Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:10
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:11
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Eve (enter): 17:15
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve...
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [5] = (5)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [37] = (37)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [41] = (41)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [56] = (56)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [90] = (90)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [57] = (57)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [74] = (74)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [72] = (72)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [40] = (40)
(2) Eve: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
(2) Eve: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(2) Eve: [1d8] => [3] = (3)
(2) Eve: [1d10] => [9] = (9)
(2) Eve: [1d12] => [4] = (4)
(2) Eve: [1d20] => [19] = (19)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [98] = (98)
(2) Eve: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
(2) Eve: [1d6] => [2] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,8,7,1,4] = (1)
(2) Eve: [1d8] => [6] = (6)
(2) Eve: [1d10] => [6] = (6)
(2) Eve: [1d12] => [9] = (9)
(2) Eve: [1d20] => [17] = (17)
(1) Konrad Knox: Hello, babee
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [90] = (90)
(2) Eve: Hi boo boo
(2) Eve: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
(2) Eve: [1d6] => [5] = (5)
(2) Eve: [1d8] => [8] = (8)
(2) Eve: [1d10] => [6] = (6)
(2) Eve: [1d12] => [4] = (4)
(2) Eve: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
(2) Eve: [1d100] => [12] = (12)
(1) Konrad Knox: Charm Hot Girl = 10 + 1
(1) Konrad Knox: [11 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => [2,7,[10, 4],[10, 2],4,5,[10, 8],8,3,9,3] = (85)
(1) Konrad Knox: there
(3) William (enter): 17:59
(2) Eve: not bad
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) William...
(1) Konrad Knox: waaasuuuup
(3) William: hmm.. gotta find a figurine I guess
(3) William: push the castle to the back and protect it please
(3) William: gah
(3) William: there, I locked it
(3) William: Heros comes on tomorro, freaknig finaly
(3) William: My compouter died :(
(2) Eve: How did it die?
(3) William: heat. CPU and video card :/
(2) Eve: ow
(3) William: room was hot, dust in fans :/
(2) Eve: So new puter?
(3) William: no, old comput
(3) William: e-cmchines
(3) William: 4m video memory
(3) William: slow as molasses
(2) Eve: ah
(3) William: Are the stoners coming?
(3) William: Is cain coming?
(2) Eve: Cain isn't... Kostya should be calling stoners i think.. dunno
(2) Eve: Cain's at work.
(3) William: So not much happened after I went to sleep last time
(4) Rachel (enter): 18:07
(2) Eve: nope, I ran my tests and that was it
(3) William: Hoody hoo!!
(2) Eve: yay Rachel!
(2) Eve: :D
(4) Rachel: Hey.
(4) Rachel: Shawn's coming, too.
(2) Eve: So... now KK is applying a yucky freezing wart remover thing to a planters wart I got so will be a second
(4) Rachel: uh. good luck?
(2) Eve: *cries*
(3) William: planters wart? whas that? My brohter had a wart and he went to the doctor and htey azpped it off and I didn't watn that to happen to me and I got a wart and I took myu teeth and I pulled hte roots out and it died.
(2) Eve: ...ew
(4) Rachel: lol
(1) Konrad Knox: ooooh, good ide
(1) Konrad Knox: idea
(2) Eve: *hides her feet*
(2) Eve: NOOO
(1) Konrad Knox: *bites!!!!*
(2) Eve: ahhh!!!!
(4) Rachel: lol
(2) Eve: Don't give him ideas!
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Rachel...
(1) Konrad Knox: whats a wart treatment cost? like 25-50 bucks?
(3) William: I hope they do a bt4ter job this season of heros then they did last season
(1) Konrad Knox: we bought the ice zapper and a chemical compound thing - neither worked. Claire's warts are deep seated in the toe. Like a cluster of em
(3) William: How would I know? I"ve never paid for one.
(1) Konrad Knox: fuck yes. heroes 3 better pwn.
(3) William: this one is what, villians?
(1) Konrad Knox: heroes 2 i liked the Hiro part and the Parkman part, peter disappointed me
(1) Konrad Knox: yes
(3) William: Dont' give us any more of that freakng clock maker.
(1) Konrad Knox: we went to see Babylon A.D. this weekend
(4) Rachel: I got one on my knee, but it went away after I spent a week living at the beach.
(3) William: was it any good/ sounded rather generic to me
(2) Eve: Syler rockzors what are you talking about
(5) Shawn (enter): 18:13
(2) Eve: It was alright... until.. like.. the last 15 minutes
(3) William: syler was good 1st season, but that was it, his story was done
(1) Konrad Knox: started real awesome, like a russian thug movie with vin diesel, and ended... well... like an emo omg my daughter is lost coz they want to make her a jesus but she's actually a robot and we're all robots too sort of deal
(3) William: 2nd season he suxored
(3) William: Wait, she was a robot?
(2) Eve: evil is sexy
(1) Konrad Knox: yes
(5) Shawn: eh?
(3) William: WTF? Same freaking story as Cyborg!
(1) Konrad Knox: And yeah, i agree Sylar shoulda died
(1) Konrad Knox: he gonna become good guy
(1) Konrad Knox: i bet its gonna be some kind of remorse thing
(2) Eve: well.. she was not a robot, she was enginered by a super computer but they way the explained it made her sound like a robot
(3) William: When I herd the premise of hte movie, I thought it wounded like cyborg with jean claude van damn
(1) Konrad Knox: because of how the mexicans told him he is an angel
(5) Shawn: William = Serp or Wanderer?
(2) Eve: Serp
(3) William: where he had to protect the woman who was to save the human race.
(1) Konrad Knox: haha freaked me out too
(5) Shawn: kk
(1) Konrad Knox: sup Shawn
(3) William: Now he's doing the same freaking thing/
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Shawn...
(3) William: William, oh, old nick.
(3) William: William was my mage in Terralthra's campaign
(2) Eve: She didn't save anything.. she died. Vin had to take care of her stupid babies and they weren't even his and he didn't even get laid for it.. 15 minutes of lame
(1) Konrad Knox: vin diesel just needs excuses to do his stunts, so he makes a supbar plot, which, you know, works good for an action movie, but then he overcomplicates it with additional complications
(2) Eve: It was fine until the supercomputer baby part.
(3) Anthony: If I want action I'll wtatch Soldier, one of m favorite movies
(3) Anthony: Where the star of hte movie says maybe 25 words the wentire movie
(2) Eve: Should have seen The Women instead.
(1) Konrad Knox: he was a russian refugee mercenary who was hired to transport a girl, Transporter style, but with shitty living conditions
(2) Eve: That part was cool
(3) Anthony: Anyway, we're all here
(2) Eve: it was the end that was bad
(1) Konrad Knox: oh and there was like this 40 year old chinese lady from Hidden Dragon, who like suckerpunched 12 armed bodyguards in 1 minute, im like... ooook
(3) Anthony: I"m glad i didn't see.
(1) Konrad Knox: yeah, we all here
(3) Anthony: Almost saw Igor with my kids ^^
(1) Konrad Knox: totally should have seen the women!
(3) Anthony: What The Woman?
(2) Eve: *Gives Kostya a cookie*
(2) Eve: Chick flick about these women who find out one of their friends husbands is cheating on her with a slutty perfume counter girl. Its based off a famous play.
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, do you see the map?
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, well use online pics
(1) Konrad Knox: serp and claire were right
(2) Eve: If Tristin seriously has his hair like that Eve is going to take his hairspray away from him... Seriously...
(3) Anthony: You doubt us?
(4) Rachel: I'll try and get one w/out pop-ups
(2) Eve: a mini without pop ups?
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, sooo
(1) Konrad Knox: since Dante is at work, he is out of this part of plot, and you're carrying on as you were
(5) Shawn: And Tristin's head is near shaved remember?
(4) Rachel: KK said my mini was giving his computer pop up because it was from online, not local.
(5) Shawn: since he got back from China
(1) Konrad Knox: let's refresh where we were
(1) Konrad Knox: rachel, i was wrong
(1) Konrad Knox: but try a non-bmp
(1) Konrad Knox: try a JPG
(4) Rachel: okay.
(2) Eve: ohh you should be this one
(4) Rachel: omg...
(2) Eve: panda of menice!!!
(2) Eve: fear the cute!
(1) Konrad Knox: menace
(5) Shawn: lol
(4) Rachel: Its almost too cute.
(2) Eve: ... what he said
(4) Rachel: I'll take it!
(1) Konrad Knox: so....
(1) Konrad Knox: you're in the castle, Eve is spending 3 hours out of 4 studying the spell. Tour began at 1 pm. Eve gathered some info. Anthony's rat spell expires at 2pm, so u can dump a mana into it to not have to recast
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve will stop studying the spell at 4 p.m. Tour ends at 5. You guys have to do something in 3 hours.
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin is mixing with a tourist crowd, Robin is near the maze, with caged Tony
(1) Konrad Knox: *quotes*
(2) Eve: *clears thoat*
(2) Eve: Box...
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, you do harvest some info... very primary top layers of the spell. It does have security against magic interruption and analysis. It is warded to be analyzed by life, time, fate, and death spells, and inside the tower, past the doors people would suffer pressure of -4 penalties to any fate, time, space, mind, or life spells. The only things it is not warded against at all, it seems, are death, prime, and forces.
(1) Konrad Knox: At this time you see that The Spell is not necessarily warding the tower, but something in place where the tower is, and you also start detecting the predominant part, the core of the spell - it is weaved with Space magic. You can see how the spacial strands are reversed, turned over, and put back in place again, like a 360 degrees turn around, with something missing in directions. You'd understand more if you knew Space, to you it just feels like the place has a broken neck in terms of supernatural geometry
** (5) Shawn chants **
(3) Anthony: So I'll have to dump.. 2-3 3-4 2 mana to maintain?
(3) Anthony: gah. No sheet on this comp O.o
(1) Konrad Knox: As your Supernal Trance continues, you notice connection between the tower and the pool. Sleepers who swim in the pool, lose bits of quintessense from their bodies, and these bits follow to the tower.
(1) Konrad Knox: Around Tristin, two nerds keep talking about assassins and rogues and castle sieges, until the tour guide politely explains to them that the castle withstood eleven sieges successfully and in its actual serving times as a fortress, frequently defended against infiltration from spies
** (3) Anthony tries to bring up the qustinos. Are the windows warded? **
** (3) Anthony wonders if the windows aren't warded can we enter through them **
** (3) Anthony wonders if they will see their host **
(1) Konrad Knox: You have an operational but pinned down catapult on NE tower, armory and weapon shop in almost every tower, and the castle is full of other miscllaneous objects, but you gotta specify what you're trying to find. Pretty much anything imaginable with a medieval castle is there
(1) Konrad Knox: charsheets...
(1) Konrad Knox: giving you Tony's, Serp. MSN
(4) Rachel: Is new guy coming?
(3) Anthony: Your acceptance of the invitation from Konrad Knox to receive "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Received Files\..." could not be sent.
(3) Anthony: Hang on, let me start up miranda
(2) Eve: No, he's at workies
(4) Rachel: Oh. ok.
(3) Anthony: also send me magesheet.exe pls
(5) Shawn: Can't send .exe s
(2) Eve: you just change the file extention for the transfer then change it back to .exe
(5) Shawn: I know,he did it for me before
(3) Anthony: try resending the magesheet.serp? it didn't go through, got the char fiel
(5) Shawn: My things aren't posting and they are web.
** (2) Eve studies the spell for three hours **
(5) Shawn: My mini
(3) Anthony: Do we see the guy come out?
(3) Anthony: Dd the 9ther rat ever leave the cage?
(3) Anthony: are we going to get a box?
(1) Konrad Knox: no. no. yes if you ask

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(3) Anthony: If atheletes get althletes foot what do astronauts get?
(1) Konrad Knox: astronauts get shot into space
(3) Anthony: missle toe
(1) Konrad Knox: nice
(5) Shawn: ...
(1) Konrad Knox: so, we good for box?
(3) Anthony: so are we goign to wait around for 2 hours for claire or do somethign?
(3) Anthony: I"m good for box
(3) Anthony: [Bad dice format] - []
(1) Konrad Knox: robin, ready?
(4) Rachel: mhmm
(5) Shawn: Can I try a local mini
(5) Shawn: The things I try off web won't work.
(3) Anthony: no
(3) Anthony: it braks things
(3) Anthony: someone else load one for shawn and then he can move it
(1) Konrad Knox:
Mage The Awakening! Behold! Episode 8 part 2

(5) Shawn: Zombie Cow!
(5) Shawn: ((Doh))\
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ok, whats the URL of a mini u want shawn?))
(3) Anthony: Yu have me down as 8 mana. so marking 7 at 2:00
(1) Konrad Knox: right
(5) Shawn: ((I tried a few, I'll take anything really..))
(2) Eve: There... he can be that one.
(2) Eve: hehe
(5) Shawn: ((lol....))
(3) Anthony: (( konrad, let me give y ua secret. You don't have to put vice and virtue as a note, there are boxes for it at the top of hte sheet ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((right. it's a backup, in case those boxes get .... lost))
(3) Anthony: (( I can't begin to guess why you'r emarking the sklls as rote, but I dont' know if I wanna knw :D ))
(4) Rachel: ((Shawn's computer = Fail))
(1) Konrad Knox: So, Eve is studying, looking like she is relaxing in near the pool, though not entering it. Tristin, you're stridding along the western wall of the castle, completely blended in with tourists
(3) Anthony: (( shawns comp died? bah ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((get a new one!))
** (3) Anthony is looking around trying not to be observed as a rat, trying to figure out if he could make it into the nw wing through a window or such if the door is the only thing warded **
(4) Rachel: ((If you know linux you can help him>))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ew?))
(3) Anthony: (( I know some linux, what's the question ? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i can help him. dispose of it))
(4) Rachel: ((lol))
(2) Eve: ((I know they have a penguin as their icon is that enough?))
(4) Rachel: ((maybe he'll ask you on messenger. The compy he is on is microsoft.))
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, you notice a few spots where you could enter the forbidden tower, there is a mouse size clearance under the door, though now you as well can feel the sensation the Rat warned you off - the castle has cats.
(6) Shawn (enter): 18:43
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Shawn...
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(5) Shawn' from server...
(5) Shawn (exit): 18:43
(6) Shawn: ((*Sigh*))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((you guys still in same room right? shawn can look over her shoulder?))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((this can get pretty tiresome))
(4) Rachel: ((mmm yeah.))
** (3) Anthony looks at the opening under the door, can he sense the wards at all? **
** (4) Rachel consders walking through the maze **
** (6) Tristin looks across the way woundering if he can see the catapult that was spoken of **
(1) Konrad Knox: On the grass near the gatehouse a little stage is setup, with a microphone, connected to the speakers in every corner of the yard. A tour host comes out, same guy who drove the bus. He picks up the microphone and says: "I hope you're having a great time folks, many of you seem to have got the right idea and got into the swimming pool. We have time till 5 o clock to play around. Unfortunately Master Roselli is preoccupied today, but can I answer questions and guide you through historical documents in the South West tower, in the museum. If anyone is curious, just ask. Alright, enjoy folks."
(3) Anthony: (( dang, I dont' htink you have all my rotes here :( ))
** (3) Anthony sends to uchawi, "Maybe someone sohuld check teh documents for maps. can you ask please?" **
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you can see the tower and the catapult. There are 4 guards surrounding it, and a number of guards are patrolling the walls. They are common security guards. Indicated by red dots on the map shortly
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i have 4 dots noted for you Tony))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((4 rotes))
(3) Anthony: (( I don't see healing heart there, I was sure that was a rote ))
(7) Shawn (enter): 18:50
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(6) Shawn' from server...
(6) Shawn (exit): 18:50
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Shawn...
(1) Konrad Knox: ((wtf is wrong with Linux? it keeps disconnecting?))
(4) Rachel: ((its not linux.
(2) Eve: ((Angry Penguin))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((then why the linux question?))
(4) Rachel: ((---I'm running XP on that POS.... I want linux to put on a new machine))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((ah))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((so, it keeps freezing?))
(4) Robin: ((yes))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((did you get the description, Tristin?))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((its not gonna work like this im afraid))
(3) Anthony: (( /me goes back to browsing online comics ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((see if you can stabilize it))
(4) Robin: ((--We're running off the same wireless router, if it's working for Rach and not me then there is nothing that I can think to do, that laptop is just fucked.))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((what is it doing exactly? just dropping internet or completely freezing?))
(4) Robin: ((dropping internet))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((is it wireless?))
(4) Robin: ((yeah, but it stills says there is a connection))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((try connecting physically with a network cable. It will be more stable))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((does the router have another slot free?))
(4) Robin: ((yeah, but then he'd have to sit in our sleeping roomates room.))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((oh, need a long 25 feet cable...))
(4) Robin: ((yeah))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((can you buy one by the next sunday?))
(4) Robin: ((Stilll don't think that would help "Signal Strength: Excellent"))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((crashing randomly is an understandable pain in the ass. I think your wireless card is not working right))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((try connecting to some other wireless network))
(4) Robin: ((There are none))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((well my next suggestion to buying different pc/os would be to try buy a cable 25 ft long, radio schack would have it. We can postpone till next sunday i suppose, better than losing u all the time))
(4) Tristin: ((Don't see why we can't use the same ))
(4) Tristin: ((computer))
** (3) Anthony peeks in, then goes back to reading online cmics. **
(1) Konrad Knox: ((hmmm. okay.))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((if you can change names, sure, we can do that. as long as you're ok with it and its comfortable))
(4) Robin: ((yeah its all good.))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((im imagining you trying to find room on two chairs at one pc :D))
(1) Konrad Knox: Alright, well, you got your scene then. Un-Pause
(4) Robin: ((its a laptop))
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin sees the catapult as indicated on map, as well as security patrolling it
(1) Konrad Knox: there is also a sound system among other things, the stage with a microphone near the gatehouse and speakers in each corner, connected amongst each other with extension cables
** (2) Eve continues to study the spell.. now into hour 2? **
(1) Konrad Knox: yes
(1) Konrad Knox: with 15 successes so far
(1) Konrad Knox: or 11 it was, 15 at hour 3
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, Robin, what are you doing?
** (3) Anthony pokes his head back in **
** (4) Tristin is still blending in with the kids hopeing that someone will say something important **
** (3) Anthony says something important. **
** (4) Robin is walking through the maze. **
** (3) Anthony looks at the opening under the door trying to determine if it's protected by the ward **
(3) Anthony: (( That's a lot of freaking guards!!! ))
(3) Anthony: (( 24 guards????? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: the kids are being kids, the tour guide is taking them across a narrow bridge up into the large pavillion in the Western Tower, they are now entering the Art Gallery, going past the museum. In here you see paintings and sculptures of Roman and Greek gods, various manuscripts, various works which you can examine, and about every single medieval weapon imaginable - some holstered on the walls, some under the glass - axes, polerams, swords, maces, pikes, scimitars, crossbows
(1) Konrad Knox: ((the ones on walls are patrolling back and fourth. the ones near towers are on the wall, guarding the top doors of the towers, small doors. The doors that are unguarded are leading up to the yard))
** (4) Tristin looks around in the museum for anything that sticks out at him. **
(1) Konrad Knox: (( L's are open doors))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you're walking through the maze with ease, you pickup a scent that this maze is slightly shifted in space due to the overall power of the spacial enchantment on the castle, but it would not be noticeable to sleepers, maybe give them a light headache but hardly more than that. To you the maze if fairly simple
** (4) Tristin finishes through the maze and heads over to where Eve is sitting by the pool. **
(4) Tristin: ((Robin..))
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, there are a lot of things in the museum that stick out. Nothing magical like your dagger, but a good number of famous works, here is The Touch by Michelangelo, Mona Lisa, Rafael's Coronation of the Virgin, The Fire in Borgo, a couple of water landscapes and ship battle paintings by Aivazovsky. What would you like to focus on studying?
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, the door is indeed protected by the ward. Your Eve-given prime sight is speaking for itself - a very complex, multi-arcana ward with a number of additional layered symbols you do not understand, in addition, the door is physically locked from the inside
** (4) Tristin looks down at his shirt when he spots the mona lisa, but moves on the study "The Fire in Borgo." **
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, it's a picture in a thick wooden frame, that looks like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Giulio_Romano_001.jpg
** (3) Anthony starts looking for an unwarded entrance into the nw tower, windows, archways, etc.. **
(1) Konrad Knox: The kids are starting to dissipate throughout the gallery. You'd soon need to find another crowd if you want to blend. What are you trying to do here?
** (4) Tristin focuses on the painting and attempts to see how it got here. **
(4) Tristin: ((Time 4 + Gnosis 2 I'm assumeing this would be consisdered subtle?))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, Eve is in a supernal trance, studying the tower and the pool: Eve, describe
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,4,9,3,6] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((yes, Tristin, this is subtle))
** (2) Eve is laying near the pool appearing to be sunbathing but is in actuallity studying spell threads upon seeing robin makes a comment in High Speech **
(2) Eve: [HS] => HS "Can you tell what is wrong with the space of the North West tower? There is something off about it but I can't put my finger on it."
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(7) Shawn' from server... Removing dead client
(7) Shawn (exit): 19:30
** (4) Robin says to Eve in high speech "I can check it out." **
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, this painting was delivered from Vatican for quite a sum of money, it is not owned by the gallery, the agreement was to rent it. Part of the tour's money will be used to pay back, after which the painting will be returned. You see a pair of men carrying it in, shaking hands with the gallery supervisor, and leaving
** (4) Robin goes to investigate the NW tower with spatial awearness. Looking at the threads of space by the tower. **
(1) Konrad Knox: The wooden frame was built on the spot and belongs here in the castle
** (4) Robin delves deeper looking to see if the Red Prince spent much time with the painting **
(4) Robin: ((He did see a picture of him right?))
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, the spacial threads of this tower are what you can call completely jacked up, you can understand that the tower is borrowing its space from somewhere else and somewhere else is borrowing the space from the tower, but beyond that - at your level of understanding of Space, you cannot decipher without extended study. What you know is that the space where the tower stands is exchanged with something else, or shall we say, somewhere
(4) Tristin: ((Sorry last two were me))
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony, roll wits + composure
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, the Red Prince himself was not in your vision. The Gallery supervisor arranged all purchases, rental agreements and sales. You get a vision of what he looks like. A man in his mid forties seemingly, brown haired with a thick mustache, in fact the supervisor is now in the room, showing people around
(3) Anthony: wits 3 + comp 4 = [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] -> [3,3,8,7,7,[10, 10, 10, 3],[10, 10, 4]] = (3)
(3) Anthony: O.o
(3) Anthony: (( 6 ))
** (4) Robin walks up to the supervisor **
(3) Anthony: (( critical sucess, what's it called.. ))
(4) Robin: ((Damnit))
(3) Anthony: (( exceptional success ))
(4) Tristin: ((I do))
(1) Konrad Knox: well, it looks like your rat-like self has managed to squeeze in without being noticed. A tiny crack between the bricks looks like it leads to the inside. It seems to have been made by other rats, or something smaller, perhaps mice. You sense there might be a community here.
(3) Anthony: (( who needs 8 agan when you got my dice? :D ))
(1) Konrad Knox: The spell ward does not go off, it seems like a rat sized creature can sneak in the distance between the symbols
** (3) Anthony makes sure he remembers the way and looks inside **
(1) Konrad Knox: ((here i have to give the GM safety warning, the way they do in LARP to keep things fair. Not a threat, neither a promise. Just take it as what it is - a warning. If you choose to enter the NW tower, there is a certain chance, based on your actions, of deadly consequence which may lead to character deaths. This is the lair of one of the 5 main bosses of this chapter. Are you sure you want to enter?))
(3) Anthony: [Bad dice format] - [To Uchawi] I found a way in fo rme, looking arund
(1) Konrad Knox: ((what i am saying is: inside NW tower, the deus ex machina is off))
(3) Anthony: (( no ,I"m not sure ))
(3) Anthony: (( but, damn it, you know what my weakness is ))
(1) Uchawi: "Please be careful, Anthony. I can try to follow you unnoticed, but things inside this tower may notice me, I do not know."
(3) Anthony: (( you know my vice ))
(1) Uchawi: (( yesh :D balls))
** (4) Robin walks back over to Eve, and speaks in High speech. "I can not grasp the threading of the space in the tower, but I can tell that it does not occupy the same space that it appears to someone without space arcana. **
(3) Anthony: (( need to metagame here people ))
** (1) Gallery Supervisor turns to you, Tristin **
(1) Gallery Supervisor: "Good day, misseur"
(3) Anthony: (( I can hold off and do the safe thing, or take the bull by the horns and go in, possibly getting us all killed. I lave it to you. play it safe or go to it/ ))
(4) Tristin: [English] => English "Hello very nice selection on art you have sir."
(2) Eve: [HS] => HS "So, does that mean the tower isn't actually there?"
(3) Anthony: (( Need a vote, go in or play safe. Tristin? Eve? Robin? ))
(1) Gallery Supervisor: ((or go to it and play it safe. Mind you, entering does not mean death. Entering means - a chance of death. 30 street cops would not kill your chars, you'd get saved by the plot. Inside this tower such hooks are off.))
** (4) Tristin tries to look into the man's past without being noticed **
(4) Tristin: ((Not my choice to make... it's his character's decision))
(1) Gallery Supervisor: roll it, Tristin
(3) Anthony: (( Tony has a vice of pride, he wants to do it. But I dont' want to fuck up your chars if it would upset you ))
(4) Tristin: ((Time 4 + Gnosis 2))
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,3,5,3,2] = (1)
(3) Anthony: (( If tony gets killed it won't upset me that much ))
(4) Tristin: ((Recent past, osrry))
(2) Eve: ((Go with what the character would thats the only way to do anything in an RP))
** (3) Anthony sneeks into the crack keeping any eye out for cats **
(3) Anthony: (( hmm.. I dn't have gm tab? am I on an old version? ))
(1) Gallery Supervisor: Tristin, you see that the man has been on the job since 8 am. He lives in the castle, in the area downstairs. He had eggs and bacon for breakfast, a few italian muffins, then drank a glass of red wine, he returned at 11 am to get some pasta. He has been here since your tour began
(3) Anthony: (( I'm on openrpg 1.6.3 what you on? ))
(2) Eve: )1.7.5))
(1) Gallery Supervisor: More recently, he has been showing an old lady a sculpture of Mercury, the Roman diety of trade and commerce
(3) Anthony: (( gah, i got to upgrade ))
(4) Robin: [High speech] => High speech=> "Pretty much, thats what it comes down to."
(1) Gallery Supervisor: ((i get a gm tab from you tony))
(1) Gallery Supervisor: ((an anthony tab))
(2) Eve: [High speech] => High speech "So whats really there I wonder?"
(3) Anthony: (( i'm gong to be dcing while upgrading. but just carry on ))
(4) Robin: [High speech] => High speech=> "I can't tell."
(3) Anthony: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Anthony (exit): 19:49
** (4) Robin bs's with the supervisor for a little bit and then heads to the pool. **
(4) Robin: ((?))
(4) Tristin: ((Last things were me))
(1) Gallery Supervisor: Which route do you take to the pool?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): along the path, or on the lawn between statues?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): north or south around the maze?
(4) Robin: ((between the statues. North))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, about midway between the statues you almost trip on the cable that connects the audio system. Roll wits+composure
(4) Robin: ((Shit...the sheet is on my laptop...))
(4) Robin: ((Both are 3 I think???))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i can send via MSn to rach))
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,7,4,4,9] = (1)
(4) Tristin: ((Okay))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, something happens. waiting on Serp
** (2) Eve waits for something to happen? **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): something is about to happen
(8) No Name (enter): 19:54
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) No Name...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the time gets close to 3pm. Eve is on her last hour of casting. Pretty much an hour passed for Tristin to be in the gallery, Tony to look for entrance, Robin to study and approach Eve.... and here is what happens:
(8) Tony: (( spells up, my sights, my character change
(8) Tony: (( I can maintain 4 spells at at a time, correct? ))
(8) Tony: gnosis + 1 ?
(8) Tony: (( which is my polymorphism, my sights, my shields ))
(8) Tony: (( I also have prime sight cast on e me for 4 total, 3 I"m maintaining ))
(8) Tony: (( my stamina is only 1, so I cast at -3 ))
(8) Tony: (( correct/ ))
(8) Tony: (( ? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin is returning to the pool between the two statues, crossing the lawn. He trips on the power cable connecting the speakers of the audio system, nearly loses his balance, but regains it, leaning his hand on the statue's foot, hearing an audible crack. He falls, rolling over and supporting on his hand. The maintenance guy noticed him and comes over to help, but Tristin shrugs it off and gets up. The guy leaves and fixes the cable.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes Tony))
whispering to Tony, You, as a rat - hear something rumbling somewhere to your left, a screech, as if a trapdoor opened
(8) Tony: Sense Life (Covert) Cats, Dogs + humans gnosis 3 + life 4 - 3 = [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,2,6] = (1)
(8) Tony: (( 1 success gives me 1 yard buffer area ))
(8) Tony: (( plus I should know where cas dogs and huamns are in my "sensory ragne" ))
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, there is a few families of mice who live here, their scent is around, but none are in sight, and at least 1 cat, also a scent, but no sight. You're in a narrow brick crack, and it seems the area is clear in the nearest yard
(8) Tony: (( with sense life I should know exactly where the cat is, that is why I cast it ))
(1) Konrad Knox: The area outside the crack has no cat. The crack in the wall is a narrow tunnel, branching out. It's 20 feet thick, so it's a 20 ft tunnel. It smells of cat, but there is no cat on the other end of the tunnel.
(1) Konrad Knox: Are you climbing forward, or staying back?
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, your "cut-scene" is over, you're free to act again, what do you do?
** (4) Tristin keeps walking to the poo **
(4) Tristin: ((l))
(1) Konrad Knox: you're at the pool
(8) Tony: (( 'WEll, I'll know if any life forms get within 1 yard of me and I"ll know where any humans cas or dogs are within sensory range so i"ll move forward ))
** (4) Tristin looks around for any attractive women **
(1) Konrad Knox: attractive women, describe yourselves
** (4) Robin bats her eyes as th wind flows through her whisping hair. way hot. **
(4) Tristin: ((lol))
** (2) Eve appears to be a hot chick also and is sun bathing too :P **
(4) Tristin: "Hey guys, Find out anything useful?"
(4) Tristin: ((Highspeech))
(8) Tony: (( found new icon for tristin ))
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, you find, on the other end of the tunnel, a small kitchen, with a table and a few chairs. No humans, no animals around in the vicinity. A door is open to the lounge room, it looks like private living quarters. Near the sink is a dead fish, half finished being cut, looks like the chef is away or something. You start picking up a few life essenses in your sensory range - ants crawling around, scavenging on crumbs and remains of ... whatever.
(2) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "The spell is very complex, and the tower is probably not actually there... or at least tahts what I understand based on how much space I have and what Robin said."
(4) Robin: [Highspeech] => Highspeech=> "Well, the northwest tower isn't really there. Its space has been replaced with someplace else. Where? I can't tell."
(4) Robin: [High speech] => High speech=> "Have you found anything out?"
(1) Konrad Knox: you all still have a mind link guys
(2) Eve: You find anythign interesting?
(2) Eve: Where did Anthony get to?
(8) Tony: Tunnel. Through wad.
(4) Robin: [hs] => hs Nothing useful.
(8) Tony: (( *ward ))
(2) Eve: Be careful
(4) Tristin: ((me))
(8) Tony: Always am.
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, your rat lungs fill with the aroma of italian top cuisine, cheeses, fish, grain, fruit - the kitchen is a heavenly place for a rat, which probably is why the house host holds cats. You locate a small mouse darting to the opposite corner of the kitchen, into a little hole.
(4) Tristin: how's everything looking Tony?
(8) Tony: *i>Well, it's looking a like a mouse hole. Looks like I found hte kitchen
(8) Tony: Well, it's looking a like a mouse hole. Looks like I found hte kitchen
(4) Tristin: What's for dinner?
** (8) Tony follows the mouse **
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, you cross the kitchen, under the table, applying all the lessons of rat tactics and stealth. You make it into the hole across. The mouse turns around and darts further in. "Peep!"
** (8) Tony wiggles his whiskers and follows along **
(1) Konrad Knox: The mouse leads you into a stash of food, cheese, sausage bits, crumbs, pieces of egg, lettuce, pretty old and wilted, and some dry grass as a nesting area. Attached to it is a yet narrower hole, where it darts into. Inside the hole you can see other mice, a few adults and many babies. They ran to the small opening, leaving the food with you to keep themselves safe, you are much larger
** (8) Tony looks for the exit to the kitchen **
(1) Konrad Knox: you peek out and see that the kitchen has 2 doors. One door is open, leading to a lounge, a strong human scent, the other door leads to the basement, there it's cold and smelly of food
(8) Tony: (( hwo many humans do I sense around, how many are in teh lounge? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((you sense two different residue-scents of two different humans. but the lounge is empty, they are not in the lounge))
** (8) Tony heads into the lounge also looking for exists to ther romos **
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin, Robin, is there anything you want to do before Eve's study time is up or i can fast forward?
(4) Tristin: ((Is the pools still stealing souls?))
(4) Tristin: ((I forgot what the final word was on that))
(8) Tony: (( souls? it's quentessence. mana. they won't eve nmiss it. it's the same thing we get form mana pools ))
(2) Eve: ((It doesn't steal souls but yes it is still stealing quentessence))
** (4) Tristin takes a dip in the pool **
** (2) Eve raises a brow and watches Tristin for a moment confused by his behavior... **
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, the lounge leads to three more rooms, a passage upstairs, leading somewhere is completely void of life and scent, wierdly clear, magically clear. A passage to the living room, has its door shut, not locked but shut. Through the door opening you see a man putting his cook outfit on a hook, and holding a cat in his arms, he goes to lay on the couch and rest, and pets the gray striped cat on his lap. The third passage is leading into what seems to be a stable
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, you see Tristin immediately lose a mote of quintessense, which oozes out of him and heads towards the tower peek. Tristin, -1 mana. Down to 7
(4) Robin: ((I had 0 unless I gained some from sleeping))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((i had 8 mana on your sheet, confirmed last game, so i dunno))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((didnt you swim a bunch in the hotel pool?))
** (8) Tony heads toward teh clear/clean passage upstairs **
(8) Tony: I found a passage up here that is strangely clear, clean, sterial, magically so.
(4) Robin: ((Yeah, but not since last night in game, when I burned all my mana on acceleration, then rewinding time))
(2) Eve: Thats a start keep looking
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, the passage upstairs is a dark stairway enclosed in brick walls, it gets darker as you follow through, you feel that your magical senses are becoming duller, number. Another step and your life sense buffer will fail in this thick silence.
(1) Konrad Knox: This feeling gets to you before you can reach an end to this stairway
** (8) Tony backs up **
(8) Tony: This passageway is stieling my magical abilities.
(8) Tony: (( ** stiffeling ))
(1) Konrad Knox: you back up, and you regain your buffer, you once again able to be oriented
(2) Eve: Must be some kind of ward
(8) Tony: Yes, I dont' watn to set it off. Should I come ou?
** (4) Robin hops out of the pool? **
(4) Tristin: ((me))
(1) Konrad Knox: When you come down, you see that around the corner, in the room with the man, the man is starting to fall asleep, and the cat is now freely laying in his lap, not being held
(8) Tony: (( bah, caps ))
** (8) Tony keeps a sense n the cat and heads back toward teh kitchen/crack/outside **
(9) Eve (enter): 20:38
** (8) Tony has a smile on his lip knwing he got past their wards **
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Eve...
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(2) Eve' from server...
(2) Eve (exit): 20:38
(9) Eve: What happend to the prime sight spell I put on you?
(8) Tony: Being able to see prime, and understanding it are two different things.
(8) Tony: I can run into spells, like that hallway, but i dn't understand them.
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, on your route from lounge to kitchen, you pass a 2 feet opening to the bedroom door. 2 feet of clear vision between you and the cat in the room. Dex+ Athletics please
(8) Tony: (( what are my dex and atlantics? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((2 dex, 4 athletics))
(8) Tony: (( ahtlatcis is a skill? ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((in rat form, dex is 5))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((yes, your athletics dont change in rat form))
(8) Tony: (( so 5 + 4 [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,[10, 5],1,[10, 5],8,6,1,8] = (5)
(1) Konrad Knox: ((you're a fit rat))
(8) Tony: (( exceptional success ))
(1) Konrad Knox: The cat yawns, scratches its ear, goes back to nap. Well done Captain Rat!
(1) Konrad Knox: you're safe outside
(1) Konrad Knox: too stealthy, too stealthy...
(8) Tony: WEll, there's a halway in there, I started going down there but it was stiffelign my senses, so I cam eout. I htink that has somethign to do with it. Their ward aint' so great.
(1) Konrad Knox: it's 4pm. One hour till tour over. Eve, you're out of 3rd trance round
(8) Tony: Kitchen, basement I didn't go int, lunge, upstairs, bedroom. upstairs hallway was stiffeling my magical senses so I backed uoff.
(9) Eve: do you think it was having an effect on your transformation? Or just the sights?
(1) Konrad Knox: you have discovered that the wards are on the space where the tower is, not the physical tower itself per-se, that the tower is connected to the pool's ability to leech quintessense, that It does have security against magic interruption and analysis. It is warded to be analyzed by life, time, fate, and death spells, and inside the tower, past the doors people would suffer pressure of -4 penalties to any fate, time, space, mind, or life spells. The only things it is not warded against at all, it seems, are death, prime, and forces.
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, your spell is about to wear off, you're turning human unless you choose to stay rat, meaning 1 mroe mana
** (8) Tony spends a mana **
(1) Konrad Knox: you're rat for another hour. 6 mana
(1) Konrad Knox: Tony, you too now can see tiny bits of quintessense leaving everyone who bathes in the pool, you have to look close and focus hard to see it with Supernal Vision, but since Eve mentioned it, you can discern what she means
(9) Eve: Well, I know that tower gives any mage with life, space, mind, time or fate a harder time cast. Oddly it has no effct on death, prime or forces... I wonder if there is a secret enterance, or a special key that requires those arcana to trigger...
whispering to Tristin, did you get that statue cut scene? i'm not sure if you didnt see it ooc or just didnt react to it, i'll repeat it is u didnt see it
(9) Eve: I wish I had more time to study this, I only half understand the spell really.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a few kids splash behind you in a fountain, having fun
** (1) Driver into the mic: "Alright fellas, everyone from my group, we will gather up by the bus in 55 minutes. Enjoy" **
(9) Eve: So what are the different ways into the tower? Anthony how did you get in?
(10) Eve (enter): 20:56
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Eve...
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(9) Eve' from server...
(9) Eve (exit): 20:56
(8) Tony: I got in past the kitchen, I was prety much in but no one else could fit in. I had to fit betwee the spell so to speek
** (10) Eve watches the quentessence for a moment to determine if it is powering the spell or going somewhere else **
(10) Eve: So there is no other way in besides the main door and a mouse hole... damn.
(4) Robin: What about the roof?
(1) Driver: Eve, you see that quintessense is heading towards the tower's peak, there it dissipates in the layers of spell you yet have not discovered
(10) Eve: Hey... someone find out if there is another tour after ours.. I may be able to hide in a bathroom or something and finish studying this spell.
(8) Tony: Anyone search for hidden passageays and such with space?
(10) Eve: I could with matter but I'm concenrating on studying the spell so I can figure a way to break it.
(4) Tristin: I'll look around for some.
(4) Robin: ((space+gnosis that was me sry.))
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 7],6,9,9,5,2,7] = (3)
(8) Tony: Did anyone else hear the stone rumbling? Or was it onl yfrom in there I heard it?
(10) Eve: Stone rumbling??
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): What are you casting Robin?
** (4) Robin looks around at the treads of space for any specific variations **
(10) Eve: Where were you when you heard this?
(4) Robin: ((I thought I'd jut improv a spell ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((right, what is your target?))
(8) Tony: When I was inside the bricks going through the wall it was to my left.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): There are spells of space heavily twisted all around you, around the tower and the castle. What is your focus?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A specific change you notice that did not exist before. It was between when Tristin was i nthe gallery and when he came back to the pool. Something seems.... different in the space structure
(4) Robin: ((Um well, I guess this would be simsular to using spactial awerness, but I've already looked around with it. So, I guess nevermind.))
(4) Robin: ((space structure of the pool or the gallery?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((how are you looking around? Standing by the pool and just turning your head? The castle is 350 acres, that's a lot of space. Your space sight is 200 feet, i think. Or are you hugging every wall of the castle and specifically looking at each brick? thats the type of things you gotta be specific about))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Space structure of the tower
(4) Robin: ((I'm stil at the pool just turning my head))
(10) Eve: on what part of the tower did you get inside? More North or more west? nearer to the door?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Yeah, just by turning your head by the pool you don't see much, just that there is a change in the tower between tristin going and coming back. The tower is a good distance from where the pool is. About a golf coarse.
(4) Robin: ((mkay))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, you got in on the west side, to the west of the locked wooden door
(8) Tony: WEll, since I was going through te wall, and i heard it to my left, it would be counter clockwise right?
(8) Tony: WEll, since I was going through te wall, and i heard it to my left, it would be counter clockwise right?
** (8) Tony tries to get a pickture in his head where in teh wall the noise would of came from and stands generally in fron tof it Maybe around here? I'm not sure, **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, wits+composure+space - 3 to get a good picture
(4) Tristin: ((Is he out from the tower?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, been out for a while))
(8) Tony: wits 3 + composure 4 + space 1 - 3 = 5 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 1],7,1,3] = (1)
(4) Tristin: ((Sorry must have missed it))
(4) Tristin: I Did trip over something around by the satatues
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((scrolly scrolly))
(8) Tony: How lng ago was that?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, this is where you found the brick crack
(4) Tristin: ((Time sight would tell me........))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): orange dot on the tower map
** (10) Eve frowns softly and gets up loosing her concentration on the spell studying and heads over to the tower casually, pulling up the spell "Find the Hidden Hoard" To try and find a secret door or turnnel. Using all her will to concentrate on it and muttering a power word. **
(4) Tristin: ((Which I have up... exactly how long ago?))
(10) Eve: (( Matter + Gnosis + will 3 + power word 1 = 8))
(4) Tristin: ((Er... unless it wore off and I never got told to put it back up))
(10) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,7,8,[10, 9],8,[10, 4],2] = (5)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((how much time did u spend in the gallery?))
(10) Eve: ((That is six sucesses))
(4) Tristin: ((About 10 mins))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 10 minutes 25 seconds 8 miliseconds, Tristin
(4) Tristin: exactly 10 minutes 25 seconds 8 miliseconds ago
(8) Tony: Hmm... 10 minutes.... maybe (( was it 10 minuutes ago I had heard the scrapng? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you get the exact time when you tripped, it was about the time Tony heard a rumble, but all of this gets solved when Eve's eyes go white and she tunes in with the molecules of stone, and detects both - the statue's hidden lever in the foot of a Roman phalanx and the small flip-door, a trap door, located behind a gorgeous willow tree, the door is hidden in the shade, one would have to brush away a bushy willow branch to get into it. And there are a lot of curious sleepers around who would definitely want to see what you guys have found that is so special
** (4) Tristin goes to where he tripped **
(10) Eve: [aloud in english seemingly to herself so as to get sleepers to stop looking her way] => aloud in english seemingly to herself so as to get sleepers to stop looking her way "Wow this is a very well made tower, look at the stone work, I wonder where the quarry they got these stones from is."
** (4) Robin follows Tristiin **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you're back by the statue - a phalanx with a spear in his hand, a helmet, full armor. The sandalled toe of the bronze man is pushed in
** (4) Robin fixes the toe **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, presense or manipulation + subterfuge
(10) Eve: man + sup = 4
(10) Eve: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(10) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,3,3] = (0)
(10) Eve: ((I am the suck))
** (10) Eve runs a finger over the mortar as if inspecting it **
** (8) Tony hands eve his dice **
(10) Eve: ((well I pwninated the last roll, have to make up for it somewhere))
(8) Tony: (( you can tr again with 3 die :D ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Random geeky woman approaches you guys: "Oh, these stones, our guide told us about them, they come from the quarries in france, during the war they were actually transporting them from france, you wouldn't believe it. A castle in Rome made of french stone. But nobody knows why. Fascinating really, how much work force was put into it, oooh, what is that?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the lady peeks in where the hidden trap door is, but... as Robin fixed the toe, all the lady sees is a wall
(10) Eve: "Really? Where in France? And which war?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): "That... he never mentioned! Good questions, I didn't think to ask. I will ask and come tell you for certain!"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Lady hurries away to find the nearest guide
** (10) Eve looks around casually, searching for other curious sleepers **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nada, everyone seemed to have left you alone
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the lady is talking to the guide heatedly, and she does look like she means to return and chat some more
(10) Eve: Well, I think I'll go in and have a look, I don't know if you all wish to also, it may be dangerous for you, most of your magic won't work inside, but mine will. If the guide askes questions say I was heading to the bathroom last you saw me.
** (10) Eve nods to the statues foot to indicate opening the door again and walks, slowly over towards the wall watching for sleepers especially the guards on the wall above **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the guards on the wall don't look down much, it's the guards on the opposite walls that you have to worry about
(4) Tristin: I feel pretty drained... I could use a swim at the pool at the hotel can we come back tomorrow?
** (10) Eve pauses to watch the guards a moment, leaning causally against the tree **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): guards pass, in the intervals between their patrol, you have a few moments of free action
(10) Eve: I want to have a look at that hallway Anthony found, go ahead and go back to the hotel with the tour, hopefully there is another tour later, did anyone go to find out? If not, I'll find a way back, but I don't want to waste time, they found our hotel room once already they could find it again. I would rather get this over quickly.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin, you are at 7 out of 11 mana. ICly, you feel pretty charged))
(4) Tristin: ((Err, okay nvm then))
(10) Eve: could someone step on that foot or something please?
(10) Eve: Look, I'm going, you guys don't have to, maybe its a bad idea, and if so, best that only one of us pay for it, that way if I fail, the rest of you can still figure a way to stop that crazy lady.
(4) Tristin: Will it close on us?
(8) Tony: Oh, watch out for the cook sleepin gn the couch in there.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the crazy lady seems to have lost herself in a discussion with the guard and... went and fucked off
(10) Eve: I don't know, it was open when I found it.
** (4) Robin leans on the statues foot, looking casual. **
(4) Robin: Be careful.
** (10) Eve slips into the secret trap door **
(10) Eve: In the words of Anthony, always am.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): audible *crrrrack* *rumble rumble* *screeeech* door stays open
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): toe stays pushed in
** (10) Eve pops her head out **
(10) Eve: Here, the locator stuff.. just in case...
** (8) Tony wiggles his whiskers at Eve **
(10) Eve: sets the bottle and braclet on the ground near the door then slips back in again
(10) Eve: ((that was an action))
** (4) Robin walks over to the bottle, pretending she dropped something and picks the bottle up pocketing it. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((The GM yada yada. This tower is one of the five big boss figures in this campaign. Inside this tower the player-saving deus ex machina is off. Are you sure you want to proceed knowing there is a possible chance of char death?))
(10) Eve: (( when you say that it remindes me of "ITs a beast it has no blood"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you pull off your casual move no problem
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( it IS a beast! it HAS no blood!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((orange sashimi!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((our LARP storyteller reference))
(10) Eve: (("Oh, I can't have that either I don't eat fish.. got anything else?"))
(10) Eve: ((Yeah sure, moving in))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you're in
** (10) Eve looks around examining this side of the trap door and the area she has just entered in great detail, looking for signs of recent use, or ill-cept ness such as spider webs **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you enter what seems to be a circular hall, it's very dark, nearly no light at all. Your senses slightly dull.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your mage sense
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your Death sight is down.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your prime sight encounters slight resistance.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your matter sight is in tact
(4) Robin: Be careful Eve
(4) Robin: ((tristin))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, this trapdoor is very well kept and is often used, the hall is dark not because of neglect, it's clean, rather it serves a certain effect, and it is working. If you step forward, you find yourself in a tall Atrium, feels like inside colloseum, it feels bigger than you know it is. Space sense seem to lull into a pleasant spin of awe
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): depth perception plays tricks. you must focus to analyze your surroundings for actual movement
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wits+composure to orient yourself
** (10) Eve relays what she sees,via mind "Well, I'm in a very dark, round room, seems to be often used, space spells up to make it seem larger, its killed my death sight but matter is still running, prime is limited, it seems built to disorient people." **
** (10) Eve looks for other enterances or paths other than the one I used to get in. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wits+comp
(10) Eve: wit + comp = 6
(10) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,6,8,6,3] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): there are two doors that you can see, one from the direction of the tower's main entrance, and one you entered from. It seems like you're among book shelves, a library of sorts. There is a stairwell to your right, a very broad one, going up into the darkness. There is no one here, it's safe.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): matter sight shows no traps under your feet
** (10) Eve looks to see what is the other side of the trap door if I'm in a library? What does the furnature look like? Is there a fireplace? **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): There is no fireplace or a fire in it, the furniture is dark wood, but to examine more you need to walk, and the perception is struggling against pressing darkness. You can touch the nearest bookshelf, but it's like in a mist, your distance of sight seems to be tricked and suppressed. By feeling around you can find a staircase, a cupboard, a mirror, but the place is huge, like a stadium size
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): book cases are full of books
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): packed
(10) Eve: Seems to be some sort of library. There is a starwell, lots of books.
** (10) Eve takes a book and examins it **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): cupboards full of pottery and silverwear sets
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you pick up a random red cover book. you flip through the pages, and they are empty, blank
(4) Robin: Seem safe?
** (10) Eve raises a brow and returns the book to its place taking a second to examin **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): random book in black cover, a thick tome. blank pages
(4) Robin: [hs] => hs What should we do, sit around or...?
(10) Eve: This room is, for now at least yes.
(10) Eve: Huh, the books are blank
** (10) Eve sets it back **
(4) Robin: That sounds odd...
(10) Eve: Up to you, you could probably make more sense of this space spell than I, but I'm heading up the stairs.
** (10) Eve carefully heads towards the stairs **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, Tony, Robin, what do you do at this moment?
** (4) Tristin and Robin head into the the trap door after Eve **
(4) Tristin: Alright, wait for us...
** (10) Eve will step on the outer edges of the stairs near the wall or rail so as to not possibly make them squeek if they are made of wood, pausing as they say they are heading in **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Suddenly, light hits the room. Every single candle is ablaze, as one, they flash, surrounding the enormous Atrium with a pleasant, cozy, home-like orange light. A trio of chandoleres hangs down with at least 100 candles in each, besides, on the round walls a candle hangs every five feet apart. The light lifts the pressure of disorientation and transfers it into a head-spinning amazing feeling of grandeur. In the light, you can look around and see exactly what is here
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): attention to the incoming map
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): two map plans, one isometric, one from above
** (10) Eve goes blind for a moment from the sudden presence of light **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the light doesnt burn your eyes, it comes up fluidly, like in movie theatre
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): like, uaaaaa...
(10) Eve: ... nevermind))
(4) Robin: This isn't what Eve described...
(10) Eve: It was dark, that was what I could make out... this is woah
** (4) Robin looks for somewhere to hide **
(4) Tristin: ((Me))
** (10) Eve looks up the stairs as far as she can, and around to see what may have triggered the candles **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, Robin, Tristin, Eve, you are between two display stands, with shields and swords on them, that's where you entered from.
(4) Tristin: ((Metal shields?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The purple things are book shelves, the people are a statue of a liegionaire and a display case with a skeleton. The orange circles are chandoleres hanging down from the ceiling above the wrapping around stairway, the black circles are columns, the yellow boxes are cupboards with drawers in them
** (8) Tony runs around outside making sure no one approaches the trapdoor **
(4) Tristin: ((Are they supposed to be on the map now?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, refresh map))
(4) Tristin: ((nvm see them))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You guys see, a man walking out from the stairwell, heading down. He is dressed in what you can freely call a mage robe, a furry collared long robe, and under it a bright red sweater and white trousers, he looks like he is in his early fourties, a bit of gray hair to his temples, otherwise he is mostly sandy-blonde, he has a well trimmed beard, well maintained mustache. He opens his hands and greets you with a quiet smile
(12) Eve (enter): 22:08
(4) Tristin: Ahhh shit....
(12) Eve: Why do I keep disconnecting at all the good parts?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You guys see, a man walking out from the stairwell, heading down. He is dressed in what you can freely call a mage robe, a furry collared long robe, and under it a bright red sweater and white trousers, he looks like he is in his early fourties, a bit of gray hair to his temples, otherwise he is mostly sandy-blonde, he has a well trimmed beard, well maintained mustache. He opens his hands and greets you with a quiet smile
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (12) Eve...
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(10) Eve' from server...
(10) Eve (exit): 22:09
(12) Eve: He must think we are tourists, he hasn't said anything like "Who are you what are you doing here" yet
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Welcome to my library." - smiles wide and casually lights another candle, setting it at the shelf you touched, Eve, looking at the books you picked up, opening them, closing, and setting them back in place
(12) Eve: "You have quite a collection here."
** (12) Eve casual, netrual semi-interested voice **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "My name is Jason, as you may have heard, though some call me Lord Jason, but I'm not fond of titles. I must admit it's a bit unexpected to see guests through the old forgotten backdoor, but, hey, it's a matter of preference. What can I help you with? Oh, by the way, you may all come in."
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo (enter): 22:13
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Dante Canavacciuolo...
(12) Eve: ((Hi CAIN))
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Hola))
(4) Tristin: ((Hello))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Thank you. Collections is what I am passionate about. This is a great gathering of knowledge, though I apologize for the unhospitable darkness you might have experienced in the beginning. I am a bit busy with research today, so I couldn't come out much."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((dante is just back from work with half his head exploding of tiredness. He cannot make it sunday, and we might wanna agree on when next game is. Who is free when?))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((i am good for saturday, sunday, friday nights.))
(12) Eve: "The tour guide said as much, though he didn't mention a topic of interest."
(12) Eve: ((yeah same so long as we are in bed before midnight))
(12) Eve: ((Well except Saturday nights then til whenever))
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Here's the deal. I'm off for three days this week [[MIRACLE] => [MIRACLE], so I'm free Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Takes a very persistant mind to peek under my Old Willow. Well, you made it here, so to you my congratulations. Would you like some wine?"
(4) Tristin: ((whenever for now, don't have a job yet...))
(4) Tristin: ((Same for Rach))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((and Serp i think is free on fridays?))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((Claire is not...))
(12) Eve: ((I can be until midnight))
(8) Tony: (( I"m reee whenever, I wish someone would tell me to cme in though, I"m out there guarding the door. *hmph* ))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: (( 5 to midnight our time?))
(12) Eve: ((Scary mage guy already invited you in Tony..))
(8) Tony: (( I was outside, I didn't near it))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Like I said, you may -all- come in. Unless you don't like books, wine, and ramblers."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Toni, this time you HEAR it
** (8) Tony scurries in **
** (8) Tony loks around Woah, what's this? **
(4) Tristin: ((Lol,Toni
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: and you know when someone talked to you like this before, on distance, but loud and clear in the ear - it was Kurtis's sound control
(4) Tristin: ))
(12) Eve: "No thank you, I try not to drink before seven, but the offer is appriciated. So nice to run into a gentleman now and then."
(8) Tony: Maye I should return to human form?
(4) Tristin: "What's that supposed to mean?"
(8) Tony: Tell him I"d like some wine please
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Oh, my. " - looks at Tony Rat. "I did not realize. I'll give you a moment of privacy." - turns around, setting 5 glasses on the table, and a bottle, pouring wine in, demonstratively giving Tony time to change and get dressed
(12) Eve: This guy is good... scary good..
** (8) Tony make ssure he's behind everyone and drops the spell then grabs his close from Trisin and puts them on quickly **
** (8) Tony make ssure he's behind everyone and drops the spell then grabs his close from Trisin and puts them on quickly **
(8) Tony: "Ahh, feels better."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Anyone with Supernal Vision on, your balls drop. This guy has so much Obrimos Gnosis, he is a christmas tree of power
(4) Tristin: Do you think he can hear this?
(8) Tony: "Escuse me sir but, where are we?"
** (8) Tony takes a glass of wine **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli puts a few chairs up in front of the table, a few tri-candle holders **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "I also have tea and coffee at disposal, but... coffee in the middle of afternoon, that's just outrageous even for an Italian. Pardon my humor."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli turns around to see Tony already human and dressed, hopefully **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((so Friday next week 5 pm?))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((our normal time, friday, all aye?))
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Works for me, fo sho ))
(12) Eve: ((Aye))
(8) Tony: (( fo shizzle ))
** (4) Robin takes a glass of wine, swirling it around to smell the flavors. Sitting down in one of the offereed chairs. **
(4) Robin: ((fridays good for us))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "You can call me Jason." - smiles, "You are in my library, and the rest, well, I'm thinking my guess is as good as mine. Perhaps your question is pertaining to existance of this universe or others within it or parallel to it, or even outside it, but... you have found your way here and now you are in my home. The question is, why?"
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: *my guess is as good as yours*
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: *duh
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((next game scheduled on friday then! boom!))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Schedule Game: wits 5 + GM 5 = 10
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,4,5,6,6,[10, 7],6,7,[10, 6]] = (2)
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: done
** (12) Eve settles down casually into a chair **
(8) Tony: (( is this library bigger on the inside then the trap door we went in? ))
(12) Eve: ((I'm sorry you need three sucesses to schedual a game, you phale))
(8) Tony: (( dang, means wsomeone won't show up :/ ))
(4) Robin: ((reroll))
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( *looks around for traitors* ))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((the trap door had a bit of a tunnel past it, about 30 feet of tunnel, leading into this place, this place seems bigger, grander than a tower on the outside, but at the same time it doesnt, anyone with space can tell it's a spacial effect))
(12) Eve: "Given that, you have an interest in research I can draw the conclusion that you are a highly intellegent man, why do you think we would be in your library? What cause might we have?"
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((Oh, Dante, special announcement. Anyone with Space 3 and higher can purchase a merit for 4 xp - Perfect Driver. Allows to add Space to any drive rolls))
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Very sexy))
(12) Eve: ((What every mage who ever dreamed of driving on a wall wishes they had))
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli smiles to Eve, charmingly, his eyes go up and down her figure **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Eve, roll composure
(12) Eve: comp 4
(12) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],9,3,[10, 4]] = (3)
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Exactly! Hell, that's what everyone dreamt of, I thought!))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Presense 3
(12) Eve: ((I am made of steal baby))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,3] = (0)
(12) Eve: ((Phale!!))
** (12) Eve smiles and bats her eyelashes in return **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Eve, you recognize that charming look of a truly powerful man, the look that gives reporter girls chills and leaking tampons. But - you sooo withstand it, it's not even funny. Jason notices this, and smiles in admiration, as if stung
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "That depends on who you are, of course. You are here because... you did not have the courage to try knocking on the front door. Maybe it was wise."
(12) Eve: 'It has been my experience, that people with enough power to lock a tower up this tightly, tend to do unpleasant things to people who simply knock. This way we are at least clever."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli drinks the wine, savoring it in his mouth, then picks up a book in blue and black cover, opens it somewhere in the middle, and flips a few pages **
** (8) Tony sips his wine **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Or perhaps, you have something to hide? A wise man once said 'know your friends but only let them know the best of you.' - looks up from the book, "Ah, of course. This tower, the castle. Why, not one person worked on its protection, but many. Many, many. Together with me, before me, and after me."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Did you figure it out quite yet?" - smirks
(8) Tony: "After you?"
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli turns to Tony **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "After me and after that which is after me. Now and before, and in the future. It is being worked on right now, in fact."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli looks to Tristin, to Robin, to Eve, then his eyes go back to Robin **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Robin, the man focuses his eyes on your face for a moment longer than in casual conversation, you feel like rolling composure
(4) Robin: ((lol))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,1] = (0)
(12) Eve: ((Phale!!))
(12) Eve: ((you should invest in the seduction skill))
(4) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,2] = (0)
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: A slight chill goes through your spine, Robin
** (4) Robin smiles awkwardly at jason. **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Well, since we aren't exactly talking about what you want, how about we start with names. I am Jason Roselli, the Red Prince."
(8) Tony: "I am Tony Parrot."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli gets up, sets his wine glass on the book shelf, puts the book he was reading from back **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli stops half motion and looks at Tony **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Tony... Parrot?"
(4) Tristin: "Kurtis Lee."
(8) Tony: "it is the name I go by."
** (12) Eve twitches her lips in a slow smile then offers casually **
(12) Eve: "Eve Kline"
** (1) Uchawi pecks Tony on the ear lightly "Anthony, you should stay alert. I am worried. Those statues... they can see me." **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli nods to Eve and looks at Robin **
** (4) Tristin clears her throat. "Rebecca Anderson." **
(8) Tony: [To Uchawi] => To Uchawi What statues?
(4) Robin: ((me))
** (8) Tony looks at the statues **
** (1) Uchawi answers quietly "That legionaire, and that skeleton, as well as many unseen things here, hidden behind objects, many of them are like me, they are magical. Some are ephemeral, some are ethereal, and others - familiar" **
(1) Uchawi: "I feel like everything around me is alive, like I am back to my homelands, where everything is breathing with magic"
(12) Eve: "You wish to talk about what we want? It is quite comment for someone who has such an impressive surrounding, to have just as impressive a secret to hide inside it. Care to tell me a few dirty little secrets? Or shall we continue with pleasant small talk and wine tasting?"
** (12) Eve adds a hit of challenge to her charming smile **
(8) Tony: Spirit Sight - gnosis 3 + spiirt 3 - 3 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,1] = (0)
(12) Eve: *common not comment))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Eve, Rebecca, Kurtis, and Tony Parrot. My pleasure to meet you, I will do my best to remember
(8) Tony: Spirit Sight - gnosis 3 + spiirt 3 - 3 [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3] = (0)
(8) Tony: Spirit Sight - gnosis 3 + spiirt 3 - 3 [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
** (8) Tony casts spirit sight on his third attempt and looks around the room **
(8) Tony: (( spirit tongue allos to see spirits too so I'd cast that ))
(8) Tony: (( I'm a little confused by second sight (spirit sight) and spirit tnogue as to what they allow me to se ))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: after three minutes, you see that spirit is one thing that this place does not is spirits other than you four and Jason. Jason seems to radiate a very very strong spirit, his spirit is clad in full red armor, plate shoulders, sword and shield at his sides, but also, dust on his armor, on his hands, his eyebrows, he is a tired warrior
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Your supernal vision however - bounces all over the place with readings - almost every single object in here is either ephemera or phantasm
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli looks at Toni's head, at his eyes, follows the trace of his spell kite, smiling **
** (8) Tony mumbles, "We're not in Kansas anymore" **
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo: Disconnecting from server...
(13) Dante Canavacciuolo (exit): 22:57
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Dirty little secrets, my my, i am really growing so old, and doing it so fast. Secrets I have none, and my surroundings are a product of my attempts to beautify, enhance, improve, fortify my home, my dwelling."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "It's pleasant to get up in the morning and look at the things you create. Never tell your dirty secrets on the first date, and if you do, make sure that you're at least in bed first."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli chuckles drily **
(12) Eve: "There's always time for that later." *Smirks* "Have you ever heard the addage 'You don't build a fortess unless you have something to hide?' " *looks around the room with a slow careful gaze* "I don't see much hidden here." *fixes Jason with a steady gaze*
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "There is nothing hidden here, everything worth hiding is on the outside. In here, you can find answers, if you ask the questions. Of course, everything comes with its price."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "I know you are the ones who came to me, Eve. It is my understanding that you are in need. What can you offer me?"
(12) Eve: "Ah the ultimate delimma... what to offer a man who seems to have everything." *taps a fingertip against her lips then smiles* "It seems to me that with this many books, and a hobby of research you are interested most in knowledge, thus that would be the first thing I would offer."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Hah! Have everything. You only think that because you haven't seen the other towers. Well, now that there is one less of them anyway... knowledge is indeed what I keep. I wager a counter offer - more than knowledge, I am interested in your quintessense."
** (8) Tony arches an eyebrow **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "... which... following traditional old age ettiquette, you should have stripped when you came through the door of my house, unfortunately the design was not built to encounter newly awakened. But it still, feels like someone walked through my door with a loaded shotgun in their hands"
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli looks at Toni with a smile **
(8) Tony: "And what would you give us for our quintessence?"
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "You have questions, I have answers, you carry quintessense, I collect it."
** (4) Robin thinks back to the feeling in the pool. **
(4) Tristin: ((me))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "That of course implies you indeed, need to know something. I doubt you'd sneak into my home like this if you wanted to kill an old librarian. You could just drone a few fighter pilots to drop a bomb on this place and I would be finished."
(4) Tristin: "You have a little of mine, you owe us one question."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli scans Tristin, his eyes deep **
** (4) Tristin looks back **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Have you not enjoyed the relaxing warm water or the sights of the beautiful gardens? The pool has its own fees, but even if you are correct, let us consider it a deposit. The going rate is a little different than one mote per question. Information, you see, has levels of quality and usefulness."
** (8) Tony touches his coat pocket and feels the weight of the book **
(12) Eve: "Alright... I'm usually more of a bargin shopper but buyer beware aside, I've a question and given a satasfactory answer you can take the cost if that information from me."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "I like bravery. Especially in a lady."
(12) Eve: "You would love me at work then."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli gets up and fills your wine glasses again, now he strides among the shelves **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli looks back at her comment **
** (12) Eve smiles **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli smiles back **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "I'm sure I would."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "What... do you want... to know?"
** (12) Eve stands up and begins to walk slowly with a slight sway to her hips in the direction of the book shelves, looking as if she is looking at the books causally with little interest towards her words in her voice. "How can we safely pass this tower, or one of its sister structures, without its master or masters I suppose is more accurate, being alerted?" **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli looks away from a book he picked up with a "ooooh my" sort of facial expression, followed by the actual "oh, my." **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Someone seems to be really pissed off at someone."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli clears his throat **
** (8) Tony arches an eyebrow again **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "So you are aware of the Star and you're trying to get into its center?"
(8) Tony: If we did not know of the star, we do now
** (8) Tony smiles **
(12) Eve: "Come now, you mentioned yourself there are towers, not just this one, and if this tower has enough bells and whistles to notice us and it isn't as strong as the others which you also admitted yourself then if we intend to travel through Europe without behing noticed by our betters how else to do it then simply ask."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Well, there is nothing there, nothing in the center. So, you either sneak into them like you did into mine, which apparently, you have proven you are well capable of. Or... well, you destroy them, like this "Mister Withrow" in Amsterdam. Alternatively you could spend decades studying various arcanic crafts using manuscripts recovered from the Exarchs and the Oracles, and try to unweave their pattern.
(12) Eve: "All of which sound rather time consuming, or destructive."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "How do you travel between? Have you read Lord of The Rings?"
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "That book is rather popular in your country."
(12) Eve: "That movie is rather popular, few have read the actual text."
** (8) Tony looks at Tristin, "The who of the what?" **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli points up, at the ceiling, where you look and realize is a pentagram of a gigantic star, with a hole to the upstairs in the middle, where the staircase leads, the metal walking bridges and frames surround it, rails connected together in a cricle, making a ramp **
(4) Tristin: "I think I was supposed to read that in English... never did..."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli points at the Star "That is Sauron.", points at you "And you are Frodo Baggins." **
** (12) Eve looks down at herself and twists her lips **
(12) Eve: "Funny I never thought hobbits were this sexy..."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli laughs **
** (4) Tristin smirks **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "You do what you do best. May I reconnoiter here, why exactly are you trying to breach the perimeter?"
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli looks at Tristin, noting his smirk **
(12) Eve: "Well, if I answered that you wouldn't get the cost of your question now would you. It would hardly be fair. So what will it be? Knowledge or power?"
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Oh, I don't need the knowledge, Eve. My answer simple depends on what your purpose is. There are many ways to breach it, depending on what you are trying to accomplish, and in some cases, the breach is not even necessary, as long as you are patient, and the fish flows right into you net."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "You know one tower is gone. That leaves you a safe path to two more."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "But what you want to do - is key to where you need to go"
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli flips through the book **
(12) Eve: "The most elequent term I have for it might be "Treasure Hunting" though I suppose "Thrill Seeking" might work just as well."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Aaah. Well now I can sympathize with you. " - sits down casually
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "See, there are two kinds of people who aren't stray cats in these whereabouts at this time of the century... the Sparrow Riders, and the Gem Hunters."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "So you want to stop Diana from making her bastard child the new Chin Ghis Chan of the underworld."
** (8) Tony opens his mouse, then closes it **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli wiggles his eyebrows and downs the glass of wine **
(12) Eve: "I rather like the Underworld the way it is, nothing personal. Besides I have a notion you've known that since we got here."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Well, well. I wish you luck in that one, ladies and gentlemen. Quite the sack of heavy testicles you have in America. You haven't mastered a single arcanum, and have been sent here. Now it seems that it's a little more clear. A notion - no, I got the notion when I saw you come in through the door and touch the book, see, every book in here is ephemeral."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli opens a book to you, and in his hands, the blank pages gain symbolic text **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "They are a living, breathing thing. Diana and her... counterparts, have helped me to create them, but when they turned to the path of power... well, that is their problem. Favor for favor, I suppose."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Now, I will explain to you the procedure."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli looks at Eve **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Though I believe I have talked enough to receive a bit of my payment"
** (12) Eve returns the gaze steadily **
** (12) Eve inclines her head with a slow smile **
(12) Eve: "As you wish."
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli raises a hand **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Siphon Mana: gnosis 6 + prime 4 - stamina 2 = 8
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli is 6.1 feet tall **
(12) Eve: ((thanks lol))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "This will not hurt a bit." - says it somewhat sinister
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,1,2,9,1,[10, 3],9] = (4)
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Eve -4 mana
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: 4 mana left
(8) Tony: (( wow, he sucks ))
(12) Eve: (... lol))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: you see the quintessense flow through him into the tower's ceiling
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((lucky i didnt cast it with a rote))
** (12) Eve gives the lightest gasp and then a soft moan and shiver **
(4) Tristin: If he can rip mana out of people like that.... which I'm guessing is what just happened... he's Obrimos right?
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Very well, here is the procedure you should follow when dealing with these lunatics. First they will casually greet you, much like I did. And then, they will make sure all doors is closed, it will look and feel something like this, and probably use psychologically intimidating lighting."
(8) Tony: (( he's obrimos, we were told that in the beginning ))
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli flicks his wrist, and the trap door behind you gets closed **
(4) Tristin: ((Yes but Tristin didn't know that....))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: everything in the room becomes red
(4) Tristin: (( He doesn't have RPrime Sight))
(4) Tristin: ((Prime*))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "The important part is to embrace your fears! If you will not panic, you will survive!"
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "The rest of the answers, are in this book."
** (8) Tony cracks his knuckles **
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli lays a single black book on the table, and walks up the stairs **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "If you have questions, call me. I will be in my lab, I need a rest. Read while you can."
** (8) Tony eyes teh book warily **
(8) Tony: "you paid the price, means the honors are yours I guess"
** (1) Lord Jason Roselli walks up the stairway, and the book with blank pages start showing symbols, arcane symbols **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: similar symbols as in your Teacher books, but there are alive, they come out, pop like aerosol, and circle around you
** (12) Eve runs a hand through her white hair and steps over to the book studying the symbols there as they leave the pages **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: everyone initiative rolls please
** (4) Tristin stares at the symobls **
(12) Eve: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [3,6] = (9)
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [[10, 1],6] = (17)
(4) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [9,6] = (15)
(8) Tony: (( hmm.. init ))
(8) Tony: (( init mod 6 sol... ))
(8) Tony: [1d10.open(10)] => [2] = (2)
(4) Robin: [1d10+6] => [7,6] = (13)=>
(8) Tony: (( 2 + 6 = 8 ))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: OK, here is what happens
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin and Eve are staring at the pages in the books, as symbols pop out of them one by one. Tony cracks his knuckles wearily as a couple of symbols violently pass by him, one bouncing off his axe. Jason goes up the stairs, and with the corner of your eye, Tristin, you notice that he just vanished, popped invisibility like Kurtis does sometimes. Tristin shouts and points, you look over and see that the stairway is rising up towards the ceiling, leaving you in the atrium surrounded, the stairway becomes but a ramp above you about 50 feet. The trapdoor in the ceiling closes swiftly. As the stairway is ascending, Tristin reacts to chase where Jason was, moving at his really high speed, as usual, as if he waited for this the whole time, Tristin rushes, jumps up, and barely grabs the last step of the stairwell with his fingers, but doesn't quite catch Jason. He is now rising together with the ramp, and stands now 50 feet above the floor. The rest of you prepare your one free round of spells. Around you, symbols come alive.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, around you - appear 5 Tristins. Tristin - around you on the ramp appear 5 Robins. Robin, around you appear 5 Eves, and Eve, around you are 5 Tonys. Good luck.
(8) Tony: I have a form of spirit sight up
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you can do new inits if you like to. you have one round to drop/switch spells. The symbols use this round to morph
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this is going to be one huge ass battle. u wanna do it now? i will prepare map))
(8) Tony: ALL I see are 5 tristins?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): No, you all see all the other copies
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but each type seemed to pick you as a target
(12) Eve: ((Its kinda late *pouts*))
(8) Tony: So I actually see 6 tristins, just 5 are surrpounding me?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): correct
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): all dressed exactly the same
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Here is the special rule.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you fight Robins and you know real Robin is not on the ramp. You fight as normal unless they or you jump down. Everyone who hits a Tristin copy - also as normal, he is upstairs
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Everyone else, rolls 1d6. before every move. If it's a 1, you're doing damage to your friends
(12) Eve: Are we rolling new init?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yup
(12) Eve: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(12) Eve: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [8,6] = (14)
(4) Tristin: [1d10+10] => [8,10] = (18)
(4) Robin: [1d10+6] => [7,6] = (13)
(8) Tony: [1d10+6] => [7,6] = (13)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((tristin's init is 6 according to my sheet))
(4) Robin: ((You made me cast acceleration right?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i did not, just said you're the quickest, react fastest due to allignment with time, but you can as the preparation spell, in that case thats fine))
(4) Tristin: ((Me of course))
(4) Tristin: ((Sorry 14 for now then))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so, your clones go in same order as u do
(12) Eve: my speed is 9 what is tristins to see who goes first of us
(12) Eve: 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, tie between eve and tristin and between tony and robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): calculating by speed
(4) Tristin: ((11))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): trist 11
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): anthony 10 robin 8
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Trist Eve Anthony Robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): let the murder begin
** (4) Tristin draws his dagger and uses it to help him cast acceleration. **
(4) Tristin: Guy's I'm in trouble
(4) Tristin: ((Stam 2 + Athletics 2 + Time 4 + Dagger 1 + Powerword 1 = 10))
(4) Tristin: [1d10+10] => [2,10] = (12)
(4) Tristin: ((Doh))
(4) Tristin: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,9,7,9,6,1,1,6,6] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robins pull out baseball bats, Tristins pull out daggers, Eves pull out Knives, Tonys pull out axes... Round 1
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin = matrix speed
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve
(12) Eve: Everyone just remember not to panic.
(8) Tony: 42?
** (12) Eve takes off her shirt to hopefully difference herself from the other Eve's, and then tries to decern what these Tony's around her ARE, ghost, spirit, what? Otherwise saving my turn so I can double my defense. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, they are not mages, ghosts or spirts, they seem to be Ephemeral, sicne they glow like the symbols in the books do, but you also find yourself as ephemeral too. As if you were submerged into the world of phantasms
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): However, as you cast spells, you dont feel them doing the same
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what do you have under your shirt?
(12) Eve: A black lace bra... pervert. ;P
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The other Eves start doing the same, out of sequence and with different speeds
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but they do not have bras, they're topless
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): anyone fighting Eve - exception to the rule
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): fighting as normal
(12) Eve: That would make Jason the pervert then wouldn't it... lol
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony
** (8) Tony tries Cntrol "Spiirt on one of the Tristins **
(8) Tony: gnosis 3 + spirit 3 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,[10, 2],5,3,5] = (1)
(8) Tony: (( spirit would roll resistance reflexively ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You feel no spirits inside these ephemeral being, what what you do accomplish is bringing up Tristin's spirit, and encouraging it to help Tristin fight
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The beings in front of you are made of stolen quintessense, they only abide by their master's will and the power of the tower's ability.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you feel encouraged, less scared, ensured
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((+1 to your first attack))
(8) Tony: (( they have to be contolled somehow, so it has o be either spirit, ghost or mind ))
(8) Tony: (( must be mind then ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((marionettes - Prime control ))
(8) Tony: (( then to control more than one at at ime he would have to have split mind, agaain mind ))
(8) Tony: (( they either think for themselves, or somene thinks for them ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((there is something different here, you may discover it. Has to do with rituals))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin's turn
** (4) Tristin tries not to stare at the multiple sets of Eve's boobies and drops her mind sight. **
(4) Robin: ((not tristin))
** (4) Robin closes her eyes to concentrat on her shield. **
(4) Robin: ((untouchable wits3+occ1+space4))
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,7,3,3,7,[10, 7],3] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 armor point for Robin
(4) Robin: ((4))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 4
(4) Robin: ((one armor per dot in space and it cost one mana))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): right!
(4) Robin: ((done))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin 1 breaks a leg of a nearby table and spends his turn kicking it off. Tristin 2 catches the wooden leg, arming himself with it like a club. Tristins 3,4 and 5 angrily lunge at Anthony, screaming. Robins stand around Tristin, watching him carefully. A single Eve attacks Robin with a knife. A single Tony attacks Eve with an axe
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((anthony's defense?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((2))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin 3 attack Tony: str 3 + brawl 4 - 2 = 5
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,3,2,7] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin 4's attack:
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,2,6,7] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin 5's attack:
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,9,[10, 3],3] = (4)
(4) Robin: ((Ouch))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): First two Tristins hardly bruise Tony but the third one jabs him with a fist in the back. 6 bash total on Tony
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A single Tony gets ready and slams himself in the chest, rawring like a predator, pushing the others off and away to be the first to fight. He strikes with str + brawl : 5
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 1],2,3,3] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the strikes does 2 bashing to Eve
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nm
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): defense is 6?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 4
(12) Eve: 4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 dice
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony misses
** (12) Eve bats her eyelashes **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve stabs Robin with a knife: str 2 + wep 1 + knife 1 - defense 2 = 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve misses, Robin easily dodging. Other eves start laughing at her, pushing her away, Tonys do the same to the Tony who missed, trying to compete for who hits first.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robins around Tristin just stand around and wait for him to move
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Round 2
(4) Tristin: ((Awwe, come on...))
(12) Eve: New init?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if u like, u dont have to
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): up to you
(4) Tristin: ((What ev.))
(12) Eve: I dont care either
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well same init then.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, Eve, Tony, Robin
(8) Tony: What abut my sheilds?
(8) Tony: The shields i cast this morning and spent 2 mana to keep up
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((how many? 7 i think))
(8) Tony: 3 spirit and 4 life which is 7
** (4) Tristin tries to ram through one of the robins on a lower step hopeing to knock the image off the stairs. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): shields absorb the bashing, leaving 1 shield, and health clean
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): It's against your hardened skin though, so even though you dont reall get damaged, you feel the strikes
(4) Tristin: ((Brawl 4 + KF 1 + Str 3 = 8))
(4) Tristin: ((def?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin's defense is 2
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,1,8,7,3] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A Robin flies down the stairs. Other Robins lazily and as if unwillingly raise their bats with a "whatever look on their faces"
** (4) Tristin and continues to run part of the way down the stairs, hopeing to make them line up single file. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The fallen Robin seems to have a few things broken, she cannot move
(4) Tristin: ((Done))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve
(12) Eve: They are dark shadows, reflections of our flaws, I'm Prideful so my relfections will try to one up each other. Robin's seem to be slothful, so they may not even fight at all, Tristin's are Wrathful, and Antony's are also based on pride.
** (12) Eve to the Tony's "Oh come on that was pathetic, which one of you is the best? There has to be one of you thats better than the others..." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The Failed Tony growls, and two of them start a fight between themselves, while the one to the side of them attacks Eve. The last Tony lets the runner up do his move
** (12) Eve dodges doubling defense **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the Tonys remind of wolves or tigers fighting for prey, so do the Eves
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony's turn
(8) Tony: transform self - wings - vulgar
(8) Tony: Transform Self(3) Stamina(3)+Athletics(4)+Life(4) [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],6,7,7,[10, 4],2,8,2,3,[10, 9],6] = (4)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ladies and gents, you are in fact not in kansas. paradox free zone
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, you spread wings, powerful wide wings
(8) Tony: Wings, scales, claws (hand and feet)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): badass
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you've got 5 tristins to choose from, 1 armed with a table leg, 1 armed with a dagger, 3 punching you
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): they are all for gangbanging you
(8) Tony: at one punching me
(8) Tony: gong at it with claws
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin's defense is 3
(8) Tony: hans and feet
(8) Tony: hmm.. I don't rmemeber what to roll for combat. lets see, I have a skill
(8) Tony: oh yes, brawl, I have 2 dots.
(8) Tony: brawl + str = 2 + 3 = 5
whispering to Tony, What does Anthony feel?
(8) Tony: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,[10, 10, 10, 5],8,6] = (3)
(8) Tony: (( 5 ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin has defense 3
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so u have 2 dice
(8) Tony: (( so he rolls 3 die to defend, no? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): its -3 defense
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 2+ 3 - 3
(8) Tony: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony slashes with claws, missing a Tristin, Tristins dodging around him, all raging like bulls
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robins? You have an Eve fighting you with a knife and the rest watching her like Betas watch an Alpha
** (4) Tristin swings at the alpha Eve with her bat. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): defense 2
(4) Tristin: ((I roll wep. +strength+ ?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): + bat 1
(4) Tristin: ((weponry 4+ strength1+bat1 - 2 defense = 4))
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,8,9] = (2)
(4) Tristin: How calm are we supposed to stay?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you smack an eve on the head through her block
(4) Robin: ((hehe not tristin))
(12) Eve: As calm as you can manage, these things are tied to our vices I suppose the less we act like them the less power they have, but thats just a guess.
(4) Robin: So I should go balls to the walls and smack them all down?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Enemies move: punching Tristins against Tony, a dagger Tristin against Tony, Tristin with table leg waiting out for enough room to approach. A Robin hitting Tristin with a bat as he tries to run though them down the ramp, an Eve hitting a Robin, and a Tony hitting an Eve
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): whats Tony's defense with enhancements?
(8) Tony: scales is usually -2 but it depens on what you give it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): he has scales armor now
(8) Tony: normal defense is 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): -2 sounds gooes
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): good
(8) Tony: so 4 then
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 5-2 = 3
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Each Tristin punching has 3 dice, the dagger Tristin has 4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristins on Tony:
(8) Tony: they have 7 dice? wow
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ya, Tristin badass))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3,[10, 4]] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,4] = (1)
(12) Eve: ((No GIR that's bad))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,[10, 5]] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): after a series of punches on three sides, Tony's shield absorbs, and he gets 3 bruises through the scales, the Tristins doing the expertly martial art, the final Tristin comes in with a jab
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],7,5,[10, 3]] = (2)
(8) Tony: (( if we used the books shieds I would have 4 sheild, wuld of been -4 more, they couldnt' of hit me at all? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The blade comes into Anthony's shoulder
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ummmm yes))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((cant stack though. and i think for successes number of rounds))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a Robin now tries to hit a Tristin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what is Tristin's defense?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the accelerated one
(4) Robin: 3 + -4 dice because of acceleration
(4) Robin: (())
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): chance die
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): botch
** (4) Tristin ducks **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A Robin swings at Tristin, but his speed makes a perfect duck, and Robin flies off the stairs, also stops moving, on the floor
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve strikes Robin with a knife
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],9] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve takes 3 lethal in the thigh.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I mean Robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ow!
(4) Robin: ((what about shield?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 4 shield....
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 4-3 = 1
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): no damage, 1 shield left
(4) Robin: ((mkay))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and a Tony striking at Eve
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 5 dice - 4 defense = 1
(12) Eve: weee
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the Fake Tony misses, and now another Tony picks a fight with him. 2 Tonys are now fighting amongst each other, which separates them fro mthe real Tony
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): that making 2 pairs of Tonys total fighting.
** (12) Eve snickers **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): totals for the round is... Anthony's damage is 2 L and 1 bash
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and it looks like nobody else took damage yet, 2 Robins are out, and 4 Tonies are fighting amongst themselves
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Round 3
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tristin
(4) Robin: ((Keep'n it real))
** (4) Tristin slashes at the closest Robin with Ediphon **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): defense 2
(4) Tristin: ((What's the Equip bonus on a dagger?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 1
(12) Eve: ((You named your dagger? *more snickers*))
(4) Tristin: ((Str 3 + Wep 2 + Dagger 1 + Dagger Specialty 1 = 7 - 2 = 5))
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,2,6,7] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin blocks Ediphon with the bat, pushing you back
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Eve
(12) Eve: Look, it works, you beat pride by getting it to fight itself, Tristin, sloth will naturally not fight unless you make it,and Tony... I dunno.. try to calm them down? Never did understand Wrath well.
** (12) Eve casts Summon Shadows hopefully forming a protective circle around herself with the rote = Wits + Occult + Death = 10 **
(12) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [2,4,2,2,3,8,1,6,8,7] = (0)
(12) Eve: wait.. any bonuses for darkish room?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the effect
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The darkish room glows blood red, which encourages aggression, but a shadow rises from the dark corners and wraps around you, separating the Tony's from you, one of them is already finishing the other. The one Tony who is still focusing on you is now taking his accomplishment as a victory, so, being the only one left to fight you, he tries to break through the shadow
(12) Eve: also dropping unseen spy since it doesn't seem to matter any more
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tony
** (8) Tony bends his knes under him and leaps up into the air thrusting his wings down and heads toward the opening in the sky **
** (8) Tony turns around half way up and raises bopth hands to each of the tristins below him and... **
(8) Tony: ..|., ,.|..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dramatic cutscene. Tony is getting jumped by tristins, punching and cutting at him, and you all hear an animal roar, as he breaks out from their pile a'la Neo vs 10 agent smiths, and soars up to the ceiling, leaving Tristins below. Tristins quickly pick a new target - Robin. They now join fake Eves in attacking her. Anthony, you get closer to the opening, you find that it's an airlock type system. It opens and shuts like a membrane.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Robin
** (4) Robin attempts to loop the strands of space around the fake tristin, binding him in place. ((Suspession: Wits 3+investigation1+space 4=8 composture+gnosis to contest it.)) **
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,6,6,[10, 2],3,3,1] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,[10, 1],1,5] = (2)
(8) Tony: (( my wings etc.. ahd cost me a mana too, forgot abou that ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Fake Tristin breaks out
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, Tony mana at 5))
** (4) Robin taunts the fake Eves "You couldn't kick that little asian kids ass. Good luck fighting me." **
(4) Robin: ((done))
(12) Eve: ((beautiful))
(12) Eve: ((lol))
(12) Eve: (("Look he's trying to steal your fight!"))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): What happens now is the following: All Tristins attack Robin, but the Eves keep their pattern. Only one attacks. The rest of the Eves respond to Robin's comment with a "We can too!" and stand in the way of Tristins. The fake Tony tries to smash through the shadow, and the next Robin in line tries to club Tristin.
(4) Robin: ((for real lol))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin with a dagger jabs at Robin:
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 6-2=4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,2,5] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin misses, distracted by an Eve
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve strikes at Robin with a knife - 4-2 = 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve stabs Robin, stripping the last of the shield
(4) Robin: ((shield gone))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the other 4 Tristins are now engaged with 4 Eves in short blade fights. Eves laughing in their faces and Tristins just going berserk trying to cut the boobies in half
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): fake Tony attempts to get throug shadow Str 3 + Athletics 4 = 7 - 2 shadow
(12) Eve: ((Not the boobies!!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,[10, 3],9,2] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony destroys the shadow and runs upclose to Eve
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the shadow dissipates
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin clubs Tristin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): And this round Tristin's acceleration runs out after this hit, i think
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): chance die for Robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
(4) Tristin: ((No it's one mana a turn))
(4) Tristin: ((4 mana left))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wack! Tristin got a bashing on the head, he runs into a wall
(4) Tristin: ((I ingore the first bashing damage every attack, hardened body))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin withstands!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and does not run into a wall
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Next Round
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tristin
** (4) Tristin shakes off the blow to the head, a little woozy, and slashes at the fake Robin again, (Wep 2 + Str 3 + Dagger 1 + Spec 1 - defence 2 = 5) **
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,1,1,3] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a blow to the head is still a blow to the head, you cannot focus and miss
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Eve
(12) Eve: Lets go with another round of shadows shall we...
(12) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,9,3,5,4,3,1,4,4] = (1)
(12) Eve: ((lame))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): thin shadow emerges, barely enough to keep fake Tony busy
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tony, midair, next to the airlock in the ceiling
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your turn
** (8) Tony flies down and grabs the book then flies back up **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your teacher book?
(8) Tony: The book he said the answers would be in
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ahhaaaa. You have the book, all the symbols out of it are now gone and it has empty pages, with a bunch of placeholders for symbols
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): each symbol, each figurine turned into a fighter, two that Robins emerged from, the Robins who are on the floor - are dimmed. The rest are still pulsing red. Oh! A fake Tony killed another Fake Tony - another symbol dimmed. A Tristin killed an Eve - another symbol dimmed.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you're back by the ceiling at the airlock
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Robin
(4) Robin: ((I'm confused by what happened? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you are were attacked by a real tristin and a real eve, around you 4 Tristins fighting 4 Eves. One tristin killed an eve just now
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): real = fake
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): my brain is dying
** (4) Robin recasts her shield. ((untouchable wits 3 +occ 1+space4)) **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you got 4 pairs to fighting between each other, but Tristins are winning, and 1 of each is focused on you
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,8,5,5,6,5,3] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 4 armor
** (4) Robin taunts the Eve with the knife, who is focused on me. "I bet you couldn't even kill the asian kid." **
(4) Robin: I hope she would.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Fake Tristin with knife and fake tristin with table leg are now attacking Robin. Another punching Tristin killed an Eve and is ready for next round. One Eve also attacks Robin. A fake Robin clubs tristin. A fake Anthony grabs a candle and sets a wooden table on fire with it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristins attacking Robin:
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dagger: 6-2=4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 9],9,8] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the first Tristin's jab strips Robin's shield
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tristin with sharp table leg 6-2=4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],1,8,8] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 3 bashing to Robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve with knife to Robin: 4-2 = 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve misses
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin is at 3 bashing
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A Robin clubs a Tristin at chance die.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): bonks him again for bashing, Tristin withstands it AGAIN
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Fake Anthony sets the table ablaze, lighting the things up and making them quite a bit hotter. A burning table now separates Robin and Eve
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): New Round. Real Tristin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): accel run out unless mana into it
** (4) Tristin drops Acceleration and begins fighting defenceivly (-2 to hit + 2 defnece) **
** (4) Tristin makes a sweep at the Robin that hit him **
(4) Tristin: ((Brawl 4 + Str 3 + KF 1 = 8 - 2 defence - 2 stance = 4))
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,8,5] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a sweep catches her shin, making her stumble, she looks sad, starts crying over a bruise it gave her "you jerk!"
(4) Tristin: "Sorry Robin...er...Wait you're not...!"
(4) Tristin: ((done)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Eve
(12) Eve: Bringing up Entropic Guard on Robin, Wits occult Death = 10
(12) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,5,1,1,4,7,6,4,3] = (0)
(12) Eve: ...or not...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the spell dissipates in the burning table between you two
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the shadow sweeps over it but the light destroys it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tony
(8) Tony: Life Force Assault (Vulgar) on Tony Pyro - Gnosis 3 + life 4 - stamina 3 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,4,6] = (1) "Only you can prevent table fires!"
(12) Eve: ((lol))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, to your delight even though the copy of you is void of Life, it has a life you can affect. The Pyro Tony's arm cringe and he drops to his knee in pain, growling
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Robin
** (4) Robin attempts to bend the treads of space to bind the fake Tristin with the knife in place. ((susspesion: wits 3 +investigation 1+space 4)) **
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,5,4,9,8,1,7] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): composure + gnosis resistance
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 3+2 = 5
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],5,3,6,9] = (2)
(4) Robin: (mhmm))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin once again jumps over it
(4) Robin: "Why don't you calm down? Think about your awesome dagger? Its pretty nice...." *smiles*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Another Tristin kills an Eve and joins the attackers. Tristin with dagger, tristin with leg, and Tristin puncher attack Robin. Fake Robins stare at Tristin angrily waiting to see what he does, bats at ready
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): As Tristin is fighting defensively, the fake tristins seem to lose a bit of their aggression, the ones fighting eves stop fighting
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin to Robin attacks:
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dagger 4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,5,2] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 lethal to Robin. 1 L 2 b
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin with leg: 4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,7,2] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 bashing.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin puncher: 5 dice
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,5,5,[10, 9]] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 1L 7bash to Robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The punch Tristin beats you into pulp, but you're still focused
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): chuck norrises you in the jaw, trying to press you to the burning table
(4) Robin: ((ima bad tank))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The Tristins who were fighting Eves calm down a bit
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin smacks Tristin with 1 dice
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): again, a hit to the head he withstands
(4) Robin: ((*Yawn*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The Pyro Tony is clutching his wrist. Two other Tonies axe fighting each other
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tristin's turn
** (4) Tristin Springs into a backflip and tries to kick the Robin that hit him. **
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,[10, 3],7] = (2)
** (4) Tristin and moves a little ways down the stairs. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): That Robin flies off the ramp, breaks her neck
(4) Tristin: ((Done))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Eve
** (12) Eve tries AGAIN on entropic guard on Robin **
(12) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 1],1,5,3,7,2,[10, 10, 10, 2],1,7] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 4
(12) Eve: there we go..
(12) Eve: 4 sheild
(12) Eve: on Robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a shroud of death surrounds Robin, draining the force of next attacks
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tony
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): midair with book, near airlock
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): more and more symbols fade away on the pages
(8) Tony: Tony tries to fiure out who the real robin is and use healing heart on them
(8) Tony: gnosis 3 + life 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,8,1,9,4,6] = (3)
(8) Tony: (( cost 1 mana to heal 3 ))
(8) Tony: (( down to 4 mana I believe ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): with Life Sight for you its easy to tell which Robin is real, and it's easy anyway, the only real Robin is the one on the bottom floor
(8) Tony: So 3 leathel healed robin
(8) Tony: lethal
(4) Robin: ((and not dead))\
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yup, 4 mana. Robin is healed 1 lethal and 2 bashing, since she only had 1 lethal?
(8) Tony: yeah
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so she just has... 5 bashing now. Which feels a lot better
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Robin
** (4) Robin stumbles a little from the bashing, regaing balance and feeing better after the heals. **
(4) Robin: ((untouchable ))
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,[10, 2],6,[10, 6],1,1,7] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((to make this go quicker, think mass destruction))
(4) Robin: ((4 more shield ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 8 shields total Robin
(4) Robin: ((would mind work on shadows?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you can only find out if you try))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin with dagger responds to Robin complimenting him on the dagger
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): "Thanks. You sure you wouldn't like to play with it?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): One Tristin dies to Eve, and one Eve dies to Tristin.
(12) Eve: (9woot I got one))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): puncher and table leg Tristin's attack Robin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,4,[10, 1]] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,9,[10, 8],[10, 5]] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 5 damage, 3 shields left. First Tristin's punches dissolve in the death shield, weakening on the fly, and the Tristin with table leg simply misses the space you are at, as his hits bypass you and you evade precisely, swaying around them, as if almost accidental
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The only living Eve gives out a victorious "Woohoo! I win!"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the table sets a nearby bookshelf on fire
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Fake Robins chase after Tristin down the ramp
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Fake Tony kills another Fake Tony and comes up to the one cringing on the floor
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): "Survival of the Fittest, that is the nature's law."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Fake Tony raises an axe over Pyro Tony
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tristin
** (4) Tristin stops just long enough to place a defencive kick by a Robin persuer **
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,5,9] = (1)
** (4) Tristin then dashes down the stairs some moore **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): she stumbles and falls, crying "Don't hurt me, Tristin! I'm sorry!"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you're down at the bottom, between you and Eve is a burning shelf and table. Around them you may get to Robin
** (4) Tristin recoils hearing the voice by trys to ignore it. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin roll Composure
(4) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,7] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you good
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Eve
** (12) Eve attempts to grab the tony with the axe mid swing with a dex + brawl as a first step towards something great.. "Don't do it Suicide is not the answer!" **
(12) Eve: (dex + brawl is only 3 - tony defense?)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes i think so
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 2 is defense
(8) Tony: def 2
(12) Eve: so 1 die but not chance?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yup
(12) Eve: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2]] = (1)
(12) Eve: yay!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you make contact, and grab. Tony will use his move to try and overpower you and throw you into the fire, but that comes later.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Tony
(8) Tony: tony heals robin again using necklace this tim efor 8 again
(8) Tony: gnosis 3 + life 4 [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],5,3,4,3,[10, 3],6] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 7 charges left
(8) Tony: 1 mana for 2 lethal (bashing) robin :
(8) Tony: 3 mana left
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin has 3 bashing left on her, Anthony down to 3 mana
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin feels a whole lot better
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Robin's turn
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): all eyes right now are on you, except dagger Tristin who seems to listen to you
** (4) Robin focuses on the mind muscles that control the heart of staby Tristin, willing them to spasm. ((psychic sword mind4+gnosis4)) **
(4) Robin: Not, staby tristin, table leg tristin.
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,3,3,3,6,3,5] = (0)
(4) Robin: (( fail))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you feel that these copies share a mind, and its direction is up above the ceiling, past that closed airlock
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you have to target the source of their mind
(8) Tony: how many copoies we got left alive here?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin punchers and table leg go nuts on you. Tristin dagger just watches them. Eve picks up a spear from the statue. "You morons, that angel thing is healing her!" She throws the spear up at Anthony
(8) Tony: \pyro tony, axe tony...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 2 robins, 4 tristins, 1 eve, 2 tonys
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristins attacking Robin:
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): table leg
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,[10, 6],8] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): shield is off
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): two punchers
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],9,9,[10, 7],8] = (5)
(12) Eve: ow!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin capped out on Bashing and... Robin is a knock out
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): twice the stamina
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, stars float around you and the world fades to black
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Second puncher Tristin, seeing this, just picks you up and carries you to the fire
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): At the same time, Axe Tony tries str+brawl to overpower Eve grab and throw HER into fire
(4) Robin: ((cant i'm uber fat. ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,1,4,5] = (0)
(12) Eve: (phail))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): he fortunately fails
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve throws a spear at Tony
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony's defense now being 3
(8) Tony: I wanna catch it :/
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, can grant.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): lets see how she rolls
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, to catch it, use dex+athletics - 3
(8) Tony: dex 2 + athl 4 -3 = 3 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,5] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it hurts you for 1 lethal, but you catch it and clutch it in your hand
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robins block Tristin's way to Eve with their bats
(8) Tony: what i take so fa, 65 bash 2 lethal?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you wish
(8) Tony: 6 bash 2 lethal?
(8) Tony: I need t know cause I might be in lala land
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes, you shoulder bleeds, you're like an eagle of war, your left wing is bloodied
(8) Tony: is it 6 bashing and 2 lethal?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you're still above penalties
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): penalties come in at 5 lethal
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 6 bashing 2 lethal
(8) Tony: if *'m 6 bashing and 2 lethal I'm unconscoius
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): bashings dont count
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you have to be full lethal to be out
(8) Tony: I only yhave 8 boxes
(12) Eve: You have to be full lethal or be hut for double your stam in one turn to KO
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes, but youre not out. nobody did twice over stamina dmgto you in a single blow
(12) Eve: *hit
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes what Eve said
(8) Tony: "Once all your character's health boxes are full and the rightmost is occupied with a slash begin makig stamina rolls to see if he remains concsoiucs."...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin's turn. You have a situation. On your left, Axe Tony is wrestling with Eve, dangerously close to the fire, which is spreading now fast. On your right, Tristin is about to throw Robin into fire. Above you, Tony got hit by a spear but caught it. Above his head a shut airlock.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, Tony let's do stamina roll. you just roll stamina?
(8) Tony: I belive yeah, need a success
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): k.
(8) Tony: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 5],1] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you're up and flying
** (4) Tristin moves to draggin Tristin and attempts a quick strike at his back hopeing to knock -him- in the fire **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): he holds Robin in his arms
(4) Tristin: ((Oh, then trying to sweep him away from the fire))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): that sound better lol
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): defense 3
(4) Tristin: (( Brawl 4 + Str 3 KF 1 - 3 Def - 2 stance = 3))
(4) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,2] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you miss
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Real Eve
(12) Eve: ((new way to dump your girlfriend, kick the evil double of you into a fire while she's holding you))
** (12) Eve still holding the axe Tony's arm looks up at the air lock and attempts to Destory object on it, Death + Gnosis = 6 + spend a will = 9 **
(12) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,8,2,2,7,6,5,[10, 10, 5]] = (3)
(12) Eve: 4 sucesses
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Fake Tristin throws unconscious Robin into the burning fire, and at this time Eve's eyes flash black as the death spell goes off, rotting the airlock open. The red light dissipates, and the room fills with that pleasant candle glows, like it was before, when you were meeting with Lord Jason. Robin, you land, all beat up and unconscious - on a burnt table. No fires, no enemies. Only the results of destruction. The ramp lowers and becomes a staircase once again.
** (12) Eve takes a slow deep breath **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Out of the airlock hole you see a golden light
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the stairs move and now connect to it
(12) Eve: "Tony whats in the book?"
** (12) Eve takes a few steps towards the stairs while calling up to him. **
** (4) Robin grabs a potion from his backpack and tries to make Robin drink it, confused, but takeing the time he can **
(8) Tony: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 7],3,8] = (2)
** (8) Tony looks at the book **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, the book in your hand catches all the glowing symbols, they soak into the pages, each shining red before disappearing, and combat rounds end
(4) Tristin: ((That was me))
** (8) Tony lands on the grund while opening hte book **
(4) Tristin: ((Orr still in init?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The book becomes an empty paged book, a useless piece of paper with not a single word written on it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((init rounds over. free action. ))
** (4) Tristin grabs a potion from his backpack and tries to make Robin drink it, confused, but takeing the time he can ** **
** (8) Tony fights to remain conscious **
** (12) Eve takes another step waiting for an answer from Tony. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Well, Robin's a little out of it, out cold, her lips are kinda limp
** (8) Tony looks at the potion and it triggers a though **
** (8) Tony opens up his black bag and takes out one of hte potions he's kept this whoel time and looks at it, openes it and drinks it hoping it to be more htan just water by this time **
** (4) Tristin trickles a little on her lips **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 5 lethal cured. Tony is down to 3 bashing only. Tony, you are now fully conscious, and you have 5 potions left
(8) Tony: "Wiew. that's better. The book? I'ts empty." Tony hands Eve the book
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): some potion drops flow into Robin;s mouth triggering a swallow reflex
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin can have motor control now
** (12) Eve is already several steps up the stairs. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the book is a blank book, just like all other books in this place
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, youre going towards the light up the stairs
** (12) Eve attempts to use prime to "activate" the book if that doesn't work will be heading further up the stairs with a grim set to her lips **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you see a good measure of the Tower's spell now, recalling what you saw in your trance, it's coming into the "lab" above, up the stairs
** (8) Tony starts walking up teh stairs following eve **
** (4) Robin slowly blinks a few times untill she focuses on Tristin leaning over her. She smiles at him. **
(12) Eve: prime + Gnosis = 5
(12) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,2,3,5] = (1)
** (4) Tristin offers her the rest of the potion **
** (4) Robin sits up slowly, taking the bottle and drinking it wholely. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony and Eve, upon coming upstairs, you see no sign of Jason, and an empty observatory type room, with THIS in its middle. It looks literally like a ... magical core with golden spheres on disks self propelling around a middle ball. Eve, looking at this you can get an idea of the complex tower spell easily in one attempt of study
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the book is completely useless to Prime, it doesnt even glow
** (4) Tristin helps her up and heads up stairs beconning her to follow. **
** (12) Eve examines the shiny thing, studying the spell for weak spots **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The Core seems to pulse with red and blue charges, and move on its own, you see the stolen quintessense trasporting into it
(12) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,1,[10, 8],2] = (1)
** (4) Robin hestates, remembering the punching Tristins, but follows the friendly face upstairs. **
(8) Tony: How big is that thing?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The spell now makes sense: it is a combined extended spell of Prime, Mind, Space, Spirit, and Death. It levis penalties on casting with Mind, Space, Life, Time, Fate, has detection wards and anti-scrutinizing wards, it cyphons mana into the core from the pool, and uses Spirit to connect to vices of people who are targets to a Prime spell. The core itself is a "repeater" for the power of Mind, linking control of illusions from within the victims. Finally, you now make sense of the Space aspect. it's not that the tower isnt really here. It's just that you're not really inside the tower. The space of the tower is exchanged with something really really tiny. It leads to the Gift Shop back outside the tour area, where the bus is.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, this thing is about 12 feet tall on a large pedestal, there seems to be some sort of panel on the pedestal that would take examination
(12) Eve: Any way to get the quentessence back out?
(12) Eve: "Well it seems to be a.. (insert above text describing this here)"
(8) Tony: "Can we destory it?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Your question iminently leads you to the control panel of the device. It is operated mechanically. This is what you see on the pedestal. You see 8 extendable buttons, large, a palm size, like drawers
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you see, these 8 buttons. all of them are pushed in
(8) Tony: (( me must sleep ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((me too. wanna do this next session lol))
(12) Eve: "Hmm.. Forester, Night Owl, Diamond Priest, Scavanger... those are the other towers..."
(8) Tony: (( yeah, those symbols can have multiple meanings ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Soooo... we calling it or anything else you want to try here?
(12) Eve: call it
(8) Tony: call it pls
(8) Tony: night
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
Vices almost caught up with them. Almost.

(4) Robin: Psssh I pwn Sloth
(12) Eve: XP goodness?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((alright. eve 8xp for fast talk, funny rp. Anthony 7exp. Robin 7exp for quick combat thinking. Tristin 7 exp))
(4) Robin: For what?
(4) Tristin: For me i mean
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): totals: eve 23 robin 13 tristin 30 tony 22
(4) Tristin: 8 per dot for gnosis?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes
(4) Tristin: Spending 24 on Gnosis 3
(4) Tristin: I have 6
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): done
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): recorded and saved
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): any1 anything else
(12) Eve: nope
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i think Serp's asleep, and i soon will be too
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): till next time
(12) Eve: gg doods