fanfares! Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Project Zomboid, season 3 of our glorious survival saga. LOL. We have some new players, so a brief introduction. Project Zomboid is a hardcore (1 life per character) sandbox survival simulator of a zombie apocalypse in progress, with all kinds of crafting, hunting, building, farming, fishing, gathering, trapping, and combat going on. The game is generically built, allowing us to mold a story to any shape we choose. We are operating under the vendor's initial canon premise. They are pretty specific about some things, like not explaining how the infection started or how it spread. You are a survivor who has either "missed" the apocalypse somehow, or you're seasoned and have been living in the midst of it for some time. Project Zomboid does not cover the "beginning", so that's up to us to decide. Which, should be easy to do, as the game is set in Muldraugh, Kentucky. A small, very rural town north of Fort Knox along Dixie Highway. Time frame, somewhere late 90s - mid 00s. We will be running this as an in-character roleplaying game, our previous run of it was really fun. Hopefully things are more civil. The game started on April 1st at 7:00 AM. It is currently coming up on April 18th. For all intents and purposes, since there are no vehicles implemented yet, we'll say that the highway is either jammed with dead traffic, or destroyed due to initiated air strikes. There are jets and helicopters flying overhead, so we know there's at least scouting action going on. Fort Knox is silent and essentially unreachable. Some games have it completely overrun, some have it evacuated after deploying some kind of gas. The point is, there's a horde in the way and we can't get to it. There is no access to automatic weapons, but there is occasional gunfire heard. As far as we know, it all came from the south. The horde is coming from the highway. Highway 60 is fucked, not driveable. Your character can be outside of Kentucky, and could be privy to more information and have survived longer, or you could be from around here, in which case the events unfolded within literally a few days. There is a severe lack of information and overall event coverage. Mass media was evasive and vague on the topic, and reports were sparse in the past month, even though the fact there is "an epidemic" was known for a month or so. Then, literally, in a few nights it exploded with mass hysteria, all over all the channels, before it all went static. Internet, same deal. Error 404, no internet connection on all local lines. Possibly not global, internet backbone might be in tact, but Muldraugh has like one ISP, which is Time Warner Basic Internet Telecommunications company, and when that went down, that was essentially game. Cellular service had been going dead, smart phones were not in prime yet, especially not in a town like that. So there is a huge information vacuum. It is unknown where it originated from, who "patient zero" was. Flares of it occured all over the U.S. Some things are known from the last reports that did make it out. 1. It's not cancer or any other previously known disease. Speculation among the educated goes, it could be man made, but nobody can confirm it. 2. It's more likely a very resistant bacteria rather than a virus, because antibiotics slow its progress, though fail to kill it. 3. It spread rapidly, and was possibly airborne at one time, but some people were not affected that way. 4. It's definitely blood and saliva transmitted, people bitten by the infected died and became infected. 5. Incubation period is on average a week to ten days, and the end is not gentle. 6. There is no known cure. So, if you're from Muldraugh, you probably had a week of hell. There's chaos in the streets, survivors are far apart and few, you've seen people get eaten. Last few nights were awful, and there were screams and all kinds of noises outside. You stayed inside for a while and tried to basically not go insane and stay alive, whether you're super well adjusted uberman or a panicked little girl, it's been a trial of a time. Last night - was the first quiet one, when the screams and death and murder finally calmed, and you actually could get some sleep. You're awake at 7 A.M. and a realization hits your rested head - that the night's been so quiet because everyone in the vicinity is dead. Alternative character starts are most welcome. If you were in a hangover induced coma, and just woke up this morning for the first time in a while, a la Rick Grimes, go right for it. Then you really have a time of your life. My character was actually out on a fishing trip, and that contributed to his terror and survival, seeing strange things happen as he floated downriver. [7/13/2015 10:35:37 PM] konrad knox: A few House Rules. Every person here has been selected through years of playing together with myself, and is inherently trusted, so we operate on the honor system. Nobody is going to enforce any sort of admin rules, but here are the basics that establish structure to the game: 1. Radios. Radios are coming in next updates, but are not yet implemented. We simulate radio communication by pressing Y and specifying which frequency we are using. Your character may respond if they are listening at the moment, and on the right frequency. You're free to play a bad connection or a missed connection, up to you. To build a radio, you either have to find a "radio" item, which currently just does nothing, plus, a battery. Or you can build a radio from scrap. To build a radio, collect 5 pieces of electronic scrap, a battery, and a screwdriver. Additional bonuses may be given if you show me a screenshot of your kit. Stuff like CD players, cordless phones, earbuds, may grant additional functions. Upon doing that your character is considered radio-capable. 2. PVP. Killing other characters is allowed in our game. But there must be roleplay associated with it. We are here to tell a story, so if killing is to be done, make it like an epic zombie movie. No random silent PK, no kill and run without a reason. And i trust everyone here with this. However, shit does go down, conflicts arise, mistakes are made, and bullets do fly. Sometimes it hits us in the feels. For this, it may be advisable to keep your characters anonymous if you so choose, and if you are killed, don't take it personal. 3. Everyone who doesn't die from the start of the campaign is considered an original character. If you die, you can reroll multiple secondaries, but only your original character has a voting power to end the campaign. We reset when either all original characters die, only one original character is left alive, or multiple are alive and agree to vote on a reset. [7/13/2015 10:36:20 PM] konrad knox: The IP for joining our server is: [7/13/2015 10:36:23 PM] konrad knox: default port [7/13/2015 10:36:36 PM] konrad knox: when you create the account, make sure it's your character's name [7/13/2015 10:36:41 PM] konrad knox: first name, space, last name [7/13/2015 10:36:48 PM] konrad knox: spaces and capital letters are okay to use [7/13/2015 10:37:20 PM] konrad knox: if you die, it's advisable to create a new name [7/13/2015 10:37:50 PM] konrad knox: old character data can be clared by deleting that folder from C:\Users\Your User\Zomboid\Multiplayer [7/13/2015 10:38:16 PM] konrad knox: if your character dies, and you relog with the same name, you need to clear that folder, or there will be abnormalities [7/13/2015 10:38:29 PM] konrad knox: we usually clear all character data after chapter end [7/13/2015 10:38:43 PM] konrad knox: the easiest way to avoid that is to just roll new name after death [7/13/2015 10:38:55 PM] konrad knox: So, that's it! Have fun! We still have a few late joiners [7/13/2015 10:39:29 PM] konrad knox: Water and electricity should be on for a few more weeks [7/13/2015 10:39:41 PM] konrad knox: And the world is geared towards increasing pressure [7/13/2015 10:40:11 PM] konrad knox: Good luck! [7/13/2015 10:51:51 PM] Quakeguy: Thinkin' of walking down the main road of Muldraugh [7/13/2015 10:51:56 PM] Quakeguy: with a shotgun [7/13/2015 10:52:03 PM] Quakeguy: just limping around and blasting fools [7/13/2015 11:22:46 PM] konrad knox: Hello pharmacy! [7/13/2015 11:23:16 PM] konrad knox: So. Adhesive bandages - rock. Not reusable, but they sure do never get infected [7/13/2015 11:23:34 PM] Quakeguy: Pharmahug? [7/13/2015 11:25:31 PM] konrad knox: delicious disinfectants [7/13/2015 11:25:38 PM] konrad knox: twas a bit of a battle [7/13/2015 11:25:47 PM] konrad knox: broke a baseball bat [7/13/2015 11:25:50 PM] Quakeguy: The West Point Pharma? [7/13/2015 11:25:51 PM] konrad knox: but got a crowbar [7/13/2015 11:25:53 PM] konrad knox: yeah [7/13/2015 11:26:01 PM] Quakeguy: i see [7/13/2015 11:26:07 PM] Quakeguy: you're going for the gun store [7/13/2015 11:47:53 PM] Quakeguy: What an adventure [7/13/2015 11:48:02 PM] Quakeguy: ,I wonder how many IG days it takes for a fracture to heal? [7/13/2015 11:48:07 PM] Quakeguy: Both ankles fractured [7/13/2015 11:48:17 PM] Quakeguy: So I'm immobile [7/13/2015 11:53:18 PM] Quakeguy: I'm really fucking jealous of the Westpoint suburb [7/13/2015 11:53:35 PM] Quakeguy: Valley Station [7/14/2015 12:08:49 AM] konrad knox: This is gonna be a bloody battle [7/14/2015 12:08:55 AM] konrad knox: Megan is almost RIP [7/14/2015 12:09:04 AM] konrad knox: recovered. Thick Skinned feat failed [7/14/2015 12:09:09 AM] konrad knox: She made the Lucky roll though [7/14/2015 3:04:57 AM] konrad knox: NO. WAY. i am still alive!!! [7/14/2015 3:05:07 AM] konrad knox: 3 scratches severe pain [7/14/2015 3:05:11 AM] konrad knox: quesiness to fever [7/14/2015 3:05:13 AM] konrad knox: and recovered [7/14/2015 3:05:15 AM] konrad knox: Lucky OP [7/14/2015 3:05:29 AM] konrad knox: And this is probably RIP Megan [7/14/2015 3:05:44 AM] konrad knox: we did not know each other long, but.... it was emotional [7/14/2015 3:05:50 AM] konrad knox: that's the third who dies on my watch [7/14/2015 4:55:56 AM] konrad knox: Youre kidding me [7/14/2015 4:57:15 AM] konrad knox: Bleeding out of every hole, with 4 scratches, forearm, forearm, upper arm, back. She survives. Not one is infected. Well. I didnt need sleep today. Full agony from all disinfecting, looted all houses to keep hee nutritioned, spent a good chunk of meds we got. [7/14/2015 4:57:36 AM] konrad knox: But i nursed her back to health. Megan lived through the raid of the pharmacy. [7/14/2015 4:57:42 AM] konrad knox: Lucky is truly OP [7/14/2015 4:57:52 AM] konrad knox: not without cost though [7/14/2015 4:58:13 AM] konrad knox: It cost us all our foid, a molotov, and a fun helicopter ride. [7/14/2015 4:58:21 AM] konrad knox: We set the church on fire. [7/14/2015 4:58:29 AM] konrad knox: Uberhorde. Its was real. [7/14/2015 5:05:41 AM] konrad knox: Screenshots in steam gallery [7/14/2015 5:05:44 AM] konrad knox: Its unreal [7/14/2015 5:06:08 AM] konrad knox: Killcount 840 [7/14/2015 11:25:04 AM] Quakeguy: I see no one has raided my fortress [7/14/2015 11:57:24 AM] konrad knox: Something Sabre pointed out, yes, this very well could be a magical scenario, we're not limited to scientific origins. My character, being an aging right wing religious republican for example, firmly believes this is punishment from god. So that's valid, your character can believe whatever they wish. Point being, if there is in fact a magical artifact that caused the "virus" or the "curse" in this case, that artifact is not in Muldraugh or West Point. We just don't know. We know they came from the highway. [7/14/2015 11:58:27 AM] Quakeguy: I never once thought of its origins [7/14/2015 11:58:30 AM] Quakeguy: or where it came from [7/14/2015 11:58:31 AM] Quakeguy: or see its importance [7/14/2015 11:59:24 AM] konrad knox: Its importance in story context is if any characters are smart and analytical type people and speculate on methods of reversal [7/14/2015 11:59:47 AM] konrad knox: There's no hope for science in rural Muldraugh [7/14/2015 12:00:06 PM] konrad knox: but if you want to say prayers on the bible and make holy water molotovs [7/14/2015 12:12:03 PM] Quakeguy: Well [7/14/2015 12:12:13 PM] Quakeguy: Can't be religious or scientific when both of your ankles are fucking fractured [7/14/2015 12:12:52 PM] konrad knox: XD [7/14/2015 12:13:21 PM] konrad knox: i'd beg to differ. you can pray for recovery brother [7/14/2015 12:13:33 PM] konrad knox: I prayed for myself and so did megan [7/14/2015 12:13:45 PM] konrad knox: and we survived awful scrambles [7/14/2015 12:14:10 PM] konrad knox: look what we did to west point - in my screenshots lol [7/14/2015 12:18:13 PM] Quakeguy: Thinking about it [7/14/2015 12:18:16 PM] Quakeguy: all that clicking takes effort though [7/14/2015 12:18:24 PM] Quakeguy: and you never responded to my screen shot of my glorious fortress [7/14/2015 12:19:14 PM] konrad knox: oh right. it is truly glorious [7/14/2015 12:19:19 PM] konrad knox: and it seems safe [7/14/2015 2:58:12 PM] Quakeguy: If I did a count probably 800 trees died [7/14/2015 2:58:14 PM] Quakeguy: so that I might live. [7/14/2015 2:58:35 PM] Quakeguy: as soon as i finished the wall and began the guard tower, I fractured my left ankle, then my right [7/14/2015 2:58:40 PM] Quakeguy: so I am immobile and stuck in mother base [7/14/2015 3:02:37 PM] konrad knox: didn't heal yet?? [7/14/2015 3:03:06 PM] konrad knox: I assume you cleared out the forest in advance [7/14/2015 3:04:28 PM] Quakeguy: How does one clear out a forest? [7/14/2015 3:04:34 PM] Quakeguy: Not enough shotgun shells for that. [7/14/2015 3:04:49 PM] konrad knox: only need one shotgun blast, and one molotov [7/14/2015 3:04:54 PM] konrad knox: and then fund ensues [7/14/2015 3:05:08 PM] konrad knox: i musta killed 3000 zed [7/14/2015 3:05:13 PM] konrad knox: too bad fire kills don't count [7/14/2015 3:05:20 PM] konrad knox: only counts personal kills [7/14/2015 3:05:30 PM] Quakeguy: There's no need to clear the woods [7/14/2015 3:05:35 PM] Quakeguy: they act as a natural deterrent to survivors [7/14/2015 3:05:53 PM] konrad knox: yeah but did your base survive a helistrike yet? [7/14/2015 3:06:02 PM] konrad knox: i lost one base to one strike [7/14/2015 3:06:10 PM] konrad knox: and nearly lost my second base [7/14/2015 3:06:11 PM] Quakeguy: no helicopters spawning above us [7/14/2015 3:06:15 PM] konrad knox: reacted in time [7/14/2015 3:06:24 PM] Quakeguy: they decrease substantially over time [7/14/2015 3:06:30 PM] Quakeguy: by the end of next month there shouldn't be any [7/14/2015 3:06:41 PM] konrad knox: oh really? [7/14/2015 3:06:49 PM] Quakeguy: my failure with the first safehouse [7/14/2015 3:06:56 PM] Quakeguy: was starting it right away instead of moving constantly for the first few weeks [7/14/2015 3:07:01 PM] Quakeguy: i built right away and the helo's fucked it [7/14/2015 3:07:04 PM] konrad knox: there was one for me on the 4th, and one on the 18th [7/14/2015 3:07:38 PM | Edited 3:07:44 PM] konrad knox: i been eating dirt first 10 days [7/14/2015 3:08:03 PM] konrad knox: started fortifying once i got a lucky axe [7/14/2015 3:08:09 PM] Quakeguy: Berries, shrooms, frogs, and eggs [7/14/2015 3:08:10 PM] Quakeguy: delicious [7/14/2015 3:08:29 PM] konrad knox: violets [7/14/2015 3:08:34 PM] konrad knox: chumming on violets [7/14/2015 3:08:58 PM] konrad knox: after i saw what happened to Jorge [7/14/2015 3:09:02 PM] konrad knox: i ran [7/14/2015 3:09:46 PM] konrad knox: last night was heart breaking, i thought i was gonna have to put Megan down [7/14/2015 3:10:16 PM] konrad knox: nursed her back to health, took 2 whole nights, 2 infected wounds, constant fever [7/14/2015 3:10:25 PM] konrad knox: drained near all my food [7/14/2015 3:10:33 PM] konrad knox: had to forage and loot houses [7/14/2015 3:10:37 PM] konrad knox: while fighting groups [7/14/2015 3:10:46 PM] konrad knox: it was insane [7/14/2015 3:51:16 PM] konrad knox: hands down the weirdest PZ story [7/14/2015 3:52:47 PM] Quakeguy: No. [7/14/2015 3:52:49 PM] Quakeguy: No. [7/14/2015 3:52:49 PM] Quakeguy: No. [7/14/2015 3:52:51 PM] Quakeguy: Nope. [7/14/2015 3:52:53 PM] Quakeguy: Not happening [7/14/2015 3:52:53 PM] Quakeguy: Nope [7/14/2015 3:55:33 PM] Sean: 10/10 still a better love story than 50shades [7/14/2015 3:59:04 PM] konrad knox: But the man must do, what the man must do... to get laid. And I will do it the had way, for you, baby... and for the Chuck! [7/14/2015 3:59:32 PM] konrad knox: he will do it the haaaaad way [7/14/2015 3:59:34 PM] Aerumna: Definitely not reading that [7/14/2015 4:00:04 PM] konrad knox: u want to, cause its so good [7/14/2015 4:00:10 PM] Aerumna: nop [7/14/2015 4:00:16 PM] Sean: I think he might be john freeman who is gordon freemans brother and one day an office [7/14/2015 4:00:52 PM] Quakeguy: 13 year olds should not be allowed at the keyboard up to 30 mins after fapping [7/14/2015 4:01:01 PM] Sean: ^ [7/14/2015 4:01:18 PM] Sean: THEY MIGHT GET CRAMPS [7/14/2015 4:01:20 PM] konrad knox: or before fapping more importantly [7/14/2015 4:01:45 PM] Sean: or ever [7/14/2015 4:04:03 PM] Quakeguy: it is so useful to have a doctor as an ally in PZ [7/14/2015 4:04:11 PM] Quakeguy: With my fractured ankles I was down to a zombie crawl while sprinting [7/14/2015 4:04:23 PM] Quakeguy: get the wife to splint me up, [7/14/2015 4:04:30 PM] Quakeguy: suddenly I can walk and jog. [7/14/2015 4:06:06 PM] konrad knox: i always have a splint in a bag [7/14/2015 4:06:15 PM] konrad knox: but two splints.... [7/14/2015 4:06:17 PM] konrad knox: i do not [7/14/2015 4:06:35 PM] konrad knox: i can imagine how badly it sucks to splint yourself [7/14/2015 4:13:23 PM] Quakeguy: Thank god I got an extra set of hands [7/14/2015 4:14:51 PM] Quakeguy: Really wish other players would come in though [7/14/2015 4:14:54 PM] Quakeguy: could always use another set of hans [7/14/2015 4:14:56 PM] Quakeguy: hands [7/14/2015 4:15:16 PM] Sean: in exchange for wood glue :P [7/14/2015 4:22:38 PM] Quakeguy: Yes [7/14/2015 4:22:39 PM] Quakeguy: A good amount of wood glue [7/14/2015 4:22:47 PM] Quakeguy: or bottles of booze [7/14/2015 4:22:51 PM] Quakeguy: booze or wood glue [7/14/2015 4:26:11 PM] Quakeguy: i think it's a good deal [7/14/2015 4:26:26 PM] Quakeguy: buy in for a comfy community is some wood glue bottles or alcohol [7/14/2015 4:26:33 PM] Quakeguy: with your own roof over your head. [7/14/2015 4:26:41 PM] Quakeguy: Almost worth making a journey for.... [7/14/2015 4:27:00 PM] konrad knox: god i'm reading my old story from my very first character. His last zombie killed was the zombified himself. [7/14/2015 4:27:21 PM] konrad knox: ;( [7/14/2015 4:27:49 PM] konrad knox: that's how i would have done it [7/14/2015 4:28:15 PM] konrad knox: tie grenade to neck. tie pin to tree. [7/14/2015 8:28:24 PM] Quakeguy: Looks like someone's been at the railyard [7/15/2015 11:09:35 AM] konrad knox: Some of our playerbase are going fishing till Saturday. Expect absence from the Alaskans till the 17th-18th. Don't die. We'll be back. [7/15/2015 11:10:19 AM] konrad knox: Also, the gun shop raid was amaaaaazziiiiiing [7/15/2015 11:10:37 AM] konrad knox: hunting knives are badass [7/15/2015 11:10:49 AM] Quakeguy: Any .308? [7/15/2015 11:10:51 AM] konrad knox: I has everything now [7/15/2015 11:10:58 AM] konrad knox: yeah like 10 boxes of each [7/15/2015 11:11:47 AM] konrad knox: three rifles, one pistol, three axes, one shotgun, three hunting knives, the rest is boxes of ammo and attachments [7/15/2015 11:13:26 AM] Quakeguy: I find it silly that the seemingly only place to get firearms like that [7/15/2015 11:13:28 AM] Quakeguy: is the gun shop [7/15/2015 11:13:38 AM] Quakeguy: of which there is only one, at the furthest corner of the map [7/15/2015 11:13:56 AM] Quakeguy: I gotta check the cop shop again when the month turns to may and the loot respawns [7/15/2015 11:14:05 AM] konrad knox: not the only place, there's police station, school, random sheds, and a shooting range [7/15/2015 11:14:20 AM] Quakeguy: Find a 308 rifle at school? What is this Columbine? [7/15/2015 11:14:42 AM] konrad knox: found a shotgun and some shells. and a pistol in one of the student lockers [7/15/2015 11:14:52 AM] konrad knox: looks like they tried to use the school as a defense position [7/15/2015 11:14:59 AM] konrad knox: failed, seeing everyone inside is undead [7/15/2015 11:16:36 AM] konrad knox: West Point was built by gunmen though, kinda like Deadwood [7/15/2015 11:17:02 AM] konrad knox: from what I hear though, West Point is also more demanding combatwise [7/15/2015 11:17:24 AM] konrad knox: there are literally zeds on every crossroads in every forest behind every corner [7/15/2015 11:17:32 AM] Quakeguy: uh huh [7/15/2015 11:17:35 AM] Quakeguy: like that isn't the case everywhere [7/15/2015 11:18:02 AM] konrad knox: you seem to have found a pretty safe place though [7/15/2015 11:19:35 AM] konrad knox: by the way guys [7/15/2015 11:21:01 AM] Quakeguy: The two most productive members of the 'safe place' are my character's wife and a random woman we saved last night [7/15/2015 11:21:07 AM] Quakeguy: Uncle Bob is a useless twat [7/15/2015 11:21:12 AM] Quakeguy: go Girl Power. [7/15/2015 11:22:17 AM] konrad knox: I wanted to avoid powergaming and especially a player vs player race on the 1st of new month. Cause it's honestly just kinda lame, since we can't just "know" ingame when the magical supplies are dropped. The loot respawn exists to kind of give us the general idea that periodic raids into town are important and viable. So I set the loot respawn to a non-exact number. It may already have respawned, or it may respawn later. It's a number within a certain amount of days randomized under a set number, cause we want people to try checking the places at random times. [7/15/2015 11:23:40 AM] konrad knox: Also, there seems to be another thing in play: some zombie corpses apparently also respawn loot if they're left untouched [7/15/2015 11:23:50 AM] konrad knox: it may be a timer on the Lucky trait, I dunno [7/15/2015 11:24:11 AM] konrad knox: but two people can see different loot on the same body if the timing between checks matches something [7/15/2015 11:24:19 AM] konrad knox: I don't know the pattern or how to exploit it [7/15/2015 11:24:47 AM] konrad knox: I think of it as "this character looked over the body and didn't see the item, but another character spotted it" [7/15/2015 11:25:06 AM] konrad knox: an example I have is this: killed some zeds together with Megan [7/15/2015 11:25:17 AM] konrad knox: i looked at bodies, nothing, just clothes and standard stuff [7/15/2015 11:25:27 AM] konrad knox: she looked at it and said there's beta blockers on that one [7/15/2015 11:25:35 AM] konrad knox: i checked it again, sure enough now they appeared [7/15/2015 11:25:52 AM] konrad knox: something she did on her search roll that "grounded" the pills into game [7/15/2015 11:26:03 AM] konrad knox: so i tested this a bit [7/15/2015 11:26:22 AM] konrad knox: and gave another glance around the hundreds of bodies around my safehouse that i checked two days ago [7/15/2015 11:26:36 AM] konrad knox: sure enough, some new items started popping up, ammo, newspapers, pills [7/15/2015 11:27:13 AM] konrad knox: so i don't know if dead bodies have a timer, after which they're considered "respawnable containers" [7/15/2015 11:27:23 AM] konrad knox: or if the lucky trait just activates after some time out [7/15/2015 11:27:44 AM] konrad knox: but do walk among the corpses sometimes and take another look [7/15/2015 11:28:01 AM] konrad knox: maybe you can find something that you "didn't notice" before [7/15/2015 11:39:01 AM] konrad knox: i made a thread about it [7/15/2015 11:46:31 AM] Quakeguy: i no longer believe any data you give in terms of what you've done to the server. [7/15/2015 11:48:17 AM] konrad knox: tear [7/15/2015 11:48:51 AM] konrad knox: The zombie loot respawn is a thing legit I'm telling you, try it. Just not the burned corpses, those stay empty afaik [7/15/2015 11:50:50 AM] konrad knox: Uncle Bob is a useless twatLOL? [7/15/2015 11:51:01 AM] konrad knox: did he set himself on fire again? [7/15/2015 11:51:07 AM] Quakeguy: No he just doesn't log in [7/15/2015 11:51:12 AM] Quakeguy: I say hey we got zombie problem come help [7/15/2015 11:51:13 AM] Quakeguy: Nah [7/15/2015 11:51:19 AM] Quakeguy: I say hey we gotta rebuild the wall [7/15/2015 11:51:22 AM] Quakeguy: Oh good luck with that [7/15/2015 11:51:31 AM] konrad knox: get new minions [7/15/2015 11:51:37 AM] Sean: Bob seems like kind of a dick [7/15/2015 11:51:54 AM] Quakeguy: Uncle Bob lives in the Cuck Shed, immune from zombies [7/15/2015 11:52:00 AM] Quakeguy: he just lays in there and plays video games [7/15/2015 11:52:01 AM] konrad knox: sounds like the guy just cant take the heat after several times dying, he prolly wants a reset. But there's still.... like 4 original characters at least. [7/15/2015 11:52:16 AM] Quakeguy: Well he wants a reset because he's a moron [7/15/2015 11:52:23 AM] Sean: how many freakin people are even playing? [7/15/2015 11:52:37 AM] konrad knox: Im surprised he died to a burn. Burns are treatable. Should be anyway. [7/15/2015 11:52:41 AM] Quakeguy: I've sliced my arms open from wrist to elbow twice and I have 3 fractured bones [7/15/2015 11:52:42 AM] Sean: I didn't even run into one person with Cherry, not even once, and nobody raided my safehouse or nothing [7/15/2015 11:52:46 AM] konrad knox: forum says burns are treatable [7/15/2015 11:52:47 AM] Quakeguy: STILL BUILDING. STILL HUNTING. STILL SURVIVING. [7/15/2015 11:53:06 AM] konrad knox: oh. god. i been through some shit i swore i was a goner [7/15/2015 11:53:10 AM] konrad knox: on day 9 i have 3 scratches [7/15/2015 11:53:15 AM] konrad knox: one of them on my BACK [7/15/2015 11:53:17 AM] Quakeguy: Only reason my wife died was due to server-side issues [7/15/2015 11:53:21 AM] Quakeguy: zombie bit her multiple tiles away [7/15/2015 11:53:22 AM] konrad knox: i was like, yup, its been a good run [7/15/2015 11:53:26 AM] konrad knox: but bam, no fever [7/15/2015 11:53:38 AM] Sean: lucky OP [7/15/2015 11:53:41 AM] Quakeguy: during the last helo attack it was raining. I caught the flu [7/15/2015 11:53:41 AM] Sean: taking lucky next char [7/15/2015 11:53:49 AM] konrad knox: i can try to restart the server without resetting it, to see if lag issues subside [7/15/2015 11:54:01 AM] Quakeguy: That might help some people [7/15/2015 11:54:04 AM] Quakeguy: Dunno who plays Michelle, [7/15/2015 11:54:08 AM] Quakeguy: but they were complaining about heavy lag [7/15/2015 11:54:10 AM] Quakeguy: they had to relog thrice [7/15/2015 11:54:18 AM] konrad knox: Germany side of the world? [7/15/2015 11:54:24 AM] Quakeguy: Hmm I dunno could be. [7/15/2015 11:54:32 AM] Quakeguy: they seemed pumped and ready to play at 5AM when I was going to bed LOL [7/15/2015 11:54:43 AM] konrad knox: yeah germany [7/15/2015 11:54:45 AM] Quakeguy: So I said hey, scouts honor, you can stay here just don't loot the place dry while I sleep [7/15/2015 11:54:55 AM] konrad knox: LOL [7/15/2015 11:55:04 AM] konrad knox: considering in Illarion she stabbed me in the junk.... [7/15/2015 11:55:14 AM] Quakeguy: It's a small world. [7/15/2015 11:55:14 AM] konrad knox: you've got a grand teammate bruh [7/15/2015 11:55:18 AM] Sean: wait who [7/15/2015 11:55:25 AM] Quakeguy: I can find whoever steals from me. It's no troublke. [7/15/2015 11:55:30 AM] konrad knox: dunno if u met her Turny [7/15/2015 11:55:36 AM] Quakeguy: Also Sean two of my people have found your safehouse. [7/15/2015 11:55:37 AM] konrad knox: Larissa Flkanebach? [7/15/2015 11:55:40 AM] Sean: I meet lots of people [7/15/2015 11:55:47 AM] Sean: oh [7/15/2015 11:55:49 AM] konrad knox: she played um... Caliya Rothand [7/15/2015 11:55:53 AM] Quakeguy: We just haven't taken anything from it [7/15/2015 11:55:57 AM] Quakeguy: Because we know you need it. [7/15/2015 11:56:07 AM] Sean: im ded, I dont need nuffin [7/15/2015 11:56:13 AM] konrad knox: and i think her friend plays too, or wants to play [7/15/2015 11:56:14 AM] Quakeguy: Oh, figured you had rerolled. [7/15/2015 11:56:15 AM] Sean: were my berries okay? [7/15/2015 11:56:18 AM] konrad knox: i don't have em on steam [7/15/2015 11:56:19 AM] Quakeguy: Oh god no. [7/15/2015 11:56:20 AM] Sean: maybe tonight [7/15/2015 11:56:31 AM] Quakeguy: That's all Bob is good for [7/15/2015 11:56:31 AM] Sean: rip berries ;-; [7/15/2015 11:56:32 AM] Quakeguy: Foraging. [7/15/2015 11:56:36 AM] Sean: cherry berries rip ;-; [7/15/2015 11:56:37 AM] Quakeguy: He can find mushrooms and shit. [7/15/2015 11:56:49 AM] konrad knox: So Bob actually IS productive [7/15/2015 11:56:53 AM] Quakeguy: and most importantly he knows how to sort berries [7/15/2015 11:56:55 AM] Quakeguy: from poison [7/15/2015 11:57:10 AM] konrad knox: oh u kidding me? [7/15/2015 11:57:14 AM] konrad knox: some berries are poisonous? [7/15/2015 11:57:15 AM] Quakeguy: Uh no. [7/15/2015 11:57:19 AM] Quakeguy: Berries are poisonous [7/15/2015 11:57:24 AM] Sean: yeah some berries are poisonous [7/15/2015 11:57:26 AM] Quakeguy: and one particular type of berry will fucking murder you. [7/15/2015 11:57:32 AM] Quakeguy: Like you don't get food sick. You die. [7/15/2015 11:57:39 AM] konrad knox: that may explain Megan's 2 nights of fever as i fed her berries LOL [7/15/2015 11:57:51 AM] Quakeguy: Well you can look it up but IG wise, [7/15/2015 11:57:53 AM] Quakeguy: we had to figure it out. [7/15/2015 11:58:01 AM] konrad knox: lol [7/15/2015 11:58:03 AM] konrad knox: some doctor i am [7/15/2015 11:58:04 AM] Quakeguy: Bob's a park ranger so he knows what's good and what isn't [7/15/2015 11:58:05 AM] Quakeguy: obviously. [7/15/2015 11:58:10 AM] Quakeguy: My wife's a doctor so she knows too. [7/15/2015 11:58:34 AM] Quakeguy: I've deduced that the best way to survive a zombie hoard in your safehouse isn't to confront them or even try and barricade them out. [7/15/2015 11:58:42 AM] Quakeguy: You need to elevate yourself several floors and disappear from sight. [7/15/2015 11:58:44 AM] konrad knox: yeah i'm a carpenter class. the big reveal. [7/15/2015 11:59:02 AM] Quakeguy: I'm building a seperate safe-room on the roof of my house [7/15/2015 11:59:10 AM] Sean: some park ranger you turned out to be! you CARPENTER! [7/15/2015 11:59:11 AM] Quakeguy: inaccessable by stairs. Only via climbing rope + windows [7/15/2015 11:59:23 AM | Edited 11:59:28 AM] konrad knox: i'm built like a park ranger [7/15/2015 11:59:31 AM] Quakeguy: You min-maxed stats you cunt [7/15/2015 11:59:47 AM] Sean: popcorn [7/15/2015 11:59:59 AM] konrad knox: well, actually the character is former us ARMY ranger, but veteran was too costly to take and prevented taking phobias [7/15/2015 12:00:04 PM] konrad knox: so he's not disensitized [7/15/2015 12:00:23 PM] konrad knox: oh. i min maxed to the fucking brim [7/15/2015 12:00:28 PM] konrad knox: my fucking flaws panel [7/15/2015 12:00:38 PM] konrad knox: that's why i play a wreck [7/15/2015 12:00:44 PM] konrad knox: every mental issue you can have [7/15/2015 12:00:52 PM] konrad knox: except agoraphobia and deafness [7/15/2015 12:01:00 PM] konrad knox: slow learner slow reader [7/15/2015 12:01:06 PM] konrad knox: strong, athletic [7/15/2015 12:01:22 PM] konrad knox: self defense class, outdoorsman, angler, thick skinned, lucky [7/15/2015 12:01:27 PM] Quakeguy: bleh [7/15/2015 12:01:42 PM] konrad knox: every inventory disadvantage, shaky fingers, always on pills [7/15/2015 12:01:44 PM] konrad knox: i'm that guy [7/15/2015 12:01:50 PM] Quakeguy: Next time just roll a Half-Elf Half Human Half Dragon Paladin [7/15/2015 12:01:56 PM] Sean: bwahaha [7/15/2015 12:02:19 PM] Quakeguy: I'm gonna laugh my ass off when, with all those skills and guns and multiple safe houses [7/15/2015 12:02:25 PM] Quakeguy: I survive by living on a 3rd story shed [7/15/2015 12:02:30 PM] Quakeguy: and you die. [7/15/2015 12:02:30 PM] konrad knox: hey, i pay for it. i greet every stranger with a shotgun to the face and a paranoid demeanor [7/15/2015 12:02:53 PM] konrad knox: oh no doubt i horribly die [7/15/2015 12:03:06 PM] konrad knox: so far hard of hearing has been the only issue [7/15/2015 12:03:13 PM] konrad knox: and fighting indoors [7/15/2015 12:03:16 PM] Quakeguy: Imagine walking out of the forest, being followed by a few dozen zombies, you think it's the end of the world and it's all over. You burst out of the woods, with only a dozen yards between you and the 'hoard' behind you, when you burst out into a corn field. [7/15/2015 12:03:22 PM] konrad knox: beta blockers help phobia a bit, but it sucks still [7/15/2015 12:03:27 PM] Quakeguy: you run through the corn field, yet you find yourself tripping constantly over bodies. [7/15/2015 12:03:40 PM] konrad knox: but there sure is a satisfaction being able to punch zombies bare handed and watch em fly, with strength 9 [7/15/2015 12:03:49 PM] Quakeguy: It's hell. you make it through the corn field, and as wide and as far as the eye can see, you see a massive wooden wall- like a fucking Roman Auxillery Camp [7/15/2015 12:04:08 PM] Quakeguy: and standing in the middle, on splints, is a man with a giant blunt in his mouth and a sawed off shotgun standing on a pile of some 1500 corpses [7/15/2015 12:04:29 PM] Quakeguy: "PLEASURE TO MEET YA. NOW WOULD YOU KINDLY DROP YOUR FUCKING WEAPON AND RAISE YOUR HANDS, ASS FACING ME PLEASE" [7/15/2015 12:04:51 PM] konrad knox: to shoot me in the back? [7/15/2015 12:04:54 PM] Sean: ^ [7/15/2015 12:05:04 PM] konrad knox: okay, Gov'nor [7/15/2015 12:05:04 PM] Quakeguy: Always tell a new comer to turn around and look away from you. [7/15/2015 12:05:14 PM] konrad knox: why??? [7/15/2015 12:05:15 PM] Quakeguy: If they turn to face you, shoot them. [7/15/2015 12:05:19 PM] Quakeguy: Simple: [7/15/2015 12:05:30 PM] Quakeguy: It's easy for anyone to slip a pistol into their hand without you noticing due to the graphics. [7/15/2015 12:05:40 PM] Quakeguy: they can quickly raise it and aim before you can, if they want the drop. [7/15/2015 12:05:54 PM] Quakeguy: If you have a weapon ready and they don't, telling them to face away from you as you deduce whether they are friend or foe, [7/15/2015 12:06:00 PM] Quakeguy: eliminates the element of surprise attack. [7/15/2015 12:06:07 PM] konrad knox: LMAO is that what you did to Michelle? [7/15/2015 12:06:10 PM] Quakeguy: Yep [7/15/2015 12:06:14 PM] konrad knox: Did she find you after that radio chatter? [7/15/2015 12:06:16 PM] Quakeguy: Turn the fuck around and raise your hands. [7/15/2015 12:06:25 PM] Quakeguy: Yes she found us -after- the hoard was dealt with [7/15/2015 12:06:29 PM] konrad knox: So she actually succeeded navigating? [7/15/2015 12:06:32 PM] konrad knox: Impressive! [7/15/2015 12:06:33 PM] Quakeguy: she found the place with all the walls ruined, fires still raging [7/15/2015 12:06:35 PM] Quakeguy: bodies all over the place. [7/15/2015 12:06:49 PM] Quakeguy: she runs up, stabs a straggler and says "OH THANK YOU SO MUCH" [7/15/2015 12:06:59 PM] Quakeguy: Then I Racks a shell [7/15/2015 12:07:08 PM] konrad knox: giggity! [7/15/2015 12:07:13 PM] Quakeguy: NO PROBLEM. NOW TURN THE FUCK AROUND AND HANDS UP [7/15/2015 12:07:22 PM] Quakeguy: WHAT FREQUENCY DID WE SPEAK ON? QUICK NOW. [7/15/2015 12:07:30 PM] konrad knox: LOL [7/15/2015 12:07:41 PM] konrad knox: was it um 101.0? [7/15/2015 12:07:44 PM] Quakeguy: WHAT SAFEHOUSE DID I LEAD YOU TO FIRST? QUICK QUICK. [7/15/2015 12:07:51 PM] Quakeguy: That's the thing she didn't know the frequency [7/15/2015 12:07:55 PM] konrad knox: mine's a very limited makeshift radio capability [7/15/2015 12:07:55 PM] Quakeguy: so I was about to blow her brains out [7/15/2015 12:08:05 PM] konrad knox: LMAO [7/15/2015 12:08:12 PM] Quakeguy: She played it as just picking up a police radio and pressing the talk button [7/15/2015 12:08:17 PM] Quakeguy: she had no idea what it wa tuned to [7/15/2015 12:08:19 PM] konrad knox: I don't know the frequency! I just talked! [7/15/2015 12:08:23 PM] Quakeguy: Exactly. [7/15/2015 12:08:28 PM] Quakeguy: WHAT SAFEHOUSE DID I LEAD YOU TO [7/15/2015 12:08:30 PM] konrad knox: wow good rp [7/15/2015 12:08:34 PM] Quakeguy: "The one surrounded by walls and fucking ash okay!" [7/15/2015 12:08:40 PM] konrad knox: i mean yeah if she grabbed a police radio [7/15/2015 12:08:42 PM] Quakeguy: Allllright, I'll lower the gun. [7/15/2015 12:08:44 PM] konrad knox: why the fuck would she know the freq [7/15/2015 12:08:51 PM] Quakeguy: best part was [7/15/2015 12:09:01 PM] Quakeguy: i start saying "Okay you want to stay here? You gotta work. You need to do a run." [7/15/2015 12:09:03 PM] Quakeguy: "Got a map?" [7/15/2015 12:09:17 PM] Quakeguy: She says 'If I had a map would I have been screaming in your fucking ear over the radio wondering where to go?' [7/15/2015 12:09:25 PM] Quakeguy: lmao [7/15/2015 12:09:28 PM] konrad knox: "The one surrounded by walls and fucking ash okay!" (rofl) [7/15/2015 12:09:40 PM] konrad knox: anal exam = failed [7/15/2015 12:10:05 PM] Quakeguy: very good RP [7/15/2015 12:10:30 PM] konrad knox: yeah i bring good things in [7/15/2015 12:10:40 PM] konrad knox: hand picked RPers [7/15/2015 3:11:57 PM] konrad knox: Wratts, how did you do in the heliraid? [7/15/2015 3:13:13 PM] konrad knox: have you been subject to choppers yet? [7/15/2015 3:13:26 PM] konrad knox: we had a massive shitstorm last night [7/15/2015 3:13:31 PM] Wratts: nope [7/15/2015 3:13:37 PM] Quakeguy: i think new characters may spawn, and when they do, they start a helo-counter. [7/15/2015 3:13:43 PM] Wratts: my first character turned into a zombie from the second scratch she took [7/15/2015 3:13:47 PM] Quakeguy: so basically if you have a new character [7/15/2015 3:13:51 PM] Quakeguy: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE JOHNSONS [7/15/2015 3:13:55 PM] Quakeguy: PLEASE FUCK OFF [7/15/2015 3:13:56 PM] Quakeguy: Thank you. [7/15/2015 3:14:00 PM] konrad knox: LMAO [7/15/2015 3:14:11 PM] Wratts: new character is currently killing off zombies en masse [7/15/2015 3:14:15 PM] konrad knox: Johnson base got levelled or something [7/15/2015 3:14:19 PM] Quakeguy: oh buddy [7/15/2015 3:14:24 PM] Quakeguy: 60% of my walls crumbled. [7/15/2015 3:14:35 PM] Sean: so much for the "walls gon' keep out zombie hoard period" speech innit [7/15/2015 3:14:37 PM] konrad knox: new character prolly has STRONK [7/15/2015 3:14:42 PM] konrad knox: and self defense class [7/15/2015 3:14:45 PM] konrad knox: and thick skinned [7/15/2015 3:14:47 PM] konrad knox: which is OP OP [7/15/2015 3:14:48 PM] Wratts: new character almost died to a fever though lol [7/15/2015 3:15:03 PM] konrad knox: coz weak stomach and prone to illness is the only way to afford strong and athletic [7/15/2015 3:15:06 PM] Quakeguy: Strong/SDC/Thick Skinned/Lucky = why even worry? You're clearly jesus. [7/15/2015 3:15:25 PM] konrad knox: u forget athletic/fit :D [7/15/2015 3:15:39 PM] konrad knox: tack on outdoorsman [7/15/2015 3:15:42 PM] konrad knox: and angler [7/15/2015 3:15:43 PM] konrad knox: XD [7/15/2015 3:15:47 PM] Quakeguy: gay [7/15/2015 3:15:51 PM] Quakeguy: would ban that build [7/15/2015 3:16:11 PM] Quakeguy: Unless we were RPing 'The Strain' [7/15/2015 3:16:14 PM] Quakeguy: and you were RPing The Master [7/15/2015 3:16:15 PM] Wratts: if my character says "I don't get this" while reading a book, even though it's meant for base level skills, what does that mean? [7/15/2015 3:16:26 PM] konrad knox: illiterate? [7/15/2015 3:16:28 PM] Quakeguy: that means you're retarded and can't read books. [7/15/2015 3:16:28 PM] Sean: means you probably took illiterate [7/15/2015 3:16:31 PM] Quakeguy: did you take Illiterate? [7/15/2015 3:16:33 PM] Wratts: nope [7/15/2015 3:16:37 PM] Wratts: it worked on some books [7/15/2015 3:16:42 PM] Quakeguy: What book is it [7/15/2015 3:16:46 PM] konrad knox: is the book labelled: for beginners? [7/15/2015 3:16:47 PM] Wratts: but got that on one random other, can't remember which one [7/15/2015 3:16:48 PM] konrad knox: that's level 1-2 [7/15/2015 3:16:52 PM] Wratts: yeah it's a "for beginners" [7/15/2015 3:16:57 PM] konrad knox: what craft? [7/15/2015 3:17:04 PM] Wratts: not sure, maybe fishing or farming [7/15/2015 3:17:09 PM] Wratts: but carpentry simply worked [7/15/2015 3:17:40 PM] konrad knox: it may be a bug, try doing that action once [7/15/2015 3:17:44 PM] konrad knox: to gain like 1 xp in it [7/15/2015 3:17:46 PM] Wratts: I wondered about that [7/15/2015 3:17:48 PM] konrad knox: then read a book [7/15/2015 3:17:55 PM] Wratts: because carpentry I tried out, those others I haven't yet [7/15/2015 3:18:00 PM] konrad knox: yeah [7/15/2015 3:18:18 PM] konrad knox: though I was able to read farming [7/15/2015 3:18:21 PM] konrad knox: and I never farmed [7/15/2015 3:18:28 PM] konrad knox: and took slow reader [7/15/2015 3:18:29 PM] Wratts: i love the hilarious details [7/15/2015 3:18:32 PM] Wratts: I took that too lol [7/15/2015 3:18:42 PM] Wratts: TV dinner makes you bored and sad, lol [7/15/2015 3:18:50 PM] konrad knox: oh man if you find any of the survivor journals [7/15/2015 3:19:15 PM] Wratts: is it possible to write shit on paper and leave messages? [7/15/2015 3:19:16 PM] konrad knox: I want to run this world for 1 ingame year and see whats left after winter [7/15/2015 3:19:20 PM] konrad knox: probably ruins [7/15/2015 3:19:22 PM] konrad knox: yes it is [7/15/2015 3:19:27 PM] konrad knox: need a pen and empty notebook [7/15/2015 3:19:30 PM] Wratts: do you have to equip them? [7/15/2015 3:19:35 PM] konrad knox: look in my Steam screenshots [7/15/2015 3:19:36 PM] Wratts: oh, sheet of paper is useless for it? [7/15/2015 3:19:47 PM] konrad knox: sheet of paper is for fire fuel [7/15/2015 3:19:52 PM] Wratts: ffs [7/15/2015 3:19:54 PM] Quakeguy: you used to be able to doodle on sheets of paper [7/15/2015 3:19:56 PM] Quakeguy: to reduce boredom [7/15/2015 3:19:59 PM] Quakeguy: you can't now [7/15/2015 3:20:02 PM] Quakeguy: I think that's dumb. [7/15/2015 3:20:07 PM] konrad knox: I think "journal" can be used to reduce unhappiness by "write in the journal" [7/15/2015 3:20:15 PM] Wratts: would have been awesome to leave notes [7/15/2015 3:20:22 PM] konrad knox: empty notebook doesn't do anything for stats, but its a message readable by players [7/15/2015 3:20:23 PM] Wratts: I wanted to leave a note where my first character was slowly dying away [7/15/2015 3:20:26 PM] konrad knox: so is graffiti [7/15/2015 3:20:28 PM] konrad knox: and signs [7/15/2015 3:20:30 PM] Wratts: "DON'T ENTER, I'VE TURNED" [7/15/2015 3:20:35 PM] konrad knox: yeah sheet of paper is for doodle [7/15/2015 3:20:58 PM] konrad knox: guess they took that out [7/15/2015 3:21:12 PM] konrad knox: yeah for messages you want "empty notebook" [7/15/2015 3:21:18 PM] konrad knox: plenty of them around [7/15/2015 3:21:32 PM] konrad knox: I leave like info messages, survival tips, safehouse coordinates [7/15/2015 3:21:38 PM] konrad knox: radio frequencies [7/15/2015 3:22:04 PM] Wratts: the radio thing is pure RP yeah? [7/15/2015 3:22:11 PM] konrad knox: in this build yes [7/15/2015 3:22:36 PM] konrad knox: loot electronic scrap, battery, and screwdriver, and u can radio [7/15/2015 3:22:40 PM] Wratts: okay, was wondering, I didn't want to butt in last time, wasn't sure if there was actually a radio item, or etiquette on that, etc. [7/15/2015 3:22:56 PM] konrad knox: oh, I specified it in house rules [7/15/2015 3:23:25 PM] Sean: Wratts no read rules, B& him! [7/15/2015 3:23:42 PM] konrad knox: A few House Rules. Every person here has been selected through years of playing together with myself, and is inherently trusted, so we operate on the honor system. Nobody is going to enforce any sort of admin rules, but here are the basics that establish structure to the game: 1. Radios. Radios are coming in next updates, but are not yet implemented. We simulate radio communication by pressing Y and specifying which frequency we are using. Your character may respond if they are listening at the moment, and on the right frequency. You're free to play a bad connection or a missed connection, up to you. To build a radio, you either have to find a "radio" item, which currently just does nothing, plus, a battery. Or you can build a radio from scrap. To build a radio, collect 5 pieces of electronic scrap, a flashlight, a battery, and a screwdriver. Upon doing that your character is considered radio-capable. 2. PVP. Killing other characters is allowed in our game. But there must be roleplay associated with it. We are here to tell a story, so if killing is to be done, make it like an epic zombie movie. No random silent PK, no kill and run without a reason. And i trust everyone here with this. However, shit does go down, conflicts arise, mistakes are made, and bullets do fly. Sometimes it hits us in the feels. For this, it may be advisable to keep your characters anonymous if you so choose, and if you are killed, don't take it personal. 3. Everyone who doesn't die from the start of the campaign is considered an original character. If you die, you can reroll multiple secondaries, but only your original character has a voting power to end the campaign. We reset when either all original characters die, only one original character is left alive, or multiple are alive and agree to vote on a reset. [7/15/2015 3:23:52 PM] konrad knox: Rule 1 [7/15/2015 3:24:09 PM] konrad knox: Michelle survived apparently, if you were following that [7/15/2015 3:24:55 PM] konrad knox: RIP Alice [7/15/2015 3:25:05 PM] Wratts: lol [7/15/2015 3:25:29 PM] Sean: RIP Alice [7/15/2015 3:25:39 PM] konrad knox: And now her watch has ended [7/15/2015 3:26:15 PM] konrad knox: now I know who Alice was XD [7/15/2015 3:27:43 PM] Wratts: Alice was a brave fitness instructor. Died as she lived, all alone and wondering what the hell it all meant [7/15/2015 3:28:29 PM] konrad knox: Ragnarok. Punishment from the Gods I tell you [7/15/2015 3:29:06 PM] konrad knox: Too much sin had accumulated on earth, ugly souls got turned inside out and shown in their ugliness, their lust and hunger turned to what they truly are, sister [7/15/2015 3:29:09 PM] Quakeguy: There's 2 fitness instructors [7/15/2015 3:29:11 PM] Quakeguy: now there is only one [7/15/2015 3:29:18 PM] Quakeguy: Allahu akbar [7/15/2015 3:29:27 PM] konrad knox: Yeah freakin Johnson scored himself a hot instructor [7/15/2015 3:29:59 PM] Quakeguy: I have a hot doctor wife and now I have a sex-c athlete as a roomer too [7/15/2015 3:30:35 PM] Sean: johnsons building a harem [7/15/2015 3:30:37 PM] konrad knox: like, truly sex-c? [7/15/2015 3:30:57 PM] konrad knox: or just scrawny track team type sexy [7/15/2015 3:31:02 PM] Wratts: does this involve hep-c? [7/15/2015 3:31:08 PM] konrad knox: XD [7/15/2015 3:31:09 PM] Sean: probably [7/15/2015 3:31:11 PM] konrad knox: hep-Z [7/15/2015 3:31:15 PM] Wratts: lol [7/15/2015 3:31:51 PM] konrad knox: she is probably having a time of her life with weed smoking Bob [7/15/2015 3:32:12 PM] konrad knox: harem and canabis garden [7/15/2015 3:32:25 PM] konrad knox: fucking zombie apocalypse survivors. what do they do? get stoned [7/15/2015 3:32:30 PM] konrad knox: no police to say they cant [7/15/2015 3:32:36 PM] Wratts: can't blame em [7/15/2015 3:32:50 PM] Wratts: they can gladly give me all the booze in turn [7/15/2015 3:32:54 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/15/2015 3:33:02 PM] Quakeguy: Anyone caught drinking in the Johnson house without my permission [7/15/2015 3:33:06 PM] Quakeguy: loses a limb. [7/15/2015 3:33:15 PM] Quakeguy: every bottle of whisky is a potential hoard-decreasing weapon. [7/15/2015 3:33:33 PM] Wratts: oh so you're to thank for the absolute absence of possible desinfectants in town? [7/15/2015 3:33:50 PM] konrad knox: what about red wine? [7/15/2015 3:33:54 PM] Wratts: zip [7/15/2015 3:34:02 PM] konrad knox: wratts check the pharmacy [7/15/2015 3:34:07 PM] konrad knox: still an assload of meds there [7/15/2015 3:34:08 PM] Wratts: i have not seen a single desinfectant the entire game so far [7/15/2015 3:34:10 PM] konrad knox: couldn't carry them all [7/15/2015 3:34:15 PM] Wratts: also an assload of shamblers [7/15/2015 3:34:26 PM] konrad knox: because Muldraugh belongs to Johnson [7/15/2015 3:34:32 PM] konrad knox: Join West Point guerilla war! [7/15/2015 3:34:43 PM] Wratts: I'm beginning to imagine Johnson like the Governor now [7/15/2015 3:34:45 PM] Quakeguy: Muldraugh is a Johnson Clan estlabishment. [7/15/2015 3:34:52 PM] konrad knox: where bullets fly high and pauses are only for reloading! where every house is stocked with essentials! [7/15/2015 3:35:04 PM] konrad knox: Gov'nor Frank is gonna take care of you! [7/15/2015 3:35:07 PM] konrad knox: in a demented way [7/15/2015 3:35:24 PM] konrad knox: No seriously Johnson IS the Governor [7/15/2015 3:35:26 PM] konrad knox: oh btw [7/15/2015 3:35:28 PM] konrad knox: In PZ [7/15/2015 3:35:38 PM] Wratts: with eyepatch and all? [7/15/2015 3:35:39 PM] konrad knox: The Governor is what they named the AI system :D [7/15/2015 3:35:56 PM] konrad knox: the engine that runs the world events [7/15/2015 3:36:37 PM] Wratts: i'm also having a lot of trouble just finding bottles [7/15/2015 3:37:38 PM] Wratts: been even looking through all the trashcans [7/15/2015 3:38:08 PM] Quakeguy: Bottles? [7/15/2015 3:38:11 PM] Quakeguy: Like glass bottles? [7/15/2015 3:38:13 PM] Quakeguy: Or water bottles? [7/15/2015 3:38:17 PM] Wratts: any bottles, to put water in [7/15/2015 3:38:23 PM] Quakeguy: For some dumb reason you can't put gasoline in glass bottles [7/15/2015 3:38:24 PM] Quakeguy: to make molotovs [7/15/2015 3:38:27 PM] Quakeguy: it only works with alcohol [7/15/2015 3:38:30 PM] Quakeguy: RE-TARD-DED [7/15/2015 3:40:44 PM] konrad knox: you can but you gotta have gas can on you [7/15/2015 3:40:48 PM] konrad knox: and an empty bottle [7/15/2015 3:40:49 PM] konrad knox: and rag [7/15/2015 3:42:57 PM] Wratts: just realized. Hot women, booze, and weed-smoking. Breaking all the horror movie rules right there [7/15/2015 3:43:00 PM] Wratts: no wonder you're fucked [7/15/2015 3:43:12 PM] konrad knox: What happened in the last game when Quake and I met to cook some soup together: [7/15/2015 3:43:52 PM] Wratts: lmao [7/15/2015 3:45:30 PM] Wratts: oh yeah. when do you actually need to sleep? [7/15/2015 3:45:36 PM] Wratts: do you have to be super-tired for that? [7/15/2015 3:45:36 PM] Sean: never [7/15/2015 3:45:51 PM] Wratts: all I've ever done was rest [7/15/2015 3:45:56 PM] konrad knox: not in multiplayer [7/15/2015 3:46:03 PM] konrad knox: because sleep skips time like in fallout [7/15/2015 3:46:09 PM] Wratts: ohhh [7/15/2015 3:46:09 PM] konrad knox: its been a MAJOR forum topic [7/15/2015 3:46:11 PM] konrad knox: of many threads [7/15/2015 3:46:15 PM] konrad knox: how do you do it [7/15/2015 3:46:20 PM] konrad knox: some people proposed vote system [7/15/2015 3:46:29 PM] konrad knox: wratts wants to sleep for 2 hours quake for 5 I for 7 [7/15/2015 3:46:40 PM] konrad knox: we vote, the system picks the shortest span, time skips 2 hours [7/15/2015 3:46:46 PM] konrad knox: that's the most popular suggestion [7/15/2015 3:47:00 PM] konrad knox: but it would get retarded with servers with 30 players [7/15/2015 3:47:04 PM] konrad knox: you'd get vote spam all the time [7/15/2015 3:47:16 PM] konrad knox: forcing people who don't wanna sleep to sleep and people who want to sleep to not sleep [7/15/2015 3:47:26 PM] konrad knox: so they just added rest [7/15/2015 3:47:33 PM] konrad knox: to kill exhaustion [7/15/2015 3:47:36 PM] konrad knox: that's all [7/15/2015 3:47:37 PM] Wratts: I think it should just be a different function than rest [7/15/2015 3:47:49 PM] Wratts: zero perception, faster regen, or something like that [7/15/2015 3:48:01 PM] konrad knox: nobody wants to stare at their sleeping character for 7 ingame hours though [7/15/2015 3:48:23 PM] Wratts: yeah, no, but it works on short rests, I'm saying it could work the same way with altered attributes [7/15/2015 3:48:29 PM] konrad knox: it could be made instant [7/15/2015 3:48:35 PM] Wratts: not realistic, but functional [7/15/2015 3:48:47 PM] konrad knox: they figure in Multiplayer logging out is like sleeping [7/15/2015 3:48:49 PM] Aerumna: if its instant may as well just not have it [7/15/2015 3:49:03 PM] konrad knox: I always log out at night and treat it as sleep [7/15/2015 3:49:12 PM] konrad knox: and if I miss a few days, I just say I was doing something [7/15/2015 3:51:22 PM] konrad knox: yeah they could do it that way [7/15/2015 3:52:08 PM] Wratts: would give you a good reason to "sleep" in groups, while there are lookouts, you recuperate faster than "rest" [7/15/2015 3:52:08 PM] konrad knox: make it like rest [7/15/2015 3:53:08 PM] Wratts: currently when you rest, you can still rest against a wall, see in front of you, etc. Run off if something happens. Sleep could be just a black blanket of nothingness, and have a delay to actions when you interrupt it [7/15/2015 3:55:45 PM] konrad knox: oh that would be scary [7/15/2015 4:06:11 PM] konrad knox: I wanted to take hunter so badly [7/15/2015 4:06:16 PM] konrad knox: but couldn't afford it [7/15/2015 4:06:23 PM] konrad knox: i'd have to have taken deaf to afford it [7/15/2015 4:06:46 PM] konrad knox: it fits the character [7/15/2015 4:07:18 PM] konrad knox: in the old system outdoorsman perk was tied to park ranger profession [7/15/2015 4:07:32 PM] konrad knox: after the split you opened up to all kinds of char concepts [7/15/2015 4:07:47 PM] konrad knox: jobs and hobbies become separate [7/15/2015 4:08:16 PM] konrad knox: I wonder if it's possible to survive as a burglar [7/15/2015 4:08:18 PM] konrad knox: on stealth alone [7/15/2015 4:08:59 PM] konrad knox: Like, all perks that deal with quietness and inconspicuousness [7/15/2015 4:10:16 PM] konrad knox: they should make a character flaw "mute" [7/15/2015 4:10:22 PM] konrad knox: can only write, not talk in local [7/15/2015 4:12:15 PM] Aerumna: at best that'd be worth like +1 [7/15/2015 4:25:12 PM] konrad knox: anyone try out adrenaline junkie perk? [7/15/2015 5:23:50 PM] Wratts: the fact that you can't use a deck of cards to play solitaire makes me a sad panda [7/15/2015 5:26:08 PM] Quakeguy: POKER WHEN? [7/15/2015 5:26:12 PM] Quakeguy: I want to gamble for people's lives. [7/15/2015 5:27:12 PM] Wratts: of course you do [7/15/2015 5:27:14 PM] Wratts: :) [7/15/2015 5:27:23 PM] Wratts: I'll poker for booze [7/15/2015 5:28:22 PM] Wratts: the random screams in the background. Much creepy, very movie [7/15/2015 5:28:28 PM] Quakeguy: always looking for more helping hands at the Johnson Estate. [7/15/2015 5:28:37 PM] Quakeguy: if you can buy in [7/15/2015 5:29:57 PM] Wratts: should be an interesting encounter [7/15/2015 5:30:19 PM] Wratts: how do you dry towels? [7/15/2015 5:30:27 PM] Wratts: I tried microwaving, doesn't work. Do they sun dry? [7/15/2015 5:35:00 PM] Quakeguy: I think they're fucked. [7/15/2015 5:35:04 PM] Quakeguy: Or it takes like 3 days [7/15/2015 5:35:11 PM] Quakeguy: I think I left 5 wet bath towels in a cabinet for 3 days [7/15/2015 5:35:15 PM] Quakeguy: came back and they were bath towels again [7/15/2015 7:19:37 PM] Quakeguy: This is what i listened to during the helicopter raid last night [7/15/2015 7:19:39 PM] Quakeguy: [7/15/2015 7:20:16 PM] Sean: ... [7/15/2015 7:20:35 PM] Sean: im staying the hell away from the johnsons, yall crazy [7/15/2015 7:20:47 PM] konrad knox: Aerumna [7/15/2015 7:20:51 PM] Sean: listenin to disco inferno during heli hoardes and whatnot [7/15/2015 7:21:00 PM] Aerumna: Yes? [7/15/2015 7:21:11 PM] Quakeguy: Mostly during the whole molotov thing [7/15/2015 7:21:26 PM] konrad knox: Zombie surviva tip for you. Make sure your strength level is equal to stealth level. [7/15/2015 7:24:29 PM] Quakeguy: Zombie tip: To kill a zombie, whack at it until it does [7/15/2015 7:24:32 PM] Quakeguy: dies^ [7/15/2015 7:25:08 PM] Sean: zombie survival tip: avoid zombies, usually will not die [7/15/2015 7:52:44 PM] Aerumna: Lol, Knox [7/15/2015 7:53:01 PM] Aerumna: You telling me you have 9 sneaking to match your 9 strength? Papa Zed will know if you're lying [7/15/2015 7:54:36 PM] konrad knox: Duality is a fool's game. [7/15/2015 7:54:47 PM] konrad knox: What is a zed and what is a survivor? [7/15/2015 7:54:56 PM] Aerumna: They are one in the same... eventually. [7/15/2015 7:55:22 PM] konrad knox: secret autistic DAoC handshake [7/15/2015 7:55:52 PM] Aerumna: secret Genesis handshake [7/15/2015 7:55:58 PM] konrad knox: Muwahaha [7/15/2015 7:56:23 PM] konrad knox: DAoC is literally the only MMO that i actually fell asleep in while running [7/15/2015 7:56:41 PM] konrad knox: I mean i played atlantica till sleeping state some times [7/15/2015 7:56:42 PM] Aerumna: I fell asleep in Atlantica often [7/15/2015 7:56:47 PM] Aerumna: but thats coz I barely slept during that time [7/15/2015 7:56:50 PM] konrad knox: I dozed off in illarion [7/15/2015 8:00:03 PM] konrad knox: Smithing [7/15/2015 8:00:29 PM] konrad knox: There was this guy in UO, Bryce. Played this cliche pseudo philosopher [7/15/2015 8:00:44 PM] konrad knox: What is good and what is evil, i asked him [7/15/2015 8:00:53 PM] konrad knox: He was like theyre one in the same [7/15/2015 8:01:07 PM] konrad knox: I think we slaughtered him with logic [7/15/2015 8:01:13 PM] konrad knox: That like, no, theyre not [7/15/2015 8:01:40 PM] konrad knox: And then there's papa crab [7/15/2015 8:02:09 PM] konrad knox: Dementedness only we share as gamebrothers :D i cant even begin to explain papa crab [7/15/2015 8:02:23 PM] konrad knox: Other than a big boss crab [7/15/2015 8:16:31 PM] Aerumna: :D [7/15/2015 8:17:36 PM] Claire Knox: Listen, it's very imprototon. [7/15/2015 8:25:06 PM] Aerumna: you can find more information on p.119 [7/15/2015 8:25:50 PM] konrad knox: Detect all life forms within 20 yards [7/15/2015 8:26:07 PM] Aerumna: but it is ur coce [7/15/2015 8:42:51 PM] konrad knox: RIP Roger [7/15/2015 8:51:46 PM] Quakeguy: Who? [7/15/2015 8:54:42 PM] Wratts: I think I saw Roger try to use the radio at one point [7/15/2015 9:03:29 PM] Quakeguy: Now who the fack is Daniel Somerset? [7/15/2015 10:02:05 PM] konrad knox: A dead man apparently. RIP Daniel [7/15/2015 10:02:54 PM] Quakeguy: Oh yeah [7/15/2015 10:02:56 PM] Quakeguy: He's dead. [7/15/2015 10:03:00 PM] Quakeguy: I axed him a question [7/15/2015 10:03:39 PM] konrad knox: You did not. Death was not a pk registered. [7/15/2015 10:04:56 PM] konrad knox: hes a zed alright [7/15/2015 10:04:58 PM] konrad knox: Oooooh [7/15/2015 10:05:04 PM] konrad knox: Post mortem. I see. [7/15/2015 10:05:07 PM] Quakeguy: yEAH. [7/15/2015 10:05:09 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah. [7/15/2015 10:05:17 PM] konrad knox: Good good. Put em down like dogs i say [7/15/2015 10:05:28 PM] Quakeguy: i was so hopeful too [7/16/2015 12:40:08 AM] konrad knox: Ok explain what happened to the art thief. You said you axed him, but in game you said he never rose. What happened OOC? :D [7/16/2015 12:42:32 AM] Quakeguy: Nope [7/16/2015 12:42:34 AM] Quakeguy: off to bed [7/16/2015 12:42:36 AM] Quakeguy: C YA [7/16/2015 1:33:21 AM] konrad knox: RIP Megan [7/16/2015 1:38:43 AM] konrad knox: I have feelings damnit [7/16/2015 1:38:55 AM] konrad knox: Just another step towards insanity [7/16/2015 1:39:10 AM] konrad knox: All the guns i want and i cant defend anyone [7/16/2015 6:39:07 PM] Quakeguy: welp [7/16/2015 6:39:10 PM] Quakeguy: guess who just fell 4 stories. [7/16/2015 6:39:37 PM] Sean: WAS IT BOB [7/16/2015 6:39:46 PM] Quakeguy: nope [7/16/2015 6:39:52 PM] Sean: WAS IT YOU [7/16/2015 6:39:59 PM] Quakeguy: good guess [7/16/2015 6:40:07 PM] Quakeguy: just as the doctor goes to sleep [7/16/2015 6:40:19 PM] Sean: rip [7/16/2015 6:44:46 PM] Quakeguy: I went from terminal, guaranteed death [7/16/2015 6:44:47 PM] Quakeguy: to critical [7/16/2015 6:49:05 PM] Quakeguy: I may yet live [7/16/2015 6:49:13 PM] Quakeguy: I have 5% HP [7/16/2015 6:49:14 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/16/2015 6:50:44 PM] Quakeguy: Oop [7/16/2015 6:50:46 PM] Quakeguy: Back to Terminal [7/16/2015 6:53:11 PM] Sean: rip x2 [7/16/2015 6:57:30 PM] Quakeguy: if I stay perfectly still and keep eating [7/16/2015 6:57:32 PM] Quakeguy: I might survive [7/16/2015 6:57:41 PM] Quakeguy: just cost me half the supplies [7/16/2015 7:03:47 PM] Quakeguy: omfg muh fucking health is going up [7/16/2015 7:03:49 PM] Quakeguy: yeaaaaaaaaaaa [7/16/2015 7:12:27 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah if I don't keep eating [7/16/2015 7:12:30 PM] Quakeguy: I just die [7/16/2015 7:12:32 PM] Quakeguy: Well this is sad. [7/16/2015 7:12:41 PM] Quakeguy: Never bitten, never scratched. A broken ankle killed me [7/16/2015 7:12:51 PM] Sean: rip x3 [7/16/2015 7:43:44 PM] Wratts: On the upside, I don't believe I got the zombie infection on the way over [7/16/2015 7:44:54 PM] Wratts: I also didn't catch my death/fever in the rain [7/16/2015 7:45:16 PM] Wratts: ffs there's no fucking pen or pencil in this house [7/16/2015 7:47:43 PM] Wratts: wehn I had radioed in "I'm in a bit of a pickle here", I had just killed off four zombies with a wooden plank in a tight bathroom with no way out [7/16/2015 7:55:53 PM] Quakeguy: Impressive [7/16/2015 8:13:29 PM] Wratts: or ust lucky as all fuck, I only got one scratch out of it D: [7/16/2015 8:16:21 PM] Wratts: well. irony [7/16/2015 8:16:31 PM] Wratts: next two walking stiffs I kill [7/16/2015 8:16:35 PM] Wratts: they both have a pencil each on them [7/16/2015 8:16:43 PM] Sean: lool [7/16/2015 9:28:15 PM] konrad knox: Why didnt u splint it??? [7/16/2015 9:28:22 PM] Quakeguy: I did [7/16/2015 9:33:22 PM] konrad knox: Im out fishing. Ok, there is one original character in your camp. They may inherit it or fuck up. Aerumna and Matt didnt join yet. So we are one vote to reset. RIP Jonesy [7/16/2015 9:33:48 PM] konrad knox: ??? [7/16/2015 9:33:52 PM] konrad knox: Or not yet [7/16/2015 9:34:15 PM] Wratts: I think not 100% dead yet [7/16/2015 9:34:18 PM] Wratts: but not sure [7/16/2015 9:34:37 PM] konrad knox: Johnson ure a chosen one ure not permitted to die [7/16/2015 9:34:43 PM] konrad knox: Have Fife cook you soup [7/16/2015 9:34:46 PM] konrad knox: Stay offline [7/16/2015 9:34:52 PM] konrad knox: Stay the fuck offline [7/16/2015 9:34:56 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah no shit. [7/16/2015 9:35:00 PM] konrad knox: Have your runner do a food run [7/16/2015 9:35:06 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah i ate half the food supplies [7/16/2015 9:35:33 PM] konrad knox: ok. Instruct Fife and Bob to tell your fitness runner to get all the food she can. [7/16/2015 9:35:52 PM] konrad knox: Have the best cook cook the most fuck off bestest soup [7/16/2015 9:36:01 PM] konrad knox: And eat that ahit [7/16/2015 9:36:12 PM] konrad knox: Negate all healing penalties with pain killers [7/16/2015 9:36:23 PM] konrad knox: And anti depressants and all the pills ever [7/16/2015 9:37:00 PM] konrad knox: When i come back i dont wanna see a RIP Jj [7/16/2015 9:37:07 PM] konrad knox: I had roleplay planned [7/16/2015 9:37:27 PM] konrad knox: And i dont wanna reset, my goals not fulfilled [7/16/2015 9:37:42 PM] konrad knox: Just a heads up, im not rerolling a new char. [7/16/2015 9:43:28 PM] Quakeguy: neither am I [7/16/2015 9:43:36 PM] Quakeguy: if Jones dies I'm not rerolling, i'll wait for reset [7/16/2015 9:44:14 PM] konrad knox: You can get new char and see what becomes of your farm [7/16/2015 9:44:42 PM] Quakeguy: i have too many ambitions to fulfill [7/16/2015 9:44:44 PM] Quakeguy: i don't want to die [7/16/2015 9:44:54 PM] Quakeguy: ;-; [7/16/2015 10:03:00 PM] Wratts: yep you can't die yet. Verboten [7/16/2015 10:47:27 PM] Wratts: how often have you reset the game so far? [7/16/2015 10:58:33 PM] Quakeguy: just once, we sort of did a 2 day test run [7/16/2015 10:58:38 PM] Quakeguy: but no restarts really yet [7/17/2015 7:40:21 AM] konrad knox: Dont you dare log in until Fife has plenty of soup ready [7/17/2015 7:40:22 AM] konrad knox: Your community is gonna have to carry you. Have Fife contact Frank on the radio. He'll send food down with your runner. [7/17/2015 11:13:13 AM] konrad knox: Marines are not allowed to die without permission. [7/17/2015 2:33:43 PM] Quakeguy: Surgery time [7/17/2015 2:33:46 PM] Quakeguy: Let's see if Johnson Lives [7/17/2015 2:34:03 PM] Sean: popcorn [7/17/2015 2:36:24 PM] Aerumna: I brought butter and salt for your popcorn [7/17/2015 2:36:31 PM] Aerumna: also a second bucket [7/17/2015 2:36:37 PM] Aerumna: steals half the popcorn [7/17/2015 2:36:47 PM] Sean: steals half the butter and salt [7/17/2015 2:37:17 PM] Aerumna: Satisfaction [7/17/2015 2:37:25 PM] Quakeguy: Surgery went well. [7/17/2015 2:37:30 PM] Quakeguy: Just need two days worth of supplies to eat [7/17/2015 2:37:31 PM] Quakeguy: and I may live [7/17/2015 2:37:35 PM] Sean: he going to make it doctor? [7/17/2015 2:37:46 PM] Aerumna: Its too early to say... but we know its not lupus [7/17/2015 2:38:00 PM] Sean: kek [7/17/2015 2:51:29 PM] Wratts: i'ts never lupus. Thanks House [7/17/2015 2:52:37 PM] Quakeguy: except that one time it was. [7/17/2015 2:53:02 PM] Wratts: xD [7/17/2015 2:53:08 PM] Wratts: I apparently never saw that episode [7/17/2015 2:53:13 PM] Sean: never forgot that one time [7/17/2015 2:53:18 PM] Wratts: that one among a gajillion [7/17/2015 2:53:37 PM] Wratts: gajillion wher eit's never lupus, even though someone suggests it [7/17/2015 2:54:01 PM] Quakeguy: that's a show that really should have had 3 seasons [7/17/2015 2:54:15 PM] Quakeguy: the last two seasons everyone looks tired. They act cranky, barely give their lines [7/17/2015 2:54:19 PM] Quakeguy: plots go no where fast [7/17/2015 2:54:49 PM] Quakeguy: Like when the Oncologist is all like dude, you're cancer free! [7/17/2015 2:54:56 PM] Sean: sounds like the other 3 seasons... [7/17/2015 2:54:58 PM] Quakeguy: I gave you six months to live, but you've defied all the odds, you're cancer free! [7/17/2015 2:55:15 PM] Quakeguy: "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE I MADE PEACE WITH DEATH, GAVE AWAY ALL MY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK" [7/17/2015 2:55:19 PM] Quakeguy: "I'M SUEING YOU" [7/17/2015 2:55:23 PM] Quakeguy: Never mentioned again [7/17/2015 2:55:59 PM] Aerumna: I just assumed the suit was thrown out or settled out of court. [7/17/2015 2:56:09 PM] Quakeguy: if you think Hugh Laurie's acting between Season 1-3 is the same as his acting in 4-5 you need to get out of the house more. [7/17/2015 2:56:55 PM] Wratts: btw. which berries kill you in PZ? [7/17/2015 2:56:58 PM] Wratts: the white ones? [7/17/2015 2:57:02 PM] Sean: consistently uninspiring and boredom inducing? his acting MADE me get out of the house more! [7/17/2015 2:57:55 PM] Quakeguy: shit that was a good rebuttal [7/17/2015 2:58:19 PM] Quakeguy: But I would argue that literally every side-character of the cast, including Wilson [7/17/2015 2:58:26 PM] Quakeguy: suffered from unspiring and boring dialogue and actions [7/17/2015 2:58:33 PM] Quakeguy: and Laurie was the only thing keeping it together [7/17/2015 2:59:53 PM] Sean: On this I can agree, but the glue that holds shit together is still shitty glue [7/17/2015 3:00:02 PM] Wratts: I didn't consistently watch that series. liked it simply on the basis that it was SHerlock Holmes + doctor series [7/17/2015 3:00:26 PM] Aerumna: ^ [7/17/2015 3:00:39 PM] Sean: I have a terrible confession to make [7/17/2015 3:00:56 PM] Sean: while I watched a lot of House......I'd rather get my TV doctor from John Stamos [7/17/2015 3:00:59 PM] Sean: there I said it [7/17/2015 3:01:26 PM] Wratts: what's terrible about htat? You cant' say terrible and John Stamos in the same breath [7/17/2015 3:01:49 PM] Aerumna: ER was the best show on TV during its original run [7/17/2015 3:02:23 PM] Sean: tfw expect crucification, get support [7/17/2015 3:02:26 PM] Aerumna: well, early years that I remember anyway [7/17/2015 3:02:47 PM] Wratts: at that time? yeah I think that's pretty accurate [7/17/2015 3:03:10 PM] Wratts: it was only after the success of ER's first seasons that TV series started getting bigger budgets and attention [7/17/2015 3:03:26 PM] Wratts: next up in that development I think was Lost, helped the whole TV series landscape a lot as well [7/17/2015 3:03:55 PM] Quakeguy: Hugh Laurie is such a based comedian [7/17/2015 3:04:07 PM] Sean: Lost was I think the first series I ever witnessed millions of people watching together at the same time via social media [7/17/2015 3:04:23 PM] Wratts: I mean, say what you want about these series, but I think they paved the way for others. TV series nowadays are epic compared to what they were like in the 90s [7/17/2015 3:04:30 PM] Sean: <_< [7/17/2015 3:04:37 PM] Sean: some good stuff in the 90s tho [7/17/2015 3:04:37 PM] Aerumna: Generally agreed [7/17/2015 3:04:39 PM] Quakeguy: Twin Peaks was a 90's show. [7/17/2015 3:04:40 PM] Sean: mostly cartoons tho [7/17/2015 3:04:42 PM] Wratts: yes but [7/17/2015 3:04:43 PM] Quakeguy: Counterstrike was based too [7/17/2015 3:04:49 PM] Quakeguy: But in over-all content yeah [7/17/2015 3:04:51 PM] Sean: Counterstrike was pretty based [7/17/2015 3:04:52 PM] Wratts: production values, is all I'm saying [7/17/2015 3:05:00 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah [7/17/2015 3:05:06 PM] Quakeguy: What i really hate though when you think about it [7/17/2015 3:05:12 PM] Quakeguy: why was advertising so expensive in the 90's? [7/17/2015 3:05:17 PM] Wratts: back in the 90s, big actors didn't take it seriously, budgets were low, production values were cheapish [7/17/2015 3:05:20 PM] Quakeguy: The internet was still new and it was mainly via mail, telephone, or TV [7/17/2015 3:05:24 PM] Quakeguy: now it's cheaper than ever to advertise [7/17/2015 3:05:32 PM] Quakeguy: and yet 40% of budgets get allocated to advertisement of new films and games [7/17/2015 3:05:39 PM] Quakeguy: that could have directly went into making a better product [7/17/2015 3:06:00 PM] Quakeguy: Like when I hear the advertising for Hitman ABsolution was as much as the entire Bloodmoney project [7/17/2015 3:06:05 PM] Quakeguy: which at the time was the most expensive game in the world [7/17/2015 3:06:09 PM] Quakeguy: I think what the fuuuuuuuck [7/17/2015 3:06:30 PM] Wratts: when people say how expensive Destiny was to make, they never mention how much of that budget was in marketing. I'm betting astronomical [7/17/2015 3:06:39 PM] Wratts: sums [7/17/2015 3:06:53 PM] Sean: most of it, given how little game is in the game [7/17/2015 3:07:05 PM] Quakeguy: actually [7/17/2015 3:07:07 PM] Quakeguy: to be fair [7/17/2015 3:07:16 PM] Quakeguy: when Destiny said it was 100 million or 200mil to MAKE [7/17/2015 3:07:17 PM] Quakeguy: that's true [7/17/2015 3:07:26 PM] Quakeguy: advertising is NEVER calculated as part of the actual development budget [7/17/2015 3:07:29 PM] Quakeguy: which is what they typically list [7/17/2015 3:07:37 PM] Quakeguy: money is set aside specifically for content advertisement in a pool [7/17/2015 3:07:40 PM] Quakeguy: seperate from te product [7/17/2015 3:07:57 PM] Sean: must have been a very large team of very retarded monkeys that asked for very expensive benefits [7/17/2015 3:08:03 PM] Aerumna: I don't even want to know how much went into advertising for Destiny. I couldn't seem to find a place on the internet without mention of it [7/17/2015 3:09:59 PM] Aerumna: Ah man, back on the subject of 90s shows, I loved Sea Quest so stupidly much [7/17/2015 3:10:10 PM] Sean: SEA QUEST [7/17/2015 3:10:16 PM] Sean: goes to torrent [7/17/2015 3:10:18 PM] Aerumna: Ya [7/17/2015 3:10:20 PM] Aerumna: With that guy from Jaws [7/17/2015 3:10:37 PM] Aerumna: and that kid that was in those movies about teen life and shit [7/17/2015 3:11:10 PM] Quakeguy: oh fuck [7/17/2015 3:11:12 PM] Quakeguy: what was that show [7/17/2015 3:11:16 PM] Quakeguy: Johnny Quest? [7/17/2015 3:11:21 PM] Sean: Astral quest, johnny quest......fight quest.... [7/17/2015 3:11:25 PM] Sean: WHERE THE FUCK IS SEA QUEST [7/17/2015 3:11:31 PM] Aerumna: lel [7/17/2015 3:11:32 PM] Quakeguy: HOLY FUCK [7/17/2015 3:11:37 PM] Quakeguy: FINALLY REACHED TIER V IN WORLD OF WARSHIPS [7/17/2015 3:11:42 PM] Quakeguy: KONGO CLASS BATTLESHIP HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOO [7/17/2015 3:11:44 PM] Aerumna: Oh damn, grats [7/17/2015 3:11:52 PM] Aerumna: What tier are they up to right now? [7/17/2015 3:11:55 PM] Quakeguy: Thank you Thank you I've been grinding for 3 days. [7/17/2015 3:12:00 PM] Quakeguy: American and Jap navies are fully developed [7/17/2015 3:12:03 PM] Quakeguy: all the way to T X [7/17/2015 3:12:11 PM] Quakeguy: Russian Ships are only 2, both premium [7/17/2015 3:12:15 PM] Aerumna: Whew, thats somethin'. I remember my first T5 in Tanks [7/17/2015 3:12:23 PM] Quakeguy: But by release I think they will have Rus and German fleets [7/17/2015 3:12:36 PM] Quakeguy: I'm up to T8 I think in WoT before I just gave up the grind, it was too much and not much fun [7/17/2015 3:12:42 PM] Quakeguy: ran the Russian and German lines, [7/17/2015 3:12:57 PM] Quakeguy: got up to t5 in German because the Pz IV grind was so fucking bad I cried myself to sleep one night [7/17/2015 3:13:12 PM] Quakeguy: Got an IS-3 or IS-4 in Russian, the T7 tank [7/17/2015 3:13:25 PM] Quakeguy: and a few various T6 mediums. T34-85 is my favorite tank. [7/17/2015 3:13:41 PM] Quakeguy: Best troll tank period. But I haven't played in 6 months. [7/17/2015 3:13:58 PM] Quakeguy: I've always had a huge hard on for naval combat as much as I did air and tanks, so i'm glad WoWS is finally in open beta. [7/17/2015 3:14:01 PM] Aerumna: Been about 8 months since I played. Was a filthy casual [7/17/2015 3:14:13 PM] Quakeguy: I'm actually considering getting premium [7/17/2015 3:14:16 PM] Quakeguy: and buying some gold for extra slots [7/17/2015 3:14:16 PM] Aerumna: Dang [7/17/2015 3:14:21 PM] Quakeguy: I never felt that desire in WoT [7/17/2015 3:14:22 PM] Sean: I'm such a filthy casual I never played either of these games ;-; [7/17/2015 3:14:40 PM] Quakeguy: Sean now's a time to start if you enjoy 20th century naval behemoth's duking it out on the high seas [7/17/2015 3:14:46 PM] Quakeguy: Went into Open Beta like, 6 days ago? [7/17/2015 3:15:00 PM] Quakeguy: Some people have foolishly given the company cash for a beta so there are already people in Tier X [7/17/2015 3:15:42 PM] Sean: I do enjoy 20th century naval combat, but I'm more of the look through a periscope and watch fools explode sort of guy [7/17/2015 3:16:03 PM] Quakeguy: Yep. [7/17/2015 3:16:06 PM] Quakeguy: that's basically it. [7/17/2015 3:16:15 PM] Quakeguy: Binocular scopes on 365MM cannons [7/17/2015 3:16:28 PM] Quakeguy: firing AP shells 18 kilometers into the deck of an AA carrier [7/17/2015 3:17:29 PM] Wratts: Wow. Seaquest. Cool show [7/17/2015 3:17:39 PM] Wratts: used to watch that back to back with Earth 2, I believe [7/17/2015 3:17:53 PM] Quakeguy: I tried to rewatch Xena: Warrior Princess. [7/17/2015 3:17:58 PM] Quakeguy: Couldn't get through the first season [7/17/2015 3:18:00 PM] Quakeguy: Jesus Christ [7/17/2015 3:18:02 PM] Wratts: I didn't, and have many fond memories [7/17/2015 3:18:11 PM] Wratts: :) [7/17/2015 3:18:35 PM] Quakeguy: I need a name for my Kongo Class Battlecruiser [7/17/2015 3:18:43 PM] Sean: I CANT FIND SEAQUEST BUT IN MY QUEST FOR SEAQUEST I HAVE FOUND.... [7/17/2015 3:18:45 PM] Sean: ...LEXX [7/17/2015 3:18:46 PM] Quakeguy: I.J.N _______________? [7/17/2015 3:18:49 PM] Sean: torrents lexx [7/17/2015 3:18:59 PM] Quakeguy: Young Hufflepuff Slut? Randy Ravenclaw? [7/17/2015 3:19:04 PM] Quakeguy: Sea of Shekles? [7/17/2015 3:19:11 PM] Quakeguy: Floating Fortress of Zionism? [7/17/2015 3:19:12 PM] Wratts: Lexx? Now that I rewatched. Still epic [7/17/2015 3:19:23 PM] Wratts: weird as fuck but epic [7/17/2015 3:19:31 PM] Quakeguy: that's a show that ended too soon [7/17/2015 3:19:34 PM] Aerumna: Wratts: Holy shit Earth2, yes [7/17/2015 3:19:54 PM] Aerumna: I can't believe Knox wasn't the one to initiate the Lexx conversation though. [7/17/2015 3:19:58 PM] Aerumna: When he reads this, he'll be kicking himself [7/17/2015 3:20:08 PM] Quakeguy: Fuck him [7/17/2015 3:20:10 PM] Quakeguy: He's Fishing [7/17/2015 3:20:11 PM] Quakeguy: Eating [7/17/2015 3:20:11 PM] Aerumna: rofl [7/17/2015 3:20:12 PM] Quakeguy: Drinking [7/17/2015 3:20:14 PM] Aerumna: oh yeah forgot [7/17/2015 3:20:49 PM] Quakeguy: holy fuck my Gibson is dusty after sitting for a single week [7/17/2015 3:20:51 PM] Quakeguy: wtf [7/17/2015 3:20:55 PM] Quakeguy: this thing attracts rusticness [7/17/2015 3:21:00 PM] Aerumna: haha [7/17/2015 3:26:58 PM] Quakeguy: Haven't been able to play since my place flooded [7/17/2015 4:27:13 PM] Wratts: Welp. RIP Deputy Cruz [7/17/2015 4:27:37 PM] Quakeguy: Noooo [7/17/2015 4:27:38 PM] Quakeguy: :( [7/17/2015 4:27:44 PM] Quakeguy: What happun [7/17/2015 4:27:55 PM] Wratts: Death by fracture [7/17/2015 4:28:06 PM] Quakeguy: I KNOW THAT FEEL [7/17/2015 4:28:09 PM] Wratts: tried to use a ladder on a rooftop, apparently that's not parto f the game [7/17/2015 4:28:26 PM] Quakeguy: NOPE [7/17/2015 4:28:28 PM] Wratts: "E" didn't work, then dropped one story, death by fracture. good times [7/17/2015 4:28:28 PM] Quakeguy: YOU WANT LADDER? FUCK. [7/17/2015 4:28:29 PM] Quakeguy: YOU. [7/17/2015 4:28:49 PM] Quakeguy: if we could craft ladder's it would be Wookie Simulator [7/17/2015 4:28:55 PM] Wratts: lol [7/17/2015 4:28:56 PM] Quakeguy: Build 4 story guard tower on roof of unbreakable home [7/17/2015 4:28:59 PM] Quakeguy: build ladder [7/17/2015 4:29:00 PM] Quakeguy: ta da [7/17/2015 4:29:14 PM] Quakeguy: Still can do that actually, just need sheet rope [7/17/2015 4:29:36 PM] Wratts: that's the kicker, rope didn't work either. Do ropes only work out of windows or wtf? [7/17/2015 4:31:01 PM] Wratts: or does rope for some odd reason not to do the same thing as sheet rope? [7/17/2015 4:33:18 PM] Aerumna: rope does not serve the same function as sheet rope [7/17/2015 4:33:43 PM] Wratts: *facepalm* [7/17/2015 4:34:02 PM] Aerumna: tbh I didn't know. Just googled out of curiosity. [7/17/2015 4:34:28 PM] Aerumna: You CAN use it to move logs more efficiently, but that doesn't solve your "running from home" scenario [7/17/2015 4:34:45 PM] Quakeguy: Rope is for... [7/17/2015 4:34:49 PM] Quakeguy: Hauling Logs and shit [7/17/2015 4:34:53 PM] Quakeguy: You need Sheets [7/17/2015 4:35:03 PM] Wratts: well, irony is I had swapped out sheet rope for rope for the same purposes. Might have survived with a sheet rope [7/17/2015 4:35:24 PM] Quakeguy: Yep [7/17/2015 4:35:48 PM] Wratts: had to drop another story down, second fracture from that. Dead within seconds [7/17/2015 4:43:28 PM] Quakeguy: that leaves 2 original characters alive [7/17/2015 4:43:34 PM] Quakeguy: that didn't last long [7/17/2015 4:43:40 PM] Quakeguy: hope the next round lasts longer now that everyone's in. [7/17/2015 4:45:12 PM] Wratts: actually wasn't even my original character [7/17/2015 4:45:33 PM] Wratts: my original character died from the second scratch from a zombie within hours of me starting the game :) [7/17/2015 4:52:57 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Everyone but Mitch and Francis [7/17/2015 4:54:01 PM] Sean: rip [7/17/2015 4:54:12 PM] Sean: throws popcorn on the dead bodies [7/17/2015 4:54:51 PM] Wratts: what a waste of good popcorn [7/17/2015 6:13:10 PM] Quakeguy: According to my doctor gf [7/17/2015 6:13:12 PM] Quakeguy: I am deceased. [7/17/2015 6:14:17 PM] konrad knox: Why did you die? Told you to eat! [7/17/2015 6:14:37 PM] konrad knox: just had to login and starve didnt you [7/17/2015 6:14:48 PM] Quakeguy: I've been eating IG time [7/17/2015 6:14:50 PM] Quakeguy: for 24 hours straight [7/17/2015 6:14:52 PM] Quakeguy: I am dead dude. [7/17/2015 6:14:59 PM] Quakeguy: Dead man walking, just cheating the healing system to stay alive [7/17/2015 6:15:01 PM] Quakeguy: but I'm really dead [7/17/2015 6:15:07 PM] Quakeguy: Game wants me dead from an ankle fracture really bad. [7/17/2015 6:15:10 PM] konrad knox: Are you zombified? [7/17/2015 6:15:17 PM] Quakeguy: Well no. [7/17/2015 6:15:21 PM] Quakeguy: Will be in 5 mins though [7/17/2015 6:15:23 PM] konrad knox: stay offline [7/17/2015 6:15:30 PM] konrad knox: Its recoverable [7/17/2015 6:15:31 PM] Quakeguy: How will that help? [7/17/2015 6:15:41 PM] konrad knox: Need to level up first aid skill [7/17/2015 6:15:50 PM] konrad knox: Do not. [7/17/2015 6:15:53 PM] konrad knox: Give up. [7/17/2015 6:15:58 PM] Quakeguy: We have a person with a first aid skill of 4. [7/17/2015 6:16:00 PM] konrad knox: When im back we will fix you [7/17/2015 6:16:01 PM] Quakeguy: Who dressed my wounds. [7/17/2015 6:16:08 PM] konrad knox: Then it needs to be higher [7/17/2015 6:18:02 PM] Quakeguy: Might just have to accept the fact that your gimped OP min-maxing build won [7/17/2015 6:18:07 PM] Quakeguy: and no one survived longer than a month but you [7/17/2015 6:21:36 PM] Quakeguy: I mean we are the last original characters I think [7/17/2015 6:21:53 PM] Quakeguy: Im sure people might appreciate a proper fresh map now that everyone's playing [7/17/2015 6:22:05 PM] konrad knox: No. Its not a contest [7/17/2015 6:22:09 PM] konrad knox: I want u to live [7/17/2015 6:22:15 PM] Quakeguy: i want to live too [7/17/2015 6:22:19 PM] Quakeguy: but I think it's dne bruh [7/17/2015 6:22:22 PM] konrad knox: You sustained one of the hardest injuries ingame [7/17/2015 6:22:26 PM] konrad knox: Be patient [7/17/2015 6:22:45 PM] konrad knox: Get more food [7/17/2015 6:23:57 PM] konrad knox: If you get your health healed up to severe damage, it will heal back [7/17/2015 6:24:11 PM] konrad knox: Gotta keep crafting splints [7/17/2015 6:24:16 PM] konrad knox: Keep disinfecting bleeds [7/17/2015 6:32:52 PM] Quakeguy: Play this at Jones' funeral [7/17/2015 6:32:52 PM] Quakeguy: [7/17/2015 6:39:01 PM] Wratts: "deceased" as in the medical condition? [7/17/2015 6:39:19 PM] Wratts: yeah I saw tht too when I analyzed Jones. Thought it was due to the low skill though, like a mis-diagnosis [7/17/2015 6:39:59 PM] Sean: hims gon' be a goner [7/17/2015 6:40:01 PM] Wratts: was very talkative for a long time though [7/17/2015 6:41:25 PM] Wratts: ah good song [7/17/2015 6:42:33 PM] Wratts: is there a server log at th end before we reset, concerning how much zombies everybody iced? [7/17/2015 6:42:53 PM] Wratts: also, the wiki is very unclear on this. Don't understand if zombies respawn or you can wipe them out eventually [7/17/2015 6:42:59 PM] Sean: you'll never beat francis [7/17/2015 6:43:05 PM] Wratts: I saw the fields [7/17/2015 6:43:13 PM] Wratts: I wanted to see the numbers on that :D [7/17/2015 6:43:41 PM] Sean: he was at like eight hundred something last time he said anything about it [7/17/2015 6:48:21 PM] Wratts: nvm. spawning system is explained in version notes [7/17/2015 7:18:02 PM] konrad knox: I want to build my base though. If im the last man standing (which i am not yet) i will finish the base, take screenshot, then we reset. But i aint rerolling. Could go another round if you guys like. Maybe next chapter will be like a month later from the events ingame, like in June. We got a strong community now, some chars levelled up and didnt die yet. Could let them continue. Do a map reset without character reset. A soft reset its called. What does everyone think [7/17/2015 7:25:02 PM] konrad knox: Oh shit guys [7/17/2015 7:25:09 PM] konrad knox: RIP Carla Cruz [7/17/2015 7:25:57 PM] konrad knox: Im having a PZ experience in rl. Rainstorm, tent almost washed off. One fish so far. Where the fuck is fish??? [7/17/2015 7:26:31 PM] Sean: no fish only socks [7/17/2015 7:27:20 PM] Claire Knox: We lost a gallon of water to the sea while moving our...everything away from a storm high tide. [7/17/2015 7:27:51 PM] konrad knox: Trying this new spot now [7/17/2015 7:32:44 PM] Quakeguy: Map reset without character reset [7/17/2015 7:32:46 PM] Quakeguy: Fuck you bruh [7/17/2015 7:33:00 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah let's keep the most OP character alive and the rest can reroll huehue rite guys amirite? [7/17/2015 7:33:29 PM] Quakeguy: gimme my 8 carpentry back then ya FUCK [7/17/2015 7:33:49 PM] konrad knox: Then dont die, i dont want u to take me with you! [7/17/2015 7:35:04 PM] Quakeguy: can't you reset the map which also resets ailments lmao [7/17/2015 7:35:51 PM] konrad knox: I would have to read on how to do soft resets [7/17/2015 7:36:06 PM] konrad knox: If u die, u get to wait till im done [7/17/2015 7:42:56 PM] konrad knox: I want to fish [7/17/2015 7:43:16 PM] konrad knox: Cant base in west point and not catch one fish [7/17/2015 7:59:52 PM] Quakeguy: fuk u [7/17/2015 9:54:35 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Fergus [7/17/2015 9:57:25 PM] konrad knox: Thanks for calling rips in my absense [7/17/2015 9:59:39 PM] Quakeguy: u hab 2 votes [7/17/2015 10:01:23 PM] konrad knox: You didnt die yet quit it [7/17/2015 10:01:36 PM] konrad knox: Eat. Splint. Live. [7/17/2015 10:01:56 PM] konrad knox: I looked it up. Terminal damage is recoverable as long as moodles arent debuffing you [7/17/2015 10:02:00 PM] konrad knox: Take all pills [7/17/2015 10:02:08 PM] konrad knox: And eat soups and stews [7/17/2015 10:02:23 PM] Quakeguy: time moves too slowly for the moodles to last long enough [7/17/2015 10:03:13 PM] konrad knox: Would you please exercise patience? Have Fife log in first and be ready at your logout position with healing and food [7/17/2015 10:03:26 PM] konrad knox: Food cooked from fresh stuff [7/17/2015 10:05:25 PM] Quakeguy: Patience? hue [7/17/2015 10:05:40 PM] Quakeguy: ate to stay well fed for 4 IG hours straight [7/17/2015 10:05:45 PM] Quakeguy: second i had no food bonus moodle, [7/17/2015 10:05:47 PM] Quakeguy: my health drops [7/17/2015 10:06:03 PM] Quakeguy: It'll take everyone still living taking every food stuff from the town to save me [7/17/2015 10:06:07 PM] Quakeguy: If they wanna do that, god bless them [7/17/2015 10:09:24 PM] konrad knox: Having an impression theyre already doing it [7/17/2015 11:47:01 PM] The Romanian: you guys playing zombies again? [7/17/2015 11:48:31 PM] Quakeguy: yerp [7/17/2015 11:48:33 PM] Quakeguy: dying [7/17/2015 11:48:59 PM] The Romanian: how far along are you? water stopped and elec died yet? [7/17/2015 11:50:08 PM] konrad knox: NOPE [7/17/2015 11:50:43 PM] konrad knox: Another two weeks or so [7/17/2015 11:50:59 PM] The Romanian: why are you dieing then? noobs :d [7/17/2015 11:51:26 PM] Quakeguy: after 30 days I am at 5% [7/17/2015 11:51:44 PM] The Romanian: i dont know how the game changed since the last time i played [7/17/2015 11:51:52 PM] The Romanian: do you have cars now? [7/17/2015 11:51:59 PM] Quakeguy: Oh god no [7/17/2015 11:52:01 PM] Quakeguy: no transportation [7/17/2015 11:52:04 PM] The Romanian: aw [7/17/2015 11:52:05 PM] Quakeguy: all foot bruh [7/17/2015 11:52:12 PM] Quakeguy: cars are dumb anyway hoard attraction [7/17/2015 11:52:32 PM] The Romanian: is farming better than in the past? [7/17/2015 11:52:34 PM] The Romanian: i hated it [7/17/2015 11:52:39 PM] The Romanian: i always lost the harvest [7/17/2015 11:54:21 PM] konrad knox: yes it shud be better [7/17/2015 11:54:26 PM] konrad knox: PauseEmpty works now [7/17/2015 11:54:32 PM] The Romanian: whats that [7/17/2015 11:54:42 PM] konrad knox: When the world stops [7/17/2015 11:54:47 PM] The Romanian: ah [7/17/2015 11:54:50 PM] konrad knox: When none online [7/17/2015 11:54:52 PM] The Romanian: when nones online [7/17/2015 11:54:54 PM] The Romanian: awesome [7/17/2015 11:55:06 PM] konrad knox: Man lots of drama in muldraugh i heae lol [7/17/2015 11:55:16 PM] The Romanian: lol how come [7/17/2015 11:55:24 PM] The Romanian: roleplay? [7/17/2015 11:55:27 PM] konrad knox: Friendships break and new families start [7/17/2015 11:55:32 PM] The Romanian: lmao [7/17/2015 11:55:36 PM] konrad knox: Yes [7/17/2015 11:55:49 PM] konrad knox: People hold each other at gunpoint and shit [7/17/2015 11:56:07 PM] konrad knox: Im just doing my survivalist thing [7/17/2015 11:56:19 PM] konrad knox: Quakeguy is building like an uber community [7/17/2015 11:56:26 PM] konrad knox: He is like Xavier from X men [7/17/2015 11:56:29 PM] konrad knox: Has no legs now [7/17/2015 11:56:36 PM] The Romanian: lmao [7/17/2015 11:56:39 PM] konrad knox: And a team of superheroes feed him [7/17/2015 11:57:32 PM] konrad knox: He is like hoarding up all the characters and built an army of friends [7/17/2015 11:58:14 PM] konrad knox: I went a solo route, and rely on my cheese build. But i been scratched 8 times bro. Thats 8 dice rolls with 25% to die, and im still kicking [7/17/2015 11:59:09 PM] konrad knox: Im like at 1000 zombie kills [7/17/2015 11:59:14 PM] konrad knox: In my steam profile dude [7/17/2015 11:59:21 PM] konrad knox: Check out screenshots [7/17/2015 11:59:30 PM] konrad knox: Im shotgunning like a REAL horde [7/17/2015 11:59:35 PM] konrad knox: Not some pussy hordling [7/17/2015 11:59:54 PM] konrad knox: the horde is real [7/18/2015 12:01:17 AM] Quakeguy: i always more or less end up a reluctant leader [7/18/2015 12:01:27 AM] Quakeguy: Every PZ character I build eventually falls to that roll [7/18/2015 12:01:30 AM] Quakeguy: role^ [7/18/2015 12:01:43 AM] Quakeguy: I'm okay with that though, it's fun to play different leaders [7/18/2015 12:01:56 AM] Quakeguy: grind everyone's gears or make everyone love each other or do neither [7/18/2015 12:05:06 AM] The Romanian: so you guys play on official or on eiraServer? [7/18/2015 12:19:57 AM] konrad knox: Eira [7/18/2015 12:20:01 AM] konrad knox: Same as before [7/18/2015 12:20:07 AM] konrad knox: Same ip [7/18/2015 12:25:15 AM] konrad knox: The new spawn system is crazy [7/18/2015 12:25:31 AM] konrad knox: I saw a 1000 zeds moving as one single cloud. A battalion. [7/18/2015 12:25:37 AM] The Romanian: omg [7/18/2015 12:25:42 AM] The Romanian: it wasnt like that [7/18/2015 12:25:46 AM] The Romanian: i mean, there were lots of them [7/18/2015 12:25:50 AM] The Romanian: but not THAT many [7/18/2015 12:26:21 AM] The Romanian: so you cant really rambo through them now [7/18/2015 12:26:25 AM] The Romanian: like I used to do [7/18/2015 12:26:26 AM] The Romanian: lol [7/18/2015 12:28:08 AM] Quakeguy: I've personally lit up two hoards of 500 at least [7/18/2015 12:28:13 AM] Quakeguy: probably close to a thousand [7/18/2015 12:28:36 AM] Quakeguy: but I like to play the Turtle [7/18/2015 12:29:30 AM] The Romanian: hows that [7/18/2015 12:30:53 AM] Quakeguy: hunker down and build 'up' [7/18/2015 12:31:06 AM] Quakeguy: instead of constantly moving and building thin [7/18/2015 12:31:43 AM] The Romanian: yeah thats how i did it too [7/18/2015 12:31:48 AM] The Romanian: find a base and barricade in [7/18/2015 12:31:58 AM] The Romanian: get a farm going, get water [7/18/2015 12:32:30 AM] Quakeguy: farms work much better now for online [7/18/2015 12:32:40 AM] Quakeguy: last year it was a fucking near impossible journey to be around for crops [7/18/2015 12:32:43 AM] Quakeguy: now it feels natural. [7/18/2015 12:33:19 AM] Quakeguy: i mean fuck, last year my gf and I were on 6 hour timers each [7/18/2015 12:33:22 AM] Quakeguy: to rotate and check the crops [7/18/2015 12:33:26 AM] Quakeguy: split 3 hours apart [7/18/2015 12:33:35 AM] Quakeguy: so every 3 hours one of us was online watering those fucking crops [7/18/2015 12:33:49 AM] konrad knox: How is it now? [7/18/2015 12:33:52 AM] Quakeguy: Perfect [7/18/2015 12:33:55 AM] Quakeguy: Literal perfection [7/18/2015 12:33:58 AM] konrad knox: How long it take [7/18/2015 12:34:03 AM] Quakeguy: Like [7/18/2015 12:34:08 AM] Quakeguy: from seed in the ground to crop growing [7/18/2015 12:34:13 AM] Quakeguy: 3 days IRL [7/18/2015 12:34:20 AM] konrad knox: I am the opposite of what he just described marius [7/18/2015 12:34:31 AM] konrad knox: I build thin [7/18/2015 12:34:35 AM] The Romanian: yeah i know you, you move from place to place [7/18/2015 12:34:52 AM] konrad knox: Oh btw paul, marius. U guys met i think in lazt pz [7/18/2015 12:35:00 AM] konrad knox: Marius is the third eiradir dev [7/18/2015 12:35:00 AM] The Romanian: yeah [7/18/2015 12:35:13 AM] konrad knox: On par with blay [7/18/2015 12:35:23 AM] The Romanian: i dont know why you would run around and not build a base [7/18/2015 12:35:33 AM] The Romanian: once the water runs out, you're done [7/18/2015 12:35:37 AM] The Romanian: if you dont have rain water [7/18/2015 12:35:41 AM] konrad knox: Here is why [7/18/2015 12:35:59 AM] konrad knox: I didnt say dont build a base [7/18/2015 12:36:07 AM] konrad knox: I say dont build just one base [7/18/2015 12:36:22 AM] konrad knox: Instead of spending 1000 trees on a wall [7/18/2015 12:36:22 AM] Quakeguy: multiple bases makes a lot of sense [7/18/2015 12:36:27 AM] konrad knox: That dies in two minutes [7/18/2015 12:36:27 AM] Quakeguy: in the long run, for communities [7/18/2015 12:36:32 AM] konrad knox: Spend it on rain barels [7/18/2015 12:36:40 AM] Quakeguy: also fuck [7/18/2015 12:36:41 AM] Quakeguy: you [7/18/2015 12:36:48 AM] Quakeguy: F U C K U C K [7/18/2015 12:36:53 AM] Quakeguy: Y O U O U [7/18/2015 12:36:56 AM] Quakeguy: My walls are the best [7/18/2015 12:37:18 AM] konrad knox: How are your legs, Xavier [7/18/2015 12:37:43 AM] Quakeguy: F U C K U C K [7/18/2015 12:37:46 AM] Quakeguy: Y O U O U [7/18/2015 12:37:52 AM] konrad knox: XD [7/18/2015 12:38:05 AM] konrad knox: Im coming back tomorrow [7/18/2015 12:38:10 AM] konrad knox: U better not be fucking dead [7/18/2015 12:38:14 AM] Quakeguy: i can die tomorrow [7/18/2015 12:38:17 AM] Quakeguy: thnk you [7/18/2015 12:38:42 AM] konrad knox: do what i say. Cook. Eat on the spot. Heal [7/18/2015 12:38:48 AM] konrad knox: Lighten the load to none [7/18/2015 12:38:50 AM] Quakeguy: been doing that [7/18/2015 12:38:52 AM] konrad knox: Pop pills [7/18/2015 12:38:54 AM] konrad knox: Good. [7/18/2015 12:38:58 AM] konrad knox: You will survive [7/18/2015 12:39:01 AM] Quakeguy: does nothing [7/18/2015 12:39:05 AM] Quakeguy: the second i am not eating [7/18/2015 12:39:06 AM] Quakeguy: i lose hp [7/18/2015 12:39:22 AM] konrad knox: Youre not queasy right? [7/18/2015 12:39:25 AM] konrad knox: no fever? [7/18/2015 12:39:31 AM] Quakeguy: no [7/18/2015 12:39:41 AM] konrad knox: keep eating till you hit the Ok status [7/18/2015 12:39:48 AM] konrad knox: You HAVE to heal all the way up [7/18/2015 12:39:49 AM] Quakeguy: that is all the food in the game [7/18/2015 12:39:57 AM] Quakeguy: I am at 10% HP [7/18/2015 12:40:08 AM] konrad knox: Food will respawn [7/18/2015 12:40:11 AM] konrad knox: You will not [7/18/2015 12:40:15 AM] konrad knox: Summer ahead [7/18/2015 12:40:21 AM] konrad knox: You have a ranger brother [7/18/2015 12:40:26 AM] konrad knox: A farmer wife [7/18/2015 12:40:29 AM] konrad knox: A runner whore [7/18/2015 12:40:40 AM] konrad knox: For the love of god eat [7/18/2015 12:40:48 AM] Quakeguy: whore implies she is for sale [7/18/2015 12:40:50 AM] Quakeguy: she's a slut [7/18/2015 12:44:07 AM] konrad knox: In an apocalypse, i woulda been too [7/18/2015 12:47:10 AM] Quakeguy: RIP Bob X4 [7/18/2015 12:47:33 AM] konrad knox: what happened this time [7/18/2015 12:47:40 AM] Quakeguy: a scratch I think [7/18/2015 12:48:17 AM] konrad knox: really... [7/18/2015 12:48:24 AM] Quakeguy: I hate to be the on to say a-toe-da-sow [7/18/2015 12:48:27 AM] Quakeguy: but, [7/18/2015 12:48:29 AM] Quakeguy: a-toe-da-sow [7/18/2015 12:48:34 AM] Quakeguy: I fuckin' atoedasow [7/18/2015 12:48:52 AM] konrad knox: What that mean [7/18/2015 12:49:30 AM] Quakeguy: it's a mispronunciation of I told you so [7/18/2015 12:49:54 AM] konrad knox: Oh lol [7/18/2015 9:46:36 AM] konrad knox: Rip bob, rip fergus, rip ana, rip ami. [7/18/2015 9:46:49 AM] konrad knox: Wow that was some night [7/18/2015 9:47:04 AM] konrad knox: Whar did u have, a manhunt? [7/18/2015 9:48:09 AM] Sean: They were prolly tryna get food <_< [7/18/2015 9:48:40 AM] konrad knox: U think? [7/18/2015 9:49:03 AM] konrad knox: or maybe they tryna get to safety [7/18/2015 10:00:00 AM] konrad knox: I see minions in Johnson Empire uniforms sweeping the land for food [7/18/2015 10:00:09 AM] konrad knox: For their legless dark master [7/18/2015 10:00:26 AM] konrad knox: Burning villages [7/18/2015 10:00:37 AM | Edited 10:00:49 AM] Sean: it's a zombie apocalypse mang, not a huxleyan dystopia [7/18/2015 10:01:12 AM] konrad knox: So, some chucklehead burnt half of westpoint downtown. The best spawn points: the hardware store and food mart. [7/18/2015 10:01:36 AM] konrad knox: Good thing i found all my fishing stuff and an angler magazine in the shed of a house by the lake [7/18/2015 10:01:58 AM] konrad knox: By the river i mean [7/18/2015 10:02:17 AM] konrad knox: There is one more warehouse left. Untouched [7/18/2015 10:02:30 AM] konrad knox: My usual Safehouse D locale [7/18/2015 10:03:01 AM] konrad knox: Todays mission. Setup safehouse D. At last. Then, carry supplies from B to D [7/18/2015 10:03:08 AM] konrad knox: Leave one rifle behind in B [7/18/2015 10:03:20 AM] konrad knox: Loot the hardware store [7/18/2015 10:03:30 AM] konrad knox: And then up north north north [7/18/2015 10:03:37 AM] konrad knox: To the shooting range [7/18/2015 10:36:41 AM] konrad knox: did u know that we have like 26 characters total? [7/18/2015 10:55:15 AM] Wratts: dead and alive or alive only? [7/18/2015 10:57:34 AM] konrad knox: oh, god. no. [7/18/2015 10:57:37 AM] konrad knox: dead included [7/18/2015 10:57:47 AM] konrad knox: in fact, most are dead [7/18/2015 11:07:19 AM | Edited 11:12:32 AM] konrad knox: Here's a list of who didn't die: Jonesy Boy the Legless Francis the Crazy Michelle Chapel Jun Kajiro Stanley Townsend Jack Snipe Ardin Ami Clara Mayfield Ben Thompson I may have missed some deaths though. [7/18/2015 11:24:14 AM] Sean: who the crap is Jun Kajiro, I thought I was the only dirty weeb [7/18/2015 2:55:28 PM] konrad knox: HALE FUCKIN LUIA [7/18/2015 2:55:31 PM] konrad knox: JJ is gonna survive [7/18/2015 2:55:36 PM] Quakeguy: JOHNSON LIVES [7/18/2015 2:56:01 PM] Quakeguy: AHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA [7/18/2015 3:10:07 PM] Aerumna: note to self: constant negative reinforcement results in perserverance [7/18/2015 3:10:21 PM] konrad knox: are you playing yet? [7/18/2015 3:11:03 PM] konrad knox: the map is getting awesomely destroyed and consumed by the wild plantlife [7/18/2015 3:11:14 PM] konrad knox: burnt buildings covered in vines [7/18/2015 3:12:48 PM] Aerumna: nah, I'm a slacker [7/18/2015 3:13:09 PM] Aerumna: Remind me in 2 hours. I'm going grocery shopping [7/18/2015 3:13:14 PM] konrad knox: you'd be a slacker if this was a paid job (rofl) [7/18/2015 3:13:25 PM] Quakeguy: LMAO [7/18/2015 3:13:42 PM] konrad knox: as is, you're just missing out on some horrible things [7/18/2015 3:13:50 PM] Aerumna: that sounds like a positive >_> [7/18/2015 3:18:35 PM] konrad knox: Fergus's death was awful [7/18/2015 3:19:34 PM] Quakeguy: Alarm clocks are great. [7/18/2015 3:19:37 PM] Quakeguy: Set it to a time [7/18/2015 3:19:39 PM] Quakeguy: whip it [7/18/2015 3:19:42 PM] Quakeguy: RINGALINGRINGALING [7/18/2015 3:19:45 PM] Quakeguy: Instant hoard mover [7/18/2015 3:20:01 PM] Quakeguy: alright off for a bit brb [7/18/2015 3:53:04 PM] Wratts: RIP Ben Thompson [7/18/2015 3:53:52 PM] Quakeguy: NO [7/18/2015 3:53:53 PM] Quakeguy: ;-; [7/18/2015 3:53:54 PM] Quakeguy: Really? [7/18/2015 3:54:56 PM] Wratts: yeah lol [7/18/2015 3:55:15 PM] Wratts: i'm having rotten fucking luck [7/18/2015 3:55:37 PM] Wratts: thick skin + lucky, still dying like flies, Deputy without thick skin was much more of a survivor [7/18/2015 4:01:56 PM] Quakeguy: i think you play smarter when you know for a fact that you'r efucked [7/18/2015 4:02:01 PM] Quakeguy: if you are not absolutely careful [7/18/2015 4:33:09 PM] Wratts: ffs [7/18/2015 4:33:18 PM] Wratts: first scratch [7/18/2015 4:33:31 PM] Quakeguy: Already? [7/18/2015 4:33:33 PM] Quakeguy: Jesus christ [7/18/2015 4:33:51 PM] Wratts: I'm not exaggerating with "rotten luck", this is becoming a trend [7/18/2015 4:34:21 PM] Wratts: Dark Souls is more forgiving than this xD [7/18/2015 4:34:29 PM] Aerumna: rofl [7/18/2015 4:34:42 PM] Aerumna: Dark Souls: Filthy Casual edition [7/18/2015 4:35:56 PM] Sean: step 1: git [7/18/2015 4:35:59 PM] Sean: step 2: gud [7/18/2015 4:36:24 PM] Aerumna: step 3: git [7/18/2015 4:36:26 PM] Aerumna: step 4: rekt [7/18/2015 4:37:20 PM] Sean: not if you did steps 1 and 2 properly [7/18/2015 4:38:29 PM] Aerumna: Project Zomboid always results in maximum rektitude. Its just about how long you can put off the Rektoning. [7/18/2015 4:39:00 PM] Sean: or minmax the hell out of your build [7/18/2015 4:40:26 PM] Aerumna: Even Knox will eventually die [7/18/2015 4:40:48 PM] Aerumna: He loves his Lucky trait as if it was the arm of Lootius, but eventually it'll fail him. [7/18/2015 4:44:11 PM] Quakeguy: Weird [7/18/2015 4:44:15 PM] Quakeguy: I can't make cures for plant diseases [7/18/2015 4:44:19 PM] Quakeguy: even if I have cigarettes and a spray can [7/18/2015 4:44:20 PM] Quakeguy: wtf? [7/18/2015 4:49:04 PM] Wratts: these were 3 minmaxed builds [7/18/2015 4:49:20 PM] Wratts: death by first injury each time [7/18/2015 4:49:29 PM] Wratts: granted, on one of them it was a bite [7/18/2015 4:49:30 PM] Sean: wao [7/18/2015 4:49:35 PM] Sean: game haets you [7/18/2015 4:49:35 PM] Wratts: but fuck that [7/18/2015 4:49:41 PM] Wratts: Dark Souls is EZ mode compared to this [7/18/2015 4:49:42 PM] Aerumna: You're using an actual gardening spray can, right? [7/18/2015 4:49:46 PM] Quakeguy: Yes [7/18/2015 4:49:48 PM] Aerumna: Hmmm [7/18/2015 4:49:50 PM] Quakeguy: Actual Gardening Spray Can [7/18/2015 4:49:55 PM] Quakeguy: not a watering can [7/18/2015 4:50:01 PM] Quakeguy: i have that + Cigarettes [7/18/2015 4:50:04 PM] Quakeguy: and it doesn't let me combine [7/18/2015 4:50:22 PM] Aerumna: 3 units of water, 5 cigarettes, gardening spray can in main inventory [7/18/2015 4:50:45 PM] Aerumna: just going off wiki at this point, tho [7/18/2015 4:51:35 PM] Wratts: RIP Kevin Stone [7/18/2015 4:51:35 PM] Aerumna: mildew is milk package tho [7/18/2015 4:52:20 PM] Quakeguy: Flies then [7/18/2015 4:52:22 PM] Quakeguy: can't make the flies one [7/18/2015 4:53:19 PM] Aerumna: Thats fuckin' weird. Not sure how to fix. You sure you got enough water in your inv? [7/18/2015 5:18:09 PM] Aerumna: nothin' like spawning in a broken-up house flooded with zombies in it [7/18/2015 5:19:03 PM] Sean: bwahaha [7/18/2015 5:28:14 PM] Aerumna: pretty shitty tbh [7/18/2015 5:28:19 PM] Aerumna: got fucked up before I could barely move [7/18/2015 5:28:27 PM] Quakeguy: Just try again [7/18/2015 5:28:28 PM] Quakeguy: bad luck [7/18/2015 5:28:51 PM] Aerumna: that'd hardly be in the spirit of original characters [7/18/2015 5:29:05 PM] Aerumna: Gonna have to try to find something at least [7/18/2015 5:43:37 PM] Wratts: why god why why can I not repair a spade? :( [7/18/2015 5:43:42 PM] Wratts: I just found my dream weapon [7/18/2015 5:44:10 PM] Wratts: part wood, part metal, all speed, all murder [7/18/2015 5:45:02 PM] Quakeguy: Hoard management tip 31: Throw sheets in a house's oven [7/18/2015 5:45:03 PM] Quakeguy: turn it on [7/18/2015 5:45:04 PM] Quakeguy: :D [7/18/2015 5:47:42 PM] Sean: BURN IT DOWN [7/18/2015 5:49:08 PM] Quakeguy: fuc [7/18/2015 5:49:14 PM] Quakeguy: i got like 300 zeds on my doorstep [7/18/2015 5:50:41 PM] Sean: knock knock [7/18/2015 5:50:43 PM] Sean: WHO IS IT [7/18/2015 5:50:45 PM] Sean: DEATH [7/18/2015 5:52:00 PM] Quakeguy: I bet every time a new char is made [7/18/2015 5:52:03 PM] Quakeguy: it resets the helo's [7/18/2015 5:53:27 PM] Quakeguy: i log in [7/18/2015 5:53:30 PM] Quakeguy: i can't see anything [7/18/2015 5:53:31 PM] Quakeguy: wtf [7/18/2015 6:00:37 PM] konrad knox: on origonal characters: you are allowed to reroll if you die within 24 hours in game [7/18/2015 6:01:11 PM] konrad knox: and be considered original [7/18/2015 6:03:26 PM] Aerumna: well thats gonna happen no matter what for me. I got bleeding scratches everywhere from my head to my dick [7/18/2015 6:03:36 PM] Quakeguy: rotflmao [7/18/2015 6:03:42 PM] Quakeguy: i've barricaded myself in my farm [7/18/2015 6:04:05 PM] Quakeguy: pls someone come distract them [7/18/2015 6:04:14 PM] Aerumna: no [7/18/2015 6:07:17 PM] Sean: kek [7/18/2015 6:10:54 PM] Quakeguy: its okay i dealt with em [7/18/2015 6:14:18 PM] Sean: did you burn it down? [7/18/2015 6:14:23 PM] Quakeguy: oh god no [7/18/2015 6:14:28 PM] Sean: aw. [7/18/2015 6:14:38 PM] Quakeguy: burn down the barn over a hundred zombies? [7/18/2015 6:14:39 PM] Quakeguy: Fuck that [7/18/2015 6:14:48 PM] Quakeguy: i can stomp them all to death with my cybernetically enhanced foot now [7/18/2015 6:22:43 PM] Wratts: scratch to the groin. Proof that zombies touch survivors inappropriately, and justifies each and every one of their skulls you crush. Stranger danger! [7/18/2015 6:24:32 PM] Sean: holds up "Zombies need love too" sign [7/18/2015 6:24:45 PM] Sean: oh shit after a reset my next OC is totally going to be a hippie fuck yall [7/18/2015 6:25:53 PM] Wratts: will this hippie do drugs and screw around wantonly? first to die [7/18/2015 6:26:05 PM] Wratts: horror movie rules, sorry [7/18/2015 6:26:28 PM] Sean: I'm going to be the first to die anyway [7/18/2015 6:26:46 PM] Wratts: that's so pessimistic [7/18/2015 6:27:08 PM] Wratts: maybe you'll live really, really long, as you pacifistically only always run from the zombies while all your friends die for you [7/18/2015 6:28:26 PM] Aerumna: aaaaaaand infection [7/18/2015 6:28:48 PM] Wratts: RIP [7/18/2015 6:29:21 PM] Wratts: I killed off my last three characters all within the last 24 hours. :D [7/18/2015 6:29:38 PM] Aerumna: I kind of just went FUCKIT mode after I got like 4 scratches in the house I spawned in. No fucking point trying when you spawn in an overrun area. [7/18/2015 6:30:08 PM] Wratts: only my first of those three had that excuse [7/18/2015 6:30:20 PM] Aerumna: haha [7/18/2015 6:30:46 PM] Sean: Cherry went out shanking about a dozen zombies [7/18/2015 6:30:53 PM] Sean: once she got infected she was a tough bitch [7/18/2015 6:31:00 PM] Sean: I should have always been that aggressive [7/18/2015 6:31:11 PM] Aerumna: Nah, with latency being that aggressive is a crapshoot [7/18/2015 6:31:19 PM] Sean: fun as fuck tho [7/18/2015 6:31:23 PM] Aerumna: oh for sure [7/18/2015 6:31:40 PM] Aerumna: I've spent half my character's life foraging for stuff to make stone axes so I can keep killing [7/18/2015 6:31:43 PM] Wratts: we all are... once you know you're gonna kick the bucket, just wading in all WAAAAAGHHH!!! and going down swinging is classic zombie flic [7/18/2015 6:31:54 PM] Aerumna: da orks lyfestyle [7/18/2015 6:32:02 PM] Wratts: yessir [7/18/2015 6:32:23 PM] Wratts: dem orks know what's up [7/18/2015 6:38:53 PM] Aerumna: RIP Gustaf [7/18/2015 6:39:04 PM] Quakeguy: Jesus [7/18/2015 6:39:33 PM] Aerumna: There's no coming back from a bite, so I went out with a bang before hiding in a corner and weeping [7/18/2015 6:39:42 PM] Quakeguy: 4% roll of the dice [7/18/2015 6:39:52 PM] Quakeguy: I just survived a helicopter onslaught [7/18/2015 6:39:55 PM] Aerumna: Cheers [7/18/2015 6:39:55 PM] Quakeguy: with a broken ankle [7/18/2015 6:39:58 PM] Quakeguy: having fallen 4 stories [7/18/2015 6:42:53 PM] Sean: tfw Aerumna went out the same way I did [7/18/2015 6:43:12 PM] Aerumna: You expected me to do way better, as I recall [7/18/2015 6:43:42 PM] Aerumna: I think Lucky is a trait that only works if your name is Knox [7/18/2015 6:44:28 PM] Sean: I expect everyone to do better than me [7/18/2015 6:44:53 PM] Quakeguy: Y'all need to find the Johnson House if y'all wanna live [7/18/2015 6:45:04 PM] Quakeguy: I tell you I tell you I tell you what [7/18/2015 6:45:27 PM] Aerumna: Do hya sell any propane or propane accessories? [7/18/2015 6:46:03 PM] Sean: dammit bobbeh [7/18/2015 6:49:02 PM] Aerumna: Ya know, you'd think the cake preparation would require more than 0 cooking skill. I'd like to see cakes turn out as "bland" or something if you have no cooking skill [7/18/2015 6:52:14 PM] Quakeguy: I'll start setting up signs in town [7/18/2015 6:52:17 PM] Quakeguy: directing survivors [7/18/2015 6:52:33 PM] Quakeguy: y'all nykkuhs dropping too fast [7/18/2015 6:53:13 PM] Aerumna: sry I will ask the at-spawn horde to pls be gentle next time [7/18/2015 6:53:30 PM] Quakeguy: I'd not even count that lol [7/18/2015 6:53:34 PM] Quakeguy: I'd just reroll right away [7/18/2015 6:53:36 PM] Quakeguy: be like oh well [7/18/2015 6:54:33 PM] Aerumna: Naww, I got something else I'm gonna try [7/18/2015 6:54:38 PM] Aerumna: I don't care about voting when to reset [7/18/2015 6:55:19 PM] Quakeguy: wat [7/18/2015 6:55:23 PM] Quakeguy: so you're not playing? [7/18/2015 6:55:32 PM] Aerumna: I'm making a new char [7/18/2015 6:55:35 PM] Aerumna: not gonna reroll same one [7/18/2015 6:55:38 PM] Quakeguy: Oh [7/18/2015 6:55:40 PM] Quakeguy: Jolly good! [7/18/2015 6:55:42 PM] Aerumna: wasnt that the rule? Original characters vote [7/18/2015 6:55:45 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah [7/18/2015 6:55:48 PM] Quakeguy: Just misread [7/18/2015 6:55:51 PM] Aerumna: all good [7/18/2015 6:59:15 PM] Wratts: correction: Lucky only works if your name is Knox, or your name is Wratts and your characters are female [7/18/2015 6:59:33 PM] Wratts: ffs [7/18/2015 6:59:36 PM] Aerumna: So, Ms. Wratts is up all night to get Lucky? [7/18/2015 6:59:45 PM] Wratts: that's what she said [7/18/2015 7:00:03 PM] Aerumna: Her words, not yours? [7/18/2015 7:00:06 PM] Quakeguy: Is she up all night for good fun? Or up all night to get some? [7/18/2015 7:00:41 PM] Aerumna: Would you say, in your past experience, that she has or has not come too far to give up where she is and/or was? [7/18/2015 7:01:10 PM] Aerumna: or who, for that matter? [7/18/2015 7:03:15 PM] Wratts: question overload [7/18/2015 7:03:19 PM] Wratts: does not compute [7/18/2015 7:04:53 PM] Aerumna: The witness will answer the question or be held in contempt [7/18/2015 7:05:12 PM] Wratts: speak slowly. remember you're speaking to a moron [7/18/2015 7:05:41 PM] Aerumna: uh [7/18/2015 7:05:45 PM] Aerumna: the prosecution rests. Yes. [7/18/2015 7:05:59 PM] Aerumna: Note to self: never enter law school [7/18/2015 7:06:11 PM] Wratts: xD [7/18/2015 7:07:25 PM] Aerumna: Ugh, that moment when you realize you have -1 point to spend in your build [7/18/2015 7:07:46 PM] Sean: I HATE THAT [7/18/2015 7:07:57 PM] Wratts: I always end up with +1, even more irritating to me [7/18/2015 7:08:02 PM] Aerumna: I TRIED SO HARD AND GOT SO FAR, BUT IN THE END I STILL HAD -1 POINT [7/18/2015 7:08:05 PM] Aerumna: /wrists [7/18/2015 7:08:08 PM] Wratts: lol [7/18/2015 7:08:09 PM] Aerumna: fair enough [7/18/2015 7:08:13 PM] Sean: YOU EDGY FUCK [7/18/2015 7:08:15 PM] Aerumna: +/- 1 = shit [7/18/2015 7:09:02 PM] Wratts: I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be cooler if it was Walking Dead style in this game [7/18/2015 7:09:05 PM] Aerumna: ok so what the fuck does nimble do that sneaking doesn't? [7/18/2015 7:09:14 PM] Wratts: where everybody is infected with the zombie virus, but you need to actually die to turn [7/18/2015 7:09:35 PM] Wratts: I don't understand that either, Aerumna [7/18/2015 7:10:19 PM] Aerumna: How would you have that work, though? [7/18/2015 7:10:26 PM] Aerumna: I mean in context of the game [7/18/2015 7:10:45 PM] Aerumna: where death = gameover and infection = accelerated game-over? [7/18/2015 7:11:48 PM] Aerumna: Oh ok, nimble affects how fast you are at sneaking, jumping, and visibility loss when aiming [7/18/2015 7:13:08 PM] Sean: maybe it also affects invisible agility rolls? [7/18/2015 7:13:24 PM] Aerumna: wiki doesn't say so [7/18/2015 7:13:27 PM] Aerumna: I think that's lightfooted [7/18/2015 7:13:40 PM] Sean: mmmh [7/18/2015 7:13:41 PM] Aerumna: Lightfooted = run/walk quietly [7/18/2015 7:13:54 PM] Sean: I wish the game had the ability to see the invisible rolls [7/18/2015 7:14:00 PM] Sean: that'd make me so happy [7/18/2015 7:14:02 PM] Aerumna: That'd be interesting [7/18/2015 7:14:08 PM] Aerumna: a separate chat tab for in-game mechanics [7/18/2015 7:14:22 PM] Sean: yeah [7/18/2015 7:14:28 PM] Sean: or even in the cmd [7/18/2015 7:14:34 PM] Aerumna: You push the zombie [7/18/2015 7:14:35 PM] Aerumna: You push the zombie [7/18/2015 7:14:35 PM] Aerumna: You push the zombie [7/18/2015 7:14:36 PM] Aerumna: You push the zombie [7/18/2015 7:14:40 PM] Aerumna: The zombie falls over! [7/18/2015 7:14:41 PM] Sean: OH GOD [7/18/2015 7:14:43 PM] Sean: YOU STOP [7/18/2015 7:14:46 PM] Sean: YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW [7/18/2015 7:14:50 PM] Aerumna: lmao [7/18/2015 7:15:09 PM] Aerumna: Story of my <9 str life [7/18/2015 7:16:18 PM] Aerumna: I wouldn't mind professions being a LITTLE bit customizable. Like with Chef, I would like to take the cooking without the blade acc/maint for a partial refund of point cost [7/18/2015 7:16:38 PM] Aerumna: But I guess you take the good with the less than good [7/18/2015 7:17:11 PM] Sean: Perks systems are rarely perfect, at least there's unemployed [7/18/2015 7:17:27 PM] Aerumna: True [7/18/2015 7:17:37 PM] Aerumna: But unemployed is still pretty bad [7/18/2015 7:17:58 PM] Aerumna: well no I guess not [7/18/2015 7:18:05 PM] Aerumna: you get like 12 points unemployed right? [7/18/2015 7:18:12 PM] Sean: yeah [7/18/2015 7:18:24 PM] Aerumna: thats not too bad at all since you're gonna be trying to min-max traits [7/18/2015 7:18:35 PM] Quakeguy: Advanced Class: 5 star hotel Baker. [7/18/2015 7:18:39 PM] Quakeguy: Advanced Class: Sous Chef [7/18/2015 7:18:44 PM] Aerumna: Pfff [7/18/2015 7:18:49 PM] Aerumna: that'd be like 25 points [7/18/2015 7:18:51 PM] Aerumna: no ty [7/18/2015 7:18:53 PM] Quakeguy: Advanced Class Repairman: Plumber [7/18/2015 7:19:05 PM] Sean: 5 star hotel baker? Extra points to pissing in cake batter? [7/18/2015 7:19:10 PM] Aerumna: lmao [7/18/2015 7:19:12 PM] Quakeguy: Advanced Class Repairman: Drywaller (Consumes 80% less dry wall) [7/18/2015 7:19:27 PM] Aerumna: not a fan of drywalling huh? [7/18/2015 7:19:41 PM] Quakeguy: Haven't tried it IG yet [7/18/2015 7:20:12 PM] Aerumna: another thing about cooking is you can ONLY get cooking by professions [7/18/2015 7:20:19 PM] Aerumna: Burger flipper and Chef are it [7/18/2015 7:20:38 PM] Aerumna: a Foodie trait that gives +1 cooking would be fantastic [7/18/2015 7:21:08 PM] Sean: +1 cooking +2 deciphering the piss in the cake batter [7/18/2015 7:21:13 PM] Aerumna: lol [7/18/2015 7:21:15 PM] Aerumna: you and your cake piss [7/18/2015 7:21:31 PM] Sean: I KNEW A GUY WHO IS THE SOLE REASON I DO NOT EAT HOTEL FOOD OKAY [7/18/2015 7:21:54 PM] Aerumna: hotel food = ? [7/18/2015 7:22:00 PM] Aerumna: room service or hotel restaurant? [7/18/2015 7:22:12 PM] Sean: ...either, they usually come from the same kitchen [7/18/2015 7:22:13 PM] Aerumna: I guess generally its the same kitchen [7/18/2015 7:22:14 PM] Aerumna: yea [7/18/2015 7:23:06 PM] Wratts: a friend of mine used to work in a local four star hotel [7/18/2015 7:23:10 PM] Aerumna: Burger flipper is actually really fucking good now that I think of it [7/18/2015 7:23:13 PM] Wratts: as a sous chef [7/18/2015 7:23:21 PM] Wratts: he said it was really fucking terrible [7/18/2015 7:23:26 PM] Aerumna: you get 100% experience boost (versus 125% for chef) and you dont have blade acc [7/18/2015 7:23:45 PM] Wratts: they're all on drugs there, hygiene is awful. No pissing in cakes, but pretty bad [7/18/2015 7:23:46 PM] Aerumna: Terrible working as a sous chef in a hotel? [7/18/2015 7:23:48 PM] Aerumna: oh [7/18/2015 7:23:48 PM] Aerumna: yea [7/18/2015 7:24:18 PM] Wratts: burger flipper is good [7/18/2015 7:24:27 PM] Wratts: I took that on the character that died in the horde [7/18/2015 7:24:29 PM] Aerumna: I coulda told you that. I used to run room service and breakfast/lunch at Embassy Suites [7/18/2015 7:24:55 PM] Wratts: it's weird, why is this the norm? I've heard it from yet another person I talk to online [7/18/2015 7:25:08 PM] Sean: tfw Aerumna pees in cakes [7/18/2015 7:25:11 PM] Wratts: this line of work also involve veiled death threats and other violence? [7/18/2015 7:25:18 PM] Aerumna: Well to be fair I don't think many of the people there were on drugs, but the hygiene bit is def. true [7/18/2015 7:25:39 PM] Aerumna: veiled threats on which end? [7/18/2015 7:25:47 PM] Wratts: between employees [7/18/2015 7:26:09 PM] Sean: did we all know people working at the same hotel? O-o [7/18/2015 7:26:15 PM] Aerumna: Mmm not sure. The cooks didn't seem to like each other much [7/18/2015 7:26:20 PM] Wratts: the Overlook Hotel, yah [7/18/2015 7:26:25 PM] Aerumna: I have no idea if there were violent exchanges tho [7/18/2015 7:26:40 PM] Aerumna: lmao [7/18/2015 7:26:51 PM] Sean: tfw never got to see a grown man get hit in the face with a hot frying pan [7/18/2015 7:27:04 PM] Wratts: no wonder this PZ game gives cook-type characters blade skills... I'MMA CUT YOU BITCH [7/18/2015 7:27:09 PM] Wratts: (they know.) [7/18/2015 7:27:10 PM] Aerumna: lmao [7/18/2015 7:27:31 PM] Aerumna: I really like the blade skills thing in the cooking professions. Its a nice touch. [7/18/2015 7:27:38 PM] Aerumna: Though blade maint. as a burger flipper is LOL [7/18/2015 7:27:41 PM] Aerumna: no way. [7/18/2015 7:28:01 PM] Sean: Well to be fair... [7/18/2015 7:28:10 PM] Wratts: gotta keep that spatula clean, baby [7/18/2015 7:28:14 PM] Sean: ...the burger flipper is probably a weeb with at least three anime katanas [7/18/2015 7:28:16 PM] Aerumna: Is not a blade [7/18/2015 7:28:18 PM] Aerumna: lmao [7/18/2015 7:28:21 PM] Wratts: lol [7/18/2015 7:28:35 PM] Aerumna: Yea but owning anime katanas =! maintaining them [7/18/2015 7:28:53 PM] Wratts: the weeb learned it from Goemon in Lupin III? [7/18/2015 7:28:56 PM] Sean: have you seen weebs who own swords? they are legit scary OCD when it comes to their stuff [7/18/2015 7:29:07 PM] Aerumna: He also learned how to cut a plane in half right? [7/18/2015 7:29:15 PM] Wratts: ofc [7/18/2015 7:29:23 PM] Sean: he posted it on the internet it has to be true! [7/18/2015 7:29:26 PM] Aerumna: Ya [7/18/2015 7:29:28 PM] Wratts: ^ [7/18/2015 7:29:35 PM] Quakeguy: Would someone really do that? [7/18/2015 7:29:37 PM] Aerumna: Goemon is just an animated represenation of reality [7/18/2015 7:29:41 PM] Quakeguy: Just go on the internet, and tell lies? [7/18/2015 7:29:50 PM] Sean: of course not :^) [7/18/2015 7:29:51 PM] Wratts: HAHAHA [7/18/2015 7:29:54 PM] Aerumna: lmao [7/18/2015 7:29:56 PM] Aerumna: Oh god [7/18/2015 7:30:17 PM] Wratts: you bring out my crazy laugh Quake [7/18/2015 7:30:40 PM] Wratts: the one that transcends internet acronyms suggesting laughter on my behalf [7/18/2015 7:31:08 PM] Sean: if you listen closely you can hear the wind carrying his cackles in the night [7/18/2015 7:31:29 PM] Wratts: actually, if you listen closely, all you'll hear is KAKAWW MOTHAFUCKA! [7/18/2015 7:32:44 PM] Aerumna: I googled "kakaww motherfuckers" and got a tumblr url that has music autoplaying [7/18/2015 7:32:52 PM] Aerumna: called twitternojutus [7/18/2015 7:32:54 PM] Aerumna: jutsu* [7/18/2015 7:32:57 PM] Aerumna: and has naruto on it [7/18/2015 7:33:11 PM] Aerumna: oh the music is from naruto [7/18/2015 7:33:41 PM] Wratts: bizarre [7/18/2015 7:33:53 PM] Aerumna: ladies and mentlegen: internet [7/18/2015 7:36:40 PM] Wratts: [7/18/2015 7:37:10 PM] Wratts: so, how well up to date is that PZ wiki? [7/18/2015 7:37:33 PM] Wratts: it seems like it has some misleading infos on it [7/18/2015 7:39:08 PM] Quakeguy: Fell AGAIN [7/18/2015 7:39:09 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/18/2015 7:39:53 PM] Wratts: ffs [7/18/2015 7:40:02 PM] Wratts: are you working up there shit-faced or what? [7/18/2015 7:40:39 PM] Aerumna: oh my god, have you even recovered from your previous injuries? [7/18/2015 7:40:49 PM] Quakeguy: I'm perfectly fine. [7/18/2015 7:40:53 PM] Quakeguy: I have steel legs now [7/18/2015 7:40:54 PM] Sean: he's a johnson, from what I know of them they're never not shitfaced [7/18/2015 7:41:04 PM] Wratts: speaking of which, that's how my last character kicked the bucket. Got shitfaced on wine and went to town on zombies with a wooden plank [7/18/2015 7:41:14 PM] Aerumna: On the subject of the wiki: its not as up to date as I would like. I usually try to discern the last time any given page was updated. [7/18/2015 7:41:20 PM] Wratts: hilarity ensued. Love the drunk controls [7/18/2015 7:41:33 PM] Aerumna: hah [7/18/2015 7:41:37 PM] Aerumna: I havent been drunk yet [7/18/2015 7:41:41 PM] Quakeguy: Drunk controls are awesome [7/18/2015 7:41:43 PM] Aerumna: and they removed the alcohol related traits [7/18/2015 7:41:50 PM] Quakeguy: drink a whole fucking bottle of red wine and then chase it with a quarter bottle of whisky [7/18/2015 7:41:55 PM] Quakeguy: Then try and run in a straight line [7/18/2015 7:41:59 PM] Wratts: lol [7/18/2015 7:42:06 PM] Quakeguy: i miss Light Weight [7/18/2015 7:42:09 PM] Quakeguy: it was a free 3 points [7/18/2015 7:42:20 PM] Aerumna: It was the best cheesy trait in the game [7/18/2015 7:43:15 PM] Aerumna: man, is there EVER a time you would take Baseball player? -4 for +1 Blade Acc. [7/18/2015 7:43:28 PM] Aerumna: I guess that might help you with a rolling pin while panicked but come on [7/18/2015 7:43:31 PM] Aerumna: 4 points? [7/18/2015 7:44:14 PM] Quakeguy: doesn't it help with throwing too? [7/18/2015 7:44:16 PM] Quakeguy: Accurate molotovs [7/18/2015 7:44:42 PM] Aerumna: Err, I meant blunt acc., but you get my point I think. As for throwing, I couldn't tell you [7/18/2015 7:44:59 PM] Wratts: majority of decent weapons are blunt, I believe [7/18/2015 7:45:07 PM] Aerumna: Is true [7/18/2015 7:45:14 PM] Wratts: fireaxe is probably the best blade type I've seen so far [7/18/2015 7:45:25 PM] Aerumna: I still don't feel like -4 for 1 skill point is reasonable [7/18/2015 7:45:27 PM] Wratts: but good luck getting one [7/18/2015 7:45:41 PM] Wratts: well... if it does actually affect throwing accuracy, it would be good [7/18/2015 7:45:50 PM] Wratts: you can set yourself on fire with molotovs, apparently [7/18/2015 7:46:00 PM] Aerumna: I just assumed throwing accuracy would be related to Aiming skill [7/18/2015 7:46:53 PM] Aerumna: Blunt Acc. according to wiki is hit chance, damage done, and crit chance for blunt weapons. But the last update to the skills page was in April [7/18/2015 7:47:37 PM] Aerumna: Guard for any type is easily the best [7/18/2015 7:47:41 PM] Wratts: I suspect it's still correct atm [7/18/2015 7:47:42 PM] Sean: Blades are good for shanking if you land the shanks, but the wear rate is disgusting and perks that help with Blades only slightly make the rate less disgusting [7/18/2015 7:47:50 PM] Aerumna: Ya [7/18/2015 7:48:05 PM] Sean: I burned through like forty knives with Cherry [7/18/2015 7:48:15 PM] Aerumna: ok so revising my previous statement: Best blade skill = maint, best blunt = guard? [7/18/2015 7:48:19 PM] Quakeguy: KONRAAAAAD [7/18/2015 7:48:32 PM] Aerumna: He is "snooze" on steam [7/18/2015 7:48:34 PM] Aerumna: not at PC [7/18/2015 7:48:47 PM] Wratts: maybe, dunno. I like maximizing acc./damage for blunt weapons. Make every hit count [7/18/2015 7:48:52 PM] Wratts: blunt weapons usually have reach [7/18/2015 7:48:56 PM] Aerumna: Fair argument [7/18/2015 7:49:15 PM] Wratts: you can swing and if you kite the zombies properly, each hit can knock down or crit multiple at a time [7/18/2015 7:49:28 PM] Wratts: stabby stabby... not so efficient, higher chance of getting grabbed [7/18/2015 7:51:13 PM] Wratts: and the actual Axes are really good, they don't wear too quickly. the rate at which weapons wear down is actually random [7/18/2015 7:51:25 PM] Wratts: and items have different durability ratings (hidden) [7/18/2015 7:51:31 PM] Wratts: (i believe) [7/18/2015 7:51:50 PM] Wratts: a shitty knife or a stone axe will wear down in no time, no matter how much Maint. skill you've got [7/18/2015 7:52:08 PM] Sean: if you have the goods, shanking is great 1v1 because you can fuck them up and not have to skullbash them on the floor, but it's awful for group combat [7/18/2015 7:52:40 PM] Wratts: yep. sadly, zombies don't politely take turns like enemies in Assassin's Creed so I clearly prefer the crowd control method [7/18/2015 7:52:50 PM] Aerumna: are you fucking kidding. New spawn, instantly surrounded. Bitten, infected, scratched [7/18/2015 7:52:59 PM] Aerumna: gg [7/18/2015 7:53:03 PM] Wratts: YOU DIED [7/18/2015 7:53:05 PM] Sean: I'm just waiting for a reset at this point [7/18/2015 7:53:15 PM] Aerumna: this is dumb [7/18/2015 7:53:21 PM] Aerumna: Not even gonna bother with this one [7/18/2015 7:53:32 PM] Wratts: straight to re-roll? [7/18/2015 7:53:36 PM] Aerumna: yep [7/18/2015 7:53:38 PM] Aerumna: thats so fucked [7/18/2015 7:53:41 PM] Aerumna: Got bit right away [7/18/2015 7:53:42 PM] Aerumna: first injury [7/18/2015 7:53:55 PM] Aerumna: already nauseous [7/18/2015 7:55:58 PM] Wratts: goodbye cruel world [7/18/2015 7:56:00 PM] Wratts: RIP new guy [7/18/2015 7:56:05 PM] Quakeguy: Aeru [7/18/2015 7:56:07 PM] Quakeguy: Where are you spawning [7/18/2015 7:56:09 PM] Quakeguy: Muldraugh? [7/18/2015 7:56:17 PM] Aerumna: WP [7/18/2015 7:56:22 PM] Quakeguy: There was several helicopter fly overs recently, so zombies have recrowded [7/18/2015 7:56:28 PM] Quakeguy: into urban areas again [7/18/2015 7:56:31 PM] Quakeguy: WP and Muldraugh [7/18/2015 7:56:34 PM] Aerumna: exciting [7/18/2015 7:56:38 PM] Sean: also the houses in Muldraugh have very lacking doors [7/18/2015 7:56:47 PM] Wratts: I re-spawned in WP too, but like 10 minutes before that happened [7/18/2015 7:56:58 PM] Wratts: yep. Luckily, you can pick up parts of those doors and misue them as weapons [7/18/2015 7:57:05 PM] Aerumna: Am doing that now [7/18/2015 7:57:06 PM] Aerumna: in WP [7/18/2015 7:57:21 PM] Wratts: best way to fight your way out of that shithole to the safer parts [7/18/2015 7:58:03 PM] Aerumna: Oh rope. Let me just grab this and jump off a ledge :D [7/18/2015 7:58:45 PM] Sean: hue [7/18/2015 7:58:47 PM] Sean: huehue [7/18/2015 8:03:15 PM] Aerumna: is bitten guaranteed infection? [7/18/2015 8:03:48 PM] Sean: 96% [7/18/2015 8:03:55 PM] Aerumna: lol [7/18/2015 8:03:56 PM] Aerumna: gg [7/18/2015 8:04:13 PM] Aerumna: I can't spawn in WP without being swamped inside my spawn house [7/18/2015 8:04:57 PM] Quakeguy: does it only spawn you in 1 house? [7/18/2015 8:05:01 PM] Quakeguy: The same one? [7/18/2015 8:05:19 PM] Aerumna: different house this time [7/18/2015 8:05:42 PM] Aerumna: yep, there's queasy [7/18/2015 8:05:45 PM] Aerumna: ugh [7/18/2015 8:21:14 PM] Quakeguy: Really [7/18/2015 8:21:14 PM] Quakeguy: Fuck [7/18/2015 8:23:58 PM] Aerumna: yea, was no bueno [7/18/2015 8:25:09 PM] Quakeguy: persistance will reward you [7/18/2015 8:25:45 PM] Aerumna: so far it has [7/18/2015 8:25:52 PM] Aerumna: 3 bottles of disinfectant [7/18/2015 8:25:58 PM] Aerumna: this area is total carnage [7/18/2015 8:26:07 PM] Aerumna: bodies completely stripped of their clothing [7/18/2015 8:26:09 PM] Aerumna: debris everywhere [7/18/2015 8:39:15 PM] Sean: sounds like a good night [7/18/2015 8:49:26 PM] Aerumna: So far [7/18/2015 8:49:41 PM] Aerumna: Hmm, I don't think Inconspicuous works. [7/18/2015 8:49:51 PM] Aerumna: If it does, its absurdly negligible [7/18/2015 8:57:11 PM] Wratts: actually [7/18/2015 8:57:16 PM] Wratts: I think it's a conceptual error [7/18/2015 8:57:20 PM] Wratts: I find it an advantage lately [7/18/2015 8:57:28 PM] Wratts: stand at a safe distance to a horde [7/18/2015 8:57:44 PM] Wratts: one of them notices you, walks over, you kill it. Next one notices you, walks over, you kill it. and so forth [7/18/2015 8:57:59 PM] Wratts: easy pickings [7/18/2015 8:58:08 PM] Aerumna: I have not had the fortune of that just yet [7/18/2015 8:58:11 PM] Wratts: the one where you make noise is worse [7/18/2015 8:58:15 PM] Aerumna: seems when one notices me, others follow [7/18/2015 8:58:18 PM] Wratts: can't remember the name [7/18/2015 8:58:18 PM] Aerumna: even if its edge of screen [7/18/2015 8:58:21 PM] Wratts: gives you less points too [7/18/2015 8:58:22 PM] Aerumna: clumsy is awful [7/18/2015 8:58:27 PM] Aerumna: worst +2 in the game [7/18/2015 8:58:43 PM] Wratts: oh wait [7/18/2015 8:58:46 PM] Wratts: I meant conspicuous [7/18/2015 8:58:55 PM] Wratts: conspicuous is actually an advantage, I meant [7/18/2015 8:59:00 PM] Wratts: freebie points, basically [7/18/2015 8:59:13 PM] Wratts: it's great to draw single zombies out of a group to dispatch them one by one, or two at most [7/18/2015 8:59:30 PM] Aerumna: oh [7/18/2015 8:59:36 PM] Aerumna: well inconspicuous is supposed to be a favorable trait [7/18/2015 8:59:39 PM] Wratts: kinda dance a bit at a safe distance, one of them will notice you, the others won't [7/18/2015 8:59:41 PM] Aerumna: but it doesn't appear to do fuck all [7/18/2015 8:59:56 PM] Wratts: yeah I don't trust that, now knowing how conspicuous can be used to your advantage [7/18/2015 9:00:08 PM] Wratts: and how I can actualyl dance around hardly get noticed lol [7/18/2015 9:00:19 PM] Aerumna: Just an idiosyncrasy of the game I suppose [7/18/2015 9:01:36 PM] Aerumna: as far as injuries go, are you supposed to wait for your bandage to get dirty? [7/18/2015 9:01:44 PM] Aerumna: Seems like a really touch-and-go thing. [7/18/2015 9:02:01 PM] Aerumna: I mean, IRL I know when I can remove a fucking bandage generally [7/18/2015 9:06:18 PM] Wratts: yeah I haven't figured that out [7/18/2015 9:06:31 PM] Wratts: I at one point developed the sense to exchange them before they get dirty, to prevent needing to clean them [7/18/2015 9:06:49 PM] Wratts: only problem with that strat is,, you often relapse back into pain and/or bleeding more often [7/18/2015 9:06:57 PM] Wratts: bleeding is bad because it attracts the zombies [7/18/2015 9:07:10 PM] Aerumna: ya, fucking annoying [7/18/2015 9:07:13 PM] Aerumna: I'm not bleeding thankfully [7/18/2015 9:07:15 PM] Aerumna: just a scratch [7/18/2015 9:07:19 PM] Aerumna: but that doesn't make it less irritating [7/18/2015 9:07:24 PM] Aerumna: I don't wanna waste sterile shit [7/18/2015 9:07:25 PM] Wratts: absolutely [7/18/2015 9:07:38 PM] Wratts: I actually exchange those fairly often so I don't waste them [7/18/2015 9:07:57 PM] Wratts: doesn't make sense since you can use them over and over again that way, but, eh, fuck it [7/18/2015 9:08:05 PM] Aerumna: hmm [7/18/2015 9:08:09 PM] Aerumna: maybe a good exploit then [7/18/2015 9:08:18 PM] Wratts: thing is, I haven't had those for like 90% of the time [7/18/2015 9:08:34 PM] Wratts: normally just had to roll with fucking rags and regular infections [7/18/2015 9:09:04 PM] Aerumna: aint that irritating as fuck? lol [7/18/2015 9:09:11 PM] Aerumna: Get a scratch, put a rag on it coz its just a scratch [7/18/2015 9:09:16 PM] Aerumna: TOO BAD, now its infected [7/18/2015 9:09:17 PM] Aerumna: like what [7/18/2015 9:09:41 PM] Sean: kentucky is full of evil bacterias [7/18/2015 9:10:08 PM] Aerumna: yea fuck kentucky and the chicken it rode in on [7/18/2015 9:10:13 PM] Sean: its the centre of the world for meth labs and kfc what do you expect [7/18/2015 9:11:12 PM] Aerumna: I thought meth capital USA was Montana [7/18/2015 9:12:19 PM] Sean: DONT LEARN THINGS FROM TV [7/18/2015 9:12:51 PM] Sean: OTHERWISE YOU'D ALSO BELIEVE THAT WALTER WHITE IS ALSO MALCOLMS DAD AND A SPACE FIGHTER PILOT [7/18/2015 9:12:54 PM] Aerumna: I don't, generally. I'm just very misanthropic regarding my neighbours [7/18/2015 9:13:26 PM] Sean: which actually makes that series way more entertaining [7/18/2015 9:14:15 PM] Aerumna: well wtf, maybe inconspicuous works. Just snuck completely undetected past a few zombies [7/18/2015 9:14:47 PM] Wratts: yeah but sneaking works with conspicuous too [7/18/2015 9:15:11 PM] Aerumna: bleh [7/18/2015 9:15:18 PM] Aerumna: its probably useless %chance rolls [7/18/2015 9:15:50 PM] Wratts: I'm guessing as much [7/18/2015 9:18:44 PM] Aerumna: also wtf is with wooden spears? I used them a few times, but each one broke after like 2 swings [7/18/2015 9:18:55 PM] Aerumna: also-also: why the fuck would you bat-swing a fucking spear? [7/18/2015 9:18:57 PM] Wratts: they're absolute shit [7/18/2015 9:19:01 PM] Wratts: yeah I don't get that either [7/18/2015 9:19:11 PM] Wratts: I think you can actually use them for fishing [7/18/2015 9:19:21 PM] Aerumna: I mean I get the idea of a cheap weapon, but I don't know anyone who would swing a spear [7/18/2015 9:19:24 PM] Wratts: but as a weapon your character wants to swing them like a poolstick, for some idiotic reason [7/18/2015 9:19:27 PM] Aerumna: Can you? [7/18/2015 9:19:32 PM] Aerumna: Might try that, being near a river [7/18/2015 9:19:48 PM] Wratts: I haven't tried yet, but I suspect that's what they're good for [7/18/2015 9:20:01 PM] Wratts: our characters are incredibly retarded IMHO [7/18/2015 9:20:06 PM] Aerumna: holy shit, yes you can [7/18/2015 9:20:10 PM] Aerumna: you can fish with a fucking spear [7/18/2015 9:20:11 PM] Aerumna: GG I win [7/18/2015 9:20:19 PM] Wratts: > has 50 rags > does not use them to enter through a broken window > gets cuts on glass shards > GG [7/18/2015 9:20:23 PM] Aerumna: Oh yeah [7/18/2015 9:20:29 PM] Aerumna: well, you CAN clear glass nowadays tho [7/18/2015 9:20:35 PM] Wratts: how?? [7/18/2015 9:20:39 PM] Aerumna: Should be in the context menu [7/18/2015 9:20:42 PM] Wratts: ffs [7/18/2015 9:20:44 PM] Aerumna: right click window > clear glass [7/18/2015 9:20:51 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/18/2015 9:20:55 PM] Quakeguy: YOU DIDN'T KNOW [7/18/2015 9:20:55 PM] Wratts: does it injure you? [7/18/2015 9:20:57 PM] Quakeguy: AHAHAHAHAHA [7/18/2015 9:21:05 PM] Quakeguy: Going through broken windows can KILL you [7/18/2015 9:21:07 PM] Aerumna: I've done it a couple times, didnt get injured [7/18/2015 9:21:11 PM] Quakeguy: Shard of glass in the wrist [7/18/2015 9:21:18 PM] Quakeguy: will kill you without sewing it up [7/18/2015 9:21:18 PM] Wratts: I know, I've almost died to it once [7/18/2015 9:21:27 PM] Wratts: also need tweezers if shards get lodged in [7/18/2015 9:21:27 PM] Quakeguy: just right click and select clear glass [7/18/2015 9:21:31 PM] Quakeguy: can do so with a rag or any weapon [7/18/2015 9:21:52 PM] Wratts: fucking context menu is finnicky [7/18/2015 9:22:00 PM] Aerumna: sometimes, thats true [7/18/2015 9:22:02 PM] Wratts: I tried via inventory [7/18/2015 9:22:10 PM] Aerumna: nah, gotta use context menu for that shit [7/18/2015 9:22:24 PM] Wratts: usually can do stuff via inventory, but yeah, stuff like locking/unlocking doors only works like that [7/18/2015 9:24:31 PM] Aerumna: :D small crappie - 18cm long [7/18/2015 9:24:46 PM] Aerumna: I will survive this apocalpyse, ya'll can suck it [7/18/2015 9:24:50 PM] Aerumna: apocalypse even [7/18/2015 9:25:01 PM] Wratts: cheers [7/18/2015 9:25:16 PM] Sean: dyslexis master race shall inherit the earht [7/18/2015 9:25:39 PM] Aerumna: it does take a stupid amount of time with a spear tho [7/18/2015 9:25:42 PM] Aerumna: makes perfect sense [7/18/2015 9:26:01 PM] Aerumna: I have tons of bait worms, but I need to find twine badly if I'm ever gonna fish [7/18/2015 9:26:04 PM] Aerumna: successfully [7/18/2015 9:26:08 PM] Wratts: yeah proper fishing gear and skills will be far more efficient I'd wager [7/18/2015 9:26:16 PM] Aerumna: Oooo 46cm bass [7/18/2015 9:26:20 PM] Wratts: holy shit [7/18/2015 9:26:23 PM] Wratts: fishing like a baws [7/18/2015 9:26:25 PM] Aerumna: thats a big one [7/18/2015 9:26:35 PM] Aerumna: I have 1 point in fishing from Angler [7/18/2015 9:26:40 PM] Aerumna: thats prolly the only reason I am catching any [7/18/2015 9:26:53 PM] Wratts: ah [7/18/2015 9:26:54 PM] Sean: VIKINGS FISHED WITH SPEARS [7/18/2015 9:26:58 PM] Aerumna: well Im a viking [7/18/2015 9:26:59 PM] Aerumna: so [7/18/2015 9:26:59 PM] Aerumna: yea [7/18/2015 9:27:05 PM] Wratts: bingo [7/18/2015 9:27:21 PM] Aerumna: Zomboid devs pls - viking profession [7/18/2015 9:27:31 PM] Sean: huehue [7/18/2015 9:27:40 PM] Wratts: -50 pts? [7/18/2015 9:27:41 PM] Sean: UNFROZEN AFTER NINE CENTURIES [7/18/2015 9:28:20 PM] Wratts: lmao [7/18/2015 9:28:37 PM] Aerumna: Ya, at least -50 points [7/18/2015 9:28:55 PM] Aerumna: Blade acc/guard +2, fishing +3, cooking +1 [7/18/2015 9:29:16 PM] Aerumna: FYI, fishing does not reduce a wooden spear's durability [7/18/2015 9:29:50 PM] Aerumna: and fish below 20cm (or maybe just "small" class) cannot be filleted for cooking, but can still be cooked [7/18/2015 9:32:21 PM] Aerumna: btw: asthmatic is a not-too-bad +5 if you don't mind having to rest periodically after mid-length runs [7/18/2015 9:32:27 PM] Aerumna: short-mid length I suppose [7/18/2015 9:32:58 PM] Sean: asthmatic + overweight + conspicuous go [7/18/2015 9:33:00 PM] Aerumna: It does take you to moderate exertion tho [7/18/2015 9:33:02 PM] Aerumna: lmao [7/18/2015 9:33:12 PM] Aerumna: Overweight might be OK, but Obese is way too much for +10 [7/18/2015 9:33:55 PM] Sean: Overweights not too bad if you take stout/strong or a fitness perk to counter it [7/18/2015 9:34:10 PM] Aerumna: yea [7/18/2015 9:34:17 PM] Wratts: I tried that setup [7/18/2015 9:34:19 PM] Wratts: it works really well [7/18/2015 9:34:20 PM] Aerumna: Also about Asthmatic, you prolly can't do long fights either [7/18/2015 9:34:26 PM] Wratts: with overweight and all [7/18/2015 9:34:43 PM] Sean: >works really well [7/18/2015 9:34:50 PM] Sean: >guy who killed three chars in like an hour [7/18/2015 9:35:00 PM] Wratts: s [7/18/2015 9:35:05 PM] Wratts: That char was spawned into a heli raid [7/18/2015 9:35:08 PM] Wratts: GG [7/18/2015 9:35:12 PM] Sean: xD [7/18/2015 9:35:25 PM] Quakeguy: what [7/18/2015 9:35:27 PM] Wratts: Took down like 75 zombies and then I screwed up, got bit from one behind me [7/18/2015 9:35:29 PM] Quakeguy: a helicopter just went off? [7/18/2015 9:35:43 PM] Wratts: pretty much [7/18/2015 9:35:50 PM] Wratts: Spawned in... a minute later.. choppers overhead [7/18/2015 9:35:57 PM] Quakeguy: where [7/18/2015 9:36:01 PM] Wratts: Zombies every fucking where [7/18/2015 9:36:05 PM] Wratts: West Point [7/18/2015 9:36:10 PM] Quakeguy: I can not deal with a fucking helo again [7/18/2015 9:36:13 PM] Quakeguy: i just dealt with one [7/18/2015 9:36:19 PM] Wratts: no it was yesterday [7/18/2015 9:41:58 PM] Wratts: This was how Fergus died [7/18/2015 9:42:09 PM] Wratts: god bless his porr burger flipping soul [7/18/2015 9:42:12 PM] Wratts: *poor [7/18/2015 9:42:29 PM] Aerumna: wow, fish fillet is super viable [7/18/2015 9:42:37 PM] Aerumna: and yeah, WP is a shithouse [7/18/2015 9:42:50 PM] Wratts: WP strategy [7/18/2015 9:43:02 PM] Wratts: 1. Survive somehow 2. Escape or become crazy kook and camp there [7/18/2015 9:43:08 PM] Aerumna: yesssssss [7/18/2015 9:45:22 PM] Wratts: I recommend the abandoned hut up north [7/18/2015 9:45:55 PM] Wratts: if you want to go crazy kook [7/18/2015 9:46:35 PM] Aerumna: atm I'm the Riverwalker [7/18/2015 9:47:53 PM] Quakeguy: escaping WP with guns [7/18/2015 9:47:59 PM] Quakeguy: Should check the gun shop before you depart. [7/18/2015 9:48:05 PM] Quakeguy: might have left a rifle there. [7/18/2015 9:48:15 PM] Aerumna: Guns & Ammo? [7/18/2015 9:50:13 PM] Aerumna: whooooa [7/18/2015 9:50:18 PM] Aerumna: 58cm Pike [7/18/2015 9:50:27 PM] Aerumna: gon' b some gud eatin' 2nite [7/18/2015 9:51:22 PM] Sean: FUCK [7/18/2015 9:51:25 PM] Sean: YOUR MAKING ME HUNGRY [7/18/2015 9:51:32 PM] Aerumna: u no it [7/18/2015 9:51:49 PM] Aerumna: aw yea, 49cm perch [7/18/2015 9:51:54 PM] Aerumna: Dinner's on me, boys [7/18/2015 9:52:01 PM] Sean: >:| [7/18/2015 9:56:30 PM] Aerumna: jesus this thing weighs half as much as a fucking propane tank [7/18/2015 10:14:09 PM] Wratts: well. it IS fucking huge [7/18/2015 10:14:26 PM] Aerumna: Its also worth 2 fillets of 73 hunger each :D [7/18/2015 10:22:34 PM] Wratts: holy fiddlesticks [7/18/2015 10:22:44 PM] Aerumna: wot did crittlesticks do? [7/18/2015 10:37:03 PM] Wratts: pure applesauce [7/18/2015 10:37:14 PM] Quakeguy: ? [7/18/2015 10:37:14 PM] Aerumna: seneca brand or...? [7/18/2015 10:47:31 PM] Quakeguy: A SKULL [7/18/2015 10:47:32 PM] Quakeguy: A SKULL [7/18/2015 10:47:32 PM] Quakeguy: OMG [7/18/2015 10:47:43 PM] Aerumna: wat [7/18/2015 11:35:51 PM] Aerumna: well well, what have we here? [7/18/2015 11:35:59 PM] Aerumna: a zombie with a duffle bag on him [7/18/2015 11:36:09 PM] Aerumna: and inside the duffle bag: a lovely pair of granny panties [7/19/2015 5:01:59 AM] konrad knox: Sneaking is linked to lightfooted. Sneaking boosts your success when you hold the ctrl, to sneak past. Light footed is passive skill to make your walk and run less noticed [7/19/2015 5:02:19 AM] konrad knox: Nimble is speed of climbing, fighting, swing recovery, reload speed [7/19/2015 5:02:55 AM] konrad knox: and aiming [7/19/2015 5:06:53 AM] konrad knox: Aerumna pees in cakes, i testify [7/19/2015 5:07:09 AM] Aerumna: Only your cakes [7/19/2015 5:07:14 AM] konrad knox: he peed in Jon Voight's cake [7/19/2015 5:07:19 AM] Aerumna: yep [7/19/2015 5:07:22 AM] Aerumna: in person [7/19/2015 5:07:26 AM] Aerumna: at the hotel [7/19/2015 5:14:41 AM] konrad knox: this chat is killing me [7/19/2015 5:14:49 AM] konrad knox: im catching up and i cant stop laughing [7/19/2015 5:16:34 AM] konrad knox: so far it has 3 bottles of disinfectant this area is total carnage bodies completely stripped of their clothing You have entered my domain. This was my safehouse C, now destroyed. Check directions on the ground [7/19/2015 5:28:51 AM] Aerumna: are the directions in bodies? [7/19/2015 6:52:12 AM] Wratts: Crazy Frank leaves messages around town [7/19/2015 6:52:26 AM] Wratts: one of my characters found one, but couldn't make sense of the coordinates [7/19/2015 1:36:08 PM] Quakeguy: "Please feel free to patch this place up!" [7/19/2015 1:36:16 PM] Quakeguy: 4 fucking wall chunks are standing [7/19/2015 1:36:44 PM] Aerumna: "Please feel free to rebuild civilization" ...? [7/19/2015 1:42:33 PM] Quakeguy: Not enough nails in the world [7/19/2015 2:38:01 PM] Quakeguy: Haha! time to go get drugs [7/19/2015 2:40:52 PM] Wratts: wait what [7/19/2015 2:41:06 PM] Aerumna: well, its Drug-Thirty [7/19/2015 2:41:16 PM] Aerumna: obviously [7/19/2015 2:41:19 PM] Wratts: xD [7/19/2015 2:42:09 PM] Wratts: when people use directions in PZ [7/19/2015 2:42:13 PM] Wratts: where is north? [7/19/2015 2:42:34 PM] Wratts: this confuses me to no end. Not sure if there's an actual convention about it [7/19/2015 2:43:14 PM] Wratts: is "north" simply "straight up" on the screen [7/19/2015 2:43:27 PM] Aerumna: I thought up-right was north [7/19/2015 2:43:42 PM] Aerumna: really just assuming tho [7/19/2015 2:43:45 PM] Wratts: see, me too. Sometimes. And then I read somewhere that some people think up-left is north [7/19/2015 2:43:59 PM] Aerumna: naaaaah, thats just silly lol [7/19/2015 2:44:05 PM] Wratts: lol [7/19/2015 2:47:06 PM] Aerumna: ok [7/19/2015 2:47:15 PM] Aerumna: compare,+KY/@37.9875205,-85.9193305,13.5z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x8869218dbad65215:0xd383a7af3fb1cc50 with,0.1640043731250457,2.88 [7/19/2015 2:47:21 PM] Aerumna: and maybe orient based on that? [7/19/2015 2:53:52 PM] Aerumna: specifically, Town Hall and the post office are of similar positioning on both maps, so I guess that's something. I'm gonna stick with up-right for North [7/19/2015 2:56:42 PM] Wratts: yeah. Also, nice, never knew that they adapted that so faithfully [7/19/2015 2:56:56 PM] Aerumna: Its not perfect, obviously, but its very well-adapted [7/19/2015 2:57:10 PM] Wratts: yeah, as well as it works for the game/engine, ofc [7/19/2015 2:57:17 PM] Aerumna: yup [7/19/2015 2:57:39 PM] Wratts: scary to imagine getting Ft Knox and Orell added onto the map, would be pretty sweet [7/19/2015 2:58:30 PM] Aerumna: Oh yea [7/19/2015 3:23:58 PM] konrad knox: You still cavemanning this shit, Aerumna? [7/19/2015 3:24:08 PM] Aerumna: duh [7/19/2015 3:24:15 PM] Aerumna: didnt play through the late evening tho [7/19/2015 3:24:37 PM] konrad knox: someone's officially more primitive than Francis [7/19/2015 3:24:43 PM] konrad knox: fishing with a spear [7/19/2015 3:25:09 PM] Aerumna: Step 1: Find something that works [7/19/2015 3:25:13 PM] Aerumna: Step 2: Do the thing. [7/19/2015 3:25:29 PM] konrad knox: RIP Jack [7/19/2015 3:31:35 PM] Quakeguy: And back [7/19/2015 3:32:09 PM] Quakeguy: North- Upper right of your screen [7/19/2015 3:32:13 PM] Quakeguy: West- Upper left. [7/19/2015 3:32:17 PM] Quakeguy: South- Bottom Left. [7/19/2015 3:32:22 PM] Quakeguy: East- Bottom right [7/19/2015 3:32:25 PM] Aerumna: Naturally [7/19/2015 3:32:30 PM] Aerumna: once you establish north, the rest follows [7/19/2015 3:32:42 PM] Quakeguy: uhh well [7/19/2015 3:32:42 PM] Quakeguy: heheh [7/19/2015 3:32:55 PM] Quakeguy: now [7/19/2015 3:32:58 PM] Quakeguy: how am I gonna smoke this hash [7/19/2015 3:33:15 PM] Aerumna: in a fry pan, with eggs [7/19/2015 3:35:20 PM] Wratts: lighters work [7/19/2015 3:35:48 PM] konrad knox: alright time for some Francis action [7/19/2015 3:35:57 PM] konrad knox: im caught up with this spam fest [7/19/2015 3:36:07 PM] konrad knox: so, a cultist in mulraugh and tons of rp [7/19/2015 3:36:19 PM] konrad knox: you guys are having fun? is everyone having fun? [7/19/2015 3:36:44 PM] Aerumna: I didnt see anything about no cultists in the skype spam, must be elsewhere [7/19/2015 3:37:51 PM] konrad knox: would players consider abandoning the OC vote for reset and just letting the world run for 1 ingame year and see whats left standing? Some of us won't make it, but it will be rewarding to see how fucked the world is after winter. And we can come up with a prize for any OC left standing. Maybe like, an extra reroll at spawn in the next campaign. [7/19/2015 3:37:52 PM] Wratts: i'm loving the shit out of it [7/19/2015 3:38:27 PM] Wratts: the kind of game I never knew I was missing in my life. Also, it's really cool on this server with the RP [7/19/2015 3:38:43 PM] Aerumna: Its certainly a very unique niche [7/19/2015 3:39:01 PM] Wratts: I'm okay with the 1 year thing. I like cycling through new characters as they die, and the world is the constant [7/19/2015 3:39:06 PM] konrad knox: next builds are gonna add a shit ton [7/19/2015 3:39:10 PM] konrad knox: they gonna balance generators [7/19/2015 3:39:12 PM] konrad knox: so stay tuned [7/19/2015 3:39:21 PM] konrad knox: if they release a finished upgrade, we upgrade. [7/19/2015 3:39:32 PM] Wratts: the suffering will become super-fantastic when we run out of electricity and water, and die our way through winter, etc. [7/19/2015 3:39:34 PM] konrad knox: i think there is a way to reset the world, but carry over characters [7/19/2015 3:39:48 PM] Aerumna: I won't be dying my way through winter, but hey GG to you :D [7/19/2015 3:39:59 PM] konrad knox: i think the game's winter is going to force everyone to come under one roof [7/19/2015 3:40:04 PM] konrad knox: thats when real RP will start [7/19/2015 3:40:13 PM] Wratts: we'll see, maybe I'll live my way through winter, but, I like to be realistic ;D [7/19/2015 3:40:14 PM] konrad knox: right now is a time of solitude, survival, training [7/19/2015 3:40:28 PM] konrad knox: you guys just need to practice, primarily 3 skills: [7/19/2015 3:40:34 PM] konrad knox: 1. noticing zeds behind you [7/19/2015 3:40:36 PM] konrad knox: 2. swing timing [7/19/2015 3:40:38 PM] Aerumna: fishing, cooking, hiding [7/19/2015 3:40:41 PM] konrad knox: 3. your weapon skills [7/19/2015 3:40:42 PM] Aerumna: or those [7/19/2015 3:41:19 PM] konrad knox: 1199 zombie kills. In combat. Not counting any fire kills, those are in thousands. [7/19/2015 3:41:29 PM] konrad knox: It's pretty clear that zombies are roaming all over the state [7/19/2015 3:41:38 PM] konrad knox: cause they surpassed Muldraugh population [7/19/2015 3:42:16 PM] konrad knox: maybe they're also rising from the graves, so all the dead are adding to the numbers [7/19/2015 3:42:18 PM] Wratts: Muldraugh and West Point alone should only be 1-2k inhabitants each [7/19/2015 3:42:34 PM] konrad knox: yup [7/19/2015 3:42:37 PM] Wratts: Ft Knox is nearby though, so there's that [7/19/2015 3:42:50 PM] konrad knox: they're coming from the interstate [7/19/2015 3:43:18 PM] konrad knox: highways are shot up by helicopters and jets, roads destroyed, traffic stopped. So all the people who were eaten in cars, thousands of them [7/19/2015 3:43:35 PM] konrad knox: Are all coming towards the beacons of civilization [7/19/2015 3:43:39 PM] konrad knox: they follow the human trail [7/19/2015 3:43:41 PM] konrad knox: to eat us [7/19/2015 3:43:50 PM] Wratts: I misread: bacon of civilization. Fitting, though [7/19/2015 3:44:01 PM] konrad knox: perfectly viable enterpretation [7/19/2015 3:44:06 PM] konrad knox: now oink, you meat! [7/19/2015 3:44:07 PM] Wratts: xD [7/19/2015 3:45:56 PM] konrad knox: picked myself up an apprentice, Samantha [7/19/2015 3:49:07 PM] Quakeguy: ahhhh Hash [7/19/2015 3:49:09 PM] Quakeguy: my old friend [7/19/2015 3:49:14 PM] Quakeguy: I haven't seen you in a coon's age [7/19/2015 4:17:17 PM] Quakeguy: What's the deal with not being able to combine gasoline + rag + Empty Bottle? [7/19/2015 4:28:27 PM] Aerumna: seems in a previous build, gas cans stopped being part of the recipe in favor of whiskey [7/19/2015 4:28:32 PM] Aerumna: no idea if that's something they intend to change back [7/19/2015 4:29:01 PM] Quakeguy: Whisky+ Rag and Gas+Bottle+Rag should be the same thing [7/19/2015 4:29:10 PM] Quakeguy: dunno what they did in order to make it that only one combination can make the same item [7/19/2015 4:29:16 PM] Aerumna: Couldn't tell ya. [7/19/2015 5:20:38 PM] konrad knox: You can barricade fences. Oh, i have just designed the most wood efficient OP walling system [7/19/2015 5:21:00 PM] konrad knox: But it does take nails. Thats the bottleneck [7/19/2015 5:30:18 PM] Aerumna: of course [7/19/2015 5:43:13 PM] konrad knox: building solo is hell [7/19/2015 5:43:21 PM] konrad knox: I am clearly as insane as frank [7/19/2015 5:43:27 PM] Quakeguy: hahahahaha [7/19/2015 5:43:29 PM] konrad knox: A rare type of masochist [7/19/2015 5:43:29 PM] Quakeguy: building solo is hell [7/19/2015 5:43:32 PM] Quakeguy: ahahahahahaha [7/19/2015 5:43:34 PM] Quakeguy: you don't say [7/19/2015 5:43:37 PM] Quakeguy: you don't fucking say friend [7/19/2015 5:44:31 PM] Aerumna: fishing solo, on the other hand, is cathartic [7/19/2015 5:52:28 PM] konrad knox: yes. It is. [7/19/2015 5:52:39 PM] konrad knox: Until a bitch bites you in the neck [7/19/2015 5:53:00 PM] Aerumna: nah, I just spin like a ballerina its fine [7/19/2015 5:53:04 PM] konrad knox: So. My online counter is 16 days 5 hours [7/19/2015 5:53:14 PM] Aerumna: so far so good [7/19/2015 5:58:17 PM] Aerumna: Zombie corpses draw more zombies, yes or no? [7/19/2015 6:04:53 PM] Quakeguy: 18 days [7/19/2015 6:04:53 PM] Quakeguy: 9 hours [7/19/2015 6:05:03 PM] Quakeguy: Zombie Corpses can make ya sick if you live around them [7/19/2015 6:05:34 PM] Aerumna: so burn that shit, ok [7/19/2015 6:05:41 PM] Quakeguy: or move them [7/19/2015 6:05:50 PM] Aerumna: or move them into a giant mass grave and torch it [7/19/2015 6:16:34 PM] Quakeguy: does anyone else assosciate an actor solely to a single video game? Like when you see them you instantly think 'hey, that's _____' [7/19/2015 6:16:54 PM] Quakeguy: Every time I see this one actor [7/19/2015 6:17:03 PM] Quakeguy: all I can think is 'Hey, he voiced Ken Rosenberg in Vice City' [7/19/2015 6:17:11 PM] Quakeguy: Every fucking time I see him I just see a coked up Lawyer [7/19/2015 6:17:19 PM] Aerumna: Boromir [7/19/2015 6:18:20 PM] Quakeguy: ahaha [7/19/2015 6:18:21 PM] Quakeguy: That's funny [7/19/2015 6:18:30 PM] Quakeguy: because every time I see Sean Bean I see fuckin' Colonel Sharpe [7/19/2015 6:19:07 PM] Aerumna: well, you're clearly more european than me [7/19/2015 6:19:15 PM] Aerumna: I only know if it secondhand [7/19/2015 6:21:13 PM] Sean: ...every time I see Sean Bean I see Brother Martin [7/19/2015 6:21:46 PM] Aerumna: Every time I see Sean Bean I think I might be clairvoyant coz I know he's gonna die. [7/19/2015 6:21:56 PM] Sean: Also this [7/19/2015 6:27:35 PM] Aerumna: And just like that, FWIFF, five score of zombies up in flames [7/19/2015 6:28:03 PM] Aerumna: eh not quite that many I guess. 75 I guess [7/19/2015 6:28:07 PM] Aerumna: I lost count after around 70 [7/19/2015 6:39:16 PM] konrad knox: holy shit [7/19/2015 6:39:27 PM] konrad knox: i have pushed Francis to absolute physical exhaustion [7/19/2015 6:39:31 PM] konrad knox: extreme overload [7/19/2015 6:39:35 PM] konrad knox: extreme hunger moodle [7/19/2015 6:39:39 PM] konrad knox: extreme exhausted lungs moodle [7/19/2015 6:39:43 PM] konrad knox: extreme thirst [7/19/2015 6:39:43 PM] Aerumna: dont die [7/19/2015 6:39:50 PM] konrad knox: he literally is moving [7/19/2015 6:39:55 PM] konrad knox: with running on [7/19/2015 6:39:59 PM] konrad knox: at crawl speed [7/19/2015 6:40:05 PM] konrad knox: of luck one tile per five seconds [7/19/2015 6:40:31 PM] konrad knox: overnight this man has built a log wall around a safehouse, and inside the log wall, a maze of fences [7/19/2015 6:40:38 PM] Aerumna: overburdened Illarion movement [7/19/2015 6:40:41 PM] Aerumna: amazing [7/19/2015 6:40:53 PM] konrad knox: he got to the fridge, grabbed a stirfry, literally ate it off the frying pan and crashed the moment he saw a pillow [7/19/2015 6:41:01 PM] Aerumna: lol [7/19/2015 6:41:45 PM] konrad knox: over 1 nights course [7/19/2015 6:42:15 PM] Aerumna: Yer ridiculous [7/19/2015 6:42:24 PM] Aerumna: my only achievement was burning the bodies of the fallen [7/19/2015 6:42:25 PM] Sean: Franks cray [7/19/2015 6:45:35 PM] Aerumna: Might have to start a secondhand clothing store with all this fucking fabric I have all over the place [7/19/2015 6:46:17 PM] Sean: endless rags forever [7/19/2015 6:46:44 PM] Aerumna: I shall craft a tightrope and cross the Ohio river! [7/19/2015 6:48:09 PM] Sean: HOW WILL YOU TIE IT ON THE OTHER SIDE [7/19/2015 6:49:28 PM] Aerumna: I will fashion a grappling hook out of numerous tree branches and use my herculean upper body strength to heave it into a tree on the other side [7/19/2015 6:49:47 PM] Sean: I... [7/19/2015 6:49:52 PM] Sean: I'm not even going to science this [7/19/2015 6:50:27 PM] Aerumna: you should have just left it at "tightrope across the Ohio river" [7/19/2015 6:50:59 PM] Sean: DONT TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD HAVE RETROACTIVELY DONE [7/19/2015 6:51:10 PM] Sean: YOUR NOT MY PAST MUM [7/19/2015 6:51:15 PM] Aerumna: 're [7/19/2015 6:51:25 PM] Sean: I WILL EAT YOUR BABIES [7/19/2015 6:51:32 PM] Aerumna: dont have any, enjoy starvation [7/19/2015 6:51:38 PM] Aerumna: eats fish [7/19/2015 6:51:43 PM] Sean: WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS [7/19/2015 6:51:49 PM] Aerumna: sadly we have [7/19/2015 6:51:53 PM] Sean: DO YOU WANT TO FEEL REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE AGAIN? [7/19/2015 6:54:00 PM] Quakeguy: I fucking love carpentry [7/19/2015 7:15:44 PM] Wratts: Chopping down trees is excellent for blade maintenance. Who knew [7/19/2015 7:16:07 PM] Aerumna: forage to make stone axes, grind that skill for free? [7/19/2015 7:16:12 PM] Wratts: yep [7/19/2015 7:16:26 PM] Aerumna: OP [7/19/2015 7:26:33 PM] Wratts: word [7/19/2015 7:32:08 PM] Quakeguy: brb coffee time [7/19/2015 9:46:17 PM] Quakeguy: Dat was a long coffee [7/19/2015 10:01:35 PM] Wratts: hot coffee? [7/19/2015 10:07:55 PM] Quakeguy: y-you too [7/19/2015 10:46:29 PM] konrad knox: Ohohohhioookoo [7/19/2015 10:46:38 PM] konrad knox: Do i have a present for you JJ [7/19/2015 10:46:46 PM] Quakeguy: !!!!!!!!!!!! [7/19/2015 10:53:18 PM] konrad knox: I have your runner Muldraugh [7/19/2015 10:57:24 PM] Quakeguy: pls don't be dick [7/19/2015 11:35:07 PM] konrad knox: Omg [7/19/2015 11:35:24 PM] konrad knox: Please i beg you dont strongarm frank [7/19/2015 11:35:44 PM] Quakeguy: >He thinks releasing someone at a specific time is strongarming [7/19/2015 11:35:55 PM] Quakeguy: >When he actually reduced what was already a generous offer by 80% in good faith [7/19/2015 11:36:01 PM] Quakeguy: Please don't go out of your way to snap. [7/19/2015 11:36:05 PM] Quakeguy: :) [7/19/2015 11:36:08 PM] konrad knox: I roll dice for his social interaction decisions [7/19/2015 11:36:17 PM] Quakeguy: what a conveinent excuse. [7/19/2015 11:36:29 PM] konrad knox: Oh no the deal is good [7/19/2015 11:36:38 PM] konrad knox: He was going for the deal fine [7/19/2015 11:36:43 PM] konrad knox: Until u brought up megab [7/19/2015 11:36:47 PM] konrad knox: Megan [7/19/2015 11:37:02 PM] konrad knox: Which is a sore spot and throws him the fuck off his game [7/19/2015 11:37:04 PM] Quakeguy: don't give a fuck, keep it in game. [7/19/2015 11:37:09 PM] konrad knox: Kk [7/19/2015 11:37:15 PM] Quakeguy: I don't need to know the inner psychology of a man i've only spoken to on a radio [7/19/2015 11:37:34 PM] konrad knox: Just explaining so youre ready [7/19/2015 11:37:44 PM] Quakeguy: I'm 15+1 ready [7/19/2015 11:38:05 PM] konrad knox: Thats damn right. [7/19/2015 11:39:21 PM] Wratts: such drama. Very wow [7/19/2015 11:39:29 PM] Wratts: gnight :) [7/20/2015 12:35:03 AM] konrad knox: Night night everyone. Runner released, situation diffused. Food traded for gun. [7/20/2015 12:37:05 AM] Quakeguy: >Situation defused [7/20/2015 12:39:16 AM] konrad knox: Reminds me of Ron Burgundy in anchor man [7/20/2015 12:39:29 AM] konrad knox: Well that escalated quickly. It really got out of hand [7/20/2015 3:31:23 PM] konrad knox: [7/20/2015 3:31:34 PM] konrad knox: Swing! [7/20/2015 3:36:31 PM] Wratts: classic movie [7/20/2015 3:40:51 PM] Aerumna: sounds like I missed a dramallama passing through Kentucky. Such is the life of the hermit fisherman [7/20/2015 3:51:04 PM] Sean: dirty hermit [7/20/2015 3:51:14 PM] Aerumna: dirty dead guy [7/20/2015 3:51:23 PM] Sean: *girl [7/20/2015 3:51:33 PM] Sean: <-< [7/20/2015 3:51:41 PM] Aerumna: o rite, sry [7/20/2015 3:51:45 PM] Aerumna: dirty dead stripper [7/20/2015 3:51:55 PM] Sean: PORN STAR [7/20/2015 3:52:43 PM] Aerumna: Dirty Dead Dames 33? [7/20/2015 3:52:50 PM] Aerumna: That's some niche porn right there. [7/20/2015 4:02:15 PM] konrad knox: I sense a bloody day in PZ awaits [7/20/2015 4:04:06 PM] Aerumna: Well if you get too much blood on your clothes, feel free to stop by Marcus Wiltner's One Stop Shop For Clothing Dead Folk Ain't Usin' No More [7/20/2015 4:05:01 PM] Sean: *no returns [7/20/2015 4:05:28 PM] Sean: *clothing may have blood, brain matter, assorted stains, bullet holes, slight tearing, and possibly some charring [7/20/2015 4:05:29 PM] Aerumna: All sales 'er final, y'hear [7/20/2015 4:05:40 PM] Sean: *some assembly may be required [7/20/2015 4:05:48 PM] Aerumna: Oh no, definitely charring. Burned the bodies right next to the pile [7/20/2015 4:13:39 PM] konrad knox: Dear god. [7/20/2015 4:13:52 PM] konrad knox: Rope ladders! Cheap rope ladders! [7/20/2015 4:14:11 PM] konrad knox: Equip YOUR HOME with a convenient ladder TODAY! [7/20/2015 4:14:28 PM] Aerumna: Hahaha. Marcus can do this for you, for a fee. [7/20/2015 4:28:51 PM] Quakeguy: Sheet ropes are still fucked [7/20/2015 4:29:01 PM] Quakeguy: so long as the AI sees that there is any other alternative to getting down [7/20/2015 4:29:05 PM] Quakeguy: the game forces you to take that area. [7/20/2015 4:29:21 PM] Quakeguy: I removed all possible exits to the first floor of my home except one, a boarded up window [7/20/2015 4:29:25 PM] Quakeguy: I click 'use sheet rope' [7/20/2015 4:29:31 PM] Quakeguy: it walks me to the window and tries to put me through it. [7/20/2015 4:31:26 PM] Aerumna: Clearly the AI is sentient and trying to lead you to your demise [7/20/2015 4:56:02 PM] Quakeguy: Oh god [7/20/2015 4:56:08 PM] Quakeguy: Now I don't know where to put all my furniture [7/20/2015 4:56:10 PM] Quakeguy: for the new house. [7/20/2015 4:56:16 PM] Aerumna: In the attic! [7/20/2015 4:56:23 PM] Quakeguy: Err [7/20/2015 4:56:27 PM] Quakeguy: the top floor is for farming [7/20/2015 4:56:46 PM] Aerumna: So you'll have a lovely garden to look at on nice days [7/20/2015 4:57:24 PM] Quakeguy: Have 3 floors right now [7/20/2015 4:57:29 PM] Quakeguy: Observation/Bar [7/20/2015 4:57:34 PM] Quakeguy: general lounge and eating/watching area [7/20/2015 4:57:40 PM] Quakeguy: upstairs is the shed [7/20/2015 4:57:49 PM] Quakeguy: where all the tools, construction supplies, and ammo are. [7/20/2015 4:57:56 PM] Aerumna: Seems like the logical place for furniture is the lounge then [7/20/2015 4:58:02 PM] Quakeguy: top roof is for farming [7/20/2015 4:58:06 PM] Quakeguy: moving dirt up there to begin crops [7/20/2015 4:58:22 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah, just trying to figure out where to put what [7/20/2015 4:58:26 PM] Quakeguy: table goes where, chairs go where [7/20/2015 4:58:32 PM] Quakeguy: how many chairs, since the community is being TORN APART [7/20/2015 4:58:33 PM] Quakeguy: OH GOD [7/20/2015 4:58:34 PM] Quakeguy: ;-; [7/20/2015 4:58:56 PM] Sean: sounds like you need an interior designer [7/20/2015 5:00:00 PM] Quakeguy: I need an engineer [7/20/2015 5:00:01 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/20/2015 5:00:42 PM] Quakeguy: or electrician [7/20/2015 5:38:17 PM] Quakeguy: thank god for Beverly [7/20/2015 6:17:34 PM] Quakeguy: I hate logging in [7/20/2015 6:17:38 PM] Quakeguy: and seeing pitch black [7/20/2015 6:46:22 PM] Quakeguy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [7/20/2015 6:46:26 PM] Quakeguy: I KNOW HOW TO USE SHEET ROPES [7/20/2015 6:46:30 PM] Quakeguy: UWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [7/20/2015 7:20:00 PM] Aerumna: [7/20/2015 7:20:39 PM] Quakeguy: you know [7/20/2015 7:20:46 PM] Quakeguy: If you had posted that without the list feature [7/20/2015 7:20:53 PM] Quakeguy: Sadly, i would have known what that was by the link alone [7/20/2015 7:21:10 PM] Quakeguy: But I prefer the 30 minute loop [7/20/2015 7:21:13 PM] Quakeguy: BWAK, BWAK [7/20/2015 7:21:29 PM] Aerumna: Congratulations, Shinji [7/20/2015 7:21:46 PM] Quakeguy: aw fuck [7/20/2015 7:21:50 PM] Quakeguy: fractured my shin again [7/20/2015 7:21:53 PM] Aerumna: nais [7/20/2015 7:21:54 PM] Quakeguy: I hate this fucking Cuck Tower [7/20/2015 7:22:13 PM] Aerumna: rofl [7/20/2015 7:23:03 PM] Quakeguy: i'm breaking it down [7/20/2015 7:23:08 PM] Quakeguy: i'm gonna bust up the whole thing [7/20/2015 7:23:17 PM] Aerumna: MR. Cuckold, TEAR DOWN THIS TOWER [7/20/2015 7:24:21 PM] Quakeguy: God, the Cuck don't do shit. [7/20/2015 7:31:14 PM] Sean: >I LEARNED SHEET ROPES BWAHAHA [7/20/2015 7:31:19 PM] Sean: >aw fuck I broke my leg again [7/20/2015 7:31:25 PM] Sean: kek [7/20/2015 7:31:28 PM] Quakeguy: Totally unrelated incidents [7/20/2015 7:49:54 PM] Quakeguy: cuck tower has no sheet ropes. It was the first rope I tried. [7/20/2015 8:30:13 PM] konrad knox: maybe you need a cuck to show you the ropes [7/20/2015 8:30:15 PM] konrad knox: kekek [7/20/2015 8:35:04 PM] konrad knox: Wratts = Doge [7/20/2015 8:35:17 PM] konrad knox: such wow much woah [7/20/2015 8:35:21 PM] Quakeguy: Doge of Venice? [7/20/2015 8:35:37 PM] konrad knox: very fiend so devil [7/20/2015 8:35:40 PM] Quakeguy: It's funny that everyone forgets that that meme actually came from a Shiba being photoshopped onto the Doge of Venice's face [7/20/2015 8:49:24 PM] konrad knox: Francis found the remains of Gustaf [7/20/2015 8:50:20 PM] konrad knox: i would mail it too if it had an address [7/20/2015 8:50:27 PM] konrad knox: demented enough that i'd put it in a mail box [7/20/2015 8:50:34 PM] konrad knox: the letter to Aida [7/20/2015 8:51:24 PM] konrad knox: Right in the feels, Gustaf. [7/20/2015 8:57:55 PM] Wratts: I love Doge meme. Best meme is best [7/20/2015 9:53:52 PM] Quakeguy: Has anyone ever found an empty glass jar? [7/20/2015 9:53:53 PM] Quakeguy: or jar lid? [7/20/2015 9:54:02 PM] Quakeguy: Or in fact, has anyone seen a single carton of milk either? [7/20/2015 9:54:20 PM] Sean: Cherry had a carton of milk ;-; [7/20/2015 9:55:00 PM] Quakeguy: sonofabitch [7/20/2015 10:06:42 PM] Wratts: carton of milk yes [7/20/2015 10:06:45 PM] Wratts: the rest, no [7/20/2015 10:12:46 PM] konrad knox: I had three milks. And mitch's bags had one. Drank it. Yum. [7/20/2015 10:13:22 PM] konrad knox: Was fresh. New spawn must be [7/20/2015 10:13:26 PM] konrad knox: So it does spawn [7/20/2015 10:22:23 PM] Quakeguy: fresh milk [7/20/2015 10:22:24 PM] Quakeguy: and you drank it [7/20/2015 10:22:26 PM] Quakeguy: you fuck [7/20/2015 10:22:38 PM] Quakeguy: it's the only way to make mildew spray [7/20/2015 10:26:44 PM] konrad knox: well, i'm not a farmer. [7/20/2015 10:27:05 PM] Quakeguy: I'd of traded a sledge hammer for a carton of milk lol [7/20/2015 10:27:11 PM] konrad knox: like you would probably use wood glue on something useless, and i'd be like OMG NO its for FISHING RODS [7/20/2015 10:27:35 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah, a professional repairman uses wood glue on something useless P [7/20/2015 10:27:36 PM] Quakeguy: :P [7/20/2015 10:27:43 PM] konrad knox: (rofl) [7/20/2015 10:28:26 PM] konrad knox: can you dual wield sledgehammers? cause then i could use a second one [7/20/2015 10:31:52 PM] Quakeguy: These fucking lag spikes [7/20/2015 10:31:55 PM] Quakeguy: needs a reset [7/20/2015 10:32:05 PM] Quakeguy: seems every 10-15 mins I go from a cool 100ms to 700 [7/20/2015 10:32:06 PM] Quakeguy: 800 [7/20/2015 10:32:51 PM] konrad knox: a reset would wipe the world [7/20/2015 10:32:55 PM] konrad knox: a restart might help [7/20/2015 10:34:24 PM] konrad knox: Well chaps. This might be it for Frank. JJ you win [7/20/2015 10:34:35 PM] konrad knox: I don't think I can recover from these two bad boys. [7/20/2015 10:34:41 PM] konrad knox: Can't get that lucky. [7/20/2015 10:35:04 PM] konrad knox: upper arm scratch and head scratch [7/20/2015 10:35:24 PM] konrad knox: the head one is infected [7/20/2015 10:36:44 PM] konrad knox: oh the palm sweatingly tormenting next five minutes of waiting for the queasy moodle [7/20/2015 10:36:58 PM] Quakeguy: PALMS ARE SWEATY [7/20/2015 10:37:00 PM] Quakeguy: KNEES WEAK [7/20/2015 10:37:03 PM] Quakeguy: ARMS ARE HEAVY [7/20/2015 10:37:10 PM] Quakeguy: VOMIT ON HIS SWEATER ALREADY, SPAGHETTI SPAGHETTI! [7/20/2015 10:37:23 PM] konrad knox: Moms spagetti even [7/20/2015 10:37:33 PM] Quakeguy: I ALWAYS SAY SPAGHETTI SPAGHETTI! [7/20/2015 10:37:38 PM] konrad knox: My next char will be a muldraughian in good standing [7/20/2015 10:37:54 PM] Quakeguy: So how many scratches did you have [7/20/2015 10:37:55 PM] Quakeguy: 8? [7/20/2015 10:37:56 PM] konrad knox: Sane and normal and social [7/20/2015 10:37:57 PM] Quakeguy: now 9? [7/20/2015 10:37:58 PM] Quakeguy: Are you a cat? [7/20/2015 10:38:01 PM] konrad knox: 9 so far [7/20/2015 10:38:04 PM] Quakeguy: Jens wants to know if you are a cat [7/20/2015 10:38:06 PM] konrad knox: This is 10 and 11 [7/20/2015 10:38:13 PM] konrad knox: i am in fact cat [7/20/2015 10:38:14 PM] Quakeguy: 25%x2? [7/20/2015 10:38:16 PM] Quakeguy: Ahahahaha [7/20/2015 10:43:48 PM] konrad knox: Everyone I spited, I am sorry. I hope you were able to keep it in the game so far. [7/20/2015 10:44:03 PM] konrad knox: Because my 5 minutes are up [7/20/2015 10:44:19 PM] konrad knox: And im totally NOT INFECTED BITCHES LET THE INSANITY CONTINUE [7/20/2015 10:44:45 PM] konrad knox: thats 11 scratches [7/20/2015 10:45:04 PM] konrad knox: Okay. This face one, im making a scar [7/20/2015 10:45:10 PM] konrad knox: Poorly healed [7/20/2015 10:45:15 PM] konrad knox: Fucking witcher scar [7/20/2015 10:49:07 PM] Quakeguy: Someone check his character for mods [7/20/2015 10:49:12 PM] Quakeguy: this is unheard of [7/20/2015 11:05:06 PM] Wratts: Huh, now that I think about it [7/20/2015 11:05:10 PM] Wratts: Deputy Cruz was a badass [7/20/2015 11:05:20 PM] Wratts: I think she got scratched over a dozen times, easily [7/20/2015 11:05:29 PM] Wratts: then died to two broken legs [7/20/2015 11:05:35 PM] Wratts: such a tragedy [7/20/2015 11:13:55 PM] konrad knox: YEAH YOURE TELLING ME [7/20/2015 11:13:57 PM] konrad knox: Blay [7/20/2015 11:14:03 PM] konrad knox: feel free to check [7/20/2015 11:14:29 PM] konrad knox: i dont think you can mod your character to be immune to Z virus [7/20/2015 11:14:54 PM] konrad knox: UNLESS YOU WORSHIP LOOTIUS AND YOU LUCKYOLOLOLO [7/20/2015 11:17:39 PM] Quakeguy: Fracture: #1 cause of death in apocalypse [7/20/2015 11:17:43 PM] Quakeguy: I'm double fractured as we speak [7/20/2015 11:17:47 PM] Quakeguy: thank god i'm married to a doctor. [7/20/2015 11:18:46 PM] konrad knox: we are walking the bleeding edge of death my friend [7/20/2015 11:18:51 PM] konrad knox: bleeding EDGE [7/20/2015 11:19:03 PM] konrad knox: but i broke into what i needed to break into [7/20/2015 11:19:06 PM] konrad knox: and now i am set [7/20/2015 11:20:12 PM] Quakeguy: There are other places to break into [7/20/2015 11:20:15 PM] Quakeguy: ? [7/21/2015 12:28:09 AM] konrad knox: oh yes [7/21/2015 12:28:15 AM] konrad knox: youre gonna hate me [7/21/2015 12:28:22 AM] konrad knox: but i will brag anyway [7/21/2015 12:28:31 AM] konrad knox: 12th scratch no infection [7/21/2015 12:28:58 AM] konrad knox: i just fucking pray theres no bite ever [7/21/2015 12:29:03 AM] konrad knox: coz 96% chance [7/21/2015 12:29:07 AM] konrad knox: no lucky will save [7/21/2015 12:29:14 AM] konrad knox: no thick skin will help [7/21/2015 12:29:48 AM] konrad knox: i have a lot to do [7/21/2015 12:29:54 AM] konrad knox: power will go out any day now [7/21/2015 12:48:27 AM] konrad knox: server has been restarted. Lag is better, a lot better [7/21/2015 6:13:04 AM] Wratts: nice, ty [7/21/2015 6:15:00 AM] Wratts: I'm always tempted to check out the shopping mall [7/21/2015 6:15:26 AM] Wratts: but the way in PZ more population/traffic = more zombies, I'm scurred of what it must look like [7/21/2015 7:48:49 AM] Wratts: this game [7/21/2015 7:49:03 AM] Wratts: man. broke a leg. no splints in the goddamned hospital [7/21/2015 7:49:58 AM] Wratts: Johnson farm should be renamed [7/21/2015 7:50:02 AM] Wratts: "The Legbreaker" [7/21/2015 7:50:18 AM] Wratts: makes dodging Zombies outside feel safer ffs [7/21/2015 7:58:32 AM] Wratts: fucka yoo, E-key! [7/21/2015 8:02:14 AM] Wratts: we need to have like 10-20 splints at the ready [7/21/2015 8:02:20 AM] Wratts: splints for days [7/21/2015 8:11:46 AM] Quakeguy: Ah [7/21/2015 8:11:47 AM] Quakeguy: yeah well [7/21/2015 8:11:49 AM] Quakeguy: I may or may not [7/21/2015 8:11:54 AM] Quakeguy: have a double splint on right now. [7/21/2015 8:12:00 AM] Wratts: rofl [7/21/2015 8:12:06 AM] Quakeguy: Luckily there's enough planks and sheets laying around that it's impossible to bleed out on the Johnson Farm [7/21/2015 8:12:16 AM] Quakeguy: Splint and bandages are all 5 steps away [7/21/2015 8:12:34 AM] Wratts: i'm at crit damage and in the hospital with no wood [7/21/2015 8:12:38 AM] Quakeguy: k [7/21/2015 8:12:42 AM] Quakeguy: Stay offline [7/21/2015 8:12:46 AM] Wratts: probably going to die if I try t omake it back outside [7/21/2015 8:12:47 AM] Quakeguy: If you are so [7/21/2015 8:12:55 AM] Quakeguy: I can hop on and splint and bandage you quickly [7/21/2015 8:12:58 AM] Wratts: yeah I'm offline now [7/21/2015 8:13:17 AM] Quakeguy: I'll let you know when a bandage and splint are ready in the clinic [7/21/2015 8:13:20 AM] Wratts: can't right now, bnut thanks [7/21/2015 8:13:22 AM] Wratts: ty [7/21/2015 8:13:53 AM] Quakeguy: np [7/21/2015 8:15:56 AM] Quakeguy: Splint's ready [7/21/2015 8:16:16 AM] Wratts: cheers, bubbly all around [7/21/2015 8:19:52 AM] Quakeguy: You'll find it in the same drawer as the bandages. [7/21/2015 8:20:01 AM] Quakeguy: Try not to bleed out, my girlfriend's over here and no laptop to run PZ [7/21/2015 8:20:04 AM] Quakeguy: so the doctor is OUT [7/21/2015 8:22:14 AM] Wratts: yeah no, I don't want to lose another character to ths BS :) [7/21/2015 8:26:06 AM] Quakeguy: try and lemme know before you hop on [7/21/2015 8:26:10 AM] Quakeguy: so there will be fresh soup [7/21/2015 8:26:19 AM] Quakeguy: and you just sit at the kitchen and eat the whole pot [7/21/2015 8:26:22 AM] Quakeguy: you'll be right as rain [7/21/2015 8:26:33 AM] Quakeguy: another day tops and then you'll only have yourself to blame for falls <.< [7/21/2015 8:26:40 AM] Quakeguy: The layout's becoming simplified [7/21/2015 8:28:26 AM] Quakeguy: also i figured out why it was taking so long for Jones to heal his terminal injury [7/21/2015 8:28:32 AM] Quakeguy: the injury was so bad my weight capacity was like 8 [7/21/2015 8:28:49 AM] Quakeguy: and I had 8.1, and so long as you are even slightly overburdened, even by half a pound, your leg doesn't heal [7/21/2015 8:29:32 AM] Wratts: i actually blame the game on this one, not the construction [7/21/2015 8:29:50 AM] Wratts: slight tap of E-key, unintentional, not even tghat close to a window. Wheeee SPLAT [7/21/2015 8:29:55 AM] Quakeguy: ahhh [7/21/2015 8:29:59 AM] Quakeguy: that happened to me last night [7/21/2015 8:30:01 AM] Quakeguy: not gonna lie [7/21/2015 8:30:15 AM] Quakeguy: They need to add a button that simply shows building construction even if in doors [7/21/2015 8:30:16 AM] Wratts: gonna rebind that key because fuck it with a rusty gauntlet [7/21/2015 8:30:21 AM] Quakeguy: it just locks the building on your screen [7/21/2015 8:30:26 AM] Quakeguy: so you can see every window, every corner [7/21/2015 8:30:26 AM] Quakeguy: etc.. [7/21/2015 8:30:35 AM] Quakeguy: it's silly if you are managing an inventory by a wall [7/21/2015 8:30:40 AM] Quakeguy: and you accidentally tap E and a window is by you [7/21/2015 8:30:44 AM] Quakeguy: no cancel action, just SPLAT [7/21/2015 8:30:44 AM] Wratts: yeah that would be nice, especially because of doors on the wrojng side of buildings [7/21/2015 8:31:00 AM] Quakeguy: as a precaution, [7/21/2015 8:31:11 AM] Quakeguy: I will be adding sheet ropes to every window on the 2nd and 3rd stories temporarily [7/21/2015 8:31:17 AM] Quakeguy: Until everyone gets the jist of the locations. [7/21/2015 8:31:25 AM] Quakeguy: so if you hit 'climb through' you should just shimmy down. [7/21/2015 8:31:25 AM] Wratts: that'll help yeah [7/21/2015 8:32:00 AM] Quakeguy: once my legs heal up it'll be time to start destroying every window and door on the first floor [7/21/2015 8:32:04 AM] Quakeguy: and plastering them shut [7/21/2015 8:32:23 AM] Quakeguy: will make the inside at least guaranteed 100% zombie free [7/21/2015 8:32:28 AM] Wratts: windows are evil. PLanescape already taught me this [7/21/2015 8:32:40 AM] Quakeguy: MY JOURNAL UPDATED [7/21/2015 8:33:12 AM] Wratts: our party's rogue made the mistake of looking out of one in a demi-plane, and all his tissue save bones were dissolved from the waist up. Fucking windows, man [7/21/2015 8:33:54 AM] Quakeguy: what can change the nature of a man? [7/21/2015 8:34:26 AM] Sean: FUCKING PLANESCAPE [7/21/2015 8:34:28 AM] Sean: NEVER AGAIN [7/21/2015 8:35:28 AM] Wratts: I tended towards "Regret" [7/21/2015 8:36:19 AM] Sean: bleh [7/21/2015 8:48:38 AM] Quakeguy: Love's a good one too [7/21/2015 8:49:03 AM] Quakeguy: Love can def. change the nature of a man [7/21/2015 8:49:13 AM] Wratts: yeah they're all good actually [7/21/2015 8:49:16 AM] Wratts: I like "Time" too [7/21/2015 8:50:20 AM] Quakeguy: i'm pretty sure the only wrong answer [7/21/2015 8:50:22 AM] Quakeguy: is 'Nothing' [7/21/2015 8:50:24 AM] Quakeguy: or 'you' [7/21/2015 8:50:47 AM] Quakeguy: i dunno it's been 12 years since i played [7/21/2015 8:50:56 AM] Quakeguy: I prefered Fallout to Planescape [7/21/2015 8:51:54 AM] Wratts: me too, both on how long ago it was and Fallout > Planescape [7/21/2015 8:52:05 AM] Wratts: I much preferred the pen and paper RPG Planescape though [7/21/2015 8:52:16 AM] Wratts: had a good GM for it [7/21/2015 8:53:20 AM] konrad knox: Johnsom the Limbslayer!! [7/21/2015 8:53:41 AM] Wratts: in this case it's also the E-key [7/21/2015 8:53:47 AM] Wratts: E for Evil [7/21/2015 8:53:49 AM] konrad knox: Which makes me wonder what kind of fiendish design you maniacs are running [7/21/2015 8:54:04 AM] konrad knox: Are you building the hanging gardens of babylon [7/21/2015 8:54:33 AM] konrad knox: Because if so, if youre building overhang bridges, maybe build fucking railings? [7/21/2015 8:56:19 AM] Sean: Fallout > Planescape [7/21/2015 8:56:25 AM] Sean: Fallout > Everything [7/21/2015 8:56:46 AM] Wratts: construction's actualyl safe. the game's controls less so lol [7/21/2015 8:56:55 AM] Wratts: could build a railing, and accidetnally tap E [7/21/2015 8:57:12 AM] Wratts: Fallout > Fallout .... FALLOUTCEPTION [7/21/2015 8:59:32 AM] Sean: Interplay Fallout > Bethesda Fallout [7/21/2015 9:03:22 AM] Wratts: Obsidian Fallout too, IMHO [7/21/2015 9:03:36 AM] Wratts: though to some extent, that's pretty fucking close to Interplay's [7/21/2015 9:06:05 AM] Wratts: Oh Boone... we'll always have the Hoover Dam, baby [7/21/2015 9:06:28 AM] Wratts: you and me against the fucking world [7/21/2015 9:07:49 AM] Sean: xD [7/21/2015 9:23:08 AM] Quakeguy: I hear Haku whenever I hear Boone [7/21/2015 9:29:41 AM] konrad knox: It is the nature of a man to fall in love. [7/21/2015 9:29:52 AM] konrad knox: Some people cannot experience love and cannot let it change them. [7/21/2015 9:30:00 AM] konrad knox: The real answer is: "Depends on a man" [7/21/2015 9:30:12 AM] Wratts: when I heard Noel, I heard Boone [7/21/2015 9:30:47 AM] konrad knox: But I bet that wasn't one of the options [7/21/2015 9:31:25 AM] Wratts: nope [7/21/2015 9:31:33 AM] Wratts: unless I'm forgetting it now [7/21/2015 9:31:48 AM] konrad knox: With Regret - I think its remorse that may have a shot [7/21/2015 9:31:50 AM] Wratts: over a decade ago, as said [7/21/2015 9:32:03 AM] konrad knox: regret be like, oh man I wish I brought a bigger gun to the murder spree [7/21/2015 9:32:12 AM] konrad knox: remorse be like, I killed all those people! [7/21/2015 9:32:13 AM] Wratts: lol [7/21/2015 9:34:02 AM] konrad knox: my favs fallout is operation anchorage [7/21/2015 9:34:08 AM] konrad knox: cause well obvious [7/21/2015 9:34:18 AM] konrad knox: like, the only game about my town :D [7/21/2015 9:34:25 AM] konrad knox: but also coz [7/21/2015 9:35:20 AM] konrad knox: "I'm not going to argue with an AI driven hologram and try to justify myself to a part of a program, when it doesn't even realize it's part of a simulation, so just proceed with your subroutine and leave it be." [7/21/2015 9:36:00 AM] konrad knox: I laughed [7/21/2015 9:36:08 AM] konrad knox: you have to have certain skill to pick that dialogue [7/21/2015 9:36:11 AM] konrad knox: I think computers [7/21/2015 9:36:23 AM] konrad knox: or something [7/21/2015 9:36:27 AM] konrad knox: I forget [7/21/2015 9:36:32 AM] konrad knox: maybe just intelligence [7/21/2015 9:37:01 AM] konrad knox: I forget how skills in fallout work [7/21/2015 9:37:08 AM] Wratts: Reminds me of that point in New Vegas [7/21/2015 9:37:19 AM] Wratts: you can remove Caesar's brain tumor if you have Medicine 90 or Luck 9+ [7/21/2015 9:37:37 AM] konrad knox: I always hoard Luck in every game [7/21/2015 9:37:42 AM] konrad knox: like [7/21/2015 9:37:48 AM] konrad knox: its a thing I do [7/21/2015 9:37:50 AM] konrad knox: the fortune [7/21/2015 9:37:50 AM] Wratts: I had Luck 10 in NV [7/21/2015 9:37:59 AM] Wratts: got thrown out of all casinos [7/21/2015 9:38:32 AM] Wratts: never played Operation Anchorage, was that an expansion for Fallout 3? [7/21/2015 9:39:20 AM] konrad knox: to me, every story, every narrative ever, could be about any character in the background, but it focused on specific protagonists, like Corvin of Amber, or Frodo Baggins, or Geralt, or The Warrior in Diablo, because their stories contain that magical streak of luck, which makes them noteworthy [7/21/2015 9:39:29 AM] konrad knox: Frodo was lucky that Gollum slipped [7/21/2015 9:39:45 AM] konrad knox: and Geralt was lucky more times than I could count [7/21/2015 9:39:49 AM] Wratts: you've got a point there [7/21/2015 9:40:10 AM] Wratts: I just thoguht it would hilarious to gamble with Luck 10 in NV [7/21/2015 9:40:17 AM] konrad knox: Diablo would never rise if Marius the drunkard didn't succeed in freeing Baal [7/21/2015 9:40:19 AM] Wratts: I was not disappointed [7/21/2015 9:40:26 AM] konrad knox: Tyrael was gonna cream Big D on that tomb bridge [7/21/2015 9:40:46 AM] konrad knox: in Tal Rasha's joint [7/21/2015 9:51:42 AM] konrad knox: yeah expansion to Fallout 3 [7/21/2015 9:51:50 AM] konrad knox: you basically get into this brotherhood sim [7/21/2015 9:55:33 AM] konrad knox: The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts are trying to acquire a stash of pre-war technology in a bunker near the metro. However, the armory can only be unlocked with a code, and the code can only be obtained from a virtual reality simulation of one of the greatest battles of the Fallout universe: the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from invading Red Chinese troops. The Outcasts cannot use the simulation because an external interface device, the player's Pip-Boy, is required. The player is thus recruited to complete the simulation in return for a share of the reward. In the simulation, the player is tasked with fighting the Chinese in various scenarios, such as clearing out bunkers in a cliff, hitting strategic targets, and finally defeating the Chinese general in single combat. Once the simulation is complete, the player gains access to the armory and the advanced weapons it contains. [7/21/2015 9:58:08 AM] konrad knox: New player: Ms. Farrow [7/21/2015 10:00:02 AM] konrad knox: How are we doing on population? Do you guys want more people? We can advertise within closed circles a bit. [7/21/2015 10:00:13 AM] konrad knox: Is everyone having a good time? [7/21/2015 10:04:30 AM] Quakeguy: OP Anchorage I beat in 2 hours [7/21/2015 10:04:36 AM] Quakeguy: closer to 90 minutes [7/21/2015 10:04:41 AM] Quakeguy: the only worthwhile gear was the Gauss Rifle [7/21/2015 10:04:53 AM] Quakeguy: poorly implemented and bare bones, wasn't worth money, thank god i didn't pay. [7/21/2015 10:06:36 AM] Quakeguy: you can't send me against 12 chinese guys and 2 turrets and tell me this is a grand battle [7/21/2015 10:06:50 AM] Quakeguy: But Bethesda's inability to code an engine that can handle more than 24 people on the screen has yet to be done. [7/21/2015 10:06:53 AM] Quakeguy: fixed^ [7/21/2015 10:07:39 AM] konrad knox: don't be grumpy [7/21/2015 10:07:56 AM] konrad knox: bet you wouldn't be talking smack if it was Operation Oshawa [7/21/2015 10:08:47 AM] konrad knox: The Fjords mate! The Fjords be callin to me! [7/21/2015 10:09:41 AM] konrad knox: Oh wow guys [7/21/2015 10:09:45 AM] konrad knox: check this out [7/21/2015 10:09:51 AM] konrad knox: PZ actually has a safety system [7/21/2015 10:09:58 AM] konrad knox: this player Ms Farrow logged in [7/21/2015 10:10:02 AM] konrad knox: and this is what the log says [7/21/2015 10:10:42 AM] konrad knox: Connected player: Ms. Farrow Deleting zombie that is only 1.2998047 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 2.4003906 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 8.200195 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 7.7998047 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 5.0 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 4.2998047 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 9.0 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 5.100586 away from player. Deleting zombie that is only 8.099609 away from player. [7/21/2015 10:11:04 AM] konrad knox: if zombies are around your login spot, The Governor will actually delete them [7/21/2015 10:11:36 AM] konrad knox: is this exploitable to avoid certain death? [7/21/2015 10:11:48 AM] konrad knox: what if you log out while being eaten [7/21/2015 10:12:11 AM] konrad knox: run into a place, shut the door [7/21/2015 10:12:15 AM] konrad knox: relog [7/21/2015 10:12:21 AM] konrad knox: zeds not outside anymore? [7/21/2015 10:12:37 AM] konrad knox: wonder how big is one unit [7/21/2015 10:13:33 AM | Edited 10:13:42 AM] konrad knox: could you deal with helicopter strikes simply by standing in place and relogging? [7/21/2015 10:15:04 AM] Quakeguy: Uh [7/21/2015 10:15:05 AM] Quakeguy: No [7/21/2015 10:15:09 AM] Quakeguy: The second you hear the helo it's too late [7/21/2015 10:15:16 AM] Quakeguy: go ahead, log out, the sound still generated over your character. [7/21/2015 10:15:26 AM] Quakeguy: And your safehouse/where ever you are will be swarming [7/21/2015 10:15:46 AM] konrad knox: so keep logging out and eating the zombies within the radius [7/21/2015 10:15:55 AM] konrad knox: unless they are transported [7/21/2015 10:16:01 AM] konrad knox: and that isn't logged [7/21/2015 10:16:11 AM] konrad knox: I will test this on frank [7/21/2015 10:17:02 AM] konrad knox: I want to bring up a question to the group: [7/21/2015 10:17:14 AM] konrad knox: Should we keep PvP skulls overhead or disable them? [7/21/2015 10:18:03 AM] Quakeguy: Nah keep it [7/21/2015 10:19:47 AM] konrad knox: Pros: Skulls make RPing safe, separating when it's time for typing and when it's time for combat controls / movement. Takes care of the "Illarion Problem" where people just macroed without emoting. Cons: Skulls remove some of the suspense of being held at gunpoint, because you know you're safe. It also shows predisposition of another character towards yourself. In casual conversation if you see a skull go up, you may change your attitude. While we're all pro RPers here and won't let it affect our performance, it removes some of the horror on a personal level. [7/21/2015 10:20:37 AM] konrad knox: 1 vote for keep [7/21/2015 10:20:42 AM] Sean: keep [7/21/2015 10:20:45 AM] konrad knox: 2 [7/21/2015 10:34:49 AM] konrad knox: ok. the shopping mall is death [7/21/2015 10:35:00 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah that's a given I think [7/21/2015 10:35:11 AM] konrad knox: I cleared it once in build 28 [7/21/2015 10:35:23 AM] konrad knox: took 4 ingame nights of non stop fighting [7/21/2015 10:35:27 AM] konrad knox: all of the ammo I had [7/21/2015 10:35:30 AM] konrad knox: and every axe [7/21/2015 10:35:37 AM] konrad knox: I levelled up Blade 3 times [7/21/2015 10:36:10 AM] konrad knox: I'd go there now, but if Luck has any magic to it, I don't think I can survive a 13th scratch [7/21/2015 10:36:15 AM] konrad knox: the number is too cosmic [7/21/2015 10:36:26 AM] konrad knox: my next scratch will be the lethal one, I just know it [7/21/2015 10:37:16 AM] konrad knox: option 1) bring more people option 2) use Molotov and sacrifice a lot of zombie loot, and possibly burn down a lot of the mall option 3) get better at melee to where im not touched, but lag spikes are beyond my control [7/21/2015 10:37:26 AM] konrad knox: option 4) a hell lotta gun [7/21/2015 10:37:37 AM] konrad knox: but I aint got enough gun for that [7/21/2015 10:37:51 AM] konrad knox: option 5) hybrid of melee and gun [7/21/2015 10:38:23 AM] konrad knox: 1 vote for removal of Skull for Claire [7/21/2015 10:38:28 AM] konrad knox: 2 keep 1 remove [7/21/2015 10:38:43 AM] Quakeguy: No need to burn the mall if you do parking lot mollies [7/21/2015 10:38:51 AM] Quakeguy: and don't herd the hoard towards the mall [7/21/2015 10:39:06 AM] konrad knox: I kinda want to not touch it [7/21/2015 10:39:12 AM] konrad knox: cause that's gonna be my endgame goal [7/21/2015 10:39:25 AM] konrad knox: opening all freqs and doing a mass invite of everyone to WP to raid it [7/21/2015 10:39:30 AM] konrad knox: a much more epic end to the summer [7/21/2015 10:39:57 AM] Quakeguy: summer ain't even started [7/21/2015 10:39:59 AM] Quakeguy: still the end of may [7/21/2015 10:40:05 AM] konrad knox: I know [7/21/2015 10:40:12 AM] konrad knox: there's still a lot of work I got to do [7/21/2015 10:40:22 AM] konrad knox: the character right now is not anywhere near sociable state [7/21/2015 10:40:34 AM] konrad knox: in fact the way I been going, I will hardly make it through june [7/21/2015 10:40:51 AM] konrad knox: unless I bump up my carefulness and caution attention [7/21/2015 10:40:55 AM] konrad knox: i get greedy [7/21/2015 10:41:07 AM] konrad knox: trying to score those double-triple decapitations [7/21/2015 10:41:19 AM] konrad knox: to save weapon durability [7/21/2015 10:41:37 AM] konrad knox: my zombie kill count is ridiculous [7/21/2015 10:41:42 AM] konrad knox: i think its like 1465 [7/21/2015 10:42:13 AM] konrad knox: it sucks, i survived for 2 months now but my day count is only 18 days [7/21/2015 10:42:45 AM] Quakeguy: My count is like 23 [7/21/2015 10:42:57 AM] konrad knox: yeah all that crafting you do takes time [7/21/2015 10:43:04 AM] Quakeguy: oh buddy [7/21/2015 10:43:08 AM] Quakeguy: you need a screen shot of the new place [7/21/2015 10:43:14 AM] Quakeguy: have i shown you its full construction? [7/21/2015 10:43:26 AM] konrad knox: if you do that, i'll know where to find ya XD [7/21/2015 10:43:44 AM] konrad knox: i'd rather be surprised [7/21/2015 10:44:06 AM] konrad knox: do take a screenie but don't share it with me yet [7/21/2015 10:44:17 AM] konrad knox: how did you find safehouse B by the way? [7/21/2015 10:44:26 AM] Quakeguy: know where to find me? There's 2 fuckin' farms in all of muldraugh LOL [7/21/2015 10:44:42 AM] Quakeguy: also if you used OOC location information in order to quickly deduce where I am IG [7/21/2015 10:44:45 AM] Quakeguy: that'd make you a metagamer. [7/21/2015 10:44:54 AM] Quakeguy: you're not a metagamer, are you? [7/21/2015 10:45:08 AM] Quakeguy: Also how did I find it? It was the only building in the area fenced off and with a sign in front of it. Not hard to locate. [7/21/2015 10:45:21 AM] konrad knox: God knows I was in Illarion, but i don't want to be one here, so don't even make it a temptation opportunity [7/21/2015 10:46:48 AM] konrad knox: yea the bloody westpointians don't survive long enough to maintain my other safehouses [7/21/2015 10:46:58 AM] konrad knox: i don't think anyone had settled in one, except Megan [7/21/2015 10:47:19 AM] konrad knox: they getting rekt [7/21/2015 10:47:33 AM] konrad knox: also [7/21/2015 10:47:47 AM] konrad knox: i never been to muldraugh in the entire history of me playing PZ i think [7/21/2015 10:47:52 AM] konrad knox: closest i went to it was Dixie [7/21/2015 10:48:43 AM] konrad knox: i was gonna have Kerner venture with you there previous season [7/21/2015 10:49:15 AM] konrad knox: we'd make some nice fish soup [7/21/2015 10:49:20 AM] konrad knox: and you'd be like a tour guide [7/21/2015 10:49:29 AM] konrad knox: here is our zombie infested police station [7/21/2015 10:52:14 AM] konrad knox: SO. [7/21/2015 10:52:27 AM] konrad knox: Congratulations, my additions were accepted [7/21/2015 10:52:43 AM] konrad knox: I am now officially part of PZ's Russian language localization team [7/21/2015 10:53:11 AM] konrad knox: I translated the tutorial and several new updates in build 32.16 [7/21/2015 10:53:25 AM] Quakeguy: Cheeki Breeki [7/21/2015 10:53:28 AM] konrad knox: i report to Leolvanov [7/21/2015 10:53:37 AM] Quakeguy: I Ve Damke [7/21/2015 10:53:44 AM] konrad knox: lmao? [7/21/2015 10:53:45 AM] Quakeguy: ANYOO CHEEKI BREEKI [7/21/2015 10:53:46 AM] konrad knox: cheeki breeki [7/21/2015 10:53:50 AM] konrad knox: that's russian [7/21/2015 10:53:59 AM] Quakeguy: Start of a nonsensical nursery rhyme yes [7/21/2015 10:54:19 AM] konrad knox: its sensical, its a bird sound [7/21/2015 10:54:43 AM] konrad knox: prig da prig, da cheek chereek cheeki breeki, cheek chereek [7/21/2015 10:55:21 AM] Quakeguy: [7/21/2015 10:55:49 AM] Sean: 2russian4me [7/21/2015 10:55:51 AM] konrad knox: jump and hop, and tweet tweet tweety-tweet, tweet tweet [7/21/2015 10:55:53 AM] konrad knox: LOOOOOOOOOL [7/21/2015 10:55:56 AM] konrad knox: ANOOO [7/21/2015 10:56:01 AM] konrad knox: It's A Nu [7/21/2015 10:56:06 AM] konrad knox: A nu is like [7/21/2015 10:56:13 AM] konrad knox: "And here we go" [7/21/2015 10:56:27 AM] konrad knox: okay in that context cheeki breeki is like [7/21/2015 10:56:34 AM] konrad knox: "everything's set" [7/21/2015 10:56:42 AM] konrad knox: like ummm [7/21/2015 10:57:30 AM] konrad knox: tip top [7/21/2015 10:57:35 AM] konrad knox: everything is tip top [7/21/2015 10:58:08 AM] konrad knox: lol these are gangbanger [7/21/2015 10:58:11 AM] konrad knox: parody [7/21/2015 10:58:30 AM] konrad knox: cheeki breeki v damnki is tip top, pawn to queen [7/21/2015 10:58:43 AM] konrad knox: means "you've made it bro" [7/21/2015 10:58:49 AM] Sean: my understanding of russian comes from that one russian youtube guy, dashboard cameras and niko from GTA4 and he wasn't even russian, I have failed you sempai [7/21/2015 10:58:57 AM] Quakeguy: My ukrainian friend says it makes no sense [7/21/2015 10:59:24 AM] konrad knox: it makes plenty of sense, your friend is not from magadan, doesn't speak gangbangerspeak [7/21/2015 10:59:50 AM] konrad knox: popali popali suki [7/21/2015 11:00:01 AM] konrad knox: means "gotcha gotcha bitches" [7/21/2015 11:00:40 AM] konrad knox: 0.46 [7/21/2015 11:00:46 AM] konrad knox: bratan, navalai emu, ya v obhod [7/21/2015 11:01:05 AM] konrad knox: "bro, drop him hard, i'm flanking" [7/21/2015 11:01:30 AM] Quakeguy: you are currently solving an ancient mystery here [7/21/2015 11:01:35 AM] konrad knox: 0.50 [7/21/2015 11:01:38 AM] Quakeguy: for years people have wondered what the bandits in STALKER say [7/21/2015 11:01:54 AM] konrad knox: Berom ego teplenkogo, prikroi menya [7/21/2015 11:01:57 AM] Wratts: PvP skulls [7/21/2015 11:02:08 AM] konrad knox: Take him while he's warm, cover me [7/21/2015 11:02:09 AM] Wratts: do those pop up when you click that cross-axe icon on the bottom right? [7/21/2015 11:02:19 AM] konrad knox: that's right wratts [7/21/2015 11:02:41 AM] Wratts: okay, I've accidentally activated that by key-bind and not knowing what the button does, multiple times, for no reason [7/21/2015 11:03:00 AM] Sean: [7/21/2015 11:03:01 AM] konrad knox: it allows you to hurt players [7/21/2015 11:03:09 AM] Wratts: gonna have to think about whether I like it displaying skulls or not [7/21/2015 11:03:17 AM] Quakeguy: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [7/21/2015 11:03:23 AM] Quakeguy: I was wondering why you were always skulled up [7/21/2015 11:03:23 AM] Sean: "I've accidentally turned on PVP multiple times" [7/21/2015 11:03:24 AM] Sean: odear [7/21/2015 11:03:46 AM] Wratts: lol why can't I see if my character is skulled up for not? [7/21/2015 11:03:55 AM] Sean: BECAUSE YOU KNOW IF YOU HIT THE BUTTON [7/21/2015 11:04:09 AM] Wratts: Does it switch off when you log out? [7/21/2015 11:04:21 AM] Sean: ..I don't think so [7/21/2015 11:04:45 AM] Wratts: is tha tbutton the bottom right always red when PVP is active? [7/21/2015 11:04:49 AM] konrad knox: there are options the server has: 1. Always allow to hurt players. But that means friendly fire when tag teaming zeds. A little intense, but we can have it. In this option we can have everyone have a skull or everyone not have a skull, since it don't matter. 2. Our current option. Manual switch, but display skull intention. 3. Manual switch, no skull display, stealthy intention. [7/21/2015 11:05:19 AM] Wratts: Hm. Gut instinct on my part says my vote's on #3 [7/21/2015 11:05:31 AM] Wratts: I'll think about it though [7/21/2015 11:05:49 AM] konrad knox: Your character is skulled if the flag below is red [7/21/2015 11:05:56 AM] konrad knox: after the countdown, you're skulled [7/21/2015 11:06:03 AM] Wratts: okay, I couldn't figure out on the PZ wiki what that was for [7/21/2015 11:06:25 AM] konrad knox: a skulled character can attack others. an attacked character automatically is put into skull mode, so they can immediately retaliate [7/21/2015 11:06:46 AM] konrad knox: skull only controls if YOU can hit, not if you can BE hit [7/21/2015 11:06:54 AM] Wratts: thanks for clearing this up [7/21/2015 11:07:30 AM] konrad knox: we have 2 votes for option 2, no change, and 1 vote for option 3, illarion style [7/21/2015 11:07:49 AM] konrad knox: actually no, option 1 is illarion style [7/21/2015 11:07:57 AM] konrad knox: option 3 is manual switch [7/21/2015 11:08:22 AM] Wratts: yeah I'm not a huge fan of friendly fire when the controls are a bit "Haha no fuck you" at times [7/21/2015 11:08:31 AM] Wratts: manual switch for me is a bit of a must [7/21/2015 11:08:37 AM] konrad knox: yeah to me, option 1 is not even discussible [7/21/2015 11:08:57 AM] konrad knox: so if i voted, i'd vote for either 2 or 3, but i'll only vote if there's a tie [7/21/2015 11:10:24 AM] konrad knox: i'd prolly vote for skull disable, because i think the roleplay is intense under pressure [7/21/2015 11:10:31 AM] konrad knox: and i mean come on, im an adrenaline junkie [7/21/2015 11:11:05 AM] konrad knox: back to the gangbanger video [7/21/2015 11:11:18 AM] konrad knox: 0.55 [7/21/2015 11:11:39 AM] konrad knox: Bratan, ne dai emy visunutsya Bro, don't let him peek out [7/21/2015 11:12:29 AM] konrad knox: 1.04 is a generic "oh shit" "ai, mlya" [7/21/2015 11:13:09 AM] konrad knox: mlya is a euphemism for blya, which in itself is a euphemism for blyad' [7/21/2015 11:13:17 AM] konrad knox: blyad' - means bitch, used for serious hurting [7/21/2015 11:13:29 AM] konrad knox: blya - means more like, I lost my keys or i have a hang over [7/21/2015 11:13:48 AM] konrad knox: mlya - is more like hugging your bro and coercing him to take another drink [7/21/2015 11:13:57 AM] konrad knox: its a very mild curse [7/21/2015 11:14:12 AM] konrad knox: but in this context is being used as "oh shit" [7/21/2015 11:14:28 AM] konrad knox: or rather "oh bother" [7/21/2015 11:16:16 AM] konrad knox: 1:53 "- Ooshiii" [7/21/2015 11:16:40 AM] konrad knox: could be a number of things the guy is trying to start saying, but doesn't finish because he dies [7/21/2015 11:17:59 AM] konrad knox: 2.01 - "Aaai, pa... patsa...nii" "Ooow.... bo... boys" [7/21/2015 11:18:17 AM] konrad knox: a last dying call to his homies [7/21/2015 11:19:11 AM] konrad knox: 2:15 [7/21/2015 11:19:18 AM] konrad knox: "Aii, tvoyu" [7/21/2015 11:19:34 AM] konrad knox: "Ow, your..." [7/21/2015 11:19:48 AM] konrad knox: in this context "your" only has one context clear to any slav [7/21/2015 11:19:58 AM] konrad knox: he is starting to say "tvoyu mat'" [7/21/2015 11:20:01 AM] konrad knox: "your mother" [7/21/2015 11:20:09 AM] konrad knox: which is a short for "fuck your mother" [7/21/2015 11:20:16 AM] konrad knox: "yob tvoyu mat'" [7/21/2015 11:20:28 AM] konrad knox: but usually people just say "tvoyu mat" or "mat tvoyu" [7/21/2015 11:20:38 AM] konrad knox: "your mother" or "mother yours" [7/21/2015 11:20:50 AM] konrad knox: which is still implying essentially, motherfucker [7/21/2015 11:21:05 AM] konrad knox: so it's like saying "Motherfff..." and then dying [7/21/2015 11:22:28 AM] konrad knox: actually, i think he does say "mat tvoyu" but his "mat" is mixed with a growl and is more like "aaat tvoyu" [7/21/2015 11:22:58 AM] konrad knox: all of these are being said with extreme distortion of someone who's been kicked in the nuts or wounded [7/21/2015 11:23:11 AM] konrad knox: or both [7/21/2015 11:24:05 AM] konrad knox: so there u go [7/21/2015 11:24:08 AM] konrad knox: mystery le solved [7/21/2015 11:24:53 AM] konrad knox: i haven't played stalker [7/21/2015 11:24:57 AM] konrad knox: cause i loved the book [7/21/2015 11:25:03 AM] konrad knox: and was afraid to play it a bit [7/21/2015 11:25:22 AM] konrad knox: i don't have as much trust as i do to CD Projekt [7/21/2015 11:27:45 AM] Quakeguy: Uhh [7/21/2015 11:27:49 AM] Quakeguy: Roadside Picnic and STALKER [7/21/2015 11:27:58 AM] Quakeguy: are about as similar as the first prince of persia [7/21/2015 11:28:01 AM] Quakeguy: to the Sands of Time [7/21/2015 11:28:25 AM] Quakeguy: totally different backstory [7/21/2015 11:28:34 AM] konrad knox: not same universe? [7/21/2015 11:28:41 AM] konrad knox: No Redrick Shuhart? [7/21/2015 11:29:15 AM] konrad knox: see i couldn't imagine playing any other stalker besides Red [7/21/2015 11:29:27 AM] konrad knox: he was a Zone savant [7/21/2015 11:29:39 AM] konrad knox: it spoke to him [7/21/2015 11:30:19 AM] Quakeguy: sucks to be you then [7/21/2015 11:30:28 AM] Quakeguy: Hands down one of the best FPS games in 20 years [7/21/2015 11:30:55 AM] konrad knox: yeah I've heard [7/21/2015 11:31:05 AM] konrad knox: a mix of fallout and Half Life 2 [7/21/2015 11:31:09 AM] konrad knox: all the gravity fun [7/21/2015 11:31:12 AM] konrad knox: all the karma fun [7/21/2015 11:31:31 AM] Quakeguy: No nothing like HL2 [7/21/2015 11:31:36 AM] Quakeguy: And nothing like Fallout [7/21/2015 11:31:41 AM] Quakeguy: It stands on its own [7/21/2015 11:31:45 AM] Quakeguy: Incomparable. [7/21/2015 11:31:52 AM] Quakeguy: really not like any other FPS ever. [7/21/2015 11:32:15 AM] Quakeguy: best gunplay I've had in a long while, they spent a very long time painstakingly recreating ballistic physics for every caliber in the game [7/21/2015 11:32:20 AM] Quakeguy: compensation for bullet drop etc.. [7/21/2015 11:33:28 AM] konrad knox: and its in Russian right? [7/21/2015 11:33:35 AM] konrad knox: yup looks like it [7/21/2015 11:33:42 AM] konrad knox: "put the piece away bro" [7/21/2015 11:33:43 AM] konrad knox: lol [7/21/2015 2:12:15 PM] Wratts: I never played it either, wasn't playing a lot of PC games around that time [7/21/2015 2:12:27 PM] Wratts: btw, thanks again for the splint... gonna live now [7/21/2015 2:12:47 PM] Wratts: now I'm crafting rope sheets and splints for everybody. Rope sheets and splints for every day of the week [7/21/2015 2:14:01 PM] Sean: >painstaking ballistic physics [7/21/2015 2:14:14 PM] Sean: If only [7/21/2015 2:18:39 PM] Wratts: also, I know this is heresy, but I don't care for most FPS games [7/21/2015 2:22:39 PM] Sean: gasp [7/21/2015 2:26:15 PM] konrad knox: Wratts wants to see dat 3rd person ass of the female character he's made. [7/21/2015 2:28:45 PM] konrad knox: Hey Wratts. I still keep these. After all these years. [7/21/2015 2:29:42 PM] konrad knox: [7/21/2015 2:30:49 PM] konrad knox: [7/21/2015 2:31:29 PM] konrad knox: GunZ - there's your painstaking ballistic physics. P2P synchronization of bullets LOL [7/21/2015 2:31:40 PM] konrad knox: HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT! [7/21/2015 2:31:47 PM] konrad knox: I'm doing great, this guy is toast! [7/21/2015 2:31:55 PM] konrad knox: Oh wait no, he's behind me, and I'm dead. [7/21/2015 2:33:26 PM] konrad knox: The castle hallway exp lag farm. Get the machinegun with the most ammo possible. Stand in the end of the hallway. Blast away. It doesn't matter what you're shooting, you may not even see anybody. Someone's gonna die and you gonna get exp. [7/21/2015 2:38:40 PM] konrad knox: GunZ, where Naruto and Trigun fans got together to unleash their mania for action. [7/21/2015 2:39:43 PM] konrad knox: IMO one day this group needs to get into a closed GunZ game to duke it out [7/21/2015 2:40:37 PM] konrad knox: And some of you still have unfinished Heroes and Might and Magic games with me, frozen mid-turn. [7/21/2015 2:43:38 PM] konrad knox: man, GunZ was what the matrix games should have been [7/21/2015 2:58:39 PM] Wratts: yep, seeing all that ass is part of it. Also male ass. But I much prefer brawler type games than shooty shooty types [7/21/2015 2:59:23 PM] Wratts: GunZ was cool in that you could combine the two, slashy stabby pew pew [7/21/2015 2:59:51 PM] Quakeguy: Enter the Matrix was a great matrix game [7/21/2015 2:59:55 PM] Wratts: I liked it too [7/21/2015 2:59:57 PM] Quakeguy: just a shame you could beat it in 45 minutes [7/21/2015 3:00:04 PM] Wratts: man... that Agent Smith level as Niobe. <3 [7/21/2015 3:00:20 PM] Wratts: that made the game awesome. That level. Made me love it [7/21/2015 3:00:28 PM] Wratts: a lot of people missed it, it was a hidden level [7/21/2015 3:01:05 PM] konrad knox: funny how video game graphics seem better as you age. like, gunz seemed great. Playing Hitman after Gunz was like WOAH. Now after witcher you look at Hitman and go LOL so bad. But in my head, the memories, were always in best available for the time graphics, so it all seems magical in memories. Just hurts to look at Hitman playthroughs now. After witcher, try watching Hitman 2 Silent Assassin, with its single flat plane for water. Or the Anathema mission, with like, sticks for trees. [7/21/2015 3:01:07 PM] Wratts: you have to run from the Agent Smith hordes, kind of a mix of Neo's run from the Agents in the first movie with the Agent Smith assault from Reloaded. But mostly a massive escape [7/21/2015 3:01:45 PM] Wratts: non-stop running away while getting shot at, Smith jumping out of ALL the woodworks at you [7/21/2015 3:02:18 PM] Wratts: this makes me realize. No wonder I enjoyed Mirror's Edge, lol [7/21/2015 3:02:55 PM] konrad knox: in 2002 i looked at this and thought this looks amazing [7/21/2015 3:03:32 PM] Wratts: it still does compared to some games from that time [7/21/2015 3:03:49 PM] Wratts: we've come a long way though [7/21/2015 3:04:25 PM] Wratts: some people complain about the graphics of some games nowadays, makes me chuckle [7/21/2015 3:05:02 PM] Wratts: some really old games were just fucking ASCII characters for graphics, and that was it [7/21/2015 3:06:16 PM] konrad knox: [7/21/2015 3:06:23 PM] konrad knox: dat ninja showdown in the Japanese mansion [7/21/2015 3:06:39 PM] konrad knox: i loved that mission so much [7/21/2015 3:06:49 PM] konrad knox: when you time the guard patrol routes [7/21/2015 3:06:54 PM] konrad knox: and ninja the whole thing [7/21/2015 3:07:02 PM] konrad knox: and they just jump down from the ledges if you screw up [7/21/2015 3:07:15 PM] konrad knox: otherwise they just sit and watch you creepily through their night goggles [7/21/2015 3:08:15 PM] Wratts: that music [7/21/2015 3:08:33 PM] konrad knox: i was entirely obsessed with hitman games in the day [7/21/2015 3:09:00 PM] konrad knox: LOL. The water [7/21/2015 3:09:20 PM] Wratts: btw. Zombies can simply spawn in a compound? [7/21/2015 3:09:38 PM] konrad knox: now you run witcher 3 on ultra, and you can see your feet making circles and splashing in the fully realistic looking water [7/21/2015 3:09:47 PM] konrad knox: Zombies cannot spawn [7/21/2015 3:09:48 PM] Wratts: nice and flat water. Looks like you'll break something if you dive in [7/21/2015 3:09:50 PM] konrad knox: in any area [7/21/2015 3:09:55 PM] konrad knox: XD [7/21/2015 3:10:07 PM] konrad knox: nice and flat water. Looks like you'll break something if you dive inand get an ankle fracture? [7/21/2015 3:10:11 PM] konrad knox: XD [7/21/2015 3:10:14 PM] Wratts: exactly lol [7/21/2015 3:10:24 PM] Wratts: this time it was a shin fracture :0 [7/21/2015 3:10:25 PM] konrad knox: make sure not to build your tower on that water [7/21/2015 3:10:37 PM] konrad knox: get dat sheet rope [7/21/2015 3:10:41 PM] konrad knox: okay, on Zombie spawn [7/21/2015 3:10:46 PM] Wratts: sheet rope is all over the place. Every window [7/21/2015 3:10:47 PM] konrad knox: i just looked this up the other day [7/21/2015 3:10:50 PM] Wratts: I'm not even joking [7/21/2015 3:10:53 PM] konrad knox: cause its kinda relevant to what im doing [7/21/2015 3:10:56 PM] konrad knox: So [7/21/2015 3:11:01 PM] Quakeguy: if the cultists attack [7/21/2015 3:11:04 PM] Quakeguy: it'll be like planet of the apes [7/21/2015 3:11:05 PM] konrad knox: this is same rule for zombies AND loot [7/21/2015 3:11:05 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/21/2015 3:11:10 PM] konrad knox: so do pay attention [7/21/2015 3:13:27 PM] konrad knox: Any container player crafted will not respawn loot. Any floor tile player crafted will not respawn zombies. Any walled off area that is a fully closed perimeter will not spawn a zombie. The way the algorithm works: it picks a coordinate point on the map, and checks in all directions if there is a walkable path to any edge of the map. If the answer is no, it doesn't spawn a Z there. [7/21/2015 3:14:01 PM] konrad knox: Wall off entire map = you're zombie free world [7/21/2015 3:14:12 PM] konrad knox: that's actually how we can "save the world" and win the game [7/21/2015 3:14:29 PM] konrad knox: get crackin' [7/21/2015 3:14:29 PM] Wratts: lol [7/21/2015 3:14:33 PM] Wratts: that's awesome [7/21/2015 3:14:37 PM] konrad knox: JJ can solo this [7/21/2015 3:14:40 PM] Wratts: xD [7/21/2015 3:14:56 PM] Quakeguy: not enough trees in the world [7/21/2015 3:15:00 PM] Quakeguy: it'd take a minimum 10 years ig [7/21/2015 3:15:15 PM] konrad knox: erosion will get us more trees as long as you don't deforest entirely [7/21/2015 3:15:21 PM] konrad knox: trees spawn sprouts now [7/21/2015 3:15:23 PM] konrad knox: like illarion [7/21/2015 3:15:30 PM] Quakeguy: Dude [7/21/2015 3:15:33 PM] konrad knox: i love Erosion mod [7/21/2015 3:15:37 PM] Quakeguy: I am not building a 20 000 tile long wall [7/21/2015 3:15:38 PM] Wratts: so let's say you build a wall around a farm. And a zombie spawns in a non-player-built shack. How? [7/21/2015 3:15:40 PM] Quakeguy: by 80 000 tile [7/21/2015 3:15:53 PM] konrad knox: a zombie spawned in a shack? [7/21/2015 3:15:58 PM] konrad knox: inside? [7/21/2015 3:16:02 PM] Wratts: it seemed like it yeah [7/21/2015 3:16:06 PM] Quakeguy: wat [7/21/2015 3:16:09 PM] Wratts: I went into the tool shed, Zombie inside [7/21/2015 3:16:10 PM] konrad knox: it didn't walk in there? [7/21/2015 3:16:10 PM] Quakeguy: could have been a straggler. [7/21/2015 3:16:15 PM] Wratts: door was closed [7/21/2015 3:16:16 PM] konrad knox: or a player who died [7/21/2015 3:16:22 PM] Wratts: didn't seem like it, but dunno [7/21/2015 3:16:23 PM] konrad knox: didn't want to admit being infected [7/21/2015 3:16:24 PM] Quakeguy: did it getcha? [7/21/2015 3:16:28 PM] Wratts: nope [7/21/2015 3:16:29 PM] konrad knox: died there and rose [7/21/2015 3:16:32 PM] Wratts: Axed it a question [7/21/2015 3:16:36 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/21/2015 3:16:48 PM] konrad knox: seems like straggler to me if the algorithm works [7/21/2015 3:16:56 PM] konrad knox: Lemmy and RJ said that's how it works [7/21/2015 3:17:06 PM] konrad knox: now, if the door is open [7/21/2015 3:17:09 PM] konrad knox: they CAN spawn [7/21/2015 3:17:17 PM] konrad knox: if someone left door not shut [7/21/2015 3:17:32 PM] konrad knox: because that counts as a walkable path [7/21/2015 3:17:37 PM] konrad knox: it doesn't have to be straight line [7/21/2015 3:17:43 PM] konrad knox: just a walkable route to egde of map [7/21/2015 3:17:55 PM] Quakeguy: >Can speak to PZ developers now [7/21/2015 3:18:02 PM] Quakeguy: >Min Maxes and Power Games using coding knowledge [7/21/2015 3:18:35 PM] konrad knox: >Is using info posted publicly on forums? [7/21/2015 3:21:39 PM] konrad knox: >Min Maxes based off common sense and single player trials, using trial and error knowledge. >Powergames because I'm a dick. [7/21/2015 3:21:49 PM] konrad knox: What is this whole new > thing? [7/21/2015 3:22:43 PM] Wratts: 4chan meme [7/21/2015 3:23:19 PM] konrad knox: Here. [7/21/2015 3:23:20 PM] konrad knox: [7/21/2015 3:23:24 PM] konrad knox: secret dev knowledge [7/21/2015 3:23:35 PM] konrad knox: i'm on a translator team, i don't get no special knowledge [7/21/2015 3:23:41 PM] konrad knox: that's not how PZ operates [7/21/2015 3:24:04 PM] konrad knox: "Zombies should never respawn in any buildings or fenced-off areas. The game checks if there is a clear path from one randomly-chosen square on the edge of the world to the place it wants to place new zombies. If a path can't be found, then no zombies will be spawned in that part of the map." [7/21/2015 3:24:55 PM] konrad knox: "Zombies won't respawn in loaded parts of the map. This is to avoid zombies popping up in front of the player. They also won't spawn in any part of the map that was loaded within the last hour of game time." [7/21/2015 3:25:02 PM] konrad knox: Okay this last one - straight up bullshit. [7/21/2015 3:25:18 PM] konrad knox: I had Z spawn right on my face as i was killing more Z [7/21/2015 3:26:29 PM] konrad knox: "The sandbox option "Zombies Respawn Percent" controls how many zombies respawn each interval. This is the percent of the desired population that is added each interval. In multiplayer, the ZombiesRespawnPercent server option is used instead. In survival mode this is set to "10 percent". [7/21/2015 3:26:36 PM] konrad knox: 10 percent. That's cute. [7/21/2015 3:26:51 PM] konrad knox: You guys don't wanna know how many percent we have it set to. [7/21/2015 3:27:38 PM] Sean: is it 80 percent? [7/21/2015 3:28:20 PM] konrad knox: maybe we'll bump up to 80 if this proves too easy [7/21/2015 3:28:26 PM] konrad knox: it's 60 [7/21/2015 3:28:39 PM] Wratts: I think it's noticeable...getting crazy in some places [7/21/2015 3:29:14 PM] konrad knox: Well if you read that thread [7/21/2015 3:29:35 PM] konrad knox: you can see that The Governor AI actually directs zeds to spontaneously walk over to areas with less Z [7/21/2015 3:29:44 PM] konrad knox: so you can have Z suddenly start a journey [7/21/2015 3:29:53 PM] Wratts: I've observed that happen [7/21/2015 3:29:56 PM] konrad knox: a zed can attack you miles away from the place he spawned [7/21/2015 3:29:57 PM] Quakeguy: Same [7/21/2015 3:30:02 PM] konrad knox: i saw a whole group just [7/21/2015 3:30:04 PM] konrad knox: WALK [7/21/2015 3:30:09 PM] konrad knox: thousands crossing the road [7/21/2015 3:30:14 PM] konrad knox: looking for something [7/21/2015 3:30:19 PM] konrad knox: was the creepiest fucking sight [7/21/2015 3:30:22 PM] konrad knox: i'm impressed [7/21/2015 3:30:46 PM] Wratts: te interstate between WP and Muldraugh is becoming nightmarish [7/21/2015 3:30:47 PM] Aerumna: Oh so you found Gustaf. Yea, he ded. I had fun with the character concept for as long as it lasted lol. [7/21/2015 3:31:01 PM] konrad knox: They wrote The Governor for build 30, took them 6 months to polish that system, they rewrote a lot [7/21/2015 3:31:05 PM] Wratts: oh, that was you? okay then. Brained, cheers mate [7/21/2015 3:31:19 PM] konrad knox: Yeah. I found Gustaf [7/21/2015 3:31:27 PM] konrad knox: I considered taking his letter to Aida [7/21/2015 3:31:32 PM] Aerumna: To Sweden? [7/21/2015 3:31:34 PM] konrad knox: but it had no address [7/21/2015 3:31:35 PM] Wratts: oh nvm [7/21/2015 3:31:53 PM] konrad knox: was gonna drop it in the post office box [7/21/2015 3:31:57 PM] konrad knox: cause you know, im crazy [7/21/2015 3:32:00 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/21/2015 3:32:00 PM] Aerumna: rite rite [7/21/2015 3:32:03 PM] Quakeguy: in 3 months [7/21/2015 3:32:05 PM] konrad knox: your last wish [7/21/2015 3:32:09 PM] Quakeguy: HE decides he's a postman too [7/21/2015 3:32:12 PM] Quakeguy: and picks up the letter to deliver it [7/21/2015 3:32:41 PM] konrad knox: what stopped the crazy man from doing so is not the fact that there is no post office, transport, air traffic, or anyone to deliver it [7/21/2015 3:32:50 PM] konrad knox: what stopped the crazy man was the envelope had no address [7/21/2015 3:33:00 PM] Wratts: true crazy [7/21/2015 3:33:13 PM] konrad knox: yup [7/21/2015 3:33:24 PM] Aerumna: I can just see him shoving a spiral notebook into the post office box [7/21/2015 3:33:26 PM] Wratts: Francis is cray cray [7/21/2015 3:34:45 PM] konrad knox: stock up on gas tanks boys and girls [7/21/2015 3:34:52 PM] konrad knox: i think we're about to lose power [7/21/2015 3:35:10 PM] Aerumna: Is it a global thing or neighborhood thing? [7/21/2015 3:35:12 PM] Aerumna: I can't remember [7/21/2015 3:35:23 PM] konrad knox: in a matter of few random days, we will dive into dark age [7/21/2015 3:35:31 PM] konrad knox: its a neighborhood by neighborhood thing [7/21/2015 3:35:35 PM] Quakeguy: Oh noooooooooo [7/21/2015 3:35:42 PM] konrad knox: goes CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK [7/21/2015 3:37:16 PM] Quakeguy: NEED MOAR GASOLINE [7/21/2015 3:38:09 PM] Aerumna: That's what I like to hear. Fight harder against the inevitable! [7/21/2015 3:38:47 PM] Wratts: CONANWHATISBESTINLIFE [7/21/2015 3:39:55 PM] Aerumna: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you.. hear the lamentations of their women! [7/21/2015 3:41:06 PM] konrad knox: Crush your women! [7/21/2015 3:41:28 PM] Aerumna: Drive the lamentations of your enemies, crush their women before you...? [7/21/2015 3:41:36 PM] Wratts: rofl [7/21/2015 3:42:23 PM | Edited 3:42:30 PM] konrad knox: Lament the drivers of your women! Crush the seers of your enemies. Hear them before you! [7/21/2015 3:43:00 PM] Quakeguy: hEAR THE DRIVERS OF YOUR SEERS! CRUSH YOUR HORSES UNDER THE HOOVES OF THEIR LAMENTATIONS, DAMNABLE WOMEN! [7/21/2015 3:43:06 PM] konrad knox: (rofl) [7/21/2015 3:43:20 PM] Sean: WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING ANYMORE [7/21/2015 3:43:32 PM] konrad knox: West Point downtown looks like Fallout [7/21/2015 3:43:54 PM] konrad knox: that last chopper raid on May 5th [7/21/2015 3:43:57 PM] konrad knox: or 4th [7/21/2015 3:44:04 PM] konrad knox: anyone keeping journal of heli schedules? [7/21/2015 3:44:12 PM] konrad knox: there was one April 19th [7/21/2015 3:44:16 PM] konrad knox: One April 24th [7/21/2015 3:44:20 PM] konrad knox: One May 4 or 5 [7/21/2015 3:44:22 PM] konrad knox: i think [7/21/2015 3:44:30 PM] konrad knox: and one just recently [7/21/2015 3:44:37 PM] konrad knox: but that one was rather small [7/21/2015 3:44:39 PM] Quakeguy: fuck [7/21/2015 3:44:48 PM] konrad knox: i have a feeling that zeds are moving somewhere [7/21/2015 3:44:48 PM] Quakeguy: do the electrician books even exist? [7/21/2015 3:44:59 PM] konrad knox: let me see [7/21/2015 3:45:03 PM] Sean: I don't think so [7/21/2015 3:45:04 PM] konrad knox: i can read [7/21/2015 3:45:06 PM] Sean: I tried looking for them [7/21/2015 3:45:52 PM] konrad knox: [7/21/2015 3:45:59 PM] Quakeguy: Actually [7/21/2015 3:46:04 PM] Quakeguy: I think they only spawn in garages [7/21/2015 3:46:05 PM] Quakeguy: and sheds [7/21/2015 3:46:36 PM] konrad knox: Oh [7/21/2015 3:46:42 PM] konrad knox: you don't get skill books [7/21/2015 3:46:44 PM] konrad knox: you get magazines [7/21/2015 3:46:49 PM] konrad knox: that's how u learn the skills [7/21/2015 3:47:02 PM] konrad knox: like i found an angler magazine [7/21/2015 3:47:06 PM] konrad knox: in a random house shed [7/21/2015 3:47:17 PM] konrad knox: i found another one in a storage warehouse last night [7/21/2015 3:47:20 PM] Wratts: yeah I found one of those too [7/21/2015 3:47:24 PM] konrad knox: i thought i was fucked [7/21/2015 3:47:32 PM] konrad knox: that i was gonna not avoid a bite [7/21/2015 3:47:32 PM] Wratts: give you recipes [7/21/2015 3:47:39 PM] konrad knox: i was looting storage [7/21/2015 3:47:47 PM] konrad knox: and a group of Z chases after me [7/21/2015 3:47:51 PM] konrad knox: i run into the room [7/21/2015 3:47:52 PM] konrad knox: FUCK [7/21/2015 3:47:54 PM] konrad knox: dead end [7/21/2015 3:48:00 PM] konrad knox: door entirely blocked [7/21/2015 3:48:02 PM] konrad knox: i log out [7/21/2015 3:48:11 PM] konrad knox: hoping they dissipate [7/21/2015 3:48:31 PM] konrad knox: log in, they walked off a bit, just enough to run through, like 2 zeds by the door [7/21/2015 3:48:45 PM] Quakeguy: Need to find more electricial books [7/21/2015 3:48:46 PM] Quakeguy: asap [7/21/2015 3:48:50 PM] konrad knox: magazines [7/21/2015 3:48:52 PM] Quakeguy: so we can actually work the generator [7/21/2015 3:49:02 PM] konrad knox: they need a teaching system [7/21/2015 3:49:10 PM] konrad knox: like so one class can spend some time with another class [7/21/2015 3:49:12 PM] konrad knox: and teach [7/21/2015 3:49:24 PM] konrad knox: and a new flaw [7/21/2015 3:49:26 PM] konrad knox: Unteachable [7/21/2015 3:49:29 PM] konrad knox: or [7/21/2015 3:49:31 PM] konrad knox: Dumbass [7/21/2015 3:49:50 PM] konrad knox: man can you imagine taking Illiterate [7/21/2015 3:49:53 PM] konrad knox: holy smokes [7/21/2015 3:50:01 PM] konrad knox: you can do literally nothing but your professions [7/21/2015 3:50:06 PM] konrad knox: cant accelerate skill [7/21/2015 3:50:23 PM] konrad knox: oh. and Deaf characters are jolly fun [7/21/2015 3:50:30 PM] konrad knox: i had a test char in single player [7/21/2015 3:50:34 PM] konrad knox: with every single flaw taken [7/21/2015 3:50:40 PM] konrad knox: and most perks i could afford [7/21/2015 3:50:48 PM] konrad knox: A deaf and poor sight char [7/21/2015 3:50:52 PM] konrad knox: lives in this dark cloud [7/21/2015 3:50:54 PM] konrad knox: of tiny vision [7/21/2015 3:51:05 PM] konrad knox: and hears absolutely no sound effects but music and panic sound [7/21/2015 3:51:18 PM] konrad knox: no light switches, no gunshots, no choppers [7/21/2015 3:51:25 PM] konrad knox: everything is mute [7/21/2015 3:51:43 PM] konrad knox: he was eaten after 6 hours [7/21/2015 3:51:47 PM] konrad knox: by a Z coming behind [7/21/2015 3:52:54 PM] konrad knox: yeah that's the magazine you want JJ [7/21/2015 3:55:38 PM] Wratts: how playable was it [7/21/2015 3:56:05 PM] Wratts: oh nvm, was scrolled up, didn't see the eaten after 6 hours part lol [7/21/2015 3:57:23 PM] konrad knox: This is why I don't install mods. I thought it was gonna be a function that lets you name a weapon like you name a bag. Scary how many people love it. Well, i guess if you don't roleplay it works [7/21/2015 4:00:49 PM] konrad knox: Now this mod sounds cool. [7/21/2015 4:04:18 PM] Wratts: Oooh. Katana [7/21/2015 4:05:11 PM] konrad knox: the thing is, it has complaints, looks like its buggy [7/21/2015 4:05:16 PM] konrad knox: and also some weapons are OP [7/21/2015 4:06:45 PM] Quakeguy: uhh [7/21/2015 4:06:48 PM] Quakeguy: I don't see how those items [7/21/2015 4:06:56 PM] Quakeguy: are any different from a progressive Isometric RPG [7/21/2015 4:07:05 PM] Quakeguy: It's merely not realistic [7/21/2015 4:08:06 PM] konrad knox: tell you what [7/21/2015 4:08:13 PM] konrad knox: when fort knox is released, im getting this mod [7/21/2015 4:08:38 PM] konrad knox: coz that ties in with accessibility to military grade firearms [7/21/2015 4:08:50 PM] Quakeguy: Extra Weapons PLS [7/21/2015 4:08:55 PM] Quakeguy: Looks based [7/21/2015 4:08:57 PM] Quakeguy: Hunting Knife [7/21/2015 4:09:00 PM] Quakeguy: Survival axr [7/21/2015 4:09:02 PM] Quakeguy: axe [7/21/2015 4:09:03 PM] Quakeguy: fuck yeah [7/21/2015 4:09:36 PM] konrad knox: [7/21/2015 4:09:38 PM] konrad knox: see now this guy [7/21/2015 4:09:43 PM] konrad knox: he created the Erosion mod [7/21/2015 4:09:49 PM] konrad knox: and for that, was added to the team [7/21/2015 4:09:58 PM] konrad knox: and his mod got integrated [7/21/2015 4:10:50 PM] konrad knox: OH SHIT [7/21/2015 4:10:53 PM] konrad knox: We need this. [7/21/2015 4:10:55 PM] konrad knox: [7/21/2015 4:11:08 PM] konrad knox: but the problem is [7/21/2015 4:11:14 PM] konrad knox: infinite molotovs [7/21/2015 4:11:42 PM] Quakeguy: So what? [7/21/2015 4:11:51 PM] Quakeguy: To be honest it's realistic [7/21/2015 4:11:54 PM] Quakeguy: especially for Kentucky [7/21/2015 4:11:56 PM] konrad knox: Yes, it is [7/21/2015 4:12:01 PM] Aerumna: I don't see anything about molotovs in the post anyway. [7/21/2015 4:12:05 PM] konrad knox: I'm considering it. [7/21/2015 4:12:09 PM] konrad knox: Well no [7/21/2015 4:12:14 PM] konrad knox: but alcohol [7/21/2015 4:12:18 PM] konrad knox: is a bottleneck requirement [7/21/2015 4:12:22 PM] konrad knox: if u can make ur own whiskey [7/21/2015 4:12:26 PM] konrad knox: u can make more nades [7/21/2015 4:12:30 PM] Aerumna: but its a different item I imagine. [7/21/2015 4:13:39 PM] Aerumna: Looks to me that it will not be a process to produce whiskey, but literally nasty-ass hooch [7/21/2015 4:14:05 PM] Quakeguy: I doubt moonshine+rag is set up to make molotov [7/21/2015 4:14:09 PM] Aerumna: Right. [7/21/2015 4:14:16 PM] konrad knox: You know what. [7/21/2015 4:14:20 PM] konrad knox: I wanna get this one. [7/21/2015 4:14:31 PM] konrad knox: I'll contact the author about what it supports. [7/21/2015 4:14:33 PM] Aerumna: Balance-wise it seems perfectly harmless [7/21/2015 4:14:35 PM] konrad knox: And if updates break it. [7/21/2015 4:14:54 PM] Quakeguy: Is there any way to add the weapons mod while removing the automatics? [7/21/2015 4:15:06 PM] Quakeguy: Crossbow, bow, slingshot, and the melee weapons all seem logical [7/21/2015 4:15:22 PM] konrad knox: that's the thing, there is not [7/21/2015 4:15:25 PM] Quakeguy: even the occasional AK or AR considering the location, but it makes sense to keep those off limits until a larger city or Knox is added [7/21/2015 4:15:34 PM] konrad knox: also M16 make sense, while Ak74 do not [7/21/2015 4:15:45 PM] Quakeguy: AK's make sense in private owner hands [7/21/2015 4:15:53 PM] konrad knox: but in MR KY? [7/21/2015 4:16:02 PM] Quakeguy: Gonna try and tell me the southern states have no love for Russian Weapons? [7/21/2015 4:16:07 PM] Quakeguy: I got an entire forum willing to post pics that say otherwise [7/21/2015 4:16:08 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/21/2015 4:16:59 PM] konrad knox: what i can't control and also don't know is frequency of their spawning [7/21/2015 4:17:11 PM] konrad knox: if they're as common as shotguns [7/21/2015 4:17:17 PM] konrad knox: they'll make everything else obsolete [7/21/2015 4:17:24 PM] konrad knox: stat wise those things aren't balanced at all [7/21/2015 4:17:39 PM] konrad knox: we'll be tossing sawn offs into garbage cans [7/21/2015 4:18:20 PM] Wratts: Really? Aren't sawn offs still the only surefire way to hit stuff even if you suck with guns? [7/21/2015 4:18:30 PM] konrad knox: right now they are [7/21/2015 4:18:38 PM] konrad knox: this extra weapons mod was started in 2013 [7/21/2015 4:18:49 PM] konrad knox: i haven't read enough to see where he is with it [7/21/2015 4:19:08 PM] konrad knox: they rebalanced the firearms skills [7/21/2015 4:19:15 PM] Wratts: yeah but let's say auto rifles have accuracy of pistols at unskilled levels. It's actually shit yuo miss most of the time, and burn through ammo in no time [7/21/2015 4:20:06 PM] konrad knox: right! [7/21/2015 4:20:11 PM] konrad knox: the thing being [7/21/2015 4:20:17 PM] konrad knox: I don't know if we CAN say that [7/21/2015 4:20:26 PM] konrad knox: once you got the mod, you're in for the ride [7/21/2015 4:20:39 PM] konrad knox: there's no control over the accuracy adjustment [7/21/2015 4:20:44 PM] konrad knox: I've no idea how good they are [7/21/2015 4:21:59 PM] konrad knox: yup, see. [7/21/2015 4:22:07 PM] konrad knox: he didn't streamline it [7/21/2015 4:22:12 PM] konrad knox: each PZ update breaks the mod [7/21/2015 4:22:15 PM] konrad knox: weapons vanish [7/21/2015 4:22:24 PM] konrad knox: currently doesn't support 32.16 [7/21/2015 4:22:47 PM] konrad knox: i'm asking the moonshine guy if his mod can be applied without resetting the world [7/21/2015 4:25:03 PM] konrad knox: wow... [7/21/2015 4:25:09 PM] konrad knox: my only question is.... WHY? [7/21/2015 4:25:28 PM] konrad knox: if i wanna read a book, i'ma go read a book, not play PZ and read a book through its GUI [7/21/2015 4:27:13 PM] konrad knox: Oh she just has the titles, not the texts [7/21/2015 4:27:14 PM] konrad knox: phew [7/21/2015 4:30:14 PM] konrad knox: the mod i'll never install. it's apparently pretty popular. but it pretty much kills PZ's spirit [7/21/2015 4:30:31 PM] konrad knox: turns it more into a general rpg [7/21/2015 4:32:04 PM] konrad knox: while some of this stuff is great, other stuff is just bad [7/21/2015 4:32:21 PM] Quakeguy: The new creation in-game map kit [7/21/2015 4:32:23 PM] Quakeguy: is fucking AMAZING [7/21/2015 4:32:28 PM] Quakeguy: brilliant concept [7/21/2015 4:32:33 PM] Quakeguy: gonna cut down map making so fucking much [7/21/2015 4:32:38 PM] Quakeguy: map making time^ [7/21/2015 4:36:59 PM] konrad knox: i think PZ may integrate hydrocraft partially, if they throw out all the COPPER BROADSWORD SILVER LONGSWORD BRONZE HALBERD stuff [7/21/2015 4:38:21 PM] konrad knox: I actually started a thread a year ago about asking if a longsword would be a viable item ingame? the devs said, not in the plot context. Unlikely anyone in Muldraugh would be a collector of historic European weapons and there are no antique stores. [7/21/2015 4:47:15 PM] Aerumna: According to yellowpages, there are a few antique stores that serve the West Point area [7/21/2015 4:47:20 PM] Aerumna: but its true that there are none in Muldraugh [7/21/2015 4:48:43 PM] Aerumna: Don't mean that none of the residents are fanbois of certain eras, tho [7/21/2015 4:50:43 PM] Sean: that one katana weeb in his moms basement somewhere near muldraugh kentucky, crying rite now [7/21/2015 4:50:52 PM] Aerumna: Ya [7/21/2015 4:53:40 PM] konrad knox: PZ dev team [7/21/2015 4:53:54 PM] konrad knox: wow, Lemmy does look like this guy [7/21/2015 4:55:28 PM] Quakeguy: So which one of them got their laptop 'stolen' [7/21/2015 4:55:39 PM] Quakeguy: and all of the data they had worked on like ever was on it with zero back ups [7/21/2015 4:55:44 PM] Quakeguy: halting the project for over 18 months [7/21/2015 4:56:33 PM] Sean: That poor asian woman looks like she's being oppressed by toxic masculinity! [7/21/2015 4:58:48 PM] konrad knox: that i don't know [7/21/2015 4:58:55 PM] konrad knox: where ever you saw the laptop story, i'd ask there [7/21/2015 5:02:57 PM] Quakeguy: this was back in 2012 I think [7/21/2015 5:08:20 PM] konrad knox: Don't mean that none of the residents are fanbois of certain eras, tho [4:50:40 PM] Sean: that one katana weeb in his moms basement somewhere near muldraugh kentucky, crying rite now > I know, I know [7/21/2015 5:08:59 PM] konrad knox: > misuses the meme by not including sacrasm [7/21/2015 5:10:11 PM] Quakeguy: Not a meme [7/21/2015 5:10:15 PM] Quakeguy: simply green arrow [7/21/2015 5:11:25 PM] Sean: >doesn't understand meme [7/21/2015 5:11:29 PM] Sean: >yfw [7/21/2015 5:14:04 PM] konrad knox: Also, i know i'm a baddie for this, but, w/e [7/21/2015 5:14:08 PM] *** *** [7/21/2015 5:14:36 PM] konrad knox: as long as we don't talk about it and yall support the artist by buying his released CD or watnot [7/21/2015 5:14:42 PM] Quakeguy: >tfw you have no face. [7/21/2015 5:16:26 PM] Sean: [7/21/2015 5:58:00 PM] Quakeguy: i have killed 420 zombies [7/21/2015 5:58:01 PM] Quakeguy: blaze it [7/21/2015 6:02:29 PM] Wratts: lol [7/21/2015 6:02:56 PM] Wratts: Kill Zeds every day [7/21/2015 9:16:43 PM] Quakeguy: holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuck [7/21/2015 9:16:48 PM] Quakeguy: invasion!!!!!! [7/21/2015 9:20:25 PM] konrad knox: RIP Larry [7/21/2015 9:22:15 PM] Quakeguy: Dunno who Larry Dunn was. [7/21/2015 9:22:18 PM] Quakeguy: But he lasted a while [7/21/2015 9:28:16 PM] konrad knox: Omg westpoint too [7/21/2015 9:28:22 PM] konrad knox: Sudden wavs [7/21/2015 9:28:28 PM] konrad knox: Reking my sfwjeoshous [7/21/2015 9:28:50 PM] konrad knox: Omg [7/21/2015 9:28:52 PM] konrad knox: Omg lol [7/21/2015 9:36:10 PM] konrad knox: Perhaps its John [7/21/2015 11:11:16 PM] Wratts: game got cray [7/21/2015 11:11:26 PM] Wratts: there weren't even any heli sounds. wtf? [7/21/2015 11:11:45 PM] Quakeguy: im gonna die [7/21/2015 11:11:51 PM] Quakeguy: stuck in corn field [7/21/2015 11:11:53 PM] Quakeguy: no map load [7/21/2015 11:11:58 PM] Quakeguy: 400 zeds [7/21/2015 11:12:03 PM] Wratts: shit [7/21/2015 11:12:09 PM] Quakeguy: This is fucking stupid [7/21/2015 11:12:17 PM] Quakeguy: This is a RETARDED zed count [7/21/2015 11:12:17 PM] Wratts: get out of that cornfield [7/21/2015 11:12:27 PM] Wratts: yeah [7/21/2015 11:12:35 PM] Quakeguy: Not like [7/21/2015 11:12:39 PM] Quakeguy: haha yeah you whiner ;) [7/21/2015 11:12:45 PM] Quakeguy: i mean this is RETARDED [7/21/2015 11:38:31 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Jones Johnson [7/21/2015 11:40:29 PM] Sean: nowai [7/21/2015 11:40:43 PM] konrad knox: share the screenshot [7/21/2015 11:40:50 PM] Quakeguy: how? [7/21/2015 11:41:07 PM] Quakeguy: This is [7/21/2015 11:41:09 PM] Quakeguy: and I shit you guys not [7/21/2015 11:41:16 PM] Quakeguy: Wratts canback me up [7/21/2015 11:41:21 PM] Quakeguy: 5% of what I was dealing with [7/21/2015 11:41:27 PM] Sean: Holy hell [7/21/2015 11:41:29 PM] Quakeguy: There's 95% more of a hoard [7/21/2015 11:41:32 PM] Quakeguy: beyond that screen [7/21/2015 11:41:34 PM] Quakeguy: I shit you not. [7/21/2015 11:41:49 PM] Sean: heli? [7/21/2015 11:43:04 PM] Sean: At least it was a bajillion zombies and not a fall that did it :\ [7/21/2015 11:44:03 PM] Quakeguy: That's the funny part. [7/21/2015 11:44:07 PM] Quakeguy: No warning. [7/21/2015 11:44:12 PM] Quakeguy: I think the server must have just done the [7/21/2015 11:44:20 PM] Quakeguy: fucking 60% calculation [7/21/2015 11:44:26 PM] Quakeguy: and spawned about 60 000 zombies. [7/21/2015 11:44:46 PM] Sean: all at once? [7/21/2015 11:44:48 PM] Sean: brutal. [7/21/2015 11:44:58 PM] Quakeguy: There was no way to survive this without exploit. [7/21/2015 11:45:05 PM] Quakeguy: This was the literal end of Kentucky. [7/21/2015 11:59:45 PM] Quakeguy: 24 days, 11 hours [7/21/2015 11:59:51 PM] Quakeguy: or no [7/21/2015 11:59:53 PM] Quakeguy: 26 days [7/21/2015 11:59:54 PM] Quakeguy: 11 hours [7/22/2015 12:04:32 AM] Quakeguy: anyways, off to bed. [7/22/2015 12:04:51 AM] Quakeguy: killed by unloading maps and server-client spikes, probably due to too much fire. [7/22/2015 12:04:54 AM] Quakeguy: But wow what a fun 3 weeks [7/22/2015 12:20:03 AM] konrad knox: RIP Michelle [7/22/2015 12:20:58 AM] Sean: throws popcorn on the dead bodies [7/22/2015 12:21:39 AM] konrad knox: That girl could run [7/22/2015 12:22:04 AM] konrad knox: I watched her traverse streets, mad skills [7/22/2015 12:23:34 AM] Sean: Seems like she couldn't.... [7/22/2015 12:23:37 AM] Sean: (•_•) ( •_•)>¬¦-¦ (¬¦_¦) [7/22/2015 12:23:41 AM] Sean: ...Out run death [7/22/2015 12:23:44 AM] Sean: YEAAAAAAAAH [7/22/2015 12:29:37 AM] konrad knox: What the hell is happening? [7/22/2015 12:29:43 AM] konrad knox: any update? [7/22/2015 12:29:53 AM] konrad knox: how did Michelle croak [7/22/2015 12:33:10 AM] konrad knox: Jesus did everyone die? [7/22/2015 12:33:19 AM] konrad knox: Im walking over there [7/22/2015 12:34:24 AM] konrad knox: Incidentally, light and water died today [7/22/2015 12:34:35 AM] konrad knox: Coincidence??? I think not [7/22/2015 12:36:17 AM] konrad knox: Ok so we had clearly lag issues [7/22/2015 12:36:32 AM] konrad knox: Who died due to lag? [7/22/2015 12:37:18 AM] konrad knox: i wonder if there is a way to restore dead characters and change settings a bit without wiping the world [7/22/2015 12:37:35 AM] konrad knox: I dont think there is [7/22/2015 12:38:57 AM] Wratts: I didn't die to lag [7/22/2015 12:39:03 AM] Wratts: I thought I would [7/22/2015 12:39:16 AM] Wratts: started lagging like mad, then my game client crashed [7/22/2015 12:39:23 AM] konrad knox: Jj, Michelle? [7/22/2015 12:39:42 AM] Wratts: I logged back in, all the zombies around me had disappeared, and had no injuries [7/22/2015 12:39:42 AM] konrad knox: whats happening at the farm now [7/22/2015 12:39:47 AM] Wratts: it's a mess lol [7/22/2015 12:39:58 AM] Wratts: Dunno, Michelle molotoved them after kiting hundreds [7/22/2015 12:40:12 AM] Wratts: I think most of them are dead, but I don't know what Michelle's status is, or JJ's [7/22/2015 12:40:56 AM] konrad knox: Michelle is dead [7/22/2015 12:41:06 AM] konrad knox: JJ not sure [7/22/2015 12:41:13 AM] konrad knox: Scrolled too much up [7/22/2015 12:43:37 AM] konrad knox: Ok. Michelle cleared the farm. But crashed during. [7/22/2015 12:43:52 AM] konrad knox: This is not either of the players fault [7/22/2015 12:43:56 AM] konrad knox: Please hold [7/22/2015 12:44:48 AM] Wratts: farmhouse is on fire [7/22/2015 12:45:11 AM] Wratts: FUCK [7/22/2015 12:45:16 AM] Wratts: about Michelle dead [7/22/2015 12:45:53 AM] konrad knox: i'm reading up if it's possible to restore [7/22/2015 12:46:12 AM] konrad knox: cause crashing is like [7/22/2015 1:01:49 AM] konrad knox: Ok. Awesome. [7/22/2015 1:01:58 AM] konrad knox: I know how to "revive" a character [7/22/2015 1:02:22 AM] konrad knox: but i'm only doing this for people who crashed before they died [7/22/2015 1:02:42 AM] konrad knox: well, or those who could only run in a 40 x 40 circle [7/22/2015 1:02:52 AM] konrad knox: so Michelle and JJ [7/22/2015 1:03:08 AM] konrad knox: Wratts are u alive still? [7/22/2015 1:07:15 AM] Wratts: yep [7/22/2015 1:07:27 AM] Wratts: tjust cleared out the farmhouse but left it, because it's majorly fucked [7/22/2015 1:07:43 AM] konrad knox: ok ok ok [7/22/2015 1:07:49 AM] konrad knox: since i myself just burned half the west point [7/22/2015 1:07:54 AM] Wratts: Francis still alive? [7/22/2015 1:07:58 AM] konrad knox: and i first hand witnessed the lag you were causing [7/22/2015 1:08:10 AM] konrad knox: yes, im alive because i didnt try to protect my safehouse from a literal train of Z [7/22/2015 1:08:24 AM] konrad knox: i booked it [7/22/2015 1:08:25 AM] Wratts: methinks all these fires caused major lag [7/22/2015 1:08:45 AM] konrad knox: you guys picked a legitimate way to deal with the situation [7/22/2015 1:08:45 AM] Wratts: JJ set fire in Muldraugh with a horde he lured out there [7/22/2015 1:08:59 AM] konrad knox: Ok ok hear me out a bit [7/22/2015 1:09:02 AM] Wratts: Michelle kited the hugest fucking horde I've ever seen and lite them on fire [7/22/2015 1:09:14 AM] konrad knox: I saw the lag myself, and i looked at your crashes [7/22/2015 1:09:19 AM] Wratts: and if it was burning in WP too, well, that's three major "hotspots", pardon the pun [7/22/2015 1:09:27 AM] konrad knox: you did pick a valid way to defend [7/22/2015 1:09:30 AM] konrad knox: which should have worked [7/22/2015 1:09:33 AM] konrad knox: and would have worked [7/22/2015 1:09:40 AM] konrad knox: if your clients could handle it [7/22/2015 1:09:49 AM] konrad knox: server handled it fine [7/22/2015 1:09:52 AM] konrad knox: the clients couldnt [7/22/2015 1:10:04 AM] konrad knox: its not like you just derped and died by negligence [7/22/2015 1:10:18 AM] Wratts: yeah I'm guessing the clients couldn't handle this. Would be curious how much RAM etc everybody has [7/22/2015 1:10:26 AM] konrad knox: so i'm doing two things [7/22/2015 1:10:30 AM] konrad knox: or gonna try to do [7/22/2015 1:10:37 AM] konrad knox: 1. bumping down respawn from 60 to 40 [7/22/2015 1:10:42 AM] konrad knox: we'll see next month how it goes [7/22/2015 1:10:49 AM] konrad knox: 2. reviving JJ and Mitch [7/22/2015 1:10:58 AM] konrad knox: Mitch worked already [7/22/2015 1:11:15 AM] konrad knox: JJ needs to wake up and take a flag file [7/22/2015 1:11:32 AM] konrad knox: basically the server is kinda brutal about this [7/22/2015 1:11:42 AM] konrad knox: there's no way to "restore" a character [7/22/2015 1:12:18 AM] konrad knox: by any admin power [7/22/2015 1:12:22 AM] Wratts: only revive if they're already 100% registered as dead [7/22/2015 1:12:24 AM] Wratts: ? [7/22/2015 1:12:33 AM] konrad knox: well not even that [7/22/2015 1:12:38 AM] konrad knox: you have to hack it it looks like [7/22/2015 1:12:59 AM] konrad knox: and there needs to be at least one character whom the server considered alive at the time of death [7/22/2015 1:13:11 AM] konrad knox: so im giving them Frank's "alive" flag [7/22/2015 1:13:18 AM] konrad knox: its actually fucking clever [7/22/2015 1:13:28 AM] konrad knox: it takes a png snapshot miniature of your char too [7/22/2015 1:13:38 AM] konrad knox: so you can't dupe items or cheat otherwise [7/22/2015 1:14:05 AM] konrad knox: but it looks like you CAN submit an alive flag to the server the hacky way [7/22/2015 1:14:20 AM] konrad knox: though i need to test it [7/22/2015 1:14:30 AM] konrad knox: it did work for Mitch [7/22/2015 1:14:45 AM] Wratts: so what's uncertain about JJ? He might have been bitten or something? [7/22/2015 1:14:58 AM] konrad knox: we gonna find out [7/22/2015 1:15:22 AM] Wratts: I think he was doing okay before he crashed out, but there was a period of radio silence time where I don't know what happened to him [7/22/2015 1:15:34 AM] konrad knox: i'm basically giving them a server's backup of where they were moments before [7/22/2015 1:15:57 AM] konrad knox: well he needs to come back to keyboard and try it [7/22/2015 1:16:01 AM] Wratts: that is cool. Also, yeah, reducing the spawn rate from 60 to 40 might be good, lol [7/22/2015 1:16:13 AM] konrad knox: yeah, already took care of that [7/22/2015 1:16:15 AM] Wratts: that was gonzo batshit crazy [7/22/2015 1:17:00 AM] Wratts: I wonder what causes the client-side lag/crashing [7/22/2015 1:17:15 AM] konrad knox: an insane amount of zombies? [7/22/2015 1:17:26 AM] Wratts: maps loaded fine for me, it was only towards the end where it crashed, there weren't even that many zombies left, just fire everywhere [7/22/2015 1:17:32 AM] Wratts: I'm guessing fire has something to do with it [7/22/2015 1:17:37 AM] konrad knox: u guys need alienware laptops [7/22/2015 1:18:03 AM] Wratts: you were getting map loading issues though too, right? [7/22/2015 1:19:29 AM] konrad knox: yes [7/22/2015 1:19:39 AM] konrad knox: because of all your shit i think [7/22/2015 1:19:45 AM] konrad knox: so it was serverside too [7/22/2015 1:19:53 AM] Wratts: I wasn't getting that though, ever [7/22/2015 1:19:57 AM] konrad knox: Quake where the hell are you [7/22/2015 1:20:02 AM] konrad knox: he prolly went to / veins [7/22/2015 1:20:10 AM] konrad knox: Come back before your farm burns down entirely [7/22/2015 1:20:15 AM] Wratts: fire stopped [7/22/2015 1:20:23 AM] Wratts: I killed everything left moving [7/22/2015 1:20:51 AM] konrad knox: Ok, JJ, basically, the shit was bad, you were badly fucked up, but survived [7/22/2015 1:21:21 AM] konrad knox: I'm not gonna be a dick and watch everyone die due to a setting too high [7/22/2015 1:21:31 AM] konrad knox: When i myself witnessed the loading issues [7/22/2015 1:23:07 AM] Wratts: ironic thing was [7/22/2015 1:23:13 AM] Wratts: 30 minutes before this shit happened [7/22/2015 1:23:24 AM] Wratts: JJ radioed to Frank "I'm going to be sitting on my porch, reading a book" [7/22/2015 1:23:31 AM] konrad knox: Oh nononononono [7/22/2015 1:23:34 AM] konrad knox: nono [7/22/2015 1:23:34 AM] Wratts: or something along those lines [7/22/2015 1:23:41 AM] konrad knox: he did a prank on frank [7/22/2015 1:23:51 AM] konrad knox: that he is spotting him out the south window or something [7/22/2015 1:23:55 AM] Wratts: Yeah I saw that [7/22/2015 1:23:59 AM] konrad knox: i stay true to my character and figure why not [7/22/2015 1:24:02 AM] konrad knox: i'll RP this [7/22/2015 1:24:06 AM] konrad knox: even though nobody is around [7/22/2015 1:24:10 AM] konrad knox: i'm gonna fucking do it [7/22/2015 1:24:24 AM] konrad knox: Frank panics and runs out the southern side or whatever side he said [7/22/2015 1:24:32 AM] konrad knox: and my balls drop as i see a train [7/22/2015 1:24:36 AM] Wratts: Z-train approaching? [7/22/2015 1:24:38 AM] Wratts: LOL [7/22/2015 1:24:39 AM] konrad knox: a literal fucking train [7/22/2015 1:24:46 AM] konrad knox: thats why radiosilence [7/22/2015 1:24:51 AM] Wratts: Frank prank was a life saver then [7/22/2015 1:24:55 AM] konrad knox: i grab the fucking shotty ammo as fast as i could [7/22/2015 1:25:04 AM] konrad knox: frank prank was like [7/22/2015 1:25:05 AM] konrad knox: if he didnt do it [7/22/2015 1:25:13 AM] konrad knox: they'd either pass me by [7/22/2015 1:25:20 AM] konrad knox: or wreck me with the house [7/22/2015 1:25:24 AM] Wratts: xD [7/22/2015 1:25:29 AM] konrad knox: depends on how much noise i made [7/22/2015 1:25:35 AM] konrad knox: as it was, fucking karma-magically [7/22/2015 1:25:40 AM] konrad knox: i booked it faster than wind [7/22/2015 1:25:45 AM] Wratts: okay now, wtf was this entire thing? A fresh spawn? [7/22/2015 1:25:49 AM] Wratts: or wandering hordes? [7/22/2015 1:25:51 AM] konrad knox: My Safehouse A, C, and E are destroyed [7/22/2015 1:25:57 AM] konrad knox: B is in shambles but holds [7/22/2015 1:25:59 AM] konrad knox: D holds [7/22/2015 1:26:00 AM] Wratts: can you read that from server logs? [7/22/2015 1:26:04 AM] konrad knox: downtown west point = fucked [7/22/2015 1:26:13 AM] konrad knox: unfortunately i cannot [7/22/2015 1:26:23 AM] konrad knox: i dont know how to administer the server that much [7/22/2015 1:26:41 AM] konrad knox: i know literally how to read the 40 last lines of scroll console [7/22/2015 1:26:51 AM] Wratts: it was downright creepy.They were just there all of a sudden, like on a chopper event, but not swarming on the location, just massively abundant [7/22/2015 1:26:52 AM] konrad knox: and start/stop/change settings [7/22/2015 1:26:58 AM] konrad knox: but once the game is in motion [7/22/2015 1:27:01 AM] Wratts: no sound effects [7/22/2015 1:27:02 AM] konrad knox: its a black box to me [7/22/2015 1:27:08 AM] konrad knox: dude [7/22/2015 1:27:10 AM] konrad knox: I saw [7/22/2015 1:27:12 AM] konrad knox: Frank saw [7/22/2015 1:27:14 AM] konrad knox: literally [7/22/2015 1:27:19 AM] konrad knox: i followed the train [7/22/2015 1:27:24 AM] konrad knox: how they were moving [7/22/2015 1:27:41 AM] konrad knox: i dont know where they spawned [7/22/2015 1:27:50 AM] konrad knox: but i think because you cleared out your cell so good [7/22/2015 1:28:00 AM] konrad knox: The Governor decided it needs help populating [7/22/2015 1:28:12 AM] konrad knox: just a wittwe [7/22/2015 1:28:20 AM] konrad knox: and sent a few thousand z your way [7/22/2015 1:28:29 AM] Wratts: so it looked up that 60%, and said, "Yep, go fuck these guys up" [7/22/2015 1:28:37 AM] konrad knox: XD [7/22/2015 1:28:46 AM] konrad knox: i bet they spawned as water shut off [7/22/2015 1:28:56 AM] Wratts: water was still running before I logged out [7/22/2015 1:29:02 AM] konrad knox: lights? [7/22/2015 1:29:07 AM] Wratts: electricity too I think [7/22/2015 1:29:16 AM] Wratts: didn't check that though [7/22/2015 1:29:18 AM] konrad knox: West Point lights are OUT [7/22/2015 1:29:36 AM] Wratts: welp. we might be boned :D [7/22/2015 1:29:52 AM] konrad knox: well, let me necromancy Jones back into living [7/22/2015 1:30:01 AM] konrad knox: he needs to like stop crying and read this [7/22/2015 1:30:12 AM] Wratts: okay, I'm heading out for now. happy hunting :D [7/22/2015 1:30:24 AM] konrad knox: you dont say [7/22/2015 2:04:06 AM] konrad knox: imagine if we were playing on 100% respawn [7/22/2015 2:04:08 AM] konrad knox: with sprinters [7/22/2015 2:04:19 AM] konrad knox: there are scenarios in PZ that fuck you up in mere minutes [7/22/2015 4:00:37 AM] Sean: jesus fuck [7/22/2015 4:00:41 AM] Sean: you guys had a fun night [7/22/2015 8:06:15 AM] konrad knox: yeah there were some crashes that resulted in deaths [7/22/2015 8:08:02 AM] Sean: I saw when I caught up, something about all of the zombies ever and everyone crashdying and you ressing them because unfair [7/22/2015 8:08:30 AM] konrad knox: well michelle rezzed [7/22/2015 8:08:41 AM] konrad knox: quake didnt come online since [7/22/2015 8:09:53 AM] konrad knox: it was over 9000 [7/22/2015 8:10:10 AM] Wratts: yeah [7/22/2015 8:10:17 AM] Wratts: it felt like...literally over 9000 zombies [7/22/2015 8:10:25 AM] konrad knox: thats JJ vs a fuckton of z [7/22/2015 8:10:44 AM] Sean: I saw JJ's ordeal before I went to bed, I thought he dedded [7/22/2015 8:10:53 AM] konrad knox: so much Z his map locked up in a 40 by 40 radius [7/22/2015 8:11:05 AM] konrad knox: he tried to run and abandon ship [7/22/2015 8:11:14 AM] konrad knox: but was forced to stat and fight [7/22/2015 8:12:31 AM] konrad knox: i think they cleared the monthly respawn in a night's worth lmao [7/22/2015 8:13:19 AM] Sean: looks like your 60% respawn might have been slightly overkill [7/22/2015 8:13:29 AM] Sean: kek overkill [7/22/2015 8:13:33 AM] Sean: I made myself laff [7/22/2015 8:14:02 AM] konrad knox: i think what happened is they were living so zombie free in their hex cell that the AI did the calc and said o no no FUCK YOU you're too cozy [7/22/2015 8:14:27 AM] konrad knox: and sent the new train across the map [7/22/2015 8:14:46 AM] Sean: 2cozy [7/22/2015 8:14:53 AM] Sean: here's 50,000 zombies [7/22/2015 8:15:11 AM] konrad knox: yeah i updated and reloaded settings with 40% [7/22/2015 8:15:31 AM] Wratts: thing is... it was already acting weird [7/22/2015 8:15:42 AM] Wratts: like I said, it spawned one in a closed shed, in a walled off area [7/22/2015 8:16:01 AM] Wratts: they kept getting inside somehow through closed doors [7/22/2015 8:16:04 AM] Sean: Governor gained sentience [7/22/2015 8:16:06 AM] Wratts: we're not exactly safe [7/22/2015 8:16:20 AM] Wratts: NONE OF YOU ARE SAFE [7/22/2015 8:16:22 AM] Sean: Knox fucked with the server and made governor alive [7/22/2015 8:16:26 AM] konrad knox: they prolly broke window [7/22/2015 8:16:30 AM] Wratts: Skynet activated [7/22/2015 8:16:31 AM] Sean: that's his secret [7/22/2015 8:16:36 AM] Wratts: there were no windows [7/22/2015 8:16:41 AM] Wratts: all boarded up [7/22/2015 8:16:48 AM] konrad knox: Governor was always alive [7/22/2015 8:16:52 AM] Sean: SEE [7/22/2015 8:16:54 AM] Sean: HE WONT DENY IT [7/22/2015 8:16:55 AM] Wratts: like I said, walled off area [7/22/2015 8:17:02 AM] Wratts: Illuminati confirmed [7/22/2015 8:17:13 AM] Wratts: I'm going to go check the devastation now [7/22/2015 8:17:43 AM] Sean: I'm just waiting for reset, I'm terrified to log in, and if I do I might spawn a helicopter and fuck someones day up real good [7/22/2015 8:18:06 AM] Wratts: I made 400 sprinting xp [7/22/2015 8:18:12 AM] Wratts: just off that assault [7/22/2015 8:18:13 AM] Sean: ...rofl [7/22/2015 8:18:26 AM] Sean: good thing not asthma or overweight [7/22/2015 8:18:32 AM] Wratts: yyyyep [7/22/2015 8:19:30 AM] konrad knox: u guys [7/22/2015 8:19:35 AM] konrad knox: west point [7/22/2015 8:19:39 AM] konrad knox: is like [7/22/2015 8:19:43 AM] konrad knox: off the map lol [7/22/2015 8:19:54 AM] konrad knox: i threw 5 Mollys into the train [7/22/2015 8:19:54 AM] Wratts: 8str/8fit, 3 sprinting is what I had. saved my arse [7/22/2015 8:20:24 AM] Sean: [7/22/2015 8:20:24 AM] konrad knox: it set EVERYTHING ablaze [7/22/2015 8:20:27 AM] Wratts: shit... forest is burning down [7/22/2015 8:22:03 AM] konrad knox: wratts you were there [7/22/2015 8:22:14 AM] konrad knox: considering what you saw [7/22/2015 8:22:39 AM] konrad knox: would you not hold it against me to restore dead chars who died to that? [7/22/2015 8:33:02 AM] konrad knox: btw for big fights, turn off 3D zombies [7/22/2015 8:33:11 AM] konrad knox: speeds it way up [7/22/2015 8:33:19 AM] Sean: I have them off like all the time [7/22/2015 8:33:51 AM] konrad knox: i didnt have an issue much until last night [7/22/2015 8:34:07 AM] konrad knox: claire has them off [7/22/2015 8:34:26 AM] Sean: my ping seemed to average 178-225 with them off, I couldn't get lower [7/22/2015 8:35:33 AM] konrad knox: dat new laptop beatin the shit out of them on highest settings [7/22/2015 8:35:57 AM] konrad knox: but yesterday i felt lag too [7/22/2015 8:36:07 AM] konrad knox: the map didnt load for me [7/22/2015 8:36:13 AM] konrad knox: but i didnt crash [7/22/2015 8:36:19 AM] konrad knox: funny was [7/22/2015 8:36:29 AM] konrad knox: im running around a loaded chunk [7/22/2015 8:36:40 AM] konrad knox: and JJ screams in global [7/22/2015 8:36:47 AM] konrad knox: MY MAP IS LOCKED [7/22/2015 8:36:52 AM] konrad knox: im like [7/22/2015 8:37:02 AM] konrad knox: DITTO KEEP WAITING GIVE IT TIME [7/22/2015 8:37:06 AM] konrad knox: he goes [7/22/2015 8:37:09 AM] konrad knox: FUCK YOU [7/22/2015 8:38:51 AM] Sean: what is everyones ping anyway? [7/22/2015 8:39:51 AM] Wratts: got 24 ms right now [7/22/2015 8:39:59 AM] Wratts: btw, water/electricity is still working [7/22/2015 8:40:02 AM] Sean: ...fuck you [7/22/2015 8:40:13 AM] Sean: how is that even possible? [7/22/2015 8:40:15 AM] Wratts: maybe the zombies just fuxxored West Point so hard that you don't have any electricity anymore lol [7/22/2015 8:40:57 AM] Wratts: dude I'm not holding that against you [7/22/2015 8:41:24 AM] Wratts: actually would suck for RP if that simply killed off practically everybody [7/22/2015 8:41:49 AM] Sean: it would have been great for RP if it was an organized raid all season finale style tho [7/22/2015 8:42:52 AM] Wratts: it felt halfway like that [7/22/2015 8:43:03 AM] Wratts: Michelle was epic [7/22/2015 8:43:23 AM] Wratts: getting herself killed like that owuld have been epic, but not due to lag [7/22/2015 8:43:36 AM] Wratts: that's just BS [7/22/2015 8:46:50 AM] konrad knox: looks like only 3 characters died [7/22/2015 8:47:01 AM] konrad knox: larry didnt crash though [7/22/2015 8:47:56 AM] konrad knox: crashes i saw were JJ, Beverly, and Michelle [7/22/2015 8:54:17 AM] konrad knox: Btw [7/22/2015 8:54:57 AM] konrad knox: truthfully I dont regret zombie amounts [7/22/2015 8:55:45 AM] konrad knox: I regret that the hardware cant handle them [7/22/2015 8:56:37 AM] konrad knox: It was fun for me to see a force that i could not fight head on and win [7/22/2015 8:57:07 AM] konrad knox: For the first time i felt truly doomed [7/22/2015 8:57:35 AM] konrad knox: Like fight or flight was not a choice [7/22/2015 8:58:30 AM] konrad knox: As a player i enjoyed that, being moved [7/22/2015 8:58:39 AM] konrad knox: Being shaken from my comfort zone [7/22/2015 8:58:52 AM] konrad knox: Especially knowing my next scratch will infect me [7/22/2015 8:59:06 AM] konrad knox: I dont come near melee these days [7/22/2015 9:04:24 AM] Wratts: this is hell [7/22/2015 9:04:33 AM] Wratts: so many still alive [7/22/2015 9:04:45 AM] konrad knox: but is it playable? [7/22/2015 9:05:16 AM] Claire Knox: It has to be the fire that causes the lag spikes. Think about it. When you sent the z on fire the system now has to track both the z and the fire and the dots of the fire on the z. [7/22/2015 9:08:37 AM] Wratts: yeah [7/22/2015 9:08:47 AM] Wratts: question is, is it salvageable? lol [7/22/2015 9:08:54 AM] Wratts: is there any way to make nails? xD [7/22/2015 9:09:31 AM] Wratts: jesus... almost got as many Zed kills as the Deputy now [7/22/2015 9:10:05 AM] konrad knox: loot respawns [7/22/2015 9:10:16 AM] konrad knox: so you will find more nails [7/22/2015 9:10:42 AM] konrad knox: the cozy days of peaceful crafting are officially over [7/22/2015 9:11:12 AM] konrad knox: may I ask how big your compound is? [7/22/2015 9:11:23 AM] konrad knox: like how much of a claim did Muldraugh group clear? [7/22/2015 9:11:41 AM] konrad knox: the area you've made zombie free before the attack [7/22/2015 9:12:52 AM] Wratts: basically just the farm itself and its fields [7/22/2015 9:13:01 AM] Wratts: don't know the measurements [7/22/2015 9:13:07 AM] Wratts: also, the fields weren't 100% safe [7/22/2015 9:13:20 AM] Wratts: always some stragglers here and there in the woods [7/22/2015 9:13:50 AM] Wratts: you walk in any direction, away from Muldraugh, into Muldraugh, or onto the I-60, and they had been everywhere, in big numbers [7/22/2015 9:14:33 AM] Wratts: here's something on the bright side [7/22/2015 9:14:41 AM] Wratts: a lot of that rotten corn field burnt down. minor win [7/22/2015 9:18:58 AM] konrad knox: ok for comparison [7/22/2015 9:19:11 AM] konrad knox: west point has a group of 8-10 on every block on an average day [7/22/2015 9:19:18 AM] konrad knox: 3-5 zeds near every house [7/22/2015 9:19:45 AM] konrad knox: some houses have no zeds because they piss off somewhere else [7/22/2015 9:20:25 AM] konrad knox: I keep clearing my safehouse locales every day [7/22/2015 9:20:44 AM] konrad knox: if somehow by some miracle JJ was able to clear out a shit ton of zeds [7/22/2015 9:20:54 AM] konrad knox: and you guys are surrounded by a forest [7/22/2015 9:21:01 AM] konrad knox: you may see a lag in zeds arrival [7/22/2015 9:21:08 AM] konrad knox: cause forest slows them big time, for days [7/22/2015 9:21:54 AM] konrad knox: so i suspect The Governor is actually working as it should [7/22/2015 9:22:45 AM] konrad knox: it probably sent things first with the random chopper [7/22/2015 9:22:54 AM] konrad knox: and you survived what 4-5 chopper strikes? [7/22/2015 9:23:00 AM] konrad knox: so that's a hefty imbalance in the hex cell [7/22/2015 9:23:23 AM] konrad knox: so i bet it sent everything from the forest [7/22/2015 9:23:31 AM] konrad knox: but they got lost or something, or distracted [7/22/2015 9:23:37 AM] konrad knox: and the imbalance kept [7/22/2015 9:23:47 AM] konrad knox: so it sent the spawn train [7/22/2015 9:23:50 AM] konrad knox: straight to you [7/22/2015 9:24:05 AM] konrad knox: and all the noise attracted the original ones who were meant to be sent [7/22/2015 9:24:11 AM] Wratts: that Governor is such an assbag [7/22/2015 9:24:15 AM] Wratts: :D [7/22/2015 9:38:17 AM] konrad knox: "The migratory zombies entering a cell is handled by The Governor AI and the behaviour on that level is controlled as such. So think of this merely as filling out behaviour of zombies in a local area rather than implicitly affecting how they move throughout the entirety of the map. Since what we want is added risk to having zombies around you and behaviour that believably would endanger your stronghold you so diligently prepared. (As well as making you freak out when you are stuck in a bathroom cubicle) :)" This was as of build 28, they clearly made him smarter [7/22/2015 9:38:26 AM] konrad knox: i'm trying to find a thread in which they named it [7/22/2015 9:38:28 AM] konrad knox: Lemmy was like [7/22/2015 9:38:31 AM] konrad knox: HEY COMMUNITY [7/22/2015 9:38:36 AM] konrad knox: we working on this new AI [7/22/2015 9:38:43 AM] konrad knox: which is gonna be much harder to survive [7/22/2015 9:38:51 AM] konrad knox: what clever abbreviation should we call it [7/22/2015 9:38:59 AM] konrad knox: and a bunch of suggestions [7/22/2015 9:39:04 AM] konrad knox: then he figures it himself [7/22/2015 9:39:51 AM] konrad knox: That's it! [7/22/2015 9:39:52 AM] konrad knox: [7/22/2015 11:01:46 AM] Wratts: I forgot to screenshot the mayhem [7/22/2015 11:01:54 AM] Wratts: but I screenshotted some of the aftermath now [7/22/2015 11:02:34 AM] Sean: stalks screenshots [7/22/2015 11:04:29 AM] Sean: IM NOT THE ONLY ONE STALKING SCREENSHOTS AROUND HERE [7/22/2015 11:06:40 AM] Wratts: nope :3 [7/22/2015 11:07:48 AM] Sean: bombs in with obscure reference [7/22/2015 11:07:51 AM] Sean: flies away [7/22/2015 11:10:04 AM] Wratts: ohhh [7/22/2015 11:11:19 AM] Wratts: Red Dwarf xD [7/22/2015 11:11:29 AM] Sean: you totally cheated that <_< [7/22/2015 11:12:12 AM] Wratts: nope, I've downloaded old obscure stuff over the years [7/22/2015 11:12:28 AM] Wratts: I've seen the first three seasons of Doctor Who for instance [7/22/2015 11:12:42 AM] Wratts: and I don't mean New Who. I mean the one with the old guy with grey hair [7/22/2015 11:12:56 AM] Sean: [7/22/2015 11:25:38 AM] konrad knox: I liked christopher eclesston one [7/22/2015 11:25:49 AM] konrad knox: But i like eccleston in general [7/22/2015 11:26:01 AM] konrad knox: He was awesome invisible man in Heroes season 1 [7/22/2015 12:09:00 PM] Quakeguy: [7/22/2015 1:39:19 PM] Wratts: yeah, I liked Eccleston too in Who/Heroes [7/22/2015 1:39:30 PM] Wratts: "I'm from up north. Don't you have a north where you're from?" [7/22/2015 1:39:48 PM] Wratts: also, that mix is boss [7/22/2015 1:40:01 PM] konrad knox: oh you seen Heroes? [7/22/2015 1:40:13 PM] konrad knox: I loved Hiro and Parkman [7/22/2015 1:40:23 PM] konrad knox: by far the strongest users [7/22/2015 1:40:33 PM] konrad knox: Parkman broke through the Haitian [7/22/2015 1:40:47 PM] konrad knox: and the trainwreck that is Peter Petrelli [7/22/2015 1:41:05 PM] konrad knox: the show got bad after season 1 [7/22/2015 1:41:12 PM] konrad knox: because they were too afraid to kill Sylar [7/22/2015 1:41:15 PM] konrad knox: they didn't need Sylar [7/22/2015 1:41:23 PM] konrad knox: they had plenty of cool new villains [7/22/2015 1:41:33 PM] konrad knox: Sylar felt out of place [7/22/2015 1:41:53 PM] konrad knox: and it diminished Hiro's epic katana stab [7/22/2015 1:42:29 PM] konrad knox: And Nathan IMO needed to die [7/22/2015 1:42:32 PM] konrad knox: he was cool as hell [7/22/2015 1:42:37 PM] konrad knox: but that's what keeps a character cool [7/22/2015 1:42:40 PM] konrad knox: if they go out cool [7/22/2015 1:43:03 PM] konrad knox: Wolfwood wouldn't be as cool if he didn't go out like a bauss [7/22/2015 2:14:01 PM] Wratts: yeah, sadly Heroes got progressively weaker as time went on [7/22/2015 2:14:13 PM] Wratts: and it ended right when it could have gotten interesting again [7/22/2015 2:29:00 PM] Wratts: Hah. Okay, water seems to be cut off on the farm [7/22/2015 2:31:06 PM] konrad knox: time for stone age [7/22/2015 2:31:10 PM] konrad knox: evolve or perish! [7/22/2015 2:31:11 PM] konrad knox: [7/22/2015 2:38:37 PM] Wratts: ohhh yyyyeah [7/22/2015 2:42:21 PM] konrad knox: wratts u got any screenshots from your showdown? [7/22/2015 2:42:34 PM] konrad knox: im gonna make some screens of westpoint [7/22/2015 2:43:11 PM] Quakeguy: that fucking music video is top quality [7/22/2015 2:43:55 PM] Wratts: aaaaaand I broke my fucking leg again [7/22/2015 2:44:05 PM] Wratts: hallelujah for the 10 splints and shit I prepared [7/22/2015 2:56:36 PM] Wratts: huh, I actually fixed the farmhouse [7/22/2015 2:56:46 PM] Wratts: it looks like shit, but it's all patched up [7/22/2015 2:57:09 PM] Quakeguy: Oh good [7/22/2015 2:57:11 PM] Quakeguy: if Jones survives [7/22/2015 2:57:14 PM] Quakeguy: he'll love ya [7/22/2015 2:59:21 PM] Wratts: yeah Konrad, well, I didn't make screenshots during the mayhem, but I posted someo f what the place looked like afterwards [7/22/2015 3:07:14 PM] konrad knox: get ur ass online [7/22/2015 3:26:19 PM] Quakeguy: Welcome Commander She--- Johnson, to the Lazarus Project [7/22/2015 4:01:54 PM] konrad knox: That was goddamn hilarious [7/22/2015 4:02:07 PM] konrad knox: The whole battle [7/22/2015 4:02:23 PM] Quakeguy: I wish I could invisible walk the whole length of muldraugh and see the damage michelle and I did [7/22/2015 4:02:30 PM] Quakeguy: This place will look AWESOME [7/22/2015 4:02:32 PM] Quakeguy: in the winter time [7/22/2015 4:02:39 PM] Quakeguy: Like fucking Stalingrad '43 [7/22/2015 4:02:44 PM] konrad knox: Its gonna look like shit [7/22/2015 4:02:46 PM] konrad knox: XD [7/22/2015 4:03:51 PM] konrad knox: Admin stuff is all incorporeal console [7/22/2015 4:08:08 PM] konrad knox: So. Zombie spawn is curbed to 40% [7/22/2015 4:08:14 PM] konrad knox: let's see how that treats us [7/22/2015 4:08:19 PM] konrad knox: if it's too easy do let me know [7/22/2015 4:08:22 PM] konrad knox: we'll ramp it up [7/22/2015 4:09:12 PM] Quakeguy: uh [7/22/2015 4:09:12 PM] Quakeguy: haha [7/22/2015 4:09:12 PM] Quakeguy: ahahaha. [7/22/2015 4:09:16 PM] Quakeguy: ahahahahaahhahaahahhahahahahahahahaa [7/22/2015 4:09:30 PM] konrad knox: I like this laughter, it makes me happy [7/22/2015 4:10:08 PM] Claire Knox: Like anyone is going to admit it is to easy. "Oh I only died once this week, it's too easy..." "we only got helicopter raided by 2000 Z's today...too easy..." [7/22/2015 4:10:32 PM] Aerumna: Marcus collected 47 new vests today. This game is too easy! [7/22/2015 4:10:46 PM] konrad knox: You gonna open a vest stand? [7/22/2015 4:11:02 PM] konrad knox: I love how some players were entirely unaffected by the awful clusterfuck [7/22/2015 4:11:08 PM] Aerumna: Marcus' Wholesale Clothing Thrift Store and Emporium [7/22/2015 4:11:09 PM] konrad knox: they just weren't there [7/22/2015 4:11:18 PM] konrad knox: mere dots on The Governor's radar [7/22/2015 4:11:18 PM] Aerumna: Yea I havent been on in a bit [7/22/2015 4:12:05 PM] konrad knox: ultimately the point is to see how long you last before you lose [7/22/2015 4:12:08 PM] konrad knox: there is no win really [7/22/2015 4:12:16 PM] Quakeguy: Will near-death experiences heal old arguments and wounds from the week before? [7/22/2015 4:12:18 PM] konrad knox: but last night was just [7/22/2015 4:12:18 PM] Aerumna: thats the game, yea [7/22/2015 4:12:29 PM] konrad knox: the server died [7/22/2015 4:12:30 PM] Quakeguy: Will Muldraugh's main road on fire affect supplies, loot, the chances of new survivors? [7/22/2015 4:12:32 PM] konrad knox: to a halt [7/22/2015 4:12:33 PM] Quakeguy: Find out this week [7/22/2015 4:12:38 PM] Quakeguy: in The Walking Feels [7/22/2015 4:12:49 PM] konrad knox: The Emo Dead [7/22/2015 4:13:19 PM] konrad knox: is the forest still on fire?? [7/22/2015 4:18:43 PM] Wratts: I think it stopped [7/22/2015 4:18:48 PM] Wratts: but it looks pretty awful lol [7/22/2015 4:20:23 PM] Wratts: it is currently Emo Dead for my character [7/22/2015 4:20:42 PM] Wratts: such a shitty cook that the food causes unhappiness. must pop anti-depressants like crazy [7/22/2015 4:20:55 PM] konrad knox: welcome to frank's world [7/22/2015 4:20:57 PM] Wratts: most friends possibly dead, AWOL otherwise [7/22/2015 4:20:58 PM] konrad knox: daily diet: [7/22/2015 4:21:08 PM] konrad knox: anti depressants, beta blockers, vitamins, painkillers [7/22/2015 4:21:16 PM] konrad knox: I also eat sleeping pills [7/22/2015 4:21:18 PM] konrad knox: cause RP [7/22/2015 4:21:18 PM] Wratts: we're a happy pill-popping family [7/22/2015 4:21:21 PM] Sean: mmm chemical soup [7/22/2015 4:21:50 PM] konrad knox: I have found much joy [7/22/2015 4:22:01 PM] konrad knox: in busting out 5 boxes of shotgun shells [7/22/2015 4:22:13 PM] konrad knox: and without the need to run away [7/22/2015 4:22:16 PM] konrad knox: just opening up [7/22/2015 4:22:21 PM] konrad knox: on copious amounts of Z [7/22/2015 4:22:25 PM] konrad knox: until I run out [7/22/2015 4:22:31 PM] konrad knox: and THEN running away [7/22/2015 4:22:54 PM] konrad knox: great feeling [7/22/2015 4:23:28 PM] Wratts: that's one of the first things I did when I started playing this game [7/22/2015 4:23:52 PM] Wratts: found a shotgun, boxes of ammo, and wanted to see what it's like to kite a couple of dozen and then fire gleefully into their middle [7/22/2015 4:24:13 PM] konrad knox: aaah so you looted the rest of the gunshop? [7/22/2015 4:24:22 PM] Wratts: nah, I found it in a warehouse, wold you believe [7/22/2015 4:24:28 PM] konrad knox: I would! [7/22/2015 4:24:42 PM] Wratts: warehouses seem to be filled with reeeeally random shit [7/22/2015 4:24:55 PM] konrad knox: yeah. I keep finding plaster powder and paint [7/22/2015 4:25:07 PM] konrad knox: and I got like 20 full gas cans [7/22/2015 4:25:32 PM] Wratts: xD [7/22/2015 4:25:59 PM] konrad knox: since I don't use generators [7/22/2015 4:26:06 PM] konrad knox: they might become a trade good [7/22/2015 4:29:06 PM] konrad knox: also, in the future [7/22/2015 4:29:18 PM] konrad knox: if you ever happen to see so many zeds that they don't fit on the screen [7/22/2015 4:29:30 PM] konrad knox: please don't overload your systems by trying to herd them all into one cloud [7/22/2015 4:29:36 PM] konrad knox: that's what causes these things [7/22/2015 4:29:39 PM] konrad knox: instead, run [7/22/2015 4:29:47 PM] konrad knox: let the horde move in, spread out, calm down [7/22/2015 4:29:56 PM] konrad knox: then knock em out with luring from peripheral ends [7/22/2015 4:30:01 PM] konrad knox: an occasional gunshot [7/22/2015 4:30:07 PM] konrad knox: will lure a few hundred off some edge [7/22/2015 4:30:18 PM] konrad knox: time it, use measure of space and distance [7/22/2015 4:30:21 PM] konrad knox: to lure only part [7/22/2015 4:30:30 PM] konrad knox: a safer method is to shout at them [7/22/2015 4:30:45 PM] konrad knox: but don't keep so many on your screen [7/22/2015 4:30:48 PM] konrad knox: zoom in when you can [7/22/2015 4:31:14 PM] konrad knox: also, context wise [7/22/2015 4:31:27 PM] konrad knox: it's pretty clear that very few zombies are neighbors from muldraugh [7/22/2015 4:31:38 PM] konrad knox: looks like legions of zombies are moving across the country [7/22/2015 4:32:03 PM] konrad knox: so town population isn't relevant any longer [7/22/2015 4:32:40 PM] konrad knox: also some look like they might have risen from graves [7/22/2015 4:33:05 PM] konrad knox: dirty and very decayed [7/22/2015 4:43:21 PM] Aerumna: tl;dr - keep ur stealth lvl same as ur main lvl [7/22/2015 4:45:09 PM] Quakeguy: Ya don't say [7/22/2015 4:45:34 PM] Quakeguy: I know i've said to others recently that we're past the point of killing neighbors [7/22/2015 4:45:46 PM] Quakeguy: zombies are shufflin' through interstates [7/22/2015 4:46:44 PM] konrad knox: and they seem to be heading south [7/22/2015 4:51:40 PM] konrad knox: I wonder who Stanley Townsend is [7/22/2015 4:52:07 PM] konrad knox: the guy's been quietly surviving not even trying to contact anyone [7/22/2015 4:52:13 PM] konrad knox: true ghost [7/22/2015 4:53:32 PM] Quakeguy: i know he's a cultist. [7/22/2015 4:53:36 PM] Quakeguy: but no one knows his name IG [7/22/2015 4:53:40 PM] Quakeguy: He hasn't told a soul [7/22/2015 4:54:12 PM] konrad knox: Ah, so THAT's the cultist [7/22/2015 5:14:11 PM] Wratts: I love whoever is playing Stanley [7/22/2015 5:14:29 PM] Wratts: for adding a nice warm cup of Silent Hill into this servers [7/22/2015 5:14:35 PM] Wratts: *server [7/22/2015 5:15:09 PM] Wratts: also, I've been noticing that kiting doesn't work too well like what you're proposing there [7/22/2015 5:15:29 PM] Wratts: problem is this: you kite from the edges, some of them follow you, but then part breaks off and returns to the place where the AI sent them [7/22/2015 5:15:29 PM] Aerumna: Wot the hell is going on that is making this cultist person so unnerving? [7/22/2015 5:15:45 PM] Wratts: I don't want to spoil it in case you meet him IG [7/22/2015 5:16:11 PM] Aerumna: If he's in Muldraugh, chances are near zero. But fair enough. [7/22/2015 5:16:19 PM] Wratts: yeah he's in Muldraugh [7/22/2015 5:17:13 PM] Aerumna: If I don't meet him by reset, I demand explanations :D [7/22/2015 5:17:36 PM] Wratts: sure thing [7/22/2015 5:20:11 PM] Quakeguy: only I know the cultist's true identity [7/22/2015 5:20:22 PM] Quakeguy: and it's the only character he has shuffling around that's supernatural <.< [7/22/2015 5:20:32 PM] Quakeguy: I keep telling people there's things in the forests more dangerous than zombies [7/22/2015 5:21:13 PM] Wratts: like what, Pyramid Head? [7/22/2015 5:24:39 PM] konrad knox: and returns to the place where the AI sent themWhere the Governor sent them [7/22/2015 5:25:31 PM] konrad knox: If he's in Muldraugh, chances are near zero. Wait till winter [7/22/2015 5:25:36 PM] konrad knox: when we're all forced to meet [7/22/2015 5:25:45 PM] konrad knox: coz the're one bag of chips spawning for 10 hungry mouths [7/22/2015 5:27:50 PM] Wratts: yes yes [7/22/2015 5:30:54 PM] Quakeguy: Pfft [7/22/2015 5:30:59 PM] Quakeguy: cloudy breath [7/22/2015 5:31:01 PM] Quakeguy: big coat on [7/22/2015 5:31:04 PM] Quakeguy: .308 rifle in hand [7/22/2015 5:31:08 PM] Quakeguy: catchin' big game [7/22/2015 5:31:12 PM] Quakeguy: roastin' bear meat [7/22/2015 5:31:51 PM] Aerumna: til bears in PZ [7/22/2015 5:31:54 PM] Aerumna: TIL: [7/22/2015 5:34:05 PM] konrad knox: coz the're one bag of disinfectants spawning for 10 hungry wounds [7/22/2015 5:34:07 PM] konrad knox: > fixed [7/22/2015 5:34:27 PM] Quakeguy: See [7/22/2015 5:34:32 PM] Quakeguy: It's all about gasoline in winter. [7/22/2015 5:34:40 PM] Quakeguy: Keeping fridges working so late fall harvests last. [7/22/2015 5:34:46 PM] Quakeguy: Then trapping + Foraging in Winter. [7/22/2015 5:35:24 PM] Aerumna: Or you trap, fish, and forage year round, because houses are for softies [7/22/2015 5:42:58 PM] Quakeguy: We had a ranger buddy who did that [7/22/2015 5:43:02 PM] Quakeguy: before he fucked his brains up [7/22/2015 5:46:16 PM] Aerumna: fucking your brains up sounds like a good time [7/22/2015 5:48:45 PM] Sean: as long as they dont get eaten [7/22/2015 6:04:12 PM] Quakeguy: someone is idling out in the open [7/22/2015 6:04:15 PM] Quakeguy: this is a great place to go afk [7/22/2015 6:17:09 PM] Quakeguy: 'The Visitor' [7/22/2015 6:17:12 PM] Quakeguy: Jesus Christ that's spooky [7/22/2015 6:20:53 PM] Aerumna: find a creepy story in a notebook or something? [7/22/2015 6:26:46 PM] Quakeguy: yep [7/22/2015 6:51:41 PM] Wratts: shit, the farmhouse is on fire [7/22/2015 6:52:07 PM] Aerumna: so it begins [7/22/2015 6:52:09 PM] Wratts: it looks like someone left the stove on [7/22/2015 6:52:18 PM] Aerumna: bwahahahahaa [7/22/2015 6:52:47 PM] Wratts: is there a way to put out fires? like bucket+water etc? [7/22/2015 6:52:57 PM] Quakeguy: Should be. [7/22/2015 6:52:58 PM] Quakeguy: Yes. [7/22/2015 6:53:01 PM] Quakeguy: Looking it up now [7/22/2015 6:53:54 PM] Quakeguy: They said they added it [7/22/2015 6:53:55 PM] Wratts: "As of the current version, there is no way for a player to fight a fire." [7/22/2015 6:53:55 PM] Quakeguy: don't see it [7/22/2015 6:53:59 PM] Quakeguy: Grab shit and go go [7/22/2015 6:54:01 PM] Wratts: oh hm [7/22/2015 6:54:10 PM] Quakeguy: How bad is it [7/22/2015 6:54:17 PM] Quakeguy: Where is it located. [7/22/2015 6:54:18 PM] Wratts: Kitchen's on fire [7/22/2015 6:54:39 PM] Wratts: burnt away the stove, cupboard, shelves and a sink [7/22/2015 6:54:50 PM] Wratts: back wall behind them [7/22/2015 6:55:05 PM] Quakeguy: Start grabbing things. [7/22/2015 6:55:23 PM] Quakeguy: Grab a sledge [7/22/2015 6:55:26 PM] Quakeguy: start destroying wood around the fire. [7/22/2015 6:55:28 PM] Quakeguy: might stop it [7/22/2015 6:55:39 PM] Wratts: I might wait till you and more people log on so we can speed up the rescue process [7/22/2015 6:55:49 PM] Quakeguy: Lmao [7/22/2015 6:55:52 PM] Quakeguy: upstairs is lit up [7/22/2015 6:55:55 PM] Quakeguy: RIP farn house [7/22/2015 6:56:00 PM] Quakeguy: Grab medical if you can [7/22/2015 6:56:09 PM] Aerumna: Get out while you can, gimpy! [7/22/2015 6:56:28 PM] Quakeguy: We got really lucky [7/22/2015 6:56:31 PM] Quakeguy: Fire went up [7/22/2015 6:56:34 PM] Quakeguy: not around [7/22/2015 6:56:34 PM] Quakeguy: easy fix. [7/22/2015 6:56:38 PM] Wratts: good thing I can't run [7/22/2015 6:56:38 PM] Quakeguy: kitchen's gone but we'll be OK [7/22/2015 6:57:34 PM] Wratts: i died [7/22/2015 6:57:37 PM] Wratts: RIP [7/22/2015 6:57:47 PM] Aerumna: RIP! [7/22/2015 6:57:50 PM] Wratts: fire, bone break [7/22/2015 6:58:21 PM] Wratts: good luck [7/22/2015 6:59:18 PM] Wratts: if you climb up the rope sheets to the higher floors, watch out. You'll catch fire and fall down [7/22/2015 6:59:26 PM] Wratts: if you take the one indoors [7/22/2015 6:59:38 PM] Wratts: that just killed me in 5 seconds [7/22/2015 7:00:16 PM] Quakeguy: Fire is small [7/22/2015 7:00:18 PM] Quakeguy: It's destroying clusters [7/22/2015 7:00:22 PM] Quakeguy: but it won't engulf the whole house. [7/22/2015 7:00:53 PM] Quakeguy: That was probably my bad actually. [7/22/2015 7:01:04 PM] Quakeguy: Was cooking something and someone phoned me [7/22/2015 7:01:13 PM] Quakeguy: came back 15 mins too late it seems [7/22/2015 7:01:27 PM] Wratts: darn, oh well [7/22/2015 7:03:16 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Farm [7/22/2015 7:03:18 PM] Quakeguy: Fresh Start. [7/22/2015 7:03:39 PM] Quakeguy: Really glad Beverly did all that log chopping [7/22/2015 7:03:39 PM] Wratts: xD [7/22/2015 7:03:41 PM] Quakeguy: and plank cutting [7/22/2015 7:03:45 PM] Quakeguy: don't have to go far for new materials [7/22/2015 7:03:57 PM] Quakeguy: Just a bitch we moved everything from the shed :X [7/22/2015 7:06:25 PM] Wratts: yeah [7/22/2015 7:06:59 PM] Quakeguy: Nooooooooooo [7/22/2015 7:07:02 PM] Quakeguy: Not the generatorrrrrrrrrrr [7/22/2015 7:07:32 PM] Quakeguy: Nooooooooooooooooo [7/22/2015 7:07:34 PM] Quakeguy: Medicalllllllllllll [7/22/2015 7:08:46 PM] Wratts: I realize with some comfort that I can start a new character with unbroken legs [7/22/2015 7:08:55 PM] Quakeguy: This is methodical [7/22/2015 7:08:56 PM] Quakeguy: this fire [7/22/2015 7:08:58 PM] Quakeguy: holy fuck [7/22/2015 7:09:00 PM] Wratts: it feels like that state has been a while lol [7/22/2015 7:09:04 PM] konrad knox: you goddamn idiots lol [7/22/2015 7:09:15 PM] Quakeguy: Omg the generator survived lmao [7/22/2015 7:09:18 PM] Wratts: hey, screw you. Game doesn't allow me to look vertically [7/22/2015 7:09:22 PM] Wratts: :P [7/22/2015 7:09:31 PM] Quakeguy: I really wish there was a 'solid state' button [7/22/2015 7:09:34 PM] Wratts: I wouldn't have walked up into a fire to fall down [7/22/2015 7:09:34 PM] Quakeguy: that just showed hard buildings. [7/22/2015 7:09:56 PM] konrad knox: if its not 6003=2819573 zombies that kill you, you sdt urselfes on fire [7/22/2015 7:10:06 PM] Quakeguy: Oh did Bev die? [7/22/2015 7:10:09 PM] Wratts: might as well thrust myself upon a spear [7/22/2015 7:10:18 PM] Quakeguy: Cause I got splints and medic kits <.< [7/22/2015 7:10:20 PM] Wratts: yep. caught fire, broke leg at the same time [7/22/2015 7:10:20 PM] Claire Knox: Fire baaaaaaad in a Frankenstein's monster voice [7/22/2015 7:10:29 PM] Quakeguy: I caught fire and broke my leg too [7/22/2015 7:10:31 PM] Wratts: dead in seconds [7/22/2015 7:10:32 PM] Quakeguy: but somehow i'm standing [7/22/2015 7:10:35 PM] Quakeguy: Oh wow [7/22/2015 7:10:40 PM] Quakeguy: I'm really sorry about that :X [7/22/2015 7:10:43 PM] Wratts: already had a broken leg to begin wtih [7/22/2015 7:10:54 PM] Quakeguy: I had just put the shit on too [7/22/2015 7:10:55 PM] Wratts: may have played a role [7/22/2015 7:11:03 PM] Quakeguy: I must have got back just as it went full burning [7/22/2015 7:11:04 PM] Wratts: yeah I saw the fixes you made xD [7/22/2015 7:11:31 PM] Wratts: and yes... fire baaaaad [7/22/2015 7:11:48 PM] Wratts: might have survived the broken bone, ffs [7/22/2015 7:14:35 PM] Quakeguy: Exiting. [7/22/2015 7:14:39 PM] Quakeguy: Just broke a 2nd bone [7/22/2015 7:14:50 PM] Quakeguy: All that time spent carefully remaking me due a server error [7/22/2015 7:14:51 PM] Quakeguy: and within a day [7/22/2015 7:14:55 PM] Quakeguy: a phone call kills us all [7/22/2015 7:14:58 PM] Quakeguy: this is just too funny [7/22/2015 7:15:13 PM] Quakeguy: I'm not even mad. [7/22/2015 7:15:20 PM] Quakeguy: Just wow. [7/22/2015 7:15:42 PM] Sean: gj [7/22/2015 7:16:28 PM] Quakeguy: Actually the pathetic part. [7/22/2015 7:16:32 PM] Quakeguy: Is that when Fife logs on [7/22/2015 7:16:38 PM] Quakeguy: she's got 10 splints and 3 med bags on her. [7/22/2015 7:16:41 PM] Quakeguy: so I'll be fine. Again. [7/22/2015 7:16:46 PM] Quakeguy: and everything else is ruined. [7/22/2015 7:16:48 PM] Quakeguy: and people are dead [7/22/2015 7:16:49 PM] Quakeguy: AGAIN [7/22/2015 7:17:02 PM] Aerumna: How does it feel to be the cursed angel of death? [7/22/2015 7:17:06 PM] Sean: ^ [7/22/2015 7:17:34 PM] Wratts: xD [7/22/2015 7:17:41 PM] Quakeguy: [7/22/2015 7:17:51 PM] Wratts: lol [7/22/2015 7:18:17 PM] Quakeguy: what a funny set of events [7/22/2015 7:18:26 PM] Quakeguy: I put on soup because all of the soup in the fridge is so negative [7/22/2015 7:18:36 PM] Quakeguy: I get a phonecall and start yapping away, get up, pour a drink, grab a muffin [7/22/2015 7:18:39 PM] Quakeguy: grab some cookies [7/22/2015 7:18:42 PM] Quakeguy: start eating the cookies. [7/22/2015 7:18:48 PM] Quakeguy: Oh yeah, hold on bro I gotta go back to the PC ttyl [7/22/2015 7:18:52 PM] Quakeguy: "The kitchen is on fire" [7/22/2015 7:18:55 PM] Quakeguy: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [7/22/2015 7:19:00 PM] Quakeguy: I grab everything i can out of the fridge, [7/22/2015 7:19:13 PM] Quakeguy: then I move out and start eating to fix the injury moodles [7/22/2015 7:19:23 PM] Quakeguy: and a few of the berries were rotten, and i ate them [7/22/2015 7:19:27 PM] Quakeguy: so now i am depressed and sick. [7/22/2015 7:19:32 PM] Quakeguy: with a burn wound and a fracture. [7/22/2015 7:19:54 PM] Quakeguy: so I go fuck, I need to get into medical. The Only place in medical that burned down [7/22/2015 7:19:55 PM] Quakeguy: the only tile [7/22/2015 7:19:59 PM] Quakeguy: was the one with all the med supplies [7/22/2015 7:20:04 PM] Quakeguy: so okay, I'll go upstairs. [7/22/2015 7:20:17 PM] Quakeguy: Turn on the flashlight and play a deadly game of 'what floor will cave in now?' [7/22/2015 7:20:28 PM] Quakeguy: literally 1 tile away from the unburned supplies. Step forward [7/22/2015 7:20:30 PM] Quakeguy: CRASH [7/22/2015 7:20:33 PM] Quakeguy: double fracture [7/22/2015 7:21:07 PM] Quakeguy: Fire will Cleanse all of Kentucky. [7/22/2015 7:21:28 PM] Quakeguy: R'HLLOR HUNGERS [7/22/2015 7:21:29 PM] Aerumna: Fire will cook the fish for me, yay [7/22/2015 7:21:32 PM] Quakeguy: R'HLLOR HUNGERS R'HLLOR HUNGERS R'HLLOR HUNGERS [7/22/2015 7:22:15 PM] Aerumna: I can't wait to login one day and just find the entire map has turned to scorched earth [7/22/2015 7:23:33 PM] Quakeguy: I was already planning secondary and tertiary settlement areas. [7/22/2015 7:23:41 PM] Quakeguy: But since both sheds and the farm are in fact perfectly fine [7/22/2015 7:23:52 PM] Quakeguy: I'll probably just knock the entire thing down and build that super-structure I had in my head. [7/22/2015 7:44:00 PM] Wratts: creates new character gets spawned in a house full of zombies GG [7/22/2015 7:44:14 PM] Wratts: by some miracle I made it out [7/22/2015 7:44:18 PM] Aerumna: Thats pretty much the experience now for new chars I think [7/22/2015 7:44:41 PM] Wratts: and then good luck to you if you're asthmatic, because you're going to have to run non-stop after escaping teh house [7/22/2015 7:44:57 PM] Aerumna: Yaaaaaaa, I'm reconsidering asthmatic for next time [7/22/2015 7:47:39 PM] Quakeguy: won't be able to log in until like friday :X [7/22/2015 7:47:50 PM] Quakeguy: I feel so bad and at the same time [7/22/2015 7:47:55 PM] Quakeguy: last night i already made peace with death [7/22/2015 7:48:00 PM] Quakeguy: so I'm like why be mad? [7/22/2015 7:51:03 PM] Wratts: holy shit, WP is so fucked up right now [7/22/2015 7:53:09 PM] Aerumna: River seems ok. Lots of zombies wandering the shoreline though [7/22/2015 7:53:21 PM] Wratts: couldn't stop anywhere there [7/22/2015 7:53:32 PM] Aerumna: Bluh [7/22/2015 7:53:36 PM] Wratts: still on the run, even on remote fields [7/22/2015 7:54:29 PM] Wratts: okay, finally found a spot [7/22/2015 7:54:59 PM] Wratts: lolno scratch that [7/22/2015 7:56:32 PM] Quakeguy: the zombie pop is insane [7/22/2015 7:56:37 PM] Quakeguy: just redonkulous [7/22/2015 7:56:40 PM] Quakeguy: this is how i thought it'd be in a year [7/22/2015 7:56:43 PM] Quakeguy: not 6 weeks lmao [7/22/2015 8:02:03 PM] konrad knox: Francis destroyed west point by lobbing 5 mollys at a train of approximately, oh 3000 undead [7/22/2015 8:02:26 PM] konrad knox: Michelle ran up screaming for help [7/22/2015 8:02:36 PM] konrad knox: I tossed her a molly and a lighter and a gun [7/22/2015 8:03:01 PM] konrad knox: She zoomes amongst the crowd like a threaded needle through cloth [7/22/2015 8:03:13 PM] konrad knox: And runs the fuck to muldraugh [7/22/2015 8:03:33 PM] konrad knox: Thats the last i saw of her [7/22/2015 8:03:59 PM] konrad knox: Then i closed the lid on the city with an authoritative bark of a 10 gauge [7/22/2015 8:04:23 PM] konrad knox: But now i have to go to work sadly [7/22/2015 8:04:31 PM] konrad knox: Night shifts 3 in a row [7/22/2015 8:04:39 PM] Quakeguy: jaysus [7/22/2015 8:13:14 PM] Wratts: damn [7/22/2015 8:13:20 PM] Wratts: well, there's still fire in WP [7/22/2015 8:13:50 PM] Quakeguy: Hahaha really? [7/22/2015 8:13:56 PM] Quakeguy: Over 36 hours of burning? [7/22/2015 8:14:14 PM] Wratts: I'm just going to re-roll, you have to make a barbarian ninja monster to survive now [7/22/2015 8:14:27 PM] Wratts: there's just zombies everywhere, can't find anything useful [7/22/2015 8:14:50 PM] Quakeguy: It's the population. [7/22/2015 8:14:58 PM] Quakeguy: I think 40-60% is too high. [7/22/2015 8:15:08 PM] Quakeguy: If it can be bumped up while the game is still going, [7/22/2015 8:15:16 PM] Quakeguy: maybe do like a 60% wave every season [7/22/2015 8:15:19 PM] Quakeguy: and then down to 10% [7/22/2015 8:15:21 PM] Quakeguy: or not even 60 [7/22/2015 8:15:22 PM] Quakeguy: 30% [7/22/2015 8:15:28 PM] Quakeguy: because these are fucking ironman numbers here [7/22/2015 8:16:29 PM] Quakeguy: I think Konrad said we had collectively taken out over a fifth of the entire population [7/22/2015 8:16:35 PM] Quakeguy: Yet it feels like nothing has changed. [7/22/2015 8:16:43 PM] Quakeguy: That's a testament to the spawned numbers. I wonder what they are. [7/22/2015 8:16:50 PM] Wratts: yeah, around the farm, there are still swarms, just a heads up [7/22/2015 8:16:58 PM] Wratts: they keep wandering in there [7/22/2015 8:17:05 PM] Quakeguy: that place is doomed now [7/22/2015 8:17:13 PM] Quakeguy: if i survive I am getting the fuck outta there with the wifey [7/22/2015 8:17:18 PM] Quakeguy: and finding a place with big chain link fences. [7/22/2015 8:21:55 PM] konrad knox: See now youre thinking properly [7/22/2015 8:22:01 PM] konrad knox: Youve got to migrate often [7/22/2015 8:22:06 PM] konrad knox: Fortify for winter [7/22/2015 8:22:12 PM] konrad knox: Travel and build in summer [7/22/2015 8:25:14 PM] Wratts: anybody built on top of a warehouse yet? [7/22/2015 8:25:39 PM] Quakeguy: Nooo but i've seen lots of screenies of people that do that. [7/22/2015 8:25:51 PM] Quakeguy: can you knock out the metal stair? [7/22/2015 8:25:54 PM] Quakeguy: I've always wondered that [7/22/2015 8:25:57 PM] Wratts: none of my characters surive lng enough to do it [7/22/2015 8:26:06 PM] Quakeguy: I wonder if you can sledge the steel stairs down [7/22/2015 8:26:09 PM] Wratts: not that I know of, but you can build a stairwell up to one without that [7/22/2015 8:26:16 PM] Wratts: then take it down [7/22/2015 8:26:17 PM] Quakeguy: then basically you'd already have what we spent forever building on the farm [7/22/2015 8:26:32 PM] Quakeguy: primary issue is moving dirt [7/22/2015 8:26:38 PM] Quakeguy: for farming [7/22/2015 9:18:17 PM] konrad knox: Hence my idea to fortify the gun shop as a safehouse [7/22/2015 9:18:28 PM | Edited 9:18:35 PM] konrad knox: Good luck breaking those gratings team Z [7/22/2015 9:19:15 PM] konrad knox: It sounds like your hideout designs are too complicated if people keep falling off em [7/22/2015 9:19:29 PM] konrad knox: Zeds dont care how complex they are [7/22/2015 9:19:41 PM] Quakeguy: No it's hard to move around when there'sa fire [7/22/2015 9:19:50 PM] Quakeguy: and yeah zeds do, fucking up their pathing is a totally legit strat [7/22/2015 9:20:12 PM] Quakeguy: I should have had secondary and third bases [7/22/2015 9:20:14 PM] Quakeguy: that's all [7/22/2015 9:20:18 PM] Quakeguy: was built too tall [7/22/2015 9:20:21 PM] Quakeguy: and not wide enough [7/22/2015 9:29:03 PM] Wratts: Governor can go fuck himself [7/22/2015 9:59:55 PM] konrad knox: Diablo didnt give me so much rage [7/22/2015 10:00:11 PM] konrad knox: Of the isometric little games this one is hardest [7/22/2015 10:03:41 PM] Wratts: omg [7/22/2015 10:03:47 PM] Wratts: jar lid [7/22/2015 10:04:07 PM] Wratts: *holds it up like Link pulling a major treasure out of a chest* [7/22/2015 10:04:39 PM] Wratts: oh shit, this is one of Frank's safehouses [7/22/2015 10:04:41 PM] Wratts: YOINK [7/22/2015 10:04:57 PM] Wratts: this place could be in a Resident Evil game [7/22/2015 10:05:15 PM] Wratts: stranger putting the "safe" back in safehouse [7/22/2015 10:07:50 PM] Wratts: toilet water is not tainted. Hmm, sure, why not [7/22/2015 10:09:07 PM] Wratts: Chardonnay? yeah finally hit the jackpot here. Thanks Frank [7/22/2015 10:18:27 PM] Wratts: this game actually doesn't even make me rage; it's like Dark Souls in that sense. very straightforward, I own my mistakes in these games. They're very consistent [7/22/2015 10:20:19 PM] Wratts: but the way everything is packed with Zeds when you start out now is ridiculous. Oh, and no water. And most places are looted already. Oh, and good luck getting a decent weapon which you'llneed just to clear out a shitty little place you'll need to abandon after you've rested in it [7/22/2015 10:20:55 PM] Wratts: and the Governor is sending trains of zombies just wandering up and down every road, dirt path, forest branch, etc [7/22/2015 10:21:34 PM] Wratts: it's just what I'd consider hardcore level now to start out lol [7/22/2015 10:21:58 PM] Wratts: wasn't nearly half as difficult on my first two characters so far [7/22/2015 10:22:22 PM] Sean: you dirty masochist [7/22/2015 10:22:33 PM] Wratts: hey [7/22/2015 10:22:42 PM] Wratts: I'm a filthy casual, thank you very much [7/22/2015 10:23:07 PM] Sean: lies and slander [7/22/2015 10:23:28 PM] Wratts: no u [7/23/2015 9:40:28 AM] konrad knox: I am wandering around complete zombie free chunks of land [7/23/2015 9:40:35 AM] konrad knox: the game is meant for migration of players guys [7/23/2015 9:40:42 AM] konrad knox: I have not a single zed for miles [7/23/2015 9:40:48 AM] konrad knox: in the north [7/23/2015 9:40:59 AM] konrad knox: so, what happened to the south I guess is partially my fault. [7/23/2015 9:41:21 AM] Wratts: yeah but won't that change if someone is in the area during a heli raid or oterh spawning event? [7/23/2015 9:41:48 AM] Wratts: I feel like I "cursed" certain places by just being there [7/23/2015 9:42:02 AM] konrad knox: I've been thinking long term survival, so I took out zeds in small clusters in multiple areas, not giving the Governor a reason to send big chunks. During the first helicopter raids I was running more than gunning/burning. Something happened in the south during the heliraids that severely brought your hex cell to the Governor's attention [7/23/2015 9:42:54 AM] konrad knox: Heli range has an immense radius, more than a gunshot, and unlike a gunshot, instead of a random location near you (which may work in your favor), seems to follow really closely on top of you [7/23/2015 9:43:01 AM] konrad knox: But the range IS limited [7/23/2015 9:43:21 AM] konrad knox: things should get better now [7/23/2015 9:43:29 AM] konrad knox: south is dangerous, but the loot has respawned [7/23/2015 9:43:51 AM] konrad knox: I am almost done setting up westpoint for winter [7/23/2015 9:44:01 AM] konrad knox: need a few ingame days, maybe a week [7/23/2015 12:05:54 PM] Wratts: heli raid follows you around? [7/23/2015 12:06:29 PM] konrad knox: yes [7/23/2015 12:06:35 PM] konrad knox: when hear heli, RUN [7/23/2015 12:06:39 PM] konrad knox: do NOT stand still [7/23/2015 12:07:00 PM] Wratts: run towards the other survivors for maximum mayhem ;D [7/23/2015 12:07:07 PM] konrad knox: XD [7/23/2015 12:07:14 PM] konrad knox: dick [7/23/2015 12:12:34 PM] Sean: [7/23/2015 12:49:42 PM] Quakeguy: That's been done already [7/23/2015 12:49:49 PM] Quakeguy: Someone brought heli's to the Johnson Estate [7/23/2015 12:49:57 PM] Quakeguy: can't remember who [7/23/2015 12:50:01 PM] Quakeguy: that was a fun introduction [7/23/2015 1:21:30 PM] konrad knox: I never knew how farming works [7/23/2015 1:21:41 PM] konrad knox: so you can grab dirt from another place with a spade into a dirt bag? [7/23/2015 1:21:50 PM] konrad knox: and transplant that dirt to where ever you want? [7/23/2015 1:22:10 PM] Sean: Yep [7/23/2015 2:15:52 PM] konrad knox: firefighting guide [7/23/2015 2:17:21 PM] Quakeguy: THAT IS WHAT I WAS FUCKING LOOKING FOR [7/23/2015 2:17:24 PM] Quakeguy: 193U12487GHINAURGBAULYRHFBLEQNFYGABEARLYIUKERGHWUIEF [7/23/2015 2:18:24 PM] Quakeguy: how the fuck does that pop up [7/23/2015 3:21:22 PM] konrad knox: Just to horrify you. The ways of The Governor [7/23/2015 3:21:24 PM] konrad knox: [7/23/2015 3:22:15 PM] konrad knox: guy just waits it out [7/23/2015 3:22:53 PM] Quakeguy: Brick house + no stairs = safe as fuck [7/23/2015 4:59:21 PM] Wratts: wow, I'm liking Cat's Eye [7/23/2015 5:05:35 PM] Quakeguy: is it useful? [7/23/2015 5:06:44 PM] Wratts: night looks like broad daylight, you see very far [7/23/2015 5:07:21 PM] Wratts: I was at +3 so I had figured, why not [7/23/2015 5:08:04 PM] Wratts: or +2, can't remember now [7/23/2015 10:48:55 PM] Sean: no RIP's for a while [7/23/2015 10:49:02 PM] Sean: seems like everythings calmed down [7/23/2015 11:33:52 PM] Wratts: If someone's face gets eaten off while they're alone in the forest, do they actually scream? [7/23/2015 11:34:06 PM] Wratts: ....i'll go get my coat [7/24/2015 10:49:10 AM] konrad knox: either people learned or things calmed down [7/24/2015 10:49:21 AM] konrad knox: the zeds been cleared in large [7/24/2015 10:49:35 AM] konrad knox: I think the governor is turning his eye to somewhere else now [7/24/2015 10:50:17 AM] konrad knox: im trying to not get too killy [7/24/2015 10:50:34 AM] konrad knox: but I will start clearing the shopping mall soon [7/24/2015 10:50:46 AM] konrad knox: then a massive horde will probably be routed there [7/24/2015 11:52:06 AM] konrad knox: Oh my [7/24/2015 11:52:15 AM] konrad knox: Frank may be on a path to recovery [7/24/2015 11:52:22 AM] konrad knox: He made an ex-military friend [7/24/2015 12:44:06 PM] Wratts: that was rather unexpected [7/24/2015 1:49:05 PM] konrad knox: The moment I realize Otis from Walking Dead was also in Deadwood [7/24/2015 1:52:05 PM] Quakeguy: Otis gets around actually [7/24/2015 1:52:12 PM] Quakeguy: he's a very popular actor for TV bits [7/24/2015 2:13:27 PM] konrad knox: I can see someone running [7/24/2015 2:13:31 PM] konrad knox: a bunch of new cells loading [7/24/2015 2:13:34 PM] konrad knox: lol [7/24/2015 2:13:45 PM] konrad knox: I feel like those dudes from the matrix [7/24/2015 2:14:18 PM] konrad knox: a water barrel filling up [7/24/2015 2:14:58 PM] Wratts: xD [7/24/2015 2:15:13 PM] Quakeguy: i don't even see the code anymore [7/24/2015 2:15:16 PM] Quakeguy: Brunette. [7/24/2015 2:15:19 PM] Quakeguy: That one's a blonde. [7/24/2015 2:15:22 PM] Quakeguy: suit. [7/24/2015 2:15:32 PM] konrad knox: RecalcAll for cell 187,75 ms=150.38707 rain barrel: found existed barrel 13111,5310 with 48 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 187,75 ms=16.685024 RecalcAll for cell 188,75 ms=123.44441 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 188,75 ms=15.099894 loaded chunks for cell 186,74 ms=14.461401 loaded chunks for cell 187,74 ms=13.679982 loaded chunks for cell 188,74 ms=13.892888 RecalcAll for cell 186,74 ms=139.97826 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 186,74 ms=14.451971 RecalcAll for cell 187,74 ms=130.3572 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 187,74 ms=15.501059 RecalcAll for cell 188,74 ms=126.06773 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 188,74 ms=15.067263 loaded chunks for cell 186,73 ms=14.582555 loaded chunks for cell 187,73 ms=13.769755 loaded chunks for cell 188,73 ms=13.935301 RecalcAll for cell 186,73 ms=138.99376 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 186,73 ms=14.523678 RecalcAll for cell 187,73 ms=133.08916 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 187,73 ms=15.882 RecalcAll for cell 188,73 ms=128.68251 loaded2=[] finish loading cell 188,73 ms=15.207385 [7/24/2015 2:15:43 PM] konrad knox: you see this, I see a man running for his life [7/24/2015 2:15:43 PM] Quakeguy: GET OUT OF MY RAIN BARREL YOU FUCK [7/24/2015 2:17:56 PM] Wratts: or... a soldier hauling a shitload of whiskey and cooking utensils, because JACKPOT [7/24/2015 2:18:25 PM] Quakeguy: ahh must be WP then [7/24/2015 2:18:26 PM] Wratts: also, kiting hundreds of zeds over parking lots [7/24/2015 2:18:44 PM] Wratts: I sooooo wish I had a molotov or two [7/24/2015 2:20:34 PM] Wratts: well actually it seems to me most people don't dare claer out restaurants [7/24/2015 2:20:36 PM] konrad knox: did Muldraugh food respawn? [7/24/2015 2:20:43 PM] Wratts: *clear [7/24/2015 2:21:21 PM] konrad knox: time to start making our own food [7/24/2015 2:21:49 PM] Wratts: got 90 berries to eat first though, hate wasting the food that my food is supposed to eat [7/24/2015 2:43:28 PM] konrad knox: Camera pans, flies over the landscape, GoT style scene switches to a burned farm. [7/24/2015 2:43:51 PM] konrad knox: Are Johnsons on the move? Did the head of the family recover his constantly crippled legs? Will Xavier live on? [7/24/2015 2:44:36 PM] konrad knox: camera follows footsteps of a lone cultist, view from the back [7/24/2015 2:44:51 PM] konrad knox: the cultist maniacally giggles and chants [7/24/2015 2:45:48 PM] Sean: Find out what happens next, next week on MINMAXER Z: Francis Karstine, Survivors and Friends. Same batshit crazy channel. Same batshit crazy time. [7/24/2015 2:45:50 PM] konrad knox: cut to Gustaf's body, rotting in a certain storage room, his letter to Aida still unsent [7/24/2015 2:46:29 PM] Sean: wow I ripped off like three shows to do that one, I'm impressed with myself [7/24/2015 2:46:37 PM] konrad knox: oh yes, and [7/24/2015 2:46:42 PM] konrad knox: somewhere by river bank [7/24/2015 2:46:47 PM] konrad knox: a lone fisherman [7/24/2015 2:46:48 PM] konrad knox: in rags [7/24/2015 2:47:00 PM] konrad knox: cavemanning it up, spearing fish out of water [7/24/2015 2:47:10 PM] konrad knox: he badly needs a shave [7/24/2015 2:48:04 PM] Sean: and a volleyball [7/24/2015 2:48:13 PM] konrad knox: Wilson? [7/24/2015 2:49:09 PM] Sean: NO A NIKE VOLLEYBALL WITH THE N SHARPIE'D INTO AN M WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS, CLICHE HOUR? [7/24/2015 2:50:06 PM] konrad knox: I think it's Torrie Wilson hour. Rawrrrrr!!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/torrie-wilson.jpg [7/24/2015 2:50:30 PM] Sean: sigh [7/24/2015 2:50:32 PM] Sean: Faps [7/24/2015 2:50:59 PM] konrad knox: she'd kick some zombie ass [7/24/2015 4:08:07 PM] Wratts: ffs, is there any way to build a molotov without using an entire whiskey bottle on it? [7/24/2015 4:08:58 PM] konrad knox: gas [7/24/2015 4:09:54 PM] Wratts: PZ wiki and the ingame crafting menu seem to contradict each other [7/24/2015 4:10:29 PM] Wratts: Do you need the proper items at hand or do you need a recipe for it to be listed in game? [7/24/2015 4:15:37 PM] Wratts: uhm [7/24/2015 4:15:38 PM] Wratts: [7/24/2015 4:15:38 PM] Wratts: really? [7/24/2015 4:15:43 PM] Wratts: that kills my recent plan [7/24/2015 4:17:43 PM] konrad knox: it doesn't spread much on our server [7/24/2015 4:17:51 PM] konrad knox: what DOES spread it is zombie bodies [7/24/2015 4:18:01 PM] konrad knox: and zombies who are on fire walking into buildings [7/24/2015 4:18:08 PM] konrad knox: and then those buildings set on fire [7/24/2015 4:18:15 PM] konrad knox: and nearby buildings set on fire [7/24/2015 4:33:38 PM] Claire Knox: And the forest setting on fire from the buildings... [7/24/2015 4:42:32 PM] Wratts: lol, yeah it was cool to see what i tlooks like when trees turn into these burnt husks in PZ [7/24/2015 4:42:54 PM] Claire Knox: True... [7/24/2015 4:43:30 PM] Wratts: so, let's say, I start kiting 2000 zeds around the shopping mall, and I molotov them. And I just keep kiting them in a circle till they burn to death... I won't burn down the mall, the cineplex, the restaurants and the bank and all that? :D [7/24/2015 4:43:50 PM] Sean: some will break off, so yes [7/24/2015 4:44:10 PM] Wratts: because that guy described asphalt to be burning up like dry savannaha grass in a brushfire [7/24/2015 4:44:27 PM] Claire Knox: Yup. As an example please see the church in WP. [7/24/2015 4:44:42 PM] Sean: or what's left of it [7/24/2015 4:44:47 PM] Wratts: xD [7/24/2015 4:44:56 PM] Claire Knox: The asphalt doesn't catch the zombies wander off [7/24/2015 4:47:39 PM] Wratts: okay, sweet. I may be able to keep them all nice and huddled together to warm themselves in the fiery death [7/24/2015 4:48:02 PM] Sean: wratts gonna burn down so much shit [7/24/2015 4:48:13 PM] Wratts: IT WILL BE AMAZING [7/24/2015 4:48:57 PM] Claire Knox: Some people just want to see the world burn... [7/24/2015 4:50:20 PM] Wratts: xD [7/24/2015 4:54:18 PM] Wratts: that moment when you share a disturbing trait with the Joker... shiver [7/24/2015 4:54:43 PM] Sean: DO YOU HAVE A VERY WIDE AND INVITING SMILE [7/24/2015 4:57:06 PM] Wratts: no, not really, just some nihilistic urges :3 [7/24/2015 4:58:29 PM] Aerumna: Look, you can get those urges out by burning a damn globe. No need to be irresponsible. [7/24/2015 4:58:43 PM] Sean: The man has a point [7/24/2015 5:00:08 PM] Aerumna: It is the one I use for fishing [7/24/2015 5:02:23 PM] Wratts: Hey, I get those urges out just by playing some Killing Floor, done and done [7/24/2015 5:03:14 PM] Wratts: I'm just considering ways to cull the zombie population on the server [7/24/2015 5:03:29 PM] Wratts: because holy shit there are a lot and killing them one by one is not fast enough :D [7/24/2015 5:03:36 PM] Aerumna: Oh I was just playing on the world burning comment [7/24/2015 5:03:39 PM] Aerumna: but yea [7/24/2015 5:04:03 PM] Sean: CULLING IS POINTLESS [7/24/2015 5:04:06 PM] Sean: THEY'LL SOON BE BACK [7/24/2015 5:04:10 PM] Sean: AND IN GREATER NUMBERS [7/24/2015 5:04:25 PM] Aerumna: yea but if you're lucky you'll get some nice loot off a few of them [7/24/2015 5:04:34 PM] Sean: IF YOU SURVIVE [7/24/2015 5:05:06 PM] Aerumna: If we're gonna make it like a true survivor we need some action. [7/24/2015 5:05:44 PM] Wratts: well, the way I now understand how spawning works, you can actually cull them in ways where they aren't freaking everywhere all the time [7/24/2015 5:26:53 PM] konrad knox: you can cull them the way they're not meant to be culled [7/24/2015 5:27:33 PM] Wratts: hm? [7/24/2015 5:27:47 PM] konrad knox: I dunno [7/24/2015 5:28:00 PM] konrad knox: the forbidden ways [7/24/2015 5:28:06 PM] konrad knox: forbidden ways of culling [7/24/2015 5:29:11 PM] Wratts: taking them out to dinner and wooing them into submission? [7/24/2015 5:32:38 PM] konrad knox: The more we clear, the less they spawn [7/24/2015 5:32:49 PM] konrad knox: We get lazy, they get back up [7/24/2015 5:33:36 PM] konrad knox: We had one major clash. They gained some ground. West Point took a bite, Johnsons took the brunt of the attack. But they stood. [7/24/2015 5:33:43 PM] konrad knox: Wounded, but stood. [7/24/2015 5:34:00 PM] konrad knox: Now its a race [7/24/2015 5:34:19 PM] konrad knox: We got a month to mount up a decent extermination effort [7/24/2015 5:34:41 PM] konrad knox: We win one solid clash, and we have them by the balls [7/24/2015 8:53:09 PM] Quakeguy: >Ever having the zeds by the balls [7/24/2015 8:53:10 PM] Quakeguy: too funny [7/24/2015 9:09:38 PM] konrad knox: NOOOOOOO [7/24/2015 9:09:41 PM] konrad knox: MY TERRIE [7/24/2015 9:10:01 PM] Wratts: lmao [7/24/2015 9:10:22 PM] Sean: I...what? [7/24/2015 9:10:30 PM] konrad knox: She was gonna be my michelle!!! Was gonna tap dat so hard [7/24/2015 9:10:36 PM] Wratts: LOL [7/24/2015 9:10:42 PM] Sean: oh for christ sakes [7/24/2015 9:10:48 PM] Wratts: you still can if you're into necrophilia [7/24/2015 9:11:47 PM] konrad knox: Ok boys. [7/24/2015 9:11:58 PM] Wratts: protip, find my corpse. 4 big hiking bags on it [7/24/2015 9:11:59 PM] konrad knox: I think i just slapped the governor hard with my cock [7/24/2015 9:12:10 PM] konrad knox: Please monitor movement in the woods [7/24/2015 9:12:12 PM] Wratts: good luck sorting it out with the hundreds of bodies lying about though [7/24/2015 9:12:23 PM] konrad knox: Your corpse? Which of the thousand. [7/24/2015 9:12:28 PM] Wratts: right [7/24/2015 9:12:46 PM] konrad knox: I saw blood squirt from her face before a wave swallowed her faster than i could emote a NOOOOO CHRIS [7/24/2015 9:13:01 PM] Wratts: it was an epic zombie movie moment [7/24/2015 9:13:12 PM] Sean: mmmm facesquirting [7/24/2015 9:13:24 PM] konrad knox: i am a GREAT leader [7/24/2015 9:13:32 PM] konrad knox: JJ learn from me [7/24/2015 9:13:41 PM] konrad knox: At least he can keep his group alive [7/24/2015 9:13:52 PM] Sean: [7/24/2015 9:14:14 PM] konrad knox: Okay. Im axing out that entire fucking group. [7/24/2015 9:14:25 PM] Sean: odear [7/24/2015 9:14:28 PM] Wratts: remember to axe them those questions really hard [7/24/2015 9:14:39 PM] konrad knox: You fucking got it [7/24/2015 9:15:16 PM] konrad knox: Orrrrr [7/24/2015 9:15:27 PM] Quakeguy: Wat [7/24/2015 9:15:29 PM] konrad knox: I could sneak around them and PG my sneaking like a god [7/24/2015 9:16:25 PM] konrad knox: I killed another teammate. A good teammate. [7/24/2015 9:16:33 PM] konrad knox: With my holy war [7/24/2015 9:17:05 PM] konrad knox: She was perfect [7/24/2015 9:17:13 PM] Sean: Francis Cursetime strikes again [7/24/2015 9:17:21 PM] konrad knox: Didnt talk much, no drama, no sex games. Bruta military efficiency [7/24/2015 9:17:28 PM] Wratts: teh leaders in this game are angels of death [7/24/2015 9:17:35 PM] Wratts: everybody who follows them dies [7/24/2015 9:17:45 PM] konrad knox: Least i didnt set no stove on fire [7/24/2015 9:17:48 PM] Wratts: it's time for a new psychopath to arrive on the scene [7/24/2015 9:18:03 PM] Sean: Wratts lets make our group [7/24/2015 9:18:07 PM] konrad knox: Gotta update the note on that freshly carved cabinet [7/24/2015 9:18:08 PM] Sean: with blackjack and hookers [7/24/2015 9:18:13 PM] konrad knox: Christina status:dead [7/24/2015 9:18:28 PM] konrad knox: I just built her a storage cabinet for personal gun !!! [7/24/2015 9:18:37 PM | Edited 9:19:14 PM] konrad knox: every friend gets one in my joint [7/24/2015 9:19:04 PM] konrad knox: gonna scratch christinas name off with bloody knife [7/24/2015 9:19:09 PM] konrad knox: Here Mike [7/24/2015 9:19:15 PM] konrad knox: This is your cabinet [7/24/2015 9:19:21 PM] Sean: Good way to repurpose [7/24/2015 9:19:24 PM] Wratts: I wish there were gas masks you could wear on your avatar in this game [7/24/2015 9:19:27 PM] Wratts: just sayin' [7/24/2015 9:19:46 PM] konrad knox: Pyro from team fortress? [7/24/2015 9:19:53 PM] Wratts: nah [7/24/2015 9:19:54 PM] konrad knox: pyro vision? [7/24/2015 9:20:12 PM] Sean: psychomantis? [7/24/2015 9:20:17 PM] Wratts: also nah [7/24/2015 9:20:20 PM] Quakeguy: Mr. Foster [7/24/2015 9:20:22 PM] Wratts: just good ol' Mr. Foster [7/24/2015 9:20:26 PM] Wratts: the Fostinator [7/24/2015 9:20:27 PM] Quakeguy: BISH BASH BOSH [7/24/2015 9:20:29 PM] Quakeguy: DOSH DOSH DOSH [7/24/2015 9:20:32 PM] Sean: dammit [7/24/2015 9:20:36 PM] Sean: that was my next guess [7/24/2015 9:20:59 PM] Wratts: plan for now... kill zeds, get rich... again [7/24/2015 9:21:32 PM] konrad knox: ok so what i said about franks chance at mental recovery? [7/24/2015 9:21:42 PM] Sean: Franks fucked now [7/24/2015 9:21:43 PM] Wratts: the deep end's over there [7/24/2015 9:21:55 PM] konrad knox: please kindly substitute with a complete fucking nutbag fucking off the hinges neurosis. Thanks [7/24/2015 9:22:49 PM] konrad knox: What a waste of a good woman. So mad. [7/24/2015 9:23:08 PM] konrad knox: Dem flat abs, dem muscles. She will make one hot zed [7/24/2015 9:23:46 PM] konrad knox: Could you say [7/24/2015 9:23:49 PM] konrad knox: Zeductress [7/24/2015 9:24:51 PM] Sean: dat half eaten face with the dislocated jaw barely hanging on by some rotting tendons, dat scoliosis from horde trample, dat bruised purple sweet sweet ass, tho [7/24/2015 9:26:28 PM] konrad knox: Fuck u crawler not foolin me [7/24/2015 9:28:13 PM] Wratts: I'm partial to the Texan accent part, but that may just be me [7/24/2015 9:28:21 PM] Wratts: pre-mortem, that is [7/24/2015 9:28:40 PM] Sean: nothin' like a Z with a drawl [7/24/2015 9:28:40 PM] Sean: just all [7/24/2015 9:28:42 PM] Wratts: "BEING POOR IS SERIOUSLY SHIT" [7/24/2015 9:28:56 PM] Sean: "Braaaainnnnnnsssss sugah" [7/24/2015 9:29:01 PM] Sean: "Murrrhhhh yall" [7/24/2015 9:29:05 PM] Wratts: lol [7/24/2015 9:35:30 PM] konrad knox: Okay. I did NOT bring enough fire power [7/24/2015 9:35:47 PM] Sean: Frank gon' dai [7/24/2015 9:36:33 PM] konrad knox: He wont die, but 240 shotgun rounds were not enough for this shit [7/24/2015 9:37:00 PM] Sean: need a mini nuke [7/24/2015 9:40:30 PM] Wratts: first corpse... pistol. score [7/24/2015 9:41:31 PM] Sean: cunt [7/24/2015 9:41:33 PM] Sean: <_< [7/24/2015 9:41:40 PM] Sean: how do you even [7/24/2015 9:41:55 PM] Sean: with your 2ms latency and your pistol corpse [7/24/2015 9:48:23 PM] Wratts: sucks that there's no unarmed combat skill [7/24/2015 9:48:40 PM] Wratts: 5 kills unarmed already [7/24/2015 9:49:25 PM] Wratts: 7 [7/24/2015 9:49:33 PM] Wratts: well, technically, with a plastic bag filled with junk in hand [7/24/2015 9:51:24 PM] Sean: Wratts just.... (•_•) ( •_•)>¬¦-¦ (¬¦_¦) Taking out the trash. [7/24/2015 9:51:31 PM] Sean: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH [7/24/2015 9:56:27 PM] konrad knox: I feel like Legato Bluesummers is taking away everyone i love and making me watch them die. No more feels left to stab [7/24/2015 9:57:33 PM] Sean: It all started because of Jorge, I am saddened that Jorge is the reason for your curse [7/24/2015 9:57:37 PM] Sean: forgive me sempai ;-; [7/24/2015 9:58:37 PM] Wratts: seriously though [7/24/2015 9:58:47 PM] Wratts: 14 [7/24/2015 9:59:09 PM] Wratts: What were you two lovebirds doing in that closet together? *kicks the shit out of them* [7/24/2015 10:06:38 PM] Wratts: shit, this neighbour is nearly clean now [7/24/2015 10:06:41 PM] Wratts: bring it on Governor [7/24/2015 10:08:34 PM] konrad knox: JJ u up and running yet [7/24/2015 10:14:31 PM] Wratts: *eats a cornetto, goes upstairs, beats up another zed* [7/24/2015 10:14:34 PM] Wratts: I'm not even joking [7/24/2015 10:14:54 PM | Edited 10:15:31 PM] Sean: you're having way too much fun playing with your bag and junk [7/24/2015 10:16:00 PM] Wratts: walking through town like a baws [7/24/2015 10:16:02 PM] Wratts: yeah [7/24/2015 10:16:27 PM] Sean: junkbag swagger [7/24/2015 10:16:39 PM] konrad knox: Im gonna pop some tags [7/24/2015 10:17:07 PM | Edited 10:17:39 PM] konrad knox: Only got $20 in my pocket [7/24/2015 10:17:35 PM] konrad knox: Im im im huntin, lookin for a come up [7/24/2015 10:17:40 PM] konrad knox: This is fucking awesome [7/24/2015 10:20:58 PM] konrad knox: We didnt quite do it wratts [7/24/2015 10:21:13 PM] konrad knox: Govnor silent [7/24/2015 10:21:23 PM] konrad knox: No migration [7/24/2015 10:22:57 PM] Wratts: *finds creepy cultist note* Ooohhh [7/24/2015 10:23:54 PM] Wratts: Favourite weapon: bare hands Zombie kills: 26 [7/24/2015 10:24:07 PM] konrad knox: You need to deal with the cultist [7/24/2015 10:26:35 PM] Wratts: it looks like Frosty is in his neighbourhood [7/24/2015 10:27:32 PM] Wratts: A dude in a leather biker jacket with a red scarf over his face and two pink tote bags in one each, wanders down the streets towards some church. His knuckles are bloody. [7/24/2015 10:29:59 PM] konrad knox: Lmao. Magical [7/24/2015 10:42:08 PM] konrad knox: RIP Christina Bradbury [7/24/2015 10:42:20 PM] konrad knox: Of course she left perfume and a rubics cube behind. [7/24/2015 10:43:26 PM] konrad knox: Soooo next he will go find her body, and give her those items. And bury here somewhere nice. [7/24/2015 10:43:51 PM] konrad knox: An officer's burial [7/24/2015 10:46:59 PM] Wratts: lol [7/24/2015 10:47:15 PM] Wratts: Frosty finds another pistol. No ammo yet though [7/24/2015 10:47:28 PM] Wratts: starts punching at the barricades [7/24/2015 10:47:29 PM] Wratts: fucking church [7/24/2015 10:48:04 PM] Wratts: Can you injure yourself by punching a door down? [7/24/2015 10:48:07 PM] Wratts: let's find out [7/24/2015 10:52:08 PM] Wratts: gets inside [7/24/2015 10:52:10 PM] Wratts: steals shit [7/24/2015 10:54:31 PM] Wratts: sign of a badass: takes on 5 zeds unarmed, kills them all. breaks in somewhere, steals dog food, eats it [7/24/2015 10:54:53 PM] konrad knox: Latest steam screenshot. You guys are assholes. Really are. [7/24/2015 11:06:25 PM] Wratts: lol [7/24/2015 11:07:06 PM] Wratts: I see "Property of Fergus Delaney" in there [7/24/2015 11:07:12 PM] Wratts: lmao how the fuck did that get there? [7/24/2015 11:07:27 PM] Wratts: I think that bag switched owners several times [7/25/2015 9:28:08 AM] Wratts: gosh, my new character is such a gigantic asshole. [7/25/2015 9:28:36 AM] Wratts: I hope you all love him even if your characters would hate him :) [7/25/2015 9:30:12 AM] Wratts: I almost feel bad at the thought of playing him. almost [7/25/2015 9:37:28 AM] Claire Knox: Almost [7/25/2015 9:37:40 AM] Sean: >Almost [7/25/2015 9:39:02 AM] Wratts: ;D [7/25/2015 9:42:44 AM] Wratts: He puts on headphones with his player running his latest demo tape, "Tonight We Dine In Cleveland". He sets some papers on fire and soon the pews are ablaze while he starts hacking down the window barricades with a fireaxe. As the Zeds start to walk in for mass, he starts cutting them down with an unhealthy amount of glee. He walks out of the burning church... "Thanks, I've found the Answer now!" [7/25/2015 9:45:06 AM] Sean: You're playing a christian jazz musician! [7/25/2015 9:45:33 AM] Wratts: rofl [7/25/2015 9:46:18 AM] Claire Knox: He's the lead singer of Jesus Freak.... [7/25/2015 9:47:20 AM] Wratts: warmer [7/25/2015 9:47:40 AM] Sean: He's the lead singer of Devil Freak! [7/25/2015 9:48:13 AM] Wratts: much warmer [7/25/2015 9:48:30 AM] Sean: HE'S THE LEAD GUITARIST FOR DEVIL FREAK [7/25/2015 9:48:41 AM] konrad knox: killed 400 z in tat clusterfuck with christina [7/25/2015 9:48:56 AM] Wratts: also, this guy has killed over 100 zeds unarmed [7/25/2015 9:51:14 AM] konrad knox: Yup [7/25/2015 9:51:22 AM] konrad knox: Str 9 will do dat [7/25/2015 10:10:08 AM | Edited 10:10:27 AM] konrad knox: what beats driving on seward highway in solitude listening max volume to my old gunz music? Nothin. As Trip Like I Do by Crystal Method blasts, i recall my fights with Wratts, Shamino, Aerumna, Lyco. And i feel 23 again. Been a long time my friends. [7/25/2015 10:11:32 AM] konrad knox: time to kill some salmon [7/25/2015 10:12:47 AM] Wratts: now THAT is apunch in the feels [7/25/2015 10:12:51 AM] Wratts: but a good one <3 [7/25/2015 10:13:08 AM] Aerumna: WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW aa21 [7/25/2015 10:13:29 AM] Wratts: have a good time y'all, I'll be toasting to you when I'm out these evening and kick back with a good beer. Cheers [7/25/2015 10:13:36 AM] Wratts: *this [7/25/2015 10:13:40 AM] Aerumna: Cheers [7/25/2015 10:13:53 AM] konrad knox: wratts we gotta meet [7/25/2015 10:14:04 AM] konrad knox: Ive met these two fools [7/25/2015 10:14:28 AM] konrad knox: Youre in queue after blay [7/25/2015 10:15:01 AM] Sean: HAY [7/25/2015 10:15:18 AM] Sean: where am I in yer queue >:| [7/25/2015 10:15:27 AM] Aerumna: #666 [7/25/2015 10:15:29 AM] konrad knox: Toronto? [7/25/2015 10:15:59 AM] Sean: Toronto is awful and also several hours in another direction [7/25/2015 10:16:08 AM] konrad knox: well i will be in Vanc next year for VISS [7/25/2015 10:16:22 AM] Sean: That's across the country >:| [7/25/2015 10:16:30 AM] konrad knox: Were r u [7/25/2015 10:16:43 AM] Sean: North of Windsor [7/25/2015 10:16:55 AM] konrad knox: Like dat helps [7/25/2015 10:17:10 AM] Aerumna: its in Ontario like Toronto [7/25/2015 10:17:19 AM] konrad knox: Give me place i give u time [7/25/2015 10:17:44 AM] konrad knox: I could do a canada tour after getmany tour [7/25/2015 10:18:11 AM] Quakeguy: Windsor [7/25/2015 10:18:14 AM] konrad knox: wratts thou i wanna take fishing [7/25/2015 10:18:14 AM] Quakeguy: Fucking Crack Capital [7/25/2015 10:18:18 AM] Quakeguy: You don't want to go to Windsor. [7/25/2015 10:18:27 AM] Quakeguy: No one who lives around Windsor is allowed to call Toronto shit. [7/25/2015 10:18:38 AM] Sean: .....says the Torontonian with the cocaine addled mayors [7/25/2015 10:18:49 AM] konrad knox: you two shud both meet [7/25/2015 10:18:50 AM] Sean: also north of, not in [7/25/2015 10:18:52 AM] konrad knox: Threeway [7/25/2015 10:19:11 AM] Quakeguy: I'd rather have a legally elected coke-huffing, pot baking, crack-trying Mayor who knows how to run a billion dollar business and therefore a city [7/25/2015 10:19:25 AM] Quakeguy: Than have him removed by a retarded lesbian who at the time was not elected to her post [7/25/2015 10:19:30 AM] Sean: with corruption and intrigue! [7/25/2015 10:19:36 AM] Quakeguy: who in the blink of an eye removed $3 billion [7/25/2015 10:20:25 AM] Wratts: well, that quickly spiraled out of control [7/25/2015 10:21:05 AM] Wratts: I like bagles [7/25/2015 10:21:10 AM] Aerumna: I wanted to keep talking about gunz... [7/25/2015 10:21:15 AM] Wratts: especially with sour cream and salmon [7/25/2015 10:21:17 AM] Sean: I wanted to fap [7/25/2015 10:21:18 AM] konrad knox: one does not simply listen to wircher 3 soundtrack and drive the speed limit. [7/25/2015 10:21:46 AM] Quakeguy: one often doesn't type out full sentences while they drive too, you fucking idiot [7/25/2015 10:21:48 AM] Quakeguy: Watch the road. [7/25/2015 10:21:48 AM] Aerumna: wircher 3 berst game erver. tern/4 -ign [7/25/2015 10:22:14 AM] konrad knox: Talk to type, voice type. [7/25/2015 10:22:53 AM] Aerumna: @Sean you always want to fap [7/25/2015 10:22:55 AM] Quakeguy: JJ won't be active again until roughly [7/25/2015 10:23:18 AM] Quakeguy: 3:30 Alaska time [7/25/2015 10:23:47 AM] Wratts: i can't wait till Mr. Frosty meets other characters [7/25/2015 10:23:56 AM] Wratts: that description above was something he did IG btw [7/25/2015 10:23:58 AM] Sean: kek [7/25/2015 10:24:03 AM] konrad knox: RIP Avery Gordon. He was Matts OC [7/25/2015 10:24:06 AM] Aerumna: Please tell me he used to own an ice cream truck franchise [7/25/2015 10:24:16 AM] Wratts: nope [7/25/2015 10:24:18 AM] Aerumna: Awww [7/25/2015 10:24:22 AM] Wratts: but I've pondered that archetype [7/25/2015 10:24:29 AM] Wratts: I'd have called that one Skip though [7/25/2015 10:24:29 AM] Aerumna: Well with a name like Mr. Frosty.. [7/25/2015 10:25:12 AM] Wratts: he also goes by The Fostinator [7/25/2015 10:25:16 AM] Wratts: *Frostinator [7/25/2015 10:25:20 AM] konrad knox: someone roll a clown [7/25/2015 10:25:32 AM] Wratts: done and done. [7/25/2015 10:25:35 AM] Quakeguy: we're down to 4 originals then [7/25/2015 10:25:39 AM] Wratts: oh you mean a legit clown? [7/25/2015 10:25:46 AM] konrad knox: Legit [7/25/2015 10:25:55 AM] konrad knox: Professional [7/25/2015 10:26:01 AM] Sean: Aerumna roll a clown [7/25/2015 10:26:12 AM] Wratts: the clwon from American Horror Story? [7/25/2015 10:26:28 AM] Wratts: fuck yuo spelling [7/25/2015 10:26:30 AM] Wratts: FUCK [7/25/2015 10:26:30 AM] Aerumna: yuo [7/25/2015 10:26:36 AM] Quakeguy: wait [7/25/2015 10:26:41 AM] Sean: fucka yuo [7/25/2015 10:26:42 AM] Quakeguy: why are there no gypst's? [7/25/2015 10:26:46 AM] Quakeguy: gypsy^ [7/25/2015 10:26:56 AM] konrad knox: pikeys [7/25/2015 10:26:59 AM] Wratts: it definitely needs them [7/25/2015 10:27:06 AM] Wratts: Frosty would call them pikeys [7/25/2015 10:27:14 AM] Wratts: I'm not even joking [7/25/2015 10:27:16 AM] Quakeguy: YOU'RE ALL A BUNCHA BLOODY PIKEYS [7/25/2015 10:27:19 AM] Sean: Aerumna roll a pikey clown [7/25/2015 10:27:29 AM] Wratts: lol [7/25/2015 10:27:32 AM] konrad knox: I miss christina damnit [7/25/2015 10:27:45 AM] Aerumna: fuck you and your pikey clown [7/25/2015 10:27:53 AM] Sean: lel [7/25/2015 10:27:55 AM] konrad knox: Screenshot uploaded last night [7/25/2015 10:27:58 AM] Aerumna: I saw [7/25/2015 10:28:01 AM] Wratts: me too but you'll love Frosty. He'll make Francis look like a sane man [7/25/2015 10:28:04 AM] Aerumna: depressing scene [7/25/2015 10:28:09 AM] Quakeguy: They need to add face paint + Clown Wigs [7/25/2015 10:29:02 AM] Aerumna: craft red clown nose: red rubber ball -> kitchen knife or stone axe, or axe, or screwdriver [7/25/2015 10:29:04 AM] konrad knox: their last words were [7/25/2015 10:30:31 AM | Edited 10:30:48 AM] konrad knox: Im bringing a lotta firepower. There are a lot more coming from back there. Frank loads gun. Lotta firepower. [7/25/2015 10:31:05 AM] Wratts: I liked how she took out one zed that was about to grab Frank from behind [7/25/2015 10:31:21 AM] Wratts: don't know if you noticed that one [7/25/2015 10:31:36 AM] konrad knox: i did ya [7/25/2015 10:31:39 AM] Wratts: was a last second KERSPLATCH with axe to head while he was backing up into it [7/25/2015 10:32:04 AM] konrad knox: I legit didnt see it [7/25/2015 10:32:10 AM] konrad knox: Until splotch [7/25/2015 10:32:17 AM] konrad knox: Saved my life [7/25/2015 10:32:58 AM] konrad knox: Battle Of The Bridge [7/25/2015 10:33:12 AM] Quakeguy: [7/25/2015 10:33:55 AM] Wratts: lol [7/25/2015 10:36:39 AM] Quakeguy: I can't play an ISIS Terrorist until the gun mod is added to the server. [7/25/2015 10:36:46 AM] Quakeguy: I totally want to play an indoctrinated Muslim [7/25/2015 10:36:54 AM] Quakeguy: who is about to commit a huge terrorist act in rural Kentucky [7/25/2015 10:36:59 AM] Quakeguy: and then the zombie invasion happens [7/25/2015 10:37:51 AM] konrad knox: i have many skills ready to level, no surplus of xp. What am i doing wrong? [7/25/2015 10:37:59 AM] konrad knox: jj has surplus [7/25/2015 10:38:56 AM] Quakeguy: much smaller than when it was [7/25/2015 10:39:02 AM] Quakeguy: you left me with around 4-5 [7/25/2015 10:39:06 AM] Quakeguy: I had about 200 [7/25/2015 10:39:07 AM] Quakeguy: 20^ [7/25/2015 10:39:22 AM] Quakeguy: Just a fucking retarded amount of skillpoints [7/25/2015 10:39:27 AM] Quakeguy: nothing to put them into [7/25/2015 10:39:52 AM] Quakeguy: YOU BETTER EAT EVERY FUCKING SALMON YOU KILL BTW KONRAD [7/25/2015 10:40:00 AM] konrad knox: i lvl up passives. Sneak a lot [7/25/2015 10:40:28 AM] konrad knox: i will [7/25/2015 10:40:49 AM] konrad knox: Why wouldnt i? [7/25/2015 10:41:07 AM] Wratts: did you take slow/fast learner? [7/25/2015 10:41:27 AM] konrad knox: no [7/25/2015 10:41:47 AM] Wratts: i took slow learned for shits and giggles [7/25/2015 10:41:52 AM] Wratts: *learner [7/25/2015 10:42:29 AM] konrad knox: guess they never learn [7/25/2015 10:42:37 AM] konrad knox: aard [7/25/2015 10:42:57 AM] Quakeguy: What now you piece of FILTH? [7/25/2015 10:43:12 AM] Wratts: Shit, you STINK [7/25/2015 10:43:31 AM] Quakeguy: Priscilla a shit [7/25/2015 10:43:33 AM] Quakeguy: there I said it [7/25/2015 10:43:34 AM] Quakeguy: Wrong group [7/25/2015 10:43:36 AM] Quakeguy: But whatever [7/25/2015 10:48:26 AM] konrad knox: ok one thing beats this. Having claire in the shotgun seat. [7/25/2015 10:58:02 AM] konrad knox: I imagine quakes muslim like the dictator. General Aladeen mothefucka [7/25/2015 11:05:19 AM] Aerumna: aww aint dat sweet [7/25/2015 11:12:49 AM] konrad knox: Im a diagnosed Linkin Park junkie. Still. After all the years. [7/25/2015 11:25:09 AM] Aerumna: CRAWWWWWLING IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN [7/25/2015 11:36:15 AM] Claire Knox: As sung by screaming at the top of your lungs [7/25/2015 11:36:26 AM] Aerumna: yessssss [7/25/2015 11:36:45 AM] Claire Knox: :D [7/25/2015 11:37:26 AM] Claire Knox: Best part of teenaged road trips. The entire car screaming Linkin Park songs. [7/25/2015 11:43:56 AM] Quakeguy: And I am suddenly distancing myself at a great, rapid pace [7/25/2015 11:44:03 AM] Quakeguy: hiding my guitars [7/25/2015 11:44:06 AM] Quakeguy: deleting remixes [7/25/2015 11:44:21 AM] Quakeguy: Gathering my 2pac collection [7/25/2015 11:44:52 AM] Aerumna: Hey, what do you get when you shoot a 6-pack 4 times? [7/25/2015 11:46:13 AM] Quakeguy: 2pac Shakur died 36 hours after being shot five times in the upper torso, having exposed himself out of the top of a limousine roughly two and a half hours after Mike Tyson won his bout in the MGM Grand Theatre by knock out before the first bell, in October, 1996. He was 24 years old. [7/25/2015 11:46:16 AM] Quakeguy: ;-; [7/25/2015 11:48:24 AM] Aerumna: thuglyfe [7/25/2015 11:48:55 AM] Quakeguy: Having had doubts about recent fiscal agreements with manager and long time friend, Sug Knight, Tupac Shakur had begun a recording streak like no one before- within a 90 day period he had recorded nearly 200 songs, and Sug Knight was suspected of being worried that his largest money maker was considering creating his own label. Roughly six months later, William Smalls would be executed in the back seat of his SUV by gunmen in a white cadillac, the same make and model described to be at the side of 2pac's black Cadillac in 1996. [7/25/2015 11:49:39 AM] Quakeguy: This was shortly after disagreements with rap partner, business partner and manager Sean Combs, better known as Puff Daddy. [7/25/2015 12:23:54 PM] konrad knox: im up to training day soundtrack [7/25/2015 12:24:09 PM] konrad knox: Now i wanna roll Alonzo in PZ [7/25/2015 12:24:27 PM] konrad knox: every song gives me char ideas [7/25/2015 12:24:55 PM] konrad knox: I want chicago as a map [7/25/2015 12:26:49 PM] Claire Knox: Major city would be insta death [7/25/2015 3:31:48 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Fife [7/25/2015 3:32:25 PM] Quakeguy: and therefore JJ [7/25/2015 3:37:40 PM] Sean: N-no! [7/25/2015 3:52:30 PM] Claire Knox: RIP Samantha [7/25/2015 4:05:46 PM] Wratts: RIP Mr. Frosty [7/25/2015 4:05:54 PM] Wratts: he took out 613 zeds though [7/25/2015 4:06:11 PM] Sean: ...what the fuck happened guise [7/25/2015 4:06:25 PM] Wratts: JJ I know would die without Fife [7/25/2015 4:06:40 PM] Wratts: because he was pretty much dead to begin with [7/25/2015 4:07:17 PM] Sean: I had a character I wanted you all to meet and you all go and get slaughtered by playing the one time I can't ~_~ [7/25/2015 4:09:20 PM] Wratts: hey, I wanted everybody to meet Mr. Frosty too [7/25/2015 4:09:41 PM] Wratts: though, he actually ended up doing a lot of good, in a sense. [7/25/2015 4:10:00 PM] Wratts: longest living male character btw [7/25/2015 4:10:06 PM] Wratts: (of mine) [7/25/2015 4:10:18 PM] Sean: that's because you usually play women [7/25/2015 4:10:24 PM] Sean: I didn't even know you had another male character [7/25/2015 4:10:41 PM] Wratts: I've had 4. Most of them didn't survive more than 20 actual minutes [7/25/2015 4:10:56 PM] Sean: [7/25/2015 4:11:04 PM] Wratts: the women are all badass survivors [7/25/2015 4:21:42 PM] Wratts: I just realized that with Samantha RIP, Francis is all alone again. Cheers to reaching ultimate nutterhood now [7/25/2015 4:22:40 PM] Aerumna: Jeez, how many major players are left? [7/25/2015 4:23:53 PM] Quakeguy: 2 [7/25/2015 4:23:59 PM] Aerumna: lol [7/25/2015 4:24:09 PM] Quakeguy: so much for winter [7/25/2015 5:00:33 PM] Claire Knox: Frank and jj I think [7/25/2015 5:01:18 PM] Claire Knox: Just burned about 100 Zeds before running into a house a getting bitten >< [7/25/2015 5:02:38 PM] Aerumna: Should be an interesting final encounter I guess, if it comes to that. [7/25/2015 5:03:23 PM] Sean: Takes bets on length of time jj lives for [7/25/2015 5:04:14 PM] Wratts: he might stil survive against the odds [7/25/2015 5:04:24 PM] Wratts: and that sucks Claire D: [7/25/2015 5:04:42 PM] Sean: he's already survived against the odds [7/25/2015 5:04:49 PM] Sean: like eighty thousand times [7/25/2015 5:04:53 PM] Claire Knox: Should have stayed outside lol [7/25/2015 5:04:54 PM] Aerumna: but he won't survive against the evens, I bet [7/25/2015 5:09:55 PM] Wratts: Damn youuuu evens! [7/25/2015 5:11:18 PM] Wratts: hah, just killed Evil Mr. Frosty [7/25/2015 9:02:18 PM] konrad knox: 3 fish at kenai beach. Bullshit, Fish Governor. 9 pm. Ok. Gonna drive to Kasilof 30 min. Try my luck there in the morning. Gonna bunk down for the night in the truck at Kasilof beach. Over n out. [7/25/2015 9:02:43 PM] Aerumna: Cheers [7/25/2015 9:03:27 PM] konrad knox: how fife died??? [7/25/2015 9:03:33 PM] Quakeguy: double fracture of course. [7/25/2015 9:03:56 PM] konrad knox: she fell?? [7/25/2015 9:03:59 PM] Quakeguy: Twice. [7/25/2015 9:04:11 PM] konrad knox: you insane murderer [7/25/2015 9:04:20 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Johnsons [7/25/2015 9:04:24 PM] konrad knox: Builder maniac [7/25/2015 9:04:30 PM] Quakeguy: just two OC's left [7/25/2015 9:05:07 PM] konrad knox: Died to your insane construction [7/25/2015 9:05:30 PM] konrad knox: how sammy die???? [7/25/2015 9:07:18 PM] konrad knox: are you both actually dead [7/25/2015 9:07:33 PM] Quakeguy: I'm dead without medical assistance [7/25/2015 9:07:38 PM] Quakeguy: and the only doctor in town is dead [7/25/2015 9:07:43 PM] konrad knox: fife? [7/25/2015 9:07:47 PM] Quakeguy: Yes [7/25/2015 9:07:48 PM] konrad knox: full dead? [7/25/2015 9:07:49 PM] Quakeguy: 100% [7/25/2015 9:08:49 PM] konrad knox: there is another medic capable [7/25/2015 9:09:07 PM] Quakeguy: Can't get medical assistance without some out of game tomfoolery [7/25/2015 9:09:12 PM] Quakeguy: I'll bleed out in about 45 seconds [7/25/2015 9:09:19 PM] konrad knox: Mitch [7/25/2015 9:09:23 PM] Aerumna: Marcus will patch you up with salted fish bandages. Yer gonna be fine, pal. [7/25/2015 9:09:39 PM] Quakeguy: that might help with the burn [7/25/2015 9:09:50 PM] Quakeguy: I'm in quite a pickle you see [7/25/2015 9:10:00 PM] Quakeguy: I'm in an area that you can't get to without falling to your death [7/25/2015 9:10:00 PM] konrad knox: What he needs? Splint? [7/25/2015 9:10:05 PM] Quakeguy: to get to me, you need to lay down floor boards. [7/25/2015 9:10:05 PM] Aerumna: Bread n butter or dill? [7/25/2015 9:10:27 PM] Aerumna: Jeez, thats a seriously fucked up spot to be in [7/25/2015 9:10:31 PM] Quakeguy: yep [7/25/2015 9:11:34 PM] konrad knox: Where are you? [7/25/2015 9:11:52 PM] Quakeguy: 2nd floor of the burnt out farm house [7/25/2015 9:12:25 PM] Quakeguy: one tile has now killed 2 people [7/25/2015 9:12:26 PM] Quakeguy: at least. [7/25/2015 9:12:28 PM] konrad knox: no way down without jimp [7/25/2015 9:12:33 PM] Quakeguy: Exactly. [7/25/2015 9:12:36 PM] Quakeguy: I don't have a sheet rope. [7/25/2015 9:12:49 PM] konrad knox: But i do [7/25/2015 9:13:00 PM] Quakeguy: Someone needs a splint + Medic Kit + Planks + Hammer + Nails [7/25/2015 9:13:03 PM] Quakeguy: to save JJ [7/25/2015 9:13:04 PM] konrad knox: Frank can build stairs [7/25/2015 9:13:17 PM] Quakeguy: He's lost Bob [7/25/2015 9:13:18 PM] Quakeguy: His Wife [7/25/2015 9:13:26 PM] Quakeguy: The crew he was surviving with [7/25/2015 9:13:41 PM] Quakeguy: Just sort of slowly bleeding out up there [7/25/2015 9:13:44 PM] Quakeguy: poor guy [7/25/2015 9:14:12 PM] konrad knox: Are u willing to develop the char if we save him? [7/25/2015 9:15:15 PM] Quakeguy: dunno how he could be developed at this point other than a man who is obsessed with constructing the perfect building [7/25/2015 9:15:20 PM] Quakeguy: at the cost of all the materials in the world [7/25/2015 9:15:34 PM] Quakeguy: You know what old lady Winchester did when her husband died right? [7/25/2015 9:15:40 PM] Quakeguy: She kept building onto the house [7/25/2015 9:15:52 PM] Quakeguy: until the day she died, she kept adding new rooms, new halls, new stairwells [7/25/2015 9:16:45 PM] Wratts: this season in EiraZomb [7/25/2015 9:17:07 PM] Wratts: Watch the main cast descend perpetually into deepest madness [7/25/2015 9:18:57 PM] konrad knox: There is some development you dont know. Michelle left Fife.. Bob, Jones, and Beverly a note. She doesnt know Bev is dead. I will get details from Michelle. But she will eventually come back to farm and has realistic chance to find wounded Jones there and run to Frank. [7/25/2015 9:19:23 PM] konrad knox: Aside from that i got nothing [7/25/2015 9:20:51 PM] Quakeguy: that'd be funny in a sick and twisted way [7/25/2015 9:22:36 PM] Wratts: is there still any safer way to get up to Jones there? [7/25/2015 9:22:51 PM] Quakeguy: Not without breaking a leg. [7/25/2015 9:22:59 PM] Quakeguy: You could build a stairwell [7/25/2015 9:23:01 PM] Quakeguy: and knock the wall out [7/25/2015 9:23:05 PM] Quakeguy: with a sledge or crowbar. [7/25/2015 9:23:08 PM] Quakeguy: or an axe. [7/25/2015 9:23:23 PM] Quakeguy: probably the safest but most resource intensive. [7/25/2015 9:23:35 PM] Wratts: hmmm, sorry, my current character can't carpenter worth shit [7/25/2015 9:23:42 PM] Quakeguy: Carpentry 6 is needed [7/25/2015 9:23:46 PM] Quakeguy: Think only i have that ironically [7/25/2015 9:23:48 PM] Wratts: yeah, stairs are a bitch [7/25/2015 9:23:57 PM] Quakeguy: But you only need skill of 1 i think for floors [7/25/2015 9:24:05 PM] Quakeguy: you can take a rope ladder, and then build 2 floor tiles [7/25/2015 9:24:08 PM] Quakeguy: and safely walk over. [7/25/2015 9:25:51 PM] Wratts: I'm scared to enter the Johnson estate ever again. as a player lol [7/25/2015 9:25:59 PM] Quakeguy: as you should be. [7/25/2015 9:26:07 PM] Wratts: that place is deadlier than thousands of zombies [7/25/2015 9:26:07 PM] Quakeguy: i want to stay there and memorize the pit falls [7/25/2015 9:26:12 PM] Quakeguy: just so it is truly the ultimate weapon [7/25/2015 9:26:24 PM] Quakeguy: In every way [7/25/2015 9:27:09 PM] konrad knox: i have carpentry 6 [7/25/2015 9:27:30 PM] Wratts: if you do this, make sure you bring 4 splints [7/25/2015 9:27:32 PM] Wratts: I'm not joking [7/25/2015 9:27:46 PM] Wratts: you might accidentally fall and break both your legs before you can fix JJ [7/25/2015 9:28:04 PM] Wratts: hell, bring 10. splints for days [7/25/2015 9:28:14 PM] konrad knox: i dont break [7/25/2015 9:28:21 PM] konrad knox: Unless im shot [7/25/2015 9:28:24 PM] Quakeguy: and for gods sake something to eat [7/25/2015 9:28:28 PM] Quakeguy: he ate a rotten berry [7/25/2015 9:28:30 PM] Quakeguy: and now he's all sick [7/25/2015 9:28:35 PM] konrad knox: Ffs [7/25/2015 9:28:46 PM] Aerumna: lmaaaaaaaaaoooooo, he's just straight fucked [7/25/2015 9:28:48 PM] konrad knox: U making it jarder [7/25/2015 9:28:52 PM] Aerumna: thats so bad [7/25/2015 9:28:53 PM] Aerumna: wow [7/25/2015 9:29:05 PM] Wratts: all signals on fucked [7/25/2015 9:29:21 PM] Aerumna: tuning frequency to 101.1 FUKT FM [7/25/2015 9:29:22 PM] Wratts: if he survives this, he'll be forevermore known as the toughest dog [7/25/2015 9:30:30 PM] Wratts: it's a shame Mr. Frosty didn't live long enough to see this rescue mission [7/25/2015 9:30:42 PM] Wratts: he would have suggested strategic fire placements to burn the way through [7/25/2015 9:31:12 PM] konrad knox: will fife roll new char or she ragequitting? [7/25/2015 9:32:38 PM] Quakeguy: She'll take a day or two and roll another if I keep playing [7/25/2015 9:32:40 PM] Quakeguy: which if I can live [7/25/2015 9:32:41 PM] Quakeguy: I will [7/25/2015 9:32:42 PM] konrad knox: i wanted frank to invite and arm every char for the grand monster bash [7/25/2015 9:32:43 PM] Wratts: imagine me using airquotes around "suggested" when I say that up there [7/25/2015 9:32:53 PM] konrad knox: Why did Fife fall? [7/25/2015 9:32:58 PM] konrad knox: like [7/25/2015 9:33:01 PM] Quakeguy: Tried the same route twice. [7/25/2015 9:33:06 PM] Quakeguy: the problem is [7/25/2015 9:33:11 PM] Quakeguy: some tiles look like they are stable [7/25/2015 9:33:15 PM] konrad knox: What is your malfunction people [7/25/2015 9:33:15 PM] Quakeguy: when they absolutely are not [7/25/2015 9:33:19 PM] Quakeguy: one burnt but stable tile [7/25/2015 9:33:24 PM] Quakeguy: can look the same as one that is not [7/25/2015 9:33:26 PM] konrad knox: Why not say [7/25/2015 9:33:32 PM] konrad knox: Take radio [7/25/2015 9:33:41 PM] konrad knox: Radio a help call [7/25/2015 9:33:52 PM] konrad knox: Rp it here in skype [7/25/2015 9:34:14 PM] konrad knox: I woulda went to rescue fife [7/25/2015 9:34:34 PM] konrad knox: The decisions are maaaad [7/25/2015 9:34:37 PM] Quakeguy: [7/25/2015 9:35:42 PM] Quakeguy: 101.5 Mission Control this is JJ, I am sort of all fucked up and all that shit please. Breaker Breaker come in earth, this is rocketship 27, aliems fucked up the carbonater on #4, gonna try and land on Juniper, and I hope they got some fuckin Space Weed, over. [7/25/2015 9:36:02 PM] Quakeguy: These power rockets are firing all over the place, they're shooting and uh... FUCK KONRAD MY BRAIN DOESN'T WORK LIKE THIS [7/25/2015 9:36:12 PM] Aerumna: You forgot "gonna try to refuckulate it" :D [7/25/2015 9:36:35 PM] Aerumna: Best line ever in anything [7/25/2015 9:36:55 PM] Quakeguy: [7/25/2015 9:36:57 PM] Wratts: something I've wondered about pZ. sometimes when I start up the game and it's nighttime, I can't see shit, almost entirely black [7/25/2015 9:37:01 PM] Wratts: any way to fix that? [7/25/2015 9:37:09 PM] Quakeguy: I like to think its your eyes adjusting to the darkness [7/25/2015 9:37:14 PM] Wratts: it sticks for a while [7/25/2015 9:37:18 PM] Quakeguy: but I like to think this will also eventually kill you by accident [7/25/2015 9:37:21 PM] Quakeguy: and make you rage one day [7/25/2015 9:37:24 PM] Aerumna: I like to think its a bug [7/25/2015 9:37:25 PM] Wratts: it almost did right now [7/25/2015 9:37:43 PM] Wratts: zed right next to me or something, had to blindly run laps and hope I didn't run into it [7/25/2015 9:37:54 PM] Aerumna: Damn [7/25/2015 9:38:48 PM] konrad knox: I like to think its just bullshit but no fix i have [7/25/2015 9:48:14 PM] konrad knox: so. If you are trapped in a building without a rope, but are a radio capable approved char, please do call for help. [7/25/2015 10:29:37 PM] Wratts: I've found like 20 pistols and 5 axes just from beating up zombies [7/25/2015 10:29:53 PM] Quakeguy: Delicious [7/25/2015 10:30:01 PM] Wratts: 5 big hiking bags, 10+ other bags [7/25/2015 10:30:07 PM] Quakeguy: Please axe the wall near me a question [7/25/2015 10:30:13 PM] Wratts: 9mm ammo to get sick on [7/25/2015 10:30:33 PM] Wratts: you'll have to radio the neighbourhood watch [7/25/2015 11:02:52 PM] Aerumna: [7/26/2015 2:18:06 AM] konrad knox: Yo yo yo! [7/26/2015 2:18:22 AM] konrad knox: three to the six to the six to the nine representing ABQ [7/26/2015 2:18:57 AM] Aerumna: All Bacon Questionable? [7/26/2015 2:19:02 AM] konrad knox: the awkward moment when realize nobody here except wife watched Breaking Bad. [7/26/2015 2:19:10 AM] konrad knox: Albuqerke [7/26/2015 2:19:19 AM] konrad knox: Sp? [7/26/2015 2:19:21 AM] konrad knox: sooooo [7/26/2015 2:19:30 AM] konrad knox: Whats funner than combat dipnetting? [7/26/2015 2:19:41 AM] konrad knox: night time combat dipnetting in the rain [7/26/2015 2:20:07 AM] konrad knox: Im cursed. Its 2 am. Pouring rain. Im miserable. But cooler contains 7 fish including a massive one. [7/26/2015 2:20:18 AM] konrad knox: Its not enough, but i NEED sleep [7/26/2015 2:20:22 AM] Aerumna: GO SLEEP [7/26/2015 2:20:31 AM] Aerumna: DO YOU ONLY LIVE ON WHAT YOU CATCH NOWADAYS OR SOMETHING? [7/26/2015 2:20:33 AM] konrad knox: Front seat - reclining. Aaaaah yeeeeah [7/26/2015 2:20:39 AM] konrad knox: Rain in the windows [7/26/2015 2:20:50 AM] konrad knox: I feel like in PZ sheltered in a vehicle [7/26/2015 2:20:58 AM] konrad knox: Needs a trex [7/26/2015 2:21:02 AM] konrad knox: T- rex [7/26/2015 2:21:10 AM] konrad knox: I live on what i catch in my mind [7/26/2015 2:21:17 AM] konrad knox: It affects my manly self image [7/26/2015 2:21:34 AM] konrad knox: Especially after Matthew here caught a hulking 34 [7/26/2015 2:26:48 AM] konrad knox: Fishselfie!! [7/26/2015 2:27:33 AM] konrad knox: A fish bit me and a seagull sniper pooped on my lip. [7/26/2015 2:46:22 AM] Aerumna: o gad [7/26/2015 2:57:41 AM] konrad knox: JJ Michelle said if you survive she will twerk on your face. [7/26/2015 9:54:55 AM] Wratts: xD [7/26/2015 10:56:05 AM] Quakeguy: I prefer large, round booties with decent amounts of fat for that [7/26/2015 10:56:12 AM] Quakeguy: not an athlete's ass who's bubble would break my nose [7/26/2015 10:56:28 AM] Quakeguy: whose^ [7/26/2015 11:01:41 AM] Quakeguy: Also Konrad you will forever look Russian as fuck [7/26/2015 11:01:54 AM] Quakeguy: your bangs are GONE [7/26/2015 11:16:40 AM] Wratts: you like big butts and you will not lie? [7/26/2015 12:58:41 PM] Wratts: Muldraugh is turning into a ghost town [7/26/2015 4:08:16 PM] konrad knox: Michelle and i been RPing over the radio text you sent here. When i get back, rescue stuff will happen. Dont log Jones in. I will try to take screens of the RP [7/26/2015 4:40:46 PM] konrad knox: Why is a gutted fish with no gills or internal organs still freaking wiggling???? [7/26/2015 4:42:04 PM] Wratts: god damn gettingkilled by lag spikes [7/26/2015 4:42:43 PM] Wratts: because nature is freaky, that's why [7/26/2015 4:43:16 PM] Aerumna: I imagine it has to do with fish brains and not experiencing pain the same way as humans and other sciency things [7/26/2015 4:43:37 PM] Wratts: Science! [7/26/2015 4:43:40 PM] Aerumna: Ya [7/26/2015 4:55:29 PM] konrad knox: wow. bad touch discovery channel song is on [7/26/2015 4:55:36 PM] konrad knox: Lllooool [7/26/2015 4:57:30 PM] konrad knox: And highland's bella stella. Wow [7/26/2015 4:57:49 PM] konrad knox: Songs i havent listened to in years [7/26/2015 4:58:21 PM | Edited 4:58:31 PM] konrad knox: I think i have franks soundtrack themes figured out [7/26/2015 5:00:38 PM] konrad knox: oh god. Jesper kyd. Hitman 1 main menu music [7/26/2015 5:00:55 PM] konrad knox: Taka taka tuk tuk tuk [7/26/2015 5:03:44 PM] Wratts: I had figured this would be Frank's theme song [7/26/2015 5:09:01 PM] konrad knox: Lol [7/26/2015 5:09:12 PM] konrad knox: He is 49 [7/26/2015 5:09:25 PM] Quakeguy: This rescue will kill the two of you [7/26/2015 5:09:30 PM] Quakeguy: if you do not repair the floor [7/26/2015 5:09:32 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/26/2015 5:09:41 PM] konrad knox: right now, after 5 friends lost [7/26/2015 5:09:45 PM] konrad knox: [7/26/2015 5:09:50 PM] konrad knox: Its this [7/26/2015 5:10:24 PM] Wratts: lol [7/26/2015 5:10:26 PM] konrad knox: quakey. I know what im doing. [7/26/2015 5:10:33 PM] Wratts: famous last words [7/26/2015 5:12:24 PM] Quakeguy: Jones Johnson's ultimate carpentry project [7/26/2015 5:12:25 PM] Quakeguy: [7/26/2015 5:15:21 PM] konrad knox: Lol [7/26/2015 5:16:22 PM] Quakeguy: [7/26/2015 5:16:53 PM] konrad knox: Wratts, did you like during battle of the bridge, how i did the distant gunshot description before having franks figure emerge from the woods? I actually did fire some rounds into straghlers zeds. [7/26/2015 5:17:12 PM] konrad knox: How he is heard before he can be seen [7/26/2015 5:22:23 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Whitney Houston's Retarde---- ---Deeply disturbed daughter. [7/26/2015 5:25:38 PM] konrad knox: Quake, there is this Hitman Codename 47 theme remix, that features Batesons dialogue which i cannot remember from any game. Where is it from? Some bonus material? "I am a killer, and i always have been. They say once you taste blood, it changes you forever. I wouldnt know, cause its been part of my diet since day one. What is worth killing for, you may ask? I wouldnt know, cause i never had any other choice. I have always followed orders, and taking another man's life, all i can say is, it is both easy and more difficult than you might imagine." Where is this from? [7/26/2015 5:30:53 PM] Quakeguy: Probably the first chapter of Absolution [7/26/2015 5:30:57 PM] Quakeguy: It's a shit line. [7/26/2015 5:35:26 PM] konrad knox: nah, long before [7/26/2015 5:35:41 PM] Quakeguy: Wait [7/26/2015 5:35:42 PM] Quakeguy: WAIT [7/26/2015 5:35:42 PM] konrad knox: Old mix. Like 2000 [7/26/2015 5:35:44 PM] Quakeguy: It could be... [7/26/2015 5:35:52 PM] Quakeguy: Are you sure the mix was -made- in 2000? [7/26/2015 5:36:02 PM] Quakeguy: If it was made in 2000, it could be the line that's last spoken after 47 breaks Ort Meyer's neck [7/26/2015 5:36:13 PM] konrad knox: i know it remixes hitman 1 original main menu melody [7/26/2015 5:36:23 PM] konrad knox: Hitman 1 released like 98 [7/26/2015 5:36:27 PM] Quakeguy: '99 but yeah [7/26/2015 5:36:32 PM] konrad knox: no, 99, right [7/26/2015 5:36:52 PM] konrad knox: I dunno. Its not in any game [7/26/2015 5:36:53 PM] Quakeguy: It could be the line spoken before the end of the game [7/26/2015 5:37:01 PM] Quakeguy: In which case, [7/26/2015 5:37:09 PM] Quakeguy: it could also have been taken from a specifically made trailer [7/26/2015 5:37:10 PM] Quakeguy: from IO [7/26/2015 5:37:13 PM] Quakeguy: Perhaps for Absolution [7/26/2015 5:37:34 PM] konrad knox: The last line is spoken by ort meyer: i failed to recognize my own son, what good is a bullet proof vest when death strikes from within. [7/26/2015 5:38:13 PM] konrad knox: Oh no, i got this track years ago, before Contracts was an inkling still [7/26/2015 5:38:16 PM] konrad knox: Its fuck old [7/26/2015 5:38:43 PM] Quakeguy: Most likely the original trailer for Codename 47 then [7/26/2015 5:38:49 PM] Quakeguy: Perhaps from a PCGamer CD or somesuch [7/26/2015 5:39:16 PM] konrad knox: Yes. That one could be it. [7/26/2015 5:39:39 PM] konrad knox: The ending of hitman 1 he is completely silent [7/26/2015 5:39:46 PM] konrad knox: Says nothing. Breaks neck, runs [7/26/2015 6:08:02 PM] Quakeguy: [7/26/2015 6:08:06 PM] Quakeguy: HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER-ZONE [7/26/2015 6:08:51 PM] Aerumna: lol [7/26/2015 6:08:55 PM] Aerumna: "We Maverick Now." [7/26/2015 6:09:42 PM] Quakeguy: Revvin' up your engine Listen to her howlin' roar Metal under tension Beggin' you to touch and go [7/26/2015 6:10:00 PM] Quakeguy: HIGH-WAY-TO-THE-DAHN-GHER ZOHNE [7/26/2015 6:10:30 PM] Quakeguy: god that's a fun mission [7/26/2015 6:13:25 PM] Aerumna: I imagine so [7/26/2015 6:18:37 PM] konrad knox: evanescense - imaginary. I see Christina axing away and sinking to horde of undead, her throat ripped out. [7/26/2015 6:19:06 PM] Quakeguy: I'd shoot whoever put evanescence on a speaker while killing zombies. [7/26/2015 6:21:04 PM] konrad knox: Aim this way [7/26/2015 6:21:21 PM] konrad knox: That guitar drive thou [7/26/2015 6:26:51 PM] konrad knox: i apologize perhaps. Its just that during my first 6000 ft skydive jump, i was in headphones listening to linkin parks Somewhere i belong. The intro was perfectly timed with freefall. [7/26/2015 6:27:14 PM] konrad knox: Ever since then, LP = adrenaline [7/26/2015 6:28:47 PM] konrad knox: intro, i looked out the window. Guitar blast, i jumped [7/26/2015 6:29:45 PM] Quakeguy: I gotta say [7/26/2015 6:29:51 PM] Quakeguy: our choices in music could not be more different [7/26/2015 6:47:28 PM] Wratts: that part with the gunshot before arriving was a really nice touch [7/26/2015 8:03:07 PM] konrad knox: makes me laugh now coz its a song about JJs broken legs [7/26/2015 8:03:07 PM] konrad knox: I wanna heal i wanna feel what i thaught was never real (walking again) i wanna let go of the pain i held so long, erase all the pain till its gone (rofl) [7/26/2015 8:04:28 PM] konrad knox: quake, most of our choices are different [7/26/2015 8:08:12 PM] konrad knox: When you finally get sprinting 5 [7/26/2015 9:26:20 PM] Wratts: I've found like 30 pistols, 100s of 9mm ammo, dozens of big hiking bags, etc [7/26/2015 9:26:26 PM] Wratts: loots on zeds be cray cray [7/26/2015 9:27:07 PM] Wratts: enough painkillers and beta blockers to knock out a town, too [7/26/2015 9:54:31 PM] konrad knox: I think wratts just got good at pz [7/26/2015 9:54:54 PM] konrad knox: what weapon are you using? [7/26/2015 9:59:55 PM] Wratts: axe, baseball bat, spiked bat [7/26/2015 10:00:08 PM] Wratts: anything I can get my grubby murderous hands on [7/26/2015 10:00:56 PM] konrad knox: who shall rival meee?? [7/26/2015 10:02:12 PM] Wratts: in what? [7/26/2015 10:02:21 PM] Wratts: getting people killed? I think JJ's got you covered :) [7/26/2015 10:02:42 PM] Quakeguy: :D [7/26/2015 10:04:01 PM] konrad knox: arguable [7/26/2015 10:04:14 PM] konrad knox: More people die in my camp [7/26/2015 10:04:48 PM] Wratts: you're definitely rivals in that though [7/26/2015 10:05:01 PM] Wratts: 2k [7/26/2015 10:05:17 PM] konrad knox: 2700 something [7/26/2015 10:08:13 PM] Wratts: the 2k is not counting the 600 from Frosty, 400 from Bev, 400 from Chris, 300 from the Deputy, and some odd ones here and there from the other victims [7/26/2015 10:33:38 PM] Wratts: 30 goddamned pistols [7/26/2015 10:33:43 PM] Wratts: what the hell [7/26/2015 10:36:03 PM] Quakeguy: pls install weapon mod [7/26/2015 10:36:08 PM] Quakeguy: so I can be Dante the demon slayar [7/26/2015 10:50:54 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Cultist man [7/27/2015 12:38:34 AM] konrad knox: Someone croak him? [7/27/2015 12:40:18 AM] Quakeguy: too greedy with books [7/27/2015 12:40:31 AM] Quakeguy: and someone scratched a sticker on his arm [7/27/2015 12:40:35 AM] konrad knox: Huhhh??? [7/27/2015 12:41:32 AM] Quakeguy: turned out not to be scratch n sniff [7/27/2015 12:41:42 AM] Quakeguy: and turns out the scratcher wasn't interested in sniffing [7/27/2015 12:41:44 AM] Quakeguy: but in brains [7/27/2015 5:36:20 AM] Wratts: some arsehole burnt the church anyway [7/27/2015 5:36:37 AM] Wratts: following the cultist's "The Answer" notes leading him tehre [7/27/2015 5:36:46 AM] Wratts: "WHERE MY CHILDREN SLEEP" was a fantastic touch, btw [7/27/2015 5:39:46 AM] Wratts: Stanley's journal too [7/27/2015 5:40:02 AM] Wratts: very Silent Hill, much awesome [7/27/2015 6:12:55 AM] Wratts: Raven's theme song [7/27/2015 9:29:06 AM] konrad knox: JJ whatever you do, dont login. we are rebuilding under your feet. [7/27/2015 9:29:26 AM] konrad knox: Im sledging this shit [7/27/2015 9:29:35 AM] konrad knox: Also: holy fuck dat farm [7/27/2015 9:29:46 AM] Sean: kek [7/27/2015 9:30:32 AM] konrad knox: looks like west point downtown [7/27/2015 10:44:39 AM] Quakeguy: braaaaaiiiins [7/27/2015 10:44:53 AM] konrad knox: Rescue initiated. [7/27/2015 10:45:05 AM] konrad knox: In progress, so to speak. [7/27/2015 10:45:09 AM] Quakeguy: oh boy jolly good [7/27/2015 10:45:21 AM] konrad knox: I was impressed [7/27/2015 12:05:22 PM] Wratts: with the madness of the construction? [7/27/2015 12:05:25 PM] Wratts: :D [7/27/2015 12:08:56 PM] konrad knox: The dummy has intentional holes built in the third floor [7/27/2015 12:09:02 PM] konrad knox: No wonder it keeps killing people [7/27/2015 12:09:26 PM] konrad knox: Jones is more insane than Francis [7/27/2015 12:09:28 PM] konrad knox: he's like [7/27/2015 12:09:31 PM] konrad knox: Escher of PZ [7/27/2015 12:09:38 PM] konrad knox: yeah I tore all that shit down [7/27/2015 12:29:02 PM] Quakeguy: actually [7/27/2015 12:29:08 PM] Quakeguy: those holes stopped the addition from burning down [7/27/2015 12:29:17 PM] Quakeguy: they were knocked out as part of the fire-fighting effort [7/27/2015 12:29:26 PM] Quakeguy: If only I knew there was a way to extuingish fire [7/27/2015 12:29:32 PM] Quakeguy: you'd think there would have been a massive announcement [7/27/2015 12:31:13 PM] konrad knox: Kinda was. Its own update thread. Stickied. [7/27/2015 12:37:39 PM] Quakeguy: yeah but when your place lights up [7/27/2015 12:37:40 PM] Quakeguy: you go to google [7/27/2015 12:37:46 PM] Quakeguy: not searching through their clusterfuck of a forum [7/27/2015 12:38:01 PM] konrad knox: Their forum is flawless [7/27/2015 12:38:17 PM] konrad knox: If you dont read every builds updates, thats on you [7/27/2015 12:38:25 PM] konrad knox: Its deadly to not know something [7/27/2015 12:38:56 PM] Quakeguy: Doesn't mention how to bring up the interface [7/27/2015 12:39:16 PM] Quakeguy: Though to be fair [7/27/2015 12:39:22 PM] Quakeguy: in our panic I doubt we tried to right click the fire [7/27/2015 12:39:22 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/27/2015 1:38:41 PM] Wratts: ncie work at the Spiffo's [7/27/2015 1:39:04 PM] Wratts: is the race on now? 2.5k [7/27/2015 1:40:12 PM] konrad knox: Lol as soon as i saw my PC's ram dying, i logged out. Left you a note. Somewhere in the rubble of the intersection. Leave it there, its more like a scribble in asphalt. [7/27/2015 1:40:31 PM] Wratts: oh I didn't see it [7/27/2015 1:40:33 PM] Wratts: brb [7/27/2015 1:41:00 PM] konrad knox: Screenshotted the whole deal [7/27/2015 1:41:19 PM] konrad knox: Okay i think that clear about 1/3 of server pop [7/27/2015 1:41:28 PM] konrad knox: Govnor got nothing on us now. [7/27/2015 1:41:59 PM] Wratts: only 33%? still more work to do [7/27/2015 1:42:13 PM] Wratts: good thing I have abag full of bats and axes and molotovs [7/27/2015 1:42:54 PM] konrad knox: This makes the highway travellable. At cost of spiffos. You can say spiffos was lost. But the battle is won. Depends on how you look at it. Francis never managed to flat out win anything so far without a loss. Can you even win??? [7/27/2015 1:43:19 PM] Wratts: my character used to work the DriveThru at a Spiffo's [7/27/2015 1:43:38 PM] Wratts: you might have missed how thoughtful she thought it was to set it on fire for her [7/27/2015 1:43:52 PM] konrad knox: yeah i logged [7/27/2015 1:44:13 PM] konrad knox: I was gonna die if i stayed. Ram was starting to get shitty [7/27/2015 1:44:23 PM] konrad knox: I log way before that shit hits me [7/27/2015 1:45:06 PM] Wratts: yeah I think it's not just fires, but the piles of corpses and other objects on screen [7/27/2015 1:45:14 PM] Wratts: even just those black burn marks [7/27/2015 1:45:26 PM] konrad knox: Okay you DO realize that you cant cheat governor by sacrificing characters in mass bombing? For every new char rolled, a respawn of loot and z is triggered. U got to survive battles to cut down the pop [7/27/2015 1:45:43 PM] konrad knox: Whatever frosty done may have been undone by new char creation [7/27/2015 1:46:50 PM] konrad knox: So far only jj and frank are costing us zero respawn, actually cutting [7/27/2015 1:49:27 PM] Wratts: I'll let you know when I get that lucky :P [7/27/2015 1:50:06 PM] konrad knox: find my note? [7/27/2015 1:50:41 PM] konrad knox: lol youre all like chill and snarky about this [7/27/2015 1:50:58 PM] konrad knox: Im like SERIOUS WORK [7/27/2015 1:51:59 PM] konrad knox: last thing i saw was "love what you did to the place" [7/27/2015 1:52:21 PM] konrad knox: not like he could hear anything on the comm [7/27/2015 1:52:27 PM] konrad knox: Over thousands of moans [7/27/2015 1:54:44 PM] Wratts: yep [7/27/2015 1:54:50 PM] Wratts: saw it, left one too [7/27/2015 2:00:08 PM] Wratts: how many spawn when a player character dies? [7/27/2015 2:00:23 PM] konrad knox: not dies, but created [7/27/2015 2:00:30 PM] konrad knox: and I don't know [7/27/2015 2:00:56 PM] konrad knox: they just said "respawns" [7/27/2015 2:01:22 PM] konrad knox: food and z respawn somewhere nearby when new chars are made [7/27/2015 2:04:14 PM] konrad knox: had a mini heart attack when I saw them fuckers load [7/27/2015 2:04:23 PM] konrad knox: a whole ton of em didn't want JJ to be saved [7/27/2015 2:04:33 PM] konrad knox: I note they were moving towards that direction too [7/27/2015 2:04:39 PM] konrad knox: it might have been the next wave [7/27/2015 2:04:45 PM] Quakeguy: should be safe once you climb. [7/27/2015 2:04:51 PM] Claire Knox: Ahh.. this explains why we are all spawning into houses full of Z's [7/27/2015 2:04:55 PM] Quakeguy: except I didn't have time to plaster the walls [7/27/2015 2:05:47 PM] Claire Knox: Doors on pretty much all houses are busted in now so it can spawn Z's in the houses when new character is made [7/27/2015 2:05:59 PM] Wratts: they might have been moving that way because I'm wiping out Muldraugh's zombie population [7/27/2015 2:06:14 PM] Wratts: also, 870 ping [7/27/2015 2:06:23 PM] Wratts: got scratched due to these lag spikes, no bueno [7/27/2015 2:06:39 PM] Quakeguy: Jesus [7/27/2015 2:06:46 PM] Quakeguy: Server's going thunkathunka [7/27/2015 2:08:19 PM] konrad knox: damnit WRATTS [7/27/2015 2:08:26 PM] konrad knox: care for that wound [7/27/2015 2:08:29 PM] konrad knox: and please don't die [7/27/2015 2:08:40 PM] Wratts: if I had a say in the matter.. lol [7/27/2015 2:08:48 PM] konrad knox: infected?? [7/27/2015 2:08:57 PM] Wratts: not that I know of, with a bit of luck no [7/27/2015 2:09:05 PM] konrad knox: do you people take thick skin and lucky [7/27/2015 2:09:05 PM] Wratts: but logged out because zombies are teleporting all over the place with this lag [7/27/2015 2:09:19 PM] konrad knox: yeah I think I just triggered something fucking major [7/27/2015 2:09:24 PM] konrad knox: basically on the highway [7/27/2015 2:09:26 PM] Wratts: lucky, yes, all my thick-skinned characters died within 1-2 scratches or got bitten [7/27/2015 2:09:33 PM] konrad knox: where the mid point cross section is between MR and WP [7/27/2015 2:09:40 PM] konrad knox: north of trailer park [7/27/2015 2:09:47 PM] konrad knox: was a whole train of zeds slowly shambling [7/27/2015 2:09:50 PM] konrad knox: blocking my way [7/27/2015 2:09:56 PM] konrad knox: they started to converge [7/27/2015 2:10:04 PM] konrad knox: on my location [7/27/2015 2:10:11 PM] konrad knox: so I ran south back to spiffos [7/27/2015 2:10:14 PM] konrad knox: and torched the area [7/27/2015 2:10:43 PM] konrad knox: thick skin is pro [7/27/2015 2:10:53 PM] konrad knox: it reduces potential scratches to "minor damage" [7/27/2015 2:12:15 PM] Wratts: can still get scratched with it though, kinda costly for the points. Wouldn't really get scratched on this character if it weren't for the lag [7/27/2015 2:13:06 PM] konrad knox: are you on wifi? [7/27/2015 2:13:17 PM] konrad knox: I pretty much plug into cable modem [7/27/2015 2:13:25 PM] konrad knox: i don't trust wifi with pz [7/27/2015 2:13:33 PM] konrad knox: timing is so lethal [7/27/2015 2:16:05 PM] konrad knox: that was 130 shotgun rounds [7/27/2015 2:16:22 PM] konrad knox: only 29 shotgun shell boxes left :(((( I'm poor now [7/27/2015 2:17:02 PM] konrad knox: dreading the day when i can't be a hunter [7/27/2015 2:17:15 PM] konrad knox: i haven't seen shells spawn on zeds [7/27/2015 2:17:20 PM] konrad knox: it'll be down to pistol wars [7/27/2015 2:18:51 PM] Wratts: yep, infected [7/27/2015 2:18:57 PM] Wratts: gg [7/27/2015 2:19:22 PM] konrad knox: farewell oh freedom fighter [7/27/2015 2:19:43 PM] konrad knox: so many came and gone. [7/27/2015 2:42:08 PM] konrad knox: Did you know that your carpentry level affects how strong your walls are? [7/27/2015 2:42:12 PM] konrad knox: They start with 200 [7/27/2015 2:42:24 PM] konrad knox: and then add 100 hitpoints for every carpentry level [7/27/2015 2:42:37 PM] konrad knox: so a level 7 carpenter walls have 900 hp, while level 1 guy's walls have 300 [7/27/2015 2:42:42 PM] konrad knox: that's a serious difference [7/27/2015 2:46:02 PM] konrad knox: [7/27/2015 2:46:21 PM] konrad knox: This guy is adorable. Making a guide. In old build. With population of probably 'small' [7/27/2015 2:46:36 PM] konrad knox: "very little zombie activity" [7/27/2015 2:56:55 PM] Wratts: he calls THAT numerous? [7/27/2015 2:56:58 PM] Wratts: hmm [7/27/2015 2:57:07 PM] Wratts: that's "Tuesday" [7/27/2015 2:57:50 PM] konrad knox: yeah i giggled [7/27/2015 2:57:59 PM] konrad knox: to me that's "clear" [7/27/2015 2:58:29 PM] konrad knox: we're accustomed to population of absolute horror [7/27/2015 2:59:41 PM] Wratts: yeah, this guys' definition of "packing light"... to me is 4 melee weapons, sure, that's good for a couple of blocks of solid killing [7/27/2015 3:00:13 PM] Wratts: luckily the drop weapons galore, or it would be impossible to deal with [7/27/2015 3:00:17 PM] Wratts: *they [7/27/2015 4:12:09 PM] Sean: >numerous [7/27/2015 4:12:11 PM] Sean: kek [7/27/2015 4:12:17 PM] Sean: >more like nooberous [7/27/2015 4:20:09 PM] konrad knox: I got 2 soundtracks for JJ. First: Cause he paid the cost to be the boss. Second: coz just because that's how I feel [7/27/2015 4:21:21 PM] konrad knox: lyrics mainly [7/28/2015 6:21:36 AM] Wratts: ohhh, I love those songs. Also very partial to Dark Night [7/28/2015 8:51:54 AM] konrad knox: Screenshots uploaded of the whole attempt to rescue JJ by Michelle and Frank [7/28/2015 8:52:07 AM] konrad knox: it's kind of a long story [7/28/2015 9:05:31 AM] Wratts: nice [7/28/2015 9:08:04 AM] Wratts: how's the progress on JJ rescue efforts? y'all just waiting to log on simultaneously now? [7/28/2015 9:12:38 AM] konrad knox: JJ has a 4% survival chance [7/28/2015 9:13:19 AM] Sean: considering what he's been through already, he's gonna make it [7/28/2015 9:13:30 AM] konrad knox: as michelle climbs in to revive him, she patches him up, splints him, gives him 100 food value meat soup to eat [7/28/2015 9:13:39 AM] konrad knox: but she doesnt clear the damn place [7/28/2015 9:13:49 AM] konrad knox: a zed was hiding somewhere on 3rd floor [7/28/2015 9:13:57 AM] konrad knox: beats me how it spawned there [7/28/2015 9:13:59 AM] konrad knox: bites him [7/28/2015 9:14:05 AM] Sean: ....srsly? [7/28/2015 9:14:36 AM] konrad knox: i think the building's inegrity loss due to fire triggered the respawn system and produced a zed there [7/28/2015 9:14:53 AM] konrad knox: i wasnt there, couldnt say more [7/28/2015 9:15:05 AM] Sean: after all that, motherfucker is going to die because of a bite from a zombie that shouldn't have been there [7/28/2015 9:15:16 AM] Sean: brutal [7/28/2015 9:15:16 AM] konrad knox: quake is like, hanging himself lol [7/28/2015 9:15:28 AM] Sean: I'd be so pissed [7/28/2015 9:16:31 AM] Wratts: that is such bullshit [7/28/2015 9:16:31 AM] konrad knox: well, there IS a way to get him unfucked by reversing to a backup, but I'd need nothing short of a community vote or something [7/28/2015 9:16:47 AM] konrad knox: the kitchen fire was caused by him [7/28/2015 9:16:53 AM] Sean: if it matters I'm for it [7/28/2015 9:17:03 AM] konrad knox: so i can't just go for it willy nilly [7/28/2015 9:17:05 AM] Wratts: i vote aye for that, because the zed spawning on 3rd floor of a broken building is such horseshit [7/28/2015 9:17:30 AM] konrad knox: yeah i checked the place [7/28/2015 9:17:36 AM] konrad knox: there's no way i found that i could get in [7/28/2015 9:17:47 AM] konrad knox: but his construction is so insane only he can understand it [7/28/2015 9:18:09 AM] konrad knox: i placed a flight of stairs to let michelle and myself in and finish the floors [7/28/2015 9:18:13 AM] Wratts: fwiw I easily understood it when it was not burnt [7/28/2015 9:18:19 AM] konrad knox: but michelle demolished it once she climbed up [7/28/2015 9:18:39 AM] Wratts: you look at the wreckage, it makes no fucking sense. And it makes not a lick of sense that a zombie would make it up there [7/28/2015 9:18:57 AM] Wratts: when several players have a hard time making it up alive [7/28/2015 9:19:45 AM] konrad knox: well, if you guys are in on it, i'll do the magic [7/28/2015 9:20:17 AM] konrad knox: i am but a humble public servant [7/28/2015 9:21:06 AM] Wratts: well I cast my vote for a free pass on the horseshit bite [7/28/2015 9:21:15 AM] konrad knox: so its up to him now if he wants to take that ticket [7/28/2015 9:32:20 AM] Quakeguy: just read up around here [7/28/2015 9:32:26 AM] Quakeguy: I really appreciate the understandin' folks [7/28/2015 9:32:55 AM] Quakeguy: i don't want to give off the impression i'm whining. Even though I did briefly whine for a time after the occurance. [7/28/2015 9:33:13 AM] Quakeguy: and like Wratts said, the construction was solid and fall-proof when I was -done- with it [7/28/2015 9:33:18 AM] Quakeguy: but the fire... The fire. [7/28/2015 9:36:24 AM] konrad knox: Michelle said it's her fault for not checking everything. [7/28/2015 9:37:35 AM] Quakeguy: I'm not going to lay blame anywhere. But maybe Governor sees a single breach in a wall and thinks 'well zombies can spawn in there' and that's why it didn't clear. [7/28/2015 9:37:45 AM] Quakeguy: Also, oddly enough, every time a person has tried to get to me via the house [7/28/2015 9:37:46 AM] Quakeguy: they die [7/28/2015 9:37:54 AM] Quakeguy: so that a zombie can waltz through the house and bite me [7/28/2015 9:38:00 AM] Quakeguy: that's a bitch [7/28/2015 9:39:52 AM] konrad knox: All I'm saying is, most of the community leading stock is here, and I don't want to be known as an admin who abuses power. I don't screw with the game once it's running. Considering my own character survived his 13th and 14th scratches, to the point of having told a goth girl to shoot him if his eye gets red and he fevers.... it puts me in a kind of position where I have to talk to the community openly. [7/28/2015 9:40:24 AM] konrad knox: I don't mind telling the server to cancel Johnson's last two days of hell, but if anyone at all is against it, speak here or privately. [7/28/2015 9:41:15 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah absolutely, speak yer mind and I shan't take any personal offense if anyone thinks now's the time to put him to rest. But man, what a way to go. [7/28/2015 9:41:34 AM] Quakeguy: after surviving eight fractures, three self-inflicted scratches, NEVER EVER being touched by a zombie [7/28/2015 9:41:41 AM] Quakeguy: dies to his first zombie touch [7/28/2015 9:42:01 AM] konrad knox: Just to clarify, my character wasn't there during Jones logging in, because of RP reasons. Were I there, I woulda cleaned house by shouting a big fat HEY! first. [7/28/2015 9:42:13 AM] Quakeguy: No need to explain it's all good [7/28/2015 9:42:14 AM] konrad knox: But not everyone has my level of prudence [7/28/2015 9:42:23 AM] Quakeguy: I hear ya I hear ya [7/28/2015 9:42:26 AM] Quakeguy: I'd of done the same thing [7/28/2015 9:42:42 AM] Quakeguy: if I can somehow pull through this [7/28/2015 9:42:53 AM] Quakeguy: Just gives Jones 2 days food supplies and he'll make a recovery [7/28/2015 9:43:03 AM] Wratts: IMHO it should be retconned tht the zombie was there in the first place. no bite, never happened [7/28/2015 9:43:03 AM] Quakeguy: and begin a fucking Ziggurat of construction [7/28/2015 9:44:30 AM] Wratts: 1. the fort was effective in design. Even before it was all rope ladders, only few zeds could enter the upper levels successfully 2. construction of thebuilding was deadly to PCs. 3. Deadliness was increased after the, making it a death trap internal consistency tells me the zomnbie shouldn't have been there in the first place [7/28/2015 9:44:31 AM] konrad knox: also, if you experience lag spikes, anyone, tell me right away and everyone log out [7/28/2015 9:44:39 AM] konrad knox: restarting server on daily basis seems to help [7/28/2015 9:44:50 AM] konrad knox: also try to put garbage items into corpses instead of on the ground [7/28/2015 9:44:52 AM] Wratts: *after the fire [7/28/2015 9:45:10 AM] konrad knox: also, put unneeded items in containers and periodically burn those containers [7/28/2015 9:45:16 AM] konrad knox: like, a trash pile [7/28/2015 9:45:29 AM] konrad knox: there's a need to delete trash items from the map [7/28/2015 9:45:35 AM] Quakeguy: Oh buddy [7/28/2015 9:45:36 AM] konrad knox: zombie corpses and burns are atmospheric [7/28/2015 9:45:42 AM] konrad knox: but 200 berries arent [7/28/2015 9:45:44 AM] Quakeguy: We must have had 1000 poisoned berries laying around [7/28/2015 9:45:50 AM] konrad knox: I cleaned those up [7/28/2015 9:45:50 AM] Quakeguy: that container got lit up [7/28/2015 9:45:55 AM] Quakeguy: instead of the berries going up [7/28/2015 9:45:57 AM] Quakeguy: they fell to the floor [7/28/2015 9:46:00 AM] konrad knox: ahh [7/28/2015 9:46:02 AM] Wratts: lol more Muldraugh cleaning work [7/28/2015 9:46:03 AM] konrad knox: crap [7/28/2015 9:46:07 AM] konrad knox: then how do you clean [7/28/2015 9:46:12 AM] Quakeguy: there is no effective method of cleaning [7/28/2015 9:46:17 AM] Quakeguy: you dump all the shit on zombies [7/28/2015 9:46:21 AM] Quakeguy: you pile the zombies [7/28/2015 9:46:24 AM] Quakeguy: and you GAS EM UP [7/28/2015 9:46:24 AM] Wratts: Raven: "I'm a killer, not a fucking janitor" [7/28/2015 9:46:34 AM] Quakeguy: walks in [7/28/2015 9:46:39 AM] Quakeguy: Kung Fu's everybody [7/28/2015 9:46:41 AM] Quakeguy: I'm The Cook. [7/28/2015 9:46:47 AM] Wratts: lol [7/28/2015 9:47:27 AM] Wratts: seriously though, sometimes I was running around dumpnig broken weapons and pulling out new ones just in tiem, and the zombies are multiplying like rabbits [7/28/2015 9:47:51 AM] Quakeguy: [7/28/2015 9:48:06 AM] Quakeguy: I loved casually walking the farm line on a cool summer evening [7/28/2015 9:48:14 AM] Quakeguy: picking up bats and axes from the previous day's killings [7/28/2015 9:48:45 AM] Wratts: in Muldraugh's streets right now it's basically [7/28/2015 9:48:52 AM] Wratts: I'd love to clean up all the broken shit and other stuff lying around [7/28/2015 9:49:06 AM] Quakeguy: we'd need 50 players on for 12 hours [7/28/2015 9:49:07 AM] Wratts: but ech time I return to an area, there's another 200-300 zombies there again [7/28/2015 9:49:09 AM] Quakeguy: each with 6 cans of gas [7/28/2015 9:49:16 AM] Quakeguy: to 'clean' the streets [7/28/2015 9:49:43 AM] konrad knox: Alright. I hear from 2 more people in here and JJ gets a pass. But no food supplies. On his own there. I can only reverse the damage. [7/28/2015 9:49:44 AM] Quakeguy: Shit like this is why I never even finished watching The Walking Dead [7/28/2015 9:49:58 AM] Quakeguy: when Rick returned to his hometown in Georgia by accident [7/28/2015 9:50:02 AM] Quakeguy: and he comes across that black guy [7/28/2015 9:50:10 AM] Quakeguy: that entire town should have been like Muldraugh [7/28/2015 9:50:24 AM] Quakeguy: Littered top to bottom in corpses. The entire house he lived in should have smeared in zombie shit [7/28/2015 9:50:47 AM] konrad knox: Quake, check out my latest screenshot series [7/28/2015 9:50:49 AM] Quakeguy: I'll have to rely on Michelle for SUPRISE [7/28/2015 9:50:52 AM] Quakeguy: SUPPLIES [7/28/2015 9:50:54 AM] Quakeguy: Already did [7/28/2015 9:50:58 AM] konrad knox: its fucking ridiculous how many zeds [7/28/2015 9:51:00 AM] Wratts: SUPPLIES MOTHERFUCKA [7/28/2015 9:51:04 AM] konrad knox: tried to stop me [7/28/2015 9:51:07 AM] Quakeguy: WELCOME TO THE RICE FIELDS [7/28/2015 9:51:27 AM] Quakeguy: [7/28/2015 9:51:34 AM] konrad knox: spoiler alert: she spent everything on the food [7/28/2015 9:51:51 AM] Quakeguy: thank god I still have half of it [7/28/2015 9:53:11 AM] konrad knox: so a fall from two stories is what gives you multiple fractures? [7/28/2015 9:53:53 AM] Wratts: not really [7/28/2015 9:54:04 AM] Wratts: each fall is typicall one fracture, no matter how high [7/28/2015 9:54:09 AM] Quakeguy: ^ [7/28/2015 9:54:17 AM] Quakeguy: Remember my 5% Terminal scare? [7/28/2015 9:54:21 AM] Quakeguy: Where I fell FOUR STORIES [7/28/2015 9:54:24 AM] Wratts: but in the Johnson house, you were guaranteed multiple falls [7/28/2015 9:54:28 AM] Quakeguy: I fractured my ankle [7/28/2015 9:54:30 AM] Quakeguy: just my ankle. [7/28/2015 9:54:33 AM] Wratts: at least in the old construction [7/28/2015 9:54:40 AM] Wratts: and post-fire [7/28/2015 9:54:45 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah the only safe place was farm house proper. [7/28/2015 9:54:54 AM] Quakeguy: then the least safe place after was the farm house LOL [7/28/2015 9:55:00 AM] konrad knox: That place is cursed [7/28/2015 9:55:00 AM] Quakeguy: But man, that hoard Wratts [7/28/2015 9:55:04 AM] Quakeguy: when you were just like [7/28/2015 9:55:06 AM] Quakeguy: ZOMBIES BE COMING [7/28/2015 9:55:13 AM] Quakeguy: Oh it's okay let's test out the construction [7/28/2015 9:55:14 AM] Quakeguy: We'll be fine. [7/28/2015 9:55:21 AM] Quakeguy: THUNK THUNK CRASH = THROUGH ONE DOOR [7/28/2015 9:55:21 AM] Wratts: it actually was lol [7/28/2015 9:55:24 AM] Quakeguy: THUNK THUNK CRASH [7/28/2015 9:55:26 AM] Quakeguy: SECOND DOOR [7/28/2015 9:55:27 AM] Wratts: hardly any made it up [7/28/2015 9:55:28 AM] Quakeguy: THUNK THUNK CRASH [7/28/2015 9:55:30 AM] Quakeguy: THIRD DOOR [7/28/2015 9:55:36 AM] Quakeguy: Okay. They can't get through this one [7/28/2015 9:55:38 AM] Quakeguy: THUNK THUNK CRASH [7/28/2015 9:55:39 AM] Wratts: too complex of a gauntlet on the way up [7/28/2015 9:55:41 AM] Quakeguy: THROUGH THE WINDOW. [7/28/2015 9:55:49 AM] Quakeguy: Funny enough yeah out of the thousands of zombies [7/28/2015 9:55:57 AM] Quakeguy: what killed JJ was the lag spike [7/28/2015 9:56:00 AM] Wratts: was it like 5 that got up? [7/28/2015 9:56:02 AM] Quakeguy: no zombies were up stairs [7/28/2015 9:56:06 AM] Quakeguy: then roughly 7-12 [7/28/2015 9:56:08 AM] Quakeguy: That was it. [7/28/2015 9:56:21 AM] Quakeguy: Easily manageable amount too if it weren't for the lag that made them appear out of no where [7/28/2015 9:56:30 AM] Quakeguy: First the place was solid, then with a refresh [7/28/2015 9:56:37 AM] Quakeguy: WINDOW IS BUSTED AND ZAMBIES ARE CHEWING ON YOUR DICK [7/28/2015 9:56:41 AM] Wratts: yep lol [7/28/2015 9:56:53 AM] Wratts: yeah from now on I'm just logging when the server strts acting weird [7/28/2015 9:57:08 AM] Quakeguy: I now have the construction plans for a flawless, 100%, unbreakable, unassilable, Zombie-Free safehouse. [7/28/2015 9:57:20 AM] Quakeguy: Human free, I can't say [7/28/2015 9:57:22 AM] Wratts: I think it's not the serveer's hardware, connection, or any of that. It's purely the game engine being wonky [7/28/2015 9:57:23 AM] Quakeguy: But Zombie free, 100% yes. [7/28/2015 11:01:13 AM] konrad knox: The Haunted House of Johnsons [7/28/2015 11:01:36 AM] konrad knox: cursed by sin [7/28/2015 11:01:41 AM] konrad knox: and revenge [7/28/2015 11:01:55 AM] Quakeguy: You can say such things if you roleplayed there [7/28/2015 11:02:22 AM] konrad knox: I did not, alas [7/28/2015 11:02:25 AM] konrad knox: I got my own ghost town [7/28/2015 11:02:48 AM] konrad knox: I'm kinda happy I skipped that cursed place [7/28/2015 11:02:51 AM] konrad knox: when I saw it [7/28/2015 11:02:55 AM] konrad knox: finally with my own eyes [7/28/2015 11:02:57 AM] konrad knox: I was like [7/28/2015 11:03:01 AM] konrad knox: oh this needs to be torched [7/28/2015 11:03:07 AM] konrad knox: more than it already is [7/28/2015 11:03:18 AM] konrad knox: it's a monument to death as wratts said [7/28/2015 11:03:29 AM] konrad knox: monument to human demise and failure before the undeath [7/28/2015 11:05:37 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah [7/28/2015 11:05:40 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah [7/28/2015 11:05:42 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah [7/28/2015 11:06:39 AM] konrad knox: West farm. Woulda prolly been a better call [7/28/2015 11:06:48 AM] konrad knox: or east farm [7/28/2015 11:07:24 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah you ever try and do a supply run from west farm? [7/28/2015 11:07:33 AM] Quakeguy: I have. Many times. [7/28/2015 11:08:13 AM] konrad knox: I remember season 1 [7/28/2015 11:08:17 AM] konrad knox: that killed my original char [7/28/2015 11:08:23 AM] konrad knox: trying to get to you [7/28/2015 11:08:26 AM] konrad knox: I didn't have enough food [7/28/2015 11:08:38 AM] konrad knox: but see, now i'm trained to make such runs with ease [7/28/2015 11:08:47 AM] konrad knox: thats how I do it in my current locale [7/28/2015 11:08:54 AM] konrad knox: im like miles out from west point [7/28/2015 11:10:06 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah yeah it's so easy [7/28/2015 11:10:15 AM] Quakeguy: pieces of cake [7/28/2015 11:12:59 AM] konrad knox: Wratts takes them to school in hordes [7/28/2015 11:13:05 AM] konrad knox: He got 700 kills in one day [7/28/2015 11:13:12 AM] konrad knox: largest I ever got in a day is 300 [7/28/2015 11:13:48 AM] Quakeguy: Cool. [7/28/2015 11:14:12 AM] Quakeguy: That's groovy. [7/28/2015 11:16:34 AM] konrad knox: So, the situation may have taken a turn. There were 2 zombies legit inside, who weren't zombies before, but they rose. Beverly and Fife [7/28/2015 12:25:13 PM] konrad knox: I think Simon just croaked... but it doesn't say he did. [7/28/2015 12:26:16 PM] konrad knox: Nope [7/28/2015 12:26:36 PM] konrad knox: We have a potential new player [7/28/2015 12:26:41 PM] Sean: which zombie bit JJ? [7/28/2015 12:26:57 PM] konrad knox: we don't know. someone needs to go to the Haunted House and investigate the zombie [7/28/2015 12:27:03 PM] konrad knox: I nominate Wratts [7/28/2015 12:27:09 PM] Sean: I nominate Wratts too [7/28/2015 12:27:37 PM] Quakeguy: I'll do it [7/28/2015 12:27:39 PM] konrad knox: If it was Fife or Beverly, then out of respect for their players and the dramatic story, I cannot restore JJ. [7/28/2015 12:27:46 PM] konrad knox: If it was not, then I can. [7/28/2015 12:28:00 PM] Quakeguy: stop even talking like JJ coming back is a possibility. Every time it just wounds me a little bit more [7/28/2015 12:28:01 PM] Quakeguy: It's ogre. [7/28/2015 12:28:18 PM] Sean: ITS NOT OGRE UNTIL ITS OGRE [7/28/2015 12:28:27 PM] Sean: NOW GO LOOK AT THE ZOMBIE AND SEE IF IT WAS FIFE OR BEVERLY [7/28/2015 12:28:55 PM] konrad knox: I think Quake just steeled his soul and is back in the ranks of the sheeeeet [7/28/2015 12:31:28 PM] konrad knox: shrek is love [7/28/2015 12:31:31 PM] konrad knox: shrek is life [7/28/2015 12:35:12 PM] Quakeguy: [7/28/2015 12:56:52 PM] Wratts: I'll be on a bit and check it out [7/28/2015 12:57:08 PM] Wratts: do the ol' shouty shouty come out ugly, whack-a-zombie [7/28/2015 1:01:58 PM] Wratts: since I mentioned this show the other day [7/28/2015 1:02:15 PM] Wratts: the "shiiieeet" vid made me remember it [7/28/2015 2:17:41 PM] Wratts: I'm scared to climb up :) [7/28/2015 2:17:49 PM] Wratts: there's no zombie reacting to shouts [7/28/2015 2:19:07 PM] Wratts: do the sheet ropes lead to instant death? [7/28/2015 2:23:20 PM] Wratts: on what level is this zombie? 2nd or 3rd? [7/28/2015 2:23:44 PM] Sean: 3rd wasnt it? [7/28/2015 2:25:32 PM] Wratts: I dunno, but I need to know how to get up safely. I'm not going up there all willy nilly lol [7/28/2015 2:25:37 PM] konrad knox: its a quest location [7/28/2015 2:25:43 PM] konrad knox: if you can make it to the 4th floor [7/28/2015 2:25:53 PM] konrad knox: you get a praiz [7/28/2015 2:25:56 PM] konrad knox: of DETH [7/28/2015 2:26:33 PM] Wratts: Okay. Which way did you get up to Jones and the zombie? [7/28/2015 2:26:41 PM] konrad knox: DUDE [7/28/2015 2:26:47 PM] konrad knox: IM FRANCIS MOTHERFUCKING KARSTINE [7/28/2015 2:26:54 PM] konrad knox: I DONT GO UP TO NO FUCKING CURSED FARMS [7/28/2015 2:27:12 PM] Sean: whoa Wratts [7/28/2015 2:27:14 PM] Sean: you broke him [7/28/2015 2:27:29 PM] Wratts: I will go into zombie infested buildings and systematically kill everything. watching all those corners [7/28/2015 2:27:39 PM] Wratts: I will not go up there blindly just to fall down and die lol [7/28/2015 2:28:07 PM] konrad knox: I constructed a ladder, climbed up it, finished the floor [7/28/2015 2:28:11 PM] konrad knox: let Michelle in [7/28/2015 2:28:11 PM] Wratts: even with a flashlight you can't see shit because of the way it renders burnt tiles [7/28/2015 2:28:17 PM] konrad knox: wished her the best of fucking luck [7/28/2015 2:28:20 PM] konrad knox: gave her the sledge [7/28/2015 2:28:22 PM] konrad knox: and left [7/28/2015 2:28:34 PM] Wratts: so theoretically she might have wrecked additional tiles [7/28/2015 2:28:38 PM] Wratts: good times [7/28/2015 2:28:51 PM] konrad knox: I have no idea wtf happened in that tower [7/28/2015 2:29:04 PM] konrad knox: i laid the floor of the second story [7/28/2015 2:29:07 PM] Wratts: see, how Beverly died was [7/28/2015 2:29:10 PM] Wratts: logged in during the fire [7/28/2015 2:29:13 PM] konrad knox: its entirely fall proof on second floor [7/28/2015 2:29:18 PM] konrad knox: was when i left [7/28/2015 2:29:22 PM] konrad knox: i saw no zombies [7/28/2015 2:29:25 PM] konrad knox: but i have sneaking 4 [7/28/2015 2:29:31 PM] konrad knox: so zombies rarely react to me [7/28/2015 2:29:33 PM] Wratts: climbed up a rope ladder. Fell through the tile where the character got off the rope sheet ladder, and caught fire at the same time [7/28/2015 2:29:53 PM] Wratts: I'm not going up no rope ladders without knowing it's safe because the game does fuckall to warn me about it lol [7/28/2015 2:30:07 PM] konrad knox: be brave wratts [7/28/2015 2:30:13 PM] konrad knox: we will remember you fondly [7/28/2015 2:30:39 PM] konrad knox: the house of death will eat you [7/28/2015 2:30:45 PM] konrad knox: is it also like pitch black in there? [7/28/2015 2:30:54 PM] Sean: rip wratts' 18th char [7/28/2015 2:30:57 PM] Wratts: yep [7/28/2015 2:31:03 PM] Wratts: wait, who the fuck is Gwen Johnson? [7/28/2015 2:31:08 PM] konrad knox: yeah so a Z could bite you [7/28/2015 2:31:12 PM] Wratts: I found a Gwen Johnson [7/28/2015 2:31:13 PM] konrad knox: from behind [7/28/2015 2:31:16 PM] konrad knox: Who??? [7/28/2015 2:31:19 PM] Wratts: keyring [7/28/2015 2:31:25 PM] Wratts: dead player character [7/28/2015 2:31:32 PM] konrad knox: about to rise [7/28/2015 2:31:35 PM] konrad knox: as a zombie [7/28/2015 2:31:39 PM] konrad knox: so you better gtfo [7/28/2015 2:31:47 PM] Wratts: if I can loot them? [7/28/2015 2:31:52 PM] konrad knox: i dunno [7/28/2015 2:32:27 PM] konrad knox: yeah, i think you can loot pre-zombum and post-zombum-mortem [7/28/2015 2:32:59 PM] Wratts: hm [7/28/2015 2:33:31 PM] konrad knox: possibly it was Gwen who killed JJ [7/28/2015 2:33:46 PM] konrad knox: and Michelle must have knifed Gwen [7/28/2015 2:34:03 PM] Wratts: dunno, Gwen is on floor 2 [7/28/2015 2:34:10 PM] Wratts: right up the regular farmhouse's stairs [7/28/2015 2:34:14 PM] Wratts: I risked that one [7/28/2015 2:34:32 PM] Wratts: but don't know if I can make any steps beyond without falling to death because of said wonky engine [7/28/2015 2:35:24 PM] Sean: this group provides more tension than the walking dead ever did [7/28/2015 2:35:28 PM] Wratts: lol [7/28/2015 2:37:31 PM] Wratts: qusetion. Can you use nail+hammer+sheet rope on regular tiles or only on windows? [7/28/2015 2:37:43 PM] Wratts: because this might be a way to navigate blindly [7/28/2015 2:37:55 PM] Sean: iirc just windows [7/28/2015 2:38:07 PM] Wratts: okay, then that's another non-solution [7/28/2015 2:38:11 PM] Wratts: ty [7/28/2015 2:38:36 PM] Wratts: I'm too young to die in a spooky ruin like this [7/28/2015 2:38:49 PM] Wratts: :D [7/28/2015 2:38:53 PM] Sean: stop being a puss [7/28/2015 2:39:31 PM] Wratts: could be a plain with 1000 zombies between me and the destination, and I'd do it [7/28/2015 2:39:44 PM] Wratts: even if I survive the fall, broken legs suck ass in this game [7/28/2015 2:39:55 PM] Wratts: I've spent half my game time with broken legs, it's boring as shit [7/28/2015 2:40:04 PM] Wratts: slow-walk everywhere [7/28/2015 2:40:08 PM] Sean: so has JJ [7/28/2015 2:40:09 PM] Sean: kek [7/28/2015 2:40:29 PM] Wratts: when I re-rolled I was like "WOW MY LEGS WORK" [7/28/2015 2:41:06 PM] konrad knox: Michelle is heart broken [7/28/2015 2:41:12 PM] konrad knox: She fractured and now can't run. [7/28/2015 2:41:24 PM] konrad knox: and running is like her life [7/28/2015 2:42:25 PM] Wratts: SPEEEEEED IS KEEEEEY!!! [7/28/2015 2:43:56 PM] Wratts: I noticed that you gain XP on locked skills [7/28/2015 2:44:09 PM] Wratts: do these XP also accumulate towards your next skill point? [7/28/2015 2:44:14 PM] Wratts: never understood how this exactly works [7/28/2015 2:51:06 PM] konrad knox: yes you do [7/28/2015 2:51:24 PM] konrad knox: but the effect of the new skill level does not come into active, until you unlock the level [7/28/2015 2:51:31 PM] konrad knox: its like a reserve dice in a pocket [7/28/2015 2:51:36 PM] konrad knox: there, but youre not rolling it [7/28/2015 2:52:19 PM] konrad knox: you can have 50000 cooking exp saved up [7/28/2015 2:52:24 PM] konrad knox: but as long as youre level 1 [7/28/2015 2:52:28 PM] konrad knox: your food still blows [7/28/2015 2:52:38 PM] konrad knox: once you allocate, you actually level up cooking [7/28/2015 2:55:11 PM] Quakeguy: STR/FIT are also two passive abilities [7/28/2015 2:55:15 PM] Quakeguy: you are constantly adding XP to [7/28/2015 3:01:33 PM] Wratts: okay, ty for clearing that stuff up [7/28/2015 3:13:13 PM] konrad knox: i haven't gained a single str/fit level since creation [7/28/2015 3:13:20 PM] konrad knox: its literally impossible for me to gain [7/28/2015 3:13:34 PM] konrad knox: at fitness 7 and strength 9, it takes like [7/28/2015 3:13:38 PM] konrad knox: thousands and thousands [7/28/2015 3:13:44 PM] konrad knox: to gain anything at all [7/28/2015 3:13:58 PM] konrad knox: it's hypothetical in such case [7/28/2015 3:14:25 PM] konrad knox: Well i think we can now all celebrate a RIP Jones Johnson [7/28/2015 3:14:35 PM] konrad knox: everyone crack a whiskey open [7/28/2015 3:15:05 PM] konrad knox: i was gonna trade gas with him, cause i knew he runs a generator [7/28/2015 3:15:14 PM] konrad knox: and i had like 15 gas cans amongst safehouses [7/28/2015 3:15:42 PM] konrad knox: maybe i'll trade it to the lonely dude whose safehouse is smack in the middle of Muldraugh [7/28/2015 3:15:59 PM] konrad knox: he's trapped in it with a fracture lol [7/28/2015 3:17:53 PM] Sean: RIP JJ? For reals? [7/28/2015 3:27:20 PM] Wratts: to me th elack of radios is a bottleneck created by screwdrivers [7/28/2015 3:28:09 PM] konrad knox: warehouses spawn them commonly [7/28/2015 3:28:23 PM] konrad knox: that was even an original requirement for radio [7/28/2015 3:28:32 PM] konrad knox: looting a police station or warehouse [7/28/2015 3:28:46 PM] konrad knox: or storage [7/28/2015 3:28:56 PM | Edited 3:30:59 PM] konrad knox: something hardware oriented [7/28/2015 3:31:21 PM] konrad knox: raiding warehouses is one of the daring and challenging tasks in PZ [7/28/2015 3:31:28 PM] konrad knox: so the radio is kind of a prize for that [7/28/2015 3:31:37 PM] konrad knox: because radio capability is a lot of power [7/28/2015 3:34:19 PM] Wratts: I find warehouses less precarious than homes [7/28/2015 3:34:22 PM] Wratts: wider spaces [7/28/2015 3:34:33 PM] Wratts: more dodging room, easier to look at corners [7/28/2015 3:34:37 PM] Wratts: more escape routes [7/28/2015 3:34:53 PM] Wratts: > whines about lack of screwdrivers > finds 2 a minute later [7/28/2015 4:00:24 PM] konrad knox: Yeah. I think this is RIP JJ. [7/28/2015 4:00:44 PM] konrad knox: He was killed by reanimated Gwen Johnson. This was no bug. [7/28/2015 4:01:17 PM] konrad knox: Detective Wratts gets a detective badge of +5 to scouting [7/28/2015 4:02:48 PM] konrad knox: If JJ was bleeding when Michelle patched him up, the zed could have gotten attracted to the smell [7/28/2015 4:02:49 PM] konrad knox: or the noise [7/28/2015 4:08:05 PM] Wratts: How long till the reanimate if you can loot their corpse pre-reanimation? [7/28/2015 4:08:14 PM] Wratts: *they [7/28/2015 4:09:50 PM] konrad knox: yeah, ha ha [7/28/2015 4:09:57 PM] konrad knox: the game settings are troll [7/28/2015 4:10:06 PM] konrad knox: infection lethality = 1-2 weeks [7/28/2015 4:10:14 PM] konrad knox: reanimation time: 2-5 minutes [7/28/2015 4:10:22 PM] konrad knox: good luck [7/28/2015 4:11:09 PM] Wratts: well, I'mma check again, guessing though that it was a dead PC zombie [7/28/2015 4:25:20 PM] Quakeguy: No one will ever find JJ's body [7/28/2015 4:26:11 PM] Quakeguy: but his will and journal should be in the shed [7/28/2015 4:26:24 PM] Quakeguy: WHY WON'T THIS GAME LET ME FORAGE [7/28/2015 4:26:33 PM] konrad knox: oh um [7/28/2015 4:26:38 PM] konrad knox: not all locations are foragable [7/28/2015 4:26:44 PM] konrad knox: try closer to the roads [7/28/2015 4:27:24 PM] konrad knox: Oh, JJ is pulling an Old Man Knox [7/28/2015 4:27:30 PM] konrad knox: out into the woods [7/28/2015 4:27:35 PM] konrad knox: grenade in his teeth [7/28/2015 4:29:36 PM] Quakeguy: Michelle can RP it as basically [7/28/2015 4:29:40 PM] Quakeguy: She tried to help him [7/28/2015 4:29:40 PM] Quakeguy: he was bit [7/28/2015 4:29:45 PM] Quakeguy: he turned around , looked at her [7/28/2015 4:29:48 PM] Quakeguy: leaped out the window [7/28/2015 4:29:52 PM] Quakeguy: she looks down, he's no where to be seen [7/28/2015 4:29:58 PM] Quakeguy: Never heard from again. [7/28/2015 4:32:17 PM] Quakeguy: Like David Blaine he is gone [7/28/2015 4:33:36 PM] konrad knox: I will relate this [7/28/2015 4:40:26 PM] konrad knox: Michelle: "Michelle jumped after him, because she is very skilled at quick dynamic movement and acrobatic exercise, but she landed poorly, fractured her left shin, and could not run further. She balled up and started crying, from pain and inability to run, from loss of freedom, and from loss of a man she was secretly strongly in love with at first sight. She curled her hands around her knees, her sobbing would long be heard in the trees." [7/28/2015 4:47:37 PM] Quakeguy: ;-; [7/28/2015 4:48:06 PM] Quakeguy: that's really really sad [7/28/2015 4:51:56 PM] konrad knox: [7/28/2015 4:51:59 PM] konrad knox: there you go [7/28/2015 4:52:04 PM] konrad knox: that's your feels [7/28/2015 4:52:35 PM] Wratts: lol [7/28/2015 5:01:36 PM] Wratts: it turns out [7/28/2015 5:01:52 PM] Wratts: Gwen is definitely a dead zombie. Who also looted a dead zombie by the name of Daniel Sommerset. The more you know [7/28/2015 5:02:16 PM] konrad knox: Ah. The art thief [7/28/2015 5:02:25 PM] konrad knox: I remember him by hearsay [7/28/2015 5:03:00 PM] konrad knox: He's the one who bled out and vomited his guts out on Jones's porch [7/28/2015 5:03:07 PM] konrad knox: back when the villa was a paradise [7/28/2015 5:03:14 PM] konrad knox: a paradise lost [7/28/2015 5:04:13 PM] konrad knox: A brief history of "Property of Fergus Delaney" [7/28/2015 5:04:46 PM] konrad knox: When Francis caught Michelle red handed in Safehouse Alpha, he had her drop all her bags and sent her off with only the agreed goods. [7/28/2015 5:05:20 PM] konrad knox: This duffelbag was one of the bags she dropped, which, prompty migrated to Safehouse Delta, and from there, to the Lodge [7/28/2015 5:05:55 PM] konrad knox: A little bit of Fergus will forever be with me. [7/28/2015 5:06:32 PM] konrad knox: I can stitch some macramé on it [7/28/2015 6:53:36 PM] Quakeguy: WANTED: COCKY ENGINEERS WITH A NEGATIVE DISPOSITION TOWARDS EVERYTHING [7/28/2015 7:52:45 PM] konrad knox: Three people reported a lag spike an hour ago. Two people got bitten during it. Those chars will be restored. [7/28/2015 7:59:21 PM] Quakeguy: Oh boy [7/28/2015 7:59:24 PM] Quakeguy: :D [7/28/2015 8:00:51 PM] Quakeguy: That explains why I am the only one online [7/28/2015 8:37:42 PM] konrad knox: okay, everyone who suffered from the lag spike please log in for divine intervention [7/28/2015 8:38:32 PM] Quakeguy: okie dokie artichokie [7/28/2015 8:39:54 PM] konrad knox: yeah we gonna do daily restarts [7/28/2015 8:40:00 PM] konrad knox: server restarting now [7/28/2015 8:40:24 PM] konrad knox: server up [7/28/2015 8:41:52 PM] konrad knox: is it any better? [7/28/2015 8:43:41 PM] Wratts: will check in a sec [7/28/2015 8:43:55 PM] konrad knox: i also found an option that will remove bodies [7/28/2015 8:44:02 PM] konrad knox: it may clean up performance [7/28/2015 8:44:06 PM] konrad knox: do we care to do this? [7/28/2015 8:44:15 PM] konrad knox: it will erase epic traces of battles [7/28/2015 8:44:26 PM] Quakeguy: Cleaning monthly IG makes sense [7/28/2015 8:44:34 PM] Wratts: if this is the cause of this issue, it might be wise, but I've been wondering what's causing it in general [7/28/2015 8:44:45 PM] konrad knox: billions of bodies lol [7/28/2015 8:45:07 PM] Wratts: this would be congruent with my experience. I kill 700-1000 zeds and it starts getting wonky [7/28/2015 8:45:21 PM] konrad knox: okay. there is a variable [7/28/2015 8:45:26 PM] konrad knox: Hours For Corpse Removal [7/28/2015 8:45:33 PM] konrad knox: which will remove corpses that are older than X many hours [7/28/2015 8:45:38 PM] konrad knox: how old do we want? [7/28/2015 8:45:58 PM] Quakeguy: oh [7/28/2015 8:46:02 PM] Quakeguy: I dunno then [7/28/2015 8:47:41 PM] konrad knox: okay lets say [7/28/2015 8:47:47 PM] Wratts: IG hours or real time hours? [7/28/2015 8:47:51 PM] konrad knox: see, i dont know that part LOL [7/28/2015 8:47:55 PM] Wratts: xD [7/28/2015 8:48:17 PM] konrad knox: •New server option HoursForCorpseRemoval will delete corpses older than this many hours. Player corpses aren't deleted. [7/28/2015 8:48:20 PM] konrad knox: thanks RobertJohnson [7/28/2015 8:48:22 PM] konrad knox: you dickbag [7/28/2015 8:48:29 PM] konrad knox: i think RL hours [7/28/2015 8:48:39 PM] konrad knox: so lets say... oooh [7/28/2015 8:48:41 PM] konrad knox: week old? [7/28/2015 8:48:45 PM] konrad knox: thats what 24 x 7 [7/28/2015 8:48:46 PM] Quakeguy: Why is every zed a runner now? [7/28/2015 8:48:50 PM] Wratts: what's the rate of IG hours to real time hours? [7/28/2015 8:48:56 PM] konrad knox: 3 [7/28/2015 8:49:01 PM] konrad knox: 3 hours = 1 day ingame [7/28/2015 8:49:06 PM] Sean: yeah 3:1 [7/28/2015 8:49:57 PM] konrad knox: Why is every zed a runner now?what do you mean a runner? [7/28/2015 8:50:14 PM] konrad knox: 20 x 7 = 140 [7/28/2015 8:50:18 PM] konrad knox: 4 x 7 = 28 [7/28/2015 8:50:18 PM] konrad knox: 168 hours [7/28/2015 8:50:35 PM] konrad knox: this would clear the burnt farm of most of the heliraid corpses [7/28/2015 8:51:09 PM] Wratts: sounds feasible, suppose it might be good to see if it helps against the issue [7/28/2015 8:55:50 PM] Quakeguy: wayyy too many [7/28/2015 8:56:05 PM] Quakeguy: shamblin shits [7/28/2015 8:58:38 PM] Quakeguy: Why mess with settings? [7/28/2015 8:58:44 PM] Quakeguy: Mid-restore? [7/28/2015 9:03:16 PM] konrad knox: Because JJ died [7/28/2015 9:03:33 PM] konrad knox: figured I'd test it out [7/28/2015 9:03:50 PM] Wratts: you trynig to get Francis killed too? :D [7/28/2015 9:03:52 PM] konrad knox: nobody like it though, so [7/28/2015 9:04:09 PM] konrad knox: i was wondering if it helped to deal with big hordes [7/28/2015 9:04:17 PM] Quakeguy: No. It makes big hordes fifty times worse dude [7/28/2015 9:04:19 PM] Wratts: nah, makes them a bigger liability now [7/28/2015 9:04:19 PM] Quakeguy: what are you thinking [7/28/2015 9:04:21 PM] konrad knox: i remember being able to exploit the distancing [7/28/2015 9:04:31 PM] Wratts: they all came at me, those deadbros [7/28/2015 9:04:33 PM] konrad knox: like i said, i recall gauging distance [7/28/2015 9:04:41 PM] konrad knox: kinda like the sneak abuse [7/28/2015 9:04:49 PM] Wratts: only reason I had a good chance was because when I axe them a question, I axe them super-fast due to my build [7/28/2015 9:04:56 PM] Quakeguy: I was in a house with no zeds around. Suddenly, out of no where, I thought I was lagging badly they moved at me so fast [7/28/2015 9:05:02 PM] Quakeguy: Like six or seven of them through the doorway [7/28/2015 9:05:20 PM] Quakeguy: if you are asthmatic kiss your ass goodbye [7/28/2015 9:05:29 PM] konrad knox: Okay. That information is good to know, so we won't have them that way [7/28/2015 9:05:30 PM] Wratts: out in the open, group of a dozen or so, at least half started charging, I think I only came out unscathed because of faster axe swing speed [7/28/2015 9:05:38 PM] Quakeguy: I think Runners will be more viable [7/28/2015 9:05:42 PM] Quakeguy: once vehicles are implemented in the game [7/28/2015 9:06:07 PM] konrad knox: I'm revving up loot respawn [7/28/2015 9:06:08 PM] konrad knox: by 20% [7/28/2015 9:06:14 PM] konrad knox: because we got 2 new players [7/28/2015 9:06:20 PM] konrad knox: and it's getting a little too much pressure [7/28/2015 9:06:30 PM] konrad knox: i want stepping on toes, but not that much of it [7/28/2015 9:06:44 PM] konrad knox: and not so fast [7/28/2015 9:07:02 PM] konrad knox: and gonna try out this corpse removal [7/28/2015 9:07:10 PM] konrad knox: it will detract from awesomeness of winter a bit [7/28/2015 9:07:15 PM] konrad knox: but i hope not too much [7/28/2015 9:07:19 PM] konrad knox: and there's always screenshots [7/28/2015 9:07:25 PM] konrad knox: just imagine dead hordes [7/28/2015 9:07:35 PM] konrad knox: in your mind [7/28/2015 9:09:23 PM] konrad knox: Oh. One more option here I didnt know [7/28/2015 9:09:28 PM] konrad knox: do you like how names display overhead? [7/28/2015 9:09:32 PM] konrad knox: its possible to turn it off [7/28/2015 9:09:52 PM] konrad knox: you guys voted for the skulls and pvp button to stay [7/28/2015 9:09:56 PM] konrad knox: what about names? [7/28/2015 9:10:34 PM] Quakeguy: uhh [7/28/2015 9:10:39 PM] Quakeguy: does it show the character name? [7/28/2015 9:10:43 PM] Quakeguy: or the server log in name? [7/28/2015 9:10:48 PM] konrad knox: the server log in name [7/28/2015 9:10:54 PM] konrad knox: which is why i tell people to use charname [7/28/2015 9:11:05 PM] konrad knox: so the choice is that or no name at all [7/28/2015 9:11:13 PM] Quakeguy: if it's not the character name [7/28/2015 9:11:16 PM] Quakeguy: I vote none at all [7/28/2015 9:11:39 PM] konrad knox: with how you guys been following the naming rules i asked for, it IS the character name [7/28/2015 9:12:44 PM] Quakeguy: Eh [7/28/2015 9:12:49 PM] Quakeguy: I see them pop up sometimes out of my peripheral [7/28/2015 9:12:54 PM] Quakeguy: and that's how I know it's a PC [7/28/2015 9:13:02 PM] Quakeguy: Almost an instant loss of tension [7/28/2015 9:13:10 PM] Quakeguy: also, you have to trust the individual when they give you their name [7/28/2015 9:13:16 PM] Quakeguy: they might not be who they say they are [7/28/2015 9:13:19 PM] konrad knox: exactly [7/28/2015 9:13:21 PM] Quakeguy: and you won't be inclined to cheat [7/28/2015 9:13:25 PM] Quakeguy: if you see their name [7/28/2015 9:13:41 PM] konrad knox: hence.... [7/28/2015 9:13:48 PM] konrad knox: its a pretty good question [7/28/2015 9:13:58 PM] konrad knox: the thing is, characters arent detailed enough [7/28/2015 9:14:09 PM] konrad knox: you change clothes, you can be confused with entirely someone else [7/28/2015 9:14:15 PM] konrad knox: especially females [7/28/2015 9:14:23 PM] Quakeguy: Okay, fair enough [7/28/2015 9:14:25 PM] Quakeguy: that's true too [7/28/2015 9:14:33 PM] konrad knox: Michelle looks split image of Megan [7/28/2015 9:14:48 PM] konrad knox: i kinda say they stay on [7/28/2015 9:14:56 PM] konrad knox: if we want tension, i would suggest removing the skull [7/28/2015 9:15:01 PM] Quakeguy: you've convinced me [7/28/2015 9:15:02 PM] konrad knox: when they intend to harm you [7/28/2015 9:15:11 PM] Quakeguy: I'd vote it stays too [7/28/2015 9:15:18 PM] konrad knox: aright [7/28/2015 9:15:40 PM] konrad knox: then we dont screw with any of that. Alright. Putting it all back together. Good feedback on the shamblers [7/28/2015 9:15:41 PM] Wratts: I'm for keeping th enames [7/28/2015 9:15:50 PM] konrad knox: i'm learning some admin stuffs [7/28/2015 9:15:57 PM] Wratts: I like the shamblers but maybe for a different season [7/28/2015 9:16:14 PM] Wratts: right now they'd shift the dynamic too much [7/28/2015 9:16:23 PM] Wratts: gonna be a struggle to survive the winter even without them [7/28/2015 9:16:25 PM] Quakeguy: if shamblers were there on day 1 that's fine [7/28/2015 9:16:39 PM] Quakeguy: but just throwing them in several months after Day 0 [7/28/2015 9:16:42 PM] Quakeguy: Not the coolest idea [7/28/2015 9:17:01 PM] konrad knox: Acknowledged [7/28/2015 9:17:09 PM] konrad knox: Did anyone die because of THAT [7/28/2015 9:17:13 PM] Quakeguy: very very [7/28/2015 9:17:14 PM] Quakeguy: very [7/28/2015 9:17:16 PM] Quakeguy: close [7/28/2015 9:17:18 PM] Quakeguy: but no [7/28/2015 9:17:24 PM] konrad knox: do you need restoration? [7/28/2015 9:17:41 PM] Quakeguy: From the previous lag bittle I lost 4 skill points but nothing to really cry over. [7/28/2015 9:17:44 PM] Wratts: nope all good, but lag would have killed me there lol [7/28/2015 9:17:46 PM] Quakeguy: Just one in each of the agilities [7/28/2015 9:17:52 PM] Quakeguy: Sneak/Lightfoot/Nimble/Sprint [7/28/2015 9:17:58 PM] konrad knox: They will be given back [7/28/2015 9:18:16 PM] Quakeguy: alright let me know when the server is up [7/28/2015 9:18:19 PM] Quakeguy: and i'll be back on [7/28/2015 9:18:56 PM] konrad knox: server is up please log in [7/28/2015 9:19:01 PM] konrad knox: corpses now clean up [7/28/2015 9:19:03 PM] konrad knox: shamblers slow [7/28/2015 9:19:09 PM] konrad knox: loot respawn bumped up [7/28/2015 9:19:11 PM] konrad knox: population same [7/28/2015 9:19:48 PM] konrad knox: i got 2 players to skillbump from a lag [7/28/2015 9:19:58 PM] konrad knox: i think i will reboot the server every night i go to bed [7/28/2015 9:20:04 PM] konrad knox: so you guys start with a fresh reload in the morning [7/28/2015 9:20:58 PM] Wratts: that might help tremendously. How far apart were reboots before this? [7/28/2015 9:22:33 PM] Wratts: that "night blindness"? after logging in? it goes away faster now, btw [7/28/2015 9:57:04 PM] Wratts: RP/immersion-wise I don't think the vanishing corpses are a problem [7/28/2015 9:57:39 PM] konrad knox: Reboots before this were non existant [7/28/2015 9:57:39 PM] konrad knox: LOL [7/28/2015 9:57:51 PM] Wratts: they eventually decompose, and compared to the rate at which trees grow, that works for me. :D [7/28/2015 9:57:54 PM] konrad knox: Man, Avery was the hardest to take care of [7/28/2015 9:58:06 PM] konrad knox: Since he died due to lag, he's considered an OC alive [7/28/2015 9:58:17 PM] konrad knox: He actually wanted me to place him back in his safehouse [7/28/2015 9:58:21 PM] Wratts: also, the randomly screaming NPCs may have burnt some corpses too in their free time, bless their souls [7/28/2015 9:58:30 PM] konrad knox: Which he of course did not leave any entrances to other than a sheet rope [7/28/2015 9:58:32 PM] konrad knox: which he pulled out [7/28/2015 9:58:33 PM] Quakeguy: I was in a house [7/28/2015 9:58:34 PM] konrad knox: and then died [7/28/2015 9:58:38 PM] Quakeguy: an NPC scream happened in the room beside me [7/28/2015 9:58:40 PM] Quakeguy: i walked in [7/28/2015 9:58:41 PM] Quakeguy: TWO zombies [7/28/2015 9:58:43 PM] Quakeguy: :O [7/28/2015 9:59:05 PM] konrad knox: i had to build him a ladder lol [7/28/2015 9:59:14 PM] konrad knox: which is hard when you dont have a body [7/28/2015 10:12:38 PM] Wratts: casper the friendly carpenter ghost [7/29/2015 2:13:15 AM] konrad knox: HO-LY-FUCK [7/29/2015 2:13:24 AM] konrad knox: there was a heliraid just now on the lodge [7/29/2015 2:13:34 AM] konrad knox: THANK GOD for minimalistic construction [7/29/2015 2:13:37 AM] konrad knox: very little is lost [7/29/2015 2:13:47 AM] konrad knox: they roamed through in and out like a bauss [7/29/2015 2:14:03 AM] konrad knox: Donald obviously was there [7/29/2015 2:14:09 AM] konrad knox: it was awful [7/29/2015 2:14:32 AM] konrad knox: cost me 130 shotgun rounds and some pick up pistol rounds [7/29/2015 2:14:41 AM] konrad knox: just to lure the crowd away from the lodge [7/29/2015 2:14:48 AM] konrad knox: that ammo [7/29/2015 2:15:00 AM] konrad knox: 130 shotgun and about 50 9mm bullets? [7/29/2015 2:15:05 AM] konrad knox: didnt even make a DENT [7/29/2015 2:15:08 AM] konrad knox: in the horde [7/29/2015 2:15:15 AM] konrad knox: managed to kill maybe, oh, 200 of them [7/29/2015 2:15:25 AM] konrad knox: the horde was easily multiple thousand [7/29/2015 2:15:33 AM] konrad knox: so when they were far enough down the road [7/29/2015 2:15:37 AM] konrad knox: it's molly time [7/29/2015 6:20:25 AM] Wratts: the timing was impeccable, I had to do laundry [7/29/2015 6:20:46 AM] Wratts: though the raid wasn't over my head before I logged out, seemed like it wanted to hit the lodge specifically [7/29/2015 6:22:23 AM] Wratts: so did you do molly time already or is this on the current to-do list? [7/29/2015 6:22:52 AM] Wratts: because I have a molotov that I've been waiting to use alllll this time :) [7/29/2015 6:25:29 AM] Sean: you're such a dirty pyro whore Wratts [7/29/2015 8:28:55 AM] Wratts: what [7/29/2015 8:28:59 AM] Wratts: I've only set a church on fire [7/29/2015 8:29:02 AM] Wratts: it was justified! [7/29/2015 8:29:25 AM] Wratts: shut up, you don't know me! you're not my real dad! [7/29/2015 8:47:52 AM] konrad knox: server up [7/29/2015 8:48:32 AM] konrad knox: Dont yell at me, youre not my supervisor! (c) Archer [7/29/2015 8:49:18 AM] Wratts: xD [7/29/2015 8:49:21 AM] konrad knox: oh the molly has been effin launched as the screenshots indicate [7/29/2015 8:49:39 AM] konrad knox: The torpedoes have fucking left the submarine [7/29/2015 8:49:40 AM] Wratts: haven't seen them yet [7/29/2015 8:50:09 AM] konrad knox: The nuclear missile has departed from the S300 launch complex [7/29/2015 8:50:16 AM] konrad knox: If yknow whut i meaaaaan [7/29/2015 8:51:34 AM] Wratts: saw them now lol [7/29/2015 8:52:12 AM] Wratts: does it not count fire kills on your kill score? [7/29/2015 8:52:24 AM] konrad knox: no. Never did [7/29/2015 8:52:36 AM] konrad knox: Otherwise i would easily have 15000 [7/29/2015 8:52:49 AM] Wratts: I understand how it would be hard to track, and yeah, figured you should have way more with all the firebombing [7/29/2015 8:53:07 AM] konrad knox: i tried without. I tried. [7/29/2015 8:53:24 AM] konrad knox: Hundreds of still lootable bodies testament to that [7/29/2015 8:53:32 AM] konrad knox: But the heliraid was real [7/29/2015 8:53:55 AM] konrad knox: And i fear that now the governors eye has in fact been turned onto me [7/29/2015 8:54:29 AM] konrad knox: Incidentally a certain someone is bunking in the lodge. [7/29/2015 8:54:38 AM] konrad knox: Coincidence??? I think not. [7/29/2015 8:55:44 AM] konrad knox: Govnor wants this dude dead [7/29/2015 8:55:50 AM] konrad knox: Even when he is offline [7/29/2015 9:00:42 AM] konrad knox: now i feel the pressure JJ felt [7/29/2015 9:00:57 AM] konrad knox: The urge to hold final base [7/29/2015 9:01:03 AM] konrad knox: Diabolical [7/29/2015 9:01:16 AM] Wratts: lol [7/29/2015 9:01:20 AM] Wratts: Governor is evil [7/29/2015 9:01:26 AM] Wratts: eviler than Skeletor [7/29/2015 9:01:51 AM] konrad knox: What did Frank do different from JJ? [7/29/2015 9:02:06 AM] Sean: Skeletor isn't evil [7/29/2015 9:02:08 AM | Edited 9:02:18 AM] konrad knox: did not stand the fight AT the base [7/29/2015 9:02:08 AM] Sean: Skeletor is love [7/29/2015 9:02:46 AM] Sean: [7/29/2015 9:02:47 AM] Sean: See [7/29/2015 9:03:42 AM] Wratts: lol [7/29/2015 9:05:56 AM] Wratts: I take it back then [7/29/2015 9:06:04 AM] Wratts: Skeletor seems like a swell guy, now that you point it out [7/29/2015 9:06:10 AM] Sean: ^^; [7/29/2015 9:06:12 AM] Wratts: he really could use a makeover though [7/29/2015 9:06:22 AM] Wratts: skulls normally imply bad guys [7/29/2015 9:06:28 AM] Wratts: like in That Mitchell and Webb Look [7/29/2015 9:06:30 AM] Sean: he's just misunderstood [7/29/2015 9:06:52 AM] Wratts: the SS troopers, one guy to the next.. "but we have skulls are on our hats. ....are we the baddies?" [7/29/2015 9:07:11 AM] Sean: lol [7/29/2015 9:13:37 AM] konrad knox: Or the twins from breaking bad [7/29/2015 9:13:54 AM] konrad knox: But they own it though [7/29/2015 9:14:20 AM] konrad knox: By worshipping the mexican death god [7/29/2015 9:15:05 AM] konrad knox: They wore skulls on the tips of their boots [7/29/2015 9:23:03 AM] Wratts: hm, I got a "connection to server lost" [7/29/2015 9:25:01 AM] Wratts: btw, the game's connection has been flawless [7/29/2015 9:25:20 AM] Wratts: buttery-smooth goodness [7/29/2015 9:27:23 AM] Wratts: how god damn many people could have been at the pony farm, ffs? [7/29/2015 9:29:24 AM] konrad knox: If you get connection lost, means your ping got above 800 [7/29/2015 9:29:43 AM] konrad knox: i have it kick a character to prevent such dangerous ping [7/29/2015 9:29:51 AM] konrad knox: This way it doesnt kill you [7/29/2015 9:30:58 AM] Wratts: oh nice [7/29/2015 9:31:25 AM] konrad knox: yeah im becoming a little more pro [7/29/2015 9:31:33 AM] Wratts: lol wtf is up with the pony farm? there's hundreds of people here xD [7/29/2015 9:31:36 AM] Wratts: *zombies [7/29/2015 9:31:41 AM] konrad knox: corpse clean up seems to be doing the trick [7/29/2015 9:31:59 AM] konrad knox: isn't it kinda obvious dude? [7/29/2015 9:32:19 AM] konrad knox: it had ponies? [7/29/2015 9:32:27 AM] konrad knox: everyone loves ponies [7/29/2015 9:32:34 AM] konrad knox: especially My Little ones [7/29/2015 9:33:57 AM] Wratts: fucking bronies man [7/29/2015 9:34:01 AM] Wratts: i axed them a lot of questions [7/29/2015 9:34:23 AM] konrad knox: you see [7/29/2015 9:34:50 AM] Wratts: (no offense to any bronies who might be out there) ;D [7/29/2015 9:34:59 AM] konrad knox: ponys are meat. trapped in a fenced place. Meat that doesn't wield an axe nor shoot back. [7/29/2015 9:36:14 AM] konrad knox: you reached all the way there huh? Exterminatus totalissimo [7/29/2015 9:36:26 AM] konrad knox: please keep govnor off my ass [7/29/2015 9:36:34 AM] konrad knox: and please report horde movements [7/29/2015 9:37:08 AM] Wratts: good point [7/29/2015 9:40:34 AM] Wratts: only report so far is that these ones aren't moving anymore [7/29/2015 9:42:30 AM] konrad knox: aren't moving? [7/29/2015 9:42:36 AM] konrad knox: what do you mean aren't moving? [7/29/2015 9:54:49 AM] Claire Knox: Cause he axed them questions.... they aren't moving because they are dead. [7/29/2015 9:55:30 AM] konrad knox: guess those were some hard questions then! [7/29/2015 9:55:35 AM] konrad knox: Was it a trivia? [7/29/2015 10:04:02 AM] Wratts: It was a pretty simple qusetion [7/29/2015 10:04:04 AM] Wratts: it was basically [7/29/2015 10:04:10 AM] Wratts: what happens when you move into the swinging axe? [7/29/2015 10:04:36 AM] Wratts: they all didn't know the answer but were eager to find out. So eager that i'm all out of axes and need to return here with another bag [7/29/2015 10:05:01 AM] Wratts: 4.2k [7/29/2015 10:06:04 AM] konrad knox: you're a monster [7/29/2015 10:06:18 AM] konrad knox: you scored in 3 days as much as I have in a month [7/29/2015 10:06:35 AM] konrad knox: how the hell are you doing it? [7/29/2015 10:06:52 AM] konrad knox: what do you eat? [7/29/2015 10:07:02 AM] konrad knox: do you literally have nothing but axes in your inventory? [7/29/2015 10:07:03 AM] Wratts: baby blood [7/29/2015 10:07:16 AM] Wratts: no, those, bats, nails, a hammer, and spiked bats as well [7/29/2015 10:07:24 AM] Wratts: occasionally a nine iron, but those are shit [7/29/2015 10:07:25 AM] konrad knox: ... [7/29/2015 10:09:03 AM] konrad knox: do you forage?? [7/29/2015 10:09:46 AM] Quakeguy: even when moving with sneaky purpose [7/29/2015 10:09:51 AM] Quakeguy: you can clear 100 zeds every 30 mins [7/29/2015 10:25:04 AM] konrad knox: you uber warriors [7/29/2015 10:28:20 AM] Wratts: Actually, not foraging at all [7/29/2015 10:28:27 AM] Wratts: seems like a waste of time when I could be killing :3 [7/29/2015 10:28:46 AM] Wratts: those raw axes don't take crap. I only u se those for cutting trees now [7/29/2015 10:29:09 AM] Wratts: btw, I'm confused now about how zombies spawn [7/29/2015 10:29:36 AM] Wratts: I built a safehouse, yeah? nailed everything shut. Left two entrances, All windows are fully barricaded AND have sheets over them. No doors were left open [7/29/2015 10:29:41 AM] Wratts: 8 zeds spawned inside. why? [7/29/2015 10:29:49 AM] Quakeguy: Impossible. [7/29/2015 10:30:02 AM] konrad knox: something is not caded [7/29/2015 10:30:05 AM] Quakeguy: If the home shows obvious signs of being boarded up [7/29/2015 10:30:07 AM] konrad knox: check all windows [7/29/2015 10:30:10 AM] Wratts: apparently not, does it distinguish between different building types? [7/29/2015 10:30:10 AM] Wratts: no [7/29/2015 10:30:11 AM] Quakeguy: there should be no spawns occuring [7/29/2015 10:30:15 AM] Quakeguy: boarded up being all windows [7/29/2015 10:30:16 AM] Wratts: I swept it 100% multiple times [7/29/2015 10:30:17 AM] Quakeguy: and at least one door [7/29/2015 10:30:32 AM] konrad knox: there is a breach, somewhere, somehow [7/29/2015 10:30:34 AM] Wratts: there's no possible way left in other than the closed doors. Do they need to be locked? [7/29/2015 10:30:41 AM] Quakeguy: No they don't need to be locked. [7/29/2015 10:30:47 AM] Wratts: you can gladly look at it. It's a warehouse type building [7/29/2015 10:30:54 AM] Quakeguy: The server should see tampering with the house and remove it as a plausible spawn point [7/29/2015 10:30:58 AM] Wratts: do you have to barricade the indoor windows?? [7/29/2015 10:31:01 AM] konrad knox: but if some survivor ran into it and left your door open.... different story [7/29/2015 10:31:08 AM] Quakeguy: Oh a warehouse [7/29/2015 10:31:13 AM] Quakeguy: You know I don't know. [7/29/2015 10:31:14 AM] Wratts: they were all shut, when I got back it had 8 zeds in it [7/29/2015 10:31:23 AM] Quakeguy: I do know that right now the server can only see residental homes [7/29/2015 10:31:25 AM] Quakeguy: as safehouses [7/29/2015 10:31:26 AM] Wratts: literally nobody was online during the time [7/29/2015 10:31:28 AM] Quakeguy: Maybe Konrad can correct me [7/29/2015 10:31:37 AM] Quakeguy: but i'm pretty sure only residences are identified as safe houses. [7/29/2015 10:31:42 AM] Wratts: yeah that's what I'm wondering, if warehouse are treated differently [7/29/2015 10:31:52 AM] Quakeguy: I mean, even fully customized 100% unique buildings aren't seen as safehouses to the server. [7/29/2015 10:32:06 AM] Wratts: well that's dumb [7/29/2015 10:32:08 AM] konrad knox: actually they are according to what I read [7/29/2015 10:32:09 AM] Quakeguy: Warehouses are a very popular place in single player however. [7/29/2015 10:32:15 AM] konrad knox: any player barricaded structure [7/29/2015 10:32:18 AM] konrad knox: with a fence around it [7/29/2015 10:32:22 AM] konrad knox: should be zed free [7/29/2015 10:32:25 AM] Quakeguy: That's what he's missing [7/29/2015 10:32:25 AM] Quakeguy: a fence. [7/29/2015 10:32:27 AM] Wratts: okay, have no fence. Is that it? [7/29/2015 10:32:35 AM] Wratts: that's ridiculous, still [7/29/2015 10:32:35 AM] Quakeguy: That's the strange part though [7/29/2015 10:32:42 AM] Quakeguy: if you board up all windows and doors and log out [7/29/2015 10:32:43 AM] konrad knox: possibly, but it shouldn't spawn INSIDE [7/29/2015 10:32:43 AM] Quakeguy: you shouldn [7/29/2015 10:32:48 AM] konrad knox: there's got to be a breach [7/29/2015 10:32:51 AM] Quakeguy: 't log in to a tasty zed treat [7/29/2015 10:33:01 AM] Wratts: I don't log out in there for a reason [7/29/2015 10:33:07 AM] Wratts: I log out in big, wide open spaces :) [7/29/2015 10:33:15 AM] Wratts: where you can immediately run [7/29/2015 10:33:20 AM] Quakeguy: home is for logging into [7/29/2015 10:33:21 AM] Quakeguy: and out of [7/29/2015 10:33:22 AM] konrad knox: smart [7/29/2015 10:33:33 AM] konrad knox: I'm with wratts [7/29/2015 10:33:33 AM] Quakeguy: I mean realisticically [7/29/2015 10:33:37 AM] Quakeguy: you're not gonna go for a sleep [7/29/2015 10:33:39 AM] Quakeguy: or a nap [7/29/2015 10:33:41 AM] Wratts: home is where you hang your enemies' heads [7/29/2015 10:33:43 AM] Quakeguy: or gather supplies [7/29/2015 10:33:45 AM] Wratts: and dump the shit [7/29/2015 10:33:46 AM] Quakeguy: however you want to RP logging off [7/29/2015 10:33:47 AM] konrad knox: realistically, you fall asleep and wake up under attack [7/29/2015 10:33:50 AM] Quakeguy: you won't do it in a middle field. [7/29/2015 10:33:55 AM] Quakeguy: because you'd never wake up [7/29/2015 10:33:56 AM] konrad knox: its viable [7/29/2015 10:33:57 AM] Quakeguy: you'd be dead. [7/29/2015 10:34:05 AM] konrad knox: nah I slept in the woods [7/29/2015 10:34:10 AM] konrad knox: our fishing trip lol [7/29/2015 10:34:13 AM] konrad knox: we woke up on a beach [7/29/2015 10:34:15 AM] Quakeguy: Unless it's a server issue [7/29/2015 10:34:16 AM] Wratts: I'd love that, but apparently the game wants to give me a uhge middle finger [7/29/2015 10:34:19 AM] Quakeguy: I ALWAYS log out in buildings [7/29/2015 10:34:19 AM] konrad knox: as we were about to get swept up by tide [7/29/2015 10:34:26 AM] Wratts: logging out in buildings is asking to die, basically [7/29/2015 10:34:35 AM] konrad knox: wratts I never seen this happen [7/29/2015 10:34:37 AM] Wratts: "night blindness", spawns in supposedly safe places, etc [7/29/2015 10:34:44 AM] konrad knox: only time I see it happen is when barricades were broken [7/29/2015 10:34:47 AM] konrad knox: but I missed it [7/29/2015 10:34:52 AM] konrad knox: cause I covered it with a sheet [7/29/2015 10:34:58 AM] konrad knox: and couldn't see the broken cades [7/29/2015 10:35:00 AM] Quakeguy: See this is why I wish Frank wasn't such a cunt about his sledge hammer [7/29/2015 10:35:05 AM] Quakeguy: I could be totally secure already [7/29/2015 10:35:13 AM] Quakeguy: and be able to log in and out of muh place with no issue [7/29/2015 10:35:19 AM] konrad knox: Oh im sorry mister "i want it done my way, I do all of the building" [7/29/2015 10:35:25 AM] Wratts: here's the thing, I checked all barricades. All have four boards up each [7/29/2015 10:35:28 AM] konrad knox: after a guy graciously offers to remove shit for you [7/29/2015 10:35:34 AM] Quakeguy: I even used the perfect line on Frank [7/29/2015 10:35:48 AM] Quakeguy: "I'd rather handle the actual destruction myself, so if anything goes wrong, I only have myself to blame, and no one else" [7/29/2015 10:35:51 AM] konrad knox: you don't ask for help on your terms lol [7/29/2015 10:35:52 AM] Quakeguy: After he just failed to save four people [7/29/2015 10:35:54 AM] Wratts: but in a warehouse type building, you have indoor windows. Seperating rooms. Does this have an effect maybe? [7/29/2015 10:35:57 AM] Quakeguy: you'd think that would resonate with hi [7/29/2015 10:35:58 AM] Quakeguy: But nooo [7/29/2015 10:36:02 AM] Quakeguy: Why would that resonate with him [7/29/2015 10:36:06 AM] Quakeguy: It's not like it makes sense even to Frank [7/29/2015 10:36:24 AM] konrad knox: I put it simple. I don't believe any character I wave goodbye to I will ever see again [7/29/2015 10:36:27 AM] konrad knox: and that's my only sledge [7/29/2015 10:36:50 AM] konrad knox: I just met the guy [7/29/2015 10:36:59 AM] konrad knox: and im not about to hand him my only demolition tool [7/29/2015 10:37:06 AM] Wratts: also, this might also be the thing. The area is the Logging warehouses. These are technically 4 buildings. Maybe you'd have to secure ALL of them so they down spawn in any of them? [7/29/2015 10:37:12 AM] konrad knox: he offered to escort you to the Burnt Farmhouse to get JJ's hammer [7/29/2015 10:37:17 AM] konrad knox: which he knows is there cause he used it [7/29/2015 10:37:19 AM] Quakeguy: You are in the McCoy Logging warehouses? [7/29/2015 10:37:25 AM] Wratts: yeah [7/29/2015 10:37:25 AM] Quakeguy: And you want it secure from zeds? [7/29/2015 10:37:27 AM] Quakeguy: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [7/29/2015 10:37:30 AM] Quakeguy: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [7/29/2015 10:37:36 AM] Wratts: what, one of those buildings is perfect [7/29/2015 10:37:36 AM] Quakeguy: I want a blowjob and an '05 Bard GT [7/29/2015 10:37:43 AM] Quakeguy: We just can't get what we want sometimes [7/29/2015 10:37:59 AM] konrad knox: Didn't you get a blowjob? [7/29/2015 10:38:10 AM] Wratts: that's a load of shit. None of the garage doors are open. Everything's 'caded shut. It's quite the task to clear it, doesn't make sense why it should eb a special case [7/29/2015 10:38:33 AM] konrad knox: give me coordinates on the map [7/29/2015 10:38:49 AM] Quakeguy: I assume you are in one of the buildings with no windows [7/29/2015 10:38:53 AM] konrad knox: "Lumber Mill"? [7/29/2015 10:39:15 AM] Wratts:,0.1915977803648213,127.79199974824911 [7/29/2015 10:40:27 AM] Quakeguy: You've secured each of the 22 entrances? [7/29/2015 10:40:37 AM] Quakeguy: Also that place is a fucking nightmare to navigate in the dark [7/29/2015 10:41:00 AM] Wratts: it's okay,maybe because of cat's eye [7/29/2015 10:41:21 AM] Wratts: and yeah. There are two doors left unlocked/unbarricaded. Do they have to be barricaded as well? [7/29/2015 10:41:34 AM] Wratts: just trying to understand the mechanics here [7/29/2015 10:41:49 AM] Quakeguy: I'm not 100% sure on how warehouses work [7/29/2015 10:41:54 AM] Quakeguy: I have never attempted to secure one. [7/29/2015 10:42:04 AM] Quakeguy: It seems like an obvious thing to do, so obvious I never attempt it. [7/29/2015 10:42:11 AM] konrad knox: hmmm big building [7/29/2015 10:42:19 AM] konrad knox: you sure nobody was hiding in auxiliary offices? [7/29/2015 10:42:23 AM] konrad knox: no windows are broken [7/29/2015 10:42:27 AM] konrad knox: those big windows [7/29/2015 10:42:30 AM] Quakeguy: those are a lot of windows to board up [7/29/2015 10:42:32 AM] konrad knox: are climbable through [7/29/2015 10:42:38 AM] Quakeguy: To board up all the entrances I can see [7/29/2015 10:42:40 AM] konrad knox: can you board up those huge windows? [7/29/2015 10:42:43 AM] Quakeguy: you're looking at 88 planks [7/29/2015 10:42:56 AM] konrad knox: if even one window is left, z can climb in or spawn [7/29/2015 10:42:58 AM] Quakeguy: 92 planks [7/29/2015 10:42:59 AM] Quakeguy: pardon me [7/29/2015 10:43:12 AM] konrad knox: did you check toilet stalls? [7/29/2015 10:43:20 AM] konrad knox: they might have been zombies from there [7/29/2015 10:43:40 AM] konrad knox: everything needs to be barricaded [7/29/2015 10:43:45 AM] Quakeguy: This is why spending a day grinding carpentry books and sawing logs is so important [7/29/2015 10:43:48 AM] konrad knox: and best of all, fenced off [7/29/2015 10:43:51 AM] konrad knox: and walled off [7/29/2015 10:43:53 AM] Quakeguy: so the first stage of your building is always [7/29/2015 10:43:58 AM] Quakeguy: "Get 1 Z level above the Z's" [7/29/2015 10:44:01 AM] Wratts: done and done all those things guys [7/29/2015 10:44:06 AM] Quakeguy: that warehouse has an awfully large roof. [7/29/2015 10:44:11 AM] Wratts: you can gladly check it in-game [7/29/2015 10:44:11 AM] Quakeguy: Perfect for crop growing [7/29/2015 10:44:14 AM] Quakeguy: :D [7/29/2015 10:44:20 AM] Wratts: there's enough trees and tools around, planked up everything [7/29/2015 10:44:28 AM] Wratts: checked all stalls [7/29/2015 10:44:32 AM] konrad knox: garage doors not broken? [7/29/2015 10:44:34 AM] Wratts: all rooms. place was cleared [7/29/2015 10:44:35 AM] Quakeguy: you should have carpentry 6 by tomorrow if you own McCoy's Logging Wratts. [7/29/2015 10:44:39 AM] Wratts: garage doors sealed on that building [7/29/2015 10:44:54 AM] konrad knox: did you check the nooks between crates? [7/29/2015 10:44:58 AM] konrad knox: Z can hide there [7/29/2015 10:45:00 AM] Wratts: yes, I looted through all of them [7/29/2015 10:45:14 AM] Wratts: look, there were none, and 8 would have been an awful lot to miss after sweeping it multiple times [7/29/2015 10:45:23 AM] konrad knox: yes it would have [7/29/2015 10:45:31 AM] Wratts: I'm wondering if tehre's a weird quirk in the engine concerning the building or details [7/29/2015 10:45:32 AM] Wratts: like [7/29/2015 10:45:45 AM] konrad knox: somehow somewhere it considered to have a direct path to edge of the map [7/29/2015 10:45:51 AM] Wratts: those windows seperating rooms. Some of them are broken. Does the engine pretend that it's not secure because of that? [7/29/2015 10:46:15 AM] konrad knox: if there is even one broken window path to the outside [7/29/2015 10:46:27 AM] Wratts: well, to the outside, no [7/29/2015 10:46:28 AM] konrad knox: like a window broken between and then onto outside [7/29/2015 10:46:30 AM] konrad knox: hmmm [7/29/2015 10:46:50 AM] konrad knox: the only think I can think of is someone left your door open [7/29/2015 10:47:26 AM] konrad knox: it is one of the major warehouses after all [7/29/2015 10:47:31 AM] Wratts: I was online alone this time [7/29/2015 10:47:37 AM] Wratts: between one hour of play [7/29/2015 10:47:38 AM] konrad knox: hm [7/29/2015 10:47:49 AM] Wratts: I went out from there, ande came back. 8 zombies spawned inside [7/29/2015 10:48:00 AM] Wratts: I'm wondering if that particular building counts as unsafe, no matter what you do [7/29/2015 10:48:11 AM] konrad knox: possible. it's possible [7/29/2015 10:48:20 AM] konrad knox: but that's not a reason to not settle on its roof [7/29/2015 10:48:24 AM] konrad knox: via sheet rope access [7/29/2015 10:48:29 AM] Quakeguy: ^ [7/29/2015 10:48:40 AM] Quakeguy: McCoy's roof is one of the best solely because it has a brick base. [7/29/2015 10:48:46 AM] Quakeguy: that mean zeds CANNOT break your foundation period [7/29/2015 10:49:09 AM] Wratts: yep, but Carpentry 6 is going to take a shitload of time when I'm specialized in carpentring skulls [7/29/2015 10:49:33 AM] Wratts: but it was the reason for this character to go there, yeah, build a fortress there eventually. on top of it [7/29/2015 10:49:53 AM] konrad knox: well you know [7/29/2015 10:49:56 AM] Wratts: goth girl needs friends [7/29/2015 10:49:58 AM] konrad knox: there is this dude you know [7/29/2015 10:50:03 AM] konrad knox: whom you didn't strip for [7/29/2015 10:50:15 AM] Wratts: that's not gonna happen [7/29/2015 10:50:16 AM] konrad knox: who doesn't trust any single human being in the universe [7/29/2015 10:50:28 AM] konrad knox: (rofl) [7/29/2015 10:50:38 AM] Wratts: dirty old pervert [7/29/2015 10:50:43 AM] Quakeguy: All you have to do is show him your military I.D [7/29/2015 10:50:51 AM] Quakeguy: and not have a weapon equipped [7/29/2015 10:50:54 AM] konrad knox: he is actually completely non-sexualized [7/29/2015 10:50:54 AM] Quakeguy: and Frank's a teddy [7/29/2015 10:51:07 AM] konrad knox: he just checks if people can follow his routine without being shits [7/29/2015 10:51:23 AM] konrad knox: obedience is key to his mind [7/29/2015 10:51:32 AM] Quakeguy: I'll get the Goth girl on the radio. If she can brew a mean coffee and can carry a sledge hammer >.> [7/29/2015 10:51:47 AM] Wratts: carry it? sure [7/29/2015 10:52:04 AM] Wratts: she likes hitting things [7/29/2015 10:52:09 AM] Wratts: especially cutting them [7/29/2015 10:52:10 AM] Quakeguy: I warn you [7/29/2015 10:52:15 AM] Quakeguy: I am literally on the opposite side of the map [7/29/2015 10:52:16 AM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/29/2015 10:52:21 AM] Wratts: lol [7/29/2015 10:52:26 AM] Quakeguy: I could not be further from McCoy Logging Corp [7/29/2015 10:52:49 AM] Sean: farther [7/29/2015 10:52:54 AM] Wratts: oh is he hanging out with Frank in the lodge? [7/29/2015 10:53:00 AM] Wratts: also, yeah, that is correct lol [7/29/2015 10:53:42 AM] konrad knox: the bastard slept through a heli raid [7/29/2015 10:53:43 AM] Wratts: commonly accepted error these days though [7/29/2015 10:53:47 AM] konrad knox: and he promised me a story [7/29/2015 10:53:49 AM] konrad knox: for the food [7/29/2015 10:53:56 AM] konrad knox: if he leaves without telling it, I will be MAD [7/29/2015 10:54:08 AM] konrad knox: but the fucker dosed off [7/29/2015 10:54:14 AM] Wratts: what if he dies without telling it? :D [7/29/2015 10:54:14 AM] konrad knox: so I was like, eh fuck it [7/29/2015 10:54:17 AM] konrad knox: let him rest [7/29/2015 10:54:21 AM] konrad knox: but then helis showed up [7/29/2015 10:54:38 AM] konrad knox: if he dies without telling it, i'll bury him in a poorly decorated place [7/29/2015 10:54:42 AM] konrad knox: an outright shitty one [7/29/2015 10:54:53 AM] konrad knox: and the obituary will be like [7/29/2015 10:55:00 AM] konrad knox: "did not keep his word" [7/29/2015 10:55:04 AM] Wratts: ate my food, didn't finish story [7/29/2015 10:55:10 AM] konrad knox: YES [7/29/2015 10:55:13 AM] Quakeguy: >Implying Frank won't die at the end of a 120mm tank barrel [7/29/2015 10:55:34 AM] Quakeguy: That's what the hunting knife is called [7/29/2015 10:55:37 AM] konrad knox: yes there's that [7/29/2015 10:55:38 AM] Quakeguy: 120mm tank barrel [7/29/2015 10:56:01 AM] Wratts: well,it's actually not so far, all things consdered, if you're fast [7/29/2015 10:56:07 AM] konrad knox: you are so violent [7/29/2015 10:56:10 AM] konrad knox: I swear every time [7/29/2015 10:56:13 AM] konrad knox: quake is out to kill me [7/29/2015 10:56:14 AM] Wratts: could be at the Pony farm [7/29/2015 10:56:54 AM] konrad knox: do knife killshots work in pvp? [7/29/2015 10:57:07 AM] konrad knox: or do you have to do the monkey knife fight thing [7/29/2015 10:57:17 AM] konrad knox: can you land the sweet shot on a player [7/29/2015 10:57:24 AM] Quakeguy: I believe the 1 hit kill shot is based on distance [7/29/2015 10:57:37 AM] konrad knox: it is [7/29/2015 10:57:43 AM] konrad knox: but is it zombie only [7/29/2015 10:57:48 AM] konrad knox: or does it human too [7/29/2015 10:58:24 AM] konrad knox: I HAVE SEVERE TRUST ISSUES OKAY? [7/29/2015 10:58:57 AM] Quakeguy: the thing is [7/29/2015 10:59:01 AM] Quakeguy: Donald's a pacifist [7/29/2015 10:59:08 AM] Wratts: with the trait? lol [7/29/2015 10:59:11 AM] Quakeguy: He finds it very very difficult [7/29/2015 10:59:14 AM] Quakeguy: yes with the trait [7/29/2015 10:59:23 AM] konrad knox: oh goodness [7/29/2015 10:59:35 AM] Wratts: the "good" soldier :D [7/29/2015 10:59:50 AM] konrad knox: provided I pop my pills or if it happens outdoors, i'm guttin yo hippie ass cracka [7/29/2015 11:00:00 AM] Quakeguy: 'it' [7/29/2015 11:00:06 AM] Quakeguy: i provide no reason for conflict [7/29/2015 11:00:11 AM] Quakeguy: if you make one, you can go fuck yourself [7/29/2015 11:00:22 AM] Quakeguy: and i'll formally request you stop going out of your way to fuck with muh guys. [7/29/2015 11:00:30 AM] konrad knox: >Implying Frank won't die at the end of a 120mm tank barrel That's what the hunting knife is called [7/29/2015 11:00:35 AM] konrad knox: ^ started it [7/29/2015 11:00:39 AM] konrad knox: ^started it!!! [7/29/2015 11:00:47 AM] Quakeguy: "if he dies without telling it, i'll bury him in a poorly decorated place [2:54:43 PM] konrad knox: an outright shitty one [2:54:53 PM] konrad knox: and the obituary will be like [2:55:00 PM] konrad knox: "did not keep his word"" [7/29/2015 11:00:49 AM] konrad knox: negative waves maaaan! [7/29/2015 11:00:50 AM] Quakeguy: but I started it [7/29/2015 11:00:51 AM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/29/2015 11:00:55 AM] Quakeguy: dat 30 second memory [7/29/2015 11:01:05 AM] Quakeguy: Worse than mine [7/29/2015 11:01:06 AM] konrad knox: UUUUUh [7/29/2015 11:01:11 AM] konrad knox: IF HE DIES FROM THE SCRATCH [7/29/2015 11:01:16 AM] konrad knox: That IS [7/29/2015 11:01:21 AM] konrad knox: that he got NOT from me [7/29/2015 11:01:30 AM] Quakeguy: if he dies from a single scratch [7/29/2015 11:01:31 AM] Quakeguy: Fuck this game. [7/29/2015 11:01:40 AM] Wratts: I've had 12 characters [7/29/2015 11:01:51 AM] Wratts: 4 of them had thick-skinned and died on 1-2 scratches after starting [7/29/2015 11:01:52 AM] konrad knox: "Fuck this game" is actually kind of PZ's slogan [7/29/2015 11:01:57 AM] konrad knox: that I login with every time [7/29/2015 11:01:57 AM] Quakeguy: Yeah Wratts [7/29/2015 11:02:02 AM] Quakeguy: I tried to start this guy up yesterday [7/29/2015 11:02:07 AM] Quakeguy: resilient, tough, [7/29/2015 11:02:09 AM] Quakeguy: lucky, [7/29/2015 11:02:11 AM] Quakeguy: outdoors, [7/29/2015 11:02:13 AM] Quakeguy: former scout [7/29/2015 11:02:20 AM] Wratts: fuckitall. don't get scratched :D [7/29/2015 11:02:21 AM] Quakeguy: gets nicked 15 minutes in i think whatever. [7/29/2015 11:02:22 AM] konrad knox: Deputy Carla Cruz survived 12 scratches and died to a bad landing [7/29/2015 11:02:32 AM] konrad knox: Francis survived 14 scratches. [7/29/2015 11:02:33 AM] Quakeguy: hypochondriac symptons kick in [7/29/2015 11:02:34 AM] Wratts: yep that was a classic [7/29/2015 11:02:36 AM] Quakeguy: i'm like okay whatever [7/29/2015 11:02:37 AM] konrad knox: that's pants-shittingly lucky [7/29/2015 11:02:38 AM] Quakeguy: I'll wait it out [7/29/2015 11:02:49 AM] Quakeguy: died of pure worry [7/29/2015 11:03:02 AM] Sean: rekt [7/29/2015 11:03:07 AM] konrad knox: you didn't take thick skinned [7/29/2015 11:03:15 AM] Quakeguy: No [7/29/2015 11:03:22 AM] Quakeguy: See I pick stats that match my character [7/29/2015 11:03:27 AM] Quakeguy: not ones that provide me with mechanical bonuses [7/29/2015 11:03:33 AM] Wratts: I don't take it on all of them either. depends on the concept [7/29/2015 11:03:36 AM] Quakeguy: because this is RP and not minmax UO land [7/29/2015 11:03:44 AM] konrad knox: I am NOT minmaxed [7/29/2015 11:03:48 AM] Quakeguy: You in fact -are- [7/29/2015 11:03:51 AM] Quakeguy: and have admitted to it [7/29/2015 11:03:54 AM] konrad knox: i in fact am NOT [7/29/2015 11:04:00 AM] Wratts: but my current build is totally optimized, and I stand by it :D [7/29/2015 11:04:03 AM] konrad knox: i supported a conversation! [7/29/2015 11:04:08 AM] konrad knox: i'm more minmaxed than many [7/29/2015 11:04:10 AM] konrad knox: but not fully [7/29/2015 11:04:14 AM] Wratts: I wanted to play character that's good at killing zombies [7/29/2015 11:04:17 AM] Wratts: it seems to have worked [7/29/2015 11:04:20 AM] konrad knox: i took fit. not athletic [7/29/2015 11:04:25 AM] konrad knox: i didn't take slow learner [7/29/2015 11:04:28 AM] konrad knox: i could have [7/29/2015 11:04:33 AM] konrad knox: and been more efficient [7/29/2015 11:04:42 AM] konrad knox: i didn't take agoraphobic / adrenaline junkie [7/29/2015 11:04:45 AM] konrad knox: which i could have [7/29/2015 11:04:51 AM] konrad knox: constant panic / running speed [7/29/2015 11:05:01 AM] konrad knox: i took thick skinned, because, well, frank is [7/29/2015 11:05:11 AM] konrad knox: lucky coz im a firm believer in lootius [7/29/2015 11:05:26 AM] konrad knox: and also cause i think luck is major for any person to be a survivior [7/29/2015 11:05:37 AM] konrad knox: claustrophobic because of backstory [7/29/2015 11:05:47 AM] konrad knox: which none of you got to live long enough to get trusted to hear [7/29/2015 11:05:53 AM] Quakeguy: I think JJs only two positive traits were resilient and graceful. [7/29/2015 11:05:56 AM] Quakeguy: then he had 6 negatives [7/29/2015 11:05:57 AM] Quakeguy: LOL [7/29/2015 11:06:14 AM] konrad knox: i do have a lot of negatives, which create a strong PTSD complex [7/29/2015 11:06:19 AM] konrad knox: fear of blood [7/29/2015 11:06:24 AM] Quakeguy: i can't even remember all of my negatives. [7/29/2015 11:06:28 AM] konrad knox: i can't patch others up [7/29/2015 11:06:31 AM] Quakeguy: But I do know I have zero phobia's [7/29/2015 11:06:34 AM] Quakeguy: because I never, ever panic [7/29/2015 11:06:41 AM] konrad knox: that helps [7/29/2015 11:06:46 AM] konrad knox: it negates pacifist [7/29/2015 11:06:54 AM] konrad knox: somewhat [7/29/2015 11:06:57 AM] Quakeguy: pacifism makes blunt weapons worthless [7/29/2015 11:07:09 AM] konrad knox: pacifist accuracy debuff is smaller than full panic debuff [7/29/2015 11:07:10 AM] Quakeguy: bladed/firearms are fine [7/29/2015 11:08:18 AM] konrad knox: oh and also [7/29/2015 11:08:30 AM] konrad knox: my original character is always the most badass tough guy [7/29/2015 11:08:37 AM] konrad knox: i do fun/oddball guys after [7/29/2015 11:08:45 AM] Quakeguy: I believe this. [7/29/2015 11:08:48 AM] Quakeguy: I totaly do [7/29/2015 11:09:02 AM] konrad knox: so yeah, i'll tack on as much shit as possible to let the guy survive longest, and properly craft the character backstory to fit it [7/29/2015 11:13:00 AM] konrad knox: I do oddball/ fun guys later on [7/29/2015 11:13:29 AM] konrad knox: So yeah for the OC i pick as much OP shit as i think viable to live longest and craft the character to fit it [7/29/2015 11:36:24 AM] Quakeguy: ODDBALL [7/29/2015 11:36:27 AM] Quakeguy: WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF [7/29/2015 11:36:33 AM] Quakeguy: That's my dog imitation. [7/29/2015 11:36:51 AM] Quakeguy: Donald needs a Sledge Hammer: [7/29/2015 11:36:59 AM] Quakeguy: So he calls frank [7/29/2015 11:39:16 AM] konrad knox: I figured Donald out. Hes a hippie freeloader. He doesnt want to use a sledgehammer. He wants to keep a sledgehammer, score one for freebies. [7/29/2015 11:39:33 AM] Quakeguy: I think you haven't figured shit out. [7/29/2015 11:39:43 AM] Quakeguy: I think you're pullin' stuff outta your ass with no basis and I'ma call you out on it. [7/29/2015 11:40:16 AM] konrad knox: Go for it. Call it! Do it! [7/29/2015 11:42:08 AM] konrad knox: I got all the basis right here! [7/29/2015 11:42:14 AM] konrad knox: In my portfolio! [7/29/2015 11:43:14 AM] Quakeguy: I have the sudden urge to rewatch The Dirty Dozen [7/29/2015 11:43:28 AM] Quakeguy: and watch a bunch of rapists and murderers get trained to massacre a high-end Nazi dress party [7/29/2015 11:44:51 AM] konrad knox: Is that the kind of crew Don is bringing lololo [7/29/2015 11:48:14 AM] Quakeguy: Nah [7/29/2015 11:48:18 AM] Quakeguy: you ain't hearing fuck all [7/29/2015 11:48:22 AM] Quakeguy: about Don or anybody OOC. [7/29/2015 11:48:25 AM] Quakeguy: Gotta learn it all in the game [7/29/2015 11:50:14 AM] konrad knox: I think you're pullin' stuff outta your ass with no basis and I'ma call you out on it. [7/29/2015 11:50:28 AM] konrad knox: anything said in here is OOC banter. BY THE WAY. In case you didn't know. [7/29/2015 11:51:30 AM] Quakeguy: you didn't like my rebant? [7/29/2015 11:51:42 AM] konrad knox: :O [7/29/2015 11:52:31 AM] konrad knox: I did like the vid [7/29/2015 11:55:09 AM] konrad knox: Though it was more like this: [7/29/2015 11:56:37 AM] Quakeguy: lol [7/29/2015 11:57:00 AM] Quakeguy: I'll just stay quiet. [7/29/2015 12:10:42 PM] Quakeguy: So I'd just like to formally apologize to the group for Bob [7/29/2015 12:10:49 PM] Quakeguy: and his general lack of being online or doing anything productive [7/29/2015 12:10:54 PM] Quakeguy: or roleplaying./ [7/29/2015 12:11:10 PM] Quakeguy: He told me he had a really bad RP itch he wanted to scratch and he really wanted to play, it seemed. [7/29/2015 12:11:27 PM] Quakeguy: But now he's just ignoring all of my questions about whether or not he will roll a new character. [7/29/2015 12:11:31 PM] Quakeguy: so consider him off the list. [7/29/2015 12:31:48 PM] konrad knox: Noted. No more bob antics :( [7/29/2015 12:31:55 PM] konrad knox: bring someone else [7/29/2015 12:32:22 PM] Quakeguy: WIll attempt. [7/29/2015 12:32:27 PM] Quakeguy: Barrel is getting awfully low now. [7/29/2015 12:32:36 PM] Quakeguy: I have several excellent German RPers [7/29/2015 12:32:39 PM] Quakeguy: but I simply don't work with them [7/29/2015 12:33:01 PM] Quakeguy: I am an arrogant and sometimes stuck up prat. [7/29/2015 12:33:03 PM] konrad knox: Aerumna had a guy we knew [7/29/2015 12:33:07 PM] Quakeguy: But these guys are a whole other league. [7/29/2015 12:33:22 PM] Quakeguy: They -always- have the best build. The best stats, the best story, the best this, the best that, etc etc.. [7/29/2015 12:33:28 PM] Quakeguy: Everyone is there to serve their story [7/29/2015 12:33:51 PM] konrad knox: I would love to take them on [7/29/2015 12:34:02 PM] Quakeguy: and if things aren't going their way clearly someone has changed something in the code to stop them from min-maxing the exact tile distance between player avatar and the zombie by .15 [7/29/2015 12:34:05 PM] konrad knox: Especially season 3 [7/29/2015 12:34:15 PM] Quakeguy: or some dumb shit [7/29/2015 12:34:35 PM] Quakeguy: "Oh I only roleplay using true and pure platforms for patricians and not plebs" [7/29/2015 12:34:48 PM] Quakeguy: "The EXALT system is the greatest RP system devised and class-based RP is a fucking joke" [7/29/2015 12:35:05 PM] Quakeguy: "Don't even argue with me I'll just call you a towel-head religious whackjob" [7/29/2015 12:35:28 PM] konrad knox: Well. You play a towelhead lol [7/29/2015 12:35:46 PM] konrad knox: PZ will deliciously wreck them [7/29/2015 12:49:57 PM] konrad knox: just pitch it to them as a game where they won't ever win [7/29/2015 12:50:04 PM] konrad knox: and that will crush their soul brutally [7/29/2015 1:41:31 PM] Wratts: I might have some people to play PZ, I just need to convince them to buy it :) [7/29/2015 1:41:53 PM] Quakeguy: Bob is such an amazing guy [7/29/2015 1:41:54 PM] Quakeguy: He really is [7/29/2015 1:41:59 PM] Quakeguy: he finally logs in [7/29/2015 1:42:02 PM] Quakeguy: finally rolls a new character [7/29/2015 1:42:06 PM] Quakeguy: says two things the whole time [7/29/2015 1:42:22 PM] Quakeguy: 'I'm gonna take fast reader... I have a bad habit of reading when people are active and RPing lol! [7/29/2015 1:42:27 PM] Quakeguy: and [7/29/2015 1:42:37 PM] Quakeguy: 'wow, that's a long run' when I showed him where I was [7/29/2015 1:42:43 PM] Quakeguy: Bob is now playing: DOTA 2 [7/29/2015 1:42:48 PM] Sean: rip bob [7/29/2015 1:42:53 PM] Wratts: ^ [7/29/2015 1:43:04 PM] Quakeguy: It's a 15 minute jog from downtown WP [7/29/2015 1:43:09 PM] Quakeguy: and he describes it as 'a long run [7/29/2015 1:43:15 PM] Sean: he died as he lived, a lazy dotard faget [7/29/2015 1:43:19 PM] Quakeguy: ^ [7/29/2015 1:43:23 PM] Quakeguy: Indeed [7/29/2015 1:43:32 PM] Quakeguy: top pleb [7/29/2015 1:43:59 PM] Wratts: filthy casuals. PZ is the game that makes the hard games curl up into fetal position and cry themselves to sleep [7/29/2015 1:45:00 PM] Wratts: I getting the language right? [7/29/2015 1:45:01 PM] Sean: especially when the servermaster creates an environment with like six times the normal "survival" zombie population [7/29/2015 1:45:23 PM] konrad knox: Witcher 2 Dark Mode has PZ's portrait under its pillow [7/29/2015 1:45:35 PM] Quakeguy: >Add running zombies three months into the mix and dozens of deaths later [7/29/2015 1:45:38 PM] Wratts: I ate Dark mode for breakfast [7/29/2015 1:45:45 PM] Wratts: only the fucking Mist took some time [7/29/2015 1:45:47 PM] Quakeguy: Dark Mode is a fucking joke. [7/29/2015 1:45:59 PM] Sean: >Dark Mode [7/29/2015 1:46:01 PM] Quakeguy: Worst part of that game is hands down the dragon fight solely because it's a massive let down [7/29/2015 1:46:07 PM] konrad knox: The Mist of having no witcher abilities? That Mist? [7/29/2015 1:46:09 PM] Quakeguy: and Seltkirk's segment [7/29/2015 1:46:11 PM] Sean: >Only cause it's meant to be played with a blindfold on [7/29/2015 1:46:13 PM] Wratts: That Mist [7/29/2015 1:46:22 PM] Wratts: where you're wraithing it up [7/29/2015 1:46:28 PM] Quakeguy: Seltkirk in the mist is a bitch if you don't know how to Perfect Parry [7/29/2015 1:46:33 PM] Wratts: I never played Insane because of that shit [7/29/2015 1:46:40 PM] Quakeguy: If you learn to perfect parry you never ever think like a witcher [7/29/2015 1:46:42 PM] Quakeguy: but as a swordfighter. [7/29/2015 1:46:43 PM] Wratts: I knew I could do all the shit before and after it [7/29/2015 1:46:46 PM] Quakeguy: so Seltkirk becomes a cake walk [7/29/2015 1:46:47 PM] konrad knox: for some reason when you fight wraiths they're the most agile creatures, but when you do it, you can't do a roll [7/29/2015 1:47:14 PM] Wratts: Kayran, dozens of foes at the same time, Dragon, no problem. [7/29/2015 1:47:23 PM] Wratts: SEltkirk is the easier part [7/29/2015 1:47:33 PM] Wratts: first part ist he worst. Fucking standard bearer [7/29/2015 1:47:38 PM] Wratts: fuck that wth a rusty gauntlet [7/29/2015 1:48:05 PM] Wratts: fucking shlub goes up against a draugr and half a dozen wraith warriors, can't do shit [7/29/2015 1:48:34 PM] konrad knox: don't forget the ring of fire [7/29/2015 1:48:36 PM] Wratts: Seltkirk at least lets you take on 1-3 at a time, no draugrs [7/29/2015 1:48:38 PM] konrad knox: that doesn't let you back up [7/29/2015 1:48:42 PM] Wratts: yep [7/29/2015 1:49:23 PM] konrad knox: how you beat that on Insane [7/29/2015 1:49:35 PM] Wratts: IMHO you need to be lucky [7/29/2015 1:49:43 PM] konrad knox: and have no life [7/29/2015 1:49:44 PM] Wratts: depends on how the AI maneuvers [7/29/2015 1:49:47 PM] Wratts: that too [7/29/2015 1:49:55 PM] Quakeguy: what? [7/29/2015 1:49:56 PM] Sean: especially no life [7/29/2015 1:49:57 PM] Quakeguy: as Geralt? [7/29/2015 1:50:01 PM] Quakeguy: Or as that one soldier? [7/29/2015 1:50:06 PM] Wratts: the standard bearer [7/29/2015 1:50:22 PM] Quakeguy: you ignore every single other spectre and you do backstabs on it [7/29/2015 1:50:27 PM] Quakeguy: while your friends stupidly die in one hit to it [7/29/2015 1:50:40 PM] Quakeguy: it will first go after your buddies, which gives you literally just enough time to backstab it for massive damage [7/29/2015 1:50:45 PM] Quakeguy: then you solo the soldier specters. [7/29/2015 1:50:47 PM] Wratts: that's if you're lucky, there are others around that will backstab you [7/29/2015 1:51:02 PM] Quakeguy: that part took me about 3-4 tries on Dark Mode [7/29/2015 1:51:08 PM] Quakeguy: it is not something you can flawlessly do every time [7/29/2015 1:51:09 PM] Quakeguy: but it is doable [7/29/2015 1:51:20 PM] konrad knox: Quake is actually the master of that entire Mist bullshit. He downs Vandergrift in 5 hits [7/29/2015 1:51:20 PM] Wratts: I did it, but I wouldn't do that on Insane [7/29/2015 1:51:30 PM] Wratts: the rest is easy compared to aht part [7/29/2015 1:51:31 PM] Quakeguy: I don't fuck around with TW2 [7/29/2015 1:51:40 PM] konrad knox: Although... he also plays with a 2 for one skill mod [7/29/2015 1:51:40 PM] Quakeguy: Kayran and Dragon bother me solely because it's a memorization game [7/29/2015 1:51:46 PM] Quakeguy: Has nothing to do with your stats, skills, or style [7/29/2015 1:51:59 PM] Quakeguy: but the mist I've refined to a simple 10 minute minigame [7/29/2015 1:52:02 PM] Quakeguy: that breaks up the chapters lol [7/29/2015 1:52:06 PM] Wratts: Kayran and Dragon are super-easy to me because I'm seasoned from typical brawler action games on consoles with quick-time events [7/29/2015 1:52:23 PM] Wratts: God of War and consorts [7/29/2015 1:52:24 PM] Sean: fukkin qtes [7/29/2015 1:52:25 PM] Quakeguy: I'm the kind of guy who spends 35 minutes beating the Hydra in the first God of War [7/29/2015 1:52:38 PM] Quakeguy: but then clears the actual level areas in record time [7/29/2015 1:52:53 PM] Sean: because fukkin qtes? [7/29/2015 1:53:10 PM] Wratts: the bane of both cutscenes and gameplay [7/29/2015 1:53:22 PM] Wratts: can't enjoy my cutscene. Can't actually play the game. Good job, game designers [7/29/2015 1:53:46 PM] Sean: OH HEY A CUTSCENE AFTER A MASSIVE BATTLE THAT TOOK LIKE AN HOUR I THINK I PUT DOWN CONTROLLER AND DRINK SOME SODA [7/29/2015 1:53:46 PM] Wratts: very few games have done it "okay" in my book [7/29/2015 1:53:54 PM] Sean: CRUSHED BY A ROCK NEED TO REDO WHOLE FITE [7/29/2015 1:54:54 PM] Wratts: GoW is particularly obnoxious about it [7/29/2015 1:55:31 PM] Wratts: by contrast, Heavy Rain for instance is purely QTEs and actually has branching outcomes, which makes it "okay" to me [7/29/2015 1:56:16 PM] Sean: narrative games driven by qtes dont bother me that much [7/29/2015 1:56:22 PM] Sean: but keep it out of muh action games [7/29/2015 1:56:29 PM] Quakeguy: AKUMA'S WRATH [7/29/2015 1:56:35 PM] Sean: FUCK THAT GAME [7/29/2015 1:56:46 PM] Quakeguy: ONLY GAME THAT LETS ME PUNCH THE BAD GUY IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR EPIC PRE-BATTLE SPEECH [7/29/2015 1:56:58 PM] Quakeguy: MORE GAMES SHOULD LET YOU JUST SHOOT A NIGGA WHILE HE TALKS. [7/29/2015 1:57:08 PM] Wratts: I never played it, but I liked the visual style [7/29/2015 1:57:18 PM] Sean: IT LOOKS GREAT BUT PLAYS AWFUL [7/29/2015 1:57:24 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah it does play like shit [7/29/2015 1:57:25 PM] Wratts: "Vajrapunk" or what I saw some people call it. Needs more of that [7/29/2015 1:57:37 PM] Wratts: gave me an Exalted vibe [7/29/2015 1:57:38 PM] Quakeguy: Adding punk to the end of a word doesn't make it a genre [7/29/2015 1:57:42 PM] Quakeguy: I wish people would get that [7/29/2015 1:57:56 PM] Sean: but I'm totally ravepunk [7/29/2015 1:57:59 PM] Wratts: no, but it's a fun way to describe an aesthetic [7/29/2015 1:58:05 PM] Quakeguy: Because it has Indian mythical themes it's suddenly Vajrapunk [7/29/2015 1:58:09 PM] Sean: and konrad is numetaledgypunk [7/29/2015 1:58:12 PM] Quakeguy: Fucking line 'em up in the street. [7/29/2015 1:58:22 PM] Wratts: I mean, is Steampunk a genre? [7/29/2015 1:58:27 PM] Sean: and wratts is pyropunk [7/29/2015 1:58:42 PM] Quakeguy: Cyberpunk makes sense. [7/29/2015 1:58:45 PM] konrad knox: wratts is just a punkass punk [7/29/2015 1:58:50 PM] Wratts: IMHO it's an aesthetic, because in terms of genre conventions, different steampunk creations are all over the place [7/29/2015 1:58:50 PM] Quakeguy: Cyberpunk things have to deal with illegal activities [7/29/2015 1:58:52 PM] Quakeguy: by punks. [7/29/2015 1:58:54 PM] Quakeguy: In Cyberspace. [7/29/2015 1:59:08 PM] Quakeguy: Steampunk sort of also makes sense, because it's the near chronological reversal of cyberpunk [7/29/2015 1:59:18 PM] Wratts: except when it's not [7/29/2015 1:59:22 PM] Quakeguy: EXCEPT [7/29/2015 1:59:27 PM] Quakeguy: when it's all gentleman this [7/29/2015 1:59:28 PM] Wratts: and cyberpunk ahs little to nothing to do with its origins anymore [7/29/2015 1:59:28 PM] Quakeguy: my lady that [7/29/2015 1:59:31 PM] Quakeguy: tip tip tip of the top hat [7/29/2015 1:59:36 PM] Quakeguy: dignified danties etc.. [7/29/2015 1:59:40 PM] Quakeguy: and no one is doing anything illegal [7/29/2015 1:59:45 PM] Quakeguy: and they treat it like charlie and the chocolate factory [7/29/2015 1:59:54 PM] Quakeguy: instead of a nitty gritty racially and ethically and socially divided hellhole [7/29/2015 2:00:05 PM] Quakeguy: where technocrat robber barons want monopolies on the zepplin airways [7/29/2015 2:00:12 PM] Quakeguy: that's steampunk [7/29/2015 2:00:13 PM] Wratts: cyberpunk was clearly '80s oriented. "Punk" actually being a thing. But as time moved on, you could argue a lot of it moved itno a different aesthetic and subgenres, like "cyberprep" [7/29/2015 2:00:40 PM] konrad knox: Would you agree that original Robocop was punk? [7/29/2015 2:00:43 PM] Wratts: the whole cybernetic augmentations were not scary, they were cool. You were not sticking it to the man anymore, you were exploring the near future tech [7/29/2015 2:00:50 PM] Wratts: no [7/29/2015 2:00:53 PM] Quakeguy: if the basis of the overarching theme is clear and open rebellion towards the trends of the time [7/29/2015 2:00:58 PM] Quakeguy: it's punk. [7/29/2015 2:01:06 PM] Quakeguy: If it contains some sort of element of something [7/29/2015 2:01:11 PM] Quakeguy: that doesn't mean it's automatically punk [7/29/2015 2:01:13 PM] konrad knox: Its 100% dystopian [7/29/2015 2:01:19 PM] Wratts: right. And about the only decent example of that from the last ten years was in Deus Ex [7/29/2015 2:01:28 PM] Quakeguy: That's an obvious and clear Cyberpunk setting. [7/29/2015 2:01:35 PM] Quakeguy: Corporate espionage [7/29/2015 2:01:43 PM] Quakeguy: aesthetics and technology merging [7/29/2015 2:01:54 PM] Wratts: the rest have massively deviated from the cyberpunk roots, to the points where you can argue that they only share an aesthetic [7/29/2015 2:01:57 PM] konrad knox: oh um what about the matrix? [7/29/2015 2:02:05 PM] Quakeguy: If it's aesthetically the future [7/29/2015 2:02:07 PM] konrad knox: that's like cyberpunk right? [7/29/2015 2:02:10 PM] Quakeguy: Then it's science fantasy [7/29/2015 2:02:12 PM] Wratts: my point is, you use the -punk suffix, you're describing an aesthetic. not a genre [7/29/2015 2:02:13 PM] Quakeguy: not cyberpunk [7/29/2015 2:02:25 PM] Quakeguy: let's not forget that the roots of -punk movements always have a basis in reality [7/29/2015 2:02:47 PM] Quakeguy: There I disagree. [7/29/2015 2:03:06 PM] Quakeguy: if you add punk to something you're describing a niche genre specifically about rebellious activity in the period. [7/29/2015 2:03:25 PM] Wratts: except when they're not. there's "steampunk" that should actually be labeled gaslight romance [7/29/2015 2:03:34 PM] Wratts: because there's nothing rebellious about it. to return to that example [7/29/2015 2:03:38 PM] Wratts: same with cyberpunk [7/29/2015 2:03:49 PM] Quakeguy: Punk bands were aesthetically different almost solely to reflect the political and social commentaries in their music [7/29/2015 2:03:56 PM] Quakeguy: One is a symptom [7/29/2015 2:03:57 PM] Wratts: but it gets called that, and fair enough, they share the same aesthetic [7/29/2015 2:03:57 PM] Quakeguy: not the cause. [7/29/2015 2:04:11 PM] Quakeguy: a symptom of -punk genre's is that they always contain a certain aesthetic [7/29/2015 2:04:15 PM] Quakeguy: That is not the cause. [7/29/2015 2:04:24 PM] Wratts: Ghost in the Shell LOOKS like Cyberpunk, but it's not really in the same vein [7/29/2015 2:04:33 PM] Quakeguy: Ghost in the Shell is Science Fiction. [7/29/2015 2:04:40 PM] Quakeguy: Because it's based in a plausible reality. [7/29/2015 2:04:51 PM] konrad knox: Wow. Hearing a socio-political writer converse with a mystical writer is bizarre, cause I understand both points of view. [7/29/2015 2:05:00 PM] Quakeguy: In fact I would argue GITS is no where near cyberpunk and the director of the first film went through great pains to prove that [7/29/2015 2:05:22 PM] Wratts: yep, but majority of people will call it cyberpunk [7/29/2015 2:05:37 PM] Wratts: I agree with that assessment, but the majority does something else when they talk about -punks [7/29/2015 2:06:20 PM] konrad knox: Yo. Bladerunner. Punk? [7/29/2015 2:06:23 PM] Wratts: because I think what they do is they think of the associated aesthetic, because most people don't make the effort or take the time to break down the premise or other fundamental elements [7/29/2015 2:07:09 PM] Wratts: I'd say it has its influences, but Blade Runner to me is sci-fi [7/29/2015 2:07:33 PM] Wratts: it has the whole neon punk thing from the 80s going for it in the background, and it's dystopian [7/29/2015 2:07:48 PM] Sean: labels are silly [7/29/2015 2:07:50 PM] Wratts: but ultimately it's about the question of what defines a human being [7/29/2015 2:08:15 PM] konrad knox: I'm kinda with Sean. Labels -are- silly. [7/29/2015 2:08:18 PM] Wratts: and how you can justify taking away human rights from a created entity that is so close to human beings tht you can barely tell them apart anymore [7/29/2015 2:08:30 PM] Quakeguy: Blade Runner is Science Fiction. [7/29/2015 2:08:31 PM] konrad knox: Why classify individual stories to try to systematize and make them less unique? [7/29/2015 2:08:34 PM] Quakeguy: Not Cyberpunk. [7/29/2015 2:08:53 PM] Sean: also now you've broken Wratts and he's going to go into a dark dark place of human reflection [7/29/2015 2:09:08 PM] Quakeguy: Blade Runner doesn't contain themes of rebellion, even if it is about rogue androids going crazy. [7/29/2015 2:09:39 PM] Quakeguy: It's more about the consequences of technologic advancement and purpose. [7/29/2015 2:09:56 PM] konrad knox: Wratts authored a 100+ page novel-like story (part 1 of it anyway) that I still cannot classify. Soul Abyssals is like, sci-fi fantasy punk to me. [7/29/2015 2:10:24 PM] Wratts: labels can be okay, helps categorize stuff easily. but it gets silly when they're supposed to be sacred standards, IMHO [7/29/2015 2:10:25 PM] konrad knox: The main characters definitely are illegal outlaws in every sense [7/29/2015 2:10:30 PM] Sean: I want to read ;-; [7/29/2015 2:10:34 PM] Quakeguy: Labels are very useful [7/29/2015 2:10:39 PM] konrad knox: technological level is on sci fi level [7/29/2015 2:10:43 PM] Quakeguy: It allows people to quickly disseminate if it's for them [7/29/2015 2:10:49 PM] Wratts: ^ [7/29/2015 2:10:50 PM] Quakeguy: I don't like arcade racing games. [7/29/2015 2:10:52 PM] konrad knox: but the fact that there are actual demons and celestial creatures [7/29/2015 2:10:52 PM] Quakeguy: I like racing simulators. [7/29/2015 2:10:59 PM] Quakeguy: If there was no label on which genre which fit into [7/29/2015 2:11:07 PM] Quakeguy: I could blow a lot of money, or a lot of bandwidth, trying to figure out what is for me. [7/29/2015 2:11:18 PM] Quakeguy: Labels allow judgement and opinion, which humans desire. [7/29/2015 2:11:30 PM] Sean: the complexity of the human mind doesn't work that way [7/29/2015 2:12:06 PM] Sean: if a label told me what was "For me" I'd be able to pick up anything in the punk section of a music store and enjoy it, I can not [7/29/2015 2:12:34 PM] Wratts: there's the thing though [7/29/2015 2:12:52 PM] Wratts: I like a lot of music with electrical guitars in it, heavy metal for instance. Punk rock does not work for me [7/29/2015 2:12:57 PM] konrad knox: I want to read ;-; [7/29/2015 2:13:03 PM] konrad knox: Click "Novel" [7/29/2015 2:13:04 PM] Wratts: having tha tlabel is a tremendous help [7/29/2015 2:13:06 PM] Sean: yay! [7/29/2015 2:13:11 PM] Quakeguy: "if a label told me what was "For me" I'd be able to pick up anything in the punk section of a music store and enjoy it, I can not" [7/29/2015 2:13:19 PM] Quakeguy: It's not supposed to tell you what you like. Only you know what you like. [7/29/2015 2:13:22 PM] Wratts: thanks man, DA links are dead [7/29/2015 2:13:27 PM] Quakeguy: Some punk is shit and some isn't, depending on your opinion [7/29/2015 2:13:43 PM] Quakeguy: There will always be a swell of various, different things within a label [7/29/2015 2:13:45 PM] konrad knox: brotha hook ya up [7/29/2015 2:13:51 PM] konrad knox: I never lose anything [7/29/2015 2:13:54 PM] Sean: labels are often also opinions [7/29/2015 2:13:55 PM] konrad knox: except [7/29/2015 2:13:55 PM] Quakeguy: Man Of War is very different to Blind Guardian [7/29/2015 2:13:59 PM] Quakeguy: but both are labeled Power Metal [7/29/2015 2:14:00 PM] konrad knox: Quake's Hitman story [7/29/2015 2:14:05 PM] Quakeguy: for sharing vaguely similar things. [7/29/2015 2:14:07 PM] konrad knox: in which I was a major character [7/29/2015 2:14:16 PM] konrad knox: goddamnit [7/29/2015 2:14:34 PM] Quakeguy: just because labels can be misused [7/29/2015 2:14:36 PM] Quakeguy: doesn't mean they are bad. [7/29/2015 2:14:41 PM] Quakeguy: Just means the people using them are silly. [7/29/2015 2:14:45 PM] Sean: didn't say bad [7/29/2015 2:14:47 PM] Sean: said silly [7/29/2015 2:14:56 PM] Quakeguy: Labels aren't silly. The people that mislable are. [7/29/2015 2:15:08 PM] konrad knox: i say just stuff -punk under its parent genre [7/29/2015 2:15:14 PM] konrad knox: sci fi for example [7/29/2015 2:15:17 PM] Quakeguy: "Man like, why label guys on the sea and guys in the air 'navy' and 'airforce' those are just so silly man" [7/29/2015 2:15:30 PM] Wratts: yep. Like th emajority of people using the -punk suffix. To the point where I'd argue, it doesn't mean what it used to mean. But I'm okay with that, because I use it in the way it seems to be commonly misunderstood now [7/29/2015 2:15:33 PM] Quakeguy: "Why can't we all just be Combat Buddies [7/29/2015 2:15:54 PM] konrad knox: well. i see matrix as a rebellion story [7/29/2015 2:15:58 PM] konrad knox: when humanity became illegal [7/29/2015 2:16:07 PM] konrad knox: so to me matrix, by paul's definition, is punk [7/29/2015 2:16:11 PM] Sean: now you're just greatly blowing the debate completely out of proportion to ridicule a counter opinion [7/29/2015 2:16:17 PM] Sean: I'm not playing that [7/29/2015 2:16:31 PM] Wratts: so when someone calls Akuma's Wrath "Vajrapunk", I think, "cool, a name for that." Because there's this game called Exalted that also has a bit of that aesthetic, for example [7/29/2015 2:17:22 PM] konrad knox: here's a good example. Z-Apoc - is that a genre or aesthetic? Cause there are all kinds. Mystical Z-Apoc, sciency Z-Apoc, mixed ones. [7/29/2015 2:17:41 PM] Wratts: but yeah, it doesn't have any of the meaning that cyberpunk or anything-punk *should* have. Because proper use of that is deprecated [7/29/2015 2:17:46 PM] konrad knox: you got the World War Z - all realistic [7/29/2015 2:17:58 PM] konrad knox: you got resident evil - sci fi -ey [7/29/2015 2:18:03 PM] konrad knox: you got evil dead [7/29/2015 2:18:07 PM] konrad knox: mystical [7/29/2015 2:18:15 PM] konrad knox: they're different genres [7/29/2015 2:18:24 PM] konrad knox: but fall under the same global genre [7/29/2015 2:18:49 PM] konrad knox: and then you have stuff like, Dusk till Dawn [7/29/2015 2:18:58 PM] konrad knox: which, first 40 minutes plays like a western crime film [7/29/2015 2:19:02 PM] Wratts: someone could probably argue that they're a genre with subgenres, or that zombie-apocalypse is a sub-genre under the higher genres like horror, sci-fi, etc. [7/29/2015 2:19:05 PM] konrad knox: until it goes into z-apoc [7/29/2015 2:19:21 PM] konrad knox: Like you're watching Dusk til Dawn [7/29/2015 2:19:23 PM] konrad knox: you're like [7/29/2015 2:19:24 PM] konrad knox: oh okay [7/29/2015 2:19:28 PM] konrad knox: this is like pulp fiction [7/29/2015 2:19:34 PM] konrad knox: two gangster brothers and their adventures [7/29/2015 2:19:40 PM] konrad knox: then suddenly [7/29/2015 2:19:42 PM] konrad knox: HOLY SHIT [7/29/2015 2:19:54 PM] Wratts: yeah, it's a road movie/gangster movie sort of beginning [7/29/2015 2:20:12 PM] Wratts: then it's straight up splatter/gore horror action [7/29/2015 2:20:42 PM] konrad knox: right [7/29/2015 2:20:50 PM] konrad knox: so a genre is composed of elements [7/29/2015 2:21:00 PM] konrad knox: and presense of certain elements doesn't define it [7/29/2015 2:21:19 PM] Wratts: and that's why the labels can be good, like when you're flipping through movie titles, if they have flagged keywords for genres/subgenres [7/29/2015 2:21:25 PM] konrad knox: "Machete" and "Hobo with a Shotgun" - splatter slaughterhouse gore films. [7/29/2015 2:21:34 PM] konrad knox: but definitely not Z-Apoc [7/29/2015 2:21:40 PM] konrad knox: Dusk till Dawn - kinda both [7/29/2015 2:22:03 PM] Wratts: if I read the Dust Till Dawn has those label tags on it, I'll want to see it, because they're all stuff I like. If it includes "chick flic" or "romance" as well, I'll be skeptical about it though [7/29/2015 2:22:22 PM] konrad knox: ok. [7/29/2015 2:22:27 PM] konrad knox: so when we see label -punk [7/29/2015 2:22:30 PM] konrad knox: something punk [7/29/2015 2:22:42 PM] konrad knox: we know that it will have illegal undertones [7/29/2015 2:23:01 PM] konrad knox: another Keanu example - Johnny Mnemonic [7/29/2015 2:23:03 PM] Wratts: except we don't anymore. I've seen people try to argue that stuff like Ghost in the Shell is Cyberpunk [7/29/2015 2:23:24 PM] konrad knox: the character pretty much adventures amongst the illegal underworld [7/29/2015 2:23:39 PM] Wratts: and the thing is, we're moving into geekdom by being able to disseminate this to the detail where we're more accurate about labeling it properly, but we're in the minority [7/29/2015 2:24:09 PM] konrad knox: to Quake's point [7/29/2015 2:24:15 PM] konrad knox: Golden Compass [7/29/2015 2:24:25 PM] konrad knox: i guess not really steampunk? [7/29/2015 2:24:33 PM] konrad knox: cause it's all sir and madam [7/29/2015 2:24:39 PM] Wratts: I'm not familiar with that [7/29/2015 2:24:41 PM] konrad knox: it's like... steamworld [7/29/2015 2:24:51 PM] Wratts: but I'm guessing it has the steampunk aesthetics [7/29/2015 2:24:51 PM] konrad knox: Golden Compass is BIZAARRE [7/29/2015 2:24:52 PM] Quakeguy: Resident Evil is Science Fantasy [7/29/2015 2:25:02 PM] Wratts: and zero "punk" [7/29/2015 2:25:24 PM] konrad knox: another universe. in which people's souls walk in physical world in form of animals [7/29/2015 2:25:31 PM] konrad knox: your animal died = you die slowly [7/29/2015 2:25:34 PM] Quakeguy: and Johnny Mnemomic is so good [7/29/2015 2:25:36 PM] Quakeguy: I need to rewatch that shit [7/29/2015 2:25:56 PM] Wratts: yeah that's a classic [7/29/2015 2:26:05 PM] konrad knox: nobody would argue though that resident evil is in the Z-Apoc genre [7/29/2015 2:26:15 PM] Quakeguy: the films [7/29/2015 2:26:16 PM] Quakeguy: yes. [7/29/2015 2:26:17 PM] konrad knox: its one of prime examples of it [7/29/2015 2:26:18 PM] Quakeguy: The games, no [7/29/2015 2:26:20 PM] konrad knox: yeah [7/29/2015 2:26:24 PM] konrad knox: right [7/29/2015 2:26:36 PM] Quakeguy: I find it really sad that the RE franchise [7/29/2015 2:26:51 PM] Quakeguy: just became a vehicle in which Paul 'Hoven or whoever directed that shit [7/29/2015 2:26:59 PM] Quakeguy: could pad his wife's pockets. [7/29/2015 2:27:14 PM] Quakeguy: He married Mila after the 2nd film I think? and he just kept making them more or less in my opinion to keep her paid [7/29/2015 2:27:40 PM] Quakeguy: Total Science Fantasy tripe [7/29/2015 2:28:26 PM] konrad knox: nono Paul Verhoven had nothing to do with it, he's the Robocop/starship troopers guy [7/29/2015 2:28:32 PM] Wratts: yeah [7/29/2015 2:28:34 PM] konrad knox: Paul Anderson [7/29/2015 2:28:37 PM] Quakeguy: Paul ANderson [7/29/2015 2:28:38 PM] Wratts: there you go [7/29/2015 2:28:38 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah [7/29/2015 2:28:40 PM] Quakeguy: that fucking wanker. [7/29/2015 2:28:46 PM] Quakeguy: Talentless hack [7/29/2015 2:28:51 PM] Wratts: Verhoevn also did Starship Troopers [7/29/2015 2:28:53 PM] Wratts: that guy is a baws [7/29/2015 2:28:58 PM] Quakeguy: Starship Troopers is an amazing comedy film [7/29/2015 2:29:16 PM] Wratts: what's also amazing is that it's better than the book, for a change [7/29/2015 2:29:31 PM] Quakeguy: well better or not I dunno but they are wildly different in their themes [7/29/2015 2:29:34 PM] konrad knox: i obsessively watched every youtube Robocop actor interview ever [7/29/2015 2:29:35 PM] Quakeguy: well no [7/29/2015 2:29:40 PM] Quakeguy: both portray their themes wildly different [7/29/2015 2:29:44 PM] Quakeguy: the film is actually quite smart [7/29/2015 2:29:47 PM] konrad knox: the entire fim was saved by a French mime dance instructor [7/29/2015 2:29:51 PM] Wratts: yeah no doubt [7/29/2015 2:29:51 PM] konrad knox: Moni Yakim [7/29/2015 2:29:56 PM] Quakeguy: people who are stupid or uneducated [7/29/2015 2:30:01 PM] Quakeguy: they think it's just a decent action movie [7/29/2015 2:30:09 PM] konrad knox: they orders the Robocop suit in japan, it came a month late and was all bulky and wrong [7/29/2015 2:30:19 PM] Quakeguy: people who aren't stupid or somewhat educated will see it as the perfect deconstruction of 1950's propaganda. [7/29/2015 2:30:19 PM] konrad knox: they originally planned a sleek dexterous snake like movement [7/29/2015 2:30:24 PM] konrad knox: Peter Weller was like SHIT [7/29/2015 2:30:28 PM] konrad knox: i CANT EVEN MOVE IN IT [7/29/2015 2:30:34 PM] konrad knox: they wanted to cancel the thing [7/29/2015 2:30:43 PM] konrad knox: everyone running around pissed off [7/29/2015 2:30:54 PM] konrad knox: Peter says, just get me Moni for one week, they fly him from Paris [7/29/2015 2:31:01 PM] Wratts: (or in my case, seeing some people think it's just a stupid action movie) [7/29/2015 2:31:03 PM] konrad knox: Moni looks at the suit, goes wow, whistle... [7/29/2015 2:31:27 PM] konrad knox: it's no longer a snake, you have to maximize everything and make it a beast, has him watch the Russian 1920s black and white Ivan the Terrible [7/29/2015 2:31:37 PM] konrad knox: he's like, do that, all staccato, no more legato [7/29/2015 2:31:42 PM] Quakeguy: chunky and nasty pulp-like movements [7/29/2015 2:31:44 PM] Quakeguy: yeah [7/29/2015 2:31:51 PM] Quakeguy: I figured that was fucking obvious to everyone involved [7/29/2015 2:31:55 PM] konrad knox: and then they add the mechanical noise [7/29/2015 2:31:56 PM] Quakeguy: this suit sucks, so just play it like Flash Gordon [7/29/2015 2:32:09 PM] Quakeguy: they hired a pro from France to tell them to play the robot like a robot? [7/29/2015 2:32:13 PM] Quakeguy: Wow way to go Hollywood 10/10 [7/29/2015 2:32:15 PM] Quakeguy: Nice going [7/29/2015 2:32:23 PM] konrad knox: they had to cool Weller off all day long, he was losing 10 lbs of water daily [7/29/2015 2:32:38 PM] Quakeguy: DEAD OR ALIVE, YOU'RE... I NEED A MEDIC [7/29/2015 2:32:41 PM] konrad knox: so they ask him what he thinks of new CGI robocop [7/29/2015 2:32:44 PM] konrad knox: he just laughs [7/29/2015 2:32:46 PM] konrad knox: he's like [7/29/2015 2:32:49 PM] konrad knox: you don't know shit [7/29/2015 2:32:55 PM] Quakeguy: Link to that interview please [7/29/2015 2:32:58 PM] Wratts: Weller or Moni? [7/29/2015 2:33:03 PM] konrad knox: Weller [7/29/2015 2:33:08 PM] konrad knox: here hang on [7/29/2015 2:33:12 PM] konrad knox: this is hilarious [7/29/2015 2:33:13 PM] Wratts: I love that guy [7/29/2015 2:33:30 PM] Wratts: lol, funny story, I didn't realize he was Robocop until halfway into Engineering an Empire xD [7/29/2015 2:35:12 PM] Wratts: it had been so long in between seeing Robocop and that documentary series [7/29/2015 2:36:01 PM] konrad knox: 3 interviews are the best [7/29/2015 2:36:02 PM] konrad knox: [7/29/2015 2:36:12 PM] konrad knox: [7/29/2015 2:36:23 PM] konrad knox: [7/29/2015 2:36:25 PM] Wratts: but on topic from earlier, zombie apocalypse as a genre is a weird beast [7/29/2015 2:37:05 PM] Wratts: I think it was Romero, kinda like granddaddy to it, who says that The Walking Dead has nothing to do with it anymore, or something along those lines [7/29/2015 2:37:34 PM] Wratts: just for example on how opinions can diverge greatly on the matter when it comes to defining a genre or its leading elements [7/29/2015 2:38:12 PM] konrad knox: oh yeah and this one: [7/29/2015 2:38:17 PM] konrad knox: he swears a lot there [7/29/2015 2:38:49 PM] konrad knox: full version like 1 hour [7/29/2015 2:42:26 PM] Wratts: IMHO, it's a bit pretentious of Romero to say that. His works are satirical observations of society using the zombie apocalypse as a vehicle for it, or a metaphor. The Walking Dead doesn't do that, it's a psychological study of its characters and how they deal with the apocalypse [7/29/2015 2:43:50 PM] konrad knox: yea [7/29/2015 2:44:01 PM] konrad knox: I lean more towards TWD [7/29/2015 2:44:20 PM] Wratts: I enjoyed Romero's movies, but I think Shawn of the Dead did better than what he ever attempted [7/29/2015 2:44:21 PM] konrad knox: like it's funner for me to watch that [7/29/2015 2:44:31 PM] Wratts: and personally, I enjoy TWD more than his movies [7/29/2015 2:44:35 PM] konrad knox: that's what i also liked about Heroes [7/29/2015 2:44:40 PM] konrad knox: rather than marvel superheroes [7/29/2015 2:45:06 PM] konrad knox: and that's how the Mage game campaign Serpardum and i and Claire played with friends in 2007-2008 was like [7/29/2015 2:45:15 PM] konrad knox: when people have personalities and flaws [7/29/2015 2:45:23 PM] konrad knox: and learn to use powers and deal with them awakening [7/29/2015 2:45:35 PM] konrad knox: kind of a human aspect [7/29/2015 2:45:41 PM] Wratts: yeah I lean that way too. Unknown Armies was a game like that too. All about the human condition [7/29/2015 2:46:43 PM] konrad knox: like you never really see a marvel superhero fail to use powers when it matters or be too scared or too distracted [7/29/2015 2:46:51 PM] konrad knox: usually they follow more of a template scheme [7/29/2015 2:46:57 PM] konrad knox: first 20 minutes - training montage [7/29/2015 2:47:01 PM] konrad knox: of how they all fail [7/29/2015 2:47:04 PM] konrad knox: all upgrade the gear [7/29/2015 2:47:05 PM] konrad knox: and learn [7/29/2015 2:47:12 PM] konrad knox: and then bam theyre all flawless pros [7/29/2015 2:47:17 PM] konrad knox: to reveal full mode in the end [7/29/2015 2:47:23 PM] konrad knox: Heroes wasn't like that [7/29/2015 2:47:29 PM] konrad knox: characters constantly fucked up [7/29/2015 2:47:46 PM] konrad knox: Peter, the most OP guy, didn't even know how to use his shit [7/29/2015 2:48:12 PM] konrad knox: Zombie Apocalypse films work the same for me [7/29/2015 2:49:08 PM] konrad knox: but i did enjoy Zombieland [7/29/2015 2:49:25 PM] konrad knox: even though it had a lot of satire [7/29/2015 2:49:55 PM] Wratts: I loved Zombieland [7/29/2015 2:50:08 PM] Wratts: if you've never seen Shawn of the Dead, you need to [7/29/2015 2:50:15 PM] konrad knox: seen it [7/29/2015 2:51:01 PM] konrad knox: hot fuzz is good too [7/29/2015 2:51:04 PM] konrad knox: same two guys [7/29/2015 2:51:29 PM] Wratts: yeah, and At World's End if I'm not misremembering the title [7/29/2015 2:51:41 PM] konrad knox: simon peg and nick frost [7/29/2015 2:51:47 PM] Wratts: the Blood and Cornettos trilogy [7/29/2015 2:52:02 PM] Wratts: Take car. Go to Mum's. Kill Phil. Grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over! [7/29/2015 2:52:21 PM] Wratts: (Sorry Phil.) [7/29/2015 2:53:16 PM] Quakeguy: really don't get how they can call it a trilogy [7/29/2015 2:53:17 PM] konrad knox: there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about [7/29/2015 2:53:20 PM] Quakeguy: when it's clearly a collection [7/29/2015 2:53:33 PM] Wratts: "The World's End", that was it [7/29/2015 2:53:58 PM] Quakeguy: Cornetto Collection just rolls off the tongue so well [7/29/2015 2:54:10 PM] Wratts: it really does [7/29/2015 2:54:29 PM] Quakeguy: the only over-arching theme is friends dealing with shit together and they eat ice cream. [7/29/2015 2:54:32 PM] Quakeguy: Not really a trilogy. [7/29/2015 2:54:43 PM] Quakeguy: fun and cute that they kept that consistency, but not really a trilogy [7/29/2015 2:55:08 PM] konrad knox: it's a meta-trilogy [7/29/2015 2:55:09 PM] Wratts: you and your damn strictness about these terms [7/29/2015 2:55:18 PM] Wratts: lol [7/29/2015 2:55:18 PM] konrad knox: like Jay and Silent Bob [7/29/2015 2:55:19 PM] Quakeguy: language is powerful man [7/29/2015 2:55:27 PM] konrad knox: their movies have nothing to do with one another [7/29/2015 2:55:30 PM] Quakeguy: Jay and Silent Bob always have the same characters. [7/29/2015 2:55:36 PM] Quakeguy: Therefore it's a series/trilogy/whatever [7/29/2015 2:55:41 PM] Wratts: I think they technically also follow the same chronology [7/29/2015 2:55:49 PM] Wratts: Jay and Silent Bob, I mean [7/29/2015 2:55:52 PM] Quakeguy: Except Dogma [7/29/2015 2:55:57 PM] Quakeguy: Dogma is not a J&SB Film [7/29/2015 2:56:09 PM] Quakeguy: They are in it but it's not a part of their series. [7/29/2015 2:56:13 PM] Wratts: well... Kevin Smith movies have them reappearing all ov erhte place [7/29/2015 2:56:21 PM] Wratts: they're also in Chasing Amy [7/29/2015 2:56:32 PM] Wratts: Mallrats [7/29/2015 2:56:42 PM] Quakeguy: I know Dogma isn't canon part of the series because I discussed this at length with several buddies of mine who are also into Kevin Smith's earlier works [7/29/2015 2:57:00 PM] Wratts: Clerks 1/2 [7/29/2015 2:57:03 PM] Quakeguy: Ben Affleck goes far out of his way to define them as fictional characters when they get pissed about Movie Poop [7/29/2015 2:57:07 PM] Quakeguy: and they go to Ben Afflect [7/29/2015 2:57:10 PM] Quakeguy: k^ [7/29/2015 2:57:32 PM] Quakeguy: And he explains how ridiculous the notion is. Nothing which occurs in Dogma is ever brought up in J&SB Strike Back [7/29/2015 2:57:46 PM] Quakeguy: Or I suppose you could look at Dogma as the last of the J&SB films [7/29/2015 2:57:52 PM] Quakeguy: and Strike Back was seperate from the series [7/29/2015 2:58:09 PM] Wratts: I actually never sopped to consider if there was a "canon" to all these movies [7/29/2015 2:58:12 PM] Wratts: *stopped [7/29/2015 2:58:19 PM] Quakeguy: Neither did I really [7/29/2015 2:58:25 PM] Quakeguy: Until someone asked if they were a series [7/29/2015 2:58:33 PM] Wratts: in my head, no [7/29/2015 2:58:35 PM] Quakeguy: and I said yeah solely because they contain the same consistent characters [7/29/2015 2:58:44 PM] Quakeguy: but they're more like 90-120 minute cartoon serials [7/29/2015 2:58:52 PM] Quakeguy: where they are at the same place they werebefore [7/29/2015 2:58:54 PM] Quakeguy: no matter what occurs [7/29/2015 2:58:56 PM] Quakeguy: ala Simpsons [7/29/2015 2:58:58 PM] Wratts: there are some re-appearing characters between them, but they're standalone stories [7/29/2015 2:59:23 PM] Quakeguy: their start and their finish always place them back in the same situation: Smoking dope and making dick jokes [7/29/2015 2:59:26 PM] konrad knox: russia has 3 chars like that too [7/29/2015 2:59:33 PM] konrad knox: having their own movies and appearing in others [7/29/2015 2:59:36 PM] konrad knox: 3 criminals [7/29/2015 2:59:41 PM] konrad knox: Seasoned, Coward, and Stupid [7/29/2015 2:59:46 PM] Quakeguy: Ah [7/29/2015 2:59:51 PM] Quakeguy: The Russian Larry, Curly, and Moe [7/29/2015 2:59:58 PM] konrad knox: [7/29/2015 3:00:04 PM] konrad knox: yeah [7/29/2015 3:00:09 PM] konrad knox: but three stooges are legit series [7/29/2015 3:00:23 PM] konrad knox: where as these guys are generic archetype of soviet criminal types [7/29/2015 3:00:50 PM] konrad knox: the diplomatical tax evader / paper pusher cheater the alcoholic moonshiner / petty thief and a muscle tough [7/29/2015 3:00:55 PM] Quakeguy: Seasoned, Coward, and Stupid sums up almost all crime trio's [7/29/2015 3:01:24 PM] Wratts: my favorite criminals [7/29/2015 3:01:58 PM] konrad knox: sad i have no idea who they are [7/29/2015 3:02:04 PM] konrad knox: my anime fu is weak [7/29/2015 3:02:30 PM] Wratts: one of the oldest manga/anime classics [7/29/2015 3:02:36 PM] Wratts: Lupin III [7/29/2015 3:06:43 PM] Wratts: though I believe, outside of the USA, it came to mroe fame in Europe than it did in the USA [7/29/2015 3:06:53 PM] Wratts: *outside of Japan [7/29/2015 3:07:46 PM] Wratts: while Fist of the North Star was more famous in the USA than in Europe [7/29/2015 3:10:52 PM] Wratts: okay so... it's time now. Attempt #2 to clear the pony ranch and the west farm [7/29/2015 3:11:27 PM] Quakeguy: Lupin the third [7/29/2015 3:11:29 PM] Quakeguy: that's some 70's shit [7/29/2015 3:11:52 PM] Sean: dirty weebs [7/29/2015 3:12:00 PM] Quakeguy: [7/29/2015 3:12:05 PM] Wratts: and 80s shit. and 90s shit. and aughts shit. And even a new series being made now [7/29/2015 3:14:10 PM] Wratts: or maybe not, hm. Actually some people online, wow [7/29/2015 3:22:58 PM] konrad knox: you see code, i see a woman running [7/29/2015 4:36:54 PM] Quakeguy: lmao [7/29/2015 4:37:01 PM] Quakeguy: so quick for another reroll [7/29/2015 4:37:07 PM] Quakeguy: That lone scratch actually did me in [7/29/2015 4:37:15 PM] Aerumna: thats like 2 of the same matrix reference in 3 days. MUST BE A GLITCH IN THE MATRIX [7/29/2015 4:37:17 PM] Quakeguy: Resilient, lucky, tough, fuck that nykkuh [7/29/2015 4:41:47 PM] Quakeguy: Every single time I have been touched by a zed [7/29/2015 4:41:50 PM] Quakeguy: it has been my instant end [7/29/2015 4:53:14 PM] konrad knox: HE DIDNT TELL ME STORY! [7/29/2015 4:53:23 PM] Wratts: gets buried in the latrine then [7/29/2015 4:53:30 PM] konrad knox: The asshole ate my food [7/29/2015 4:53:32 PM] konrad knox: and told no story [7/29/2015 4:53:37 PM] konrad knox: that's it [7/29/2015 4:53:40 PM] konrad knox: His obituary [7/29/2015 4:54:06 PM] konrad knox: Here lies Donald Pinkertonn 1965 - 2012 Ate food. Didn't tell a story. [7/29/2015 4:54:54 PM] konrad knox: ok resilient does NOT help infection [7/29/2015 4:55:01 PM] konrad knox: it only affects time [7/29/2015 4:55:07 PM] konrad knox: how slow or fast it progresses [7/29/2015 4:55:16 PM] konrad knox: resilient does prevent food and weather related sickness [7/29/2015 4:55:30 PM] konrad knox: and speed of z virus [7/29/2015 4:55:32 PM] Quakeguy: fuk dat rerolled [7/29/2015 4:55:35 PM] konrad knox: but it doesn't affect chances [7/29/2015 4:55:45 PM] Aerumna: does what it says on the box [7/29/2015 4:56:05 PM] konrad knox: chance of infection is prevented by 4 other mechanics. in order of activation [7/29/2015 4:56:42 PM] konrad knox: 1. Your gaming skill. Manual dodging of the animation. Yay. 2. If 1 fails, your Guard skill roll. 3. If 2 fails, Thick Skinned roll. 4. If 3 fails, Lucky roll. [7/29/2015 4:57:14 PM] Aerumna: I've found absolutely nothing to corroborate lucky doing anything about infection. [7/29/2015 4:57:28 PM] konrad knox: Describe your test cases [7/29/2015 4:57:41 PM] Sean: popcorn [7/29/2015 4:57:51 PM] Aerumna: Because I definitely logged everything :| [7/29/2015 4:58:02 PM] Sean: throws popcorn on the dead bodies [7/29/2015 4:58:16 PM] konrad knox: It is hard to confirm [7/29/2015 4:58:23 PM] konrad knox: If i have 3 dice in my pocket [7/29/2015 4:58:29 PM] konrad knox: and i roll them secretly from you [7/29/2015 4:58:34 PM] konrad knox: and just tell you, you lose [7/29/2015 4:58:43 PM] konrad knox: you can doubt the existence of 3rd dice [7/29/2015 4:58:49 PM] konrad knox: and suppose i only rolled 2 [7/29/2015 4:58:57 PM] Aerumna: And while I doubt it, you believe in it. [7/29/2015 4:59:09 PM] Sean: its his god now [7/29/2015 4:59:11 PM] konrad knox: I actually remember reading the forums about it in build 27 [7/29/2015 4:59:28 PM] konrad knox: what i don't remember is what thread exactly [7/29/2015 4:59:41 PM] Aerumna: Was it from a dev? [7/29/2015 4:59:51 PM] konrad knox: players confirmed it with test cases [7/29/2015 4:59:56 PM] konrad knox: Devs are trolls about lucky [7/29/2015 5:00:07 PM] konrad knox: "we wont tell you what it does, go read code" [7/29/2015 5:00:30 PM] konrad knox: I found some things about it [7/29/2015 5:00:59 PM] konrad knox: window alarm chance, window prying chance, +1 extra loot item on raiding containers [7/29/2015 5:01:43 PM] konrad knox: i heard it aids in avoiding zombie detection, and aids in reducing a scratch to a "slight damage" instead [7/29/2015 5:02:08 PM] konrad knox: but i don't know what files to look at to confirm [7/29/2015 5:02:22 PM] konrad knox: it could also aid in accuracy of hits [7/29/2015 5:02:24 PM] konrad knox: i mean [7/29/2015 5:02:31 PM] konrad knox: it's just a bad idea not to take it [7/29/2015 5:02:48 PM] konrad knox: fine, yes [7/29/2015 5:02:51 PM] konrad knox: im a believer [7/29/2015 5:02:58 PM] konrad knox: I followed Lootius all my life [7/29/2015 5:03:18 PM] konrad knox: HAIL THE LORD LOOTIUS, Protector of Hunters' Luck, and Keeper of Loot! [7/29/2015 5:03:35 PM] Aerumna: This whole time I was hoping you'd just link me to a thread with any kind of information, coz I still haven't found anything. [7/29/2015 5:03:40 PM] konrad knox: May he stuff our kills with yummy goodies and put items under our claims! [7/29/2015 5:03:47 PM] Aerumna: lol [7/29/2015 5:04:14 PM] konrad knox: Oh [7/29/2015 5:04:21 PM] konrad knox: Lucky prevents fall injuries to a % [7/29/2015 5:04:42 PM] Aerumna: Lucky also gives you a % chance to suddenly become server admin for 5 minutes every 24 hours. [7/29/2015 5:08:25 PM] konrad knox: No, I'm afraid not. That's the unlucky trait, when someone needs a restoration. [7/29/2015 5:08:59 PM] konrad knox: Incidentally, everyone can download the dedicated server code and just look through scripts [7/29/2015 5:09:08 PM] konrad knox: maybe collectively find the answer [7/29/2015 5:09:26 PM] Aerumna: If it mattered to me that much, I would. [7/29/2015 5:09:40 PM] Sean: If it mattered to me at all I would [7/29/2015 5:10:09 PM] Aerumna: IF IT DIDNT MATTER TO ME AT ALL I WOULDNT [7/29/2015 5:10:22 PM] Sean: DOES IT MATTER TO YOU AT ALL [7/29/2015 5:10:33 PM] Aerumna: Only a little, not enough to matter. [7/29/2015 5:10:33 PM] Sean: OR WAS IT JUST ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR MEANINGLESS FLINGS [7/29/2015 5:10:34 PM] Aerumna: :> [7/29/2015 5:10:45 PM] Sean: YOU MONSTER [7/29/2015 5:11:02 PM] Wratts: all my characters have had Lucky [7/29/2015 5:11:09 PM] Wratts: I think it's worth it, just for the loot [7/29/2015 5:11:10 PM] Aerumna: I take it for the loot rolls [7/29/2015 5:11:12 PM] Aerumna: coz that is confirmed [7/29/2015 5:11:13 PM] konrad knox: [7/29/2015 5:11:19 PM] konrad knox: the legendary thread [7/29/2015 5:11:34 PM] Wratts: if it has any other extra side effects, that's good too [7/29/2015 5:12:50 PM] konrad knox: Enigma trolling like a bauss [7/29/2015 5:15:31 PM] Aerumna: lol [7/29/2015 5:15:45 PM] konrad knox: "Luck is attributed at the moment to the repairing system. Those who are unluckier will have a higher success rate with repairing" [7/29/2015 5:17:09 PM] konrad knox: [7/29/2015 5:17:36 PM] Aerumna: I do not see that quote anywhere in the thread. And this thread is almost all just talk of luck in real life, not what the trait does. One guy before you started posting said what he "thought" it did, but no one has confirmed anything. [7/29/2015 5:17:42 PM] konrad knox: Lucky: In single player, it affects loot rarity, and chances of getting bitten. This is very effective with the Police Officer and Construction Worker, because the Police Officer uses a lot of ammo, so when using lucky and looting dead zombie bodies its a relatively common chance to find pistol ammo. Also, the Construction Worker has the Thick Skinned trait, what affects chances of zombies breaking the skin, and lucky also decreases the odds of a zawmby scratching or biting you, so its a good combo. [7/29/2015 5:17:48 PM] Aerumna: where is that [7/29/2015 5:17:54 PM] konrad knox: second link [7/29/2015 5:18:02 PM] Aerumna: ah, missed it [7/29/2015 5:18:21 PM] konrad knox: the repair one is from reddit [7/29/2015 5:18:41 PM] Aerumna: I definitely believe everything I read on reddit. [7/29/2015 5:18:57 PM] konrad knox: good, cause it's all true [7/29/2015 5:19:05 PM] Aerumna: Why would that little alien lie? [7/29/2015 5:19:21 PM] Sean: it's all true? even r/fatpeoplehate? [7/29/2015 5:19:22 PM] konrad knox: Exactly, he wouldn't [7/29/2015 5:19:25 PM] Sean: kills self [7/29/2015 5:19:35 PM] konrad knox: all true Sean sorry [7/29/2015 5:19:41 PM] Sean: ded [7/29/2015 5:19:51 PM] konrad knox: don't be fat next time [7/29/2015 5:20:25 PM] Sean: no re [7/29/2015 5:20:33 PM] Sean: gg rip [7/29/2015 5:20:37 PM] konrad knox: :( [7/29/2015 5:20:51 PM] Aerumna: ~_~ [7/29/2015 5:21:13 PM] Aerumna: I want to believe this thread about traits and shit, but there's still no confirmation. Its just taking this long-time player's word for it. [7/29/2015 5:21:43 PM] Aerumna: also thread is over 1 year old. They may have changed it, since the last year has been huge for the game. But of course we won't know probably. [7/29/2015 5:22:43 PM] konrad knox: [7/29/2015 5:22:47 PM] konrad knox: second spoiler tag [7/29/2015 5:22:55 PM] konrad knox: for m = 1, containerDist.rolls do Is this the roll an item event? for i, k in ipairs(containerDist.items) do if not alt then -- first we take the name of the item itemname = k; -- print (itemname); else -- next step is the random spawn part local itemNumber = k; if lucky then itemNumber = itemNumber + 1; end if unlucky then itemNumber = itemNumber - 1; if itemNumber<0 then itemNumber=0.1; end end local lootModifier = ItemPicker.getLootModifier(itemname) or 0.6; if ZombRand(10000) <= ((((itemNumber*100) lootModifier) + (zombieDensity 10))) then -- ZombRand is this the Randomgenerator from PZ? -- Itemnumber*100 = Lucky/Unlucky * 100 for % -- Zombiedensity * 10 = Zombie Counter in your Loot Region -- So this Part means the Randomgenerator must be smaller than 99-101 + Zombiedensity to spawn an item right? [7/29/2015 5:23:07 PM] konrad knox: Fact [7/29/2015 5:23:25 PM] Aerumna: Right. Item spawn chance is confirmed to be affected by lucky [7/29/2015 5:23:54 PM] Aerumna: I was never arguing against the trait doing 'something', but in having function beyond that [7/29/2015 5:26:23 PM] konrad knox: gonna have to look through [7/29/2015 5:26:51 PM] Aerumna: I'm sure the whole zomboid community would herald you as a hero. [7/29/2015 5:26:52 PM] konrad knox: but the problem is [7/29/2015 5:26:56 PM] konrad knox: if i find the answer [7/29/2015 5:27:00 PM] konrad knox: Lootius will curse me [7/29/2015 5:27:05 PM] konrad knox: and i will stop believing [7/29/2015 5:27:12 PM] konrad knox: and will get bitten every time [7/29/2015 5:27:18 PM] Aerumna: Because you know that the systems of luck work? [7/29/2015 5:27:24 PM] Sean: do you need the answer or do you need the belief [7/29/2015 5:27:26 PM] konrad knox: yes [7/29/2015 5:27:34 PM] konrad knox: i need the belief [7/29/2015 5:27:36 PM] Sean: what drives you [7/29/2015 5:27:38 PM] Sean: WHAT COMPELS YOU [7/29/2015 5:27:45 PM] konrad knox: BELIEF COMPELLS ME [7/29/2015 5:27:51 PM] Aerumna: THE POWER OF LOOTIUS COMPELS HIM [7/29/2015 5:27:52 PM] konrad knox: FAITH GUIDES ME MASTER [7/29/2015 5:28:37 PM] Sean: THEN TAKE THIS REVOLVER WITH FIVE BULLETS IN IT AND SHOOT YOUR OWN FACE, IF YOUR GOD IS REAL, YOU WILL HEAR A CLICK, I'M SURE YOU AS A RUSSIAN UNDERSTAND THIS CONCEPT [7/29/2015 5:29:11 PM] konrad knox: UMMMMM. How about 3 bullets and u got yourself a deal [7/29/2015 5:29:28 PM] Sean: 4 and I'll throw in a heated blanket [7/29/2015 5:29:35 PM] konrad knox: FINE [7/29/2015 5:30:21 PM] Sean: hands knox gun [7/29/2015 5:31:41 PM] Aerumna: no snuggie no deal [7/29/2015 5:31:43 PM] Aerumna: gtfo [7/29/2015 5:32:05 PM] Sean: SSSH HE ALREADY AGREED [7/29/2015 5:32:51 PM] Aerumna: by the way [7/29/2015 5:32:52 PM] Aerumna: Knox [7/29/2015 5:32:56 PM] Aerumna: Did you write this article? [7/29/2015 5:32:56 PM] Aerumna: [7/29/2015 5:34:07 PM] Aerumna: I know I remember reading it somewhere before, but definitely not on wikibin [7/29/2015 5:35:50 PM] Sean: Entropia [7/29/2015 5:35:55 PM] Sean: what a haven for scum that was [7/29/2015 5:36:18 PM] Aerumna: and villainy [7/29/2015 5:36:25 PM] Aerumna: dont forget the villainy [7/29/2015 5:36:30 PM] Aerumna: but also the birth of Lootius [7/29/2015 5:36:39 PM] Sean: and villainy [7/29/2015 5:36:49 PM] Aerumna: and all his pimp-shuffling majesty [7/29/2015 5:36:50 PM] Sean: it really lived up to its name [7/29/2015 5:38:00 PM] Aerumna: What are you talking about? There's absolutely nothing entropic about sweating mobs because you ain't got no PEDs. [7/29/2015 5:38:16 PM] Aerumna: Not. [7/29/2015 5:38:17 PM] Aerumna: A. [7/29/2015 5:38:19 PM] Aerumna: Thing. [7/29/2015 5:38:26 PM] Aerumna: (think) [7/29/2015 5:38:47 PM] Sean: :| [7/29/2015 5:40:58 PM] Aerumna: Is that a "I dont know how to respond" or a "That went over my head" ? [7/29/2015 5:41:21 PM] Sean: neither [7/29/2015 5:41:29 PM] Aerumna: :| [7/29/2015 5:41:33 PM] Sean: exactly [7/29/2015 5:41:45 PM] Aerumna: (emo) [7/29/2015 5:41:50 PM] Aerumna: God, skype has some awful emoticons [7/29/2015 5:41:55 PM] Sean: I know [7/29/2015 5:42:02 PM] Aerumna: (heidy) [7/29/2015 5:42:05 PM] Aerumna: REALLY? WHY DOES THIS EXIST [7/29/2015 5:42:31 PM] Sean: that's why when you make (think) (emo) and (heidy) I just see their comments [7/29/2015 5:42:38 PM] Sean: commands* [7/29/2015 5:43:15 PM] Aerumna: You have them disabled or you're skyping through Trillian? [7/29/2015 5:43:20 PM] Sean: disabled [7/29/2015 5:43:25 PM] Aerumna: Good call [7/29/2015 5:43:37 PM] Sean: I knos it [7/29/2015 5:43:44 PM] Quakeguy: so uh [7/29/2015 5:43:48 PM] Quakeguy: wat [7/29/2015 5:43:52 PM] Aerumna: Hi. [7/29/2015 5:43:57 PM] Quakeguy: also lmao Trillian [7/29/2015 5:44:00 PM] Quakeguy: haven't used that shit in years [7/29/2015 5:44:08 PM] Quakeguy: Muh ICQ/AIM/MSN all in 1 [7/29/2015 5:44:19 PM] Sean: IRC [7/29/2015 5:44:45 PM] Aerumna: Man, ICQ. [7/29/2015 5:45:08 PM] Aerumna: that was THE SHIT back in UO 2nd age [7/29/2015 5:45:14 PM] Quakeguy: UH-OH [7/29/2015 5:45:15 PM] Quakeguy: UH-OH [7/29/2015 5:45:16 PM] Quakeguy: UH-OH [7/29/2015 5:45:25 PM] Sean: KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK [7/29/2015 5:46:36 PM] Aerumna: BOIIOIOIOIIING [7/29/2015 6:41:53 PM] Quakeguy: Fucking laaaaaaaaaaaaag [7/29/2015 6:41:54 PM] Quakeguy: uefhgorughnrgaiulfgheiuf' [7/29/2015 6:41:58 PM] Quakeguy: I was 30 seconds away from home [7/29/2015 6:43:15 PM] Quakeguy: How do you get bit through a window? [7/29/2015 6:43:16 PM] Quakeguy: lmao [7/29/2015 8:35:19 PM] konrad knox: Got 3 new ppl joining [7/29/2015 8:35:29 PM] konrad knox: Season 3 will be PACKED [7/29/2015 8:53:53 PM] Quakeguy: Oh beautiful [7/29/2015 8:53:56 PM] Quakeguy: any starting tonight? [7/29/2015 9:06:19 PM] Quakeguy: A list of the job professions in game files but not yet implemented: Military Soldier, Military Officer, Salesperson, IT Professional, Officer Worker, Truck Driver, Cashier, Shop Clerk, Drug Dealer, Waiter, Customer Service, Janitor, Secretary, Book Keeper, Accountant, Teacher. [7/29/2015 9:06:39 PM] Quakeguy: As you can see some are redundant, and Jen says it's probably because they haven't picked what name to go with yet [7/29/2015 9:39:31 PM] Quakeguy: Oh I love those lovely screams [7/29/2015 10:49:24 PM] Wratts: they're good, but just barely short of the greatness that were the death screams in the original Diablo [7/29/2015 10:49:43 PM] Wratts: when player characters died [7/29/2015 11:01:06 PM] Quakeguy: I never realized how awesome the repairman set was [7/29/2015 11:01:11 PM] Quakeguy: When i read a book it was x12 bonus [7/29/2015 11:01:14 PM] Quakeguy: others only get x3 [7/29/2015 11:01:15 PM] Quakeguy: jesus [7/30/2015 5:49:24 AM] Wratts: i've been wondering about hte engineer, as you supposedly start out with several recipes if you pick that one [7/30/2015 5:50:07 AM] Wratts: sorry about leaving in the middle of the dialogue there last night Quake, I was being called off to some stuff [7/30/2015 5:50:19 AM] Wratts: it didn't take a few minutes, it took a few hours instead [7/30/2015 5:51:11 AM] Wratts: then I read that Donny turned from the scratch [7/30/2015 5:52:53 AM] Wratts: which is a shame because Raven would have walked the distance and killed his turned self if he'd asked to :D [7/30/2015 8:16:42 AM] konrad knox: anyone online? [7/30/2015 8:16:50 AM] konrad knox: morning restart [7/30/2015 8:23:49 AM] konrad knox: server up [7/30/2015 8:49:27 AM] konrad knox: it is now july 1 [7/30/2015 8:49:40 AM] konrad knox: go get dem lewtz [7/30/2015 8:56:23 AM] Wratts: moar zombies nao? [7/30/2015 9:07:57 AM] konrad knox: o ya [7/30/2015 9:08:34 AM] konrad knox: The question is where are they gonna be heading [7/30/2015 9:09:25 AM] Wratts: they seem to like goth girl [7/30/2015 9:09:50 AM] Wratts: she goes around taking down a couple of hundred, then I observe a gunshot or scream luring them EXACTLY towards her or where she took down those hundreds [7/30/2015 9:10:04 AM] konrad knox: goth girl killcount be like [7/30/2015 9:10:19 AM] Wratts: it's a vicious cycle [7/30/2015 9:11:12 AM] Wratts: over 9000. :3 coming soon [7/30/2015 9:11:28 AM] konrad knox: Nooo [7/30/2015 9:11:33 AM] Wratts: seriously though, it's up to 4-5k I think [7/30/2015 9:11:36 AM] konrad knox: Gtfo [7/30/2015 9:11:49 AM] konrad knox: Srsly [7/30/2015 9:12:02 AM] konrad knox: Im sweating my ass [7/30/2015 9:12:16 AM] konrad knox: With a 3,5 [7/30/2015 9:12:30 AM] konrad knox: u surpass me in 5 days [7/30/2015 9:12:38 AM] Wratts: she's a wizard with an axe [7/30/2015 9:13:39 AM] Wratts: thouzgh Frank's been doing it in the hard way iMHO [7/30/2015 9:13:55 AM] Wratts: gunshot, kiting, molotov, killing stragglers, that's actually harder I think [7/30/2015 9:14:05 AM] Wratts: more dangerous [7/30/2015 9:14:51 AM] Wratts: may be faster, killing more at once, but it's way riskier [7/30/2015 9:15:07 AM] Wratts: takes more concentration over a longer period of time [7/30/2015 9:15:13 AM] konrad knox: I do try to only gun, i do [7/30/2015 9:15:23 AM] konrad knox: But when i see RAM lock danger [7/30/2015 9:15:29 AM] konrad knox: I molly that shit and run [7/30/2015 9:15:31 AM] Wratts: there's also that [7/30/2015 9:16:38 AM] konrad knox: the only time i stood ground was that fking bridge [7/30/2015 9:16:45 AM] konrad knox: For chris [7/30/2015 9:16:49 AM] Wratts: xD [7/30/2015 9:25:39 AM] Wratts: that was an epic scene I'll never forget [7/30/2015 9:25:53 AM] Wratts: Battle for the Bridge [7/30/2015 9:28:33 AM] konrad knox: [7/30/2015 9:28:38 AM] konrad knox: OST [7/30/2015 9:28:45 AM] konrad knox: lol [7/30/2015 9:33:29 AM] konrad knox: some faux-latin in the background too [7/30/2015 9:34:25 AM] konrad knox: EEEAT MYYY SAAAALSSAAAA ZIIIIOOOON [7/30/2015 9:35:07 AM] konrad knox: [7/30/2015 9:35:18 AM] konrad knox: there, battle for the bridge [7/30/2015 9:35:57 AM] Wratts: GOPHER TUNA [7/30/2015 9:36:28 AM] konrad knox: some men like cheese [7/30/2015 9:36:50 AM] Wratts: SHE SOLD ME GOOD HOT CHICKEN [7/30/2015 9:37:24 AM] konrad knox: suck juice from moose [7/30/2015 9:37:28 AM] konrad knox: fun, handsome goose [7/30/2015 9:37:39 AM] Wratts: THEY GAVE YOU GONORRHEAD [7/30/2015 11:24:29 AM] Quakeguy: just wanna give a big shout out to Bob Johnson [7/30/2015 11:24:40 AM] Quakeguy: for coming back from the dead despite a gentleman's agreement to end the Johnson Saga. [7/30/2015 11:25:48 AM] konrad knox: goddamn immortals [7/30/2015 11:32:47 AM] Sean: Bob is such a faget [7/30/2015 11:49:53 AM] Quakeguy: Yes he is [7/30/2015 12:17:23 PM] Wratts: gg [7/30/2015 12:17:54 PM] Wratts: so Bob's back in town? [7/30/2015 12:27:56 PM] Quakeguy: For some reason. [7/30/2015 12:28:00 PM] Quakeguy: Do give him a warm welcome [7/30/2015 12:28:22 PM] Sean: axe him a few questions [7/30/2015 12:34:52 PM] Quakeguy: Yeah like [7/30/2015 12:35:01 PM] Quakeguy: "Where were you for the week that Fife and JJ were slowly dying and battling fires?" [7/30/2015 12:35:08 PM] Quakeguy: "Having a nice sit down?" [7/30/2015 1:54:33 PM] Wratts: woah knife kill is amazing [7/30/2015 1:54:43 PM] Wratts: also. found bag lady. it's official [7/30/2015 1:54:52 PM] Wratts: zombie lady with tote bag. insied the tote bag: 53 plastic bags [7/30/2015 1:55:02 PM] Sean: wow [7/30/2015 1:56:44 PM] Sean: looks like the bag lady... (•_•) ( •_•)>¬¦-¦ (¬¦_¦) sacked [7/30/2015 1:56:53 PM] Sean: [7/30/2015 2:00:05 PM] konrad knox: LOL? [7/30/2015 2:00:10 PM] konrad knox: 53 plastic bags? [7/30/2015 2:03:00 PM] Wratts: lol [7/30/2015 2:03:16 PM] Wratts: yeah I picked htem up to look if there was stuff inside stuff [7/30/2015 2:03:38 PM] Wratts: but it was just a tote bag with 53 plastic bags adn so heavy I couldn't put it back in a corpse, but had to dump it in a dumpster xD [7/30/2015 2:04:04 PM] Wratts: and she had a friend. One with a tote bag with 39 plastic bags in it [7/30/2015 2:04:09 PM] Wratts: zombies be cray cray [7/30/2015 2:04:15 PM] konrad knox: wtf [7/30/2015 2:07:03 PM] konrad knox: I think wratts is the baddest mofo on the map now [7/30/2015 2:07:07 PM] konrad knox: whats your blade skill at [7/30/2015 2:19:35 PM] Wratts: 7 going on 8 [7/30/2015 2:19:48 PM] Wratts: sorry, no [7/30/2015 2:19:50 PM] Wratts: 6-7 [7/30/2015 2:21:42 PM] Wratts: blunt is 4-5 [7/30/2015 2:38:41 PM] konrad knox: LOL [7/30/2015 2:38:48 PM] konrad knox: yup you're the baddest ass in town [7/30/2015 2:39:26 PM] konrad knox: POWERGAMER [7/30/2015 2:39:54 PM] konrad knox: #Aegohl Mode [7/30/2015 2:40:13 PM] konrad knox: You bypassed everyone's skill on the server in 5 days! [7/30/2015 2:40:23 PM] konrad knox: It's unrealistic, we're going to set your skill back to 0 [7/30/2015 2:40:30 PM] konrad knox: So you can properly roleplay training [7/30/2015 2:40:37 PM] konrad knox: And we're jealous of your pro-ness. [7/30/2015 2:40:47 PM] konrad knox: Aegohl Mode# [7/30/2015 2:41:48 PM] konrad knox: Illarion players would love me as an admin [7/30/2015 2:42:05 PM] konrad knox: Powergaming, cyber, swearing, violence, and freedom for everyone [7/30/2015 2:50:57 PM] Wratts: i'm in ur gaemz, ruining it with PG lolz [7/30/2015 2:54:38 PM] konrad knox: but my beautifully crafted storyline world! [7/30/2015 2:54:51 PM] konrad knox: I planned for everyone to horribly die to zombies! [7/30/2015 2:54:55 PM] konrad knox: Now you will ruin it all! [7/30/2015 2:58:04 PM] konrad knox: what do you eat wratts? [7/30/2015 3:01:50 PM] Wratts: anything [7/30/2015 3:01:54 PM] Wratts: but [7/30/2015 3:02:05 PM] Wratts: Raven has a sweet tooth and likes junk food [7/30/2015 3:15:51 PM] konrad knox: so you are the one who is emptying the stores and houses en masse [7/30/2015 3:17:49 PM] konrad knox: A Mars bar is nutritiously good lunch don't you know [7/30/2015 3:20:11 PM] Sean: I had a wunderbar for lunch today [7/30/2015 3:21:11 PM] konrad knox: Who plays Jun Nagai I wonder [7/30/2015 3:23:26 PM] konrad knox: Oh, so we got two Brits playing [7/30/2015 3:37:02 PM] Quakeguy: Raven is like what [7/30/2015 3:37:09 PM] Quakeguy: a mobile DJ covered in knives, axes, and blunt pipes [7/30/2015 3:37:15 PM] Quakeguy: hauling a military backpack radio from the 1950's [7/30/2015 3:37:24 PM] Quakeguy: shoving mix tapes in that she steals from empty houses [7/30/2015 3:37:33 PM] Quakeguy: and blasts the tracks as she swings her way across town [7/30/2015 3:37:39 PM] Quakeguy: that is hands down the best character yet [7/30/2015 3:40:37 PM] Wratts: :D [7/30/2015 3:40:44 PM] Wratts: that's her in a nutshell [7/30/2015 3:40:58 PM] Wratts: it's getting kinda lag spike-y [7/30/2015 3:41:13 PM] Quakeguy: I like her positive waves [7/30/2015 3:41:25 PM] Wratts: and man, the +40% spawn is... shiiiiiieeet maaaan [7/30/2015 3:42:02 PM] Wratts: this indeed feels hopeless. I know you're happy to hear this, Konrad [7/30/2015 3:42:06 PM] konrad knox: too much or too little? [7/30/2015 3:42:19 PM] Wratts: may be just right as long as a few of us are slayers [7/30/2015 3:42:30 PM] Quakeguy: so long as people stay ACTIVE in murder [7/30/2015 3:42:34 PM] Quakeguy: it feels realistic [7/30/2015 3:42:38 PM] konrad knox: eat big get big kill big [7/30/2015 3:42:49 PM] Quakeguy: but I could see how 40% by the end of summer [7/30/2015 3:42:53 PM] Quakeguy: if we hadn't had our molotov parties [7/30/2015 3:42:54 PM] konrad knox: yes by my design, we must never rest [7/30/2015 3:42:55 PM] Quakeguy: we'd all be dead. [7/30/2015 3:42:57 PM] konrad knox: we rest = they gain [7/30/2015 3:43:02 PM] konrad knox: we sleep = they gain [7/30/2015 3:43:05 PM] konrad knox: we fuck = they gain [7/30/2015 3:43:28 PM] konrad knox: but the good news is [7/30/2015 3:43:34 PM] konrad knox: july respawn [7/30/2015 3:43:43 PM] konrad knox: is considerably smaller than june and may [7/30/2015 3:43:47 PM] konrad knox: may was hardball [7/30/2015 3:44:17 PM] Wratts: well, half of Muldraugh streets were looking almost clear [7/30/2015 3:44:26 PM] Wratts: now the respawn occurred, and they're looking like WP [7/30/2015 3:44:46 PM] konrad knox: well then you better fucking lock n load homeboy [7/30/2015 3:45:06 PM] konrad knox: eventually you'll make a mistake and die [7/30/2015 3:45:10 PM] Wratts: non-stop killing [7/30/2015 3:45:13 PM] konrad knox: and it will all be over soon [7/30/2015 3:45:13 PM] Wratts: homeruns for days [7/30/2015 3:45:26 PM] konrad knox: you'll fail [7/30/2015 3:45:30 PM] konrad knox: one day you'll fail [7/30/2015 3:45:36 PM] Quakeguy: i swear to fucking god [7/30/2015 3:45:37 PM] konrad knox: we all fail [7/30/2015 3:45:46 PM] Quakeguy: I'm gonna organize a Muldraugh excursion with the military [7/30/2015 3:45:51 PM] Quakeguy: it better go fuckin smooth [7/30/2015 3:46:14 PM] Wratts: I've been batting over 300 [7/30/2015 3:46:27 PM] Wratts: got scratched when I logged in, big respawns and I was unarmed [7/30/2015 3:46:45 PM] Wratts: rucky rucky [7/30/2015 3:46:55 PM] konrad knox: miracuru miracuru [7/30/2015 4:55:46 PM] Quakeguy: sure wish there was a way for me to play guitar on the radio [7/30/2015 4:56:15 PM] konrad knox: jam the button with duct tape [7/30/2015 4:56:35 PM] konrad knox: tape the radio to the guitar's back [7/30/2015 4:57:48 PM] Quakeguy: Need to start composing acoustic tracks to Season 3 [7/30/2015 5:08:26 PM] Quakeguy: I suppose I can recycle some of my originals [7/30/2015 5:12:11 PM] Quakeguy: Tuning up: [7/30/2015 5:17:42 PM] Quakeguy: Giving the zombies a backing track: [7/30/2015 6:40:02 PM] Wratts: what to do with 50 pistols [7/30/2015 6:43:29 PM] Quakeguy: trade them with army [7/30/2015 6:43:40 PM] Quakeguy: only way to repair pistols is with pistols [7/30/2015 6:43:52 PM] Quakeguy: Or remove every single attachment on them and place them in the police station [7/30/2015 6:43:55 PM] Quakeguy: freak out the new people [7/30/2015 6:44:07 PM] Quakeguy: 50 x2 holosights and lasers [7/30/2015 6:44:10 PM] Quakeguy: no guns [7/30/2015 7:14:38 PM] Quakeguy: 2 hours until 4th of July [7/30/2015 7:30:17 PM] Wratts: I started early [7/30/2015 7:30:30 PM] Wratts: with 500 9mm bullets and a molotov [7/30/2015 7:32:24 PM] Quakeguy: i'm all alone ;-; [7/30/2015 7:32:45 PM] Quakeguy: UGUUUUUUUUU [7/30/2015 7:55:07 PM] Wratts: I'm pretty much certain that some structures cannot be made safe [7/30/2015 7:57:50 PM] Quakeguy: Like? [7/30/2015 7:58:39 PM] Wratts: teh shed at the Johnson farm [7/30/2015 7:58:51 PM] Wratts: keeps spawning Zeds inside it with all windows boarded shut and the door closed [7/30/2015 7:59:08 PM] Wratts: McCoy logging co. buildings [7/30/2015 7:59:23 PM] Wratts: ignores the other rules for "safe" structures [7/30/2015 8:07:30 PM] konrad knox: Its possible the rule is bugged or is true for only player built structures [7/30/2015 8:07:48 PM] konrad knox: Making a fence perimeter will guarantee the rule thou [7/30/2015 8:09:21 PM] konrad knox: RIP Avery Gordon [7/30/2015 8:10:09 PM] Quakeguy: Really? [7/30/2015 8:10:10 PM] Quakeguy: RIP [7/30/2015 8:11:00 PM] konrad knox: Avery got trapped inside the second story of his safehouse by a swarm on all sides. [7/30/2015 8:11:20 PM] konrad knox: He waited them out for days. They knocked down all doors and windows of the downstairs [7/30/2015 8:11:32 PM] konrad knox: It was a killzone Avery did not want to enter. [7/30/2015 8:11:57 PM] Quakeguy: Why not just wait for the horde to go somewhere else lol [7/30/2015 8:12:03 PM] konrad knox: Avery found Lydia's hideout two days ago and planned to assemble a radio. [7/30/2015 8:12:37 PM] konrad knox: He waited and waited for the horde to disperse, but he was inside, and the hunger kicked in, was brutal. [7/30/2015 8:12:52 PM] konrad knox: He chanced the sheet rope on the side with the least zeds. [7/30/2015 8:13:18 PM] konrad knox: He took 41 zombies with him before the crowd swallowed him. [7/30/2015 8:14:50 PM] konrad knox: Avery chose a fight, over death of starvation [7/30/2015 8:25:04 PM] konrad knox: just a clarification which i thought was self obvious, but maybe not. You can reroll same character if they are less that 24 ingame hours old and nobody met them. If the old char was radio capable, the reroll copy needs to possess the radio kit. They dont just inherit the old char's kit. [7/30/2015 8:25:23 PM] Wratts: that is so tragic [7/30/2015 8:27:28 PM] konrad knox: Avery Gordon died because he was not radio capable and could not ask for help. If i get a reason to suspect anyone abusing the honor system for this house rule, i will turn off global chat and will enable it on case by case basis. Thankkssssssss. If i contact you in private and request a screenshot of your radio kit, please dont take it personally. [7/30/2015 8:29:20 PM] konrad knox: Some radio kits can be better than others and grant bonuses, which i reveal to you when i see it. Stuff like cd players or cordless phones will do a certain thing to your kit. [7/30/2015 8:30:57 PM] konrad knox: send me screens to find out what your bonus is [7/30/2015 8:44:13 PM] Quakeguy: RIP Donald Pinkerton [7/30/2015 8:44:24 PM] Sean: rip [7/30/2015 8:44:49 PM] Quakeguy: 2nd scratch [7/30/2015 8:45:15 PM] Quakeguy: Can't seem to get him to last more than 72 IG hours [7/30/2015 8:45:37 PM] konrad knox: Woof woof woof! [7/30/2015 8:45:46 PM] Quakeguy: That's my other dog imitation [7/30/2015 8:46:26 PM] Quakeguy: OH FUCKIN' BOY CAN'T WAIT TO MAKE THIS TRIP AGAIN [7/30/2015 8:46:53 PM] konrad knox: play one of his tank crew. Lol. Theres a bunch of em [7/30/2015 8:47:08 PM] konrad knox: And they tragically die one by one, full metal jacket style [7/30/2015 8:52:13 PM] Quakeguy: they're all average. [7/30/2015 8:54:56 PM] konrad knox: so are we all [7/30/2015 8:56:47 PM] Quakeguy: No [7/30/2015 8:56:51 PM] Quakeguy: That is NOT true [7/30/2015 9:16:13 PM] Wratts: got scratched making that screenshot xD [7/30/2015 9:16:31 PM] Wratts: think I'm fine though [7/30/2015 9:16:35 PM] Quakeguy: i hope so [7/30/2015 9:17:32 PM] Wratts: I uploaded it on Steam [7/30/2015 9:27:37 PM] Wratts: RIP Donny [7/30/2015 9:28:30 PM] konrad knox: wratts radio bonuses approved [7/30/2015 9:36:45 PM] Wratts: \o\ /o/ \o/ [7/30/2015 9:37:13 PM] Wratts: Radio Neighbourhood Watch for days [7/30/2015 9:37:34 PM] Sean: days and days? [7/30/2015 9:37:42 PM] konrad knox: MC Raven [7/30/2015 9:37:52 PM] Wratts: till epic death [7/30/2015 9:38:05 PM] Wratts: I think I accidentally torched someone's safehouse [7/30/2015 9:38:13 PM] konrad knox: averys [7/30/2015 9:38:15 PM] Sean: rip safehouse [7/30/2015 9:38:43 PM] Wratts: in all fairness, that entire neighbourhood was swamped with thousands of zombies [7/30/2015 9:38:50 PM] Wratts: Muldraugh is ridonkadonk right now [7/30/2015 9:40:11 PM] Wratts: it currently looks like heliraid area [7/30/2015 9:40:39 PM] Wratts: I hope whoever starts there is not asthmatic and is ready to run like hell [7/30/2015 9:41:51 PM] konrad knox: It is ravens duty to die clearing it! [7/30/2015 9:42:01 PM] konrad knox: i mean to succeed clearing it!!! [7/30/2015 9:42:08 PM] Wratts: right, right [7/30/2015 9:42:15 PM] Wratts: riiiiight [7/30/2015 9:42:19 PM] Sean: die, succeed, the keys are like right next to each other [7/30/2015 9:44:42 PM] Wratts: pool cues are ugh [7/30/2015 9:44:49 PM] Wratts: somewhere between shit and amazing [7/30/2015 9:45:16 PM] Wratts: no fucking knockback worth shit, but they seem to crit hard, top speed, and great reach [7/30/2015 9:46:01 PM] Sean: golf club has the reach and knockback but the crit is fucking awful [7/30/2015 9:46:20 PM] Wratts: yeah [7/30/2015 9:46:42 PM] Wratts: though the golf club has hilariarse moments of zombie juggles [7/30/2015 9:47:27 PM] Wratts: where you hit them and they stumble around but don't fall down, and you can kite around them while they're bouncing back and forth [7/30/2015 9:47:47 PM] konrad knox: imo knife OP [7/30/2015 9:47:55 PM] Sean: ez break tho [7/30/2015 9:47:57 PM] Wratts: knife is OP against few targets [7/30/2015 9:47:58 PM] konrad knox: headstab, stumble, killstab [7/30/2015 9:48:09 PM] Wratts: actually [7/30/2015 9:48:17 PM] Wratts: if you have STR9+, push, whip out knife, finish [7/30/2015 9:48:35 PM] konrad knox: Ooookay cowboy [7/30/2015 9:48:36 PM] Wratts: safer [7/30/2015 9:48:41 PM] konrad knox: I am not that fast [7/30/2015 9:48:52 PM] Wratts: knives are somehow hotkeyed [7/30/2015 9:48:55 PM] Sean: god wratts you're a monster at this game [7/30/2015 9:49:00 PM] Wratts: I press 3 and it equips knife [7/30/2015 9:49:18 PM] konrad knox: Yeah wratts is dominating the shit out if francis [7/30/2015 9:49:25 PM] Wratts: headstab can go south for the setup [7/30/2015 9:49:35 PM] Wratts: bad range, for some reason the push has way better range [7/30/2015 9:49:47 PM] konrad knox: Yeah honestly [7/30/2015 9:49:54 PM] konrad knox: Frank is just fine unarmed [7/30/2015 9:50:08 PM] Wratts: it's a shame unarmed doesn't affect any skills or I'd use it more [7/30/2015 9:50:11 PM] konrad knox: Dat str 9 [7/30/2015 9:50:15 PM] Wratts: just stomp to kill [7/30/2015 10:01:19 PM] Wratts: do characters have a hidden stat regarding them getting more hardened against zombies? [7/30/2015 10:01:44 PM] konrad knox: They do. [7/30/2015 10:01:51 PM] Wratts: or is it always the same (circumstantial, like the amount and whether they pop out behind you), and you either have Brave/Coward and BetaBlockers against it? [7/30/2015 10:01:58 PM] konrad knox: No [7/30/2015 10:02:02 PM] Wratts: oh cool [7/30/2015 10:02:03 PM] konrad knox: They do [7/30/2015 10:02:36 PM] konrad knox: its derived from time survived and killcount [7/30/2015 10:02:45 PM] konrad knox: Time survived being primary [7/30/2015 10:02:53 PM] konrad knox: Youre used to zombies [7/30/2015 10:03:55 PM] Wratts: I've been popping Beta Blockers like candy [7/30/2015 10:04:08 PM] konrad knox: yupyupyup [7/30/2015 10:04:23 PM] konrad knox: Bb much love [7/30/2015 10:04:36 PM] Wratts: breakfast for champions [7/30/2015 10:14:31 PM] konrad knox: i need nails [7/30/2015 10:48:04 PM] Quakeguy: I've got 10 boxes. [5:57:16 AM] Wratts: I've got about 300 on me [5:57:31 AM] Wratts: will trade for axes and bats [5:57:45 AM] Wratts: even in non-optimal condition :) [9:05:35 AM] konrad knox: Bats. Bats I got. [9:05:52 AM] konrad knox: Sadly, I'm having back problems that prevent me from being online for now. [9:06:02 AM] konrad knox: But I'm still maintaining server. [9:55:40 AM] konrad knox: "My hands are red with gore and blood My axe resists the zombie flood Our country burns and turns to ash. I stand as those before me stood." [9:55:55 AM] konrad knox: Anyone who doesn't speak English, but reads it, will think this poem rhymes. [10:43:33 AM] konrad knox: She then remembered that Char had once said to her: 'No matter how grim things look, everything will be alright. There may be nobody to shed a tear after our grim lot, but when it rains in Node, you know that the Heavens are shedding their tears.' [10:43:48 AM] konrad knox: ;( [11:00:47 AM] konrad knox: aw gawd [11:00:52 AM] konrad knox: Wratts lol [11:00:55 AM] konrad knox: "That's six thousand Sol. I need twenty shells, sixty nine-millimeter bullets and rations for two days, old chap." [11:01:02 AM] konrad knox: How long would that last him in PZ [11:01:12 AM] konrad knox: like three minutes! [11:09:57 AM] Quakeguy: I liked it when I could go through 24 shells in like 60 econds [11:10:09 AM] Quakeguy: Comparing old RP characters to see how they'd survive in Kentucky? [11:10:45 AM] konrad knox: Yeah this one is a character from Wratts' novel [11:10:50 AM] konrad knox: a fiend, named Wratts [11:11:01 AM] konrad knox: who is trading in this apocalyptic outposts [11:11:16 AM] konrad knox: but he's also like, magical [11:11:34 AM] konrad knox: You and Wratts are both pretty kickass writers [11:11:41 AM] konrad knox: I need to finish my GunZ story :( [11:54:34 AM] Wratts: thank you :) [11:54:40 AM] Wratts: and yeah, I'd like to read that [11:54:50 AM] Wratts: also, bullets aren't worth shit in PZ, jeeze [11:55:10 AM] Wratts: every shot a magnet for hundreds, and can kill only one, at best [11:56:11 AM] Quakeguy: I have a feeling that in the near future [11:56:15 AM] Quakeguy: there will be suppressors. [11:56:23 AM] Wratts: that would be nice [11:56:27 AM] Wratts: bats are good too [11:56:30 AM] Quakeguy: there's no way they won't add suppressors. [11:56:31 AM] Wratts: will trade nails for bats [11:56:41 AM] Quakeguy: All of the makings are there [11:56:45 AM] Quakeguy: Pipes etc.. [11:57:02 AM] Quakeguy: I have a feeling it'll suppress pistols down to a 5-10 tile radius [11:57:07 AM] Quakeguy: and rifles down to a 20-30 tile radius [12:02:51 PM] Quakeguy: because yes, at the moment, guns have very little use other than personal noise making [12:03:03 PM] Quakeguy: and now that they've added remotely-triggered sound-traps [12:03:08 PM] Quakeguy: Guns are going to be useless [12:03:27 PM] Quakeguy: Why worry about fighting off an entire group of zombies knocking on your wall [12:03:34 PM] Quakeguy: when you can press a button and trigger a sound trap 200M down the road. [1:22:36 PM] Quakeguy: >mfw I'm walking through miles of open, dilapitated farmland [1:22:37 PM] Quakeguy: [1:23:37 PM] konrad knox: a tank silencer [1:23:42 PM] konrad knox: go Donny [1:23:59 PM] Quakeguy: Artillery heat suppressor to be more percise. [1:24:04 PM] Quakeguy: Wouldn't work on an Abrams [1:24:56 PM] konrad knox: [1:24:58 PM] konrad knox: agawd [1:25:34 PM] konrad knox: Frank [1:25:40 PM] Quakeguy: LOOK AT THAT SUPPRESSOR [1:25:46 PM] Quakeguy: LOOK AT HOW IT TOTALLY DOESN'T ALIGN WITH THE BARREL AND SAGS [1:25:48 PM] Quakeguy: WTF IS HE DOING [1:26:16 PM] Quakeguy: Also I've seen that can-silencer video [1:26:17 PM] Quakeguy: It's fucking awesome [1:26:46 PM] konrad knox: the sex: [1:27:02 PM] Quakeguy: lmao [1:27:05 PM] Quakeguy: I've seen that so many times [1:27:10 PM] Quakeguy: but never once did I realize it was a Beretta [1:27:11 PM] Quakeguy: LOL [1:27:34 PM] Quakeguy: Boy I sure hope his target is within 20 yards [1:27:47 PM] Aerumna: inside a building? np [1:27:57 PM] Aerumna: or is that a corner of a building? [1:28:01 PM] Aerumna: Looks like a door frame almost [1:49:10 PM] Quakeguy: Massive lag spike? [1:49:22 PM] Quakeguy: Hearing from my mates their maps aren't loading [1:50:23 PM] konrad knox: everyone log out [1:51:49 PM] konrad knox: i'm gonna reboot [1:51:55 PM] Quakeguy: k [1:52:02 PM] konrad knox: everyone ready? [1:52:07 PM] konrad knox: announce ingame [1:52:47 PM] konrad knox: sandy needs to log off [1:54:24 PM] konrad knox: rebooting [1:55:49 PM] Wratts: darn, I didn't see this [1:55:59 PM] Wratts: but you know what, lag seems to start whenever I firebomb stuff [1:57:04 PM] Quakeguy: FIre bombing in general [1:57:09 PM] Quakeguy: they need to optomize fire. [1:57:11 PM] Wratts: yep [1:57:27 PM] Quakeguy: So much for my plan of setting up 30 campfire kits across the westpoint bridge [1:57:29 PM] Quakeguy: lighting them all [1:57:32 PM] Quakeguy: and firing off a rifle shot [1:57:46 PM] Wratts: it's a decent idea [1:57:52 PM] Wratts: should work actually [1:58:12 PM] konrad knox: it's up [1:58:27 PM] konrad knox: Did Lydia croak??? [1:59:01 PM] konrad knox: no [1:59:04 PM] konrad knox: who's sandy... [1:59:06 PM] konrad knox: hm [1:59:27 PM] konrad knox: bam bam bam connections popping in [1:59:48 PM] Wratts: also this "night blindness" crap needs to go [1:59:55 PM] Wratts: after logging in [2:00:01 PM] konrad knox: move a whole bunch [2:00:04 PM] konrad knox: force a map load [2:00:08 PM] konrad knox: and then it goes away [2:00:18 PM] konrad knox: imo it simulates waking up groggy [2:00:55 PM] konrad knox: so im not too pissed [2:01:01 PM] konrad knox: I just run as soon as I log in [2:01:07 PM] konrad knox: sometimes into a zombie [2:04:47 PM] Wratts: well [2:04:52 PM] Wratts: got bit, gg [2:05:17 PM] Wratts: yeah exactly that [2:05:41 PM] Wratts: wasn't exactly in a great place when the server went down [2:06:15 PM] konrad knox: did you die due to server down? [2:06:25 PM] konrad knox: stay logged out and don't die [2:06:30 PM] konrad knox: we'll fix you up [2:06:47 PM] Wratts: yeah I didn't see skype messages that it was being rebooted [2:06:56 PM] konrad knox: I told Quake to announce it [2:06:59 PM] konrad knox: so thank him [2:07:00 PM] Wratts: I was merrily hacking down zombies lol [2:07:04 PM] konrad knox: with a bullet [2:07:05 PM] Wratts: I may have missed it [2:07:24 PM] Wratts: because there was a lot of radio chatter and I couldn't really pay attention to it xD [2:07:30 PM] konrad knox: i'll save you in about 4 hours [2:07:37 PM] konrad knox: 4 rl hrs [2:07:39 PM] Wratts: no rush, yeah, I logged out [2:21:25 PM] Quakeguy: I think i have the longest lasting fire in server history so far. [2:21:26 PM] Quakeguy: 10 days [2:22:49 PM] Wratts: :0 [2:23:08 PM] Quakeguy: This fire's been burning since... [2:23:13 PM] Quakeguy: Wednesday or tuesday [2:23:15 PM] Quakeguy: irl [2:23:25 PM] Quakeguy: or 10 IG days [2:25:57 PM] Quakeguy: LMAO [2:26:02 PM] Quakeguy: 8 zombies spawned on my 2nd floor safehouse [2:26:10 PM] Quakeguy: despite there being no physical way to get to the 2nd floor other than climbing [2:26:11 PM] Quakeguy: TY game. [2:27:41 PM] Wratts: see?? xD [2:27:57 PM] Wratts: I swear they're spawning everywhere, not giving a shit about any rules [2:27:59 PM] Quakeguy: Yep. [2:28:06 PM] Quakeguy: Every single window is sheeted or bolted. [2:28:07 PM] Wratts: they were spawning on the Johnson farm when it had a Log wall around it [2:28:09 PM] Quakeguy: all doorways are bolted. [2:28:15 PM] Quakeguy: there is no tangible way to walk in or out of this palce [2:28:17 PM] Quakeguy: place^ [2:28:22 PM] Quakeguy: without a rope [2:28:25 PM] Quakeguy: and yet they just magically appear [2:28:49 PM] Wratts: what type of building is it? public or a private home? [2:29:41 PM] Quakeguy: Private residence. [2:29:45 PM] Quakeguy: NOT a business [2:30:19 PM] Wratts: okay so... it's really either a bug, or a quirk in the engine we haven't figured out [2:31:07 PM] Wratts: what's weird was on the Johnson farm, they'd sometimes spawn in the shed and within the walls after we'd built them up, but never inside the house [2:31:48 PM] Quakeguy: I wonder if certain parts of Valley Hill [2:31:52 PM] Quakeguy: the areas east and north of WP [2:31:56 PM] Quakeguy: if they are even fuckin' labeled. [2:32:04 PM] Wratts: know what [2:32:06 PM] Quakeguy: because I find after a certain point there is no foraging option in the woods [2:32:09 PM] Wratts: that might be the problem [2:32:11 PM] Wratts: yeah I noticed that too [2:32:19 PM] Quakeguy: I understand you need to be by roads in some cases, [2:32:23 PM] Quakeguy: as they didn't designate the whole map [2:32:28 PM] Quakeguy: but I mean I'm right in front of a series of homes [2:32:31 PM] Quakeguy: beside a big forest [2:32:35 PM] Quakeguy: and it doesn't let me forage. [2:32:42 PM] Quakeguy: But if I go 20 minutes south near the WP bridge, [2:32:45 PM] Quakeguy: berries galore. [2:32:58 PM] Wratts: you can forage in city environment, but sometimes you can go out into the actual woods and if it's towards the edge of the map, no foraging. Like it wasn't even mapped out for it [2:33:52 PM] Quakeguy: I think that while structures and such exist where i am [2:33:54 PM] Wratts: for example, I was here:,0.2549287303717511,44.37222213480872 No foraging possible [2:33:57 PM] Aerumna: I believe there are just still some dead zones. Was an issue when foraging first came out [2:34:01 PM] Quakeguy: they aren't 'designated' as homes and businesses and shit [2:34:03 PM] Quakeguy: for the code. [2:34:07 PM] Quakeguy: so it spawns willy nilly [2:35:19 PM] Wratts: and a huge radius around that spot... all dead zone for foraging until I reach the gas station north from it [3:13:48 PM] Quakeguy: lol' [3:13:54 PM] Quakeguy: another zombie spawned in the closet [3:13:59 PM] Quakeguy: that is the 5th key I have to the front door [3:14:03 PM] Quakeguy: I get it game, you can stop now. [3:14:10 PM] Sean: gay [3:14:14 PM] Sean: GET IT [3:14:18 PM] Sean: GE- I'll just go now [3:27:58 PM] Wratts: "Lucky only effects loot and repair chance." -EnigmaGrey on the indiestone forums [3:30:29 PM] Quakeguy: affects [3:30:32 PM] Quakeguy: That god damned foreigner [3:30:58 PM] Quakeguy: [3:33:50 PM] Wratts: lol that one's new to me [4:20:07 PM] Quakeguy: Trying to get Gas in Kentucky: [4:21:44 PM] Wratts: lol [4:22:37 PM] Wratts: tha'ts trying to get ANYTHING in Kentucky. At least in PZ [4:22:50 PM] Wratts: I need a pen!! **pic here** [8:40:32 PM] Quakeguy: For trade: 30 fresh cabbages [8:50:09 PM] konrad knox: ok [8:50:20 PM] konrad knox: i need Lydia [8:52:27 PM] Quakeguy: hmm? [8:53:34 PM] konrad knox: for revival [8:53:52 PM] konrad knox: did i just see Jen reroll 4 chars??? [8:53:57 PM] Quakeguy: Yes. [8:53:59 PM] Quakeguy: She is very upset. [8:54:09 PM] Quakeguy: Two of them died within 60 seconds due to bad spawning + night vision [8:54:14 PM] konrad knox: jesus hang on [8:54:20 PM] konrad knox: she doesnt have to [8:54:23 PM] konrad knox: so quickly [8:54:42 PM] Quakeguy: I've learned now not to offer Jen game advice or RP advice [8:54:45 PM] Quakeguy: or any advice when it comes to games. [8:54:55 PM] Quakeguy: She fucking hates back-seat gamers, which I can certainly be. [8:55:12 PM] Quakeguy: and so she'll just stubbornly go through a dozen character concepts in a day [9:08:11 PM] Wratts: crap just saw. I'll be on in a minute [9:13:18 PM] Wratts: okay [9:17:26 PM] konrad knox: ready? [9:17:30 PM] Wratts: yep [9:19:37 PM] Sean: what's going on, some big cabbage deal? [9:19:42 PM] Sean: the z's gon' bust yas [9:19:52 PM] Quakeguy: will trade 60 cabbages [9:20:19 PM] Wratts: prone to illness eep [9:20:21 PM] Sean: that was 30 a second ago [9:20:34 PM] Wratts: I'm already at Sick :0 [9:20:40 PM] Sean: rip [9:20:46 PM] Sean: quake what do you need for the cabbages [9:21:13 PM] Quakeguy: what do you have on offer for 60 fucking hunger and water reducing cabbages [9:21:24 PM] Quakeguy: tastiest cabbages ever [9:21:38 PM] Sean: my sexy body [9:22:29 PM] Quakeguy: Hmm [9:22:36 PM] Quakeguy: How about nails [9:22:47 PM] Quakeguy: in b4 'i'll let you NAIL me' [9:22:57 PM] Sean: ...shit [9:23:01 PM] Sean: I had that lined up too [9:24:45 PM] Sean: I don't have any nails, someones been cleaning them out, probably the same guy with eleventy bajillion pistols [9:24:50 PM] Sean: looks at Wratts [9:25:51 PM] *** konrad knox added Jennifer Couper *** [9:26:13 PM] konrad knox: Ladies and gentlemen survivors, former player of now deceased Fife. [9:26:23 PM] Sean: rip [9:26:32 PM] Jennifer Couper: Hullo! [9:26:40 PM] Jennifer Couper: Aww, thank you Sean. [9:26:50 PM] Jennifer Couper: I miss her already -sniff-