Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.3...
Locating server at 66-233-209-7.anc.clearwire-dns.net:6774...
Game connected!
(3) Kurtis (enter): 22:07
(2) GM Claire (enter): 22:07
(2) GM Claire (exit): 22:07
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(3) Kurtis (enter): 22:07
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(3) Kurtis (enter): 22:07
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Anthony (enter): 22:07
(2) GM Claire (enter): 22:07
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Kurtis...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) GM Claire...
(3) Kurtis: surprise surprise...
(1) Anthony: lol. we manged to get 2 rooms named mage
(3) Kurtis: i know
(1) Anthony: didn't htink we coudl do that
(3) Kurtis: deleting Deicide = downloading Rappelz
(1) Anthony: `1
(1) Anthony: deicide is long gone
(3) Kurtis: where is bloody shawn!
(1) Anthony: I think this is going to be par for the course every week
(1) Anthony: Callh im
(3) Kurtis: he said he is solid for 10
(3) Kurtis: i wonder if he forgot daylight savings time
(3) Kurtis: we dont have Shawn's number
(3) Kurtis: we have Wanderer's
(1) Anthony: That was liek 2 weeks ago
(1) Anthony: rogers, ahh
(3) Kurtis: what's 2 weeks for a stoner?
(1) Anthony: heh
(2) GM Claire: daylight savings time was before the last game everyone attended
(2) GM Claire: I have plans for roger that do not have to include him showing up, however I don't think I can manage another two player game
(1) Anthony: So we wait 15 mins?
** (2) GM Claire nods **
** (2) GM Claire munches sunchips **
(1) Anthony: With shawn I thinkit's going to be like this every week
(1) Anthony: stoners are not known for their promptness
(1) Anthony: and I speak from experience :D
(2) GM Claire: heh
(2) GM Claire: this is the only bonus to purely online RP shards and servers... there are always a few people online you could play with and if they are boring you can go kill things
(1) Anthony: So what we gonna do if they don't show up in 15?
(2) GM Claire: I'm open to suggestions
(2) GM Claire: limited of course to childish things like sending them dogpoo in the mail
(1) Anthony: We can alwasy finish up last sessions buness if no one else shows up,going itno the shadow realm
(1) Anthony: LOL
(2) GM Claire: but I wanna have bunches of people go into ah! shawn
(1) Anthony: Shawn has just signed in :D
(3) Kurtis: he's here
(4) Robin (enter): 22:15
(1) Anthony: `4
(2) GM Claire: woot
(1) Anthony: Yeehaw!~
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Robin...
(1) Anthony: Thank goodness, now Claire doesnt' have to send you a bag of doggiedoo
(3) Kurtis: they were probably setting up computers
(4) Robin: hello
(1) Anthony: Hi :d
** (2) GM Claire still munches sunchips **
(3) Kurtis: see, Shawn DID show up last time, just 20 min late and he DID ask us to let him pass a game due to party
(2) GM Claire: Hello
(3) Kurtis: hi Robin :D
(4) Robin: i thought he asked for both of us :(
(3) Kurtis: Shawn says: Sorry bro, took a nap so we could be up for the game and overslept.
(3) Kurtis: Claire took a nap too :D
(3) Kurtis: but i woke her up
(3) Kurtis: i'm bad
(1) Anthony: Yeah, kurtis was talking to me
(2) GM Claire: with a tuna sandwich sunchips cheese and some drinkage
(4) Robin: mmmmmm
(4) Robin: i want some
(3) Kurtis: oh, so he had to wake up Robin, that's the reason
(1) Anthony: I have 3.75 literes of pepsi(r)
** (2) GM Claire shares her sunchips **
(5) Shawn (Tristin) (enter): 22:17
(1) Anthony: `4
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Konnichiwa.
(1) Anthony: yeehaw
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Shawn (Tristin)...
(4) Robin: yay
(3) Kurtis: hola
(1) Anthony: konnichiwa
(2) GM Claire: hello
(1) Anthony: buenos dias
(3) Kurtis: so as i was saying, we did have a game last game
(3) Kurtis: the log is up
(2) GM Claire: sorta
(3) Kurtis: it was INSANE
(1) Anthony: kinda
(3) Kurtis: roger like... pissed everyone off again
(2) GM Claire: sorta
(5) Tristin: You wouldn't have wanted us playing anyway.
(2) GM Claire: heh
(5) Tristin: We were drunk as hell.
(3) Kurtis: well, what happened is...
(3) Kurtis: err...
(4) Robin: i drove :)
(3) Kurtis: you'll find out ingame i guess
(3) Kurtis: if u want to know details, read teh log
(5) Tristin: How long has passed?
(1) Anthony: who is our space mage anwyay? We got one other htan me with my 1 dot?
(3) Kurtis: but it looks like Roger is walking out the door of the cabal, and we have no more vampire debt, so Tristin can keep teh money
(1) Anthony: Not much, a few hours
(3) Kurtis: how long? about 3 hours. you guys are sleeping
(2) GM Claire: robin has like 4...
(3) Kurtis: oh yes about that, we did some reading with Claire and realised Robin's teleportation spell is a personal teleportation. She can't teleport others.
(1) Anthony: I made roger kill a rabbit XD
(3) Kurtis: not without space 5
(5) Tristin: Kill the Wabbit!
(4) Robin: aww :(
(2) GM Claire: but she can make portals which do nearly the same thing
(3) Kurtis: i wonder if it matters if the target is willing or unwilling
(1) Anthony: Yes kurits
(3) Kurtis: portals just take a bit longer, right?
(1) Anthony: usually rolled against soemthing
(4) Robin: it a pain to cast portals :/
(1) Anthony: portals take longre, yeah
(4) Robin: like 4 sucesses i think?
(3) Kurtis: i guess if you casted a portal under someone's feet, that would be the same thing as teleporting them
(1) Anthony: extemdeds[e;;s
(1) Anthony: extended spells
(2) GM Claire: mmhmm
(3) Kurtis: so like Roger is KOS :D jk
(1) Anthony: gives you something to look forward too. levelig up space :D
(2) GM Claire: & something like 5 minutes per roll if I recall
(1) Anthony: naw, he's not KOS, Tony is just pissed at him
(1) Anthony: cussing at me...
(5) Tristin: Kiss on Socks?
(2) GM Claire: ....
(5) Tristin: hehe
** (2) GM Claire gives tristin a cookie **
(1) Anthony: He didnt' suspect I had an uberbunnie wating in the wings
(5) Tristin: *Nom nom nom*
(2) GM Claire: uber bunny *snicker*
(1) Anthony: So, anyway, Kurtis and Tony pretty much just came back then and Kassidy is done burning the zeds
(1) Anthony: roger could of jsut disintigrated them :/
(1) Anthony: Robin has space?
(5) Tristin: Or reanimated
(4) Robin: yeah
(1) Anthony: So the blood will come in real handy then
** (2) GM Claire fights with a plastic box with new earphones in it **
** (2) GM Claire gives up and makes K open it **
(1) Anthony: Don't fight the plastic! You'll kill yourself!~
(1) Anthony: Gotta use a knife or scissors with those plastic coffins
** (2) GM Claire uses K **
(5) Tristin: ((let me get my laptop to grab some figures from previous games, I'm back on the desktop))
(1) Anthony: Well, Russians are a 3rd choice I guess.
(2) GM Claire: mmhmm
(2) GM Claire: and he has sissors
(2) GM Claire: :)
(1) Anthony: Russian with Scizssors.
(1) Anthony: rushing with scissors
** (3) Kurtis OPENS THE BOX **
(3) Kurtis: Robin should really study Mind. That's her best aggro power
(1) Anthony:
Did someone say box?

(1) Anthony: Just like tony's rpobably, what good would mind of done against a zed?
(1) Anthony: test
(1) Anthony: test

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(3) Kurtis: test
(5) Tristin: FAIL!
(3) Kurtis: Mind is like.... demons and nightmares
(5) Tristin: Both of you
(1) Anthony:

(5) Tristin: Fail your tests.
(1) Anthony:

(1) Anthony:

(3) Kurtis: she could make people believe anything and counter illusions, or create them
(3) Kurtis: Jones has mind. The only mind defense we got is a stoner girl
(4) Robin: i dont like nightmares :(
(3) Kurtis: then protect us from them
(3) Kurtis: you can make good dreams too
(1) Anthony: yes, but then neither does jones, that's the point :d
(3) Kurtis: you could like, make people believe anything. that theyre thirsty, or sleepy, when they're not
(1) Anthony: at higher levels you can take them over completly
(1) Anthony: have a mind slave
(3) Kurtis: or more evil, when someone is tired, you can persuade them that they are not tired, to keep running, until their body destroys itself
(1) Anthony: I know that mind 5 is required a lot ot make things that think on their own
(2) GM Claire: mmhmm
(3) Kurtis: ya, you can make someone shoot themselves :D
(3) Kurtis: Legato Bluesummers, for anyone who knows Trigun
(1) Anthony: either animals (with life) or phantasmas (with prime) or maybe robots? (with matter)
(2) GM Claire: mind, life, and death are required to create a fully realized being with a soul
(1) Anthony: Also, you cna split your mind into two and think two tihings at once
(4) Robin: i think ill master space so i can teleport like i thought i could
(1) Anthony: wioth spirit 5 I can create a spirit though
(3) Kurtis: you already can, just not others
(1) Anthony: yeah, most arcana need to be 5 when you can do just about anything
(2) GM Claire: yes but a spirit is not the same as a soul
(1) Anthony: true
(1) Anthony: can death 5 create a soul?
(2) GM Claire: yes
(2) GM Claire: or you could use lesser death and just steal one
(3) Kurtis: i know why the confusion happened with teleportation. Robin experienced a spike of energy during her awakening, like we all did, and teleported Tristin and herself, and thought she can always do that on her own
(1) Anthony: so if someone gets their soul taken and you have a souless body, death 5 could make a new one and put it in the body?
(2) GM Claire: yup
(1) Anthony: well, I'm gong to go smoke a cig before the box
(1) Anthony: be about.. 2 minutes
(3) Kurtis: k
** (3) Kurtis prepares teh Box **
(2) GM Claire: aye and I will go be a girl in the girlsroom
(5) Tristin: Takes us longer to smoke one... you like, eat that thing don't you?
(4) Robin: yummmy.
(5) Tristin: it's the paper that tastes good... OO, and the filter, where they put the Heroine.
(3) Kurtis: lol
(3) Kurtis: you dont know the man's lung size
(3) Kurtis: he smokes like 1/3 of the thing in one inhale
(3) Kurtis: Serp could crush me with one hand
(5) Tristin: Shit..
(3) Kurtis: he isnt fat, he's just very muscular
(5) Tristin: I'm fat.
(3) Kurtis: i bet
(4) Robin: haha
(3) Kurtis: you weight as much as my leg
(5) Tristin: *nod*
(5) Tristin: LOL
(4) Robin: hahahahahahahaha
(4) Robin: thats true
(3) Kurtis: correction: after i starve for a month
(5) Tristin: Bet I could kick your ass.
(5) Tristin: Mr. USSR
(3) Kurtis: and i bet you'd break your foot doing it
(1) Anthony: back
(3) Kurtis: i've got buns of steel
(5) Tristin: Possibly, I have a really bad ankle
** (3) Kurtis looks to GM for confirmation **
(2) GM Claire: and then run away really fast before he kicked it back...
(5) Tristin: Broke it falling off a moving car.
(3) Kurtis: that i tossed
(2) GM Claire: *snickers*
(3) Kurtis: the car was moving at 3 mph
(1) Anthony: what time is it that the game is resuming? game time
(2) GM Claire: after ya both have slept after the vampire thingy
(5) Tristin: The guy in the car said 40... looked more like 30 to me though.
(3) Kurtis:
Mage The Awakening: Gates to Atlantis - Episode 8

(3) Kurtis: ((nyah))
(1) Anthony: (( so it's morning? ))
(5) Tristin: ((How much time has passed since the zeds?))
(1) Anthony: (( mah, I"ll jsut wait for scene ))
(2) GM Claire: depending on when you wake up it could have only been like 8 hours, though I don't suspect anyone will be waking up at 8 am
(1) Anthony: (( that sounds omnious ))
(2) GM Claire: well... you and Kurt were out until at least 3 am... and we all know Robin and Tristin are not early rises..
(1) Anthony: (( Yeah, tony will sleep til noon, or until woken up ))
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (3) Kurtis...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Kurtis...
(1) Anthony: (( everyone waiting on everyone else? XD ))
(3) Kurtis: ((cant add miniatures...))
(5) Tristin: ((Um... maybe))
(4) Robin: ((pizza))
(2) GM Claire: I will say this much, first person to wake up will find coffee made, and a note from the NPC's stating they are out on the property repairing and re-enforcing damaged stuff
(3) Kurtis: ((as we had it, Roger drove away on his ATV, naked. And he turned Anthony's gasoline to coca cola, and Kurtis told Anthony about it, as they all moved into the house))
(2) GM Claire: he wasn't naked
(3) Kurtis: ((and then we all went to bed in our respective directions))
(1) Anthony: (( I thought he was naked ))
(1) Anthony: (( he claimed to be on the phone ))
(2) GM Claire: he made himself cloths roughly made but wearable
** (1) Anthony wakes up and stretches **
(2) GM Claire: if he had been naked i would have died
** (1) Anthony looks at hsi watch and sees that it had broken sometime last day and sighs **
(1) Anthony: muttering - gnosis 1 + time 1 + power word 2 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,2,5] = (0)
** (1) Anthony tries to use his power of time to find out what time it is, and has no clue so gets out of bed and heads to the shower **
(2) GM Claire: (you totally think its last thrusday hehe))
(5) Tristin: ((lol))
** (1) Anthony tries temporal eddies again while taking a shower **
(1) Anthony: muttering - gnosis 1 + time 1 + power word 2 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,1,9] = (2)
** (3) Kurtis sneaks out of the room, looking around, smiling wide and cheerfully looking out the window into the sun. Today is the happiest morning in his life, the air is fresher, and the water in the sink seems sweet, and the annoying chirping of birds is actually pleasant... he puts his pants on, scratches his shaped up belly, and walks to the porch to finally meditate **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. twelve fifteen, no one woke me up. good."
(2) GM Claire: you know the approximate time to be 11:04 am
(2) GM Claire: or 12:14 yeah
(2) GM Claire: :)
(1) Anthony: (( exact time 12:14:32.323 ))
(2) GM Claire: ((yeah))
** (1) Anthony finishes his shower and heads downstairs looking for anyone else awake as he heads for the coffee pot, the smell drifting up the stairway waking him up **
** (1) Anthony looks at the note taped to the coffee machine and nods, and makes himself a cup of black coffee and brings it out to the porch whre he almost tripps over Kurtis, tip toes around and sits on the edge of the porch looking at the forest **
(1) Anthony: (( zomg, have I been pandified again? ))
(2) GM Claire: None of the NPC's are home so y'all do your own interacting. If you look around, you will notice the daily activities have been done, sick animals fed, coffee as i mentioned made, even some left over breakfest type stuffs in the fridge, eggs, toast, some bacon, fruit cut up.
(4) Robin: ((panda power!))
** (1) Anthony sits and thinks, Hmm.. with higher life, I think I could turn myself into a woman... then I woudl take a shower for a week... **
(2) GM Claire: ((I think you might be able to do it now.. but would have to check to make sure))
** (1) Anthony thinks about gathering mana, but realizes he is full to capacity so doesn't even try, just enjoys the morning **
** (1) Anthony thinks about the trip wires he had placed between the trees and sighs, stands up and heads to where the wires were to fix them **
** (4) Robin yawns and sits usp in bed **
** (1) Anthony mucks around the forest removing the barbred wire and repairing any trees hurt in the combat Dang, another bullet hole **
** (4) Robin rubbing her eyes she heads to the shower. **
(1) Anthony: Good morning Uchawi
** (3) Kurtis walks around the property, barefoot, bare torso, just enjoying the air, and lays on the ground, disregarding his nice trousers being covered in dirt and grass **
(3) Kurtis: "So nice... life is good."
(1) Anthony: (( hmm.. I wonder how tree spirits are.. ))
(3) Kurtis: "Anthony, need any help with those things?"
** (5) Tristin stumbles up, head all groggy, joint in his hand half smoked **
** (3) Kurtis helps without waiting for an answer **
** (5) Tristin rubs his eyes and pokes himself with said joint. **
** (5) Tristin groans and tucks it into his pocket **
** (3) Kurtis helps Tony inspect and remove traps, and after he is done, he walks into the house and takes his book **
(5) Tristin: "Let's not fall asleep like that again"
** (3) Kurtis flips the pages to the chapter of Prime **
(3) Kurtis: "Oh yes, good morning by the way, Tristin."
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: Good morning Anthony
** (4) Robin dries and dresses. then heads down stairs. **
(1) Anthony: Muttering - Spirit Tongue (C)(1) Gnosis(1)+Spirit(3) + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,[10, 6],7,7,5] = (1)
** (5) Tristin looks around for the voice in his room, then realizes it's Kurt. **
** (1) Anthony looks around for a tree spirit to converse with **
(5) Tristin: "Damn... ventriliqusim..."
** (5) Tristin opens the door and heads to the kitchen for some coffee. **
(3) Kurtis: "Noooo... not at all, mister. Just in case you were concerned, we can keep our casino money. Tony and I handled it. In fact, even better than expected."
** (1) Anthony notices that Kurtis is talking to him, "What? Oh, yes, there's some wire over there that needs to be removed" tony points to his right **
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: There are a number of tree spirits with which you might converse, mostly pine
(5) Tristin: " 'Handled it?' "
** (4) Robin passes out on the comfortble sofa. **
(1) Anthony: (( with spirit tonge I can see spirits and ghosts, altough ghosts are a bit hazy. I've always wondered how that is different than mage sight spirit ))
(3) Kurtis: "Well we went to see that sexy vampire chick, and she turned out to be the manager, and told us to consider this money payment... an investment into... guess what?"
** (1) Anthony heads to one of hte pine trees that Uchawi indicates **
(4) Robin: ((sweet sofa))
(3) Kurtis: "Getting rid of mister Jones."
** (1) Anthony looks for the pine tree spirit **
(2) Pine Tree: Good....after....noon....
** (3) Kurtis walks past Tristin to the middle of the kitchen, towards the sofa **
(3) Kurtis: "See, she told us we can keep the money, and in fact ask for more, as long as we get Jones off their neck."
(1) Anthony: "Good afternoon tree. I was thinking, if I were to turn some of your roots into legs, so you could walk around, could you?"
(3) Kurtis: "He seems to have enemies not only among mages."
(2) Pine Tree: If...my...roots...were...legs...I...would...not...be...here...
(1) Anthony: "Where would you be?"
(2) Pine Tree: Aspen
(5) Tristin: "Hmm, I don't think I'm quite ready to be fighting an experienced mage though..."
(3) Kurtis: "The bad news is we have to be careful with magic when it comes to vampires. They have this Prince who has diplomatic relationships with the mage council, which is like... something we all eventually are subordinate to, or something like that."
** (1) Anthony smiles **
(1) Anthony: "I guess even tree spirits have heard of aspen. Unfortunately, I couldn't give you legs for that long. An hour or two."
(1) Anthony: "Did you see the battle here last night? What did you think of it? Those zombies were something, weren't they?"
(3) Kurtis: "Well, this time we have an advantage, Tristin."
(5) Tristin: "What's that?"
(1) Anthony: "I somewhat fear, however, that if I turned some of your roots into legs you'd fall over."
** (3) Kurtis points at napping Robin **
(2) Pine Tree: Zombies...are...unnatural...they...are...not..part...of...the...circle...of...life...they...only...destroy
(3) Kurtis: "Her."
** (1) Anthony nods, "yes, that is true. Which is why we had to destroy them." **
(5) Tristin: "Cute sleeping ain't she?"
(5) Tristin: "But I mean, I don't think Jones will care..."
(3) Kurtis: "Cute... A right word. She has a lot to learn still. The vampires gave us some of Mister Jones's blood. Robin can establish a link to him very easy."
(1) Anthony: "I was thinking of maybe trying to get some of the trees to help us next time, but am not sure how helpful that would be. One thing, if I gave a number of your legs maybe you could walk close together and block their path."
(3) Kurtis: "Robin, wake up!"
(4) Robin: "bahh"
** (3) Kurtis puts a shirt on **
** (5) Tristin snickers **
(1) Anthony: (( I'm thinking, maybe instead of legs or feet, making their roots animate, but I can give something hte traits of something else.... not sure what else would be like that."
(1) Anthony: ))
** (4) Robin sits up reaches into her pocket and pulls out someleft over healing potion. takes a swig. **
(3) Kurtis: "You, miss, have to start treating yourself as a mage, and quit sleeping. Have you been studying your book? You have a lot of work to do if you want to live."
(2) Pine Tree: Trees...with...legs...would...be...slow
(1) Anthony: "I know that your roots move, however slowly by my time frame. I wonder if I can speed them up" (( or would that take time? ))
** (1) Anthony nods, "Yes, it would." **
(4) Robin: "do you think healing potion cures head aches?"
(5) Tristin: "Study?"
(3) Kurtis: "What? You drank a healing potion?!"
(1) Anthony: (( hmm.. could I turn their roots into wooden tentacles? lol ))
(4) Robin: "just a swig"
(2) Pine Tree: ((heheh))
(3) Kurtis: "You spent something that can remedy a broken leg to remove a head ache you gained from weed?"
(4) Robin: "uhh...yeah."
** (5) Tristin chuckles **
** (1) Anthony looks at some of the trees branches, "Maybe I could turn some of your brances into tentacles. Would you like to try that?" **
(4) Robin: "but im feeling much better now. so, its all good."
(2) Pine Tree: If...my...branches...were...tentacles...I....could...move...them...to...get...more...sun....on...my...leaves.
(3) Kurtis: "That's it. if I were your mother, I'd say "enough, there is no smoking anymore in this house"...
(4) Robin: "id move out."
(3) Kurtis: "But I'm not. So, I'll just say, we have an insane enemy to face, so keep your body and mind in top condition, at its peek."
(3) Kurtis: "If you move out, you join Roger. I'd love to see how long he lasts."
(1) Anthony: (( hmmm.. transfer base features is instant ))
(2) Pine Tree: ((indeed)
(3) Kurtis: "Anyway... Robin, did you learn more about sympathetic connections?"
** (3) Kurtis kneels near Robin **
(5) Tristin: ((He's doing fine... walking the streets, disintergrateing coke bottles...))
** (1) Anthony puts his hand on the trunk of hte tree and concentrates into turning it's branches into tentacles **
(3) Kurtis: ((stomping rabbits))
(4) Robin: "hairs better than other things"
(2) Pine Tree: (dating suicidal ghosts))
(3) Kurtis: "we have the bad guy's blood."
(3) Kurtis: "Tony has a flask of it. That should be really good, one of the best possible connections."
(5) Tristin: "Gonna drink it?"
(1) Anthony: muttering - Transfer Base Features (2) (v) gnosis 1 + life 3 + Powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,6,6,2,7] = (0)
** (3) Kurtis glares at Tristin **
(3) Kurtis: "Fuck no!"
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. that didn't quite work. Let me concentrate harder."
(1) Anthony: muttering - Transfer Base Features (2) (v) gnosis 1 + life 3 + Powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,4,7,8,1] = (2)
(4) Robin: "uh, i might sniff it."
(5) Tristin: "Sissy"
(3) Kurtis: "You do it"
(3) Kurtis: "Drink some 200 year old guy's yucky blood"
(1) Anthony: (( according to manual pp184 it woudl give the tree the features of another animal, not sure how the size matters ))
(5) Tristin: "I'm good, I just thought all that talking with vampires.."
(3) Kurtis: "He had sex with vampires. Probably has some kind of undead gonorhea"
(4) Robin: "ugh.maybe i wont even give it a sniff."
** (2) Pine Tree begins to move it's branches like tenticles (you can convert some sucesses to changing size if you wish but they would naturally be about the size they are in nature, giant squids have large tenticles about branch size so you are good.)) **
(3) Kurtis: "By the way, you know, in that casino, i met... well, saw this amazing girl, the lounge singer... Lisa Todd... she... with my prime sight, i saw she was glowing with magic like a christmas tree, like, made of magic, she was amazing."
(1) Anthony: "How does that feel Mister Pine?"
(1) Anthony: "Or Misses. I guess you are both."
(1) Anthony: "Can you reach down to the ground now?"
(4) Robin: "did you say hello?"
(5) Tristin: "You think every woman glows with magic.."
(2) Pine Tree: Both...yes... moving...branches...is... good...can... get...lots...of...sun... here...take...this...it...is...not...mine....
** (2) Pine Tree reaches a limb down showing you Fluffy **
(3) Kurtis: "Yeah, gave her a number, but she never..... c-c...." - has a face of shock on his face and suddenly pauses, shivering and standing back up - "called..."
(3) Kurtis: ((-face))
(3) Kurtis: ((look of shock))
(4) Robin: "aw. poor kurt."
** (3) Kurtis realizes whose voice he heard on the phone **
(1) Anthony: "Fluffy! What were you doing up there!" Tony takes the cat from the trees .. branches
(3) Kurtis: "Trippy... but if it wasn't Kassidy... nevermind."
(3) Kurtis: "Robin, you will need to make sure you can hold a stable connection to Jones through his blood."
(1) Anthony: muttering Commune with Median Life(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(3) + powerword 2 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,2,2,7,3,5,8] = (2)
(2) Cat!: meow
(3) Kurtis: "Did you try working with Mind powers yet?"
(2) Cat!: chasing squrrels
(1) Anthony: "What were you doing up in that tree Omnipotent fluffy! Hope it didn't give you a scare when it started ot mvoe."
(4) Robin: not much
(4) Robin: "space is more fun."
** (1) Anthony looks up at the branches and realizes that indeed it can reach to the ground. Could come in handy." **
(4) Robin: "say, if youve got a bottle of his blood why didnt you just kill him?"
(3) Kurtis: "Really? You realize you could make anyone you wish hand you all their money, dance polka naked, and forget it ever happened?"
(1) Anthony: "Well, mister pine, in about an hour or so your branches will go back to normal so you might want to make sure you hav ehtem in a good positon to catch the sun when it wares off."
** (1) Anthony waves to the tree and heads to the cabin carrying Fluffy **
(2) Cat!: moew - Squrriels are fast
** (3) Kurtis looks out the window **
(4) Robin: "can you make a zombie smash into another zombie killing them both and decide to focuse on mind instead of space? naw."
(3) Kurtis: "What freash hell is that..."
** (3) Kurtis turns back to Robin **
(1) Anthony: "yeah, they're fast, they have to be to keep away from you Fluffy."
(3) Kurtis: "Your choice, you're right. But as for me, I think I got a pretty good grasp on forces, so now I will study prime. One thing I am interested in highly is counterspell. Dispelling people's magic... targeted at us."
(4) Robin: "sounds good."
(3) Kurtis: "Now, reason we can't kill Jones is because only a mage of Space can work with sympathetic connections"
(3) Kurtis: "In our group, that is ... you."
(2) Cat!: I like squrriels they taste better than zombies
(1) Anthony: "Good morning Kurtis, Robin, Look who I found up in the tree."
(5) Tristin: "I can see space..."
(2) Cat!: Meow
(1) Anthony: "I bet they do. You said zombies tasted like old shoes."
** (5) Tristin turns to Anthony. **
(2) Cat!: Meow - They do
(5) Tristin: "Good morning Anthony.."
(4) Robin: "goodmorning tony and kitty."
(3) Kurtis: "You can tell us everything about him. Where he is, what he looks like, what he likes, how he behaves, and how to get to him, even open a portal. But the moment you try, he will see you back. That's why you have to study how to avoid detection."
(1) Anthony: "And just how many old shoes have you eaten?"
(2) Cat!: meow- Not that I eat a lot of old shoes... but I knew this pomeranian once who told me all about them.
(3) Kurtis: "Hey Tony. I got all the traps I think. Did you just make a walking tree?"
(1) Anthony: "So zombies taste like how you imagine old shoes to taste then?"
(2) Cat!: Meow- correct
(1) Anthony: "No, it would probably fall over and walk slow. I just turned it's brances into tentacles. I think that might come in handy sometime. They'll go back to normal in about an hour."
(4) Robin: "ive been studying incognito."
(1) Anthony: "If I let it walk it would of taken off for aspen anyway."
** (2) Cat! twitches around to be let go **
** (1) Anthony sets Fluffy on the floor **
** (2) Cat! scampers off **
(4) Robin: "jones may think im a sleeper."
(1) Anthony: "So what are we talking about? Space? Oh yeah, we got some of Mister Jones blood. Should help in scrying and such."
(4) Robin: "but ive never really tried it out."
** (5) Tristin tries to grab Not Winkles as he passes by **
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (3) Kurtis...
(4) Robin: "yeah, it should be a good tool."
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Kurtis...
(1) Anthony: "We can scry on him.. but he would probably know he is being scried on, unless you mask it somehow."
(3) Kurtis: "I have been studying suppressing auras and unseen spy spell, it... kind of masks you when you're studying or working with someone's magic."
** (3) Kurtis points in the book **
(1) Anthony: "Most of my magic is so vulgar that I haven't studied up on how to mask spells yet."
(3) Kurtis: "I think I can do it for you... or maybe only for myself... I know how to, for myself..."
(3) Kurtis: "One thing I want to try that seems to be vital is counterspell."
(4) Robin: "im not sure incognito would be good for scrying, though."
(1) Anthony: "Counterspell, I think I wsa reading about that.. and something else... disspell?"
(3) Kurtis: "I need a volunteer."
** (2) Cat! licks paw sitting on a christmas box containing tristin.... I mean on the counter **
(1) Anthony: "Volunteer for what Kurtis? I'll volunteer."
(3) Kurtis: "to cast something on me, so i can counter it..."
** (3) Kurtis mumbles from the book **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. "
(1) Anthony: "cast something on you... let me thingk..."
(3) Kurtis: "channel your focus against the components of an incoming spell..."
(1) Anthony: (( can't do humans til rank 4 I think ))
(3) Kurtis: "what the hell does it mean even..."
(2) Cat!: Meow - Turn him into a mouse!
(2) Cat!: ((not til 4 no.. except healing and shields)
(3) Kurtis: "I'll try to undo the lines of mana I see when someone casts."
** (5) Tristin scoops him off the counter. "Hey there Fluffy." **
(1) Anthony: I can try to give you second sight
(2) Cat!: Meow
(1) Anthony: "That a spirit spell."
(3) Kurtis: ((buying counterspell rote. 2 dot spell. rotes are 2 per dot right?))
** (1) Anthony smiles at fluffy, "Fluffy wants me to turn you into a mouse, can't do htat yet htough " **
** (5) Tristin looks into the cats eyes **
(5) Tristin: What have you seen kitty?
(2) Cat!: Meow
(5) Tristin: ((Post cognition Time (3) + Gnosis (2) ))
(1) Anthony: (( note, If the target is unwilling, he may resist with a reflexive contested Resolve ))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,5,[10, 4],8] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( so you can both take it as contested, and try to counterspell it. don't get hte two confused :D ))
** (1) Anthony mutters and casts SEcond Sight on Kurtis gnosis 1 + spirit3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,2,[10, 3],6,7] = (2) **
(5) Tristin: ((I just want to see anything of importance that the cat has witnessed))
** (3) Kurtis concetrates on the spell incoming from Anthony towards himself and clenches his teeth, extending his hand towards it, protectively **
(2) Cat!: 2 dots per level yes
(1) Anthony: (( wow, fluffy is omniscient too! ))
(5) Tristin: "Hmm... not quite what I was looking for... mind if I try that again kitty? Didn't hurt did it?"
(3) Kurtis: Counterspell Prime = Composure 4 + Occult 1 + Prime 2 = 7
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 1],5,3,7,[10, 9],8] = (4)
(1) Anthony: (( 4 > 2 so it is counterspelled I think ))
** (1) Anthony 's eyes go wide as he casts... "Hey, you .. broke it!" **
** (3) Kurtis feels nothing, but sees the spell flow dissolve at his hand's gesture **
(1) Anthony: (( it was 5 successes too ))
(3) Kurtis: "Hey, it worked!"
(3) Kurtis: "That was actually... kinda easy. What did you cast? Something Life, right?"
(1) Anthony: "Can you disspell it? This time let me cast it on you, and then you try to get rid of it."
(1) Anthony: "It was spirit actually."
** (1) Anthony mutters and casts SEcond Sight on Kurtis gnosis 1 + spirit3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,2,5,6,2] = (0) **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. nto qute right. Now you have me flusstered. let me try again."
** (1) Anthony mutters and casts SEcond Sight on Kurtis gnosis 1 + spirit3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,5,[10, 5],4,3] = (1) **
(1) Anthony: (( you have second sight (spirit mage sight) up with a power of 1 ))
** (3) Kurtis catches an acid trip of spirit sight **
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin has a very bad spirit."
(1) Anthony: (( we have any spirits wandering around the hollow? ))
(3) Kurtis: "Very dark inside. Very evil. Gives me chills."
(3) Kurtis: "In fact, stay away from him! He likes to torture kittens."
** (5) Tristin snaps out of a trance, realizeing he is stareing at the cat... sets him down gently **
** (3) Kurtis laughs **
(5) Tristin: "Woa.... sorry Fluffy..."
(3) Kurtis: "Just messing with you. it was the cat"
(2) Cat!: meow
** (3) Kurtis feels the spell's flow wrapping him stronger and stronger, and clasping behind him, hardening **
(3) Kurtis: "Once the spell is weaved, I cannot counterspell it."
(1) Anthony: "No, but according tot he book you can disspell it."
** (3) Kurtis bangs with his fist on the air **
(1) Anthony: "That is, break the spell that has been cast."
(2) Cat!: ((no spirits Inside the house no))
(1) Anthony: "Not sure how to do it though, casue I don't know prime."
(5) Tristin: ((Kitty will freak out))
(1) Anthony: 'Just concentrate on trying to unravel the spell I guess."
(3) Kurtis: "Hmmm... a mage needs to possess at least some knowledge of the arcanum involved in the spell, unless he uses a high level dispellation."
(1) Anthony: (( You sure? ))
(3) Kurtis: "I keep banging, but it's the wrong key... I can't break it. The symbolics on this stream is like the one on your hand."
(2) Cat!: ((yup))
(3) Kurtis: "Maybe I can do it with the supernal dispellation..."
** (3) Kurtis focuses and puts both hands to the spell, cringes, his cheeks go red with tension, and his teeth grind, and his eyes flash blue with electricity, but all he manages to do is set his hands on fire again **
(1) Anthony: (( oh yes, you have to have at least 1 dot or have prime 4 ))
(3) Kurtis: "No good. Not enough energy..."
(1) Anthony: "Umm.. your hands are burning."
** (2) Cat! wanders off and down into the lab **
(3) Kurtis: "Oh! Damn..." - blow on the hands, extinguishing them
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin, you wanna try?"
(1) Anthony: "Okay, you can counterspell a spell you have no arcana in, but not dispell it? Strange."
(5) Tristin: "Try what?" *still seems a bit with the cat in his head*
(1) Anthony: (( oh, same for counterspell, you couldn't of counterspelled it iether ))
(3) Kurtis: "Yeah, there is a time period between the spell coming out of your aura and locking on the target"
(3) Kurtis: "Try casting a spell on me. Something malevolent... Try... well I don't know. "
(1) Anthony: (( er, no ))
(1) Anthony: (( Oh, ANYONE can counterspell! ))
(3) Kurtis: ((if they have at least one dot in arcana, yes.))
(1) Anthony: (( prime can counterspell from any arcana, but other mages just need the aracana of hte cast arcana ))
(3) Kurtis: ((but counterspell Prime counterspells all))
(5) Tristin: What sould I cast?
(5) Tristin: I don't have anything that hurts people..
(1) Anthony: (( did you have mage sight up kurtis? without prime sight up you couldn'tof seen the spell ))
(3) Kurtis: "Ummm... accelerate yourself and... slap me or something."
(4) Robin: "haha"
(5) Tristin: "Alright..."
(3) Kurtis: ((yes, have forces and prime sight up every morning))
(3) Kurtis: ((in battle, drop forces usually))
(5) Tristin: Acceleration Time (3) + Ath (2) + Stam (2)
(3) Kurtis: ((because of shields))
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,8,2,7,9,1] = (3)
(3) Kurtis: Counterspell Prime = Composure 4 + Occult 1 + Prime 2 = 7
(2) GM Claire: 3x normal speed
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,3,6,1,9,7] = (1)
(2) GM Claire: not enough sucesses proceed with slapping :D
** (5) Tristin dashes at Kurtis and gives him a good slap **
** (3) Kurtis extends a hand towards Tristin and tries to break the Time spell he casts **
(5) Tristin: (Brawl (3) + str (3) + 1 Kung Fu)
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],6,2,8,[10, 8],1,7] = (3)
(5) Tristin: 4
(2) GM Claire: *snicker*
** (3) Kurtis stands there with the hand extended as time slows down for Tristin.... out of nowhere, slap! "uh?!" **
(2) GM Claire: owie
(5) Tristin: "Did it work?"
** (4) Robin giggles **
** (3) Kurtis staggers away from the blow, looking around with fiery eyes **
(1) Anthony: (( I can spend one mana and keep life sight up all day, correct? ))
(5) Tristin: "You told me to man..."
(3) Kurtis: "uuu? Wow... didn't work..."
(2) GM Claire: ((yes))
(3) Kurtis: ((the potency of that blow was 4 bashing lol. Does he have to use all of it? He like blew my teeth out))
(2) GM Claire: what's your stamina?
(1) Anthony: muttering - Pulse of the Living World(1) Wits(3)+Medicine(3)+Life(3)+powerword(2) + mana [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,2,8,7,4,4,4,8,[10, 2],2] = (4)
(1) Anthony: (( whom? ))
(2) GM Claire: Kurtis... because if Tristin wishes to use all the sucesses for damage.. he would have knocked Kurt out if he hit for double his stam
(3) Kurtis: ((mine is 2))
(3) Kurtis: ((oh wait, he didnt subtract my defense though))
(1) Anthony: (( and it wsa 4 susccesses ))
(3) Kurtis: ((i have 3 defense))
(5) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,2,[10, 9]] = (2)
(2) GM Claire: still painful
(3) Kurtis: very
(1) Anthony: "Oooh, this looks like fun. Can I slap him next?"
(3) Kurtis: ((doesnt really matter, it's for dramatic purpose of training))
(5) Tristin: ((Still leathal when I'm accelerated?))
(2) GM Claire: mmhmm
(3) Kurtis: ((jesus))
** (3) Kurtis flies sent in direction of the hit **
** (5) Tristin dashes into the kitchen and quickly pours himself and Robin cups of coffee. **
** (5) Tristin dashes back, handing a cup to Robin. **
(4) Robin: "kurt, you want a swig of this?"
** (3) Kurtis waves a finger in the air looking for Anthony **
** (4) Robin holds out healing portion **
(5) Tristin: ((potion*))
** (4) Robin takes coffe from tristin. **
(4) Robin: "thankyou."
** (3) Kurtis tries to shake the feeling off **
(5) Tristin: me nods
** (5) Tristin nods ** **
(1) Anthony: "Let me try."
(3) Kurtis: "Heal.... please..."
(1) Anthony: str 3 + brawl 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 5],3,1,2,6] = (1) and tony swings with his...flipper
(1) Anthony: (( dang, missed ))
(2) GM Claire: ((no you didn't)
(3) Kurtis: ((didnt subtract my defense again)))
(1) Anthony: (( what's your def? 3? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((3))
(2) GM Claire: ((reroll you have to -defense))
(1) Anthony: str 3 + brawl 2 - 3 [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6] = (1) and tony swings with his...flipper
** (1) Anthony makes seal sounds **
(3) Kurtis: "Okay okay! Gah!"
(2) GM Claire: Kurtis is slapped by a flipper
** (3) Kurtis covers his head **
(5) Tristin: "Poor Kurt..."
(3) Kurtis: "What have we learned... counterspelling a spell flying at me is easier than one wrapping around someone else."
(5) Tristin: Can I slap him again?
** (3) Kurtis stands up **
(3) Kurtis: "This is important for us to make work. What if there is a spell flying at one of you and I need to cancel it?"
(3) Kurtis: "Tony, Tristin, cast someone on each other."
** (1) Anthony relesaes his flipper, tounches kurtis on the side of hte head nad muttering casts healing heart - gnosis 1 + life 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,9,1,8,6] = (2) **
(1) Anthony: (( 2 bashing healed ))
** (3) Kurtis gets ready weaving a counterspell in his hand, as he feels pleasant tickling of Tony's healing **
(2) GM Claire: ((he has lethal on him and 1 bashing))
(1) Anthony: (( don't think I can do lethal let, le tme check ))
(3) Kurtis: ((does Tristin HAVE to use the entire amount of successes?))
(1) Anthony: (( need life 4 for aggrivated ))
(2) GM Claire: its up to him
(3) Kurtis: ((how hard did you slap Kurtis, Tristin?))
(5) Tristin: ((I could have pulled the slap... 2 bashing))
(1) Anthony: (( lethal wound with a slap? how is it not bashing? ))
(3) Kurtis: (( acceleration converts it i think... or kung fu))
(5) Tristin: ((There are tons of forms of martial arts that slap and don't punch))
(5) Tristin: ((Pekiti Tersa to name one))
(3) Kurtis: ((yeah like with a side of the hand))
(2) GM Claire: ((he was accelorated at the time, 33 speed, that's equal to leathal)
(1) Anthony: (( ahhh ))
(5) Tristin: ((No, slap, not chop))
(2) GM Claire: (also I think at some level kung fu does convert to lethal though I would have to look to know at which)0
(1) Anthony: "Unfortunately, Kurtis, I can only heal the wound I did, what Tristin did is beyond me right now. YOu'll have ot talkto kassidy when she comes back."
(5) Tristin: ((5))
(3) Kurtis: ((when i do hand to hand i do lethal with the ring too. but if im just practicing with friends, can i choose to deal bashing instead?))
(1) Anthony: (( it's bashing, aggrivated, lethal? ))
(5) Tristin: ((No, I did bashing with the slap Tony... hehe, I said it a sec ago))
(2) GM Claire: (bashing lethal, agg
(3) Kurtis: ((he chose bashing))
(3) Kurtis: ((i have one bashing on me, a bruise))
(2) GM Claire: ((pulled the punch basically))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, than I can heal it ))
** (3) Kurtis has a bruise forming **
(1) Anthony: (( I can't heal aggrivated, it says nothing about lethal ))
(3) Kurtis: "You hit like a pro, kid, for a skinny one"
(1) Anthony: (( pp 186 ))
(2) GM Claire: lethal is healed at half the rate of bashing and it does say actually
(1) Anthony: (( oh, my bad, one bashing ORlethal ))
(1) Anthony: (( I can heal him ))
(3) Kurtis: "Try something against Tony. Or Tony try something against Tristin."
** (1) Anthony casts helaing heart again **
(1) Anthony: muttering healing heart - gnosis 1 + life 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,7,5,2,5] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( one ore dot gone. how many did you have, 5? ))
(2) GM Claire: (kurtis is all better)
(1) Anthony: (( so 2 left ))
(3) Kurtis: ((i only had 3, all is gone))
(1) Anthony: "There you go."
(1) Anthony: "Can we slap you some more? Huh? Huh? Can we? Can we?"
(3) Kurtis: "Robin, get up here, come on, practice with us"
(3) Kurtis: "Slap Robin"
** (3) Kurtis grins and points at Robin **
(2) GM Claire: ((yall are sick twisted individuals))
(5) Tristin: ((She went AFK one sec))
(1) Anthony: "Well, one thing I found is I can turn a trees branches into tentacles. That might help somewhat sometime."
(1) Anthony: "With legs or feet it woudl either fall over or be very slow."
(1) Anthony: "I coudl also turn a tree into a big swarm, although it's difficult."
(5) Tristin: "I found out I can put a hurting on Kurt."
(2) GM Claire: ((not to mention heading for aspen))
(3) Kurtis: "I don't know if I can cancel a spell coming at anything but myself. The book says I can, but I'm not sure I got a handle on it, the way this one went..."
(5) Tristin: ((Hows your Aspen?))
(1) Anthony: (( "There was a massive traffic jamb on I90 today as a pine tree walk waslking down the freeway,I kid you not. It did this for about an hour, then sunk it's roots into hte asphalt as if it has alwasy grown there. Authroities are confused how htis tree got here. Lumberjacks are on their way." ))
(1) Anthony: (( as long as you can see it, it is in sensory range ))
(3) Kurtis: "You are very fast, I didn't even see that beyond a blur."
(2) GM Claire: ((hehehe))
(1) Anthony: (( you can see the spell being cast with your mage sight and can use magic to disharmanize it ))
(2) GM Claire: ((Tree huggers the nation wide are using the incident as proof that nature is not happy with global warming))
(5) Tristin: "Me?"
(3) Kurtis: ((and get eaten by trees tyring to interview them))
(3) Kurtis: "Yes"
(3) Kurtis: "Can you cast any spell on Tony? Like... try to alter his luck or something."
(5) Tristin: Bad or good?
(1) Anthony: "Good."
** (1) Anthony glares at Kurtis **
** (1) Anthony starts singing, badly, "Gloom, dispair and agony on me. Deep dark depressoin excessive misery. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Gloom dispair and agony on me." **
** (5) Tristin focuses on Anthony's fate changing it positivly a bit **
** (3) Kurtis readies a counterspell trying to catch the moment **
(5) Tristin: ((Bestow exceptional luck fate (3) + Gnosis (2) ))
(5) Tristin: [5d10] => [5,5,2,6,8] = (26)
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,9,5,6] = (1)
(2) GM Claire: umm...
(5) Tristin: (sorry))
(3) Kurtis: Counterspell Prime = Composure 4 + Occult 1 + Prime 2 = 7
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,6,1,3,8,8] = (2)
** (3) Kurtis breaks the spell into small pieces of mana **
(2) GM Claire: ((No luck for you!))
** (3) Kurtis rubs his chin "Hm." **
(3) Kurtis: "Cast on me, easy, cast on third person - harder, cast on the caster - hardest to counter..."
** (3) Kurtis nods **
(3) Kurtis: "Well, I'm happy with that. So.... how's everyone doing?"
(1) Anthony: "What do you mean, hardest to cast on the caster?"
(3) Kurtis: "Well, when Tristin cast on himself the acceleration, i could not cancel it."
(1) Anthony: "Well, I want to try to find some help next time something happnes. I was thinking of heading into the shadow realm and looking for allies."
(5) Tristin: "Feeling like slapping some more."
** (3) Kurtis glares at Tristin **
(1) Anthony: "You shoudl know by now that we are not always successful with casting. sometimes we just don't get it quite right."
(3) Kurtis: "I'm in. The shadow realm, not the slapping."
(1) Anthony: "alightment of the planets or something" tony shrugs
(2) GM Claire: ((if a butterfly flaps it wings in hong kong...))
(5) Tristin: ((It will learn Kung Fu?))
(1) Anthony: "I haven't been in the shadow realm before, so I'm not sure what I'll find. I'm also a bit concerned that I can protect myself somewhat from spirits, but not sure hwo many more."
(2) GM Claire: ((no no))
(3) Kurtis: "Screw! Allighnment! I fail because I don't practice enough and fail to generate enough power. if I fail - it's my fault. Loss of focus."
(5) Tristin: ((Jackie Chanerfly))
(2) GM Claire: ((lol!))
(3) Kurtis: ((butterchan?))
(2) GM Claire: ((heheheh))
(1) Anthony: "Well, I don't plan on fighitng in the shadowrealm, just mucking about, tryingot find speirts to aid us when needed."
(1) Anthony: "I was reading up on casting a gate to get there"
(3) Kurtis: ((lets go to shadow realm and have wanderer come in half way, and get pissed coz we went without him XD ))
(1) Anthony: "The gate won't last long."
(4) Robin: "i can open a gate and close it whenever"
(4) Robin: "but id have to get off the sofe. you should try."
(4) Robin: sofa*
(3) Kurtis: "You know me. I won't attack anything unless provoked. But if there is some big giant mutant bitch spirit of an extinct dinosaur trying to eat your ass, I might come in handy."
(1) Anthony: (( extened spell, target number = gauntless strenght. How long is that between rolls, 10 minutes? ))
(3) Kurtis: "If I can't stop Tristin from kicking me in the head, I am not ready to fight Jones. Need more practice, hence, up for an adventure."
(3) Kurtis: ((GM looking it up))
(1) Anthony: (( spell pp 251 ))
(1) Anthony: (( I also need to extend the duration, so will need more successes ))
(3) Kurtis: "I spy something green."
(5) Tristin: "Bud?"
** (1) Anthony looks out the window to make sure the pine tree with the tentacles isn't draging himself to the hosue or something **
(3) Kurtis: "Your turn"
(1) Anthony: (( oh, it's bses on gnosis the tiem between rolls It hink ))
(1) Anthony: "How many are coming?"
(1) Anthony: "I'll need ot know before I start casting ot know how long to make it last."
(1) Anthony: (( + 3 successes for 5 turns ))
(1) Anthony: (( which woudl allow 5 people ))
** (3) Kurtis looks to Tristin and Robin **
(2) GM Claire: ((1-2 gnosis = 3 hours per roll))
(2) GM Claire: (3-4 = 1 hour per roll))
(5) Tristin: I'll come
(1) Anthony: (( shit, 3 hours .. ))
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, jsut found that myself ))
(4) Robin: "i might as well."
(1) Anthony: "Well, this is goingto take me.. umm. .qutie some time."
(1) Anthony: (( need to find the gauntlet strenght here at the hollow ))
(2) GM Claire: guntle strenght at the house is 3, out side the house on the property is 2 because its wilderness
(1) Anthony: (( second sight does that ))
(2) GM Claire: you also get a +1 dice modifier because of the hollow goodness
(1) Anthony: muttering - second sight ( spirit sight ) gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,6,7,2,1] = (0)
(2) GM Claire: (nothing))
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. let me try that again."
(1) Anthony: muttering - second sight ( spirit sight ) gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,3,9,5,[10, 1]] = (3)
(1) Anthony: "Ahh, there we go."
** (3) Kurtis throws an apple at Robin **
(2) GM Claire: (points up to what she wrote))
** (1) Anthony looks around..."Ahh, yes, I can see the gauntlet.. it is... a little thick here. Let me check outside." **
(2) GM Claire: ((a little thick ha you should try a city setting))
** (1) Anthony walks outside into the woods then back into the house, "yes, the guntlet is weaker outside. I'll have ot cast it outside." **
(1) Anthony: "It's goign to take me 3 or six hours to cast this."
** (1) Anthony goes outside, finds a nice comfortable spot **
** (4) Robin picks up apples **
** (4) Robin eats **
** (1) Anthony realizes he has to go pee and heads up intot he house and takes care of business **
** (1) Anthony heads back out **
(3) Kurtis: "Hmmm..."
(1) Anthony: "Uchawi, you wouldn't happen to know how to cast htis would you?"
(1) Anthony: (( Okay, so 2 successes for gauntlet, to leave it up 5 turns (to allow 5 poeple to enter) is +3, so I need 5 succeses ))
** (5) Tristin heads outside to try the luck spell without any Kurt **
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin, up for a spar? No magic."
** (1) Anthony starts casting **
(5) Tristin: ((Bestow exceptional Luck on Anthony (Fate 3 + Gnosis 2)
(1) Anthony: (( I'm goign to presume that powerword helps? ))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,7,2,1] = (0)
(2) GM Claire: mmhmm
(2) GM Claire: tristin doesn't though..
(5) Tristin: ((How long until I can try that again?))
(2) GM Claire: (:P)
(5) Tristin: (( :'( ))
** (3) Kurtis walks outside just to watch **
(1) Anthony: extended casting - spirit road - need 5 - gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,[10, 3],5,7,9] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 successes after 3 hours ))
(1) Anthony: extended casting - spirit road - need 2 - gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],[10, 5],8,1,7,7] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( 6 hours later there's a gate open that will be up for 15 seconds ))
(2) GM Claire: (got it with an extra sucess))
(1) Anthony: "Hurry! Go through!"
(5) Tristin: Okay, while he's doing that...
** (4) Robin finishes her cup of coffee and puts the empty cup in the kitchen. **
(5) Tristin: ((I wanted to Spar...)
** (1) Anthony walks through the guantlet with Uchawi **
(2) GM Claire: (you had six hours to spar))
(1) Anthony: (( you can let them do whatever for 6 hours :D ))
** (3) Kurtis and Tristin run around the yard, no shirts, no shoes, and kick each other around and wrestle on the ground like school boys **
(5) Tristin: ((That was two seconds on my screen!))
(5) Tristin: ((Okay, no sparring))
(3) Kurtis: ((roll str+brawl to see who wins?))
** (4) Robin walks outside to watch the action and finishs her apple. **
(5) Tristin: (Plus KF for me)
(2) GM Claire: oy.. you can spar all you want during the six hours that Tony is sitting there
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3,3,8,[10, 5],7,7] = (2)
(3) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,3,1] = (0)
(1) Anthony: (( also, I'll use the extra success to make it twice as wide, allowing 2 people to enter at once ))
(1) Anthony: (( zomg, it's going ot take 6 hours to get back out too O.o ))
** (3) Kurtis looks beat up, he cries uncle as Tristin sits on him in many nasty poases **
(2) GM Claire: mmhmm))
(2) GM Claire: (laughts at you))
(1) Anthony: (( I hope someone leaves a note ))
(3) Kurtis: "Uncle! Uncle! Jesus, boy, where did you learn all this stuff?"
(5) Tristin: "Snuck into a few dojos and watched from the ceiling"
(1) Anthony: (( smoking a cig while they spar ))
(3) Kurtis: "One day I'm gonna get a sword, make it a path weapon, and cut your legs off. See you jump around then."
(3) Kurtis: "Oooh, in fact..."
(1) Anthony: (( if robin comes back from AFK she can come too :P ))
(5) Tristin: ((She isn't AFK...)
(4) Robin: ((ima back))
** (5) Tristin walks into the portal after kicking Kurt's ass **
** (3) Kurtis takes a shower, gets into a new suit, drives to the city, comes back with this sword ^ **
(5) Tristin: ((Or not?))
(3) Kurtis: ((cant put up a sword))
(5) Tristin: "Hey... can I see that?"
(3) Kurtis: "Sure"
** (3) Kurtis hands him the big sword **
** (5) Tristin looks the sword over. **
(5) Tristin: Pretty Nice...
** (5) Tristin focuses on the sword for a moment. **
(3) Kurtis: "Picked that up in a store. They said it's magical, heh. Blah. Cost me one thousand out of what we won..."
** (5) Tristin catches it's own luck branch and alters it **
(5) Tristin: ((Monkey's Paw Fate (3) + Gnosis (2) ))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,8,7,4] = (1)
(3) Kurtis: ((yes!!))
** (5) Tristin nods at the sword **
(5) Tristin: Pretty nice... here you can have it back.
** (5) Tristin hands him the sword. **
(3) Kurtis: "You put something on it?"
(5) Tristin: Hmm?
(5) Tristin: Just looking at it.
(5) Tristin: Subterfuge + Comp
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,8,[10, 5],7] = (2)
** (3) Kurtis drops the sword on his foot accidentally **
(3) Kurtis: "Gah! God damnit! Heavy thing!"
(5) Tristin: Be careful man.
(3) Kurtis: "Sharp though at least. God damnit, now i need a bandaid..."
** (3) Kurtis goes into the house with a bleeding toe **
(1) Anthony: (( kurtis with prime sight up coudl see the spell cast ont he swrod ))
(3) Kurtis: ((ok, wanting to make this my path tool, meaning i want to be able to insta cast on it))
(3) Kurtis: ((didnt care. for dramatic purpose))
(1) Anthony: (( that tkes like an hour I think ))
(5) Tristin: ((Does my Occultation work on my spells too? Lemme Check...))
(1) Anthony: (( It hink it took an hour with my wand ))
(3) Kurtis: ((Kurt's not always omniscent, sometimes he justs forgets to look where it matters))
(3) Kurtis: ((well, we sparred for an hour at most, then i went to the store, took 3-4 hours, still have an hour to make the sword a path tool))
(1) Anthony: ((Hmm.. in the shdow realm, do I need spirit sight up? ))
(2) GM Claire: no
(2) GM Claire: but you will need spirit tongue up
(3) Kurtis: ((so, if i want i can set this sword on fire and swing it at the same time?))
(5) Tristin: ((He gets -3 dice to detect it))
(5) Tristin: ((occultation))
(5) Tristin: ((grabbing coffee real quick))
(1) Anthony: (( extended gnosis + composure and needs 5 successes. 6 hours for you too:?D ))
(1) Anthony: (( pp 90 ))
(1) Anthony: (( no, specidifc 10 minutes between rolls ))
(1) Anthony: (( maybe half an hour ))
(3) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 + Composure 4
(3) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,1,4,[10, 8],[10, 6]] = (3)
(3) Kurtis: 10 minutes later....
(1) Anthony: (( 4 ))
(3) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 8],9,1,4,2] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 )) (( 7 total :D ))
** (3) Kurtis holds the sword as it channels with energy of Kurtis's resonanse **
** (3) Kurtis puts the sword in the sheath behind his back, and puts the Desert Eagle into the holster on the chest, puts a jacket over the shirt. **
(3) Kurtis: "Kay. I'm ready for ... whatever."
(5) Tristin: "Yeah me too..."
(1) Anthony: (( the book is alittle.. vague.. on what tools give. all I know is -2 for paradox ))
(3) Kurtis: ((llast time when i casted on the pistol, GM said i cant insta cast on it in 3 seconds, it has to be a magical tool to accept magic so fast. whatever that type of tool, i wanna make this sword - that tool, to help in melee.))
(1) Anthony: (( I would think so too. I cna't even find out whree I read about the -2 paradox ))
(3) Kurtis: ((i'll leave it to GM how she wants to work it.))
(1) Anthony: (( the index says that tools help with paradox ))
** (3) Kurtis approaches the bizzare portal **
(1) Anthony: (( -1 paradox according ot book ))
(3) Kurtis: ((lol i only have 1 paradox die))
(1) Anthony: (( pp124 says the same ))
** (5) Tristin follows the others to the portal **
** (4) Robin runs after everyone **
(3) Kurtis: ((leave my sword alone !))
** (3) Kurtis looks around inside **
(1) Anthony: "make sure to bring some food and water"
(1) Anthony: (( I'll say that before it's cast so it doesn't close while waiting for people to bring it XD ))
(2) GM Claire: ((he says when you have 15 seconds to get through..))
(2) GM Claire: ((hehe... except no one thought to say that before it was cast did they...))
(1) Anthony: (( I would hope one of those would think during hte 6 hours ))
(5) Tristin: I can get it!
(3) Kurtis: ((kurt has cocaine in his pocket if anyone wants to eat it))
(3) Kurtis: ((yum yum))
(3) Kurtis: "Go Tristin! Accelerate!"
** (5) Tristin acceleration **
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,2,[10, 9],[10, 5],2,3] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 ))
(4) Robin: "bring some potato chips!"
** (5) Tristin dashes into the house and grabs the apples and the coffee pot, and some potato chips, then runs through the portal. **
(4) Robin: "and a lighter!"
(5) Tristin: "Kurt can make fire"
(1) Anthony: (( do do do do do do do do... trlight zone theme music doesn't translate well to text ))
(4) Robin: "well, nevermind...forgot."
(3) Kurtis: "And you need to quit smoking. The amount of smoking I do should be the maximum you're allowed to."
(5) Tristin: "I don't like that rule."
(4) Robin: "whaaa? you never smoke."
(2) GM Claire: Portal closing in 5
(2) GM Claire: 4
(2) GM Claire: 3
** (1) Anthony waits inside the shadow realm listening tot hem bicker as the clock counts down **
(2) GM Claire: 2
** (5) Tristin already through **
** (3) Kurtis too **
(2) GM Claire: 1
(5) Tristin: ((Everyone is in))
(1) Anthony: (( did robin go in?))
** (3) Kurtis looks badass - sword on the back, pistol in the holster, kinda like cloud, blonde hair and all **
(4) Robin: ((yaeah))
** (1) Anthony looks around **
(5) Tristin: Anyone want to carry these?
(4) Robin: "illcarry those chips"
(3) Kurtis: "I can take the coffee."
(2) GM Claire: Portal closes around you... Kassies house appears to be a becone of safty, fresh water runs in a little steam through the "Kitchen", soft moss grows in a semi circle of tall thick trunked trees, the spirits of several sick and injured animals huddle in thickets of fur lined nests, around the area a thick red ward swirls around the area adding more security to the permeter of ancient trees. All around you the wood is over grown, tall blotting out the sun, grass at least to your knees if not higher, everything has a misty, hazy half there quality, even yourselves, you seem half formed, not quite solid.
** (5) Tristin hands the coffee and apples out accordingly **
(5) Tristin: "I forgot how weird this place seems..."
(2) GM Claire: Around you in the wood you hear the sounds of preditory creatures, the spine chilling scream of mountain lions, the haunting howl of a pack of wolves.
(3) Kurtis: "I hear a puma..."
(1) Anthony: muttering - Spirit Tongue (C)(1) Gnosis(1)+Spirit(3) +powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,1,5,3,8] = (1)
(2) GM Claire: In the evening twilight even the shadows seem alive, eyes peering at you when you turn so they are only seen in the periferal
** (3) Kurtis looks at the apple in his hand, it looks overgrown, glowing and in fact, like it's still growing on the tree.... whenever he turns away, he keeps getting a feeling the apple has eyes **
(4) Robin: "why'd we come here again?"
(3) Kurtis: "creepy..."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, rmeember people, we are here to try to make allies, not enemies."
(5) Tristin: ((You mean the sneaker?))
** (1) Anthony looks at the sick animals with a small heartache, he hates to see hurt animals **
(2) GM Claire: (gm needs a bathroom break and a drink brb))
(5) Tristin: ((Easy on the sauce!))
** (3) Kurtis overall experiences his worst nightmare - a big forest... **
(1) Anthony: (( I actually like woods and forests ))
(3) Kurtis: "No roads... no cars... no lights... no gaseous fumes... no polluted air, no leaking sewage... none of the things I so dearly love..."
(1) Anthony: "Yeah, don't you just love it?" Tony smiles
(1) Anthony: (( is it like... dark here or normal light or... ? ))
(1) Anthony: (( I've always envisioned it dark ))
(3) Kurtis: "No?"
(5) Tristin: ((I do IRL, but I don't think Tristin would feel at home))
(2) GM Claire: (not really dark no... only dark the way it is dark in a forest at twilight... in that sense it is more dark than modern humans are used to.))
(1) Anthony: (( but not tony, since h'es used to the jungles ))
(2) GM Claire: ((correct))
** (1) Anthony slowly walks up to one of the wounded animals, "May I heal you?" **
(5) Tristin: ((Watch out for the fangs!!!!))
(1) Anthony: muttering - Restore Corpus - Gnosis 1 + Spirit 3 + powerword 2 - [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 1],6,3,9,4] = (2)
(2) Fox spirit: "I will heal on my own or I will not have much hope of surviving on my own later. This place is help enough, for it keeps them out and gives me the time to rest."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, you did not want me to heal you? I'm sorry"
(1) Anthony: "Who is 'they' that it keeps out?"
(1) Anthony: (( my roll would of restored 2 corpus to it ))
(2) Fox spirit: "The wolves, the bears, the puma, the darkness, the things that are harder to run and hide and trick away from
** (1) Anthony nods, "I will let you be then. I am glad that the hollow protects you." **
(1) Anthony: "We are off to seek allies. mend well."
** (1) Anthony looks around trying to decide which way to go **
(1) Anthony: "Now might be a good time to use your space arcana so we don't get lost."
** (3) Kurtis looks around with Prime sight for signs of magic resonanse **
(1) Anthony: "It will take a while to get back into the real world, and we want to make sure we can get back here to cast it, I woudln't want ot have to wait six hours away from the protection of hte hollow."
(1) Anthony: (( I'm curious, if a portal is cast here using space, back to the hollow, would it be the hollow in the shadow world, or the real world? ))
(2) GM Claire: Looking around a little more carefully now, more to desern direction you come to notice that there are also a number of spirits shambling around like zombies... in fact they appear much like the zombies you had visit you last night perhaps more intact however.
(4) Robin: "uh...guys?"
(1) Anthony: (( spirits or ghosts? can I tell? ))
(2) GM Claire: you have to use one of spells made specifcally for travel to and from this realm to get in or out, Mind has one, Spirit has one, and Death has one that I know of
(1) Anthony: (( with spirit tongue in the real world, ghosts are more shadowy, but here in the shadow realm I don't know. but I had cast spirit sight too It hink? ))
(2) GM Claire: They are more hazy to you than the spirits
(1) Anthony: "Zombie ghosts... maybe they shoudl be excorsized?"
(2) GM Claire: You hear another howl, it is closer than before
(1) Anthony: "umm.. guys..."
** (1) Anthony turns to the direction of hte howl **
** (5) Tristin Focuses on the space around himself **
(1) Anthony: "Be prepared."
(3) Kurtis: "Didn't think about zombies eh? We shouldn't have casted it near so many corpses..."
(5) Tristin: Omnivision Wits 3 + Comp 3 + Space 1
(5) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,3,4,4,7,2] = (0)
(5) Tristin: Damnit...
(5) Tristin: ""
(1) Anthony: "Well, you would htink that a zombies ghost had already moved on."
(2) GM Claire: ((everything will be fine... in fact... the wolves are going to bring you baked goods..))
(3) Kurtis: "Moved on to... here."
(3) Kurtis: ((that's he result of Tristin's vision?))
(1) Anthony: "Thes emust be ghosts of tye people who had died and were still tied to their bodies when they were animated."
(5) Tristin: ((More cookies!))
(2) GM Claire: The zombies do not appear to be aggressive in fact they appear to be... clumsily shambling around in an aimless fashion
(5) Tristin: ((Earlier? My vision was Post Cognition, seeing into the past))
(1) Anthony: "You know... I can cast a spell to touch spriits, but I dont' know if that's needed in the shadow realm. I'm just concerned that maybe that fancy sword won't be much use here."
(2) GM Claire: ((yes))
** (3) Kurtis keeps the hand on the hilt, not much discouraged **
(1) Anthony: "Well, I guess we can wait here, in the protection of hte hollow, for hte wolves to come. I woudl rather have to fight htem here then away from here."
(2) GM Claire: You hear a third howl, this time form behind you and in front of you shortly after
(1) Anthony: (( It does't appear that I can cast spirit tongue on anyone but myself, shame ))
(3) Kurtis: "Weren't you saying no unnecessary fights? Talk to them first."
(1) Anthony: "Kurtis, maybe you want to float up out of harms way."
(1) Anthony: "yes, it woudl be nice to have spirit allies."
(1) Anthony: "even wolves."
(1) Anthony: "although Iw oudl have to summon them across the barrier and make them corporal or something."
** (5) Tristin looks around cautiously **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm....."
(2) GM Claire: Creeping in from all sides now you begin to notice the large bodies of darkly furred wolves, moving through the shadows with backlit eyes, silent even as they are huge, much larger than you would imagine, and for the few who have seen an actual wolf larger still than that.
** (1) Anthony gulps, "Hello wolves." **
(2) GM Claire: One wolf raises its head at your voice just as the others sprint forward closing in on a group of zombie ghosts, dragging them down under the thick grass with growls and the occational undead scream, the lone wolf scampers over picking its way carefully through the grass taking its time, Tony you recognise this wolf as the one you've been summoning
** (3) Kurtis whispers "My sword is charged with prime and forces, don't know how good that is in here... I think I'd be passing shields about now..." **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, hello again."
(1) Anthony: "My word, I didn't know you ate ghosts also."
(1) Anthony: (( not sure what to think about spirit wolves eating zombie ghosts ))
(2) Wolf Spirit: "we eat what we can catch, the slow of the pack, these are much easier than rabbits, we have been dining well.
(3) Kurtis: "What's he saying?"
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((survival of the fittest baby))
(1) Anthony: "do you know what happens to a .. ghost after you eat it? Does that prevent it from going to it's resting place?"
(1) Anthony: "he's saying that they eat what they can. This is the same wolf spirit that was goign to help us find riger."
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((to those without spirit speech he appears to be growling, moving his head and tail and perking his ears)
(3) Kurtis: "Oh nice... we can make more of those zombies for them, I'm sure, heh heh."
(1) Anthony: "Wolf, would you allow my friend to try an experiment? We are here to try to find alloies, and are unsure if we can protect oruselves. Would you allow him to just touch you, to see if he can touch spirits in thsi place?"
(2) Wolf Spirit: "If it has enough purpose to go to a final resting place, it would be on its way there, not wandering as easy prey."
** (1) Anthony nods, "That is true." **
(2) Wolf Spirit: The wolf glances at your companions
** (5) Tristin nods to the wolf **
(2) Wolf Spirit: He sniffs the air, growling at the three of them "They smell of disease and weakness"
(3) Kurtis: "Wow... this is the underworld... where ghosts are stuck if they can't move on... better clear all my sins or I'll spend eternity in a wolf's belly..."
** (1) Anthony looks t them, "do they?" "The wolf says you smell of disease and weakness." **
(1) Anthony: "Do I smell of disease and weakness wolf?"
** (4) Robin frowns at the wolf **
** (2) Wolf Spirit sniffs at Anthony **
(2) Wolf Spirit: "No only what has clung to you from them."
(3) Kurtis: "We smell of disease and weakness? Damn it, it's all those drugs, Robin. That's it, no more hitting up. On weekends maybe..."
(2) Wolf Spirit: "The sickly smoke"
(1) Anthony: "I will hve to evaluate them then. Well, let me try to touch you then, may I?"
(1) Anthony: "Sickly smoke.. yes, marijuana. I think I know of what you speak."
(1) Anthony: "He's talking about the sickly smoke, yes, the drugs."
(4) Robin: fuck them
(5) Tristin: ((Dogs eat pot all the time....)
(4) Robin: ((true story))
(3) Kurtis: "Hmmm... doesn't marijuana have a plant spirit... i wonder if you can collect spirit weed...."
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((when was the last time you saw a dog beat a wolf in a fight after eating weed?))
** (5) Tristin nods **
(5) Tristin: "good idea...
(5) Tristin: "
(1) Anthony: "Maybe tht's why these zombies are still here, they've been smoking spirit weed and were too lazy to move on." Tony chuckles
(2) Wolf Spirit: "You may but not them, I do not wish to go back to my pak smelling of prey"
(3) Kurtis: ((drugs is a flaw. any personal flaw can be used by spirits as a sign of weakness. in our case with wolves - sign of prey))
** (1) Anthony nods and steps forward and attempts to rest his hand lightly on the wolf's shoulder **
(3) Kurtis: "Shit that's it. I'm quitting the junk."
(1) Anthony: (( I do not have gossimer touch up or antyhing so shoudl be as any mage ))
(2) Wolf Spirit: ((since you are both in the shadow realm and thus both empherial you touch the wolfs shoulder))
** (3) Kurtis throws the small plastic pack of cocaine powder away **
** (3) Kurtis thinks **
(3) Kurtis: "Littering is bad..."
** (1) Anthony smiles and removes his hand, "Thank you wolf, that is what I needed to know. I'll let you go about your feast." **
** (4) Robin picks the cocaine up **
(2) Wolf Spirit: As the powerder drops to the grass you see a spot of black forming, eating away at the tall grass, a small spirit, white with thorns and blades appears in the blackend clearing, gesturing to you invitingly
** (2) Wolf Spirit wanders off towards the zombie feast **
** (3) Kurtis snatches it out telekinetically into his palm before Robin can reach it. "No, no. You're messed up enough." **
(4) Robin: "you were throwing it away..."
(1) Anthony: "Did you see the spirit of the cocaine?"
** (4) Robin nods **
(1) Anthony: "That is what you are inviting into yourself."
** (3) Kurtis cuts his hand and drops the dark sharp thing back to the ground **
(1) Anthony: (( cuts his hand? ))
** (2) Cocaine spirt gestures at Anthony shaking his fists, small blades spiking out like razors as it gestures rudely at you, turns back towards robin doing a little dance suggestivly **
(3) Kurtis: (( the cocaine plastic bag lost its physical shape once i freed it in this world. it touched the ground and became that spirit, read its description - throwns and blades))
(1) Anthony: "Shake your fists at me all you want cocaine. You have no influence over me, and she can't understand you."
** (3) Kurtis eyes go red for a moment and he looks woozy, sniffing instinctively **
(1) Anthony: "Actually though..."
(3) Kurtis: "Don't touch that! If you do... it feels like you're high. Destroy it."
(4) Robin: "im gonna touch it."
** (2) Cocaine spirt notices kurtis and claps a little, watching a tendral of energy slitering through the grass from Kurtis to itself, growing stronger **
(5) Tristin: "I don't like coke..."
(1) Anthony: muttering - control spirit - flee gnsois 1 + sprit 3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,2,6,2,7] = (0)
(2) Cocaine spirt: Its about a foot tall now
(3) Kurtis: ((wonder if doing coke this way affects my dice rolls giving them insane luck like it does with sniffing))
(1) Anthony: (( gah, failed ))
** (1) Anthony gathers his strenght and tries again **
(1) Anthony: muttering - control spirit - flee gnsois 1 + sprit 3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,3,2,2,1] = (0)
(2) Cocaine spirt: ((it does but at a cost of some mana that the spirit eats
(1) Anthony: "STUPID SPIRIT! GO!"
** (4) Robin reaches towards the spirit **
(3) Kurtis: "Anthony. Heal my intoxication."
(1) Anthony: muttering - control spirit - flee gnsois 1 + sprit 3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],6,[10, 4],2,4,1] = (2)
** (2) Cocaine spirt laughts at you **
(5) Tristin: ((Spirit word hates us casting spells))
(1) Anthony: (( let me see if it's contested ))
(1) Anthony: (( trage rolles resistance automatically ))
(3) Kurtis: "it grew stronger because I took it in. Clear me out."
(1) Anthony: (( what is resistance to spell? ))
** (2) Cocaine spirt growls angry at Tony and tries to hide behind Robin **
(1) Anthony: (( so I guess it made it's roll ))
** (2) Cocaine spirt cooos gently at Robin, petting her leg softly leaving a line of white **
** (5) Tristin remembers the half a joint in his pocket and looks at it. **
(1) Anthony: "You're making me mad, cocain."
(4) Robin: "youre upseting the spirt, tony."
(3) Kurtis: "Tony. Make me sober, please."
(1) Anthony: muttering - Harm Spirit - gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,9,4,4,[10, 6]] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( 2 points of corpus damage ))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, subtract targets resistance ))
(1) Anthony: (( since it didn't flee, I guess it didnt' get hurt either ))
(3) Kurtis: ((just heal me, it's directly proportionate to amount of people it possesses))
(1) Anthony: (( let me look up spell ))
(4) Robin: "ive still got the rest of that healing potion if you want it."
** (3) Kurtis tries to shake off the intoxication, looking like he took a strong hit **
** (4) Robin offers potion from her flask **
(3) Kurtis: "No. Don't even use that until you have like a rib broken or a throat cut."
(3) Kurtis: "This potion can heal burns. I'm not using it to sober up."
** (4) Robin pockets potion **
** (2) Joint spirit appears to be made of smoke, fuzzy and hazed, looking directly at it you feel woozy for a moment then as if you had just toked up, meanwhile, you see tendrals of leaves slipping from the cloud wrapping around you, some of the leaves making small papercuts in your skin **
(1) Anthony: muttering - purify bodies - gnosis 1 + life 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,2,9,5,1] = (1)
** (3) Kurtis blinks and extends his hand, moving his fingers **
(5) Tristin: Who's putting negitive energy into my ganjea?
(5) Tristin: ""
(3) Kurtis: "Feels better."
(1) Anthony: (( is one success enough for cocaine? ))
** (2) Cocaine spirt shrinks in size, hugging Robin's ankle now, no more than six inches tall at this point, pawing at her urgently **
** (1) Anthony walks over to Robin, "Sorry but..." **
(1) Anthony: muttering - purify bodies - gnosis 1 + life 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,4,4,4,3] = (0)
(1) Anthony: (( daaaaaaaaaaamn ))
** (1) Anthony tries again **
(3) Kurtis: ((its impossible))
(1) Anthony: muttering - purify bodies - gnosis 1 + life 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,1,3,2,2] = (0)
(2) Cocaine spirt: ((only works on the willng apparently))
(3) Kurtis: ((dont even try))
(1) Anthony: (( she just wants to me kept sober ))
(3) Kurtis: ((their blood is made of drugs))
(4) Robin: "dont hurt it. i thought we were making allies?"
(1) Anthony: (( er stoned ))
(3) Kurtis: "Allies with cocaine spirit... hmmm."
(1) Anthony: "The spirit of drugs is not an aliy I want"
(5) Tristin: ((Coke is not stoned))
(1) Anthony: "now that it's smaller, let me try this gain."
(3) Kurtis: "Hey, there's no proof it is an evil spirit... wolves look scarier.."
(1) Anthony: muttering - control spirit - flee gnsois 1 + sprit 3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,8,1,7,3] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( gah, only 1 success this time. the dice hate me ))
(4) Robin: "exactly...wolves bad, drugs good."
(3) Kurtis: "Though it hurt when I touch it."
** (2) Cocaine spirt snuggles against Robins ankle, hugging it, cuddling it, scratching her with its razors **
(5) Tristin: "I'm with you there... but I wounder why this joint is attacking me..."
(1) Anthony: (( me raises his fist to the air and yells, coKHAAAAN! ))
(1) Anthony: muttering - control spirit - flee gnsois 1 + sprit 3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,4,7,3,[10, 4]] = (2)
(4) Robin: "gah, lay off with the razors"
(5) Tristin: ((XD))
** (4) Robin kicks at it with her leg **
(1) Anthony: (( was 2 successes enough to beat it's resistance roll thist ime? ))
** (2) Cocaine spirt smiles a razor blade grin and begins to slice at Robin's legs as she fights **
** (5) Tristin backs off a bit from the pot spirit. **
(1) Anthony: "Bah, just step on the damn thing."
(3) Kurtis: "I think in the spirit realm we see things for what they are... this weed and this cocaine were made by people seeking to make money on people's addictions. That's where the evil nature came from, greed."
(4) Robin: "fuck. fuck. fuck.
(3) Kurtis: "These spirits want more and more power, they want to spread themselves."
(1) Anthony: (( damn I need some rotes... let me check cost ))
(5) Tristin: "Note to self... grow own weed..."
** (2) Cocaine spirt frowns at Tony and shrugs running through the grass away from you leaving a trail of Robin's blood and dead black grass behind it **
(5) Tristin: "Good point... so the grower put the bad vibes in it..."
(5) Tristin: "Raised feeling his greed.."
(1) Anthony: (( control spirit is 3 dots, so cost is 6? ))
** (4) Robin glasp her leg, now sitting on the ground **
(2) Cocaine spirt: (mmhmm))
(3) Kurtis: "Maybe. Or maybe like the wolf said. Any addiction is working against you, makes you less free... I wonder what Kass... i mean, women would look like in spirit world..."
** (3) Kurtis looks at Robin **
(1) Anthony: (( for spirit it lists the arcana as presence + intimidationg + death, shoudlnt' that be spirit??? ))
** (3) Kurtis finds Robin less than attractive, besides, uncertain of her age **
(2) Joint spirit: ((yeah...))
** (2) Joint spirit tries to wrap tristin up in vines **
(1) Anthony: (( oh drek, my presense is 1, intimidation is 0, spirit is 3. So it would be 3 dice instead of 6 for hte rote O.o ))
(3) Kurtis: Well... maybe if she got out from the sofa more, or wore sexier clothes...
(1) Anthony: (( rote worst than improtu for me for that spell ))
(2) Joint spirit: ((heheh))
** (3) Kurtis feels a smitherine of attraction towards Robin, wondering if that will make her spirit grow **
(1) Anthony: "Ya know, we're being owned by a bunch of drug spirits here... I can't do much. we're going ot have to go physical."
(3) Kurtis: I mean, she's got a nice butt... and she has a breast....
(1) Anthony: muttering - Transform Self(3) Stamina(3)+Athletics(4)+Life(3)+pwoer word(2) [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,5,2,[10, 1],7,6,4,2,7,8,1] = (2)
** (3) Kurtis suddenly realizes Tristin is being wrapped in weed **
** (1) Anthony gives himself elephant feet **
(4) Robin: ((would that be bashing the spirit did to me?))
(5) Tristin: ((A breast?! LOL!))
** (1) Anthony walks forward to step on teh cocaine spirit **
(3) Kurtis: ((the breast))
(1) Anthony: (( str + brawling? ))
(2) Joint spirit: ((yes and it took some of your mana)
** (5) Tristin calmly accepts the weed. **
(3) Kurtis: ((Tony, cocaine spirit ran away))
(5) Tristin: "This is the first time a joint's tried to roll me... this is interesting...."
(3) Kurtis: ((look above))
(1) Anthony: (( oh good ))
** (2) Joint spirit wraps tristin up until he is imposible to see through the leaves, which are cutting him at any exposed flesh opening small bleeding wounds and leaching off his mana **
(1) Anthony: (( so now we have a joint spirit to contend with? ))
(5) Tristin: "Oh... hmm..."
(1) Anthony: (( lets see, what cuts through leaves... a sword maybe ))
(3) Kurtis: "I'd help Tristin out, but I don't want to touch it... I smoke weed too, not addicted, but it might find me yummy and grow."
(1) Anthony: "Kurtis, cut the branches with your sword."
(3) Kurtis: "Gladly."
** (5) Tristin focuses on the passage of time, trying to go back and fix his mistake **
** (2) Joint spirit the cloud of smoke is getting thicker and Tristin you are having a bad trip at this point **
** (1) Anthony sighs, "Let met ry to control it too then." **
** (3) Kurtis grips the hilt **
(1) Anthony: muttering - control spirit - flee gnsois 1 + sprit 3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,2,9,5,9] = (2)
(5) Tristin: ((Shifting sands Gnosis (2) plus Time (3)))
(1) Anthony: (( 2 successes again, it rolls it's resistance ))
(5) Tristin: Wait please Tony.
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],[10, 1],6,4,[10, 6]] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( that cocaine spirit will be fleeig for an hour XD ))
(5) Tristin: 4 successes.
(2) Joint spirit: ((begins humming the "if I could turn back time" song))
(5) Tristin: ((Claire can you replay where I am in time?))
(2) Joint spirit: well.. a moment ago the weed began to eat you, before that it began to wrap you up in vines like a joint, before that when you pulled it out it wrapped a vine around your arm and cut you slightly
** (3) Kurtis checks out Robin thinking those thoughts from before **
(3) Kurtis: I mean, she's got a nice butt... and she has a breast....
(5) Tristin: ((I mean, with four successes in turning back time from my possition at the time, where would I be now?))
(1) Anthony: (( and does it undo the control of hte cocaine spirit? ))
** (5) Tristin jumps back away from the spirit that he knows wants to eat him. **
(5) Tristin: "I change my mind, kill the damn thing!"
(2) Joint spirit: (no the joint wrapped around him, just about the time the cocain ran off))
** (3) Kurtis slices at the weed spirit with the sword, connecting the blade with it **
(3) Kurtis: ((buying dot in weaponry))
(1) Anthony: (( okay, and Id not' have elephant feet anymore ))
(2) Joint spirit: ((right))
(1) Anthony: "Kill it? Hmm.."
(1) Anthony: "I dont' want to touch it..."
(1) Anthony: "let me try controlling it too."
(1) Anthony: muttering - control spirit - flee gnsois 1 + sprit 3 + powerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,8,[10, 6],8,9] = (5)
(5) Tristin: "Sounds good, it wants to eat me!"
(1) Anthony: (( HA! TAKE THAT! ))
(1) Anthony: (( 5 success on 6 die, nice roll XD ))
** (2) Joint spirit 's leaves wilt a little, it begins to float towards robin and Kurtis but then turns and shoots off at the speed of a munchie crazed stoner away from you all **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. you don't have any more drugs on you by any chance do you?"
** (1) Anthony looks around the people for signs of other spirit hanger ons **
(5) Tristin: "No... and I'm going to have to remember to smoke more natural stuff..."
(4) Robin: "i dont ave anything with me..."
(3) Kurtis: Str 2 + Wep 3 + Sword 4 = 9
(3) Kurtis: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,8,1,6,9,4,9,6] = (3)
** (3) Kurtis cuts the spirit with the sword **
(1) Anthony: (( umm. what you swinging at? ))
(1) Anthony: (( i'ts gone too ))
(1) Anthony: (( that whole timeline was undone ))
(5) Tristin: ((No he drew the sword in this line))
(2) GM Claire: If you look really hard you can see the spirits of addiction holding tightly to your companions, larger on some than others
(3) Kurtis: ((yeah, was looking at the roll))
(5) Tristin: ((*cough* cokehead *cough*))
** (1) Anthony looks around at the wolves eating hte ghosts, the hiding hidden foxes, off where hte spirits ran off, "Dangerous place, this." **
(2) GM Claire: ((anyone who has gained more willpower back through their vice rather than virtue please describe what you think that vice's spirit would look like while hanging on it
(3) Kurtis: ((what if equal?))
(2) GM Claire: (don't worry if its equal))
(1) Anthony: (( I haven't gained any willpower back through either my vice or virtual. virtu is cherity, vice is gluttony ))
(3) Kurtis: ((can i still describe something?))
(5) Tristin: ((I've never gotten willpower back, but if I had, it would have been more virtue than vice.))
(2) GM Claire: ((sure... any spirits you think might be hanging onto you through habits bad or good))
(4) Robin: ((my vice is sloth and i didnt really do meuch. do i get willpower))
(1) Anthony: (( I think for me too, healing things ))
(2) GM Claire: ((only if you've used willpower would you get anything back, but I think yes that a spirit of sloth would be clinging to you like a wet blanket))
(4) Robin: :P
(5) Tristin: ((What about Wrath for me?))
(1) Anthony: (( my spirit of cherity would be liek mother teresa, trying to heal the world ))
(2) GM Claire: ((hey you woke up took a shower got dressed changed rooms then layed down on the couch again..:P))
(5) Tristin: ((Woot for Charity!))
(2) GM Claire: ((you recently beat Kurtis up so it's probably hanging around a little on you yes))
** (3) Kurtis looks around his feet and sees nude women, very beautiful, all flawless, perfect, crawling out of the ground at his feet, their hands going over his boots, knees, a few touch his groin, among them someone who looks like the lady vampire, the lounge singer, and Kassidy, they eat at his pants, but a rainbowy aura radiating from Kurtis himself pushes them away and back down into the ground **
(1) Anthony: (( I haven't had time since this has started to actually feed my gluttony ))
(2) GM Claire: ((there are not Red Lobster in Alaska... :( ))
** (3) Kurtis sticks the blade of his sword into the ground, through the head of a woman spirit **
(3) Kurtis: "Hm, I guess I'm not all that bad.."
(2) GM Claire: ((speaking of gluttony :P)
** (1) Anthony looks on his right shoulder and sees a small shining caring woman with her arms out, on his left is a very fat man without a shirt eating something and not stopping **
(2) GM Claire: ((heheh))
** (1) Anthony mutters to the spirit on his right shoulder, "Maybe you could give him liposuction" **
(2) GM Claire: (the little spirit makes the sign of the cross over herself))
(3) Kurtis: "Damn. Tristin, remind me not to smoke in the spirit world... or do anything negative..."
** (5) Tristin another Tristin starts to seperate from the main one. His hair waveing without any help from the wind, his eyes red as blood. **
(3) Kurtis: "Woah"
(5) Tristin: "Umm..."
(3) Kurtis: "Dude."
** (5) Tristin jumps back away from the shadow immage. **
** (4) Robin looks to her left seeing a dark area with a faceless person sitting motionless in a plain wooden chair. nothing special. **
(1) Anthony: "Okay,well,we've been here about.. half an hour, have managed to have ourselves attacked with our own spirits."
(1) Anthony: "are we our own worst enemies?"
(4) Robin: "not me."
(3) Kurtis: "I probably am. Next to Tristin's freaky spirit. But I don't wanna be. Please don't attack our own spirits."
(4) Robin: "my enemy would be too lazy to attack"
(5) Tristin: ((I'll give control over Wrath's actions to Claire))
(3) Kurtis: "Your spirit wouldn't need to attack you. You would just lay down next to it and quietly die."
(4) Robin: "that doesnt sound too bad...for the most part"
** (2) Wrath seems stuck to Tristin from knee down but twists with angst trying to lash out at Kurtis, Anthony, the grass, whatever is closest, the essence of rage and anger, that sick feeling you get when you see sensless violence rises up in you as you watch it **
(3) Kurtis: "It's clear to me now... To be a mage I have to have control over my virtue and make it guide me. All this crap people believe in back in home world is actually true."
** (1) Anthony looks at Uchaiw to see what spirits he has hanging about, if any **
** (2) Sloth reaches out a hand to Robin, trying to lazily hug her, a warm fuzzy comfort of nothing trying to wrap itself around her blotting out the rest of the world in a haze of apathy **
** (5) Tristin attempts to calm himself and thus his spirit with a bit of passive meditiation. **
** (3) Kurtis sheaths the sword, but rises his hands to protect himself, and stands back, watching the Wrath **
** (2) Uchawi the Parrot appears to be a much larger parrot here than in the human world, eyes full of knowledge, being a sprit there are not spirits hanging ont it **
(5) Tristin: Composture (3)
** (3) Kurtis hopes that Tristin can calm down, and that Sloth won't block Robin's airways **
(5) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 8],4] = (1)
(5) Tristin: 2
** (2) Wrath begins to meld into Tristin until only its head is seperate thrashing around gnashing its teeth hatefully **
(5) Tristin: Calm yourself... everything is fine... *hums a bit waiting for his vice to follow*
** (2) Wrath grumbles disappearing into Tristin **
** (1) Anthony feels a poke on the left side of his head and turns his head and sees gluttony pointing at a ghostly form of a flower tying to get Tony to start studying it **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. interesting plant life here...I wonder if it's physical or spiritual... I wonder if any medicines found here could be taken into hte physical world..."
** (4) Robin steps away from her vice trying to avoid its grasp. **
** (3) Kurtis 's spirit of Hope is an image of Kurtis with neatly combed naturally brown hair, smiling at everyone. At Tristin calmly and at Robin, excitedly, encouraging each one of them to cope successfully and hoping for the best, he turns to Tony's Gluttony and smiles at it, shaking his head **
** (2) Sloth lays back down lazily unconserned **
** (1) Anthony looks around and shakes his head trying to get the thoughts of spending the rest of his days studying this place, "This is getting us nowwhere, we need to proceed. Cautiously." **
(3) Kurtis: "Jeez, this is like a trip back into childhood stories, re-enacted by kindergarden teachers... except you get cut if you don't listen..."
(3) Kurtis: "Everyone, stay fucking positive about stuff."
(1) Anthony: "You know Kurits.. I can awaken spirits of things.... Iwonder if I coudl awakent he spirit of your sword."
** (3) Kurtis shudders **
(3) Kurtis: "I bought it for 998.99, I don't know where it's been."
(5) Tristin: ((Or enhance the curse *snickers*))
(3) Kurtis: ((did you curse it permanently???))
(5) Tristin: ((That's what Monkey's paw does...))
(3) Kurtis: ((omg u suck thats my path tool!))
(3) Kurtis: ((dice penalties i get from using it?))
(5) Tristin: ((None, just humourous bad luck))
(2) GM Claire: ((that or you keep cutting yourself everytime you pull it out))
(1) Anthony: "We can ask it once we awaken it."
** (1) Anthony shrugs **
(3) Kurtis: "Anthony, lead the way. I'm a helpless stranger here."
(1) Anthony: (( it starts as a level 1 spirit and grows in time, but with a single hour duration it woudln't grow much ))
(5) Tristin: ((nvm, one turn... and dice penelty =to fate))
(3) Kurtis: "I'd leave my sword alone. Let it be a sword."
(1) Anthony: "Well, maybe we shoudl head down where the road is in the physical world."
(5) Tristin: ((not as cool))
(2) GM Claire: ((need more sucesses))
** (1) Anthony looks around and tried to determine wher ehte road is **
(1) Anthony: (( lets see, I have space 1, just about lets me know where north is :/ ))
(2) GM Claire: ((hehe))
(3) Kurtis: ((Robin time))
(3) Kurtis: ((space 4))
(1) Anthony: (( Robin is space or tristan? ))
(1) Anthony: "Robin, which way is the road?"
(4) Robin: me
(4) Robin: umm give me a sec"
(5) Tristin: ((I have 1 space...))
(3) Kurtis: ((i have 1 matter....but how does it matter?))
(1) Anthony: (( knowing how much things weight :P ))
(4) Robin: "i can feel the space an make a mental map."
(3) Kurtis: ((with 2 i could turn water into acid and propel it using forces into people's face... hmmm...))
(1) Anthony: "Right. We do not want to get lost here."
** (4) Robin focuses on the space around her and the placement of objects. **
(4) Robin: spatial map gnosis 1+space 4
(1) Anthony: (( spit, turn it into acid and propel it into their eyes :D woudl want gnosis 3 for hta though ))
(4) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,9,4,5] = (1)
(4) Robin: everything is much clearer...
** (1) Anthony talks to Uchawi, "Incidently, can you cast any spells Uchawi?" **
(4) Robin: "the road is near... point off to the left...there."
** (1) Anthony nods and heads toward where robin pointed **
(1) Anthony: ((Ishoudl have life sight up all day, spirit sight up one scene, sprit tongue up one scene ))
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: "In a manner of speaking yes. For example I could allow you all wings if you wished."
(1) Anthony: "You coudl give us allw ings?"
(1) Anthony: "REally?"
(4) Robin: "i wish."
** (1) Anthony looks around excited at the other people, "You want wings? I do! " **
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: "Or the ability to converse in any language you wished for a time."
(1) Anthony: "Coudl you grant the ability for htem to speak to spirits?"
(3) Kurtis: "In French"
(1) Anthony: "or is that really not a langauge?"
(5) Tristin: "Why hasn't he done that before?"
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: "You never asked."
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "never came up/" **
(1) Anthony: "How long can we have wings for Uchawi? or will it tire you out over time?"
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: "It will take some essence yes."
(1) Anthony: "But I can give you back essence from my mana, correct? Okay, plesae give us wings."
** (1) Anthony looks excited **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, wait, I can give myself wings. I wonder if I can fly with them?"
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: "If you made them big enough."
(1) Anthony: (( if I gave myself eagle wings,w ould they be the size of an eagles wings, I.E. small, or in accordance to my scale? ))
(3) Kurtis: "You'd look pretty rediculous with a pair of warbler wings, I give you that."
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: ((when you bestow an attribute of another animal on yourself it confers those abilities, so you could fly with wings))
(1) Anthony: "I'm goign to try this."
(1) Anthony: mummering - Transform Self(3) Stamina(3)+Athletics(4)+Life(3)+powerword(2) [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,6,8,2,6,5,[10, 10, 5],1,9,8,2] = (4)
(5) Tristin: (Mock, yeah, ING, yeah, BIRD, yeah, Yeah, yeah)
(1) Anthony: (( eagle wings, eagle eyes, hmm.. what else.. ))
(1) Anthony: (( jsut wings and eyes I guess ))
(3) Kurtis: ((eagle beak))
(1) Anthony: "Oh dang, I guess I should of taken my shirt off first."
(5) Tristin: ((LOL I did that the other day to Rachel))
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: ((lol))
(3) Kurtis: ((im sure she loved you for that))
** (1) Anthony flexes his wings **
(3) Kurtis: "Cool."
(4) Robin: ((something like that))
(1) Anthony: "You want to do the others Uchawi? It will allow us to move faster. And be fun."
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: "As you wish Anthony"
** (3) Kurtis quicky takes his 100 dollar shirt off **
** (1) Anthony looks at Robin waiting for her to take her shirt off **
(4) Robin: ive always wanted wings
** (3) Kurtis too **
** (4) Robin turns around and takes her shirt off... **
** (2) Uchawi the Parrot flies from person to person bestowing wings of different types, Robin gets... robin wings :P, Tristin gets cranes wings, Kurtis raven wings, all proportional to your size **
(4) Robin: im so damn hott
** (3) Kurtis flexes, bends his knees, flaps his wings and lifts off **
(3) Kurtis: "I can fly..."
(5) Tristin: "Dark blue... well, I'm not complaining."
** (5) Tristin flaps his wings, though the destroyed shirt and tries out the new limbs. **
(3) Kurtis: Robin's pretty hot.
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: ((cranes also come in white, black and gray you know..))
** (4) Robin flaps around lifting a few feet off the ground **
** (1) Anthony flies up into the sky **
(5) Tristin: ((=P))
(3) Kurtis: "I'm really, really flying!"
** (1) Anthony lets out a cry of exuberance **
** (3) Kurtis flies kinda slow, working the wings **
** (1) Anthony attepts a loop de loop and picks himself up off the ground, "Hmm.. maybe not ready for that yet." **
** (1) Anthony bounds back up into the sky **
** (5) Tristin flys up slowly at first, just hovering, not wanting to take any chances yet **
(3) Kurtis: "Wait, you have to keep flapping to stay in air? That kinda sucks"
(1) Anthony: "Wow,with these eyes I can see far away."
(1) Anthony: "You have to find an updraft to be able to soar, or go real high."
(2) GM Claire: You can see the city if you fly above the trees (hint hint))
(4) Robin: "do a barrel roll, tristin!"
** (3) Kurtis tries to float on the air but falls, has to flap back up again **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, the city! There shoudl be lots of spirits there."
** (3) Kurtis grumbles and casts levitation **
** (5) Tristin flys a bit higher off the ground and tries it out **
** (4) Robin flys higher, feeling more confident in her flying ability **
(3) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1
** (1) Anthony turns around to see if he can see the hollow from the air and get his bearings, and heads toward the city, "Lets go." **
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,[10, 9],9,2,4,1] = (2)
** (1) Anthony tries to form up in a V shape **
(5) Tristin: Athletics + str?
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 2],6,7,1] = (1)
(1) Anthony: "Lets try that vee shape that birds do when they fly."
** (5) Tristin does a shakey barrel roll. **
** (3) Kurtis floats on his own, supported by the forces he creates, and doesn't have to flap, just using wings for direction and more power when he feels like it, this allows him to travel faster with less effort **
(4) Robin: "lets go shit on some cars!!"
(1) Anthony: (( ha, I had alwasy meant to ask uchawi what he could cast, nwo was a good time :D can't really fly around in the real world without paradox, but this is the shadow realm ))
(3) Kurtis: "You shit. I'll watch and record on camera"
(4) Robin: "...jk."
** (5) Tristin chuckles and flys up to the rest of them. **
(4) Robin: "youre a freak..."
** (3) Kurtis barrel rolls **
(3) Kurtis: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,9,5,[10, 3]] = (2)
(3) Kurtis: "Wooohohohohoooooo!!!"
(1) Anthony: (( I guess I shoudl of given msyelf parrot wings XD ))
** (2) Uchawi the Parrot flies up with the expertize of a bird rising through the layers of branches **
** (3) Kurtis flies in between them, doing figures, moving towards the spirit city **
** (1) Anthony keeps an eye out of spirits in the air as they head to the city **
** (3) Kurtis looks at the tiny lights, pointing the pistol at the city **
(3) Kurtis: "I'm a military interceptor!"
(3) Kurtis: "Weeeeeee...bang bang bang bang"
** (5) Tristin follows after Kurt twords the city **
** (1) Anthony tries his eagle eyes to focus on the city to see if he can see anything **
(3) Kurtis: "Wow, this is awesome! I feel like Sephiroth!"
(1) Anthony: "Incidently, did anyone think to leave a note?"
(5) Tristin: ((*Knights of the Round*))
(4) Robin: "i guess not..."
(2) GM Claire: flying up above the tree line you can see the city in its contrasting stale beauty, large clouds of dark menicing spirits hang over certain buildings, others covered in what seem to be crystal spiders wrapping things in webs,
(3) Kurtis: "Not me.."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, that looks scary."
** (3) Kurtis forgets whatever he was talking about looking at the city **
(3) Kurtis: "What... are... those..."
** (5) Tristin Looks at the city, a bit in awe. **
(2) GM Claire: over the hospital you can see the spirits of sickness and death fighting with healing, medicine, good will, the occational white light of a pray from a true believer shooting through some of the decay while others dip down to draw up souls
(1) Anthony: "That hospital looks like a combat zone."
(2) GM Claire: Over the casino you can see like a row of vultures the spirits of greed, lust, gambling, with long claws ready to ensare a new victim
(3) Kurtis: "Spirits... vices and virtues of New Haven..."
(1) Anthony: "I see some familiar spirits over hte casino, saw some of those greed ones inside."
** (3) Kurtis tries to visually find his condo... what's left of it **
(1) Anthony: "You know.. we are traveling away from teh safety of hte hollow, in teh spiirit realm, where Jones being death can come too. Be VERY careful."
(3) Kurtis: "Ha! He better not even try with us having these wings on!"
(2) GM Claire: The streets themselves look like death, the small bodies of crushed animals embedded in its texture, blood sticky on the surface. In dark allies you see the dark figures of violence, wrath, lust, the drug spirits even more mangled with spines
(2) GM Claire: *smoke from the polution of car aslo rises off the roadways
** (3) Kurtis looks around the hellish picture and whistles "I shouldn't have moved to Utah.." **
(3) Kurtis: from*
(2) GM Claire: ((don't get me started on Utah ;) ))
(1) Anthony: "Now maybe you can understand why I prefer the jungle."
(3) Kurtis: "I don't really like this sort of few. On the other hand, tell me this is not a jungle?"
** (5) Tristin nods **
(3) Kurtis: ((view, not few, damnit))
(5) Tristin: "Just not very used to it myself... grew up in the city."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, let me think.. the reason I came here is even though I can summon spirits, I dont' knwo what type there are to be able to help us., So one thing we want tolookfor is a type of spirit that looks like it is capable of helping us."
(3) Kurtis: "Real New Haven seems a lot safer than its spiritual twin... never thought i'd say that."
(3) Kurtis: "Church. Go to churches..."
(5) Tristin: "Is this city close to the Hallow withought being in the spirit world?"
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: New Haven is the breeding ground for many kinds of spirits, what sort were you looking for?"
(1) Anthony: "Okay, want to land on top of a building? That way if something comes at us we can fly away. Or try to."
(4) Robin: "i was juct thinking of going to a church too."
** (5) Tristin Remembers his initiation into the arcane world... and looks for the Towers he remembers. **
(3) Kurtis: "Hey, I want to look out for other Hollows..."
(1) Anthony: "That's what I'm tryingot figure out Uchawi, I don't know what types of spirits coudl help us fight Jones, who seems to be a death mage."
** (3) Kurtis prime sights for sign of hollows **
(1) Anthony: "Okay, do you know where a church is in the city?"
** (1) Anthony looks aroundfor a biulding that looks likeit might be a church in the physical world **
(4) Robin: "i don't."
(3) Kurtis: "Maybe some church has a hollow in it, there we could find someone worth talking to."
(1) Anthony: "Maybe an avenging angle type sprit?"
(1) Anthony: *angel
(1) Anthony: (( Watch out! That obtuse angle is gong ot get you! ))
(2) GM Claire: Kurtis you notice several hollows most a good bit smaller, there is one a good deal larger in the downtown area near the theatures and art galleries
(3) Kurtis: "Hey! I see some hollows"
** (3) Kurtis points ahead **
(3) Kurtis: "Some of these a lot smaller than ours... but that one... that one's big"
(1) Anthony: "Be careful, they are probalby warded by their mages and we might be attacked if we try to enter them, even in the spirit world."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm..t he big one might be good to know."
(1) Anthony: "lets take a look but be careful."
** (3) Kurtis points at the City Theatre, Civic Center and New Haven Gallery of Art **
(1) Anthony: "Lead on"
(4) Robin: "its worth a try"
** (3) Kurtis dives towards the Hollow and flaps on **
(1) Anthony: (( just flew in from teh hollow and boy are my arms tired ))
** (5) Tristin follows close behind **
(5) Tristin: (Dum dum TSH!)
** (1) Anthony soars behind Krutis his eagle eyes watching for any danger **
(2) GM Claire: approaching the large hollow you do indeed notice a goodly number of wards and a few spirit guards disgused as gargoyles
** (3) Kurtis hovers over the theatre, over the gargoyles, looking of it's safe to land **
(1) Anthony: "See the spirit guards? lets stay out of the warded area."
(3) Kurtis: "Okay. Well, we need to land somewhere."
(1) Anthony: "I wonder if hte spirit guards would be willing to talk to us.
(3) Kurtis: "Go for it."
** (1) Anthony looks for a place to land on a roof close to the hollow and gargoyles and wards but not in it **
(3) Kurtis: "This place has a lot of mana. People probably oblate here all the time. Some by acting, some by watching."
(1) Anthony: "A community theartre?"
(3) Kurtis: "Looks like it."
(3) Kurtis: "I don't actually go to theatre, so i dunno."
(3) Kurtis: Gonna take Kassie here sometime, I bet she'd love it.
(1) Anthony: "Okay, see anywhere good to land?"
(3) Kurtis: "Right here by the ward"
** (3) Kurtis lands **
** (1) Anthony lands next to Kurtis **
** (1) Anthony keeps an eye on the gargoyles **
** (4) Robin lands **
** (1) Anthony folds his wings **
** (5) Tristin lands by the ward, tucking his wings in as his feet touch the ground **
(2) GM Claire: The gargoyles soar down from their perches eyeing you suspiciously "Tickets please."
** (3) Kurtis looks to Tristin **
** (1) Anthony smiles, "Hello We are not here to enter, but to find allies." **
(5) Tristin: "How much for a ticket?"
(1) Anthony: "Theyre asking us for our tickets."
(5) Tristin: }{Oh, I don't understand them?{P
(2) GM Claire: "Ticket master sells tickets, no tickets no entery"
(4) Robin: "wheres the ticket master?"
(1) Anthony: "That is fine. We actually stopped by to talk to you. Do you enjoy watching this place, or are you forced?"
(1) Anthony: (( don't worry, I'm not going to try to steal someones protective spirit ))
** (3) Kurtis looks around for any signs of positive white light, any figures who radiate good spirit, around **
(2) GM Claire: "We are under contract. Good benefits. Get to eat people without tickets
(5) Tristin: }{Do I understand them, or no?}{
** (1) Anthony nods, "Do you know where I can find others such as you to help us?" **
(2) GM Claire: Get to eat tickets too (the other one chimes in))
** (1) Anthony studies the spirit trying to get a feel for it to be ablet o summon it's kind later **
(3) Kurtis: "Hey Tony, ask if they know Jones."
** (1) Anthony looks at kurtis, shrugs, then the gargoyle, "Do you know a mister Jones by any chance?" **
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: Gargoyles live on tall old buildings if you are looking for one, they are good at scaring things off"
(2) GM Claire: "Tickets please."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, thank you for your time."
(3) Kurtis: "They useless?"
** (1) Anthony turns to Kurtis, "It didn't answer my question, just asking for tickets. Uchawi says we coudl find gargoyles on top ofold buildings." **
** (3) Kurtis drifts off towards the art gallery **
(3) Kurtis: "Maybe in there."
(1) Anthony: "Actually, no,t hey could protect the hollow and such, although I'm sure kassidy has some. Dang, forgot to tlook for protective spriits at the hollow."
(1) Anthony: "Lets fly up to a tall old building and try to find a gargoyle."
** (1) Anthony looksa round for a tall old building **
(3) Kurtis: "I wonder if it's possible to pick locks in this realm. Could break into the gallery, and nobody would know where the paintings went... though, I'd only steal spirits of paintings... which is a scary though... painting of a dragon is a dragon..."
(3) Kurtis: "I still think we need to stick to churches and hospitals. Someone good should be there... unless we can find a keeper of this hollow. Can you summon a keeper, Anthony?"
(1) Anthony: "A keeper? What is a keeper?"
(3) Kurtis: "Well, like Kassidy."
(3) Kurtis: "Someone like her."
(1) Anthony: "If I knew what it was I coudl summon it."
(1) Anthony: "kasidy is not a spirit."
(1) Anthony: "I can only summon spirits."
(1) Anthony: "With space they can be scried though."
(1) Anthony: "Well, gargoyles are an optoin I'll keep in mind. I can alwasy attempt to summon one later even when we are in the physical world."
(1) Anthony: "So, you wanted to try a church again?"
(1) Anthony: "Did you find one?
** (3) Kurtis looks at the government building, the city hall. What kind of spirits are there? **
(5) Tristin: "can't mages see scying?"
(5) Tristin: "I don't think we want that kind of attention in an unfamiliar city."
(1) Anthony: "Greeed, corruption, beurocracy. I wonder if you have to make an appointment to talk to a beurocracy spirit?"
(3) Kurtis: "Robin, you're a Space mage, find us a church."
(2) GM Claire: lots of crystal spiders wrapping the buildings in webbing, as well as some greed, gluttony, lust, corupting spirits
(3) Kurtis: "In case you never been to church, a building with a cross."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. the spiders, I wondre if htey are beurocracy? tying htings up."
(2) Luck: You do actually... and it takes ages for the paperwork to make its way through.
(4) Robin: "ive still got my spatial map in mind."
** (4) Robin flys up higher for a better sence of position **
(5) Tristin: ((SOO BRIGHT!!!!))
(2) Luck: You do actually... and it takes ages for the paperwork to make its way through.
** (1) Anthony jumps off the building and spreads his wings and flys upward **
(5) Tristin: ((I know, highlighted it))
(1) Anthony: (( same ))
(3) Kurtis: ((same))
** (5) Tristin follows close to Robin **
** (3) Kurtis follows Robin **
** (1) Anthony follows robin **
(4) Robin: "the nearest church is by that residential area over in the other direction. im sure"
** (3) Kurtis makes only one flap per everyone's three, the forces propelling him into the wings like wind in the sails **
** (4) Robin flys towards the church. **
** (3) Kurtis looks out for any spirits **
(3) Kurtis: "I hope it's not a mormon church."
(3) Kurtis: "Then we're screwed."
(5) Tristin: "Then we have to wear morman clothes..."
(3) Kurtis: "Mormons have clothes?"
(4) Robin: "special underwear makesme sad."
(2) GM Claire: The church when you arrive, is a hodge podge of spirits, there is charity, hope, caring, side by side with gossip, lust, greed
(3) Kurtis: "No, honey, that's orthodox.."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. emotion spirits aren't going to help us much."
(5) Tristin: "yeah.."
(4) Robin: "no, mormons too."
(5) Tristin: (It's Morman too, we know an ex-morman Pot-head)
(3) Kurtis: "There. Some virtues."
(1) Anthony: "The graveyard would be Jones arena. Hmm.."
(1) Anthony: "Oooh, lets go to a stadium!"
(1) Anthony: "Or a boxing ring!"
(3) Kurtis: "You kidding?"
(1) Anthony: "We shoudl find some beefy spirits there."
(1) Anthony: "or a martial arts studio. A spriit of karate shoudl be fierce."
(3) Kurtis: "I think you're confusing the terms here. A strong spirit doesn't have to be that of a strong person. A physically weak priest can have the mightiest uber spirit in the world if he is stubborn in his fate."
(4) Robin: "we might as wellcheck out the church whiule we're here."
(2) GM Claire: Oh and envy evny is all over a church
(3) Kurtis: "Martial artists can be weak spirited. Look at Tristin, he is a professional in martial arts, but his Wrath spirit is great that he has to keep it on a leash."
(1) Anthony: "A physiclaly weak priest would have a strong ghost, not a spirit."
(3) Kurtis: "Spirit of karate?"
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "Why not?" **
(3) Kurtis: "Karate's a concept. Next thing to it would be spirit of spoon."
(5) Tristin: "It was only a second of loss of control..."
(1) Anthony: "Spoons have spirits, yes."
(1) Anthony: "Spirit of hte dojo if you would then."
** (4) Robin lands on the church roof. **
** (1) Anthony lands next to robin **
** (3) Kurtis gives the church one more chance, trying to single out a faith spirit **
(3) Kurtis: "Talk to that big bright spirit there."
(3) Kurtis: "It looks shiny."
** (5) Tristin hovers slowly to the ground **
** (1) Anthony peers over the edge of hte roof, feeling like a gargoyle himself **
(1) Anthony: "hows it going Uchawi? Need mana yet?"
(5) Tristin: }{Ground=roof))
** (3) Kurtis lands on the balcony **
(2) GM Claire: The shiny spirit happens to be muttering about how she is the best there, makes the best cookies, makes the best bible studies, helps the most people at the turkey drive, so much more pious, best, if only she could have a better husband, like that spirit or that spirit
(1) Anthony: "Meh, leave that one alone, that one is pride."
(2) Uchawi the Parrot: I will be alright for a while longer""
(3) Kurtis: "Mmmmh. Fine. Let's go to a martial arts place."
(3) Kurtis: "Oriental people have good spirits... mostly"
** (1) Anthony shrugs **
(1) Anthony: "So far gargoyles seem like our best bet."
(1) Anthony: "Unless we can find some type of warrior spirit."
(5) Tristin: "Yeah... I mean the Chineese government is wounderful *voice full of sarcasm*"
(3) Kurtis: "They seem like... bouncers to me."
(1) Anthony: "think about stories youv'e heard int he past,.. ghost stories or whatever. what were the toughest?"
(3) Kurtis: "Hmmm... paladins."
(5) Tristin: "Samuri"
(3) Kurtis: "Holy warriors."
(3) Kurtis: "And Merlin."
(3) Kurtis: "And the lady of the lake."
(3) Kurtis: "Oh I get it! Women!"
** (4) Robin flys up high above the roof. **
(3) Kurtis: "Or maybe water."
(1) Anthony: "Those aren't spirits though. lady of hte lake didn't fight anyone, just kept a sword."
(4) Robin: "what am i looking for now?"
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. a weather spirit? "
(1) Anthony: "We are looking for spirits to help us. Now we want some type of martial arts building, a do jo."
(5) Tristin: "Sammuri spirits live on in swords..."
(3) Kurtis: "Guys... i think i got it. Spirit of Love. We need a wedding chapel!"
** (1) Anthony jumps into hte air **
(4) Robin: "okay a do jo...."
(1) Anthony: "Jones would laugh at love."
(1) Anthony: "He's death>"
(3) Kurtis: "We'd love him to death..."
(1) Anthony: "A sprit of a dragon, now that woudl be something."
(3) Kurtis: "Hmm. comic book store..."
(4) Robin: "a small do jo is down the street next to a smaller beauty salon."
(1) Anthony: "Mabe we can find one of htose around the do jo. chinese area."
(5) Tristin: "Do dragons exist? I'm through doubting anything..."
(3) Kurtis: "Well, alright, let's get do-jo..."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, wait, that's japanese."
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "Do gargoyles exist/" **
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin, if a Mage thinks a dragon exists, a dragon exists. I'll make you a dragon some day."
(3) Kurtis: "What color you want it in?"
(5) Tristin: "Make me into a dragon, or make a dragon for me?"
(1) Anthony: "You know, with higher sprit I could create a dragon spirit."
(3) Kurtis: "Haha."
(3) Kurtis: "No, to make you into a dragon, that's Tony."
** (4) Robin flys off down the street. ignoring the dragon talk. **
(1) Anthony: "I coudl make you a dragon someday, in both senses."
** (1) Anthony follows behind **
** (3) Kurtis follows robin, flying on his back, like swimming **
** (5) Tristin follows behind, trying out some aerial acrobatics **
** (1) Anthony keeps scanning the sky for danger with his eagle eyes as he follows along **
(4) Robin: "there it is. point down from the sky."
(4) Robin: pointint**
(4) Robin: pointing****
** (1) Anthony follows robin down **
** (3) Kurtis lands at the doors of the dojo **
** (4) Robin lands. **
** (5) Tristin drops down, landing before the dojo **
(4) Robin: "see anything useful?
** (1) Anthony lands before the dojo and looks around **
** (3) Kurtis keeps the hand on the sword hilt, for what its worth **
(3) Kurtis: "We going in, or the guy with the sword goes in first again?"
(4) Robin: "you do have a sword."
(5) Tristin: ((Since I doubt Robin the character would know, what kind of dojo is it Claire?))
(5) Tristin: }{*AIRHORN*}{
(2) Older Man: It happens to be a dojo for Karate, *kicks Tristin* in the rafters are a number of spirits, from the chinese zodiac, there is also a larger spirit looking much like a worrior meditating in the center of the room. Before you can speak he begins
(1) Anthony: "You know.. we could also look for fire spirits or such."
(2) Warrior: (I said before you speak :P)
(2) Warrior: *kicks Anthony too*
(5) Tristin: ((LOL))
(1) Anthony: (( since he's in the form of a man, everyone can understand him maybe? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((tony got kicked harder, coz tristin got kicked by old man))
(2) Warrior: *kicks some more*
(2) Warrior: *kicks Kurtis harder*
(2) Warrior: (SHUT UP)
(2) Warrior: "You come seeking aid, you have a quest, a great enemy to defeat. I can help you, and I will, but first you must prove you are worthy of help."
(5) Tristin: "How are we to prove our worth?"
** (1) Anthony bows, "What proof would you wish?" **
(1) Anthony: (( you must snatch this pebble from my hand... ))
(3) Kurtis: ((as a test you need to kick Keanu Reeves's ass))
(5) Tristin: }{XD!!!}{
(2) Warrior: "Four challenges you will face, one for each member of your party." *he nods his head and four spirits decend from the ceiling, an ox, a dog, a rabbit, and a monkey.*
(3) Kurtis: I take the monkey...
** (1) Anthony looiks at the ox thinking this is gonig to take physical strenght and he can incresae his strenght... **
(2) Warrior: "The strength of an ox, loyalty of a dog, speed of a rabbit, and cunning of a monkey."
** (3) Kurtis stays silent, letting others talk **
(5) Tristin: ((Tristin's symbol is Ram... so which one is mine?))
(1) Anthony: speed is obvoiusly robin. strenght I can do. loyalty and cunning.. hmm...
(1) Anthony: speed is obvoiusly robin. strenght I can do. loyalty and cunning.. hmm...
** (5) Tristin eyes the rabbit? **
(1) Anthony: (( accelerated time = speed ))
(3) Kurtis: speed is obviously Tristin... strength is Tony...
(3) Kurtis: ((Tristin. Robin is space))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, okay, Ith ought she was space and time ))
(1) Anthony: (( liek hiro ))
(4) Robin: ((space and mind))
(2) Warrior: "Which challenge will you attempt first?"
(5) Tristin: ((I'm Time and Fate))
** (3) Kurtis looks back **
(1) Anthony: "Strenght."
** (3) Kurtis pulls out the sword and takes the gun in the other hand **
(1) Anthony: If we cant' beat strenght we won't have a chance with any of hte others
(3) Kurtis: "Good luck, ladies. See you when it's over."
(1) Anthony: "What is the challenege, sensei?"
(2) Warrior: "The oxen will take you to your challenge."
(1) Anthony: (( and yes, anthony has some japanese ))
(1) Anthony: (( language knoweldge that is ))
(5) Tristin: ((But it's Chineese zodiac...))
** (1) Anthony follows the ox **
(3) Kurtis: ((pwnt))
(2) GM Claire: The Oxen will lead you towards a room deeper into the dojo (yeah.. chinese)
(1) Anthony: (( ... I don't know what to call a chinese sensei ))
(1) Anthony: (( chan? ))
(3) Kurtis: (( ling ling ? ))
(2) GM Claire: Inside the room are a number of large stones, filling one side of the room, which seems to span forever.
(4) Robin: ((ring ring))
(2) GM Claire: "Your task is to move the stones from this side to the other side."
(1) Anthony: "Are there any rules?"
(2) GM Claire: "You must touch each stone, do not attempt your trickery here."
(5) Tristin: ((Sensei is teacher in alot of Asia, but China mostly uses xiansheng, roughly means "mister"}{
(1) Anthony: muttering - Honing the Form (V)(3) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+powerword(2) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,7,2,9,9] = (3)
(2) GM Claire: You may leave at any time but to leave is to forfet"
(5) Tristin: }{prounouced Shian-zeng I think....}{
** (1) Anthony incresaes his strength by 3 **
(1) Anthony: (( 6 strength ))
** (1) Anthony goes to one of hte stones and tries to life it **
(3) Kurtis: "Well, at least we're together."
(1) Anthony: (( 6 is the highest I can make my str righ tnwo :/ ))
(2) GM Claire: The stone does move a few inches when you push at it.
** (3) Kurtis comes to the next stone, next to the one Tony picked up **
(1) Anthony: "Everybody help."
(1) Anthony: "On the same stone."
(5) Tristin: "I thought this was everyone seperate?"
** (1) Anthony looks at hte oxen to make sure it odoesn't ojbect **
** (5) Tristin looks to the warrior spirit. **
(3) Kurtis: "Must touch each stone..." - touches the stone with one finger, then tries to generate kinetic force under it to lift it
(2) GM Claire: You are in a room without any spirits.. you have rocks and each other.
(3) Kurtis: Unseen Hand: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1 = 7
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7,7,5,[10, 8],6,3] = (2)
(1) Anthony: "everyone help me lift this stone and carry it tot he other side."
(5) Tristin: "Why not just push?"
(4) Robin: ((i can teleport big rocks?))
(1) Anthony: "Or push"
** (1) Anthony pushes the stone **
** (5) Tristin pushes at the same stone **
** (4) Robin helps push, though shes not very strong. **
(2) GM Claire: ((only teleport self))
** (3) Kurtis attempts to lift the stone everyone is lifting **
(5) Tristin: Str3+ath2
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,5,2,[10, 9]] = (2)
(4) Robin: ((thats what i thought.just making sure))
(5) Tristin: 3 successes
(1) Anthony: (( str + ath roll or? ))
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,4,4,9,8,1] = (3)
(5) Tristin: ((What it sounds like to me... in description))
(2) GM Claire: I just need to know combines strenght behind each stone)
(1) Anthony: str6 + ath 4 = 10 [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,4,4,6,[10, 6],[10, 8],7,2,5] = (4)
(4) Robin: str1
(5) Tristin: I have 3
(4) Robin: ath0
(1) Anthony: I have 6
(1) Anthony: (( kurtis? gonna help push? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((already doing so))
(3) Kurtis: ((look at my rolls))
(1) Anthony: (( str? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((3, i have better dice pool telekinetically, and i still rolled 3))
(1) Anthony: GM Claire: I just need to know combines strenght behind each stone)
(2) GM Claire: You need strenght of at least six to push a stone, it will take ten minutes at six to push a stone all the way across a room. At seven it will take 6 minutes.
(1) Anthony: (( and at 10? ))
(1) Anthony: (( 6 + 3 + 1 ))
(3) Kurtis: ((6+3+3+1))
(3) Kurtis: ((add my roll))
(5) Tristin: ( 6+3+3+1)
(5) Tristin: }{13))
(1) Anthony: (( 13 would take.. 6 = 10 7 = 6... 8 =.. hmm.. 6/10 of 6? ))
(2) GM Claire: 13 would take 2 minutes
(1) Anthony: (( so in 2 minutes we push one stone across the room, then Tony looks at the row of stones. Did you say it appreared endless? ))
(3) Kurtis: "So... we moved one stone so far... this is insane."
(2) GM Claire: Though I would like to note that outside of trying it you wouldn't necissarily know that in game yet))
(2) GM Claire: ((yes I did))
(1) Anthony: (( we acutally pushed one stone across ))
(1) Anthony: "Well, that took about two minutes. Two times infinity is... how long?"
(3) Kurtis: ((yeah, we all agree on attempting to push one honestly))
** (1) Anthony gets behind the next stone **
(3) Kurtis: "No, no, this is crazy. That's not the way to do it..."
(1) Anthony: "Can you speed us all up?"
(1) Anthony: "it is a test os strenght. But it seems to be endless."
(5) Tristin: Just me...
(5) Tristin: ""
(3) Kurtis: "The guy is insane. This is a test of everything, I think."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm. I wonder if I can incresae youre strenght."
** (3) Kurtis sits down and thinks **
** (3) Kurtis looks at the room, taking in its visual attributes **
(5) Tristin: "He doesn't want us using magic.."
(2) GM Claire: The room is made of whicker reed walls, each about six feet by six feet, the same can be said of the flooring.
(1) Anthony: "I could transform an animal into an elephant."
(3) Kurtis: "Right. We have to be cunning enough not to let him know we're using it."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, lets just tilt the whole building."
(3) Kurtis: "Robin..."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, he said we had to touch each one."
(3) Kurtis: "Can you switch where the door is? Turn the room around?
(4) Robin: "im thinking portals..."
(4) Robin: "move the door?"
(1) Anthony: "Uchawi, can you tell how many stones there are?"
** (3) Kurtis counts the stones **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, wait, your space magic, you should be able tot ell."
(1) Anthony: "I wonder if we can move more than one stone at once."
(4) Robin: i feel the space of 1300 stones in this room...a shit ton."
(1) Anthony: "I can't transform myself into an animal yet, just parts... but I can transform another animal into a differnet one, but there are no animalis here to transform."
(1) Anthony: "1300 times two is 2600 minutes"
(1) Anthony: "sixty minues in an hour..."
(1) Anthony: "over four hours without rest."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, this aiin't gonna work. I need to transform into something htat can move htem fast, or more than one at a time
(1) Anthony: "Any suggestions?"
(3) Kurtis: "Yes."
(3) Kurtis: "Not do it like this"
(1) Anthony: (( gonna go smoke a cig and think ))
(4) Robin: "im trying to think of a way to make the door appear on the opposite side, then everyone just go an touch all the stones...but cant really say how."
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin has a masked Aura, right? He can cast undetected, sorta?"
(1) Anthony: "That's not how it works, he said no tricks."
(1) Anthony: although he didn't say no magic.
(3) Kurtis: "Improvise. Try to rotate the room."
(5) Tristin: "I wouldn't try him...He's an experienced spirit..."
(3) Kurtis: "Well, I already casted, and it didnt end the challenge. I mean, come on, we're i nthe spirit world, and this IS a challenge. He doesn't epxect us to move 1300 stones by hand"
(4) Robin: "right, okay give me a sec."
(3) Kurtis: "We can touch them, Robin can make one touch go to many place, right?"
(4) Robin: "probably"
(3) Kurtis: "Then this is really a test of her abilities."
(4) Robin: "my spatial map should make this slightly easier for me."
(4) Robin: "no penalties at least."
(1) Anthony: "Too bad we dont' have a matter mage, then we coudl just turn them into styrfoam, push them over, turn them back."
** (4) Robin concentrats on the space in the room, the whole room. **
(3) Kurtis: "No kidding."
** (4) Robin makes hand gestures. spatial strands wrap the room. **
(1) Anthony: "can you decreaset he distance of hte room? Instead of making it as wide asi t is, make it narrower, then we only have to pusht he stones a few inches, then turn it back."
(4) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(4)] => [3] = (0)
(4) Robin: gnoisi 1+space 4 lemme redo
(4) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,5,5,5] = (1)
(3) Kurtis: ((actually it takes space 5))
(3) Kurtis: ((she can't do that))
** (1) Anthony goes to the next stone and starts pushing it across while everything things **
(3) Kurtis: "Hm. Portals might work though."
(4) Robin: ((alright :( ))
(1) Anthony: "one thousand, two hundred, ninety eight stones in the hall, one thousand, two hundred, ninethy eight stones, bget behind one, push it across, one thousand, twho uhundred nintey sven stones in the room.."
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin!"
** (3) Kurtis jumps up **
(5) Tristin: "yeah?"
(3) Kurtis: "Look into the past and see how the last person passed this challenge."
(4) Robin: "im thinking open a portal under a rock and have the other end on the ceiling of the otherside and push the rest of the rock through."
** (5) Tristin nods, gazing into the past of the room **
** (5) Tristin gnosis 2 plus time 3 **
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,[10, 5],2,2] = (1)
(3) Kurtis: "Go deep, as far as you can, see if anyone did it at all"
(3) Kurtis: "Robin, yes, do that, open portals under each rock."
(4) Robin: ill start trying."
(1) Anthony: "And have a huge boulder smashing down on the floor? It would ter this place apart."
(1) Anthony: "And how long does it take to cast a portal?"
(3) Kurtis: "Make the exit portal low above the floor"
(1) Anthony: "So then it's half wa y though the portal.
(4) Robin: "a while, that why i could cast just a few and push some of the closer ones into it perhaps."
(1) Anthony: "Bottom half sitting on floor over htere, top half over here."
(5) Tristin: ((Did... I see anything?))
(4) Robin: "ill try."
(1) Anthony: (( matter, space, time, forces seem to be what would help the most ))
(2) GM Claire: You find that most people who enter this room give up, especially when they leave the room, but also after they have performed some trick like moving the floor tiles and are told they will have to do the challenge again, they all seem to say "This it too hard I give up"
(1) Anthony: "Can you use forces to make the stones lighter?"
(1) Anthony: "Decrease gravity in the room?"
(5) Tristin: "everyone seems to use magic..."
(5) Tristin: "And fails... let's just push the damn rocks..."
(3) Kurtis: "Am doing so on every stone you carry"
(1) Anthony: "Well, tthey all mages."
** (4) Robin touches the base of the rock. focuses on the two points for the portal. **
(3) Kurtis: ((Kurtis is helping Anthony with strength 3 of telekinetic force))
(4) Robin: portal(space4+investigation1+manipulation2)
(4) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 2],[10, 10, 7],3,[10, 6],8,[10, 9]] = (5)
(4) Robin: 7))
(5) Tristin: "I really think that's a bad idea..."
(2) GM Claire: Well that rocks on the other side of the room now
** (1) Anthony shakes his head, "That one we didnt' push across." **
(1) Anthony: "He said we had to push each one. but if we cna make them lighter, that's the key I think."
** (1) Anthony starts to push another rock **
(1) Anthony: (( about, what, 15 minutes to move 3 rocks so far? O.o ))
(3) Kurtis: "Hmmm... I cannot control gravity just yet... but I can turn the heat of this room into kinetic force which should resist gravity"
(1) Anthony: "Can you decrease friction in the floor?"
(3) Kurtis: "You should be able to just slightly push them, like bowling balls... can you roll 1300 bowling balls?"
(4) Robin: "that sounds better than portals."
(1) Anthony: "its the friction that keeps them from moving fast, other htan inertia."
(5) Tristin: "...What if we have to start over after we finsihed?" *looks to the ox*
(3) Kurtis: "Friction! Genius! I can also make air assist you!"
(5) Tristin: "Are we still okay?"
(1) Anthony: "Right, lets make it as easy as possible and just push the suckers."
(5) Tristin: ((Oh, damnit...))
** (3) Kurtis starts his work **
(2) GM Claire: (scrolls back up to the part where she said there were no spirits in the room)
(1) Anthony: "reduce friction, have air help, and push."
(1) Anthony: "Get it down to a few seconds per rock if we can."
** (3) Kurtis first creates a kinetic force pulling from the floor up **
(3) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,4,4,6,3,1] = (1)
** (3) Kurtis then reduces friction of the floor with the rocks **
(1) Anthony: (( if I gave myself elephant legs, that woudl make my legs stronger? ))
(5) Tristin: "Guys... we need to just push the damn things... with our muscles..."
(3) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 +Forces 4 + Ring 1 =7
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,2,1,3,7,3] = (0)
(3) Kurtis: "Damn it!"
(1) Anthony: "After making it eas easy as possible, yes. In the past, did anyone acutally push them across by any means? "
(5) Tristin: All I saw was failure.
(1) Anthony: "Did you see anyone PSUH them?"
(5) Tristin: "And failure because they used magic."
** (3) Kurtis tries to have the air push on the rocks **
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],9,7,8,6,6,8] = (4)
(1) Anthony: "Like we are going to do afte rmakig i it easier?"
(5) Tristin: "No! and they ALL FAILED!"
(1) Anthony: "Did they touch them like the ox said?"
** (3) Kurtis achieves a push, making rocks easier to push in the right direction **
(1) Anthony: "So we're goign to touch them all, pusht hem across and not fail."
(3) Kurtis: "We will touch them all, just with assistance."
** (1) Anthony tries the next rock (how long it take ot move acorss this time? ) **
** (4) Robin closes portal **
** (5) Tristin shrugs and sits against the wall, watching. **
** (3) Kurtis tries again with friction **
(3) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,6,9,9,4,4] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( claire still awake konrad? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((yes))
(1) Anthony: (( so howl olong it take me to move a rcok across nwo? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((working on it, all imprmptu spells))
(1) Anthony: (( reminds me of the knights of hte dinner table, they had a puzzle to take somethign from a table in the cetner of a huge rug without stepping on the rug. they tried and tried and coudlnt' come up with anything. then the palyer that was away came back. oh, easy, bent down, started rolling up the rug, got to center, tookt eh item. won.
(3) Kurtis: "Guys come on, this is an oriental puzzle. It's not gonna work this way, I bet... can we like... not move them, then have the guy come in and tell him we moved it there and back? And we just touch each one, or something?"
(1) Anthony: "They are spirits, they will know how they're moved."
(1) Anthony: "And he never told us to move htem back."]
(2) GM Claire: You have an area of 24 feet free of friction with that last roll, so to answer your question, as soon as his spell is cast the rock flies across the room
(1) Anthony: "He said, you trask is to move the stones from thsi side to the other side. You much touch easch stone, do not attempt yoru trickery here."
(1) Anthony: he said nothign about making it easier on ourselves.
(4) Robin: "i think we already failed when i used a portal."
** (5) Tristin nods **
(3) Kurtis: "Our powers are not trickery. They are arcane secrets. And I'm not moving these rocks the hard way"
(3) Kurtis: "You saw that? Let's do next."
(1) Anthony: (( as soon as it's cast, or as soon as it's touched? )
(5) Tristin: And that shows weakness, he's looking for strength..
(5) Tristin: ""
** (3) Kurtis keeps the friction spell up, and tosses next rock **
(1) Anthony: (( as long as we have to touch them to move htem.. it' shoudl be fine ))
** (1) Anthony walks along mpushing each stone across the room **
(3) Kurtis: "Do each of us have to touch each rock? Or any of us is fine?"
(1) Anthony: "Any shoudl be fine."
(3) Kurtis: "Yay. 5 rocks over!"
(3) Kurtis: "1295 to go"
(5) Tristin: I assume one person would be able to push a rock, given he is strong enough.
(5) Tristin: ""
(1) Anthony: "yes, shoudl be."
(1) Anthony: ( ( ))
(1) Anthony: (( have the frictionless floor follow you. ))
** (5) Tristin walks out the door to the Warrior. **
(3) Kurtis: "Robin, do you have any ideas? These guys want to keep moving rocks..."
(1) Anthony: "No! Don't leave!"
(1) Anthony: "He said if you leave you forfeit!"
(3) Kurtis: "Kick the shit out of him!"
(2) GM Claire: The room disolves around you and you are back in the main room
(5) Tristin: "They've failed haven't they?"
(4) Robin: "my only idea is just to push them."
(2) Warrior: "Given up already?"
(5) Tristin: "Before I opened the door..."
(1) Anthony: "Wait! No! YOU IDIOT!"
(5) Tristin: "No I want to try again."
(1) Anthony: "No, we did not give up. This one" glares at tristin, "Left without sayign anything."
(1) Anthony: "we were moving hte rocks, after making it easier of course."
(2) Warrior: "Do you speak for all in your party."
(5) Tristin: "I see what you want us to do, and they refuse... it's too "hard" for them."
(5) Tristin: "I speak for myself alone."
(3) Kurtis: "Well we got 5. That's a start."
** (2) Warrior watches all of you **
(5) Tristin: "If you were right, and I was wrong, I can help us do it faster next time... but I want to know from him. Had we failed before I opened the door?"
(1) Anthony: "Sir Warrior, I beg you to give us another chance, we did not leave hte room, this one did, without talking to us."
(1) Anthony: "If tristin forfeits, I understand. But I never give up!"
(4) Robin: "i want to know, too."
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin. You walked out. Room dissolved. We were trying, the room did not dissolve. Hence, only opening the door fails the task."
(5) Tristin: "Wrong."
(1) Anthony: "You failed when you left hte room Tristin, he said if you leave you forfeit. What part of forfeit don't you understand?"
(5) Tristin: "I didn't leave the dojo."
** (1) Anthony shakes his head **
** (2) Warrior continues to watch you all quietly **
** (1) Anthony turns with the warrior, "You see what I have to work with sir." **
(3) Kurtis: "I'm going back in."
** (5) Tristin realizes he carelessly walked in with his shoes still on, and takes them off, leaving them by the door. **
(3) Kurtis: "If that was not a challenge of cunning, I want a challenge of cunning please."
(1) Anthony: "Sir, we did not give up. We" indicating everyone but Tristin, "Did not leave and were moving hte rocks. Can you let at least us three proceed?"
(5) Tristin: "you don't speak for Robin."
** (5) Tristin looks to her. **
(2) Warrior: "You speak for all in your party?"
(1) Anthony: "I know I speak for myself" Tony turns to Kurtis and Robin, "Do you wish to proceed?"
(4) Robin: "we need to know if the task failed first. otherwise moving them all wouldve been a waste of time."
** (5) Tristin nods **
(1) Anthony: "If need be, sir, I will move each and every rock myself if I have to."
(3) Kurtis: "Yeah, I feel the same."
(1) Anthony: "TTristin, I do not htink he is going to answre that."
(3) Kurtis: "I speak for myself in wishing to know what disqualified us, and if we can do again?"
(1) Anthony: "What you consider a wsate of time, I consider an effort."
(4) Robin: "i wish the know the answer to those two questions too."
(5) Tristin: "Okay, but you and Kurt go do it your way, I'll take the speed test then."
(3) Kurtis: "The speed test will probably make you run in circles faster than you can move. And it's illegal to run."
(1) Anthony: "I don't think so tristin, becuase it's another test you'll give up in hte middle and make us all fail."
(2) Warrior: You were given the rules of the challenge. Your task is to move the stones from this side to the other side.You must touch each stone, do not attempt your trickery here. You may leave at any time but to leave is to forfeit"
(2) Warrior: Do you beleive you have failed?"
(3) Kurtis: "Hell no. I don't fail."
(5) Tristin: I belive we had used trickery.
(1) Anthony: "I do not believe we have failed, but I am not sure wht yu mean by trickery."
(1) Anthony: "we simply made it easier to move each stone by reducing hte friction on the floor. I do not believe that disqualifes us."
(4) Robin: "we havent given up"
(1) Anthony: "For we were pushing each stone across."
(2) Warrior: "Do you speak for all in your party?"
(3) Kurtis: "I think this spirit is like a robot..."
(1) Anthony: "That we have not given up? I believe so."
** (5) Tristin nods **
** (2) Warrior frowns at Kurtis for his comment **
(5) Tristin: I haven't quit..
(3) Kurtis: "When the test fails, room dissolves."
(5) Tristin: "That's not what I've seen Kurtis."
(2) Warrior: Then you suceed. The strengh of an ox is not just in his body but in his persistance."
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin, how about first doing it our way, and if it's wrong, you can move these rocks by hand without aid to the rest of your life, and I wont object"
(1) Anthony: "Wait, what?"
(1) Anthony: "We suceed after moving five rocks?"
(2) GM Claire: The oxen bows and assends to the ceiling
(5) Tristin: "Chinese puzzle..."
(1) Anthony: "But the others failed..."
(4) Robin: "they gave up"
(5) Tristin: "I was willing to push them by hand, how do I fail?"
(3) Kurtis: "I said we didn't failed."
(5) Tristin: "Oh you mean them"
(1) Anthony: "And tristain, do no leve a test without talking to us first."
(5) Tristin: "It's simple, my vision told me they failed when they were told to do it all again."
** (1) Anthony sneezes, "Bullshit!" **
(3) Kurtis: "We don't fail. We succeed. As long as we wanna go back into that room and move those stupid rocks. I'm about to explode it though."
(2) Warrior: "Pick your next challenge"
(5) Tristin: "I'm not saying I knew before I left. Just that it makes scence now."
(3) Kurtis: "Cunning. My favourite."
(2) Warrior: ((gm to the ladies room you guys pick a challenge)
(1) Anthony: "Lets see, was strenght, speed, cunning and one other. lets try cunning."
(4) Robin: "loyalty is the other."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, I know what tristan was thinking. Even if we had failed, reroll time."
(3) Kurtis: "Alright, these puzzle are clearly chinese. Guys if there's gonna be like an uber wall to climb, I'm not climbing it."
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin can reroll time?"
(1) Anthony: "Time mages can, wsa reading about it. called second chance or something."
(3) Kurtis: "Really?"
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin, can you do that?"
(1) Anthony: "I was reading about it because I hvae a little time and wa seeing what I coudl get if I studied hard."
(5) Tristin: ((Shifting Sands))
** (5) Tristin smirks **
(5) Tristin: Maybe...
(3) Kurtis: "You're rerolling it right now, arent you?!"
** (3) Kurtis suspicious look at Tristin **
(5) Tristin: Ever feel dae-ja-vu in battle?
** (3) Kurtis SUSPICIOUS!! **
(3) Kurtis: "Now?!"
(1) Anthony: "Dang, what happen? we all die?"
(3) Kurtis: "Are you rerolling it now?"
(3) Kurtis: "Did you just reroll it?"
(1) Anthony: "have you ever rerolled time on us?"
(3) Kurtis: "Fuck I hate you."
(5) Tristin: "no"
(1) Anthony: (( have you ever used hte flashy thing on me?))
(1) Anthony: "No, seriously, have you?"
(4) Robin: "for real man, you got to tell us this stuff."
(3) Kurtis: "He probably rerolled it and said "yes," "no", "yes", "poodle", "no"
(1) Anthony: "Dang, would be good for a roulette table. bet on 21 black, see what numbre comes up, reroll tlime, put on that number instead."
** (5) Tristin smirks **
(1) Anthony: "Although a time mage would see such shifts."
(3) Kurtis: "Shit Robin, he could have like, stripped you naked, looked under your shirt, touch you in private places, and rerolled time."
(5) Tristin: "Roulette is fun... first time I tried it."
(4) Robin: "I KNOW!"
** (5) Tristin nods, haveing never thought of that before. **
(3) Kurtis: "Oh! You rerolled it back at the casino?!"
(3) Kurtis: "Sweeeeet"
** (5) Tristin "yeah, missed the damn ball." **
(3) Kurtis: "Anyway, you guys all agree on cunning challenge?"
(5) Tristin: sounds good.
(4) Robin: "sounds alright"
(3) Kurtis: "Mister Warrior Sensei, whatever. Cunning challenge please. Yes I speak for all in my paaartyyy" - mocks the voice
(5) Tristin: "Xiansheng."
(1) Anthony: "Don't mock the warrior!"
(2) Warrior: "The Monkey will lead you to your challenge
** (1) Anthony follows the monkey, suddenly having a sense of deja vu. **
(3) Kurtis: "Lovely."
(2) GM Claire: ((if I hear a single 12 monkey's reference I will make you all lose I swear)))
** (3) Kurtis looks back at Tristin **
(3) Kurtis: "He's so totally rerolling this."
** (3) Kurtis follows **
(5) Tristin: ((*sings the Theme song* Hey Hey it's the Munkeys!!!!))
(4) Robin: "if i get deja vu about the wrong thing im sooo not talking to you."
(1) Anthony: (( unfortunately,w e don't even get sense of deja vu when he rerolls time, it never happened ))
(3) Kurtis: ((i think we do when he is low gnosis, later he gets better control over it))
** (1) Anthony suddently realizes that he's in a shadow realm outside of real space in a do jo following a monkey of all things for a tet of cunning, "Oh my gawd, I just realized hwo strange my life has become." **
(4) Robin: ((that sounds more likly))
(3) Kurtis: "Don't forget the pair of wings behind your back."
(2) GM Claire: The monkey leads you into a room, a cavern really, with bamboo poles spaced every 5 feet, the room is approximately twenty yards across. On this side of the room there are four large bags of sand, three poles each four feet long, two spans of rope each ten feet long, and one board that is five feet long and tall.
(5) Tristin: (("Those other than the caster may feel a scence of Deja Vu about the situation, but to them the caster's action is the first and only that has happened"))
(1) Anthony: (( bamboo poles verticle? ))
(2) GM Claire: "Your challenge is to get each of these items across to the other side. You must each arrive at the other side at the same time as the items. If you or any item touches the floor you forfeit. If you or any item touches the ceiling you forfeit.
(2) GM Claire: (more dimensions)
(2) GM Claire: (each pole is six feet tall stuck into the ground, and the ceiling is nine feet above the top of the bamboo
(2) GM Claire: The monkey leaves, leaving you ALONE IN THE ROOM WITHOUT ANY SPIRITS (So you don't aske me again)
(1) Anthony: "having wings is going to help hwre I htink."
(3) Kurtis: ((no ox?))
(2) GM Claire: *kicks Kurtis*
(1) Anthony: "Maybe we can just tie the roap around that big board, put everything on it, eveyrone grab the rope and we fly across.
(5) Tristin: "Tie everything down with the rope."
(1) Anthony: (( oh, wait, only 3' above the tops of hte pools ))
(5) Tristin: "Also, we have our space mage..."
(4) Robin: "my pocket realm might be useful"
(1) Anthony: "He didn't say we had to acutally carry them this time. Just get them acorss."
(3) Kurtis: ((no no, 9 feet))
(4) Robin: "put everything in and fly across"
(5) Tristin: ((No, 9 above bamboo...17 from ground))
(3) Kurtis: ((bamboo is 6 ft, and the ceiling is 9 above the top of bamboo))
(1) Anthony: "and arive at the same time ))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, 9 feet, yeah we can fly across ))
(3) Kurtis: "yeah. why don't we all grab everything and march together?"
** (1) Anthony grabs one of hte bags of sand and experimetnly tries to fly up with it **
(2) GM Claire: sand is rather heavy about 75lbs
(1) Anthony: "lets see, four bags of sand, sevety five poinds. even with all four of us, there re four bags, still we'd have ot fly with over 75 poinds each."
(1) Anthony: "plus weight of poles and boards."
(3) Kurtis: "Well... we are mages... Say, we can keep the bags in the air, that's no problem. We don't have to start at the same time, just arrive."
(5) Tristin: We can use the rope to get the bags across one by one...
(5) Tristin: And tie them to the bamboo at the end.
(4) Robin: "worth a try."
You must be a GM to use this feature
(1) Anthony: "true."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm. can two of us carry one bag?"
(1) Anthony: "help me try to fly this up kurits."
(5) Tristin: "I would think so."
(3) Kurtis: "Okay so we have a board 5 feet long and five feet tall"
** (1) Anthony grabs one end of bag and indicates for kurtis to gab the other" **
(1) Anthony: ((plywoodlike ))
(3) Kurtis: "We need to do the board too."
(1) Anthony: "I"m thinking htis. Why fly the plyood toward the other end. use hte ropes to tie it between twopolls."
(1) Anthony: "Fly the stuff over, put it ont he board.
(1) Anthony: "then on the toher side we takeit off."
(1) Anthony: "hmm. but it's not all there at the smae time."
(1) Anthony: "Did he say eveyrthing had ot arrive atthe same time?
(5) Tristin: "Then Robin's pocket relm may be the best shot."
(3) Kurtis: "Yes, everything has to arrive. Us four. Four bags of send. Two 10 ft ropes, 3 5ft poles, and 1 5ft board"
(3) Kurtis: "At the same time."
(1) Anthony: "we much each arive at the other side at the same time as the items. that can be interpereted a lot of ays."
(1) Anthony: "obviously, one person will arrive before another."
(3) Kurtis: "3 poles each 4 ft long, not 5 ft long.."
(1) Anthony: "because one would be in fornt, one in back even if we coudl fly it all across."
(3) Kurtis: "Unless we collide..."
(3) Kurtis: "we don't have to be in the same place, just arrive at the same time."
(1) Anthony: "could you make an updraft in the room?"
(1) Anthony: "so flying it would be easier to fly? then we coudl just put it all on the board, fly it acorss. easies way."
(5) Tristin: The poles will slide horizontally through the bamboo
(1) Anthony: "We'll fly above the poles, the ples can be on the board."
(3) Kurtis: "this would be hard if we were'nt mages..."
(1) Anthony: "he didnt' say no flying."
(4) Robin: "and it is obvious that we can..."
(3) Kurtis: "Yeah, i vote for putting it all on the board, grabbing it at four corners and flying"
** (1) Anthony nods **
** (1) Anthony puts the big board on the ground and starts piling everything on it **
(3) Kurtis: "But... do NOT land."
(3) Kurtis: "If we touch the floor, it's over."
(1) Anthony: "We each have to fly with about eighty pounds I'm gussing. maybe more."
(5) Tristin: It's too heavy, I think.
(1) Anthony: "we can test it here without disqualifying, lets find out."
(4) Robin: "do you think the updraft would be enough help?"
(3) Kurtis: "I will help with heavy"
(1) Anthony: "kurtis may be able to make it easier somehow."
(3) Kurtis: "Load the whole thing up, I'll see if I can give us a bonus pull from the ground"
(3) Kurtis: "Yes, I can, in more than one way"
** (1) Anthony grabs one corner of hte board nad lifts **
(3) Kurtis: "A lot of forces in here"
(4) Robin: "tristin can give us a count down to land."
(3) Kurtis: "We shouldn't land, just fly across first
** (3) Kurtis makes sure all items are placed on the board **
(4) Robin: "yeah"
(1) Anthony: "if we do not touch the floor or hte ceiling, even if we don't succeed, we won't fail and can try again
(3) Kurtis: "the total load here is 75 by 4...300 pounds"
(1) Anthony: "But there are four of us, so 75 pounds each."
(5) Tristin: Hmm, the board should fit with a bamboo pole at each corner, it looks.
(1) Anthony: "not counting weight of boards and rope and poles et cetera."
** (1) Anthony stands holding up one corner of the board **
(3) Kurtis: "I can lift about 500 pounds if I cast this right."
(3) Kurtis: "I could use a boost of any luck I can get on this one."
** (3) Kurtis concentrates **
** (1) Anthony nods, "Good luck." **
** (3) Kurtis nods **
(3) Kurtis: Telekinesis: Strength 2 + Athletics 3 + Forces 4 + Ring 1 = 10
(3) Kurtis: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,1,4,7,6,3,7,1,3] = (0)
(3) Kurtis: ((i win!))
(1) Anthony: "You alwasy forget to use power words."
** (3) Kurtis exhales... **
(2) GM Claire: (give you a cookie)
(3) Kurtis: "Tristin, work the magic of fate on this one please"
(1) Anthony: "And use the power word also for telekensis."
(5) Tristin: Want to see if the board just fits on the poles?
(3) Kurtis: "Okay, power word for Telekinesis... ah yes, I remember"
(3) Kurtis: "Sure. We still gotta lift it though."
(3) Kurtis: "Easier once it's floating in the air"
(5) Tristin: It's not very heavy by itself.
(4) Robin: "yeah it looks like it will."
** (5) Tristin shrugs **
(3) Kurtis: "The board is 5 ft by 5 ft, and poles are every 5 ft. It will for sure fit. I just don't know if it will hold weight"
(5) Tristin: }{Bestow exceptional luck Gnosis 2 + 3 fate}{
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,9,6,4] = (2)
(5) Tristin: }{for Kurt}{
(3) Kurtis: ((what does it do again?))
(5) Tristin: }{9-again}{
(3) Kurtis: ((ok, and power word gives 1 die?))
(2) GM Claire: *Monkey pops out of the ceiling startling you all* "remember, all the items, the bags, the poles, the rope, the board, must cross at the same time." *disappears*
(1) Anthony: (( 2 ))
** (1) Anthony makes sure eveyrthing, the bags the poles the rope are on the board **
(3) Kurtis: "creepy"
** (3) Kurtis chants in High Speech, drawing his hand symbolically up through the air **
(3) Kurtis: "Lift"
** (5) Tristin helps them lift **
(3) Kurtis: Strength 2 + Athletics 3 + Forces 4 + Power word 2 + ring 1 = 12
** (1) Anthony lifts **
** (4) Robin joins the lifting **
(1) Anthony: (( open(9)
(3) Kurtis: [12d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [4,1,1,7,6,5,[9, 7],4,7,5,6,4] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( right? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((look at that sucky roll))
(1) Anthony: (( gawd your dice suck tonight ))
** (3) Kurtis lifts physically for strength 3 **
(3) Kurtis: "Can't cast in this room."
(4) Robin: "try again."
(3) Kurtis: ((yeah, good thing we're not in combat))
** (3) Kurtis sighs, tries again **
(3) Kurtis: "lift!"
(3) Kurtis: [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 4],3,7,2,9,7,1,1,1,9,1,2] = (3)
** (1) Anthony lifts again **
** (4) Robin lifts **
(3) Kurtis: ((4, thats enough for 100 lbs without anyone's help))
(5) Tristin: }{open 9}{
** (3) Kurtis has all items usspended in the air **
(5) Tristin: }{two more}{
(1) Anthony: (( so insteads of 300 it weights 200, so 50 poiunds each ))
(3) Kurtis: ((oh yeah. well, worked anyway))
(3) Kurtis: [2d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [3,4] = (0)
(1) Anthony: (( can we fly with 50 pounds? ))
** (1) Anthony tries flying into the air **
(3) Kurtis: ((did i say 100 lbs? mistype. 400 lbs))
** (5) Tristin flies at the same time **
(3) Kurtis: ((the whole thing is floating))
** (4) Robin fys **
(1) Anthony: (( oh :D ))
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so now we just fly across."
(1) Anthony: "At the sime time it does."
(3) Kurtis: "For Tristin's sake we can even place it one the poles, which is i assume how normal people do it"
(1) Anthony: (( does yoru levitate move it, or just lift it? ))
(3) Kurtis: ((would need another spell, as i have to keep this one in focus to keep it lifted))
** (1) Anthony grabs one corner, "We all ready? Lets go." **
** (3) Kurtis grabs a corner and floats up, not touching ground **
** (5) Tristin nods and flies with the board in hand, twords the other side. **
** (4) Robin takes the last corner **
** (1) Anthony makes sure they are not leaving anything behind **
** (1) Anthony makes sure that nothign can fall off **
(3) Kurtis: "How do we all arrive at the same time?"
(3) Kurtis: "We could all touch the wall at the same time, I guess.."
(1) Anthony: "When we all land on the ground at hte same time of course."
(4) Robin: "or sit on th board and fall?"
(3) Kurtis: "Ooh, i like that. All stand on the board when we arrive, and I will drop the spell"
(3) Kurtis: "In fact, as soon as you stop flapping wings, the board will gradually land with us standing on it"
(4) Robin: make sure everything is tied down first."
(1) Anthony: "He said to get it to the other side and if we touch the floor we fail, but we're touching hte floor NOW. "
(3) Kurtis: "it doesnt count."
** (1) Anthony makes sure everythign is died down with the 20' of rope and cant' fall ouff. **
(5) Tristin: "I think he meant in the cavern."
(1) Anthony: "right, I dont' think touching hte ground on the other side counts either."
(3) Kurtis: "Ok, let's move."
** (1) Anthony nods **
(4) Robin: "ready"
** (1) Anthony starts flying across **
** (3) Kurtis starts flying across **
** (4) Robin flys **
** (5) Tristin is flying **
(1) Anthony: "Hay, watch the rwings, you almost got me in the eye."
** (1) Anthony starts humming, "Fly like an eagle" **
** (3) Kurtis stops flapping wings and levitates instead **
(3) Kurtis: "to the sea..."
** (3) Kurtis flies, flies flies... all the way **
** (1) Anthony makes sure uchawi is with them so he doesnt' disqualify them **
(2) GM Claire: lol
(3) Kurtis: "Okay, everyone put feet on the board"
** (5) Tristin ariving by the other side, he standings on the board and stops flapping. **
(1) Anthony: "Okay, set 'er down"
(3) Kurtis: "and then stop flapping wings all as one"
** (3) Kurtis lands on the board **
** (1) Anthony sighs, but does as kurtis said **
(4) Robin: "on three?"
** (5) Tristin flaps again, holding it with his feet **
(3) Kurtis: "yeah just do it. the board will fall slowly"
(1) Anthony: "On three or after three? is it one two three go, or one two then go?
(3) Kurtis: "just touch the board with your feet"
** (4) Robin lands on the board, holding it with her fett too. **
(3) Kurtis: "stop flapping on three"
(3) Kurtis: "one..."
(3) Kurtis: "two..."
(5) Tristin: (Bounty Hunters!)
(2) GM Claire: Five!
(3) Kurtis: "....three"
** (1) Anthony stops flapping **
** (3) Kurtis stops levitating **
** (4) Robin stops flspping **
** (5) Tristin stopps flapping his wings on three **
** (3) Kurtis slowly dissolves the 400 lbs pushing up, and the board lands **
** (1) Anthony looks up at hte ceiling **
(2) GM Claire: *Monkey appears out of nowhere* Well done.. I didn't particularly understand why you brough all that sand with you but well done anyway.. Incidentally would you like to hear a riddle?"
(1) Anthony: "Sand?"
(1) Anthony: "We didn't have to bring hte sand?"
** (3) Kurtis glares at the monkey, forming a fireball **
(4) Robin: "damn...stupid sand."
(2) GM Claire: course not!
(5) Tristin: "Should have carried... empty bags..."
(3) Kurtis: "What does friend monkey taste like?"
** (1) Anthony shrugs **
(3) Kurtis: "fried*"
(4) Robin: "ive never had monkey, sounds exotic."
(1) Anthony: "Anywya, what is the riddle sir monkey?"
** (3) Kurtis remembers this is just a spirit monkey and won't be yummy **
(2) GM Claire: well you see it was like this.. Three men and I lived in a treehouse on an island. The men found a nice ripe bunch of bananas but it took them all day to get up the tree and bring them down. So they decide to go to sleep and divide up the bananas in the morning.
(2) GM Claire: During the night the first man wakes up while the others sleep, looks at the bananas, and decides to take his 1/3 of the bunch.
(2) GM Claire: Since the bunch didn't divide evenly he gave the extra banana to me.
(2) GM Claire: After he fell asleep the second man woke up in the same way and took his third, giving the extra banana to me.
(2) GM Claire: Finally the third man woke up and did the same, taking a third of the bananas in the bunch and since it didn't divide evenly into three's he gave the extra banana to me.
(2) GM Claire: The next morning the men woke up and divided up what was left into three piles, giving the extra banana to me.
(2) GM Claire: The question is...
(2) GM Claire: What is the least number of bananas that could be in this bunch?
(3) Kurtis: "Three."
** (1) Anthony thinks... **
(1) Anthony: "lets see, if at the end there wsa 4..."
(1) Anthony: "before that woudl be 13..."
(3) Kurtis: "At least four before you got the banana, and at least 3 after."
(1) Anthony: no, before tha twould be 7."
** (3) Kurtis thinks **
(3) Kurtis: "No, more than that... got divided 3 times..."
(4) Robin: "...16?"
(5) Tristin: "One?"
(1) Anthony: "before 7 would be... what would leave 7 taking off a third..."
(1) Anthony: but that woudl leave 8 not 7
(3) Kurtis: "13"
(1) Anthony: and 8 times one thrid woudl leave remainder two, not one
(1) Anthony: ify ou have 13, what is one third of it?
(1) Anthony: One third of 12 is 4. if you take four from 13 you get 9
(1) Anthony: give one to the money leaves 8
(1) Anthony: one thrid of 8 is 2 with remainder 2, not 1
(1) Anthony: so last would be 7 then.
(1) Anthony: seven divided by 3 is 2 remainder one
(1) Anthony: but I think it has to be even each time?
(3) Kurtis: 22
(5) Tristin: "None?"
(3) Kurtis: originally 22 babanas
(1) Anthony: okay, one thrid of 22 is... 7 remainder 1.
(1) Anthony: leaves 14.
(1) Anthony: one third of 14 is 4 remaidner 2.
(3) Kurtis: ok ok, original 21
(1) Anthony: monkey would get 2, not 1
(1) Anthony: one htird of 21 is 7, no remainder, monkey doesn't get banana
(3) Kurtis: 21, he takes 7, leaves 14. so gives away 1 banana
(3) Kurtis: hmmm
(3) Kurtis: you're right
(3) Kurtis: ((GM is trying to solve this as well, as she doesnt know the answer))
(3) Kurtis: ok, 4, 6,7 , 8 and 12 - are confirmed
(3) Kurtis: so on the second night its 8 after the monke
(3) Kurtis: y
(1) Anthony: (( okay, what if there's 10 the end. ))
(1) Anthony: (( making it 16 the time before ))
(1) Anthony: making it 25 at the beginning
(3) Kurtis: 16-1 monkey = 15. takes 5, leaves 10
(3) Kurtis: 10-1 monkey = 9, takes 3, leaves 6
(3) Kurtis: 6-1monkey = 5, takes...?
(3) Kurtis: we know the last night is 7-1 monkey = 6, takes 2, leaves 4
(1) Anthony: starts 25. 1/3 = 8, -1 for moneky leaves 16.
(1) Anthony: second guy, 1/3 16 = 5 - 1 for monkey leaves 10
(1) Anthony: third gy, 1/3 10 = 3 one for monkey leaves 6
(1) Anthony: adn moneky doesn't get one at end. damn it
(1) Anthony: needs to be one more after 25.
(3) Kurtis: grrr!!!!
(1) Anthony: 25 is 2nd guy
(1) Anthony: but 25 isn't divisible by 2
(3) Kurtis: 23
(1) Anthony: okay, 12 at end?
(1) Anthony: 12 is divisible by 3
(3) Kurtis: 23 1/3 = 7-1monkey leaves 14
(3) Kurtis: no...
(5) Tristin: }{I found 25}{
(1) Anthony: 14 / 3 = 4 remainder 2
(1) Anthony: 25 at the beginning doesn't work
(3) Kurtis: ((25-1 = 24, takes 8 leaves 16))
(1) Anthony: twenty five take oe thrid. 8 give one to monkey leaving 16
(3) Kurtis: 16-1 = 15, takes 5, leaves 10
(3) Kurtis: 10-1=9, takes 3, leaves 6
(1) Anthony: second guy, takes one thrid, 5 one for monkey leaving 10
(3) Kurtis: final night = 6 divides by 3, monkey gets nothing
(1) Anthony: third guy, takes 3, gives one to moneky leaving 6
(3) Kurtis: so it cant be 25...
(1) Anthony: 6 is divsible by 3, monkey doesn't get one at end
(3) Kurtis: its gotta be 4 monkeys
(3) Kurtis: 4*1
(3) Kurtis: 4*7 = 28
(3) Kurtis: i think its 28
(1) Anthony: 28 / 3 = 9 - 1 = leaves 18
(1) Anthony: 18 is divisible by 3
(3) Kurtis: damnit
** (3) Kurtis sets the monkey on fire **
(2) GM Claire: NO...
(3) Kurtis: "GIVE US THE ANSWER!"
(1) Anthony: "leave the monkey alone..."
(1) Anthony: okay, so can't be 10 at the end
(2) GM Claire: I don't know the answer... been thinking about it for years... only got four bananas out of the deal.
(1) Anthony: can't be 12
(1) Anthony: can it be 14?
(4) Robin: "you suck."
(3) Kurtis: okay... so... 14
(1) Anthony: no.
(1) Anthony: 16?
(3) Kurtis: no
(2) GM Claire: (don't make the monkey throw poo at you))
(3) Kurtis: 17 could be
(4) Robin: [1d12] => [4] = (4)
(4) Robin: "youre a sad little monkey, why dont you just call your monkey friends and ask them."
(1) Anthony: 16, 16 at end...
** (5) Tristin wishes he hadn't taken off his shoes so he could beat the monkey with it. **
** (3) Kurtis offers his shoe **
(1) Anthony: 16 / 3 = 5 give one to monkey = 10
(2) GM Claire: ((y'all are mean to this poor little monkey)
(1) Anthony: Okay.. I think I might have it.
(1) Anthony: 13 guy is 16, so second guy is...
(1) Anthony: 25.
(1) Anthony: and 25 is odd, so can't be
(1) Anthony: ARG
(1) Anthony: 18?
(1) Anthony: 18 is div by three
(1) Anthony: 20?
(1) Anthony: no... 23?
(1) Anthony: 22
(1) Anthony: 34..
(1) Anthony: 52
(1) Anthony: I think I got it
(1) Anthony: 29
(1) Anthony: 79
(5) Tristin: 4! Monkey gets four nanners, everyone else is screwed.
(1) Anthony: There wre orignially 79 bananas.
(5) Tristin: odd.
(1) Anthony: what is one third of 79?
(5) Tristin: Next test!
(1) Anthony: 26 with a remainder
(1) Anthony: Got it! 79.
(3) Kurtis: ((im sleepy, next test next time plz, we have 2 to do))
** (1) Anthony turns to the monkey, "Seventy nine bananas." **
(3) Kurtis: "Im just not sure its the least number, but nothing smaller works"
(1) Anthony: (( H! I wasw right, just googled for "79 bananas" monkee http://brainden.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=679&p=6644 ))
(2) GM Claire: (woot))
(2) GM Claire: Monkey thinks about it... and thinks about it... "You're right.. 79 bananas. If I had woken up earlier I could have had 79 bananas instead of 4... here I will give you a hint for the one of the challenges."
(2) GM Claire: "To catch a rabbit you need a fox".. *reaches into a little bag* "and here" *hands you a bronze ax*
** (1) Anthony looks at the axe **
** (1) Anthony looks at the moneky, "umm.. okay, thanks" **
(2) GM Claire: "I also have a little drum but I'm not sure if you would want it."
(5) Tristin: Can I have your paw?
(4) Robin: "i want the drum..."
(1) Anthony: (( shoudlw e finish the next two next week? I think people might be getting tired, although I'm good either way ))
(5) Tristin: "Does anyone have two tiny cymbols? this will look awesome!"
(1) Anthony: (( my parents used ot have one of htose when I was a kid :P ))
(4) Robin: ((a real monkey?!))
(2) GM Claire: *monkey frowns at Tristin*
(2) GM Claire: Hey respect the monkey!
(1) Anthony: (( a toy monkey with cymbols :P ))
(5) Tristin: Bye monkey!
** (3) Kurtis takes a look at the axe **
(3) Kurtis: "May I inspect your axe for a moment, Tony?"
** (1) Anthony shrugs and hands the axe to Kurtis **
(5) Tristin: "Can I?"
(3) Kurtis: "No..."
(3) Kurtis: "Tony, this axe is like.... bloated-charged with Thyrsus energym everything you are, it resonates you."
** (3) Kurtis hands the axe back **
(3) Kurtis: "Don't give it to Tristin."
(5) Tristin: ((Watch out, it's an asain monkey he knows Hoo-Flung-Doo))
(1) Anthony: "Umm. what?"
(1) Anthony: "Its magic? I thought it was a clue."
(5) Tristin: "Come on, let me see it... just for a second..."
(3) Kurtis: "It's like this sword I made for myself, except it has your arcana all over its metal"
(1) Anthony: (( omg, axe is Thyrsus path weapon! ))
(2) GM Claire: *pets on head* very good
** (1) Anthony grins and puts the axe into hsi belt, "Thanks monkey!!!" **
(3) Kurtis: "You realize you said that outloud?"
(1) Anthony: (( I was thinking we were goign to have to chop down a tree next test or soemthing :X ))
(2) GM Claire: (things you never thought you would say outloud)
** (1) Anthony looks puzled, "Said what outloud? Thanks monkey?" **
** (3) Kurtis nods, holding laughter **
(3) Kurtis: "Run monkey run!"
(1) Anthony: "What's so funny about that?"
(2) GM Claire: (chop down the largest tree in the forest with... a haring!)
(1) Anthony: (( zomg, spanks monkey? ))
(2) GM Claire: (Don't spank the monkey he will make you go blind!)
(5) Tristin: }{LMAO}{
(3) Kurtis: "Well, two out and two to go. The dog and the bunny."
(3) Kurtis: ((i vote for break till next week))
(3) Kurtis: ((or i will explode))
(1) Anthony: "Bunny wa speed, dog was.. logic was it?"
(1) Anthony: (( ditto ))
(3) Kurtis: "ahem loyalty?"
(3) Kurtis: "not much logic to a dog"
(1) Anthony: (( you can take pee breaks you know konrad ))
(1) Anthony: "Oh, yes, loyalty."
(3) Kurtis: ((dog logic wins!))
(1) Anthony: "sometimes being loyal can be logical"
(3) Kurtis: "heh"
(3) Kurtis: ((box?))
(4) Robin: ((boxy foxy))
(2) GM Claire: box!
(1) Anthony: (( A dog, a rabbit, an ox and a monkey turn into a bar.... magic well done ))
(2) GM Claire: I demand box!
(3) Kurtis:
Flying in the Shadow World they met a magical man... MONKEY OF DOOM!!! Next on Mage: Two challenges left: catch the bunny and ... do something to a dog!

(2) GM Claire: *shakes her head sadly*
(5) Tristin: ((Bow chicka bow wow))
(3) Kurtis: session of insanity
(3) Kurtis: where was Roger when we needed him for stones?
(3) Kurtis: well he is out the window anyway
(1) Anthony: You didn't understand the purpose of htat excercise do you konrad?
(1) Anthony: If he would of made the stones lighter, and we moved htem, we would of been told to try again
(2) GM Claire: correct
(2) GM Claire: awww cute monkey
(3) Kurtis: so we just had to keep going?
(1) Anthony: Tell me, how many times would we have to try again until we won?
(3) Kurtis: if you moved them all by hand it would drive you nuts
(2) GM Claire: until you said you weren't going to give up
(3) Kurtis: we'd have to try again once.
(1) Anthony: Was the whole point with the monkee room in the fact we dind't have to move hte sand?
(1) Anthony: cause for mages, it was a rather trivial excercise
(3) Kurtis: yeah, we kinda brute forced it
(3) Kurtis: though Tristin has a more challenging approach
(1) Anthony: BF&I
(1) Anthony: I've always believed in KISS\
(1) Anthony: KISS that is
(2) GM Claire: yeah you really didn't have to move the sand. thats why he pops in and says remember all the items, the bags, the poles, the ropes, the board, must arrive at the same time.
(2) GM Claire: don't touch the ground was a clue to.. cause sand is ground
(1) Anthony: Even not having to move the sand doesn't make it that much easier
(2) GM Claire: anyway... 4 for coming, two for learning curve, and rp point nominations
(4) Robin: what if we spilled it on our shoes?
(3) Kurtis: you die
(1) Anthony: Hmm.. nominations...
(3) Kurtis: definitely learned 2 things:
(5) Tristin: I learned that monkies have strange, complex riddles and that wrath is subdued through meditation.
(1) Anthony: I learned that it takes a long freaking time to open a shadow gate and I need to increse my gnosis toi 3
(2) GM Claire: yay
(5) Tristin: Oooh! And that I can take Robin's clothes off and rewind time and pretend it never happened!
(3) Kurtis: 1 thing. that drug addiction is bad for your spirit and its best to come into spirit world with a clean system.
(1) Anthony: I learned that uchawi can give us wings! (not only redbull)
(4) Robin: i learned to hate monkeys and coke is bad, but pot wont hurt you. ;p
(3) Kurtis: fail! pot does hurt you
(1) Anthony: I learned that gargoyles make okay sprit guards
(2) GM Claire: the mage game is full of propoganda against drugs even though most gamers are stoners heh
(1) Anthony: 1 RP nomination or 2?
(2) GM Claire: 1
(3) Kurtis: 2 thing i learned is that if you want to accelerate something on the surface, you should remove friction from that surface first
(3) Kurtis: oh yes and never give your path tool to tristin
(2) GM Claire: very good
(1) Anthony: wht did tristin do to your path tool?
(2) GM Claire: oh fine 2 rp nods
(5) Tristin: Curesed it, lol.
(3) Kurtis: monkey paw
(3) Kurtis: made me cut myself with it
(3) Kurtis: for 1 scene
(1) Anthony: why did you curse his path tool? :P
(5) Tristin: I'll learn to do it perma.
(1) Anthony: Okay, kurtis gets 1 RP node.
(5) Tristin: Because he threatened to go get a sword and cut me.
(1) Anthony: And the time lord gets the second :D
(3) Kurtis: coz u slapped my cheeky
(1) Anthony: Well played, rewiding time
(3) Kurtis: and overall kicked my ass
(4) Robin: i vote tristin for the monkey paw nad tony for talking to the parrot and gettg us cool ass wings.
(1) Anthony: Well, you todl him too :P
(3) Kurtis: tony and tristin
(5) Tristin: Tony for Wings, And Robin for guideing us to the Dojo.
(2) GM Claire: Tristin and Tony it is
(5) Tristin: And making everything up as she went along, lol.
(2) GM Claire: ya gets 7 xp
(4) Robin: woo!
(1) Anthony: Danke
(3) Kurtis: k 13+6 = 19 xp
(1) Anthony: 7 + 8 = 15
(5) Tristin: 21+7=28
(4) Robin: i wanna buy my last dot in space!!!!!!!!
(1) Anthony: last as in 5th?
(4) Robin: mhmm
(3) Kurtis: cant without gnosis 3
(1) Anthony: daaang. what's your gnosis?
(5) Tristin: 1
(4) Robin: 1 ehehe
(4) Robin: aww :(
(4) Robin: well i buy my second point in gnosis then.
(4) Robin: 16, right?
(2) GM Claire: yes
(4) Robin: so, i have 23 exp left over then and 3 merits i havent spent
(1) Anthony: 1 more exp you can get gnosis 3 XD
(2) GM Claire: 40 -16 = 24
(5) Tristin: Or just her three merits, right?
(4) Robin: theought i only had 39exp
(2) GM Claire: 40 by my records
(4) Robin: even better :)
(4) Robin: <3 your records>
(4) Robin: that was a heart for tha gm
(2) GM Claire: aww
(2) GM Claire: its a good thing to because i left mine in san fransico..
(1) Anthony: So you coudl even get gnosis 3 then
(2) GM Claire: *durm roll*
(2) GM Claire: *drum even
(1) Anthony: I gotta raise my gnsosis off of 1 also.
(1) Anthony: Hmm
(4) Robin: can i spend the merits on gnosis too now?
(2) GM Claire: if you want yes
(4) Robin: kk
(1) Anthony: 3 merit = 1 gnosis
(1) Anthony: right?
(2) GM Claire: yes
(4) Robin: sweet, done. no more merits.
(1) Anthony: Tell me, did you come up with these tests on the fly, or did you have this planned? cause like how did you know we'd go to a dojo?
(1) Anthony: Althoguh I guess it would of worked anywhere in chinatown XD
(5) Tristin: Chris watches alot of Kung-Fu movies.
(2) GM Claire: I did not have the tests planned but I knew there would be challenges
(2) GM Claire: where and how was up to you guys
(3) Kurtis: hence the pauses while we're RPing, so once again everyone is encouraged to be patient :)
(1) Anthony: Ahh,I figured that's whre you came up with the banana, oyu wre searching the web for puzzles and ran across it :D
(5) Tristin: "Confusious say: Ox strength lie in persistance"
(2) GM Claire: was doing some minor research on chinese zodiac yeah...
(1) Anthony: "Confusious say: Duck who fly upside down is quaked up."
(5) Tristin: "Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day."
(1) Anthony: No matter where you go, there you are!
(2) GM Claire: Hows that working out for you... being clever?
(5) Tristin: ...Shit... what's that from?!
(2) GM Claire: fight club
** (3) Kurtis doesnt tell him! **
(5) Tristin: When?
(2) GM Claire: lol
(2) GM Claire: when he meets tyler on the plane
(2) GM Claire: just after the single surving friends comment
(5) Tristin: It's been too long! I lost all my CDs and all my fave movies in the same day!
(3) Kurtis: buying prime 3
(3) Kurtis: goodbye oblation, hello channel mana
(1) Anthony: All right, we have a prime tool now!
(1) Anthony: Namely, Kurtis XD
(2) GM Claire: so questions comments conserns, bribes..
(5) Tristin: Ummm 3 per skill point?
(5) Tristin: per level?
(1) Anthony: How fast does Uchawiws essence run out from giving us wings? :/
(2) GM Claire: 3 per new level
(2) GM Claire: 1 per hour per person
(5) Tristin: 28-12 for brawling 4
(5) Tristin: 16
(1) Anthony: And there's 3 people (since I have my own wings) so 3 per hour
(2) GM Claire: correct
(3) Kurtis: k, 2 xp left
(1) Anthony: But flying around the shadow realm is kewl!
(4) Robin: mhmm!
(2) GM Claire: he can keep it up for about five hours before he needs some mana
(3) Kurtis: next on my program: gnosis 3, forces 5. so need 24+30 = 54 exp
(1) Anthony: 1 mana = 1 essence?
(2) GM Claire: yes
(1) Anthony: I need to raise life, spirit and gnosis :/
(3) Kurtis: i wish the campaign was long enough to get me 54 more exp... *tear*
(1) Anthony: Not sure what to raise first
(1) Anthony: I do a lotof improptu though, maybe gnsoisis
(3) Kurtis: this is session 8. how many do u think we'll have, Claire?
(1) Anthony: but people almost buying 5 dots in arcana makes me feel left out
(1) Anthony: 132 I hope konrad
(3) Kurtis: we still need to beef up before we deal with jones
(2) GM Claire: haha
(2) GM Claire: dunno sorta playing it by ear.
(5) Tristin: I still don't have 4 Tony.
(3) Kurtis: Jones has to die, because the vampire lady, who is hot, wants it to be so
(1) Anthony: I dont' have 4 either. I have 3/1/3/1
(1) Anthony: and 1 gnosis
(1) Anthony: spent some for some rotes
(1) Anthony: she didn't say we had to kill him, just get him out of hte picture
(1) Anthony: sending him to a permanent pocket universe somewhere woudl work
(1) Anthony: as long as he couldnt' get out
(5) Tristin: I have 3/1/3 and 2 gnosis
(3) Kurtis: strip him of mana
(2) GM Claire: technically he would die in a pocket realm.. not enough air.
(3) Kurtis: well the campaign can take several directions. the bad boy wants books destroyed
(1) Anthony: yeah, I bought some rotestthough only 2 I think
(3) Kurtis: we want them preserved and Eliza's work published.... or do we?
(3) Kurtis: do we really want it published
(1) Anthony: no, only 1. I have 6 rotes now
(1) Anthony: tony is ambivilent either way
(5) Tristin: it would be the end of paradox
(1) Anthony: but publishing it will help prevent paradox a little
(3) Kurtis: and would create a lot more mages
(5) Tristin: But most of my stuff is subtle.
(1) Anthony: most of mine.. um... isn't
(1) Anthony: running around with fangs and bear claws and such
(3) Kurtis: i want to know what happens to roger