another window comes clean out, glass breaking, some myowing is heard, and hissing, and a few cats run out
(2) Anthony: (( I had ot fix the file, I can send it to you ))
(2) Anthony: "Okay, good to know. It seems to be space magic or soemthing they can follow. lets go."
(5) Tristin: ((Alright, I'll bug you for it some time. if you don't mind.))
** (2) Anthony heads down the street purposely for about half a block and realizes he has no freaking idea where he's going. He stops and turns to Robin, "Where's the bus stop station or airport?" **
(5) Tristin: "They don't look like their comeing this way."
(6) Robin: "Like I said, I can block tampering with space after we get to italy/"
(2) Anthony: "Here's the thing, you open a portal to italiy, they will see where it goes. after we go through, they still know where it went. I think."
(5) Tristin: "Can you get us to Italy?"
(6) Robin: "You're going the right way, just down till you get to a bigger street."
(2) Anthony: "They're pretty stupid though. They dont see us here."
(2) Anthony: "I think they might of saw the portal here, because we did it from there."
(2) Anthony: "And they saw it form there because like you said they saw the scrying on kurtis."
(6) Robin: "It would take a lot of effort to get through."
(2) Anthony: "They seem to be able to see space magic. Id ont' know why."
(6) Robin: "Yeah, sorry guys."
(2) Anthony: "Didn't the lady at the casino say she hired us cause we were weak and our magic wouldn't be seen? magic space magic is an exception?"
(2) Anthony: "Not yoru fault."
(2) Anthony: "If anythign it's mine, I suggested you scry on kurtis."
(6) Robin: "eh.."
(2) Anthony: "But it's the scientific way."
** (6) Robin shrugs **
(2) Anthony: "You dont' know without experimenting."
(6) Robin: "I could try the ward, unless you guys think it might be too risky."
(2) Anthony: "Now we are just in the hassle of being out here, only one of us with a passport having to get to italy without those spirits seeing and following."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, explain this ward to me?"
** (2) Anthony continues to walk down the street, (( what city is this? )) **
(2) Anthony: (( anaheim? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Anaheim))
(6) Robin: "I can cast it as soon as we get there, and It'll prevent anyone with tampering with the space in the area."
(2) Anthony: (( a city I've actually beent o many times ))
(2) Anthony: "What if you cast it here?"
(2) Anthony: "If you cast a ward here, then cast the portal... oh, I gues casting the ward wouldn't let you cast a portal in the first place."
(6) Robin: "I'm not sure if I can cast the portal, after I create the ward."
(2) Anthony: "I don't think they use portals to get there, they probalby use the shadow realm somehow."
(2) Anthony: 'Okay, how about this. We go until we find a local hollow where local mages should be, THEN cast. They won't know our casting from another mages."
(2) Anthony: "Hopefully>"
(6) Robin: "Well, It sould lock tampering with all aspects of space pretty much."
(2) Anthony: "You happen to know any mages in town?"
(5) Tristin: "Dude... as soon as I found that book, it seems like I met you."
(2) Anthony: "Although, we're supposed to be doing htis under the cover, so we preobalby son't want even local mages to know we're here"
** (2) Anthony sighs **
(6) Robin: "Uh, haven't really noticed any from this side of town...yeah."
(2) Anthony: "I think finding a cure for cancer would be easier.
(5) Tristin: "Can't you do that?"
(2) Anthony: "Book?"
(2) Anthony: "Hmm.. eve never had one of htose did she?"
(5) Tristin: "I don't recall..."
(2) Anthony: "I can cure cancer, but not really find a cure for it outside of magic."
(2) Anthony: "Will take research."
(5) Tristin: "If she did, you think she would have Roger's?"
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "No clue what happend to Rogers book." **
(6) Robin: "You could make a fortune being one of thoes fake preachers off cable, curing people in the name of the lord and and donations and stuff."
(6) Robin: "You could be famous."
** (2) Anthony takes his book out of his pocket and opens it up to the back page where he had made lines before looking for new lines, "Oh, dang, that's right, this is the first book." **
(5) Tristin: "And Robin has the last one."
(2) Anthony: "I'd rather learn matter arcana and go gold panning."
(2) Anthony: "Robin, check youbookfor any notes from anyone."
(2) Anthony: "If anyone writes int heir book it shoudl show up in yours."
(6) Robin: "You would have to wear pants if you had robes...huh?"
(6) Robin: "okay"
** (6) Robin slings off her bag, pulls out the book from her bag, spilling this and stuffing them back in. **
(6) Robin: ((this= things))
** (6) Robin flips through the book, pretty well... **
(6) Robin: "Nothing new."
(2) Anthony: "Okay. Well, lets brab a bus, go a few miles away and ... hwo about a library to get an atlas?"
(2) Anthony: "Will an atlas, a pciture, help you make a portal to italy?"
(6) Robin: "Yeah, definatly couldn't hurt."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, bus to library. You know where one is?"
(2) Anthony: (( heh, this shoudl be fun ))
(6) Robin: "the library is next to...the postoffice. Down the road past the bus station."
** (2) Anthony looks over his shoulder, "Loosk liek we got a walk. Glad I'm used to walking. At lesat we don't have to worry about lions." **
(6) Robin: "My feet are still sore from egypt."
(5) Tristin: "Some guys here are close enough."
(2) Anthony: "From that little 2 mile stroll?"
(6) Robin: "2 miles? It Was Two Miles!
(2) Anthony: "Heck, a lot of times in the jungle I dn't have transportation for miles inland,I wind up walking for days with everything I need on my back.
(2) Anthony: "Twho miles is, what, twenty four blociks."
(2) Anthony: "Or thereabouts. Not far."
(6) Robin: "Far enough for me to complain."
(2) Anthony: "We're going to italy now.... I guess you better hope you get us close to a town then."
** (2) Anthony grins **
(6) Robin: "ha, yeah."
** (2) Anthony continues to walk to the library in anaheim taking in the sights **
(2) Anthony: "What street is this? Does that say Katella?"
(5) Tristin: ((I wish I knew the city beter IRL for that..))
** (5) Tristin nods **
(2) Anthony: (( Katella is a string in anaheim I think, I know it goes to orange county anyway ))
(2) Anthony: (( it's willow out here that turns into katella in orange county, willow is about... 2 miles from me ))
(2) Anthony: (9 Plan, walk to library, get atlas/map/pictures of italy/rome, make portal somewhere, maybe from bathroom ))
(5) Tristin: ((I assume my char would be able to lead the way to the library?))
(2) Anthony: (( I dno't know, how much of a stoner is he? Has he ever even been IN a library in his life? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: you guys make your way trough the streets uncontested, if you know where you're going, and as long as you're not close to Robin's place.
(5) Tristin: ((Maybe once or twice...))
(2) Anthony: (( probalby mile or mile and half to library ))
(6) Robin: ((free dvd rentals!))
(2) Anthony: (( maybe he met his connection outside the library :D ))
(5) Tristin: ((We're there?))
(2) Anthony: (( I put in fast forwarding wording, so it's up to the GM ))
(1) Konrad Knox: you make it to the library, nobody seems to be following you.
(6) Robin: ((lolololol))
(5) Tristin: "Here it is."
** (2) Anthony walks into the library to the atlas section and looks for a map of italy **
(5) Tristin: "What're looking for?"
(6) Robin: "heads to the referance/atlas are
(2) Anthony: "Mayps, pictures, atlasas of italy."
(2) Anthony: "Anything to help Robin get her bearings."
(5) Tristin: "How about a globe?"
(2) Anthony: "So we hit the right time zone."
** (6) Robin picks up some book of maps and starts flipping **
(6) Robin: "Sooooo...
** (6) Robin flips flips **
(1) Konrad Knox: It's noon for you in Anaheim btw. 12:00. Tristin would know it exactly.
(2) Anthony: (( Well, we said what we were going to do and we're doing it, we need a roll or something? ))
(6) Robin: "The boot, below switzerland, austrian... in the mediteranian."
(6) Robin: "Yeah."
** (1) Register Girl smiles at you all **
(1) Konrad Knox: okay, well, any of your chars been to library before?
(2) Anthony: tony is a doctor, who got a degree in school
(1) Konrad Knox: if yes, its all alphabetic order, and you find an Atlas, between the three of you, im sure you manage it
(6) Robin: ((i have for my free dvd rentals!))
(6) Robin: ((asumming they have a movie section...))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, roll int+academics
(5) Tristin: ((XD))
(6) Robin: ((-3?!))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((-1))
(5) Tristin: ((Chance die.))
(6) Robin: ((ha.))
(2) Anthony: (( here', itn 3 academcis 1 [4d10.open910).vs(8)] => 4d10.open910).vs(8)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((gah mental skill))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((mental skills are -3))
(2) Anthony: (( here', itn 3 academcis 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,[10, 4],3] vs 8 result of (1)
(5) Tristin: ((Same))
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [6] = (0)
(6) Robin: ((im stupid :( ))
(5) Tristin: ((Int 2 sorry))
(2) Anthony: (( for such a simple check you shoudl get +'s anyway. I mean, libraries are used by 10 year olds and are designed such ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((not what im doing it for))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, having the maps will help your portal casting dice pull by reducing sympathetic penalty by -2
(1) Konrad Knox: additional successes would have made it better
(6) Robin: ((better than nothing.))
(1) Konrad Knox: to Egypt you can portal at -1, the rest of em with -6
(2) Anthony: (( so what is her target number to open a portal to italy extended? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((the correct question is: how bad is her target number. Just a moment :) ))
(2) Anthony: (( target number = degree of sympathteic connectoin. so from 10 to 8. Target number is 8 then? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((-6. Aquainted. Bumped you up from Described/Encountered to Aquainted. ))
(2) Anthony: (( Okay, target number is 6. How many dice you roll for hte spell portal? ))
(2) Anthony: (( robin? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((10 is described. last game she managed to succeed on general knowledge of countries. barely))
(6) Robin: ((5))
(2) Anthony: (( is it a rote or improptu. rote. Okay, 2 or 3 hours should give us a portal ))
(2) Anthony: (( one if you're real freaking lucky ))
(2) Anthony: (( 10 if you're not ))
(2) Anthony: (( basically for extended spell you roll once per hour at gnosis 2, try to get 6 scucesses. Keep adding up each hour til you meet or beat 6 successes ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((her gnosis is 3))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((casting takes 1 hr))
(2) Anthony: (( 3? 1 hour yeah. 2 or 3 hours is gnosis 2, If orget. ))
(2) Anthony: (( so we gotta go somewhere where you can cast an arcane spell for hours without public poking there noses in ))
(2) Anthony: "Well, can you do it?"
(6) Robin: "I think so. Just need a good location."
(2) Anthony: "Location to teleport to?"
(6) Robin: "Location not around a buch of sleepers."
** (2) Anthony shrugs, 'It's your city." **
(1) Konrad Knox: ((robin if youre casting impromptu portal, you roll 7 dice, not 5))
(6) Robin: "I'm thinking..."
(2) Anthony: (( gnosis is 3, space is 4? that's 7. You roll less on rote? that's bad ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((but with -6 penalty its a 1 die. your artifact has +1 die to space spells))
(2) Anthony: (( sometimes rotes are worst than impromptu, so go with improptu ))
(5) Tristin: ((By the way, Tristin looses some Occultation in Anaheim, he's got a reputation here."
(5) Tristin: ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((actually shed roll same on the rote. its manip+invest+space))
(2) Anthony: (( actually, the 6 is the degree of sympathy. it's her target number of successes, not subrtacting dice ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin, magical reputation?))
(5) Tristin: ((no))
(2) Anthony: (( penalties go for sympatetic connection ))
(5) Tristin: ((Criminal))
(2) Anthony: (( the less sympatetcic connection the higher the number of successes she needs, not fewer dice rolled ))
(2) Anthony: (( so 7 dice to get 6 successes still 2 or 4 hours ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((is there a special rule for the portal spell? the way i was doing it is like casting any other spell through symp connection, with 1 success being enough))
(2) Anthony: (( atually, the portal spell is always supposed to be extended spell ))
(2) Anthony: (( and yeah, extended spells are generlaly handled a little different than instant spells ))
(2) Anthony: (( realisticlaly, for any portal spell it's always the target number that's effected usually ))
(2) Anthony: (( you should read up on extended spells ))
(2) Anthony: (( Read the spell description for portal. pp 238. "Action: Extended (target number = degree of sympathetic connection) Duration: Transisitory (one turn) Aspect: vulgar
(2) Anthony: (( and sympatethic connection you know, that's the described, known, etc.. ))
(2) Anthony: (( Ususually for an extended spell you incresae the target number for difficulty. For a spell that only needs one success to be successful you change the number of dice ))
(2) Anthony: (( it's all in nWoD
(1) Konrad Knox: ((yeeees, which is what i have done, page 114. you can increase range of space spells using sympathetic connection penalty. but yes special rule exists for portals. ive been doing portals as if they were sensory range spells.))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((in any event, she either needs 5 successes on 7 dice roll or 1 success on 2 dice roll. it doesnt matter to me which one. both will be tough.))
(2) Anthony: (( right,w hich they're not. The thing is to be successful here she's going to have to roll it extended ))
(2) Anthony: (( 5 scucess on 7 dice will take 3 or 4 hours. ))
(2) Anthony: (( 1 success on 2 dice will take minutes ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i was going to let it slide, but if you seem to want to sit there for 4 hours, sure, I can go by the book. like i said, whatever u guys wanna do.))
(5) Tristin: ((2 dice with bat?))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ive been letting Robin make portals instead with massive penalties, but with extended casting, she'd need 3-4 hours per each portal. and u want many of them. youre talking 12 hours of work))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((2 dice with bat))
(6) Robin: ((just one should be fine if I put a ward on the space, afterwards))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((seeing how you want to get away from the shadow thingies, it would be just easier to get on a plane ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((k))
(5) Tristin: "How about the bathroom?"
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Robin, i'm letting you try to cast portal instantly with -6 penalty. if that fails, you will have to do the extended cast for 5 successes necessary))
(2) Anthony: (( tell me how we're gointo get on a plane to a foreign country without visas ))
(2) Anthony: (( no matter mages to make one, no prime mages to make one ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((youre mages of life, spirit, time, fate, mind and space. think of something :D ))
(2) Anthony: (( I can think of something, but unfortunately I'm not hte mind mage :D ))
(2) Anthony: (( these are the visas you're looking for ))
(2) Anthony: (( I could go on as a cat or fly ))
(2) Anthony: (( but robin, the one who needs the visa, needs to convince them she has a visa ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((or port behind security gates into the plane))
(6) Robin: ((I know how to get by.))
(2) Anthony: (( without a ticket stamped? ))
(2) Anthony: (( this is post 911 remember ))
(2) Anthony: (( think of it robin and tell us IC ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((just start doing something already))
(6) Robin: "Did you want to step into the bathroom here?"
(2) Anthony: (( Mind is a very powerful arcana if you use it, you can do a LOT. So is space ))
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "Okay." **
(2) Anthony: "Mens or womans?"
(6) Robin: "uhh...men don't linger as much, do they?"
(2) Anthony: "Mens? Heck no, unless they're in a stall grunting"
(5) Tristin: ((lol))
(2) Anthony: "Unspoken rule, no talking in the mens room."
(6) Robin: "uh, whatever..."
(6) Robin: "Womens isn't so bad. theres normaly a sofa or something."
** (2) Anthony follows robin **
** (5) Tristin trails behind **
(6) Robin: "Wait a second, I'll make sure nobodys in there before you guys come in."
** (2) Anthony nods **
** (6) Robin pops into the bathroom for anybody about. **
** (6) Robin looks about. **
(2) Anthony: "Tristin, couldn't you of reversed time after the scrying so he was never scried and they never saw us?"
(5) Tristin: "No, I need some sort of ... tass I think it was called..."
** (6) Robin looks under the stalls for traces of pissing girls... **
(1) Konrad Knox: there are a plenty of people in the library at this time, being noob. A few ladies are doing their private business in the bathroom. And there is no sofa, but there is a nice cabinet with fancy napkins. One chick is powdering her nose, another one just exited a booth, and there seems to be one more in a locked booth
(2) Anthony: "You mean mana?"
(6) Robin: ((er their sneakers...))
(1) Konrad Knox: noob = noon
(5) Tristin: ((I was like, "Being noob in the library eh?"))
(2) Anthony: (( I was like that oo ))
(2) Anthony: (( *too ))
(5) Tristin: "Yeah. I tried to rewind time earlier..."
** (6) Robin walks to the sink, washing her hands to waste time till they leave. **
** (2) Anthony waits outside the bathroom **
** (6) Robin washy wash **
** (6) Robin splashes water on the counter. **
(2) Anthony: (( any woman coming toward the bathroom tony will try to mage go away with lizard brain ))
** (6) Robin dries her hands. **
** (6) Robin walks in an open stall. **
** (6) Robin makes farting sounds **
** (1) Chick looks at Robin **
(1) Chick: "Hi."
** (1) Chick leaves quickly when Robin starts farting **
(1) Konrad Knox: Eventually the bathroom empties
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you see two women go towards the bathroom
(5) Tristin: "Heeeey Ladies!"
(1) Konrad Knox: one is a nerdy intelligent type, big glasses, geeky sweater. the other one looks like a hot married mother, they are talking, seeming to be friends
(2) Anthony: Trigger the Lizard Brain (C) - Woman one - Starving - gnosis 2 + life 4 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],9,4,8,[10, 2],4] vs 8 result of (4)
(2) Anthony: (( first rollsresolve + gnosis contested instinctively ))
(2) Anthony: (( needs to beat 4 successes ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((whats this spell do?))
** (6) Robin walks over to the door to peak out at tristin and tony to give the all clear sign. **
(2) Anthony: (( It makes her feel starving. Can control base reactions, fear, hunger, etc... ))
(2) Anthony: (( pp 191 ))
(2) Anthony: (( The mage can control the instictual reactions of human begins as he does with lower life forms using the "Control median Life" spell, p.185
(1) Konrad Knox: Lady 1: resolve 2
(1) Konrad Knox: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox: the hot lady suddenly stops
(2) Anthony: Trigger the Lizard Brain (C) - Woman two - Starving - gnosis 2 + life 4 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,4,6,5,3] vs 8 result of a failure
(1) Konrad Knox: "Mmm, hello, gentlemen"
** (2) Anthony curses **
(2) Anthony: Trigger the Lizard Brain (C) - Woman two - Starving - gnosis 2 + life 4 - 1 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,6,2,7] vs 8 result of a failure
(1) Konrad Knox: The geeky lady nods to her friend and tries for the bathroom again
(2) Anthony: (( drek ))
(2) Anthony: Trigger the Lizard Brain (C) - Woman two - Starving - gnosis 2 + life 4 - 2 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,[10, 3],5] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Anthony: (( 9 seconds... needs to be a 1 in resolve :( ))
(1) Konrad Knox: geeky lady resolve 3
(1) Konrad Knox: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 1],7] = (1)
(2) Anthony: (( I think ties go to beating it, not sure ))
** (2) Anthony sighs as he watches the 2nd woman enter the bathroom anyway **
** (6) Robin runs back to the stall when seeing the women on their way **
** (2) Anthony turns to tristin, "This ain't gonna work." **
** (6) Robin closes it behind her. **
(1) hot lady: "mm... excuse me, you wouldnt know where the nearest cafe is around here?"
(5) Tristin: "I was hopeing they would think I'm creepy and walk away."
(2) Anthony: "I think it's just down the block on the right hand side"
(2) Anthony: (( Tony has no clue where there's a resteraunt around here ))
** (1) geek lady enters the bathroom, goes into the stall, starts doing business **
(1) hot lady: "thank you..."
** (1) hot lady goes away **
(2) Anthony: "You're welcome."
** (6) Robin makes rude grunting noises... **
(6) Robin: [1d100] => [24] = (24)
(6) Robin: ((oops))
(8) Eve: Grunting too hard.. you popped out a 24))
(6) Robin: ((heh))
** (1) geek lady exits quickly **
** (6) Robin walks to the door not too closely behind the geeky lady to signal to tristin and tony. **
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, Tristin, you see a group of people approach the librarian at the front desk and ask them if they can reserve a private study room. Librarian gets a key and leads them upstairs
(1) Konrad Knox: a bunch of biology geeks
** (2) Anthony laughs **
(2) Anthony: 'Son of a..."
(2) Anthony: "Robin, lets rent one of these privaty study rooms.
(5) Tristin: "Let's just go in while it's clear..."
** (6) Robin laughs as she walks over to tony and tristin **
(6) Robin: "Whatever, you guys want."
** (2) Anthony sees Robin head out and heads over to the front desk **
(2) Anthony: "I don't like going into the ladies room. Men get arrested for that kinda thing."
(6) Robin: "Theres no sofa, If thats what you wanted."
(2) Anthony: "I jsut don't want some security guard to come in and haul us off ot jail.
(5) Tristin: "The cops here don't exactly like me..."
(2) Anthony: "Exactl;y." Tony walks up to the front desk
(2) Anthony: "Bring hte books"
(6) Robin: "Yeah, thats understandable."
** (2) Anthony waits for the librarian to be ready for him **
** (6) Robin walks to the atlas section to grab what she was looking at earlier. and walks the front desk, too. **
** (2) Anthony smiles at the librarian with his most winning smile **
(1) Librarian: "Hello, how can I help you?"
** (1) Librarian smiles back widely **
(2) Anthony: "Hi, I'de like to rent a private study room please.
(1) Librarian: "Sure. May I see a library card?"
(6) Robin: "Ah! one second."
(2) Anthony: "I'm actually from out of town, I can show yo umy ID though if you'd like.
(6) Robin: "I've got one."
(1) Librarian: "No problem. Would you like to get your library card today? I'll just need to take a look at the ID"
(1) Librarian: "or that. anyone in your party can reserve a room."
(2) Anthony: "Tha'ts okay, she has one.
** (1) Librarian nods at Robin **
** (6) Robin pull some cards rubberbanded together out of her pants pocket. **
** (6) Robin locates the correct card and hands it over. **
** (1) Librarian writes her name down, takes a key **
(1) Librarian: "Do you need to borrow markers for the whiteboard? I'd just need to take your card until you return them"
(2) Anthony: "No thank you.
(2) Anthony: (( tristin might try to sniff them ))
(6) Robin: "No, we don't need any markers. but thanks."
** (1) Librarian leads you upstairs **
(1) Librarian: "This way"
** (2) Anthony follows the librarian **
(5) Tristin: ((...))
** (6) Robin follows along **
(2) Anthony: (( ... ))
(1) Librarian: you guys see a bunch of rooms named A, B, C, D, E, F... etc. They have glass windows and locked doors. All sound proof. Inside the rooms you see a bunch of people geeking out. Drawing circuits on the whiteboards, reading books, playing Lord of the Rings board games, etc... you get the room "K"
** (5) Tristin follows the librarian **
(1) Librarian: "It's locked from the outside at all times, make sure one of you stays in. If you get locked out, just feel free to see me at the counter."
** (1) Librarian unlocks the door, and lets you in with a friendly smile **
(2) Anthony: "Okay,t hank you.
(6) Robin: "alright, thankyou."
** (2) Anthony steps into the room **
** (1) Librarian walks away **
** (6) Robin walks on in. **
** (2) Anthony closes the blinds **
(5) Tristin: "She say how long we have this for?"
(2) Anthony: 'Ya know, if the spirits come to this library,t hat's ognna be one pretty freaked out librarian I think.
** (2) Anthony shrugs **
(2) Anthony: 'They probably close at 5. What time is it?"
(1) Librarian: 12:30
(5) Tristin: "12:30"
(2) Anthony: "I think if there was a waiting list or hurry she woudla told us
(2) Anthony: "She'll probably just check back before closing ot make sure it's empty
(6) Robin: "yeah, probably."
(1) Librarian: you see that a bunch of rooms are still empty, there is no business.
(2) Anthony: 'if she doesn't go running into the street being chased by a spirit before then that is.
(6) Robin: ((7 dice right?.))
(2) Anthony: (( /me is staying out of it ))
** (6) Robin sets the atlas on the table open to a page on Italy. **
(1) Librarian: ((how are you casting the spell?))
(6) Robin: ((improv sounded good))
(6) Robin: ((w/my bat, too))
(1) Librarian: ((do improv and add 1 for bat, but you have to use the bat, like swing it or something :D ))
(6) Robin: ((normaly do something like that))
(1) Librarian: start casting, you need 5 successes. each trial takes you 1 hour.
(1) Konrad Knox: and specify destination
(6) Robin: "Alright, then. to Rome."
(2) Anthony: "You going to scry first, or just hope it goes to right place?"
(2) Anthony: "What if we wind up in egypt again?"
(6) Robin: "all right."
** (6) Robin walks to the board and unsheaths her bat, tapping the board with the handle **
(1) Konrad Knox: to scry, instant spell
(1) Konrad Knox: -6 penalty
(6) Robin: ((scrying portal gnosis 3 +space4+bat))
(1) Konrad Knox: need 1 success
(6) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [4,[10, 10, 9],5,3,[10, 2],5,1,5] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((2 dice))
(6) Robin: ((oh, 2 die))
(5) Tristin: ((Second die succeeded?))
(5) Tristin: ( :( ))
(6) Robin: [2d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [2,6] = (0)
(6) Robin: :(
(2) Anthony: (( now scrying is cast how youv'e been casting protal, it's instant with the dice pool subtacted by the connection ))
(2) Anthony: (( so it would be -6 dice ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((that is what i just said))
(2) Anthony: (( but you can cast it again, -1 each time if the GM says ))
(1) Konrad Knox: Rome is too big. you feel you need to focus on something specific to scry
(2) Anthony: (( the -1 each time is up to the Gm ))
** (6) Robin taps at the board again, thinking specifically on Eve **
(6) Robin: of*
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [3] = (0)
(2) Anthony: (( why .vs.10? I'ts not a chance die unless it's reduced to 0 dice ))
(6) Robin: ((oh, i forgot))
(6) Robin: ((reroll!))
(2) Anthony: (( oh, you've been doing .vs.8. It's supposed to be .vs. 8 normally ))
(2) Anthony: (( er, been doing vs 10, supposed ot be vs 8 ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((2 dice Robin))
(6) Robin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox: you cannot seem to get the scry off on Eve.
** (2) Anthony looks at the atlas, "How about something i one of the pictures? LIke a museum or something? **
(2) Anthony: "Something you can picture in space in your mind's eye"
(1) Konrad Knox: your atlas shows a variety of historic sites and ttractions, museums, towers, libraries, castles, hotels
(6) Robin: "They'd probably be buisy or something. but I'll flip throught it for something."
(1) Konrad Knox: Tower of Pisa in Pisa, Colloseum in Rome, dozens of parks, hotels and museums
(2) Anthony: "Just not hte vatican, eh? I don't want to appear in front of the pope. He'd bring the witch hunts back."
(6) Robin: "heh, yeah."
(6) Robin: "How about the coloseum, then?"
(2) Anthony: "Ooh, that should be good. It's fairly big from what I know of it and htere should be places we could pop in without being noticed
** (6) Robin taps the board again with her bat. **
(6) Robin: ((one dice now?))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((2))
(6) Robin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],4] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((casting with different purpose.))
(2) Anthony: (( that was scrying window on the whiteboard? ))
(6) Robin: ((yeah))
(1) Konrad Knox: you open a scry portal, which seems to be midair. it's late evening over the Colloseum. It looks like a huge tourist attraction, which is currently closed - afterhours.
(2) Anthony: "Hm... looks like the collesum to me
(6) Robin: "Closed, nobody will be there."
(1) Konrad Knox: if everyone were to see you, which they don't because of the blinds, it looks like you're projecting a very high quality dvd movie about Colloseum on the board
(6) Robin: "Look good enough for you guys?"
(5) Tristin: "Yeah, looks safe."
(5) Tristin: "Hurry."
(6) Robin: "Alright."
(2) Anthony: (( wow, scrying is covert, nice ))
(2) Anthony: (( did we say it was -2 to cast spell using scrying portal as sympathetic connectoin? ))
(6) Robin: ((whats my penalty, with the scrying window open?))
(2) Anthony: (( -2 for your own portal, -4 for somene elses? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i think it was the strength of sympathetic connection that was penalty. let me look))
(2) Anthony: (( a scrying portal sets up a sympatetchi coonection ))
** (6) Robin slashes the bat vertically through the air next to the scrying portal... **
(5) Tristin: ((There is no penelty for extended action I thought))
(2) Anthony: (( I forget where I read it thought, it was a footnote somehwere ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((you trying to cats something else through the scry portal, move something through scry portal (in which case u need to cast Apportation), or try to open a portal to where youre scrying? Portal is still extended. Moving stuff through the portal, only she can do. Not you unless you have space))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((she has seen the colloseum now, so all it really does for her is reduces penalty to "sensory range" which is -2))
(2) Anthony: (( here it is, page 116 ))
(2) Anthony: (( "finally, casting sympathetic magic opens a sympathetic conduit between caster and target, allowing a subject to cast spells back at the sympathetic caster without needs space 2. ... Opening a scrying window also creates a sympathetic condiut..."
(2) Anthony: (( hmm.. no... the degree of sympathetic connectoin modifies hte dice pool ))
(2) Anthony: (( so same I guess ))
(6) Robin: ((so, bat 1+3+4 -2))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((k, from what this reads, all of you can freely cast through the portal at -2 penalty))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((without needing dots in space))
(2) Anthony: (( hang on, read degree of sympathetic connections
(6) Robin: ((i'm -2 either way?))
(5) Tristin: ((Then just one sucess for portal though right?))
(2) Anthony: (( known, seen on tv etc. is -4 ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((thats just for casting back))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((if there was a mage in colloseum trying to cast at you))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((robin is within sensory range from you, she is the caster.))
(2) Anthony: (( I think that's why we decided for her it's -2, for anyone else -4, for casting back, their degree of sympathetic connection since they cna't acutally see her ))
(2) Anthony: (( the book doesn't go into it too well, so whatever you decide ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((-2 for anyone since she is in the same room and you're all on the same side of the scry.))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, yes, -2
(6) Robin: ((alright, then. here we go))
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,3,3,1,5] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: so, 2 successes. need 5.
(5) Tristin: ((It's prolonged BTW, space 4))
(5) Tristin: ((Wait... what was the point in scrying then?))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((nm))
(1) Konrad Knox: portal opens
(1) Konrad Knox: in 1 hour
(5) Tristin: ((What's the time for prolonged?))
** (6) Robin drops the scrying portal and walks through. **
(1) Konrad Knox: since it takes 1 hr to cast it still
(2) Anthony: (( without portal, she would of needed 6 success. with portal, she needs 2 ))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you set foot upon the top of what... seems to be the legendary Colosseum
(6) Robin: woo!"
** (2) Anthony follows before it closes like it did on eve **
** (5) Tristin follows Robin through the portal **
(6) Robin: now, to lock this space up, hurry on through guys"
(2) Anthony: "Now lets get out of here before the show up
** (6) Robin closes the portal **
(6) Robin: ((ward gnosis 3+ space 4))
** (2) Anthony loosk for the quickest way out of there **
** (6) Robin focuses on the space of the area **
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,1,1,5,2,5] = (0)
(6) Robin: "Argh, the first time I've tried this."
** (2) Anthony makes sure ucahwi is okay **
(6) Robin: "once more. then."
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,4,5,2,5] = (1)
(6) Robin: ((instant and covert))
** (2) Anthony closes his eyes and pictures hismself growing wings, and fur, and seeing with sounds... **
(2) Anthony: shapechanging Bat (Vulgar) - gnsois 2 + life 4 - size diff -2 = [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,9,[10, 7]] vs 8 result of (3)
** (2) Anthony shrimks in his clothes and becomes a bat, and wiggles out of them **
(6) Robin: ((should be potency of one, and protect 5 sq yards of space from being tampered with))
(2) Anthony: (( I am for all intents and purposes a bat, and can lose myself in instincts of a bat, my clothes do not change, need to test for paradox - which I will mitigate, it costs 1 mana also ))
(2) Anthony: (( pp 190 - The mage ctakes on the physical characterisitics, including Attributes and Size, of an average member of the bilogical type into which he chnages..."
** (5) Tristin picks up Tony's clothes and stuffs them in his backpack **
** (2) Anthony tries to tell them to hurry up and instantly realizes a drawback into becoming a bat, wrong ty pe of vocal cords, "Squeek! Squeek!" **
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, Tristin, Anthony. You're all safe through the portal, and as it closes, you see nothing threatening for about 2 seconds, and then you hear a quiet screech growing louder, but as Robin casts her word, it becomes completely silent, and the portal closes completely. Anthony, as you change into the bat, the spell goes out of control and either gets you a bedlam or 2 bashing
(2) Anthony: (( takes 2 bashing ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((best paradox roll in the world lol)) (whispering to GM) [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0) => [[10, 8] => [10, 8] = (2)
** (2) Anthony never realized that being a bat hurt so much **
** (2) Anthony lands on his bat and flies up to Tristin then back down to his bat **
(5) Tristin: ((Robin has the bat bro))
(2) Anthony: gnosis 2 + spirit 3 - Spirit Tongue [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,8,8,6] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Anthony: Uchawi, can you ask them to hurry, we need to get out of here
** (2) Anthony realizes if he had become a parrot he coudl of talked. **
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, your size is 2 now, and you can talk to Uchawi without spirit tongue
(2) Anthony: (( ahh, okay, will cast spirit tongue anyway though, allows me to see spirits ))
(5) Tristin: ((Damn, imagine all those ghosts there.... how many gladiators died....))
** (2) Anthony dives after a mosquito and eats it **
(2) Anthony: (( this allows me to transform without the possibility of disbelief ))
(2) Anthony: (( unless I do something unbatlike ))
** (2) Anthony flies down toward whatever exit their is **
(2) Anthony: (( Oh, great, I'm in europe in bat form, if someone sees me transform back they'll theink I'm a vampire ))
(1) Uchawi: "Sure, Anthony."
** (1) Uchawi manifests physically, and asks Robin and Tristin "Anthony says we should hurry up" **
(5) Tristin: "The fuck!"
(2) Anthony: (( He's always manifested, he's an embodied familair, he's always a parrot ))
(2) Anthony: (( he's just not easy to notice ))
(5) Tristin: ((Forget that then.))
** (5) Tristin looks to the parrot a bit shocked. **
(1) Konrad Knox: around the Colloseum is a guarded site. Guards and metrapolitan police are casually patrolling the place with flashlights
(6) Robin: "uh...right."
(1) Konrad Knox: not very tense, but not exactly lax. fences and alarms are in place. and you're inside.
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, being a bat, you're free to fly about
** (2) Anthony does so happily keeping at eye on the party **
** (5) Tristin looks around for a good way out **
(6) Robin: "Maybe we can jump the fence without the guards noticing."
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, a big noisy, fat, juicy, yummy dragonfly passes right by your nose, mocking you with its wiggling tail
** (2) Anthony chases after the dragonfly **
(1) Konrad Knox: Composure+Resolve to resist your instinctive bat habit to chase it :D
** (2) Anthony will chase it anyway, he is enjoying being a bat and right nwo they're out of immediate danger **
(2) Anthony: comp 4 + resolve 1 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],1,2,5,3] vs 8 result of (1)
** (2) Anthony can resist it, but doesn't **
(2) Anthony: (( come one robin and tristin :D ))
** (6) Robin looks around at towards the fences. **
(6) Robin: specifically looking for an area to jump the fence w/ no gurds around
(1) Konrad Knox: wits+composure Robin
(6) Robin: 3+3))
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,5,[10, 3],5,9] = (3)
(5) Tristin: ((What about me? I never got to roll anything, or any info.))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((specify a bit more what kind of exit you're looking for tristin))
(1) Konrad Knox: there is a fence, a park near colloseum, the area looks like.... this
(1) Konrad Knox: except its night, very little traffic, and police patrolling about
(5) Tristin: ((A way past the fence with few guards then))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you find a dark spot in one of the low level arcs, where you can try to jump it while being in shadow. Looks like a brick you can try and climb
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, wits+comp
(5) Tristin: ((3+3))
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,7,2,9,4] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, and Tristin. To climb your chosen spot - dex+athletics
(5) Tristin: ((3+2))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,3,2,4] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you find a spot in the shadow where the fence has a gate thats not closed all the way.
(5) Tristin: ((v.v))
** (6) Robin nudges Tristin. "How about we climb over there? *points*" **
(1) Konrad Knox: you get stuck, and make a bit of squaky noise
** (2) Anthony flies out from where they're climbing toward the guards trying to make it appear as if he made the noise **
(1) Konrad Knox: guard perception: wits+comp = 3+3=6
(1) Konrad Knox: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,[10, 2],3,8,2] = (3)
** (1) Konrad Knox hears the noise, and looks at the bat flying out **
** (5) Tristin wispers "shit" and hurries out, motioning Robin to follow **
(1) Konrad Knox: Guard: "Erh... putana.."
(5) Tristin: ((Trying again))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,5,[10, 10, 9],8] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox: the guard passes by
(5) Tristin: ((5))
(2) Anthony: (( 5, exceptional success ))
(6) Robin: ((-1 ahtletics + 2 dex))
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
(5) Tristin: ((jumps into the air and backflips over the fence?))
(1) Konrad Knox: pretty much, doing it all silently
(1) Konrad Knox: you're past the fence, now you only have to avoid the patrol to run about 50 feet to the road.
(1) Konrad Knox: dex+stealth will do for you two
(5) Tristin: ((3+2))
(1) Konrad Knox: 2 successes and you're both gonna be safely outside colloseum
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,2,8,6] = (1)
(6) Robin: 2+4))
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,6,7,[10, 6],6] = (2)
** (2) Anthony treis to keep the guards busy by flying around **
(2) Anthony: Uchawi, try to distract the guards please, but don't let them catch you.
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you sneak very sneakily and manage to look like you're just a pedestrian walking by. you're in the clear.
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you get the guard's flashlight really close to your clothes, but Uchawi pops out in front of the guard and makes a noisy dive, making the guard curse and turn the other way, shooing the bird away
(1) Konrad Knox: you're clear
(2) Anthony: (( my size went down, so my life goes down. ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((by 3))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((u heal 1 bashing, at 15 minutes past. you have 1 bashing left tony))
** (5) Tristin follows Robin, thankful he is wearing black **
(2) Anthony: (( 2 + bats stamina, I have 3, bat have 3? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ya, they tough fuckers))
(2) Anthony: (( leaves me 5, I have 2 bashing, so I get -1 to rolls since 3rd from last box filled ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((4 dex, 1 str))
(2) Anthony: (( oh, one, okay, no penalty then ))
(2) Anthony: (( er, no, wouldn't be anway, I was coiunting backwards ))
(2) Anthony: (( 1 bashing, 4 willpower, 9 mana ))
(1) Konrad Knox: anyway, you're in the middle of the street in Rome, Colosseum behind your back. Tony being a bat
(1) Konrad Knox: ((correct tony, same on my sheet))
** (2) Anthony flies down to tristin's backpack and tries to crawl inside **
(5) Tristin: "Which way to the Hotel?"
(1) Konrad Knox: ((finally my sheet says same thing as player sheet omg orgasm))
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, Tristin's backpack is cozy, except for a sharp dagger inside.
** (2) Anthony tries to avoid the dagger **
(5) Tristin: ((That's in back of my pants I think))
(2) Anthony: (( and my axe ))
(2) Anthony: Heh, who needs to walk Uchawi when I can have them carry me
(1) Uchawi: Welcome to my life.
(2) Anthony: (( No one expect the spanish bat! ))
(1) Uchawi: ((italian))
(2) Anthony: (( yeah, byut spanish fits the skit better ))
(6) Robin: "I should've brought the atlas..."
(2) Anthony: Tell me Uchawi, if you give somene wings being a spirit, it doesn't cause paradox does it? Strange.
(1) Konrad Knox: the town outside the park is full of lights, buses, taxi cabs, people walking around. You feel the atmosphere of Europe, its fashion, relaxing music on the street in the hidden park speakers, lots of green plant life
(2) Anthony: You want to advise them to hail a taxi, or do you think they'll think of it eventually?
(2) Anthony: You want to advise them to hail a taxi, or do you think they'll think of it eventually?
(5) Tristin: "What's the name of the Hotel she's at?"
(1) Uchawi: "I can only do that in the spirit realm, Anthony, and of course, there is no paradox, because the spirit realm does not exist in accordance with the same rules as the sleeping world."
(5) Tristin: ((Can I roll something to remember, I really can't find it to remember it myself))
(1) Uchawi: ((intelligence+academics or survival))
(1) Uchawi: ((or streetwise))
(5) Tristin: ((int 2 academics 1))
(5) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,6] = (0)
(5) Tristin: "Shit... Uchawi, what was it?"
(2) Anthony: Tell them Hotel Le Bagio plesae.
(2) Anthony: or la bagio. or De bagio. Whatever italians use for the.
(1) Konrad Knox: Love is in the air itself, clean sidewalks, pretty women. Hundreds of tourists. Fountains and gardens everywhere you walk, buildings look like they're built a few centuries ago.
(2) Anthony: (( but being a knowledge spirit, ucahawi knows ))
(1) Uchawi: "Anthony said to tell you it's the Le Bagio hotel."
** (5) Tristin waits for an aproaching cab **
(1) Uchawi: "Remember, Italy has no streets and avenues, so pay attention to the road signs, and remember they drive on the left side of the road."
** (5) Tristin walking down the street, taking in the city, much different than those of Southern California **
** (1) Cab driver pulls up, seeing Tristin signaling a cab? **
(5) Tristin: ((Yeah))
** (6) Robin walks a long follwing tristin **
** (1) Cab driver speaks in Italian **
** (5) Tristin opens the back door. "U.S. Dollars okay?" **
(6) Robin: ((universal language gnosis3+mind 3))
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,9,9,1,1] = (4)
(5) Tristin: ((DAMN you're taking all my good rolls!))
(2) Anthony: (( I think robin's been waiting to use that spell ))
(6) Robin: :)
** (1) Cab driver answers something. Robin hears: "Where to, sir, madam?" **
(6) Robin: "the Le Bagio hotel, please."
(1) Cab driver: "Le Bagio Pizza, Le Bagio barber shop, or Le Bagio hotel, madam?"
(1) Cab driver: "ah, silly me"
(1) Cab driver: "Right away"
(6) Robin: "hotel."
** (1) Cab driver drives to the hotel **
** (2) Anthony squeeks a little since tristin didn't take hsi pack off and he's getting squished between tristin and the seat **
(5) Tristin: ((I think I still have money?))
(6) Robin: ((i know I do.))
** (5) Tristin takes off his backpack, not noticeing tony was in there **
(5) Tristin: [1d20] => [18] = (18)
(5) Tristin: ((doh, ignore that))
(8) Eve: ((you have 18 dollars heh))
(5) Tristin: ((Crit on a Simitar though))
(1) Konrad Knox: You arrive in about 15 minutes to what seems to be a 4 or 5 star hotel. Limos pulling up and leaving, well dressed classy looking ladies and gents going in and out. Pretty classy. About 17th century style. 30 stories, massive territory with gardens and plaza, the smell of air signifies at least one swimming pool somewhere inside the complex. The place is busy.
(6) Robin: "Thankyou. You take U.S. ollars?"
(8) Eve: ((it is teh hotel of awsome!))
(1) Cab driver: "Oh, only Euro, sorry. The hotel help desk can exchange your money, I'm sure."
(1) Cab driver: "Lira or Euro."
(5) Tristin: "How does he know we are going to return?"
(6) Robin: ((emotional urging 3+3))
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,[10, 7],3,4,7] = (1)
(1) Cab driver: resolve 3
(5) Tristin: ((What like 3 billion-zillion Lira?))
(6) Robin: I wasnt him to feel sypathetic to us.
(6) Robin: want*
(6) Robin: needed 3 sucess, then?))
(1) Cab driver: ((no u take it out of the dice pool))
(6) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,3] = (2)
** (1) Cab driver smiles **
(8) Eve: (( 9 lira = 1 us dollar))
(5) Tristin: ((Are you sure?))
(6) Robin: "You sure you won't take U.S. dollar?"
(8) Eve: ((just looked it up))
(2) Anthony: ( contested, target rolls composrue + gnosis reflexively ))
(2) Anthony: (( he needs to roll his composure + gnosis and get/beat 1 success to not be urged ))
(1) Cab driver: comp 2
(1) Cab driver: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 6]] = (2)
(5) Tristin: ((It's 13k per dollar for Itallian Lira...))
(5) Tristin: ((http://coinmill.com/convert/USD_ITL.html?amount=1))
(5) Tristin: ((You looked up Turkish))
(1) Cab driver: "It will be 180 lira only... Euro exhcnage would be 20. I can wait for you here or come with you if you like. We just have a company policy, a lot of bad american money going around lately."
(2) Anthony: (( USD 1.00 = EUR 0.67 = GBP 0.50 = CAD 1.00 = SKK 22.44 = SEK 6.35 = NZD 1.26 = NOK 5.39 = PLN 2.41 = ~INR 37.46 = ~NIS 3.94 [last fixed currency update: 2007/08/09] => last fixed currency update: 2007/08/09 ))
(2) Anthony: (( meh, no lira ))
(6) Robin: "alright, we'll be right back."
** (1) Cab driver nods **
** (6) Robin gets out of the cab and heads inside to the front desk. **
(1) Manager: "Good evening, madam"
(8) Eve: ((they stopped using Lira apparently when the Euro was introduced))
(6) Robin: "uh hi, just a minute...gotta findmy friend."
(2) Anthony: (( I have 17 expereince ponts written down, is that correct Konrad? ))
(1) Manager: the inside of the hotel is classy. ncie. tall ceilings, crystal glass shandaliers with dozens of little lamps, paintings on the walls, wooden dark brown and golden interior. Red lounge chairs and sofas. It's nice. The managers at the front desk are all wearing tuxes.
(1) Manager: ((yes tony 17 xp))
(2) Anthony: (( okay, it's only my rotes that are fuxored up then ))
(2) Anthony: (( please send me my char sheet later ))
(1) Cab driver: Tristin, the cabbie tries talking fast to you, smiling a lot, not sure if he is telling you a story about his dead uncle or hitting on you. Then he kinda shuts up, realizing you dont understand.
** (8) Eve continues to watch the news **
** (6) Robin notices Tristin didn't follow so she decideds to actually get the money and not just run. **
** (6) Robin walks back up to the dest. **
(6) Robin: desk*
(6) Robin: "Can you do an exchange for me?"
(6) Robin: "American money for Lira?"
(1) Manager: "Certainly."
(6) Robin: "Alright, I need 200 lira."
(1) Manager: "22 dollars 22 cents."
(6) Robin: "uh,alright.
(5) Tristin: ((200 lira is like 10 cents according to wiki))
** (1) Manager adjusts his tie **
** (6) Robin fumbles around in her pocket gatherinf $23. **
** (6) Robin hands it to the man. **
(1) Manager: ((Lira is dead now, but in our story its still alive, coz i like the word Lira))
(1) Manager: ((and none of u care anyway))
(8) Eve: ((mangle is a funny word mangle mangle mangle :D))
** (1) Manager hands her the money and takes her money, putting it through the machine **
(1) Manager: "Thank you very much, Madam. Anything else I can do for you tonight?"
(6) Robin: "thanks."
(6) Robin: "no, thats it."
(1) Manager: "Thank you, enjoy your stay at Le Bagio."
** (6) Robin walks back out to the cab to hand the drive 200 lira. **
** (1) Cab driver bows, takes money, salutes and drives away **
(5) Tristin: "Later" follows Robin to the hotel
(6) Robin: "Do you rember the room number?"
(1) Konrad Knox: it is a classy hotel, elevators, restaraunts in three different directions, an attached billiards hall in the lobby
(2) Anthony: Tell them she said she'd meet us in lobby
(5) Tristin: "Was I supposed to follow you, I can't understand a damn thing that guy said... scence when do you understand Italian?))
(5) Tristin: "
(5) Tristin: "She said she'd see us in the Lobby."
(5) Tristin: "Do you think she'll have any mana?"
(1) Uchawi: "Anthony asked to tell you that she'd meet us in the lobby."
(5) Tristin: "Thanks Uchawi"
(6) Robin: "Since I understand...."
(6) Robin: looks around the lobby "This is bigger than I imagained."
(2) Anthony: Tell them to call her on phone to meet us down here, plesae.
(1) Konrad Knox: guards everywhere, bellboys, waiters snooping around, looks like a ballroom on the second floor up the twisted stairs. Looks like Eve picked a nice hotel.
** (8) Eve lays on the bed watching the news, considers buying a converter for her cell phone charger. **
(1) Uchawi: "Anthony says you can try to call her on the phone and ask her to meet you down here."
(6) Robin: "I thought he had her number."
** (2) Anthony is getting hot in the backpack, but really can't get out now in the middle of a posh hotel, nor change back into hisself where he'd be naked **
** (5) Tristin looks through his backback for her number, checking Anthony's pockets. **
** (2) Anthony noses at his cellphone **
** (5) Tristin flddles with Tony's cell, looking for the number **
(2) Anthony: (( it would be listed under "eve" ))
(9) Eve (enter): 02:23
(9) Eve: we
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Eve...
(2) Anthony: Booting '(8) Eve' from server...
(8) Eve (exit): 02:23
(9) Eve: ((did I miss anything))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((theyre about to call her))
(2) Anthony: (( tristin getting your number ))
(6) Robin: ((we're just about to call))
** (5) Tristin finds the number and calls **
** (9) Eve answers her phone "Hello?" **
(5) Tristin: "We're here."
(9) Eve: "I'll be right down."
** (5) Tristin hangs up **
** (9) Eve turns off tv, hangs up, grabs purse and room key and heads down to lobby after locking up. **
(5) Tristin: "Probably safest to keep phone coversations as breif as possible..."
** (9) Eve goes down the elevator turning off her phone as she does **
** (9) Eve enters the lobby looking around for them **
** (5) Tristin drops the phone back into the backpack and closes it... mostly **
** (5) Tristin waves **
** (2) Anthony squakes as his cellphone bonks his head **
(5) Tristin: "Sorry Tony"
** (9) Eve looks around a little mor to see if anyone is watching but in a casual way and walks over **
(9) Eve: *more
(9) Eve: "Welcome to Italy, I trust your flight wasn't too long." *ironic smirk*
(1) Konrad Knox: in the mess of the insanity of people, you'd need to roll wits+invest or wits+composure
(5) Tristin: "It went by rather quickly."
(5) Tristin: ((Her or....?))
(9) Eve: Wits + composure = 5)
(9) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,5,1,8] = (1)
(2) Anthony: (( she wanted to see if anyone was watching ))
(9) Eve: ((I win!))
(5) Tristin: ((Do you want the stuffed Penguin or the squirt gun?))
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, you see that the front desk manager is giving Robin cautious looks, just observing merely.
(9) Eve: ((Penguin!!))
(2) Anthony: (( it's not like you're dressed up for a 5 star hotel ))
(9) Eve: "Did Tony take a different flight? Where are my manners are either of you hungry? The resturant on the third floor is wonderful"
(5) Tristin: ((Tristin's in torn up Kung-Fu robes..))
(5) Tristin: "Tony's here..."
(1) Konrad Knox: ((with blood stains on them))
(9) Eve: "Oh?.. Well lets let you guys freshen up a bit then we will discuss things a bit yes?"
(6) Robin: "Maybe we should go someplace where Tony can uhh put himself together."
** (5) Tristin nods **
** (9) Eve leads the way to the elevator **
** (6) Robin follows along **
** (5) Tristin follows the girls **
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, as you have been exploring the hotel, you know there is a clothes shop and souvenir shop section on the fourth floor above the pool, and a boutique next to them
(1) Konrad Knox: however you spell butik
(9) Eve: you spelled it right the first time))
(1) Konrad Knox: place with trench coats and stuff
(9) Eve: ((gives you a cookie))
** (9) Eve while in the elevator **
(5) Tristin: "This elevator safe?"
(1) Konrad Knox: ((oh no not the elevator again))
(5) Tristin: "Or would it be best to wait until we get to her room?"
(1) Konrad Knox: ((are u sure u want to take it? are you are you? nah just messing with ya... or am i?))
** (5) Tristin takes off his backpack, asking the question to Tony **
(9) Eve: "I take it you travled lite. We can drop by the fourth floor and pick up a few things later, besides a great pool, they have nice cloths... It was when I came down in it five minutes ago. If you mean safe to have Tony "put himself togeather" no.
** (2) Anthony just sits in teh pack content **
** (9) Eve stops at the seventh floor and heads down to room 777 **
** (9) Eve unlocks the door **
** (5) Tristin follows **
(9) Eve: *707 sorry))
** (6) Robin follows **
(1) Konrad Knox: hold it a sec
(1) Konrad Knox: scene
** (9) Eve holds "it" **
(1) Konrad Knox: as you open the door and step inside, you see a rather large room with one queen size bed, a television set turned off, a fridge, two closets, dark oak, a mirror, a giant bathroom with a big bath tub enough to fit two people in, a night table with champaign glasses on it, a phone, cable internet modem. But none of that brings your first attention. Your eyes are on the guy dressed in black leather who is rummaging through Eve's bag, he panics as soon as he sees the door open. Roll Init monkeys
(5) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
(2) Anthony: (( hmm.. doe sm init change.. once second ))
(9) Eve: [1d10+6] => [5,6] = (11)
(2) Anthony: (( dex + composure, 4 dex as bat, composure 4 = 8 )) [1d10+8] => [10,8] vs 0 result of (2)
(6) Robin: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(2) Anthony: (( 18 ))
(1) Man in black: [1d10+7] => [1,7] = (8)
(1) Man in black: ouch
(9) Eve: heh))
(9) Eve: ((pwned))
(1) Man in black: Batman goes first
(5) Tristin: ((CAught by supprise))
(9) Eve: ((hums the theme song))
(5) Tristin: ((Stuck in a bagpack))
(2) Anthony: Trigger the lizard brain - scared shitless - gnsois 2 + life 4 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,9,2,[10, 4],2] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Anthony: (( he rolls ))
(1) Man in black: comp+gnosis i think?
(2) Anthony: (( gnosis + resolve ))
(1) Man in black: resolve 2 + gnosis 4 = 6
(1) Man in black: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 7],1,2,7,5] = (2)
(2) Anthony: (( ties go to defender ))
(1) Man in black: ((tie.))
(1) Man in black: tristin
(5) Tristin: ((Holding, I don't know for sure he's an enemy. Defenceive position though))
** (9) Eve throws up supernal vision while saying in an angery tone "Just what do you think you are doing?!" **
(9) Eve: (wits + occult + prime =7)
(9) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,4,7,1,5,8] = (1)
(1) Man in black: you see Thyrsus
(2) Anthony: (( I shoudl sitll have life sight up ))
(2) Anthony: (( er, no, my bad ))
(1) Man in black: Robin
(2) Anthony: (( er, yes, I did cast it I think ))
(9) Eve: (9You cast spirit togue when you went batty))
(1) Man in black: ((unless u put mana into duration, they last 1 scene.))
(6) Robin: Ill hod my action.
(6) Robin: hold
** (1) Man in black gets scared shitless, casts, and moves as fast as he can the hell away, toward the window **
(1) Man in black: Tranform Self: Gnosis 4 + Life 3 = 7
(1) Man in black: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 3],4,2,3,5,2] = (1)
(6) Robin: ((suspension 3+4))
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,[10, 7],7,6,9,7] = (2)
(1) Man in black: opens a pair of huge insect wings and tries to ram through the glass
(1) Man in black: trying to resist reflexively with....
** (6) Robin loops space and sends it toward the man in black **
(2) Anthony: (( remember I cast life sight when were were in anaheim... oh yeha, before the library, that would hav eworn off ))
(1) Man in black: composure+gnosis reflexive: gnosis 4 + composure 2 = 6
(1) Man in black: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,3,3,[10, 8],[10, 5]] = (2)
** (1) Man in black does not get suspended and keeps moving to the glass **
(1) Man in black: tristin?
** (5) Tristin dashes after the fleeing man, jumping through the air, to kick him **
(1) Man in black: he is a room across from you, if you win next init, you will be able to kick him before he jumps out
(5) Tristin: ((Str 3 + Brawling 4 + KF 1 = 8 - defence))
(1) Man in black: right now you just reach him barely
(5) Tristin: ((Okay))
(1) Man in black: new init plz everyone
(9) Eve: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(5) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
(9) Eve: (lame))
(2) Anthony: [1d10+8] => [10,8] = (18)
(2) Anthony: (( woot! ))
(6) Robin: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(1) Man in black: [1d10+7] => [4,7] = (11)
(1) Man in black: FEAR THE BAT
(5) Tristin: ((Phear*))
(1) Man in black: tony
** (2) Anthony struggles the rest of the way out of the backpack and flies toward the man **
(2) Anthony: (( high up at the cheiling so he doesn't get hit i melee ))
(2) Anthony: (( purpose will be to follow im out the window if he makes it, turn ends ))
(1) Man in black: you reach him, hovering next to Tristin
(1) Man in black: Tristin
(5) Tristin: ((If he was still in the backpack wouldn't he aready be there?))
(1) Man in black: ((oh ya he would be wouldnt he))
(2) Anthony: ( which is why I"m hovering by you ))
(2) Anthony: (( not planning on attacking hi as a bat but to follow him if he gets out ))
(5) Tristin: ((I assume I knew I couldn't jump and reach, so I'm not jumping now?))
(1) Man in black: ((your action was to get out of the backpack))
(1) Man in black: ((yes Tristin, you can kick him now))
(2) Anthony: (( good enough ))
(1) Man in black: ((i know you like kicking things))
(9) Eve: ((jump box him like a kangaroo!))
(1) Man in black: defense 3
** (5) Tristin tackles the man, hopeing to hold him **
(2) Anthony: (( ooh grappeling ))
(5) Tristin: ((Str+brawl?))
(1) Man in black: str+brawl contested with str brawl
(5) Tristin: ((2+4 kung-fu bonus?))
(2) Anthony: (( kungfu is all strikes ))
(1) Man in black: ((nope, no bonus))
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,2,[10, 4],7,9] = (3)
(1) Man in black: str 3 + brawl 1 = 4
(1) Man in black: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,[10, 2],9] = (2)
(1) Man in black: you grapple the man
** (1) Man in black tries to pull Tristin in through the glass, or get free from him if Tristin lets go **
(1) Man in black: Str + Brawl again, contested.
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,3,7,3,5] = (2)
(1) Man in black: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,1,5] = (0)
(2) Anthony: (( looked up contested, if it's a tie, effort fails all together, so he wouldn't be feared ))
** (1) Man in black cannot break free, and instead is banged against the glass, as a small piece of paper falls out of his jacket **
(1) Man in black: Eve
** (9) Eve casts the covert spell Enervation to drain the mans strenght (presence + occult + Death (10) - his stamina) **
(9) Eve: (will spend mana to ease spell into existance mitigating my paradox))
(1) Man in black: stamina 2
(9) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,6,9,7,2,4,9] = (3)
(9) Eve: draining to 1 strenght which is the weakest he can be))
** (1) Man in black falls down and hangs in Tristin's arms. Init ends. **
** (9) Eve retrieves piece of paper he dropped scowling down at the man **
** (2) Anthony lands on curtain rod and hangs upside down watching **
(6) Robin: "Whats it say?"
** (1) Man in black seems to lose his concentration on magic, his insect wings fall off and his face changes. Oddly, you recognize the face. It's Nestor, the odd lobby man from New Haven, or at least he looks like him. **
** (9) Eve reads the paper keeping half an eye on the man **
(5) Tristin: "asshole!"
(1) Konrad Knox: The piece of paper has this drawing on it.
(9) Eve: "It's not the same man."
(5) Tristin: ((Composture = 3))
(5) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,2] = (0)
** (5) Tristin punches the man **
(5) Tristin: ((roll?))
(1) Konrad Knox: str+brawl
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,7,8,5,7,6] = (1)
** (1) Man in black rolls his eyes and nearly passes out, weeping **
** (9) Eve clicks her tongue trying to figure what this star might mean **
(1) Man in black: it looks like a star with 3 in its left corner
** (9) Eve walks over to the man and rummages through his pockets and things **
** (2) Anthony drops from the curtai rod ond drops onto robins shouder **
** (2) Anthony pokes robins head **
(9) Eve: "I am going to be asking you questions now.. and if you don't answer them I think my friend here will be very happy to continue pumling your face."
(9) Eve: (intimidation him...))
(6) Robin: "Watch it tony."
(1) Man in black: his pockets contain a fake hotel bellboy ID card, a set of master keys, a knife, a flash light, pair of leather gloves, car keys
** (9) Eve sets it all on the bed **
(1) Man in black: ((ya. manip+intimidation))
(9) Eve: ((manipulation + Inimidation = 6))
** (9) Eve found the F3 macro key **
(9) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,5,7,5,2] = (1)
(5) Tristin: ((Yay Eve!!!!))
(9) Eve: ((I'm scary!))
(2) Anthony: (( against his resolve I think ))
(9) Eve: (yeah))
(1) Man in black: ((against his comp))
(1) Man in black: ((social resistance))
(9) Eve: "Who sent you?"
(2) Anthony: (( bashing heal? ))
(1) Man in black: ((yes))
(2) Anthony: (( my bashing from when I became bat ))
(1) Man in black: "I was just following the signal from the tower. I'm from Netherlands. Please don't hurt me. Someone wants to stop you."
** (9) Eve smiles unpleasantly **
(9) Eve: "Oh yes because you look so very much like a man from the Natherlands. What tower then?"
** (1) Man in black raises his hands in a submissive position **
(1) Man in black: "No hurt. I'm dropping all spells, alright? I know nothing, I'm just a rogue merc. There is a perimeter, a tower in Amsterdam. You've breached it, and I was just sent to search for some flask of liquid. I have no idea why."
(5) Tristin: "Bullshit."
** (1) Man in black goes wide eyed at Tristin **
(9) Eve: "Agreed better be a bit more convincing, he's not a very calm man my friend."
(1) Man in black: "I'm telling you, that's all there is!"
(1) Man in black: "Some crazy couple, a vampire and a pyromaniac, or so I was told. They destroyed one of the five towers, and then there was a link to their heads, something about a long distance vulgar spell. I was just told to come here. There, her."
** (1) Man in black points at Robin **
(6) Robin: 'Hmmm..."
** (5) Tristin grabs his finger, and bends it backwards, at the edge of breaking it **
(1) Man in black: "They sent some sentries to catch them but they beat em and disappeared. So we followed the spell link."
(1) Man in black: "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!"
** (9) Eve holds up the little piece of paper **
(9) Eve: "What's the star mean?"
(1) Man in black: "it's the Amsterdam tower, I was just supposed to report there for some reason. It's a link see. Each tower warns the other towers, I don't know who built them. I just met some people over the mind network, you know? it's how things been done for years."
(1) Man in black: "I never seen the tower. I came to this bar, like we always do. Some powerful Mastigos establishes a mind network with you, and you have a meeting. that's how they hire low life mercs."
(1) Man in black: "here, this tower is destroyed, i can show you. whoever attacked it, destroyed two links. just let my finger go, pleeeeease!"
** (5) Tristin lets go **
** (1) Man in black shows two of the star's lines **
(1) Man in black: See, this tower was taken out, so when you pass here, and here, the people inside can't see you. Every other line being crossed - gets reported.
(1) Man in black: "That's all I know."
(1) Man in black: "all i know is 3 is Amsterdam."
(9) Eve: "How much are they paying you?"
(1) Man in black: "Can I have the green flask? Please? It cost me 7000 USD to come here already, they promised me some good pay for it."
(6) Robin: "How can I give you something if I don't even know what you're talking about?"
(1) Man in black: "they're paying me in drugs... well, stimulators, something to enhance you... it doesn't really matter, look..."
(1) Man in black: "The green flask, they said if I followed you, I'd find the flask."
(1) Man in black: "They said you're a bunch of low lives. But my partner already got fried. I don't wanna die here."
** (2) Anthony feels his spell starting to wear and flies into the bathroom **
(1) Konrad Knox: naked weeee
(9) Eve: "A smart man, because if you were to die here they would never know what happened to you" *glares at him with her dark eyes*
** (2) Anthony glies into the bath/shower and drops the spell **
(1) Man in black: "I'm abandoning this job. Can I go and get out of here? Please?"
** (2) Anthony comes out of the bathroom wrappred in a towel **
(9) Eve: "Can was wipe his mind or we I have to find a different way to keep him from talking?"
(9) Eve: *do we
(5) Tristin: "I can break his jaw...."
** (2) Anthony looks at the man, does he look exactly like the man in the lobby from before? **
(9) Eve: "Yes and I could rot his tongue and his brain from the inside..."
(6) Robin: "I might could make him forget about this."
(1) Man in black: exactly, except dressed differently. sleezy face of Nestor Fennegan
(9) Eve: "I was hoping for something less vulgar and violent
(2) Anthony: "You... don't you remember me?"
(6) Robin: its covert
** (2) Anthony prods his with hsi toe, "Hey, I'm talking to you, don't you remember me from before/" **
(1) Man in black: "I have no idea who you people are. None whatsoever."
** (2) Anthony turns to eve, "Does he have any spells active?" **
(9) Eve: "He's not the same man. This is some low life mage. The man before was a Sleeper."
(5) Tristin: "Fucking liar... or did we wipe his mind....?"
** (2) Anthony thinks, "So who made the sleeper look like him?" **
(5) Tristin: "Huh?" Looks to Eve
(1) Man in black: Eve, he has a mind and life spells over him
(2) Anthony: "He could if he was good enogh at tyrsus
(9) Eve: "Its a spell. Same as before."
(1) Man in black: "Huh? What do you mean?"
(2) Anthony: "Oh, can you drop it? Drop the spells he has on him?"
(1) Man in black: "I look like someone else?! Bastards."
(1) Man in black: "Who do I look like?"
(9) Eve: "Making them look like someone so we don't know who we are dealing with."
(2) Anthony: (( I think you have to have at least 1 dot in mind and 1 dot in life to be able to dispell them ))
(9) Eve: ((correct))
(5) Tristin: ((Prime is universal I thought))
(1) Man in black: "You realize I have no idea if you're good or bad right? You're real angry, but... the guy who setup the meeting said I'd be saving a bunch of innocents in Europe by getting the flask. I really don't care, I just wanted to be paid. You're not supposed to question the guy who hires you to do a job. Traditions of the trade."
(9) Eve: ((or more death or more prime))
(9) Eve: *chuckles* Saving innocents...
(1) Man in black: "I didn't know they got spells on me, I can't see them."
(2) Anthony: (( I know a life mage can counterspell a life spell, but not sure if they can disspell them ))
(1) Man in black: "I can just fly and transform, that's all i do."
(9) Eve: "Rule number one when dealing with Mastigos.. always assume they will be putting spells on you."
(1) Man in black: ((supernal dispellation is needed i think))
(6) Robin: "heh."
(9) Eve: "So can we mind wipe him or not? Because as charming as it is to keep running into him.. I'd rather not hav them know where we are."
(6) Robin: "Yeah let me see..."
(1) Man in black: "What? I have no idea who you are as it is."
(6) Robin: "keep holding him tirstin."
(6) Robin: "that good."
(9) Eve: "No, but you know where. And that is very very dangerous information for you."
(6) Robin: ((memory hole gnosis 3+mind 3))
(2) Anthony: "I don't think he's the same guy. There is a life spell that can make someone look like somene else."
(5) Tristin: "Just decay his brain and dump him by the pool, they'll think he O.D.ed"
(1) Man in black: ((my resistance?))
(2) Anthony: "I think they cast it on all their peons so we don't know what they really look like."
** (6) Robin kneals down to the ass hat.. **
(1) Man in black: ((specify resistance plz so i dont have to look it up))
(6) Robin: ((doesn't saying under the spell about ressistance))
(9) Eve: "Yes Tony I think that's what I meant when I said "Making them look like someone so we don't know who we are dealing with"
(2) Anthony: (( memory hole is for a game himself ))
(1) Man in black: ((oh, memory hole deletes your own memory, but go ahead :D ))
(6) Robin: ((thought i couldd use it on others.))
(9) Eve: ((wonders what purpose that might serve))
(2) Anthony: For others it's breach the vault of memory, mind 4
(2) Anthony: (( so someone can't read YOUR mind ))
(2) Anthony: (( for others it takes mind 4 ))
(1) Man in black: correct
(2) Anthony: (( you got enough experience to buy mind 4? :D
(6) Robin: ((yeah, i do))
(2) Anthony: (( 6 x 4 = 24. got 24 exp ponts ? ))
(2) Anthony: (( ask the GM if you can raise it now if you want ))
(1) Man in black: ((robin = 42 exp))
(1) Man in black: ((thats leading the witness! objection your honor!))
(6) Robin: ((ive been trying to decided if i want gnosis 4 or mind 4))
(9) Eve: ((I plead the fifth!))
(2) Anthony: (( and it's rolled against resolve + gnosis ))
(2) Anthony: (( after you get gnosis 3, raising primaries to 4 I think is more important ))
** (1) Man in black struggles in tristin's grasp **
(2) Anthony: (( at gnosis 3 you can combine spells ))
(1) Man in black: ((Kurt raised forces to 5 before getting anything else :D ))
(2) Anthony: (( I.E. Use both invisiblity and sound mastery which are concentration spells at same time ))
(2) Anthony: (( although you have to have gnsosis high enough to do that ))
** (5) Tristin slaps him for struggling **
(6) Robin: ((ill go ahead and get mind 4, if thats alright.
(1) Man in black: ((about time fool))
(1) Man in black: ((42 - 24 xp = 18 xp
(1) Man in black: done
(2) Anthony: (( gnosis 3 for primary arcaana 5 so you're good ))
(9) Eve: Don't erase the part about him breaking into the room, we could get a free room for this if we play it right."
(9) Eve: "If you can.. but the why, where, and who certainly"
** (1) Man in black to Tristin "Look, man. You have no idea how expensive drugs are in Amsterdam, some day it might be you on the side of the road trying to get by working for rich people, okay? Chill out, I'm already cooperating. I didn't realize I'd be having 4 mages here." **
(2) Anthony: (( you mgiht wanna do read the depths first to read his mind before you erase it ))
(5) Tristin: "Quit fidgiting."
(2) Anthony: (( and it's reflexicve comp + gnosisis resistance ))
(1) Man in black: "Let me go, I'm not going anywhere. She took out my feet. You're hurting me."
(9) Eve: "I'm sure we feel so sorry for you. Especially since being a Thyrsus you could remove your addiction to drugs at any point."
(9) Eve: "No I think not"
(1) Man in black: "You have a Moros here. Nobody mentioned a Moros."
(2) Anthony: "Actualy, I think that She can remove his addiction also. Make him forget he's addicted."
(9) Eve: "Just full of surprises life is."
(2) Anthony: (( kinda like men in black, "Give them good memories" ))
(9) Eve: ((Yeah))
(1) Man in black: "It's not anything you can remove. Things that give you energy to do magic... it's not something I can ever remove."
(6) Robin: ((read the depts 3+4))
(6) Robin: ((yhe get composture+gnosis reflex))
(9) Eve: "So... tass? Honey there's a pool downstiairs that will fill you up you've been running around blind"
(1) Man in black: ((k, comp + gnosis: 2+4 = 6 resist))
(1) Man in black: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,6,6,8,1] = (1)
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],3,5,9,[10, 9],2,9] = (4)
(9) Eve: ((pwned))
(2) Anthony: (( And he's an open bok :D ))
(6) Robin: ((5))
(9) Eve: ((very nice))
(2) Anthony: (( book even ))
(2) Anthony: (( ooh, 5 is exceptional ssuccess. ))
(6) Robin: I'm searching for memories of the tower, absterdamn, whos employing, and pretty much any event leading up to him breaking in.
** (2) Anthony grabs his clothes from tristin's backpack and heads into the bathroom to get dressed **
** (9) Eve checks him out discretely attention still mostly on the man **
(1) Man in black: Robin, you come into the man's hall of memories, and look around like it's your home. He's born John Lemming, in Amsterdam, years of childhood memories you can browse through, he had a dog, his sister died, he awakened at a night party when his friends were fighting over a girl. ... closer to the subject, he and his partner are working for people who charge them up with quintessense for their services. They get a contact meeting in a bar, they get a spell on them, and then... you see a blank. And after the blank, you see a battle of shadows over a night street, car chases, someone throws a fireball and the car explodes, his partner dies. He comes to the hotel and changes faces with the bellboy, gets the master key from the storage room, comes here, looks through the bag and the closets, gets caught
(6) Robin: "john lemming?"
(9) Eve: "...Like the animal?" *chuckles*
(9) Eve: "A sadly appropriate name for you..."
(9) Eve: "Mind that the next cliff you jump off isn't quite so steep eh Johnny?"
(6) Robin: perhaps I can find something more about the bar mettings he has.
(1) Man in black: the man employing him projected himself as a low whispering voice, very loud, it frightened him. He was wearing 80s disco shades, bald guy, wearing purple turtleneck and black jacket on top, black goatee, fat face. Amsterdam streets, plenty of memories, but no tower. You see him and his partner entering a castle, but only as a mind illusion, as in someone invited them over a mind spell for a meeting. Someone created a mind hole from them and briefed them, and after that, permanently damaged the psyche to remove carefully, information of employment. Also, in his memories, he does not look like Nestor and never did. You notice difference in faces every time he remembers looking in the mirror, but he hasnt looked in the mirror once he accepted the job
(1) Man in black: "Yeah, Johnny Lemming, that's my name? How did... you're reading my mind, aren't you?"
(9) Eve: "Happens a lot John if you work for a Mastigos. Should be used to it."
(1) Man in black: "See, nothing important, I don't know who the guys are, it was just a meeting, like any other. I've been working like that for a long time. The bar owner gets a tip from contractors, I get my quintessense. You serious? There is a pool here in the hotel?"
(6) Robin: "Yeah, seems like I'm the least of your worries, who knows what you've really been through."
(1) Man in black: "How can I be used to something I can't feel or remember? I probably won't remember this either, will I? Look, I'm just a guy with wings and claws."
(9) Eve: "Yes, fourth floor. Very nice one. No you probably won't"
(1) Man in black: "Who do I look like? Can I get it back? I don't look like myself?"
(6) Robin: "No, not sure what you look like."
(9) Eve: "You can't get your memories back, I don't know who you look like, and No, you are not yourself."
(1) Man in black: "Shit, i need to get back. Or better yet run. I have a shaman who cleans me up. Can I go please?"
(6) Robin: "If you're so concered why do you keep meeting with these mastigos?"
(1) Man in black: "Well now I'm not going to anymore."
(1) Man in black: "They got Richy killed."
** (2) Anthony comes out of the bathroom adjusting his clothes, goes over to Tristin's pack and retrieves his cell phone putting it in his pocket **
(9) Eve: "Smart man. Are you ready to wipe him?"
(6) Robin: "yeah. any last words?"
(1) Man in black: "I could have died here as well. It was supposed to be just one girl. I think you. You're the one who weaved a spell from USA to Amsterdam?"
(2) Anthony: "I did."
(6) Robin: "Who knows? not you."
(9) Eve: "Remember to keep the breaking in bit, that way we can call security and probably get a better room"
(2) Anthony: "have him remember finding nothing here, somone else was here when he came in."
(6) Robin: ((breach the vault of memory 3+4))
(1) Man in black: "The sentries, the black things, they only follow what they can pick up, something over long distance, that has source and destination... wait wait"
** (1) Man in black hurries in his speech **
(1) Man in black: "Don't do it, if I can't remember this, I won't be able to prove anything... I won't survive."
(9) Eve: "Prove anything to whom?"
(1) Man in black: resolve+gnosis = 6
(2) Anthony: "Too bad we don't want you to remember, you should of thought of that before working against us."
(1) Man in black: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3,8,8,7,6] = (2)
(1) Man in black: "That I got fucked, that all the mercs are getting fucked."
(2) Anthony: "Don't worry, I'm sure they know."
(1) Man in black: "But ... but..."
(2) Anthony: "although I kinda wonder if they'll let you live"
** (2) Anthony shrugs **
(2) Anthony: "Dog eat dog."
(9) Eve: "They'll find the whole in his memory. They'll know something happened"
(2) Anthony: nod
(1) Man in black: "Wait wait wait... if they can probe my memory, and find this, then i can convince them to leave the employer. Whoever these people are, they will lose their dirty workers. They use us like cheap work force."
(2) Anthony: "Of course. They sent him, no matter whathtey'll kow something."
(6) Robin: "Alright, done talking?"
(2) Anthony: "When you go back they'll just wipe your memory again anyway. You're screwed either way."
(1) Man in black: "I;m just trying to keep my memory... is it gonna hurt... is it?"
(1) Man in black: "Wait! Wait!"
(9) Eve: "You won't remember if it does."
(2) Anthony: "You won't feel a thing. Or remember feeling a thing anyway."
(1) Man in black: "at least tell me what its about? whats in the green flask? what am i risking my ass for?"
(6) Robin: ((im thinking -2 penalty is fair for what i want to do))
** (2) Anthony shrugs, "Wish we knew." **
(9) Eve: "Can't help you with that one."
(1) Man in black: ((yeah. at -2, and has to beat 2 successes))
(2) Anthony: 'Um.. problem."
(9) Eve: "Go ahead."
** (9) Eve nods to Robin **
(2) Anthony: (( duration is one scene. ))
(2) Anthony: (( you have to get more successes to make it longer, or switched to extended casting ))
(9) Eve: ((so spend more sucesses to prolong duration))
(2) Anthony: (( like... 10 more I think for permanent ))
(2) Anthony: (( maybe you can go for a month ))
(1) Man in black: alternative
(1) Man in black: there is a spell called psychic sword, which damages the mind and can even kill a person. so, we know that a mind mage of 4 dots can probe memory and kill people. this range allows to deduce that a mind mage can destroy memories. since what Robin wants to do is somewhere between these 2 spells, and its improv anyway, i rule she can come up with impromptu spell and do gnosis+mind-2 to do this, has to beat 2 successes to wipe him
(1) Man in black: she spends 1 mana to do this
(1) Man in black: basically this will be permanent agg damage without killing him
(1) Man in black: its more complex and demands finesse, hence the penalty
(2) Anthony: But doesn't allow implanting of memories, just destorying them, right?
(1) Man in black: right
(1) Man in black: implanting only temporarily
(1) Man in black: for 1 scene
(6) Robin: Eh, thats fine with me.
(1) Man in black: book doesnt cover all possible plot situations, so...
(1) Man in black: kinda my call there on this one i guess
(2) Anthony: two hourse +1, 12 hours +2, 24 hours +3 two days +4 add an aditional success to the target number per extra 2 days
(6) Robin: sounds good to me, ive got plenty of mana.
(2) Anthony: 5 would be 4 dyas, 6 would be 6 days, etc... yeah
(6) Robin: well, enough...
(2) Anthony: you're gonna have to slash
(9) Eve: ((and a pool full of it down three floors))
(2) Anthony: (( if you had 1 extra dot, in this case 5, it woudl be diff. +1 is 24 ours, +2 is two days, +3 one week, +4 oene month, +5 indefinately ))
(6) Robin: ((im gonna do konrads improv spell.))
(2) Anthony: (( only choice in this case ))
(1) Man in black: ((yes. at -2 you can permanently delete selected memories. no adding new memories.))
(1) Man in black: ((roll it))
(10) Robin (enter): 04:16
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Robin...
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(6) Robin' from server...
(6) Robin (exit): 04:16
(1) Man in black: ((ok roll it robin))
(10) Robin: ((sorry))
** (10) Robin stands directly over the grappled shell of a man and get a clear shot of his head. swinging her bat, literally hitting him in the head...not horribly hard, but he'd probably get a good headache... **
(10) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,9,9,6,1] = (2)
(1) Man in black: good enough
(10) Robin: ((just enough sucess))
(11) Tristin (enter): 04:17
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(5) Tristin' from server...
(5) Tristin (exit): 04:17
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Tristin...
(11) Tristin: ((okay))
(1) Man in black: "Guys you don't understand, you don't have to do this, I need to know what's in that flask... if I can't remem... OW!!!"
(1) Man in black: "......."
(1) Man in black: "Who are you? Where am I?"
(9) Eve: "Hold him while I call security, trying to steal my luggage was a bad idea.
** (9) Eve goes to the phone and calls security **
(9) Eve: "Messed up bell boy"
** (1) Man in black looks at his hands in shock **
(1) Man in black: "Luggage? Woah! What the fuck?!"
(10) Robin: "The nerve of some assholes..."
(1) Man in black: "I didnt do it! I didnt do it! Who are you? I don't know where I am"
(9) Eve: "Playing dumb isn't gonna help when the security gets here."
** (1) Man in black tries to jump up, but his legs, being fucked by Eve, let him only fall **
(1) Man in black: "What the fuck..."
** (1) Man in black panics wide-eyed **
(1) Officer: "Hotel Security."
** (11) Tristin backs away, into the corner of the room **
(9) Eve: "Hello this is room 707 I just caught one of your bell boys trying to steal my luggage, at least I think he's a bell boy he has a badge"
(1) Man in black: "Don't do it, I didn't do anything, I dont have your luggage - it's laying over there, I dont want anybody's luggage!"
(10) Robin: "You wanted it a minute ago."
** (1) Man in black tries to crawl away but his arms are too weak **
** (2) Anthony goes back into the bathroom **
** (1) Officer talks to someone to the side in Italian **
(1) Officer: "One minute."
(9) Eve: "Thank you."
(1) Officer: in a minute elevator dings and two security officers come to the room
** (9) Eve lets them in **
** (1) Officer look at Tristin in the corner **
(1) Officer: "That one?"
(9) Eve: "That's him over there, and I must say I am very disappointed in the security of this so called 4 star hotel, I think I would like to speak with the manager. " *points to the man crawling around*
** (1) Officer drags Johnny by hy his arms **
(9) Eve: "And might I reccomend you do drug testing on your help he's been crawling around on the floor since we caught him"
** (9) Eve releases the spell **
(9) Eve: "I don
(1) Officer: "I bring my apologies, we'd have to file a report with the hotel management, because all personell is carefully screened and listed by names. If he is one of us, we need to perform thorough check. There were no stolen keys or missing personnel reported."
(9) Eve: "Know what would have happend if my friends weren't comming up to use the restroom, could you imagine if I had been alone!?"
(1) Officer: "We will look into it. I recommend Madam talks to the manager to get a different accomodation"
(9) Eve: "His things are there on the bed, why he laid them out I've no idea. Nasty little man."
** (9) Eve makes a gross face **
(1) Officer: officers gather all the stuff, and drag Johnny out. Johnny, feeling the growth in strength, immediately takes off, overpowering both officers and storms down the hallway. Officers grab guns and radios and storm after him, sounding the alarm
** (9) Eve grabs her stuff **
(9) Eve: "lets go to the lobby and get a different room, and then I'll fill you in."
(2) Anthony: "You got the... umm.. flask?
** (9) Eve smiles **
(10) Robin: "Alright."
** (2) Anthony comes out of hthe bathroom, makes sure he has everything, pets Uchawi on his shoulder and follows **
(9) Eve: "Lets go get a new room'
(11) Tristin: "Alright."
(2) Anthony: "yeah, this room is messy anwyay, has bat guano all over.
(1) Konrad Knox: oh yes, Tony, you feel like you ate a dragonfly
** (9) Eve goes down to the lobby and acts like an angery person, asking for a new room explaining what happened, giving officer names if she remembers them (if they had badges)) **
** (2) Anthony has eaten worst **
(1) Konrad Knox: it wasnt yummy. well, it was yummy when you were a bat.
(2) Anthony: 'Oh, sorry about the bottom of your pack Tristin.
** (9) Eve if they fight me about it I will explain louder since I'm in the lobby around all the customers **
(11) Tristin: "Dude.... you're jokeing right....?"
(2) Anthony: "Well, I was a bat, you know? It's easy to lose oneselve in ones.. batness. And bats do tend to .. well, go.
(11) Tristin: "I'm gonna shit in your luggage...."
(9) Eve: "Yes I will be discussing why you needed to be a bat once we get a new room.."
** (2) Anthony holds up his hands, "What luggage?" **
(11) Tristin: "I'll find something."
** (9) Eve talking with manager **
(10) Robin: "Coat pocket?"
(9) Eve: "Shh.."
(2) Anthony: "Well, since my clothes were in your backpack, I guess you can use that. go ahead."
(11) Tristin: "Good idea."
** (1) Manager is trying to keep it down, he is very apologetic and polite, like a pro manager should be, he accomodates you to a new room, 917. "We are extremely sorry about this grevious situation, one of our service men went missing, it is most probable that he's been a criminal for a while but he never showed sign before that. His key and access card has been revoked, and he is being searched." **
(1) Manager: "And of course, to compensate for your experience, your stay with us will only be half price. Will you be comfortable with that arrangement?"
** (2) Anthony thinks that this would be a good time to pick up a real Italian suit **
(1) Manager: stores and shops are plenty to pick from
(9) Eve: "Well I certainly hope he's being searched, how rediculous, I would expect such things from a lessor hotel. It's all such an inconvinience but I suppose that will be fair."
(2) Anthony: (( I didn't really shit in you rpack... or did I? Up to Konrad to decide. Muahahahahaha ))
(9) Eve: ((in that case you defiently did))
(1) Manager: "Once again, we are terribly sorry, and it is the first time anything like this had ever happened. All our staff are highly trained and been through selective screening. It is not easy to get a job in our hotel, we require 5 to 8 years of previous hotel work experience. This is highly shocking, for it not only stains your vacation, but our reputation as well."
(9) Eve: ((lol))
(11) Tristin: ((It's on..)
(1) Manager: ((or not, up to you, you succeeded on composure roll so, jk))
(9) Eve: "I just hope you get to the bottom of it all, it was quite a shock to come upon such a thing." *me shakes her head*
(2) Anthony: (( never did composure roll about shitting in his pack :D What I gotta roll, comp + ? nothing? ))
(2) Anthony: (( let me look ))
(1) Manager: ((doesnt matter, you all need a change, you all look like shit anyway. Tristin is in torn blood stained kimono, you're in crappy clothes. Robin's all sweaty from the desert))
(9) Eve: ((there's a roll for keeping yourself from shitting in something while a bat? Wow those White wolf guys thought of everything!((
(1) Manager: ((they only didnt kick u out yet coz ure with Eve and she paid :D ))
(2) Anthony: (( comp + resolve ))
(11) Tristin: ((Kimonos are Japanese))
(1) Manager: ((w/e))
(9) Eve: ((and a girls dress))
(2) Anthony: comp 4 + resolve 1 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,4,1,1] = (1)
(1) Manager: ((hmmm 1 success))
(2) Anthony: (( no guano in your pack ))
(1) Manager: :D
** (9) Eve heads back up to the new room **
(2) Anthony: (( just a little bat pee ))
(1) Manager: new room is twice bigger and has 2 beds
(1) Manager: ((lol))
(9) Eve: "Come on lets get settled and then get you guys some better cloths."
(2) Anthony: "yeah, I wanna pick up a suit while I"m here."
** (9) Eve once in the new room makes sure the balcony is tightly closed **
(11) Tristin: "These would be fine if it wasn't for the guy with the spear..."
(9) Eve: "Sure, but first, would you guys care to explain, 1 why you were on the news about some town called Kirdasa, 2 why this guy knew were to find us, and 3 why Tony was a bat?"
(11) Tristin: "I was on the news?"
(2) Anthony: "What? We wre on the news? What did it say?"
(10) Robin: "I didn't look sweaty did I?"
(2) Anthony: "I dont think there wre any cameras, how do you know it was us?
(9) Eve: "That they were looking for three amarican doctors for questioning consering why the mayor was in a semi comastos state after some "Shamanism" ritual"
(9) Eve: "I recognized you from the very fuzzy and grainy shots of you passing through a security check point."
(10) Robin: "oh, thats all."
(2) Anthony: "so what makes you think that was us? It could of been 3 other shamen."
** (9) Eve raises a brow and turns on the TV to a news station **
(2) Anthony: "Mayor killed his wife. The revenge crated a spirit that was hurting his sone to gert back at him. I just let him see the spirit and he chose to take the place of his son. That's all.
(2) Anthony: "So the spirit of his wifes revenge pretty much destroyed his soul. Nothing much."
(2) Anthony: "Son was looking much better though."
(9) Eve: "All well in good in the spirit realm.. But in the real world the Egyptian's think your criminals or something."
(1) Konrad Knox: "...has announced another economic downfall, causing Lira currency to crawl further to be severely obsolete. Negotiations on the world market are continuing in heated manner. On other world news recap, last night in Egypt, a truely confusing and unexplained event took place in the small town of Kirdasa, a village with population a few thousand egyptian workers and traders. The local Mayor Hasan Latep has found a cure for his son who has been sick for 7 months without being diagnosed, however later that day he was found in a state near comatose, almost vegetative, barely able to move or speak. Upon questioning, Latep said that he was visited by three american doctors, who performed some sort of "Shamanism" as he referred to it in the native language. The subjects are wanted for questioning.
(2) Anthony: "He better hope they don't find us, or we'll have to tell them about the location of his wifes body, then his sacrafice will be all for nought."
(1) Konrad Knox: Today in New Guinea, a herd of wild monkeys attacked a 9 year old girl, causing her to lose an arm. Doctors are working on saving her life, and the government is considering implementing a new policy to open a hunt season. Citizens are encouraged to take precautions."
(2) Anthony: "Wait, WHAT? They're going to hunt monkeys in New Gineea? That's horrible!"
(2) Anthony: "I wonder what got into hte monkeys, hope it wasn't some fom of virus."
(1) Konrad Knox: "In Paris, reports of a flying man have been troubling local police. Witnesses said he was wearing a bow tie and a red clown nose. Some speculate he was a mime. After an hour negotiations with the Paris SWAT team, the man insisted on proving he can fly and took a nose dive off the Eifel tower, dropping to his swift and gruesome death."
(2) Anthony: "As for why I was a bat, was just easier to get out of hte colloseum that way."
(10) Robin: "like rage? heheh."
(9) Eve: "..." *turns the Tv off*
(9) Eve: "And the second question"
(2) Anthony: "Hang on.. someone in paris thinking they could fly wearing a bow tie... hmmm...
(2) Anthony: "Home it wasn't a mind mage."
(2) Anthony: "If we make it to paris I might look up his ghost.... oh, well, can't talk to those..."
(9) Eve: "... Do we need to leave Rome.. are more people going to be going through my underware???"
(2) Anthony: "Oh, second qustion, well, we wree trying to find you and robin scried someone who was apparently being watched, they followed the scrying portal back to us.
(10) Robin: "yeah...oops."
(2) Anthony: "So robin made a portal to her apartment and spirits shwoed up."
(2) Anthony: "I'm not sure if they knew about you because of teh phone call or what"
(10) Robin: "I pretty sure they didn't follow us here, though."
(2) Anthony: shrug
(2) Anthony: "Apparently we can't contact each other magically or non magically without being notices
(2) Anthony: 'It's like we're being followed all the time.
(2) Anthony: 'Did you bother cheacking for scrying portals?
(9) Eve: "Mmmhmmm... Well.. thus far what they have hired isn't even close to a challenge."
(10) Robin: "No."
** (9) Eve glances around as she brings up Supernal Vision **
(2) Anthony: "The scorpiders were pretty nasty."
(9) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,6,8,5,2,5] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, you see a thread of weak Space magic trending from the window, like a snake of fog, to your pocket, where you put the paper with the star
(1) Konrad Knox: out the window, the spell thread goes up into the sky
** (9) Eve pulls the paper out of her pocket "Shit" **
(2) Anthony: "What?"
(1) Konrad Knox: no other spells that you can see, except Tony, Tristin, and Robin, and their active spells. Peoples, list your active spells
(11) Tristin: ((none))
(9) Eve: "There's a spell thread on it.. it can be traced...
(2) Anthony: (( none at this point, been over an hour ))
** (9) Eve rips up the paper to see if it will break the thread **
(10) Robin: ((mine have expired, too.))
(11) Tristin: "What if we burn it?"
(2) Anthony: (( I don't think uchawi's spirit magic shows up with prime sight, nt sure ))
(1) Konrad Knox: the spell thread splits and splits, like a split end of a hair, trying to grab hold of the number 3 on the star's vertex, before the 3 gets cut in half, and the spell breaks
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, all clear around you
** (9) Eve takes a deep breath **
** (9) Eve speaks very quietly **
(9) Eve: "She gave me a flask and a ring that will act as a compass to the gem. I've got the flask someplace safe
(2) Anthony: "So that paper wsa being watched? drek."
(9) Eve: "That's what he was sent to find."
(2) Anthony: "And it led you here?"
(9) Eve: "It pointed east from Oregon, and it is now pointing north east when I check it."
(2) Anthony: 'North east of italy... russia is up there, what else...
(2) Anthony: "asia farther east, could be in asia somewhree.
(2) Anthony: "have you tried space magic to triangulate?
(2) Anthony: "use space sight, look at where it points, mofe a little, with space magic you should get a good bearing
(10) Robin: "Austria is north east."
(9) Eve: "There's more, I have leads on who we might be looking for. Her name is Diana Branch, she might be working with a number of powerful mages, Night Owl, Forester, Red Prince, Scavenger, perhaps even Simon Lamprey the Diamond Priest
** (2) Anthony nods **
(2) Anthony: "Are those names supposed to mean something to me?"
** (11) Tristin blinks at the rush of unfamiliar names. **
(9) Eve: And, I think the Red Prince might have a castle here in Italy, which I've taken the liberty of making reservations to visit the day after tomarrow.
(2) Anthony: "What are these 5 towers they were talking about?
(2) Anthony: "He said one was, where, amsterdam? And that it's been destroyed? means there's 4 others
(9) Eve: "They are shadow names for a number of very powerful mages, the Diamond Priest alone is responsible for dozens of horrible experiements he was caught and sent to a mental institution for involving Life magic and flaying people alive."
(2) Anthony: "And apparently each tower is connected to two others, and if they are crossed they can tell
(2) Anthony: "That's... horrible.
(2) Anthony: (( Night owls was the name of our shadowrun team ))
(9) Eve: "That is what he said yes, and I think being as Mrs. Branch has five associates, it would be safe to guess they each own a tower.
(2) Anthony: "Hmm.. I wonder which lived in amsterdam.
(9) Eve: "Further... I would guess that.. if.. crossing the lines alerts them... then.. She is within the center of the star somewhere hiding."
(2) Anthony: 'I thought we were looking for a gem, not a she. Unless she has the gem.
(9) Eve: "Wait... 3 was Amsterdam...
(2) Anthony: 'That's what I was lead to believe."
** (9) Eve pulls out a map of Europe" **
** (9) Eve puts a three next to the city of Amsterdam **
(9) Eve: "So.. this Diana woman, she has the stone, and she wants to have a baby, so the baby will inheiret the power of the stone... we need a straight edge...
** (9) Eve looks around for the little guest paper pad they always have in hotels **
(1) Konrad Knox: well, if they always have it, you find it
(9) Eve: ((yay))
(2) Anthony: (( everyone I've been in has had one ))
(2) Anthony: (( which is admittedly not many ))
(1) Konrad Knox: 4.5 star hotel. it has it.
** (9) Eve uses the pad as a straight edge and tries to figure the angle from amsterdam that the star corner was, looking for the ripped up pieces **
(2) Anthony: Oh, wait... If she's in the center of the star, and amsterdam was one of the points on the star...
(9) Eve: "I'm sorry I just had a thought.. if Amsterdam is one tower.. we could find the others with this star pattern and a map.
(1) Konrad Knox: the ripped up pieces are laying around
(2) Anthony: "Okay, draw a line from where we are here to where the compas was pointing across the map
(11) Tristin: "How do we know how far apart they are?"
** (9) Eve gathers them up **
(2) Anthony: 'Easy.
(9) Eve: I already did that"
(2) Anthony: "From amsterdam to the line
(2) Anthony: "If it is a perfect star we can even plot the other 5 points.
** (9) Eve shows the map, with a line going north up from Rome and east out from Rome **
(2) Anthony: "Hmm.. no not true
(2) Anthony: "We'll need at lesat one other point.
(9) Eve: "See before I knew about the towers, I knew that the stone is north east of me.. so thats somewhere in that area
(2) Anthony: "Did the lcompass change directly when you got here, or gradually?
(1) Konrad Knox: ((feel free to drag maps and miniatures on the map here to solve this))
(1) Konrad Knox: and... dex+crafts anyone to try to assemble pieces again to get the look at the star
(1) Konrad Knox: scoth tape or glue anyone? :D
(2) Anthony: (( I'll try ))
(2) Anthony: dex 2 + crafts 1 = [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,3] = (1)
(2) Anthony: (( or simply licking the paper and sticking it on the notepad
(2) Anthony: (( tony is used to using twigs and sticks :D ))
(1) Konrad Knox: tony you manage to collect all the pieces, and kinda fit em together, but you got gaps between the chunks and it doesnt look too straight yet
(2) Anthony: (( dex + crafts you say? kay... ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ya))
(9) Eve: "Here..maybe a space mage will have more luck with this liquid and ring..."
** (9) Eve carefully looks around one last time with supernal vision to make sure there are no spell threads floating around **
** (9) Eve pulls out the flask with green liquid **
(9) Eve: "I'll show you how it works."
(1) Konrad Knox: no spells
(10) Robin: "okay"
** (9) Eve places the ring that looked like a bracelet around her wrist on her hand and then very carefully puts one drop on her hand waiting for the liquid to move and glow **
(9) Eve: "the stronger it glows the closer we are, the direction it goes is the way we need to be going to find the stone."
(2) Anthony: "Wait. You said 'the way we need to be going to find hte stone", not the direction teh stone is. There is a difference."
(10) Robin: "that is the weirdest compass ever."
(2) Anthony: "Does this point to the stone, or how we have to go to find it?
(9) Eve: "It points to the stone yes. And yes it is but it was all they could put togeather in such short notice"
(2) Anthony: 'Okay, if it points tot he stone, we can use this."
(2) Anthony: (( we have amp here? ))
(2) Anthony: (( *map ))
(9) Eve: ((Eve has purchased a number of maps which she has already done the lines of north and east on yes
** (2) Anthony puts a map down on the table **
(9) Eve: ((including a full street map of Rome, one of italy with all the little villages, and one of Europe
(2) Anthony: "Robin, can you lay this point down perfectly so north is the same way north is? that is, line it up"
(10) Robin: "I can try"
(1) Konrad Knox: The device looks really kinda lame. A bracelet made of steel or lead, some heavy metal, looking gray, and the flask of green liquid. As the drop of liquid lands on Eve's palm in the middle of the circle, it vascillates, slowly gathering up near her thumb, and slowly creeps up to the edge of the ring, starting to glow faintly green to the north west
(2) Anthony: (( north west, toward amsterdam ))
(10) Robin: ((spatial map 3+4))
(10) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,8,2,4,1,2] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((gah north east))
(1) Konrad Knox: north east nm
(1) Konrad Knox: towards austria
(2) Anthony: (( okay, good, that's what I thought ))
(1) Konrad Knox: my typo
(9) Eve: "We have to be careful with how much of this we use, cause I can't tell what spells are in it and so won't be able to replicate it"
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you have a spacial map of the hotel
(2) Anthony: "yeha, I hope to mark this map now with a rough line across eurpoe
(1) Konrad Knox: you know where the directions are exactly
(10) Robin: i can tell north easier, then?
(10) Robin: kay
** (11) Tristin lays down on one of the beds, exausted. **
(2) Anthony: (( you shoudl be able to line up the N on the paper map with true north ))
(10) Robin: "You got a pen or something?"
** (2) Anthony pulls out a pen from the drawer **
(10) Robin: "ah, thanks."
(2) Anthony: 'Now just draw a line acros the map from here wree we are in rome to where the arrow ponts. YOu won't be ablet o be exact of course, but rough should help
** (9) Eve wonders if he's going to be drawing over the lines she's already drawn.. **
** (10) Robin looks at the paper map **
(10) Robin: ((eve already drew that line?))
(2) Anthony: (( I see a north/south and an east/west line on the map, not a n/e s/w line ))
(10) Robin: ((sorry map wasn't on my screen))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you draw the line, but the drop on Eve's hand is spread out across about 1 centimeter edge, there seems to be more than one way to draw a line, as there is no destination point precisely.
(2) Anthony: (( yeah, probably about a 5deg uncertainty ))
(2) Anthony: (( or more, maybe 10deg )0
(2) Anthony: (( I.E. ))
(1) Konrad Knox: in about a minute, the liquid in Eve's hand dissolves, stops glowing and gets absorbed into her skin
(2) Anthony: (( maybe something like htat ))
(9) Eve: "...If you want to try this thing out you can, but I don't know that it will become any clearer, and it isn't glowing as bright as in the bottle so we aren't that close yet.
(2) Anthony: (( or whatever direction it actually is ))
(2) Anthony: nod
(2) Anthony: 'I was just hoping to get able to see if there wre any major cities roughtly where it's pointing
(2) Anthony: "So we know what to prepare fore.
(9) Eve: "The reason I only drew a line north.. and east is because frankly neither I nor Hanah know exactally how precise this is.
(2) Anthony: "Well, if it changes directions was you go, it is probably more preceise then that.
(9) Eve: "Only that it will point the direction the stone is in, and gets brighter the closer the stone is."
(2) Anthony: (( did it see to point roughly due NE or farther E or farther N? ))
(9) Eve: "Honestly it could be in Venice for all this thing is accurate."
(1) Konrad Knox: ((about even north east, it's a rather spread curve, about 1 centimeter on the ring's surface, but almost directly north east, maybe a few degrees more north))
(9) Eve: "I've been working with it, here you guys give it a go, I'll deal with the clothing situation, give me sizes and what to buy and I'll go down to the 4th floor, also anyone need anything else? Food? Asprine? I need a breather from it anyway."
(2) Anthony: (( coratia, ucrane, romania, hungary, russia... ))
** (9) Eve places the ring on the table with the fluid **
(9) Eve: "Just..be very careful with it, its not replaceable."
** (11) Tristin perking up a bit from the pillow. "Mana, some weed?" **
(10) Robin: "I wouldn't want to waste too much of it at once."
(2) Anthony: I think we did as much as we can now. without a nother reading farhter away. I looks like we're hitting one of hte slavic countries.
(2) Anthony: I don't think it's far north as finland, but it might be
(9) Eve: "... The pool is on the fourth floor. swim in it for a hour and you will get back at least a little mana.. I wouldn't know where to begin for you other request."
(2) Anthony: "Acutally, I need to get a new suit so I"ll ahve to go down to get measured
(9) Eve: "Well then..
** (9) Eve puts the liquid back in her purse wrapping it in a cloth carefully **
(1) Konrad Knox: there is still enough liquid in the flask
(1) Konrad Knox: it's barely been used
(9) Eve: "shall we all go down and hope no one is in my panties when we return.
(11) Tristin: "Mind if I take a nap?"
(2) Anthony: "Lets not leave anything behind that will matter."
(9) Eve: "I don't care no."
(2) Anthony: "I need ot get somethign to eat, and Uchawi too
** (9) Eve picks up the maps as well then. **
(2) Anthony: A few insects just doesn't quite do it.
(1) Uchawi: "crakers or oatmeal? any time"
(2) Anthony: "yeha, lets not leve the maps we wirite on around
(1) Uchawi: "Fresh carrot will do too."
(9) Eve: "The resturant on the third floor is nice, and room service as well."
(2) Anthony: "Do you like raisens?"
(1) Uchawi: "As long as they're not green. Black raisins are fine, thank you."
(2) Anthony: "Okay, first I think I"ll go get measured for a suit, then go eat, then a swim."
(10) Robin: "I thik I could use a nap as well."
(11) Tristin: ((Wait an hour between 2 and 3 *nod*))
(9) Eve: ((heh))
(9) Eve: ((argh cramp!)
** (2) Anthony looks at the star on the piece of paper, is it just a sqrawled star or anyhint unique abou tit? **
(2) Anthony: (( ints + investigation? ))
(2) Anthony: int 3 + inves 1 = [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 3],8,4] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((it's an even edged star, all edges even, 3 at the left vertex, the shape is perfect, however, the paper does not give you any information of the size or direction of the star
(2) Anthony: "You know, it could even be possible that rome is one of hte points. I wonder what the tower looked like
(2) Anthony: shrug
** (2) Anthony folds up the town paper and offers it to eve **
** (9) Eve "We have no way to know, the star could be positioned in any way from amsterdam.. heck it could be backwards for all we know and you're supposed to use a mirror to read it . *shrugs her head and heads out of the room to pick up a few things like tourist t-shirts for people to sleep in and such **
** (9) Eve puts the paper in her purse too **
** (2) Anthony heads down looking for a tailer **
(9) Eve: tailor
(2) Anthony: (( tailer for measuring, eath, swim for an hour, try to pick up suit if it's ready, sleep ))
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, you find all the things you need in the stores, pretty much any shirts imaginable. Even custom made ones where they put engravings on them for you
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you get your measurements at the tailor, and she asks what kind of suit you'd like
** (9) Eve picks up a few things that resemble the right size for the others, and be ready to come back later for other cloths when they are rested. **
(1) Konrad Knox: any color any design and most materials suits come in are available
(13) Tristin (enter): 05:47
(2) Anthony: Your typical italiain suit
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Tristin...
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(11) Tristin' from server...
(11) Tristin (exit): 05:48
(2) Anthony: The one that screams, Hey, I'm an italian suit!
(1) Konrad Knox: "Sir, you are in italy."
(1) Konrad Knox: "But I know what you mean."
(13) Tristin: ((Got droped... anyway, I just asked if you minded calling it a day?))
(14) Robin (enter): 05:48
(9) Eve: ((ready to call it))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((fine by me whatever u guys want))
(2) Anthony: (( ditto ))
(14) Robin: ((im tired))