Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at 216-67-4-51-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net:6774...
Failed to connect to game server...
Locating server at 216-67-4-51-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net:6774...
Failed to connect to game server...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(2) No Name (enter): 13:27
(1) Serpardum (enter): 13:27
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Serpardum: hey nameless one
(2) Konrad Knox: Hello
(2) Konrad Knox: We meet again
** (2) Konrad Knox greets you **
(1) Anthony: I sent you my dice roller before right?
(1) Anthony: send it back to me plesae. I need it
(1) Anthony: game is in, what, 2 hours?
(2) Konrad Knox: in 3.5 hours
(2) Konrad Knox: now is 1.30
(2) Konrad Knox: I need to do Cain's prelude
(2) Konrad Knox: we getting a new player
(1) Anthony: cain, freemont? cool
(2) Konrad Knox: yup
(1) Anthony: kay, yu got my dice roller?
(2) Konrad Knox: im keeping server up for him, gonna wait for him to show up
(2) Konrad Knox: no i dont think i have it
(1) Anthony: kay
(2) Konrad Knox: and i need to re-setup my macros
(2) Konrad Knox: i think claire has it
(1) Anthony: kay, l ong as someone deos so I dont have ot rehack one
(2) Konrad Knox: was it a program?
(1) Anthony: goign to lunch
(2) Konrad Knox: wait i dont think we got it
(2) Konrad Knox: how do macros go?
(2) Konrad Knox: just give me one, i'll figure the rest
(1) Anthony: it wasn't a macro
(1) Anthony: it was a python source file
(1) Anthony: python programming
(2) Konrad Knox: [{3d10.open(10).vs{8] => {3d10.open(10).vs{8
(2) Konrad Knox: {[4] => 4d10.open(10).vs[8] => 8}
(2) Konrad Knox: [410.open(10).vs8] => 410.open(10).vs8
(1) Anthony: [4d10.vs(8).open(10)] => [8,[10, 4],1,[10, 1]] = (3)
(1) Anthony: rmemeber it counts wrong?
(1) Anthony: [10,10,4] => (10, 10, 4)
(1) Anthony: it woudl oly count as 1 success
(2) Konrad Knox: [{3d10.open(10).vs{8] => {3d10.open(10).vs{8
(1) Anthony: [4d10.vs(8).open(10)] => [8,7,9,4] = (2)
(1) Anthony: [4d10.vs(8).open(10)] => [6,2,5,5] = (0)
(2) Konrad Knox: i cant even let it do that
(1) Anthony: [4d10.vs(8).open(10)] => [7,6,9,3] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: i forget how the macro goes
(2) Konrad Knox: in the actual settings
(1) Anthony: it would be: ?d10.open(10).vs(8)
(1) Anthony: in brackets
(1) Anthony: [310.open(10).vs(8)] => 310.open(10).vs(8)
(1) Anthony: I rmember it fuxed tat ups omereason
(1) Anthony: dont remember why
(1) Anthony: there isa way to fix it.
(1) Anthony: [(3)d10.open(10).vs(8)] => (3)d10.open(10).vs(8)
(2) Konrad Knox: [310.open(10).vs(8)] => 310.open(10).vs(8)
(1) Anthony: it si a known issue with a known workaroudn I"m too lazy to look up
(1) Anthony: [210.open(10).vs(8)] => 210.open(10).vs(8)
(2) Konrad Knox: [(4)d10.open(10).vs(8)] => (4)d10.open(10).vs(8)
(1) Anthony: going ot go eat. bbl
(2) Konrad Knox: lol ok
(2) Konrad Knox: [410.open(10).vs(8)] => 410.open(10).vs(8)
(2) Konrad Knox: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,5,[10, 4]] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: Init [1{i} d10 + (9)] => 1{i} d10 + (9)
(2) Konrad Knox: Init [1 d10 + (9)] => [4,9] = (13)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (3)] => [3,3] = (6)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (3)] => [1,3] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (8)] => [4,8] = (12)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (10)] => [1,10] = (11)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (10)] => [4,10] = (14)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (10)] => [7,10] = (17)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (19)] => [7,19] = (26)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (10)] => [5,10] = (15)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (19)] => [3,19] = (22)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10 + (10)] => [10,10] = (20)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (9)] => [[10, 9],9] = (28)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [3,6] = (9)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [8,6] = (14)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (10)] => [7,10] = (17)
(2) Konrad Knox: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (9)] => [6,9] = (15)
(2) Konrad Knox: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],[10, 5],5,1,7,4,6,4] = (2)
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 13:49
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
(4) Eve (enter): 14:08
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(4) Eve' from server... Removing dead client
(4) Eve (exit): 15:06
(2) Konrad Knox: nyah
(5) Eve (enter): 15:08
(6) No Name (enter): 16:12
(6) No Name: (( Its Cain. So sorry about the lateness ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ok good, you made it
(6) No Name: Ya
(2) Konrad Knox: a number of changes u gotta make
(2) Konrad Knox: open Ctrl S for settings
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) No Name...
(6) No Name: Mkay.
(2) Konrad Knox: get yourself a name and a cooler typing/idle emote :)
(2) Konrad Knox: in Chat tab
(2) Konrad Knox: ctrl+S is pretty much your friend at everything
(2) Konrad Knox: Chat Window is the tab to configure settings for chat
(6) No Name: Okay.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Ooooh.
(2) Konrad Knox: got it?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Seems like.
(2) Konrad Knox: and for idle/typing you can have like shooting/reloading
(2) Konrad Knox: TypingStatusAlias field
(2) Konrad Knox: now, let's fix your dice
(2) Konrad Knox: in Chat Macros tab, there are F1 and F2
(2) Konrad Knox: thats basically all we use
(2) Konrad Knox: put the following exactly on F1 and F2 respectively
(2) Konrad Knox: if i type it here, its gonna rol dice, so im gonna give it over msn
(5) Eve: Init [2d10.open(10)] => [6,8] = (14)
(5) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [[10, 1],5,8] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (0)] => [4,0] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox: ok
(2) Konrad Knox: so when you press F2, you input 2 numbers
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (0)] => [1,0] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: 1st number is how many dice you're rolling, second number is 8 unless I specify otherwise
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: No, only one.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: o.O
(5) Eve: (F2)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Only one field comes up on the F2
(2) Konrad Knox: oh
(5) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [[10, 8],6,8] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: i mean F1
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
(2) Konrad Knox: every ? in the formula
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (0)] => [3,0] = (3)
(5) Eve: ((f1 is just init KK
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Right
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Ah, I have it set backwards now XD
(2) Konrad Knox: i have em set same way
(2) Konrad Knox: F1 for action, F2 for init, doesnt really matter which is which
(2) Konrad Knox: as long as u remember
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Suppose not
(2) Konrad Knox: So, say, this is how u do actions
(2) Konrad Knox: Throwing a GM Destruction Bolt: Int 5 + Occult 5 + Death 5 - Dante's defense 3 = 12
(2) Konrad Knox: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,9,5,6,4,4,1,2,9,7,1] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: first number is your dice, seond is 8
(2) Konrad Knox: sometimes buffs can affect it
(2) Konrad Knox: so, do you have Dante's charsheet filled out?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: And its 8 because that's the success integer?
(2) Konrad Knox: yes
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Not entirely.
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, into MSN
whispering to Dante Canavacciuolo, Ok, we do your prelude over private
(2) Konrad Knox: okay... waiting
(2) Konrad Knox: on.... everyone
(5) Eve: I'm..sorta here...
(5) Eve: mostly...
(5) Eve: :D
(2) Konrad Knox: that is good
(2) Konrad Knox: doing Dante's prelude
(5) Eve: yes
(5) Eve: do that
(7) Tristin (enter): 17:23
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, peeps in main room, we have a new player, i am preluding him. Meet Aerumna the Cain Freemont
(2) Konrad Knox: waiting on serp still i think
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Tristin...
(5) Eve: yaaaaaaaaay!

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(8) Shawn (enter): 17:25
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Allo
(8) Shawn: ((Hello)
(5) Eve: we have a shawn and a tristin does that mean he gets double xp?
(8) Tristin: WoohooQ
(8) Tristin: !*
(2) Konrad Knox: [box] => box test [/box] => /box
(2) Konrad Knox: test
(2) Konrad Knox: how do we do boxes?
(7) Robin: I don't know why that was my default logging in
(2) Konrad Knox:

(2) Konrad Knox: ah!
(2) Konrad Knox:

(5) Eve: I guess thats how
(8) Tristin: That looks right to me.
(8) Tristin: WHow is everyone? Sorry we are a tad late.
(8) Tristin: Laptop keyboards...
(5) Eve: I am fantastical cause we are gaming again
(5) Eve: weeeeeee
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo will try not to noob things up too bad **
(8) Tristin: Definitley a plus.
(5) Eve: yay
(8) Tristin: New player, nice to meet you.
(8) Tristin: Is Serp going to play?
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo waves. **
(8) Tristin: [3d10.open(8).vs(6)] => [[9, 10, 9, 9, 5],[9, 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7],4] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah he is
(8) Tristin: Okay... so you are not the new p[layer, lol.
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, Dante is Aerumna, the man who kicked us around in Gunz
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Shawn...
(8) Tristin: *confused* okay think I have it.
(8) Tristin: He play PW with you?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Oui.
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, we should be done in about 15 min. refresh your memory on the last game, make plans, etc, count your health and mana and exp please, also, now is a good time to buy things
(5) Eve: can I buy a monkey?
** (5) Eve wants to buy a monkey **
(8) Tristin: I don't have my stats, old comp was whiped and this one's stats are old, I'm usre.
(8) Tristin: BASTARD!
(8) Tristin: I saw him!
(8) Tristin: What's the emote command?
(5) Eve: me /
(5) Eve: only backwards
** (8) Tristin Knows **
** (5) Eve wants to buy that monkey **
(2) Konrad Knox: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/magePage.html
(7) Robin: ERREUR 404 - Document non trouvé
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MagePage.html
(5) Eve: woot errors in french!
(5) Eve: mwahaha
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, then it looks like i will be passing out char sheets over msn
(2) Konrad Knox: all i remember is tristin has 1 persistant agg
(2) Konrad Knox: in the shoulder
(2) Konrad Knox: Shawn and Rach, get on msn
(8) Tristin: Trying... it's like..
(2) Konrad Knox: gonna go poke serp
(2) Konrad Knox: Dante is almost there
(2) Konrad Knox: feel free to express to each other how much you're missed one another in 6 months :D
(5) Eve: I missied you guys so much!!! *gives you the monkey she wanted to buy*
** (5) Eve pokes them until there is some reply... **
(8) Tristin: Sorry was looking for a sprite to use as a mini. I've been missing this game for waaay too long.
(5) Eve: its not as fun without you guys... KK just kinda jumps me and covers me with blankets...
(5) Eve: lol
(7) Robin: I'm glad we're back I thought We'd never get back together :) playing dnd makes me want to play mage
(5) Eve: hehe playing stupid vampire made me miss playing mage.
(2) Konrad Knox: HAPPY BDAY SHAWN!
(5) Eve: mwahahahahah!!!
(8) Tristin: ...
(7) Robin: lol yaya!
(8) Tristin: She's lying to you.
(8) Tristin: I'm a Tauras.
(5) Eve: with this cake you can take over Europe!
(7) Robin: no way I'll upload his I.D.
(7) Robin: lol
(5) Eve: lol
(8) Tristin: Then do it.
(5) Eve: no lies I totally remember your b-day being around mine... which was like... last week or something..
(9) Anthony (enter): 17:58
(5) Eve: YAY!!!!
(8) Tristin: SERP!
** (5) Eve dances **
(7) Robin: hiya
** (8) Tristin dances too? **
(9) Anthony: hi. To be honest I'm suprised this is actually happening
(9) Anthony: I had pretty much given up hope
(5) Eve: It's so wonderful
(9) Anthony: am I late? was I suppsoed to be here an hour ago?
(9) Anthony: remember, dont paste any image links intot he chat area. It's horrible if youdo
(2) Konrad Knox: nah, Cain had problems, so we're starting off late
(2) Konrad Knox: finishing his prelude
(8) Tristin: Cain?
(5) Eve: meh KK is still finishing up with the fresh meat... I mean... Cain..
(5) Eve: :D
(9) Anthony: Oh, konrad, did you see movie about the guy who teleports?
(5) Eve: ((dante))
(5) Eve: Jumpers!
(9) Anthony: yeah. Did you notice the collesium in it? lol
(9) Anthony: you had described the gates rather well
(5) Eve: heheheh we were talking about mage the whole time
(9) Anthony: ^^
(9) Anthony: When I saw the collesum in that movie all Ic oudl think about was mage
(9) Anthony: Adn then realized he was a space mage
(9) Anthony: And so much made sense ^^
(9) Anthony: So, you still doing dante's prelude?
(2) Konrad Knox: yes
(2) Konrad Knox: can we stop messing around with pics? i get pop up errors
(7) Robin: I can't rename my mini :(
(9) Anthony: how long you thing? I'm gonnag o to store and get some soda
(8) Tristin: And cookies!
(2) Konrad Knox: prolly 10 minutes
(9) Anthony: kay
(8) Tristin: Get me some ciggerettes too please.
(7) Robin: apparently nacho cheese and chocolate chp cookies are good?
(8) Tristin: Some dude in our DnD group was talking about it
(7) Robin: anyone else vomiting at the though?
(7) Robin: thought*
(5) Eve: ewwwww
(7) Robin: lol
(8) Tristin: [1d100] => [42] = (42)
(8) Tristin: Phale
(5) Eve: 42!
(8) Tristin: Didn't even mean to click that, but I did and it was lower than average.. :(
(8) Tristin: The interwebs hate me.
(2) Konrad Knox: GM Doom Bolt on tristin int 5 + Doom 5 + GM weapon 5 - 4
(2) Konrad Knox: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,9,8,1,4,5,4,3,1,5] = (3)
(8) Tristin: Shifting sands
(9) Anthony: Kay, I got some pepsi, a coconut puff and a small chocolate cake
(5) Eve: yay!
(5) Eve: is it tank shaped?
(9) Anthony: Okay, I admit it.
(9) Anthony: The cake is a lie
(7) Robin: lol
(8) Tristin: LOL
(5) Eve: awww
(8) Tristin: I'm getting a B-day stew
(8) Tristin: No cake
(8) Tristin: And some Vodka..
(5) Eve: lame
(5) Eve: well... vodka...
(5) Eve: still...
** (5) Eve has cake **
(7) Robin: My bday stew is lame :(
(7) Robin: No stew for you!
(5) Eve: awww
(9) Anthony: dependso n what's in it
(5) Eve: but... but...
** (5) Eve pouts **
(7) Robin: Oh theres yummy stuff in it
(5) Eve: its only lame becuuse there is no cake...
(5) Eve: *because
(5) Eve: shaped... like a tank
(7) Robin: I dont have a cake pan to bake lol
(5) Eve: oh...
(8) Tristin: We just moooooveded
(5) Eve: then you are excused and stew is fantastical
(9) Anthony: So put the stew in a big bowl and freeze it. then take it out and put it on a plate. Stew cake.
(5) Eve: lol
(7) Robin: sweet I share with you then :)
(7) Robin: lol
(9) Anthony: Anyone here besides me like crafting games?
(9) Anthony: I take that as a resounding NO!
(7) Robin: what do you mean, crafting?
(5) Eve: crafting?
(9) Anthony: Crafting. making things
(8) Tristin: Warcrafting?
(9) Anthony: Like ATITD
(7) Robin: like knitting?
(7) Robin: oh
(9) Anthony: smithing, carpentry, etc..
(9) Anthony: farming
(8) Tristin: Did that on UO.... sometimes...
(8) Tristin: More killing
(5) Eve: I used to do that in UO yeah.. and Illarion before it got lame because they kicked KK out for pwning..
(9) Anthony: YUO crafting yeah
(9) Anthony: If you like crafting games, check out Wurm Online
(9) Anthony: Free to play, but caps skills at 20
(9) Anthony: Otherwise 5eu/month
(8) Tristin: Lol, kicked out for Pwning?
(5) Eve: yes
(9) Anthony: If yosu top paying you still have char it's just your effective skills max are 20 (even if it's higher)
(5) Eve: seriously
(9) Anthony: Yeah, basically
(9) Anthony: The other GMs in illarion were so freaking lame, except 1 or 2
(5) Eve: yes and they left
(2) Konrad Knox: Illarion is balls of gay
(8) Tristin: Khaz's version of yelling at me was "Hey... why did you kill ____" "Because... he's a dick?" "Oh okay"
(5) Eve: and were replaced by lamer ones...
(9) Anthony: That Other Game you mean
** (5) Eve misses Khaz **
(8) Tristin: Kalsu is in charge now.
(8) Tristin: Talked to him IRL about it.
whispering to Anthony, god, poor Dante, im throwing him deer i nthe headlights in the middle of this thing
(5) Eve: I know
(9) Anthony: Kalsu, hm.. who is that
(8) Tristin: Still haven't played in like.... 2 years or something.
(5) Eve: heh
(9) Anthony: The interface tot hat game just sux
(5) Eve: I hear he kicked Greg to the curb
(9) Anthony: IMO
(5) Eve: better than Illa
(9) Anthony: Anyway... about crafting games...
(5) Eve: hehe
(9) Anthony: Wurm online. if anyone likes crafting you shoudl give it a try
(9) Anthony: I made my own house
(9) Anthony: and forge
(9) Anthony: and mine
(9) Anthony: I mean, for mining you dig down to rock, start digging
(9) Anthony: you open up a shaft
(9) Anthony: and you dig away
(9) Anthony: You can raise/lwoer the terrain by digging/dropping dirt
(9) Anthony: etc..
(9) Anthony: pretty cool game
(5) Eve: spiffy
(7) Robin: OMFG we are gonna play mage!!!!
(9) Anthony: everything in it, like ATITD, is player made
(8) Tristin: So here's the deal... I've got vodka... so ummm...
(9) Anthony: except unlike atitd you can acutally go in buildings
** (7) Robin is excited **
(9) Anthony: Oh, it's java
(9) Anthony: not bad for java relaly
(9) Anthony: 3D of course
(2) Konrad Knox: yes we gonna play mage
(7) Robin: OMG!
(5) Eve: Tristin are you trying to tell us you are going to be drunk soon?
(7) Robin: MAGE!
(7) Robin: birthday drunk!
(8) Tristin: Soon, no, now.
** (5) Eve gives robin a cookie **
(9) Anthony: Okay, guess I shoudl open up my char sheet
(2) Konrad Knox: u want to box in guys? you can make plans. Your tour is at noon. You can do stuff in the morning of that day if you want
(7) Robin: :D nom nom cookie
(2) Konrad Knox: i just need a few more minutes with Dante, he is almost there
(9) Anthony: 4 life. hmmmm
** (9) Anthony tests **
** (9) Anthony sets the hardcover mage book on hsi lap **
(9) Anthony: Did I tell you I've been playign mage with my kids?
(9) Anthony: Yesterday we did a Shadowrun
(7) Robin: you've mentioned it before a long time ago
(5) Eve: [1d10] => [8] = (8)
(9) Anthony: Give me the link to the logs real quick?
(9) Anthony: I wanna remember if I was in human form or not
(2) Konrad Knox: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MagePage.html
(5) Eve: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Session6k.html
(2) Konrad Knox: new day - your form would drop by then
(9) Anthony: right, wer were still in hte hotel room planning for hte next day
(2) Konrad Knox: you guys want box?
(9) Anthony: I'm good for box
(7) Robin: yay
(5) Eve: box!!!!
** (5) Eve pokes Tristin to call for box **
(5) Eve: Box!!!
(5) Eve: box!
(5) Eve: box!
(5) Eve: box!
(7) Robin: he calls from acroos the room
(8) Tristin: Bawx
(9) Anthony: Oh, yes, the omnipotent Fluffy :D
(7) Robin: :) !!!!
(8) Tristin: Winkles*
(5) Eve: Still not Winkles
(9) Anthony: still no box
(5) Eve: BOX!!!!!
(5) Eve: we demand it
(5) Eve: pweeze?
(2) Konrad Knox:
Holy crap! Episode 7 is finally here! Wooot mom, we going to a tour today! it will be fun! Mage The Awakening. Season 2 Episode 7

(9) Anthony: Oh, shoot, I got to go!
(9) Anthony: j/k :D
(2) Konrad Knox: *puts the gun down*
(5) Eve: that is not funny...
(5) Eve: :P
** (9) Anthony scratches his head in the hotel room **
(9) Anthony: "Hmm.. lost my train of thought. what were we talking about again?"
(8) Tristin: ((We were at the resteraunt))
(5) Eve: [1d10] => [3] = (3)
(8) Tristin: Breaking into the tower.
(9) Anthony: (( were we? not that I see in the logs. let me look a little farther back ))
(5) Eve: yes playing with supressing auras and getting ready to go to bed to be ready for the tour the next day))
(9) Anthony: (( ahh, yes, the shopping spree ))
(9) Anthony: "So I'll turn into a rodent, a rat I know rather well. And poke around while everyone goes on tour?"
(9) Anthony: "How will I keep in contact in Rat form though?"
(5) Eve: "Correct... hmm... " ((didn't robin have enough mind for mind links now?))
(7) Robin: ((mind 4))
(9) Anthony: (( I hope so, but anthony doesn't know that :D ))
(7) Robin: ((let me see real quick, but im pretty sure))
(7) Robin: ((yeah telepathy))
(5) Eve: (( I think that was what Robin was doing when I surpressed her aura last game... reading Tony's mind))
(5) Eve: "Robin can use the spell she was just using, with her aura supressed she 'should' go unnoticed"
(9) Anthony: Okay. Will I be noticed thugh?
(7) Robin: "Don't worry to much about losing us. I can contact you."
(9) Anthony: although my transofromation will be a local thing
(9) Anthony: at least it's not a space thing
(9) Anthony: so those things won't see us hopefully
(7) Robin: "Stay away from rat traps, don't be tempted by cheese and I think it'll go okay for the most part."
(9) Anthony: 'yes, youc an contact me, but how will I contact you if I find anythign good?"
(9) Anthony: "And I think Uchawi will have ot go with one of you."
(9) Anthony: "Oh, hmm.. can you telepanthy talk to Uchawi?"
(7) Robin: "We can share information when I contact you."
(7) Robin: "I think that might be a little more difficult but I could try."
(9) Anthony: 'I think I can have Ucahwi squawk if I need to contact you,t hen youcan contact me."
(7) Robin: "Good idea."
(9) Anthony: 'Not sure the range I can talk to Ucahwi, never experiemnted with it."
(7) Robin: "I still need to let my rat friend go tonight."
(7) Robin: "I've abused him enough."
(9) Anthony: "You know, owls get hungry..."
(9) Anthony: "Ucawhi can put him out of his misery."
** (7) Robin makes an awkward face **
(7) Robin: "Maybe not..."
(8) Tristin: "Good idea"
(7) Robin: "I'll just let him go by the dumpster before I head to bed."
(8) Tristin: "You really should toss it."
(9) Anthony: (( oh, wait, ucahwi, is n't an owl ))
(5) Eve: ((he's a parrot))
(9) Anthony: (( he eats grains and nuts ))
(8) Tristin: ((Parrot dude))
(9) Anthony: (( yeah ))
(9) Anthony: (( don't know if parrots eat meat or not ))
(8) Tristin: ((Tomy Parrot))
(7) Robin: ((and veggies))
(8) Tristin: ((Tony*))
(9) Anthony: (( Yeah, it's been freaking months ))
(7) Robin: ((omg we're playing mage!))
(7) Robin: (( :D ))
** (5) Eve pokes at her pasta listening to the three of you with a perplexed look on her face **
(9) Anthony: (( I mean, I looked at my char sheet and thought, oh, wow, I'm life 4? ))
(9) Anthony: (( oh, gnosis 3, I can combine spells now! ))
(8) Tristin: ((Oui Monsuire))
** (9) Anthony toys with his salad **
(9) Anthony: (( I forgot what we had gone shoppinf for. Didn't I need shoes or something? dont' remember ))
(7) Robin: ((i think you bought a new suit and all))
(9) Anthony: "Well, it's going ot be a long day tomorrow"
(8) Tristin: ((I needed clothes because I was in a gi ))
(9) Anthony: (( oh right, italian suit :D ))
(5) Eve: you bought all that before the old hotel room exploded..))
(8) Tristin: ((But Eve got me some if I remember tright))
(5) Eve: ((she did yes and Robin too))
(8) Tristin: ((right*))
(9) Anthony: "Well, I'm ready to go head off to sleep. Antying else before we call it a night?"
** (8) Tristin shrugs **
(5) Eve: "I think we are ready, remember all, no vulgar spells... and we are looking for the tower so we can trangulate it with the tower in Amsterdam"
** (8) Tristin tries to make a prediction about anything he might need to tell them **
(8) Tristin: ((Just a general foresight check... whatever you want to take it as Gnosis 2 + Fate 3))
(8) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 10, 9],2,8,8] = (3)
(8) Tristin: ((4!!))
(8) Tristin: ((Err 5))
** (5) Eve waits for gm?? **
(8) Tristin: ((Yeah))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you feel an urge to listen to news
** (5) Eve finishes her pasta **
(5) Eve: "Well unless anyone else can think of something I suppose its a dip in the pool and then a good nights rest eh?"
** (8) Tristin calls the waiter/(ess?) over **
** (7) Robin robin finishes up her meal as well and waits expectantly for a waiter **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, we're back))
(5) Eve: ((yay))
(9) Anthony: (( didn't know you wree gone ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( yay ))
(8) Tristin: ((Guess who's back? Back again?))
(2) Waiter: "Good evening."
(8) Tristin: "There's a fly in my pasta."
** (2) Waiter hands you the check **
(2) Waiter: Oh?
** (2) Waiter takes the check back **
** (8) Tristin nods and shows him. **
(2) Waiter: "My deep apologies, Sir, where is it?"
** (5) Eve glances over and makes a face **
(8) Tristin: ((Is there a TV in the resteraunt?))
(8) Tristin: ((*Phales spelling*))
** (7) Robin hopes there wasn't a fly in her pasta **
** (5) Eve decides she doesn't want desert now afterall... **
(9) Anthony: (( ahh, doesn't do animated gifs ))
(2) Waiter: ((no, there is no TV, but there is a TV in the bar across the hall))
(5) Eve: ((we are all like slow.. lol))
(2) Waiter: ((and near the register, and in the numerous lounges and poker houses throughout the hotel, there is even a TV in the vestibule of the swimming pool))
(5) Eve: ((not to mention our hotel room))
** (2) Waiter looks for the fly **
** (5) Eve in a low tone **
(9) Anthony: (( is there a fly in his soup? ))
(9) Anthony: (( if there isnt' there will be in about 2 seconds ))
** (2) Waiter will avoid seeing the fly at all costs if he can! If it's there he won't admit it until you shove it in his face **
(2) Waiter: "I see no fly, sir. Perhaps it was a raisin or a bean?"
(5) Eve: "I'm starting to wonder if this hotel is worth its 4.5 stars... crazy bell boys, explotions.. flies in the food" *is talking in the direction of Robin but just loud enough for the waiter and maybe next table to hear*
(8) Tristin: "No it's a fly, it's right here!"
** (7) Robin nods "Mhmmm, I know what you mean." **
** (7) Robin glances up at the waiter **
(5) Eve: "Perhaps we should have just stayed at the Hilton..."
** (8) Tristin shows him the pasta. **
(7) Robin: "At least we know there isn't anything in their soup."
** (8) Tristin pokes Tony with his kung-fu feet to get him to do wsomething **
(7) Robin: "Maybe I should tell my mother to cancel her reservation here after all..."
** (9) Anthony scratches his chin **
** (2) Waiter wiggles his mouth and takes the plate from Tristin **
(2) Waiter: "Would you like... another soup... Sir?"
(9) Anthony: "Soup?"
** (9) Anthony arches an eyebrow **
(8) Tristin: ((I think I had fetichini))
(9) Anthony: "That is a pretyt solid lookign soup there."
** (5) Eve looks at the pasta and wonders why he would want soup? **
(9) Anthony: "If that'st he soup I'd hate to see the spagetti."
(2) Waiter: "Perhaps you don't like our pasta, you might try out another soup?"
** (2) Waiter is slightly linguistically challenged, only slightly **
(8) Tristin: "Sure I will try the house soup."
** (9) Anthony stands up **
(9) Anthony: "Well, I'm gong off to our room. Tired, busy day tomorrow."
(7) Robin: "Maybe you should get that to go."
** (9) Anthony takes out his walley and drop ssome money on the table **
(8) Tristin: "You should watch the news."
(9) Anthony: "News? Hmm.. okayh."
(5) Eve: "I'm heading to the pool, I'll be up later."
(9) Anthony: (( how far are we away from our hotel room? wasn't far was it? ))
** (8) Tristin to the waiter, "I guesss we are leaving, can I have it in a foam cup of some sort so I can take it back to my room?" **
** (9) Anthony wanders off toward the room, looking for TVs as he goes **
(7) Robin: ((its in the hotel))
** (5) Eve also drops money on the table probably more than enough for her own meal and theirs and may some tip **
** (5) Eve wanders off to the pool glancing at the tv in the vestibule as she is changing to swim **
(8) Tristin: "I got it Eve."
** (9) Anthony didn't know how much he dropped, it's lire and he has no idea of hte exchange rate, he just dropped what looked like enough **
(8) Tristin: ((GUess she didn't hear?))
** (9) Anthony could of dropped $0.10 worth or $100.00 worth he wasn't sure **
** (7) Robin stands to leave, stuffing bills under her glass **
** (2) Waiter brings Tristin a soup **
(5) Eve: ((guess you guys get the extra))
** (2) Waiter checks it for absense of flies **
(9) Anthony: (( you mean plucks out the flies? ))
(5) Eve: ((lol))
(2) Waiter: "Are you certain there are no insects in zis soup?"
** (2) Waiter shows the box to Tristin **
(8) Tristin: "Thanks" *slips him a tip of $50 USD*
** (7) Robin looks to Tristin "I'm heading to the room to grab my...companion. Want to join me?' **
** (8) Tristin nods to Robin and follows **
(9) Anthony: "Hey Uchawi, you get enough to eat tonigh?"
** (7) Robin beelines to the elevator **
** (5) Eve watches tv while changing then swim swim swimming **
** (8) Tristin gets to the room and flips on the news **
(2) Uchawi: "I could have benefitted from Tristin's fly, but i think i am good without dessert."
** (9) Anthony smiles **
(2) Konrad Knox: you're watching the news cast
** (7) Robin enters room with Tristin and grab the rat, stroking and babying him while sitting on the end of the bed **
(5) Eve: ((are Tony and Robin and Tristin on it again?))
(9) Anthony: (( I should be in the room alrady watching hte news too ))
(2) News Reporter: On today's accident reports: The local museum has reported a small scale robbery today claiming 6, 000 dollars in loss and damage, when an armored truck got into a traffic accident. By the time the vehicle was back on its wheels and operational, two paintings were missing. The suspects are at this point not determined."
(5) Eve: *to herself* "The news about the mime yesterday was much more interesting..."
** (8) Tristin hopes for a picture of the paintings. **
(9) Anthony: "Hmm.. why did youw ant me to see that?"
** (9) Anthony scratches his head **
(2) News Reporter: "A powerful explosion in the western part of the city wrecked terror upon the residental neighborhood. A young woman was killed in the fire, the apartment complex belonging to Mount Silence Correction institution staff. What has caused the fire is not determined at this point."
(2) News Reporter: The camera overviews the burning building as the reporter continues
(8) Tristin: "Wow"
(9) Anthony: "Mount Silence Correction Institution? Sounds like a prison."
** (5) Eve cocks her head to the side and stops mid-changing to look at the TV **
(8) Tristin: ((Tony's in the hotel room right?))
(5) Eve: "Hotel and home explotions.."
(9) Anthony: (( yeah ))
** (7) Robin hardly notices the new, playing with the rat. Saying goodbyes and what not **
(2) News Reporter: "This terrible and tragic accident had scarred the lives of a young couple who just moved in from Milan. One of the promising and hard working employees of Mount Silence Dante Canavacciuolo and his fiance Lidia. Mister Canavacciuolo is being held in custody and questioned."
(2) News Reporter: Visions up anyone?
(5) Eve: ((Supernal from last game))
(9) Anthony: (( Umm.. no clue, it's been 4 months ))
(9) Anthony: (( Imight have life sight up, bah, probably not ))
(5) Eve: ((i raised mine to look at Robin after supressing her aura))
(2) News Reporter: The camera goes over the accident, a building surrounded by officers and firefighters, fires going down, two windows covered in smoke, the camera goes over the paramedics, the women they are taking out to the van, and the man near her.
(9) Anthony: (( new scene? not? ))
(2) News Reporter: ((sure, new scene. If you want it up, it's up, no need to roll))
(2) News Reporter: Eve, roll supernal vision
(9) Anthony: (( life sight then ))
** (7) Robin looks up at the news. Lowering the rat to pay attention. **
(2) News Reporter: Anthony, your life is... 4?
(9) Anthony: (( yeah, life 4 ))
(2) News Reporter: ((you can use life sight free.))
(5) Eve: wits + occult + prime = 8
(5) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,4,1,[10, 4],2,1,5] = (2)
(5) Eve: 2
(9) Anthony: (( what you jean "free" )) ?
(9) Anthony: (( mean ))
(9) Anthony: (( life 4, spirit 3, space 1, time 1 ))
(8) Tristin: (Billie Jean, is not my lovah))
(5) Eve: ((she's just a girl who thinks that I am the one...)
(9) Anthony: (( the kid is not my son ))
whispering to Eve, That explosion looks magical. Carrying a strong hint of space and death, similar signature to the explosion in your old hotel room.
(5) Eve: I might want death up too... cause of the expody ness
(9) Anthony: (( oh, with allt hose things running around I'd have spirit up too, yeah ))
(9) Anthony: (( with those ghost tings ))
(2) News Reporter: ((eve death 4, death sight free))
(5) Eve: no no I see ghosts you see spirits.. tis different
(5) Eve: yay!
(2) News Reporter: ((spirit 3? roll it Anthony))
(9) Anthony: (( free of what? rolling? stamia point? ))
(2) News Reporter: ((rolling))
(9) Anthony: (( Now I have ot remember, something + spirit ))
(9) Anthony: (( oh yeah, gnosis ))
(9) Anthony: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,6,1,6,1] = (0)
(8) Tristin: ((In that case I will activate Temporal Eddies (Time Sight))
(7) Robin: I'll look over it with mind
(9) Anthony: (( O.o ))
whispering to Eve, Eve, the body of the woman was very well worked over with Shape Death spell
(9) Anthony: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,[10, 10, 4],9,4] = (2)
(9) Anthony: (( second try made itw ith 3 successes :D ))
** (5) Eve still watching the TV "Crap"... **
** (5) Eve changes back into her cloths **
** (5) Eve mumbling to herself the name of the place and the man "Mount Silence Correction Dante Canavacciuolo" **
(9) Anthony: "Uchawi, can you remember these names on the news fro me pleae? Tristin says they may be improtant. Thanks"
(9) Anthony: (( the bonus of a knowledge familiar :D ))
(8) Tristin: ((Finally we listen to what I say))
** (5) Eve heads upstairs still adjusting the straps of whatever dress she is wearing **
(5) Eve: ...((as soon as that part of the news is over))
(7) Robin: "Well, I'm going to find a good place to let this little guy go," while gesturing at the rat in hand.
(9) Anthony: (( I forget, was I sleeping on the floor? in a chair? been aw hile ))
(5) Eve: ((in a chair))
(8) Tristin: "Just feed him to the bird"
** (9) Anthony is sitting in his chair watching the news **
(7) Robin: "No!"
(2) News Reporter: "A couple of speeding teens were caught by the police today on the highway attempting to run away with one of the boy's parents' car. The boy's father did not know the car was missing until it was intercepted on the northern highway going 115 miles per hour"
** (7) Robin frowns at Tristin **
(2) News Reporter: Cool footage of a helicopter chase follows for a few minutes
(9) Anthony: (( this is italiy, wouldn' they say kilomters per hour? ))
** (5) Eve gets in elevator **
(5) Eve: ((yesh))
** (8) Tristin shrugs **
(9) Anthony: (( and it'd be.. roughly.. 140 kph ))
** (7) Robin stows the rat in bag and walks over to the door. "Anyone want to come?" **
(5) Eve: ((wait.. they aren't speaking in italian it must be the english corrispondent))
(9) Anthony: "Hmm.. fire, museum theft of 2 paintings, car chase."
** (9) Anthony looks at robin **
** (5) Eve gets to the hotel room?? **
(9) Anthony: "If youwant I can let the rat go tomorrow. somewhere where it wont' get ieaten at lesat til Ileave."
(9) Anthony: "I'd hate for you to let it go and a cat jump out of hte bushes and eat it in front of you."
(7) Robin: "Well, alright. I'll get to hangout with him for another night."
(9) Anthony: "I'm too tired to get up righ tnow."
(9) Anthony: 'Busy day tomorrow, need my sleep"
** (5) Eve comes into the room **
(9) Anthony: (( hmm.. somewhere along the way I've lost my hyperactivity :/ ))
** (7) Robin sits back down on the end of the bed **
(10) Shawn (enter): 19:46
(5) Eve: "Did you watch the news?"
(9) Anthony: (( Wow, that killed shawn so quickly! ))
(10) Tristin: ((My wireless card is a little flakey))
(2) News Reporter: Eve, you get to hotel room
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Shawn...
(2) Konrad Knox: no obstacles
(10) Tristin: "Yeah."
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(8) Shawn' from room...
(8) Shawn (exit): 19:47
(5) Eve: "The news report, about the appartment explotion? That was magical, Moros for sure, the womans body was doctored up to no end."
(9) Anthony: "You could tell that form watchign tv? neat."
(5) Eve: "I am very adept at Death magic... nearly to the end of my studies... I just wonder... if the appartment has something to do with out troubles here."
(9) Anthony: "ell, ther ewas a fire in our first room, now this fire here... I wouldn't doubt it."
(5) Eve: "I wonder where they are holding the survivor... perhaps he saw something useful... even perhaps the mage who did all this. That could help us."
(9) Anthony: "Surviver? what surviver?"
(5) Eve: Dante Canavacciuolo
(5) Eve: His wife Lidia was killed in the fire. He survived."
(2) News Reporter: "The city was shocked today at the happenings at the Mount Silence Prison Facility when a foreign suspect John Lemming was described to have fallen down 15 stories, jumping over a truck and having been chased by a team of Police Officers, finally trapped on the city bridge. His disappearance from the prison is completely unbelievable and miraculous, possibly somehow connected with the explosion of a public bus in the center of the city."
(9) Anthony: "Oh drek."
(5) Eve: "Crap"
(9) Anthony: "Mount Silence, told you it was a prison."
(9) Anthony: "John Lemming, I thik that's your guy."
(10) Tristin: "Lemming..." *laughs*
(2) News Reporter: "Inspector Loriano Cattani is also missing after having entered Lemming's prison cell to interrogate him."
(9) Anthony: "Wait, it says hge was trapped on the city bridge. Did they catch him?"
(2) News Reporter: you see an excerpt of the interview
(5) Eve: "What was he doing in Rome?"
(5) Eve: ((ga never mind I'm dumb)
** (9) Anthony starts watchign the news, "Hmm.. he still on the bridge now? Dang television, they better not say film at eleven." **
(5) Eve: ((scratch that))
(9) Anthony: "In rome? Sounds like he was in prison."
(5) Eve: "No that was the creepy guy who was going through me underwear remember.."
(5) Eve: ((that was why I said scratch that had to look at my notes got him confused with one of the other crazies))
(2) News Reporter: "What happened?" the reporter asks a guard. The guard reports, the title in the bottom of the screen says 'Leutenant Mikelo Plactala' "Well, we had this man suspended by arms and legs, four officers carried him in, we thought it would be good to interrogate him before the federal agency does, so ... I opened the door for Lemming and the Inspector. Inspector Cattani walked in, Lemming was fastenned chained up in this chair..."
(9) Anthony: "What? John Lemming was going through your undewear?"
(2) News Reporter: camera shows a metal chair with braces for legs and arms
(2) News Reporter: "And then we closed the door to give them some time, and then... then... they were both gone..."
** (5) Eve places a hand to her face and takes a slow breath **
(10) Tristin: "Yeah, then I beat the shit out of him..."
(2) News Reporter: The room was in tact, empty, the bars on the window untouched. How they vanished - nobody knows.
(5) Eve: "he was the man in the previous hotel room..."
(5) Eve: "Oh we know.."
(10) Tristin: "I mean... uhh... corrected his misguided ways."
** (5) Eve shakes her head **
(2) News Reporter: "Thank you, Officer. All officials and witnesses to the person John Lemming are encouraged to report immediately on the location of this highly dangerous suspect."
** (5) Eve smirks at Tristin **
(9) Anthony: "Okay, lets see. An explosion blew up an apartment complex owned by the mount silence corection instituion, the prison. Then this john lemmings excapes. Hmm.."
(7) Robin: I want to view this repot with spatial awarness up see if he used anything space magic to escape
(9) Anthony: "This Inspector Cattani. Mage also I wonder? or did John take himw iht him."
(9) Anthony: "Did john cause the explosion, or was someone trying ot blow him up?"
(9) Anthony: "How is the explosion related to johns excape Iw onder? Hmm.."
(5) Eve: "Damn now I really want to see that survivor...This must be connected. Probably took him with, or what was left of him. Hard to say without inspecting a crime scene."
(10) Tristin: "John wasn't a mage I don't think..."
(10) Tristin: "There is someone else behind this."
(9) Anthony: "Now, the apartment belonged, maybe, to Dante Canavacciuolo? And it didn't say Lidia died did it, just that the accident scarred thelives of htem.l"
(9) Anthony: "he jumps 15 stories, lives and isn't a mage? "
(10) Tristin: "He didn't seem like a mage in person."
(9) Anthony: Wait, he disappeared from a room, yet they saw him fall 15 stories? soething isnt' adding up."
(7) Robin: Do I detect any spacemagic being used through this report?))
(9) Anthony: (( oh, right, john was the sleezeball ))
(5) Eve: "Tony were we watching the same news cast? Yes Dante Canavacciuolo was teh appartment owner, yes his wife Lidia died, and her body was so doctored up with Death magic no one will know what from. And Yes Tristin Jonh was defiently a mage."
(9) Anthony: (( sorry,b een a few months ))
(10) Tristin: ((/nods))
(5) Eve: "They caught him after he ran from the cops jumped 15 stories and exploded a bus. Then they took him to Mount Silence, where he disappeared while being interviewed."
(10) Tristin: ((*Rolls into Rome on his birthday cake*))
(9) Anthony: (( [08:32:31] => 08:32:31 (2) News Reporter: The camera goes over the accident, a building surrounded by officers and firefighters, fires going down, two windows covered in smoke, the camera goes over the paramedics, the women they are taking out to the van, and the man near her. I dont' see her dead???? ))
(5) Eve: ((lol))
(9) Anthony: "Ahh, okay."
(9) Anthony: "So they ddi catch him on that bridge. Don't know why he just didnt' drop off."
(5) Eve: "Perhaps the paradox caught up with him."
** (9) Anthony snuggles down into his chair and cloes his eyes listening to hte news **
whispering to Rachel, Robin, you detect an assload of space magic, but it's coming from Dante himself, when he shows up on footage
(5) Eve: "Who would be holding him for questioning..Not interpol.. but why would the locals be holding him."
** (5) Eve talking mostly to herself **
(2) News Reporter: ((when the camera went over the woman, she was carried in a half opened body bag, her face did not look burned, though it was covered in soot))
(5) Eve: "Guess I will start at the beginning.:
** (5) Eve pulls out her laptop and looks up the Mount Silence Correctional appartments?" **
(9) Anthony: (( I think the body bag part wsa told in PM oinitially which is why I didn't know she was dead ))
(10) Tristin: "Notices no burn marks on her face."
(10) Tristin: **
(5) Eve: "Easily done... just change the way the death looks"
(5) Eve: ((what time is it IG?))
(5) Eve: ((:S))
(2) News Reporter: ((you went out to eats in the evening, so it's late evening. 11 PM))
(9) Anthony: (( that's the time Iw as thinking ))
(7) Robin: "So Dante, the apartment owner... he must be a mage..." Says half to herself.
(10) Tristin: ((23:00 in Rome))
(10) Tristin: "Sounds right."
(5) Eve: "It is possible... Why else would they explode his appartment?"
** (10) Tristin Tries to activate Fate Sight ((Gnosis 2 + Fate 3)) **
(10) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,[10, 3],7,[10, 4]] = (2)
(7) Robin: "I'm going to say he definatly is. I say spatial magic all over him."
(10) Tristin: ((I will notice if anything said is exceptionally true.. should have done that sooner.....))
(9) Anthony: (( exceptionally true? lol ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you have the address of the apartments, and of the prison
(5) Eve: "I'm gonna go snoop around see what I can see better in person, this is all to cooincidental."
** (9) Anthony sighs, stands up and stretches **
(9) Anthony: 'Guess the day isnt' over yet then"
(9) Anthony: (( lets see what I can do about not needing sleep... it is a life spell ))
(5) Eve: "Only if you want to come along."
** (5) Eve shrugs **
(9) Anthony: (( yep, body control ))
(9) Anthony: (( duration is one scene, I want ot last longer ))
(9) Anthony: (( one scene to 4 hours? is .. now gotta look up table ))
whispering to Shawn, Tristin, what Fate are you trying to see? Outcome of which event?
(9) Anthony: (( 2 hours -2, 12 hours -4 ))
(11) Shawn (enter): 20:18
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Shawn...
(9) Anthony: (( so 3 successes for 2 hours, 5 successes for 12 hours. hmm.. ))
** (11) Tristin ((sighs)) **
(9) Anthony: (( will go for 3 hours ))
** (5) Eve gets ready to head out, packs things into her purse and writes the addresses down on a piece of the hotel notepad paper **
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(10) Shawn' from room...
(10) Shawn (exit): 20:18
(9) Anthony: Body Control - 2 hours [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,8,[10, 1],6,5,7] = (4)
(9) Anthony: (( woot, body control for 2 hours ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin, which event you're focusing on? What are you trying to read?))
(11) Tristin: ((No it's like.. if anyone says anything that has any sort of significance, I will notice))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((and which spell? sybil sight or...reading outmost eddies? or ...interconnections))
(9) Anthony: (( oh an extra success too. so 2 successes, so (( 1/4 breath, +2 initiative, 1/4 food, 4x slower toxin damage. ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((u have a spell that sees if someone messes with fate, have a spell that sees outcome of an event, and spell that detects connections between people))
(11) Tristin: (("Sybil's Sight"))
(9) Anthony: (( 3 spells active ))
(9) Anthony: (( hmm.. I need to combine life sight and spirt sight so they only take one slot ))
whispering to Shawn, Sybil's Sight is clear, Tristin. There is no Fate thickness around these events. But the explosion in the man's apartment feels related to your old hotel room's explosion
(5) Eve: "Alright going to check out the appartment and hopefully get a lead on that Dante guy."
(11) Tristin: "Now?"
(5) Eve: "Before the spell threads disappate yes."
(9) Anthony: (( so, combining lifg sight and spirit sight. high enough in both. for 2 hours. so +2. 3 successes needed right? Oh, and -2 die for combined. and is spirit. so gnosis 3 + spirit 3 = 6 ))
(11) Tristin: "Guess I will tag along... keep you from heading up a tapped elevator..."
(11) Tristin: ((Trapped*))
(9) Anthony: Life + Spirit sight 2 hours (6d10.open(10).vs(8)]
(7) Robin: I'll trag along my spatial awarness might be useful or something."
(7) Robin: ((tag*))
(9) Anthony: Life + Spirit sight 2 hours combned - 2 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,1,5] = (2)
(5) Eve: "Just think you can free that poor rat while you are at it."
(9) Anthony: Life + Spirit sight 2 hours combned - 2 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,4] = (0)
(9) Anthony: Life + Spirit sight 2 hours combned - 2 [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2] = (0)
(9) Anthony: (( phail ))
(7) Robin: "I was thinking that." *laughs*
** (9) Anthony throws life up and spirit as seperate spells again **
** (7) Robin grabs her bag, bat, rat, and readies to leave. **
(9) Anthony: spirit sight [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,[10, 4],1,1,9] = (3)
(9) Anthony: (( life and spirit up one scene ))
(2) Rat: "Goddamn humans"
** (9) Anthony checks his pockets makes sure he has everything and heads out, "Where we going anyway?" **
(11) Tristin: ((Did it talk???))
(2) Rat: ((thought))
** (5) Eve heads out to the lobby and hails a cab **
** (2) Driver pulls up **
(5) Eve: "To the burnt appartment?"
(7) Robin: ((lol. I'll give you cheeeeeese!))
(9) Anthony: nod
** (9) Anthony nods **
** (5) Eve to the driver "Insert address here"" **
** (2) Driver takes the address **
** (11) Tristin nods **
(2) Driver: "Oh yes, i heard on the news."
(2) Driver: "Area might be surrounded"
** (5) Eve smiles **
** (2) Driver speaks italian **
(5) Eve: ?me doesn't know what he is saying :D
** (2) Driver says something else **
(9) Anthony: "maybe we should get off a few blocks away to avoid the traffic."
** (9) Anthony gives eve a knowing look **
(9) Anthony: (( I preseume ucahwi is translating for me? ))
(2) Driver: "You speak Italian?"
** (2) Driver looks at you in the mirror **
** (9) Anthony shakes his head **
(5) Eve: "Take us as close as you can then."
(2) Uchawi: ((yes i am))
(9) Anthony: "Drop us off 2 blocks from there then."
(7) Robin: ((universal language))
whispering to Anthony, "I don't know if it's allowed to pull up to the accident's premise. Who would want to see it anyway."
(7) Robin: ((mind 4 +gnosis 4))
(7) Robin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,8,7,9,4,4,4] = (2)
(9) Anthony: (( we all in the cab? ))
** (11) Tristin gets in? **
(2) Driver: ((yes))
(5) Eve: ((nope I'm riding on the roof))
(5) Eve: (( :D))
(2) Driver: ((unless some of you chose to run in front))
(5) Eve: ((sorry..))
(5) Eve: (9I've had too much sugar...))
(11) Tristin: ((hehehe))
(2) Driver: In between speaking English, driver says "I don't know if it's allowed to pull up to the accident premise. Who would want to see it anyway? That's odd."
(9) Anthony: (( Uchawi might want to fly along side, he doesn't get to fly much. heh ))
** (2) Uchawi looks out the car window and digs the wind **
** (9) Anthony shrugs, "Americans" **
(5) Eve: ... ((are you guys speaking in Itialian?))
(11) Tristin: ((Tristin doesn't know Italian))
(7) Robin: ((I can translate and speak w/the spell up))
(9) Anthony: (( Uchawi translates for me ))
(11) Tristin: ((Also, no bat poop in my backpack))
(9) Anthony: (( naw, this time it'd be rat poop ))
(5) Eve: ((Uchawi doesn't poop...he's a spirt))
(9) Anthony: (( No, I pooped in his batpack whenI was a bat remember? ^^ ))
(5) Eve: (9yes))
(9) Anthony: (( then he threatened to shit in my luggage ))
(11) Tristin: ((I did))
** (2) Driver drives you up to the accident scene **
(5) Eve: ((yay))
** (5) Eve steps out looking around for cop types **
** (9) Anthony watches everything with sights up **
** (7) Robin says to driver "thankyou." **
** (9) Anthony pays the driver **
(11) Tristin: ((Okay so is this Modern day or like 2007 still?))
(9) Anthony: (( 2007 isn't modern? ))
** (7) Robin gets out and lsurveys the area with spatial awarness **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you see an apartment complex, surrounded with yellow tape, two police cars, officers securing the premise, maintenance crew trying to clean up, the fire has been long since put down, though smell of smoke is still in the air. Two windows of the building are burnt black, glass blown out
(11) Tristin: ((Not when it comes to exdchange rates))
(11) Tristin: ((Exchange*))
(11) Tristin: ((Dollar is down down down since 07))
** (5) Eve looks at the appartment complex acting shocked while trying to catch any spell threads or death related what not **
(9) Anthony: Lesser spirit Summons - Spirit of the Apartment gnosis 3 + spirit 3 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,5,4,3,4] = (0)
(9) Anthony: "Hmm.. cant' seem to find the spirit of the apartment."
(9) Anthony: Lesser spirit Summons - Spirit of the Apartment gnosis 3 + spirit 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 2],7,2,4] = (1)
** (9) Anthony waits to see if the spirit answers **
** (9) Anthony casts spriit tongue **
** (11) Tristin activates temporal eddies and tries sybils sight (Fate 3+ Gnosis 2)) **
(11) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,4,2,8] = (2)
(9) Anthony: Spirit Tongue - gnosis 3 + spirit 3 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 1],8,5,[10, 2],6] = (3)
(9) Anthony: (( 4 spells active ))
(11) Tristin: ((I never roll this good with real dice...))
(5) Eve: *forms a line to the left of the gm and takes a number))
(9) Anthony: (( heh ))
(9) Anthony: (( good thing these all covert spells ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you see a death spell being weaved inside this apartment, same empty, cold lack of signature as exploded the hotel room
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the spell went off hours ago, traces of it are still lurking
(5) Eve: Ghosts?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the spell's distructive force have already been blown out
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): There are ghosts of destroyed objects, but you see no ghosts of people around
(5) Eve: [high speach] => high speach "Same spell signature.. or lack there of."
(9) Anthony: [High speech] => High speech Im waiting to see if I can talk tot he spirit of hte apartment, waiting to see if it answers my summons.
(9) Anthony: (( oh, tht' works kinda nice))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you ... can see the spirit of the apartment, it's licking its wounds. It's generally a warm spirit charged with confidence of the people who live there and their families, their respect for law and order
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): This apartment hosted honorable, loyal people, people who opposed their will to criminals
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the spirit looks much like the apartment itself, kind of floats around it
(9) Anthony: [sprit tongue] => sprit tongue "Hello, can you tell me what happened? Who hurt you and your residents?"
(9) Anthony: (( hmm.. can I heal spirits/ hmm.. ))
** (5) Eve distracts the cops from Anthony muttering oddly "Excuse me officer? Do you speak english?" **
** (5) Eve heads in that direction **
(9) Anthony: (( hmm. yeah, but it's vulgar ))
(9) Anthony: (( spriit tongue is a silent langauge ))
(5) Eve: ((Still talking to the cops for other reasons also))
(9) Anthony: (( is the spirit of hte apartment hurt copusly? ))
** (2) Officer 1 looks at Eve **
** (2) Officer 1 shakes his head **
(2) Officer 1: "No english."
** (7) Robin walks over to the officer and Eve **
(7) Robin: "I can help translate, if you want to ask him something."
(5) Eve: [High speach] => High speach "Robin, do you think you could find out from the officers minds where this Dante is being held?"
** (11) Tristin Follows observing everything closely, not saying anything **
** (7) Robin smiles widely at Eve. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you see that the traces of Fate magic are not present here, and the time flow is normal, in order
** (2) Spirit turns his attention to Anthony **
** (2) Spirit appears to be healing from the damage caused by a similar force as the spirit of le Bagio hotel **
(9) Anthony: heal Corpus - gnosis 3 + spriit 3 [6d10.open910).vs(8)] => 6d10.open910).vs(8)
(9) Anthony: heal Corpus - gnosis 3 + spriit 3 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 4],3,[10, 8],8,8] = (5)
(9) Anthony: (( 5 corpus healed ))
(2) Spirit: "I do not know who hurt me, but it was the shadow. Aaah, that feels better."
(11) Tristin: ((6))
(9) Anthony: (( oh, wait vulgar. dang it. means gotta roll for ... ))
(2) Spirit: ((wait for it))
(9) Anthony: (( backlash? whatever. my gnosis is 3 ))
(9) Anthony: (( will absorve any with stun if I can ))
(2) Spirit: ((where is that table))
(2) Spirit: ((ok, paradox 2 successes))
(9) Anthony: (( gnosist 3 = 2 dice ))
(2) Spirit: Anthony, you lose control of the Vulgar spell
(2) Spirit: ((sleepers))
(9) Anthony: (( 2 successes? I'll absorve them all ))
(9) Anthony: (( I mitigate it ))
(9) Anthony: (( so I shoudln't lose control, I take 2 stun,r ight? ))
(9) Anthony: (( and effect is reduced by 2. so it's healed 3 corpus, not 5 ))
(2) Spirit: ((you didnt announce mitigation at casting time ))
(9) Anthony: (( hang on... ))
(9) Anthony: (( not the one of reducing hte dice, but of absorving the paradox ))
(9) Anthony: (( called soethign else ))
(9) Anthony: (( backlash. oh, is not bacl;ash though, is havoc. ug. ))
(9) Anthony: (( it's bedlam :( ))
(2) Spirit: ((ok, if you choosing to backlash it, you take 2 bashing unhealable))
(9) Anthony: (( no, read under backlash. I can abosrve the 2 successes ))
(9) Anthony: (( bottom left pp 124 ))
(9) Anthony: ".. A backlash is voluntary... willing... elimitate them all... enough health..."
(9) Anthony: (( I'm taking the 2 successes as backlash,losing 2 health ))
(2) Spirit: ((backlash damage is resistant, it cannot be healed with awakened magic))
** (7) Robin focuses on the guard near her without looking like it. Attempting to filter through his memories for information on dante's location.((Read the depts gnosis4+space4)) **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,3,4,[10, 9],2,3,[10, 2]] = (2)
** (5) Eve grits her teeth as she notices the vuglar spell go off, slowly turns and looks at Antony with daggers in her eyes **
** (9) Anthony glares back **
(7) Robin: ((thats 3))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "How the hel you expect me to turn into a rat tomorrow?"
(5) Eve: [high speach] => high speach
whispering to Rachel, Robin, the Officer saw Dante being taken to the police presinct
(9) Anthony: [Spirit Tongue] => Spirit Tongue "The shadow hurt you? Can you explain that? What shadow?"
(5) Eve: [high speach] => high speach "Doesn't mean we need to cast vulgar spells everywhere we go.. In front of sleepers.. who are cops."
(2) Spirit: The spirit feels better now, Anthony, but you feel worse.
(2) Spirit: "Thank you."
** (2) Lidia shivers as a slight chill goes through his back, he stands in front of the tape, blocking your way in **
** (2) Officer 1 does that **
(2) Officer 1: ((whispers fuck up my aliases))
(9) Anthony: (( I wonder about that, because with an invisible vulgar spell, sleepers wouldn't even see it. interesting will have ot think on that ))
(5) Eve: ((the feel the goosebump feeling like something "weird' is happening and from the general direction of where))
(9) Anthony: (( that is not how sleeper experienceing of spells making hem vulgar is explained ))
(7) Robin: High Speech=> to Eve He was taken to the police precinct in a paramedic car along with a womans body.
(9) Anthony: (( even a covert spell can become vulgar in presence of sleepers becasue they see soemthign that's impossible,w hich is where sleeper makng spells more vulgar comes in ))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "We saw that on T.V."
(5) Eve: [high speach] => high speach "Which precinct there are usually more than one.."
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Spirit of the apartment says it was shadows that hurt him, same ones that came after us I presume."
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Seems to be same MO as our hotel room. Dang."
(5) Eve: [high speach] => high speach "Yes it was the same spell, sent by the same person.. thats why I said that when we first got here.. that it had the same spell signature.. or lack there of because the mage creating these spells has wiped his aura"
(11) Tristin: [high speech] => high speech Wouldn't doubt it's the same ones from Robin's house.
** (9) Anthony nods **
(7) Robin: High Speech=> "He went to the 11th precinct."
(2) Spirit: "I do not know, Healer. A shadow came over me, and hurt me. Spirit of dispair, doom, and fear"
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Well, if they are trying ot kill them, then the enemy of my enemy ismy friend.."
(9) Anthony: [Spirit Tongue] => Spirit Tongue "Thank you spirit, I hope you feel better."
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Spirit of Despair, doom and fear. Sounds nasty."
(2) Spirit: "It was death. Death that destroys us all, shadow that covers all light. I cannot be hurt by a shadow, but i can be hurt by mean spirits. Perhaps someone was here, who had an enemy."
** (9) Anthony dropps lesser spriit summons **
(9) Anthony: (( glad I caught that before I dropped it ^^ ))
(5) Eve: "Robin can you translt for me? I'm Iris Field, I'm on loan from the New Haven police department, the 11th precinct sent me down here to take another look around, in keeping with the Officer Exchange Guidelines Sections 4.3.21"
** (5) Eve pulls out her police paraphanilia **
(7) Robin: "okay, Iris."
(2) Officer 1: Eve... Officer looks at you. To look like you're not bluffing, roll wits+subtrefuge :)
(5) Eve: (spending a willpower))
** (7) Robin translates word for word in italian to the officer. **
(5) Eve: (wits + subt + 3 = 6)
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,8,8,3,9] = (3)
(5) Eve: (mwhahahaha))
(2) Officer 1: Eve, you look like you said something credible. Robin, wits + subtrefuge to actually make the officer believe what you're translating is true. Or... find other means to make him believe you :)
** (2) Officer 1 listens **
(7) Robin: ((wits 3+sub0))
(7) Robin: I drop read the depts on him and...
(5) Eve: (( dies of suspense))
(7) Robin: ((first impressions mind 4+gnnosis 4)) ((sry take a while to look at pdf))
(11) Tristin: ((pdf problems
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,3,9,6,2,7,2] = (1)
(11) Tristin: )
(7) Robin: ((he trusts me? ))
(9) Anthony: (( I think hte GM is now reading the pdf :D ))
(2) Officer 1: ((reading what it does))
(2) Officer 1: boom you do it
(7) Robin: ((sweet))
(5) Eve: (yay)
(2) Officer 1: "Oh, welcome to Rome, officer Fields. We have a bit of an odd case here, indeed. A prison break, possibly linked to a murder. This apartment belonged to one of the prison guards, well, what's left of the apartment anyway. He stated that he came on shift this morning to interrogate a John Lemming, thief and terrorist... i don't even know where to begin. This case makes no sense on many levels, like there is nobody to confirm that the suspect even went to work, and how the second suspect escaped the jail, the inspector's disappearance, and finally, where the hell is John Lemming. We have a case file back at the 11th presinct. I'll call them in so you can take a look"
** (7) Robin looks back and forth between the officer and Eve to do more translating. **
** (2) Officer 1 gives Eve the paper with a map and address **
** (7) Robin translates :) **
(5) Eve: "Thank you officer that would be most helpful, I'm going to look around for a few moments if thats alright?"
(11) Tristin: ((What Robin tracelates do I hear anything particularly fateful?))
(2) Officer 1: knock yourself out. And do these people have clearance?
** (2) Officer 1 points at Robin, Anthony, and ... god.... Tristin **
** (7) Robin translates. And thanks the officer for his help, too. **
** (5) Eve nods to Robin **
** (7) Robin explains that I am her translator and she needs me. **
(5) Eve: "She does she's my translator I don't think my lab guys have recieve official clearence yet."
(11) Tristin: "Ni Hao"
** (9) Anthony tris ot make his black bag a little more obvoius **
** (7) Robin super translates **
(5) Eve: "You know how paperwork is."
** (2) Officer 1 lifts the tape for Eve and Robin **
** (9) Anthony goes to follow **
** (7) Robin thanks the officer again for his help. **
** (2) Officer 1 nods **
** (11) Tristin follows as well **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, as you get close to the accident place, your wounded shoulder starts to give. Small pulsing of pain.
** (2) Officer 1 lets you all through **
(11) Tristin: ((Forebodeing pain, or just pain?))
** (5) Eve heads up towards the burned appartment **
** (11) Tristin follows Iris. **
** (9) Anthony tags along looking with life and spriit sights **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you don't exactly know. just feels painful, Tristin. Naturally, it feels eery ))
** (11) Tristin looks around to see if there are any other investigators around. **
(9) Anthony: (( to quote saturday night life, "oooh, spooky!" ))
(5) Eve: [high speach] => high speach *as they are heading up* so my thoughts so far are, if they will give me the case file perhaps they will let me interview him
(9) Anthony: [high speech] => high speech "Be careful on that. You don't want to go into an interview room and have htem check your credientials and figure to lock you up."
(5) Eve: "My credientials are legitimate and the guys back at the office owe me enough favors to make it look official if I need it to."
(5) Eve: (high speach)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You find many ghosts of broken objects, burned shelves, furniture, burnt new sofa. Signs of a young woman with hip taste in interior design, still looks unfinished, apartment was clearly newly moved in to, some stuff was still in boxes, now it's all ruined. Looked like the girl's nesting instinct was just kicking in, new kitchen appliances, destroyed wide screen TV with screen blown out, ruins everywhere, even the bathroom, the shower - everything was methodically blown to bits, as if someone stuck the place full of dynamite
(9) Anthony: (( did tony eveyr know eve was a cop? ))
** (7) Robin follows along trying to look proffessional with spatial awarness still up. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): no other investigators are inside the apartment, one is still seen outside
(5) Eve: ((she hasn't mentioned it yet))
(11) Tristin: ((It was Tyler))
(11) Tristin: ((Seen this movie))
(5) Eve: ((lol))
(9) Anthony: [High speech] => High speech "Who knows time? Although I suspect we wont' find anyting new here."
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Umm.. you're a cop? that's news to me."
** (9) Anthony looks at Tristin and smiles **
(11) Tristin: [High Speech] => High Speech What...?
** (5) Eve looks around the way she would back home at a crime scene, trying to find anything that might be intact enough to get a reading off of. **
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "I'm a crime scene investigator actually. Specialized in murder cases."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((lol at fight club reference tristin))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Oh, Well, this should be right up your alley then, although what can you tell expcet shadows busted the place up"
** (9) Anthony shrugs **
(11) Tristin: ((Pdf is not searching... stupid Adobe))
** (7) Robin looks around for any articafact or anything that might've belonged to dante. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you find a videocamera
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): half destroyed, tape still in it
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): tape seems in tact but the cam doesnt run
(7) Robin: [High speech] => High speech => let me know if you guys find anything you think migh've belong to dante, it'll be hlpful in tracking him down.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the cam is half melted, but the tape survived inside
(11) Tristin: ((Can't find it but I want to use Post Cognition on this room))
** (5) Eve pulls out the tape and glances to see if the cop is watching **
(11) Tristin: ((See it's past))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): in the bathroom you find a lot of molten plastic that used to be combs, shampoos, cosmetics, exploded compressed aerosols...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((roll it Tristin))
** (11) Tristin pulls out Entophan (sp?) **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): this apartment is on the second floor by the way, with a stairway on the outside
(9) Anthony: (( postcognition ))
(5) Eve: [high speach] => high speach "Here Robin see if this will work to get a feeling of Dante"
(11) Tristin: ((Time 4 + Gnosis 2 + dagger 1))
** (5) Eve hands over the tape **
(11) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,9,7,8,3,3] = (3)
** (7) Robin puts the tape in her pocket hoping none of the officers notice. **
(9) Anthony: (( 3 successes is 3 turns, 3 hours from the time you pick ))
(11) Tristin: ((Well, I had time sight up during the report, so let's start there))
(11) Tristin: ((Guess three hours before that?))
(9) Anthony: (( oh, no, one TURN, not one scene. ))
(9) Anthony: (( time 3 = 1 minute. time 4 = 10 mins per success ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you get a vision
(11) Tristin: ((So 30 Min?))
(9) Anthony: (( if you have tie 4, yeah ))
whispering to Shawn, You can see Lidia, a naked young woman standing in the shower, singing. You see shadow filling the room, completely. An explosion. You see Lidia on the floor, morphing, changing, now she is no longer herself. You hear a booming voice in your head screaming "Leo! Pull back!" and then.... roll resolve
** (7) Robin grips the tape, holding it in her pocket, trying to weave new treads of connection between dante and her self. ((New Threads space4+gnosis4)) **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,5,2,8,4,2,4] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you look around and find remainders of a few burnt plants, petunias. Now they are just ash covered pots, but you see spirits of formerly living plants
** (11) Tristin eyes roll into the back of his head **
** (11) Tristin his breathing becomes so meditative he seems to stop breathing **
(7) Robin: ((I have an intimate connection now, right?))
(7) Robin: ((or known?))
** (5) Eve watches Tristin for a moment but recognises him easily as still alive with her death sight up **
(7) Robin: ((actually that'd be like aquianted
** (9) Anthony looks at the spirit of the petunias and wonders where spirit petinuias go when they die. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the spirits of petunias are trying to stick to the spirits of pots
(9) Anthony: "Hmm.. you know, maye if I followed some plant spirits for a while I'd find out if ther was any truth ot reincarnation."
** (5) Eve gives a few more looks around for anything interesting, and or anything that might help to prove this guy didn't do anything wrong with her super CSI powers **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): spirits of pots of course are now being ghosts of pots, since pots were destroyed
** (11) Tristin pants and falls to the ground, his eyes straightening back **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so you see spirits growing near weakly seen to you, ghosts of pots
(11) Tristin: "Leo... John... Shadows...."
(9) Anthony: (( a pot was never alive so wouldn't have a ghost but a spirt no? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ghost))
(9) Anthony: (( I'm not sure the destinction mage places on ghosts .vs. spriits ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((it got destroyed so it has a ghost))
(5) Eve: (ohhhhh ghost petunias))
(9) Anthony: "The petiunias died too, sow hy aren't they ghosts? :D ))
(5) Eve: ((Scary))
** (7) Robin runs to assist Tristin, kneeling besides him. "Shit. Tristin ?" **
(9) Anthony: (( objects have spirits according to coaxing the spirit. ))
(9) Anthony: (( so it woudl be a spriit pot with a weakened corpus. because when spirits get to corpus 0 they disappear, they don't become ghots ))
(9) Anthony: (( ^^ ))
(5) Eve: ((until they are destroyed because I can call up ghost keys and what not))
** (7) Robin shakes Tristin by the shoulder. **
(9) Anthony: (( ghost keys? what? ))
(11) Tristin: "They were here... those shad.."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok Robin, what object are you going with for connection?))
(11) Tristin: ((Which shoulder?))
(7) Robin: ((the tape eve found.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the one you extracted a mana burn from in the temple when you fought Simon))
(7) Robin: ((and not the hurt one :D)
(11) Tristin: Composture
(11) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,4] = (0)
** (11) Tristin yells in pain **
(7) Robin: "Aw Shit! I'm sorry"
** (7) Robin leans back away from Tristin, looking at the others for help **
** (9) Anthony quickly turns around form studying the psirit "What happened?" **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Robin, the tape gives you a -3 symp connection))
** (9) Anthony looks at tristin with life sight, he hurt? **
(7) Robin: ((kk))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((somewhere between known and intimate))
(7) Robin: "I think so. He yelled when I touched his shoulder"
(11) Tristin: "Ran out of mana back at the temple had to get it from somewhere... I'll be fine..."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, nothing new. Tristin has had that wound on the shoulder since the temple in Egypt
(9) Anthony: "Oh. I can't heal that then."
** (11) Tristin stands up. **
(9) Anthony: "That only time can heal."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you cannot heal it
** (7) Robin stands up too. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): seems like the powers used in this place - press on it
(5) Eve: "Learn anything new?"
(11) Tristin: "We need to find a man named 'Leo'"
(5) Eve: "Leo.."
** (5) Eve frowns **
** (11) Tristin rubs his shoulder. **
(9) Anthony: "a man named leo? Leo is a white or a black hat?"
(11) Tristin: "I only heard the name." ((I think?))
(9) Anthony: "Oh, wait... I think I'm starting to get the picture."
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "When they disappeared from the interrigation room they appeared here, then the shadows attacked? That sound about right ?"
(9) Anthony: "John and the interrigator wree in the room, they both disappered. Shadows attacked here. Where apparently I think they might of been teleported to, because of the guards tie to this place? hmm.. thin."
(11) Tristin: ((Would that Time frame make scence to me?))
(5) Eve: [High speach] => High speach "But the missing Investigators name wasn't Leo... it was Loriano something... Catoli..Cattonli...
(5) Eve: "Unless Leo is a nick name."
(9) Anthony: "I'm not sure how many guards slash inspectors are involved in this. "
(9) Anthony: "Who's apparent is this, the guards, or the interrigators?"
(5) Eve: "Dante's he was a guard I believe."
(9) Anthony: "Strange."
(9) Anthony: shrug
(9) Anthony: "I think we need to talk to the person being held"
(9) Anthony: "Or you I don't think we have an excuse to interrigate him."
(9) Anthony: "Although you do."
(5) Eve: "Yes I do. I suppose I shall try that avenue see what we get from there."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): hurray
** (9) Anthony looks around, "Well, we dnoe here?" **
** (7) Robin nods **
** (9) Anthony dusts off his hands **
(5) Eve: "Yes"
(9) Anthony: (( unfortuantely Tony dusted off his hands on his new italian suit. ))
** (5) Eve heads downstairs and then negotiates with the officers downstairs for a ride to the precinct for herself and her "lab assistance" **
** (11) Tristin nods, still rubbing his shoulder. **
** (9) Anthony tries to look very doctorish **
** (11) Tristin follows behind. **
** (11) Tristin tries to draw little attention (Wits + Stealth?) **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): trying to sneak or just fit in?
(11) Tristin: Sort of, like just look mundane I guess...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): wits + subtrefuge
(2) Officer 1: "Sure, we can give you a ride as soon as the labtech is done."
(11) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,1,7,4] = (1)
(2) Officer 2: "I'm going right now, you can ride with me"
(2) Konrad Knox: you're fine Tristin
** (5) Eve chooses officer #2 **
** (2) Officer 2 is hot **
(5) Eve: ((sweet))
(2) Officer 2: "My name is Dominic"
(5) Eve: "Nice to meet you Dominic, I'm Iris."
** (2) Officer Dominic is no longer Officer 2 **
(5) Eve: ((is he still hot))
(2) Officer Dominic: ((much hotter now))
(5) Eve: ((yay))
(2) Officer Dominic: you all get a ride to the presinct
(2) Officer Dominic: takes about 25 minutes, no traffic
** (5) Eve lightly flirts with officer **
(2) Officer Dominic: "Iris. I'm married."
(2) Konrad Knox: you arrive at the presinct
(5) Eve: ((no lightly flirting for you then))
(2) Konrad Knox:
Police Presinct 11

(5) Eve: "The good ones always are."
** (5) Eve hops out and gets to it **
** (9) Anthony follows along **
** (7) Robin follow hops. **
** (11) Tristin follows **
(9) Anthony: (( robin is hopping? ))
(11) Tristin: ((Dex chack for follow-hop!))
(5) Eve: ))lol))
(11) Tristin: ((Check*))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "We need ot remember to release that rat."
(7) Robin: ((just the first step out..er hop))
** (5) Eve proceeds to make introductions blah blah, then gets to the case file reading goodness **
(2) Konrad Knox: The case file is fucked up.
(5) Eve: woot!
(2) Konrad Knox: here is what it says:
(7) Robin: High Speech=> let me know if you see a good spot around here
(2) Rat: "shit shit! freedom! yeah alright, let's rock this jamhole!"
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "I doubt it would want to live inside a police station. We need to find a park or something. Around the collisum would probably be perfect."
(7) Robin: high speech=> "Good idea."
(9) Anthony: (( *tap *tap *tap ))
(5) Eve: ((its that typing that takes the longest..))
(9) Anthony: (( tha't the kinda stuff you gotta have pre-typed :D ))
(9) Anthony: (( of course if he had it pre-typed we'd never have looked ati t ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): John Lemming, claiming to be from Amsterdam, is convicted of theft and an attempt of murder using explosives in Le Bagio Hotel. Upon being apprehended, he ran off at astonishing speed of a trained athlete, doing almost 30 km an hour. Officer Ramirez, LeGarda, and Castonzo witnessed that Lemming fell 15 stories down out of the hotel window and jumped the roof of a 10 foot tall truck. With the help of several patrol cars and a helicopter, Lemming was caught. He showed significant resistance, wounding several officers, he was heading north. Finally captured, and delivered to the presinct, Lemming was put into a cell under supervision of Leutenant Mikelo Plactala. Inspector Cattani was called in to investigate him, and in less than an hour, they were both gone from the cell. An hour later a residence belonging to Officer Dante Canavacciuolo exploded, killing his fiance Lidia Marcelas. Dante states that he was assigned to help interrogate Lemming, but no evidence of that exist, and no one can confirm it. Dante's partner Mikelo Plactala testified that Dante did not come in to work at all. Dante is being held for questioning further. Dante also changed his statement, cadding that the woman in his apartment is not Lidia Marcelas, that she looks nothing like her. Last time Lidia was seen was this morning at 8 am
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((its not piossible to have it pre-typed, Dante's actions determined most of it))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((have fun guys :) ))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Okay, looks like we hae ot talk to Dante."
(9) Anthony: [Hgih Speech] => Hgih Speech "And I wonder whre Lidia is, dead somewhere else? Or prisoner? or an accomplice?"
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "Thats the plan."
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "There were no human ghosts at the appartment, but that doesn't mean she didn't die."
(9) Anthony: "Can you make a copy of htat report?"
(11) Tristin: "Lidia... she was at the appartment we were at right?"
(9) Anthony: [Hgih Speech] => Hgih Speech "ghosts don't alwasy stick around do they?"
(11) Tristin: ((You said she changed can you pm me a discription of how?))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Lidia's supposedly body was changed by death magic. So that wasn't lidia I'm thinking"
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "Not always but in murder cases its pretty common. Right it may not have been no way to know unless we can see the body and have Dante identify."
** (9) Anthony nods **
(9) Anthony: "Talking to Dante seems to be the next step."
(7) Robin: High Speech=> He should be being held here.
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Be cafreful, this guy has an inferno named after him"
** (9) Anthony grins **
** (7) Robin chuckles softly **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin, you saw her shape morph, change like clay figures can be changed))
** (9) Anthony pets Uchawi distractedly **
(2) Uchawi: coo...
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "You aren't allowed to make copies of case files, at least not in the US."
(9) Anthony: "Uchawi,t hink youc an remember all that?"
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "I don't know if it is different here... I don't see why we need a copy though."
** (5) Eve looks into getting a chance to interview Dante with her Translator of course **
** (9) Anthony stretches **
(2) Uchawi: "Yes I can, if you read it to me."
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "I'm glad I have body control not as tired as I could be."
(9) Anthony: "You can't read?"
** (2) Officer 1 comes to Eve, and points to the room. "he's in there. I'll unlock it for you when you are ready" **
(2) Uchawi: "I can read, but I remember things better if you read them to me."
(5) Eve: 'I'm ready now."
(9) Anthony: "You just like hearing a bedtime story"
** (9) Anthony pets Uchawi **
(7) Robin: "Me too."
(9) Anthony: "it's okay, I'll tell you a story later."
** (5) Eve goes to interview Dante, mage sights up to detect any spells on him **
** (9) Anthony follows after eve **
(9) Anthony: (( life and spirt sights up ))
** (2) Officer 1 unlocks the door, it has 3 locks **
** (11) Tristin goes with the group **
** (2) Officer 1 unlocks the first lock **
** (2) Officer 1 unlocks the second lock **
** (2) Officer 1 unlocks the third lock **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The door opens, and you see.....
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, describe yourself
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you hear voices outside, and suddenly the door opens, and you see...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Everyone, description chaos
whispering to Dante Canavacciuolo, you feel an odd tingle in the back of your head, the hair on your back stands
** (9) Anthony is a wirey man standing 5'8" with dark unruley hair wearing a new italian cut suit **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You guys all get the tingle on the back of your heads, your back hair stands
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): *tingle tingle*
** (9) Anthony gets ready for the magic being cast **
** (9) Anthony tries to see what spell is being cast (spirit or life I might know )) **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tilts his head up to look at the door. He has jet black hair that's tied back into a ponytail. His eyes are hazel and his figure is slender. He's still wearing his prison guard uniform. He is seated, but appears to be about six feet tall. **
** (11) Tristin is a teenage kid of asain decent. A little of 5.5 feet tall with an athletic build. He's dressed in jeans and a shirt that says... something.. Eve bought it.. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): No spells are cast, but you get the "he is a mage" tingle. Eve, you see his path
** (5) Eve looks into the room a hand on her hip, she stands 5'6" above the shoulder cut white straight hair, her eyes are a dark dark brown almost black that doesn't fit the hair. She is petite, doesn't wear makup, and is currently wearing a black skirt with a white silk shirt **
** (7) Robin is a girl! About 19 years old. With long brown hair and brown eyes. She has a slender figure and is currently dressed in a green sundress with a jacket over it. **
** (5) Eve raises a brow as she looks over Dante a moment longer, thanks the officer and then closes the door behind her group as they enter. **
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "You understand me?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo casts his gaze across the small crowd as the door shuts. He nods once to the man in the italian suit. **
** (9) Anthony nods **
(9) Anthony: (( places for us ot al sit down? ))
(9) Anthony: (( if not I'll lean against the corner ))
** (9) Anthony leans in the corner and waits for Eve **
(5) Eve: "Mr. Canavacciuolo, I'm... *switches to high speech* "Well that makes things a bit easier. "
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the man speaks in a language you have NEVER heard, but oddly, you CAN understand it.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((add High Speech as a Free Merit))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The language just starts making sense as the words are spoken.
(5) Eve: "I'm Eve Kline, we were wondering if you knew just what happend to your appartment today, and believe me no matter how far fetched we will believe you."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you notice no parrot on the man's shoulder
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ;)
(5) Eve: (lol))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo ponders for a moment as he looks to Eve. **
** (5) Eve settles down onto the bence across from him **
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "No matter how far fetched. We've heard it all."
** (7) Robin observers Dante, spatial awarness still active. **
(11) Tristin: ((Tristin's shirt has the Mona Lisa missing a Tooth, the back says "heppens to the best of us"))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head, opening his mouth as if trying to speak how he hears them. **
** (9) Anthony sighs **
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "I think he might be newly awakened?"
** (11) Tristin nods **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [High Speech] => High Speech => High Speech "A..wakened?"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( oh, haha.. weird.. ))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Drek. Who wants to explain?"
(11) Tristin: "Dante" *me tries to catch eye contact with him.*
** (11) Tristin pulls out his dagger **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks over to Tristin, eyeing the dagger. **
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Waht arey ou doing? Put that away."
(5) Eve: "Tony you would be correct on that front. If I had to guess I would say within the week.. perhaps even just today, he's just been to the towers by the amount of mana swimming around him."
** (11) Tristin holds the dagger behind him, wanting eye contact **
** (11) Tristin stepps closer **
(5) Eve: ((High speech btw))
(5) Eve: ((assume we are all speeking in high speech agreed?))
(9) Anthony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Eve, you want to explain awakening, or shall I?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tilts his head to one side and then looks up to Tristin, making eye contact. **
(11) Tristin: ((Yeah))
(9) Anthony: (( right, we're all in high speech ))
** (11) Tristin looks into the man's past today, fist increaseing his luck to do so. **
(11) Tristin: ((first*))
(5) Eve: "I'll do my best. Mr. Canavacciuolo.. May I call you Dante?"
(11) Tristin: First, My 8 again spell can't remeber the name... Gnosis 2 + Fate 3
(11) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,4,6,7] = (0)
** (11) Tristin tries again **
(11) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,4,6] = (0)
(5) Eve: ((Phale!!))
** (11) Tristin activates his amulate **
(11) Tristin: ((THERE 8 again anyway))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you see Dante's aura is pulsing with power, it is fresh, exciting, tingling. And his mana supply is bursting full.
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo responds to Eve without breaking eye contact. "Yes, you may, if I have a name to call you." **
(11) Tristin: ((Postcongnition Gnosis 2 + Time 4 + Willpower 3))
(9) Anthony: "Tony Parrot, Thyrsus."
(11) Tristin: [9d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 6],6,7,6,3,3,3,7] = (1)
(11) Tristin: ((Omg... super fail rolls there...))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you see that Dante has been here for a few hours, and the captain has been thoroughly interrogating him... in Italian.
(5) Eve: "You can still call me Eve, its the best name I have to give you. Dante, I'm sure this will come as quite an... understatement to say you have had an interesting day today. I will try to explain some of it. I have a feeling you've had something rather odd happen to you, a dream perhaps of a tower... maybe even of an iron guantlet?
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo turns to face Eve at the mention of the tower. "As strange as it is to say, that is the most sensible thing I've heard today." **
(9) Anthony: "Gauntlet? You know his path?"
(5) Eve: "Following that odd dream, I can guess that even stranger things began to happen. Yes Tony I do, he's Mastigos if I don't miss my guess, like Robin."
(9) Anthony: "At least its not another Moros"
(5) Eve: "Perhaps you began to hear voices or what you thought were voices, though they were likely peoples thoughts. Or perhaps you found yourself in a place you shouldn't be."
** (7) Robin smiles and waves. I'm Robin. **
** (5) Eve makes a face at Tony's comment but continues **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods twice. "I.. can hear thoughts. So I'm not insane? That's comforting." **
(5) Eve: "What is important to understand Dante, is that you are not crazy, which is to some comforting, to others not. What has happend instead is that you have become aware of another... how to put it... another auspect of the world."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: And yes, I found myself somewhere I should not have been..
(9) Anthony: "As insane as it sounds, you are not insane."
(9) Anthony: "Everything youv'e seen you thought was crazy and impossible, wasn't. You have awakened and seen things as they are."
(5) Eve: "Normal people can sense time, the space around them, sights and sounds, you now can sense another asupect of life, that of to put not to fine a label upon it, the supernatural or even magical."
(9) Anthony: "I'll let Eve explain"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin your amulet has 5 charges left))
(9) Anthony: (( I've yet to use mine. what did they start out with, 8? ))
(11) Tristin: ((K))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods at Eve's words as she explains. "And this is real. The language I'm speaking right now, the people before me. All tangible.. I certainly hope so." **
** (5) Eve smiles **
** (9) Anthony shakes his head, "Actually, there's a lot of bad guys out there. It'd be better if it wsan't real sometimes." **
(5) Eve: "We are all real here yes, and yes Tony is correct."
(5) Eve: "I have a feeling you've run across one of those less than honest members of our kind already, John Lemming?
(9) Anthony: "I think his middlename is sleezeball"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "John Lemming..? Yes, yes! He was the one being interrogated by an inspector before it all went to hell, literally."
** (5) Eve chuckles softly **
(9) Anthony: "So, what, you're a guard here?"
(5) Eve: "To ease your mind just a little it was not actually hell, but the simmilarites are startling I'm sure."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head. "A prison guard for Mount Silence Corrections Facility." **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Though I highly doubt I'll have much of a career there after all this."
(9) Anthony: "Well, there is a problem you know. For various reasons, unawakened peole, like you used to be, can't know about magic. So explaining what happened to the police won't be easy."
(5) Eve: "Where Mr. Lemming was being held. I wonder, Dante, do you know where Loriano is? I'm sure John has put him somewhere."
(5) Eve: "Actually with two Mastigos here it could be quite easy to get him out of here. They are Mind mages after all."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo ponders the name for a moment. "Loriano.. Loriano. I can't say I'm even familiar with the name." **
(9) Anthony: nod
(9) Anthony: "I was gong to tell him that after it sank it, that we woudl have otu se magic to convince them all was fine."
** (11) Tristin looks into the future to see how they can find John. **
(9) Anthony: (( heh ))
(11) Tristin: ((Prophacy Time 4 + Gnosis 2 + Dagger 1))
(11) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,6,1,4,[10, 8, 6],1,5] = (1)
(5) Eve: "Oh really... That makes things a wee bit more interesting. Does that mean that he is not ... that Loriano Cattoni is not an inspector with the Corrections Facility?"
** (9) Anthony looks at Dante with life sight up to make sure he's in good health **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tilts his head to one side. "Oh, was that the name of the inspector interrogating Lemming..?" He shakes his head once. "I'm sorry, my mind is run ragged." **
(5) Eve: "Undestandable, its not every day you are awakened to a new world, your appartment is blown up and you lose a loved one."
** (5) Eve inclines her head to one side sympathetically **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods slowly. "The harsh reality is, it has to happen to someone. Apparently." **
(9) Anthony: "Well, funny about that. No one realy knows why it happens to anyone. At least I don't "
** (9) Anthony shrugs **
(2) Clerk: Dante is in good health, he is unharmed
(9) Anthony: "you are Mastigos eh? Mind and Space. Interesting."
** (9) Anthony pulls a book out of his pocket and shows it to Dante, "You havne't happeneed ot see a book like this have you?" **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo hums to himself for a moment. "I am... Mastigos?" He shakes his head once, not understanding. **
(5) Eve: "It happens to a great many people, and true few know why it happens to any one person. I am sorry it had to happen in such a tramatic way to you. I am a little confused however. I went over your case file here, and it says you changed your statement about Lidia. Would you mind telling us what happend to you. The man, John Lemming, he's an associate of some very evil people and we are on a task to stop them, any information you might give us about him, and what happend to you would be very helpful."
(9) Anthony: "There are different panths you can awaken too. I am Thyrsus as I said. Life and Spirit. "
(11) Tristin: "He's no associate..."
(11) Tristin: "Just a puppet... won't be seeing much of him either.."
(9) Anthony: "She said associate of the people we are tryign to stop."
(9) Anthony: "Not our associate."
** (9) Anthony goes over to Tristin and checks his ears for wax build up **
(11) Tristin: "I know what she said..."
(11) Tristin: "He's just a pawn on the board... getting the feeling so are we sometimes..."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks at the book, "Should it look familiar? It definitely doesn't at a glance." He turns his attention to Eve. "Lidia.. it is not th same Lidia I moved in with. Her every appearance has no bearing on her, aside from the engagement ring I gave her..." **
(5) Eve: "Yes Mastigos, its a term for the type of magic you will most easily excel at based on which tower you signed. There are also Thyrsus like Tony, Moros like myself, I deal with death and matter, Tristin there is an Acantus (sp?) fate and time, and then there are Obrimos, who can control the forces of physics and the essence of magic itself."
(11) Tristin: ((Arcanthus))
** (9) Anthony puts the book away **
(5) Eve: "Would you say she is the same woman but changed some how? Or defiently someone else?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((what you saw in the book, Dante, is over whisper))
(11) Tristin: ((no "r))
(11) Tristin: ((sorry))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head. "Unless she was a woman who stole my fiance's engagement ring before the fire, then she is changed somehow." **
(9) Anthony: "Did she act different, or jus tlook different?"
(5) Eve: "It is possible, and actually very easy to do, Tony could at this very moment change his appearance, and I could easily do the same with a dead person."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo frowns and opens his mouth, pauses, then speaks. "I never spoke with the other Lidia. She was a corpse in a body bag...." **
(5) Eve: "What happend to you today? Can you tell me from beginning to end?"
(9) Anthony: "Right. So Lidia could still be out there. Do you know why anyone would want Lidia?"
(11) Tristin: "She shifted like clay, I saw it..."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo takes a deep breath. "I can try, Ms. Kline." **
** (7) Robin looks at Dante casualy. ((Read the Depths mind4+gnosis4, traget rolls reflex gnosis+composture.)) **
(5) Eve: "It would help us help you."
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,1,9,4,9,1,2] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, roll resolve + gnosis
(9) Anthony: (( you mean composure +gnosis? ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,4,5,6] = (0)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( resolve is mental isnt it? ))
(5) Eve: ((Resolve is mental yes))
(9) Anthony: (( robin quoted gnosis + comp ))
(7) Robin: ((says composture under the skill))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((for resistance?))
(9) Anthony: (( game uses composure a lot for willpwoer ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh yeah))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Huh. GM was wrooooong ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes i was. roll gnosis+comp))
** (2) Konrad Knox (GM) is WRONG **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): omg omg
(9) Anthony: (( at least it's not worth a n00b point ))
(11) Tristin: ((Do I get a n00b point?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,1,6,9] = (2)
(9) Anthony: ( no ))
(5) Eve: ((you still phale!!!!))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lol ))
(9) Anthony: (( ties go to defender don't they? ))
(5) Eve: oh wait no you don't))
(7) Robin: ((can't we use the first roll? lol)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you try to peek into Dante's mind, but Dante detects it, and resists. Robin, you get a mental equivalent of a mind resonance, which bounces back at you like a wave
(11) Tristin: ((Yeah, but robin can hit him with her bat for passing))
(9) Anthony: (( did anyone notice that hsi comp and resolve are hte same so it was the same numbe rof dice anyway and never needed a reroll in the first place? :D ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you see Robin's spell attempt to enter you and shatter against you
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Yeah. I thought about that too. But hey, I'm the noob here ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((smart char build))
** (7) Robin settles back in the corner of the room. Folding her arms and leaning against the wall. **
(9) Anthony: (( Hmm.. with 5 for boht... I doubt he has 4 comp and 4 res, probalby 3 and 3, so his gnosis is at least 2 :D ))
** (5) Eve waits from him to tell the story smiling in a friendly type manner **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I was working the middle of my shift when it all began. The man or whatever he is known as John Lemming was brought into the facility by several men, each restraining a limb."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Yep. Anthony guessed right ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): (( serp = leet))
** (9) Anthony pulls a nut out of his pocket and feeds it to something dante doesn't notice **
** (2) Uchawi unnoticeably eats a nut **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The time is 1:30 am. Guards are patiently pacing outside the room, awaiting till interrogation is over
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "As they were putting him in a cell, Mikelo Plactala addressed me when I inquired about the situation. He asked me to take watch of the interrogation that was to take place between the inspector and Lemming. I complied, seeing no harm in it."
(5) Eve: "This is the same man who later stated you were not at work at all that day is that correct?"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "From what I understand of the situation, yes.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I was ushered into the room along with Lemming, who was restrained with chains. It was only moments after that the inspector arrived. That's when the shit hit the fan. The lights went out. The inspector's eyes glowed luminously, and John much to my disbelief at the time, seemed to sprout insect wings."
** (9) Anthony perks up **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "After that, things get hazy for me. I remember drawing my sidearm, useless as that was, and then Lemming charging me, only to result in us being pinned to the ground. A sharp, painful voice pierced my mind."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I .. don't know who it was directed to. The voice kept yelling about "getting caught" and "not remembering."
** (5) Eve nods for him to continue **
(5) Eve: "He's done that before."
(9) Anthony: (( oh.. hmm.. a bit about the old session is coming back... wasn't john's mind all broken? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((eve rot his legs and robin wiped his mind))
(9) Anthony: (( ahh, right. ))
(5) Eve: ((yesh we brokened him))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "No, now that I think of it.. it was directed at John. The voiced commanded, "How did you get caught John? You have failed!" Next thing I knew, John had wrapped around me and I found myself on a bus in the middle of the city. But the bizarre story continues."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((me is sincerely having fun watching this))
(5) Eve: "That actually makes a certain ammount of sense, John worked for Mastigos mages who no doubt teleported him out of the prison."
(5) Eve: "And you accidentally with him"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I heard a voice say something to someone named Leo about a Sleeper being with him; urging him to cease. After that, everyone but myself collapsed and in the next moment, I found myself in the realest portrayal of "hell" I could imagine."
(5) Eve: "Ah... so one of those Mastigos is the "Leo" Tristin spoke of."
** (5) Eve nods again **
(9) Anthony: "The mastigos who pulled him out is named leo apparently."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "After that.. some creature of flame guided me to a tower, not shortly after defending me against another wave of forceful voices in my head."
(9) Anthony: "Ahh, and the other guard coudlnt' remember him comgint o work, had his mind wiped. Dang."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "And.. as I inscribed my name on the wall in the tower with a piece of chalk the creature handed me, I found myself back in Italy, across from my burning apartment."
** (2) Officer 1 peeks in through the window, saying to his colleague "wow, they got him talking. i wonder how. American inspectors must be really good." **
(2) Officer 2: "Maybe it's the language barrier."
(2) Officer 1: "What do you mean? Wouldn't that make things harder?"
(2) Officer 2: "Oh yeah."
(5) Eve: ((lol))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): both officers wander off
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): they sit down, back to doing paperwork, keeping an occasional eye on the door
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo reaches into his pocket, "Now that I think of it.. I still have the chalk." He pulls a small piece of chalk from one of the extra pockets on his uniform. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Regardless.."
** (5) Eve looks at the chalk with interest **
** (9) Anthony 's eyes arch, "You brought something back?" **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo cocks his head to one side, confused. "You're asking someone who just went through something mind-shattering whether or not they brought back a souvenir?" **
(5) Eve: "People have been know to bring artifacts back from the towers from time to time..."
** (9) Anthony shrugs, "I just never thought about it. didn't know we could.' **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "This is.. a rare occurence I take it?"
(5) Eve: "They are usually quite powerful."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you see that the Chalk in Dante's hand is extremely highly alligned with Dante's aura. Not just with a mastigos aura, but with Dante's personal aura. The last thing you saw like this was... in fact, Robin's bat, Anthony's Axe, and Tristin's dagger. Except this item is much more intensely pulsing
(9) Anthony: "Really? Itneresting. I never considered that I traveled there physically."
(9) Anthony: "I wouldn't toss that chalk aside, it might be magical."
(9) Anthony: "At least have an abrimos look at it before you throw it away."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks at the chalk in his hand curiously, then promptly puts it back in his pocket. "I had no intention of abandoning it. I need a reminder. **
(5) Eve: "It is defiently magical. It is more useful than your path tools. I wonder what it might do."
(11) Tristin: ((He's our Harrold with the purple crayon!))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lol ))
(5) Eve: ((WOOT!))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): (( god..))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head a bit. "I know not. For now, it serves as a memory of that place." **
(5) Eve: "So the only two questions left now are, one, was the body that of Lidia's only changed or some other poor soul, and two, how are we going to get Mr. Canavacciuolo out of this mess."
(9) Anthony: "And three, why did someone burn down his apparentment in the first place?"
(5) Eve: "It is also best if Dante here think up a shadow name, one to use in the mage world since he's already had some trouble with some rather powerful mages and this being on his first day awakened."
(11) Tristin: "It was Lidia's."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "A.. shadow name?"
(11) Tristin: "I saw her get changed..."
(9) Anthony: "Oh, yes. the names we gav eyou aren't our real names. It's best to come up with a pseudonym when dealing with other mages."
(9) Anthony: "Gotta keep our private livesy ou know."
** (5) Eve smirks slightly **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods. "I see. **
(5) Eve: "Its safer that way."
** (2) Officer 2 walks to the restroom and back, checks his sidearm, sits back down at the desk **
(5) Eve: "They have to go through a lot more effort to find out where you live that way."
** (2) Officer 1 gets some coffee for himself and his partner **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo jerks his head up at a sudden realization. **
(9) Anthony: "Well, shoudl we think of a way to ge4t him out of here? Do we believe him?"
** (5) Eve raises a brow **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "So, not a single one of you are actual officers? Now that I think of it, a couple of you don't even look the part."
(11) Tristin: ((Duh, he never rolled subterfuge, lol))
** (5) Eve chuckles **
** (7) Robin shuffles her feet **
(11) Tristin: "I'm the real cop."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( sorry what? ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I'm still not familiar with everything here. ))
(9) Anthony: 'i'm a real doctor."
(11) Tristin: ((Subterfuge is the lying skill))
(9) Anthony: "although I do resrearch mostly."
(9) Anthony: (( Ahh, we know nothing is sneaking up on us, we didn't roll percetion! ))
** (2) Officer 1 is not sneaking up on you **
** (2) Officer 2 isn't either **
(5) Eve: "I wouldn't go that far some of us are allowed to be here. But as for his story, yes I think I believe him, and we've no way to tell if he's lying. but considering how newly awakend he is I doubt it."
** (9) Anthony points at Tristin, "He's a real teenager." **
(11) Tristin: "I'm 20... jerk."
(9) Anthony: "Isn't that what mind is for? to find out if someone is lying or not?"
** (9) Anthony chuckles **
(11) Tristin: "It's because I'm Asain huh?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks between the group, smiling slightly at their conversation. **
(5) Eve: "So, how are we going to get you out of here? Something subtle. Yes that is what it is for, but I don't know if Robin can read another Mastigos."
** (5) Eve glances at Robin **
** (9) Anthony looks at Robin **
** (2) Officer 2 looks at his coffee **
(5) Eve: ((lets all look at Robin!!!))
(5) Eve: ...
(9) Anthony: ...
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I was thinking about it, lol ))
** (7) Robin looks at everyone... **
** (11) Tristin looks at Robin **
** (2) Officer 1 looks at HIS coffee **
(9) Anthony: (( /me opens up his bag and looks for his clue-by-four ))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks at himself. **
(7) Robin: ((I'll read everyones mind mwhahahahaha))
** (5) Eve thinks dirty thoughts just to scare her **
(5) Eve: ((Lol))
(7) Robin: ((lol))
(9) Anthony: "Well, Robin, is he lying?"
(7) Robin: "Let me focus for a minute"
(7) Robin: ((read the depts))
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 3],3,2,5,6,3,8] = (3)
(2) Officer 1: dante comp+gno
(9) Tony: (( roll your 5 again dante ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,2,7,8] = (1)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((ah, right))
(5) Eve: ((you phale))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Usually))
(9) Tony: ((phail!))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, your spell encounters resistance, but breaches it. You browse through Dante's recent memories. He is not lying.
(5) Eve: ((not against moist gnomes of moist))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh lord!))
(5) Eve: ((Heheh))
** (7) Robin looks around the room at everyone **
(7) Robin: "No lies."
** (11) Tristin looks at Robin **
(9) Tony: (( I'd hate for a woman to read my mind, would realize it wasnt' their eyes I's looking at ))
(7) Robin: ((I so read you mind before. but only a little bit))
(7) Robin: ((your*))
(11) Tristin: ((Dude... they probably already know....))
(7) Robin: ((lol!)
(9) Tony: "Okay. So, mind to make them think he has a reason to come out? or we coee up with a plausable explation what happened?"
(5) Eve: "Well then, as I see it we have three options, two that are plausible, first, and a little vulgar so not my first choice, Tony could change Dante's appearence with his life magic, second also vulgar and thus a lesser choice, I could make it appear as though Dante had died and in the confusion fo getting him to the hospital never get him there. Or three either Dante or more probably Robin could with mind make the Officers "forget" Dante was ever here."
(9) Tony: "A few more options. Maye plant the idea int eh officers minds that someone higher up came and told them to let dante go."
(9) Tony: 'or maybe show them a release papaer for him.":
(9) Tony: "Quite a few options. The quesiton is, dante, do you want to go home again?"
(9) Tony: "If you want to staty around here, it'll limit our options."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks at Tony inquisitively. "Stay here, and have these people who've no understanding what's real try to explain to me why I'm lying to them?" **
(7) Robin: "Perhaps I could just try some telepathic control of just letting us go? Seems msimple enough"
(9) Tony: "I mean here as in italy."
(9) Tony: "Do you want to try to keep your job?"
(9) Tony: "otherwside, we could just go for putting everyoen to sleep and walking out or something."
(11) Tristin: "I could use a nap"
(5) Eve: "Something like that would be covert yes Robin"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head. "There is nothing left for me here. If what I'm told in this room today is true, then some dark force has perceived my existence and may not have wanted that. I would do well to stay away from places I have caring for." **
(7) Robin: "Would you really want to keep a job? You're about to start a whole new life."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the time is 2:30 am
(9) Tony: "Okay. Ideas?"
(9) Tony: "Can you with mind make someone go to sleep/"
** (9) Tony looks at robin, "Ever tried?" **
(5) Eve: "You know, we could keep him with us, the reservations tomarrow to inspect the tower were for 4 and Tony was going to be a rat any way..."
(11) Tristin: "I can ssoooo make people go to sleep"
(7) Robin: "I could try, yeah."
** (2) Officer 2 comes over and knocks on the door **
** (9) Tony looks at tristin, "You can?" **
(7) Robin: "Unless Tristin wants to try something?"
(5) Eve: "We could introduce him to our mission.. I think he means with his fist Tony."
(11) Tristin: "Yeah dude.."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to the sound at the door. **
(9) Tony: "Oh, no, not that way"
** (5) Eve goes to the door **
** (2) Officer 2 opens the door with the key **
(5) Eve: "Yes Officer?"
(9) Tony: "There are many ways."
** (9) Tony looks at hte officer **
(2) Officer 2: "Any luck, Miss Fields?"
(11) Tristin: [HS] => HS "When should I do it?"
** (7) Robin casualy looks at the officer((telepathic control)) **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,[10, 2],2,2,7,2,6] = (1)
(5) Eve: "A few new details..."
(7) Robin: ((resolve+gnosis for resisting))
(2) Officer 2: res 2 + gnosis 0
(2) Officer 2: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],5] = (1)
** (2) Officer 2 casually looks back **
(11) Tristin: [HS] => HS "Just say when..."
(2) Officer 2: "I hope you're taking notes. That's great. He tell you anything about Lemming?"
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "When?"
** (2) Officer 1 strides over, putting his cup down and checking his sidearm **
(5) Eve: "He is maintaing that..*pause for action?*
(9) Tony: [High Speech] => High Speech "Oh Dang, Eve, do they know your real name?"
(7) Robin: ((telepathic control))
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,9,6,3,4,1,[10, 1]] = (3)
(2) Officer 1: ((at -1 penalty robin for repeated attempt to do the same thing))
(5) Eve: ((waits for Robin or tristin to do something so she doesn't have to make something up?))
(7) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],7,6,3,6,6,[10, 6]] = (2)
(2) Officer 1: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7] = (0)
** (2) Officer 2 is under your control, and he doesnt even know it **
(9) Tony: (( vulgar or covert? ))
(11) Tristin: ((Robin wanted to try again))
(2) Officer 2: (( covert))
(7) Robin: Covert))
(9) Tony: (( wow, nice! ))
(11) Tristin: ((Mine's not covert))
(2) Officer 2: ((tristin is one of the last covert mages i ever knew. aside from kurtis maybe))
(7) Robin: Officer is hungry and will be wasting him time endlessly searching the breakroom's fridge for chocolate cake.
(2) Officer 2: ((least*))
** (9) Tony sensed magic being cast by robin but isn't sure what it was so waits **
(5) Eve: "Hes innocent of any connection with MR. Lammings disappearence, frankely the facts of the case seem to support this, I think Mr. Plactala is an accomplise and is lying to cover it up."
(7) Robin: Soooo Hungry
(2) Officer 2: Dante, you saw what Robin did, and how the spell looked exactly
(2) Officer 2: "Excuse me... um. Hey Raphael, you mind finishing up here, I'll be right back."
(2) Officer 1: "Sure."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tilts his head to one side at the sight, making a mental note before turning his attention back to the other officer. **
** (2) Officer 2 walks off to the backdoor of the office **
(9) Tony: "Totally innocent in all of it."
** (11) Tristin listens to see if the other guard is comeing down the hall **
(7) Robin: (( it says I can target multiple ppl with penalties, but doesnt list the penalties)
(9) Tony: (( dang, he'll never find chocolate cake in the frige. You know why of course ))
(5) Eve: ...(Hes right at the door...)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( A lie? ))
(2) Officer 1: "Alright, so... you're done with him for the night? If your facts add up, and the Captain looks it over tomorrow morning, he'll be released if all adds up"
(9) Tony: (( you alrady cast it on one. this woudl be a seperate cast, new spell ))
(7) Robin: ((Yeah, I know.))
(11) Tristin: [hs] => hs "Good night"
(5) Eve: "I'll leave my notes with the report"
** (11) Tristin springs forward and punches the guard ((Str 3+Brawl 4 + Kungfu 1)) **
(9) Tony: (( WTF dude? ))
(2) Officer 1: defense 3
(11) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,[8, 10, 2],[9, 4],[10, 2],[10, 1],[9, 4],4,7] = (5)
** (9) Tony 's jaw drops **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo puts his face in the palm of his hand. **
** (5) Eve 's jaw also drops **
(11) Tristin: ((Five dice then))
(11) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,2,[10, 4],[8, 9, 10, 7],[10, 4]] = (3)
(7) Robin: "..."
(5) Eve: ((he got more that way!!!))
(11) Tristin: "There, asleep..."
(9) Tony: (( room full of mages who can shift the fabric of time and space and matter itself, and he punches him ))
(7) Robin: "Geeze..."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( irony ))
(5) Eve: "Tristin... Tristin....... Words.. fail me."
(2) Officer 1: Officer 1 draws his sidearm, pointing it at Tristin.... and his jaw drops, he is knocked out cold, collapsing to the floor with a loud bang, which gets attention of Officer 2
(7) Robin: "I though we were trying to be covert about it..."
(11) Tristin: "Ddamnit..."
(5) Eve: "We were..."
(7) Robin: Officer two is hungry.
** (9) Tony sighs **
** (2) Officer 2 comes out, saying "Damn, I swear we had some cake in the fridge...I'm starv... woah. Freeze!" **
** (11) Tristin drags the fisrt officer into the room **
** (11) Tristin stuffs behind the door **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [High Speech] => High Speech I must admit, I did not expect that approach...
(2) Officer 2: ((god, this is like, the quintessential Tristin Lang))
(9) Tony: (( hang on,c asting ))
(5) Eve: [High speech] => High speech "Nor should you have because.... Tristin what were you thinking!!!""
(9) Tony: Trigger the Lizard Brain - Intense Fear gnsis 3 + life 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,7,4,9,1,3] = (1)
(7) Robin: Hight Speech => I could've made him go look for cake, too.
(9) Tony: (( resolve + gnsois reflexively ))
(11) Tristin: "I was thinking he wouldn't have the time to pull the trigger?"
(9) Tony: (( so just his resolve I guess ))
(2) Officer 2: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],5] = (1)
(9) Tony: (( blast it ))
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "We are going to have to wipe the officers mind now... if he doesn't shoot us"
** (2) Officer 2 pulls out the radio. "This is Alvarez at HQ. We have a situation here. All units support immediately. Oh and ... can someone bring cake?" **
(9) Tony: (( if we dont take care of this quick gonna have to roll init :/ ))
(9) Tony: (( lawl ))
** (11) Tristin punches at this guard too **
(5) Eve: [HS] => HS "FUCK!}
(9) Tony: (( I woudl hope someone woudl stop him when they saw him go for hte radio ))
(2) Officer 2: ((what did you expect him to do? call santa claus?))
(11) Tristin: ((Defence?))
(2) Officer 2: ((radio is on his belt))
(2) Officer 2: ((alright fellas. you got 1 minute before you break out in a fight with a ton of italian police))
** (2) Officer 2 is aiming his sidearm at the door, he is behind the table, prone position **
(11) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,1,3,7,[8, 1]] = (1)
(9) Tony: (( how far is the interrigation roo to the front door ))
(2) Officer 2: ((106 feet))
(9) Tony: (( do I have time to go again? waiting for others to go but if everyone is going to do nothing I'll do something ))
(7) Robin: suspension(wits3+investigation1+space4)
(2) Officer 2: ((is it map time?))
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,3,9,1,[10, 6],3,[10, 1]] = (4)
(11) Tristin: ((Oh can't punch misunderstood situation))
(11) Tristin: ((Sure))
(2) Officer 2: Robin, you do it. The officer is suspended
(9) Tony: (( gaw tristin. ))
(2) Officer 2: He is stuck where he is, behind the table
(7) Robin: Officer his trapped with the treads of space. Woo!
(9) Tony: (( oh, thenw e can just freaking run? ))
(7) Robin: High speech => run! or something!
(11) Tristin: ((paradox))
(5) Eve: ((is the door locked?))
(7) Robin: ((it was vulgar))
(9) Tony: (( guard came in so it's open ))
(2) Officer 2: ((no paradox))
(2) Officer 2: the door is open, though Tristin stuffed it shut didnt he?
** (11) Tristin casts acceleration. **
(9) Tony: "Do we run or tryto clean it up/"
(5) Eve: with the officer))
(7) Robin: ((I win forever :) ))
(7) Robin: "I'll let him go when we get outside."
(5) Eve: "I would rather clean it up as they have my Real name but we could run"
(11) Tristin: ((Stam 2 + Ath 2 + Time 4))
(9) Tony: 'we can still mind wipe, or do we run?"
(11) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 9, 10, 10, 6],2,[8, 5],[10, 8, 5],[9, 7],1,7,4] = (4)
(9) Tony: "Fine, close the door lets clean i t up
(2) Officer 2: no paradox, Tristin, you move so fast Neo is jealous
(5) Eve: 'Try a mind wipe, we can always run if it doesn't work."
(2) Officer 2: ((necklace charge 4))
(9) Tony: "Make him go to sleep."
(7) Robin: ((I'll have to look it up I dont remember what I used ast him))
(9) Tony: (( he's suspended, but can he fire? or will the bullet be suspended too? Oh, it would be. that'd be weird. ))
** (11) Tristin dashes down the hall and punches at the guard **
(9) Tony: (9 what hall? they're in the room ))
(5) Eve: ...????
(5) Eve: !?!?!
(9) Tony: (( didn't he come in the room? ))
** (2) Officer 2 fires the gun but the bullet is suspended in the air, not mentioning Tristin moves faster than the bullet does **
(9) Tony: "You punch anyone else Tristin and I'll punch you. As a bear."
(2) Officer 2: ((Tony, the guard is prone in the office, aimed at the room, you were in the room, behind a door))
(11) Tristin: ((Defence?))
** (5) Eve holds a hand to her temples and squeezes **
(9) Tony: (( oh wait, he alrady got off a radio call. we have ot run ))
(11) Tristin: ((I thought he was around the corner behind a table?))
(2) Officer 2: ((at this speed, he has none, you knock him out, free and clear))
(9) Tony: "he alrady called ont eh radio. We have ot run. now."
** (2) Officer 2 is out **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo stands from his seat and prepares to leave, not that there's anything to prepare. **
(9) Tony: "Rimind me to give Tristin a case of athletes foot when we get out of here.
(5) Eve: "Fine lets hurry"
(7) Robin: ((found it if we need it))
** (5) Eve grabs the case file as they are leaving **
(11) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,3,7,4,7,6,1,4] = (0)
** (9) Tony turns to Dente. "lets go,now" **
** (7) Robin heads out quickly **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods. "Sounds like a plan." He follows the group quickly. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((tristin, every time you do 8 roll again, you spending necklace charge))
** (9) Tony grabs hsi black bag makes sure taht dante is in front of him and trails everyoen out **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you sure you mean to do that?))
** (11) Tristin surveys the building quicklychecking all the windows **
(5) Eve: "Tristin.......I...*sputters for words*"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you see a team of SWAT italian metropolitan police lining up to enter the building, they have machineguns and riot shields
(9) Tony: (( hmm.. hwo long woudl it take me to cast portal, to long I thinkg ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): they are dividing into groups of 4 to surround the building's entrances
(11) Tristin: ((Any safe way out? For someone who isn't running as fast as me?))
(9) Tony: (( heck, when it comes down to it I can turn into a fly and fly away ))
(9) Tony: (( or a bat ))
(5) Eve: ((We don;t know we are surrrounded yet, only Tristin does))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no safe way out by the time you finished checking windows, all building doors are now being aimed at))
** (11) Tristin goes back to the group. **
(11) Tristin: "Soo ummm..... SWAT's here....."
(5) Eve: "FUCK!"
(7) Robin: ".........Really?"
(11) Tristin: "Mind wipe them and let's portal out of here or something...."
(5) Eve: "Tristin... If we survive this there will be pain for you..."
(9) Tony: "We can't portal you idiot."
** (9) Tony growls **
(9) Tony: (( Arg. ))
(9) Tony: (( I can get me out by transforming ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Dante crashed. please hold))
(9) Tony: (( Uchawi can fly away also ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((gives u time to come up with a plan))
(5) Eve: "Yes we can,just not to anywhere you guys will like
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((think quickly :) ))
(7) Robin: "Well, we can lock the space plan like I did at my old place and hope for the best"
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo (enter): 00:52
(7) Robin: ((plane*))
(9) Tony: "Remember, if we try to teleport those shadows will be on us."
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (15) Dante Canavacciuolo...
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(6) Dante Canavacciuolo' from room...
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo (exit): 00:52
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((sorry about the drop there))
** (11) Tristin grabs the second guard and brings him to the room too **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u didnt miss anything ))
(9) Tony: (( it happens to al of us ))
(5) Eve: "Thats why we won't teleport. Just shift to twilight... we will be ghosts for about an hour
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((What, Tristin didn't take out the whole swat team while I was gone?))
** (2) Officer 2 is now in the room **
(9) Tony: "Shift to twilight. I don't have an hour to cast the spell, do yoU?"
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "do... what?"
(5) Eve: ((hurray lets have a party!))
(9) Tony: "It's an extendes spell."
(5) Eve: "It doesn't take an hour."
(11) Tristin: ((Thought about it, nbut the media would have a field-day))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): aaaaand....
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): roll init, monkey boys
(2) Clerk: everyone
(5) Eve: Init [6d10.open(10)] => [7,5,[10, 7],8,1,7] = (45)
(9) Tony: (( spirit road, pp251, extended ( target number = tgauntlet strength )
(5) Eve: *wait what?*
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [4,7] = (11)
(11) Tristin: [1d10+9] => [4,9] = (13)
(9) Tony: (( I forgot my init roll ))
(5) Eve: (Twighlight shift its a different spell becuase it deals with Ghosts)
(9) Tony: (( it's 6. oh yeah ))
(9) Tony: Init [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(7) Robin: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [1,1,7,9,3,1] = (2)
(5) Eve: Init [1d10.open(10)] => [[10, 1]] = (11)
(11) Tristin: "So umm Twilight sound good to you guys?"
(11) Tristin: ((Unless one of the SWAT beats me...))
(5) Eve: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [2,6] = (8)
(9) Tony: (( twilight shift is you only ))
(2) SWAT Operative 1: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [5,6] = (11)
(2) SWAT Op 2: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [6,6] = (12)
(11) Tristin: ((Can't we open a portal to the twilight?"
(2) Swat Op3: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [9,6] = (15)
(11) Tristin: ))
(2) Swat Op 4: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [1,6] = (7)
(9) Tony: (( It takes an HOUR for me to cast it. ))
(9) Tony: (( death 4 can go to twilight immediately ))
(9) Tony: (( eve can get awya. I can get away. Uchawi can get away. leaves tristin, robin and dante ))
(5) Eve: ((wait... death gate at death 4 I can cast as instant and make a gate I was right))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((comforting))
(11) Tristin: ((I can get away..))
(9) Tony: (( if you can open a portal to twilight, DO IT! ))
(9) Tony: "Twilight is fine, we've been there before"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Order of action: Tristin, Swat 3, Robin, Swat 2, Swat 1, Eve, Dante, Tony, Swat 4
(9) Tony: (9 I wonder if I can insta cast spirt road at spirit 4 then? ))
(7) Robin: ((I could crawl inside my pocket rhealm for an hour, lol.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Round 1
** (11) Tristin Grabs a table and pushes against the door to build a baracade **
(9) Tony: (( spirit 5 for insta cast of spirit road ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): roll str+athletics
(11) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,7,5,3,[9, 7]] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((but death realm is much more dangerous than spirit realm. in twilight things tend to want to kill you))
(11) Tristin: ((Like killer joints))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you do it, Tristin, though the barricade isnt the best. Time is pressing, and you are lucky to move the table on time. It is not best positioned for blocking
(9) Tony: (( twilight is where we went before ))
** (2) Swat Op3 knocks the door out with a bat ram **
(2) Swat Op3: str 3 + weaponry 3 - barricade 1 = 5
(2) Swat Op3: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [3,5] = (8)
(5) Eve: ((no you went to the Shadow realm, this is the Twilight)0
(2) Swat Op3: gah
(2) Swat Op3: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],6,6,[10, 10, 6],7] = (2)
** (2) Swat Op3 gets the door open and aims the HK mp5, looking around **
(2) Swat Op3: all vulgar spells now come at sleeper penalty
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin
(9) Tony: (( okay, but I woun't feel bad aboutkilling ghosts, I'm not going ot kill any police ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((just in case, that wasnt what i was planning for this session lmao.))
(9) Tony: (( we know. It should not have gone this way ))
(7) Robin: ((I can mind whipe k.o. officers, righ?))
(11) Tristin: ((I didn't think you would be makeing him fire a shot when I punched))
(9) Tony: (( you should never of punched ))\
(5) Eve: ((It is more interesting this way...if nerve wreaking))
(9) Tony: (( ast a SPELL? You know, you're a MAGE? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin's turn
(11) Tristin: ((I did I used acceleration on the second one.))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( LOL ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((lol. this is what i get for being nice. this is like the School of Tristin))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((if you have the rote, Robin, you can, otherwise gnosis+mind))
(7) Robin: ((breach the vault of memory on officer 2))
(9) Tony: (( Umm.. yo'rue gong to do that now, during combat? ))
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,3,5,2,9,9,7] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the SWAT officer or the one in the room?))
(7) Robin: ((one in the room))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you have a SWAT guy in the door with a machine gun, picking a target, two policemen are out cold in the cell room
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( If he wipes the mind during combat, its still possible to escape with Eve's real name secret, I wager ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): (( robin is a girl))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Yeeeeah, I know. My bad ))
(9) Tony: (( ahh, yeah, ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Officer 2's mind is in your disposal, Robin
(5) Eve: ((Not batman and robin.. just robin))
(9) Tony: (( but what about the cop at the burned out apartment who sent us here? ))
(7) Robin: I'm just gonna cut out his memory of us walking in.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Done
(7) Robin: and everything there after
(5) Eve: ((hes officer #1))
(11) Tristin: ((I dragged the second one in, assumeing Robin dropped suspension))
(7) Robin: (( :( ))
(7) Robin: ((yeah))
** (2) SWAT Op 2 steps forward and fires at the first person in front. Which one of you is in front? **
(7) Robin: ((turn over ))
(9) Tony: (( is that tristin? otherwise sd to say I said I was gogn to follow everyone out :( ))
(5) Eve: Technically SWAT 1 is in front?
(11) Tristin: ((I just made the baracade))
(2) SWAT Op 2: The one not moving with speed of sound
(2) SWAT Op 2: Alright, fires at Dante
(9) Tony: (( I was planning on taking up the rear, not a good idea now, not sure where I am ))
(11) Tristin: ((Come on I'm only defence 7...))
(5) Eve: I'll be in front I guess
(9) Tony: (( I'd like to be in front, but that's now thwat I said before ))
(2) SWAT Op 2: dex 3 + firearms 4 + machinegun 3 - defense 3 = 7
(2) SWAT Op 2: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],[10, 6],5,3,3,2,5] = (2)
(2) SWAT Op 2: Dante, you get hit in the shoulder. 3 boxes of lethal checked
** (2) SWAT Operative 1 walks in and fires at Anthony **
(2) SWAT Operative 1: dex 3 + firearms 4 + machinegun 3 - defense 2 = 8
(2) SWAT Operative 1: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,6,3,5,7,1,8] = (2)
** (2) SWAT Operative 1 shoots you in the thigh for 2 lethal boxes **
(2) SWAT Operative 1: Eve
(9) Tony: (( How long ago did I mitigate that 2 ? over half hour ago? ))
(2) SWAT Operative 1: ((yes))
** (5) Eve is opening the gate I'll spend mana to mitigate paradox... 3 mana, the spell will be death + Gnosis = 6, can I spend willpower? if so its 9)) **
(2) SWAT Operative 1: ever, youre at 8 mana, 3 wp
(2) SWAT Operative 1: roll it
(5) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,8,7,5,5,[10, 9],[10, 2],6] = (3)
(5) Eve: 4 sucesses
(9) Tony: (( 4 successes ))
(2) SWAT Operative 1: paradox 2 success. metigated with mana
(2) SWAT Operative 1: you open the gate
(9) Tony: (( Diabloesk gate opens up ))
(5) Eve: With the extra sucesses I will make it twice as wide and limit it to the people here I want to go in, Tristin, Robin, Dante, Tony, Uchawi, and myself
(9) Tony: (( don't forget the rat!! ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): a creepy looking gate opens, cold breeze seeping out of it. The SWAT officer #1 just freezes in desibelief and hesitates, his weapon at ready
(2) SWAT Operative 1: "wtf is that?"
(2) SWAT Operative 1: Dante's turn
(9) Tony: (( lol, poor dante ))
(9) Tony: (( he's either going ot be first.. or last ))
(5) Eve: ((Leerooy... a Noooriiiiiis))
(2) SWAT Operative 1: you have a gunshot wound in the left shoulder, but you still keeping it together
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo , hesitant to be the first to enter, but unwilling to lose his life out of fear of the unknown, Dante steps into the strange gate. **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( That's what I just told KK on MSN >_> ))
(5) Eve: (( I know))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I figured. =P))
(2) SWAT Operative 1: ((oh, we should explain. 1 round is 3 seconds of game time. you're allowed 1 simple action: duck, jump up, take something, duck, and one movement according to your speed, which is 11. Or one complex action (reloading a gun, anything that takes more than 3 seconds to do), or one movement and one simple action (casting a spell)
(9) Tony: (( hmm.. yes, my gate is tot he shadow realm. where's this, twilight realm? ))
(5) Eve: ((yes))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah, I knew it was something along those lines. I just don't know the breakdown))
(9) Tony: (( most spells can be cast in one turn, except those listed as extended ))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Mmkay))
(9) Tony: (( which are cast depending on gnosis. at 1 and 2 gnosis, 3 hours. at 3 gnosis, 1 hour etc..
(2) SWAT Operative 1: Dante, you're in the Twilight. It has the same feel to it as the place you've been to before, in terms of its surreality and endlessness, but looks nothing like it. In the realm you visited before, you felt more confident, as in at home, here... you feel cold. It's very dark, and suddenly you see ghosts of different things which are now material and can touch you.
(2) SWAT Operative 1: [1d12] => [2] = (2)
(2) SWAT Operative 1: tony's turn
** (2) SWAT Operative 1 is just coping with shock, backing up a bit **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((brb, ghost hunting))
** (9) Tony jumps through the gate, no way is he going ot be last this time **
(9) Tony: (( uchawi in tow of course ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, you're through. You see Dante, but he looks different in this realm. Dante, Tony also looks different to you, but his aura is glowing like a beacon
(9) Tony: "Oh man, this isn't the Shadow Realm!"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): To each other you now seem more like shadows, reflections, you can't quite place the feeling, but it's almost like X-ray, all the supernatural things are being brought out into foreground, your auras now are more visible than your bodies
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((in separate realms like this are we allowed to act freely, or do we have to wait for combat to finish in all scenes?))
(9) Tony: (( wait ))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "This place.. its cold here."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tony and Dante you are out of combat rounds))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): For those still in combat, Swat 3 moves again
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): round 2
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Okay. I wasn't planning on like... running off into the abyss or something. I just wanted to know how that transition takes place))
(2) Swat Op3: "What the hell is that thing? On the floor everyone!" aims at Eve
(9) Tony: "Bast that trisin"
(2) Swat Op3: Tristin's turn
(9) Tony: *blast
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "What is his area of expertise? Card tricks?"
** (11) Tristin dashes and pushes Eve into the portal. **
(2) Swat Op3: ((Tristin, you regain a willpower point for indulging in wrath by the way))
(2) Swat Op3: ((you're now at 3 wp))
(2) Swat Op3: Eve, care to resist?
(5) Eve: Umm... can I hold the portal open from the other side?
(2) Swat Op3: yes
(5) Eve: Or is it just open?
(5) Eve: I'll go through.
(2) Swat Op3: once u opened it, u close it at will by dropping the spell
(2) Swat Op3: Eve, you're through
(11) Tristin: "Robin go!"
(2) Swat Op3: Robin
** (9) Tony steps asiide as eve coms tumbling through **
** (7) Robin dashes through the port. **
(9) Tony: (( oh, if I'm out of combat.. ))
(9) Tony: Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(3)+Life(4) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,5,4,2,7,2] = (1)
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo stands away from the general area of the portal, keeping the others in close proximity. **
(7) Robin: ((turn over))
(9) Tony: (( heals 1 on himself ))
(9) Tony: (9 dan
(9) Tony: Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(3)+Life(4) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,4,2,1,6,2] = (1)
(9) Tony: (( heals 1 on Dante. ))
** (5) Eve closes the portal **
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo observes the magic taking place in awe. **
** (5) Eve casts slay ones aura to cut the spell threads **
(5) Eve: death + gnosis = 6
(9) Tony: (( did you jsut close the portal with tristin on the other side? ))
(11) Tristin: ((With me on the other side?))
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,8,[10, 8],9,2] = (3)
(5) Eve: 4 sucesses
(9) Tony: (( allright! ))
(5) Eve: ((I thought he was on this side?
** (2) SWAT Op 2 lowers his weapon, since Tristin is too fast **
(9) Tony: (( no, he pushed you thorugh, he stayed ont hat side ))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol...))
(9) Tony: (( I'm laughing here ))
(5) Eve: ((when Robin said rounds over I thought she ment all rounds I'm not leaving Tristin there.. as much as he deserves it))
(2) SWAT Op 2: ((me too))
(11) Tristin: "Oooooh Fuck...."
(9) Tony: (( he's quick, he can run away down the road ))
(2) SWAT Op 2: Portal stays open
(2) SWAT Op 2: Tristin has to survive a round against SWAT
(2) SWAT Op 2: which pretty much leaves 4 of us
(11) Tristin: ((Defence 7))
(9) Tony: Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(3)+Life(4) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,7,8,9,9,5] = (4)
(2) SWAT Operative 1: Dex 3 + Firearms 4 + Gun 3 - 7 = 3
(9) Tony: Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(3)+Life(4) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,3,6,8,7,[10, 3]] = (2)
** (2) SWAT Operative 1 found the F4 macro key **
(2) SWAT Operative 1: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,3] = (1)
** (11) Tristin found the F8 macro key **
(9) Tony: (( dante and tony are boht fully healed now. 4 mana spent total on heals ))
(2) SWAT Operative 1: the bullet hits you for one Lethal, Tristin, and smack into your hurt shoulder. "Ow!"
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Where.. is the kid? He coming?"
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo watches perplexed at his own wounds being healed. **
** (2) Swat Op 4 follows the example of Op 1 **
(2) Swat Op 4: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,4] = (1)
(2) Swat Op 4: Tristin gets a bullet in the other shoulder
** (2) Swat Op3 fires as well **
(2) Swat Op3: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,2] = (1)
(9) Tony: "Oh, Dante, by the way, please dont follow Tristin's example."
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo looks over to Tony. "I doubt there will be a problem there." **
(5) Eve: ((Technically we are all corpus right now I'm not sure if that spell works or not..))
(2) Swat Op3: another bullet, and Tristin's turn
(9) Tony: "We normally don't go around swinging on cops."
(9) Tony: (( thenI replace it with heal corpus which is spirit ))
(2) Swat Op3: this one hit you in the right shin
(9) Tony: (( although 1 less dice ))
(5) Eve: ((that works))
** (11) Tristin Gives the guards the finger and lets himself fall through the portal. **
** (11) Tristin drops acceleration **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): none of the SWAT officers follow in
** (9) Tony punches Tristin **
(5) Eve: ((they cant))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): if they could they wouldnt
(9) Tony: dex 2 + brawl 2 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,1,6] = (0)
** (9) Tony misses **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you miss
** (5) Eve closes the portal now. **
(9) Tony: "What"
(9) Tony: "The"
(9) Tony: "FUCK!?!"
** (5) Eve supresses own aura to cut the spell threads **
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 8],6,7,1,[10, 2]] = (2)
(5) Eve: 3
(11) Tristin: "I made him sleep..."
(9) Tony: "You are a freking idiot!"
** (11) Tristin winces at his gunshot wounds **
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo stifles a laugh and covers his face to hide the smile. **
** (9) Tony watches trisin bleed **
** (5) Eve assesses the surrounding Twilight **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Well, boys and girls, you'rei n the Twilight, the gloomy underworld of ghosts and apparitions, some of which existed once in the mortal plain. And guess what? You are... in the middle of the Twilight reflection of a prison. And aaaaall the criminals who were ever killed here or haunt this place - are now surrounding you
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( ........ ))
(9) Tony: "Damn it. It'd take me an hour ot make a portal to the shadow realm."
(9) Tony: "We have to move out of this prison space and go back into the physical world then"
(11) Tristin: ((Really small prison....))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so, about a dozen of ghosts instantly turns their interest to you and goes "errrr?"
** (5) Eve in a calm low voice using speak with the dead **
(2) Ghost: "Fresh.... foooood?"
(5) Eve: (death = gnosis = 6-
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( brraaaaaaains.... ))
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,1,8,5,4] = (1)
(9) Tony: (( looking at spirit spells ))
(11) Tristin: ((Graaaaaaains))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Oh no, not the zombie cows!))
(5) Eve: "The first one of you to come near us will learn very quickly that there are Far worse things than death.. I am Eve and you will stay back or you will find oblivion."
(5) Eve: ((that would be intemidation roll))
(5) Eve: ((man + intimidation = 6)
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,2,2,4,9] = (2)
(2) Ghost: You look around and realize there is more than a dozen here, about 50 to 60 ghosts float around just this vicinity, ghosts in torn cop uniforms, ghosts dressed like convicts... you feel like unless you think fast and be cool, you're about to enter endless combat rounds, compared to which SWAT team is cake
(9) Tony: (( dang, the only spirit spell I have that can effect ghosts is excorcism ))
** (2) Ghost assesses Eve **
(2) Ghost: "I.... call.... your.... blufff.... mortal."
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lmao ))
(9) Tony: (( can spirits hurt ghosts? ))
** (2) Ghost comes to Eve and reaches for her with his hands **
(2) Ghost: (( not on their home turf))
(9) Tony: (( les see, we were given 2 things. dang, sprits not gonna to help ))
(9) Tony: "Maybe we can offer Tristin as a sacrafice."
(11) Tristin: "So much for the Hypocratic Oath..."
(9) Tony: Emphemeral Shield - gnosis 3 + spirit 3 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,4,7,3,8] = (3)
(9) Tony: (( 3 shields, works against ghosts ))
(9) Tony: (9 wait I tink ))
(9) Tony: (( "The mage protects himself with emphemeral armor wthat defens agaisnt physical attacks or attacks made by ephemeral entities" Is htat a ghost too? ))
(2) Ghost: ((yes))
(5) Eve: (command ghost death + Gnosis - Resistance))
(9) Tony: (( that's about all Ic an do ))
(2) Ghost: ((3))
(5) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,5] = (0)
** (2) Ghost looks at Eve funny **
(2) Ghost: "It's dinner time, fellows."
** (2) Ghost holds Eve in place **
** (2) Ghost of a dead Cop comes up behind it "Let her go" **
** (2) Ghost turns around **
(9) Tony: (( these ghosts are walking ont he ground? ))
(9) Tony: (( or acan they float up too? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): a number of convict ghosts gather around you, and a number of ghosts in uniforms form an inner circle around you, trying to shield you, but they are muchly outnumbered
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): some float, some walk
(9) Tony: "Uchawi, WINGS!"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): but they can float and fly in this world
(9) Tony: dang, as fast as we can?
(9) Tony: "lets hurry out of here and back into the real world. "
** (9) Tony tries to make for hte ghostly door leading outside hte ghostly police station **
(2) Uchawi: "I can grant you flight in the spirit world, but not in this world, unfortunately, though I will try to stay out of harm's way myself. I believe Eve her would be your best asset. I also recommend to flee."
** (9) Tony tries to get everyone moving instead of standing around **
** (7) Robin follows tony's lead out of here **
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Tony. "Let's get moving. Its doing no good just standing around." **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Wait, isnt Eve still pinned down? ))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( or was that just like.. grabbing shoulder? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Ghosts start a fight among themselves, the ghosts of Officers trying to prevent the hungry ghosts from getting you, but they don't look like they will last long
(9) Tony: (9 the ghost backed her off or not? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the ghost who held eve is now fighting a ghost of a cop
** (11) Tristin follows the best he can with bullets in him **
(9) Tony: (( right, so lets miake like a flock ))
(9) Tony: (( ooops, make like a bird. ))
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo looks back and motions to the others. "We better get moving." **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Make like a bird and get the flock out?))
** (5) Eve considers the fight for a moment then turns and heads in the path closest way out of this twilight building **
(9) Tony: (( yeah ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, your fight is looking like you five and 30 officers against approximately 50-60 bad ghosts
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo quickly makes his leave as he sees everyone else doing the same. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you walk away from the Prison through the streets of twilight Rome, following Tony's lead, you see some ancient ghosts around, ancient Romans, fighters and crafters, men and women, children
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, where u guys headed?
(17) Shawn (enter): 02:12
(9) Tony: "lets get far enough away from the police station and gate back before we get atacked gain"
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Agreed. Where to?"
** (5) Eve heads in the general direction of the hotel moving further away from the police station **
(9) Tony: "I say around a corner and a blcok away?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Around you are ghosts of ancient fallen structures
** (9) Tony follows eve **
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo follows Eve's lead. **
** (17) Tristin nods **
** (7) Robin follows along **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): In the distance you sometimes see battles between swordsmen, some in gladiatorial style, others in fully fledged battles
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Nearby ghosts look at you and try to close in, like hungry wolves, tracing your route, but not many distract from their business
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): It takes you most of the night to get back to the Hotel
(18) Shawn (enter): 02:15
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): if thats where you're going anyway
(5) Eve: ((we weren't walking all the way back to the hotel only far enough away from the police station for there to not be police so i can make a portal.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): if you move constantly without stopping, you will not grab any ghost's attention span in this area, if you stop for too long, they will start forming around you
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you're a good ways away from the police station
(5) Eve: Do I have to worry about sleepers?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you've gathered a tail of ghosts, a couple of swordsmen, some underterminate ghosts, and two lion ghosts, a couple of ravens with wings torn like sails of an old ship
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Depends on where you are. In this world you see clearly ghosts of old buildings that were destroyed, but you can also make out the vague contours of real buildings, like shadows, as if they were covered by a film
(9) Tony: (( It takes 3 seconds for her to cast the spell right? and like a turn or 2 for everyoen to go in? so 9 seconds we'd be out of here ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): So, if you look closely, you can tell where i nthe physical world you are
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (17) Shawn...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (18) Shawn...
(5) Eve: I'll look for a more secluded place with a lower chance of sleepers being around
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): depends on destination. it's 3:23 am, night clubs are still full, most streets are empty. Places like theatres, museums or cemetaries are obviously very crowded with ghosts, and stopping there may be dangerous
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): places like hospitals, clubs, bars are crowded with sleepers
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): streets and bridges seem to be rather empty, except for occasional love couples, both real and ethereal
(5) Eve: ... Where are you in the sleeping world? What is around us? I am looking for a place with fewer sleepers I know where more sleepers would be.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): some bridges only exist as ghosts
(5) Eve: *we not you
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You're in an alley in downtown, nobody here, no sleepers as far as you can see, and the only ghosts are the ones who were stalking you
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you find a secluded place void of sleepers
(5) Eve: I'll open the portal, spending mana for paradox, 2? spending a willpower so 9 to roll
(5) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,4,5,1,9,9,3,1] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 success paradox - mitigated
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): portal opens back into the physical world
** (5) Eve waits for everyone to step through **
** (18) Tristin goes through **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): it looks safe to come out, you're in an alley behind some building nobody is around
** (9) Tony steps thorugh **
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo follows behind Tristin. **
** (7) Robin follows **
** (5) Eve steps through and closes the gate **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): As soon as you re-enter the physical realm you realize that you feel completely exhausted. It's pretty much sleep or die. The time is almost 4.
(9) Tony: (( we left at 11, my other spell ran off at 1:00, yeah, I'm exauhsted ))
** (9) Tony heads to the hotel room **
** (18) Tristin tries to pull the bullets out of himself **
** (7) Robin kneals down and release her rat friend from confinement right there. **
(5) Eve: "Well that was just brilliant... can we please try to NOT attack law enforcement the next time we are in a Police station??
(7) Robin: "Bye bye."
(9) Tony: "Or not in a police station."
(9) Tony: 'or ANYWHERE?"
(2) Rat: "Freeedoom!"
** (5) Eve steps out of the alley and looks around to figure what area of town they are in so she can hail a cab **
(7) Robin: "Lets get some sleep and yell a Tristin in the morning?"
(7) Robin: ((a= at))
(2) Konrad Knox: youre in the middle of the city
(18) Tristin: "You say that ow..."
(5) Eve: "We have to get back to the hotel first."
(18) Tristin: ((Now*))
(2) Konrad Knox: takes you another hour to get into a busy street, takea cab back to hotel
(9) Tony: "It shouldn't have to be said!"
(2) Konrad Knox: at 5 am you walk in through the doors of Le Bagio
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo ponders. "I take it this is a fairly common occurence." **
(18) Tristin: ((Wits + Med to pull out a bullet?))
(5) Eve: "This is the first time it has ever happend to me... It may be common for Tristin I don't know."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((dex + med))
(9) Tony: "Looks like you're hurt there., Don't you wish you knew someone with life who wasn't pissed at you to heal you?"
(18) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],1,7,5] = (1)
(18) Tristin: "Have spent alot of time in stations...."
(9) Tony: "I can see why."
** (18) Tristin works on another bullet **
(18) Tristin: ((good shoulder))
(18) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,7,3] = (1)
(18) Tristin: ((And now for the bad shoulder))
(18) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,9,4] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: you manage to get the bullet out, but you don't heal the wounds
(18) Tristin: "I'll be fine" *pulling the last, most painful one out.
(18) Tristin: *
(18) Tristin: ((Yeah, I figured))
(5) Eve: "Well my life is Fucked thank you Tristin. They have my real name, and only one of them was mind wiped. If I go home I'll probably lose my job and go to prison.. In fact I might not even have to get home for that to happen."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((wow, im like stupified))
** (9) Tony turns ot Eve **
(9) Tony: "No, we fix it."
(9) Tony: "We get a few hours sleep, we go back and wipe their minds. In discuise."
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "We will have to go back." *nods affirmingly.*
(9) Tony: "Tristini can stay here."
(9) Tony: "or go somewhere else. but not back there."
(5) Eve: "And how are we going to do that?? Mind wipe every cop in Italy? By now they have sent reports out about this missing suspect and who helped him escape."
(7) Robin: "We'd have to steal the reports, too."
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "At this hour of the morning? I wish there was a way for us to know for sure."
(9) Tony: "we need sleep."
(9) Tony: 'Or I do"
(9) Tony: "or a case of redbull"
(5) Eve: "Not to mention the possibility of a press confrence. The Italian equivalent of the SWAT Team was out there."
** (9) Tony turns to tristin. "Why?" **
(7) Robin: ((he dc'd))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((wow, im like blown away))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((GM is speechless))
(9) Tony: (( that he did that? Or how we got out of it? or what? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((both.))
(9) Tony: (( didn't want to kill any cops, that's not tony's way ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you almost had it all done covertly))
(9) Tony: (( yeah, we did ))
(5) Eve: ((its fine I'll just fake my death and then create a new identity))
(9) Tony: (( yeah, you migh thave to. oh, you can do that too. easy for moros to fake their death ))
(5) Eve: ((yup))
(9) Tony: (( if you need a corpse to use use Tristin's ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((well, it's gonna be on the news next morning, unless you somehow manage to mindwipe all the cops who saw you, and the news reporters. News will probably come out at 7 am))
** (5) Eve exhuastedly sleeps **
(9) Tony: (( what, 4 cops saw us. 1 wsa mind wiped ))
(9) Tony: "you know, the hotel knows what we look like. If they describe us, ..."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((6 cops total. 2 regular ones you knocked out and 4 SWAT))
(9) Tony: "A
(2) Konrad Knox: ((1 wiped))
(9) Tony: "Anyone notice any cameras?"
(2) Konrad Knox: ((bye bye mana pool))
(20) Shawn (enter): 02:41
** (5) Eve is exhuastedly sleeping **
(9) Tony: Booting '(18) Shawn' from room...
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(11) Shawn' from server... Removing dead client
(11) Shawn (exit): 02:42
(18) Shawn (exit): 02:42
(9) Tony: Booting '(15) Dante Canavacciuolo' from room...
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo (exit): 02:42
(2) Konrad Knox: that was real Dante
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo (enter): 02:42
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo (exit): 02:42
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo (enter): 02:42
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (15) Dante Canavacciuolo...
(20) Shawn: "Why what?"
(9) Tony: Booting '(17) Shawn' from room...
(17) Shawn (exit): 02:42
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (20) Shawn...
(9) Tony: "Why dsid you punch him?"
** (7) Robin passes out on one of the beds. **
(9) Tony: "Now eve has to fake her death if we don't fix this. Just hope she doesnb't try to use your corpse."
** (9) Tony sits in his chair **
(20) Shawn: "I hit him, I didn't know that somehow he would be able to fire a round on the way down, that the swat team would surround us in seconds.."
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo finds a chair and sits down, his head tilted down. In only a moment's notice, he appears to be at least lightly sleeping. **
(20) Shawn: "You wanted a way out I tried to give us one."
(5) Eve: ((to bad theres no way to change how things happend))
(20) Shawn: ((I asked Kostya about it but still haven't got a responce.."
(20) Shawn: ))
(9) Tony: (( time ))
(9) Tony: (( rewind ))
(2) Konrad Knox: As you sleep, the reporters do their job, the cops testify, one cop remembers nothing, the other remembers what you 4 look like, gives out name Iris Fields, and reports Dante as a suspect on the run... the story would come out before 9 am next morning unless...))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((huh?))
(9) Tony: (( not enough time though, been too long ))
(20) Shawn: ((Shifting sands is one round..))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes, ffs plz rewind time))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((in non-combat it can rewind scenes))
(2) Konrad Knox: (( if you get an uber roll))
(20) Shawn: ((Doesn't say that in description))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((remember when we failed the puzzle in Claire's game?))
** (20) Shawn superlative luck (Gnosis + Fate = 5) **
(20) Shawn: ((I know, didn't know if you were going to treat it the same.
(9) Tony: (( I have 1 time, I can help maybe ))
(20) Shawn: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,5,7,6] = (0)
** (20) Shawn tries again **
(20) Shawn: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,7,3] = (0)
** (20) Shawn again **
(20) Shawn: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,9] = (1)
(20) Tristin: ((Sorry wrng name))
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, you need 5 successes on the shifting sands to rewind time back to the moment of you punching the guard
(2) Konrad Knox: gl hf
(9) Tony: "let me help you?"
** (20) Tristin burns three mana on shifting sands, bending the familiar spell into something much greater. **
(20) Tristin: ((You don't know he's doing it))
(2) Captain: ((amulet?))
(9) Tony: (( 5 successes, dang.. ))
(9) Tony: (( amulet, mana, willpower, use everything you goyt ))
** (20) Tristin He gazes back at the way the time unraveled itself, wishing the bullet never left the gun. **
whispering to Shawn, dont forget dagger
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You focus on the flow of time and the events that took a chaotic turn
** (20) Tristin perfect timeing Int 2 + Comp 3 + Time 4 **
(20) Tristin: ((+1 dagger))
(9) Tony: (( willpower? ))
(20) Tristin: [10d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,[9, 1],[10, 7],3,6,2,6,1,3,[8, 5]] = (3)
(20) Tristin: ((That's three more dice to my snext roll))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you get the pinpoint on the moment in time where you have to return, (+3 dice on next roll))
(9) Tony: (( ahh ))
(9) Tony: (( oh, use power word too ))
(9) Tony: (( powerword will give you 2 die ))
** (20) Tristin Finds the spot and begins to shift himself back, watching the ebbs and flow of time reverse. **
(7) Robin: ((omg suspense!))
** (5) Eve eats popcorn like this is an action movie **
** (9) Tony 's hairs on the back of his head stand on end as he feels energy being formed into tristin for some massive spell **
(20) Tristin: ((Time 4 + Gnosis 2+ PT 3 + WP 3 + Dagger 1 + Powerword 1))
(5) Eve: ((Reminds me of Butterfly Effect))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((2 wp left))
(20) Tristin: [HS] => HS "Let the Sands Shift backwards!"
(20) Tristin: [14d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,[8, 1],6,[8, 9, 8, 7],4,6,3,2,2,4,1,[9, 6],6,6] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you charge up, the dagger glowing...
(9) Tony: "What are yo......"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM):
Let's try that again, monkeys

(9) Tony: (( he made it ))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol!))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): time goes zzzzzzzzzzzoooom
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): only for you, Tristin
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you keep memory of everything that happened, keep all your gunshot wounds (1 agg 3 lethal)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): everyone else, nothing happened
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you are back at.... THIS moment:
(7) Robin: lol all night rp'ing and nothing happened.
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh lawdy))
(9) Tony: (( reloaded to save point ))
(20) Tristin: ((Good thing I rembered to save))
(5) Eve: (9) Tony: "Totally innocent in all of it." ** (11) Tristin listens to see if the other guard is comeing down the hall ** (2) Officer 1: "Alright, so... you're done with him for the night? If your facts add up, and the Captain looks it over tomorrow morning, he'll be released if all adds up"
** (20) Tristin falls over, bleeding and unconsious. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You guys have listened to Dante's story, Robin mind controls Officer 2, he goes to the kitchen to get some cake
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( but he soon finds out that the cake is a lie ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Officer one says this: " "Alright, so... you're done with him for the night? If your facts add up, and the Captain looks it over tomorrow morning, he'll be released if all adds up"
** (2) Officer 1 leans over, but then his eyes open wide and he points at Tristin falling over **
(2) Officer 1: "Hey! What's wrong?"
(9) Tony: "Waht t he... "
** (9) Tony rushes to Tristin opening up his bag **
** (2) Officer 1 rushes to help Tristin **
(5) Eve: "Oh my god!... He's diabetic quick call an ambulince!"
(9) Tony: 'I'm a doctor, give me room"
(2) Officer 1: "Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary! he's wounded! How was he even standing all this time! he is seriously wounded"
** (2) Officer 1 steps aside **
(9) Tony: Healer's Trance (C)(1) Intelligence(3)+Medicine(3)+Life(4) [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,9,1,7,5,6,[10, 10, 7],1,[10, 8]] = (3)
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "Get the cop out of here Robin."
** (9) Tony casts healers trance and instantly sees that Tristin's been shot and tries to hide the fact from the cop **
(9) Tony: ((
(9) Tony: (( oh, I get my mana back? ))
(2) Officer 1: Tristin has gunshot wounds in both shoulders, and one in the thigh, Anthony
(9) Tony: (( when did I use that mana. hmm... to heal. yeha, I get it back ))
(20) Tristin: ((YEah... nothing ever happened))
(2) Officer 1: ((aint this great, he fucked u over and now u get to love cuddle and baby him))
(2) Officer 1: ((fucking CLASSIC TRISTIN))
(7) Robin: High speech=> Let me get the other cop back in here so I can send them both out
(9) Tony: (( and he's the only one kwho knows ))
(7) Robin: High speech > I'll have to drop and re cast.
(2) Officer 1: ((why?))
(5) Eve: [High speech] => High speech "How did this happen? Is he going to be alright?"
(9) Tony: Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(3)+Life(4) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 6],9,6,7,6,7] = (2)
(2) Officer 1: ((you know u can have more than one spell up, right?))
(9) Tony: (( tristein heals 2 ))
(7) Robin: officer 2 feels the need to come back and tell officer one about cake
(2) Officer 1: ((Robin u can have up to 5 active spells up on different people))
(20) Tristin: ((Two more damage, but only one can be healed))
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo looks around perplexed, wondering what just happened to Tristin. **
(9) Tony: (( how bad is tristin hurt? ))
(7) Robin: yummy cake
** (20) Tristin comes to. **
(2) Officer 1: ((1 more lethal damage you can heal))
(9) Tony: [high speech] => high speech "Wipe their minds, make them forget about us."
(20) Tristin: ((Is the cop still around?))
(2) Officer 1: Tristin's shoulders heal, except his gruesome scar, and his leg remains wounded
(9) Tony: Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(3)+Life(4) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,[10, 7],5,7,1,3] = (1)
(9) Tony: (( down 2 mana, tirsitnn is healed 1 more ))
(7) Robin: High spee> i was just going to telepathic control both of them to get them out of here, but I can mind wipe if you'd rather
** (2) Officer 1 is still around, trying to be of assistance in any way **
** (20) Tristin looks up that the police man. **
(9) Tony: [HS] => HS "Make them forget all about us."
** (2) Officer 2 is in the kitchen, desperately looking for cake, as he is undisturbed **
(20) Tristin: "Boom.... headshot..."
** (9) Tony pockets the bullets **
(20) Tristin: ((Nope took those out))
(9) Tony: (( oh okay, didn't pocket htem tehn ))
(9) Tony: [hs] => hs "Okay, make them forget all abou tus, and lets go."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin's healable damage is now all healed
** (7) Robin focuses her attention on officer one. **
(9) Tony: (( only 2 cops in the station righ tnow? ))
(7) Robin: ((breach the memory vault or something like that))
(20) Tristin: ((YEah, but like 10 swat can get here in no time...))
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,3,[10, 5],7,9,3,2] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((in this office yes, only 2 you've been dealing with. there are others but they dont know eve, theyre busy))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Incidentally Tristin looks like shit, he has sleepy eye bags under his eyes, you swear he didnt look that beat just a minute ago
(9) Tony: (( she wipes their memory, we walk out. whoever has forces make dante go invisible ))
** (2) Officer 1 's memories are in your grasp, Robin **
(9) Tony: (( shoot, anyone know forces? ))
(20) Tristin: ((Lawl, that's my inferior))
(5) Eve: ((Kurtis))
** (2) Kurtis is currently trying to make his way out of Amsterdam, avoiding border patrols **
(9) Tony: (( yeah, youre' right, that's kurties' frorte. heh ))
** (9) Tony turns to dante **
(9) Tony: (( no cops in here? ))
** (7) Robin find the strand of memory involving us and rips them from his memory. **
(7) Robin: metaphoricaly rips
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): No cops that know you or have seen you are nearby
(7) Robin: ((ewheres officer two now/
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Tony. **
(5) Eve: ((Getting cake))
** (2) Officer 1 scratches his head **
(9) Tony: (( and is dante in prison clothes or street clothes? ))
(20) Tristin: "Eve..."
(2) Officer 1: "Um... I'm sorry, what was i saying? Right... um, who are you?"
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Prison Guard uniform. He was brought to the precinct for quesitoning, not arrest))
(5) Eve: "Are you alright?"
(7) Robin: "You were just going to get...Officer two's name here for us"
(20) Tristin: [hs] => hs They know your real name, so don't leave without saying anything...
(9) Tony: [HS] => HS "Get him out of here so I can change dante's looks"
** (2) Officer 2 comes back fro mthe kitchen "Hey Raphael, do we have anything sweet? The fridge doesnt have any cake" **
(2) Officer 1: "What are you talking about, we never had cake."
** (7) Robin attemps to see into Officer two's memory. **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],3,7,9,3,4,1,2] = (2)
(2) Officer 2: "I think I'm gonna run down the store to get some"
** (9) Tony go stands next to dante waiting for hte police to not be watching this most vulgar spell he's about ot cast **
Sorry I don't know what /me's is!
** (2) Officer 2 's memories are now preoccupied with cake "mmmm yummy cake, i need some cake, i crave cake right now" **
** (7) Robin extracts the threads of memory invovling our presence from his mind. **
(5) Eve: [high speech[ "You don;t need to change his face they are mind wiped they won;t remember him"
(2) Officer 1: "yeah, alright, grab something for me too"
(9) Tony: [hs] => hs "what about hte other police on the way out?"
** (9) Tony goes to Dante, "Come on, time to walk out of here." **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: [high speech] => high speech "Mind wiped, huh? That.. is nifty."
(2) Officer 2: "You guys want something too? I was gonna run down to the store to... hey... umm, I'm sorry, who are you again?
** (20) Tristin hobbles up. **
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo nods to Tony and stands, ready to go. **
(9) Tony: "We were all jsut leaving. Thank you offider."
(5) Eve: "We are here to Pick up Dante, we were told he could go."
(2) Officer 2: "Who are these people?"
(2) Officer 1: "I don't know.."
** (9) Tony walks out **
(7) Robin: "Are you guys okay?"
(2) Officer 1: "Oh yeah, right, right. You taking the case file?"
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo follows Tony closely. **
(5) Eve: "Correct."
** (2) Officer 1 nods **
** (20) Tristin stumbles after the rest of the group. **
** (5) Eve takes the case file and leaves before anyone questions them **
(2) Officer 1: "Alright. Well, tell the captain it's all squared away"
** (7) Robin Thanks the officers for thier help and exits **
(2) Officer 2: "Man.... do we have any cake?"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you exit the station
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((thank fucking god))
** (5) Eve calling a cab **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lol ))
** (9) Tony heads toward their hotel room, "Well, that went rather smoothly." **
(20) Tristin: "Speak for yourself..."
** (2) Driver drives up, drives you to hotel, gets paid, leaves **
** (9) Tony turns and looks at Tristin, "Do I eve want to know?" **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "It certainly could have gone much worse, I suppose."
** (20) Tristin falls asleep in the cab **
(5) Eve: "Tristin what happend to you, you look beat... I think you get the first shower when we get back."
** (9) Tony shrugs, "Not sure how. Was fairly simple." **
(9) Tony: "I don't know, but he was shot a few times"
(2) Driver: ((tristin, you earned this session its name))
(9) Tony: "I'm not sure if I want to know though."
(5) Eve: "Some kind of attack maybe?"
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I don't get it. He was shot? He was fine only moments before staggering."
(9) Tony: "Well, yeah, but he controls time to an extent."
(5) Eve: "It could have been a time mage, wasn't he talking about some man with a spear before?"
(9) Tony: "I'm not sure how, it's not my forte."
(2) Driver: ((Kurtis would freak by now))
(7) Robin: "I'll see if I can find out."
(20) Tristin: (("Oh my god you did it again didn't you??!?!?"
(20) Tristin: ))
(9) Tony: (( tony knows he did it again because he was with tristin when he did it the first time, and tony gets a feelign he doesn' twant to knwo what happened ))
** (7) Robin touchs Tristins sleeping forhead and focuses on his previous thoughts. **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,7,[10, 5],1,9,3,4] = (2)
(20) Tristin: ((THat would be Kurtis. then "Yeah, I did..." "You did it again, and there too huh?! I'm getting good at telling.."))
(9) Tony: (( I'm not sure how much of the first time Ir emember, don't want ot bohter slooking upt he logs ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, roll composure+gnosis?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u get to resist that
(7) Robin: ((read the depths ))
(20) Tristin: ((Comp 3 + Gnosis 2))
(20) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,6,[10, 2],5] = (1)
(7) Robin: ((sweet))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you see eeeeeverything that happened to Tristin
(9) Tony: (( heh, the jig is up ))
(20) Tristin: ((You know that's rude...))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lol! ))
(9) Tony: (( lol ))
(7) Robin: ((so is punching someone in the face))
(20) Tristin: ((Yeah, but technicly I never did that))
** (9) Tony is sitting in his chair **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you see Robin's spell and now you think you can replicate it if you knew how she casted it
** (9) Tony scratches his chin, "didn't I already go to bed tonight? Deja vu." **
** (5) Eve yawns and settles onto the bed then realizes there are more people now.. sighs **
(20) Tristin: ((Oh yeah, everyone gets Deja Vu))
** (7) Robin leans back in the chair, letting he hands fall to her lap with an uneasy look on her face. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, when Robin uses Space and Mind spells you can easily link them. You can at least recognize that it is the same spell. Like different figures, you perceive them in a way you can distinguish, unlike spells by other arcana, which you do not recognize
(20) Tristin: ((We back at the Hotel?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo yawns loudly after watching Robin's spell. **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Badass))
(9) Tony: (( yeah )0
** (20) Tristin practicly falls into a coma. **
(5) Eve: 'I suppose tony and dante you can have the bed better only one of us have to sleep in the chair then one on the chair and one... god knows where"
** (9) Tony opwns his eys at Dante's yawn, "oh, right. Where you going ot sleep? I alrady got the chair." **
** (5) Eve moves off the bed **
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo looks around a bit and shrugs, settling for an open space on the floor, just out of the way. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you can tell when Robin used the same spell twice, and learnwhat it does. The missing component is figuring out how to do it. You get a feeling that those books these guys have can be of aid.
** (9) Tony shrugs **
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I'm fine right here."
** (9) Tony gets up and lays on the bed and goes to sleep **
** (5) Eve shrugs **
(5) Eve: "Suit yourself.. wait you speak english?"
** (5) Eve settles into the chair previously tony's **
** (7) Robin sleeps. ZzzZzzz **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The time is 1 a.m. you all are relatively tired, but Tristin is comatose
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo nods once. "It was required in my schooling." **
(9) Tony: (( oh right, he's been up liek forever, and got shot ))
(7) Robin: ((twice))
(20) Tristin: ((Your... mom... got shot?))
(20) Tristin: ((3 times))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Three times a lady ))
** (5) Eve nods and seems ready to say something then dozes off **
(9) Tony: (( so somehow tony managed to get the bed all by his lonesome? seweeeet ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so, tomorrow at Noon you're scheduled for a tour of Castle Roselli. Will they wake up or will they sleep in? That is the question!
** (15) Dante Canavacciuolo stares at the ceiling for some time, pondering about the events taking place, and how he is now bunking with a bunch of strangers. His concerns leave him soon, as he drifts into deep slumber. **
(20) Tristin: "ZZZzzZZzZZZZ"
(5) Eve: thats like.. 11 hours from now.
(9) Tony: (( anyoen remember to set the alarm or ask for a wakeup call? heh ))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Not exactly a dramatic climax. To wake, or not to wake! THAT.. is the question!))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): your dreams consume you and the sound of the clock is lulling your tired minds, occasional squeak of Robin's rat, who was never released
(2) Rat: Squeak!
(5) Eve: ((lol))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Oh lord.. lol))
(7) Robin: ((Nooooooo shifting times!!!!!))
(9) Tony: (( LOL ))
(20) Tristin: ((ROFL))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah this one didnt end in a cliffhanger))
(9) Tony: (( that poor rat! ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((that rat was so mistreated, if u only knew Dante
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I read some of the logs. ))
(9) Tony: (( you said rat and I thought wait, it was released.. lol ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((was left starving for days, and mind washed into thinking its not hungry
(5) Eve: ((it is going to kill us all with popcicle sticks I'm telling you all now))
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Except me. But that's ok.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((alright, we done for the night im pretty sure))
(7) Robin: ((I fed it eventualy))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((exp tiem))
(5) Eve: lol))
(5) Eve: eventually))
(9) Tony: (( box first? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM):
Next time on Mage: Tour Of Castle Roselli. FOR REAL THIS TIME

(20) Tristin: It can be getz xp teimz nao?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): oh god
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Hahahaha, oh wow.))
(5) Eve: pleze
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): today this part will be very difficult
(9) Tony: hmm?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): eve 6xp, tony 6xp dante 5 exp robin 6 exp tristin 4xp for being BAD!
(20) Tristin: :'(
(5) Eve: remember you agreed last time no more rp nods
(7) Robin: aww
(7) Robin: oh yeah
(9) Tony: yah
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): tristin, you can get 1 exp if u give me a fact you learned
(5) Eve: actually I think he should get more for learning form his being stupid?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you're on pro-fucking-bation!
(9) Tony: so I have 11 exp now
(20) Tristin: Guards fire bullets when punched.
(5) Eve: lol
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): no shit
(9) Tony: lol
(5) Eve: just like in the moives
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 5 exp
(5) Eve: *movies
(9) Tony: And he did cast, acceleration
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, Dante, are you feeling the game? enjoying the way it works? getting to know the environment?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): would you like to play again?
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: I'm getting used to it.
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yeah, I think I would.
(5) Eve: YAY!
(20) Tristin: Also learned SWAT responce time is abnormally fast in Rome, and I can get sympathy tfrom fucking everything up then reversing time and being almost dead.
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: That is, if I wasn't too noob for you guys ;)
(5) Eve: after we saved you from jail
(9) Tony: One thing: There are more spells then listed in tehbook. You just have to maket hem up
(9) Tony: you were down 4 hps? dont you hae like 8? so you were only half dead.
(9) Tony: you werent' noob at all
(5) Eve: "He's only mostly dead. Mostly dead is still partly alive. All dead, well then theres only one thing you can do." "Whats that"
(5) Eve: "Go through the pockets and look for loose change"
(9) Tony: You sent him magesheet kk?
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Ya
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, you can make spells up on the fly, i am also willing to make up custom rotes for u guys if u managed to describe in detail concept not covered in the book
(20) Tristin: So for the record...
(20) Tristin: Totally pwned that first cop
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yes u did
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u good at roundhouse kciks
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Technically, you pwned the second one too... at the speed of sound.
(9) Tony: Nope. Records was erased.
(9) Tony: never happened :D
(5) Eve: how about... harming ghosts with magic?
(9) Tony: You gotta be death
(20) Tristin: Not Tristin's mental records.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): a spell that just hurts a ghost?
(9) Tony: yeah, it's death magic
(9) Tony: you d dont' have htat/ I have speicificlaly in spirit
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah apparently there is no rote for hurting the ghost, just for touching it when you're in real world
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): well, you can destroy a ghost with death 5
(5) Eve: Well the current spell at level 3 harms twilight things (does agg to) that aren't moving around ghosts, like buildings and tables.. at 4 I should be able to hurt moving ghosts that used to be people
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, Eve
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): for you, Destroy Ephemera will now work on ghost due to Death 4. Successes = agg damage
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): a rote upgrade basically
(5) Eve: sweet how much does it cost?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 8 exp
(9) Tony: Devouring hte slain
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Holy crap, its been 5 hours without a cigarette... craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave.
(9) Tony: Devouring hte slain not only hurts ghosts but helps you
(5) Eve: yeah but thats 5
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): its not as powerful as devour the slain but more powerful than dot 3 destroy emephemera
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): basically we making it a dot 4 spell
(9) Tony: I tink?
(20) Tristin: More dots more dots more dots Okay stop dots!
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah. if u have destroy emphemera dot 4 and 4 deatj, u can hurt ghosts
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, let's count exp/hp/ mana/wp
(20) Tristin: I'm not sure about my char sheet really..
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin 1 agg, 2 wp, 6 mana, 19 exp
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): wp 2/5
(20) Tristin: I think I'm missing Rotes and a point of gnosis... not positive though
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ur gnosis should be 2, lets see
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yes its 2
(9) Tony: Hmm. yes, not many spells to directly effect a gghosts corpus
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u have 5 rotes
(20) Tristin: I think I bought some thogh
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): nah i dont think so
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you've been casting gnosis lots
(20) Tristin: Shifting sands and Superlative luck... could be wrong, been forever
(9) Tony: spirit 3 is harm corpus
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Let's not forget 'Besiege the Guardian's Face'
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): didnt buy shifting sands yet
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): but u can now
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 8 hp 5/5 wp 7 mana 11 exp
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): sound right?
(20) Tristin: 8 pt per edot of gnosis?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve: 7/7 hp 5/7 wp, 11 mana, 19 exp
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yes Tristin
(7) Robin: yeah
(9) Tony: I hav emyself marked as 8 mana
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin 8 hp, 7/7 wp, 8 mp, 6xp
(20) Tristin: My char sheet says I ha XP then 19ve more
(20) Tristin: Damn laptop
(5) Eve: yes that's right KK
(20) Tristin: More than 19 xp
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok 8 mana Tony
(5) Eve: no 11 xp because I just bought that rote
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u didnt cast the extra heal
(20) Tristin: mine said 21 before I added the 5
(9) Tony: dang, 30 exp need for life 5?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): mine said 14 i added 5
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): and i sent you yours today
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 7/7 hp 5/5wp 11 mana, 24 exp
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Oui.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): k, saving yours, saving Eve's, saving Tony's
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok Tris, not sure whats happening to the sheet on ur end :/
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, does yours look right?
(7) Robin: looks good
(20) Tristin: Looked at last games, yup, it's 19 xp now
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 8 hp, 8 mana 7 wp, 6 exp. saving
(20) Tristin: Read the logs.
(20) Tristin: Will be checking them to make sure everything else is right.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok. any purchases anybody?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): did u want to buy gnosis tris?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u had a good practice today to increase power
(20) Tristin: Don't have enough
(20) Tristin: Need 24 for Gnosis 3
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ah yeah, next game you will
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so sit down son
(20) Tristin: Err wait.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante?
(20) Tristin: Virgil? Homer? Milton?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, oh, one important note. Dante, your motorcycle is still parked at the apartment garage. Nobody opened it
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Mm.. can't think of anything I want to do offhand just yet. Not a lot experienced beyond the prelude.
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Hur hur hur. Hell yes.
(20) Tristin: Dante hasn't seen me fight yet again...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you free next sunday ?
(20) Tristin: :(
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): he has read soem logs
(20) Tristin: I think we are
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): read chapter 1 episode 10 - Tristin knocks out Jones
(20) Tristin: Proabably DnD in the morning.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): for like 9 dmg
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: I might be. Saturday is my next day of for sure.
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yeah, I read some stuffs.
(20) Tristin: Like it was this time.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): god, Tristin is a moron sometimes
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): can't keep his dick in
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): trigger happy asian bastard!
(20) Tristin: I don't use a gun...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): and ironically the only guy who can fix mistakes
(5) Eve: punch happy?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): kick happy
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, cya all next sunday then
(5) Eve: lol
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Perhaps, ya. I dont know yet for sure, KK
(20) Tristin: gn'ight/morning
(9) Tony: Whree you getting norrriisss form?
(20) Tristin: At least I have Chicken
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Inside joke XD
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, well, if u can't do it, let us now in advance and we'll work out schedule
(7) Robin: gg. n'night guys.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): cant believe we played mage after 6 month hiatus
(9) Tony: why noris though?
(9) Tony: who's name is noris?
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: I'll know by tomorrow, Knox.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): chuck norris roundhouse kicks things
(9) Tony: g'night robin
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: Chuck Norris
(20) Tristin: Chuck
(5) Eve: chuck norris kicks things..
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): hard
(9) Tony: meh
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): in the face
(20) Tristin: to teh moon
(15) Dante Canavacciuolo: and beyond
(7) Robin: night night. I'm so glad we finaly got a game in
(20) Tristin: and can burn ants with a magnifying glass
(5) Eve: YAy game!
(20) Tristin: at night
(9) Tony: I had given up