Eiradirian Project Zomboid Season 4
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Characters: |
Sergeant Christopher Burt Chris Burt was originally a member of a UN Peacekeeping unit sent to oversee and perform peacekeeping missions in and around the city of Louisville, Kentucky during the initial outbreak. As unrest and infection spread through the city, and remaining military forces in the city dwindled, Sgt. Burt was forced to move deeper into Knox County and away from the mindless infected that swarmed Louisville. Although he now lacks any government support for his mission, Sgt. Burt continues to attempt to assist survivors in the area, and aims to eventually consolidate enough people to properly fight back against the infection however possible. ![]() |
(RIP) Elijah 'Quell' London (RIP) "A reckless brother gonna get got. Smart one lives." After Screwtop crashed the Suburban with all the money in it and all the passengers started thrashing in convultions, T-Bone and Jelly were the next on command roster. The Chevy Navigator was following in rear, and when T-Bone started driving off road, it was time for quick backseat action. The Navigator had all the guns and heroin. Quell was sitting behind them all, in reach. So he went for it and grabbed the heat. The following sequence of fast thinking and split second decisions, left very confused and scared Quell, a former enforcer, the lone survivor of what remained of the fleeing Lexington based Orlando Tanner's crew. But Quell is a soldier and a soldier gotta stay hard, even in the deep white man's country. Skilled with firearms, adept at stealth, hotwiring cars, breaking and enterting, Quell is a career criminal in violation of parole. He be the man to get that thang done. Attempting to rob West Point gun shop and remove the competition, Quell jumped a survivor woman intending to keep his corner and dominate the game. He earned his nickname plenty of times by quelling motherfuckers. Unfortunately for Elijah, even after taking a gunshot to the body, the woman was quick to draw her rifle and blow his brains out. The attacking infected finished the gangster off. Once again, proof that the greedy and the immoral - make no friends and don't survive. ![]() Theme Song: Shyne - Gangsta |
(RIP) Vanessa Rivers (RIP) Kentucky Park Ranger. Age: 35 Birth date: November 15, 1986 (3:59 AM) Scorpio Height: 158 cm / 5 ft 2 in Weight: 54 kg / 119 lbs Handedness: Right Blood type: A+ As a child, Vanessa was more likely to bring home a frog than play with dolls. A job in the Park service seemed only natural given her preference for nature over other more traditional feminine activities. Vanessa has focused exclusively on her career, learning the local flora and fauna, trail paths, and park histories rather than start a family or travel the world. Living now in West Point, Vanessa enjoys fishing, gardening, and foraging when she is not clearing tails, and maintaining the nearby parks. While the recent outbreak was surprising, Vanessa feels uniquely prepared to survive on the land. Already cautious of people when not presenting the steps needed to perform a useful survival skill to young campers she is unlikely to start a conversation but will be happy to quickly and efficiently start a campfire or built a lean-to, perhaps put together a nice poultice to treat the inevitable infections she will encounter. Poor Vanessa met a violent and quick death on the road to West Point when coming out of the woods into a charging swarm of infected. She was savvy and well equipped, but the numbers and the element of surprise were on the evil's side. ![]() |
(RIP) Elizabeth Cooper (RIP) Mrs. Cooper to her clients, and Elizabeth for everyone up the ladder at City Hall, Liz to her late husband, and Bettie to her mom, this lady is a highly successful prosecution attorney with an astounding win rate. Quick witted, attentive to detail, charismatic, she carries a commanding presence and a loud voice. She drives a silver BMW and lives in a style of a modern independent career woman. She knows how to run a household, stand up for her ideals, be good and do good, and maintain standards towards others that she applies to herself. But how the hell did this upstanding citizen and office jockey survive the first hours of the outbreak? Might have something to do with regular trips to the range to let off steam and pretend she is shooting the convicts instead of putting them in jail. Might have something to do with her husband's extensive arsenal and good security measures in the house. Or might be sheer luck. One thing for certain. Where ever Liz Cooper ends up, her organizing skills will provide support and leadership to any community. The unassuming and friendly radio host of the Burton Show who took over for early-dead Bella, bridged the survivors, and was very generous with Ray's fee for installing a wood stove for her, a brilliant communicator, investigator, and attorney at law, Liz apparently was a hidden badass with a favored weapon being apparently a pipe wrench. With an astounding whopping kill count of 1005 zombies, this little prosecutor sure knew how to convict, prosecute, and execute! What ultimately did Elizabeth in is her own leadership style. When sharing a house with the equally strong willed and stubborn Marla Murdoch, the two disagreed on how to handle the infected. Marla advocated for staying indoors and minding their own territory, while Elizabeth wanted to reach out and find more people, clear routes and collect more news. After learning from Chris Burt that the UN does not plan a Knox County evacuation, and that the sergeant is here on his own, she became passionate to find a way to take down the USMC helicopters monitoring the area, which draw hordes towards survivors, but never land to assist. In the end, she decided to clean up West Point on her own and go north, taking from Marla's ammunition and weapons. The best and last decision she made. Elizabeth's goal was to try to clear a route to Louisville, where the industrial district was known to produce enough materials for crafting propellable explosives, aiming to assist Sgt. Burt in the mission. Perhaps she bit a bit more than she could chew, and the infected chewed on her instead. Will someone find her high-range communication dish and take up the radio mantle? Will it be the Burton-Cooper show now?
(RIP) Shiro Nagai, M.D. (RIP) Description: A Japanese physician at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Dr. Shiro Nagai was travelling through Kentucky for an international conference hosted by the team at Cortman Medical. Pausing for fuel and to buy some cigarettes at a Fossoil petrol station, a petrified scream from the rear storage room prompted discovery of the Knoxville virus and it’s newest victim. Shiro fled, clambering over a wooden fence behind the station with the re-animated victim and aggressor in close pursuit, falling into an American suburbia starkly different to televised portrayals in Japan. Shiro is academic and intelligent, but health sacrifices made during his time as a physician result in an aversion to combat and an unremarkable level of fitness. Driven by a will to unite any survivors of the pandemic, and with little experience of American culture, Shiro may seem an easy target for manipulation – However, his intelligence, language skills gained from private study and attentive nature regarding the world around ensure that any mistakes made will be quickly rectified. During the grueling six months starting with New Year and ending in the late days of June, Shiro Nagai has undergone the most horror inducing and subtle transformation, that seeped into the nightmares of every survivor who has come in contact with his work. There are two ways to go about it. Either Dr. Nagai has suffered a serious psychotic afflicted following the traumatic episodes of losing his family's loss in a prior volcano incident, OR he has truly come into contact with a supernatural and dangerous entity known as Shiryo Mother. Through the months, he secluded himself in various remote hideouts and facilities, producing pages and pages of horrific, mad writings, ramblings, and losing stability by the day. Many survivors tried to find and help him, but Shiro was as clever as he was elusive. Misguided or not, Angela Linderman saw scientific method to his occult writings, as if his mind was still that of a scientist, while an occult force or sickness had overcome it. Soon it became apparent that Dr. Nagai was slowly changing into less and less recognizable shape, becoming unhinged, obsessed, and deeply affected by his findings, all culminating in him constructing a dark temple to The Mother, with aim to involve a group of survivors in a rebirth ritual. As Angela Linderman survived a single bite from an infected and beat down the virus, Shiro started referring to her as The Nurse, allocating her a role in his dark game. Angela was once again bitten, and that time, the infection took to her. As she neared the end, she became more invested in Shiro's ritual, hoping to unearth a clue about the vaccine, that might be hidden in the occult research. Ishida, Penny, Angela, and the corpse of deceased Tyler were the four participants in the ritual. They went in with a plan to fake some parts of it and subvert it, although Angela's mind was overtaken midway by some force or condition unknown, which resulted in the ritual going more towards the way Shiro wanted. Doctor Shiro Nagai and Nurse Angela worked together in perfect harmony to bring about the closing of two worlds together - that of the living and the dead. Whether or not the ritual's intended goal has been achieved remains circumspect, however. A deep fog and never-ending cloudiness seems to have permeated the county after their mutual demise. Sober minded and in clarity, they worked in tandem to show the other survivors the cure to all their woes - while in their fugue state sought to seal their fates. Dr. Nagai met his end in the culminating climax of the ritual, a sacrifice by fire. He and Angela were to be The Lovers, given to The Mother as offerings. At the sight of the flames, Angela gained lucidity for a brief moment, deeply affected by the zombification virus already, a final push of her will forced an attempt to stop the ritual, as she produced a pistol hidden in her corset, and put 7 bullets in Dr. Nagai to prevent the sacrificial burning. Although Angela killed him, the fire was set by the spectre of Shiro's dead wife (??), and Shiro (with Angela) perished in the flames. What the hell, right? Shiro holds rank #5 in the top 5 survivors, preceded by Angela Linderman by only a few seconds. The two died together. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(RIP) Angela Linderman (RIP) Angela is a registered nurse practitioner (RNP) transferring from Elizabethtown to Louisville, bound for Kindred Hospital. Stopping in her tracks as the highway got jammed, she tried to around the road, but her little compact car got stuck in a ditch quickly swarmed by the infected. No weapon, no food, not even a spare change of clothes! She is completely unprepared with no particular survival skills. No special promise for Angie in the apocalyptic landscape, and nothing guarantees her life. She is in decent health and a good level of fitness, combined with a medical profession experience, let's hope it helps her make it to a nearby house and reach safety! She hopes her boyfriend Brendan is okay! But his cell is not answering! Despite Angela's initial lack of preparatory skills, clumsiness, and poor personal organization abilities, she outlived several uncareful survivors, and all other contacted nurse practitioners, including those with better skills and qualifications. She placed a deadly bullet into Elijah London, resulting in becoming his slayer. Since then, Angela bandaged countless wounds and helped survivors through these hard months. Few can claim to not have had her hands laid on their ailing bodies. Through sheer charisma, discipline, knowledge of medical arts, and obsession with cleanliness and order, Angela masked her personal poor skills and convinced many survivors in her competence. Doctor Shiro Nagai believes her to be a mystically touched persona with supernatural resilience, due to her claimed immunity to a bite of an infected. A theory yet to be tested through time, although her chances are not looking good... Angela did surprisingly well til early April, she was the last surviving nurse, dedicated, professional, and compensated for her lacking traits and vulnerabilities with extra caution. She was sensitive to weather and disease, so always tried to dress well, she was disorganized, so she planned bigger spaces. Having very thin skin and fine complection, she avoided heavy combat, and used scouting methods and stealth to get around the woods and the cities. Never the less, developing skills with a pistol and a police baton, she put down a very impressive and formidable amount of 763 infected. Angela set up several medical relief clinics, in every survivor camp she visited. Finding an in tact ambulance car with a key, she acted as a mobile and field nurse for a while, and started medical charts for all survivors. She affected many, and tried to teach everyone good self care and hygene. She taught Tyler about confidence, told Ishida to quit smoking, told Marla to go easy on the drinking, and tried to work with Chris and Penny on their issues. Not everyone agreed with the uptight and authoritative nurse, but as the only long surviving nurse, she patched up wounds like nobody else could, and gained a good amount of respect from others, even being referred to as Angela-sensei. A teacher. Some tension arose between her, Burt, and Ishida, when during a helicopter raid on the lodge in March, the two men escaping the helicopter in cars ran into each other causing a hilarious head on collision. That turned Angela into an even more tightly wound and obsessively strict person. Angela also gained notoriety on the occult side of things. She was bitten twice, and the first time she got lucky and fought off the infection, which was before deemed impossible. This, got her to be referred to by Shiro as the Mystic Nurse Angela, the Chosen by Shiryo Mother. However, Angela was not so lucky with her second and final bite. Angela's demise was a long slow burn of a story, when during the 20 day long rainstorm she was tending to her duties at Rob Langdon's lodge, home to Ishida, Kruger, and Tyler. A second USMC Helicopter raid had them surrounded with the infected, and, having to flee through the window, Angela twisted her ankle and got caught from behind, and bitten. Angela had the privilege of not being instantly devoured. Her infection flowed slowly. Angela used heavy medication, food, and a good routine, to manage to live for a month after being infected. She got to say her goodbyes and maintain dignity. To her very last day, every moment of lucidity she spent caring for others and being a medic to the end, annoiting Penny Arnold as her successor, and doing a knowledge transfer best she could. She also put in work on decoding radio communications between the USMC helicopters and their base, trying to determine the location of Patient Zero, and finally meeting her. After a brief examination of Lisa Gray, Angela left notes, and preliminary designs for a vaccine. But moments of lucidity came fewer and further between, eventually Angela was confined to the med bay, dependent on meds and unable to travel. Still, she worked on a research for the cure. Post infection, Angela's personality started to change, she became more weepy, paranoid, upset, and depressed, even hopeless. More and more often she called out to Brendan, and thought of suicide, and eventually turned to the Occult for answers. Teaming up with Shiro, she agreed to do his ritual of merging the worlds and summonning The Mother. In secret, she planned to assassinate Shiro, and learn the science hidden in his dark art during the ritual. She hid a pistol in her corset. However, during the ritual, all her planning was sabotaged by the infection, which opened her to be susceptible to whatever went on in that Temple. Both Angela and Shiro met a violent end in the flames, but not before she unloaded a .45 pistol into Dr. Nagai, claiming his life before his body burned. Angela herself perished in a sacrificial fire. Having killed Quell and Shiro, Angela currently holds the highest PvP kill count of the season. Angela holds survivor rank #6 in the top 6, killed by Shiro Nagai, and followed by him only by a mere few seconds. ![]() |
(RIP) Rob "Ranger Rob" Langdon (RIP) Working as a park ranger out of state, soon after the infection started spreading Rob got out of dodge city in hopes the country would be less dangerous. Having to hike after his vehicle broke down, and knowing nothing about cars, he found himself arriving in Knox Country about two weeks after the infection started, life as we know it had already changed and Rob had to do what he could with the scraps leftover from societies collapse. He shortly finds himself well-equipped, both in tools and skills, and setting up something he can call "home". Spending his days doing heavy lifting work, and his nights tuning his radio, his only reason to keep going is his hope to build a community. Rob made a safe haven for his community in a cabin he built with his two hands. He survived with a modest 250 kill count, which is still considerably impressive. Rob had one mission: to build a community. He found that community in his friends and associates at the cabin he laid the foundations for. He realized then he didn't want people, but a person - his lost love, a Knox County park ranger. He took the least valuable car from the cabin and drove to the ranger station she was placed at - cutting down trees on the overgrown dirt roads. The rain fell. Empty. He chopped his way north to the cabin. The storm developed. Empty. He wasn't well, having recently received a double fracture in his leg from a fall, and now in more isolation than he thought possible. A voice on the radio "bzzt-the camp-krrppzt". Forgetting his usual meticulous caution, Rob drove his way down to the lake, having to abandon his car due to the thickness of trees and his desperation for company - perhaps it was her voice on the radio. He limped around the lake to the camp, but all he found was dead and death. The fog, the storm, the splint on his damn leg and his lack of equipment - zombies spill from the doors and windows. He puts up a good fight, but he knows he faces the end. Eventually he is pulled down and is no longer alone. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(RIP) Barry Barnes (RIP) Ex-repairman with an interest in electronics. In the past life. Now? Barry is an alcoholic. First, his wife left him, then - his wife became a zombie. Barry roamed around different camps, undetected by all, consuming a seemingly endless amount of alcohol, before waking up with memory loss inside a portable toilet. By a wild coincidence UN Officer Chris Burt was parked outside at that exact time! There wasn't anyone who met Barry who didn't like him. A lovable drunkard who easily connected with everyone he met and loved to grab a beer with friends. When Chris Burt shot down the USMC helicopter, it crashed in the woods in a secret military facility. Barry rushed over to loot the remains, and found weapons and uniform of one of the killed flight crew marines. He teamed up with Chris and assisted him in the exploration of the wreck site, where the two ran into Lt. Mervin Ladigan, fleeing after a brief shootout. Shortly after Chris asked the team for assistance. Ishida, Penny, Chris, and Barry stormed the military research facility in hopes of finding answers about Patient Zero and the USMC agenda, but were overrun by the infected, as everyone in the facility turned, soldiers, patients, and scientists alike. Covering the overwhelmed team, Barry died a hero, his trusty crowbar at his side, he bought the others time to flee. An honorary bar in his name was built at House Murdoch, Barry's Bar, where his friends have a drink to remember him. Barry killed 141 infected. ![]() |
(RIP) Shana "Momo" Reece (RIP) 37 years, taxi driver from Louisville. She went on a camping trip down south with some friends. The last stop for gas and smokes felt strange. She knew people in the south of the county don t see people of colour that often, but the guy at the gas station behaved somehow strange. People on the streets seemed to be sick and in a bad mood. After the friends set their tents near some trees, Shana fell in a dreamless sleep. As she woke up, something was different. Her friends were gone and the grass was coloured in red. Maybe a bear attacked the camp? But where s everyone? Shana packed her backpack, took a bottle of water and her machete, to head towards the town and find her friends. Shana Reece got wounded in a car accident. With a broken arm and several deep cuts she reached a nearby village. Nothing seemed familiar in this place. As she took a rest to treat her wounds and check her health, her mind almost passed away. Suddenly some infected came out of the dark from both sides. Shane took her machete in her healthy hand and fought slashed through the dead meat around her. But one came from behind, out of the freezing dark and bit her neck. The pain made her stop for second, she looked up to the sky, snow touched her face and in the next moment she passed away, covered in blood. ![]() |
Penny Arnold A plucky law student from a wealthy family, Penny was vacationing for the holidays with her fiance, Harry, in Kentucky. They had returned from NY to celebrate with old friends and family back home. After a drunken bender with friends at a New Year's Eve house party in West Point where everything was right with the world, she jolted awake with the worst fucking hangover, only to find Harry chewing on her childhood friend's face. The place was trashed, but not like after a wild party. More like after someone had thrown everybody else into a woodchipper. Before it sank in what was really happening, Harry lunged at her, and she ran. Didn't even feel the pain when the glass broke and cut her flesh. And she ran, and ran, and ran. She only stopped running when the sound of snow crunching underfoot drowned out the beating of her heart, and the frozen tears staining her face with the running mascara had dried up. ![]() Theme Song: Lorde - Tennis Court |
(RIP) Tyler Rexford (RIP) Coasting from job to job while selling the occasional "art piece" with the boys made sense to Tyler, almost as much sense as going to a New Year's rave in rural Kentucky in the middle of winter. When the attendees began to ring in the new year by gnawing on each other, somebody clearly must have been passing around some bad party favors. Left with no transportation and some ill-tempered party animals on the loose, Tyler followed the river to the nearest road and started walking. Even in Kentucky, a road has to eventually lead somewhere...right? Tyler died as he lived. Wild, unruly, unbalanced, and untamed. He had no plan and no method in life nor in death. Raw talent, which had to be guided by others. The first follower. Exceptionally skilled with many useful tools, he himself was the exceptional tool. Pointed and directed by anyone other than himself, he achieved greatness and never took credit. King of the Sidelines. His last moments were in a poorly planned battle defending a lady he wasn't into during a romantic date he didn't want to go on. And such an epic demise is no sneeze to accomplish. What a day, first you learn that your crush got knocked up by your friend, a few hours later you're dead. Be it as it may, Tyler died better than many, protecting Marla Murdoch's life during their improvised date night to Riverside. There truly wasn't a thing that Tyler was not part of. He's visited every major hideout, and most people benefited from his help. An expertly master carpenter, he's helped build and fortify many compounds, including Rob Langdon's lodge and Marla Murdoch's home. Ask any survivor out there, Tyler had a hand in their life. After his demise, Marla Murdoch went back home, distraught and broken. She ripped up the beautiful blue dress she wore for the date, cut off her hair, and, once equipped and recovered by her friends from a suicide attempt, went back to Riverside to retrieve Tyler's body. To get to him, she cut out a good section of the Riverside infected, but by the time she got there, Tyler was already one of them. After attempting to communicate with Tyler and touch him, Marla realized that the man only wants to gnaw on her crotch in a feral manner. So, she had to incapacitate him permanently. A week after dying, the King of Jokes had one last role to play. Friends kept his body in his red corvette back at the Murdoch Manor. For Dr. Shiro's ritual, Tyler's body was brought along to play the role of the Jester, where his final contribution to the sealing of the worlds was made. Despite the unassuming personality, and his propensity to make awkward jokes, earning himself the Jester title in Shiro's ritual, Tyler was quite the competent warrior, having killed a staggering 1052 infected, and lasting for 6 months, claiming the #7 survivor rank in the top 7. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tatsuya "Slick" Ishida Japanese Salaryman Street Racer. Ishida Tatsuya is the model Japanese citizen- a wealthy salaryman working for one of the largest automotive companies in the world. He was born, as far as he is concerned, in the wrong time- too soon to enjoy the limitless expanse of humanity to the stars. He was born too late to enjoy the incredible car and racing culture that permeated the Tokyo highways and rural mountainsides of the early 1990's. But he was born just in time to come to America and sample its roads, muscle-cars, and long silent stretches of highway where speeding tickets are few and everything in the country is excessive. If he could not enjoy car-culture in Japan, he would try to do so in America. When the initial medical lockdowns occurred, he was stuck in the bible-belt of America. Ishida took it as an opportunity to drive faster cars on even emptier roads. He travelled to all the States with the lowest rates of traffic-tickets, paying his fines from near-limitless corporate finance accounts. Then he hit Kentucky, celebrated New Years in a sports bar, and stumbled back to his hotel. When he awoke, the city was dead. His limitless wealth became worthless. His car had been stolen. All he was equipped with was a poor grasp of the English language, a suitcase of clothes, half a bottle of strawberry blond hair-dye, and his lucky wrench. Now Tatsuya optimistically hopes that if he can just survive the current crisis, he can head West back to the Rising Sun- but not before testing out his drifting skills around the many car-wrecks that dot the otherwise empty highways of Knox County. ![]() Theme Song: When The Weak Go Marching In |
* (RIP) June Miles (RIP) 37 years old - After a long night shift at the bar, June took a cab home to avoid more stupid drunk people. Customers have been annoying this night and her boss didn't pay her well enough for these stupid conversations she had to listen to at the counter. Only a few more months and she would have enough cash to go back to university. While hanging in these thoughts she didn't recognize the traffic jam they went into. The cab had to stop and the driver got out for a cigarette. Suddenly people started screaming and running towards their direction. She heard gunshots and the next moment someone jumped on her driver, dragging him down on the floor. Without realizing the scope of the situation, she jumped onto the front seat, set reverse and hit the pedal to the floor. In the rear mirror she saw her driver covered in blood, some guy hanging above him. In the next minutes the whole city seemed to fall apart, people were fighting screaming and eating each other on the streets. June decided to take the highway and leave Louisville city borders behind. As she was searching for something to keep her awake besides the adrenaline, she found a pistol and some bullets in the glove box. Better than nothing June thought heading further south. June was surrounded by the infected in West Point and called for help. Marla Murdoch received the signal, came to the rescue, and intended to drive June to her home. June insisted on coming back for her ammunition in the abandoned car, and suggested to blast their way out. Marla, warned her against using guns in the city, but eventually, reluctantly, agreed, but the very first group of infected overwhelmed them, and June, who rushed ahead, was swiftly devoured and turned, leaving Marla to retreat. ![]() |
Marla Murdoch Marla resides in the richest household in Muldraugh, wife to late county sheriff Stanford Murdoch, now widowed. It's been a while since she'd done any manual labor, but her hands carry memories of working the soil once. Marla is a capable gardener of plants and souls. Compassionate, patient, and recently widowed, she is ready to make plans for becoming the head of Murdoch household, now numbering a total of one. Immune to the airborne infection, she is God's chosen one. In high heels with a .38 revolver, she's ready to take up gardening again and use some fresh brains as fertilizer. But don't forget to relax come night time, with a bottle of Knob Creek or a glass of Glenlivet. The doors will hold if heart does. Mrs. Murdoch is an avid socialite who now took the Radio Dish Van over for Bella and Elizabeth, and controls a manor on the river bank west of West Point. She does not attempt to bring anyone together on purpose, but her attitude seems to gravitate survivors naturally, with a promise of parties, memories of old times, and a resurgence of normality. Marla uses alcohol and luxury to pretend the world has not changed, and fiercely, jealously guards and maintains that fragile bubble of illusion within the range of her weapons and to the extent of her skills. Albeit a spoiled and indulgent aristocrat, Marla had been proving herself a capable outdoors woman and shrewd survivor through the winter and spring when many experienced others have perished. ![]() Theme Song: Admiral's Widow |
(RIP) Anna Kovacz (RIP) First generation czech imigrant and a registered nurse, Anna is practical, to the point, focused, and a little blunt. She makes friends by doing good work rather than throwing good parties. But it looks like friends are getting a little hungry for flesh. Having lost her parents to the outbreak, Anna seeks shelter and protection in hopes of integrating into a group as a medic and surviving this nightmare until a cure is found. Green scrubs, yellow vest, jean shorts and boots. Her accent was thick and barely understandable. Her first encounter was with Mister Kruger, when she banged on his door and he told her to piss off. So she prowled Rosewood, avoiding use of vehicles to make no noise. Her big shtick was germaphobia. Back when the water was on, she washed her hands all the time, and all her clothes were always clean. Power and water going out really must have shook her mental balance. The second time I met her she had an entirely different outfit. Camo vest, police shirt, camo shorts, hard hat helmet. Surprisingly nothing was ever torn or bloody. Made me look like a piece of shit. Armed with a magnum revolver, fire axe, and a sawn off shotgun, she stayed for a while at Rosewood construction site and ran into a friendly neighbor. Having finished reading her books on first aid, mechanics, fishing, and tailoring, she went outside in response to some noise, and..... Well. I think this takes a record. I don't think I've seen anyone that fucked up and still combative and bandaged. Her vest did not hold, and revealed the black goth clothing beneath the unassuming scrubs. No wonder she was such a badass. With an impressive first aid skill 5, sneaking 4, and a count of 436 kills, Anna departed this life. She left us this sweet fire axe. Now she joins the disgusting dirty bloodsoaked hordes to live out her germaphobia forever as a zombie. ![]() ![]() |
(RIP) Bella Burton (RIP) Ms. Burton is a journalist with Kentucky Tribune, doing an analysis colulmn as a first correspondent on the Muldraugh outbreak. Working out of the privacy of the small home, she takes precautions against the infection, but realizing she may be immune, is starting to take cautious trips out to the store to sustain herself. A few hours in, she realizes that life as she knows it is over, and she may be very well all alone. How can she find other people, tell her story, and who will even care? Is it all over now? Not having managed to supply herself properly for the hard winter of cursed pandemic ahead, Bella ran out of food and clean water and had to go foraging with her limited experience about edible things in the forest and wild surroundings. The tainted water, combined with a weak stomach, panic, a lack of an axe to cut wood with, and simply getting lost, was what ultimately did her in. Desperate, not having found anything to eat in the woods, Bella ventured to the city in blind hunger, abandoning caution. She did not prevail against a group of infected, once that swinging arm got tired and the feet could barely walk. The journalist got to tell a story after all. A cautionary one, about being prepared. In her last minutes of life she spotted a radio van, which she was able to start and drive for as long as her body let her, attempting to reach other survivors on a broadband frequency. It is through Bella's tragic death and sacrifice, that the radio van Elizabeth used - got out of the hands of the infected who'd overrun Muldraugh. Bella's legacy bridged the other survivors together and her mission was continued by those after her. ![]() |
(RIP) Konstantin (RIP) A survivor out there. He met his death quietly without anyone meeting him. |
(RIP) Mitch Kruger (RIP) Mitch Kruger 35 Years Old. Born and Raised in Rosewood. Member and Co Founder of the Knox County "Red Eagles Motorcycle Club" Has been in and out of Jail for Armed Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Distribution of Illegal Substances. Date of Parole 26th of December 2021. Mitch was a hard survivor. Those who met him described him as ruthless, but a few called him friend. Mitch perished when moving supplies and clearing a place of a swarm of zombies. A car, a van, and a trailer nearby, it was ultimately the winter and struggle for supplies that got Mitch surrounded on three sides. Desperation, overconfidence, and greed - are the apocalypse's most lethal tools. ![]() |
* (RIP) Raymond "Big Ray" Ortega (RIP) Big Ray was the reason Orlando Tanner's crew was fleeing Lexington. He's in pursuit of Screwtop, T-Bone, Jelly, Quell, and whoever's left. He doesn't know that they are gone now, but what he does know is that the highway is blocked and there are people struggling for survivors. Ray was always a good businessman, ready to offer a proposition. Those he could not agree with in the past, on occasion ended up cadaverous. Deadly with short blade, specializing in dual hunting knives, and sporting a modest 187 zombie kills, he wore a double holster with two pistols, a cool fedora, and a hitman's suit. With a dream to become a Gas Baron, he lucked out on finding a sledge hammer, and came up with a brilliant plan. Draining all vehicles of gasoline, and monopolizing gas so he can later sell it. Attempting to temper with operation of a certain gas station, he swung the hammer a bit too hard and drew attention of a horde hiding nearby. He fought for his life valiantly, but a sledgehammer does not make for a quick weapon. An adept superb of short blade, he lacked the skill with a heavy long blunt. His going away present has made us all a little more desperate and a little shorter on gas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* (RIP) Ruby Reece (RIP) Ruby Reece, 36, detective of the LVPD, homocide department. After the outbreak she managed to get out of Louisville with nothing but her luck and her badge. As she arrived at the outskirts of Riverside, she started to search for her sister Shana. Last time she heard from her before electricity and with that the communication broke down, Shana was on a camping trip in the south with some friends. She won t stop until she finds her sister, everything that s left in this end of the world… RIP Detective Ruby Reece. A life claimed not by the undead, but the old faulty flooring. A decorated and proper undead slayer and Muldraugh cleaner, Ruby was decisive, short spoken, rough around the edges, and no doubt troubled by trauma of the apocalypse. Her default mode of meeting people was to aim a gun and command to freeze and hands up. She killed an astonishing 1014 zombies, favored firearms, and fell off the roof of the old warehouse she settled in during night watch, and broke her back. It was gravity and choice of location that ultimately slain the brave police officer. She did not turn into an infected, and her body remains clean in death. Muldraugh is lost again. Resistance against the undead failed in this part of the county. It is void of gasoline and overrun again. West Point survivors continue resistance. Turning the nightmarish hot spot into a safe community. With half of West Point under survivor control, there is still a lot to go. Ruby was the last owner of Bella Burton's radio van dish, having taken it from Marla's premise after Elizabeth disappeared off the air. Where ever Ruby died, is where the van was seen last? |
* Eliza Waters Eliza, 37 y.o. As the daughter of an veteran, Eliza knows how to use a rifle. During her childhood she went hunting and camping in the southern forests with her father. She is able to orient herself and survive on her own in the forests. While the outbreak struck Louisville and the situation got out of control, Eliza took her rifle and backpack, headed towards the woods and turned her back on former civilization without looking back. She roams the woods quietly, avoiding groups of infected to stay in the shadows and trying not to drag too much attention on herself. ![]() |
(RIP) Denise Heywood (RIP) Denise Heywood is an army field medic bound for Fort Knox. Stuck on the highway, she does her best to assist the stranded survivors. Chipper, cheerful, talkative, and easily distracted, Denise works hard to keep focused on task, but has exceptional talent for medicine and supply gathering. Denise met an unknown end at the hands of the infected, leaving us little but a note and a supply van free for the taking, which was subsequently looted by Big Ray, who in turn died as well as the van got stolen from him. The supplies in question are out there somewhere. Denise, your noble sacrifice was too pure for this world. Let's hope someone honors your memory. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* (RIP) Trevor Olson (RIP) Trevor died in Rosewood the moment he got out of the house to grab a car. The engine stalled, and he was jumped by fifteen infected, accomplishing nothing of note. |